Showing posts with label Thich Nhat Hanh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thich Nhat Hanh. Show all posts


알라딘: [전자책] 틱낫한 기도의 힘

알라딘: [전자책] 틱낫한 기도의 힘
틱낫한 기도의 힘 
틱낫한 (지은이),이현주 (옮긴이)불광출판사2017-02-16 

종이책 페이지수 208쪽


틱낫한 스님은 평소 기도와 관련해 가장 자주 들어온 질문 다섯 가지와 그에 대한 답을 진솔하게 들려준다. 그 이야기를 따라가다 보면 우리가 품곤 하는 기도에 대한 선입견이 깨지고 참된 기도란 무엇이며 기도하는 삶이란 어떤 것인지가 선명하게 다가온다. 스님은 기도를 떠받치는 세 기둥이 있다고 말한다. 바로 마음챙김(지금 이 순간 몸과 마음에서 일어나는 것들을 깨어 있는 의식으로 온전히 알아차리기), 집중, 깨달음이다.

스님이 말하는 깨달음은 수행을 통해 이르게 되는 신비하고 고매한 경지를 일컫는 것이 아니고, 만물은 서로 이어져 있으므로 나와 하느님, 나와 부처님은 서로 분리된 존재가 아니라는 것, 따라서 나는 물론이고 소나무, 달, 별에게도 그분들이 지닌 사랑과 마음챙김과 지혜가 있다는 것, 이 사실을 알아차리는 것이 스님이 말하는 깨달음이다. 그렇다면 마음챙김, 집중, 깨달음이 함께하는 기도란 무엇일까? 바로 일상을 살아가는 몸짓 하나하나에 마음챙김과 집중과 깨달음이 함께하는 것이 참된 기도이다.

여는 글_왜 기도하는가?

1. 기도에 대한 다섯 가지 질문과 답변
소년과 기도 ― 첫 번째 질문
무엇이 기도를 가능케 하나 ― 두 번째 질문
기도는 무엇을 이뤄 내는가 ― 세 번째 질문
나와 하느님
믿음과 기도 ― 네 번째 질문
누구에게 기도하는가 ― 다섯 번째 질문
나를 비춰 보는 기도
기도로 타인을 바꿀 수 있을까
효과적인 기도의 두 가지 조건

2. 기도의 이유
건강과 성공에 관한 진실
수행자의 기도
함께 하는 기도의 힘

3. 기도하는 영혼에 대하여
하느님과 부처님은 둘이 아니다
세 가지 열쇠
하느님, 부처님과의 접속
몸, 마음이 하나 된 기도
곁에 있는 이에게 기도한다는 것
나는 부처님과 함께 걷는다
나무와 별과 달에 기도하기
눈에 보이지 않는 결과
주님의 기도

4. 기도는 어떻게 건강을 돕는가
마음과 몸은 이어져 있다
집단의식과 건강
집단의식으로 만드는 치유의 힘
몸과 마음을 보호하는 법
모두의 건강을 위한 기도

5. 마음챙김과 기도
명상의 기적
마음챙김, 집중, 깨달음
마음챙김의 네 가지 대상
마음의 매듭 풀기
참된 행복

6. 기본이 되는 다섯 가지 명상 연습
연습 하나: 마음의 응어리 다스리기
연습 둘: 몸을 고요하고 편안하게 하기
연습 셋: 몸에 자양분 주기
연습 넷: 자연에서 자양분 찾기
연습 다섯: 화해

부록_충만한 일상을 만드는 기도
행복 가꾸기
여래께 귀의합니다
오지도 않고, 가지도 않는
하루의 기도

P. 28 진정한 질문은 이것입니다, ‘우리는 바뀌기를 원하는가, 원치 않는가?’
P. 35 세상에서 가장 존귀한 부처님, 또는 그대가 섬기는 분의 상(像) 앞에서 두 손을 모아 기도할 때 마음으로 그분을 그려 보아야 합니다. 왜냐하면 지금 그대 앞에 있는 상은, 구리로 만들어졌든 옥으로 만들어졌든 다이아몬드로 만들어졌든, 하나의 상징물에 지나지 않기 때문입니다. 그 상은 그대 바깥에 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 하지만 부처님, 또는 그대가 섬기는 분은 그대 바깥에 있는 어떤 존재가 아닙니다. 그대와 그분은 서로 연결되어 있습니다. 그 연결성을 마음으로 그려 보아야 합니다.  접기
P. 45 우리가 사랑과 자비의 에너지를 다른 사람들에게 보낼 때, 이를 상대방이 아느냐 모르느냐는 문제 되지 않습니다. 중요한 것은 거기 에너지가 있고 사랑하는 가슴이 있고 그것이 세상으로 보내진다는 사실입니다. 사랑과 자비가 우리 안에 있고 그것을 밖으로 전할 때, 우리는 진정으로 기도하는 것입니다. 사랑을 밖으로 전하는 동안 우리는 자기 가슴에서 일어나는 변화를 느낍니다. 기도가 우리 안에 열매를 맺는 것이지요.  접기
P. 79~80 우리를 에워싼 가족과 친구들 속에는 우리에게 든든함과 영감을 주는 사람들이 있습니다. 그들을 생각만 해도 우리 몸에 더 많은 에너지를 불러올 수 있지요.
한번은 나에게 배우는 학생 가운데 하나가 매우 슬픈 얼굴로 나를 찾아왔습니다. 마침 여행을 떠날 참이었기에 그에게 이렇게 말했습니다.
“내가 없더라도, 원한다면 내 방에 들어와 혼자 앉아 있어도 되네.”
내 방에 앉아 있는 것이 그에게는 나와 함께 있으면서 나의 에너지를 받는 것과 같습니다. 이렇게 이루어지는 소통도 기도의 한 형식이지요.  접기
P. 86 우리는 소나무, 달, 별에게도 기도할 수 있습니다. 소나무는 든든하고 달은 언제나 때맞춰 거기 있고 별은 우리를 위하여 항상 자유롭고 밝게 빛납니다. 소나무와 깊이 만날 수 있으면 한 마음, 하느님과도 만날 수 있습니다. 하느님과 만난다는 것이 그분이 자기 에너지를 우리에게 전해 주는 것을 의미한다면, 소나무 또한 우리에게 자기 에너지를 전해 줄 수 있는 것입니다.  접기
저자 및 역자소개
틱낫한 (Thich Nhat Hanh) (지은이) 
신간알리미 신청

오늘날 선불교의 가장 위대한 스승 중 한 명이자 세계적인 교육자로 70년 가까이 ‘마음다함(mindfulness)’을 전 세계에 소개하고 있다.
베트남전쟁 당시 미국 각지를 순회하며 반전평화운동을 전개하였고 이러한 활동에 힘입어 1967년 노벨평화상 후보에 추천되었으나, 베트남 정부에 의해 귀국 금지 조치를 당한 뒤 1973년 프랑스로 망명하였다. 1982년 보르도에 명상 공동체 ‘플럼 빌리지(Plum Village)’를 세우고 다양한 활동을 통해 평화운동을 전개하였다. 2008년부터 교육 분야에 마음다함을 도입하기 위해 유럽,... 더보기
최근작 : <모든 발걸음마다 평화>,<틱낫한의 깨어 있는 마음 수행>,<최상의 행복에 이르는 지혜> … 총 1045종 (모두보기)
이현주 (옮긴이) 
신간알리미 신청
관옥觀玉이라고도 부르며, ‘이 아무개’ 혹은 같은 뜻의 한자 ‘무무无無’라는 필명을 쓰고 있다. 1944년 충주에서 태어나 감리교신학대학교를 졸업했다. 목사이자 동화작가이자 번역가이며, 교회와 대학 등에서 말씀도 나눈다. 동서양의 고전을 넘나드는 글들을 쓰고 있으며, 무위당无爲堂 장일순 선생과 함께 『노자 이야기』를 펴냈다. 옮긴 책으로 『지금 이 순간이 나의 집입니다』, 『너는 이미 기적이다』, 『틱낫한 기도의 힘』, 『그리스도의 계시들』 등이 있다.
최근작 : <관옥 이현주의 신약 읽기>,<관옥 이현주의 신약 읽기 (양장)>,<부모 되기, 사람 되기> … 총 269종 (모두보기)
출판사 제공 책소개
그대를 바꾸고
그대를 살리고
그대를 근원과 이어 주는
틱낫한 스님의 정성 가득한 기도 이야기

용기와 위로를 주는 사람이 되고
휴식과 회복이 이뤄지고
삶이 깊어지는
참된 기도의 세계로 안내한다

누구나 기도를 한다. 취직이 되기를, 아픈 아이가 무사히 낫기를, 하는 일이 잘되기를 간절히 염원한다. 하느님, 부처님, 조상님에게 간절히 빌든, 해와 달에 맹세하든, 자기 자신에게 굳게 다짐하든, 우리는 기도하며 살아간다.
그런데 우리는 기도를 하면서도 기도를 의심한다. 모든 기도가 이뤄지지는 않는다는 걸, 때로는 기도의 내용과 정반대 상황이 연출된다는 걸 경험으로 알기 때문이다. 이 책에서 틱낫한 스님은 모든 종교를 아울러 우리가 기도하는 중에 맞닥뜨리는 가장 절실한 다섯 가지 질문들에 답을 한다. 스님이 들려주는 이야기 속에서 우리는 기도의 아이러니에서 벗어나 참된 기도로 들어갈 수 있는 보편적인 지혜를 발견하게 된다.
버티기도 힘든 구석으로 몰렸을 때 선택할 수 있는 가장 현실적인 방안은, 자기를 추스르며 상황을 조금씩 바꿔 나가는 것이다. 그리고 기도야말로 그런 우리에게 진정한 휴식과 참된 지혜와 강한 의지를 선물하는 효과적인 방법이다. 이 책이 많은 독자들에게 양분이 되어 세상과 마음이 좀 더 평화로워지기를 기원한다.

기도에 대한 다섯 가지 질문과 답변

스님은 이 책에서 평소 기도와 관련해 가장 자주 들어온 질문 다섯 가지와 그에 대한 답을 진솔하게 들려준다. 그 이야기를 따라가다 보면 우리가 품곤 하는 기도에 대한 선입견이 깨지고 참된 기도란 무엇이며 기도하는 삶이란 어떤 것인지가 선명하게 다가온다. 마지막 페이지까지 넘기고 난 후에는 기도와 하나 되는 삶을 살고 싶은 떨림이 느껴진다.
그럼 그 다섯 가지 질문을 하나하나 살펴보자.

하나, 기도는 정말 이뤄지나요?
- 우리 눈에 보이는 대로 말하면, 기도는 이루어질 때도 있고 이루어지지 않을 때도 있는 그런 것입니다. 하지만 궁극의 차원에서 보면, 진실한 기도는 어떤 식으로든 이뤄집니다.

둘, 기도를 가능케 하는 건 무엇인가요?
- 믿음, 자비, 사랑의 에너지가 없는 기도는 전류가 흐르지 않는 전화선을 통해 전화를 거는 것과 같습니다.

셋, 기도가 이뤄 내는 건 무엇인가요?
- 기도는 새로운 에너지, 새로운 깨달음, 새로운 신앙을 통해 우리 몸과 마음에 새로운 무대를 열어 줍니다. 모든 것은 변하기 마련이므로 기도를 통해 마련된 새로운 무대에서 우리는 새로운 삶을 살아갈 수 있습니다.

넷, 믿음이 약하면 기도에 효험이 없을까요?
- 기도가 만들어 낸 변화를 알아차리지 못해서 그렇지, 믿음이 약하더라도 기도는 분명 효험이 있습니다. 기도에는 무언가를 향한 ‘사랑’이 들어 있기 마련입니다. 타인을 향한 사랑이든 세상을 향한 사랑이든 자기 자신을 향한 사랑이든, 사랑은 무언가를 바꿔 놓습니다. 다른 건 몰라도 기도하는 자기 안에서는 분명 변화가 일어나지요. 물론 믿음이 강하면 변화는 더 클 것입니다.

다섯, 누구에게 기도해야 하나요?
- 불교에서는 그 무엇도 홀로 존재할 수 없다고 봅니다. 부처님이든 하느님이든 조상님이든 해든 달이든, 모든 것은 기도하는 나와 연결되어 있습니다. 따라서 불교 안에서 기도할 때 우리는 우리 자신과 우리 바깥에 있는 누구에게 아울러 기도하는 것입니다. 둘 사이에는 다름이 없습니다.

기도의 세 기둥

틱낫한 스님은 기도를 떠받치는 세 기둥이 있다고 말한다. 바로 마음챙김(지금 이 순간 몸과 마음에서 일어나는 것들을 깨어 있는 의식으로 온전히 알아차리기), 집중, 깨달음이다.
마음챙김과 집중이 필요한 이유는 명확하다. “마음챙김은 우리 몸과 마음을 진정으로 현존케 합니다. 몸과 마음이 지금 이 순간이라는 한곳으로 모이는 것이지요. 이것이 제대로 이루어지지 않으면 아무리 신앙이 있어도 기도가 불가능합니다. 그대가 여기 없는데 대체 누가 기도를 한단 말입니까?”
스님이 말하는 깨달음은 우리의 상식과는 조금 다르다. 수행을 통해 이르게 되는 신비하고 고매한 경지를 일컫는 것이 아니기 때문이다. 만물은 서로 이어져 있으므로 나와 하느님, 나와 부처님은 서로 분리된 존재가 아니라는 것, 따라서 나는 물론이고 소나무, 달, 별에게도 그분들이 지닌 사랑과 마음챙김과 지혜가 있다는 것, 이 사실을 알아차리는 것이 스님이 말하는 깨달음이다.
그렇다면 마음챙김, 집중, 깨달음이 함께하는 기도란 무엇일까? 바로 지금 이 순간 우리가 마주하고 있는 구체적인 현실을 온전히 경험하는 것이다. 일상을 살아가는 우리의 몸짓 하나하나에 마음챙김과 집중과 깨달음이 함께하는 것이 참된 기도이다. (여기서 기도와 명상은 서로 만난다.) 기도란 추상적인 관념에 대고 무언가를 빌기만 하는 것이 아니다. 우리는 구체적인 현실, 즉 하늘과 나무와 밥과 이웃의 얼굴에서 부처님과 하느님을 만날 수 있다. 그렇게 순간순간을 채워 나간다면 우리 삶은 기도와 하나가 될 것이다.

세수를 할 때
차를 마실 때
길을 걸을 때
깨어 있는 마음으로
그것과 하나가 되어
그대가 외톨이가 아님을 알면
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Meister Eckhart: A Mystic-Warrior for Our Times by Matthew Fox | Goodreads

Meister Eckhart: A Mystic-Warrior for Our Times by Matthew Fox | Goodreads

Meister Eckhart: A Mystic-Warrior for Our Times

Matthew Fox
4.20 · Rating details · 91 ratings · 8 reviews

Though he lived in the thirteenth century, Meister Eckhart’s deeply ecumenical teachings were in many ways modern. He taught about what we call ecology, championed artistic creativity, and advocated for social, economic, and gender justice. All these elements have inspired spiritual maverick Matthew Fox and influenced his Creation Spirituality. Here, Fox creates metaphorical meetings between Eckhart and Teilhard de Chardin, Thich Nhat Hanh, Carl Jung, Black Elk, Rumi, Adrienne Rich, and other radical thinkers. The result is profoundly insightful, substantive, and inspiring. (less)

Paperback, 336 pages
Published July 8th 2014 by New World Library (first published June 10th 2014)


Jun 15, 2015Phil Calandra rated it it was ok
This book is essentially the study of Meister Eckhart's mysticism through the various lenses of other mystics, philosophers, educators and thinkers. 

In my view, the book misses the mark and does not help in a broader and richer understanding of Meister Eckhart's spirituality. 
No criticism of the other thinkers but the comparisons between Meister Eckhart and the others are flimsy at best and do not give the feel or appreciation of this great mystics spirituality 

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Jun 15, 2019April rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorites, non-fiction
Matthew Fox has an amazing and original way of having his subjects converse with one another so that their comparisons benefit all readers. "Life changing" is a phrase I don't throw around lightly but I truly mean it. This book touched me, caused me to ponder things I hadn't before and enlightened me to different aspects of belief that I hadn't heard of. It's one of those books that take forever to read, not because it's written difficultly but because you read a few pages then need to savor it. This was the most wonderfully thought provoking book I've read lately. (less)
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Jun 13, 2018Susan rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: did-not-finish
Good information but an awful lot of it.
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Nov 23, 2020Laurie rated it liked it
Some intriguing insights into mystical theologies.
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Feb 25, 2016Paul Rack rated it liked it
Very good look at the resonances of Eckhart with more contemporary writers, with the glaring exception that Fox, in his characteristic exuberance and enthusiasm, completely misconstrues the agenda of the quests for the historical Jesus. While Eckhart did distinguish between the HJ and the X of faith, he did so to emphasize the importance of the latter. Eckhart was nothing if not a devotee of the gospel of John. Questers largely reject John and the X of faith in their quest to reduce Jesus to an insignificant peasant. All the other chapters are wonderful. (less)
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Dec 01, 2015Bryan rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Excellent overview of mysticism in all its forms centered on the writings of the the Christian, 13-14th century mystic Meister Eckhart. Matthew Fox shows the many affinities between Eckhart and other mystics from before his time until the present. Sometimes the comparisons are a little stretched, but overall well done.
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Jul 16, 2015Michele rated it it was ok
Shelves: books-read-in-2015
Did not do Meister Eckhart justice. I loved the succinct narratives on various ways of understanding and articulating the Divine Mystery, but the practice of inserting Meister Eckhart into these traditions was contrived. He might have used his research/knowledge to simply write on Meister Eckhart.


Product description

"By connecting Eckhart's wisdom to the problems of today, Fox creates a sense of optimistic urgency; solutions do not wait in the future or lie in the past, but are present right now if people choose to act with compassion and conviction. The book is not only an excellent introduction to Eckhart's theology, but also an inspirational guidepost for connecting faith with activism."
-- Publishers Weekly

"In this book Matthew Fox, one of the gigantic Christians of this century, engages and presents Meister Eckhart, one of the gigantic Christians of the ages, in dialogue with some of today's best minds. The result is a stunning new vision of Christianity that transcends both creeds and boundaries. It is a thrilling read."
-- John Shelby Spong, author of The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic

"Matthew Fox is perhaps the greatest writer on Meister Eckhart that has ever existed. No one paints as broad a portrait of the master as Fox does in this book."
-- Steven Herrmann, author of Spiritual Democracy

"I can't imagine a richer, juicier, or more relevant introduction to the grandeur and brilliance of Meister Eckhart's vision. Matthew Fox has given us yet another radioactive, stunning work. Every chapter is a pure, clear, and swift revelation."
-- Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism

"[Fox] not only gives us his beloved spiritual father as a living presence for our lives but also brings us a whole rainbow of mystic-warriors as companions on the way."
-- Joanna Macy, coauthor of Active Hope

"Whether our species has a future on Earth does not depend on the development of more gee-whiz technologies, but on whether we are willing to move into the psycho-spiritual dimension proclaimed by Meister Eckhart and elucidated by Matthew Fox in this important book."
-- Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind

"Crucial! Fox brings Eckhart's voice into cogent meeting with a long list of pivotal global luminaries. Marrying these confluences may well determine the success or failure of our planet's inevitable process toward globalization and multiculturalism."
-- Kurt Johnson, coauthor of The Coming Interspiritual Age

"The special uniqueness of this book lies in Matthew Fox's ability to put a host of ancient and contemporary thinkers and social activists in close mutual relationship with Meister Eckhart. . . . With this book, Matthew Fox gives us an intimation that hope in the future is not some idle passing thought. That it is even possible to have written this book is a reminder that such spiritual searching and the worldwide diversity that accompanies it is more prevalent than one would think."
-- Fred Gustafson, Literary Aficionado --This text refers to the paperback edition.
About the Author

The author of thirty books, Matthew Fox has been an instrumental teacher and scholar in the revival of Western mysticism, particularly the work of Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, and Thomas Aquinas. Fox teaches and speaks widely and lives in Oakland, California. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details

Print length ‏ : ‎ 338 pages
Customer reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars

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H. A. Weedon
5.0 out of 5 stars Interestingly Helpful.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 30 May 2015

This work by Matthew Fox has all the marks of being both well researched and well written and it is certainly very readable. It also has the commendable trait of stimulating the reader into finding out more about the various characters referred to in the text. However, the reader needs to be aware that, good as it is, we have here just one scholar's interpretation of the relevance of Meister Eckhart's teaching with regard to realistic religious belief. For instance, there is no mention of the obvious connections between the teachings of Meister Eckhart and such inspiring religious teachers as Hui Neng, Bankei and Thomas Ken or anything about the connection between Eckhart's teachings and the Diamond Sutra. Then again, although Mother Julian of Norwich is given a page to herself, the reader is not taken to the heart of the real resemblances between her teachings and those of Meister Eckhart.

This work will be of more interest to those who already know quite a bit about most of the religious teachers and mystics mentioned in the text. Matthew Fox tries too hard to relate Meister Eckhart's teachings to too many people, some of whom are clearly some way from seeing things as Eckhart did. Where this work becomes truly valuable is in how Eckhart is shown to be the true reformer seeking to inspire spirituality rather than to replace papal dictatorship with biblical dictatorship in a world in which women continued very much to be regarded as inferior to men. Eckhart knew better than this. His teachings reflect a spirituality that is beyond gender, dogma and qualified deification, and this is something that Fox skilfully brings out as we read what he has to say about the host of inspiring characters. For this alone, this work deserves five stars. People of various beliefs and no beliefs at all will find it helpful in all kinds of ways.
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Nontheistic religion - Wikipedia 2021

Nontheistic religion - Wikipedia

Nontheistic religion

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Nontheistic religions are traditions of thought within a religious context—some otherwise aligned with theism, others not—in which nontheism informs religious beliefs or practices.[1] Nontheism has been applied and plays significant roles in progressivismHinduismBuddhism, and Jainism. While many approaches to religion exclude nontheism by definition, some inclusive definitions of religion show how religious practice and belief do not depend on the presence of (a) god(s). For example, Paul James and Peter Mandaville distinguish between religion and spirituality, but provide a definition of the term that avoids the usual reduction to "religions of the book":

Religion can be defined as a relatively-bounded system of beliefs, symbols and practices that addresses the nature of existence, and in which communion with others and Otherness is lived as if it both takes in and spiritually transcends socially-grounded ontologies of time, space, embodiment and knowing.[2]

Buddhism[edit source]

The gods Śakra (left) and Brahmā (right)

Existence of gods[edit source]

The Buddha said that devas (translated as "gods") do exist, but they were regarded as still being trapped in samsara,[3] and are not necessarily wiser than humans. In fact, the Buddha is often portrayed as a teacher of the gods,[4] and superior to them.[5]

Since the time of the Buddha, the denial of the existence of a creator deity has been seen as a key point in distinguishing Buddhist from non-Buddhist views.[6] The question of an independent creator deity was answered by the Buddha in the Brahmajala Sutta. The Buddha denounced the view of a creator and sees that such notions are related to the false view of eternalism, and like the 61 other views, this belief causes suffering when one is attached to it and states these views may lead to desire, aversion and delusion. At the end of the Sutta the Buddha says he knows these 62 views and he also knows the truth that surpasses them. Later Buddhist philosophers also extensively criticized the idea of an eternal creator deity concerned with humanity.[7]

Metaphysical questions[edit source]

On one occasion, when presented with a problem of metaphysics by the monk Malunkyaputta, the Buddha responded with the Parable of the Poisoned Arrow. When a man is shot with an arrow thickly smeared with poison, his family summons a doctor to have the poison removed, and the doctor gives an antidote:[8]

But the man refuses to let the doctor do anything before certain questions can be answered. The wounded man demands to know who shot the arrow, what his caste and job is, and why he shot him. He wants to know what kind of bow the man used and how he acquired the ingredients used in preparing the poison. Malunkyaputta, such a man will die before getting the answers to his questions. It is no different for one who follows the Way. I teach only those things necessary to realize the Way. Things which are not helpful or necessary, I do not teach.

Christianity[edit source]

Bust of Paul Tillich

A few liberal Christian theologians define a "nontheistic God" as "the ground of all being" rather than as a personal divine being.

Many of them owe much of their theology to the work of Christian existentialist philosopher Paul Tillich, including the phrase "the ground of all being". Another quotation from Tillich is, "God does not exist. He is being itself beyond essence and existence. Therefore to argue that God exists is to deny him."[9] This Tillich quotation summarizes his conception of God. He does not think of God as a being that exists in time and space, because that constrains God, and makes God finite. But all beings are finite, and if God is the Creator of all beings, God cannot logically be finite since a finite being cannot be the sustainer of an infinite variety of finite things. Thus God is considered beyond being, above finitude and limitation, the power or essence of being itself.[citation needed]

From a nontheistic, naturalist, and rationalist perspective, the concept of divine grace appears to be the same concept as luck.[10]

Nontheist Quakers[edit source]

Logo of the Society of Nontheist Friends

A nontheist Friend or an atheist Quaker is someone who affiliates with, identifies with, engages in and/or affirms Quaker practices and processes, 

but who does not accept a belief in a theistic understanding of God, a Supreme Being, the divine, the soul or the supernatural

Like theistic Friends, nontheist Friends are actively interested in realizing centered peace, simplicity, integrity, community, equality, lovehappiness and social justice in the Society of Friends and beyond.

Hinduism[edit source]

Hinduism is characterised by extremely diverse beliefs and practices.[11] In the words of R.C. Zaehner, "it is perfectly possible to be a good Hindu whether one's personal views incline toward monismmonotheismpolytheism, or even atheism."[12] He goes on to say that it is a religion that neither depends on the existence or non-existence of God or Gods.[13] More broadly, Hinduism can be seen as having three more important strands: one featuring a personal Creator or Divine Being, second that emphasises an impersonal Absolute and a third that is pluralistic and non-absolute. The latter two traditions can be seen as nontheistic.[14]

Although the Vedas are broadly concerned with the completion of ritual, there are some elements that can be interpreted as either nontheistic or precursors to the later developments of the nontheistic tradition. The oldest Hindu scripture, the Rig Veda mentions that 'There is only one god though the sages may give it various names' (1.164.46). Max Müller termed this henotheism, and it can be seen as indicating one, non-dual divine reality, with little emphasis on personality.[15] The famous Nasadiya Sukta, the 129th Hymn of the tenth and final Mandala (or chapter) of the Rig Veda, considers creation and asks "The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. /Who then knows whence it has arisen?".[16] This can be seen to contain the intuition that there must be a single principle behind all phenomena: 'That one' (tad ekam), self-sufficient, to which distinctions cannot be applied.[17][18]

It is with the Upanishads, reckoned to be written in the first millennia (coeval with the ritualistic Brahmanas), that the Vedic emphasis on ritual was challenged. The Upanishads can be seen as the expression of new sources of power in India. Also, separate from the Upanishadic tradition were bands of wandering ascetics called Vadins whose largely nontheistic notions rejected the notion that religious knowledge was the property of the Brahmins. Many of these were shramanas, who represented a non-Vedic tradition rooted in India's pre-Aryan history.[19] The emphasis of the Upanishads turned to knowledge, specifically the ultimate identity of all phenomena.[20] This is expressed in the notion of Brahman, the key idea of the Upanishads, and much later philosophizing has been taken up with deciding whether Brahman is personal or impersonal.[21] The understanding of the nature of Brahman as impersonal is based in the definition of it as 'ekam eva advitiyam' (Chandogya Upanishad 6.2.1) – it is one without a second and to which no substantive predicates can be attached.[22] Further, both the Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads assert that the individual atman and the impersonal Brahman are one.[23] The mahāvākya statement Tat Tvam Asi, found in the Chandogya Upanishad, can be taken to indicate this unity.[24] The latter Upanishad uses the negative term Neti neti to 'describe' the divine.

Patañjali statue in Pantanjali Yog Peeth Haridwar

Classical SamkhyaMimamsa, early Vaisheshika and early Nyaya schools of Hinduism do not accept the notion of an omnipotent creator God at all.[25][26] While the Sankhya and Mimamsa schools no longer have significant followings in India, they are both influential in the development of later schools of philosophy.[27][28] The Yoga of Patanjali is the school that probably owes most to the Samkhya thought. This school is dualistic, in the sense that there is a division between 'spirit' (Sanskrit: purusha) and 'nature' (Sanskrit: prakṛti).[29] It holds Samadhi or 'concentrative union' as its ultimate goal[30] and it does not consider God's existence as either essential or necessary to achieving this.[31]

The Bhagavad Gita, contains passages that bear a monistic reading and others that bear a theistic reading.[32] Generally, the book as a whole has been interpreted by some who see it as containing a primarily nontheistic message,[33] and by others who stress its theistic message.[34] These broadly either follow after either Sankara or Ramanuja[35] An example of a nontheistic passage might be "The supreme Brahman is without any beginning. That is called neither being nor non-being," which Sankara interpreted to mean that Brahman can only be talked of in terms of negation of all attributes—'Neti neti'.[36]

The Advaita Vedanta of Gaudapada and Sankara rejects theism as a consequence of its insistence that Brahman is "Without attributes, indivisible, subtle, inconceivable, and without blemish, Brahman is one and without a second. There is nothing other than He."[37] This means that it lacks properties usually associated with God such as omniscience, perfect goodness, omnipotence, and additionally is identical with the whole of reality, rather than being a causal agent or ruler of it.[38]

Jainism[edit source]

Jain texts claim that the universe consists of jiva (life force or souls) and ajiva (lifeless objects). According to Jain doctrine, the universe and its constituents-soul, matter, space, time, and principles of motion-have always existed. The universe and the matter and souls within it are eternal and uncreated, and there is no omnipotent creator god. Jainism offers an elaborate cosmology, including heavenly beings/devas, but these heavenly beings are not viewed as creators-they are subject to suffering and change like all other living beings, and are portrayed as mortal.

According to the Jain concept of divinity, any soul who destroys its karmas and desires, achieves liberation/Nirvana. A soul who destroys all its passions and desires has no desire to interfere in the working of the universe. If godliness is defined as the state of having freed one's soul from karmas and the attainment of enlightenment/Nirvana and a god as one who exists in such a state, then those who have achieved such a state can be termed gods (Tirthankara).

Besides scriptural authority, Jains also employ syllogism and deductive reasoning to refute creationist theories. Various views on divinity and the universe held by the VedicsSāmkhyasMimamsas, Buddhists, and other school of thoughts were criticized by Jain Ācāryas, such as Jinasena in Mahāpurāna.

Others[edit source]

Philosophical models not falling within established religious structures, such as DaoismConfucianismEpicureanismDeism, and Pandeism, have also been considered to be nontheistic religions.[39]

The Satanic Temple, a sect of modern or rational Satanism, was officially recognized as a nontheistic religion in the United States on 25 April 2019.[40]

The white supremacist Creativity movement has also been described as a nontheistic religion.[41]

See also[edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. ^ Williams, J. Paul; Horace L. Friess (1962). "The Nature of Religion". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Blackwell Publishing. 2 (1): 3–17. doi:10.2307/1384088JSTOR 1384088.
  2. ^ James, Paul; Mandaville, Peter (2010). Globalization and Culture, Vol. 2: Globalizing Religions. London: Sage Publications. p. xii–xiii.
  3. ^ John T Bullitt (2005). "The Thirty-one planes of Existence". Access To Insight. Retrieved 26 May 2010The suttas describe thirty-one distinct "planes" or "realms" of existence into which beings can be reborn during this long wandering through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily dark, grim, and painful hell realms to the most sublime, refined, and exquisitely blissful heaven realms. Existence in every realm is impermanent; in Buddhist cosmology there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to both their past kamma and their kamma at the moment of death. When the kammic force that propelled them to that realm is finally exhausted, they pass away, taking rebirth once again elsewhere according to their kamma. And so the wearisome cycle continues.
  4. ^ Susan Elbaum Jootla (1997). "II. The Buddha Teaches Deities". In Access To Insight (ed.). Teacher of the Devas. Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society. Many people worship Maha Brahma as the supreme and eternal creator God, but for the Buddha he is merely a powerful deity still caught within the cycle of repeated existence. In point of fact, "Maha Brahma" is a role or office filled by different individuals at different periods." "His proof included the fact that "many thousands of deities have gone for refuge for life to the recluse Gotama" (MN 95.9). Devas, like humans, develop faith in the Buddha by practicing his teachings." "A second deva concerned with liberation spoke a verse which is partly praise of the Buddha and partly a request for teaching. Using various similes from the animal world, this god showed his admiration and reverence for the Exalted One.", "A discourse called Sakka's Questions (DN 21) took place after he had been a serious disciple of the Buddha for some time. The sutta records a long audience he had with the Blessed One which culminated in his attainment of stream-entry. Their conversation is an excellent example of the Buddha as "teacher of devas," and shows all beings how to work for Nibbana.
  5. ^ Bhikku, Thanissaro (1997). Kevaddha Sutta. Access To Insight. When this was said, the Great Brahma said to the monk, 'I, monk, am Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Sovereign Lord, the Maker, Creator, Chief, Appointer and Ruler, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be... That is why I did not say in their presence that I, too, don't know where the four great elements... cease without remainder. So you have acted wrongly, acted incorrectly, in bypassing the Blessed One in search of an answer to this question elsewhere. Go right back to the Blessed One and, on arrival, ask him this question. However he answers it, you should take it to heart.
  6. ^ B. Alan Wallace, Contemplative Science. Columbia University Press, 2007, pages 97–98.
  7. ^ Principled Atheism in the Buddhist Scholastic Tradition
  8. ^ Nhat Hanh, Thich (1991). Old Path White Clouds: walking in the footsteps of the Buddha. Parallax Press. p. 299ISBN 0-938077-26-0.
  9. ^ Tillich, Paul. (1951) Systematic Theology, p.205.
  10. ^ Kaufman, Arnold S. "Ability", The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 60, No. 19
  11. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, page 17.
  12. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, page 51.
  13. ^ R. C. Zaehner, (1966) Hinduism, P.1-2, Oxford University Press.
  14. ^ Griffiths, Paul J, (2005) Nontheistic Conceptions of the Divine Ch. 3. in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion by William J Wainwright, p.59 . Oxford University Press .
  15. ^ Masih, Y. A comparative study of religions, P.164, Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 2000 ISBN 81-208-0815-0
  16. ^ O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger, (1981)The Rig Veda: An Anthology of One Hundred Eight Hymns (Classic) Penguin
  17. ^ Collinson, Diané and Wilkinson, Robert Thirty-Five Oriental Philosophers, P. 39, Routledge, 1994 ISBN 0-415-02596-6
  18. ^ Mohanty, Jitendranath (2000), Classical Indian Philosophy: An Introductory Text, p:1 Rowman & Littlefield, ISBN 0-8476-8933-6
  19. ^ Jaroslav Krejčí, Anna Krejčová (1990) Before the European Challenge: The Great Civilizations of Asia and the Middle East, p:170, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-7914-0168-5
  20. ^ Doniger, Wendy, (1990) Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions, P. 441, Merriam-Webster, ISBN 0-87779-044-2
  21. ^ Smart, Ninian (1998) The World's Religions P.73-74, CUP ISBN 0-521-63748-1
  22. ^ Wainwright, William J. (2005) Ch.3 Nontheistic conceptions of the divine. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion p.67 OUP, ISBN 0-19-513809-0
  23. ^ Jones, Richard H. (2004) Mysticism and Morality: A New Look at Old Questions, P. 80, Lexington Books, ISBN 0-7391-0784-4
  24. ^ Brown, Robert L, (1991) Ganesh: Studies of an Asian God, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-7914-0656-3.
  25. ^ Larson, Gerald James, Ch. Indian Conceptions of Reality and Divinity found in A Companion to World Philosophies By Eliot Deutsch, Ronald Bontekoe, P. 352, Blackwell, ISBN 0-631-21327-9
  26. ^ Morgan, Kenneth W. and Sarma, D S, Eds. (1953) Ch. 5. P.207 Hindu Religious Thought by Satis Chandra Chatterjee, The Religion of the Hindus: Interpreted by Hindus, Ronald Press. ISBN 81-208-0387-6
  27. ^ Flood, Gavin D, An Introduction to Hinduism,(p.232) CUP, ISBN 0-521-43878-0
  28. ^ Larson, Gerald James,(1999) Classical Samkhya, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, ISBN 81-208-0503-8
  29. ^ Feuerstein, Georg (1989), Yoga: The Technology of Ecstasy, Tarcher, ISBN 0-87477-520-5
  30. ^ King, Richard (1999) Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought, p:191, Edinburgh University Press, ISBN 0-7486-0954-7
  31. ^ Clements, Richard Pauranik, Being a Witness in Theory and Practice of Yoga by Knut A. Jacobsen
  32. ^ Yandell, Keith. E., On Interpreting the "Bhagavadgītā", Philosophy East and West 32, no 1 (January 1982).
  33. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, page 45, 98, 115, 136.
  34. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, pages 47, 51.
  35. ^ Flood, Gavin D, An Introduction to Hinduism, (pps 239-234) CUP, ISBN 0-521-43878-0
  36. ^ Swami Gambhirananda, (1995), Bhagavadgita: with the Commentary of Sankaracharya, Ch. 13. Vs. 13, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta ISBN 81-7505-150-7
  37. ^ Richards, John, Viveka-Chudamani of Shankara Vs 468.
  38. ^ Wainright, William, (2006), Concepts of God, Stanford Encyclopedia of Religion
  39. ^ Charles Brough (2010). The Last Civilization. p. 246. ISBN 1426940572Deism and pan-deism, as well as agnosticism and atheism, are all Non-Theisms.
  40. ^ "Satanic Temple: IRS has designated it a tax-exempt church"AP NEWS. 25 April 2019. Retrieved 30 July 2019.
  41. ^


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비신론(非神論, nontheism) 또는 비유신론은 무신론의 대안으로 제시된 용어다.

무신론의 주장은 “신이라는 것이 있는데 그것은 존재하지 않는다.”라고 비춰질 수 있는데, 이땐 허구의 존재든 그렇지 않든 우선 신을 가정한다고 볼 수 있다. 비신론은 애초에 신이라는 존재를 가정하는 것에서도 벗어나고자 하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 이는 우선 무신론을 공산주의나 전체주의 등과 함께 부정적으로 분류되는 것을 피하고자 하는 목적에서 시도되기도 하고, 불가지론과 무신론, 반신론을 모두 묶기 위해서 쓰기도 하며, 심지어는 몇몇 진보주의 종교의 반교조주의적인 성격을 나타내는데 쓰이기도 한다. 그래서 서양의 관점에선 불교가 비신론으로 간주되기도 한다.



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』






  1. ^ Williams, J. Paul; Horace L. Friess (1962). “The Nature of Religion”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (Blackwell Publishing) 2 (1): 3–17. doi:10.2307/1384088JSTOR 1384088.
  2. ^ Starobin, Paul. “The Godless Rise As A Political Force”. The National Journal. 2010年7月29日閲覧。
  3. ^ "The Reasoner", New Series, No. VIII. 115