
‘Working together will not mean creating a mishmashed, one-world religion.’ | The Friend

‘Working together will not mean creating a mishmashed, one-world religion.’ | The Friend

‘Working together will not mean creating a mishmashed, one-world religion.’

Daniel Thomas Dyer, a Sufi Muslim, found interfaith events to be well-intentioned but lame affairs. Then he met Quakers in Kendal.

'Meditation practised... by the Sufis, and by the Quakers assumes that there is something within the human heart that connects us to our Divine Source.' | Photo: istock composite.

Being part of a Sufi Muslim community in Kendal, at the threshold of the Lake District, I deeply appreciate the mysticism and spiritual nonconformity that this part of the country has nurtured over the centuries. Wanting to meet like-minded souls from other faiths, I have been drawn in particular to the local Quakers, and have been warmly received there. Sitting in a Quaker Meeting recently, it occurred to me that if Muhammad (peace be upon him) were alive today he, too, would feel very comfortable worshipping with these Friends. He was, after all, a man who had a daily practice of meditating in silence. He first received revelation after long hours meditating in a cave on Mount Hira, and, after ritual prayer, it was his custom to turn around and face the congregation, at which point they would sit together in silent meditation for some time.

Connecting Quakers and Sufis (ongoing project) - QuakerQuaker

Connecting Quakers and Sufis (ongoing project) - QuakerQuaker

I was treating QuakerQuaker (Q2) as my platform awhile back, in my project to reach out to Sufis, the Gulenists in particular, as I was wanting that Turkish service-oriented franchise of subsidized schools to hookup with Quakers more. Hizmet is like the AFSC in a lot of ways (Hizmet means service).

You know, the liberal Islam meets liberal Christianity theme was pretty big in recent memory. For awhile there, it looked possible. I attended the Parliament of World Religions in Cape Town in 1999, our family among the Friends present (parents, wife, my kids), and caught the vibe. This we pre-911 and at the turn of the millenium. Lots of people were optimistic, and not afraid of Y2K.

Well, I made some new friends as a result of this work, not all Gulenist by a long shot. Indeed, the Gulenists seem more underground than ever these days, fearful of persecution and a hostile press. 

Nowadays, my scholarship is following a somewhat different track:  Quakerism as influenced by Mithraism.

A lot of us here, likewise scholars, already know the Mithraic religion was big in Roman imperial times, but fewer know of it's Persian origins, later filtered through Hellenism and also Gnosticism.  The lineage predates Judaism by a long shot, and even Zoroastrianism.

One of the hallmarks of Mithraic practice was the notion of Friend. A common translation of Mithra is, in fact, Friend. Another testimony of Mithraism was equality and seeing through titles as part of the vanity of this world.

That Quakers espouse pacifism without necessarily expressing a lot of vitriol towards soldiers and soldiering (George Fox was well liked by militia men in many cases) bespeaks of the deeper teachings that go beyond good and evil (mere moralizing). 

The sacrifice of one's own ego becomes a goal of one's journey.

I'll be continuing to converse with Sufis about our common origins. Christianity and Islam both owe a lot to their common ancestor.  I welcome discussion from other Friends as well.

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You mentioned Turkish service-oriented franchise of subsidized schools. I am curious to know if that phrase is as sort of expansion or definition of the term Gulenists. Neither the Gulenists nor the Mithraists are part of my lexicon.  I please ignorance, and would like to know more, especially if those sects, if that is what they are, have a historic connection to Friends, or if they share similar beliefs to present-day Quakers (of which there are all sorts).

I came to this website wanting to learn more about Quakers, Quaker beliefs and practice. Having been an attender for some 15 years at various Meetings, an occasional visitor at Friends Churches, and a member of an unprogrammed Meeting for only about 18 years, I read and listen to as many sources as I can to gain better understanding.

Religions seem to intrinsically develop a mystical wing and a doctrinal one. Mystics from different religions & their sects tend to understand each other better than their co-religionists of doctrinal persuasions. It's not so much about similar "ideas" (although they certainly do develop ideas about what they're doing, often similar to those found in other religions) as emphasising being attentive to the Source over supporting ideas-about.

Hi Marcia. 

Yes, the Sufi Gulenists as one might call them (are Quakers Foxists?) have or have had a service wing called Hizmet, which fanned out around the world, giving Turks opportunities to share their culture, domestically as well. Lots of idealism.  Echoes of the Peace Corps.

In the Americas, they became known for their charter schools, where professionally educated Turks would help otherwise underprivileged children.  You could also learn Turkish.  Here in Portland we have Japanese immersion in the public school system, but that's not standard. 

However some newspapers choose to portray Hizmet in a dark light, as some kind of infiltrating network.  Negative lighting is popular in journalism, especially noir type journalism, which seems to be most of it these days. Charter schools are out of favor with teacher unions and casting them as potentially run by a dangerous cult certainly helped whip up some more anti-charter fervor.

Anyway, lots of current news tangentially connects to Gulenists. For example we were told the Turkish president wanted to extradite Gulen back to Turkey to face trial. As the Trump administration was taking office, his future national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was being courted by Turkish factions hoping he could facilitate this happening.  But then Flynn ended up not being national security advisor, per Russiagate scandal. If I were a high school history teacher, I'd be using this story to connect a lotta dots.

Regarding Quaker interactions with Ottomans and/or Turks or... lots of nomenclature.  Two stories get passed down, one about a Quaker woman going to visit the Sultan and tell him what's what. He found her interesting and did not do anything bad to her.[1]  Another involves Quakers captured on the high seas by pirates, and befriending them, such that by the time they got to Istanbul they were friends and a way opened to get them back home.[2]  Now I need to go Google and get some footnotes.

So you have Islam here to stay, as a part of the American experience, and Quakerism.  You also have a chapter people seem to be forgetting, with stars such as Muhammad Ali (truly one of the greatest), outspoken against the Manifest Destiny mindset (as have been Friends) that leads to what today we call Endless Wars (a subculture of Americans were already at war when I was born in Chicago, apparently ever since Roman times at least, and haven't ever really let up in my sixty plus years).

[1] http://www.quakersintheworld.org/quakers-in-action/187/Mary-Fisher

[2] OK, I couldn't find the story about the kidnapping pirates. I believe it was in Friends Bulletin a long time back.

Marcia P Roberts said:

You mentioned Turkish service-oriented franchise of subsidized schools. I am curious to know if that phrase is as sort of expansion or definition of the term Gulenists.

Indeed I agree and Jorjani goes into that in his Perisian Renaissance interviews, contrasting the exoteric with the esoteric aspects of a religion. One could say "outside face" versus "inside face" (convex and concave).

Mithraism connects to Friends etymologically, as Mitra translates as Friend. Quakers don't go for degrees or secretive rituals, per the Masons, but a Mithraic feast was all about egalitarianism. On the surface, we're of different social classes, but here underneath, in our sanctum, we're more friendly and treat one another as equals. That's one reading of the records, of why the religion was so successful, I accept not the only reading.

You likely know all this, as a scholar, or at least a lot of it. 

News to me that Christianity might have been declared the official Roman religion by Constantine in part to preempt the troubling popularity of Mithraism, sort of a Falun Gong to the Chinese establishment communist party (a fun analogy).

Mithraism had always been identified with Persia, today's Iran.  My thought is to follow the Christian strand (through Santa's Mithric hat, through December 25, through Christmas in July), back to pre Christian origins, and there meetup with Sufis making a parallel convergent pilgrimage, back through their own pre-Islamic heritage.

Forrest Curo said:

Religions seem to intrinsically develop a mystical wing and a doctrinal one. Mystics from different religions & their sects tend to understand each other better than their co-religionists of doctrinal persuasions. It's not so much about similar "ideas" (although they certainly do develop ideas about what they're doing, often similar to those found in other religions) as emphasising being attentive to the Source over supporting ideas-about.

Daniel P. (Danny) Coleman: Quakers and Sufis

Daniel P. (Danny) Coleman: Quakers and Sufis

Quakers and Sufis

"Move beyond any attachment to names.

Every war and every conflict between human beings
has happened because of some disagreement about names.

It’s such an unnecessary foolishness,
because just beyond the arguing
there’s a long table of companionship,
set and waiting for us to sit down.

What is praised is One,
so the praise is one too,
many jugs being poured into a huge basin.

All religions, all this singing, one song.
The differences are just illusion and vanity.

Sunlight looks slightly different on this wall
than it does on that wall
and a lot different on this other one,
but it is still one light.

We have borrowed these clothes,
these time-and-space personalities,
from a light,
and when we praise,
we pour them back in."

- Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, 13th century Sufi Poet

“There is a principle which is pure, placed in the human mind, which in different places and ages hath different names: it is, however, pure and proceeds from God. It is deep and inward, confined to no form of religion nor excluded from any, where the heart stands in perfect sincerity.” – John Woolman, 18th century Quaker preacher

“The humble, meek, merciful, just, pious, and devout souls are everywhere of one religion, and when death takes off the mask, they will know one another though the diverse liveries they wear here make them strangers.”
– William Penn, 17th century Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania

I am an autodidactic student of world religions. It interests me to learn how people in various times and places have dealt with the questions that seem to perpetually and univerally trouble mankind, such as: How do we explain evil and suffering? Why are we all painfully aware of our propensity to fall short of our own moral ideals? What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?

In the course of my studies, I've found intriguing parallels between Sufism and Quakerism. It strikes me that Sufis are to Islam what Quakers are to Christianity. Sufism and Quakerism are both based on the core idea that it is possible to directly and experientially encounter God. Both tend towards the inward and mystical. Both emphasize peace, equality, truth and simplicity. Both see God as loving, compassionate, merciful, gracious and present. Both are often viewed with suspicion or even contempt by guardians of "orthodoxy".

Of course, there are differences between Quakerism and Sufism as well. Each was born in a different place, time and culture and grew out of a different world religion.

Yet the affinities strike me as remarkable. I think it is a subject worthy of further investigation.

Some Muslims and observers see Sufism--or something like it--as the future of Islam. What if, likewise, Quakerism--or something like it--is the future of Christianity? Wouldn't it be interesting if Christianity and Islam, in the form of Quakerism and Sufism (or forms very similar) came to a point of seeing one-another as beloved siblings, travelling together on the same journey home?

I know I'm getting a bit pie-in-the-sky-I'd-like-to-teach-the-world-to-sing here but imagine the implications if, someday, two-thirds of the world's population--the Christians and Muslims--found common ground in the Living Presence of the God of Love? I imagine too that there are similar sects with similar values within Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. As someone once said, "It's like there are two layers to a religion. An outer (exoteric) layer, and an inner (esoteric) layer. The outer exoteric layer is the layer of the layman, the fundamentalist, the literal minded, the zealot, the man-on-the-street. The esoteric layer is the layer of the mystic." Mystics of various faiths seem to recognize one-another as kindred spirits.

What if the trajectory of mankind's history is towards unity within God's Presence? I find that narrative much more compelling--and indicative of the Father whom Jesus revealed--than the doom and gloom Armageddon narratives espoused by so many within both Christianity and Islam.

Is it possible for a Christian such as myself--who believes that Jesus is the Savior of the World--to entertain such ideas? Yes, as a matter of fact, it is.


10 COMMENTS: Brigid said...

Danny, good comments. I am post-Catholic, post-evangelical, post-pentecostal/charismatic, currently Angican and Quaker who occasionally visits a Vineyard church.

I have always had a strong interest in religions other than my own. Inherited from my father, I think. In mid-life I did a degree which includes a major in studies in religion and I have done some theological studies but failed to continue due to breast cancer.

I cut my teeth on modern Catholic mystics i.e. Thomas Merton and William Johnston and the people to whom they referred. There are times when one can find sound charismatic churches who touch on this sort of mysticism but it is rare and they don't usually have wider understanding to give a firm foundation. I found Quakers - but I don't understand what a neo-quaker might be.

I love the Tao te Ching. Taoist thoughts have impacted me a great deal. Similarly with Rumi. I sometimes attend the Remembrance of Rumi but missed it this year. There are formal classes here in Melbourne but I haven't done that either.

In recent years, my path has taken me into a spirituality based on God as Creator and Designer operating in an earthly creation.12:47 AM 

Daniel P. (Danny) Coleman said...

Thanks for sharing, Miss Eagle! And thanks for visiting all the way from Melbourne.

I added the 'Neo' to 'Quaker' because I don't personally feel much connection to alot of the stodgy old Quaker baggage, such as the endless ruminating over the Hicksite/Gurneyite/Beanite splits. Also because, like you, I have incorporated other strands (such as Vineyard) into my Quakerism. I have also jettisoned certain doctrinal views (such as Dispensationalism, Eternal Conscious Torment, Condemnation of Homosexuals, Biblical Inerrency, etc.) which seem to make me not an Evangelical Quaker, yet I am a follower of Jesus and believe He is the Savior of the world, which seems to put me outside of the "Liberal" Quaker camp. So, "Neo-Quaker" isn't so much a group that I've joined but rather what I sometimes call myself, just because I'm not sure what else fits.8:44 AM 

Karen O. said...

Intriguing ideas. Thanks for the post, Danny.1:30 PM 

Brigid said...

Thanks for your reply, Danny. I guess I'm a neo-Quaker too. Fortunately, in the Land of Oz, those disputatious bits of Q history are absent. As for some of those historic pieces of Christian doctrine, a couple of them I have never heard of. Can't have set the world on fire as much as Jesus did, I'd say. In Australia, there is much to think about in relation to the state of the Christian church. I am oft reminded of the Biblical passage that speaks of strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered. I think it is a lot like that here.2:19 PM 

Anthony said...

Dear Danny, I have been interested in Sufism and Quakerism for over 20 years and am writing a pamphlet/booklet called "Becoming a Friend of God: the Path of Sufism and Quakerism." I see many affinities between these two mystical branches of their respective religions and I think Friends would benefit from a deeper study and involvement with Sufism, and vice versa. (Some of my best Friends are Sufis.) I also agree with you that Quakers need to get over their internal arguments and focus on connecting with the Living Presence, the Inward Light/Friend. You can read more at laquaker.blogspot.com or email me at interfaithquaker@aol.com. Yours in friendship and peace, Anthony3:26 PM 

Tom Smith said...

If you haven't looked into Jainism, you might some parallels there as well. I guess I seem to be in the "Liberal" side since I do see "Christ" in various religions that don't use the "name." My personal identification is with Jesus and his "story" in the Gospels as the fullest and for me the foremost "embodiment of Christ."4:54 PM 

Daniel P. (Danny) Coleman said...

Thanks for the info Anthony! I'll check out your blog and I look forward to reading your booklet when it's completed.5:36 PM 

mindful searcher said...

Thanks for the intriguing post. You've given me some food for thought and study.8:37 PM

Jamal London said...

I am from a Catholic heritage, with only my Irish grandparents, on my mother's side, with once a strong link to the Church. But I've always loved the mystics, and ended up attending sufi halaqas and becoming fluent in classical Arabic.
I read Merton as a young man, Rumi, Jami; and the Quakers were just a name- a good one(and I'm from England). But over the last few days I've found the works of Rufus Jones, or they have found me, waiting patiently. And now this beautiful article by Daniel Cole. I've translated it into Arabic, and sent it to my friends in war-torn countries like Syria and Yemen. Already, a friend in Sanaa, Yemen, has found the link between Quakers and Sufis uplifting on a day bombs fall from the sky.4:29 AM 

Anonymous said...

Great conversation here. Lately I’ve been fascinated by common threads found in classical psychology and mysticism. I feel once we really zoom out and see the whole, not just the parts, it’s the same theory and framework which evolved over thousands of years in the shadows of mainstream religious establishments. Khizr (patron saint of all seekers of mystical experiences) seems to be a central real and mythical figure who appeared to have transferred the secret knowledge of human psychology to various people across centuries. It’s the same framework for attaining liberation that is found in Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, Kabbalah, Quakerism and Psychosynthesis... humans are conditioned to understand whole by understanding it’s parts... a useless exercise. We need to start with the whole and parts will make sense. Khizr could be the key. Look him up.12:16 PM


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