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Frontiers | Cultural Differences in Humor Perception, Usage, and Implications | Psychology


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Front. Psychol., 29 January 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00123

Cultural Differences in Humor Perception, Usage, and Implications
Tonglin Jiang1, Hao Li2 and Yubo Hou3*
1Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong
2School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
3School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences and Beijing Key Laboratory of Behavior and Mental Health, Peking University, Beijing, China

Humor is a universal phenomenon but is also culturally tinted. In this article, we reviewed the existing research that investigates how culture impacts individuals’ humor perception and usage as well as humor’s implications for psychological well-being. Previous research has substantiated evidence that Easterners do not hold as positive an attitude toward humor as their Western counterparts do. This perception makes Easterners less likely to use humor as a coping strategy in comparison with Westerners. Despite this difference, Westerners and Easterners have similar patterns in the relationship between their humor and psychological well-being index, though the strength of the relationship varies across cultures. Implications and potential future research avenues discussed.

Cultural Differences in Humor Perception, Usage, and Implications

Humor refers to the tendency to experience or express what is amusing and funny, which is always accompanied with emotional response and vocal-behavioral expressions, such as laughter and smiling (Chen and Martin, 2007; Martin and Ford, 2018). Generally, humor is present in all human cultures (Fry, 1994). However, people from different cultural backgrounds may see humor in different ways. As it is remarked by Martin and Ford (2018):

Humor is a universal human activity that most people experience many times over the course of a typical day and in all sorts of social contexts. At the same time, there are obviously important cultural influences on the way humor is used and the situations that are considered appropriate for laughter (p. 30).

Humor is universal but also culturally specific. Previous literature has shown that Easterners and Westerners differ in humor perception (e.g., Chen and Martin, 2005, 2007), however, the results about East-West cultural difference in humor usage, the relationship between humor and psychological well-being are rather mixed and inconsistent (e.g., Kazarian and Martin, 2004; Chen and Martin, 2007; Hiranandani and Yue, 2014). Whether there is East-West cultural difference in humor perception, usage, as well as humor and psychological well-being relationship remains unclear. Understanding how culture influences humor perception, humor usage, as well as humor’s implications for psychological well-being is of great importance because humor has significant consequences for human psychological well-being (e.g., Martin, 2001; Chen and Martin, 2007; Martin and Ford, 2018). To clarify this question, we need to have a systematic view about cultural differences in humor. The aim of this article provides a review of how culture influences humor perception and usage as well as the relationship between humor and psychological well-being so as to shed light on the issue of using humor to promote individuals’ psychological well-being. Lastly, we also suggest some revenues for future research.
Cultural Differences in Humor Perception

Since the era of Ancient Greece, it has been a long tradition among Westerners to embrace humor (Grant, 1924/1970; Martin and Ford, 2018). Westerners have associated humor with positivity and seen humor as natural amusement expressions (Apte, 1985). In the late nineteenth century, Freud (1928) regarded humor as a defense mechanism against obstacles and distress. In the perspective of Psychoanalysis, humor was regarded not only as a way to help people release fear and anxiety, but it also provides an amusing, funny, and less scaring perspective toward people’s inner fear (Martin and Ford, 2018). In the twentieth century, psychologists in Western world began to talk about the positive effects of humor. For example, humor is regarded as a desirable positive trait of an individual (Allport, 1937; Maslow, 1968; Mintz, 1983; Mindess et al., 1985). Humorous people are thought to be more attractive (e.g., Regan and Joshi, 2003; Fraley and Aron, 2004) and more motivating, creative, and capable (e.g., Sternberg, 1985; Priest and Swain, 2002). Humor also takes on meaning as an essential element of psychological health associated with self-awareness, well-adjustment, and affability (Allport, 1961; Martin and Ford, 2018).

In sharp contrast, Easterners’ attitudes toward humor are not that positive. Specifically, in China, Confucianism has devalued humor. Chinese self-actualization denigrates humor while stressing restriction and seriousness (Bond, 1996; Liao, 1998, 2007; Yue, 2010). Chinese are reluctant to admit they are humorous out of fear of jeopardizing their social status. Chinese do not think that humor is a desirable personality trait (Rudowicz and Yue, 2002; Yue, 2011).

The views toward humor are reflected in behaviors. Surveys and empirical research provide evidence for the cultural differences in humor perception. For example, Chinese do not see humor as an essential element of creativity (e.g., Rudowicz and Yue, 2011; Yue and Hui, 2011, 2015) like Westerners do (e.g., Murdock and Ganim, 1993; Kellner and Benedek, 2017; Lu et al., 2019). Yue X. et al. (2016) found that Canadians rated humor more importantly than their Chinese counterparts. They also provided evidence for the assumption that Easterners do not associate humor with positivity as Westerners do by finding that Hong Kong participants who were primed with Western culture would like to use more positive words to depict a humorous person than participants who were primed with Chinese cultural icons. Moreover, Chen and Martin (2005) found that Chinese students rated themselves as being less humorous than Canadian students. Yue X. et al. (2016) also found similar results. East Asians, including mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong people, were consistently found to report lower self-rated humor than Westerners (e.g., Liao, 2001; Chen and Martin, 2005, 2007; Liao and Chang, 2006). This research provides direct evidence that Westerners associate humor with positivity, which is not the case for Chinese.

However, Chinese culture is not purely dominated by Confucianism. Other philosophies also impact Chinese attitudes toward humor (Yue, 2010, 2011). One of these philosophies is Taoism. Different from Confucianism’s despising on humor, Taoism regards humor as “an attempt of having witty, peaceful and harmonious interaction with nature” (Yue, 2011, line 4, p. 464). The tug between different philosophies makes the appreciation–despising complex toward humor deeply rooted in Chinese culture, which makes Chinese have quite an ambivalent attitude toward humor (Yue, 2010, 2011). Yue (2011) summarized three ambivalent attitudes toward humor among Chinese. The first is valuing humor but considering themselves to lack the trait of humor. The second is how being humorous is not associated with being an orthodox Chinese. The third is that humor is not important for everyone but exclusively for those with expertise. He also conducted survey research to test his assumptions, which showed that even though Chinese thought that humor was important in daily life, they would not say that they were humorous themselves. When asked to choose personality attributes, the top 10 important personality attributes that Chinese chose for humor were fundamentally different from those they chose for the Chinese personality. Chinese were likely to nominate a person with humorous expertise rather than an ordinary person as being a humorous person (Yue, 2011). Other research evidence supports this assumption as well. As Yue X. et al. (2016) found in the humor nomination study, Chinese prefer to name experts rather than their friends or relatives as humorous people, whereas the opposite was true for Canadians. Similar results were also found by Yue et al. (2010b) and Yue and Hiranandani (2014). Moreover, using the Implicit Association Test (IAT), Jiang et al. (2011) found that despite Chinese students not showing significant differences in explicit attitudes toward humor in comparison with American students, they were more likely to associate humor implicitly with negative adjectives.

In summary, Westerners and Easterners’ views toward humor fundamentally differ from each other. Westerners regard humor as a desirable trait of an ideal self, associate humor with positivity, and stress the importance of humor in their daily life. On the contrary, Easterners’ attitudes toward humor are not that positive. Specifically, the apprehension–despising complex makes Chinese have ambivalent attitudes toward humor. Even though Chinese might sometimes admit that humor is important in daily life, they do not think they are humorous themselves. For Chinese, humor is a talent that exclusively belongs to experts and is not a desirable trait of their ideal personality.
Cultural Difference in Humor Usage

Cultural difference in humor perception directly influences humor usage. In Western culture, humor has become an indispensable coping strategy for Westerners (Moran and Massam, 1999; Lefcourt, 2001). According to psychoanalysis theory, humor acts as a defense mechanism to help people fight against negative events (Freud, 1928; Shurcliff, 1968). On the one hand, humor serves as a catharsis for negative energy (Freud, 1960/1905). On the other hand, humor allows people to perceive the anger and fear arising from incongruity in different ways (Martin and Ford, 2018). However, the appreciation–despising complex makes things different in Chinese culture. As we discussed above, Westerners tend to regard humor as a common positive trait, whereas Chinese tend to see humor as a special talent that is not commonly seen in ordinary people. Thus, it is unsurprising that Westerners tend to use humor more frequently than Chinese (e.g., Liao, 2001; Chen and Martin, 2005, 2007; Liao and Chang, 2006; Yue, 2011). Research has found a West-East cultural difference in humor usage. For example, humor is not an important coping device in Japan as it is in the United States (Abe, 1994). Chinese students were less likely to use humor as a coping strategy with stress than their Canadian counterparts (e.g., Chen and Martin, 2005, 2007). Similarly, Singaporean students were less likely to use humor to cope with difficulty than American students (Nevo et al., 2001). As suggested by Yue X. et al. (2016), in Western countries, no matter who they are, people have a general tendency to use humor in coping with stress or difficulties, which is not true in Eastern countries.

To be specific regarding cultural differences in humor usage, we turn to the four types of humor: self-enhancing, affiliative, self-defeating, and aggressive humor (Martin et al., 2003). The four types of humor have been found to be applicable in different countries, such as Canada, China, the United States, Lebanon, and Belgium (Saroglou and Scariot, 2002; Martin et al., 2003; Chen and Martin, 2007; Taher et al., 2008). However, people from different cultural backgrounds may use them in different ways.

Research on usage differences in the four types of humor across countries or regions indicates that Easterners tend to use more adaptive humor, while Westerners tend to use more maladaptive humor. For example, Hiranandani and Yue (2014) found that students from India and Hong Kong, both having cultures prizing collectivism, used more affiliative and self-enhancing humor than aggressive and self-defeating humor. Similarly, Hong Kong students reported more use of aggressive and self-defeating humor and less use of affiliative and self-enhancing humor than mainland Chinese students (e.g., Yue et al., 2010a, 2014b; Yue X. D. et al., 2016). This could be explained by the fact that the bicultural background of Hong Kong makes Confucianism and collectivism less influential there than in mainland China.

In addition, Chen and Martin (2007) asked Chinese and Canadian students to complete the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) and Coping Humor Scale (CHS). They found that Canadian students reported using the four types of humor more than their Chinese counterparts did, especially aggressive humor. No significant relationship was found between aggressive humor and coping in Chinese students, indicating that Chinese are less likely to use aggressive humor as a coping strategy. This difference is unsurprising. Aggressive humor is associated with high individualism, which emphasizes independence and assertiveness, and low collectivism, which de-emphasizes interdependence and harmony (Kazarian and Martin, 2006; Martin and Ford, 2018). Even as children, Chinese tend to see humor as a sign of aggression and as disruptive to social relationships, whereas Canadians tend to see humor as a socially desirable leadership trait (Chen et al., 1992).

Additionally, Kalliny et al. (2006) found differences in Arab and American humor usage, specifically that Americans used significantly more self-defeating and self-enhancing humor, while there were no differences in the use of affiliative and aggressive humor. They suggested that the greater use of self-defeating humor in American culture may be due to the desire to equalize and lower power distances present in American culture, while greater use of self-enhancing humor may be attributed to the fact that self-enhancing humor helps them gain focus and attention (Kalliny et al., 2006).

These studies were conducted to examine cultural differences in humor usage across countries without taking specific cultural variables into consideration. Thus, it is still not quite clear whether individual or cultural differences account for the differences in humor usage.

Kazarian and Martin (2004) systematically investigated the relationships between culture and the four types of humor usage in terms of specific cultural dimensions. Comparing Lebanese, Canadians,’ and Belgians’ humor usage, they found that individuals from horizontal collectivist cultures that emphasize harmony and group cohesion are more likely to use affiliative humor, whereas individuals from a vertical collectivist culture that values self-sacrifice for the sake of group are more likely to employ self-defeating humor. Furthermore, individuals from vertical individualist cultures that embrace competitiveness are more likely to use aggressive humor to enhance their hierarchical status. It was also found that affiliative humor was used to the same degree among the various cultural orientations (Kazarian and Martin, 2004). This research helps to clarify how culture impacts humor usage. However, a survey only provides correlational evidence; more refinement is needed.

Moreover, specific humor types may have different connotations across cultures, which would influence humor usage in different cultural backgrounds. For example, Chen and Martin (2007) found that Chinese considered the item “If I am having problems or feeling unhappy, I often cover it up by joking around, so that even my closest friends don’t know how I really feel” to be more like self-enhancing humor than self-defeating humor, like Canadians did. This indicates that using humor to conceal one’s problems is more of a self-enhancing than a self-defeating strategy for Chinese (Chen and Martin, 2007). This may also be attributed to the fact that saving face is one of the most important attributes for the Chinese personality (e.g., Gao, 1998; Yue, 2011). Thus, one would expect people to use humor according to its culturally tinted connotations and thus use humor differently.

In summary, generally, we could say that Easterners are less likely to use humor as a coping strategy in comparison with their Western counterparts because of the East-West cultural difference in humor perception. When it comes to the specific humor types, it seems that Easterners tend to use less aggressive but more affiliative humor than Westerners. However, the result is highly contingent on the specific cultural dimensions valued in different cultural backgrounds. It is true when collectivism that stresses harmony and interdependence dominates in Eastern culture. The cultural difference in specific humor usage has yet been conclusive due to a lack of consideration of specific cultural variables. Furthermore, some humor coping strategies may have different connotations under different cultural backgrounds, which would directly impact how humor is used in different cultural backgrounds.
Relationship Between Cultural Differences in Humor and Psychological Well-Being

Humor has implications for both physical and psychological well-being. Martin (2001) proposed four theoretical mechanisms underlying humor’s effect on health: positive changes in the physiological system brought by laughter, positive emotions accompanying humor, the stress-moderating effect of humor, and the social support associated with humor’s social facilitation function. Martin and Ford (2018) further suggested that the buffering effect of humor comes from cognitive reframing and emotional management.

In fact, psychologists have accumulated evidence for the positive effects of humor: humor improves immunity, facilitates creativity, saves face, relieves stress and tension, creates a more positive self-concept, improves relationships with others, lowers stress, and increases positive emotions and life satisfaction (e.g., Kuiper and Martin, 1993; Martin et al., 1993; Kuiper and Olinger, 1998; Parrish and Quinn, 1999; Lefcourt, 2001; Martin, 2001, 2002; Abel, 2002; Yue et al., 2010a; Cheung and Yue, 2012; Martin and Ford, 2018).

Not all forms of humor are beneficial. As discussed earlier, affiliative, aggressive, self-enhancing, and self-defeating humors are four humor types that seem to exist in both Western and Eastern cultures (Martin et al., 2003; Chen and Martin, 2007). Research on Western cultural background has suggested that affiliative and self-enhancing humors are adaptive, whereas aggressive and self-defeating humor are maladaptive (e.g., Martin et al., 2003; Kuiper et al., 2004). Research has shown that affiliative humor can promote adjustment; relieve anxiety, depression, and attachment avoidance; and increase subjective well-being, individuals’ sense of identity and belongingness (e.g., Chen and Martin, 2007; Cann et al., 2008; Frewen et al., 2008). Self-enhancing humor can help one cope with stress and misfortunes in life; it is positively associated with optimism and self-esteem and negatively associated with depression (Thorson et al., 1997; Chen and Martin, 2007; Dozois et al., 2009; Martin and Ford, 2018). Aggression humor is maladaptive in terms of bringing mental health benefits, as it may deter adjustment and resilience and cause attachment avoidance, lower self-esteem, loneliness, aggression, and maladjustment in the family (e.g., Martin et al., 2003; Kuiper et al., 2004; Kazarian and Martin, 2006; Cann et al., 2008). Self-defeating humor is also detrimental to adjustment, as it may trigger depression or anxiety (e.g., Martin et al., 2003; Chen and Martin, 2007; Cann et al., 2008; Martin and Ford; 2018).

Despite Easterners generally being less likely to use humor as a coping strategy in comparison with their Western counterparts, Easterners also benefit from humor. For example, affiliative and self-enhancing humor could help sojourning mainland Chinese students studying in Hong Kong cope with acculturative stress, increase their level of life satisfaction, and decrease their depressive mood (Cheung and Yue, 2012). It is positively associated with higher levels of self-compassion for Hong Kong students (Yue et al., 2017), higher levels of optimism, and lower levels of loneliness and distress (Sun et al., 2009; Yue et al., 2010a, 2014b; Cheung and Yue, 2013), for both mainland Chinese and Hong Kong students, and is positively associated with self-esteem for mainland Chinese, Hong Kong, and Indian students (Yue and Hiranandani, 2014; Yue et al., 2014a).

Maladaptive humor also seems to be detrimental to Easterners’ psychological well-being, although the results are not that consistent. Consistent with Westerners, self-defeating humor is positively correlated with loneliness and self-esteem for Chinese (Sun et al., 2009; Yue et al., 2014b). Cheung and Yue (2013) found that aggressive and self-defeating humor were positively associated with depression, anxiety, and irritation for Chinese students from Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau. However, when investigating how the four types of humor impact mainland Chinese’s adjustment when studying in Hong Kong, Cheung and Yue (2012) found that aggressive and self-defeating humor did not consistently affect mainland Chinese adjustment. Additionally, Hiranandani and Yue (2014) found that aggressive humor was not significantly associated with self-esteem for Indian or Chinese students. Using Hong Kong students as their sample, Yue et al. (2014a) found that aggressive humor was not significantly associated with self-esteem or subjective well-being.

These inconsistent results may be due to the Chinese dialectic thinking style, which is characterized by contradiction (Peng and Nisbett, 1999; Hou and Zhu, 2002; Ji et al., 2010). Take the inconsistent results of aggressive humor, for instance. On the one hand, Chinese culture emphasizes interdependence and harmony (Hwang, 1987; Cheung et al., 2001), which makes Chinese less likely to use aggressive humor in their daily life (Chen and Martin, 2007; Yue, 2010, 2011). On the other hand, aggressive humor can still buffer harm (Martin and Ford, 2018). The contradictory characteristic of the Chinese thinking style makes Chinese behave in different manners from how they think, thus further blurring the relationship between maladaptive humor and psychological well-being. Alternatively, this may be because the direct translation of the English Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ) could not fully capture maladaptive humor types in China.

Some research has examined the cultural differences in humor implications systematically. Investigating Chinese and Canadian samples simultaneously, Chen and Martin (2007) did not find cultural differences in the relationship between humor and psychological well-being. A similar correlational pattern was found in both Chinese and Canadian samples. They found that for both Chinese and Canadian students, mental health was positively associated with affiliative and self-enhancing humor but negatively associated with aggressive and self-defeating humor. Furthermore, Cheung and Yue (2012) found that for mainland Chinese students who study in Hong Kong, affiliative humor appeared to buffer all four kinds of hassles linked with depression, whereas self-enhancing humor only buffered the study hassles linked with depression. This indicates that self-enhancement humor is not that potent in helping mainland Chinese to cope with acculturative stress. This may be attributed to Chinese not adopting the Western way of self-enhancement (Sedikides et al., 2003). Yue et al. (2010a) reported that adaptive humor types (affiliative and self-enhancing humor) were positively and maladaptive humor types (aggressive and self-defeating humor) were negatively associated with optimism, for both mainland Chinese and Hong Kong students. The correlation was stronger for mainland Chinese than for the Hong Kong students. Yue et al. (2014b) found that self-defeating humor explained social and emotional loneliness for Hong Kong students but only social loneliness for mainland China students. These results may be because that mainland Chinese students use more affiliative and self-enhancing but less aggressive and self-defeating humor than Hong Kong students (e.g., Yue et al., 2010a, 2014b), as a consequence of the weaker influences of collectivism and Confucianism in Hong Kong society (Yue et al., 2010a).

In sum, Westerners and Easterners do differ in the relationship between humor and psychological well-being, not qualitatively but quantitatively. Although Chinese students tend to appreciate and use humor less than Western students do, Chinese are still more likely to embrace adaptive humor styles, which have the greatest influence on their mental health, while maladaptive humor styles are less influential.
Discussion and Future Directions

Humor is a pan-cultural phenomenon but is also interculturally different. Previous literature provides substantial evidence suggesting that perceptions of humor, humor usage, and the relationship between humor and psychological well-being differ across cultures.

Specifically, Easterners do not hold a positive attitude toward humor as their Western counterparts do. Among Easterners, Chinese have ambivalent attitudes toward humor. This perception makes Easterners less likely to use humor as a coping strategy in comparison with their Western counterparts. When it comes to the four humor types, Easterners seem to use less aggressive but more affiliative humor than Westerners. However, this result is highly contingent on the specific cultural dimensions valued in different cultural backgrounds. It is true when the Eastern culture that stresses harmony and interdependence. It is not the case when the culture is not characterized by harmony and interdependence. To sum up, we argue that the cultural difference in specific humor usage has not yet been made conclusive due to a lack of consideration of specific cultural variables. Besides, different cultures interpret specific types of humor differently, which influences how humor is used in different cultural backgrounds. Moreover, Westerners and Easterners have a parallel relationship between humor and psychological well-being index. Both Westerners and Easterners benefit from adaptive humor styles and get harm from maladaptive humor styles. However, the strength of the relationship varies across cultures, with maladaptive humor styles are less influential in Eastern cultural background. This may be due to the fact that Easterners are less likely to use maladaptive humor styles, such as aggressive humor (Chen and Martin, 2007). These findings inform the understanding of cultural differences in humor and could assist practitioners in using humor to promote human psychological well-being. However, most of the research has not been conducted systematically and lacks empirical evidence. No causal conclusions can be drawn, and there is still a lot of need for future investigations.

First, most of the research that has been done was largely correlational and based on survey methods. Little research has been conducted to systematically investigate the cultural differences in humor. Future research should employ empirical methods to provide causal evidence for a relationship between humor and culture. In addition to using survey methods to study the differences in humor across cultures, more efforts should be dedicated to investigating how specific culture dimensions influence humor perception, humor usage, and the relationship between humor and psychological well-being across cultures. Besides, empirical research on the relationship between humor and psychological well-being has rarely been conducted; thus, no causality can be drawn. Future research should also employ empirical methods to clarify the causal relationship between humor and psychological well-being. These efforts would help to show the relationship more specifically and systematically.

Furthermore, research on how Eastern culture impacts humor has mostly been conducted within Chinese culture (with participants including mainland Chinese, Hong Kongers, and Taiwanese). To have a comprehensive understanding of how culture influences humor, it would be important to investigate the relationship between culture and humor cross-culturally. Future research should work on examining whether people in other countries under the influence of Confucianism show similar patterns of humor perception, its usage, and its implications on psychological well-being as Chinese do.

Moreover, as we noted above, different cultures have different interpretations of specific humor items. This could explain the inconsistent results about humor across cultures. For example, aggressive humor was not correlated with self-esteem or life satisfaction among Hong Kong participants (Yue et al., 2014a). We suggested that this may be due to the contradiction characteristic of the Chinese thinking style. Alternatively, it also could be due to different interpretations of specific humor items across cultures. Some research (e.g., Cheung and Yue, 2012; Yue et al., 2014a) used direct translations of the English version of the HSQ to tap the four humor types. The items may be not fully reflective of aggressive humor for Chinese. Further research is needed to test these two possible reasons. What’ more important, in the future, researchers should develop a reliable, well-established, having good psychometric property humor style scale within Eastern cultural background instead of direct translation.

Furthermore, the Chinese apprehension–despising complex toward humor needs exploration. The little research on this complex is just descriptive (e.g., Yue, 2010, 2011). The cognitive, emotional, and motivational components of this complex remain unclear, as does how this complex impacts humor usage and the relationship between humor and psychological well-being. We still do not know how other philosophies, such as Buddhism, impact this apprehension–despising complex. All of these questions need future investigation. Besides, different philosophies exist in Western culture (Collins, 2016), and these philosophies could impact how Westerners perceive and use humor, as well as humor and psychological well-being relationship. However, none of these previous research has systematically investigated how different philosophies in Western world influence humor perception, usage and humor’s implications for psychological well-being. Future research should work on this so as to further our understanding of humor in Western cultural background.

Future research should also examine how other possible moderators [such as individual personality traits, political atmosphere, self-esteem, socioeconomic status (SES), context salient needs, etc.] interact with culture in influencing humor perception, usage, and its implications. For example, Westerners with higher self-esteem were more likely to use adaptive humor (Martin et al., 2003). Shy Westerners who were low on perceived social competence tended to use less affiliative humor and more self-defeating humor (Fitts et al., 2009). Will this be true for Easterners as well? Besides these individual differences, one should also consider the contextual factors. For example, people may use humor as a tactic to cope with failure, awkwardness, or face threats (Kane et al., 1977; Cupach and Metts, 1994). Saving face is one of the most important attributes for Chinese (e.g., Gao, 1998; Yue, 2011). Thus, despite Chinese generally being less likely to use humor as a coping strategy, humor becomes a useful tactic for Chinese to adopt when saving face. Chen et al. (2013) found that for Chinese students, affiliative and self-enhancing humor were positively associated with collectivism and the willingness to save one’s own face, and aggressive and self-defeating humor were positively associated with the willingness to save one’s own face. These results indicate that despite their general tendency to use less humor, Chinese like to use humor in coping with face threats. Future research should continue to work along this direction to investigate how other possible individual or situational factors interact with culture in influencing humor perception or usage.

In addition, based on the literature review above, some unique cultural factors may strengthen or weaken the relationship between humor and psychological well-being. However, we do not know what the factors are or how these factors impact the relationship between humor and psychological well-being index. This is worth investigating in future research. For example, it would be interesting to measure mainland Chinese and Hong Kong people’s Confucian views and investigate whether Confucian views could impact the strength of affiliative humor’s effects on optimism.

More importantly, culture is not a static construct. Globalization has brought massive changes in individuals’ psychology and culture. As suggested by Cai et al. (2019), there has been a general increase in individualism and a decrease in collectivism all over the globe. It is certainly true that this change would be manifested in humor, which is worth investigating. Moreover, most of the research on humor and culture has basically been based on comparisons across countries. For example, Saroglou and Scariot (2002) reported that Belgians reported less use of self-enhancing humor and more use of aggressive humor than Canadians. Kazarian and Martin (2004) found that Lebanese reported lower use of self-enhancing humor than Canadians, lower aggressive humor use than Belgians, and lower use of affiliative humor than both Canadians and Belgians. Kalliny et al. (2006) found that Americans scored higher on self-enhancing and self-defeating humor than Arabs. Caution should be taken when drawing conclusions about cultural differences in humor from these research. Without specific cultural dimensions being taken into account, it is hard to conclude that these results could be explained by cultural differences. Besides, globalization has brought about a multicultural context within a geographic location (Cai et al., 2019). Thus, it may not be that accurate to study cultural differences in humor by comparing different nationalities or different geographic locations. Future research should work on studying cultural constructs more precisely. Studying how specific cultural dimensions influence humor perception, humor usage, and the relationship between humor and psychological well-being is one way to solve this problem.

Another possible direction for future research is to specify the meaning of humor under different cultural backgrounds. For example, Liao (2003) differentiated the Chinese term “youmo (direct translation of English humor)” from “huaji (Chinese word for humor since the Spring-Autumn Period)” (p. 1). The results showed that youmo is regarded as a high-SES vocal act triggering thoughtful a smile with profundity, while huaji is described as low-SES, funny, shallow, and ridiculous actions that trigger more laughter than smiles with ridiculousness. One may expect Chinese to use youmo and huaji differently and that the usages will have different implications for Chinese psychological well-being. What’s more, the different perception of humor as youmo and huaji might be associated with different philosophies in Chinese culture. Specially, Confucianism devalues humor (Liao, 1998, 2007; Yue, 2010), which may make people lack of humor or demonstrate humor in a decent and sophisticated way. On contrary, people who believe in Taoism would like to tell witty jokes (Yue, 2011), which may make them prefer huaji to youmo. Future research should devote efforts to examine these possibilities.

Humor is an adaptive strategy with which individuals can survive severe competition (Wilson et al., 1977; Martin and Ford, 2018). No societies or groups have been found having no sense of humor (Fry, 1994). In this article, we reviewed how humor perceptions, humor usage, and the relationship between humor and psychological well-being index differed across cultures. We also discussed some limitations in this area that need research. Understanding how people view and use humor, how humor impacts psychological well-being, and how culture influences it is an emerging area of empirical research that promises to be an important area worth future investigation. More attempts should be made to better understand the relationship between humor and culture as a way of promoting better psychological well-being.
Author Contributions

TJ and YH conceptualized the manuscript. TJ wrote the first complete draft. YH and HL contributed additional writing. All authors edited the manuscript and approved the final version.

This research was supported by grants from the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (31371053 and 31671159) to YH.
Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: humor, humor perception, humor usage, psychological wellbeing, cultural difference, Eastern, Western

Citation: Jiang T, Li H and Hou Y (2019) Cultural Differences in Humor Perception, Usage, and Implications. Front. Psychol. 10:123. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00123

Received: 26 November 2018; Accepted: 14 January 2019;
Published: 29 January 2019.

Edited by:Xiaodong Yue, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Reviewed by:Anguo Fu, Hainan University, China
Li Lin, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Copyright © 2019 Jiang, Li and Hou. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Yubo Hou, houyubo@pku.edu.cn


South Korea is a model for combatting COVID-19, it should now take the lead in diplomacy with North Korea

Responsible Statecraft

South Korea is a model for combatting COVID-19, it should now take the lead in diplomacy with North Korea
APRIL 22, 2020
Written by
Kee B. Park
Christine Ahn

For the first time in two months, South Korea’s new coronavirus cases have dropped to single digits. Seoul has not only demonstrated that it can contain the pandemic, but that it can safely hold elections, which last week led to a landslide victory for President Moon Jae-in’s party in the parliamentary elections. Having earned the trust of the South Korean public and the admiration of the global community, now is the time for Moon to claim leadership over another issue that the Trump administration has woefully mismanaged: relations with North Korea.

The Trump administration’s approach to North Korea has been characterized by the president developing a personal relationship with Kim Jong Un, while imposing ever-stricter sanctions and continuing to hold joint military exercises with South Korea. This has failed to move the needle on North Korea’s nuclear weapons arsenal. Pyongyang continues to test weapons — even in the midst of a global pandemic — and shows no signs of wanting to engage with Washington.

But the universal threat of the coronavirus has created a vastly different landscape for President Moon to make progress with North Korea. Moon has all the leverage he needs to resolve a 70-year-old conflict and create a model for peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

From the beginning of his presidency, Moon — a human rights lawyer and former soldier who served in the DMZ — has made more headway than past South Korean leaders in improving inter-Korean relations. Five months after signing the Panmunjom Declaration in April 2018, Moon and Kim met in Pyongyang for a second summit and signed an inter-Korean military agreement that set forth a demilitarization process, including disarming soldiers in the Joint Security Area and demining portions of the DMZ. South Korea took concrete steps to revive inter-Korean cooperation, such as establishing a diplomatic compound in Kaesong and seeking to link the inter-Korean railroad at Dorasan Station at the DMZ.

Unfortunately, Moon’s pro-peace diplomacy with North Korea fell victim to Washington’s “maximum pressure” campaign on North Korea. In an October 2018 call to South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-Hwa, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rebuked Seoul for moving too fast with Pyongyang and failing to move in lock step with Washington on denuclearization. When asked about South Korea’s possible lifting of sanctions on North Korea, President Trump told reporters, “They won’t do that without our approval. They do nothing without our approval.”

Since Trump’s colossal failure to reach a deal with Kim in Hanoi last year, talks have frozen, not just between Washington and Pyongyang, but also between the two Koreas. Not only does Moon now have a clear mandate domestically, the global context has changed, paving the way for him to pursue his inter-Korean peace agenda, with or without Washington’s approval.

For one, South Korea doesn’t have to continue conducting military exercises with the United States, which has been the ire of the North Korean regime. On March 23, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres called for a global ceasefire so that the world can address the pandemic. President Macron of France is pressing for the U.N. Security Council to back the Secretary-General’s call, securing the commitments of three of five permanent members: China, the United Kingdom and the United States. The American and South Korean militaries agreed to cancel this spring’s military exercises due to the pandemic; adhering to the global ceasefire gives President Moon cover to cancel them altogether.

In addition to the global ceasefire, there is growing consensus that sanctions must be lifted against particularly vulnerable countries such as North Korea. Michelle Bachelet, U.N. human rights chief and a physician, recently called for sectoral sanctions to “be eased or suspended” because they impede the delivery of vital medical and humanitarian aid. “In a context of global pandemic,” Bachelet explained, “impeding medical efforts in one country heightens the risk for all of us.”

With more than 2 million cases and nearly 150,000 deaths worldwide caused by COVID-19, the United States is acquiescing. On April 16, the U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions exemptions for humanitarian assistance to North Korea, including “testing kits, respiratory devices, personal protective equipment, and medicine used in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery from COVID-19.”

With two years left in his presidency — and the U.S. and North Korea now entering the 70th year of being locked in a technical state of war — Moon should take this opportunity to advance peace on the Korean Peninsula. The brokenness of the U.S. approach in resolving the North Korean conflict begs for leadership, which President Moon must claim for the future of regional and worldwide security.

After all, if there is one key lesson to be taken away from the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that South Korea can do some things better — much better — than the United States.

Written by
Kee B. Park
Christine Ahn

[단독]“태영호, 580만달러 통치자금 갖고 탈북”

[단독]“태영호, 580만달러 통치자금 갖고 탈북”

흔들리는 북한, 탈북 도미노?
[단독] “태영호, 580만달러 통치자금 갖고 탈북”

입력 2016.08.18

송용창 기자

영국 주재 북한대사관 태용호 공사가 가족들과 한국에 입국했다고 통일부가 17일 밝혔다. 사진은 지난해 11월 영국 도미니온 사우스홀에서 열린 10월 혁명 98주년 기념식에서 태 공사가 노래를 부르는 모습. 뉴시스
영국 주재 북한 대사관의 태영호 공사가 김정은 북한 국무위원장의 통치자금 수백만 달러를 가지고 탈북한 것으로 전해졌다.

북한 사정을 잘 아는 대북 소식통은 18일 “태 공사가 주영 북한 대사관에서 선전 업무 뿐만 아니라 재무까지 담당했다”며 “대사관이 관리하던 580만 달러(64억여원)의 거액을 갖고 탈북한 것으로 안다”고 말했다. 북한의 해외 공관은 외화벌이 창구 역할을 하는데다, 런던에 위치한 북한 대사관은 사치품 공급 역할도 맡고 있어 거액의 통치자금을 다룬 것으로 알려졌다. 태 공사는 주영 북한 대사관에서 현학봉 대사에 이은 서열 2위로 선전 및 사상 교육을 비롯해 자금 관리 업무까지 총괄했던 것으로 알려졌다.

태 공사가 거액을 갖고 탈북함에 따라 북한 당국도 발칵 뒤집힌 것으로 전해졌다. 이에 따라 북한은 태 공사가 국가정보원의 공작에 의해 공금을 빼돌린 것이라며 강력 반발할 것으로 예상된다.

한편, 지난 7월 러시아에서 제3국으로 망명한 것으로 알려진 북한 대사관의 김성철 3등 서기관도 가족과 함께 한국에 입국한 것으로 전해졌다. 러시아 언론들은 당시 김 서기관이 유럽 국가로 망명하기 위해 벨라루스로 출국했다고 보도했으나 그가 한국행을 선택했다는 것이다.

북한은 해외 근무자들의 탈북이 잇따르자 통제와 감시 강화를 위해 해외 각지에 검열단을 급파한 것으로 알려졌다. 해외 기관에 배치된 보위부 요원 등이 해외 근무자들의 사상 동향을 점검하고 전화 통화 내역까지 체크하는 등 단속에 열을 올리고 있다는 것이다. 북한 당국은 또 해외 근무자들의 가족 탈북을 막기 위해 해외에 함께 나간 가족들에 대한 소환령도 내리는 것으로 전해졌다. 태 공사가 자녀 교육 및 진로를 위해 탈북을 감행했을 가능성이 높은 상황에서 유사 사례를 막기 위해 자녀 단속에도 나선 것으로 풀이된다.

송용창 기자 hermeet@hankookilbo.com

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동료 김복기 선생이 자신이 본래하던 재능을 코로나 덕분(?)에 진가를 발휘하고 있다. 이 양반의 페북 내용을 싶은 것은 바로 시기적 적절상과 시급성에 대한 주목때문이다.
이미 지난 주에 “회복적사법 시민사회 네트워크”에서 활동중인 5개 단체가 작년에 15개 경찰서의 시법사업을 금년에 130곳으로(본래 기대는 60곳정도가 우리측의 기대였으나 경찰청의 요구로 바뀌고 바뀌어 130곳으로 바뀌었는데 또 요청하는 곳이 증가되고 있다) 일단 시작을 하게 된다. 기존의 경찰업무를 혁신적으로 그 패러다임을 바꾸는 것이 회복적 경찰활동이다. 과거에 대한 기억을 갖고 있는 대부분의 이쪽영역의 활동가들은 민중의 지팡이가 아니라 민중의 몽둥이라는 경험이 있었는데, “제복을 입은 시민”으로서 대화와 경청, 당시자 상호연결, 관계의 구축, 공동체의 회복이라는 대민업무의 변화라는 지각변동이 경찰청의 새로운 좌표로서 제시된 것이다. 아마도 이것의 분출구는 촛불혁명의 영향이라 볼 수 있을 것같다. 

손상, 범죄, 폭력을 다루는 공공기관이 바뀌는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 시민사회에서 개인의 한신과 창조적 소수의 노력이 놀랄만한 결과를 가져오는 일이 아동복지, 환경, 평화 등의 영역에서 일어나는 것을 봤지만 공공영역, 특히 국가기관이 바뀌는 데는 개인이 아닌 공동의 에토스가 필요하다. 그중에 제일 어려운 지점중의 하나는 시민사회에서 쓰는 언어와 핸정기관이 쓰는 언어가 다르다는 점이다. ‘국가의 일’ ‘국민의 안전’ ‘공식적인(official) 사업’ ‘전략적 기획’ ‘효율성의 답보’ ‘신뢰할만한 증거’ ‘논증된 자료’’상사의 지식사항’’책임의 한도’ 등의 말뒤로 개인이 숨어서 개인으로는 욕구가 있어도 실질적인 변화를 모색하지 않은채로 형식적인 사업이 예산에 의해 일년단위로 끝나고 만다는 것이다. 

나는 이게 전에는 시민사회 활동가로서 왜 이렇게 답답하게 일하는가라고 비판적인 시각도 많았는데, 요즈음은 시각이 좀 바뀌었다. 그들의 언어를 모르니까 나의 독잭과 그들의 독백이 부딪치고 연결이 안되는 것이 있었던 것이다. 회복적 경찰활동이 본격적으로 잘 시행되려면 제복을 입은 시민이든 평상복을 입은 시민이든, 사회적 현상과 그 이슈에 대한 열정, 문제의식의 집중화, 분석과 대안의 모색, 최선의 대안에 대한 의견수렴과 조직적인 결정, 비전을 향한 피드백과 현실화의 끔임없는 프로세스가 필요하다. 단순히 비난과 저항으로 기존담론을 안티-담론으로 바뀌게 할 수 없다 오히려 자신의 입장을 더욱 견고하게 구축할 뿐이다. 

경찰청의 회복적 경찰활동이든 작년 8월 초 교육청의 관계조정기구의 출범이라는 새로운 학폭법의 시행이든 뭔가를 활동하려면 공공영역의 언어, 문법 그리고 행동방식을 배우고 익혀서 커뮤니케이션이 일어나지 않고는 예산할당에 따른 일시적인 ‘전략적 동반자’의 상태로 서로의 필요를 충족하고 해어지는 일이 반복되는 것이다. 이참에 한 사람이 여러 중요한 논문과 책들을 찾아 놓았으니 ‘활동’만 아니라 공공영역에 가지고 들어갈 수 있는 ‘언어’와 ‘문법’ 그리고 ‘성찰’을 함께 배우는 일들이 활동가들에게 적극 권고한다.
‘성찰에 기초하지 않은 활동’은 주류화하지 못하고 다시 변방으로 언제나 밀려날 가능성이 농후하다. 이는 이미 서구세계에서 개별 경찰서에서 여러차례 도입하고도 아직도 상징적인 활동으로만 남아있는 이유이기도 하다. 그나마 잔존하는 곳은 바로 커뮤니티안에 그에 관련한 활동가들의 맥이 이어지고 있기 때문이다.
창조적 소수가 자신의 직관과 사심없는 노력의 공간을 만들면, 그 공간을 열고 흐름을 만들어내는 것은 동료들의 몫이자 소명일 수 있다. 격려하고 물방울을 보태어 물결이 되도록 시도해보는 것은 중요한 변혁운동일 수 있을 것이다. 경찰업무를 보니까 그 사회의 가장 많은 사회구성원의 활동에 직접관여되는 일들이 굉장히 많다는 것을 알게 되었다. 이러한 공공영역의 종사자들이 각종 사건 당사자들을 ‘이방인’이나 ‘괴물’로 보지 않고 자신의 절실한 필요를 요청하는 자들로 이해와 연민의 눈으로 다가가게 한다는 것은 ‘따스한 사회’를 만들어내는 중요한 전환점에 우리가 서 있게 된다고 나는 확신한다.
이제 공공영역들이 양심적이고 헌신적이며 자발적인 시민의 거버넌스(협치)에 손을 내밀고 있다. 향후 직접 민주주의 실현을 위해 좀더 ‘공부하는 분위기’가 일어나기를. 회복적 사법 활동가들은 이미 현장의 경험들을 풍성히 가지고 있고 그에 대한 진행수완을 갖추고 있다. 여기에 조금만 더 필요한 것은 자신이 다가가고자 하는 공공영역의 ‘언어’와 ‘문법’의 옷을 입어보는 일이다. 초기 2-3년을 그렇게 노력하지 않으면 활동가, 전문가, 실무자가 따로 놀면서 나중에는 페이퍼를 다루는 학자들의 회복적 사법 유물들 뒤적거리기로 끝날수도 있다는 염려때문에 김복기 선생의 작업을 주목하며 함께 주목해 주기를 바라는 마음에서 격려의 글을 쓴다.

Anabaptist Kim-Park
Yesterday at 10:14 ·

지난 12월부터 정리하기 시작했던 회복적 정의/회복적 사법 관련 논문을 다시 꺼내보았다. 그 결과 시중에서 구매할 수 있는 책은 제외하고, 논문과 컨퍼런스 책자의 수는 총 273개였다. 이 논문은 “회복적 정의”와 “회복적 사법”이라는 키워드 중심으로 찾은 것이라 아마도 이보다 훨씬 많은 논문이 있을 것이다.
회복적 정의에 관심이 있고, 실제로 회복적 서클을 진행하면서 배움의 여정이 계속되겠지만, 솔직히 찾아놓은 논문을 하나하나 읽어가는 일도 만만치는 않다. 그럼에도 불구하고 페북에 글을 공유하는 것은 이렇게 귀한 자료가 있음에도 아주 일부 학자나 연구자들 외에 찾아 읽는 사람이 그리 많지 않다는 것과 있어도 학문적인 연구와 현장이 다르다는 고정관념 때문에 소개조차 되지 않고 있다는 안타까움 때문이다. 그동안 회복적 정의와 관련하여 페북에 아홉 차례 글을 썼는데, 그 중 하나가 강원지방경찰청에서 시행했던 “With You” 프로그램에 대한 소개였다.
이 프로그램은 김문귀, 경찰에 의한 회복적 사법의 실천사례와 의의 – 강원지방경찰청의 ‘너와함께 (With You) 프로그램, 법학연구 제23권 제4호, 2015.10, 23-48이라는 논문에 자세히 소개 되었다. 요약정리는 회복적 정의의 다섯 번째 시리즈 글로 실었다. 

코로나 바이러스로 긴 방학을 맞고 있다. 학교도 개학을 하지 못하고, 온라인으로 강의 중이다. 이미 시작되었어야 할 회복적 경찰활동도 한 달이나 늦게 시작하였다. 개인적으로 나는 이 기간 동안 밀린 책 번역과, 새 단장을 하고 나온 책 몇 권을 다시 만났다. 이제 2주 더 연장된 사회적 거리두기 시간을 보내며 정리해야할 일들이 점점 늘어나는 느낌이라, 적잖이 긴장하고 있다.
아마도 사회적 거리두기가 풀리면 가장 먼저 다가올 것이 그동안 화상회의를 통해 준비한 ‘회복적 경찰활동’이 될 것이고, 여기저기 밀린 강의 및 연수 요청이 다음이 될 것이다. 아닌게 아니라 여기저기서 교육에 대한 문의 전화가 걸려오기 시작한다. 이런 저런 것 다 생략하고, 부디 코로나 바이러스가 어서 종식되길 기대한다.
이제 얼마 후 진행될 회복적 경찰활동을 미리 들여다보면서, 마음의 준비만 아니라, 실제적인 준비도 해야겠다.
이런 맥락에서 전국에서 회복적 경찰활동을 진행할 선생님들/활동가들을 위해 뭘 하면 좋을까 생각하다가, 묻어둔 회복적 정의/회복적 사법 관련 논문 중 경찰활동에 관련된 논문을 소개하면 좋겠다는 생각이 들었다.
들여다보니 회복적 경찰활동과 관련된 논문이 33개나 된다. 시간이 나는 대로 하나씩 살펴보기로 하고, 오늘은 우선 논문목록만 공유하고자 한다. 앞으로 몇 회가 될지는 모르겠지만, 다음의 논문을 하나하나 읽어가며, 활동가들과 공유하고 싶다. 진행방법은 발표연도별로 정리한 다음의 논문을 역순으로 살펴보려한다. 다만 호서대학교 법경찰행정학과의 김문귀 교수님의 최근 글은 포괄적이기보다는 구체적인 주제여서, 총 다섯 편의 논문을 쓰셨기에 한꺼번에 묶어서 시간을 두고 살펴보고자 한다.
코로나로 움츠려 들었던 가슴도 펴고, 힘껏 기지개를 펴고, 다가오는 코로나 바이러스 이후의 시대를 살아보자. 힘차게, 평화로.

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3. 김은경, 새로운 다이버전으로서 회복적 사법의 실제와 그 효과 – 경찰단계 가족회합 실험연구 결과를 중심으로, 형사정책연구 2008, 93-145.
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5. 양경규, 형사상 화해ㆍ조정제도에 관한 연구, 한국경찰연구 통권제7권 제4호, 2008.12, 185-215.
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8. 이영란, 소년사법절차에 관한 연구 - 소년경찰의 다이버전을 중심으로, 소년보호연구 제15호, 2010.12.30., 1~30.
9. 김재민, 경찰의 소년범 다이버전 정책에 관한 고찰 - 회복적 사법 이념의 반영 가능성을 중심으로, 소년보호연구 제15호, 2010.12.30., 219~252.
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11. 이동원, 형사조정위원의 역할에 관한 고찰, 경찰학논총 통권제6권 제1호, 2011.05, 401-428.
12. 김태명, 다이버전의 발상·전개와 경찰다이버전의 도입, 경찰학연구 제11권 제2호, 2011.06, 73-100.
13. 김혁, 회복적 사법의 이념 규현을 위한 경찰의 경미소년사건처리, 경찰학연구 11(1), 2011, 61-86.
14. 강소영, 학교폭력의 원인 및 대책에 관한 질적 연구 - 근거이론으로 접근한 경찰의 대응방안을 중심으로, 한국범죄심리학회 2012 춘계학술대회 발표집, 2012.06, 75~99.
15. 강욱, 정석진, 학교폭력에 대한 경찰의 대응방안: 회복적 (restorative) 정의와 응보적(retributive) 정의의 관점에서, 범죄학회 학술대회, 2012, 101-112.
16. 김성중, 김주찬, 회복적 사법 실천모델에 관한 연구, 경찰단계 소년범죄를 중심으로, 경찰학연구 13(2), 2013, 51-77.
17. 강동욱, 소년범에 대한 경찰단계의 다이버전 활성화 방안, 법학연구 제16집 제1호, 2013.03, 87-114.
18. 강 욱, 이주락, 정석진, 학교폭력에 대한 경찰의 대응방안: 회복적 정의와 응보적 정의의
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19. 이동진, 조준하, 효율적 고소사건 처리를 위한 경찰의 회복적 사법, 경찰학논총,
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