
Global Energy: The Latest Infatuations | American Scientist

Global Energy: The Latest Infatuations | American Scientist

Global Energy: The Latest Infatuations
In energy matters, what goes around, comes around—but perhaps should go away
PAGE 212
DOI: 10.1511/2011.90.212

To follow global energy affairs is to have a never-ending encounter with new infatuations. Fifty years ago media ignored crude oil (a barrel went for little more than a dollar). Instead the western utilities were preoccupied with the annual double-digit growth of electricity demand that was to last indefinitely, and many of them decided that only large-scale development of nuclear fission, to be eventually transformed into a widespread adoption of fast breeder reactors, could secure electricity’s future.

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Two decades later, in the midst of the second energy “crisis” (1979–1981, precipitated by Khomeini’s takeover of Iran), rising crude oil prices became the world’s prime existential concern, growth of electricity demand had slumped to low single digits, France was the only nation that was seriously pursuing a nuclear future, and small cars were in vogue.

After world crude oil prices collapsed in 1985 (temporarily below $5 per barrel), American SUVs began their rapid diffusion that culminated in using the Hummer H1, a civilian version of a U.S. military assault vehicle weighing nearly 3.5 tonnes, for trips to grocery stores—and the multinational oil companies were the worst performing class of stocks of the 1990s. The first decade of the 21st century changed all that, with constant fears of an imminent peak of global oil extraction (in some versions amounting to nothing less than lights out for western civilization), catastrophic consequences of fossil fuel-induced global warming and a grand unraveling of the post-WW II world order.

All of this has prompted incessant calls for the world to innovate its way into a brighter energy future, a quest that has engendered serial infatuations with new, supposedly perfect solutions: Driving was to be transformed first by biofuels, then by fuel cells and hydrogen, then by hybrid cars, and now it is the electrics (Volt, Tesla, Nissan) and their promoters (Shai Agassi, Elon Musk, Carlos Ghosn) that command media attention; electricity generation was to be decarbonized either by a nuclear renaissance or by ubiquitous wind turbines (even Boone Pickens, a veteran Texas oilman, succumbed to that call of the wind), while others foresaw a comfortable future for fossil fuels once their visions of mass carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) were put in practice. And if everything fails, then geoengineering—manipulating the Earth’s climate with shades in space, mist-spewing ships or high-altitude flights disgorging sulfur compounds—will save us by cooling the warming planet.

This all brings to mind Lemuel Gulliver’s visit to the grand academy of Lagado: No fewer than 500 projects were going on there at once, always with anticipation of an imminent success, much as the inventor who “has been eight years upon a project for extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers” believed that “in eight years more, he should be able to supply the governor’s gardens with sunshine, at a reasonable rate”—but also always with complaints about stock being low and entreaties to “give … something as an encouragement to ingenuity.” Admittedly, ideas for new energy salvations do not currently top 500, but their spatial extent puts Lagado’s inventors to shame: Passionately advocated solutions range from extracting work from that meager 20-Kelvin difference between the surface and deep waters in tropical seas (OTEC: ocean thermal energy conversion) to Moon-based solar photovoltaics with electricity beamed to the Earth by microwaves and received by giant antennas.

And continuous hopes for success (at a low price) in eight more years are as fervent now as they were in the fictional 18th century Lagado. There has been an endless procession of such claims on behalf of inexpensive, market-conquering solutions, be they fuel cells or cellulosic ethanol, fast breeder reactors or tethered wind turbines. And energy research can never get enough money to satisfy its promoters: In 2010 the U.S. President’s council of advisors recommended raising the total for U.S. energy research to $16 billion a year; that is actually too little considering the magnitude of the challenge—but too much when taking into account the astonishing unwillingness to adopt many readily available and highly effective existing fixes in the first place.

Enough to Go Around?
Although all this might be dismissed as an inevitable result of the desirably far-flung (and hence inherently inefficient) search for solutions, as an expected bias of promoters devoted to their singular ideas and unavoidably jockeying for limited funds, I see more fundamental, and hence much more worrisome, problems. Global energy perspective makes two things clear: Most of humanity needs to consume a great deal more energy in order to experience reasonably healthy lives and to enjoy at least a modicum of prosperity; in contrast, affluent nations in general, and the United States and Canada in particular, should reduce their excessive energy use. While the first conclusion seems obvious, many find the second one wrong or outright objectionable.

Illustration by Tom Dunne.

In 2009 I wrote that, in order to retain its global role and its economic stature, the United States should

provide a globally appealing example of a policy that would simultaneously promote its capacity to innovate, strengthen its economy by putting it on sounder fiscal foundations, and help to improve Earth’s environment. Its excessively high per-capita energy use has done the very opposite, and it has been a bad bargain because its consumption overindulgence has created an enormous economic drain on the country’s increasingly limited financial resources without making the nation more safe and without delivering a quality of life superior to that of other affluent nations.
I knew that this would be considered a nonstarter in the U.S. energy policy debate: Any calls for restraint or reduction of North American energy use are still met with rejection (if not derision)—but I see that quest to be more desirable than ever. The United States and Canada are the only two major economies whose average annual per capita energy use surpasses 300 gigajoules (an equivalent of nearly 8 tonnes, or more than 50 barrels, of crude oil). This is twice the average in the richest European Union (E.U.) economies (as well as in Japan)—but, obviously, Pittsburghers or Angelenos are not twice as rich, twice as healthy, twice as educated, twice as secure or twice as happy as inhabitants of Bordeaux or Berlin. And even a multiple adjustment of national per capita rates for differences in climate, typical travel distances and economic structure leaves most of the U.S.–E.U. gap intact: This is not surprising once it is realized that Berlin has more degree heating days than Washington D.C., that red peppers travel the same distance in refrigerated trucks from Andalusia to Helsinki as they do from California’s Central Valley to Illinois, and that German exports of energy-intensive machinery and transport-equipment products surpass, even in absolute terms, U.S. sales.

Moreover, those who insist on the necessity and desirability of further growth of America’s per capita energy use perhaps do not realize that, for a variety of reasons, a plateau has been reached already and that (again for many reasons) any upward departures are highly unlikely. In 2010 U.S. energy consumption averaged about 330 gigajoules per capita, nearly 4 percent lower than in 1970, and even the 2007 (pre-crisis) rate of 355 gigajoules (GJ) per capita was below the 1980 mean of 359 GJ. This means that the U.S. per capita consumption of primary energy has remained essentially flat for more than one generation (as has British energy use). How much lower it could have been can be illustrated by focusing on a key consumption sector, passenger transport.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
After 1985 the United States froze any further improvements in its corporate automobile fuel efficiency (CAFE), encouraged a massive diffusion of exceptionally inefficient SUVs and, at the same time, failed to follow the rest of modernizing world in building fast train links. For 40 years the average performance of the U.S. car fleet ran against the universal trend of improving efficiencies: By 1974 it was lower (at 13.4 miles per gallon [mpg]) than during the mid-1930s! Then the CAFE standards had doubled the efficiency of new passenger cars by 1985, but with those standards subsequently frozen and with the influx of SUVs, vans and light trucks, the average performance of the entire (two-axle, four-wheel) car fleet was less than 26 mpg in 2006 or no better than in 1986—while a combination of continued CAFE upgrades, diffusion of new ultra low-emission diesels (inherently at least 25–30 percent more efficient than gasoline-powered cars) and an early introduction of hybrid drives could have raised it easily to more than 35 or even 40 mpg, massively cutting the U.S. crude oil imports for which the country paid $1.5 trillion during the first decade of the 21st century.

Illustration by Tom Dunne.

And the argument that its large territory and low population density prevents the United States from joining a growing list of countries with rapid trains (traveling 250–300 kilometers per hour or more) is wrong. The northeastern megalopolis (Boston-Washington) contains more than 50 million people with average population density of about 360 per square kilometer and with nearly a dozen major cities arrayed along a relatively narrow and less than 700-kilometer long coastal corridor. Why is that region less suited to a rapid rail link than France, the pioneer of European rapid rail transport, with a population of 65 million and nationwide density of only about 120 people per square kilometer whose trains à grande vitesse must radiate from its capital in order to reach the farthest domestic destinations more than 900 kilometers away? Apparently, Americans prefer painful trips to airports, TSA searches and delayed shuttle flights to going from downtown to downtown at 300 kilometers per hour.

In a rational world animated by rewarding long-term policies, not only the United States and Canada but also the European Union should be boasting about gradual reductions in per capita energy use. In contrast, modernizing countries of Asia, Latin America and, most of all, Africa lag so far behind that even if they were to rely on the most advanced conversions they would still need to at least quadruple (in India’s case, starting from about 20 GJ per capita in 2010) their per capita supply of primary energy or increase their use by more than an order of magnitude—Ethiopia now consumes modern energies at a rate of less than 2 GJ per capita—before getting to the threshold of a decent living standard for most of their people and before reducing their huge internal economic disparities.

China has traveled further, and faster, along this road than any other modernizing nation. In 1976 (the year of Mao Zedong’s death) its average per capita energy consumption was less than 20 GJ per capita, in 1990 (after the first decade of Deng Xiaoping’s modernization) it was still below 25 GJ, and a decade later it had just surpassed 30 GJ per capita. By 2005 the rate had approached 55 GJ and in 2010 it reached 70 or as much as some poorer E.U. countries were consuming during the 1970s. Although China has become a major importer of crude oil (now the world’s second largest, surpassed only by the United States) and it will soon be importing large volumes of liquefied natural gas and has pursued a large-scale program of developing its huge hydrogenation potential, most of its consumption gains have come from an unprecedented expansion of coal extraction. While the U.S. annual coal output is yet to reach one billion tonnes, China’s raw coal extraction rose by one billion tonnes in just four years between 2001 and 2005 and by nearly another billion tonnes by 2010 to reach the annual output of 3 billion tonnes.

China’s (and, to a lesser degree, India’s) coal surge and a strong overall energy demand in Asia and the Middle East have been the main reason for recent rises of CO2 emissions: China became the world’s largest emitter in 2006, and (after a small, economic crisis-induced, decline of 1.3 percent in 2009) the global total of fossil fuel-derived CO2 emissions set another record in 2010, surpassing 32 billion tonnes a year (with China responsible for about 24 percent). When potential energy consumption increases needed by low-income countries are considered together with an obvious lack of any meaningful progress in reducing the emissions through internationally binding agreements (see the sequential failures of Kyoto, Bali, Copenhagen and Cancún gatherings), it is hardly surprising that technical fixes appear to be, more than ever, the best solution to minimize future rise of tropospheric temperatures.

Renewable Renaissance?
Unfortunately, this has led to exaggerated expectations rather than to realistic appraisals. This is true even after excluding what might be termed zealous sectarian infatuations with those renewable conversions whose limited, exceedingly diffuse or hard-to-capture resources (be they jet stream winds or ocean waves) prevent them from becoming meaningful economic players during the next few decades. Promoters of new renewable energy conversions that now appear to have the best prospects to make significant near-term contributions—modern biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel) and wind and solar electricity generation—do not give sufficient weight to important physical realities concerning the global shift away from fossil fuels: to the scale of the required transformation, to its likely duration, to the unit capacities of new convertors, and to enormous infrastructural requirements resulting from the inherently low power densities with which we can harvest renewable energy flows and to their immutable stochasticity.

Illustration by Tom Dunne.

The scale of the required transition is immense. Ours remains an overwhelmingly fossil-fueled civilization: In 2009 it derived 88 percent of its modern energies (leaving traditional biomass fuels, wood and crop residues aside) from oil, coal and natural gas whose global market shares are now surprisingly close at, respectively, 35, 29 and 24 percent. Annual combustion of these fuels has now reached 10 billion tonnes of oil equivalent or about 420 exajoules (420 × 1018 joules). This is an annual fossil fuel flux nearly 20 times larger than at the beginning of the 20th century, when the epochal transition from biomass fuels had just passed its pivotal point (coal and oil began to account for more than half of the global energy supply sometime during the late 1890s).

Energy transitions—shifts from a dominant source (or a combination of sources) of energy to a new supply arrangement, or from a dominant prime mover to a new converter—are inherently prolonged affairs whose duration is measured in decades or generations, not in years. The latest shift of worldwide energy supply, from coal and oil to natural gas, illustrates how the gradual pace of transitions is dictated by the necessity to secure sufficient resources, to develop requisite infrastructures and to achieve competitive costs: It took natural gas about 60 years since the beginning of its commercial extraction (in the early 1870s) to reach 5 percent of the global energy market, and then another 55 years to account for 25 percent of all primary energy supply. Time spans for the United States, the pioneer of natural gas use, were shorter but still considerable: 53 years to reach 5 percent, another 31 years to get to 25 percent.

Displacing even just a third of today’s fossil fuel consumption by renewable energy conversions will be an immensely challenging task; how far it has to go is attested by the most recent shares claimed by modern biofuels and by wind and photovoltaic electricity generation. In 2010 ethanol and biodiesel supplied only about 0.5 percent of the world’s primary energy, wind generated about 2 percent of global electricity and photovoltaics (PV) produced less than 0.05 percent. Contrast this with assorted mandated or wished-for targets: 18 percent of Germany’s total energy and 35 percent of electricity from renewable flows by 2020, 10 percent of U.S. electricity from PV by 2025 and 30 percent from wind by 2030 and 15 percent, perhaps even 20 percent, of China’s energy from renewables by 2020.

Unit sizes of new converters will not make the transition any easier. Ratings of 500–800 megawatts (MW) are the norm for coal-fired turbogenerators and large gas turbines have capacities of 200–300 MW, whereas typical ratings of large wind turbines are two orders of magnitude smaller, between 2 and 4 MW, and the world’s largest PV plant needed more than a million panels for its 80 MW of peak capacity. Moreover, differences in capacity factors will always remain large. In 2009 the load factor averaged 74 percent for U.S. coal-fired stations and the nuclear ones reached 92 percent, whereas wind turbines managed only about 25 percent—and in the European Union their mean load factor was less than 21 percent between 2003 and 2007, while the largest PV plant in sunny Spain has an annual capacity factor of only 16 percent.

Photo courtesy of First Solar.

As I write this a pronounced high pressure cell brings deep freeze, and calm lasting for days, to the usually windy heart of North America: If Manitoba or North Dakota relied heavily on wind generation (fortunately, Manitoba gets all electricity from flowing water and exports it south), either would need many days of large imports—yet the mid-continent has no high-capacity east-west transmission lines. Rising shares of both wind and PV generation will thus need considerable construction of new long-distance high-voltage lines, both to connect the windiest and the sunniest places to major consumption centers and also to assure uninterrupted supply when relying on only partially predictable energy flows. As the distances involved are on truly continental scales—be they from the windy Great Plains to the East Coast or, as the European plans call for, from the reliably sunny Sahara to cloudy Germany (Desertec plan)—those expensive new supergrids cannot be completed in a matter of years. And the people who fantasize about imminent benefits of new smart grids should remember that the 2009 report card on the American infrastructure gives the existing U.S. grid a near failing grade of D+.

And no substantial contribution can be expected from the only well-tested non-fossil electricity generation technique that has achieved significant market penetration: Nuclear fission now generates about 13 percent of global electricity, with national shares at 75 percent in France and about 20 percent in the United States. Nuclear engineers have been searching for superior (efficient, safe and inexpensive) reactor designs ever since it became clear that the first generation of reactors was not the best choice for the second, larger, wave of nuclear expansion. Alvin Weinberg published a paper on inherently safe reactors of the second nuclear era already in 1984, at the time of his death (in 2003) Edward Teller worked on a design of a thorium-fueled underground power plant, and Lowell Wood argues the benefits of his traveling-wave breeder reactor fueled with depleted uranium whose huge U.S. stockpile now amounts to about 700,000 tonnes.

But since 2005, construction began annually on only about a dozen new reactors worldwide, most of them in China where nuclear generation supplies only about 2 percent of all electricity, and in early 2011 there were no signs of any western nuclear renaissance. Except for the completion of the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar Unit 2 (abandoned in 1988, scheduled to go on line in 2012), there was no construction underway in the United States, and the completion and cost overruns of Europe’s supposed new showcase units, Finnish Olkiluoto and French Flamanville, were resembling the U.S. nuclear industry horror stories of the 1980s. Then, in March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, leading to Fukushima’s loss of coolant, destruction of reactor buildings in explosions and radiation leaks; regardless of the eventual outcome of this catastrophe, these events will cast a long suppressing shadow on the future of nuclear electricity.

Technical Fixes to the Rescue?
New energy conversions are thus highly unlikely to reduce CO2 emissions fast enough to prevent the rise of atmospheric concentrations above 450 parts per million (ppm). (They were nearly 390 ppm by the end of 2010). This realization has led to enthusiastic exploration of many possibilities available for carbon capture and sequestration—and to claims that would guarantee, even if they were only half true, futures free of any carbon worries. For example, a soil scientist claims that by 2100 biochar sequestration (essentially converting the world’s crop residues, mainly cereal straws, into charcoal incorporated into soils) could store more carbon than the world emits from the combustion of all fossil fuels.

Map courtesy Desertec: http://www.dii-eumena.com/home.html

Most of these suggestions have been in the realm of theoretical musings: Notable examples include hiding CO2 within and below the basalt layers of India’s Deccan (no matter that those rocks are already much weathered and fractured), or in permeable undersea basalts of the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate off Seattle (but first we would have to pipe the emissions from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Tennessee coal-fired power plants to the Pacific Northwest)—or using exposed peridotites in the Omani desert to absorb CO2 by accelerated carbonization (just imagine all those CO2-laden megatankers from China and Europe converging on Oman with their refrigerated cargo).

Maps adapted by Tom Dunne from National Public Radio: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=110997398

One of these unorthodox ideas has been actually tried on a small scale. During the (so far) largest experiment with iron enrichment of the surface ocean (intended to stimulate phytoplankton growth and sequester carbon in the cells sinking to the abyss) an Indo-German expedition fertilized of 300 square kilometers of the southwestern Atlantic in March and April 2009—but the resulting phytoplankton bloom was devoured by amphipods (tiny shrimp-like zooplankton). That is why the best chances for CCS are in a combination of well-established engineering practices: Scrubbing CO2 with aqueous amine has been done commercially since the 1930s, piping the gas and using it in enhanced oil recovery is done routinely in many U.S. oilfields, and a pipeline construction effort matching the extension of U.S. natural gas pipelines during the 1960s or 1970s could put in place plenty of links between large stationary CO2 sources and the best sedimentary formations used to sequester the gas.

But the scale of the effort needed for any substantial reduction of emissions, its safety considerations, public acceptance of permanent underground storage that might leak a gas toxic in high concentrations, and capital and operation costs of the continuous removal and burial of billions of tonnes of compressed gas combine to guarantee very slow progress. In order to explain the extent of the requisite effort I have been using a revealing comparison. Let us assume that we commit initially to sequestering just 20 percent of all CO2 emitted from fossil fuel combustion in 2010, or about a third of all releases from large stationary sources. After compressing the gas to a density similar to that of crude oil (800 kilograms per cubic meter) it would occupy about 8 billion cubic meters—meanwhile, global crude oil extraction in 2010 amounted to about 4 billion tonnes or (with average density of 850 kilograms per cubic meter) roughly 4.7 billion cubic meters.

Image courtesy of Statoil.

This means that in order to sequester just a fifth of current CO2 emissions we would have to create an entirely new worldwide absorption-gathering-compression-transportation- storage industry whose annual throughput would have to be about 70 percent larger than the annual volume now handled by the global crude oil industry whose immense infrastructure of wells, pipelines, compressor stations and storages took generations to build. Technically possible—but not within a timeframe that would prevent CO2 from rising above 450 ppm. And remember not only that this would contain just 20 percent of today’s CO2 emissions but also this crucial difference: The oil industry has invested in its enormous infrastructure in order to make a profit, to sell its product on an energy-hungry market (at around $100 per barrel and 7.2 barrels per tonne that comes to about $700 per tonne)—but (one way or another) the taxpayers of rich countries would have to pay for huge capital costs and significant operating burdens of any massive CCS.

And if CCS will not scale up fast enough or it will be too expensive we are now offered the ultimate counter-weapon by resorting to geoengineering schemes. One would assume that a favorite intervention—a deliberate and prolonged (decades? centuries?) dispensation of millions of tonnes of sulfur gases into the upper atmosphere in order to create temperature-reducing aerosols—would raise many concerns at any time, but I would add just one obvious question: How would the Muslim radicals view the fleets of American stratotankers constantly spraying sulfuric droplets on their lands and on their mosques?

These are uncertain times, economically, politically and socially. The need for new departures seems obvious, but effective actions have failed to keep pace with the urgency of needed changes—particularly so in affluent democracies of North America, Europe and Japan as they contemplate their overdrawn accounts, faltering economies, aging populations and ebbing global influence. In this sense the search for new energy modalities is part of a much broader change whose outcome will determine the fortunes of the world’s leading economies and of the entire global civilization for generations to come. None of us can foresee the eventual contours of new energy arrangements—but could the world’s richest countries go wrong by striving for moderation of their energy use?

British Petroleum. 2010. BP Statistical Review of World Energy. http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/reports_and_publications/statistical_energy_review_2008/STAGING/local_assets/2010_downloads/statistical_review_of_world_energy_full_report_2010.pdf
International Energy Agency. 2010. Key World Energy Statistics.

Jackson, R. B., and J. Salzman. 2010. Pursuing geoengineering for atmospheric restoration. Issues in Science and Technology 26:67-76.
Metz, B., et al., eds. 2005. Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sivak, M., and O. Tsimhoni. 2009. Fuel efficiency of vehicles on US roads: 1923-2006. Energy Policy 37:3168-3170.
Smil, V. 2008. Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Smil, V. 2009. U.S. energy policy: The need for radical departures. Issues in Science and Technology 25:47-50.
Smil, V. 2010. Energy Transitions: History, Requirements, Prospects. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Smil, V. 2010. Energy Myths and Realities: Bringing Science to the Energy Policy Debate. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute.
U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2010. International Energy Outlook 2010. http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/pdf/0484(2010).pdf

Eisler: Is Vaclav Smil the Voice of Reason We All Need to Hear? - Public Policy Forum

Eisler: Is Vaclav Smil the Voice of Reason We All Need to Hear? - Public Policy Forum

Eisler: Is Vaclav Smil the Voice of Reason We All Need to Hear?
Published:  April 6, 2020
The world will eventually return to a post-pandemic reality where climate change will once again dominate the national and global agenda. In his first Policy Speaking blog, Dale Eisler, Senior Policy Fellow at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Regina summarizes renowned professor and author Vaclav Smil's latest article 'What we need to know about the pace of decarbonisation.”
As Canada struggles with the daunting economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is understandable if people are distracted from the challenge of climate change. But the overarching national goal of reducing emissions by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050 remains. Canada and the world will eventually return to a post-pandemic reality. When that happens, climate change is likely to once again dominate the national and global agenda and one powerful but little-known voice from Manitoba, will no doubt stand out.

Many people have never heard his name. But University of Manitoba professor Vaclav Smil has developed a cult-like following as an international authority on the history of energy transitions. The widely-respected Science Magazine calls him “the man who has quietly shaped how the world thinks about energy.” In the words of Bill Gates, who is deeply committed to addressing climate change, “there is no author whose books I look forward to more than Vaclav Smil.”

Smil is the author of 40 books, most recently “Energy and Civilization, A History” and “Growth, From Microorganisms to Megacities.” Gates calls “Energy and Civilization” a “masterpiece”.

The message Smil delivers is both blunt and provocative. Faced, as we are, with the existential challenge of climate change, he argues growth cannot continue at its current pace in many developed societies. In a September 2019 interview with The Guardian newspaper headlined “Vaclav Smil: Growth must end. Our economist friends don’t seem to realize that,” Smil talks about how the relative need for growth varies from region to region. “For example, Denmark has nothing in common with Nigeria. What you do in each place will be different. What we need in Nigeria is more food, more growth. In the Philippines we need a little more of it. And in Canada and Sweden, we need less of it… In some places we have to foster what economists call de-growth. In other places, we have to foster growth.”

Smil injects expectations and standards of living considerations into discussions about meeting the climate change challenge. In a 2019 paper entitled “Realities vs. miraculously bending curves”, he notes that demand for what he cites as the four material pillars of modern civilization (steel, cement, ammonia and plastics) remains strong, and argues we lack non-carbon alternatives to produce these materials rapidly and affordably at the requisite scales.

“As a result, the world cannot expect any sudden, miraculous and rapid reversal of CO2 emissions, no instant bending of the curve so fancifully depicted in the latest IPCC report.” – Vaclav Smil

Steep, rapid decline in emissions required

IPCC 2018 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

In a recent edition of Substantia, an International Journal of the History of Chemistry, Smil explores the challenge of decarbonization. He argues the proper recognition of “energetic, engineering and economic realities” means that decarbonization of global energy supply will be much more difficult and take much longer than is often assumed by uncritical proponents of “green” solutions. Smil puts the current debate over energy transition to a net zero economy by 2050 into the context of previous energy transitions. He notes we have been in a process of decarbonization for more than the last century as we moved from traditional biofuels, such as wood, to fossil fuels. But constant growth and consumption have brought us record CO2 levels, creating the climate change crisis.

Below is an adapted version of Dr. Smil’s recent article “What we need to know about the pace of decarbonization.”


Energy transitions have been among the key defining processes of human evolution. The first millennia-long transition was from the reliance on traditional biofuels such as wood, charcoal, crop residues and animate sources of energy derived from human and animal muscles, to increasingly common reliance on inanimate energy converters. They included water wheels, wind mills and better harnessed draft animals for fieldwork and transportation.

Transition to fossil fuels to produce heat, thermal electricity and kinetic energy began in England during the 16th century. It took hold in Europe and North America only after 1800, and in most of Asia only after 1950. This transition has been accompanied by increasing reliance on primary electricity, dominated by hydroelectricity since the 1880s, with nuclear generation contributing since the late 1950s. The transition from traditional biofuels to fossil fuels has resulted in gradual relative decarbonization, but also in enormous growth in absolute emissions of CO2.

This decarbonization from traditional biofuels to hydroelectricity and fossil fuels that dominate today is best traced by the increasing hydrogen-to-carbon ratios of major fuels. They rise from no more than 0.5 for wood and 1.0 for coal, to 1.8 for the lightest refined fuels and to 4.0 for methane, the dominant constituent of natural gas. The reverse order applies to CO2 emissions per unit of energy.

As the global energy transition progressed, coal consumption overtook the burning of traditional biofuels and was, in turn, surpassed by the combined mass of hydrocarbons (crude oils and natural gases). The rising share of primary electricity, much of it generated by hydro power, has further reduced the average carbon intensity of the world’s primary energy supply. But this relative decline has been accompanied by an almost uninterrupted growth of absolute CO2 emissions.

Growth of CO2 in the atmosphere

Combustion of fossil fuels contributed just eight million tonnes (Mt) of carbon in 1800, 534 Mt in 1900, 6.77 billion tonnes (Gt) in 2000 and 9.14 Gt in 2018. These emissions have been the principal reason for the rising atmospheric concentration of CO2, from 285 parts per million (ppm) in 1850 to 369.6 ppm in the year 2000 and to 408.5 ppm in 2018. In turn, these rising concentrations have been the principal reason for the gradual increase of average tropospheric temperature that has, so far, amounted to about 0.8 C. But that level would, in the absence of any remedial actions, surpass 2 C or even 3 C in a matter of decades and result in rapid anthropogenic global warming.

Past energy transitions were driven by a variety of factors. They ranged from the need for higher unit power and better conversion efficiency, to more affordable supply and reduced environmental impacts – for example natural gas is a much cleaner fuel than coal. In contrast to previous energy transitions, today’s quest for decarbonization is not primarily driven by resource shortages or technical imperatives. The reality is most existing conversions are highly efficient and also very reliable. The objective to decarbonize the economy has one dominant goal: limiting the extent of global warming.

The goal is to establish a new global energy system that would be devoid of any combustion of carbon-containing fuels. It would be a world with net-zero carbon emissions, where a limited amount of fossil fuel combustion would be negated by the removal and sequestration of the gas from the atmosphere resulting in no additional carbon releases.

Concerns about anthropogenic global warming have existed since the late 19th century. But they began to receive wider public attention during the 1980s, and particularly when the first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed in 1992. It was followed by the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and its latest global endeavor was the 2015 Paris Agreement, which included nationally determined contributions designed “to combat climate change and to accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future,” as stated by the United Nations Climate Change Convention of 2019.

Numerous meetings and assorted pledges aside, what has actually taken place since 1992?

The most important fact is that during those decades of rising concerns about global warming the world has been running towards fossil carbon, not moving away from it. Since 1992 absolute emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion have declined significantly, by nearly 20% in the European Union, and have grown only marginally – in each case by about 5% – in the US and Japan. But these accomplishments have not set the world on the road to decarbonization as emissions have nearly tripled in Asia, largely because the Chinese combustion of fossil fuels has almost quadrupled. As a result, global emissions of CO2 increased by more than 60% since 1992, setting yet another record in 2018.

Historians of energy transitions are not surprised by this development. That’s because history shows that neither the dominant sources of primary energy, nor the common energy converters can be displaced rapidly and completely in short periods of time. The high degree of the global dependence on fossil carbon and the enormous scale of the fuel-dominated global energy system mean that the unfolding energy transition towards decarbonization will inevitably follow the progress of all previous large-scale primary energy shifts. In other words, it will be a gradual, prolonged affair.

At the turn of the 19th century, traditional biomass fuels supplied all but a tiny share of the world’s primary energy. A century later, their share was about 50%, and at the beginning of the 21st century still accounted for nearly 10%. This means that even after more than two centuries the world has not completed the shift from traditional biofuels to modern sources of primary energy. Coal’s share of global primary energy supply has been in retreat for generations as the reliance on hydrocarbons has grown, but the fuel still supplies nearly 30% of the total requirement. That is still more than natural gas, whose commercial extraction began about 150 years ago. In absolute terms, its output is more than eight times larger than it was in 1900 when the fuel dominated the global energy supply. While most economies began reducing their crude oil reliance after OPEC’s large price increases of the 1970s, it remains the dominant primary energy source, supplying almost 40% of the world’s total.

An energy transition that is unprecedented

To put this into perspective, the unfolding transition to non-carbon energies has to take place on unprecedented scales. Consider that annual extraction of fossil fuels includes about 7.7 Gt of coal, 4.4 Gt of crude oil and 3.7 trillion cubic metres of natural gas. Unlike all other previous shifts in primary energy use, decarbonization can achieve its goal only when it succeeds on a global scale. Even instant decarbonization in a major advanced economy makes little difference if GHG emissions from other sources and countries keep rising. The reality is that after three decades, the unfolding transition is still in its earliest stage and the relative shift has been minor. In 1990 fossil fuels supplied 91.3% of the world’s primary energy and by 2017 their share was still 90.4%.

Moreover, if the decarbonization of global electricity generation were to proceed at an unprecedented pace, only the availability of affordable, massive-scale electricity storage would make it possible to envisage a reliable system that could rely solely on intermittent renewable energies of solar radiation and wind. Even securing just three days’ worth of storage for a megacity of more than 10 million people that would be cut off from its intermittent renewable sources – which is a common occurrence during the monsoonal season in Asia with heavily overcast skies and high winds – would be prohibitively expensive by using today’s commercial batteries. Setting aside exaggerated media claims, a technological breakthrough meeting that requirement appears unlikely in the near future as pumped hydro storage, which was originally introduced during the 1890s, remains today the only way to store electricity at gigawatt scale. And even major advances toward large-scale electricity storage would not be enough to bring about rapid decarbonization of the global energy supply as electricity generation accounts for no more than 20% of total final energy consumption. As well, decarbonizing transportation, heating, agriculture and industrial production is considerably more difficult than installing new intermittent capacities, connecting them with major load centres and securing the required back-up supply.

India’s projected energy consumption

Electrification of passenger cars is in its earliest stage, with 5.4 million electric vehicles on the road by the end of 2018, still less than 0.2% of all vehicles registered worldwide. More than a century after they were first seen as the best road transportation choice, electric cars are finally ascendant. But even under the most optimistic circumstances it will take many decades to accomplish the transition from internal combustion engines. The International Energy Agency sees 160-200 million electric vehicles by 2030, BP expects 320 million by 2040 and my best forecast (based on a polynomial regression) is for 360 million in 2040. But by that time there might be about 2 billion vehicles on the road globally compared to about 1.25 billion today. Hence even 400 million electric cars would be just 20% of the total. Forecasting the future adoption of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles is even more uncertain, making it difficult to see how even the most likely combined progression of electric and hydrogen cars would completely eliminate internal combustion engines before 2040, or even soon after.

Given the energy density of today’s best commercial batteries, the electrification of trucking, shipping and flying is even more challenging. The key to understanding the fundamental difficulty is to compare the energy density of the best Li-ion batteries with the energy density of diesel fuels used in trucking and shipping. Today Li-ion batteries have energy density of up to 260 watt-hour per kilogram (wh/kg) and could reach up to 500 wh/kg in the future. The energy density of diesel and aviation kerosene is 12,600 wh/kg and 12,800 wh/kg. In other words, 50 times the energy density of our best commercial batteries. So shipping and flying present particularly insurmountable challenges as only high energy density fuels can power massive container ships and high-capacity airliners.

While air conditioning is powered by electricity, seasonal heating in cold parts of Eurasia and North America now relies overwhelmingly on natural gas delivered by large-diameter trunk lines and dense networks of smaller-diameter distribution lines serving more than a half billion customers. Obviously, replacing this fuel supply and abandoning this extensive infrastructure will not be achieved over a single generation.

And even more intractable challenges come with the decarbonization of industries producing what I call the four pillars of modern civilization: ammonia, cement, steels and plastics.

Another critical factor to consider is the enormous energy, food and material needs of emerging economies. China’s population of 1.39 billion will soon be surpassed by India, which has a per capita use about 25% that of China’s. According to the National Institute for Transforming India, the country’s total primary energy consumption is forecast to increase nearly fivefold by 2047, with coal remaining the dominant fuel.


In conclusion, the verdict – based on the history of past energy transitions, on the unprecedented scales of the unfolding shift, on the limits of alternative pathways, and on the enormous and immediate energy needs of billions of people in low-income countries – is clear. Designing hypothetical roadmaps outlining complete elimination of fossil carbon from the global energy supply by 2050 is nothing but an exercise in wishful thinking that ignores fundamental physical realities. And it is no less unrealistic to propose legislation, as has been done in the U.S. Congress, claiming that such a shift can be accomplished in the U.S. by 2030. Such claims are simply too extreme to be defended as aspirational. The complete decarbonization of the global energy supply will be an extremely challenging undertaking of an unprecedented scale and complexity that will not be accomplished – even in the case of sustained, dedicated and extraordinarily costly commitment – in a matter of a few decades.

By: Dale Eisler, Senior Policy Fellow, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina


Ashida, Y. et al. 2019. Molybdenum-catalysed ammonia production and samarium diiodide and alcohols or water. Nature 5686:536-540.
Boden, T. et al. 2017. Global CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning, Cement Manufacture and Gas Flaring: 1751-2014, Oakridge, TN: ORNL
BP (British Petroleum) 2018. BP Statistical Review of World Energy. London: BP
Insideevs. 2019. EV Sales Scorecard. https://insideevs.com/news/344006/monthly-plug-in-report-card-archive/
International Energy Agency 2018. Global EV Outlook 2018. Paris: IEA
International Energy Agency 2019, Global Energy and CO2 Status Report, Paris: IEA
IPCC 2014. AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014. Geneva: IPCC
Jacobson, M.Z. et al 2017. 100 per cent Clean and Renewable Wind, Water and Sunlight (WWS) All Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World. Joule doi:10.1016/j.joule.2017.07.00
NASA 2019a. Global Mean CO2 Mixing Ratios (ppm): Observations. https://data.giss.nasa.gov/modelforce/ghgases/Fig1A.ext.txt
NASA 2019b. World of Change: Global Temperatures. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/worldofchange/DecadalTemp
NOAA 2019. Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dixoide. https//www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/data.html
Ocasio-Cortez, A. 2019. Resolution Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. Washington, D.C.: The US House of Representatives
PBL (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency). 2018. Trends in Global CO2 and Total Greehnouse Gas Emissions: 2018 Report
Smil, V. 2016. Still the Iron Age: Iron and Steel in the Modern World. Amsterdam:. Elsevier.
Smil, V. 2017a. Energy Transitions: Global and National Perspectives. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger
Smil, V. 2017b.  Energy and Civilization: A History. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
The Guardian, Sept. 21, 2019, Interview, “Vaclav Smil: Growth must end. Our economist friends don’t seem to realize that”

Renewables Can't Save the Planet. Only Nuclear Can — Environmental Progress

Renewables Can't Save the Planet. Only Nuclear Can — Environmental Progress

Renewables Can't Save the Planet. Only Nuclear Can
August 16, 2017
Full Foreign Affairs article available here. 

A version of this article in French can be found here.

Renewables Can’t Save the Planet—but Uranium Can
Renewables Can’t Save the Planet—but Uranium Can
By Michael Shellenberger

Around the world, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy appears to finally be under way. Renewables were first promoted in the 1960s and 1970s as a way for people to get closer to nature and for countries to achieve energy independence. Only recently have people come to see adopting them as crucial to preventing global warming. And only in the last ten years has the proliferation of solar and wind farms persuaded much of the public that such a transition is possible. In December 2014, 78 percent of respondents to a large global survey by Ipsos agreed with the statement “In the future, renewable energy sources will be able to fully replace fossil fuels.”

Toward the end of his sweeping new history, Energy and Civilization, Vaclav Smil appears to agree. But Smil, one of the world’s foremost experts on energy, stresses that any transition to renewables would take far longer than its most ardent proponents acknowledge. Humankind, Smil recounts, has experienced three major energy transitions: from wood and dung to coal, then to oil, and then to natural gas. Each took an extremely long time, and none is yet complete. Nearly two billion people still rely on wood and dung for heating and cooking. “Although the sequence of the three substitutions does not mean that the fourth transition, now in its earliest stage (with fossil fuels being replaced by new conversions of renewable energy flows), will proceed at a similar pace,” Smil writes, “the odds are highly in favor of another protracted process.”

In 2015, even after decades of heavy government subsidies, solar and wind power provided only 1.8 percent of global energy. To complete the transition, renewables would need to both supply the world’s electricity and replace fossil fuels used in transportation and in the manufacture of common materials, such as cement, plastics, and ammonia. Smil expresses his exasperation at “techno-optimists [who] see a future of unlimited energy, whether from superefficient [photovoltaic] cells or from nuclear fusion.” Such a vision, he says, is “nothing but a fairy tale.” On that point, the public is closer to Smil than to the techno-optimists. In the same 2014 Ipsos survey, 66 percent agreed that “renewable sources of energy such as hydroelectricity, solar and wind cannot on [their] own meet the rising global demand for energy.”

Smil is right about the slow pace of energy transitions, but his skepticism of renewables does not go far enough. Solar and wind power are unlikely to ever provide more than a small fraction of the world’s energy; they are too diffuse and unreliable. Nor can hydroelectric power, which currently produces just 2.4 percent of global energy, replace fossil fuels, as most of the world’s rivers have already been dammed. Yet if humanity is to avoid ecological catastrophe, it must find a way to wean itself off fossil fuels. 

Smil suggests that the world should achieve this by sharply cutting energy consumption per capita, something environmental groups have advocated for the last 40 years. But over that period, per capita energy consumption has risen in developed and developing countries alike. And for good reason: greater energy consumption allows vastly improved standards of living. Attempting to reverse that trend would guarantee misery for much of the world. The solution lies in nuclear power, which Smil addresses only briefly and inadequately. Nuclear power is far more efficient than renewable sources of energy and far safer and cleaner than burning fossil fuels. As a result, it offers the only way for humanity to both significantly reduce its environmental impact and lift every country out of poverty.

Few scholars dominate a field of interdisciplinary study the way Smil does that of energy, on which he has published over 20 books. Energy and Civilization synthesizes his canon, offering a broad picture of the evolution of Homo sapiens, the rise of agriculture, and the very recent emergence of a high-energy industrial civilization.

The core of Smil’s argument is that the history of human evolution and development is one of converting ever-larger amounts of energy into ever more wealth and power, allowing human societies to grow ever more complex. “To generalize, across millennia, that higher socioeconomic complexity requires higher and more efficiently used inputs of energy is to describe indisputable reality,” Smil writes. That striving for more energy began with prehuman foragers, who craved energy-dense foods, such as oils and animal fats, which contain two to five times as much energy by mass as protein and ten to 40 times as much as fruits and vegetables. The harnessing of fire let prehumans consume more animal fats and proteins, allowing their intestinal tracts to shrink (since cooked food requires less digestion) and their brains to grow. The final outcome was the human brain, which demands twice as much energy by mass as the brains of other primates.

Around 10,000 years ago, humans gradually started to shift from foraging for food to farming and began to tap new forms of energy, including domesticated animals for plowing, wind for powering mills, and human and animal waste for fertilization. Permanent farms allowed human societies to grow in size and power. “Even an ordinary staple grain harvest could feed, on the average, ten times as many people as the same area used by shifting farmers,” Smil notes. Yet those societies’ individual members saw little benefit. Smil records the remarkable fact that “there is no clear upward trend in per capita food supply across the millennia of traditional farming.” A Chinese peasant ate about as much in 1950, before the arrival of synthetic fertilizers and pumped irrigation, as his fourth-century ancestor.

That’s in part because for most of human history, societies increased their food and energy production only when they were forced to, by factors such as rising population or worsening soils. Even in the face of recurrent famines, farmers consistently postponed attempts to increase production, because doing so would have required greater exertion and longer hours.

Then, as farming became more productive in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, farmers were freed up to move to the city and work in manufacturing. Urbanization and industrialization required a far larger leap in energy consumption than the one involved in moving from foraging to agriculture. The shift was made possible by a rapid increase in coal mining. Coal offered roughly twice as much energy by weight as wood and by the mid- to late nineteenth century provided half of all the fuel consumed in Europe and the United States. Despite the obvious benefits, the transition from biomass to fossil fuels is not yet complete. In India, 75 percent of the rural population still relies on dung for cooking, despite a push by the Indian government and international agencies to replace it with liquefied petroleum gas. And as Smil points out, thanks to population growth, humans today use more wood for fuel that at any other time in history.

The transition from a low-energy, biomass-dependent agricultural life to a high-energy, fossil-fuel-dependent industrial one came at a high human and environmental cost but also delivered significant progress. As terrible as industrial capitalism, particularly in its early forms, could be for factory workers, it was usually an improvement over what came before it, as Smil documents in a series of delightful boxes peppered throughout the book that feature obscure old texts reminding the reader of the brutality of daily life before and during the Industrial Revolution. “Ye gods, what a set of men I saw!” wrote the second-century Roman scholar Lucius Apuleius, describing Roman mill slaves. “Their skins were seamed all over with marks of the lash, their scarred backs were shaded rather than covered with tattered frocks.” 

The shift from wood to coal was, especially in its early years, painful for many workers. In another box, Smil quotes from “An Inquiry Into the Condition of the Women Who Carry Coals Under Ground in Scotland,” published in 1812. “The mother sets out first, carrying a lighted candle in her teeth; the girls follow . . . with weary steps and slow, ascend the stairs, halting occasionally to draw breath. . . . It is no uncommon thing to see them . . . weeping most bitterly, from the excessive severity of labor.” Yet as cruel as coal mining could be, over time it helped liberate humans from agricultural drudgery, increase productivity, raise living standards, and, at least in developed nations, reduce reliance on wood for fuel, allowing reforestation and the return of wildlife.

Smil argues that moving to renewable sources of energy will likely be a slow process, but he never addresses just how different such a move would be from past energy transitions. Almost every time a society has replaced one source of energy with another, it has shifted to a more reliable and energy-dense fuel. (The one exception, natural gas, has a larger volume than coal, but extracting it does far less environmental damage.) Replacing fossil fuels with renewables would mean moving to fuels that are less reliable and more diffuse. 

Many advocates of renewables argue that hydroelectric power can solve this problem. They suggest that upgraded dams could supplement the unreliable electricity from solar and wind power, yet there are not nearly enough dams in the world to hold the necessary energy. In a study published in June in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of energy and climate researchers found that the most prominent proposal for shifting the United States to completely renewable energy had inflated estimates of U.S. hydroelectric capacity tenfold. Without the exaggerated numbers, there is no renewable energy source to replace the power generated from the sun and the wind during the long stretches of time when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.

Moreover, all three previous energy transitions resulted in what’s known as “dematerialization”: the new fuels produced the same amount of energy using far fewer natural resources. By contrast, a transition from fossil fuels to solar or wind power, biomass, or hydroelectricity would require rematerialization—the use of more natural resources—since sunlight, wind, organic matter, and water are all far less energy dense than oil and gas. 

Basic physics predicts that that rematerialization would significantly increase the environmental effects of generating energy. Although these would not be uniformly negative, many would harm the environment. Defunct solar panels, for example, are often shipped to poor countries without adequate environmental safeguards, where the toxic heavy metals they contain can leach into water supplies.

Given that Smil has done more than anyone to explain the relationship between energy density and environmental impact, it’s surprising that he spends so little time on this problem as it relates to renewables. In 2015, Smil published an entire book, Power Density, on the general subject, showing how large cities depend on dense fuels and electricity. Renewables, he concluded, are too diffuse and unreliable to meet the vast material demands of skyscrapers, subways, and millions of people living and working close together. Yet he fails to mention this obstacle when discussing the fourth energy transition in his new book.

In both Energy and Civilization and Power Density, Smil introduces the concept of “energy return on energy investment” (EROEI), the ratio of energy produced to the energy needed to generate it. But Smil again fails to explain the concept’s implications for renewable energy. In Power Density, Smil points to a study of EROEI published in 2013 by a team of German scientists who calculated that solar power and biomass have EROEIs of just 3.9 and 3.5, respectively, compared with 30 for coal and 75 for nuclear power. The researchers also concluded that for high-energy societies, such as Germany and the United States, energy sources with EROEIs of less than seven are not economically viable. Nuclear power is thus the only plausible clean option for developed economies.

Taking the rest of the world into account strengthens the case for nuclear power even further. Since two billion humans still depend on wood and dung to cook their supper, Smil notes that “much more energy will be needed during the coming generations to extend decent life to the majority of a still growing global population.” But he goes on to claim that the environmental consequences of dramatically increasing global energy consumption are “unacceptable.” He might be right if the increase were achieved with fossil fuels. But if every country moved up the energy ladder—from wood and dung to fossil fuels and from fossil fuels to uranium—all humans could achieve, or even surpass, Western levels of energy consumption while reducing global environmental damage below today’s levels.

That’s because far more energy is trapped in uranium atoms than in the chemical bonds within wood, coal, oil, or natural gas. Less than half an oil barrel full of uranium can provide the average amount of energy used by an American over his or her entire life. By contrast, it takes many train cars of coal to produce the same energy—with correspondingly larger environmental effects.

Renewables also require far more land and materials than nuclear power. California’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant produces 14 times as much electricity annually as the state’s massive Topaz Solar Farm and yet requires just 15 percent as much land. Since those vast fields of panels and mirrors eventually turn into waste products, solar power creates 300 times as much toxic waste per unit of energy produced as does nuclear power. For example, imagine that each year for the next 25 years (the average life span of a solar panel), solar and nuclear power both produced the same amount of electricity that nuclear power produced in 2016. If you then stacked their respective waste products on two football fields, the nuclear waste would reach some 170 feet, a little less than the height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, whereas the solar waste would reach over 52,000 feet, nearly twice the height of Mount Everest.

Nuclear power is also by far the safest way to generate reliable energy, according to every major study published over the last 50 years. Even the worst nuclear accidents result in far fewer deaths than the normal operation of fossil fuel power plants. That’s because of the toxic smoke released by burning fossil fuels. According to the World Health Organization, the resulting air pollution from this and burning biomass kills seven million people every year. Nuclear power plants, by contrast, produce significant pollutants only when radioactive particles escape as a result of accidents. These are exceedingly rare, and when they do occur, so little radioactive material is released that vanishingly few people are exposed to it. In 1986, an unshielded reactor burned for over a week at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the world’s worst-ever nuclear accident. Yet the WHO has estimated that among the emergency workers at the scene, only about 50 died, and over the course of 75 years after the disaster, the radiation will cause only around 4,000 premature deaths.

The real threat to the public comes from irrational fears of nuclear power. The Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, for example, did not lead to any deaths from direct radiation exposure. Yet public fear led Japan’s prime minister to intervene unnecessarily, prompting a panicked and needlessly large evacuation, which led to the deaths of over 1,500 people. 

To his credit, Smil acknowledges nuclear power’s environmental and health benefits, but he goes on to suggest that for nuclear power to be economically viable, engineers will need to make a “breakthrough” in reducing the construction times of new nuclear power plants. But a comprehensive study of nuclear power plant construction costs published in Energy Policy last year found that water-cooled nuclear reactors (which are far less expensive than non-water-cooled designs) are already cheap enough to quickly replace fossil fuel power plants. And where nuclear power plant builders have shortened construction times, such as in France in the 1980s and South Korea more recently, they did so not by switching to different designs—a sure-fire recipe for delays—but rather by having the same experienced managers and workers build the same kinds of units on each site.

Despite his skepticism, Smil does leave the door open to nuclear power playing a role in the future. But he overlooks the fact that an entirely nuclear-powered society would be far preferable to a partially nuclear-powered one, as it would have no need for fossil fuels or large, wasteful, and unreliable solar or wind farms.

In the 1960s and 1970s, some of nuclear power’s opponents regarded the technology as dangerous because it would provide humanity with too much energy. In 1975, the biologist Paul Ehrlich wrote in the Federation of American Scientists’ Public Interest Report that “In fact, giving society cheap, abundant energy at this point would be the moral equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” “It’d be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of cheap, clean, and abundant energy because of what we would do with it,” the energy guru Amory Lovins told Mother Earth News in 1977.

Smil does not share those extreme views, but he is concerned about the effects of excessive energy use. In Energy and Civilization, as in his other books, he skewers hyperconsumerism with relish, lambasting, for example, the “tens of millions of people [who] annually take inter-continental flights to generic beaches in order to acquire skin cancer faster” and the existence of “more than 500 varieties of breakfast cereals and more than 700 models of passenger cars.” “Do we really need a piece of ephemeral junk made in China delivered within a few hours after an order was placed on a computer?” he asks.

As entertaining as Smil’s outbursts are, restricting high-energy activities would do more harm than good. Cutting down on jet travel would crimp trade, investment, and international political cooperation, all of which would slow global economic growth and prevent poor nations from catching up to rich ones. And although consumer culture does generate a rather ridiculous array of breakfast cereals, it also delivers life-saving drugs and medical devices.

A high-energy society also allows continuing technological advances that often reduce humanity’s environmental impact. Fertilizers and tractors, for example, have dramatically increased agricultural yields and allowed poorer soils to return to grasslands, wetlands, and forests and wildlife to return to their former habitats. For that reason, a growing number of conservationists support helping small farmers in poor nations replace wood with liquid fuels and improve their access to modern fertilizers and irrigation techniques in order to both feed the world’s growing population and reverse deforestation.

Breakthroughs in information and communications technology are leading to forms of dematerialization unimaginable just a decade ago. Consider smartphones. They require more energy to manufacture and operate than older cell phones. But by obviating the need for separate, physical newspapers, books, magazines, cameras, watches, alarm clocks, GPS systems, maps, letters, calendars, address books, and stereos, they will likely significantly reduce humanity’s use of energy and materials over the next century. Such examples suggest that holding technological progress back could do far more environmental damage than accelerating it.

Despite Smil’s omissions and oversights, Energy and Civilization is a wise, compassionate, and valuable book. Smil helps readers understand the relationships among the energy density of fuels, the shape of human civilization, and humanity’s environmental impact. The lesson Smil does not draw, but that flows inevitably from his work, is that for modern societies to do less environmental damage, every country must move toward more reliable and denser energy sources. In recent decades, governments have spent billions of dollars subsidizing renewables, with predictably underwhelming results. It’s high time for countries to turn to the safer, cheaper, and cleaner alternative.
Radu Antoniu • 3 years ago • edited
Great article!

The things Vaclav Smil failed to mention in Energy and Civilization, he points out in other writings:

He addresses the low power density of renewables in Energy Transitions 2016: "Mismatch between the inherently low power densities of renewable energy flows and relatively high power densities of modern final energy uses means that a solar-based system will require a profound spatial restructuring with major environmental and socioeconomic consequences. Mass adoption of renewable energies would thus necessitate a fundamental reshaping of modern energy infrastructures, from a system dominated by global diffusion of concentrated energies from a relatively limited number of nodes extracting fuels with very high power densities to a system that would collect fuels of low energy density at low power densities over extensive areas and concentrate them in the increasingly more populous consumption centers."

He explains why transitioning to renewables is different that the past transitions in other books or interviews, such as this one: "The fourth transition is unlike the first three, however. Humans have typically traded relatively weak, unwieldy energy sources for those that pack a more concentrated punch. Wood and other biomass fuels have relatively low "power density". In contrast, coal and oil have higher power densities, because they produce more energy per gram and are extracted from relatively compact deposits. But now, the world is seeking to climb back down the power density ladder, from highly concentrated fossil fuels to more dispersed renewable sources, such as biofuel crops, solar parks, and wind farms. (Smil notes that nuclear power, which he deems a "successful failure" after its rushed, and now stalled, deployment, is the exception walking down the density ladder: It is dense in power, yet often deemed too costly or risky in its current form.)

As for nuclear, Smil had this to say: http://vaclavsmil.com/uploa...

You put one nuclear power plant and it could serve a megalopolis and it could do that reliably for 30 years. These plants are up and running all the time. They are very efficient, with load factors [a percentage measure of efficiency over time] of 95 percent, many of them. We do not have any other large-scale generation of electricity as reliable—I’m not saying as economical, because economics have been a barrier. But if you are practical, you cannot say you can do without it.

He explains that large solar parks and wind farms are not environmentally friendly in Power Density: "Large-scale PV electricity generation with massed rows of panels fastened to elevated steel supports entails much greater interventions. Support columns, umns, arrayed in regular formations, disturb soil, panels shade the ground, and space must left between the rows for access needed for maintenance and regular cleaning. In contrast, large wind farms can be seen as perhaps the least disturbing example of this fragmentation."

And Smil addresses re-materialization in Energy Transitions: "Similarly, Wilburn (2011) calculated that if the United States were to derive 20% of its electricity from wind turbines in 2030 annual consumption rates required to achieve this goal would include nearly 7 Mt of concrete, 1.5 Mt of steel. 0.3 Mt of cast iron, 40,000 t of copper, and 380 t of the rare-earth element neodymium. Additional fossil energy would be needed to produce diesel fuel for trucks and heavy construction machinery used to transport and erect the machines and for lubricants to keep them operating. And while a well-sited wind turbine could return all of this embodied energy in less than a year, all of it will be in the form of intermittent electricity—while specific fossil fuel energies will be needed to produce, install, and maintain the machines." and in his book Making the Modern World.


The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change (2002): Smil, Vaclav: Books

Amazon.com: The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change (9780262194723): Smil, Vaclav: Books

The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change 1st Edition
by Vaclav Smil  (Author)
4.2 out of 5 stars    17 ratings

Received Honorable Mention in the category of Geography and Earth Science in the 2002 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Awards Competition presented by the Association of American Publishers, Inc.

In his latest book, Vaclav Smil tells the story of the Earth's biosphere from its origins to its near- and long-term future. He explains the workings of its parts and what is known about their interactions. With essay-like flair, he examines the biosphere's physics, chemistry, biology, geology, oceanography, energy, climatology, and ecology, as well as the changes caused by human activity. He provides both the basics of the story and surprising asides illustrating critical but often neglected aspects of biospheric complexity.

Smil begins with a history of the modern idea of the biosphere, focusing on the development of the concept by Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky. He explores the probability of life elsewhere in the universe, life's evolution and metabolism, and the biosphere's extent, mass, productivity, and grand-scale organization. Smil offers fresh approaches to such well-known phenomena as solar radiation and plate tectonics and introduces lesser-known topics such as the quarter-power scaling of animal and plant metabolism across body sizes and metabolic pathways. He also examines two sets of fundamental relationships that have profoundly influenced the evolution of life and the persistence of the biosphere: symbiosis and the role of life's complexity as a determinant of biomass productivity and resilience. And he voices concern about the future course of human-caused global environmental change, which could compromise the biosphere's integrity and threaten the survival of modern civilization.

Editorial Reviews
From Booklist
Smil, in a presentation marked by balance and clarity, synthesizes the field of science dealing with the biosphere. It is an interdisciplinary one, combining organic chemistry, geology, solar physics, microbiology, zoology, and more. Whatever characteristics the biosphere displays on a global scale depend on living matter's fundamental chemistry, so Smil diagrams the structural backbone of cells--molecules such as cellulose or DNA. Moving next through types of metabolism, such as the ATP cycle, Smil explains the resultant chemical products and how they become fixed or cycled through the ground, water, or atmosphere. Addressing concerns about human influences on the biosphere, Smil describes them, but he is a scientist to the core (at the University of Manitoba) and is hesitant to proclaim doom as the certain outcome. That scientific humility only enhances Smil's work. A superior, comprehensive survey. Gilbert Taylor
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
"A lovely book, in both content and execution."
— Mitchell K. Hobish, Science Books & Films

"The breadth of discussion is remarkable...The Earth's Biosphere is unconventional."
— M. Cowell, Annals of the Association of American Geographers

"... written by an author who does not allow facts to be obscured or overshadowed by politics."
— The New York Review of Books

"A superior, comprehensive survey."
— Gilbert Taylor, Booklist

"Finally we have an accessible, highly integrated account of the environment: wise rather than clever, responsible rather than glib, comprehensive rather than confused, comprehensible rather than new. Smil's unique biospheric narrative, devoid of hype and patriotism, transcends academic apartheid. This immensely learned story of the past history and current state of the third planet is destined to become required reading for anyone who seeks the environmental context for human activity."
—Lynn Margulis, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and recipient of the National Medal of Science

"This extremely comprehensive book is more than an encyclopedia. It presents integrative, selective, and good quality information with a point of view informed by up-to-date sources and spanning a dazzling array of fields. I doubt anyone other than Vaclav Smil could have produced such a work."
—Martin Hoffert, Professor of Physics, New York University
About the Author
Vaclav Smil is Distinguished Professor at the University of Manitoba and the author of many books, including Energy at the Crossroads: Global Perspectives and Uncertainties (2005), Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems (2007), Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years (2008), and Why America Is Not a New Rome (2010), all published by the MIT Press. He was awarded the 2007 Olivia Schieffelin Nordberg Award for excellence in writing and editing in the population sciences.
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Product details
Publisher : The MIT Press; 1st edition (July 21, 2002)
Language : English
Hardcover : 356 pages
ISBN-10 : 0262194724
ISBN-13 : 978-0262194723
Item Weight : 1.85 pounds
Dimensions : 8 x 1 x 9 inches
Best Sellers Rank: #2,303,299 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#394 in Organic Evolution
#987 in Ecology (Books)
#1,773 in Environmental Studies
Customer Reviews: 4.2 out of 5 stars    17 ratings
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Vaclav Smil
Vaclav Smil is currently a Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Environment at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. He completed his graduate studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Carolinum University in Prague and at the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences of the Pennsylvania State University. His interdisciplinary research interests encompass a broad area of energy, environmental, food, population, economic, historical and public policy studies, and he had also applied these approaches to energy, food and environmental affairs of China.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Science Academy) and the first non-American to receive the American Association for the Advancement of Science Award for Public Understanding of Science and Technology. He has been an invited speaker in more than 250 conferences and workshops in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa, has lectured at many universities in North America, Europe and East Asia and has worked as a consultant for many US, EU and international institutions. His wife Eva is a physician and his son David is an organic synthetic chemist.

Official Website: www.vaslavsmil.com
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earth and its biosphere life on earth human smil cycles biomass living science understanding atmosphere dynamics energy evolution oceans planet research species chapter chemical geology

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5.0 out of 5 stars This book is very detailed and meaty; it has taught me a lot!
Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2013
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I'm reading this as a textbook for a course in my Master's program but it would be an interesting read anyways. It's very "meaty" with detailed descriptions of Earth's processes and human impacts on them. Highly recommend!
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Mr. B.
5.0 out of 5 stars Ties together all the chemical reactions making life possible.
Reviewed in the United States on January 5, 2016
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Book should be read by every human on the planet. The biosphere is a living organism which we are harming to our own demise.
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Hans W Decker
5.0 out of 5 stars how does it all hang together
Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2018
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Oliver Twist
5.0 out of 5 stars The World we live in-will it survive?
Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2014
This rather slim book (271 pages of text) is a comprehensive overview of the Earth's Biosphere, a detailed accounting of our planet from the atmosphere to the oceans and the earth's crust, everything that in any way affects life on Earth, from the smallest viral particles to sperm whales, from tiny spores to giant sequoias.
It begins with the history of our understanding of the biosphere and goes on to talk about the basic building blocks of living organisms and how the elements that compose them are continually recycling. It tells us about their diversity, their resilience to change, how energy is stored and transferred, the importance of water, and the inter-dependance of all living things. And finally it tells us about the dynamics of change, how the earth's biosphere is transformed by human action.
The author has done an excellent job of summarizing the latest knowledge and research from a wide variety of scientific fields and the text is liberally interspersed with many diagrams, illustrations and graphs. I would say a basic interest in science is a pre-requisite to understanding most of the information, the scope of this project spans many different fields from basic physics, chemistry and geology to genetics and microbiology. Sadly, this will mean that many readers will be lost during some of the text, which is unfortunate because the topic is so important to the very survival of our species that this should be essential reading for every human being.
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James R. Mccall
4.0 out of 5 stars A Masterful Survey
Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2004
Vaclav Smil is a geographer, and tries to get some perspective on the life of our planet by taking the large view. This entails a sacrifice of depth to get the necessary breadth. But the task he has set himself is still to provide sufficient rigorous detail on the topics he includes (bichemistry, energetics, geology, geochemistry, etc.) to give the reader a basis for useful understanding of the complex thing that is the biosphere. It is necessary, as he asserts in his preface, to synthesize rather than specialize if we are to address the pressing questions about our living environment, which sprawls -- physically and intellectually -- over the whole world. And if you follow the references -- or just leaf through the bibliography -- you must come to realize the immense amount of learning and research that undergird this presentation.

The patron saint of this volume is the early 20th-century Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, who was the first to use the term "biosphere" (actually, "biosphera") in the grand and inclusive way that the rest of the world is now getting around to doing. He calculated (or estimated or guessed) the primary productivity of the green world, the standing biomass divided into its varous categories of land and water autotrophs and heterotrophs, the interrelationships between life, the sun's energy, the composition and behaviors of sea and air, and the grand geochemical cycles. And Vernadsky was hopeful: he expected a planet-wide consciousness to arise that would manage the biosphere intelligently.

Since then, hope has waned as our knowledge and power have grown. Humanity is stressing the systems of life as much, perhaps, as any catastophe in Earth's long history. Yet this book is a hopeful gesture: it is an attempt to get a grip on the issues in play so we can act with some effect to reverse or slow the degradation of the air, land, and waters, and to restore nature to a state of robust health -- or at least to give nature some breathing room. Smil has chosen to treat in detail the questions of the origins of life, its possible existence elsewhere, and its fundamental biochemistry. He talks about life in the mass -- as a storehouse for sunlight, and as a participant in the great cycles of material through the atmosphere, waters, within the mantle of the earth, and out again. He talks about the physical constraints on life's productivity, the dynamics and organization of the biosphere. And always he is concerned with magnitudes and their relationships: it is not enough to discuss the amount of plankton in the oceans as an isolated fact. Rather, its mass and its turnover, its powers of energy sequestration, should be compared to those of land plants, and productive and unproductive sea areas contrasted.

It is implicit in this approach that the numbers matter. We must know the size and extent of things that we wish to affect or to stop adversely affecting. After all, without some sense of the magnitude of the particular flows of material or requirements of particular facets of the living world, we can waste our efforts on what amount to side issues. However, I wish the presentation had been more user-friendly: many of the charts and graphs were lifted from technical publications, and the others had that feel. The ultimate goal of all this numerizing should be -- let's face it -- a sort of pictoral understanding. To that end, I would have liked some synthesizing graphics that showed (maybe with fat arrows and thin arrows, big, little and even teeny-tiny barrels (or trees or bugs...)) how facets of the system compared, and at a glance showed the relative "importance" of things.

I know that mere magnitude is not always a safe guide to how important something is in the workings of the world. A rather small quantity of CFC's in the stratosphere has had immense effect, for counterexample. Small amounts of bottleneck chemicals like phosphorous control the richness of life in otherwise productive areas. And how unimportant is a rare -- and biospherically useless -- species?

Anyway, I cheer this parade of fact backed by much research and aided immensely by our current generation of planet-spanning monitoring devices. This is hard science, and it gives us baselines and error ranges, without which all discussion finally devolves into opinion and political posturing. Yet, when the last graph is in place, we go right on despoiling the world. The problem is not so much a technical difficulty as it is a matter of societal will. Smil admits as much in his last chapter. All that has gone before is not even really prelude. Without the active cooperation of the political entities that partition this vast human herd the environment cannot be saved. This is the hard part. It is rather a letdown, getting to this point in the book, to realize that science is powerless in the face of a desire to ignore it.
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Danny Cote
4.0 out of 5 stars Time to get real on our future on earth
Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2011
The Earth's Biosphere brings a lot of scientific facts on the table, (molecular/chemical combinations, geophysical evolution, biomass estimation, ...). Every aspects of the cycles of life on earth is approached in a scientific generalist manner, without "parti pris", but just by stating the facts.

I could not miss the fact that our mere existence is in fact a based on a extremely unlikely element of chance, and that the current lifespan of the human specie is quite small compared to "what happen before us".

An interesting book to glance through, with a strong reminiscence in the epilogue on the need to address the effect of the human species influence on our biosphere to continue our lucky run...
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5.0 out of 5 stars Rich with connections between ideas
Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2004
This is less a review of the book then a plea for more people to read it. Like an idiot, I loaned my new copy of this book to a friend after just reading through it once. I'll be buying another, and keeping it.

Smil connects so many ideas together here that you might find yourself thinking that the dynamics of an interconnected biosphere are obvious. I suppose that's the highest praise I can offer. Complex interactions within geology, geography, chemistry and evolution are made clear in this book. The writing is bright, interesting and yet dense with information. This is large scale popular science writing at its best.
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Dec 24, 2010Ushan rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
This is a survey of biology (from cell biology to biome-scale ecology) and geography as pertaining to the earth's biosphere - where life on earth came from (as far as it can be known), how it will end, where it has spread, how life affects the natural cycles of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and other elements, what are the scaling laws for animals and plants, what is the total biomass of wild mammals, domesticated bovids and humans, and so on. So far as a nonbiologist can understand it, this is very interesting stuff.

The last chapter is about the human influence on the biosphere - human-introduced invasive species (99% of the biomass of the San Francisco Bay), air and water pollution, deforestation and global warming via anthropogenic emission of fossil carbon. I didn't know that the answer to a great many questions about global warming is, "We have no idea", since there are dozens of feedback cycles, both positive and negative, around the increased concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide and its consequences. Will plants photosynthesize more because of greater concentration of carbon dioxide? Some will, some won't. Will the warmer oceans cause the methane hydrates on the ocean floor to melt, releasing large quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere? Fortunately, we cannot destroy the biosphere; unfortunately, it is within our capabilities to alter it in such a way as to make the earth unlivable for billions of humans.

Smil's Energies is one of the best popular science books I have ever read. (less)
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Chuck Kollars
Oct 18, 2016Chuck Kollars rated it liked it
As with all of Vaclav Smil's books, very full of numbers and conversant with a very wide range of fields that may at first seem only distantly related.

To keep his books (including this one) down to a reasonable length, he uses abbreviations very heavily. His abbreviation system turns out to be quite simple, but might seem incredibly obscure to some who aren't familiar with it. All number dimensions are metric (much more than just gram-centimeter-second, uses commonly used measures like "tons"). As the numbers can be quite large, the metric prefixes (milli, micro, mega, giga, etc.) are used extensively. Most of the things quantified are named by their chemical element name (C, P, etc.) or molecular formula (CO2, O3, etc.). A few are either inferred from context, or use a very common acronym other than the chemical formula (DMS for Di-Methyl-Sulfide, etc.). The only one that initially tripped me up was 'a', which means 'annum' or in the vernacular 'year'. So 4.2 Ga means 4.2 Billion years (the probable age of the earth:-), and 6Mt C means 6 million tons of Carbon, etc.) The notation system is thoroughly explained in appendices in _some_ of his books ...but not this particular one. If you're not already familiar with his notation system, this book will likely be incomprehensible, and you unfortunately may not perceive much recourse.

In this book professor Smil sets out to approach some sort of "forecasting", something he's normally extremely reluctant to do. He makes so many compromises on just what "forecasting" actually means, and even then is somewhat uncomfortable with the result, that this book is less satisfying than many of his others.

As usual he sticks to numbers, staying as far away from "politics" (and even "shoulds") as possible. As usual for his books, this book is most definitely not anything like a "polemic". It's very nice to read such an even-handed and thorough approach. (On the other hand, it will probably inevitably be judged unsatisfactory by any reader with a strong commitment to one position or another.)

As usual for his books, the depth of information is astounding. Numbers seem to go *tens *of *times* deeper (in all cases, not just one particular case) than anything else you've ever read. (less)
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Jul 03, 2019Jake rated it really liked it
Shelves: ecology, biology, complexity
A very solid comprehensive introduction to the concept of the biosphere - the macro ecological system of which we arise from, are supported by, and are a participant in.
Understanding the concept of the biosphere is of upmost importance to understanding what exactly is at stake in climate change. And dont worry. The big rock we are standing on will be fine invariably. The ecological web, less so.

Reading smil is never a smooth walk in the park. His erudition is superb as he spans between a ton of subjects with a clear comprehension beyond that of the classic journalist. He is very much an academic. At times his words come at you like a storm of rocks numbers and quantities, at time it will hurt to move through the many numbers, charts and words, BUT to simply be able to encounter an individual so well read in so many things is quite rare.

In short, this is a great book. Painful at times as it would be nice if he had a bit better if he played with the melody of language rather than giving straight facts. But alas, he does what he says he would do in the title.

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Climate change
Gaia theory
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