
김흡영 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

김흡영 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
둘러보기로 가기검색하러 가기
대한민국의 기 대한민국 경상북도 영주시 문수면 무섬마을
국적대한민국의 기 대한민국

김흡영(Heup Young Kim, Kim Hŭb-yŏng, 金洽榮, 1949년~ )은 대한민국의 개신교 신학자이다. 본관은 선성(宣城). 자는 시원(始源), 호는 하늘새, ᄒᆞᆫᄇᆞᆸ이다. 한국과학생명포럼의 설립대표이며, 미국 버클리연합신학대학원(Graduate Theological Union)의 아시아신학 석학교수(Distinguished Asian Theologian in Residence)이었다. 강남대학교에서 조직신학 교수로 재직하였고 인문대학장, 신학대학장, 신학대학원장, 교목실장을 역임했다. 또한 한신대학교, 중국 복단대학교, 연세대학교 글로벌신학대학원의 초빙교수이었다. 영국 캠브릿지대학에 본부를 둔 과학종교학술원(International Society for Science and Religion)의 창립 펠로우이며, 아시아신학자협의회(Congress of Asian Theologians)의 제6차[1]와 제7차 총회의 공동의장과 한국조직신학회 회장을 역임했다.


경기고등학교와 서울대학교 공과대학 항공공학과를 졸업하고, 대한항공에서 항공 기술자로서 종사한 후 주식회사 대우에서 기획과 무역 업무에 종사했다. 1970년대 한국의 경제 부흥기에 그는 신발과 비단 등을 수출하는 당시 종합무역상사의 하나였던 주식회사 삼화의 해외지사 주재원이 되어 뉴욕으로 파견된다. 그러던 중 그 곳에서 유교에서 개신교로 회심하는 극적인 종교체험을 하고, 전격적으로 신학 수업에 뛰어들게 된다.

그 후 프린스턴 신학교에서 교역학석사(M.Div)와 신학석사(Th.M), 그리고 캘리포니아주 버클리 시에 소재한 버클리연합신학대학원(Graduate Theological Union)에서 조직신학과 종교철학 분야에서 철학박사(Ph.D) 학위를 취득한다.


신학 수업을 마친 후 세계적인 종교와 신학연구기관을 두루 섭렵하며, 종교신학, 문화신학, 종교간의 대화, 아시아 신학[2] 및 과학과 종교의 대화[3] 분야들에 대한 집중적인 연구에 몰두한다.

하버드 대학 세계종교연구소(Center for the Study of World Religion)[4]와 일본 교토에 있는 도시샤대학 유일신종교학제간연구소(Center forterdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions, CISMOR)[5]의 선임연구원(senior fellow), 케임브리지 대학 종교와신학고등연구센터(Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies)와 옥스퍼드 대학교의 객원연구원(visiting fellow), GTU의 신학과자연과학연구소(Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, CTNS)의 객원교수 등을 역임한다.

특히 지금까지 기독교를 지배해오던 교리 위주의 전통적 로고스 신학(theo-logos)과 그 안티테제인 실천운동 위주의 근대적 프랙시스 신학(theo-praxis)사이의 이원화를 넘어선 새로운 통전적 신학 패러다임으로 유교-기독교적 시각에 입각한 도의 신학(theo-tao)을 주장한다.[6] 또한 첨단 과학시대에 살고 있는 동북아의 상황을 바라보며, 현대과학과 종교의 학제간 대화 및 기독교와 동양종교(특히 유교 및 도교)의 종교간 대화를 아우르는 과학, 신학, 동양종교 간의 삼중적 대화(trilogue)를 주창한다.[7]


이러한 연구 업적들을 통하여 탬플턴재단(John Templeton Foundation)의 Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality Award (2005)[8], 탬플턴재단 학술연구비(John Templeton Foundation Research grant, 2004)[9], 강남대학교의 최우수연구교수상(2001) 등 여러 학술상을 받게된다. 특히 한국인 최초로 박사과정 모교인 GTU로부터 '2009년 가장 자랑스러운 동문'[10][11]으로 선정되었다.[12]


종교간의 대화, 종교신학, 아시아신학, 과학과 종교의 대화 등의 분야에서 영어와 한국어로 다수의 연구 결과물을 출판했다. 대표적인 한국어 저서로는 《도의 신학》(2000), 《도의 신학 2》(2012), 《가온찍기: 다석 유영모의 글로벌 한국신학 서설》(2013), 《현대과학과 그리스도교》(2006), 그리고 《왕양명과 칼 바르트: 유교와 그리스도교의 대화》(2020) 등이 있으며, 영문저서로는 《Wang Yang-ming and Karl Barth: a Confucian-Christian Dialogue》(1996), 《Christ and the Tao》 (2003), 그리고 《A Theology of Dao》(2017) 등이 있다.

한국어 저서[편집]

다음은 한국어로 된 저서이다.[13]



  • 《삶과 죽음의 인문학》, 석탑출판, 2012
  • 《우리 학문과 학문 방법론》, 신승환 외, 지식산업사, 2008
  • 《배움과 한국인의 삶》, 김형국, 정범모, 전상인 외, 나남신서, 2008
  • 《현대사회에서 종교권력 무엇이 문제인가》, 한국기독자교수협의회 외, 2008
  • 《21세기 신학의 과제》, 김동건 외, 대한기독교서회, 2006
  • 《현대생태신학자의 신학과 윤리》, 대한기독교서회, 2006
  • 《과학과 신학의 대화》, 대한기독교서회, 2003
  • 《신학연구 50년》, 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원, 2003
  • 《진화론과 철학》, 철학과 현실사, 2003
  • 《과학과 종교》, 동연, 2002
  • 《기독교와 현대사회》, 강남대학교출판부, 1998
  • 《21세기 세계교회의 흐름과 사회의 전망》, 한일장신대학교 출판부, 1998
  • 《한국교회의 미래와 평신도》, 대한기독교서회, 1994

영어 저서[편집]

다음은 영어로 된 저서이다.[14]



한국어 논문[편집]

다음은 한국어로 된 논문의 일부이다.[15]

  • 《우리에게 제사를 허락해다오: 제1차 WCC 기독교-유교 대화 참관기》, 기독교사상 709(2018.01), 70-79
  • 《동아시아신학의 미래와 한국신학의 과제》, 기독교사상 696(2016.12)
  • 《그리스도교의 중심이동과 도의 신학》, 아시아리뷰(서울대학교 아시아연구소) 4(2012), 15-42.
  • 《동아시아적 삼위일체론 서설》, 종교연구 65 (2011), 247-270.
  • 《陽明學을 통해 본 神學 : 왕양명과 칼 바르트의 유교-그리스도교 대화》, 양명학, 22(2009), 99-131.
  • 《도(道) 그리스도론(Christotao) 서설》, 종교연구, 54(2009), 103-130.
  • 《'여러 밤' '그이'의 '하늘놀이': 다석 유영모의 기도와 영성》, 기독교사상, 596(2008.08), 78-90.
  • 《아시아 기독교적 시각에서 본 종교와 과학 간의 대화: 신학, 동양종교, 자연과학의 삼중적 대화에 대한 제안》, 신학사상, 135(2006), 125-150.
  • 《인간배아복제 시대의 기독교 신학》, 기독교사상 (2005), 22-33
  • 《생명, 생태, 신학: 신-인간-우주(삼태극)의 묘합(도의 신학)》, 한국기독교신학논총 (2004),181-211
  • 《사이버공간의 본질과 영성, 그 종교적 대안》, 한국조직신학논총 (2003)
  • 《한국 조직신학 50년: 간문화적 고찰》, 신학연구 50년 (2003), 139-188
  • 《종교와 자연과학간의 대화를 통해 본 인간: 사회생물학의 도전과 종교적 대응》, 철학연구 (2003), 368-412
  • 《기독교의 효사상》, 대학과 선교 (2002), 218-240
  • 《한국 기독교 신학에 대한 소고》, 조직신학 논총 (2000), 121-139
  • 《유학과 신학을 통해 본 새로운 인간이해》, 한국기독교신학논총 (2000), 439-463
  • 《존 칼빈과 이퇴계의 인간론에 관한 비교연구》, 한국조직신학논총 (1999), 80-128
  • 《신-인간-우주(천-인-지): 신학, 유학, 그리고 생태학》, 한국그리스도사상 (1998), 218-260
  • 《최근 미국 포스트모던 신학의 한국신학적 평가》, 종교연구 (1997), 175-212
  • 《칼 바르트의 성화론》, 한국조직신학논총 (1995), 181-216
  • 《양지와 그리스도의 인성(II)》, 기독교사상 (1994)
  • 《양지와 그리스도의 인성(I)》, 기독교사상, 431:11 (1994), 78-90
  • 《인과 아가페: 유교적 그리스도론의 탐구》, 신학사상, 22:1 (1994), 137-176

영어 논문[편집]

다음은 영어로 된 논문이다.[16]

  • 《Death and Immortality: Biological and East Asian Religious Reflections on Transhumanism》, Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology 28(2017), 3-29
  • 《Embracing and Embodying God’s Hospitality Today in Asia》, Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology 23(2015), 87-105
  • 《Life, Ecology, and Theo-tao: Towards a Life Theology of Theanthropocosmic Tao》, Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology, 11(2009), 75-94
  • 《Sanctity of Life: A Reflection on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debates from an East Asian Christian Perspective》, KIATS Theological Journal, 2:1 (2006), 40-53.
  • 《Christianity's View of Confucianism: An East Asian Theology of Religions》 , Currents of Encounter (2005)
  • 《A Tao of Interreligious Dialogue in an Age of Globalization: An East Asian Perspective》, Political Theology (UK), 6:4 (2005), 487-499
  • 《The Coming of Yin Christ》, CTC Bulletin (Hong Kong), 19:3 (2003), 61-78
  • 《The Word Made Flesh: A Korean Perspective on Ryu Young-mo's Christotao》, Currents of Encounter (Netherlands, 2003), 129-148
  • 《Liang-chi and Humanitas Christi: An Encounter of Wang Yang-ming and Karl Barth》, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology (2001)
  • 《Owning Up to One's Own Metaphors: A Christian Journey in the Neo-Confucian Wilderness》, Third Millennium (India), 4:1 (2001), 31-40
  • 《Toward a Christotao: Christ as the Theanthropocosmic Tao》, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue (Netherlands, 2002), 1-25
  • 《A Tao of Asian Theology in the 21st Century》, Asia Journal of Theology (India), 13:2 (1999),276-293
  • 《Imago-Dei and T'ien-ming: John Calvin and Yi T'oegye on Humanity》, Ching Feng (Hong Kong), 41:3 (1998), 275-308
  • 《A Tao of Asian Theology in the 21st Century: From the Perspective of the Ugumch'i Phenomenon, Proceedings of The Congress of Asian Theologians 》(CATS) (1998), 60-72
  • 《Response to Peter Lee, A Christian-Chinese View》, Christianity and Ecology : Seeking the Well-being of Earth (USA, 1998), 357-363
  • 《The Study of Confucianism as a Theological Task》, Korea Journal of Theology (1995), 257-274
  • 《Jen and Agape: Toward a Confucian Christology》, Asia Journal of Theology (India), 8:2 (1994), 335-364
  • 《Two Concrete-Universal Ways: Their Convergence and Divergence》, Ching Feng (Hong Kong), 35:1 (1992), 4-12
  • 《上帝形象與天命》, 宗敎與中國社會硏究叢書 (China, 2001), 127-153 (중국어)


  • 2009, Graduate Theological Union Alumnus of the Year[17]
  • 2007, 학술진흥재단 인문저술연구비
  • 2005, Global Perspective on Science and Spirituality Award, John Templeton Foundation
  • 2004, 연구공로상, 강남대학교
  • 2004, Research Grant, John Templeton Foundation
  • 2003, 10년근속상, 강남대학교
  • 2001, Templeton Science and Religion Workshop, Center for Theology and Natural Science
  • 2001, 최우수연구교수상, 강남대학교
  • 2000, Templeton Science & Religion Course Award, Center for Theology and Natural Science
  • 2000, 선도연구자, 학술진흥재단
  • 1997, Senior Fellowship, Harvard University, C.S.W.R.
  • 1996, 일반연구비, 학술진흥재단
  • 1992, Henry Mayo Newhall Research Fellowship, Graduate Theological Union
  • 1991, Henry Mayo Newhall Teaching Fellowship, Graduate Theological Union
  • 1990, American Academy of Religion Award, Graduate Theological Union
  • 1989, Most Outstanding International Student Award, West-East Friends

인터뷰 및 칼럼[편집]


  1.  “신학계 애쓰지 않고 서구 명품만 모방” (국민일보, 2006년 9월 7일)
  2.  다석의 영성수련 : 중앙일보 인터뷰
  3.  종교와 과학 ‘합일점’을 찾는다 : 국민일보 기사
  4.  “CSWR senior fellow list”. 2010년 1월 17일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 12월 17일에 확인함.
  5.  CISMOR
  6.  유교-기독교적 시각, 도의신학 : 중앙일보 칼럼
  7.  “Science & Theology News Interview”. 2011년 9월 28일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 3월 1일에 확인함.
  8.  “basic bio in GPSS” (PDF). 2014년 3월 22일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2013년 10월 2일에 확인함.
  9.  John Templeton Foundation Grant: Contemporary Sciences and Christianity
  10.  김흡영 교수: 2009년 올해 GTU의 가장 자랑스러운 동문상 수상Archived 2014년 3월 22일 - 웨이백 머신 (강남뉴스, 2009년 11월 23일)
  11.  GTU Alumnus of the Year for 2009[깨진 링크(과거 내용 찾기)]
  12.  경인일보 기사인터뷰 기사
  13.  “보관 된 사본”. 2012년 3월 15일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 12월 18일에 확인함.
  14.  “보관 된 사본”. 2011년 7월 11일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 12월 18일에 확인함.
  15.  “보관 된 사본”. 2012년 3월 15일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 12월 18일에 확인함.
  16.  “보관 된 사본”. 2011년 7월 11일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 12월 18일에 확인함.
  17.  “보관된 사본”. 2014년 3월 22일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 12월 17일에 확인함.

77 기독교사상특집 특집 : 왜 유영모와 함석헌인가

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한종호 | 2008년 8월
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Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions Book 69) 1st, Polkinghorne, John - Amazon.com

Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions Book 69) 1st, Polkinghorne, John - Amazon.com

Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions Book 69) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
by John Polkinghorne (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.4 out of 5 stars    231 ratings
Part of: Very Short Introductions (540 Books)
Quantum Theory is the most revolutionary discovery in physics since Newton. This book gives a lucid, exciting, and accessible account of the surprising and counterintuitive ideas that shape our understanding of the sub-atomic world. It does not disguise the problems of interpretation that still remain unsettled 75 years after the initial discoveries. The main text makes no use of equations, but there is a Mathematical Appendix for those desiring stronger fare.
Uncertainty, probabilistic physics, complementarity, the problematic character of measurement, and decoherence are among the many topics discussed.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
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OUP Oxford
Publication date
May 30, 2002
File size
464 KB 
Editorial Reviews
About the Author

John Polkinghorne was from 1968 to 1979 Professor of Mathematical Physics in the University of Cambridge, and later president of Queen's College. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, and was knighted in 1997. His many books include The Quantum World (1986), The Faith of a Physicist (1994), and
Science and Theology (1998).
--This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
`John Polkinghorne has brought to life that most mysterious and perplexing of revolutions in understanding and has made its mysteries accessible.' Peter Atkins, University of Oxford

`John Polkinghorne has produced an excellent piece of work. ... Many authors of "popular" books on modern physics have the regrettable habit of mixing science fact with science fiction. Polkinghorne never does that: he always allows the truth to stand by itself and show its own fascination. ... I think that this is an excellent contribution to the literature on quantum theory for a general audience.' Chris Isham, Imperial College, London

`This splendid book explains both the triumph and the mystery that is quantum theory. It is a triumph because of its towering mathematical structure, and amazing empirical accuracy. It is a mystery because of the conundrums about how to interpret it. John Polkinghorne, himself a distinguished quantum physicist, is a sure guide to all of this: he celebrates the successes of the theory, and shows unfailingly good judgement about the conundrums.' Jeremy Butterfield, University of Oxford --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Product details
Publisher : OUP Oxford; 1st edition (May 30, 2002)
Publication date : May 30, 2002
Language : English
File size : 464 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 132 pages 
Customer Reviews: 4.4 out of 5 stars    231 ratings
Customer reviews
4.4 out of 5 stars 
Top reviews from the United States
invisibleTop Contributor: The Lord of the Rings
4.0 out of 5 stars I wanted to hate this book, but ended up enjoying it.
Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2018
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This book, actually more of a long pamphlet, reads surprisingly well. In my case I started with the mathematical appendix, since I can't really understand anything in physics without attaching it to at least a sprinkling of math. Once I could see how his terms were relative to the simplified version of the math he presented in the appendix everything kind of fell into place. There is just the slightest homeopathic amount of math to make the reader feel virtuous, but not enough to intoxicate them.

Kudos to Polkinghorne for his brief introductory history at the beginning of the book. This paragraph is a tangent based on my reading of that section. Which has nothing to do with quantum theory except that you have to some understanding of classical mechanics and optics to understand where quantum mechanics starts. I'd developed a general interest in this subject after studying the theories behind the patterns I'd seen in a single half slit device, the Foucalt tester, used during the polishing of a telescope mirror. So if could compare the level of this book with books on that subject, the level is 'junior hobbyist level', not what you'd see in a college course but not junior high level either. (Junior high level is really hard to determine since I figured my first mirror in the eighth grade.) I'd suppose an equivalent level book on the subject of mirror testing would be David Habour's introduction "Understanding Foucalt".

The reader interested in really looking at the subject should instead look at the Quantum Mechanics course offerings from the online MITOpenCourseWare site. Or they can buy this book when their family member asks for a brief explanation of what they learn in those courses.
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2.0 out of 5 stars A very short review of quantum theory - appropriate only for those who have already studied the subject in some detail!
Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2015
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This book is billed as "A Very Short Introduction" to quantum theory but, in fact, it's no introduction at all! The author tosses out a number of ideas from quantum theory but fails to explain them in any meaningful way. This makes the book really more appropriate as a review for people who've already studied this in the past and makes the book entirely unsuited to those who would like to learn something about this for the very first time. As an example, we have,

"The principal difference between a particle and a field is that the former has only a finite number of degrees of freedom (independent ways in which its state can change), while a field has an infinite number of degrees of freedom."

which is simply stated without any explanation whatsoever of why it might happen to be true or what those degrees of freedom might happen to be. The subsequent discussion then proceeds from this statement and is entirely inpenetratable without having first understood this statement.

Numerous examples of this make this book entirely unsuited for those new to this subject. The book is only appropriate for those who have already understood the subject and, for some reason, need a brief refresher that happens to skip all of the math (a rather small audience, I would suspect).
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Mark A. Weiss
5.0 out of 5 stars Clear on Concepts, Clear on How Science of Quantum Theory actually developed; both superb pedagogy and informative on realities
Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2015
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How it all really went down. Amazing thing about this book is that it is excellent in its pedagogy (teaching you the concepts) while AT THE VERY SAME TIME not creating a fairy-tale story -- not simplifying things as if each question was pursued only in a nice orderly textbook-style fashion. So the book teaches you quantum theory VERY effectively BUT ALSO teaches you how science really goes down. And yet: the book is not the least bit confusing. Not even the least little bit. If anybody ever thought you just had to create a fairy tale to be able to teach lay persons a science field at all well, then this book proves a counter-example to that contention. You can indeed teach both the concepts and show how science (and scienTISTS) developed without confusing your reader. Thus YOU, the review reader, can buy this book for either or both reasons: learning quantum theory or learning of how it really went down. Either or both, you'll find your book in this one. And the detail is not all that sparse. Fairly thorough.
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5.0 out of 5 stars really excellent framing of the importance of quantum theory
Reviewed in the United States on February 11, 2019
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Rather than a text on the nitty gritty of the math, this book frames quantum theory in the stream of modern thought. I found it extremely helpful in developing an understanding of the depth of impact that quantum theory has made on our understanding right up to serious ontological questions. Well written, clear, insightful.
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Boyd P. Williston
4.0 out of 5 stars A good introduction for anyone with a strong high school science background or above.
Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2018
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A very good and readable introduction to quantum theory. The book will prove challenging to many readers, especially the second half, in which the author gets pretty technical, even for a short introduction. However, the technical details are necessary to adequately deal with this very important theory which uses some sophisticated mathematics as an essential element.
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Mark Ross
5.0 out of 5 stars Unique discussions and conceptual explanations of a true master
Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2015
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A text written by a true master who brings the explanations and discussions of the foundations of quantum physics to a new level in popular books. You won't easily find elsewhere the same level of depth and broad understanding of science nor of the many conceptual puzzles that quantum physics bring to us. as you find here. A must read not only for those interested in science and physics but also to those interested in a understanding of the nature of our world.
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Stuart Riley
5.0 out of 5 stars Short, quick and concise
Reviewed in the United States on March 22, 2021
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Although a heady topic, particle physics and quantum dynamics can be approached by the written or co-written word, or by mathematics. This book approached it by the former, but some elegance is lost when studying the later; nuisance of teaching classics rather than expected experience with observation.
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Clifton Wayne Knox
5.0 out of 5 stars A great short overview of Quantum Theory.
Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2015
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This book is great for people seeking a basic view of Quantum theory. Polkinghorne has an easy to read style of writing and is able speak in terms a layman will easily understand. There is some mathematics in this book but it is nothing any undergraduate could not grasp. I enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it to anybody who wants to know what Quantum Theory is all about.
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Peter Chapman
1.0 out of 5 stars Don't Bother
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 26, 2019
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It was OK for the first twenty pages or so, but from then on it was a waste of time my reading it. Very dense and very poorly written. Some of the sentences were so badly written I found myself mentally rewriting them. I'm sure that I could edit the book and reduce the number of words in it by 50%.

An example: "An electron does not all the time possess a definite position or a definite mometum, but rather it possesses the potentiality for exhibiting one of these if a measurement turns the potentiality into an actuality". I think this means "We cannot measure the position and momentum of an electron simultaneoulsly at a given time point".

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Mark Douglas
3.0 out of 5 stars Accessible but leaves something to be desired
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 21, 2020
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I bought this book to remind myself of the basics of quantum mechanics, as a first year module at uni was a very long time ago now. The development of quantum theory is placed in its proper historical context and the rudiments of quantum theory are built up sensibly; the mathematics is relegated to an appendix and can be skipped over if you wish. So far so good.

I have two main issues with this book. The first is that the author’s prose can be hard going as he seems to want to prove that his command of English matches his command of path integrals. The second is the mathematical appendix. Mathematics is the natural language of all things quantum and putting the climax of each section into an appendix feels disjointed. In this kind of book I believe that readers expect the occasional formula in the main text, even if only to skip over them.
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Amazon Customer
4.0 out of 5 stars Left me dangling!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 3, 2018
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There is more meat in this book than most on this weird subject, and I apreciate the unconventional inclusion of the maths in the appendix. The history of the development of the theory, from an author who was actually involved in it and knew most of the peoiple involved, is really great.
There is a detailed description of eigenvectors, but no explanation of its use in the theury! And the maths has to be done in Hilbert space! What's that?!
Nearly a great book.
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Richard FFord
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent (probably)
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 30, 2017
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I learned quantum mechanics at university, for my first degree (in chemistry). This book is a beautiful exposition of the subject by a master in communication. BUT - you still have to develop a 'way of thinking' to get inside quantum mechanics. Despite Polkinghorne's ability in describing things, I am not sure that this will 'do it'.
Even so, a first-class refresher for me (fifty years on)
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5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent introduction!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 14, 2016
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I always seem to love these books, as a Meng Software Engineering student I have a keen interest in alot of aspects of engineering, and when I begin a project starting something new I always look for one of these "A Very Short Introduction" books, ever since I first read "A Very Short Introduction To Cryptography". I have a vast collection of these all from different authors they are perfectly pocket sized for taking anywhere so you can read them any chance you get, not too overwhelming yet give a very nice insight into the fundamentals or "foundations" of the subjects, I have yet to find one that disappoints.

For computer scientists looking for a book after this one I would highly recommend Quantum Computing from Cambridge University.
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