Showing posts with label Great Courses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Courses. Show all posts


Prime Video: Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You

Prime Video: Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You

Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You
Season 1

Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You gives you insights into how your mind works and the tools you need to make lasting change. 
Led by Professor Peter M. Vishton of William & Mary, you will learn from a wealth of scientific evidence that will take you inside your brain and show you why you behave the way you do - and what you can do to strengthen your creativity.

24 episodes
S1 E1 - Take Control of Your Automatic Brain

June 1, 2020
Recent decades have seen an explosion of understanding about our brains, and with this new information come some surprising and counterintuitive conclusions about our behavior and decision-making processes. Begin by examining the disconnect between our actions and our consciousness of those actions. Are we as in control of ourselves as we like to think?
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E2 - Beat Procrastination by Doing Nothing

June 1, 2020
From time to time, procrastination affects us all. Here, you'll discover several evidence-based strategies for reducing procrastination by attacking it at its source. Three tips show you how to be more efficient and effective. Along the way, you'll study the neurochemistry of why we procrastinate - and what makes it so tempting.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E3 - Train Yourself like a Dog

June 1, 2020
The unconscious plays a strong role in developing bad habits. To help you examine and modify your behaviors, Professor Vishton gives you several tips, ranging from the very simple (keep a notebook of your activities) to the complex (employ behavioral psychology). Which of your habits would you most like to change?
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E4 - Clean Your Kitchen, Improve Your Diet

June 1, 2020
What can neuroscience tell us about healthy eating? Can scientific insights help you curb unhealthy snacking? In this first look at food, see how simple changes such as cleaning your kitchen and changing your food's packaging may have a measurable effect on unhealthy eating habits.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E5 - Eat Slow, Eat Small, Eat Smart

June 1, 2020
To be healthy, you must eat healthy. This second dive into food considers the hormones that drive hunger cues and how your body responds to different foods. Find out why high fructose corn syrup is bad for you - and why exercise might not help you lose much weight.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E6 - The Myth of Multitasking

June 1, 2020
Our modern world seems to demand multitasking. We constantly check email, make phone calls, and live on the go. But recent research clearly shows that we are more efficient and creative if we can focus on one task at a time - a strategy known as "monotasking." Consider how the brain works when confronted with multiple tasks.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E7 - Future You and Better Decisions

June 1, 2020
Enter the fray of a negotiation between the "present you" and the "future you." Do you take $10 today, or wait for $15 next week? While the answer may seem logically clear, we have a powerful, built-in desire for instant gratification. Learn what you can do today to make decisions you will approve of tomorrow.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E8 - How to Become an Expert on Anything

June 1, 2020
You might think talent is ingrained, and that either you have it or you don't. But cognitive research reveals that practice is just as - if not more - important for success in a given task. Discover strategies for how to practice any skill, and how to stick with it until you become an expert.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E9 - Tune Up Your Brain with Meditation

June 1, 2020
We all have a conception of what meditation is - but what actually happens inside your brain? Could it be that meditation built into our evolutionary makeup? And how can regular practice benefit us? Reflect on the answers to these questions and more.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E10 - Take the Sleep Challenge

June 1, 2020
Explore the mysterious realm of sleep. While your body may shut down, your brain performs important, fascinating work to help you be more focused, creative, and productive in your waking life. Here, you'll discover why eight hours of sleep is so crucial. Then you'll consider the role of dreams.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E11 - Boost Insights and Creativity

June 1, 2020
Have you ever wished you could be more creative? From listening to the right music to getting into a creative frame of mind, Professor Vishton offers several practical, easy-to-implement strategies for finding more creative solutions, solving puzzles, and enhancing your mental prowess.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E12 - Enhance Performance with Imagery

June 1, 2020
Imagine you could lift more weights or better perform an athletic task without once putting on your sweats or driving to the gym. It turns out that mental training has genuine physical effects, all because the human imagination is such a powerful tool. Learn how to use imagery and the imagination to boost your performance.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E13 - Overcome Your Aging Brain

June 1, 2020
There's no doubt that neurons die off and mental decline occurs, but the good news is that we can stave off these ill effects through exercise, new experiences, and more. Delve into the aging brain to see what happens as we get older, and what you can do to mitigate the force of time.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E14 - Grow Your Brain Out of Depression

June 1, 2020
Even if we never experience a major depression in our lives, mild depression is like the "common cold" of mental illness. Yet most people fail to seek help, instead trying to power through these unfortunate down periods. Here, Professor Vishton offers several ways to fight these mild depressions.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E15 - Hack Your Brain to Unlearn Fear

June 1, 2020
From flying to public speaking, we all have a number of arguably irrational phobias. Where do these fears come from? How do we learn them? And most importantly, how do we overcome them? Go on a step by step journey through the world of fear, and learn what you can do to minimize common phobias.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E16 - Use Your Body to Alter Your Mind

June 1, 2020
Jog your brain into activity - literally. In this fascinating look at the relationship between the body and the mind, you'll learn why forcing yourself to smile has genuine mental benefits, see how physical activity can aid your problem-solving skills, and more. Test yourself at the end to see these theories in action.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E17 - Suppress - Don't Repress - Anger

June 1, 2020
Here, Professor Vishton considers the mechanisms behind anger, which leads to an explanation of how humans mirror each other's behaviors and emotions. Understanding the roots of our anger then provides a way to diffuse tense situations and gain better control of our emotional landscapes.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E18 - How Little Things Cause Big Persuasion

June 1, 2020
Shift your attention from outsmarting yourself to the ways people try to outsmart you. This first of a two-part unit on persuasion examines how the "reciprocity effect," apparent expertise, and scarcity are all subtle methods of persuasion. Uncovering these techniques will make you a savvier consumer, negotiator, and more.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E19 - How Framing Changes Decisions

June 1, 2020
Continue your study of persuasion with a look at two common techniques in sales: "getting your foot in the door" with a small request and asking for a big, "door in the face" kind of favor - using either as a prelude to what you really want. Whether you are in the business of persuasion or simply want to be better informed, this information is invaluable.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E20 - How Language Changes Your Brain

June 1, 2020
Humans have a language instinct unlike any other living creature. Explore the exciting world of linguistics and the brain, discovering how language influences our behaviors - even when we are not conscious of it. What you'll learn is that for your physical health and mental well-being, words most certainly matter.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E21 - How Your Brain Falls in Love

June 1, 2020
Poets have been ruminating about love for ages, but what do the neuroscientists have to say? Here, consider why people fall in love, and what role simple exposure, facial symmetry, and eyes play in romantic attraction. Review what happens inside the brain when you fall in love.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E22 - The Neuroscience of Lasting Love

June 1, 2020
Look beyond the superficial qualities of attraction and delve into love as a long-term emotional commitment. Examine the three main "love systems" in the brain and what we can learn from them. See why staying in love can be a bigger challenge than falling in love.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E23 - How Your Brain Creates Happiness

June 1, 2020
We all want to be happy, but achieving this state of being is the million-dollar question. In this first look at happiness, find out precisely why money truly doesn't buy happiness. You'll investigate the effects on your brain of earning a higher salary or winning the lottery, and then reflect on the way time is ultimately more valuable for happiness.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E24 - Happy Brains Are Smart Brains

June 1, 2020
Conclude with some helpful tips for living a happy, fulfilled life. From exercising in green, natural surroundings to putting more value on your time, happiness is most definitely achievable - and it can even become a habit. All it takes is a little work to outsmart yourself.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription


Practical Philosophy Australia


Deepen your sense of meaning and purpose by attending a course that explores the practical benefits of philosophy.

Practical Philosophy Australia (est. 1967) is a not-for-profit school offering both in-person and online courses in an interactive environment.

Our lively courses examine how wisdom teachings of the East and West can provide you with real-world solutions to some of life’s challenges, as well as practical tools and techniques for experiencing a more sustainable happiness.

To get started, enrol in our introductory course

The Wisdom Within


How life became so complicated?
If happiness lies beyond the seeking of material possessions?
If there is something more to life?
If it is time for a new way of thinking?

"I'm perpetually curious and interested in what it means to live deeply, meaningfully, graciously and lovingly; and I seek out ways to expand my understanding and practice of living well. I saw 'The Wisdom Within' on Instagram and followed through."

- Student of Wisdom Within 2022


Simplify and clarify your decision-making?

Free yourself from habitual thinking and action?

Learn practices that bring your mind to stillness?

Better deal with stress and overwhelm?

Join a group to consider the deeper questions in life?

Strengthen your fortitude and conviction?

At the School of Practical Philosophy we seek to inspire the community to engage with the wisdom of philosophy as a way of living a true and happy life.

Our courses will help you explore the practical benefits of philosophy and ignite a different way of thinking about the world you live in, about how you approach the challenges and appreciate the joys that come your way, and about your relationships with the people around you.

We invite you to test out history’s great philosophical teachings in the context of your own life experience, through course material that's been refined over 50 years.

"This is the single most important thing I have done for my development since university. Do it when the time is right."

- Student of Wisdom Within 2022



'The Wisdom Within' makes philosophy relevant and practical to our modern lives by introducing you to time-honoured philosophical concepts, developing them into techniques and real-world solutions to counter life’s seemingly endless challenges.

The course explores where true wisdom is found and asks what holds us back? What sets us free? It aims to guide you to a greater understanding of yourself, your states of awareness and how justice is relevant to a meaningful life.

You will be introduced to practices that will improve your ability to be present to everyday moments with an increased sense of purpose.



"Studying philosophy gives me a time each week to focus on me and making my experience of this life more fulfilling and meaningful."

- Student of Wisdom Within 2022



All that is needed is a thoughtful approach to life, a desire to know more, to experience greater happiness and to discover the practical means to fulfillment.

Philosophical enquiry and study in the School is directed towards the understanding of the unity that underlies everyone and everything. This philosophy is known as Advaita Vedanta.

As companions on this exploration, we discuss concepts and ideas put forward by some of the greatest minds including Socrates, Plato, Confucius, Buddha, Epicurus, Emerson, Vivekananda and a modern exponent of the philosophy of Unity, Shantananda Saraswati.


Attend all 10 sessions over 10 weeks for just $150.00 per person this coming term.

Our schools around Australia operate as not-for-profit organisations, as such we do not operate under the principal of generating profit and exist to serve the community. As a result, we are able to offer our introductory course The Wisdom Within at this very reasonable fee.

"A big thank you for offering the Wisdom Within course online for free - I look forward to my sessions each week, have built a network with fellow students and I look forward to continuing my study with the School"

- Student of Wisdom Within 2022


The Wisdom Within - Our Introductory Course

10 week course

Attend Face-to-Face or Online

Meet once a week for 90 minutes (online) or 2.5hrs (Face-to-Face)

Guided by a dedicated tutor

Just $150.00 per person this term

Term commences 29 May 2023

The classes are not lectures. During each session you'll have the opportunity to interact with the tutor as well as your fellow students.

You will be in the good company of like-minded people from diverse backgrounds.

You will leave each class with time-tested principles and practices to apply in daily living and a toolbox of skills informed by the wisdom of the great philosophers.


Courses commence 3 times a year:

Term 1 - 6 February 2023

Term 2 - 29 May 2023

Term 3 - 11 September 2023

"It's a wonderful introduction to a new way of thinking. Provides time and space to reflect and learn about yourself and your life."

- Student of Wisdom Within 2021












"The course supports a deep exploration of self and our place in the world and helps in our understanding of the self and to journey towards being the best version of ourselves."

- Student of Wisdom Within 2020




Our bricks and mortar schools in each state, whilst all being affiliated to our global network, are all independently operated. Course pricing for the face-to-face courses may vary from school to school. Please see the individual school websites via the links below for course pricing at your local school.


Tuesdays 6:30pm - Sydney CBD
Wednesdays 6:15pm - Sydney CBD
Wednesdays 9:30am - Wahroonga
Thursdays 7:00pm - Wahroonga

Wednesdays 10:0am Deakin
Wednesdays 7:00pm - Deakin

Term commences the week beginning May 29

Follow this link to enrol


Wednesdays 7:00 pm - Milton
Thursdays 7:00 pm - Milton

Term commences the week beginning May 29

Follow this link to enrol


The course consists of 10 weekly sessions of approximately 2.5 hours, including a break for refreshments.

Tuesdays 7:00pm - South Perth
Saturdays 9:00am - Burswood

Term commences the week beginning May 29

Follow this link to enrol


Please visit the Melbourne School website for further information about face to face courses.

Please note: Our national bricks and mortar schools are independent organisations, and the fees charged for courses may vary from state to state.



Mondays 7pm AEST (5pm AWST)
Session information$150.00 incl. GST

Tuesdays 11am AEST (9am AWST)
Session information$150.00 incl. GST

Wednesdays 8pm AEST (6pm AWST)
Session information$150.00 incl. GST


A weekly dose of practical philosophy landing straight in your inbox.

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An introductory course   of 10 weekly 90 minute meetings


  • What is practical philosophy?
  • ‘What would a wise person do here?’

Philosophy means the love of wisdom. Our course is intended to show how philosophy can help us enjoy richer, less stressful and more useful lives. These opening two sessions consider these aims, and introduce simple exercises in mindfulness and the application of wisdom you can practise in daily life.


  • Who or what am I?
  • What is my potential?
  • Who am I, really? My body? My emotions? My strongly held beliefs? 
  • My soul? Possibly all of these? Possibly none?

Such questions have preoccupied philosophers through the ages. We look at practical ways to explore who we really are and how to tap our true potential.


  • What is our state of awareness?

Why does it fluctuate during the day? Often the most notable quality of wise people is their alertness to the subtleties of a situation. They are awake, perceptive and curious.

We look at deeper levels of awareness, and consider how we may become more awake to ourselves, our surroundings, and the events  we meet.


  • Living in the now, mindfulness.
  • What is the potential of the present moment?

We review our own experience of attention through a model featuring attention centred, captured, open and scattered, and how these each relate to the past, present and future. We examine the extraordinary brightness and freedom naturally available in the present moment. A straightforward practice is introduced to help us experience this more frequently.


  • Plato’s views on justice.

What does it mean to live justly? According to Plato, justice and injustice do not start ‘out there’. They begin within us. For justice to prevail, Plato suggests that we must learn to avoid being ‘tyrannised’ by our passions and fears to the extent they overrule our reason.

We discuss the practicality of Plato’s ideas on justice in our daily lives.


  • What is energy? Can it be created and conserved? 

We consider the Vedic model of three fundamental substances or energies. Sometimes we seem not to have enough energy, or the wrong kind. A wise person can act consistently despite these varying conditions. 

We consider how to recognise differing energies, how to gain and conserve them and how to use them wisely.



  • What is reason? How can it enrich our lives? 

We look at the philosopher Shankara’s notion that reason is the ability to discern the transient from the eternal, the changing from the unchanging. This leads to the question of what, in our experience, can be said to be actually unchanging?

Suggestions are given to help further consideration of this question.


  • What is beauty? Is there such a thing as absolute beauty?

Beauty has the capacity to open the heart and bring delight. In this session we discuss our direct experience of beauty in its different forms: of the sensory world; of thought, of feelings, of the inner nature, and of conduct.

We consider Plato’s idea of there being ultimately one beauty – beauty absolute – ‘not knowing birth or death, growth or decay’.


  • Is there a common thread running through all things?  What is the effect of finding unity?

When we look around at nature, we see diversity beyond imagination. The wise person looks for a unifying factor: that which allows all this apparent diversity to be seen as part of a single whole.

  • Seen in this way, life may have the best chance of being fresh, open and invigorating. 2


  • What is truth? How does the desire for truth show itself?

Practical philosophy is about discovering the truth of things – not theoretically, but in our own experience.

In this final session we look back and ask ourselves how our search for truth has fared as the term has progressed. We discuss what has been discovered and how, in our own way, we may continue to develop it in our daily lives.


Transforming Self and Others through Research: Transpersonal Research Method Transforming Self and Others through Research: Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities (SUNY series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology): 9781438436722: Anderson, Rosemarie, Braud, William: Books

Rosemarie Anderson
Transforming Self and Others through Research: Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities (SUNY series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology)
by Rosemarie Anderson (Author), William Braud (Author)
4.9 out of 5 stars 24 ratings
Part of: SUNY series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology (46 books)

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Brings the transformative approaches of transpersonal psychology to research in the human sciences and humanities.

SUNY Press
Publication date 2011

Editorial Reviews

"Anderson and Braud add an exciting and significant dimension to current developments in qualitative inquiry. This is bold, creative, and inspiring work, and with both clarity and passion, puts forth a vital challenge to traditional assumptions about the nature of both research and knowledge." ---- Kenneth J. Gergen, author of Relational Being: Beyond Self and Community

"In recent decades, transpersonal psychology has begun to influence kindred fields, including clinical research. Transforming Self and Others through Research is a splendid example of this enrichment. This book transcends the conventional concept of researcher and subject as separate entities, as self and other. It reveals how the research process can be a path of personal development and psycho-spiritual maturity for everyone involved. How I wish this book had been available when I studied research in graduate school. I hope it finds its way into every graduate nursing program in the nation." ---- Barbara Montgomery Dossey, author of Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer

"This excellent book deepens the authors' previous work on transpersonal modes of research. It works well as a source book, and in its comprehensive structure and scholarly content will be a model for quite some time. To my knowledge, there is simply no current work out there that brings so much material together in one place." ---- Robert D. Romanyshyn, author of The Wounded Researcher: Research with Soul in Mind

"In traditional research, we begin by exploring the literature and framing our study of research problems within the existing literature. In the transpersonal method, advanced by Anderson and Braud, a different point of departure for research is advanced: the individual researchers' experiences and personal lives. What a refreshing perspective! This means that research will be more meaningful to the investigator, hold interest, and personally transform the inquirer. This book builds on this perspective and provides an original, insightful, and honest way of inquiry. Their multimethodological approach, emphasizing skills and exercises that intersect with the lives of the researchers, is refreshing and useful. Thanks for offering this approach to the world." --John W. Creswell, author of Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
From the Back Cover
Research approaches in the field of transpersonal psychology can be transformative for researchers, participants, and the audience of a project. This book offers these transformative approaches to those conducting research across the human sciences and the humanities. Rosemarie Anderson and William Braud first described such methods in Transpersonal Research Methods for the Social Sciences (1998). Since that time, in hundreds of empirical studies, these methods have been tested and integrated with qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research designs. Anderson and Braud, writing with a contribution from Jennifer Clements, invite scholars to bring multiple ways of knowing and personal resources to their scholarship. While emphasizing established research conventions for rigor, Anderson and Braud encourage researchers to plumb the depths of intuition, imagination, play, mindfulness, compassion, creativity, and embodied writing as research skills. Experiential exercises to help readers develop these skills are provided.

About the Author

Rosemarie Anderson is Professor of Transpersonal Psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She is the author of Celtic Oracles: A New System for Spiritual Growth and the coauthor of Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: Phenomenological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, Narrative Research, and Intuitive Inquiry.

William Braud is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and the author of Distant Mental Influence: Its Contributions to Science, Healing, and Human Interactions. Anderson and Braud are the coauthors of Transpersonal Research Methods for the Social Sciences: Honoring Human Experience.
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ SUNY Press (September 1, 2011)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 386 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1438436726
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1438436722

From the United States
5.0 out of 5 stars Who Knew?
Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2011
Verified Purchase
This is a keeper, who knew that research methods could be so enlightening. I have read many research methods books but never has one held my interest such as this book. It is an excellent book if you are looking to expand your current approach to research. The authors have a very healthy and advance understanding of the current and future needs within the field of research.
9 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Incredibly helpful for the researcher
Reviewed in the United States on July 29, 2013
Verified Purchase
I used this book to learn more about organic inquiry as it was the methodology used for my thesis. Wonderfully written, not dry, or boring (as so many books on methodology can be). The book also includes exercises to help the researcher develop skills to better understand and utilize each methodology. Wonderful book!
2 people found this helpful
Matthew Bernier
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2015
Verified Purchase
One person found this helpful
From other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars great work
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 1, 2013
Verified Purchase
insightful and 'transformative' so far! Am only a few chapters in so its hard to give and overall view.. but really resonate with everything I have read so far... am wholeheartedly looking forward to finishing the book and have more to say on the subject...

Transforming Self and Others Through Research: Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities

              Volume 31 | Issue 2                        Article 15


Transforming Self and Others Through Research:

Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities

Dorit Netzer

Sofia University

Transforming Self and Others Through Research:Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities by Rosemarie Anderson & William Braud

Reviewed by

Dorit Netzer
Sofia University
Palo Alto, CA, USA

The wider your range of knowledge and feeling, the greater your range of imaginative possibilities and the more synthetic and important your work will be.



he process of scientific inquiry into human experience cannot be separated from life itself.

Becoming aware of the ways in which research in the human sciences and humanities is already infused with tacit knowing may be the first step to intentional cultivation of skills and practices that aim to loosen, shift, and altogether change how researchers approach understanding of lived experience—their own and others’—and, thus, how they transform through and beyond the topical focus of their scholarly pursuits in ways that bridge formal research and lifelong, personal inquiry. Transforming Self and Others Through Research (Anderson & Braud, 2011) provides just such a detailed exposition of whole-person, transformative approaches to scholarly research.

In this book, Anderson and Braud expand and deepen what they presented in their first co-authored book, Transpersonal Research Methods for the Social Sciences (1998). They contribute to the teaching and practice of research in the human sciences and humanities in ways that are both complementary to existing texts on specific research methods and outstanding among them; but as the authors make sure to clarify, this book is not meant as a standalone text for the teaching of diverse traditions of research methods. The unique value of Transforming Self and Others Through Research is twofold. First, where the authors’ 1998 book offered a broad introduction to transpersonal research methods, the new book is an —Robert and Michèle Root-Bernstein

in-depth primer to transpersonal research process. The exercises given throughout the book serve to prepare researchers for all phases of study, particularly when the topics include phenomena and experiences that are difficult to measure and define and attempt to  account for the many ways in which humans perceive and process personal and transpersonal experiences. Secondly, those readers who are specifically interested in any of the three methods for which the entire first section of the book is devoted, namely Intuitive Inquiry (by Rosemarie Anderson), Integral Inquiry (by William Braud), and Organic Inquiry (by an invited contributor, Jennifer Clements), will find the most updated, in-depth, and well illustrated depictions of these methods to date, along with numerous, past and recent examples of a wide range of topics to which they were applied.

Transpersonal psychologists ground their worldviews in transpersonal practices that are rooted in various wisdom traditions. Anderson and Braud developed the methods they describe in this book over two decades of experience as practitioners, scholars, and educators in this field (although both began as experimental psychologists in the late 60s and early 70s). Nevertheless, they do not present themselves as experts and humbly recognize the collaboratively, evolutionary nature of their insight and teaching. They acknowledge the possible critique for the methods and skills they advocate. Further, they acknowledge the challenges their

International Journal of Transpersonal Studies , 31(2), 2012, pp. 166-172

readers are likely to face by opening to a wider horizon of “knowing” that couples a rigorous effort to bolster the validity of their inquiry without reducing human experience to fit positivistic epistemologies. Integrating their philosophical views, methodological expertise, examples from current applications, and vision for the role of transpersonal inquiry in our diverse, globalized, and ecologically challenged world, the authors invite an inward turn in attitude toward research in the human sciences and humanities by emphasizing the value of a multi-sensorial, praxis-oriented discovery that is meditative, mindful, intuitive, imaginative, and embodied.

In the Preface to their book, Anderson and Braud offer an in-depth consideration of the nature and value of inquiry into human experience when researchers intentionally apply transformative skills and practices that permit more expansive and inclusive insight and target more than reason and analysis. The reader is reminded of or awakened to the possibility that scientific inquiry can be personally transformative, not only due to its findings, but inherently through research as a self-actualizing experience, particularly through the direct impact on all who partake in it or are exposed to its unfolding and/or final presentation (the scholar, research participants, audience, colleagues, and others in the researcher’s social milieu). In Anderson’s and Braud’s own words:

We are emphasizing individual and personal transformation. We are suggesting that under certain conditions, planning, conducting, participating in, or learning about, a research project can be accompanied by increased self-awareness, enhanced psycho-spiritual growth and development, and other personal changes of great consequence to the individuals involved . . . a qualitative shift in one’s lifeview and/or worldview . . . one’s perspective, understanding, attitudes, ways of knowing and doing, and way of being in the world. It may be recognized by changes in one’s body, feelings and emotions, ways of thinking, forms of expression, and relationships with others and with the world. (Anderson & Braud, 2011, pp. xvi-xvii)

As noted earlier, the authors divide their book into two main sections. Section 1, inclusive of the first three chapters, is dedicated to the teaching via praxis of three transpersonal methods (intuitive inquiry, integral inquiry, and organic inquiry). Each chapter, respectively, weaves experiential exercises and practices to help the reader gain intimate knowledge of the various structural aspects of the presented method and provides useful skills that can serve as vehicles to inform and guide the research process through all its phases with integrity and depth.

Chapter 1 presents Intuitive Inquiry. This method is hermeneutical in nature, with emphasis on the value of an intuitive approach. The method carries the researcher through five iterative cycles: a) clarifying a research topic via imaginal dialogue, b) identifying one’s existing-understanding through engagement with the literature, c) gathering data and descriptive findings, d) interpretation of findings and transformation through the understanding of others, and e) integration of one’s discovery with the existing literature. Intuitive inquiry invites the researcher to honor his/her own voice, to be fully attuned to subtle nuances and synchronicities of internal and external experiences, and to employ imaginal and psychic processes, sensory/embodied awareness, empathic identification, and knowing through our wounds as valid modes of understanding the essence of human experience.

Chapter 2 presents Integral Inquiry. This method aims to blend qualitative and quantitative modes of knowing in a manner that values the unique contribution of integrated approaches toward a more inclusive understanding of human experience. It values the multiple facets of research topics: their historical and conceptual contexts; their process oriented nature; and their outcomes and implications. This approach encourages the researcher to be informed by multiple disciplines (conventional and innovative—involving ordinary and nonordinary states of consciousness). It allows the tailoring of a particular blend of methods to suit the study’s topic and purpose (including linear/ analytical, as well as nonlinear/intuitive and imaginative approaches). Integral inquiry emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the research findings are accessible to a variety of audiences through multiple styles of data presentation. 

Chapter 3 presents Organic Inquiry. This method is based on the gathering of rich narratives, often pertaining to psycho-spiritual growth, where the researcher’s personal connection to the topic is central to the study’s motivation, and where the researcher’s identity, psyche, and subjective, unique ways of knowing facilitate the organic evolution of the research process. In this approach to research, information and transformation are inseparable, through the integration of thought, sensations, feelings, and intuition. The researcher is encouraged to pay attention to liminal and spiritual influences throughout the study. The method employs a three-step process as part of a gradual unfolding, beginning with preparation, through inspiration and, finally, integration—as a whole, intending to inspire a transformative experience for the researcher, participants, but more importantly for the readers or those exposed to the research findings.

Section 2 (chapters 4-7) is highly relevant to all fields of qualitative research in the human sciences and humanities, as it presents skills (i.e., quietude and slowing; intentional, attentive, and mindful observing of both conscious and unconscious processes; sensorial and imaginal skills; play and creative expression; as well as intuition, embodied awareness, and direct knowing), which can accompany various research methods, not only the ones that originated through engagement with transpersonal topics of inquiry.  When first reading this book and introducing it to students, I viewed Section 1 as structured, compartmentalized, and somewhat separate from the more exploratory and intricately threaded second section. With my intimate knowledge of the methods and skills, as a past student of Rosemarie Anderson and the late William Braud at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, I wondered why the authors chose to open the book with a methodological section, rather than offer it after they introduced the many skills that are integrated into these methods.

But after a brief time of working with the book and gaining further appreciation of its full arc (including the final chapters on an expanded view of validity and the authors’ transformative vision for research and scholarship), I realized that immersing in the methodological conceptualizations and applications of transpersonal approaches to research in Section 1 and understanding their rationale and thoughtful structure, indeed set the stage for a more purposeful utilization of the practices in Section 2. For this reason, when teaching a course named Integral Research Skills (originally developed by Braud and Anderson and taught by various faculty over the past decade at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology—now Sofia University), where the second section of Transforming Self and Others through Research serves as a main text, I ask students to begin their reading with the introduction to Section 1 and their choice of one of the three first chapters as a way to dive with their whole being into the deep waters of transpersonal research methods. Only then, do they gradually explore and exercise the transformative potential of what Braud and Anderson called integral research skills, by considering their own research topics and all phases of their envisioned study through the various lenses of multiple, interwoven, and integrative ways of knowing.

Observing my own experience of working with the integral skills, as well as witnessing their effect on others, I can attest to the resultant transformation researchers undergo in their relationships with inquiry topics, methods, designs, participants, data, findings, and readers. When working with graduate students at Sofia University, who are called to research human experiences of a vast and complex nature, yet attempt to pursue them within the limited scope of a doctoral dissertation, I noticed how rapidly they form an intimate connection with their topics, when introduced to Anderson’s and Braud’s integral research skills and transpersonal approaches to research, and how they access their questions in a vulnerable, sensitive, and deeply insightful ways.

I have used the book with two cohorts since its release in the Fall of 2011. The first group of students has since went on to write their proposals and begin their dissertation studies. For the purpose of this review, I inquired with two students from that cohort, who are in different phases of their research, as to how their dissertation processes benefitted from having been introduced to this book. One of them, who is researching the meaning and significance of crisis as it leads to transcendence in the evolution of an artist, continues to draw on the book’s philosophy and applications a year after she was introduced to it. She wrote:

The use of integral, intuitive, and complementary methods allows [my] process to remain loosely woven, to breathe and intermingle. The transpersonal research methods and skills that Rosemarie Anderson and William Braud offer enlist the tenets of wonder as question and answer simultaneously, and still acknowledge that all perceptions have a certain degree of correctness and incorrectness. . . . In order to present conclusive interpretation about the evolutionary process of an artist, perceiving the artist as process (from ego to crisis to transformation) I am reminded that the interpretation will merely be my perception of the artist’s perceptions in hindsight. Containing this process within theory and method dangerously risks derailing the creative process, confining and imprisoning it in old interpretations, or perhaps completely extinguishing the flame. There is danger of suffocating the breath or the spirit from the inquiry, danger of robbing it of God. (D. Meyer, personal communication, December 12, 2012)

 Another student, who is now in the process of data gathering for her dissertation on the transformational aspects of postpartum depression, resonated with Braud’s (2011) assertion that “finding recent ideas in these very early sources can help foster an attitude of humility. . . that certain ideas were present for others, even long ago, and that one is often simply rediscovering what has gone before” (p. 95). She has written about incorporating creative expression into her literature review process, to more fully explore the importance of honoring the historical context of current literature:

[In addition to comparing past and present literature], I have worked with this by doing photo collages of women and their children from different points in history. These collages serve to ground my intention, pique my intuition, and externalize a sense of awe and gratitude for everyone touched by my topic throughout time. . . . Anderson’s and Braud’s exercises on working with imaginal, visual, and intuitive listening have been of significant help. My topic is very difficult material. The interviews are not easy. And it is the imagining of what I am intuiting that serves my wellbeing as a researcher, and I believe serves the topic. Where words fail, images fulfill the essential expressive need. (W. Karraa, personal communication, December 11, 2012)

 Similarly, in the most recent offering of the Integral Research Skills course, a student described the flowing nature of considering her intention for a dissertation topic when incorporating visualization into her contemplation. She reflected:

Intention is a powerful tool that Anderson and Braud (2011) discuss in regard to investigating a research topic. I have always found the process of setting intention to be a powerful motivator.

Although it may not be set as a goal per say, it is a motivating force. I find that whenever I have set intentions in my life that I begin to carry them around within a mental construct as well as emotionally. My attention is drawn to it often even in moments when I’m not even fully aware. . . . There seems to be a mix of great excitement, yearning, anticipation, attention, and unknown all mixed in one. As I contemplate my research topic, I find I am filled with the aforementioned emotions and thoughts. A great mix of it all. I hold the intention to research the connection between the embodiment practice of Hatha yoga, in particular, yoga therapy, in increasing and deepening levels of mindfulness. In framing an intention for my topic, the following words arise: awareness, body, yoga, movement, mindfulness, compassion for self and others, embodiment, program, spirituality, oneness, stillness, contemplation, space and sympathetic joy. I envision this as a spiral of different colors swirling around. As I see it I can see that one color stands out more than the next in some moments and others in other moments. I am sitting with this as a lesson in not predicting outcome or goals right now but rather staying in a “watching” phase. (A. Saffi Biasetti, personal communication, September 20, 2012)

About a month into working with the text, she added:

I was used to research always being approached in one way and it feels so freeing to think creatively with my topic. I feel it has already opened up so many doors for me to explore. I am excited each week to sit with the experientials waiting to see what unfolds (A. Saffi Biasetti, personal communication, October 18, 2012).


A student, who expressed interest in researching trauma and PTSD, shared the following response to one of the first group of exercises of slowing down and quieting the mind to allow a research question to authentically emerge with intentionality.

In exploring the exercises Intention, Quietude and Slowing, Attention and Mindfulness in Anderson and Braud (2011), I found a new dimension of thinking in terms of my intended research topic. . . . After deep, slowing breaths, I turned my attention to mindfulness of the breath and found myself drifting into thoughts. I felt tension and a closed sensation in my abdominal Tan Den area, and my throat. I began to breathe into these chakras and tried to allow for an expansion and spaciousness to develop. (S. Hutton-Metheney, personal communication, September 28, 2012)

Detailed images (too many to mention in this review) emerged in the course of this student’s meditation, which she subsequently made note of and remarked: “After this meditation exercise, I felt deeply relaxed and calm. The following [question] manifested in regard to my research topic: Can applying mindfulness techniques help trauma and PTSD patients cope and recover from their trauma?” (S. Hutton-Metheney, September 28, 2012). This student is an experienced therapist and an adept meditator, who has obviously entered deep trance states of consciousness many times before, and so she readily took to harnessing these skills as beneficial to approaching her research topic in a new way. For example, one of the images that arose in her initial meditation was of children engaged in painting, which prompted her to consider the possibility of focusing her PTSD topic on family dynamics and utilizing creative expression as one of her vehicles for data gatherings. Following this imaginal meditation, she wrote: “the narratives of family and relationships within the scope of trauma could lead to deeper understanding of the effects of trauma, perhaps the origin of trauma, and the healing of trauma individually, systemically, and communally” (S. Hutton-Metheney, September 28, 2012). She continued with framing the following intentions:

I intend that within the creation of my research project, Trauma: Effects of Mindfulness and the Nature of Emptiness on PTSD, images, thoughts, ideas, and fresh inspirations will arise effortlessly and naturally. I will be able to articulate and communicate these images and ideas cohesively and thoughtfully in order to add new information to the field of transpersonal psychology and trauma therapy. This will lead to a deeper understanding of mindfulness and trauma and will benefit the society and the whole planet for the betterment of humanity. (S. Hutton-Metheney, September 28, 2012)

 Interestingly, the ease with which students engage with the integral skills in their daily lives is not necessarily predictive of their comfort and ability to bring these practices into a research project. Another student commented:

One of the biggest gifts of the course is that I am witnessing how much difficulty I am having integrating traditional methodology with more organic ways of knowing. I am also witnessing myself fearful of not knowing. This is interesting for me to observe as in other realms of my life, this does not seem to be a predominant issue. What I am also gaining from this course is how we have the freedom and access to various ways of knowing (A. Charest, personal communication, October 24, 2012).

A student, who is planning to research the experience of psycho-spiritual wholeness during single motherhood wrote:

I feel so grateful that this beautiful language about research is here to support us as we brave new territory as transpersonal students and researchers. What would it have been like if I had this kind of guidebook in earlier academic settings? . . . Autogenic Training and breath work come very naturally to me as I have been engaged with these practices for a very long time. . . . My biggest challenge will be to remember to incorporate them while I’m working on my research! (T. Page, personal communication, September 29, 2012)

Practice, however, is key to ground general affinity to this approach to research in experiential knowing of its value. The same student reflected on her embodied experience during a slowing and centering exercise in the following comment:

I automatically slow down when I read this book. The cadence in which it is written affects a somatic response and my breathing slows. Also, I have to note, the finding a peaceful uncluttered space to “be” was nothing short of amazing for me. For the very first time in my life I have my own space, free of children, noise, clutter and distractions. I am filled with gratitude before I even begin, my eyes are slightly teary. I’m sitting in my new home, a beautiful old Victorian, in the living room, next to a bay window where I hear the birds outside and my heart is bursting with love for this moment. There is truly space for me, just me, and my soul becomes expansive and quiet. (T. Page, personal communication, September 29, 2012).

She went on to link this awareness of self with her relationship to her future study’s participants:

Once my eyes closed, my focus flowed to my heart. It seems this coming year is going to be all about my heart. . . . When in doubt, go back to my heart. After all - that is what got me through and that is what drives me in my research now. The love I have in my heart for single mothers doing the good work, raising the next generation, is all about love. (T. Page, personal communication, September 29, 2012).

Transforming Self and Others through Research is grounded in a global worldview, with awareness of and recognition for the mutual, reciprocal, and collective nature of our human existence and the relevance of this paradigm to our present and future approaches to research. In their last chapter, A Transformative Vision for Research and Scholarship, Anderson and Braud call on researchers to consider the urgent need for positive individual, communal, and worldwide transformation. They convey that in order to promote such change through scholarly inquiry, researchers must begin with more inclusive approaches to inquiry—honoring cross-cultural wisdom psychologies, with reverence for humans’ interdependence on one another and the natural world, and respect for authenticity and diversity in all species.

Anderson and Braud suggest, and I agree, that Transforming Self and Others Through Research can be included as a whole text or select chapters in advanced undergraduate and graduate research courses, particularly in disciplines such as psychology, counseling, education, and various allied health professions. The book also engages seasoned researchers in the above fields, who are open to acknowledge the shortcomings of conventional research methods, namely the attempt to claim objectivity by employing various controls in the studies’ design, researchers’ involvement, and participants’ contribution. I believe that it should be a required text for research students and a must-read for all researchers in fields such as transpersonal studies, humanistic psychology, spiritual direction, religious studies, the arts, creative-expression therapies, and transformative education, since these disciplines call for approaches to research that recognize the subjective and inter-subjective nature of human experience and expression, and the individually constructed meaning that accompanies attempts to inquire about them.

What I value most about this book is that the authors do not ask their readers to take their word for the value of this more expansive attitude toward ways of knowing; they wisely remark that not all approaches will suit all researchers and that some research topics might call for alternative means of understanding more than others. Most importantly, they provide a myriad of examples to illustrate their approaches, and detailed exercises to explore and choose from—each carefully crafted to hone various skills, such as awareness, attention, and intentionality—activating intuitive, imaginative, embodied, and creative ways of knowing through all phases of the study. These skills and practices are commonly associated with personal and psychospiritual development, person-centered therapies, and education, but they have significant influence on the process and outcome of inquiry, when applied in conjunction with established qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, or as integral to the transpersonal research methods described in the book. In this manner, Anderson and Braud provide a roadmap for researchers to connect with their topics, participants, and research audiences through processes that lead to a deeply felt and personally meaningful understanding of human experience.

I close this review by referring to Anderson’s and Braud’s message, with a heartfelt recommendation of this book to all who seek a pathway to engage in conscious, healing and harmonizing inquiry: be it through interdisciplinary collaborations, integration of spiritual and indigenous insights, methodological pluralism, or the simple but profound appreciation of the transformative qualities embedded in the researcher’s passion to inquire and be of service, transform awareness, and influence change toward health and well-being, peace and harmony, compassion and kindness, integrity and truthfulness.


Anderson, R., & Braud, W. (2011). Transforming self and others through research: Transpersonal research methods and skills for the human sciences and humanities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Braud, W., & Anderson, R. (1998). Transpersonal research methods for the social sciences: Honoring human experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Root-Bernstein, R., & Root-Bernstein, M. (1999). Sparks of genius: The 13 thinking tools of the world’s most creative people. New York, NY: Mariner Books.

About the Reviewer

Dorit Netzer is an art therapist in private practice and an associate core faculty at the Global PhD Program, Sofia University (formerly the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology), Palo Alto, California. Correspondence concerning this review should be addressed to Dorit Netzer, Sofia University,1069 East Meadow Circle. Palo Alto, California, 94303. E-mail: Tel: 631-423-1110.

About the Journal

The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal in print since 1981. It is published by Floraglades Foundation, and serves as the official publication of the International Transpersonal Association. The journal is available online at, and in print through (search for IJTS).


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