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Showing posts with label nuclear power. Show all posts


Think We Can’t Stabilize the Climate While Fostering Growth? Think Again.

Think We Can’t Stabilize the Climate While Fostering Growth? Think Again.

Think We Can’t Stabilize the Climate While Fostering Growth? Think Again.
Long-term investments in clean energy would curb emissions and create millions of jobs around the globe.

By Robert Pollin
OCTOBER 27, 2015

When the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference opens in Paris on November 30, annual global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be about 32 billion metric tons. This figure is 10 percent higher than the 29 billion tons that were emitted in 2009, when the last major UN climate conference took place in Copenhagen.

This article is adapted from Robert Pollin’s Greening the Global Economy, 
a Boston Review Book published by the MIT Press.
There is no escaping the conclusion that we are playing Russian roulette with the environment by allowing CO2 emissions to continue to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change provides conservative benchmarks as to what is required to stabilize the average global temperature at its current level of around 60.3 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 3.6 degrees (2 degrees Celsius) above the preindustrial average of 56.7 degrees. According to the IPCC, global CO2 emissions need to fall by about 40 percent below current levels within 20 years, to around 20 billion tons, and 80 percent by 2050, to seven billion tons.

In the run-up to the Paris conference, 156 countries—including the United States, Russia, India, Japan, South Africa, Brazil, and all of Western Europe—have pledged to cut their CO2 emissions. But taken together, these pledges are not nearly enough to bring global emissions down to 20 billion tons by 2035. On top of that, even these inadequate pledges are not likely to be made legally binding in Paris. Political leaders throughout the world, in short, continue to court ecological disaster rather than mount a viable climate-stabilization program.

This situation is shameful under any circumstances, but it is especially so because a simple and viable path to climate stabilization is right before us. The global economy can bring global emissions down to the IPCC target of 20 billion tons within 20 years if most countries—­especially those with either large GDPs or populations—devote between 1.5 and 2 percent per year of GDP to investments in energy efficiency and clean, low-emission renewable-energy sources. The consumption of oil, coal, and natural gas will also need to fall by about 35 percent over this same period—i.e., at an average 2.2 percent rate of decline per year. These investments aimed at dramatically raising energy-efficiency standards and expanding the supply of clean renewable-energy sources—what we can term a global green-growth program—would also generate tens of millions of new jobs in all regions of the world. That’s because building a green economy requires hiring workers at much greater rates than maintaining the world’s currently dominant fossil-fuel-based energy infrastructure. In its essence, this is the entire global green-growth program.

Of course, if it’s all so simple, then why do global emissions keep rising? Raw greed and corrupt politics loom large, of course. But there is more at play, including serious misunderstandings on the left as to what can and should be done.


There is one fundamental reason why most countries throughout the world, at all levels of development, are unwilling to cut their CO2 emissions sufficiently, notwithstanding the ever-mounting ecological threat. It is because the only way countries can achieve serious emissions cuts is to stop burning so much oil, coal, and natural gas to produce energy. Confronting this reality, in turn, creates three problems that are distinct but interrelated, and all are formidable in their own right.

The first is that workers and communities whose liveli­hoods depend on people consuming fossil-fuel energy will face major losses—layoffs, falling incomes, and declining public-sector budgets to support schools, health clinics, and public safety. The second is that profits will fall sharply and permanently for the colossus fossil-fuel companies, such as ExxonMobil, Shell, and the range of energy-based businesses owned by the US mega-billionaires David and Charles Koch. The world’s publicly owned energy companies—including Saudi Ar­amco, Gazprom in Russia, and Petrobras in Brazil, among others—together control about 90 percent of the world’s total oil reserves. These companies will take still larger hits to their revenues. The third problem pushes us beyond the fossil-fuel industry and into broader issues of jobs and prospects for economic growth. According to most analysts, economies will face higher energy costs when they are forced to slash their fossil-fuel supplies. It will therefore become more expensive to operate the full gamut of buildings, machines, and transportation equipment that drives all economies forward.

Many countries have pledged to cut their emissions in the run-up to the Paris conference. These pledges are not enough.

How do we successfully attack these three problems? The challenges are daunting. But there is also very good news here: They are not nearly as daunting as most analysts claim, including those on the left.

For example, in a widely cited Nation article in 2014, “The New Abolitionism,” the progressive journalist Chris Hayes argued that the losses fossil-fuel companies will have to bear to bring global CO2 emissions down sufficiently will be equivalent to those experienced by US slave owners as a result of the Civil War and abolition. As we will see, this is a huge overstatement, both in terms of the amount of money at play as well as the corresponding magnitude of the political struggle before us. Leftists are also increasingly embracing the view that the solution to climate change is to oppose economic growth in general and advance an alternative “de-growth” agenda. Versions of this approach are developed, for example, by the influential political economists Tim Jackson, in his 2009 book Prosperity Without Growth, and Juliet Schor, in her 2010 work Plentitude. Ironically, their views converge with the arguments long advanced on the right that achieving climate stabilization will inevitably lead to fewer job opportunities and the end of economic growth. The main difference between these left and right de-growth perspectives is that the right denounces this prospect while the left embraces it.

In reality, one critical step to creating a successful global climate-­stabilization movement is to recognize that these perspectives are themselves obstacles to progress. Defeating the oil companies will be grueling, but it will not require another civil war. Victories are already mounting. Even more basically, it is not true that there must be large, painful trade-offs between stabilizing the climate on the one hand and supporting jobs and economic growth on the other. Quite the contrary: A global green-growth project is the one climate-stabilization strategy that can realistically succeed and is available to us right now.

Of course, executing this green-growth plan is easier said than done. To begin with, energy-efficiency investments in all regions of the world will need to span each country’s stock of buildings, transportation systems, and industrial processes. Efficiency levels will need to rise in office towers and homes (among other places), in residential lighting and cooking equipment, and in the performance of automobiles and provision of public transportation. Expanding the supply of clean renewable energy will require major investments in solar, wind, geothermal, and small-scale hydropower, as well as in low-emissions bioenergy sources, such as ethanol from switchgrass, agricultural wastes, and waste grease. By contrast, expanding the supply of high-emissions bioenergy sources, such as corn ethanol and wood, provides no benefit relative to fossil-fuel sources. Dependency on these high-emissions bioenergy renewables needs to be slashed at the same rate as fossil fuels.

There are large differences in the emissions levels generated by burning oil, coal, and natural gas, respectively, with natural gas generating about 40 percent less emissions for a given amount of energy produced than coal and 15 percent less than oil. It is therefore widely argued that natural gas can be a “bridge fuel” to a clean- energy future, through switching from coal to natural gas to produce electricity. Such claims are wrong. At best, an implausibly large 50 percent global fuel switch to natural gas would reduce emissions by only 8 percent. But this doesn’t take account of the leakage of methane gas into the atmosphere that results when natural gas is extracted through fracking. Recent research has found that when more than about 5 percent of the extracted gas leaks into the atmosphere through fracking, the impact eliminates any environmental benefit from burning natural gas relative to coal. One study that focused on fracking projects in Texas and North Dakota found leakage rates in the range of 9 to 10 percent. If leakages continued at such rates, as would be likely if global fracking operations expanded, the overall emissions impact from natural gas would be worse than that from burning coal.

We therefore come back to a climate-stabilization strategy focused on efficiency and clean renewable investments. Increasing these investments by 1.5 percent of global GDP will require the creation of effective industrial policies for countries at all stages of development. This would mean large-scale public investment in clean energy—for example, to raise efficiency standards in government-owned buildings, dramatically expand good public-transportation systems, and substitute clean renewable energy for oil, coal, and natural gas with the government’s own purchases. Providing abundant and affordable financing for private businesses will also be critical. The situation with energy-efficiency investments makes this clear. On average, such investments pay for themselves within three to five years. But they still require financiers to put up the funds to cover up-front investment costs.

Countries that successfully advance policies to invest between 1.5 and 2 percent of GDP in energy efficiency and clean renewables should not face any more difficulties in maintaining healthy economic growth than if they kept burning oil, coal, and natural gas at their current rates. To begin with, energy-efficiency investments make it cheaper to cook meals; heat and cool homes and offices; travel by cars, buses, and trains; and operate industrial machinery.

It is not true that there must be large, painful tradeoffs between climate stabilization and economic growth.

Similarly, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reports that, in all regions of the world, average costs of generating energy with most clean renewable sources are now at rough parity with those of fossil fuels. This means that households, businesses, and public enterprises that substitute clean renewables for fossil fuels will not need to pay more to meet their energy needs. This is without even factoring in the environmental costs of burning fossil fuels. Part of the overall green-growth agenda should therefore include either a carbon tax or a hard limit on carbon emissions, so that these environmental costs are incorporated into fossil-fuel prices. Through a carbon tax or cap, fossil-fuel prices would rise above those for most clean renewables, which would then encourage investments in renewables and efficiency still further. Not all clean renewable-energy sources are now at a rough-cost parity with fossil fuels. Solar energy is the most significant case in point. But solar-energy costs are falling sharply as increased investment levels spur innovation, and will fall still faster as global solar production expands.

These investments in energy efficiency and clean renewables will greatly expand job opportunities for countries at every level of development. Research that I have conducted with co-authors has found this relationship to hold in Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, and the United States.

For the United States, for example, we found that increasing investments by around $200 billion per year to raise energy-efficiency standards and expand clean renewable production—about 1.2 percent of current GDP—would drop US emissions by 40 percent within 20 years, while creating a net increase of 2.7 million jobs. This is after taking full account of the jobs that would be lost as oil, coal, and natural-gas production fell by 40 percent.

For India, we found that, through increasing energy efficiency and clean renewable investments by 1.5 percent of GDP every year, CO2 emissions could be stabilized at their current low level, which is one-tenth that of the United States on a per capita basis. This would occur even with India’s GDP growing at an average of 6 percent per year—a growth rate that produces a near-tripling of average incomes within 20 years. Over the 20-year program, these investments would also create an average of about 10 million more jobs per year than if India continued to rely on its existing fossil-fuel-dominant energy infrastructure. India could also eliminate nuclear energy altogether through this green-growth program.

In the case of Spain, in a study that we produced for the progressive anti-austerity party Podemos, we showed how green growth could be a cornerstone for a broader anti-austerity agenda. For example, we found that, through increasing investments in energy efficiency and clean renewables by 1.5 percent of GDP, Spain could reduce its emissions by more than 60 percent within 20 years, while generating an increase of about 400,000 jobs, compared with maintaining its existing energy infrastructure. This program would also enable Spain to steadily curtail its heavy dependency on imported oil. At present, Spain’s oil-import bill expands rapidly whenever the economy starts growing. This becomes a major barrier to busting out of its ongoing austerity trap.

Throughout the world, the energy sector has long operated under a variety of ownership structures, including public/municipal utilities, various forms of private cooperatives, and private corporations. Public ownership already dominates the global fossil-fuel industry. But this hardly means that Saudi Aramco, Russia’s Gazprom, or Brazil’s Petrobras are prepared to fight climate change. National development projects, lucrative careers, and political power all depend on continuing the exploitation of large fossil-fuel revenues.

Green-growth investments will nevertheless create significant opportunities for alternative ownership forms, including various combinations of smaller-scale public, private, and cooperative ownership. For example, community-­based wind farms have been highly successful for nearly two decades in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Britain. A major reason for their success is that they operate with lower profit requirements than big private corporations.

Investments in energy efficiency and clean renewables will greatly expand job opportunities for countries across the globe.

Falling costs for clean renewable energy, solar in particular, are also creating important opportunities for people to install and operate their own small-scale “distributed energy” systems, which rely less and less on electrical grids. In January, the Financial Times reported that “across the US, about 45,300 businesses and 596,000 homes have solar panels.… Over the past four years, the numbers have risen threefold for businesses and fourfold for homes, as the cost of solar power has plunged.” The prospects for distributed energy are still greater in developing countries such as India, where more than 40 percent of rural households do not have access to grid-based electricity. Distributed renewable energy will enable rural communities to leapfrog over grid-based systems entirely, just as mobile-phone technology has enabled them to stop depending on corporate-controlled landline phone companies.

As expressed by Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria, and Giorgos Kallis in their new book Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era, “The foundational theses of degrowth are that growth is uneconomic and unjust, that it is ecologically unsustainable and that it will never be enough.” These concerns are real, and de-growth proponents are making important contributions by addressing them forcefully. But on the specific issue of climate change, they are far too sweeping in their indictment of economic growth. Consider some very simple arithmetic: We know that annual global CO2 emissions need to fall from the current level of 32 billion tons to 20 billion tons within 20 years. Now assume that global GDP contracts by 10 percent over the next two decades, following a de-growth scenario. That would entail a reduction of global GDP four times larger than what we experienced over the 2007–09 financial crisis and Great Recession. In terms of CO2 emissions, the net effect of this economic contraction, considered on its own, would be to push emissions down by precisely 10 percent—that is, from 32 to 29 billion tons, exactly the global emissions level when the Copenhagen climate summit convened in 2009. So the global economy would still not come close to bringing emissions down to 20 billion tons by 2035.

Clearly, even under a de-growth scenario, the overwhelming factor pushing emissions down will not be a contraction of overall GDP but massive growth in energy efficiency and clean renewable-energy investments (which, for accounting purposes, will contribute toward increasing GDP) along with similarly dramatic cuts in fossil-fuel production and consumption (which will register as reducing GDP). Moreover, any global GDP contraction would result in huge job losses and declines in living standards for working people and the poor. Global unemployment rose by more than 30 million during the Great Recession. I have not seen any de-growth proponent present a convincing argument as to how we could avoid a severe rise in unemployment if GDP were to fall twice as much as it did during 2007–09.

For nearly 40 years now, the gains from economic growth in virtually all countries have persistently favored the rich. Nevertheless, the prospects for reversing inequality in all countries will be far greater when the overall economy is growing than when the rich are fighting everyone else for shares of a shrinking pie. Even thinking in strategic terms alone, attempting to implement a de-growth agenda would have the effect of rendering the global clean-energy project utterly unrealistic politically.

In order for the global green-growth project to succeed, it must provide adequate transi­tional support for workers and communities whose livelihoods currently depend on the fossil-fuel industry. The late US labor leader and environmental visionary Tony Mazzocchi pioneered thinking on what is now termed a “just transition” model for these workers and communities. Mazzocchi developed the idea of a Superfund for workers who lose their jobs as a result of necessary environmental transitions. The term refers to the US environmental program that was imple­mented in 1980 to clean up sites at which corporations had dumped hazardous wastes from petrochemical, oil, and nuclear- energy production. As Mazzocchi wrote as early as 1993: “Paying people to make the transition from one kind of economy—from one kind of job—to another is not welfare. Those who work with toxic materials on a daily basis…in order to provide the world with the energy and the materials it needs deserve a helping hand to make a new start in life.”

Green growth projects must provide transitional support for workers and communities whose livelihoods depend on fossil fuels.

The critical point is that providing high-quality adjustment assistance to fossil-fuel-industry workers will represent a major contribution toward making a global climate-stabilization project viable. It is a matter of simple justice, but it is also a matter of strategic politics. Without such adjustment-assistance programs operating on a national scale, the workers and communities facing retrenchment will, predictably and understandably, fight to defend their livelihoods. This, in turn, will create unacceptable delays in proceeding with effective climate-stabilization policies.

Well-funded “worker Superfund” policies therefore need to be incorporated into each country’s green-growth program. For the US case, I estimate that a generous Superfund would be in the range of $1 billion per year, which would barely make a dent if annual public and private spending levels totaled around $200 billion. In addition, the impact on workers and communities from retrenchments in the fossil-fuel sectors will not depend only on the support provided through an explicit Superfund budget. The broader set of opportunities available to workers will also be critical. The fact that clean-energy investments will generate a net expansion in employment in all regions of the globe means that there will be new opportunities for displaced fossil-fuel-sector workers within the energy industry. But more than this, the best form of protection for displaced workers is an economy that operates at full employment. In a full-employment economy, the troubles faced by displaced workers—regardless of the reasons for their having become displaced—are greatly diminished simply because they should be able to find other decent jobs without excessive difficulty.

The giant fossil-fuel corporations will obviously take a big hit under green growth. But overstating what is at stake doesn’t help matters. In fact, it is critical to have a clear grasp of the scale of the losses that fossil-fuel companies are likely to face.

A 2013 study published jointly by Carbon Tracker and the Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics examined the current holdings of the 200 largest private-sector fossil-fuel companies, as listed in the world’s various stock exchanges. This study estimated that “60–80 percent of coal, oil, and gas reserves of [these] firms are unburnable.” From these figures, we can roughly estimate that these companies are facing around $3 trillion in lost value over the next 20 years, and the certainty of further subsequent declines.

Of course, $3 trillion is real money. The fossil-fuel companies are not about to relinquish it without a brutal fight. At the same time, $3 trillion is equal to only about 1.3 percent of the $225 trillion in total worldwide private financial assets as of 2012. Still more, the $3 trillion in losses that the fossil-fuel corporations would face will not happen in one fell swoop. The declines would be incremental over a 20-year period. On average, this amounts to asset losses of $150 billion per year. By contrast, as a result of the US housing bubble and subsequent financial collapse, US homeowners lost $16 trillion in asset values in 2008 alone—about 100 times the annual losses that fossil-fuel companies would face.



The fact that the decline in fossil-fuel asset values would occur incrementally over decades also means that investors will have ample opportunity to diversify their holdings. Many are already doing so. As one important example, in June 2014 Warren Buffett, the best-known corporate investor and third-richest person in the world, announced that his company, Berkshire Hathaway, was doubling its holdings in solar- and wind-energy companies to $30 billion. This is even while Berkshire continues to own big shares of conventional utility companies.

More significant has been the rapidly growing global fossil-fuel divestment movement, which includes foundations, universities, religious organizations, and municipalities located throughout the United States and Western Europe, as well as in Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. These organizations have been pushed by grassroots activists to take principled stands with their investment portfolios, and they have embraced the challenge. The website Fossil Free reports that 456 institutions, whose total asset holdings add up to $2.6 trillion (including all other holdings in addition to previously held fossil-fuel assets), have committed themselves to divestment. Big Oil can buy politicians and scream all it wants, but it can’t stop investors from walking out.

The divestment movement needs to broaden its goals, to become just as actively committed to reinvestment in energy efficiency and clean renewables as it is to dumping fossil-fuel stocks. This is how we can force the global economy onto a workable path toward stabilizing the climate and generating tens of millions of jobs for working people and the poor throughout the world. All participants at the upcoming Paris conference need to hear this message, very loudly and clearly, over and over again, until it sinks in.

Robert PollinRobert Pollin is a Distinguished Professor of Economics and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts–Amherst.


How Peace Journalism can deescalate conflict in the age of Trump and North Korea

How Peace Journalism can deescalate conflict in the age of Trump and North Korea

November 29, 2017 6.52pm AEDT

Michael Greenwell

Lecturer, School of Arts & Humanities, Centre for Broadcasting and Journalism, Nottingham Trent University
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Can the media relay a more peaceful message? A mural of Donald Trump in Dublin by the artist Subset. PA Images


It came as a slight relief to see at least some measured coverage of Donald Trump’s recent visit to South Korea. Sections of the media have been predicting World War III – and focusing on barbed and incendiary comments between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jon-un – so stories that take a more measured tone should be welcomed … by everyone.

Donald J. Trump

Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!
10:18 AM - Nov 12, 2017 · Vietnam
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North Korea has now launched another ballistic missile, and further doomsday journalism could inflame current hostilities in the region. Any positive influence to avoid actual military action and encourage all nations to stick to a peaceful, negotiated resolution is in the whole world’s interest.

The US president missed the press opportunity to stand at the border of North Korea on his recent trip, and it’s encouraging that he didn’t glower at the checkpoint, eyeballing his opponent like a boxer before a fight. It may well be helpful if he now tempers his reaction to the most recent launch. So far, he has said: “We will take care of it.”

Journalists report what is in front of them – so when Team Trump adopts a more moderate tone, coverage can be less hyperbolic and antagonistic. The prior brinkmanship was leading the world to war, but a mutual realisation of the issue by the media and governments may have a symbiotic cooling effect. Unless you believe that governments and the media act in isolation to one another – refuting a “feedback loop” – it appears that the administration and editors have at least started to tone it down.
A peaceful dynamic

Gabi Wolsfeld theorised this potential dynamic as the “politics-media-politics cycle”. Wolsfeld observed coverage of conflict in Israel by the country’s media and attempted to analyse its influence on the protagonists. Wolsfeld even suggested that the media created a more conducive atmosphere for the assassination of former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.

Drawing clear conclusions about the existence of such a cycle – a relationship between the actions of dominant actors, subsequent media coverage, and consequential actions potentially influenced by that media coverage – is extremely challenging. But analysing the coverage (and behaviour) of a bombastic Trump in previous press conferences, while establishing its impact on subsequent events, is enabled by the discipline of Peace Journalism.

Close analysis of events through the lens of Peace Journalism can help theorise when media coverage may have helped escalate or deescalate conflict. Peace Journalism aims to improve the conditions for peace through a considered editorial approach and practice. It is a means to peace.

Johan Galtung first theorised the notion of Peace Journalism in contrast to the notion of “War Journalism”. War Journalism foregrounds violence and body counts. Today, Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick are leading proponents of Peace Journalism and adopt a critical, realist perspective when looking at the drivers of War Journalism. Lynch practices journalism that foregrounds marginalised voices in favour of dominant actors, provides accurate context and history – instead of polarised, short-term narratives – and presents peaceful options over grievances and violence.

The format of rolling news, journalistic convention, and the (perceived) demand for war reporting, makes change hard. But the media could have a powerful role to play. Propaganda on the radio, and specifically Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines, fuelled genocide in Rwanda, while child soldiers in Liberia imitated warlords on the news.The remains of victims laid to rest at the Murambi Genocide Memorial, Rwanda on the 13th anniversary of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. PA Images

Perhaps it’s time that Peace Journalism enabled constructive analysis when framing conflict coverage and identified relationships between the media and escalation.

Trump’s cataclysmic rhetoric, for now, has diminished, and studying any influence by the media (if the heat of conflict turns up or down) is important. Indeed, it could be crucial with this media fixated, tweet-happy President.
What to do…

So how can the media provide coverage that supports peaceful ends and addresses structural inequalities?

There could be hope in Manuel Castells’ “network society”, whereby consumers increasingly drive digital content. Could journalists and audiences adapt in unison to more constructive narratives about conflict and the path to peace? Lynch and McGoldrick have evidence of positive audience responses to more conflict-sensitive coverage, so could audiences dictate supply through demand?

Conflicts and coverage vary. There is no possibility of repeating conflicts and comparing influential factors and consequential results. Conflict contexts are not amenable to controlled study. Drivers and events cannot be studied empirically.

Media owners (and dominant interests) diverting from that old adage of “if it bleeds, it leads”, social media, finding a responsible journalistic model, and consumers bolstering demand for it could all help. But currently news institutions are falling short when it comes to constructive peace coverage.

However, there is hope, as some recent coverage of South Korea shows, and it continues with deeper ethical discussion and teaching around hybrid forms of journalism, as at the Centre for Broadcasting and Journalism at Nottingham Trent University.

Peace Journalism opposes War Journalism, but does not oppose quality journalism. There needs to be more commitment to its implementation and understanding of its purpose. Peace Journalism demands a multi-disciplinary approach, enriches studies and seemingly appeals to the next generation. And after all, it is they who will inherit the legacy of Trump and the society that is defined by its media.

Donald Trump
Conflict resolution

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Albert Einstein - Wikipedia

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia

Einstein in 1921


14 March 1879

Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire


18 April 1955 (aged 76)

Princeton, New Jersey, United States


Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria (present-day Czech Republic), Belgium, United States


Subject of the Kingdom of Württemberg during the German Empire (1879–1896)[note 1]
Stateless (1896–1901)
Citizen of Switzerland (1901–1955)
Austrian subject of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1911–1912)
Subject of the Kingdom of Prussia during the German Empire (1914–1918)[note 1]
German citizen of the Free State of Prussia (Weimar Republic, 1918–1933)
Citizen of the United States (1940–1955)


Federal polytechnic school (1896–1900; B.A., 1900)
University of Zurich (Ph.D., 1905)

Known for

General relativity
Special relativity
Photoelectric effect
E=mc2 (Mass–energy equivalence)
E=hf (Planck–Einstein relation)
Theory of Brownian motion
Einstein field equations
Bose–Einstein statistics
Bose–Einstein condensate
Gravitational wave
Cosmological constant
Unified field theory
EPR paradox
Ensemble interpretation
List of other concepts


Mileva Marić

(m. 1903; div. 1919)

Elsa Löwenthal

(m. 1919; died[1][2] 1936)


"Lieserl" Einstein

Hans Albert Einstein

Eduard "Tete" Einstein


Barnard Medal (1920)
Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)
Matteucci Medal (1921)
ForMemRS (1921)[3]
Copley Medal (1925)[3]
Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (1926)
Max Planck Medal (1929)
Member of the National Academy of Sciences (1942)
Time Person of the Century (1999)

Scientific career


Physics, philosophy


Swiss Patent Office (Bern) (1902–1909)
University of Bern (1908–1909)
University of Zurich (1909–1911)
Charles University in Prague (1911–1912)
ETH Zurich (1912–1914)
Prussian Academy of Sciences (1914–1933)
Humboldt University of Berlin (1914–1933)
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (director, 1917–1933)
German Physical Society (president, 1916–1918)
Leiden University (visits, 1920)
Institute for Advanced Study (1933–1955)
Caltech (visits, 1931–1933)
University of Oxford (visits, 1931–1933)


Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen (A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions) (1905)

Doctoral advisor

Alfred Kleiner

Other academic advisors

Heinrich Friedrich Weber


Arthur Schopenhauer
Baruch Spinoza
Bernhard Riemann
David Hume
Ernst Mach
Hendrik Lorentz
Hermann Minkowski
Isaac Newton
James Clerk Maxwell
Michele Besso
Moritz Schlick
Thomas Young


Virtually all modern physics


Albert Einstein (/ˈaɪnstaɪn/ EYEN-styne;[4] German: [ˈalbɛʁt ˈʔaɪnʃtaɪn] (listen); 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist[5] who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).[3][6]:274 His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.[7][8] He is best known to the general public for his mass–energy equivalence formula {\displaystyle E=mc^{2}}, which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation".[9] He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect",[10] a pivotal step in the development of quantum theory.

Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led him to develop his special theory of relativity during his time at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern (1902–1909). However, he realized that the principle of relativity could also be extended to gravitational fields, and he published a paper on general relativity in 1916 with his theory of gravitation. He continued to deal with problems of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, which led to his explanations of particle theory and the motion of molecules. He also investigated the thermal properties of light which laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. In 1917, he applied the general theory of relativity to model the structure of the universe.[11][12]

Except for one year in Prague, Einstein lived in Switzerland between 1895 and 1914, during which time he renounced his German citizenship in 1896, then received his academic diploma from the Swiss federal polytechnic school (later the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ETH) in Zürich in 1900. After being stateless for more than five years, he acquired Swiss citizenship in 1901, which he kept for the rest of his life. In 1905, he was awarded a PhD by the University of Zurich. The same year, he published four groundbreaking papers during his renowned annus mirabilis (miracle year) which brought him to the notice of the academic world at the age of 26. Einstein taught theoretical physics at Zurich between 1912 and 1914, before he left for Berlin, where he was elected to the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

In 1933, while Einstein was visiting the United States, Adolf Hitler came to power. Because of his Jewish background, Einstein did not return to Germany.[13] He settled in the United States and became an American citizen in 1940.[14] On the eve of World War II, he endorsed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt alerting him to the potential development of "extremely powerful bombs of a new type" and recommending that the US begin similar research. This eventually led to the Manhattan Project. Einstein supported the Allies, but he generally denounced the idea of using nuclear fission as a weapon. He signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto with British philosopher Bertrand Russell, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons. He was affiliated with the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, until his death in 1955.

Einstein published more than 300 scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific works.[11][15] His intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with "genius".[16] Eugene Wigner wrote of Einstein in comparison to his contemporaries that "Einstein's understanding was deeper even than Jancsi von Neumann's. His mind was both more penetrating and more original than von Neumann's. And that is a very remarkable statement."[17]


1Life and career
1.1Early life and education
1.2Marriages and children
1.4Patent office
1.4.1First scientific papers
1.5Academic career
1.61921–1922: Travels abroad
1.71930–1931: Travel to the US
1.81933: Immigration to the US
1.8.1Refugee status
1.8.2Resident scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study
1.8.3World War II and the Manhattan Project
1.8.4US citizenship
1.9Personal life
1.9.1Assisting Zionist causes
1.9.2Love of music
1.9.3Political and religious views
2Scientific career
2.11905 – Annus Mirabilis papers
2.2Statistical mechanics
2.2.1Thermodynamic fluctuations and statistical physics
2.2.2Theory of critical opalescence
2.3Special relativity
2.4General relativity
2.4.1General relativity and the equivalence principle
2.4.2Gravitational waves
2.4.3Hole argument and Entwurf theory
2.4.4Physical cosmology
2.4.5Energy momentum pseudotensor
2.4.7Einstein–Cartan theory
2.4.8Equations of motion
2.5Old quantum theory
2.5.1Photons and energy quanta
2.5.2Quantized atomic vibrations
2.5.3Adiabatic principle and action-angle variables
2.5.4Bose–Einstein statistics
2.5.5Wave–particle duality
2.5.6Zero-point energy
2.5.7Stimulated emission
2.5.8Matter waves
2.6Quantum mechanics
2.6.1Einstein's objections to quantum mechanics
2.6.2Bohr versus Einstein
2.6.3Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox
2.7Unified field theory
2.8Other investigations
2.9Collaboration with other scientists
2.9.1Einstein–de Haas experiment
2.9.2Schrödinger gas model
2.9.3Einstein refrigerator
3Non-scientific legacy
4In popular culture
5Awards and honors
7See also
8.1Works cited
9Further reading
10External links
Life and career
Early life and education

See also: Einstein family

Einstein at the age of 3 in 1882

Albert Einstein in 1893 (age 14)

Einstein's matriculation certificate at the age of 17, showing his final grades from the Argovian cantonal school (Aargauische Kantonsschule, on a scale of 1–6, with 6 being the highest possible mark). He scored: German 5; French 3; Italian 5; History 6; Geography 4; Algebra 6; Geometry 6; Descriptive Geometry 6; Physics 6; Chemistry 5; Natural History 5; Art and Technical Drawing 4.

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire, on 14 March 1879.[5] His parents were Hermann Einstein, a salesman and engineer, and Pauline Koch. In 1880, the family moved to Munich, where Einstein's father and his uncle Jakob founded Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie, a company that manufactured electrical equipment based on direct current.[5]

The Einsteins were non-observant Ashkenazi Jews, and Albert attended a Catholic elementary school in Munich, from the age of 5, for three years. At the age of 8, he was transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium (now known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium), where he received advanced primary and secondary school education until he left the German Empire seven years later.[18]

In 1894, Hermann and Jakob's company lost a bid to supply the city of Munich with electrical lighting because they lacked the capital to convert their equipment from the direct current (DC) standard to the more efficient alternating current (AC) standard.[19] The loss forced the sale of the Munich factory. In search of business, the Einstein family moved to Italy, first to Milan and a few months later to Pavia. When the family moved to Pavia, Einstein, then 15, stayed in Munich to finish his studies at the Luitpold Gymnasium. His father intended for him to pursue electrical engineering, but Einstein clashed with authorities and resented the school's regimen and teaching method. He later wrote that the spirit of learning and creative thought was lost in strict rote learning. At the end of December 1894, he travelled to Italy to join his family in Pavia, convincing the school to let him go by using a doctor's note.[20] During his time in Italy he wrote a short essay with the title "On the Investigation of the State of the Ether in a Magnetic Field".[21][22]

Einstein always excelled at math and physics from a young age, reaching a mathematical level years ahead of his peers. The twelve-year-old Einstein taught himself algebra and Euclidean geometry over a single summer. Einstein also independently discovered his own original proof of the Pythagorean theorem at age 12.[23] A family tutor Max Talmud says that after he had given the 12-year-old Einstein a geometry textbook, after a short time "[Einstein] had worked through the whole book. He thereupon devoted himself to higher mathematics... Soon the flight of his mathematical genius was so high I could not follow."[24] His passion for geometry and algebra led the twelve-year-old to become convinced that nature could be understood as a "mathematical structure".[24] Einstein started teaching himself calculus at 12, and as a 14-year-old he says he had "mastered integral and differential calculus".[25]

At age 13, Einstein was introduced to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and Kant became his favorite philosopher, his tutor stating: "At the time he was still a child, only thirteen years old, yet Kant's works, incomprehensible to ordinary mortals, seemed to be clear to him."[24]

In 1895, at the age of 16, Einstein took the entrance examinations for the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zürich (later the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ETH). He failed to reach the required standard in the general part of the examination,[26] but obtained exceptional grades in physics and mathematics.[27] On the advice of the principal of the Polytechnic, he attended the Argovian cantonal school (gymnasium) in Aarau, Switzerland, in 1895 and 1896 to complete his secondary schooling. While lodging with the family of professor Jost Winteler, he fell in love with Winteler's daughter, Marie. Albert's sister Maja later married Winteler's son Paul.[28] In January 1896, with his father's approval, Einstein renounced his citizenship in the German Kingdom of Württemberg to avoid military service.[29] In September 1896, he passed the Swiss Matura with mostly good grades, including a top grade of 6 in physics and mathematical subjects, on a scale of 1–6.[30] At 17, he enrolled in the four-year mathematics and physics teaching diploma program at the Zürich Polytechnic. Marie Winteler, who was a year older, moved to Olsberg, Switzerland, for a teaching post.[28]

Einstein's future wife, a 20-year-old Serbian woman Mileva Marić, also enrolled at the Polytechnic that year. She was the only woman among the six students in the mathematics and physics section of the teaching diploma course. Over the next few years, Einstein's and Marić's friendship developed into romance, and they read books together on extra-curricular physics in which Einstein was taking an increasing interest. In 1900, Einstein passed the exams in Maths and Physics and was awarded the Federal Polytechnic teaching diploma.[31] There have been claims that Marić collaborated with Einstein on his 1905 papers,[32][33] known as the Annus Mirabilis papers, but historians of physics who have studied the issue find no evidence that she made any substantive contributions.[34][35][36][37]
Marriages and children

Albert Einstein in 1904 (age 25)

An early correspondence between Einstein and Marić was discovered and published in 1987 which revealed that the couple had a daughter named "Lieserl", born in early 1902 in Novi Sad where Marić was staying with her parents. Marić returned to Switzerland without the child, whose real name and fate are unknown. The contents of Einstein's letter in September 1903 suggest that the girl was either given up for adoption or died of scarlet fever in infancy.[38][39]

Einstein with his second wife Elsa in 1921

Einstein and Marić married in January 1903. In May 1904, their son Hans Albert Einstein was born in Bern, Switzerland. Their son Eduard was born in Zürich in July 1910. The couple moved to Berlin in April 1914, but Marić returned to Zürich with their sons after learning that Einstein's chief romantic attraction was his first and second cousin Elsa.[40] They divorced on 14 February 1919, having lived apart for five years.[41] Eduard had a breakdown at about age 20 and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.[42] His mother cared for him and he was also committed to asylums for several periods, finally being committed permanently after her death.[43]

In letters revealed in 2015, Einstein wrote to his early love Marie Winteler about his marriage and his strong feelings for her. He wrote in 1910, while his wife was pregnant with their second child: "I think of you in heartfelt love every spare minute and am so unhappy as only a man can be." He spoke about a "misguided love" and a "missed life" regarding his love for Marie.[44]

Einstein married Elsa Löwenthal in 1919,[45][46] after having a relationship with her since 1912.[47] She was a first cousin maternally and a second cousin paternally.[47] They emigrated to the United States in 1933. Elsa was diagnosed with heart and kidney problems in 1935 and died in December 1936.[48]

Among Einstein's well-known friends were Michele Besso, Paul Ehrenfest, Marcel Grossmann, János Plesch, Daniel Q. Posin, Maurice Solovine, and Stephen Wise.[49]
Patent office

Olympia Academy founders: Conrad Habicht, Maurice Solovine and Einstein

After graduating in 1900, Einstein spent almost two frustrating years searching for a teaching post. He acquired Swiss citizenship in February 1901,[50] but for medical reasons was not conscripted. With the help of Marcel Grossmann's father, he secured a job in Bern at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property, the patent office,[51][52] as an assistant examiner – level III.[53][54]

Einstein evaluated patent applications for a variety of devices including a gravel sorter and an electromechanical typewriter.[54] In 1903, his position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, although he was passed over for promotion until he "fully mastered machine technology".[55]:370

Much of his work at the patent office related to questions about transmission of electric signals and electrical–mechanical synchronization of time, two technical problems that show up conspicuously in the thought experiments that eventually led Einstein to his radical conclusions about the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and time.[55]:377

With a few friends he had met in Bern, Einstein started a small discussion group in 1902, self-mockingly named "The Olympia Academy", which met regularly to discuss science and philosophy. Their readings included the works of Henri Poincaré, Ernst Mach, and David Hume, which influenced his scientific and philosophical outlook.[56]
First scientific papers

Einstein's official portrait after receiving the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics

In 1900, Einstein's paper "Folgerungen aus den Capillaritätserscheinungen" ("Conclusions from the Capillarity Phenomena") was published in the journal Annalen der Physik.[57][58] On 30 April 1905, Einstein completed his thesis,[59] with Alfred Kleiner, Professor of Experimental Physics, serving as pro-forma advisor. As a result, Einstein was awarded a PhD by the University of Zürich, with his dissertation A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions.[59][60]

In that same year, which has been called Einstein's annus mirabilis (miracle year), he published four groundbreaking papers, on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of mass and energy, which were to bring him to the notice of the academic world, at the age of 26.
Academic career

By 1908, he was recognized as a leading scientist and was appointed lecturer at the University of Bern. The following year, after giving a lecture on electrodynamics and the relativity principle at the University of Zürich, Alfred Kleiner recommended him to the faculty for a newly created professorship in theoretical physics. Einstein was appointed associate professor in 1909.[61]

Einstein became a full professor at the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague in April 1911, accepting Austrian citizenship in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to do so.[62][63] During his Prague stay, he wrote 11 scientific works, five of them on radiation mathematics and on the quantum theory of solids. In July 1912, he returned to his alma mater in Zürich. From 1912 until 1914, he was professor of theoretical physics at the ETH Zurich, where he taught analytical mechanics and thermodynamics. He also studied continuum mechanics, the molecular theory of heat, and the problem of gravitation, on which he worked with mathematician and friend Marcel Grossmann.[64]

The New York Times reported confirmation of "the Einstein theory" (specifically, the bending of light by gravitation) based on 29 May 1919 eclipse observations in Principe (Africa) and Sobral (Brazil), after the findings were presented on 6 November 1919 to a joint meeting in London of the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society.[65] (Full text)

On 3 July 1913, he was voted for membership in the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. Max Planck and Walther Nernst visited him the next week in Zurich to persuade him to join the academy, additionally offering him the post of director at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics, which was soon to be established.[66] (Membership in the academy included paid salary and professorship without teaching duties at the Humboldt University of Berlin.) He was officially elected to the academy on 24 July, and he accepted to move to the German Empire the next year. His decision to move to Berlin was also influenced by the prospect of living near his cousin Elsa, with whom he had developed a romantic affair. He joined the academy and thus the Berlin University on 1 April 1914.[67] As World War I broke out that year, the plan for Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics was aborted. The institute was established on 1 October 1917, with Einstein as its director.[68] In 1916, Einstein was elected president of the German Physical Society (1916–1918).[69]

Based on calculations Einstein made in 1911, about his new theory of general relativity, light from another star should be bent by the Sun's gravity. In 1919, that prediction was confirmed by Sir Arthur Eddington during the solar eclipse of 29 May 1919. Those observations were published in the international media, making Einstein world-famous. On 7 November 1919, the leading British newspaper The Times printed a banner headline that read: "Revolution in Science – New Theory of the Universe – Newtonian Ideas Overthrown".[70]

In 1920, he became a Foreign Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.[71] In 1922, he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".[10] While the general theory of relativity was still considered somewhat controversial, the citation also does not treat even the cited photoelectric work as an explanation but merely as a discovery of the law, as the idea of photons was considered outlandish and did not receive universal acceptance until the 1924 derivation of the Planck spectrum by S. N. Bose. Einstein was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 1921.[3] He also received the Copley Medal from the Royal Society in 1925.[3]
1921–1922: Travels abroad

Albert Einstein at a session of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (League of Nations) of which he was a member from 1922 to 1932.

Einstein visited New York City for the first time on 2 April 1921, where he received an official welcome by Mayor John Francis Hylan, followed by three weeks of lectures and receptions. He went on to deliver several lectures at Columbia University and Princeton University, and in Washington he accompanied representatives of the National Academy of Science on a visit to the White House. On his return to Europe he was the guest of the British statesman and philosopher Viscount Haldane in London, where he met several renowned scientific, intellectual and political figures, and delivered a lecture at King's College London.[72] [73]

He also published an essay, "My First Impression of the U.S.A.", in July 1921, in which he tried briefly to describe some characteristics of Americans, much as had Alexis de Tocqueville, who published his own impressions in Democracy in America (1835).[74] For some of his observations, Einstein was clearly surprised: "What strikes a visitor is the joyous, positive attitude to life ... The American is friendly, self-confident, optimistic, and without envy."[75]:20

In 1922, his travels took him to Asia and later to Palestine, as part of a six-month excursion and speaking tour, as he visited Singapore, Ceylon and Japan, where he gave a series of lectures to thousands of Japanese. After his first public lecture, he met the emperor and empress at the Imperial Palace, where thousands came to watch. In a letter to his sons, he described his impression of the Japanese as being modest, intelligent, considerate, and having a true feel for art.[76] In his own travel diaries from his 1922–23 visit to Asia, he expresses some views on the Chinese, Japanese and Indian people, which have been described as xenophobic and racist judgments when they were rediscovered in 2018.[77]

Because of Einstein's travels to the Far East, he was unable to personally accept the Nobel Prize for Physics at the Stockholm award ceremony in December 1922. In his place, the banquet speech was held by a German diplomat, who praised Einstein not only as a scientist but also as an international peacemaker and activist.[78]

On his return voyage, he visited Palestine for 12 days in what would become his only visit to that region. He was greeted as if he were a head of state, rather than a physicist, which included a cannon salute upon arriving at the home of the British high commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel. During one reception, the building was stormed by people who wanted to see and hear him. In Einstein's talk to the audience, he expressed happiness that the Jewish people were beginning to be recognized as a force in the world.[79]

Einstein visited Spain for two weeks in 1923, where he briefly met Santiago Ramón y Cajal and also received a diploma from King Alfonso XIII naming him a member of the Spanish Academy of Sciences.[80]

From 1922 to 1932, Einstein was a member of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations in Geneva (with a few months of interruption in 1923–1924),[81] a body created to promote international exchange between scientists, researchers, teachers, artists and intellectuals.[82] Originally slated to serve as the Swiss delegate, Secretary-General Eric Drummond was persuaded by Catholic activists Oskar Halecki and Giuseppe Motta to instead have him become the German delegate, thus allowing Gonzague de Reynold to take the Swiss spot, from which he promoted traditionalist Catholic values.[83] Einstein’s former physics professor Hendrik Lorentz and the French chemist Marie Curie were also members of the committee.
1930–1931: Travel to the US

In December 1930, Einstein visited America for the second time, originally intended as a two-month working visit as a research fellow at the California Institute of Technology. After the national attention he received during his first trip to the US, he and his arrangers aimed to protect his privacy. Although swamped with telegrams and invitations to receive awards or speak publicly, he declined them all.[84]

After arriving in New York City, Einstein was taken to various places and events, including Chinatown, a lunch with the editors of The New York Times, and a performance of Carmen at the Metropolitan Opera, where he was cheered by the audience on his arrival. During the days following, he was given the keys to the city by Mayor Jimmy Walker and met the president of Columbia University, who described Einstein as "the ruling monarch of the mind".[85] Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor at New York's Riverside Church, gave Einstein a tour of the church and showed him a full-size statue that the church made of Einstein, standing at the entrance.[85] Also during his stay in New York, he joined a crowd of 15,000 people at Madison Square Garden during a Hanukkah celebration.[85]

Einstein (left) and Charlie Chaplin at the Hollywood premiere of City Lights, January 1931

Einstein next traveled to California, where he met Caltech president and Nobel laureate, Robert A. Millikan. His friendship with Millikan was "awkward", as Millikan "had a penchant for patriotic militarism", where Einstein was a pronounced pacifist.[86] During an address to Caltech's students, Einstein noted that science was often inclined to do more harm than good.[87]

This aversion to war also led Einstein to befriend author Upton Sinclair and film star Charlie Chaplin, both noted for their pacifism. Carl Laemmle, head of Universal Studios, gave Einstein a tour of his studio and introduced him to Chaplin. They had an instant rapport, with Chaplin inviting Einstein and his wife, Elsa, to his home for dinner. Chaplin said Einstein's outward persona, calm and gentle, seemed to conceal a "highly emotional temperament", from which came his "extraordinary intellectual energy".[88]:320

Chaplin's film, City Lights, was to premiere a few days later in Hollywood, and Chaplin invited Einstein and Elsa to join him as his special guests. Walter Isaacson, Einstein's biographer, described this as "one of the most memorable scenes in the new era of celebrity".[87] Chaplin visited Einstein at his home on a later trip to Berlin, and recalled his "modest little flat" and the piano at which he had begun writing his theory. Chaplin speculated that it was "possibly used as kindling wood by the Nazis".[88]:322
1933: Immigration to the US

Cartoon of Einstein after shedding his "pacifism" wings (Charles R. Macauley, c. 1933)

In February 1933, while on a visit to the United States, Einstein knew he could not return to Germany with the rise to power of the Nazis under Germany's new chancellor, Adolf Hitler.[89][90]

While at American universities in early 1933, he undertook his third two-month visiting professorship at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He and his wife Elsa returned to Europe by ship in March, and during the trip they learned that the German Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, which transformed Hitler's government into a de facto legal dictatorship and that they would not be able to proceed to Berlin. Later on they heard that their cottage was raided by the Nazis and his personal sailboat confiscated. Upon landing in Antwerp, Belgium on 28 March, he immediately went to the German consulate and surrendered his passport, formally renouncing his German citizenship.[91] The Nazis later sold his boat and converted his cottage into a Hitler Youth camp.[92] After staying some days at Castle Cantecroy in Mortsel, a villa was rented in De Haan on the Belgian coast for half a year. On 9 September, they took the ferry to Dover, and arrived in the US on 17 October.[citation needed]
Refugee status

Albert Einstein's landing card (26 May 1933), when he landed in Dover (United Kingdom) from Ostende (Belgium) to visit Oxford.

In April 1933, Einstein discovered that the new German government had passed laws barring Jews from holding any official positions, including teaching at universities.[91] Historian Gerald Holton describes how, with "virtually no audible protest being raised by their colleagues", thousands of Jewish scientists were suddenly forced to give up their university positions and their names were removed from the rolls of institutions where they were employed.[75]

A month later, Einstein's works were among those targeted by the German Student Union in the Nazi book burnings, with Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels proclaiming, "Jewish intellectualism is dead."[91] One German magazine included him in a list of enemies of the German regime with the phrase, "not yet hanged", offering a $5,000 bounty on his head.[91][93] In a subsequent letter to physicist and friend Max Born, who had already emigrated from Germany to England, Einstein wrote, "... I must confess that the degree of their brutality and cowardice came as something of a surprise."[91] After moving to the US, he described the book burnings as a "spontaneous emotional outburst" by those who "shun popular enlightenment", and "more than anything else in the world, fear the influence of men of intellectual independence".[94]

Einstein was now without a permanent home, unsure where he would live and work, and equally worried about the fate of countless other scientists still in Germany. He rented a house in De Haan, Belgium, where he lived for a few months. In late July 1933, he went to England for about six weeks at the personal invitation of British naval officer Commander Oliver Locker-Lampson, who had become friends with Einstein in the preceding years. To protect Einstein, Locker-Lampson had two assistants watch over him at his secluded cottage outside London, with a photo of them carrying shotguns and guarding Einstein, published in the Daily Herald on 24 July 1933.[95][96]

Locker-Lampson took Einstein to meet Winston Churchill at his home, and later, Austen Chamberlain and former Prime Minister Lloyd George.[97] Einstein asked them to help bring Jewish scientists out of Germany. British historian Martin Gilbert notes that Churchill responded immediately, and sent his friend, physicist Frederick Lindemann, to Germany to seek out Jewish scientists and place them in British universities.[98] Churchill later observed that as a result of Germany having driven the Jews out, they had lowered their "technical standards" and put the Allies' technology ahead of theirs.[98]

Einstein later contacted leaders of other nations, including Turkey's Prime Minister, İsmet İnönü, to whom he wrote in September 1933 requesting placement of unemployed German-Jewish scientists. As a result of Einstein's letter, Jewish invitees to Turkey eventually totaled over "1,000 saved individuals".[99]

Locker-Lampson also submitted a bill to parliament to extend British citizenship to Einstein, during which period Einstein made a number of public appearances describing the crisis brewing in Europe.[100] In one of his speeches he denounced Germany's treatment of Jews, while at the same time he introduced a bill promoting Jewish citizenship in Palestine, as they were being denied citizenship elsewhere.[101] In his speech he described Einstein as a "citizen of the world" who should be offered a temporary shelter in the UK.[note 2][102] Both bills failed, however, and Einstein then accepted an earlier offer from the Institute for Advanced Study, in Princeton, New Jersey, US, to become a resident scholar.[100]
Resident scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study

Portrait of Einstein taken in 1935 at Princeton

In October 1933, Einstein returned to the US and took up a position at the Institute for Advanced Study,[100][103] noted for having become a refuge for scientists fleeing Nazi Germany.[104] At the time, most American universities, including Harvard, Princeton and Yale, had minimal or no Jewish faculty or students, as a result of their Jewish quotas, which lasted until the late 1940s.[104]

Einstein was still undecided on his future. He had offers from several European universities, including Christ Church, Oxford where he stayed for three short periods between May 1931 and June 1933 and was offered a 5-year studentship,[105][106] but in 1935, he arrived at the decision to remain permanently in the United States and apply for citizenship.[100][107]

Einstein's affiliation with the Institute for Advanced Study would last until his death in 1955.[108] He was one of the four first selected (two of the others being John von Neumann and Kurt Gödel) at the new Institute, where he soon developed a close friendship with Gödel. The two would take long walks together discussing their work. Bruria Kaufman, his assistant, later became a physicist. During this period, Einstein tried to develop a unified field theory and to refute the accepted interpretation of quantum physics, both unsuccessfully.
World War II and the Manhattan Project

See also: Einstein–Szilárd letter

In 1939, a group of Hungarian scientists that included émigré physicist Leó Szilárd attempted to alert Washington to ongoing Nazi atomic bomb research. The group's warnings were discounted. Einstein and Szilárd, along with other refugees such as Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner, "regarded it as their responsibility to alert Americans to the possibility that German scientists might win the race to build an atomic bomb, and to warn that Hitler would be more than willing to resort to such a weapon."[109][110] To make certain the US was aware of the danger, in July 1939, a few months before the beginning of World War II in Europe, Szilárd and Wigner visited Einstein to explain the possibility of atomic bombs, which Einstein, a pacifist, said he had never considered.[111] He was asked to lend his support by writing a letter, with Szilárd, to President Roosevelt, recommending the US pay attention and engage in its own nuclear weapons research.

The letter is believed to be "arguably the key stimulus for the U.S. adoption of serious investigations into nuclear weapons on the eve of the U.S. entry into World War II".[112] In addition to the letter, Einstein used his connections with the Belgian Royal Family[113] and the Belgian queen mother to get access with a personal envoy to the White House's Oval Office. Some say that as a result of Einstein's letter and his meetings with Roosevelt, the US entered the "race" to develop the bomb, drawing on its "immense material, financial, and scientific resources" to initiate the Manhattan Project.

For Einstein, "war was a disease ... [and] he called for resistance to war." By signing the letter to Roosevelt, some argue he went against his pacifist principles.[114] In 1954, a year before his death, Einstein said to his old friend, Linus Pauling, "I made one great mistake in my life—when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification—the danger that the Germans would make them ..."[115]
US citizenship

Einstein accepting US citizenship certificate from judge Phillip Forman

Einstein became an American citizen in 1940. Not long after settling into his career at the Institute for Advanced Study (in Princeton, New Jersey), he expressed his appreciation of the meritocracy in American culture when compared to Europe. He recognized the "right of individuals to say and think what they pleased", without social barriers, and as a result, individuals were encouraged, he said, to be more creative, a trait he valued from his own early education.[116]

Einstein joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Princeton, where he campaigned for the civil rights of African Americans. He considered racism America's "worst disease",[93] seeing it as "handed down from one generation to the next".[117] As part of his involvement, he corresponded with civil rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois and was prepared to testify on his behalf during his trial in 1951.[118]:565 When Einstein offered to be a character witness for Du Bois, the judge decided to drop the case.[119]

In 1946 Einstein visited Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, a historically black college, where he was awarded an honorary degree. (Lincoln was the first university in the United States to grant college degrees to African Americans; alumni include Langston Hughes and Thurgood Marshall.) Einstein gave a speech about racism in America, adding, "I do not intend to be quiet about it."[120] A resident of Princeton recalls that Einstein had once paid the college tuition for a black student.[119]
Personal life

Einstein in 1947
Assisting Zionist causes

Einstein was a figurehead leader in helping establish the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which opened in 1925, and was among its first Board of Governors. Earlier, in 1921, he was asked by the biochemist and president of the World Zionist Organization, Chaim Weizmann, to help raise funds for the planned university.[121] He also submitted various suggestions as to its initial programs.

Among those, he advised first creating an Institute of Agriculture in order to settle the undeveloped land. That should be followed, he suggested, by a Chemical Institute and an Institute of Microbiology, to fight the various ongoing epidemics such as malaria, which he called an "evil" that was undermining a third of the country's development.[122]:161 Establishing an Oriental Studies Institute, to include language courses given in both Hebrew and Arabic, for scientific exploration of the country and its historical monuments, was also important.[122]:158

Chaim Weizmann later became Israel's first president. Upon his death while in office in November 1952 and at the urging of Ezriel Carlebach, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion offered Einstein the position of President of Israel, a mostly ceremonial post.[123][124] The offer was presented by Israel's ambassador in Washington, Abba Eban, who explained that the offer "embodies the deepest respect which the Jewish people can repose in any of its sons".[125] Einstein declined, and wrote in his response that he was "deeply moved", and "at once saddened and ashamed" that he could not accept it.[125]
Love of music

Einstein (right) with writer, musician and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, 1930

Einstein developed an appreciation for music at an early age. In his late journals he wrote: "If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music."[126][127]

His mother played the piano reasonably well and wanted her son to learn the violin, not only to instill in him a love of music but also to help him assimilate into German culture. According to conductor Leon Botstein, Einstein began playing when he was 5. However, he did not enjoy it at that age.[128]

When he turned 13, he discovered the violin sonatas of Mozart, whereupon he became enamored of Mozart's compositions and studied music more willingly. Einstein taught himself to play without "ever practicing systematically". He said that "love is a better teacher than a sense of duty."[128] At age 17, he was heard by a school examiner in Aarau while playing Beethoven's violin sonatas. The examiner stated afterward that his playing was "remarkable and revealing of 'great insight'". What struck the examiner, writes Botstein, was that Einstein "displayed a deep love of the music, a quality that was and remains in short supply. Music possessed an unusual meaning for this student."[128]

Music took on a pivotal and permanent role in Einstein's life from that period on. Although the idea of becoming a professional musician himself was not on his mind at any time, among those with whom Einstein played chamber music were a few professionals, and he performed for private audiences and friends. Chamber music had also become a regular part of his social life while living in Bern, Zürich, and Berlin, where he played with Max Planck and his son, among others. He is sometimes erroneously credited as the editor of the 1937 edition of the Köchel catalogue of Mozart's work; that edition was prepared by Alfred Einstein, who may have been a distant relation.[129][130]

In 1931, while engaged in research at the California Institute of Technology, he visited the Zoellner family conservatory in Los Angeles, where he played some of Beethoven and Mozart's works with members of the Zoellner Quartet.[131][132] Near the end of his life, when the young Juilliard Quartet visited him in Princeton, he played his violin with them, and the quartet was "impressed by Einstein's level of coordination and intonation".[128]
Political and religious views

Main articles: Albert Einstein's political views and Albert Einstein's religious views

Albert Einstein with his wife Elsa Einstein and Zionist leaders, including future President of Israel Chaim Weizmann, his wife Vera Weizmann, Menahem Ussishkin, and Ben-Zion Mossinson on arrival in New York City in 1921

In 1918, Einstein was one of the founding members of the German Democratic Party, a liberal party.[133]:83 However, later in his life, Einstein's political view was in favor of socialism and critical of capitalism, which he detailed in his essays such as "Why Socialism?".[134][135] Einstein offered and was called on to give judgments and opinions on matters often unrelated to theoretical physics or mathematics.[100] He strongly advocated the idea of a democratic global government that would check the power of nation-states in the framework of a world federation.[136] The FBI created a secret dossier on Einstein in 1932, and by the time of his death his FBI file was 1,427 pages long.[137]

Einstein was deeply impressed by Mahatma Gandhi. He exchanged written letters with Gandhi, and called him "a role model for the generations to come" in a letter writing about him.[138]

Einstein spoke of his spiritual outlook in a wide array of original writings and interviews.[139] Einstein stated that he had sympathy for the impersonal pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza's philosophy.[140] He did not believe in a personal God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings, a view which he described as naïve.[141] He clarified, however, that "I am not an atheist",[142] preferring to call himself an agnostic,[143] or a "deeply religious nonbeliever".[141] When asked if he believed in an afterlife, Einstein replied, "No. And one life is enough for me."[144]

Einstein was primarily affiliated with non-religious humanist and Ethical Culture groups in both the UK and US. He served on the advisory board of the First Humanist Society of New York,[145] and was an honorary associate of the Rationalist Association, which publishes New Humanist in Britain. For the seventy-fifth anniversary of the New York Society for Ethical Culture, he stated that the idea of Ethical Culture embodied his personal conception of what is most valuable and enduring in religious idealism. He observed, "Without 'ethical culture' there is no salvation for humanity."[146]

In a one-and-a-half-page hand-written German-language letter to philosopher Eric Gutkind, dated Princeton, 3 January 1954, fifteen months before his death, Einstein wrote: "The word God is for me nothing but the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of venerable but still rather primitive legends. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change anything about this. [...] For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstition. [...] I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them [the Jewish people]."[147][148]

On 17 April 1955, Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which had previously been reinforced surgically by Rudolph Nissen in 1948.[149] He took the draft of a speech he was preparing for a television appearance commemorating the State of Israel's seventh anniversary with him to the hospital, but he did not live long enough to complete it.[150]

Einstein refused surgery, saying, "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly."[151] He died in Princeton Hospital early the next morning at the age of 76, having continued to work until near the end.[152]

During the autopsy, the pathologist of Princeton Hospital, Thomas Stoltz Harvey, removed Einstein's brain for preservation without the permission of his family, in the hope that the neuroscience of the future would be able to discover what made Einstein so intelligent.[153] Einstein's remains were cremated and his ashes were scattered at an undisclosed location.[154][155]

In a memorial lecture delivered on 13 December 1965, at UNESCO headquarters, nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer summarized his impression of Einstein as a person: "He was almost wholly without sophistication and wholly without worldliness ... There was always with him a wonderful purity at once childlike and profoundly stubborn."[156]
Scientific career

Throughout his life, Einstein published hundreds of books and articles.[15][5] He published more than 300 scientific papers and 150 non-scientific ones.[11][15] On 5 December 2014, universities and archives announced the release of Einstein's papers, comprising more than 30,000 unique documents.[157][158] Einstein's intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with "genius".[16] In addition to the work he did by himself he also collaborated with other scientists on additional projects including the Bose–Einstein statistics, the Einstein refrigerator and others.[159][160]
1905 – Annus Mirabilis papers

Main articles: Annus Mirabilis papers, Photoelectric effect, Special theory of relativity, Mass–energy equivalence, and Brownian motion

The Annus Mirabilis papers are four articles pertaining to the photoelectric effect (which gave rise to quantum theory), Brownian motion, the special theory of relativity, and E = mc2 that Einstein published in the Annalen der Physik scientific journal in 1905. These four works contributed substantially to the foundation of modern physics and changed views on space, time, and matter. The four papers are:

Title (translated)

Area of focus




On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light

Photoelectric effect

18 March

9 June

Resolved an unsolved puzzle by suggesting that energy is exchanged only in discrete amounts (quanta).[161] This idea was pivotal to the early development of quantum theory.[162]

On the Motion of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid, as Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat

Brownian motion

11 May

18 July

Explained empirical evidence for the atomic theory, supporting the application of statistical physics.

On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies

Special relativity

30 June

26 September

Reconciled Maxwell's equations for electricity and magnetism with the laws of mechanics by introducing changes to mechanics, resulting from analysis based on empirical evidence that the speed of light is independent of the motion of the observer.[163] Discredited the concept of a "luminiferous ether".[164]

Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?

Matter–energy equivalence

27 September

21 November

Equivalence of matter and energy, E = mc2 (and by implication, the ability of gravity to "bend" light), the existence of "rest energy", and the basis of nuclear energy.

Statistical mechanics
Thermodynamic fluctuations and statistical physics

Main articles: Statistical mechanics, thermal fluctuations, and statistical physics

Einstein's first paper[165] submitted in 1900 to Annalen der Physik was on capillary attraction. It was published in 1901 with the title "Folgerungen aus den Capillaritätserscheinungen", which translates as "Conclusions from the capillarity phenomena". Two papers he published in 1902–1903 (thermodynamics) attempted to interpret atomic phenomena from a statistical point of view. These papers were the foundation for the 1905 paper on Brownian motion, which showed that Brownian movement can be construed as firm evidence that molecules exist. His research in 1903 and 1904 was mainly concerned with the effect of finite atomic size on diffusion phenomena.[165]
Theory of critical opalescence

Main article: Critical opalescence

Einstein returned to the problem of thermodynamic fluctuations, giving a treatment of the density variations in a fluid at its critical point. Ordinarily the density fluctuations are controlled by the second derivative of the free energy with respect to the density. At the critical point, this derivative is zero, leading to large fluctuations. The effect of density fluctuations is that light of all wavelengths is scattered, making the fluid look milky white. Einstein relates this to Rayleigh scattering, which is what happens when the fluctuation size is much smaller than the wavelength, and which explains why the sky is blue.[166] Einstein quantitatively derived critical opalescence from a treatment of density fluctuations, and demonstrated how both the effect and Rayleigh scattering originate from the atomistic constitution of matter.
Special relativity

Main article: History of special relativity

Einstein's "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper"[167] ("On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies") was received on 30 June 1905 and published 26 September of that same year. It reconciled conflicts between Maxwell's equations (the laws of electricity and magnetism) and the laws of Newtonian mechanics by introducing changes to the laws of mechanics.[168] Observationally, the effects of these changes are most apparent at high speeds (where objects are moving at speeds close to the speed of light). The theory developed in this paper later became known as Einstein's special theory of relativity.

This paper predicted that, when measured in the frame of a relatively moving observer, a clock carried by a moving body would appear to slow down, and the body itself would contract in its direction of motion. This paper also argued that the idea of a luminiferous aether—one of the leading theoretical entities in physics at the time—was superfluous.[note 3]

In his paper on mass–energy equivalence, Einstein produced E = mc2 as a consequence of his special relativity equations.[169] Einstein's 1905 work on relativity remained controversial for many years, but was accepted by leading physicists, starting with Max Planck.[170][171]

Einstein originally framed special relativity in terms of kinematics (the study of moving bodies). In 1908, Hermann Minkowski reinterpreted special relativity in geometric terms as a theory of spacetime. Einstein adopted Minkowski's formalism in his 1915 general theory of relativity.[172]
General relativity
General relativity and the equivalence principle

Main article: History of general relativity

See also: Equivalence principle, Theory of relativity, and Einstein field equations

Eddington's photograph of a solar eclipse

General relativity (GR) is a theory of gravitation that was developed by Einstein between 1907 and 1915. According to general relativity, the observed gravitational attraction between masses results from the warping of space and time by those masses. General relativity has developed into an essential tool in modern astrophysics. It provides the foundation for the current understanding of black holes, regions of space where gravitational attraction is so strong that not even light can escape.

As Einstein later said, the reason for the development of general relativity was that the preference of inertial motions within special relativity was unsatisfactory, while a theory which from the outset prefers no state of motion (even accelerated ones) should appear more satisfactory.[173] Consequently, in 1907 he published an article on acceleration under special relativity. In that article titled "On the Relativity Principle and the Conclusions Drawn from It", he argued that free fall is really inertial motion, and that for a free-falling observer the rules of special relativity must apply. This argument is called the equivalence principle. In the same article, Einstein also predicted the phenomena of gravitational time dilation, gravitational redshift and deflection of light.[174][175]

In 1911, Einstein published another article "On the Influence of Gravitation on the Propagation of Light" expanding on the 1907 article, in which he estimated the amount of deflection of light by massive bodies. Thus, the theoretical prediction of general relativity could for the first time be tested experimentally.[176]
Gravitational waves

In 1916, Einstein predicted gravitational waves,[177][178] ripples in the curvature of spacetime which propagate as waves, traveling outward from the source, transporting energy as gravitational radiation. The existence of gravitational waves is possible under general relativity due to its Lorentz invariance which brings the concept of a finite speed of propagation of the physical interactions of gravity with it. By contrast, gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, which postulates that the physical interactions of gravity propagate at infinite speed.

The first, indirect, detection of gravitational waves came in the 1970s through observation of a pair of closely orbiting neutron stars, PSR B1913+16.[179] The explanation of the decay in their orbital period was that they were emitting gravitational waves.[179][180] Einstein's prediction was confirmed on 11 February 2016, when researchers at LIGO published the first observation of gravitational waves,[181] detected on Earth on 14 September 2015, exactly one hundred years after the prediction.[179][182][183][184][185]
Hole argument and Entwurf theory

Main article: Hole argument

While developing general relativity, Einstein became confused about the gauge invariance in the theory. He formulated an argument that led him to conclude that a general relativistic field theory is impossible. He gave up looking for fully generally covariant tensor equations, and searched for equations that would be invariant under general linear transformations only.

In June 1913, the Entwurf ('draft') theory was the result of these investigations. As its name suggests, it was a sketch of a theory, less elegant and more difficult than general relativity, with the equations of motion supplemented by additional gauge fixing conditions. After more than two years of intensive work, Einstein realized that the hole argument was mistaken[186] and abandoned the theory in November 1915.
Physical cosmology

Main article: Physical cosmology

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In 1917, Einstein applied the general theory of relativity to the structure of the universe as a whole.[187] He discovered that the general field equations predicted a universe that was dynamic, either contracting or expanding. As observational evidence for a dynamic universe was not known at the time, Einstein introduced a new term, the cosmological constant, to the field equations, in order to allow the theory to predict a static universe. The modified field equations predicted a static universe of closed curvature, in accordance with Einstein's understanding of Mach's principle in these years. This model became known as the Einstein World or Einstein's static universe.[188][189]

Following the discovery of the recession of the nebulae by Edwin Hubble in 1929, Einstein abandoned his static model of the universe, and proposed two dynamic models of the cosmos, The Friedmann-Einstein universe of 1931[190][191] and the Einstein–de Sitter universe of 1932.[192][193] In each of these models, Einstein discarded the cosmological constant, claiming that it was "in any case theoretically unsatisfactory".[190][191][194]

In many Einstein biographies, it is claimed that Einstein referred to the cosmological constant in later years as his "biggest blunder". The astrophysicist Mario Livio has recently cast doubt on this claim, suggesting that it may be exaggerated.[195]

In late 2013, a team led by the Irish physicist Cormac O'Raifeartaigh discovered evidence that, shortly after learning of Hubble's observations of the recession of the nebulae, Einstein considered a steady-state model of the universe.[196][197] In a hitherto overlooked manuscript, apparently written in early 1931, Einstein explored a model of the expanding universe in which the density of matter remains constant due to a continuous creation of matter, a process he associated with the cosmological constant.[198][199] As he stated in the paper, "In what follows, I would like to draw attention to a solution to equation (1) that can account for Hubbel's [sic] facts, and in which the density is constant over time" ... "If one considers a physically bounded volume, particles of matter will be continually leaving it. For the density to remain constant, new particles of matter must be continually formed in the volume from space."

It thus appears that Einstein considered a steady-state model of the expanding universe many years before Hoyle, Bondi and Gold.[200][201] However, Einstein's steady-state model contained a fundamental flaw and he quickly abandoned the idea.[198][199][202]
Energy momentum pseudotensor

Main article: Stress–energy–momentum pseudotensor

General relativity includes a dynamical spacetime, so it is difficult to see how to identify the conserved energy and momentum. Noether's theorem allows these quantities to be determined from a Lagrangian with translation invariance, but general covariance makes translation invariance into something of a gauge symmetry. The energy and momentum derived within general relativity by Noether's prescriptions do not make a real tensor for this reason.

Einstein argued that this is true for a fundamental reason: the gravitational field could be made to vanish by a choice of coordinates. He maintained that the non-covariant energy momentum pseudotensor was in fact the best description of the energy momentum distribution in a gravitational field. This approach has been echoed by Lev Landau and Evgeny Lifshitz, and others, and has become standard.

The use of non-covariant objects like pseudotensors was heavily criticized in 1917 by Erwin Schrödinger and others.

Main article: Wormhole

In 1935, Einstein collaborated with Nathan Rosen to produce a model of a wormhole, often called Einstein–Rosen bridges.[203][204] His motivation was to model elementary particles with charge as a solution of gravitational field equations, in line with the program outlined in the paper "Do Gravitational Fields play an Important Role in the Constitution of the Elementary Particles?". These solutions cut and pasted Schwarzschild black holes to make a bridge between two patches.[205]

If one end of a wormhole was positively charged, the other end would be negatively charged. These properties led Einstein to believe that pairs of particles and antiparticles could be described in this way.
Einstein–Cartan theory

Main article: Einstein–Cartan theory

Einstein at his office, University of Berlin, 1920

In order to incorporate spinning point particles into general relativity, the affine connection needed to be generalized to include an antisymmetric part, called the torsion. This modification was made by Einstein and Cartan in the 1920s.
Equations of motion

Main article: Einstein–Infeld–Hoffmann equations

The theory of general relativity has a fundamental law—the Einstein field equations, which describe how space curves. The geodesic equation, which describes how particles move, may be derived from the Einstein field equations.

Since the equations of general relativity are non-linear, a lump of energy made out of pure gravitational fields, like a black hole, would move on a trajectory which is determined by the Einstein field equations themselves, not by a new law. So Einstein proposed that the path of a singular solution, like a black hole, would be determined to be a geodesic from general relativity itself.

This was established by Einstein, Infeld, and Hoffmann for pointlike objects without angular momentum, and by Roy Kerr for spinning objects.
Old quantum theory

Main article: Old quantum theory
Photons and energy quanta

The photoelectric effect. Incoming photons on the left strike a metal plate (bottom), and eject electrons, depicted as flying off to the right.

Main articles: Photon and Quantum

In a 1905 paper,[206] Einstein postulated that light itself consists of localized particles (quanta). Einstein's light quanta were nearly universally rejected by all physicists, including Max Planck and Niels Bohr. This idea only became universally accepted in 1919, with Robert Millikan's detailed experiments on the photoelectric effect, and with the measurement of Compton scattering.

Einstein concluded that each wave of frequency f is associated with a collection of photons with energy hf each, where h is Planck's constant. He does not say much more, because he is not sure how the particles are related to the wave. But he does suggest that this idea would explain certain experimental results, notably the photoelectric effect.[206]
Quantized atomic vibrations

Main article: Einstein solid

In 1907, Einstein proposed a model of matter where each atom in a lattice structure is an independent harmonic oscillator. In the Einstein model, each atom oscillates independently—a series of equally spaced quantized states for each oscillator. Einstein was aware that getting the frequency of the actual oscillations would be difficult, but he nevertheless proposed this theory because it was a particularly clear demonstration that quantum mechanics could solve the specific heat problem in classical mechanics. Peter Debye refined this model.[207]
Adiabatic principle and action-angle variables

Main article: Adiabatic invariant

Throughout the 1910s, quantum mechanics expanded in scope to cover many different systems. After Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus and proposed that electrons orbit like planets, Niels Bohr was able to show that the same quantum mechanical postulates introduced by Planck and developed by Einstein would explain the discrete motion of electrons in atoms, and the periodic table of the elements.

Einstein contributed to these developments by linking them with the 1898 arguments Wilhelm Wien had made. Wien had shown that the hypothesis of adiabatic invariance of a thermal equilibrium state allows all the blackbody curves at different temperature to be derived from one another by a simple shifting process. Einstein noted in 1911 that the same adiabatic principle shows that the quantity which is quantized in any mechanical motion must be an adiabatic invariant. Arnold Sommerfeld identified this adiabatic invariant as the action variable of classical mechanics.
Bose–Einstein statistics

Main article: Bose–Einstein statistics

In 1924, Einstein received a description of a statistical model from Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose, based on a counting method that assumed that light could be understood as a gas of indistinguishable particles. Einstein noted that Bose's statistics applied to some atoms as well as to the proposed light particles, and submitted his translation of Bose's paper to the Zeitschrift für Physik. Einstein also published his own articles describing the model and its implications, among them the Bose–Einstein condensate phenomenon that some particulates should appear at very low temperatures.[208] It was not until 1995 that the first such condensate was produced experimentally by Eric Allin Cornell and Carl Wieman using ultra-cooling equipment built at the NISTJILA laboratory at the University of Colorado at Boulder.[209] Bose–Einstein statistics are now used to describe the behaviors of any assembly of bosons. Einstein's sketches for this project may be seen in the Einstein Archive in the library of the Leiden University.[159]
Wave–particle duality

Einstein during his visit to the United States

Main article: Wave–particle duality

Although the patent office promoted Einstein to Technical Examiner Second Class in 1906, he had not given up on academia. In 1908, he became a Privatdozent at the University of Bern.[210] In "Über die Entwicklung unserer Anschauungen über das Wesen und die Konstitution der Strahlung" ("The Development of our Views on the Composition and Essence of Radiation"), on the quantization of light, and in an earlier 1909 paper, Einstein showed that Max Planck's energy quanta must have well-defined momenta and act in some respects as independent, point-like particles. This paper introduced the photon concept (although the name photon was introduced later by Gilbert N. Lewis in 1926) and inspired the notion of wave–particle duality in quantum mechanics. Einstein saw this wave–particle duality in radiation as concrete evidence for his conviction that physics needed a new, unified foundation.
Zero-point energy

Main article: Zero-point energy

In a series of works completed from 1911 to 1913, Planck reformulated his 1900 quantum theory and introduced the idea of zero-point energy in his "second quantum theory". Soon, this idea attracted the attention of Einstein and his assistant Otto Stern. Assuming the energy of rotating diatomic molecules contains zero-point energy, they then compared the theoretical specific heat of hydrogen gas with the experimental data. The numbers matched nicely. However, after publishing the findings, they promptly withdrew their support, because they no longer had confidence in the correctness of the idea of zero-point energy.[211]
Stimulated emission

Main article: Stimulated emission

In 1917, at the height of his work on relativity, Einstein published an article in Physikalische Zeitschrift that proposed the possibility of stimulated emission, the physical process that makes possible the maser and the laser.[212] This article showed that the statistics of absorption and emission of light would only be consistent with Planck's distribution law if the emission of light into a mode with n photons would be enhanced statistically compared to the emission of light into an empty mode. This paper was enormously influential in the later development of quantum mechanics, because it was the first paper to show that the statistics of atomic transitions had simple laws.
Matter waves

Main article: Matter wave

Einstein discovered Louis de Broglie's work and supported his ideas, which were received skeptically at first. In another major paper from this era, Einstein gave a wave equation for de Broglie waves, which Einstein suggested was the Hamilton–Jacobi equation of mechanics. This paper would inspire Schrödinger's work of 1926.
Quantum mechanics
Einstein's objections to quantum mechanics

Newspaper headline on 4 May 1935

Einstein was displeased with modern quantum mechanics as it had evolved after 1925. Contrary to popular belief, his doubts were not due to a conviction that God "is not playing at dice".[213] Indeed, it was Einstein himself, in his 1917 paper that proposed the possibility of stimulated emission,[212] who first proposed the fundamental role of chance in explaining quantum processes.[214] Rather, he objected to what quantum mechanics implies about the nature of reality. Einstein believed that a physical reality exists independent of our ability to observe it. In contrast, Bohr and his followers maintained that all we can know are the results of measurements and observations, and that it makes no sense to speculate about an ultimate reality that exists beyond our perceptions.[215]
Bohr versus Einstein

Main article: Bohr–Einstein debates

Einstein and Niels Bohr, 1925

The Bohr–Einstein debates were a series of public disputes about quantum mechanics between Einstein and Niels Bohr, who were two of its founders. Their debates are remembered because of their importance to the philosophy of science.[216][217][218] Their debates would influence later interpretations of quantum mechanics.
Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox

Main article: EPR paradox

In 1935, Einstein returned quantum mechanics, in particular to the question of its completeness, in the "EPR paper".[218] In a thought experiment, he considered two particles which had interacted such that their properties were strongly correlated. No matter how far the two particles were separated, a precise position measurement on one particle would result in equally precise knowledge of the position of the other particle; likewise a precise momentum measurement of one particle would result in equally precise knowledge of the momentum of the other particle, without needing to disturb the other particle in any way.[219]

Given Einstein's concept of local realism, there were two possibilities: (1) either the other particle had these properties already determined, or (2) the process of measuring the first particle instantaneously affected the reality of the position and momentum of the second particle. Einstein rejected this second possibility (popularly called "spooky action at a distance").[219]

Einstein's belief in local realism led him to assert that, while the correctness of quantum mechanics was not in question, it must be incomplete. But as a physical principle, local realism was shown to be incorrect when the Aspect experiment of 1982 confirmed Bell's theorem, which J. S. Bell had delineated in 1964. The results of these and subsequent experiments demonstrate that quantum physics cannot be represented by any version of the picture of physics in which "particles are regarded as unconnected independent classical-like entities, each one being unable to communicate with the other after they have separated."[220]

Although Einstein was wrong about local realism, his clear prediction of the unusual properties of its opposite, entangled quantum states, has resulted in the EPR paper becoming among the top ten papers published in Physical Review. It is considered a centerpiece of the development of quantum information theory.[221]
Unified field theory

Main article: Classical unified field theories

Following his research on general relativity, Einstein entered into a series of attempts to generalize his geometric theory of gravitation to include electromagnetism as another aspect of a single entity. In 1950, he described his "unified field theory" in a Scientific American article titled "On the Generalized Theory of Gravitation".[222] Although he continued to be lauded for his work, Einstein became increasingly isolated in his research, and his efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. In his pursuit of a unification of the fundamental forces, Einstein ignored some mainstream developments in physics, most notably the strong and weak nuclear forces, which were not well understood until many years after his death. Mainstream physics, in turn, largely ignored Einstein's approaches to unification. Einstein's dream of unifying other laws of physics with gravity motivates modern quests for a theory of everything and in particular string theory, where geometrical fields emerge in a unified quantum-mechanical setting.
Other investigations

Main article: Einstein's unsuccessful investigations

Einstein conducted other investigations that were unsuccessful and abandoned. These pertain to force, superconductivity, and other research.
Collaboration with other scientists

The 1927 Solvay Conference in Brussels, a gathering of the world's top physicists. Einstein is in the center.

In addition to longtime collaborators Leopold Infeld, Nathan Rosen, Peter Bergmann and others, Einstein also had some one-shot collaborations with various scientists.
Einstein–de Haas experiment

Main article: Einstein–de Haas effect

Einstein and De Haas demonstrated that magnetization is due to the motion of electrons, nowadays known to be the spin. In order to show this, they reversed the magnetization in an iron bar suspended on a torsion pendulum. They confirmed that this leads the bar to rotate, because the electron's angular momentum changes as the magnetization changes. This experiment needed to be sensitive, because the angular momentum associated with electrons is small, but it definitively established that electron motion of some kind is responsible for magnetization.
Schrödinger gas model

Einstein suggested to Erwin Schrödinger that he might be able to reproduce the statistics of a Bose–Einstein gas by considering a box. Then to each possible quantum motion of a particle in a box associate an independent harmonic oscillator. Quantizing these oscillators, each level will have an integer occupation number, which will be the number of particles in it.

This formulation is a form of second quantization, but it predates modern quantum mechanics. Erwin Schrödinger applied this to derive the thermodynamic properties of a semiclassical ideal gas. Schrödinger urged Einstein to add his name as co-author, although Einstein declined the invitation.[223]
Einstein refrigerator

Main article: Einstein refrigerator

In 1926, Einstein and his former student Leó Szilárd co-invented (and in 1930, patented) the Einstein refrigerator. This absorption refrigerator was then revolutionary for having no moving parts and using only heat as an input.[224] On 11 November 1930, U.S. Patent 1,781,541 was awarded to Einstein and Leó Szilárd for the refrigerator. Their invention was not immediately put into commercial production, and the most promising of their patents were acquired by the Swedish company Electrolux.[225]
Non-scientific legacy

While traveling, Einstein wrote daily to his wife Elsa and adopted stepdaughters Margot and Ilse. The letters were included in the papers bequeathed to The Hebrew University. Margot Einstein permitted the personal letters to be made available to the public, but requested that it not be done until twenty years after her death (she died in 1986[226]). Einstein had expressed his interest in the plumbing profession and was made an honorary member of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Union.[227][228] Barbara Wolff, of The Hebrew University's Albert Einstein Archives, told the BBC that there are about 3,500 pages of private correspondence written between 1912 and 1955.[229]

Corbis, successor to The Roger Richman Agency, licenses the use of his name and associated imagery, as agent for the university.[230]
In popular culture

Main article: Albert Einstein in popular culture

In the period before World War II, The New Yorker published a vignette in their "The Talk of the Town" feature saying that Einstein was so well known in America that he would be stopped on the street by people wanting him to explain "that theory". He finally figured out a way to handle the incessant inquiries. He told his inquirers "Pardon me, sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein."[231]

Einstein has been the subject of or inspiration for many novels, films, plays, and works of music.[232] He is a favorite model for depictions of mad scientists and absent-minded professors; his expressive face and distinctive hairstyle have been widely copied and exaggerated. Time magazine's Frederic Golden wrote that Einstein was "a cartoonist's dream come true".[233]

Many popular quotations are often misattributed to him.[234][235]
Awards and honors

Main article: Einstein's awards and honors

Einstein received numerous awards and honors, and in 1922, he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect". None of the nominations in 1921 met the criteria set by Alfred Nobel, so the 1921 prize was carried forward and awarded to Einstein in 1922.[10]

The following publications by Einstein are referenced in this article. A more complete list of his publications may be found at List of scientific publications by Albert Einstein.

Einstein, Albert (1901) [Manuscript received: 16 December 1900]. Written at Zurich, Switzerland. "Folgerungen aus den Capillaritätserscheinungen" [Conclusions Drawn from the Phenomena of Capillarity]. Annalen der Physik (Berlin) (in German). Hoboken, NJ (published 14 March 2006). 309 (3): 513–523. Bibcode:1901AnP...309..513E. doi:10.1002/andp.19013090306.
Einstein, Albert (1905a) [Manuscript received: 18 March 1905]. Written at Berne, Switzerland. "Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt" [On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light] (PDF). Annalen der Physik (Berlin) (in German). Hoboken, NJ (published 10 March 2006). 322 (6): 132–148. Bibcode:1905AnP...322..132E. doi:10.1002/andp.19053220607.
Einstein, Albert (1905b) [Completed 30 April and submitted 20 July 1905]. Written at Berne, Switzerland, published by Wyss Buchdruckerei. Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen [A new determination of molecular dimensions] (PDF). Dissertationen Universität Zürich (PhD Thesis) (in German). Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zürich (published 2008). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-000565688 – via ETH Bibliothek.
Einstein, Albert (1905c) [Manuscript received: 11 May 1905]. Written at Berne, Switzerland. "Über die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Wärme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen" [On the Motion – Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat – of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid]. Annalen der Physik (Berlin) (in German). Hoboken, NJ (published 10 March 2006). 322 (8): 549–560. Bibcode:1905AnP...322..549E. doi:10.1002/andp.19053220806. hdl:10915/2785.
Einstein, Albert (1905d) [Manuscript received: 30 June 1905]. Written at Berne, Switzerland. "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper" [On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies]. Annalen der Physik (Berlin) (Submitted manuscript) (in German). Hoboken, NJ (published 10 March 2006). 322 (10): 891–921. Bibcode:1905AnP...322..891E. doi:10.1002/andp.19053221004. hdl:10915/2786.
Einstein, Albert (1905e) [Manuscript received: 27 September 1905]. Written at Berne, Switzerland. "Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig?" [Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?] (PDF). Annalen der Physik (Berlin) (in German). Hoboken, NJ (published 10 March 2006). 323 (13): 639–641. Bibcode:1905AnP...323..639E. doi:10.1002/andp.19053231314.
Einstein, Albert (1915) [Published 25 November 1915]. "Die Feldgleichungen der Gravitation"[The Field Equations of Gravitation] (Online page images) (in German). Berlin, Germany: Königlich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften: 844–847 – via ECHO, Cultural Heritage Online, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
Einstein, Albert (1917a). "Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie" [Cosmological Considerations in the General Theory of Relativity] (in German). Königlich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin.
Einstein, Albert (1917b). "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung" [On the Quantum Mechanics of Radiation]. Physikalische Zeitschrift (in German). 18: 121–128. Bibcode:1917PhyZ...18..121E.
Einstein, Albert (1923) [First published 1923, in English 1967]. Written at Gothenburg. Grundgedanken und Probleme der Relativitätstheorie [Fundamental Ideas and Problems of the Theory of Relativity] (PDF) (Speech). Lecture delivered to the Nordic Assembly of Naturalists at Gothenburg, 11 July 1923. Nobel Lectures, Physics 1901–1921 (in German and English). Stockholm: (published 3 February 2015) – via Nobel Media AB 2014.
Einstein, Albert (1924) [Published 10 July 1924]. "Quantentheorie des einatomigen idealen Gases" [Quantum theory of monatomic ideal gases] (Online page images). Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse (in German): 261–267 – via ECHO, Cultural Heritage Online, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.. First of a series of papers on this topic.
Einstein, Albert (12 March 1926) [Cover Date 1 March 1926]. Written at Berlin. "Die Ursache der Mäanderbildung der Flußläufe und des sogenannten Baerschen Gesetzes" [On Baer's law and meanders in the courses of rivers]. Die Naturwissenschaften (in German). Heidelberg, Germany. 14 (11): 223–224. Bibcode:1926NW.....14..223E. doi:10.1007/BF01510300. ISSN 1432-1904 – via SpringerLink.
Einstein, Albert (1926b). Written at Berne, Switzerland. Fürth, R. (ed.). Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement (PDF). Translated by Cowper, A. D. US: Dover Publications (published 1956). ISBN 978-1-60796-285-4. Retrieved 4 January 2015.
Einstein, Albert; Podolsky, Boris; Rosen, Nathan (15 May 1935) [Received 25 March 1935]. "Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?". Physical Review (Submitted manuscript). 47 (10): 777–780. Bibcode:1935PhRv...47..777E. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.47.777 – via APS Journals.
Einstein, Albert (9 November 1940). On Science and Religion. Nature. 146. pp. 605–607. Bibcode:1940Natur.146..605E. doi:10.1038/146605a0. ISBN 978-0-7073-0453-3.
Einstein, Albert; et al. (4 December 1948). "To the editors of The New York Times". The New York Times. Melville, New York: AIP, American Inst. of Physics. ISBN 0-7354-0359-7.
Einstein, Albert (May 1949). "Why Socialism? (Reprise)". Monthly Review. New York: Monthly Review Foundation (published May 2009). Archived from the original on 11 January 2006. Retrieved 16 January 2006 – via
Einstein, Albert (1950). "On the Generalized Theory of Gravitation". Scientific American. CLXXXII(4): 13–17. Bibcode:1950SciAm.182d..13E. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0450-13.
Einstein, Albert (1954). Ideas and Opinions. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-0-517-00393-0.
Einstein, Albert (1969). Albert Einstein, Hedwig und Max Born: Briefwechsel 1916–1955 (in German). Munich: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung. ISBN 978-3-88682-005-4.
Einstein, Albert (1979). Autobiographical Notes. Paul Arthur Schilpp (Centennial ed.). Chicago: Open Court. ISBN 978-0-87548-352-8.. The chasing a light beam thought experiment is described on pages 48–51.
Collected Papers: Stachel, John; Martin J. Klein; A. J. Kox; Michel Janssen; R. Schulmann; Diana Komos Buchwald; et al., eds. (21 July 2008) [Published between 1987–2006]. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Einstein's Writings. 1–10. Princeton University Press.. Further information about the volumes published so far can be found on the webpages of the Einstein Papers Project and on the Princeton University Press Einstein Page
See also

Albert Einstein House in Princeton
Albert EinsteinWikipedia book
Einstein's thought experiments
Einstein notation
The Einstein Theory of Relativity, an educational film
Genius, a television series depicting Einstein's life
Heinrich Burkhardt
Bern Historical Museum (Einstein Museum)
History of gravitational theory
Introduction to special relativity
List of coupled cousins
List of German inventors and discoverers
Jewish Nobel laureates
List of peace activists
Nature timeline
Political views of Albert Einstein
Relativity priority dispute
Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein
Sticky bead argument


^ Jump up to:a b During the German Empire, citizens were exclusively subjects of one of the 27 Bundesstaaten.
^ "Their leaders in Germany have not driven out her cut-throats and her blackguards. She has chosen the cream of her culture and has suppressed it. She has even turned upon her most glorious citizen, Albert Einstein, who is the supreme example of the selfless intellectual...The man, who, beyond all others, approximates a citizen of the world, is without a home. How proud we must be to offer him temporary shelter."
^ In his paper, Einstein wrote: "The introduction of a 'luminiferous æther' will be proved to be superfluous in so far, as according to the conceptions which will be developed, we shall introduce neither a 'space absolutely at rest' endowed with special properties, nor shall we associate a velocity-vector with a point in which electro-magnetic processes take place."


^ Heilbron, John L., ed. (2003). The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science. Oxford University Press. p. 233. ISBN 978-0-19-974376-6.
^ Pais (1982), p. 301.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Whittaker, E. (1 November 1955). "Albert Einstein. 1879–1955". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 1: 37–67. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1955.0005. JSTOR 769242.
^ Wells, John (3 April 2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (3rd ed.). Pearson Longman. ISBN 978-1-4058-8118-0.
^ Jump up to:a b c d "Albert Einstein – Biography". Nobel Foundation. Archived from the original on 6 March 2007. Retrieved 7 March 2007.
^ Fujia Yang; Joseph H. Hamilton (2010). Modern Atomic and Nuclear Physics. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-4277-16-7.
^ Howard, Don A., ed. (2014) [First published 11 February 2004]. "Einstein's Philosophy of Science". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University. Retrieved 4 February2015.
^ Howard, Don A. (December 2005). "Albert Einstein as a Philosopher of Science" (PDF). Physics Today. 58 (12): 34–40. Bibcode:2005PhT....58l..34H. doi:10.1063/1.2169442. Retrieved 8 March 2015 – via University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, author's personal webpage.
^ Bodanis, David (2000). E = mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation. New York: Walker.
^ Jump up to:a b c "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921". Nobel Prize. Retrieved 11 July 2016.
^ Jump up to:a b c "Scientific Background on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2011. The accelerating universe" (PDF). Nobel Media AB. p. 2. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 May 2012. Retrieved 4 January 2015.
^ Overbye, Dennis (24 November 2015). "A Century Ago, Einstein's Theory of Relativity Changed Everything". The New York Times. Retrieved 24 November 2015.
^ Levenson, Thomas (9 June 2017). "The Scientist and the Fascist". The Atlantic.
^ Paul S. Boyer; Melvyn Dubofsky (2001). The Oxford Companion to United States History. Oxford University Press. p. 218. ISBN 978-0-19-508209-8.
^ Jump up to:a b c Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed. (1951). Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist. II. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers (Harper Torchbook edition). pp. 730–746.. His non-scientific works include: About Zionism: Speeches and Lectures by Professor Albert Einstein (1930), "Why War?" (1933, co-authored by Sigmund Freud), The World As I See It (1934), Out of My Later Years (1950), and a book on science for the general reader, The Evolution of Physics(1938, co-authored by Leopold Infeld).
^ Jump up to:a b "Result of WordNet Search for Einstein". 3.1. The Trustees of Princeton University. Retrieved 4 January 2015.
^ The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner, By Eugene Paul Wigner, Andrew Szanton, (Springer, 2013), p. 170[ISBN missing]
^ Stachel (2002), pp. 59–61.
^ Barry R. Parker (2003). Einstein: The Passions of a Scientist, Prometheus Books, p. 31
^ Fölsing (1997), pp. 30–31.
^ Stachel (2008), vol. 1 (1987), doc. 5.
^ Mehra, Jagdish (2001). "Albert Einstein's first paper". The Golden Age of Physics. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-02-4985-4.
^ The Three-body Problem from Pythagoras to Hawking, Mauri Valtonen, Joanna Anosova, Konstantin Kholshevnikov, Aleksandr Mylläri, Victor Orlov, Kiyotaka Tanikawa, (Springer 2016), p. 43, Simon and Schuster, 2008
^ Jump up to:a b c Einstein: His Life and Universe, By Walter Isaacson, p. 17
^ Einstein: His Life and Universe, By Walter Isaacson, p. 16
^ Stachel (2008), vol. 1 (1987), p. 11.
^ Fölsing (1997), pp. 36–37.
^ Jump up to:a b Highfield & Carter (1993), pp. 21, 31, 56–57.
^ Fölsing (1997), p. 40.
^ Stachel (2008), vol. 1 (1987), docs. 21–27.
^ Stachel (2008), vol. 1 (1987), doc. 67.
^ Troemel-Ploetz, D. (1990). "Mileva Einstein-Marić: The Woman Who Did Einstein's Mathematics". Women's Studies International Forum. 13 (5): 415–432. doi:10.1016/0277-5395(90)90094-e.
^ Walker, Evan Harris (February 1989). "Did Einstein Espouse his Spouse's Ideas?"(PDF). Physics Today. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 January 2012. Retrieved 19 October 2014.
^ Pais (1994), pp. 1–29.
^ Holton, G., Einstein, History, and Other Passions, Harvard University Press, 1996, pp. 177–193.
^ Stachel (2002), pp. 49–56.
^ Martinez, A. A., "Handling evidence in history: the case of Einstein's wife", School Science Review, 86 (316), March 2005, pp. 49–56. PDF Archived 11 August 2011 at the Wayback Machine
^ J. Renn & R. Schulmann, Albert Einstein/Mileva Marić: The Love Letters, 1992, pp. 73–74, 78.
^ A. Calaprice & T. Lipscombe, Albert Einstein: A Biography, 2005, pp. 22–23.
^ Stachel (1966).
^ Stachel (2002), p. 50.
^ Robinson, Andrew (2015). Einstein: A Hundred Years of Relativity. Princeton University Press. pp. 143–145. ISBN 978-0-691-16989-7.
^ Neffe (2007), p. 203.
^ Wüthrich, Urs (11 April 2015). "Die Liebesbriefe des untreuen Einstein" [The love letters of the unfaithful Einstein]. BZ Berner Zeitung (in German). Bern, Switzerland. Retrieved 11 April 2015. Ich denke in innigster Liebe an Dich in jeder freien Minute und bin so unglücklich, wie nur ein Mensch es sein kann.
^ Isaacson (2007).
^ Calaprice, Kennefick & Schulmann (2015), p. 62.
^ Jump up to:a b Calaprice, Alice; Lipscombe, Trevor (2005). Albert Einstein: A Biography. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 50. ISBN 978-0-313-33080-3.
^ Highfield & Carter (1993), p. 216.
^ An Einstein Encyclopedia, Alice Calaprice, Daniel Kennefick, Robert Schulmann, p. 65 et seq, Princeton University Press, 2015
^ Fölsing (1997), p. 82.
^ J J O'Connor; E F Robertson, eds. (May 2010). "Grossmann biography" (scientific website?). School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland. Retrieved 27 March 2015.
^ Isaacson (2007), p. 63.
^ "Einstein at the patent office" (official website). Berne, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, IGE/IPI. 6 February 2014. Retrieved 9 September 2016.
^ Jump up to:a b "FAQ about Einstein and the Institute" (official website). Berne, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, IGE/IPI. 27 May 2014. Retrieved 27 March 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Galison, Peter (2000). "Einstein's Clocks: The Question of Time". Critical Inquiry. 26 (2 Winter): 355–389. doi:10.1086/448970. JSTOR 1344127.
^ Isaacson (2007), pp. 79–84.
^ Einstein (1901).
^ Galison, Peter (2003). Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps: Empires of Time. New York: W. W. Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-02001-4.
^ Jump up to:a b Einstein (1905b), "Meinem Freunde Herr Dr. Marcel Grossmann gewidmet (Dedicated to my friend, Dr. Marcel Grossmann)".
^ Einstein (1926b), chap. "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions".
^ "Associate Professor at the University of Zurich und professor in Prague (1909–1912)"(digital library). Einstein Online (in German and English). Bern, Switzerland: ETH-Bibliothek Zurich, ETH Zürich, 2014. Retrieved 17 August 2014.
^ Isaacson (2007), p. 164.
^ von Hirschhausen, Ulrike (2007). "Von imperialer Inklusion zur nationalen Exklusion:Staatsbürgerschaft in Österreich- Ungarn 1867–1923" (PDF) (WZB Discussion Paper). ZKD – Veröffentlichungsreihe der Forschungsgruppe, „Zivilgesellschaft, Citizenship und politische Mobilisierung in Europa" Schwerpunkt Zivilgesellschaft, Konflikte und Demokratie, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. Berlin, Germany: WZB Social Science Research Center Berlin. p. 8. ISSN 1860-4315. Retrieved 4 August 2015. Eine weitere Diskontinuität bestand viertens darin, dass die Bestimmungen der österreichischen Staatsbürgerschaft, die in den ersten Dritteln des Jahrhunderts auch auf Ungarn angewandt worden waren, seit 1867 nur noch für die cisleithanische Reichshälfte galten. Ungarn entwickelte hingegen jetzt eine eige-ne Staatsbürgerschaft.
^ "Professor at the ETH Zurich (1912–1914)" (digital library). Einstein Online (in German and English). Zurich, Switzerland: ETH-Bibliothek Zurich, ETH Zürich, 2014. Retrieved 17 August 2014.
^ "A New Physics, Based on Einstein". The New York Times. 25 November 1919. p. 17.
^ Stachel (2002), p. 534.
^ Weinstein (2015), pp. 18–19.
^ "Director in the attic". Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, München. Retrieved 9 July 2017.
^ Calaprice, Alice; Lipscombe, Trevor (2005). Albert Einstein: a biography. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. xix. ISBN 978-0-313-33080-3., Timeline, p. xix
^ Andrzej, Stasiak (2003). "Myths in science". EMBO Reports. 4 (3): 236. doi:10.1038/sj.embor.embor779. PMC 1315907.
^ "Albert Einstein (1879–1955)". Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 21 July 2015.
^ Hoffmann (1972), pp. 145–148.
^ Fölsing (1997), pp. 499–508.
^ "As Einstein Sees American", Einstein's World, a 1931 reprint with minor changes, of his 1921 essay.
^ Jump up to:a b Holton, Gerald. "The migration of physicists to the United States", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Educational Foundation for Nuclear Science, Inc., April 1984 pp. 18–24
^ Isaacson (2007), pp. 307–308.
^ Flood, Alison (12 June 2018). "Einstein's travel diaries reveal 'shocking' xenophobia". Retrieved 13 June 2018.
^ The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921: Albert Einstein. Banquet Speech by R. Nadolny (in German). Retrieved 9 December 2015 via
^ Isaacson (2007), p. 308.
^ Montes-Santiago, J. (16 July 2017). "[The meeting of Einstein with Cajal (Madrid, 1923): a lost tide of fortune]". Revista de Neurologia. 43 (2): 113–117. ISSN 0210-0010. PMID 16838259.
^ Grandjean, Martin (2018). Les réseaux de la coopération intellectuelle. La Société des Nations comme actrice des échanges scientifiques et culturels dans l'entre-deux-guerres[The Networks of Intellectual Cooperation. The League of Nations as an Actor of the Scientific and Cultural Exchanges in the Inter-War Period] (in French). Lausanne: Université de Lausanne. pp. 296–302
^ Grandjean, Martin (2017). "Analisi e visualizzazioni delle reti in storia. L'esempio della cooperazione intellettuale della Società delle Nazioni". Memoria e Ricerca (2): 371–393. doi:10.14647/87204. See also: French version (PDF) and English summary.
^ Shine, Cormac (2018). "Papal Diplomacy by Proxy? Catholic Internationalism at the League of Nations' International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation". The Journal of Ecclesiastical History. 69 (4): 785–805. doi:10.1017/S0022046917002731.
^ Isaacson (2007), p. 368.
^ Jump up to:a b c Isaacson (2007), p. 370.
^ Isaacson (2007), p. 373.
^ Jump up to:a b Isaacson (2007), p. 374.
^ Jump up to:a b Chaplin, Charles. Charles Chaplin: My Autobiography, Simon and Schuster, N.Y. (1964)
^ Fölsing (1997), p. 659.
^ Isaacson (2007), p. 404.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Isaacson (2007), pp. 407–410.
^ Richard Kroehling (July 1991). "Albert Einstein: How I See the World". American Masters. PBS. Retrieved 29 May 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b Fred Jerome; Rodger Taylor (2006). Einstein on Race and Racism. Rutgers University Press. p. 10. ISBN 978-0-8135-3952-2.
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^ Isaacson (2007), p. 422.
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^ Jump up to:a b Gilbert, Martin. Churchill and the Jews, Henry Holt and Company, N.Y. (2007) pp. 101, 176
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^ Jump up to:a b c d e Clark (1971).
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^ Jerome, Fred (December 2004). "Einstein, Race, and the Myth of the Cultural Icon". Isis. 95(4): 627–639. Bibcode:2004Isis...95..627J. doi:10.1086/430653. JSTOR 10.1086/430653.
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^ Jump up to:a b Calaprice, Alice (2000). The Expanded Quotable Einstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press, p. 218.
^ Isaacson, Walter (2008). Einstein: His Life and Universe. New York: Simon and Schuster, p. 390.
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^ Dowbiggin, Ian (2003). A Merciful End. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 41.
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^ Spielberg, Nathan; Anderson, Bryon D. (1995). Seven ideas that shook the universe (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. p. 263. ISBN 978-0-471-30606-1.
^ Major, Fouad G. (2007). The quantum beat: principles and applications of atomic clocks(2nd ed.). Springer. p. 142. ISBN 978-0-387-69533-4.
^ Lindsay, Robert Bruce; Margenau, Henry (1981). Foundations of physics. Ox Bow Press. p. 330. ISBN 978-0-918024-17-6.
^ Jump up to:a b Kuepper, Hans-Josef. "List of Scientific Publications of Albert Einstein". Retrieved 3 April 2011.
^ Levenson, Thomas (9 September 1997). "Einstein's Big Idea" (public broadcaster website). Boston: WBGH. Retrieved 20 June 2015 – via NOVA by Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).
^ Einstein (1905d).
^ Fölsing (1997), pp. 178–198.
^ Stachel (2002), pp. vi, 15, 90, 131, 215.
^ For a discussion of the reception of relativity theory around the world, and the different controversies it encountered, see the articles in Thomas F. Glick, ed., The Comparative Reception of Relativity (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987), ISBN 90-277-2498-9.
^ Pais (1982), pp. 382–386.
^ Pais (1982), pp. 151–152.
^ Einstein (1923).
^ Pais (1982), pp. 179–183.
^ Stachel (2008), pp. 273–274, vol. 2: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900–1909.
^ Pais (1982), pp. 194–195.
^ Einstein, A (June 1916). "Näherungsweise Integration der Feldgleichungen der Gravitation". Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin. part 1: 688–696. Bibcode:1916SPAW.......688E.
^ Einstein, A (1918). "Über Gravitationswellen". Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin. part 1: 154–167. Bibcode:1918SPAW.......154E.
^ Jump up to:a b c "Found! Gravitational Waves, or a Wrinkle in Spacetime". Nadia Drake. National Geographic. 11 February 2016. Archived from the original on 12 February 2016. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
^ "Gravity investigated with a binary pulsar-Press Release: The 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics". Nobel Foundation. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
^ Abbott, Benjamin P.; et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) (2016). "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger". Phys. Rev. Lett. 116(6): 061102. arXiv:1602.03837. Bibcode:2016PhRvL.116f1102A. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102. PMID 26918975. Lay summary (PDF).
^ "Gravitational Waves: Ripples in the fabric of space-time". LIGO | MIT. 11 February 2016. Retrieved 12 February 2016.
^ "Scientists make first direct detection of gravitational waves". Jennifer Chu. MIT News. Retrieved 12 February 2016.
^ Ghosh, Pallab (11 February 2016). "Einstein's gravitational waves 'seen' from black holes". BBC News. Retrieved 12 February 2016.
^ Overbye, Dennis (11 February 2016). "Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein's Theory". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 12 February 2016.
^ van Dongen, Jeroen (2010) Einstein's Unification Cambridge University Press, p. 23.
^ Einstein (1917a).
^ Pais (1994), pp. 285–286.
^ North, J.D. (1965). The Measure of the Universe: A History of Modern Cosmology. New York: Dover. pp. 81–83.
^ Jump up to:a b Einstein, A. 1931. Zum kosmologischen Problem der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie Sitzungsb.König. Preuss. Akad. 235–237
^ Jump up to:a b O'Raifeartaigh, C; McCann, B (2014). "Einstein's cosmic model of 1931 revisited: An analysis and translation of a forgotten model of the universe". The European Physical Journal H. 39 (2014): 63–85. arXiv:1312.2192. Bibcode:2014EPJH...39...63O. doi:10.1140/epjh/e2013-40038-x.
^ Einstein, A; de Sitter, W (1932). "On the relation between the expansion and the mean density of the universe". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 18 (3): 213–214. Bibcode:1932PNAS...18..213E. doi:10.1073/pnas.18.3.213. PMC 1076193.
^ Nussbaumer, Harry (2014). "Einstein's conversion from his static to an expanding universe". Eur. Phys. J. H. 39 (1): 37–62. arXiv:1311.2763. Bibcode:2014EPJH...39...37N. doi:10.1140/epjh/e2013-40037-6.
^ Nussbaumer and Bieri (2009). Discovering the Expanding Universe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 144–152.
^ Zimmer, Carl (9 June 2013). "The Genius of Getting It Wrong". The New York Times.
^ Castelvecchi, Davide (2014). "Einstein's lost theory uncovered". Nature News & Comment. 506 (7489): 418–419. Bibcode:2014Natur.506..418C. doi:10.1038/506418a. PMID 24572403.
^ "On His 135th Birthday, Einstein is Still Full of Surprises". Out There. 14 March 2014.
^ Jump up to:a b O'Raifeartaigh, C.; McCann, B.; Nahm, W.; Mitton, S. (2014). "Einstein's steady-state theory: an abandoned model of the cosmos". Eur. Phys. J. H. 39 (3): 353–369. arXiv:1402.0132. Bibcode:2014EPJH...39..353O. doi:10.1140/epjh/e2014-50011-x.
^ Jump up to:a b Nussbaumer, H. (2014). 'Einstein’s aborted attempt at a dynamic steady state universe’. Physics ArXiv preprint at
^ Hoyle (1948). "A New Model for the Expanding Universe". MNRAS. 108 (5): 372. Bibcode:1948MNRAS.108..372H. doi:10.1093/mnras/108.5.372.
^ Bondi; Gold (1948). "The Steady-State Theory of the Expanding Universe". MNRAS. 108(3): 252. Bibcode:1948MNRAS.108..252B. doi:10.1093/mnras/108.3.252.
^ "Einstein's Lost Theory Describes a Universe Without a Big Bang – The Crux". The Crux. 7 March 2014.
^ Einstein, Albert & Rosen, Nathan (1935). "The Particle Problem in the General Theory of Relativity". Physical Review. 48 (1): 73. Bibcode:1935PhRv...48...73E. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.48.73.
^ "2015 – General Relativity's Centennial". American Physical Society. 2015. Retrieved 7 April 2017.
^ Lindley, David (25 March 2005). "Focus: The Birth of Wormholes". Physics. 15. Retrieved 7 April 2017.
^ Jump up to:a b Einstein (1905a).
^ Celebrating Einstein "Solid Cold". U.S. DOE., Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 2011.
^ Einstein (1924).
^ "Cornell and Wieman Share 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics". 9 October 2001. Archived from the original on 10 June 2007. Retrieved 11 June 2007.
^ Pais (1982), p. 522.
^ Stachel (2008), pp. 270ff, vol. 4: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1912–1914.
^ Jump up to:a b Einstein (1917b).
^ Andrews, Robert (2003). The New Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations. Penguin UK. p. 499. ISBN 978-0-14-196531-4.
^ Stone (2013), pp. 181–192.
^ Isaacson (2007), pp. 460–461.
^ Bohr N. "Discussions with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics". The Value of Knowledge: A Miniature Library of Philosophy. Marxists Internet Archive. Archivedfrom the original on 13 September 2010. Retrieved 30 August 2010. From Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist (1949), publ. Cambridge University Press, 1949. Niels Bohr's report of conversations with Einstein.
^ Einstein (1969), A reprint of this book was published by Edition Erbrich in 1982.
^ Jump up to:a b Einstein, Podolsky & Rosen (1935).
^ Jump up to:a b Isaacson (2007), pp. 448–453.
^ Penrose (2007), p. 583.
^ Fine (2017).
^ Einstein (1950).
^ Moore, Walter (1989). Schrödinger: Life and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-43767-7.
^ Goettling, Gary. Einstein's refrigerator Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine. 1998. Retrieved on 12 November 2014. Leó Szilárd, a Hungarian physicist who later worked on the Manhattan Project, is credited with the discovery of the chain reaction
^ In September 2008 it was reported that Malcolm McCulloch of Oxford University was heading a three-year project to develop more robust appliances that could be used in locales lacking electricity, and that his team had completed a prototype Einstein refrigerator. He was quoted as saying that improving the design and changing the types of gases used might allow the design's efficiency to be quadrupled.Alok, Jha (21 September 2008). "Einstein fridge design can help global cooling". The Guardian. UK. Archived from the original on 24 January 2011. Retrieved 22 February 2011.
^ "Obituary". The New York Times. 12 July 1986. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
^ "13 Plumbing Facts You Probably Didn't Know". Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on 31 March 2016. Retrieved 10 April 2016.
^ Sagan, Carl (14 March 2014). "Carl Sagan Explains Albert Einstein". The New Republic. Retrieved 10 April 2016.
^ "Letters Reveal Einstein Love Life". BBC News. 11 July 2006. Retrieved 14 March 2007.
^ "Einstein". Corbis Rights Representation. Archived from the original on 19 August 2008. Retrieved 8 August 2008.
^ Libman, E. (14 January 1939). "Disguise". The New Yorker.
^ McTee, Cindy. "Einstein's Dream for orchestra".
^ Golden, Frederic (3 January 2000). "Person of the Century: Albert Einstein". Time. Archived from the original on 21 February 2006. Retrieved 25 February 2006.
^ Novak, Matt (16 May 2015). "9 Albert Einstein Quotes That Are Completely Fake". Gizmodo. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
^ "Did Albert Einstein Humiliate an Atheist Professor?". Snopes. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
Works cited

Calaprice, Alice; Kennefick, Daniel; Schulmann, Robert (2015). An Einstein Encyclopedia. Princeton University Press.
Clark, Ronald W. (1971). Einstein: The Life and Times. New York: Avon Books. ISBN 978-0-380-44123-5.
Fölsing, Albrecht (1997). Albert Einstein: A Biography. Translated by Osers, Ewald. Abridged by Ewald Osers. New York: Penguin Viking. ISBN 978-0-670-85545-2.
Fine, Arthur (2017). "The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
Highfield, Roger; Carter, Paul (1993). The Private Lives of Albert Einstein. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 978-0-571-16744-9.
Hoffmann, Banesh (1972). Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel'. with the collaboration of Helen Dukas. London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon. ISBN 978-0-670-11181-7.
Isaacson, Walter (2007). Einstein: His Life and Universe. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. ISBN 978-0-7432-6473-0.
Neffe, Jürgen (2007). Einstein: A Biography. Translated by Frisch, Shelley. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 978-0-374-14664-1.
Pais, Abraham (1982). Subtle is the Lord: The science and the life of Albert Einstein. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-853907-0.
Pais, Abraham (1994). Einstein Lived Here. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-280672-7.
Penrose, Roger (2007). The Road to Reality. Vintage Books. ISBN 978-0-679-77631-4.
Stachel, John J. (1966). Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić (PDF). 9. unknown. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 March 2008. Retrieved 13 May 2016 – via
Stachel, John J. (2002). Einstein from 'B' to 'Z'. Einstein Studies. 9. Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-0-8176-4143-6. OCLC 237532460.
Stone, A. Douglas (2013). Einstein and the Quantum. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-13968-5.
Weinstein, G. (2015). General Relativity Conflict and Rivalries: Einstein's Polemics with Physicists. Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4438-8362-7.
Further reading

Brian, Denis (1996). Einstein: A Life. New York: John Wiley.
Moring, Gary (2004). The complete idiot's guide to understanding Einstein (1st ed.). Indianapolis IN: Alpha books (Macmillan). ISBN 978-0-02-863180-6.
Oppenheimer, J. Robert (1971). Lecture delivered at the UNESCO House in Paris on 13 December 1965. "On Albert Einstein". Science and Synthesis: An International Colloquium Organized by Unesco on the Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Albert Einstein and Teilhard de Chardin: 8–12, 208., or "On Albert Einstein by Robert Oppenheimer". The New York Review of Books. 17 March 1966.
Parker, Barry (2000). Einstein's Brainchild: Relativity Made Relatively Easy!. Illustrated by Lori Scoffield-Beer. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-59102-522-1.
Rogers, Donald W. (2005). Einstein's "Other" Theory: The Planck-Bose-Einstein Theory of Heat Capacity. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-11826-0.
Schweber, Silvan S. (2008). Einstein and Oppenheimer: The Meaning of Genius. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-02828-9.
Weinberg, Steven (2005). "Einstein's mistakes". Physics Today. 58 (11): 31–35. Bibcode:2005PhT....58k..31W. doi:10.1063/1.2155755.
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"MIT OpenCourseWare STS.042J/8.225J: Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th century". Archived from the original on 8 June 2011. Retrieved 31 March 2011. – free study course that explores the changing roles of physics and physicists during the 20th century
Albert Einstein Archives Online (80,000+ Documents) (MSNBC, 19 March 2012)
Einstein's declaration of intention for American citizenship on the World Digital Library
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May 16 1953 letter to William Frauenglass (see resultant NYT on academic freedom / McCarthyism)
Newspaper clippings about Albert Einstein in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW
Albert Einstein, Nobel Luminaries – Jewish Nobel Prize Winners, on the Beit Hatfutsot-The Museum of the Jewish People Website.
"Einstein's "I don't believe in God" letter has sold on eBay...", 23 October 2012
Albert Einstein's "God Letter" fetches US $2,400,000 at Christie's New York auction house on 4 December 2018 [2]