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Showing posts with label Karen Armstrong. Show all posts


Marilynne Robinson’s ‘The Givenness of Things’ - The New York Times

Marilynne Robinson’s ‘The Givenness of Things’ - The New York Times

The Givenness of Things: Essays Hardcover – October 27, 2015

by Marilynne Robinson (Author)

Product Details

Hardcover: 304 pages

Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; First Edition edition (October 27, 2015)


Editorial Reviews


One of Time's Top 10 Nonfiction Books of 2015

"A sense of wonder pervades the powerful essays in The Givenness of Things . . . Robinson's heroic lamentation is magnificent . . . Robinson's insistence, throughout these essays, that we recognize the limitations of our knowledge is timely and important." ―Karen Armstrong, The New York Times Book Review

“These are beautiful essays . . . beautiful in thought and beautiful in expression.” ―Bill Marvel, Dallas Morning News

“The Givenness of Things is so rich that I'm tempted to quote it to death.” ―Michael Robbins, The Chicago Tribune

“Over the course of 17 provocative essays, Robinson, a ‘self-declared Calvinist from northern Idaho,’ brings both her formidable intellect and powers of plain speaking to deliver a clarion call against the culture of fear that she believes is eating away at American society.” ―Yvonne Zipp, The Christian Science Monitor

“Marilynne Robinson displays the same passionate concern with matters of faith that suffuses her majestic trilogy of linked novels.” ―Wendy Smith, The Boston Globe

"Robinson’s handiwork is capacious and serious, but also mysterious and wondrous; like the night sky, it deserves our attention." ―Casey N. Cep, The New Republic

"A new book of essays by Robinson is a major American literary event." ―Jeff Simon, The Buffalo News

“Robinson's genius is for making indistinguishable the highest ends of faith and fiction . . . The beauty of Robinson's prose suggests an author continually threading with spun platinum the world's finest needle.” ―Michelle Orange, Bookforum

“These bravely and brilliantly argued, gorgeously composed, slyly witty, profoundly caring essays lead us into the richest dimensions of consciousness and conscience, theology and mystery, responsibility and reverence.” ―Donna Seaman, Booklist

“The prose is as finely wrought as in any of Robinson’s novels . . . any reader not tone-deaf will be enchanted by her grave, urgent music.” ―George Scialabba, Bookforum

"Eloquent, persuasive, and rigorously clear, this collection reveals one of America's finest minds working at peak form, capturing essential ideas with all 'the authority beautiful language and beautiful thought can give them." ―Publishers Weekly

About the Author

Marilynne Robinson is the author of the novels Lila, Home, Gilead (winner of the Pulitzer Prize), and Housekeeping, and four books of nonfiction: When I Was a Child I Read Books, Mother Country, The Death of Adam, and Absence of Mind. She teaches at the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop.


Top Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 starsBrilliant and Heartwarming

By Wilson on October 30, 2015

Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase

In full disclosure I was already a huge Robinson fan. I read her first novel, Housekeeping, six times and would have read it twenty had Gilead and Lila not intervened. I've given the paperback editions as sort of shibboleths to prospective friends and I traveled a hundred miles in a Michigan winter to hear her lecture. I also share the author's keen interests in Cosmology and Theology, along with her respect for the Transcendentalists, especially Thoreau. But Robinson is not writing only for her fans. Anyone who has ever sensed "another reality ...beyond the grasp of our comprehension yet wholly immanent in all of being, powerful in every sense of the word, invisible to our sight, silent to our hearing, foolish to our wisdom, yet somehow steadfast, allowing us our days and years" will find much to ponder in these essays.


5.0 out of 5 stars

a unique book

By Mark bennett on October 27, 2015

Format: Hardcover

This is a really unique book. Marilynne Robinson is a contender for the last American intellectual. She manages in this book to produce 17 interesting, well thought out and occasionally provocative essays. She speaks against the growing American polarization, the "fear" culture and for the place of the humanities and religion in life. She also manages the extremely difficult matter of being critical but positive. As well, she tries to reconcile science into her worldview and offers analysis as far afield as the American Civil War and Marx. Being all over the map is part of what makes it all so interesting.

Its far from the case that I agree with her on every point she makes. But the points she makes are always interesting and somewhat original. To an extent, its not even what she says. Its how she thinks and how she manages to break through a great deal of intellectual stagnation in the modern United States. This book will not be for everyone. Especially for those who don't like to read things they might disagree with.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Deep dive

By robert johnston on November 20, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

Robinson has delivered her share of superb, attention grabbing philosophical works engaging man and mind and soul. Her topical range, grasp and elucidation of post-modernist, deconstructionism's stunning technical success.

She writes that we live in the best time to be alive in human history but can't quite understand why an unease and unhappiness still lingers in ourselves. There is a reasoned 'more' at the core of these Robinson essays

As for my reading experience, I'm happier for having explored an intellectual elucidation from among our words and speculations just beyond linguistic expression.

This is a chapter at a sitting read. Robinson's economy of words delivers profoundly more mind fodder to be consumed. Each chapter essay demands a break for introspection before plunging forward. That's a 5-star read.


5.0 out of 5 starsEssays of passion, precision, and life-changing insight.

By Len Vander Zee on November 6, 2015

Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase

If you are waiting for someone to profoundly define life today in North America from a Christian perspective, get this book right now. Robinson writes with amazing theological depth, rich historical knowledge, and passionate intelligence on many of the perplexities of our age: scientific reductionism, gun-toting fear, the vagaries of the contemporary church, and the miracle of the human soul; and threaded through it all, the grace of God. And she knows and loves Calvin better than any neo-Calvinist I can think of. Read it and you will be enlightened.


4.0 out of 5 starsProvides stimulating insight into the themes of Robinson's fiction

By Amazon Customer on December 8, 2015

Format: Hardcover

The New York Review of Books recently published parts one and two of an extended conversation in September 2015 in Iowa between President Obama and Marilynne Robinson, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Critics Circle Award for GILEAD. Readers of that fascinating exchange whose familiarity with Robinson doesn't extend beyond a relatively small body of fiction --- which includes that novel and others like HOME and LILA --- learned that she's a close observer of America's culture and politics and someone whose life and writing are informed by a deep engagement with Christianity.

Those aspects of Robinson's thinking are explored in the 17 essays that compose THE GIVENNESS OF THINGS. This searching, at times daunting, collection exposes a great and restless mind grappling mightily (but with humility) with some of the most challenging aspects of human existence.

In its best moments, Robinson's book offers a passionate defense of her liberal Christian, humanistic worldview against both scientific materialism and capitalism's worship of the market. As to the former, Robinson is especially dismissive of the increasing dominance of neuroscience for the way it "greatly overreaches the implications of its evidence and is tendentious" (a favorite Robinson adjective). At the same time, she's no science denier. On the contrary, she's eager to give the theories of modern physics and cosmology their due in an effort to describe (if not explain) a complicated universe.

A "self-declared Calvinist from northern Idaho," Robinson leaves no doubt of her place on the political spectrum. In the essay "Awakening" (like all but one of the pieces, its one-word title is not especially informative of its content), she decries the brand of Christianity that "has brought a harshness, a bitterness, a crudeness and a high-handedness into the public sphere that are only to be compared to the politics, or the collapse of politics, in the period before the Civil War." She offers a withering condemnation of the way that opposition to gun control or support for privatizing prisons have somehow been defined as "Christian" points of view:

"I never feel more Christian," she writes, "than I do when I hear of some new scheme for depriving and humiliating the poor, and feel the shock of religious dread at these blatant contraventions of what I, as a Christian, take to be the will of God. And yes, I can quote chapter and verse."

That disdain is matched only by her critique of an economic system that disparages the liberal arts in service of the single-minded goal of "making our children into maximally efficient workers." Instead, she argues, with no little vehemence, that "If we are to be competent citizens of a powerful democracy, we must encourage the study of the aptly named humanities."

Especially noteworthy in the current climate of free-floating dread engendered by events like the attacks in Paris is Robinson's resounding condemnation, in the appropriately titled essay "Fear," of the "marked and oddly general fearfulness of our culture at present," something she describes as "not a Christian habit of mind." With persistent rumors of terrorist plots and enhanced security measures at public gatherings, it's easy enough to identify with what she calls the "so entrenched habit with us to live in a state of alarmed anticipation, gearing up for things that do not happen."

This collection is less political, less personal and, regrettably, frequently less accessible than Robinson's 2012 book of essays, WHEN I WAS A CHILD I READ BOOKS. As she reveals in her Acknowledgements, these pieces originally were delivered as lectures at institutions that included the First Presbyterian Church of New York City and the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. That provenance perhaps explains the opacity of essays that focus on the identity of Jesus ("Son of Adam, Son of Man") or the Gospel of Mark ("Limitation"), and whose arguments will prove elusive, if not impenetrable, to readers not already steeped in Christian theology or without a deep interest in the topic.

But Robinson, who wrote her doctoral thesis on Shakespeare, can be a delightful and informative historian and critic when dealing with challenging literary material. In the essay "Grace," she explores that concept in the dramas of “Hamlet” and “Antony and Cleopatra,” noting along the way that "the Puritans were not puritanical. Nor were they anti-intellectual or obscurantist." "Servanthood" reveals the somewhat surprising interplay between theology and art in Shakespeare's time, noting that "much of the literature and poetry of the English Renaissance was the work of people who were Puritans and Calvinists."

Among contemporary authors who have achieved significant levels of both commercial success and critical recognition, Marilynne Robinson stands alone in her unabashed religiosity and the depth of her scholarly engagement. THE GIVENNESS OF THINGS provides stimulating insight into the persistent themes of her fiction and shines a light on what it means to her to be a devout Christian in the modern world.

Reviewed by Harvey Freedenberg


Marilynne Robinson’s ‘The Givenness of Things’


NYT, DEC. 7, 2015

A sense of wonder pervades the powerful essays in “The Givenness of Things,” Marilynne Robinson’s new collection. “Existence is remarkable, actually incredible,” Robinson exclaims; even materiality is “profoundly amazing, uncanny.” Yet unlike physics, which has a strong sense of the “givenness” Robinson refers to in her title, neo-Darwinian positivism rejects anything — the self, the soul or God — that cannot be explained empirically. Robinson defines the “given” as something “that presents itself, reveals itself, always partially and circumstantially, accessible to only tentative apprehension, which means that it is always newly meaningful.” Calvin insisted that divine wisdom was one such “given,” perceived only “within radical limits.” Robinson does not say so, but here Calvin was deeply in tune with the great sages of the past, who all maintained that the transcendence we call God, Brahman, Nirvana or Dao must always ultimately elude us.

Calvin has had so profound an influence on Robinson’s religious heritage that when she reads him it seems “like the awakening of submerged memory.” Perhaps one reason for this is that the Protestant Reformation gave sacred sanction to ideals that were becoming essential to the new commercial economy in 16th-century Europe: independence, a strong work ethic, innovation and the enfranchisement of the lower classes. It had never been possible to implement these fully in premodern agrarian civilization, but their value would become self-evident in the modern West.

Yet Calvinism has declined in America, Robinson argues, and seems to have lost all sense of the “given.” A falsely confident omniscience has instead become widespread in the Age of Information, and not only in the United States. Once we forget that our knowledge of anything can only be partial, we can, like the positivists, become arrogantly disdainful of anyone who does not share our views. In American religion, Robinson believes, moral rigor has become an obligation “to turn and judge that great sinful world the redeemed have left behind,” and self-righteous Christians can be “outrageously forgiving of one another and themselves, and very cruel in their denunciation of anyone else.” Christianity has become a mere marker of identity, even a sign of electoral eligibility, and Calvin’s cosmic Christ has degenerated into an “imaginary friend” in a faith that focuses solely on “personal salvation” and “accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.”

Christianity in her view has thus become the opposite of itself, and Christians seem preoccupied with “sins” Jesus never mentioned. For the prophets the great sin was always social injustice, but too many American Christians seem comfortable in a world in which 1 percent of the population controls 40 percent of the wealth, and are not perturbed to hear the Gospels cited to legitimize for-profit prisons or to sanctify the use of guns. Jesus said, “Blessed are you who are poor,” but we now hear talk of the “unworthy poor” and of schemes that will humiliate and dispossess them.

Robinson’s heroic lamentation is magnificent. Yet for me something crucial was missing: There is no sustained discussion of America’s relationship with other nations. Robinson admits that the United States often seems like “a blundering giant, invading countries of which we know nothing,” but there is no particular meditation on foreign policy or the Iraq war and its tragic aftermath. Robinson recalls Lincoln telling Americans during the Civil War that they must love their enemies because God loves them, but she does not wonder what that great president would have said about Guantánamo Bay or Abu Ghraib. Similarly, she mentions Martin Luther King and notes with sorrow that America unfairly privileges the values of those who are white, but we hear nothing specific about the current plight of ¬African-Americans.

In Britain, we still see ourselves as Shakespeare’s “sceptred isle,” but in the interdependent global economy no nation is an island. Like Robinson, I am in my early 70s, and in this last phase of my life I too find myself reflecting painfully on the failings of my country, especially on its colonial behavior, which has contributed to so many of our current problems. Actions always have consequences. Every night on the news we see traumatized migrants from the Middle East and Africa literally dying to get into Europe. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans invaded and exploited these regions for their own benefit; now, in a karmic reversal, their peoples are invading us. Yet we talk only of how to keep them out.

Robinson’s insistence, throughout these essays, that we recognize the limitations of our knowledge is timely and important. She is acutely aware that the “us and them” mentality, so prevalent in modern political discourse, is dangerous, false and unsustainable, and that it is essential that we cultivate “a respectful awareness of lives lived otherwise.” Yet sometimes she herself pulls back from the “given,” as when she wonders, with some trepidation, if those who do not know Christ can enjoy the ultimate good promised to the Christian. She concludes, tentatively, that because they participate in God’s world, they must somehow be included in God’s providence. This solution may have been acceptable in Calvin’s time. But after studying the profundity and richness of world religions for over 20 years, I can no longer believe that any one faith has a monopoly on truth or wisdom.

Robinson rarely mentions other religious traditions specifically; when she does, however, she is seldom complimentary. She seems to have inherited from Calvin an anti-Catholic bias — her discussion of the Huguenot tragedy, for example, is one-¬sided and fails to take into account the recent scholarship clarifying that in this complex struggle there was bigotry on both sides and that it is impossible to divide 16th-¬century France into neat communities of Catholics and Protestants. She is extremely (and in my view inappropriately) scathing about ancient Near Eastern mythology. Yet she approvingly cites William James’s warning that “we should never assume that our knowledge of anything is more than partial.” This must — surely? — mean that no tradition can have the last word on the ineffable. Protestant Christianity had admirable, indeed indispensable insights, but like any ideology, its vision too was partial. John Locke, who, after Calvin, is Robinson’s favorite theologian, suggested that the liberal state could tolerate neither Catholics nor Muslims, claimed that Native Americans had no property rights to their land, and showed some robust support for the institution of slavery.

In the West, we often speak of “the Reformation” as if it were a unique event. Robinson is not only convinced of this but seems to regard the Protestant Reformation as God’s last word to humanity, something that cannot be bettered. Yet almost every single one of what we now call the “great world religions” began as a reformation of existing spirituality during a period of social, political or economic transformation, when old pieties no longer sufficed. This is true of the myriad religions of the Indian subcontinent (including Buddhism and Jainism), the Chinese traditions, Rabbinic Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Over the centuries, all of these faiths continued to re-form themselves during times of disturbance and change. Perhaps in the global village that we have created, it is time for another reformation that will help us to achieve and to act upon the apparently difficult recognition that we share the planet with equals.



By Marilynne Robinson

292 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $26.

Karen Armstrong’s “Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence” has recently been published in paperback.

A version of this review appears in print on December 13, 2015, on page BR20 of the Sunday Book Review with the headline: The Spirit of Our Times.


Religions of the Axial Age | The Great Courses

Religions of the Axial Age | The Great Courses

What could the beliefs and traditions of a Zoroastrian, a person of Jewish faith, a Buddhist, a follower of Confucius, or a Christian have in common? How do religions evolve over time?
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This course offers a rare opportunity to relate your own spiritual questions to a variety of ancient quests for meaning and transcendence. In Religions of the Axial Age, Professor Mark W. Muesse shows you the historical conditions in which the world religions arose, while letting you see how they answered shared metaphysical and human dilemmas. He helps you think about specific traditions while pondering the common processes of religious development.
Not content to study religion merely from books, Professor Muesse has also observed and participated in these traditions in their native contexts, especially in South Asia. Thus his approach to the study of religion is not solely academic or historical but also reflects a deep respect for religious experience as it is felt and lived.
You will explore fascinating aspects of several major world religions at the time of their birth. Although Professor Muesse emphasizes the early religious traditions of Iran, South Asia, and China, he also shows how these compare, contrast, and contribute to contemporary Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
What Is the Axial Age?
Professor Muesse offers striking insights as he draws you closer to the period between 800 to 200 B.C.E., an era with notable parallels to our own. Using a term first coined by the German philosopher Karl Jaspers and recently popularized by the religious scholar Karen Armstrong, Professor Muesse calls this period the Axial Age because of its pivotal nature.
Through sacred texts, modern scholarship, and thoughts arising from his own personal experiences, Professor Muesse reveals what it meant to be a conscious, morally responsible individual in the Axial Age. For example, Confucius wanted to help politicians and civil servants do a better job of governing their countries; Buddha hoped to show men and women how to break free of suffering. You'll also examine the rise of Zoroastrianism in Persia (now Iran); Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism on the Indian subcontinent; and Confucianism and Daoism in China.
Zoroaster, Prophet of Personal Accountability
Was the Iranian prophet Zoroaster the first to conceive of the concepts of heaven and hell? Professor Muesse explains Zoroaster's vision of a blissful afterlife for those who sided with good, but a hellish afterlife for those who chose evil. Zoroaster may not have offered the first statement of an afterlife, but he may have been the first to hinge the eternal destiny of an individual to his or her worldly behavior. Moreover, for Zoroaster, humanity—and history itself—move in a direct, linear path toward a cosmic conclusion in which good ultimately triumphs, evil is annihilated, and paradise is established on Earth.
Zoroaster, who is also known as Zarathustra, taught that humans are responsible for the moral choices they make in a world where good and evil are locked in struggle. Zoroaster's apocalyptic vision may have been coupled with a bodily resurrection of the dead, in which those who had gone to heaven return again to Earth to continue life in physical form. If this were Zoroaster's belief, he would have been among the first—if not the first—to imagine such a fate.
The Wisdom of Ancient India
We're not the first people to ask the question, Is this all life has to offer? Professor Muesse shows us the longstanding centrality of this question in his extended exploration of the major religions of ancient India—Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism—during their formative stages.
Our journey first takes us to the indigenous Indus Valley civilization, a culture focused on agriculture, goddess worship, and fertility, and its encounter with tribal nomads called Aryans, believed by most scholars to be from Central Asia No one is certain how this encounter took place, but the fusion of cultures and beliefs profoundly altered Indian religion and provided the basis for the Hindu family of religions.
Eventually, as urbanization increased and some orders of society became wealthier, men and women began to wonder whether life had something more to offer. They questioned the emphasis on ritual and expressed concerns about the authority of the priests. The Upanishads, composed by a counter-cultural movement of mystics and ascetics, address questions of life, death, and the meaning of both. This concern with the fundamental meaning of life marks the rise of classical Hinduism and coincides with the Axial Age's beginnings in India.
A central element in the evolution of Hinduism was the widespread acceptance of the concept of samsara, the belief that individual beings undergo a series of births, deaths, and rebirths governed by the moral principle known as karma. In fact, virtually every school of philosophy or sect of religion that arises in India's history—including Buddhism and Jainism—takes samsara as the fundamental problem of existence, and each in its own way seeks to address it. This new religious concern reflects and shapes India's entrance into the Axial period.
Next, Professor Muesse takes you to northeastern India in the 6th and 5th centuries B.C.E., when many spiritual seekers had given up the comforts of home to seek enlightenment. They lived as hermits or apprenticed themselves to spiritual guides. Meditating and practicing ascetic disciplines, they sought a deep, internal understanding of reality's ultimate nature. You'll grasp the significance of the Buddha's life and thought as it emerged during this period. The Buddha advocated a strict if moderate regimen to break those habits perpetuating the illusion of selfhood and encouraging people to deny the world's impermanence. Learn about the Buddha's eightfold path to nirvana, a path that emphasizes the importance of acting ethically, developing virtue, and restraining both body and mind through the practice of meditation.
Like the Buddha, Mahavira, a founder of Jainism, achieved a visionary enlightenment after withdrawing from the luxury and temptations of the world. While he confronted similar issues, his own teachings gave innovative interpretations to the idea of the soul and karma. Jainism emphasizes the principle of ahimsa (doing no harm) and offers special practices for attaining personal liberation.
China and the Paths of Virtue and Nature
Our next stop is China, where we learn about Confucius and the mysteries of Daoism. Professor Muesse takes us inside China's earliest (pre-Axial Age) spiritual practices to give a context for the life and thought of Confucius—as well as Laozi, who was probably a fictional character invented by the philosophers of Daoism. Muesse explains that although Daoism arose in opposition to the ideas of Confucius, both systems of thinking can simultaneously coexist in the Chinese mind along with the ancient beliefs and rituals of Chinese folk religion and the later, imported wisdom of Buddha.
Confucianism and Daoism both draw a connection between public and private (state and family) harmony and governance. Confucius and his early followers, however, saw the cultivation of virtue as a cultural, human activity emphasizing study and ritual. The early Daoists aligned the self with a larger, ultimately harmonious natural order. They advocated accepting change as inherent to the way of nature. Eventually, Confucianism and Daoism were institutionalized and the philosophies of the founders went through considerable reinterpretation.
Professor Muesse's final lecture offers reflections on a central question of the course: What does the study of the Axial Age teach us about religion as a phenomenon in our lives?


Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life - by Karen Armstrong.

Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life - by Karen Armstrong. 

Drawing on a wide range of material - ranging from the spiritual character of the world religions to the findings of contemporary neuroscience - Karen Armstrong argues that compassion is hardwired into our brains, yet is constantly pushed back by our more primitive instincts for selfishness and survival. Since time immemorial religion has enhanced our altruistic tendencies: all faiths insist that the Golden Rule is the test of true spirituality -'Always treat others as you wish to be treated yourself'.

Taking as her starting point the teachings of the great world religions, Karen Armstrong demonstrates in twelve practical steps how we can bring compassion to the forefront of our lives. These steps both reveal the inadequacies of our knowledge of ourselves and others and enable us to unlock our potential for understanding, empathy and altruism that can be translated into acts of kindness and charity.They culminate in the most radical and challenging of all religious maxims - love your enemy. Yet in today's world, compassion in no longer a luxury but, in the words of Martin Luther King, 'an absolute necessity for our survival'.

Practising these steps will not change our lives overnight and turn us into saints or sages: the attempt to become a more compassionate human being is a lifelong project. Yet Karen Armstrong argues that compassion is inseparable from humanity, and by transcending the limitations of selfishness on a daily basis we will not only make a difference in the world but also lead happier, more fulfilled, lives.

Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly

The prolific, well-informed, and passionate Armstrong (The Case for God) writes a somewhat different book this time out, stemming from her winning a ,000 prize in 2007 to promote an idea worth spreading. She always has a thesis in her books as she sweeps over the historical development of world religions, but this is a book with an agenda: you ought to be more compassionate, and here™s how. 

So instead of being her usual somewhat academic teacher of religious history, she is more of a personal spiritual teacher, in the vein of the Dalai Lama. That task, and corresponding tone (œBe patient with yourself during this meditation), is not her long suit. Still, this slightly self-help-y book is deeply grounded in what Armstrong knows, and presents, well: the core teachings of all religions that can make us better, more compassionate humans. The former nun pulls ideas and references from religions Eastern and Western with aplomb and respect for all sources. This counter to the religion-is-homicidal-and-superstitious school of invective passing for thought is well-informed, welcome, and practical. (Jan.)

From Booklist
*Starred Review*
It takes courage for a religious historian and writer of Armstrong’s stature to step out from behind the scrim of scholarship and analysis to offer guidelines for a spiritual practice designed to make humanity a kinder and saner species. With the boon of the prestigious TED Prize, Armstrong (The Case for God, 2009) worked with “leading thinkers from a variety of major faiths” to compose a Charter for Compassion, which calls for the restoration of “compassion to the heart of religious and moral life” in a “dangerously polarized” world.

Not content with merely stating lofty goals, however, Armstrong, a revered genius of elucidation and synthesis, now tells the full and profound story of altruism throughout human history. She turns to neuroscience and tracks the evolution of our brains and our natural capacity for empathy, and performs her signature mode of beautifully clarifying interpretation in a mind-expanding discussion of the history of the Golden Rule (“Always treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself”), the essence of compassion and the kernel of every religious tradition.

Exquisite and affecting explications of Buddhist, Confucian, Judaic, Christian, and Islamic commentary prepare the ground for meditation exercises meant to engender “open-mindedness” and the cultivation of compassion, making for the most sagacious and far-reaching 12-step program ever. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: A hefty print run is planned for renowned religious thinker Armstrong’s bold approach to teaching the compassionate ethos. --Donna Seaman
5.0 out of 5 stars
"My religion is kindness" - H. H. the Dalai Lama
ByTimothy WalkerVINE VOICEon November 28, 2010
It is somewhat ironic that an appeal for universal altruism must be packaged as a self-help program to attract an audience these days, but such is the state of our world. In this her latest work, renowned author Karen Armstrong offers little that is new - attend any Unitarian Universalist service for proof - but that in no way diminishes her message: "it has become imperative to apply the Golden Rule globally".
To her credit, the author does not use this book to debate dogmas or make theological truth claims (see her Case for God for that), nor does she deny scientific facts or try to justify atrocities committed in the name of God. The only premise she requires the reader to accept is that religion at its best can inspire people to goodness and to greatness. To that end, she prescribes a two-step process disguised as a dozen: first, learn the Golden Rule; second, live it, "a struggle that will last until our dying day."
Fundamentalists of all faiths will reject this book, offended that it paints their absolute truths as merely useful myths. 
The anti-religious are also certain to attack it for elevating pleasant falsehoods above that which can be proven scientifically. 
To everyone living their lives between these two extremes I am happy to recommend this book.
4.0 out of 5 stars
Working towards Compassion
ByRobin FriedmanHALL OF FAMETOP 100 REVIEWERVINE VOICEon November 30, 2010
Karen Armstrong is a former Catholic nun who has written widely on religious issues. In 2007, Armstrong was awarded a substantial cash prize from a nonprofit organization known as TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) to promote ideas that could "make a difference" in people's lives. Armstrong opted to use the award to promote the development of compassion. She worked with religious leaders from a variety of traditions to formulate and develop a "Charter for Compassion" that would "restore compassion to the heart of religious and moral life." The Charter was unveiled in Washington, D.C. in December, 2009. It is also available on the web together with an invitation to readers to sign on to and try to realize its principles.
As part of her project, Armstrong also wrote this book "Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life" in which she explains the nature and importance of compassion and offers a 12-step plan for increasing the degree of compassion one achieves in one's own life. Armstrong begins with the Golden Rule in both its negative formulation: "Do not treat others as you would not like them to treat you"; and in its positive formulation: "Always treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself." As did the Jewish sage Hillel in a story Armstrong quotes when asked to explain succinctly the teachings of the Bible, Armstrong believes that "the rest is commentary" to be studied learned, and practiced.
Armstrong's short book shows a great deal of erudition as well as wisdom. She has studied and learned a great deal from many religious traditions, including Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. She presents complex material in an effective manner. But the scope of the learning in this book is much broader. Armstrong uses well philosophers beginning with Socrates and Plato, through the Greek-Jewish philosopher Philo and through the modern analytic philosophers Quine and Donald Davidson to say important things about the nature of wisdom and of human communication. She has a strong literary background which makes especial use of Homer and the Greek tragedians. And she begins with a naturalistic approach, making effective use of the contrast between the "reptilian brain" and its struggle for the "four F's" and the warm-blooded human brain. A thorough and excellent bibliography is the final indication of the thought and reading that Armstrong has put into this book.
With this background, it is unsurprising that the first of Armstrong's 12 steps towards increasing one's ability for compassion is to learn about it. She suggests reading and study, either by oneself of preferably in the company of other people representing different faith traditions (including secularism.) 
I was pleased to see this emphasis on study and the life of the mind, which tends to be unusual in books about spirituality.
In the remaining chapters, Armstrong develops a program based upon a concentric approach --- beginning with trying to understand and develop compassion towards oneself and then gradually developing outward until one is finally able to see the value of and to try to practice loving one's enemies. 

Armstrong offers good discussion, examples, and exercises for each step with the goal that her readers will take time on each single step before moving on to the next. The process is not difficult to state, but it is hard to realize. One must recognize one's own fallibility. From reading her programme, I believe that Buddhism has been the greatest influence upon Armstrong, as she makes extensive use of several Buddhist meditations and texts. I was reminded of many of the books by the Dalai Lama on the subject of compassion and toleration.
I have been attracted at different times in my life, sometimes simultaneously, to varying teachings of secularism, Buddhism, and the Judaism in which I was born. These traditions all have helped me, but the tension among them can make me uneasy with myself and sometimes with others. It is good to try work on oneself and one's own doubts and ambivalences to try to help understand and respect others.
I found this book helpful. There are times when Armstrong, to my mind, forgets her own broad principles of toleration, questioning, and understanding, and rushes to or advocates substantive positions on political, economic, or religious issues that seem to me dubious at best. Lessons of compassion are never fully learned.
Robin Friedman
5.0 out of 5 stars
A must read for everyone regardless of religion
ByMindyVINE VOICEon January 11, 2011
I was very hesitant to read this book because I was afraid it would be filled with religious dogma. Specifically, Christian religious dogma since I knew Karen Armstrong was previously a nun. Being a Buddhist, I tend to eschew books that proselytize. But I read more about Karen and decided to take the plunge. How refreshing her book turned out to be!
Let me say first off that I treasure books and try to keep them in pristine condition, barely opening the covers so I don't break the spine or hold it in any way that taxes the binding. I always clean my hands before touching a book. But while reading Armstrong's words, I found so many sentences profound, thoughts that shimmered with clarity that I found myself doing the unthinkable - taking a highlighter and highlighting noteworthy passages! Worse yet, I uncapped a pen and scribbled notes within the margins, thoughts that I want to remember for the next reading of the book for surely I will read this book many times over again.
Armstrong points out that in today's world, peace is paramount. Never has our ability to wreck destruction upon each other been greater and yet religion, the thing that should compel us towards peace is actually a separating agent. Hostilities arise in the name of religion. Take a look at the present conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. History is blood-speckled with crusades and the like but Armstrong argues they really aren't about religion. The people in power merely invoke religion as the palatable face of the war, but the real reason is always something secular such as economics, border disputes or control of resources.
Armstrong asserts that if you are truly a student of religion, you see that while they differ in many ways they have a core that is universal. All religions teach the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. And it should be this one binding principal that should unite the world in compassion. Then she goes to outline 12 steps one should follow to become a more compassionate person.
The more I read of the book, the more I thought that Karen must be a remarkable woman. She pulls many lessons from a variety of religions and judges none of them. Her words are like balm, soothing and gentle, and at no time did I feel preached to. More akin to having a discussion with a wise friend.
I hope that everyone - regardless of religion, gender, nationality, race or social class - will take to time to read her wise words.
4.0 out of 5 starsThis book is too hard!
ByAcetoTOP 1000 REVIEWERVINE VOICEon February 3, 2011
How do you choose to live in a world where we bespeak survival of the fittest as the noble argument of the capitalist focus on greed and consumption? A world where we denigrate the Golden Rule as fools' drool? This is the journey of transformation that Karen Armstrong plans for us.
I met Ms. Armstrong in the new book section of my public library soon after 9/11. I was seeking answers to wars and peoples about whom I had poor knowledge and no real contact. I was introduced to her scholarship on history and ancient literature. From "Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet" to "Islam: A Short History", I began my search for understanding. I found in her a guide who was respectful with intelligent analysis and commentary.
When I saw "Compassion", I approached with curiosity because of the author. Will reading 12 Steps make me compassionate. No. Rather it shows me how much real work is to be done. Uncomfortable, active work, not passive. It requires relinquishing fear-including all the fears and snarkiness that daily surround in the news and in the volatility of our economy. It will require working every day. It will require becoming intentionally human. It is because I understand the challenge that my base reaction is to flee.
This is a book that explores different religions through common essentials. Ms Armstrong points out that relinquishing egotism requires similar dedication and a program like Alcoholics Anonymous. This book desperately wants to subscribe its readers to be better, to seek their heroic potential. My foot is placed lightly on the door's threshold, poised to bolt. Ms Armstrong correctly entices her readers to read the program through then to read again, beginning each step, not proceeding until the current step becomes part of everyday life, innate, mastered. Intellectually, the reader succumbs to reasons why it is important that compassion become part of everyday life and yearns for the promised development of spiritual awakening. Though I don't believe I will see a utopian government, this is a book to have in the dark of night.
The curious, casual reader secretly hopes that those around us start the journey before us. This is a book for me to take slowly and hope, like in Pascal's wager, that when my world is badly shaken, I can proceed swiftly. But for now, my next step is to buy a copy for any courageous friend. Perhaps we can learn to endure with another person and, as Ms Armstrong paraphrases the Dalai Lama, that we become "a better human being".
As I look at my badly dog-eared paperback copy, I realize that the next time I venture in, it should be with an eBook--one where I can note thoughts and have in my pocket to examine and contemplate during moments of weakness. Beware, this book is a struggle.
5.0 out of 5 stars
This Book Is An Absolute Treasure!
BySatia ReneeVINE VOICEon December 7, 2010
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong is a book that is so practical and yet profound that I honestly feel speechless, unable to formulate an adequate way of singing its praises. Every now and again I read a book that makes me ache for a reading buddy or reading group that would share and discuss the ideas presented with me.
This is one of those rare books, a book that encourages the reader to not merely read the words but become engaged with the ideas presented in order to build a more compassionate world. If Gandhi is right and we need to be the change we wish to see in the world, Armstrong's book is a clarion call to everyone. The world is urgently in need of change; let it begin with each one of us.
Armstrong's ecumenical approach to the idea (ideal) of compassion begins with brief survey of religious history, focusing on how six of the major religions emerged out of the changing needs of their societies. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism all are represented and appreciated on the pages of this book for what each has to offer. From looking at the roots for these various religions, the author moves into looking at contemporary times, recognizing how history has informed our current circumstances. Then she unsurprisingly invites the reader to begin exploring compassion by offering compassion to the self.
This is not merely a book of principle or ideals but a practical guide for how to understand the need for compassion, the various streams in which compassion is taught, and then how to grow in compassion in an increasingly larger circle of influence. Early in the book she suggests that the reader go cover-to-cover, to know where the ideas are heading and then return to the beginning and this time around read each chapter with a commitment to put the ideas into practice. At the end of the boo, there is a bibliography that lists a broad range of books affording the individual an opportunity to explore more deeply, more fully, the tenets presented throughout. The recommended reading is as ecumenical as the book itself, offering disparate viewpoints that are bound to create dialogue.
How often does one come across a book that is both inspiring and practical? Not as often as one would hope. This is one of those rare treasures, a book I would eagerly and joyously recommend to everyone I know and love.
3.0 out of 5 stars
Promising but ultimately disappointing
ByMelanchthonVINE VOICEon January 1, 2011
Karen Armstrong's most recent book combines elements of comparative religion from her previous work, an advertisement for the Charter for Compassion that was the result of her award from the TED foundation, and a prescriptive program (12 steps!) for religious people to give rise to more compassionate world. The steps move from self-recognition and evaluation of one's world and the people around one toward more concrete steps including dialogue and active understanding, all of which are supposed to lead the reader toward greater consciousness of his place in the world and responsibility to act compassionately toward others, in deeds as much as in speech. Throughout, Armstrong illustrates with examples from the literature, philosophy and theology o the great world religions, as well as from examples people have given in our own lifetimes.
Based on my appreciation of her other work, I was really looking forward to this title, but it ultimately disappointed me. I am absolutely behind the idea that compassion is the most vital religious idea and one that we need to see more of expressed in the world, particularly among people who claim they are religious. It's astounding to me when I see people who claim to represent religions of love preaching hate or acting in hateful ways. 

But there are at least two points at which the book is less than persuasive for people know anything much about the history of the last two centuries. The first is her insistence on grounding altruistic behavior in human biological impulses. She concedes that altruism may stand behind self-preservation, but her argument that humans are evolutionarily set up to help each other will fail to convince audiences who reject arguments about evolution (=many religious people in the US, for example) and those who believe, as I do, that evolution is a trope for understanding the world that is unique to the modern period of history -- not an absolute statement about the way things work. If you want to push altruism, it seems to me, the only way to do it is as a value, because that's the only way it will survive what appears from my perspective to be widespread skepticism about and the ultimate disappearance of the evolutionary model for understanding human affairs. The second is her interest in having governments and states serve as agents of compassion. Again, this is likely to fall flat among readers who participate in the growing animosity against the state in the West. However, it also seems unconscionably naive about two centuries of world history in which states that espoused religious programs or quasi-religious programs were responsible for some of the most anti-compassionate measures in human history, among them genocides.
What's good in this book is that it encourages people to be more compassionate. Make yourself more compassionate. Try to be an example to others. Hope it spreads. I think that's all we can do. I hope it's enough.
2.0 out of 5 stars
How Does Compassion Come to Be?
ByDavid RossVINE VOICEon February 3, 2011
While I admire and applaud Karen Armstrong's desire and effort to increase compassion this book simply fell flat for me. Armstrong does make a strong argument that compassion is an important part of the best of being human. This was for me was the only high point of the book. While there are flashes of interesting discussion, most of it was slow and not particularly fluid reading and poorly written compared to her other books. Armstrong's scholarly style seems particularly awkward and ill suited to what is meant to be a motivational effort. I particularly disliked the device of using a "12-step" program approach as a way of attempting to organizine the book. While the 12 steps are all clearly laudable, Armstrong offered little to nothing in terms of progression or linkage between the steps that convinced me that they are really the key to "producing compassion" or even how they relate. 

While I enjoyed the Third Step of "Compassion for Yourself" most of the other 11 steps/chapters simply left me flat. I did like Armstrong's recounting of Christina Noble's story in the "Recognition" chapter of how her vivid dream of children in peril led her from her home in London to helping children in the slums of Vietnam. Noble's story is told in Bridge Across My Sorrows. I wish it was possible to produce compassion by a series of steps but I suspect based on the example of Noble's story and my own experiences that the process is much more individualized than that. For example, I don't think Ghandi, Mother Theresa or (...Name your own hero) went through a 12-step program to learn compassion. I was also disappointed by the oversimplification of only exploring the similarities between the varied traditions of compassion without mentioning the differences that strongly influence how compassion is expressed and even what it means.
5.0 out of 5 stars
A Guide for Religious Liberals
ByYours TrulyVINE VOICEon January 17, 2011
Religious liberals have an odd relationship with spiritual discipline. Many tend not to value it. Others find it difficult to create a path that is not based on dogma. Karen Armstrong points the way here. In fact, she is convinced that spiritual discipline is the only possible solution to the threat created by religious fundamentalism in a modern world.
Since 9/11, few people have expended more energy examining the religious forces that gave rise to that day's terrorist attacks than Armstrong. A former nun, she is deeply acquainted with all the world's religions, and in her latest book, she seeks to distill the common threads that run through them.I wish she hadn't called it 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life, because it's not about the topic usually associated with 12-Step programs (which is not to say people in them wouldn't find it inspiring.)
She begins with compassion and concludes with loving our enemies. In between, there is a wealth of moving teachings from six faith traditions: Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism as well as the philosophy of ancient Greece.
The step I found most useful was No, 8: How do we speak to one another? In a nation where the airwaves and internet reverberate with all kinds of bigotry and hatred, I was looking for a little guidance, and what she said surprised me: "...when politicians or pundits have insisted that Islam is an inherently violent, intolerant faith and that the practice of veiling should be banned, I have written articles, based on my study of Islamic history, that challenge this. But I have recently decided that this is counterproductive." The result, she said, is that the article is virulently attacked and the attackers' argument vehemently repeated. She suggests that posing Socratic questions that lead us to personal insight may more useful than trying to bludgeon people into accepting our point of view.
This is a short book, and Armstrong suggests that it might be useful to read in a study group. I wish I had a carton to pass out to people I know.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Living the Golden Rule
ByL. Glaesemannon August 4, 2011
At a young age, we likely heard from our parents the importance of the Golden Rule--a maxim that we should treat others the way that we would want to be treated. In our polarized world today, however, we've failed to understand and to apply the Golden Rule, says Karen Armstrong in her Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life. A reader of Armstrong's works for the past ten years, this latest installment differs in that it provides us with practical steps that anyone can embrace toward becoming a person of compassion.
Known primarily as a scholar of religious history, Armstrong incorporates evolutionary science in her first step Learn About Compassion to support her position that compassion is wired in the brain as much as the 4 Fs--Food, Fight, Flight, and reproduction--are. Armstrong builds upon "the two brains" concept throughout the remaining eleven steps as a way to gauge our own progress toward a compassionate life but also to ground our thoughts, behaviors, and failings in scientific fact. Bringing evolution into the religious arena may be too much for some to swallow; however, Armstrong is fair-minded when recommending that we review our own faith tradition as we progress through the twelve steps.
The other eleven steps--Look at Your Own World, Compassion for Yourself, Empathy, Mindfulness, Action, How Little We Know, How Should We Speak to One Another?, Concern for Everybody, Knowledge, Recognition, and Love Your Enemies--are organized from examining ourselves, to learning how to be compassionate with people around us, to enacting compassion in the world. There is a predictable pattern to each chapter. Armstrong provides an anecdote that demonstrates the step, follows it up with examples of how spiritual leaders of the past have approached it, and then ends with related questions and advice for us to accomplish the step.
A skeptic may look upon these as nothing more than failed idealistic virtues, but, as Armstrong points out, becoming compassionate takes rigorous work up until our final moments of life. In other words, as the twelve steps for an alcoholic can be demanding, so too are these twelve. If we are truly committed to living a compassionate life, then we must be willing to dedicate ourselves the same way the sages of the Axial did during violent and destructive times.
I will not do an exhaustive review of each step because that would take too long and would be a mistake on my part for attempting to impose myself on your interior space. However, the eighth step How Should We Speak to One Another? and the tenth step Knowledge speak volumes about the polarization we now encounter in the world around us. One unfortunate trend today is the attack and counterattack model, where, for example, "experts" appear on popular cable channels not only to present their position but to annihilate and humiliate the opposing viewpoint.
Instead of resolving anything, all that is stirred is our emotions, and, as a result, we watch the next episode hoping to hear how the expert from "our side" will belittle the opponent. If we truly want ourselves, our country, and our world to live according to the Golden Rule, this type of rancorous speech must end. What should that mean for us? According to Armstrong, a compassionate person must admit that we do not know everything (in fact, very little) and that we must be willing to listen to our enemies with an open mind and heart. Unfortunately, we are so used to fighting our opponents and then fleeing to a channel that supports our views that we never cross over into a realm of possibility.
A little over two hundred pages, Twelve Steps is probably one of Armstrong's shortest books, but because it is, I will return to it periodically as I work through each step. If you read this book in a day or two and then shelve it, then likely you've missed the point. This is a book calling all of us to action, and if you believe in a more compassionate world, then this book is a great resource for you to begin that important journey.