
Letting Go: The Pathway To Surrender by David R. Hawkins | Goodreads

Letting Go: The Pathway To Surrender by David R. Hawkins | Goodreads

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Letting Go: The Pathway To Surrender
(Power vs. Force #9)
David R. Hawkins
4.10 · Rating details · 8,011 ratings · 758 reviews

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Hardcover, 368 pages
Published 2012 by Veritas Publishing
Original Title
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
Edition Language
Power vs. Force #9

Other Editions (22)

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Review of ISBN 9781933885988
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Format Hardcover edit

April 17, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read

April 17, 2021 – Shelved
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Jan 09, 2013Lisa Shultz rated it it was amazing
Shelves: impactful-books, spiritual
A profound book. I will re-read for the rest of my life. If I had to suggest one book that I would like everyone to read, it would be this one.
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May 05, 2017Stan rated it did not like it
Shelves: books-i-have-on-paper
When I started this book I had good hopes, a lot of 4/5 star reviews, a topic that interests me and a promising introduction. Only during the process of reading this book, the statements and stories became more and more bizarre. I was actually astonished by the amount of illogical, random and false statements in this book. When I came to page 200 I could not take it anymore and had to burn the book. Some examples of the crap that was written in this book.
`Positive energy increases muscular strength by 500 %`. Come on... I have been weightlifting for 5 years now and being in a good or bad mood doesnt matter at all for muscular strength.
`I desired a nice appartment in New York, then I let go of my desire and got an appartment. Therefore it must be because of the letting go technique.` There is a difference between coincedence and causation...
We need to let go of negative energy and move towards the opposite positive energy, at the same time nonduality is the most positive energy while nonduality actually means that there is no positive or negative. Huhh??
I can go on but you get the point, new age crap. (less)
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Jun 12, 2014Cloris Kylie rated it it was amazing
Let’s follow the pathway of surrender:

First, picture a big chain around your ankles that prevents you from moving toward the life you desire. That’s the image I give to my audiences when I talk about attachments.

Second, think of the similarity between a peanut butter sandwich, a satellite signal, and a thought. They are all forms of energy. They only differ by the wavelengths at which they vibrate. Negative thoughts and emotions are aligned with low, slow-moving energies. Positive thoughts and emotions are aligned with high, fast-moving energies.

Third, put it all together by using the energy of thoughts and emotions to eliminate attachments. The blueprint to accomplish this is in David Hawkins’ Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender.

I’ve studied the works of Dr. Hawkins for years, and I must say that Letting Go has the most practical value. The stories and examples in the book allowed me to deepen my understanding of the Scale of Human Consciousness (a logarithmic scale of energetic power from 0-1000 that Dr. Hawkins created based on 20 years of scientific study.)

There are myriad lessons and topics for contemplation in Letting Go, but I will share a few of the principles that were most interesting and applicable for me.

Stress is our reaction to a stimulus, and our reaction depends on our belief system. This means that instead of trying to “treat” stress by focusing on its aftereffects (e.g. muscle relaxation) we need to remove the source of the underlying tension, which is repressed and suppressed negative feelings.

Healing from an unpleasant event or loss will be a lot easier if we focus on finding the lesson in the experience. In my case, figuring out what I could learn from the breakdown of my marriage allowed me to heal and even to help others heal by writing “Magnificent…Married or Not.” As Dr. Hawkins says, “In some cases, it seems in retrospect that there was actually this unconscious purpose behind the event, as though our unconscious knew that something important had to be learned and, painful as it was, it was the only way it could be brought into experience.”

When faced with negative emotions, it is best to gradually move up the scale toward higher, faster energy fields. This means that when we transition from apathy to anger, we’re actually making progress, because we feel energized when we’re irritated or angry. The key is to not remain in an angry state for too long.

Love is more than an emotion or a thought; it’s a way of being which can only be achieved when we surrender our negative emotions. The energy of love is so high and powerful, that we can heal our bodies and help others heal by being love.

Besides reaching a state of love, letting go allows us to grow and to finally solve our problems. Opportunities open up, and our mind is clear so we can take action to live a joyful life. Dr. Hawkins illustrates this with the example of someone learning how to dance. If we’re anxious about following specific steps, it seems that we’ll never learn. When we relax and let our bodies follow the flow of the music, we can dance.

One of the most powerful benefits of conscious surrender is a state of inner freedom. Our happiness doesn’t depend on what someone says or does, or on the outcome of a situation. Our joy is not tied to what we do or what we own. We discover “something that remains constant and the same, no matter what goes on in the external world or with the body, emotions, or mind.”

This discovery is our inner self.

Break free of the chains of attachment and surrender your negative emotions. Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender is a great way to start!

For more on taming the ego, please visit my site, www.cloriskylie.com!

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product. (less)
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Feb 14, 2017Neil Funsch rated it did not like it
As much as I wanted to like this book...I didn't. Upon finishing I did some belated research on the author and it isn't good. In fact his Wikipedia page has been deleted (How does that happen?...check it out and find out) and he is not well reviewed on websites which evaluate spiritual teachers. His PhD is from the now closed Columbia Pacific University which has been charitably described as a diploma mill. This doesn't make him a bad man and there is an occasional nugget of insight in 368 pages which are otherwise awash in simplistic anecdotes and outlandish unsubstantiated claims. I'm letting go now. (less)
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Mar 18, 2013Matthew Treya rated it it was amazing
A wonderful distillation of all of Dr. Hawkins' teachings, written just before his passing. Most elegantly simple. A true gift, a classic, a gem. What else can one say? (less)
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Jun 13, 2016Ypatios Varelas rated it did not like it
Written by a medical doctor. Sad. How can an MD completely miss the logic and purpose of negative emotions, ignore their foundation in our childhood and treat them as the cause of all disasters and problems?

The author nicely writes about how repression of negative emotions creates problems, however the "letting go" process in this book is actually a repression strategy! The whole book is based on cognitive reframes, belief changes and positive empowerment, which are processes trying to regulate negative emotions. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they do not.

I've lost count in this book of false, vague and new age nonsense statements.
- "Attachment and dependence occur because we feel incomplete within ourselves; therefore, we seek objects, people, relationships, places, and concepts to fulfill inner needs."
- "Guilt accompanies all of the negative emotions and, thus, where there is fear, there is guilt."
- "One of the laws of consciousness is: We are only subject to a negative thought or belief if we consciously say that it applies to us. We are free to choose not to buy into a negative belief system."
- "That part of us to which we refer as our “greater Self ” loves rather than seeks love. Consequently, there comes the awareness that we are at all times surrounded by love, which is unlimited. Love is automatically attracted to the person who is loving."
- "By the very nature of our being and by the very nature of the life energy that flows through us and empowers us to breathe and to think, we all have that same vibrational energy level of love within us."
- "The impossible becomes possible as soon as we are totally surrendered. This is because wanting blocks receiving it and results in a fear of not getting it. The energy of desire is, in essence, a denial that what we want is ours for the asking."
- "The state of infinite peace radiates forth unconditionally of its own from the energy field of the teacher or saint."

And how about some classic new age myths:
- "What one holds in mind tends to manifest"
- "Fear is healed by love"
- "We are only subject to what we hold in mind"
- "Health and well-being, then, are generally the automatic consequence of the letting go of guilt and other negativities, as well as the letting go of our resistance to the positive states of health and well-being."

Sad to see so many four and five star reviews. People are really confused about how emotions and our brain work. Please read some good neuroscience books to liberate yourself from such nonsense. (less)
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Feb 03, 2016Red Hand rated it did not like it
Shelves: utter-crap
So I'm holding off on actually rating until I finish the audio book...but so far, I am deeply unimpressed. This book would be about half it's actual length if you cut the lists to manageable size and removed the outlandish claims (such as it being able to cure allergies). It usual riddled with false claims about auras (debunked) and other New age claptrap.
I honestly hope it gets better because right now, one star is too high.
Edit: So apparently, if multiple books are written on a subject then it must be true (ie near death experiences giving you psychic powers, the debunked theory of auras, This Cat In The Hat). This guy gives the vaguest examples and sits back as if he's said something profound. he refers to his own points as "glaringly obvious" if you "just think about it" in an effort to deride philosophers who disagree with him. my favorite so far is him talking about "pointless intellectualizing"...given that I haven't seen him make an actual point thus far, this is the height of hypocrisy.
All he does is rattle off fifty item lists and repeat the same question ten to fifteen times using different wording. I have concluded that mushrooms must have been involved.
This man somehow had a PhD...
He describes everything in terms of the instant. "You will instantly find" is probably the number one most used phrase in this book.
One star because I can't give less. (less)
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Feb 06, 2015Will Mitchell rated it it was amazing
Cannot possibly say how much this book helped me manage my anxiety and fear.
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Jun 23, 2015Doug rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: kindle, mindfulness, 2015
The first half of this book has some incredibly useful advice for learning to let go of anxiety and negativity, but the second half is a bit too new age-y for me. It starts jumbling science and spirituality with grand claims about how surrendering negative thoughts will make all your dreams come true, including healing physical ailments AND telekinetically summoning your waiter in restaurants ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Sep 15, 2020Kimber rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: spirituality
Hawkins, Ph. D in philosophy, Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research teaches the Letting Go technique as a treatment for emotional pain, issues, neurosis, anxiety and depression. But more than that it is a pathway to enlightenment, or simply put surrender to who you already are. This book is a meditative tool for the student to learn to surrender more in life and more of a journey of inner peace and to uncovering yourself/your soul. This could be the most important book you will ever read.

Hawkins writes," Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged & saying OM. It is right here, in this instant. The reason you're not experiencing this state of total peace & timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is being resisted because you're trying to control the moment. If you let go of trying to control the moment & if you constantly surrender it like a tone of music, then you live on the crest of this exact alwaysness...." (less)
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Oct 21, 2012Curt rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: searcher for Truth
Finally! The book that explains the actual technique the good Dr. used to solve his many health dilemmas.
Having pre-ordered it months ago, it finally arrived this week.
Only two or three chapters in I already think this may be his most important work yet.
If you're human you want to read this one.
link: publisher's site
[image error] (less)
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Aug 11, 2018Owen Tuleja rated it really liked it
If you had told me four months ago that I would read a book called "Letting Go" and find its contents helpful and even life-changing, I would have laughed out loud. Such are the vagaries that life presents us.

One of the central tenets of Hawkins' book is to direct the reader away from focusing on thoughts and towards focusing on feelings. One (negative) feeling can cause a thousand (negative) thoughts: relinquish that one negative feeling and you have "cured" yourself of a thousand negative thoughts. This is the meaning of "letting go". By letting go of the feelings that cause destructive thoughts (because those thoughts express doubt, anger, pessimism, etc.) we prime ourselves to be happier and more effective.

Of course, how to actually let go of these feelings is a different question. While Hawkins does provide many useful cues as to how to do this, I think that most readers will find that they will have to seek other sources to find more practical and direct advice. One thing is clear: you cannot relinquish these negative feelings by suppressing them, pretending they are not there, or by engaging in escapism. So much of our time wasted in front of screens is a coping mechanism that allows us to not experience the pain associated with what it is really like to be ourselves.

One very useful part of the book centers around our tendency to hold grudges against people. Here, Hawkins describes the little emotional kick we get from a feeling of moral superiority, self-righteousness, or victimhood and asks "Is this temporary jolt wort it? Is it worth isolating yourself from the world in order to feel superior? Isn't it time to let bygones be bygones?"

Another central tenet of the book is the levels of consciousness. Here, Hawkins describes 12-15 levels of consciousness and their associated emotions. In the low consciousness zone we find shame, guilt, and apathy. Above apathy are fear and anger. These levels are coded above apathy because they can at least motivate someone to act in a positive way. (Recall the saying "The opposite of love is not hate but indifference".) For Hawkins, the gateway from low consciousness to higher consciousness is the level of courage. Courage is the level above which all other levels trend upwards and below which all levels trend downwards. My conception of this level of consciousness comes not from Hawkins' book but from Nathaniel Branden's description of self-esteem: "The disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness."

It is amazing how someone who has never met you can describe your most inner thoughts and feelings to a T. While reading this book, I was dealing with a personal situation that had the tendency to appear nuanced and somewhat unique to me. In several passages, Hawkins describes perfectly my situation and the causes of my feelings and fears. Because he is both trained and objective, his ability to describe me and then offer advice was invaluable. "The more personal, the more universal." (less)
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Dec 30, 2018Mehrsa rated it liked it
There are definitely nuggets of truth and great wisdom in here, but it’s quite repetitive. Also, it’s pretty out there. If you follow this protocol, you’ll lose weight, have great sex, succeed in life, etc. I guess I don’t buy most of the aura stuff either. But I do believe in letting go.
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Oct 25, 2015Alison rated it really liked it
I read this entire book and got a lot out of it, though at the end I thought I had somehow missed the whole "letting go technique". That being said, Hawkins composes thoughts, ideas, strategies about the concept of letting go - which has been addressed in many and various ways by both psychological and spiritual traditions - that do seem somewhat novel. I especially appreciate his explanation of the "hierarchy" of emotions and their actual frequency levels. One thing that annoyed me is that he would tell stories or use examples about an individual but without pronouns (i.e., instead of saying "I" or "He" the story would read: "The illness kept occurring until one day the realization occurred that something different should be tried." I realize the idea was probably to separate attachment from the "small self" but it read very awkwardly.) I really did get a lot out of this book and plan to read it again - especially to make sure I didn't miss the magic technique! But I believe, as with many promised methods of gaining inner peace and freedom, this is not about a quick fix, but a daily - hourly - yearly - consistent practice. (less)
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Jul 14, 2020Hissa marked it as dnf · review of another edition
I. Fucking. Give. Up.
Annoying. Full of Mumbo-jumbo.
This book claims so many things but don’t follow through with it’s claim.
The book also blame everything bad on the person! Bad things happen.. it doesn’t mean I am bad or I need to fix me so bad things wont happen to me.
The most annoying this is that he discusses many things but doesn’t go into how to properly practice these concepts.
So i know what letting go means.. but how to achieve it?

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Jul 06, 2018Kilian Markert rated it really liked it
Shelves: spirituality, therapy-coaching
I have ambiguous feelings about this book, but end it on a positive note.

The Negative:

*Starting with high-expectations, I soon realized that the book offers a lot of pseudo-science and new age claims without any justification (see other reviews). His justification of most claims is: "it's glaringly obvious". Good job, David.

*It seemed to me that the author itself has still a strong attachment to his ego. The calibrations of his kinesiology test seem to be subjectively biased. (US Constitution, Churchill, patriotism.) His books score higher on his scale of consciousness than Buddhism.

*His kinesiology arm test supposedly doesn't work with atheists, because they negate the effect of this "mechanism of truth" such as hate negates love.

* The technique of letting go itself could be described in way more detail.

The Positive:

Why would I still give a 4-star rating?

Because the central message is of enormous value. I would distill it into the following takeaways:

Don't resist anything. Whatever you resist persists. Allow yourself to fully feel your emotions. Let them run their course and let them go.
The source of mental suffering and blocks are repressed experiences. Become aware of them and let them go.
Let go of strong desire and attachment. Transcend your ego, your pride, and your blind spots. Be open to learning and being humbled. Show love towards everything.

This love and acceptance of every moment by letting go of the resistance to feeling and being present to this moment put you in the perfect situation to change it.

For a complementary read check out Eckhart Tolles's "The Power of Now". (less)
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Aug 16, 2017Ana rated it it was ok
This was recommended to me by my therapist and I must say I'm disappointed yet deeply unimpressed. I don't necessarily disagree with everything -in fact, I do find the technique useful- but a lot of his conclusions are just...stupid, delusional if you will, and the fact that he uses Mother Theresa and Ghandi as examples takes some credibility away from him, in my opinion. I mean, forgive me if I don't find reassuring Hawkin's use of a raging misogynist, racist and anti jew like Ghandi as a symbol of love, as an example to follow.

Also, his writting is quite repetitive, which is something I've found to be very common among books on spirituality but it didn't bother me as much, I guess I was just too busy rolling my eyes and staring into the void indefinitely wondering how a book like this could've been published.

HOWEVER I'm glad I've read it since it has rekindled my interest in meditation and mindfulness, so I guess there's a silver lining to everything. (less)
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Jul 14, 2019Cheese rated it it was amazing
“Ignore thoughts. They are just endless rationalisations of inner feelings.”

Letting Go goes into detail about the different emotional states of consciousness and rates them from 0 - 1000, 0 being suicidal/shame and 1000 being enlightened.

There is a mid table line where someone goes from being unhappy to happy and it also explains each emotion and how it affects us in everyday life.

All this is good an well, but the title of the book is about the method of surrendering. Letting go is about growing as a person and the method of surrender is how to get there. By surrendering your hatred for example, you can move up the table to anger. If you surrender your anger you move up to courage, to love and so on.

Overall I found the book fascinating. A great book. One I’d recommend to anyone. (less)
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Mar 21, 2013Heiki Eesmaa rated it it was amazing
Quite different from the rest of DRH's work. While surrender itself is Lester Levenson's releasing, currently best known as Sedona Method, the Doc puts so different a spin on it that the origin of the technique is just a side remark. (less)
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Mar 07, 2017Pål Fiva rated it did not like it
Bought it on a whim. Contains some interesting ideas and observations, but they drown in the tsunami of logical fallacies, junk science and overall mumbo jumbo.
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Feb 05, 2015Cheryl rated it it was amazing
What can I say here except "Well done David R Hawkins!!"? I have read most of his work starting with Power vs Force which Wayne Dyer was recommending during one of his tours. I was immediately struck with the excitement that comes whenever I read something that totally resonates. This was at the beginning of conscious seeking & I have been reading his successive works since, while mastering thoughts, feelings & finally falling into Awakening.

And then I see this book (also recommended by Wayne Dyer)for only a couple of bucks on Kindle. So I thought "Well it`ll be nice to read something by him again..." Well it was a lot more than nice! Such a wonderful & simple solution to any & all contraction & resistance. I was using the technique (as he calls it)by the 2nd or 3rd chapter & can already feel it clearing, clearing, clearing all of of the stuff that`s been getting me stuck. It`s so simple & beautiful. And all the great Masters have talked about this, so it`s nothing new, but somehow the way he states things is so clear & concise it just became part of my practice with no effort whatsoever.

Amazing work, David & thanks you for putting it out there Wayne & the people at Amazon!!
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Top reviews from other countries

Thomas W.
5.0 out of 5 stars Reading this book is probably the best thing you'll ever do in your life
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 13 January 2017
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Before discovering this book, my life was the complete opposite as to what I feel now. I was chained down by deep negative emotions which ultimately effected every bit of my reality. The worst thing was, I wasn't even aware of how I felt and why I was doing the things I did. I would plague myself with limiting beliefs. I would worry myself over every little thing and felt fear constantly. I would tense my eyebrows into a frown when I tried to sleep, as if in constant agony. I would feel "off" with the world without even knowing why. Life felt hard and I hated many aspects of it and eventually the pressure of such heavy (and often subconscious) emotions just got too much. I knew change needed to happen.

After studying the teachings of Dr David Hawkins in this book (along with his others), my life has been completely changed. I have never felt such deep, profound peace before. Ever. This book inspired me to follow other teachings of the nature of reality, consciousness, emotions, psychology etc... and within a short period of time, my perspective and awareness of the world has evolved exponentially. It is by far the best thing I have ever come across in my life, I am so grateful for this book and everything it has taught me; It is simply not possible to truly describe the expansiveness of life now. The author's elegant and comprehensible writing style conveys ideas in a way that no hyper-technical knowledge is required in order to understand what is being conveyed. That being said, it is advisable to read it with an open mind, with the intent of wanting to understand and reflect upon what is being said. You may find it a little far-fetched at the beginning,almost surreal at first, but upon further reading and contemplating, you'll start to understand the true essence of what is being said. The penny drops and it hits you like a tonne of bricks.

To anyone wishing for a profoundly deeper connection with your own 'inner-world', as well as the outer-world and live a much more fulfilling/magical life, please give this book a go. It is the most incredible piece of work I have ever come across; The level of peace and happiness that can (and has been) be obtained through said knowledge has no boundaries.
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P. J. Kosinski
2.0 out of 5 stars Some good advice early on but later on dangerous to those with real medical problems
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 7 January 2020
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The book is full of horrible pseudoscience, for example at one point author questions the existence of viruses. It is scary as some people could stop their life saving treatment by reading this pile of crap.

I wanted to learn how to let go of negative emotions, how to move on from the things that bother me and clear my mind so I can focus on the positive things in my life. The first part of the book was manageable, some techniques there seemed to be grounded in psychology and actually work. This is the reason why its such danger to others - as more impressionable people might harm themselves by following the advice in later parts of the book.

Why so many 5* reviews? Because of our fear of lack of control, this book tells us that if we 'Let go' of negativity or stress, or even later on material possessions we will safeguard ourselves from horrible diseases later in life. We all fear that which we can't control and this book plays on that. We try to explain it away, so the fear goes away and we feel completely in control - which of course is an illusion and a paradox if you think about what the book is called.

Do not get me wrong though - there is plenty of utility in learning on how to let go. I would suggest however that you do not learn it from this book and instead look for other books.

There is nothing wrong with believing in life energy and how it all connects us. There is nothing wrong with belief that our mind can cure us or that beliefs can make life easier and aid our recovery from illness. However, those beliefs should never go against modern science and medicine, they should work in tandem. if you believe in God then you should believe that medicine was put here for a reason, that science and researchers who uncover it exist for a reason.

Your beliefs should be a supplement to medicine and psychology, not a replacement.
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1.0 out of 5 stars Absolute tosh.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 29 December 2018
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I’m compelled to write the review I wish I had read before wasting my money on this rubbish. Forget any pretence the author may have to be a man of science. This book is complete mumbo jumbo, pseudoscience of the worst kind. Lurches from cliche to cliche. Victim is responsible for their own misfortune. A broken heart leads to heart attack. On and on. Avoid
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Just couldn't help commenting
5.0 out of 5 stars I highly recommend this book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 19 August 2017
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I highly recommend this book. It would not be an exaggeration if I said I owe all my recovery, and personal growth to this book and to this author.
I was able to let go some of the most stubborn emotional residue which were in the unconscious level as well.
I believe that the approach introduced in this book is highly effective for anyone who is sincere, ready, and willing to try.
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3.0 out of 5 stars Great book, BUT.....
Reviewed in Canada on 30 July 2017
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Great book, great material.
HOWEVER, from a practicality standpoint, many readers may find the question arise: "How do I let go?"
Let me help you out, where the writer failed to give a practical stance on doing 'the work'.
1. Sit comfortably, silence the mind with a some deep breaths (give yourself about 5-10 minutes).
2. Next, ask some probing questions such as, "what grief, apathy, jealousy am I feeling right now? , "when was the last, and first time i felt these sensations in my body" Continue to focus on your attention on the sensations (tightness, upset, etc) in your body AND breathe into them
3. After maximizing the sensations to as much as you possibly can, start visualizing yourself breathing them out and letting them run their course.

What i found was that one does not feel happier, but there is a sense of lightness. Eventually in the days coming forward, those sensations will run their course and you will re-experience what you have been meant to process and resolve.

I wish you luck on your endeavour to release the past and future anxieties. You will find peace!
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The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential by David R. Hawkins | Goodreads

The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential by David R. Hawkins | Goodreads

The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential
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The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential
by David R. Hawkins
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An accessible exploration of best-selling author's most famous work, The Map of Consciousness, that helps readers experience healing and transcendence.

The Map of Consciousness Explained is an essential primer on the late Dr. David R. Hawkins's teachings on human consciousness and their associated energy fields.
Using muscle testing, Dr. Hawkins conducted more than 250,000 calibrations during 20 years of research to define a range of values, attitudes, and emotions that correspond to levels of consciousness. This range of values--along with a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000--became the Map of Consciousness, which Dr. Hawkins first wrote about in his New York Times bestseller, Power vs. Force.
In this book, readers will gain an introduction and deeper understanding of the Map, with visual charts and practical applications to help them heal, recover, and evolve to higher levels of consciousness and energy. (less)
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Paul Larke
Feb 21, 2021Paul Larke rated it did not like it
I’m not going to review this book. I will simply allow the authors words to reverberate in your consciousness. Quick note: All this will not mean much to you unless you know what is ‘consciousness calibration’. You can type it into Google or YouTube to find out!

Under ‘40 characteristics of integrous teachers and teachings’ [Basically, how to authenticate a true teacher or true teaching]:

“1 Universality. Truth is true at all times and places, independent of culture, personalities, or circumstances.
“3. Availability It is open to all – nonexclusive. There are no secrets to be revealed, hidden or sold, and no magical formulas or “mysteries”.
“8. No requirements or demands: There are no required memberships, dues regulations, oaths, rules, or conditions.”

Some quotes from later in the book:

“At this time in human history, not a single guidepost can be relied upon other than the kinesiologic test of the actual calibration of the level of consciousness of a teacher, organisation, or teaching. The naïve are impressed by outward piety and claims of supernatural powers, paranormal feats, fanciful titles and special “spiritual” garments. Serious spiritual students are encouraged to verify each teacher or teaching according to the calibrated list of “characteristics of integrous teachers and teachings” in Chapter 8”

Under ‘Limitations of consciousness calibration’:

“Approximately 10 percent of the population is not able to use the kinesiologic testing technique for as-yet unknown reasons. The test is accurate only if the test subjects themselves calibrate over 200 and the intension of the use of the test is integrous and also calibrates over 200”

Under ‘Disqualification’:
“Both scepticism (cal. 160) and cynicism calibrate below 200 because they reflect negative prejudgment. In contrast, true enquiry requires an open mind and honesty devoid of intellectual vanity. Negative studies of behavioural kinesiology all calibrate below 200 (usually at 160), as do the investigators themselves […] That even famous professors can and do calibrate below 200 may seem surprising to the average person […] The failure of investigators who themselves, or by faulty research design, calibrate below 200 confirms the truth of the very methodology they claim to disprove. They “should” get negative results, so they do – which, paradoxically, proves the accuracy of the test…”

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Paul Bard
Jan 22, 2021Paul Bard rated it really liked it
11 highlights
Excerpts from Power Vs Force, Devotional Nonduality, the talks and lectures, and helpful lists from the other books, combined with helpful clarifying reminders from Doc’s work.

In many ways it is the ideal introduction to Hawkins’ work.

Overall, a yin feminine path of surrender, beingness, introspection, inner responsibility for the projections of the world, kindness, humor, gratitude, caution, and overall conservative spirituality.
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Yazaid Ahmed
Feb 28, 2021Yazaid Ahmed rated it it was amazing
Let Go and Let God

My journey with this book has been one of calm, tranquility and serenity. It is so relieving to realize that the world is perfect as it is. The dissolution of the personal will and the emergence of spiritual will, or rather to be more precise, the revelation of the spiritual will brings to mind an extreme state of peace, love, confidence in the Divine and absolute humility that all the good that one does is not actually done by one's self but rather by God. (less)
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Jennifer  Blau
Feb 09, 2021Jennifer Blau rated it it was amazing
Shelves: 2021-read
HIGHLY recommend. Savor this one for as long as you can. Fascinating information on conscious levels. If personal growth and being a better human as well as understanding the depths of hell we all sometimes pass through is of interest to you, you’ll love this book. I started with a sample to know if it would resonate with me!
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Adriann Meyer
Mar 31, 2021Adriann Meyer rated it it was amazing
One of the most valuable books ever

Life changing . Words fail to make any sense. The spiritual adventurer will find this work totally transformational. Thank you for your work sir. You gave us insight into the heart of God . This book goes with me everywhere.
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Feb 16, 2021Stargazer rated it really liked it
Shelves: metaphysical-types
Some fascinating material in here but now i understand why so many people downvoted it on audible, tho it was nice to hear his laugh, some of it was just inaudible or difficult to make out, Interesting but would have preferred to read it. I'd definitely read any of his books i could get free. (less)
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Anthony Clendenen
Nov 10, 2020Anthony Clendenen rated it it was amazing
Excellent Primer for Hawkins Students

In this book Fran does an excellent job of editing Dr. Hawkins works and putting them into a single volume that introduces new students to the vast spiritual work done by Doc. This is also a great read for existing students.

Top review from Australia
5.0 out of 5 stars A comprehensive and cohesive 'greatest hits' overview of the work (and GREAT eBook formatting!)
Reviewed in Australia on 5 November 2020
Verified Purchase
As far as I understand, this is a compilation work that sources from Doc's various books, as well as lectures and audio works that aren't otherwise featured in written form.

If you're well versed in the work of Dr. Hawkins, then a lot of stuff will be repeated, but I think it is all still presented in a highly valuable way. The book also features a great introduction from Susan Hawkins.

One of the strengths of this book is that the kindle e-book is formatted really well. The table of contents is well structured and the tables have been formatted so that they fit and present nicely with various text and screen sizes.

It is also a 'practical' guide and has a lot of general life advice for success, health and wellbeing.
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Top reviews from other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful and exceptional
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 October 2020
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If you are a follower of his work I think you would like this collaborative book. Im only at 31% but it reinforces his teachings and gives practical real world examples which I find really helpful. I am so glad I bought this book
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Tim Sandman
5.0 out of 5 stars Dr Hawkins was a Spiritual Genius and correlates with Alcohol Recovery
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 December 2020
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The Spiritual information you learn here surpasses all other spiritual books. I would also Recommend "Power vs Force and the next 3 books in his series of tomes.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Great book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 April 2021
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So glad to have come across Dr David R Hawkins and his work. It has really changed my view of life and reality and helped me to understand why people behave the way they do. Really enjoyed this book and would recommend it.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant mind sharing wisdom will all mortals
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 6 March 2021
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As we navigate the world and its uncertain events, this is an amazing book to better understand yourself, others and the world we live in, based on our levels of consciousness. We look for inner peace and love in external circumstances, desires, addictions but it's all within us.
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Best book on the field of consciousness
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 24 November 2020
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Excellent read!
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David R. Hawkins: psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher

Amazon.com: David R. Hawkins: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

About David R. Hawkins
Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as " Enlightenment," "Self-Realization," and "Unio Mystica."Rarely, if ever, has this spiritual state occurred in the life of an accomplished scientist and physician. Therefore, Dr. Hawkins is uniquely qualified to present a spiritual path that is scientifically compelling to modern society.

The classical hallmarks of this state are pristine awareness of Ultimate Reality, compassion for all beings, tireless dedication to alleviate suffering, radiant joy, and humor. People from all walks of life, nationalities, and spiritual orientations honor Dr. Hawkins as a teacher of advanced awareness, exemplified in the title "Rae Ryeong Seon Kak Tosa" (Foremost Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment) bestowed upon him in Korea.

Founding Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. (1983) and Founder of the Path of Devotional Nonduality (2003), Dr. Hawkins has lectured widely at such places as Westminster Abbey; Oxford Forum; Universities of Notre Dame, Michigan, Argentina, Fordham and Harvard; University of California (SF) Medical School; Institute of Noetic Sciences; and Agape Spiritual Center (Los Angeles). In addition, he has been an advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He has conferred with foreign governments on international diplomacy and has been instrumental in resolving long-standing conflicts that were major threats to world peace.

He is featured in recent documentary films, magazines, and radio interviews (e.g., Oprah Radio and Institute of Noetic Sciences) for his work in the areas of health, healing, recovery, spirituality in modern life, consciousness research, and meditation.

Dr. Hawkins entered the field of medicine to alleviate human pain and distress, and his work as a physician was pioneering. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health Center (1956-1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968-1979) on Long Island, his clinic was the largest practice in the United States, including a suite of twenty-five offices, two thousand outpatients, and several research laboratories. In 1973, he co-authored the ground-breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linus Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry.

His clinical breakthroughs brought appearances on The Today Show, The Barbara Walters Show and The Mcneil/Leher News Hour. In the 1970s, he co-founded several psychiatric organizations, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Schizophrenia and the Attitudinal Healing Center in New York.

Many awards followed, such as The Huxley Award for the "Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering," Physicians Recognition Award by the American Medical Association, 50-Year Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Psychiatric Association, the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, and a nomination for the prestigious Templeton Prize that honors progress in Science and Religion. In 1995, in a ceremony officiated by the H.H. Prince Valdemar of Schaumburg-Lippe at the San Anselmo Theological Seminary, he became a knight of the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem (founded in 1077) in recognition of his contributions to humanity.

A trademark of Dr. Hawkins's research is his pioneering, internationally-known and applied "Map of Consciousness," presented in the ever-popular book Power vs. Force (1995), translated into over twenty-five languages. The "Map of Consciousness" incorporates findings from quantum physics and nonlinear dynamics, thereby confirming the classical "stages" of spiritual evolution found in the world's sacred literature as actual "attractor fields."

These spiritual levels had been delineated by saints, sages, and mystics; yet there had never been a scientific framework by which to understand the inner terrain. The "Map of Consciousness" is clinically sophisticated in its depiction of each level's emotional tone, view of God, and view of life. For example, "Fear" views God as punitive, whereas "Love" views God as loving.

The "Map of Consciousness" illumines heretofore unknown aspects of consciousness. With each progressive rise in the level of consciousness, the "frequency" or "vibration" of energy increases. Thus, higher consciousness radiates a beneficial and healing effect on the world, verifiable in the human muscle response which stays strong in the presence of love and truth. In contrast, non-true or negative energy fields which "calibrate" below the level of integrity induce a weak muscle response. This stunning discovery of the difference between "power" and "force" has influenced numerous fields of human endeavor: business, advertising, education, psychology, medicine, law, and international relations.

Thus we see that the uniqueness of Dr. Hawkin's work is that an individual of advanced spiritual consciousness also possesses the intellect and clarity to express and communicate the characteristics of these highly­ evolved states of awareness that few have experienced.

Dr. Hawkins's writings constitute the first modern demarcation of the highest levels of human consciousness (Self­Realization, the Void, Nothingness vs. Allness, Full Enlightenment) and their differential phenomena. In his books, he explains each level of consciousness (energy field) in language that is free of dogma, and is inspirational to all walks of life.

He established the Pathway of Devotional Nonduality - a direct course to Enlightenment via clarification of core essentials that merely await activation by decision, intention, and dedication of the will. His book, "Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality," is basically an instruction manual for the serious spiritual devotee, revealing information that is known only by those who have transcended the ego to reach Divine Realization.

He is the author of the best-selling trilogy, Power vs. Force (published in 25 languages); The Eye of the I; and I: Reality and Subjectivity; and seven additional books, including Truth vs. Falsehood; Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment; Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality; Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man; Healing and Recovery, Along the Path to Enlightenment; and Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. released in 2009. His books are published in numerous languages and sold worldwide.

Dr. Hawkins's honors are vast. His background is detailed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World, and his work has been acclaimed by many world leaders and Nobelists, including Mother Teresa. His life is completely devoted to the upliftment of mankind.

Now in his eighties, Dr. Hawkins maintains a demanding schedule of lectures, radio interviews, and book projects. Similar to other advanced teachers (Mother Teresa, Ramana Maharshi), seekers come from all over the world to be in his presence, stating that the "aura" or "radiance" has a transformative effect via "silent transmission." He insists that what others witness in him is really their own true nature.

The teachings of Devotional Nonduality emphasize the core truths of the world's great spiritual traditions: kindness and compassion to everything and everyone (including oneself), humility, forgiveness, reverence for all of life, and surrender to God. It is a direct path to Enlightenment in which each internal progression of love and integrity uplifts the whole of existence: "We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become," states Dr. Hawkins.


Recent accomplishments include: Speaking Engagements at Mishka Productions/Hay House "Celebrate Your Life" Conference in Phoenix, Arizona in November, 2010; Agape Revelations Conference in Los Angeles headed by Reverend Michael Beckwith; the Hay House "I Can Do It" Conference in Las Vegas in 2007 and 2008 as a featured author and presenter; all-day presentations at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach, California to an audience of 800, and in Cottonwood and Prescott, Arizona to audiences of 900. He conducts regular local seminars and Satsangs (question-and-answer sessions) to sold-out audiences in Arizona and California, and participated in numerous domestic and international film documentaries exploring multifaceted spiritual topics and his current consciousness research findings. The Satsangs have been offered at no charge as a public service to mankind. The seminars reveal data about our technological society and how to live a fulfilled spiritual life within its complexities; titles include: "God vs. Science: Limits of the Mind," "Relativism vs. Reality," "What is Real?", "he Human Dilemma," "Spiritual Survival: Realization of Reality" and "Spirituality: Reason and Faith," to name a few. Seminar attendees include people from numerous countries who travel to the U.S. solely to experience the unique combination of the realization of scientific and spiritual knowingness exemplified by Dr. Hawkins; a contingent of South Koreans, headed by Reverend J. H. Moon of the International Meditation Association, traveled to Sedona in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011, exclusively for a seminar and audience with Dr. Hawkins. He recorded a segment entitled "In The World But Not Of It" for a Nightingale-Conant CD set, focusing on integrating spiritual practice in our modern-day world. His most recent CD Set with Nightingale-Conant, recorded in 2010, is a top-selling interview entitled "Healing," which encompasses spiritual principles and applications related to healing; canceling limiting beliefs; practical tools for relief in major crises, stress and illness. He participated in numerous radio interviews, including Oprah Radio and Noetic Sciences. In 2008 Dr. Hawkins completed his book "Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man," based on the revelations of consciousness research, describing how to discern truth from falsehood and the illusion of appearance from the core of inner reality.

His recent book, published in 2009, is entitled "Healing and Recovery," and is based on a group of lectures conducted by the author at the request of spiritual and self-help groups. The book reveals why the body may not respond to traditional medical approaches, and provides specific instructions and guidelines that can result in healing from disease. Our society lives with constant stress, anxiety, fear, pain, suffering, depression, and worry. Alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, sexual problems and cancer are constantly in the news. This timely book provides information about how to address life's challenges without necessarily resorting to drugs, surgery or counseling, and explains the importance of including spiritual practices in one's healing and recovery.

Two additional books published in 2011 by Hay House, Inc. are: Along the Path to Enlightenment: 365 Daily Reflections from David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.; and Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self: Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. Along the Path to Enlightenment discusses blocks to spiritual progress, and how we can transcend them. As a mystic, Dr. Hawkins has infused the truths found in the precepts of Western religion with the core of Eastern philosophy, bridging the familiar, physical world with the nonlinear, spiritual domain. The passages in this book, selected from Dr. Hawkins's extensive writings, offer a new contemplation for each day. Any one of these passages, fully understood, can elevate one's level of consciousness. Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self covers how one traverses the spiritual landscape to move beyond suffering, to experience the peace and love of God, to transcend illusion and realize the state of enlightenment. The reader is reminded of the illusory nature of the ego, along with the direct pathways to transcend its trappings. These pocket editions are reliable companions on the spiritual aspirant's quest toward higher truth.

Two additional books being published in 2011 by Hay House, Inc. are: Along the Path to Enlightenment: 365 Daily Reflections from David R. Hawkins; and Transcending the Self, Realizing the Self: Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins.

Dr. Hawkins receives so many requests for projects, radio and film interviews, and speaking engagements, both domestic and international, that he must turn down the vast majority; countries include Canada, Mexico, India, South Korea, Germany, England, Ireland, Japan, Israel and Dubai, as well as from coast to coast in the U.S. Dr. Hawkins is bombarded with daily inquiries from around the world from people who seek answers, and know that the inspiration as well as proven techniques and spiritual practices Dr. Hawkins can provide will set them on the road to authentic and lasting relief.

Milwaukee State Teachers College (now part of University of Wisconsin), 1948
The Medical College of Wisconsin (established as Marquette University School of Medicine), 1953
Columbia Pacific University (Doctor of Philosophy), 1995

Life Events of Interest

Awards and Recognition

Inducted into the 2006 American Psychiatric Association 50-year Distinguished Life Fellows honor
Inducted into the 2006 Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame
Established Devotional Nonduality as a major spiritual pathway and the Science of Consciousness Research
Published numerous articles in spiritual periodicals, 1990 - current
Has appeared on The Today Show, Science, Barbara Walters, the McNeil-Leher News Hour and talk radio shows worldwide, including Oprah Radio
Presents lectures and workshops throughout the U.S. and the world, along with monthly full-day seminars, 2002 - current
Gave annual Landsberg Lecture at the University of California Medical School at San Francisco
Listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World
Appointed consultant to the Unity School of Religious Studies and post-graduate curriculum, including establishment of the Unity School of Consciousness Studies, 2003
Published research on Science of Consciousness in series of books in 14 languages
Establishment of worldwide independent study groups
Nobelists and world leaders accorded recognition in support of world value of research and writings: Dr. Linus Pauling; Mother Teresa; Lee Iacocca; Sam Walton; Bill W. (founder of Alcoholics Anonymous); numerous clergy and businessmen (spirit in business).
Consultant to government leaders, South Korea, 2000
Received title "Tae Ryoung Sun Kak Dosa" (Teacher of Enlightenment), Seoul, Korea, 2000
Knighted by the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem by authority of the Priory of King Waldemar the Great. The Order was established in 1070 and arrived in Denmark around 1164. The ceremony was conducted by H. H. Prince Waldemar of Schaumburg-Lippe on October 7, 2000. He was elected to the Order in October 1996 and was sponsored by Fernando Flores, then an ambassador to the United Nations. The Danish Order then established a branch in the Americas, which supports humanitarian projects in third-world countries.
Physicians Recognition Award, American Medical Association, 1992
Elected to Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Founded 1077), 1989
Invited to become Commissioner of Mental Health, State of New York, February, 1983
Citation from Medical College of Wisconsin for "Contribution to Medicine"
Taught classes on Advaita
Published articles with Bill W., cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous
Taught classes based on A Course in Miracles
Consultant to clergy, cloistered nuns, Episcopal and Catholic dioceses, the Zen Monastery (NYC), and spiritual groups
North Nassau Mental Health Center Award for "Dedication to the Alleviation of Human Suffering," 1978
Huxley Award for "Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering," 1979
Published Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobelist Linus Pauling, 1973
Published numerous scientific papers in the American Journal of Psychiatry amongst other fine publications, 1953 - current
Founder and Director, The Mental Health Center (largest practice in New York City), 1958 - 1980
Training Psychoanalysis by Prof. Lionel Oversey, M.D., at Columbia University Psychoanalytic Institute
Supervising Psychiatrist, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, 1957
Awarded Fellowship in Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, 1956
Intern, Columbia Hospital, New York School of Psychiatry, 1954
Mosby Book Award for Scholastic Excellence, 1953
Alpha Omega Alpha - National Medical Scholastic Honor Society, 1952

North Nassau Mental Health Center, Inc., 1958
Federation of Mental Health Centers, 1963
North Nassau Clinical Laboratories, 1970
North Nassau Research Division and Laboratories, 1971
An Integrated System for the Care of Schizophrenics, 1971
Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 1971
Institute for Applied Spiritual Studies, 1980

Schizophrenics Anonymous (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Schizophrenia Foundation of New York State (Incorporator; Director)
Schizophrenia Foundation of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Institute for Scientific Communications (Incorporator; Board of Directors)
Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry (Editorial Board)
Journal of Schizophrenia (Editorial Board)
St. George's Day Activities Center (Medical Advisor)
The Attitudinal Healing Center of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Christ Church Day Activities Center (Medical Advisor)
The Masters Gallery of Fine Arts (Co-Director)
Mental Health Fairs
The Gateposts Halfway House (Medical Advisor)
Garfield House (Halfway House)
Day Activities Center of Port Washington (Medical Advisor)
Brunswick House (Alcoholism; Psychiatric Consultant)
New York Association of Holistic Health Centers
Life Support Systems (Board of Directors)
Space Form (Ecologic Communities and Low-Energy Housing)
Became Director Emeritus of the North Nassau Mental Health Center in 1980 and gave up psychiatric practice to spend full time on spiritual research.


American Medical Association (Life Member)
American Psychiatric Association (Life Member)
New York State Medical Society
Nassau County Medical Society
Nassau Physicians Guild
Nassau Academy of Medicine
New York Academy of Science
The American Association for the Advancement of Science
New York State Psychiatric Association
Qualified Psychiatrist, New York State Department of Mental Health
Nassau Psychiatric Society
New York State Clinical Directors Association
American Association of Psychiatric Administrators
Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry (Founding President; Chairman of the Board)
International Academy of Preventive Medicine
American Holistic Health Association
The Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research (Board of Directors)
Academy of Religion and Mental Health
New York State Association of the Professions
The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
Schizophrenia Foundation of New York State (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
The Attitudinal Healing Center of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
North Nassau Mental Health Center (Director Emeritus)
Medical Society of the Brunswick Hospital (Director of Psychiatric Research)
Attending Staff, Gracie Square Hospital
Youth Consultation Services, Episcopal Dioceses, Long Island (Psychiatric Consultant)
Editorial Board, Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry
Editorial Board, Journal of Schizophrenia
Editorial Board, (Alcoholism), Journal of Psychotherapy
American Schizophrenia Association (Scientific Advisory Board)
National Society for Autistic Children (Professional Advisory Board)
Long Island Council on Alcoholism
The Federation of Mental Health Centers (Co-founder)
American Medical Society on Alcoholism
Arizona Medical Society
Arizona Psychiatric Society
Brunswick House (Director of Research, Alcoholism)
The National Acupuncture Research Society
American Geriatric Society
International Council on Applied Nutrition
The Academy of Preventive Medicine
Canadian Psychiatric Association (Associate Member)
American Society for Psychological Research
Monroe Institute for Applied Science
International Kirlian Research Association
National Council on Alcoholism
The Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
The Society for the Study of Addictions
American Institute for Scientific Communications (Co-founder)
International Society for General Semantics
Consultant on Alcoholism, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
American Ontoanalytic Association
Consultant, New York Foundling Hospital
New York Paleontological Society
Consultant, Operation Hotline
Non-Medical Memberships

The First Zen Institute of America, 1960
The Institute for Applied Spiritual Studies (Founder, Chairman), 1983
Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research, Inc. [501© (3) Public Charity], 1983
Sovereign Order, St John of Jerusalem, 1995
Devotional Nonduality Community (Founder, 2003)

데이비드 호킨스 -의식혁명 (인간의 의식수준)

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2015. 4. 23. — 데이비드 호킨스 -의식혁명 (인간의 의식수준) 에너지 수준 20 : 수치심 수치심의 수준은 위험할 정도로 죽음과 가장 가까운 상태로서, 더 이상 살고 ...

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정신연령 테스트, 나의 정신연령은 몇 살?

정신연령 테스트, 나의 정신연령은 몇 살?

정신 수준이 높아지면 이런 멋진일이 일어난다!


정신 수준이 높아지면 이런 멋진일이 일어난다!<2>


2005. 1. 16. 17:08
본문 기타 기능
출처 WishComeTrue|way2truth88

새로운 세계의 사람들과 친분이 생긴다.

정신 수준이 높아지면 교제 범위도 달라진다.

예전의 자신이라면 알고 지낼 기회가 없었던 새로운 세계의 사람들과 친분 관계가 형성되는 것이다.

예전에는 알지 못했던 새로운 세계란 자신과 직업이 다르거나, 학교가 달라서 만남의 장이 없었던 사람일 수 도 있고, 이전에는 교제하기 어려웠던 사회적 지위가 높은 사람일 수 도 있다. 말하자면 지금까지 자신이 사귀던 사람들과는 다른 종류의 사람들이다.

예를 들어 직종이 바뀌면 업무 동료의 종류도 바뀌는 경우처럼, 외적 원인에 의한 것 만은 아니다.

자신의 사회적 상황은 변하지 않더라도 정신 수준이 높아지면 교우 범위가 넓어 진다.

더욱이 새로 알게 된 것에 그치지 않고 그 사람과 뜻밖으로 의기투합하거나, 나이 차이에도 상관없이 친분을 유지하고 싶은 사람을 만나기도 한다.

새로이 만나는 사람만이 아니다. 지금까지 알고 지내면서도 특별히 친하지 않았던 사람과 갑작스레 친해지는 경우도 있다.

사람마다 만나거나 친해지는 형태와 계기는 다르지만, '어쩐지 요즘 들어 교우 범위가 예전과는 달라' 하고 느낄 때는 자신의 정신 수준이 높아졌다는 증거이다.

왜 정신 수준이 높아지면 교우 범위가 변하는 것일까?

지금까지 친하게 지내던 사람들은 자신과 정신 수준이 같았던 셈이다. 따라서 정신 수준이 높아지면 예전 정신 수준에서 성립되었던 그룹안에서는 만족을 얻지 못하게 된다. 불편하다는 느낌이 들면서 거기에서 빠져나와 만족감을 얻을 수 있는 '상위 단계'로 올라가려고 하게 된다. 학원에서 같은 클래스 사람들보다 자신의 기술이나 능력이 향상되면 그 클래스에 만족하지 못하게 되는 것과 마찬가지이다. 즉 자신의 정신 수준이 높아지면 그에 걸맞은 새로운 사람, 예전보다 수준이 한 단계 위인 사람들과 사귀게 되는 것이다.

물론 지금까지 알고 지내던 사람들과의 관계가 끊어진다는 말은 아니다. 예전의 교우 범위에 새로운 친분 관계가 더해진 다는 것이다.

즉, 정신 수준만 높아지면 경제력이나 사회적 지위가 자신보다 훨씬 훌룡한 사람들과도 친분이 생기고, 그러한 사람들 앞에 나아가서도 당당하게 가슴을 펼 수 있다.

동성이든 이성이든 훌룡한 사람과 친해지고 싶다면, 그에 어울리는 정신 수준으로 자신을 끌어올릴 수 밖에 없다.

얼마나 훌룡한 사람들과 교류할 수 있을지 모든 것은 자신의 정신 수준에 달려있다.