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Christian Theology: An Introduction 6th Edition, Kindle Edition
by Alister E. McGrath (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
4.7 out of 5 stars 238 ratings
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List of Illustrations xxi
Preface xxiii
To the Student: How to Use This Book xxvii
To the Teacher: How to Use This Book xxix
The Structure of the Book: The Fifth and Sixth Editions Compared xxxiii
Video and Audio Resources xxxv
Introduction 3
1 The Patristic Period, c.100–c.700 5
2 The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, c.700–c.1500 21
3 The Age of Reformation, c.1500–c.1750 38
4 The Modern Period, c.1750 to the Present 57
5 Getting Started: Preliminaries 83
6 The Sources of Theology 104
7 Knowledge of God: Natural and Revealed 135
8 Philosophy and Theology: Dialogue and Debate 152
9 The Doctrine of God 175
10 The Person of Jesus Christ 207
11 The Nature and Basis of Salvation 246
12 The Holy Spirit 280
13 The Trinity 299
14 Human Nature, Sin, and Grace 327
15 The Church 354
16 The Sacraments 381
17 Christianity and the World Religions 405
18 Last Things: The Christian Hope 426
Jargon-Busting: A Glossary of Theological Terms 449
Sources of Citations 456
Acknowledgments 465
Index 466
“The genius of Alister E. McGrath is his remarkable ability to write in a clear, concise, and lucid manner that draws both teachers and students to participate with the great thinkers of the Christian tradition, past and present. Education and illumination are the abundant fruits of this massive, well-organized text, which is sure to appeal to a wide range of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox audiences. For this we are indebted to the author.”
Dennis Ngien, Professor of Systematic Theology, Tyndale University College and Seminary, Toronto, Canada
“For sheer comprehensiveness, clarity, and coherence, Alister McGrath has produced the definitive textbook. Always accurate and engaging, students are gently introduced to the gift of Theology in a memorable way.”
Ian S. Markham, Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary
Praise for the fifth edition
“Alister McGrath has proven himself a master at engagingly and simply introducing Christian theology in all of its contested complexity. All who work at the critical appropriation of the theological tradition stand in debt to McGrath.”
M. Douglas Meeks, Cal Turner Chancellor Professor of Theology and Wesleyan Studies, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
Now celebrating its 25th year of publication, Christian Theology is one of the most internationally acclaimed textbooks in this area today. Completely rewritten for the sixth edition, it remains the ideal introduction to the beliefs and interpretation of Christianity. It is specifically designed for students with no prior knowledge, presenting the primary themes and debates of Christian theology with clarity and historical context.
This new edition retains all the elements that have made it so successful while also including significant additions and developments. There is an increased discussion of contemporary theology to complement the excellent coverage of historical material. Important new information has also been added, in areas such as the Holy Spirit, contemporary non-Western theologies, and feminist voices in Christian theology. The text is rich in pedagogy to encourage student learning, featuring a two colour design, glossary, end-of-chapter discussion questions, and much more. Written by renowned theologian Alister E. McGrath, this classic text is a clear, lively and concise introduction that provides instructors with the tools they need to engage with their students on Christian theology.
Product description
""Christian Theology: An Introduction" is a work of prodigious learning and notable clarity. Alister McGrath here combines a mastery of the history of doctrine with his gift of communication to produce the finest university textbook available in this field." "Professor Gabriel Fackre, Andover Newton Theological School, USA"
"There is much to admire in Dr McGrath's skill as a pedagogue. The range of issues he deals with is marvellously broad, and he says a great many things which are important, beautiful, true and worth knowing." "Church Times"
"McGrath has surpassed even himself in his latest work, "Christian Theology: An Introduction"."
"His assumption that the reader has little theological expertise and reads only English, makes the book extremely valuable to beginners in theology."
"Beginners in theology will want this book, I do not say on their shelf, but rather, in their hands; and yet advanced theologians will not regret digesting the material presented as well."
"His purpose is not to pre-scribe but to de-scribe Christian Theology." "Trinity Journal"
"This is a wonderfully clear presentation of major questions on each of the topics discussed. The author is a skilful teacher who knows how to explain what is at issue in the different debates and disagreements without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary detail." "ACT Digest"
"'Introduction' is perhaps too modest a word for a book which gives a basic introduction to almost every aspect of the history and theology of Christianity. It is clearly written, fairly argued, and very reasonably priced. McGrath has set a standard that will not be broken for a very long time." "Theology"
"This is an admirable textbook which will soon grace many shelves." "Expository Times"
"This book is an extraordinary achievement, a "tour de force" by McGrath which will establish his reputation as one of Britain's most important theologians. It will also introduce thousands of students to theology as a discipline
From the Publisher
ALISTER E. McGRATH is currently Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford; he was previously Professor of Theology and Education at King?s College, London. He is regarded as one of the world?s leading Protestant theologians and is the author of some of the world?s most widely used theological textbooks, including the bestselling The Christian Theology Reader (5th edition, Wiley Blackwell, 2016), Christianity (Wiley Blackwell, 2015), and Science and Religion (Wiley Blackwell, 2010). He is in constant demand as a speaker at conferences throughout the world.
Product details
Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell; 6th edition (5 August 2016)
Language : English
File size : 12581 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Up to 3 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 500 pages
Best Sellers Rank: 266,826 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
Customer Reviews:
4.7 out of 5 stars 238 ratings
Alister E. McGrath
Alister McGrath is a scholar and writer who is presently Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University. After initial work in the natural sciences, McGrath moved into the field of Christian theology. He is best known for his definitive and widely used textbooks on Christian theology and his authoritative biography of C. S. Lewis. As a former atheist, McGrath is fascinated by the interaction of faith, science, and atheism, and writes regularly on these themes.
McGrath was born in Belfast in 1953, and holds both Irish and British citizenship. He lives in the Cotswolds near Oxford.
For McGrath's website, including details of his weekly Youtube postings and videos helping you use his theology textbooks, go to alistermcgrath.net
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Customer reviews
4.7 out of 5 stars
Top review from Australia

5.0 out of 5 stars thoughts and discourses of the various times and theologians easy to understandReviewed in Australia on 7 April 2017
Alister in very concise way makes clear history, thoughts and discourses of the various times and theologians easy to understand.
As I am a first year Uni student, I have found this book a valuable resource and a go-to when I need info fast.
Thoroughly enjoy just reading it simply for its wealth of concise info. Love it.
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5.0 out of 5 stars An Easy to Read/Follow book on Christian Theology.Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 24 June 2019
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I have read, or at least attempted to read, various books that deal with the subject of Christian Theology, and I find many of them difficult to read. So many are just so "wordy" and stuffy. However, this book by Mr McGrath is different. He writes the book in such a way that it is vary readable, enjoyable and keeps me interested. The book is 447 pages long (not including the glossary, index and introductions) and print on good quality paper. It is broken down into three parts:
Part 1 - Landmarks: Periods, Themes and Personalities of Christian Theology, where we are introduced to the subject and its origins, and the people involved in its spread and ecclesiastical history. It takes us from the Patristic Age (c.100 - c.700), to the Middles Ages and Renaissance (c.700 - c.1500), The Age of Reformation (c.1500 - c.1750), and the Modern Period (c.1750 - the Present).
Part 2 - Sources and Methods, in which we learn about the sources of Theology and we discuss the natural and revealed knowledge of God, as well as the philosophy of Christianity.
Part 3 - Chriostian Theology, were we are taught about the doctrines of Christianity, including the Doctrine of God, The Person of Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Nature and Basis of Salvation, human sin, and the Last Hope.
Each page is divided into small paragraphs for easier reading and is extremely easy to follow.
I have only just started reading this book but already I can see why it is so highly regarded among Theology students. Recommended.
I would also recommend the companion to this book, "The Christian Theology Reader".
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5.0 out of 5 stars The Standard Text for Christian TheologyReviewed in the United Kingdom on 18 February 2021
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As a Religion, Philosophy and Ethics teacher, this books has a dual purpose; it satisfies my interest in theology, as well as serving as a useful aid in the teaching of topics such as Augustine, Calvin, Pelagius and Arminius.
If you’re a prospective undergrad of theology, this book will be a staple of your reading, if you’re an A-Level student, this will give you the content knowledge to stand out from the crowd, and if you’re interested in Christian Theology this is a highly accessible and informative text that will give you strong foundations in the subject.
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Craig Leppert
5.0 out of 5 stars Balanced, objective. Highly recommended.Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 August 2017
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McGrath's introduction is a fantastic resource for someone who wants a detailed introduction to the field of Theology. It is comprehensive, well edited, well structured and provides a more than sufficient treatment of various positions within the Christian edifice. McGrath does not let his own denominational preferences shine through (in fact, I could not tell you whether he is Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Reformed or Evangelical). For me, that is an important and refreshing change from much of the literature available in the field which is exceedingly dogmatic and narrow-minded. The purpose of a text book like this should not be to try to force a particular set of doctrines on the reader, but to explain the basis and historicity of those doctrines.
McGrath does this exceptionally well.
I purchased this to self teach, hopefully in preparation for ordination training. I feel it has served me well. I would also recommend the purchase of the companion volume ' The christian theology reader' which includes hundreds of excerpts from theologians of the past 1700 years. For anyone attempting to self-teach it is an invaluable companion resource.
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david h kinnon
4.0 out of 5 stars Don't judge the book by its cover ...Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 March 2017
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Alister McGrath succinctly sets out key aspects of reformed Christian doctrine, nowadays expressed as "Christian Theology" rather than "Systematic Theology". This book serves as a very handy first reference for pastors and bible teachers; as an primer for bible / divinity / ministry students; and as a book to generally educate the layman in readily understood language.
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Mr Wadsley
5.0 out of 5 stars Must read absolutely amazing food for thoughtReviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 December 2018
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This book of Theology is extremely good and informative it makes you look and think about multiple aspects of religion and faith in a whole knew way it will give you so much food for thought that you have to respect the content of this book for how much thought and detail has gone into it it’s worth every penny and if your interested in studying or even just read a little theology then I advice you to definitely go ahead and you will love the journey all the way it’s an amazing subject to study and read about I feel privileged to be about to get the access to such wonderful and informative literature top buy I cannot recommend this book enough
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Christian Theology: An Introduction
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Christian Theology: An Introduction
by Alister E. McGrath
4.07 · Rating details · 1,655 ratings · 82 reviews
Alister McGrath's internationally-acclaimed Christian Theology: An Introduction is one of the most widely used textbooks in Christian theology. Fully revised and featuring lots of new material, this fourth edition provides an unparalleled introduction to 2,000 years of Christian thought.
A fully revised new edition of the bestselling introductory textbook in Christian theology
Features new sections on monastic schools of theology, the English Reformation, and Radical Orthodoxy
Includes increased discussion of women in the early Church, feminist theology, Eastern Orthodox theology and history, and Catholic teachings on the Doctrine of the Church
Incorporates user-friendly key terms sections, and study questions
Supported by a website at www.blackwellpublishing.com/mcgrath, containing additional lecturer resources. (less)
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Paperback, Fourth Edition, 534 pages
Published November 13th 2006 by Blackwell Publishers (first published January 16th 1991)
Original TitleChristian Theology: An Introduction
ISBN1405153601 (ISBN13: 9781405153607)
Edition LanguageEnglish
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Christian Theology: An Introduction
Christian Theology: An Introduction
Christian Theology: An Introduction
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Sep 11, 2021Kris rated it really liked it
Shelves: religion-christianity
Of course in a broad survey like this you're going to have holes. And generally I think McGrath does a good job and it's a good intro. But overall the way he chooses to order the different parts of the book seems a little upside down. In earlier sections McGrath first chooses to discuss more modern topics like faith & science, the recent atheistic/theistic search for the historical Jesus, historical discussions on theology and philosophy, and the concept of scriptural revelation, and only afterward goes on to talk about basic doctrines like the trinity and salvation in later chapters. The chapter on sacraments is woefully inadequate, missing even a basic list of explanations of the Roman Catholic sacraments, and how they're practiced. He spends more page time covering the controversy over infant baptism, and only afterwards does he talk about what baptism actually is, for fewer pages.
Because I have background in Christianity, it was easy for me to follow along. But I could see this intro being incredibly difficult to work through for a nonChristian unfamiliar with the basics. If already vaguely familiar with a certain section of Christianity, this book will widen your knowledge and give you some groundwork. But this is not the first intro book to pick up if you have zero background. (less)
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Jun 04, 2017Gary rated it liked it
Shelves: credo-faith, tradition-honour, apologetic-mind, church-story, theo-science
*I am actually reading the third edition, I just realised!
McGrath is a very clear and succinct writer. Indeed, his prose is smooth. So there is much benefit to this book. However, having so enjoyed Reformation Thought I was slightly disappointed with this work.
As well as being slightly underwhelmed overall I have a few specific disappointments.
Although McGrath is clearly trying to be unbiased in his handling of debates within Christian theology there are a number of areas where it seems his own opinions become very clear. Many of these are welcome, but a few are not so.
It seems the author is very opposed to those who maintain God's impassibility. This is worrying, and it threatens God's transcendence and the very Godness of God. It also weakens the creator/creature distinction that is vital to historic Christianity.
Less worrying, but quiet disappointing, is the author's clear desire to have the undergraduates reading this book know he doesn't hold to any view of creation that doesn't start with the big bang.
Also really disappointing is his treatment of the sacraments. First, he says all the Reformers were against the idea that the sacraments are efficacious. But this is simply not true. Secondly, he later discusses the whole subject, and particularly the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, as if the only positions that existed were those of Luther, Zwingli, and Rome. Where is Calvin's position?
Liked it, it almost got a four. (less)
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Jun 07, 2012Dyer rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: anyone confused about Christian theological concepts
Shelves: religion, history, christian, theology
One of the most highly recommended introductions. It's not an easy read, but it's great at fleshing out the ideas of Christian thoughts from 100ad to contemporary theology. It helps to make complex ideas which shouldn't be complex into understandable concepts. I found that if I tried to read more than a few pages at a time Christian concepts of God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus began to become fuzzy. Therefore I suggest dipping in when you have a very alert mind and read only one section or chapter at a time. I guess I'm a real lightweight when it comes to containing all of those brilliant concepts in mind. I really have a hard time chewing gum and walking at the same time. Do not let my unfocused attention keep you from reading this book. (less)
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Jul 20, 2017Hope rated it it was ok
Shelves: christianity, non-fiction
I read the first 200 pages of this book with enthusiasm. As a theology teacher I appreciated McGrath's clarification of many words, concepts and events related to the formation of essential Christian dogma. I eagerly ordered copies of the book for my upcoming Basic Christian Doctrine Class. But as the class and I began to read the second half of the book, we hit a snag. McGrath is so thorough in his overview that he includes many, many modern (last hundred years) and their non-orthodox ideas. My students were overwhelmed with too much unnecessary information.
A much better choice for an overview of Christian theology that focuses on the basic truths that were taught and accepted before the advent of liberal theologians, would have been Thomas Oden's Classic Christianity. Unfortunately that is not available in Portuguese and I had to muddle through as well as I could with what I've got. (less)
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Diego Calquin
Aug 09, 2017Diego Calquin rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: theology
I wish I could give it 4.5, but oh well. I think it's a very good introduction to every major theme in Christian theology, however, I missed more focus on eastern theology and lutheran development. Since the author is reformed, it was noticeable how that tradition played a major role in some parts of the book. Having said that, I still think he makes an excellent job explaining the postures of each tradition. I would recommend this to every first year theology student, since it's an easy read and you get a lot of names so you can further your studies in the subjects that you find more interesting. (less)
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Travis Bow
Aug 24, 2018Travis Bow rated it liked it
Shelves: non-audio
It took me over 2 years to get through this book. The most interesting and informative chapters involved the history of various theological movements. About 75% of the book went into detail on some topic of theology or other, but instead of focusing on a few mains schools of thought and explaining them well, the author crammed as many 1-page theologian summaries as possible, which made many of the positions non-sensical. For a solid overview of everything, though, this is a good reference book with plenty of citations to learn more about any particular movement or theologian. (less)
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Frank Peters
Apr 30, 2021Frank Peters rated it it was ok · review of another edition
This is a good book that I am happy to have completed. I am also now very happy that I never took theology in college. For while I have always greatly enjoyed theology in my reading, I had not quite comprehended previously the difference between theology as a Christian topic, and theology as an academic discipline. This book is an introduction to the academic discipline. This means that there are many too many historic arguments and topics that have virtually no relationship to what the bible teaches, but rather are the opinions and musings of intelligent philosophers (who call themselves theologians). I have very little interest in these musings, nor in the large amounts of (so-called Christian) theology that rejects the foundations of Christianity (e.g. the bible, or the person of Jesus). The result was that about half of the book was difficult reading for me. Not because it was poorly written, but because I couldn’t convince myself to care, or have any interest in what was written. (less)
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Scott Allen
Feb 17, 2018Scott Allen rated it it was amazing
Excellent for those new to the faith or those who have followed Jesus for decades! McGrath always writes in a way that is deep and challenging yet very understandable.
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Jacob Aitken
Aug 04, 2011Jacob Aitken rated it really liked it
Shelves: epistemology, hermeneutics, historical-theology, reference, medievalism, trinitarianism, church-history, the-enlightenment
McGrath, Alister. Christian Theology: An Introduction. 3rd Edition.
If one is used to reading Evangelical systematic theologies, then one will find McGrath’s approach to be strange. McGrath does not follow the format of normal systematicians. While he does address the various loci of systematic theology, that is not the point of the book. McGrath’s underlying point is in showing the various loci, how were they developed in the history of the Church? He maintains (indirectly, to the degree that he follows George Lindbeck’s analysis) that some doctrines can only be formed in terms of the prevailing philosophy.
With that understanding, McGrath’s first 160 pages take the reader on a tour of historical theology. He introduces her to the various approaches to theology and common philosophical movements that have determined theology. On page 159 he actually begins where most Evangelical theologians begin: prolegomena. He discusses how tradition and revelation have been employed in theology. As to the conclusion, let the reader decide. The other loci of the theology (God, Trinity, Christ, Salvation, Church, Ecclesiology) are discussed in a neutral manner. He doesn’t come to conclusions, but is only making the reader think through her convictions: If I believe x about philosophy and epistemology, how can I still maintain y in soteriology?
For example, on pp. 38-39 he discusses how the pre- and early Reformers were philosophical nominalists. Accordingly, he *hints* that our understanding of justification by faith alone (which McGrath maintains) could only have arisen in a nominalist context. Is he right? Probably, but he doesn’t develop the point.
Pros of the book:
1. Despite the philosophical jargon, it was a very easy read.
2. McGrath recognizes who (or what) will be the key players in the coming decades: postliberal theology and narrative theology. Put simply, post-liberal theology denies that there is some universal unmediated human experience from which one may draw. Post-liberal theology says that the heart of religion lies in the language and rites of a community (119-120).
Narrative theology offers us a powerful philosophical construct—and a surprisingly biblical and missional one as well. It highlights stories in relation to Christian theology. The advantages are: narrative is the main genre and focus of Scripture; it avoids the dulling result of “abstractionism;” narrative affirms that God meets us in history and speaks to us in history; it neatly expresses the tension between the limited knowledge of characters in the biblical story and the omniscient knowledge of God (167-170).
3. By using the insights of narrative and post-liberalism, McGrath utterly destroys Enlightenment theology and liberalism. If George Lindbeck is correct—and he is—then there is no universal culture or experience in which to appeal. If so, the last 2 centuries of critical theology are trash.
Cons of the book:
1. He repeats himself with a vengeance. I lost count of how many times he said, “but if George Lindbeck is correct….”
2. His book represents a problem that all Western theologies face and yet none can answer: why is it necessary that the reader wade through 250 pages of prolegomena before we get to theology? Eastern Orthodox theologies do not have this problem. While some would argue that McGrath is laying groundwork, I argue that it is unnecessary. If he accepts Lindbeck’s analysis, then we shouldn’t worry about what liberals and Enlightenment folk have said about theology. They are intellectual whores and are outside our community.
3. He said in this edition that he would deal more Russian Orthodox scholars. Wonderful. He didn’t deal with them, though. He wasted too much time discussing trash like Bultmann and Tillich. He could have better served the church by discussing brilliant gems like Lossky, Soloviev, and Bulgakov. They actually believe in the supernatural stuff. They have a point of contact with the West. German Liberals and French Philosophes do not. Give us Bulgakov and Lossky and leave the Germans at home!
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Oct 30, 2013Child960801 rated it really liked it
Shelves: non-fiction
This book is what it says: an introduction to Christian Theology. It's a massively large book, but even so it only briefly touches on topics. The book is arranged in 3 parts: the first part gives an overview of Christian history focusing on key movements, debates/heresies, and theologians from that time period. The second part briefly looks at the sources of theology and how they influence each other. The final section gives 10 major topics in theology and gives a brief overview of each. Nothing is covered in a lot of depth (because there just isn't room in a volume like this) but at the end of each section there is a list of books and articles to look into for more information.
*2013* So, I'm going to be honest with myself and admit that I'm done reading this book now. I really enjoyed the first four chapters, but then I bogged down because it got technical and really, textbooks are easier to keep reading when there are things like grades and test involved. Also, I've now misplaced the book and haven't seen it in over two months.
*edited Feb. 2020* So, my second read through went about the same as my first, meaning I still didn't finish. I restarted and I did make it all the way to chapter 7, I think, but I'm not in a place where I'm reading theology on this level for fun.
*edited Feb. 2021* Third times the charm, right? I'm starting at chapter 7, where I left off last time, and we'll see how far I get. All the way, baby! Let's do this.
*edited July 2021* I finished!!! Man, that was a thing. The secret in the end turned out to be making a chart where I could colour out each page after I read it. (less)
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John Martindale
Dec 10, 2020John Martindale rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: theology, religion
The textbook wasn't bad. It is pretty dense; in light of the breadth of material covered, he was forced to be brief and summary, which necessarily meant many sections were not deeply engaging.
I would consider a strength to be how in most of the book, McGrath allowed voices from across the spectrum to have their little say, sometimes even those on the far outskirts. I appreciated this and it is what I liked best. The weakest part and what I liked the least was when I witnessed an exception to this rule. For example, the section on human nature, sin, and grace was really bad; the degree McGrath is an Augustinian fanboy was on full display. It was so wholly biased towards the Augustinian view and flippantly dismissive of other perspectives (the few barely touched on), that I was naturally put off since I consider Augustine to be the single most horrific and absolute worst thing that has ever happened to Christianity. The Western church is still tragically entangled in the doctrines he introduced, and we may never rid this leaven from the dough. Worse of all, McGrath didn’t even briefly mention other important viewpoints on the matter; not even a word about the insights the New Perspective has brought to the table. The chapter on the Last Things was truly lacking as well, in its treatment of hell--dismissing annihilation as being without biblical support, while implicitly suggesting the Traditional view of eternal conscious torment actually had some. (less)
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Jan 11, 2020Elissa rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: academic
This is a decent introduction to the beliefs of Christianity, if you’re going to use a textbook to do so. It is very heavy on Protestant views, though does make a point of showing the diversity within Christian belief. Following a 4-chapter overview of Christian history and major figures, each chapter takes a theological theme within which it shows the historical development of ideas that fall under that theme. I particularly like that structure. However, in each of those chapters there is perhaps too much emphasis on the Enlightenment and Karl Barth. It is also very much a “white man’s” book of Christian theology. Women are rare and liberation types of theology are only portrayed in contrast to the “standard” of tradition. There are also some themes that he does not address sufficiently, including especially experience as a source for theology which emphasizes the idea of universal human experience (which does not exist) over the much more relevant ways in which our experience/social position affects our understanding of theology. (less)
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Kristi Stewart Elliott
Apr 04, 2020Kristi Stewart Elliott rated it it was amazing
I can't recommend this book highly enough. As a person who comes from a scientific background myself, I appreciated this in the author and in thr professional and indepth way he presents information. I looked at some of the older versions of this book as well, and this edition is the best. The information is meaty- it is not spoon fed, but if you are prepared to grapple deeply with theology and understand how the concepts have come into being, this is the book for you. He includes theogical viewpoints of many different types, which I also appreciated. The study of theology is about understanding one's own theology and coming to grips with how and why one holds certain beliefs.
I would say as a caveat that if you come from a denomination which is prescriptive in theology, ie one which tells you that "Christians believe this because the Bible says it," you may find this book both challenging and eye opening. The variety id Christian beliefs not just currently around the world but over the past 2000 years is staggering. There is scope for all of us, to both agree and disagree. (less)
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Crystal ✬ Lost in Storyland
Jan 05, 2017Crystal ✬ Lost in Storyland rated it really liked it
I like how, for each section, McGrath provides information on how beliefs on the topic have changed over time. That said, it also makes for dry reading (at least for me, who doesn't know much about the history of the church). Many names kept recurring, but since I am not familiar with these names, it was hard to keep track of who has said what on the different topics.
Overall, this is a solid introduction to Christian theology and how it has developed over time in the church. If you're new to the subject like me, I recommend reading with the understanding that you won't be able to track everything or remember what everything that each historical figure has said on the major points of Christian theology. Otherwise, it's going to be a stressful read. (less)
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May 03, 2019Ian rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Written as a textbook for university, McGrath provides an overview of all the different ages of Christianity. He summarises each historical era by describing the main ideas of the time, theological concepts and influential thinkers.
It’s a must-have if you want a concise overview of the historical context for contemporary Christian theology and where concepts originated from.
It should be noted that is obviously an Introductory, some people will therefore find it wanting. It reaches its target audience well though.
McGrath is an author and thinker I deeply admire for his breadth of knowledge and depth of insight! This is yet another instance where it shines through. (less)
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Jenny Esots
Jun 17, 2020Jenny Esots rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This is a definitive theological textbook that I have surprisingly read a lot of in the process of beginning to uncover the development of Christian thought. Theology is a massive unending topic, which theologian Donald Heinz has called a 'difficult art.' I can emphatically concur with this. The study of theology is an ongoing and never-ending process, but one I relish being involved with.
I might not remember all the historical details but what is clear is there have been much theological reflection, interpretations and counter arguments over the course of several thousand years.
A very valuable foundational resource book. (less)
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Jul 28, 2018Josh rated it it was amazing
This book is great. It doesn't go as in-depth into some issues as systematic theologies like Grudem's, but its strength is that it tries to explain theological issues from many points of view, some that exist today and some that were only issues in church history. The writing is (mostly) neutral and non-opinionated. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to get an overview of the theological landscape throughout history, beyond their own theological tradition. (less)
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Feb 17, 2019Aaron rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
McGrath’s introduction and overview of Christian theology is excellent! Not only does the reader leave with a grasp of the basic areas and perspectives of theological study, but McGrath also gives special attention to the development of theology over the last 2000 years. The benefit gave Ned from a historical sense of the development of theology cannot be overstated. This very readable overview is recommended for all!
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Tim and Cynthia
Nov 30, 2020Tim and Cynthia rated it really liked it
Excellent content. The narrator is very engaging. Lots of mispronunciation of significant theological figures and concepts. She did a great and lovely job of keeping my attention and the choice to use erroneous pronunciations actually kept my attention (as someone who has graduate education in the area). I’ve decided to consider the Audible narrator a good choice because her mispronunciations kept me more engaged.
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Maya Senen
Feb 09, 2019Maya Senen rated it really liked it
Reasonably balanced introduction to the main themes and debates of the first 3,000 years of Christian history. There is too much ground to cover in one textbook, but here you will find nearly all the great thinkers and landmark works to chase down most of the big ideas. If used as an introductory compass for further exploration, this manual is helpful and instructive.
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Jul 27, 2021Jon rated it really liked it
A very long, detailed, and quite challenging read for a newcomer to Academic Christian Theology.
This took me ages reading it in small enough chunks to allow me to process at least some of what I was learning.
It didn't alter my faith, but it certainly deepened my understanding. ...more
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Werner Fourie
May 06, 2017Werner Fourie rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Alister McGrath provides a very good overview of some of the leading thought regarding Christian Theology.
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Stephen Dufton
May 08, 2017Stephen Dufton rated it it was amazing
Shelves: bible-study, faith-in-history-rl, theology-christ, faith, theology-course-assignments, theology-creation-assignment, faith-christianity
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Excellent source book for creation and Christ. Analytical . Incisive. Thought provoking
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Jared Beebe
May 19, 2017Jared Beebe rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: theology
It's a very good overview of Christian theology since its inception of the church age. (less)
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caroline filler
Oct 17, 2018caroline filler rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
excellent tool if you wish to learn about the history and basics of christian theology. A textbook written from a perspective of unfamiliarity. Wonderful book, can't recommend it enough (less)
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