
Jeanette Short - Feeling compelled to share. (You'll find the...

(1) Jeanette Short - Feeling compelled to share. (You'll find the...

Feeling compelled to share. (You'll find the Unfriend button below to use at your discretion.)


From Christian pastor John Pavlovitz:

“Dear White Evangelicals,
I need to tell you something: People have had it with you.
They’re done.
They want nothing to do with you any longer, and here’s why:
They see your hypocrisy, your inconsistency, your incredibly selective mercy, and your thinly veiled supremacy.
For eight years they watched you relentlessly demonize a black President; a man faithfully married for 26 years; a doting father and husband without a hint of moral scandal or the slightest whiff of infidelity.
They watched you deny his personal faith convictions, argue his birthplace, and assail his character—all without cause or evidence. They saw you brandish Scriptures to malign him and use the laziest of racial stereotypes in criticizing him.
And through it all, White Evangelicals—you never once suggested that God placed him where he was,
you never publicly offered prayers for him and his family,
you never welcomed him to your Christian Universities,
you never gave him the benefit of the doubt in any instance,
you never spoke of offering him forgiveness or mercy,
your evangelists never publicly thanked God for his leadership,
your pastors never took to the pulpit to offer solidarity with him,
you never made any effort to affirm his humanity or show the love of Jesus to him in any quantifiable measure.
You violently opposed him at every single turn—without offering a single ounce of the grace you claim as the heart of your faith tradition. You jettisoned Jesus as you dispensed damnation on him.
And yet you give carte blanche to a white Republican man so riddled with depravity, so littered with extramarital affairs, so unapologetically vile, with such a vast resume of moral filth—that the mind boggles.
And the change in you is unmistakable. It has been an astonishing conversion to behold: a being born again.
With him, you suddenly find religion.
With him, you’re now willing to offer full absolution.
With him, all is forgiven without repentance or admission.
With him you’re suddenly able to see some invisible, deeply buried heart.
With him, sin has become unimportant, compassion no longer a requirement.
With him, you see only Providence.
And White Evangelicals, all those people who have had it with you—they see it all clearly.
They recognize the toxic source of your inconsistency.
They see that pigmentation and party are your sole deities.
They see that you aren’t interested in perpetuating the love of God or emulating the heart of Jesus.
They see that you aren’t burdened to love the least, or to be agents of compassion, or to care for your Muslim, gay, African, female, or poor neighbors as yourself.
They see that all you’re really interested in doing, is making a God in your own ivory image and demanding that the world bow down to it.
They recognize this all about white, Republican Jesus—not dark-skinned Jesus of Nazareth.
And I know you don’t realize it, but you’re digging your own grave in these days; the grave of your very faith tradition.
Your willingness to align yourself with cruelty is a costly marriage. Yes, you’ve gained a Supreme Court seat, a few months with the Presidency as a mouthpiece, and the cheap high of temporary power—but you’ve lost a whole lot more.
You’ve lost an audience with millions of wise, decent, good-hearted, faithful people with eyes to see this ugliness.
You’ve lost any moral high ground or spiritual authority with a generation.
You’ve lost any semblance of Christlikeness.
You’ve lost the plot.
And most of all you’ve lost your soul.
I know it’s likely you’ll dismiss these words. The fact that you’ve even made your bed with such malevolence, shows how far gone you are and how insulated you are from the reality in front of you.
But I had to at least try to reach you. It’s what Jesus would do.”
John Pavlovitz


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  • Teddie Ryan There will some day be a discussion with God, “ So, you voted for Donald Trump, did you ever read My Word?”
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  • Carrie Risser Very well said. You have it exactly right. Everything you said is true. President Obama was the best President ever. No scandal whatsoever. The Obamas are a very beautiful loving family.
  • Mark Simpson An accurate and insightful commentary....they are trump christians or trump's amerikan Taliban.
  • LauraAnne Carroll-Adler "Your willingness to align yourself with cruelty is a costly marriage."

    Says it all.
  • Brian Loveland Love your words.

    Huge difference between being religious and being spiritual. I think they are religious, which is using the Lord to further their beliefs. Being spiritual is being open to the Lord to change oneself. If one is depraved and broken, religion is all over it. Obama wasn't broken. Very simplistic view, I know. But it's just my opinion...until I learn more.
  • RosaAlicia Ancheta I love that you shared this. The only problem I have with it is that not all Christians are like. Many Trump supporters are exactly as you say. In fact most of them. I'm a Christian and I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Not all Christians are blind.
  • David Shaulis Thanks so much for the truth. I hope we are done with Trump forever. He was a terrible leader and an even worse human being.
  • Jacqueline Woolfe Thank you pastor for clearly, truthfully and methodically breaking it down for us. I will translate your post into Spanish for my Chilean family who are trying to understand what's happening here.
  • Judy RWicker Dunn Thank you,Mister John Pavlovitz for your transparency, your grasp on the real truth about this very vile man. I really don't know how Evangelicals white and black voted for Donald Trump on one premise that he professed to have antiabortion views and oSee more
  • Steve Park Well said. I've never understood the Evangelicals support for this man. Was getting a couple of Supreme Court Justices worth turning a blind eye to everything else this man has done and said?
  • Jo Anne Mahoney True but it's not only evangelicals. This cancer has invaded every aspect of our society, including our own families. Sometimes its very difficult to find common ground and its heartbreaking.
  • Peach Alex Saldees WOW talk about a POWERFUL TRUTH if that doesn't make a person repent I don't know what will. Thank you and GOD bless you for an awesome powerful and 100% TRUTH
  • Margaret Hammond Gordon Thank you for a beautifully written assessment of the state of some of my evangelical friends. It would be good for all of them to do some soul searching now. This world could become a better place for all of us. Peace and blessings to all who read this!
  • Joni Brown ....and this is why I have abhored organized religion since my teens, reinforced by seeing how my own children were treated in a small town environment....
  • Shari Hulin Epps This is so powerful. Thanks for taking the time to thoughtfully capture and share.
  • Harriet Jordan I agree with you 100%.
    They have sold their souls to the devil due to their own greed and will.
    They will all have to face their maker one day. So grateful I choose not to be self righteous like them.
  • Cheryl Padgett So true, now with a new 46th President we can have some decency and a President with real morals to show what a true Christian looks like! He may not be perfect but compared to the one in the WH he wears a halo!
  • Val-Waltraut Niewisch Williams So very true. My suggestion: ask Evangelical Christians to hear these words, but sadly, they would fall on deaf ears
  • Lynn Hulings THANK you Jeanette Short for sharing my friend 🙏💓💙🇺🇸
  • Charmaine Jarrett Well said sir thank you for saying what the rest of us have observed but could not so eloquently expressed. I’m praying God’s protection over you for when you speak truth haters will come out with sticks and stones. Jesus spoke the truth and they killed Him. I plead the blood of Jesus over you! I pray for God’s divine protection and provision. I pray he sends His angel Armies to fight against those who are fighting against you in Jesus mighty name.
  • Alex Poloni After reading the beginning of what he wrote, he cannot be a Christian pastor. God already warned us about the false prophets and deceivers. He is a fake. You need to know the word of God to detect them. They are the worst and He will take care them when judgement comes.
  • Vicky Collins Words well spoken. I pray white evangelicals would repent of their blindness and see the the truth John Pavlovitz has expressed
  • Terrence Fox Great post. Too bad it will fall on deaf ears. They have such pride! They will learn. No President is perfect, they are men.
  • Vickie Kunz Thank you. My Christian in laws also loved that. As did my parents...some of my Christian family will never, ever get it. I respect many Republicans faithful or not, but on the other side.... never. Will never get it!
  • Laura Lail Amen. No truer words have been spoken. Thank you so much for not only your truth, but the truth. It saddens me, for the individuals that are not Christian watching evangelicals and their hatred and bigotry against anyone who is different, why would they ever want to come to Church, or have faith in a religion that does such hateful things.
  • Beth Ferdon Thank you for sharing this! It's a relief to know that I am not the only one who is feeling this. I was beginni,g to feel like the child who said the emperor had no clothes.
  • Jacquelyn Bethea Again a president does not have to condone gsy rights or pro choice, but his responsibility is to be a president to all of the people, abortion, homosexuslity is sin, But Jesus said I would that all would repent. These self-righteous evangelicals have not retained God in there own knowledge, and become self righteous and judgemental, but to their detriment they are biased and prejudice.....again pastor thank you for these truths...
  • Barb Pfister Clark Very very well said !!! This is great and certainly shows the hypocrisy in this group of " Christians"
  • Gwendolyn Tate - Dunn Seeing through the eyes of the spirit (Holy Ghost), Even Peter denied Christ 3x b4 the cock crowed. I wondered how many people witnessed this observation. We want to publicly save bodies but. Not souls....interesting. John 8,7 ...He who is without SIN ,CAST THE FIRST STONE
  • Betty Shaw Amen. Thank you for speaking the Truth. Something that The American People hasn’t heard in a while.
  • Sue Phillips I haven't done what you've said but I find it strange that you are going to be judge and jury? Don't think it's up to you
  • Roxanne Skarritt These so called Christians are in it to fleece people. They worship what they actually are.
  • Gail S. Sweeden I must agree with most of what he has said. I also must point out that Mr. Obama aligned himself with those who stand for gravely negative vales to a Christian, too. Unfortunately, sir, the choices that are offered in politics, on both sides, reek of sulfur. I agree with those who wish there were better choices in American politics.
  • Renée Sharkey I've always believed that - God is in control ... and still do. 💗
    A long time ago, I heard a minister preach that 'whoever is elected to the office of president, whether you voted for him or not' should be supported and prayed for.
    I have tried so verySee more
  • Bishop Charles Johnson The truth isn't always pretty but its true then too the truth always expose what needs to be exposed some love it some hate it but no matter where you stand the truth always it true
  • Tina Stefanowicz I wonder what future generations will think of family members who voted for the demagogue.
  • Janice Sidor So much wisdom in your words..Thank you so very much for sharing this. So sad minds are so closed to truth. We've so been starved for this truth.
  • Arnata Alsup You have said it all. Thank you. I feel you, but hate is so rampant now, so many can't see the forest for the trees. Just know you will more than likely get lots of feed back, but you said all that's truth.
  • Toni Williams Thanks you for speaking the truth . I see this every day an it breaks my heart. We are all God's children no matter what color our skin might be.
  • River GahMatah Oshun I am basically Christian & I whole heartedly mind body soul & spirit agree with every single word... it's become the blind leading the hopeful & hungry... Lord fix em... & search my heart and motive daily. blessings
  • Robert Blackburn We also see how they hypocritically sing hymns that praise God's creativity in nature while denying climate change and not carrying if any species becomes extinct.
  • Cynthia Molleur This says it all. Thank you for putting a voice to what most of us are thinking.
  • Nicole Pettiway Thanks for sharing! You shared what people are feeling but have not made public.
  • Dwight Pledger I stand in agreement with every word of this masterfully crafted expose! Well done my brother!
  • Sharon Wilson Well it's not EXACTLY like that plus there ARE problems with the politics of the former President you speak of. I get the feeling you have a personal reason to spout off. Most people do
  • Henry Williams Amen Pastor! You absolutely nailed it. As a minister I have asked the same questions to my Trump supporting friends and usual they deflect.
  • Donald Porter Jesus told us AND THEM that they would be deceived (Matthew 24:10-12). If your Savior tells you you would be deceived and you are then deceived, was He ever really your Savior??? Did any of His word ever truly enter your heart???
  • Ron Mayle My man, where have you been. Well said. They must be reading a different bible than me , and say they're servings a different JESUS. They did the Same thing to Jesus, give us Barabas. I can say I'm not a part of the so called Christian church. I know they don't like it, but that's ok. They never liked it when Jesus rebuked the religious leaders. Thank you for saying it so well. If Jesus walked here today, they would try again to kill HIM. And I'm not talking about the world, I'm referring to the so called Church. Praise Jesus, keep speaking the truth my brother. As we have done it to the lese of these. We are doing it to Jesus. 🙏

알라딘: 법구경 Dhammapada 《법구경》 전문 완역본! 오(吳)나라의 유기난(維祇難) 번역 박일봉 편저

알라딘: 법구경

법구경 - 개정판 세상을 움직이는 책 25
박일봉 (엮은이)육문사2019-04-15


22,500원 (10%, 2,500원 할인)

법구존자가 엮은 것으로, 오나라의 유기난이 번역한 것이다. 법구존자는 파사사대논사의 한 사람으로 부처님이 돌아가신지 300년 뒤에 세상에 태어났다고 하며, 대덕법구라는 인물이다. <법구경>에는 남전과 북전의 두 종류가 있다. 남전은 파리어로 번역된 법구경으로 26품 422송으로 되어 있으며, 북전은 범어를 번역한 것으로 39품 752송으로 되어 있다.

이 법구경을 번역한 유기난은 천축의 중이다. 그의 전기에 의하면 삼장에 밝고, 특히 아함경에 밝아 뒤에 서역으로부터 중국에 와서 위나라 문제 황무 3년에 입률염과 법구경을 번역했다. 제1 무상품으로부터 제39 길상품에 이르는 것을 모두 번역한 것으로 간단하기는 하지만 불교 전체의 내용을 보여 주고 있으며 실제로 인간생활의 여러 분야에 걸쳐 다 포함되어 있다. <논어>나 <채근담>과 마찬가지로, 사람이 세상을 살아가는데 있어서 처세를 어떻게 하느냐에 대한 말씀이다.


序文 ……………………………………………………………… 4
제1 무상품(無常品) …………………………………………… 8
제2 교학품(敎學品) …………………………………………… 23
제3 다문품(多聞品) …………………………………………… 44
제4 독신품(篤信品) …………………………………………… 58
제5 계신품(誡愼品) …………………………………………… 70
제6 유념품(愉念品) ………………………………………… 81
제7 자인품(慈仁品) ………………………………………… 90
제8 언어품(言語品) ………………………………………… 102
제9 쌍요품(雙要品) ………………………………………… 111
제10 방일품(放逸品) ………………………………………… 126
제11 심의품(心意品) ………………………………………… 140
제12 화향품(華香品) ………………………………………… 148
제13 우암품(愚闇品) ………………………………………… 159
제14 명철품(明哲品) ………………………………………… 173
제15 나한품(羅漢品) ………………………………………… 184
제16 술천품(述千品) ………………………………………… 192
제17 악행품(惡行品) ………………………………………… 202
제18 도장품(刀杖品) ………………………………………… 217
제19 노모품(老耗品) ………………………………………… 227 더보기

제20 애신품(愛身品) ………………………………………… 237
제21 세속품(世俗品) ………………………………………… 246
제22 술불품(述佛品) ………………………………………… 256
제23 안녕품(安寧品) ………………………………………… 271
제24 호희품(好喜品) ………………………………………… 280
제25 분노품(忿怒品) ………………………………………… 288
제26 진구품(塵垢品) ………………………………………… 306
제27 봉지품(奉持品) ………………………………………… 320
제28 도행품(道行品) ………………………………………… 331
제29 광연품(廣衍品) ………………………………………… 350
제30 지옥품(地獄品) ………………………………………… 360
제31 상유품(象喩品) ………………………………………… 373
제32 애욕품(愛欲品) ………………………………………… 386
제33 이양품(利養品) ………………………………………… 410
제34 사문품(沙門品) ………………………………………… 424
제35 범지품(梵志品) ………………………………………… 445
제36 이원품(泥洹品) ………………………………………… 470
제37 생사품(生死品) ………………………………………… 493
제38 도리품(道利品) ………………………………………… 506
제39 길상품(吉祥品) ………………………………………… 520


저자 및 역자소개
박일봉 (엮은이)

고려대학교 문과대학 국어국문학과를 졸업하고 동 대학원 문학석사과정을 수료했다. 고려대학교, 육군사관학교, 수도여자사범대학 강사를 역임하였다. 역서로는 <논어>, <맹자>, <대학.중용>, <사서입문>, <채근담>, <명심보감>, <손자병법>, <소학>, <노자 도덕경>, <법구경> 등이 있다.

최근작 : <법구경>,<고사성어>,<법구경> … 총 82종 (모두보기)

출판사 제공 책소개

바른 행로를 인도하는 진리의 말씀!
인간의 미망과 깨달음, 죄악과 미덕, 깨달음의 열반(涅槃)을 가르쳐 주는
불교 경전 중 가장 많이 읽혀 온 《법구경》 전문 완역본!

부처님을 처음 배우고 따르는 사람들이 곁에 두고 읽어야 할 책!
혼탁한 세상에 처세를 어떻게 하고 인생을 어떻게 살아가느냐를 가르쳐 주는 부처님의 광대무변(廣大無邊)한 지혜와 깊고 후한 대자비(大慈悲)를 곰곰이 생각하게 한다.

《법구경(法句經)》은 법구존자(法救尊者)가 엮은 것으로, 오(吳)나라의 유기난(維祇難)이 번역한 것이다. 법구존자는 파사사대논사(婆娑四大論師)의 한 사람으로 부처님이 돌아가신지 300년 뒤에 세상에 태어났다고 하며, 대덕법구(大德法救)라는 인물이다.

《법구경》에는 남전(南傳)과 북전(北傳)의 두 종류가 있다. 

남전은 파리어로 번역된 법구경으로 26품(品) 422송(頌)으로 되어 있으며, 
북전은 범어(梵語)를 번역한 것으로 39품(品) 752송(頌)으로 되어 있다.

이 법구경을 번역한 유기난은 천축(天竺)의 중〔僧〕이다. 그의 전기에 의하면 삼장(三藏)에 밝고, 특히 아함경(阿含經)에 밝아 뒤에 서역(西域)으로부터 중국에 와서 위(魏)나라 문제(文帝) 황무(黃武) 3년에 입률염(笠律炎)과 법구경을 번역했다.
이 법구경은 제1 무상품(無常品)으로부터 제39 길상품(吉祥品)에 이르는 것을 모두 번역한 것으로 간단하기는 하지만 불교 전체의 내용을 보여 주고 있으며 실제로 인간생활의 여러 분야에 걸쳐 다 포함되어 있다.
《법구경(法句經)》은 《논어(論語)》나 《채근담(菜根譚)》과 마찬가지로, 사람이 세상을 살아가는데 있어서 처세를 어떻게 하느냐에 대한 말씀이다.
처음에 불교가 무엇인지를 알려는 사람에게 이 《법구경》이야말로, 불교를 배우는데 경시할 수 없는 것으로 국제적인 불교의 경전으로 널리 읽힌다.
신앙이 있는 사람이나 없는 사람이나, 더러움으로 썩어버린 인간계의 욕정을 없애서 깨끗한 생활을 하고, 올바른 인생의 종국이 깨달음의 열반이라는 부처님의 높고 큰 이상을 보여 준다. 사람은 반드시 죽지만, 불법(佛法)은 인생이 어떻게 살아가느냐를 가르쳐 주고 있다.
이밖에도 널리 전해지는 《화엄경(華嚴經)》 · 《반야경(般若經)》 · 《법화경(法華經)》 · 《열반경(涅槃經)》 등 8만 4천 가지 불경이 있지만, 이 《법구경》은 주로 《아함경(阿含經)》에서 중요한 부분을 정리한 것으로 매우 알기 쉽다.


《법구경(法句經)》은 《논어(論語)》나 《채근담(菜根譚)》과 마찬가지로, 사람이 세상을 살아가는데 있어서 처세를 어떻게 하느냐에 대한 말씀이다.
《법구경》은 법구존자(法救尊者)가 엮은 것으로 吳나라의 유기난(維祇難)이 번역한 것이다. 법구존자는 파사사대논사(婆娑四大論師)의 한 사람으로 부처님이 돌아가신지 300년 뒤에 세상에 태어났다고 하며, 대덕법구(大德法救)라는 인물이다.
《법구경》에는 남전(南傳)과 북전(北傳)의 두 종류가 있다. 남전은 파리어로 번역된 법구경으로 26品 422송(頌)으로 되어 있으며, 북전은 범어(梵語)를 번역한 것으로 39品 752송(頌)으로 되어 있다.

이 법구경을 번역한 유기난은 천축(天竺)의 중〔僧〕이다. 그의 전기에 의하면, 삼장(三藏)에 밝고, 특히 아함경(阿含經)에 밝아, 뒤에 서역(西域)으로부터 중국에 와서 위(魏)나라 문제(文帝) 황무(黃武) 3년에 입률염(笠律炎)과 법구경을 번역했다.

이 법구경은 제1 무상품(無常品)으로부터 제39 길상품(吉祥品)에 이르는 것을 모두 번역한 것으로, 간단하기는 하지만 불교 전체의 내용을 보여 주고 있으며, 실제로 인간생활의 여러 분야에 걸쳐 다 포함되어 있다.
인간의 미망과 깨달음, 죄악과 미덕, 깨달음의 열반(涅槃)을 이해할 수 있으며, 자유방임주의시대에 사는 현대에 마음과 몸을 조이는 생각을 곰곰이 생각하게 한다.
신앙이 있는 사람이나 없는 사람이나, 특히 음욕을 굳게 경계하는 일 등은 고마운 교훈이다. 더러움으로 썩어버린 인간계의 욕정을 없애서 깨끗한 생활을 하고, 올바른 인생의 종국이 깨달음의 열반이란 것을 보여 주는 것은, 근본적으로 불교의 높은 큰 이상을 보여 주는 것이라고 믿고 있는 것이다.
처음에 불교가 무엇인지를 아는 사람에게 있어서, 이 법구경이야말로 불교를 배우는데 있어서도 경시할 수 없는 것으로, 전혀 국제적인 불교의 경전으로써 널리 읽혀도 좋다고 확신하는 바이다.
이밖에도 널리 전하여지는 화엄경(華嚴經) · 반야경(般若經) · 법화경(法華經) · 열반경(涅槃經) 등 8만 4천 가지 불경이 있거니와, 대부분이 이해하기 어려워서 한 번이나 두 번 읽어 가지고는 이해하기 어렵다.

이 법구경은 주로 아함경(阿含經)에서 중요한 부분을 정리한 것으로 매우 알기 쉽다.
부처님의 광대무변(廣大無邊)한 지혜와 깊고 후한 대자비(大慈悲)를 알게 되면, 우리들과 같은 평범한 사람들은 천박하지도 슬프지도 않은, 눈앞에 나타난 현상에만 사로잡혀 미혹됨을 깊이 깨닫게 될 것이다. 사람은 반드시 죽어 가거니와, 불법(佛法)은 인생이 어떻게 살아가느냐를 가르쳐 주고 있다. 접기