
Making the Muslim World (Islamic History) - YouTube

Making the Muslim World (Islamic History) - YouTube


Shankara & Advaita Vedanta

Shankara & Advaita Vedanta
214,267 viewsPremiered Feb 14, 2021


Let's Talk Religion
329K subscribers

The much requested video about Shankara is finally here.

Sources/Suggeested Reading:
Deutsch, Eliot (1973). “Advaita Vedanta: A Philosophical Reconstruction”. University of Hawai’i Press.

Deutsch, Eliot & Rohit Dalvi (2005). “Essential Vedanta: A New Source Book of Advaita Vedanta”. World Wisdoms Books.

Suthren Hirst, J.G. (2005). “Samkara’s Advaita Vedanta: a way of teaching”. Routledge.

“The Mandukya Upanishad with Gaudapada’s Karika and Sankara’s Commentary”. Translated by Swami Nikhilananda. 1987. Advaita Ashrama.

“Brahma Sutra Bhasya of Sankaracarya”. Translated by Swami Gambhirananda.1972. Advaita Ashrama.

The Unity of Being (Wahdat al-Wujud)

The Unity of Being (Wahdat al-Wujud)
161,763 viewsMay 11, 2020
Let's Talk Religion
329K subscribers

This video focuses on the Sufi doctrine called "Wahdat al-Wujud" (sometimes The Oneness of Being), strongly associated with Ibn 'Arabi (d. 1240) and his school of thought.

If you want to watch a more thorough introduction to Ibn 'Arabi and The Unity of Being, you can watch my longer video on the subject (from which large portions of this video is taken): 


  • Chittick, William (2005). "Ibn Arabi: Heir to the Prophets". OneWorld Publications.
  • Chittick, William (1998). "The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-'Arabi's Cosmology". State University of New York Press.
  • Chittick, William (2005). "The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi". World Wisdom, inc.
  • Chodkiewicz, Michel (1982). "The Spiritual writings of Amir 'Abd al-Kader". State University of New York Press.
  • Chodkiewicz, Michel (1993). "Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and sainthood in the doctrine of Ibn 'Arabi". Translated by Liadain Sherrard. The Islamic Texts Society.
  • Ibn 'Arabi - "The Ringstones of Wisdom (Fusus al-hikam)". Translated by Caner Dagli. Kazi Publications.
  • Ibn Arabi - "The Interpreter of Desires (Tarjuman al-ashwaq)". Translated by Reynold A. Nicholson. London: Royal Asiatic Society.
  • Ibn Arabi - "The Universal Tree and the Four Birds (al-ittihad al-kawni). Translated by Angela Jaffray. Oxford: Anqa Publishing.
  • Mahmud Shabistari - "Garden of Mystery: The Gulshan-i raz of Mahmud Shabistari". Translated by Robert Abdul Hayy Darr. Archetype.
  • Fakhruddin 'Iraqi - "Divine Flashes (Lama'at)". Translated by William C. Chittick & Peter Lamborn Wilson. The Classics of Western Spirituality Series. Paulist Press.

#Sufism #Mysticism #Spirituality
1 year ago
Peace! I just felt like I should express some appreciation for your work on this channel. As a Muslim, it seems to me to be a great contribution and help in clearing up misconceptions around various people, their thoughts, and movements. I can also learn here about other religions, if they are as well respresented as I find Islam here to be. Keep up the good work!

'실체가 없다'는 말의 진정한 의미는? 초기불교와 대승불교 간의 차이

'실체가 없다'는 말의 진정한 의미는?

불교의 유명한 개념 하나가 '실체가 없다.' 는 말이다. 그런데 여기에 대한 이해에서 초기불교와 대승불교 간에는 차이가 있다

『원각경(圓覺經)』, 『능엄경(楞嚴經)』 같은 경전에서 주장하는 핵심은 '원각(圓覺)', '진심(眞心)'등으로 불리는 본체가 있고, 우리의 눈 앞에 펼쳐진 현상은 모두 이러한 본체의 산물로 환상이라는 것이다.
따라서 "허공 꽃인 줄 알면 윤회가 없다(知是空花, 即無輪轉)." 는 방식이다. 후기 대승경전 특히 중국에서 제작된 위경(僞經)은 이처럼 본체론(本體論)으로 회귀해버리는 경향이 강하게 나타난다. 이와 같은 본체론은 부처님이 강하게 부정하신 것이다.

안타깝지만 이런 유형은 모두 부처님의 가르침에 위배된다고 보면 옳다. 여래장(如來藏) 사상은 그 출발은 어떠했을지 모르지만, 결국 뒷문으로 본체론을 가지고 들어왔던 것이다. 아래와 같은 각묵 스님의 설명이 시사하는 바가크다.

초기불전에서는 존재를 온(蘊)⋅처(處)⋅계(界))⋅연(緣) 등으로 해체해서 
이들의 무상⋅고⋅무아를 천명하지, 
존재 자체를 환영(幻影)이라는 등의 표현은 하지 않는다. 
환영이나 가탁(假託)은 샹까라를 개산조로 하는 불이일원론(不二一元論) 베단따 학파에서 주창한 이론일 뿐이다.

불교에서는 정신과 물질을 5온, 12처, 18계, 12연기로 해체하여 
각 구성요소의 무상⋅고⋅무아를 본다는 것이다. 
그럼에도 불구하고 불이일원론 같은 외도의 설을 부처님의 것으로 탈바꿈해서 믿고 있으니 
본말이 한참 전도되었다.

그럼 초기경전인 『포말 경』(S22:95)을 통해 부처님이 말씀하신 '실체가 없다'는 뜻이 무엇인지 살펴보자

물질은 포말덩이와 같고
느낌은 물거품과 같으며
인식은 아지랑이와 같고
심리현상들은 야자나무와 같으며
알음알이는 요술과 같다고
태양의 후예는 밝혔다
면밀히 살펴보고
근원적으로 조사해보고
지혜롭게 관찰하면
그것은 텅 비고 공허한 것이다
광대한 통찰지를 가진 사람은
이 몸에 대해서
세 가지를 제거하여
물질이 버려진 것을 본다

생명 온기 알음알이가
이 몸을 떠나면
그것은 던져져서 의도 없이 누워
남들의 음식이 될 뿐이다
이것은 마치 흐름과 요술처럼
어리석은 자를 현혹시킨다
이것은 살인자라 불리니
여기에 실체란 없다
비구는 열심히 정진하여
이와 같이 오온을 살펴야 하니
날마다 밤낮 없이
바르게 알고 알아차려라
모든 속박을 제거해야 하고
자신을 의지처로 삼아라
머리에 불 붙는 것처럼 행하고
떨어지지 않는 경지를 간절히 원하라

『금강경(金剛經)』 맨 마지막에 "모든 형성된 것은 꿈, 환상, 물거품, 그림자, 이슬, 번갯불 같은 것이라고 관찰해야 한다(一切有為法, 如夢幻泡影, 如露亦如電, 應作如是觀)." 는 유명한 게송이 나온다. 이를 볼 때 초기 대승불교에 성립된 경전은 앞에 나온 부처님의 게송과 어느 정도 통하는 구석이 있다.

댓글 3

초기경전에도 변하지 않는 것이 있다고 분명하게 나와있더군요..여기서 말하는 '변하지 않는
것"이 법성게의 맨 끝-구래부동 명위불-이라는 것입니다. 시중 책가운데는 라마나마하리쉬의
아여여- 여기의 여여도 변하지 않는 본체를 말함일 것입니다. 우리들의 불성, 진성, 참나. 본래
목.....이게 바로 초기경전에서 말하는 '변하지 않는 것"일 겁니다.

존재 일성론 wahdat al wujud - Google Search The unity of Being. , oneness with God

존재일성론 wahdat al wujud - Google Search

Sufi metaphysics is centered on the concept of وحدة waḥdah "unity" or توحيد tawhid. Two main Sufi philosophies prevail on this topic. Waḥdat al-wujūd ...
Missing: 일성 ‎
This video focuses on the Sufi doctrine called "Wahdat al-Wujud" (sometimes The Oneness of Being), strongly associated with Ibn 'Arabi (d.
YouTube · Let's Talk Religion · 11 May 2020
Missing: 일성 ‎
Wahdat al-wujud, which means "oneness of being" or "unity of existence," is a controversial expression closely associated with the name of Ibn al-˓Arabi (d.
Missing: 일성 ‎
The oneness of being (wahdat al-wujud) accroding to Ibn Arabi. An article by Bakri Aladdin on the website of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society.
Missing: 일성 ‎
The unity of Being. Doctrine formulated by the school of Ibn al-Arabi, which postulates that God and His creation are one, since all that is created ...
Missing: 일성 ‎
Learn about this topic in these articles: role in Chishtīyah practice. In Chishtīyah …of the unity of being (waḥdat al-wujūd), oneness with God; thus, ...
Missing: 일성 ‎
Wahdat Al-Wujud | Encyclopedia.com

Wahdat al-wujud,
which means "oneness of being" or "unity of existence," is a controversial expression closely associated with the name of Ibn al-˓Arabi (d. 1240), even though he did not employ it in his writings. It seems to have been ascribed to him for the first time in the polemics of Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328). Through modern times, critics, defenders, and Western scholars have offered widely different interpretations of its meaning; in "Rûmî and Wahdat al-wujûd" (1994), William Chittick has analyzed seven of these.
Taken individually, the two words are among the most discussed in Sufism, philosophy, and kalam (theology). 

Wahda or "oneness" is asserted in tawhid, the first principle of Islamic faith. 
Wujud—being or existence—is taken by many authors as the preferred designation for God's very reality. 
All Muslims agree that God's very reality is one. Controversy arises because the word wujud is also employed for the "existence" of things and the world. 
According to critics, wahdat al-wujud allows for no distinction between the existence of God and that of the world. Defenders point out that Ibn al-˓Arabi and his followers offer a subtle metaphysics following the line of the Ash˓arite formula: "The attributes are neither God nor other than God." God's "signs" (ayat) and "traces" (athar)—the creatures—are neither the same as God nor different from him, because God must be understood as both absent and present, both transcendent and immanent. Understood correctly, wahdat al-wujud elucidates the delicate balance that needs to be maintained between these two perspectives.

See alsoFalsafa ; Ibn al-˓Arabi ; Sirhindi, Shaykh Ahmad ; Tasawwuf .
Chittick, William C. "Rûmî and Wahdat al-wujûd." In Poetry and Mysticism in Islam: The Heritage of Rumi. Edited by Amin Banani, Richard Hovannisian, and Georges Sabagh. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Wahdat al-Wujud

The unity of Being. Doctrine formulated by the school of Ibn al-Arabi, which postulates that God and His creation are one, since all that is created preexisted in God's knowledge and will return to it, making mystical union with God possible. This was a problematic doctrine for legalist interpreters of Islam such as the Wahhabis, who held to a strict interpretation of tawhid that did not permit anyone or anything to be associated or in union with God.

Sufi metaphysics
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sufi metaphysics is centered on the concept of وحدة waḥdah "unity" or توحيد tawhid. Two main Sufi philosophies prevail on this topic. Waḥdat al-wujūd literally means "the Unity of Existence" or "the Unity of Being."[1] Wujūd "existence, presence" here refers to God. On the other hand, waḥdat ash-shuhūd, meaning "Apparentism" or "Monotheism of Witness", holds that God and his creation are entirely separate.

Some scholars have claimed that the difference between the two philosophies differ only in semantics and that the entire debate is merely a collection of "verbal controversies" which have come about because of ambiguous language. However, the concept of the relationship between God and the universe is still actively debated both among Sufis and between Sufis and non-Sufi Muslims.