
希修 "Noble Strategy" by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu

(11) Facebook: "Noble Strategy" by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
*** You can download this book for free at https://www.dhammatalks.org/ebook_index.html under the category of 'Essays'. *** #2~9: Introduction; Affirming the Truths of the Heart. Samvega, pasada, nirvana. #10~13: Karma. #14~30: The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions. Intention, delusion, action, mistakes. #31~35: The Healing Power of the Precepts. Five Precepts. #36~38: Right Speech. #39~41: Trading Candy for Gold. Renunciation. #42~49: A Guided Meditation. #50~73: The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness. #74~86: One Tool among Many. Sati (mindfulness), samatha, vipassana, jhana. #87~#94: What is Emptiness? #95~#101: No-Self? Not-Self? #102~106: The Image of Nirvana.
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"Well-Meant Well-Delivered Timely CRITICISM Is Essential to HARMONY, Buddhism Says"
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"Noble Strategy" by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
*** You can download this book for free at https://www.dhammatalks.org/ebook_index.html under the category of 'Essays'. *** #2~9: Introduction; Affirming the Truths of the Heart. Samvega, pasada, nirvana. #10~13: Karma. #14~30: The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions. Intention, delusion, action, mistakes. #31~35: The Healing Power of the Precepts. Five Precepts. #36~38: Right Speech. #39~41: Trading Candy for Gold. Renunciation. #42~49: A Guided Meditation. #50~73: The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness. #74~86: One Tool among Many. Sati (mindfulness), samatha, vipassana, jhana. #87~#94: What is Emptiness? #95~#101: No-Self? Not-Self? #102~106: The Image of Nirvana.
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"Well-Meant Well-Delivered Timely CRITICISM Is Essential to HARMONY, Buddhism Says"


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コメント投稿:豊かで平等だった明治維新前の日本|論座 - 朝日新聞社の言論サイト








コメント投稿:豊かで平等だった明治維新前の日本|論座 - 朝日新聞社の言論サイト

プヨよりDNAID: 550ff6通報日本人はDNA解析によると朝鮮半島との繋がりはないとの説を聞いたことがありますが、違うのでしょうか?勿論、朝鮮半島出身の方はいると思いますし、皇室のDNA解析など不可能なのでわかりようがありませんが。11返信 (13件)ツイート1ヶ月前

だいまちID: c8c5a0安全の問題では、イザベラ・バードを引用するくせに、貧富や格差の問題ではハリスを引用する。こういう「良いとこ取り」の「つまみ食い」は止めて欲しい。こういう自説に都合の良い部分だけの資料引用をするなら、なんだって主張することができる。

バードは日本の旅の安全性について、確かにそう記述している。しかしその直後に、通過した村の様子として「見るも痛々しいのは、疥癬、しらくも頭、たむし、 ... 続きを表示安全の問題では、イザベラ・バードを引用するくせに、貧富や格差の問題ではハリスを引用する。こういう「良いとこ取り」の「つまみ食い」は止めて欲しい。こういう自説に都合の良い部分だけの資料引用をするなら、なんだって主張することができる。




no nameID: daf4ff平等であったかどうかはわからないが、江戸末期、江戸や大阪は別として地方特に東北は1830年代の享保の大飢饉で悲惨な状況であった。とても豊かであったとは言えないだろう。幕末の混乱はそこからもきているらしい。それにしても人の命が軽い、時代であったように思う。なかなか歴史の教科書では教えてくれないが。10返信するツイート1ヶ月前

寝言が好きID: 80be0dまぁ、見る場所や聞く話で違う意見が出るのは普通の事なんで微妙な意見ではある。



朝鮮半島から皇室が来 ... 続きを表示まぁ、見る場所や聞く話で違う意見が出るのは普通の事なんで微妙な意見ではある。







百済王室の血を引いているのが日本皇室の内実ID: e86854「日本は国が成立して以来千数百年間,1度も異民族に侵略されなかった世界でも稀な国なのだ。」は榊原氏の言い過ぎであろう。なぜなら東大教授の江上波夫氏は朝鮮から渡海した騎馬民族系扶余人が倭の地に上陸して大和王室を開いたという扶余人征服説を提唱し,扶余人征服を「ノルマン・コンクエスト(1066年フランス王室に仕えていたノルマンディー公ギヨーム2世が軍を率いてイングランドに上陸して戦いに勝ってノルマン王朝 ... 続きを表示「日本は国が成立して以来千数百年間,1度も異民族に侵略されなかった世界でも稀な国なのだ。」は榊原氏の言い過ぎであろう。なぜなら東大教授の江上波夫氏は朝鮮から渡海した騎馬民族系扶余人が倭の地に上陸して大和王室を開いたという扶余人征服説を提唱し,扶余人征服を「ノルマン・コンクエスト(1066年フランス王室に仕えていたノルマンディー公ギヨーム2世が軍を率いてイングランドに上陸して戦いに勝ってノルマン王朝を開き現イギリス王室を開いた高祖となった事実であると同時にイギリス史上最も著名な事件)」と似ていると指摘したことで有名だが,第50代桓武天皇の生母・高野新笠が百済の武寧王の血統が流れているという実情を考慮すると彼の学説は決して空虚ではなかろう。そして古来榊原氏は徳川時代の日本の国情を褒めすぎることが往々にしてあり,人が良すぎるように見受ける。彼は徳川時代の悪い面もしくは問題点をあげたほうがよい。何事も良い面と悪い面がある。

11返信 (1件)ツイート1ヶ月前

『文明の生態史観』は拙劣かつ無価値な作品ID: 8a38d5梅棹忠夫氏の『文明の生態史観』の内容は過去の定説をないがしろにしているという問題点があげられている。そして彼は京都大学教授の吉川幸次郎氏から「古典をないがしろにする梅棹はバカだ。」という批判された逸話の持ち主としても有名。


no nameID: 125293彼女が書き残したものだけで総てを判断するところが信じられない。23返信するツイート1ヶ月前

Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation by Analayo

 Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation Paperback – 27 July 2015

by Analayo (Author)

4.8 out of 5 stars    27 ratings





Analayo outlines how to meditate on emptiness, according to early Buddhism. His presentation is geared to practical concerns, plus an appendix giving a translation of the key discourses from the Pali and Chinese. This brings out an aspect of early Buddhism so far fairly neglected, providing a perspective on emptiness as a form of meditation.

Paperback : 232 pages

Publisher : Windhorse Publications (27 July 2015)

Language: : English

Customer Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars    27 ratings

Product description


"This book is the result of rigorous textual scholarship that can be valued not only by the academic community, but also by Buddhist practitioners. This book serves as an important bridge between those who wish to learn about Buddhist thought and practice and those who wish to learn from it.... As a monk engaging himself in Buddhist meditation as well as a professor applying a historical-critical methodology, Bhikkhu Analayo is well positioned to bridge these two communities who both seek to deepen their understanding of these texts."

17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

"Arising from the author's long-term, dedicated practice and study, this book provides a window into the depth and beauty of the Buddha's liberating teachings. Serious meditation students will benefit tremendously from the clarity of understanding that Venerable Analayo's efforts have achieved."

Sharon Salzberg, Co-Founder of the Insight Meditation Society and Author of Real Happiness.

"In this study, Venerable Analayo brings a meticulous textual analysis of Pali texts, the Chinese Agamas and related material from Sanskrit and Tibetan to the foundational topics of compassion and emptiness. While his analysis is grounded in a scholarly approach, he has written this study as a helpful guide for meditation practice."

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

About the Author

Bhikkhu Analayo completed a PhD on the Satipatthanasutta at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2000, published in 2003 by Windhorse Publications under the title Satipatthana: The Direct Path to Realization. He has also written a habilitation research through a comparative study of the Majjhimanikaya in the light of its Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan parallels at the University of Marburg in 2007, published 2011. He published Perspectives on Satipatthana in 2014, by Windhorse Publications.

At present Analayo is a professor of Buddhist Studies at the Sri Lanka International Academy in Pallekele. He teaches at the Center for Buddhist Studies of the University of Hamburg and researches at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College in Taiwan. His main research area is early Buddhism and in particular the topics "Chinese Agamas," "Meditation," and "Women in Buddhism." Besides his academic pursuits, he spends about half of his time in meditation under retreat conditions and regularly teaches meditation courses in Asia and the West.


4.6 out of 5 stars 38



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Emptiness: A Practical Guide for Meditators

Emptiness: A Practical Guide for Meditators

Guy Armstrong

4.6 out of 5 stars 55



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Customer reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars


Top review from Australia

Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent

Reviewed in Australia on 12 October 2017

A very clear explanation of how to practise compassion. Useful instructions and concise historical references supertankers encourage you to develop compassion


Top reviews from other countries

M. A. Ratcliffe

5.0 out of 5 stars Read, Reflect, Repeat.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 26 April 2017

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Another useful book by Analayo. Definitely one that warrants multiple re-readings. I especially like the first half of the book that soberly breaks down compassion from the point of view of early Buddhism, and shows how important the other Brahma viharas are in the cultivation of genuine compassion in the Buddhist sense of the word.

Analayo manages to show how the Brahma viharas relate to the progression through the immaterial jhanas as the boundaries created by conceptual thought are brought down and positive emotion is made boundless.

Previously I did not connect with teachings on Brahma viharas and had emitted them from practice to a large extent, but this book has really helped me to begin to acknowledge the fundamental necessity of positive emotion in Buddhist practice. Friendliness, compassion and joy are indespensible in unifying experience; promoting focus and keeping the practitioner from becoming overwhelmed when dealing with hindrances and distractions.

I'm sure this book, along with Analayos others, will help many more practitioners to overcome doubts and misunderstandings that they might have in relation to classical Buddhism.

Analayos writing is such a blessing to anyone who cares to know.

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One person found this helpful


William Neville

5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic book by a practitioner/ academic

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 21 June 2019

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Just so clear and well researched. Insightful, inspiring and thought provoking


Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 June 2018

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Another sublime elucidation by the Ven. Analayo. His explanations, and skill at ‘leading the readers on’ is invaluable and the Practice section at the end felt like a guided meditation through the stages of emptiness.


Carole Melkonian

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent guide for using the Buddhist teachings on the Brahmaviharas and emptiness to realize awakening

Reviewed in Canada on 5 February 2016

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An excellent historical summary and practical guide to early Buddhist texts on compassion and emptiness substantiated from a number of Buddhist traditions.

2 people found this helpful


Khosrow Aramech

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 29 April 2016

Verified Purchase

Explains emptiness in a beautiful way.

2 people found this helpful
