
덴마크라는 나라, 무엇이 다른가 – 시미즈 미츠루 지음

덴마크라는 나라, 무엇이 다른가 – 녹색평론

덴마크라는 나라, 무엇이 다른가

시미즈 미츠루 지음
녹색평론사, 2014년

늘 꿈꾸었던 것은 다른 나라, 다른 세계였다. 고등학교 시절부터 이 나라는 아니라고 생각했지만 달리 갈 데가 없다고 생각했다. 대학시절, 혁명기 소비에트나 ‘김 주석’이 통치하는 북한을 동경하는 친구들이 있었지만, 나는 당치도 않다고 생각했다. 얼마 뒤에는 ‘똘레랑스’의 나라 프랑스가 소개되었지만, 의문이 남았다. 어마어마한 식민지를 거느렸고 거대한 수탈과 살육의 바탕 위에 이룩된 높은 수준의 문화가 대체 무얼까, 똘레랑스는 결국 ‘강자의 도덕’ 아닌가. 그리고 프랑스가 세계 2위의 원전대국임을 알고 나서부터 그 나라에 대한 동경은 싹 사라졌다. 근대세계 속에 우리의 푯대가 되어줄 다른 체제, 모델은 없는 것 같았다. 근대 이전의 풀뿌리 민중세계를 되살리는 것 말고 우리가 선택할 길은 없어 보이는데, 이미 후기 근대사회로 넘어가는 시점에서 어떻게 그런 세계를 되살릴 수 있을지는 막연했다.

그리고 덴마크에 대해서 듣게 되었고, 가슴이 뛰었다. 근대로 이행하는 시기를 어떻게 맞았느냐는 것은 그 나라 민중의 현재적 운명을 결정적으로 좌우한다는 사실을 덴마크를 보면서 깨달았다. 이를테면 우리는 강제로 근대세계로 편입당했고, 거의 정신 차릴 수 없을 정도의 수탈과 살육을 겪고, 그 반작용으로 적자생존과 힘의 논리를 강요당한 채 지난 100여 년의 시간을 지내야 했다. 우리의 근대 100년은 부국강병과 힘의 논리가 지배했다. 식민지와 전쟁, 분단과 극심한 경제성장으로 내달려 오면서, 오직 적자생존과 힘의 논리에 마음의 자리를 다 빼앗겼다. 그런데 덴마크는 전혀 달랐다.

후쿠시마 사태 이후 독일과 이탈리아, 대만이 원전 중단을 결정해서 칭송을 받고 있지만, 가장 좋은 것은 아예 원전을 짓지 않는 것이다. 덴마크가 바로 그런 나라이다. 원전은 중앙집권주의, 지역차별, 민중 배제의 상징이며, 거대자본과 권력의 유착관계로써 유지된다. 그 어마어마한 위험과 미래세대에까지 전가되는 부담을 고려하면 그 자체로 반민주주의의 상징이다. 1970년대 초반 오일쇼크를 겪고, 세계가 너도나도 원전으로 몰려갈 때 덴마크는 전혀 다른 사회적 과정을 거쳤다. 덴마크에는 ‘시민합의회의’라는 전통이 있어서 수준 높은 토론들이 진행되었다고 한다. “에너지를 풍족하게 쓰는 것은 무슨 의미가 있는가”라는 주제로까지 이어진 심도 깊은 토론들을 거쳤고, 곳곳에서 반원전운동이 불붙었다. 그중 특기할 움직임으로 ‘트빈스쿨’이라는 폴케호이스콜레(‘국민고등학교’라고 번역할 수 있으나 그런 표현으로는 의미를 담아낼 수 없어 이 책에서도 그대로 쓰고 있다 ― 필자 주)에서 추진한 에너지 자립운동의 일환인 풍차 제작 프로젝트가 있다. 몇몇 전문가들이 거들기는 했으나 거의 비전문가들이 함께 연구하며 자신들이 갖고 있는 기술을 응용하고 중고 부품을 이용해서 제작했다. “정부가 60만kW 원전 1기를 만들고자 한다면 우리는 3만 대의 풍차를 만들어서 민중의 힘을 보여주겠다”는 정신으로 출발해, 연인원 10만 명이 참여한 대중운동이었다. 결국 덴마크정부는 1985년 원전 건설을 인가하지 않겠다는 선언을 한다.
덴마크의 공식 종교는 루터파 복음교회인데, 그 기원이 되는 종교개혁 지도자 마틴 루터는 유대인을 배신 민족이라고 비난하며 “그들의 집을 파괴하고 시너고그(유대인 회당)를 불질러 파괴하라”고 선동한 사람이다. 그런데 덴마크의 유대인은 다른 유럽에서와 달리 박해를 일절 받지 않았고, 19세기 초부터 완전한 시민권을 부여받고 있었다. 2차대전 당시 5년간 덴마크를 점령했던 독일은 덴마크정부에 유대인(7,000명가량)을 넘겨줄 것을 요구했다. 덴마크정부는 즉시 시너고그에서 신년예배를 드리던 유대인들에게 이 사실을 전해서, 이들이 중립국 스웨덴으로 무사히 탈출할 수 있도록 했다. 시너고그에 남겨진 유대교 성전은 코펜하겐의 복음교회에 감추어졌고, 이들의 집과 직장도 그대로 보존되었고, 심지어 뜰의 잔디도 이웃들이 깎아주었다고 한다. 널리 알려지지 않았지만, 역사적 사실이다. 지금도 덴마크에는 이슬람계 이민자 학교를 포함한 온갖 종류의 소수자 학교가 있다. 종교기관, 노동조합, NGO들은 자신의 이념에 따라 얼마든지 학교를 설립할 수 있는 자유를 보장받고 있다. 신나치주의자들의 학교 설립도 제한하지 않는다. 이러한 높은 수준의 ‘똘레랑스’는 덴마크 민주주의의 수준을 단적으로 보여준다. 이러한 다른 근대, 높은 수준의 시민적 교양과 자유롭고 민주적인 사회체제를 가능케 한 것은 무엇인가? 일본그룬트비협회 간사로 주민운동가, 교육철학자인 시미즈 미츠루(清水滿)의 책 《삶을 위한 학교》는 한마디로 그룬트비의 사상과, 이를 구현한 폴케호이스콜레가 있었기 때문이라고 단언한다.

그룬트비의 사상

니콜라이 프레데릭 세베린 그룬트비(1783―1872)는 목사의 아들로 태어나 기독교적 배경에서 성장했지만, 그의 유년기에 가장 큰 영향을 미친 것은 고향 우드뷔의 아름다운 자연과 어머니와 교회에서 부양하는 의지가지없는 노인들이었다. 어머니의 ‘우아하고 부드러운 대지의 언어’ 그리고 노인들이 들려주는 전설과 옛이야기의 세계에 그는 깊은 감명을 받았다. 그 또한 당시 관행에 따라 라틴어학교에서 수학했지만, ‘모든 사람을 쓸모없게 하고 나태하게 하고 썩게 만드는’ 라틴어학교의 권위주의와 지식 중심의 일방적 학교문화에 격렬하게 분노했다. 젊은 시절 연상의 기혼 부인을 사랑하고 비련의 고통을 겪으며 그는 ‘인간’의 감정에 눈뜨게 되었고, 계몽주의의 차가운 이성보다 사랑으로 대변되는 인간적 감정의 우위를 설파하는 문예사조에 감화되었다.
그는 신학자이자 목사였지만 기성 교회에 순응하지 못했고, 형식과 강제에 의존하는 지식인 성직자를 혐오했다. 유년기의 영감을 좇아 북유럽 설화와 민중적 고전을 탐구하여 많은 책들을 번역·편찬했고, 그 깨달음의 기쁨을 시로 노래했다. 그는 급진적 인민주의의 길에 다가섰고, 끝내 ‘그리스도의 살아있는 말’에서 최종의 답을 찾았다. “진리는 성서에 있는 것이 아니라 교회에 모여든 회중에 있다”는 것. 그리스도의 살아있는 말씀을 들었던 것은 사도들, 원시 기독교 교단, 가난한 사람들의 공동체였다. 성서는 종이 위의 죽은 문자에 불과하며, 그 말씀이 되살아나는 것은 교회에 모여든 경건한, 가난한 ‘신도들 사이에서’라는 것이다. ‘민중들의 살아있는 말’, 그것이 바로 덴마크의 ‘다른 근대’의 출발점이었다.

우리 국민 모두는 죽음의 학교를 알고 있다. … 설령 (성스러운 문헌처럼) 천사의 손이나 별의 펜으로 쓰여졌다 하더라도 모든 문자는 죽어있다. 모든 책의 지식도 죽어있다. 그것은 독자의 삶과 결코 일치하는 것은 아니다. 수학이나 문법만큼 마음을 파괴하고 죽이는 것은 없다.
― 그룬트비, 〈삶을 위한 학교〉(1838)

그러므로 그는 “가난하지만 신으로부터 받은 녹색의 대지를 보살피고, 꽃을 피우며 열매를 맺는 것을 보고 기뻐하는 사람들의 친구”를 참된 덴마크인이라고 생각했다. 당연히 그의 생각은 기존 교단으로부터 배격당했지만, 그를 지지하는 농민과 개혁파 목사들이 타락한 국교회와 교회를 개혁하는 운동을 일으켰다. 그리고 우여곡절을 겪은 뒤 가난한 노인들을 부양하는 구빈원 겸 병원에서 목사로 종신토록 근무했다.
그룬트비 사상의 핵심 개념은 폴케오프뤼스닝(folkeoplysning: 민중의 자기계발)이라고 할 수 있다. 그는 교육이라는 단어를 쓰지 않았고 기피했다. 그룬트비는 부르주아적 자유주의자들을 좋아하지 않았다. 보통선거제와 의회는 부자와 엘리트의 지배를 합리화하는 허구의 기제라고 보았다. 그는 민중과 엘리트, 가난한 이와 부유한 이의 차이를 차이로 인정하고, 그 위에서 상호작용하며 포괄하는 공동체를 만들어야 한다고 생각했다. 그는 폴케오프뤼스닝을 자신이 주창한 시민대학인 폴케호이스콜레의 목적으로 삼았다. 라틴어를 폐지하고, 배울 의지를 가진 누구라도 모여서 배울 수 있는, ‘살아있는 말’로 상호작용하며 삶의 신비를 깨닫고 ‘나 자신에게로 나아가’도록 이끌어주는 학교를 제안했다. 관료, 상인, 수공업자, 농민의 자제들이 칸막이 없이 교류하고 상호작용할 수 있는 폴케호이스콜레를 제안한 것이다. 그룬트비는 시험을 배격했다. 시험은 “젊은이가 자신의 경험의 범위에서가 아니라 타인의 말을 반복함으로써만 답할 수 있는 질문으로써 연장자가 젊은이를 괴롭히는 일”이라고 보았다. 그는 오직 끊임없는 자기계발이 교육의 시작이자 끝이라고 보았다.

그룬트비는 그 자신 시인이었고, 이야기를 사랑했다. 그는 산문적인 세계의 거대함 앞에서 스스로를 자각하고, 차이를 통합하며, 공동체를 형성하는 것이 시의 정신임을 믿었다. 그는 이야기의 구체적인 풍토성과 너그러운 개방성을 사랑했다. 그는 시와 이야기가 ‘살아있는 말’을 되살려낼 것이라고 믿었다. 이러한 그룬트비의 이상은 폴케호이스콜레운동 속에서 실제로 구현되었다.

크리스텐 콜

그룬트비는 영국 체류 당시 케임브리지 트리니티 칼리지에서 보았던 모습에서 큰 자극을 받았다. 그래서 교사와 학생이 침식을 같이하고 친구처럼 이야기를 주고받는 칼리지 형식의 학교를 제안했다. 그러나 그룬트비는 생전에 그 꿈을 이루지 못했다. 그의 제안은 크리스텐 콜(1816―1870)에게서 심화된 모습으로 실현되었다. 그룬트비는 국민대학을 꿈꾸었지만 콜 이후부터 실제로 창립된 폴케호이스콜레는 오히려 지방의 소규모 학교로 민중 스스로의 힘에 의해 실현되었다. 그런데 그것이 오히려 폴케호이스콜레의 농민적 성격을 강화시켰고, 학교마다 특색을 갖춘 다원성을 구현할 수 있게 했다. 그것은 농민에 의한 사회개혁과 사회의 재조직화를 가능케 했으며, 결과적으로 덴마크의 근대를 농본사회로 이끌 수 있었다.

크리스텐 콜은 가난한 구둣방 집에서 태어나 사범학교에 다니던 청년기부터 깊은 신앙적 고민에 빠져들었다. 유럽을 도보로 횡단하는 고행도 마다하지 않은 구도자였던 콜은 그룬트비의 사상을 접하면서 해답을 찾았다. 그는 무명의 민중의 교사였지만 그룬트비의 격려와 후원에 힘입어 폴케호이스콜레를 창립하고 학생들과 숙식을 같이하며 헌신적으로 가르쳐 곳곳에서 놀라운 성과를 이루어냈다. 그는 “아이들은 부모의 것이지 국가의 것이 아니다, 아이들을 국가로부터 되찾자”고 주장하며, 초등 대안학교인 프리스콜레의 기원이 되는 학교를 만들었다. 현재 프리스콜레는 덴마크 전역에 200여 개교가 존재하며, 공교육에 깊은 자극을 주어 덴마크의 초등교육을 사실상 견인하고 있다. 콜은 또한 오늘날 덴마크 교육제도에서 중요한 한 축이 되는 애프터스콜레의 간접적인 창설자이다. 14세부터 18세의 학생을 별도로 받아들여 나름의 교육과정을 운영하게 되었는데, 이것이 오늘날 애프터스콜레의 기원이 되었다. 오늘날 덴마크의 애프터스콜레는 짧게는 6개월, 길게는 2년 동안 공교육 트랙에서 빠져나와 음악, 스포츠, 미술, 목공을 프로젝트 활동을 통해 거의 전문가 수준까지 배우게 되는 학교이다. 기숙생활을 통해 스스로 삶을 꾸려가는 법을 배우고, 풍부한 대화와 상호작용을 통해 예민한 청소년기의 자아 형성에 대단히 소중한 역할을 한다. 콜이 첫 번째 전형을 만들어낸 이래 150년 동안 애프터스콜레는 덴마크 교육에서 독특한 역할을 해왔고, 현재는 전국에 226개 학교가 있으며, 덴마크 청소년 셋 중 한 명은 이 학교를 거쳐 간다고 한다.

농민과 협동조합

프로이센과 1, 2차 슐레스비히―홀슈타인 전쟁이 끝난 1864년, 덴마크는 유틀란트 반도의 3분의 1을 상실했다. 나라 전체가 열패감에 빠져 있었고, 국수적인 민족주의가 발호할 때였다. 그러나 그룬트비의 사상과 폴케호이스콜레의 민중적 교육의 저력은 전혀 다른 방식의 대안을 찾았다. 유럽 문화를 무시하여 전쟁에서 졌고, 산업혁명이 지체되어 기술력과 경제력이 떨어진 탓이라고 주장하는 이들에 대항해서, 뜻있는 그룬트비의 사상적 제자들은 폴케호이스콜레를 창립하여 농민을 위한 민중교육의 지평을 넓혀나갔다. 뛰어난 시인, 신학자, 과학자가 몰려들어 민중교육의 일선에서 활동했다. 달가스(1828―1894)의 “칼로써 잃어버린 것을 보습으로 되찾자”는 운동이 일어났다. 힘을 키워 무력으로 적국에 대해서 복수를 계획하지 않고, 쟁기와 보습을 갖고 남은 영토와 싸워 그것을 전원으로 바꿈으로써 적이 뺏어간 것을 벌충하자는 것이다. 달가스는 히스 황야에 농민들과 함께 방풍림을 조성하고 용수로를 건설했으며, 토지개량, 도로망과 간이 철도를 정비하는 등 농업진흥사업을 도왔다. 끝내 덴마크 농민들은 100만ha의 황무지를 70만ha의 경지로 바꾸었고, 19만ha를 숲으로 만들었다.

1840년대부터 1900년경까지 오늘날 덴마크의 기틀을 닦은 세력은 농민이었다. 폴케호이스콜레와 그 자매학교에 해당하는 농업학교에 다니며 인간해방과 평등의식에 눈을 뜬 농민 그리고 그들의 교사들이 농민계몽 지도자가 되었고, 정부에 농촌위원회 구성과 자작농 창설, 소작제도 개선을 요구했다. 그리하여 근대화를 겪은 국가들의 일반적인 경로와 달리 농민들이 도시 프롤레타리아로 편입되지 않게 되었고, 자신의 자리에서 뿌리내린 농민들의 공동체인 협동조합 조직이 활발하게 형성되었다. 농민들은 낙농, 도축, 원예 협동조합들을 만들어 생산과 유통 과정을 스스로 관장했다. 우리나라에는 1990년대 이후에야 대중적으로 알려진 소비자생협이 덴마크에서는 1866년에 만들어졌다. 경쟁력을 높이기 위해 주식회사로의 전환이 끊임없이 요구되었지만, 대자본가가 지배하게 될 것을 예견한 농민들은 이에 반대했다. 협동조합의 농민들은 높은 생산성과 협동력으로 세계 제일의 농민국가를 건설했다.

농민들은 정치개혁을 주도했다. 농민세력은 처음에는 도시의 부르주아적 자유주의자들과 연대하였으나 연대는 깨지고 1870년 ‘좌익당’을 결성하여 ‘우익당’과 맞서게 되었다. 좌익당 지도자들은 모두 폴케호이스콜레 졸업생들이었다. 자작농과 소농이 중심이 된 농민정당은 늘 혁신세력이었다. 보수당은 농민들을 회유하기 위해 1891년 세계 최초로 연금법을 만들었고, 이로써 덴마크 사회복지의 기초가 마련되었다. 1901년에는 좌익당이 집권당과 타협하자 다시 ‘좌익개혁당’이 만들어져 도시노동자 중심의 사민당과 함께 노농정권을 수립했다. 농민이 하원 총수의 114석 중 76석을 차지할 정도로 다수당이고, 사민당은 14석에 불과했다. 이 좌익 개혁당이 정권 장악 후 우경화하자 다시 ‘급진개혁당’이 분리되어 1913년 정권을 장악하고 여성 참정권, 8시간 노동제, 소작농을 위한 토지개혁을 이끌었다. 1921년에 이미 건강보험제에 해당하는 ‘질병보험법’이 제정되었고, 이듬해에는 ‘노령연금법’이 제정되었다. 덴마크 현대 정치의 기본방향을 결정한 것은 폴케호이스콜레로 대표되는 농민 중심의 민중운동이었다.

덴마크의 다른 근대와 오늘날 우리

덴마크도 2차대전 이후 서서히 산업사회로 재편되면서 농업국가를 고수할 수는 없게 되었다. 덴마크 경제 또한 글로벌 경제의 격랑을 피해갈 수는 없었다. 1990년대에 이르러 덴마크 농민의 비율은 5.8%로 급감하게 된다. 사회복지제도에서 여전히 이상적인 나라로 거론되지만, ‘노동의욕 감퇴 사회’로의 재편은 피할 수 없었다. 오늘날 폴케호이스콜레는 농촌 청년들이 아닌 도시의 젊은이들을 주로 받아들이게 되고, 문화센터로서의 기능을 갖게 되고, 사회변혁적 정체성은 흐려지게 되었다. 그럼에도 세계 제1의 도서관 장서 대출을 자랑하는 나라라는 사실에서 볼 수 있듯 덴마크의 높은 시민적 교양은 유지되고 있고, 복지‘국가’가 아닌 복지‘사회’의 기반은 건재하며, 높은 수준의 민주주의적 전통은 굳건하다. 덴마크의 다른 근대는 그룬트비와 폴케호이스콜레, 곧 사상과 교육의 힘으로 가능했다. 한편 프로이센과의 전쟁 이후 독일 침공(5년) 정도를 제외한 150여 년의 시간대에 별다른 외세의 간섭을 받지 않았던 유럽의 변방에다 매력적인 자원의 산지가 아니었던 지정학적 행운도 덴마크의 다른 근대의 한 요인이리라 추측해본다.
나는 이 책을 읽으며 우리의 과거를 생각했다. 그룬트비의 자리에 동학 교조 수운 최제우와 2대 교주 해월 최시형을, 크리스텐 콜의 자리에 도산 안창호와 남강 이승훈과 《성서조선》의 김교신을, 그리고 폴케호이스콜레의 자리에 구한말과 식민지시대에 이 나라 곳곳에 존재했던 수많은 야학들을 대입시켜보았다. 이를테면 무장투쟁을 결심하고 대륙으로 건너가기 이전의 윤봉길, 열일곱 나이에 농민을 위한 야학을 열고 계모임과 독서회, 농민생산자협동조합을 조직하면서 농민들을 위한 교과서 《농민독본》을 저술했던 윤봉길 같은 이들이 또한 얼마나 많았을 것인가. 그러나 우리의 근대 이행기에서 최제우와 최시형과 안창호와 이승훈과 김교신 그리고 수많은 윤봉길들은 좌절했고, 수많은 이광수들이 우리의 근대를 이끌었다.

지금 우리는 또다른 이행기를 맞고 있다. 오늘날 학교교육은 이미 ‘교육 불가능’이라는 언술로밖에 표현할 수 없을 정도로 처참하다. 그것은 학교교육이 지금껏 그 어이없는 파행과 모순 속에서도 그나마 학생들에게 부여해왔던 교육을 통한 물질적 유익이 이제 그 시효를 다한 것에서 일차적으로 유래한다. 그것은, 석유가 생산 정점을 지나고 금융경제가 황혼기에 접어든 세계적 상황에, 부동산 거품이 언제 꺼질 줄 모르고 빈부격차가 갈수록 극심해지며, 비정규직 산업예비군이 창궐하는 국내적 상황에, 그리고 땀 흘려 일하는 실체적 삶으로부터 유리되어 즉자적인 욕망의 해소에만 골몰하며 각기 인생의 초점을 잃고 흔들리는 사회문화적 분위기에 정확히 조응한다. 그러므로 나는 우리가 바라볼 한 푯대로서 덴마크를 설정할 것을 제안한다. 말하자면 지금 우리가 ‘살아있는 언어’를 회복할 수 있는 길을 찾자는 것이다. 땀 흘려 노동하는 삶, 서로 도우며 살아가는 생존방식, 인생의 의미를 궁구하는 대화와 공동체생활을 복원하는 길을 찾자는 것이다. 그리하여 자주적인 농민으로, 시민으로 일어설 수 있는 길을 찾자는 것이다. 그 출발은 덴마크의 폴케호이스콜레와 같은 작은 교육기관이 지금 이 나라 곳곳에서 만들어지는 것이 아닐까. 우선, 나부터 그 길을 가고 싶다.

Happy Danes find trust is key - Reuters

Happy Danes find trust is key - Reuters

Happy Danes find trust is key
Teis Hald Jensen

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - In times like these, no one is immune to depression. But surveys show the Danes are the happiest people in the world, and a core factor is a quality in global short supply — trust.

Decorator Mette Ellevang Petersen poses with her bicycle on one of Copenhagen's bridges on August 12, 2008. In times like these, no one is immune to depression. But surveys show the Danes are the happiest people in the world, and a core factor is a quality in global short supply -- trust. Picture taken August 12, 2008. REUTERS/Teis Hald Jensen

From Erasmus University’s World Database of Happiness to a World Values Survey from the University of Michigan in late June, the 5.5 million people in the Scandinavian state have ranked top of most happiness surveys for the last 20 years.

As economists probe better ways to measure well-being than pure wealth, they say the Danes — who are also among the world’s most prosperous people — have a tradition of equality and trust that is not widely replicated.

Perhaps one concrete example of the benefit of this trust can be seen in Denmark’s stock exchange.

It has not escaped global carnage — it is down around 37 percent so far this year — but over five years it is the top performer among developed markets measured by MSCI Indexes, with a gain of around 13 percent putting it just ahead of oil-rich Norway.

OECD economist Justina Fischer — a German who has studied subjective well-being and its societal and economic correlations for many years — puts Denmark’s happiness down to the fact that people consume a relatively equal share of the wealth they generate, and trust each other.

“Denmark is one of the countries with the highest level of trust among people,” she told Reuters. In other countries, people are more cynical about institutions from government to business, as well as each other.

Denmark was one of the first countries in the current market turmoil to promise an unlimited guarantee on deposits and senior debt in banks.

“Trust in peers — also institutional trust — but especially trust in peers is a significant and decisive determinant of your subjective well-being,” Fischer said.

Recruiter Soren Christiansen, 32, relaxing with his girlfriend in their up-market rented apartment in one of Copenhagen’s newly built residential areas, said trust creates a safer everyday life for him.

“It makes me happy to live in a country where you can walk safely around and you do not have to be afraid,” he said.


The problem for Denmark’s government is that not enough people outside know either how happy the Danes are, or why. So the government is spending $75 million to improve its image.
Danish diplomat Klavs Holm said this branding project was being prepared before a Danish newspaper in 2005 published cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, earning Denmark sharp protest among Muslims: it is not targeted at the Muslim world.

He said most people picture Denmark in terms of Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid and Tivoli Gardens. What they don’t see is the country’s “unique Danish values”.

“The Danes are ‘The Happy People’. Why?” said the Under-Secretary for Public Diplomacy, citing how Danes are comfortable with simple pleasures like swimming in the harbour on a summer’s day, which could be deemed too risky elsewhere.

“A woman is riding her bike with two kids in a box in front — and it is even raining — how can she do that? The Danes are devoted to biking and to fighting global warming locally. Those are some of the values that interest other people,” he said.

One woman cycling through Copenhagen, decorator Mette Ellevang Petersen, 26, said it meant a lot to her to feel safe and that she could rely on other people.

Although she is a nervous about her future job situation — decorators are often first to suffer in a slowdown — she said she mostly felt sorry for the people around the world who have suffered the consequences of the crisis.

The Danish island of Samso, whose inhabitants have after a decade achieved a target of self-sufficiency in renewable power, is one example of a self-reliant community initiative that Denmark has to offer.

Exactly how the Danes became so trusting of each other is not clear, but it may have been inherited through generations, said professor and self-styled happiness researcher Christian Bjornskov at the University of Aarhus.

“We believe that the origin of this trust can be traced far back. Possibly back to some Viking norms,” Bjornskov told Reuters, adding these assumptions were speculative.

As an indication, he said surveys have shown that the descendants of those Scandinavians who emigrated to the United States in the 19th century generally are the most trustful Americans today.

The OECD’s Fischer noted that economists have found a positive correlation between trust and economic growth.

“If you trust someone in a market transaction you have lower transaction costs. You do not even have to have a contract because you trust his or her words. So you have no contract costs, you have no enforcement cost.”

Bjornskov said Danish trust is very clearly connected with a better economy and a better competitive position.

“It means that the judicial system functions better in Denmark, education works better than in a lot of other countries. The trust contributes to the happiness, but it also contributes to concrete economic results,” he said.

Fischer cited a new interest in making social indicators — such as happiness or subjective well-being — acceptable to politicians as a complement to traditional GDP.

“The GDP indicator is very much a quantitative measure of well-being and we have to add a quality dimension to that,” she said.

The OECD has since 2007 been working with other international bodies to encourage development of statistical data that goes beyond conventional economic measures to measure societal well-being.

In the wake of the crisis, Bjornskov has said, Danes will have sadder lives. But in newspaper Berlingske Tidende he forecast they would hold their global top slot, and should be feeling firmly on top of the world by 2010.

Editing by Sara Ledwith

Sharing the house: a story of trust from Denmark All Things Nordic

Sharing the house: a story of trust from Denmark All Things Nordic

Sharing the house: a story of trust from Denmark
September 16 , 2019 | by: admin

“I need a favor” says one of your friends. “Go on” you reply.

Your friend: Are you not visiting your summer house this summer?
You: No, we are off to the Mediterranean. You can spend your holidays there. Let me give you the keys.

So simple. Nordic people are very easy-going when it comes to sharing things.Whether it is their car, home or even boat, they really do love to share them. Even with strangers.

This is why all the sharing economy platforms thrive in the Nordics. However, there is one particular nation that is even more relaxed and easy-going with sharing their stuff.
Read on to find out who they are and why they do it!

Flat but attractive

Denmark that is. It is a small and flat country. But very attractive to tourists from all over the world. From world-classy Copenhagen to the charming Nordic beaches in the mainland of the country.

Houses are in abundance. As with all Nordic people, the Danes like to have summerhouses in the countryside or near the sea. And when they don’t use them they like to share them.

Denmark is officially a vast home-sharing land. The largest in the Nordics. According to the stats, approximately 9% of all Danes take an active part in the sharing economy.

When it comes to homes, Airbnb thrives in Denmark. Although Sweden is 10 times larger than Denmark, the latter has double the number of listings.

Also, more than 50% of the nights spent in shared-homes in Denmark are by foreigners. Danes have overall no big issue with renting to strangers, moreover foreigners.

And more than 1 out of 3 tourists in Denmark rents a charming summer house by the Danish coast. Oh! So pretty!
But why is that? Why are Danes more open to sharing their stuff? Is it about money or something else?

3 reasons why

Well, there are quite a few reasons why the Nordic people and especially the Danes are more into sharing their possessions.

trust. Danes are one of the most trusting people in the world. Trust is deeply ingrained in the Danish society. They have faith in other people, even strangers, that they will not misuse or damage their homes when they stay there for their vacation. Sharing is caring.

efficiency. It is also about being effective and efficient. If they don’t use something, they prefer to make something out of it. So, why not sharing it for money? Idle possessions are no good.

environment. It is also about sustainability. Why will they have to build more houses and hotels if there are already enough places to stay, that are not used and can be rented? Take for example the Danish summer houses. Bingo!

Bonus trust signs

OK, Danes are trusting. But to what extent?Um, to the extent that there are farmers selling their products on a stand by the road, in the Danish countryside, without them being present. They put the price tags and then leave. There is just one little cashbox on the stand, where buyers put their money in when they buy from their stuff.

And if you are into business and you are about to make a deal or buy something in large quantity (physical products or services), just an oral agreement (or a simple email at most) will suffice to make the deal active. No need for contracts and the hassle of lawyers and legal advisors.
How trusting are you towards other people? Or even to strangers?

Happy in Denmark - How Come?

Happy in Denmark - How Come?

17,701 viewsJun 28, 2011, 10:16am
Happy in Denmark - How Come?

I've just come back from a wonderful, relaxing two-week vacation in Denmark. So I know why I was happy there: spending lots of time with my husband; catching up on my sleep; exploring beautiful old buildings; walking on the beach; eating great seafood.

But why was everybody else so happy?

It turns out that the Danes are the self-reported happiest people in the world. A group called The World Values Survey Association asked people in over 50 countries around the world to rate their personal happiness and their overall contentment with life on a scale of 1-10, and the folks in Denmark scored themselves higher, on average, than people in any other country.

Having just been there, I'm less surprised than I would have otherwise been: it seemed extraordinarily calm, clean and prosperous. Nearly everyone we met was relaxed, curious, helpful, and friendly. It's not perfect - I know, for instance, that the Danes pay a huge amount in income taxes. But it looks like they get a lot for it; medical care and education are covered, childcare and parental leave policies are generous, public transport is good, the streets are safe.

However, I noticed one difference between Denmark and many other countries with a high level of socialized services: it seemed remarkably un-bureaucratic. Things were organized without being regimented or restrictive. As I've been reading more about Denmark since returning, I've stumbled upon an element that I think may be key to understanding the Danish happiness phenomenon - and one that also explains this unusual combination of simplicity and structure.

It turns out the Danes also have high levels of trust. They trust each other, the government, and they even trust 'outsiders' - visitors and foreign nationals who come to Denmark to live and work.

I've seen over and over that trust alone can bring ease and simplicity. There's a great book that I've talked about before called The Speed of Trust. In it, Stephen M.R. Covey, the author (and son of Stephen R Covey of "7 Habits" fame) proposes that trust is a key business driver: that when trust between colleagues, and between a company and its customers, is high, business works faster and more cost-effectively: speed goes up, cost goes down.

Even more interesting, I discovered that the Speed of Trust website cites a study that shows Denmark tied for first place (with New Zealand and Singapore) as "the world's most trusted countries."

Putting this all together, I speculate that high trust = more ease, simplicity and productivity = happier citizens. Here's a personal example. On the last day of our vacation we went to a small stable to go horseback riding. They didn't take credit cards, and we didn't have enough kroner on hand to cover the cost. We were about to get in the car and go to the nearest ATM, which the stable owner had told us was about a mile away. Then he said, "Look, it's almost 3 and the ride's about to start. Why don't you just go riding, and then you can get the money and pay me after you get back."

Remarkably high level of trust! And we were certainly happy with the interaction - and it seemed as though our stable owner was, as well.

So, if my speculations (and the research) are correct, and high trust is not only a business driver but also increases happiness, the question is: how can we increase trust at work, both within our organizations and between organizations and their stakeholders?

I'd love to hear your ideas about this...and I'll be sharing both the ideas I hear from you and some ideas of my own in my next post.

Erika Andersen

I'm the founding partner of Proteus, keynote speaker, business thinker and author of Growing Great Employees, Being Strategic, Leading So
People Will Follow and Be Bad F...

Happy in Denmark - How Come?

Happy in Denmark - How Come?

17,701 viewsJun 28, 2011, 10:16am
Happy in Denmark - How Come?

I've just come back from a wonderful, relaxing two-week vacation in Denmark. So I know why I was happy there: spending lots of time with my husband; catching up on my sleep; exploring beautiful old buildings; walking on the beach; eating great seafood.

But why was everybody else so happy?

It turns out that the Danes are the self-reported happiest people in the world. A group called The World Values Survey Association asked people in over 50 countries around the world to rate their personal happiness and their overall contentment with life on a scale of 1-10, and the folks in Denmark scored themselves higher, on average, than people in any other country.

Having just been there, I'm less surprised than I would have otherwise been: it seemed extraordinarily calm, clean and prosperous. Nearly everyone we met was relaxed, curious, helpful, and friendly. It's not perfect - I know, for instance, that the Danes pay a huge amount in income taxes. But it looks like they get a lot for it; medical care and education are covered, childcare and parental leave policies are generous, public transport is good, the streets are safe.

However, I noticed one difference between Denmark and many other countries with a high level of socialized services: it seemed remarkably un-bureaucratic. Things were organized without being regimented or restrictive. As I've been reading more about Denmark since returning, I've stumbled upon an element that I think may be key to understanding the Danish happiness phenomenon - and one that also explains this unusual combination of simplicity and structure.

It turns out the Danes also have high levels of trust. They trust each other, the government, and they even trust 'outsiders' - visitors and foreign nationals who come to Denmark to live and work.

I've seen over and over that trust alone can bring ease and simplicity. There's a great book that I've talked about before called The Speed of Trust. In it, Stephen M.R. Covey, the author (and son of Stephen R Covey of "7 Habits" fame) proposes that trust is a key business driver: that when trust between colleagues, and between a company and its customers, is high, business works faster and more cost-effectively: speed goes up, cost goes down.

Even more interesting, I discovered that the Speed of Trust website cites a study that shows Denmark tied for first place (with New Zealand and Singapore) as "the world's most trusted countries."

Putting this all together, I speculate that high trust = more ease, simplicity and productivity = happier citizens. Here's a personal example. On the last day of our vacation we went to a small stable to go horseback riding. They didn't take credit cards, and we didn't have enough kroner on hand to cover the cost. We were about to get in the car and go to the nearest ATM, which the stable owner had told us was about a mile away. Then he said, "Look, it's almost 3 and the ride's about to start. Why don't you just go riding, and then you can get the money and pay me after you get back."

Remarkably high level of trust! And we were certainly happy with the interaction - and it seemed as though our stable owner was, as well.

So, if my speculations (and the research) are correct, and high trust is not only a business driver but also increases happiness, the question is: how can we increase trust at work, both within our organizations and between organizations and their stakeholders?

I'd love to hear your ideas about this...and I'll be sharing both the ideas I hear from you and some ideas of my own in my next post.

Erika Andersen

I'm the founding partner of Proteus, keynote speaker, business thinker and author of Growing Great Employees, Being Strategic, Leading So
People Will Follow and Be Bad F...

Never lose the trust of a Dane: Lies, corruption, and when to give birthday presents

Never lose the trust of a Dane: Lies, corruption, and when to give birthday presents


Trust is so natural to the Danes and such an integral part of their culture that it is like the water fish swim through: even though it’s all around them, they barely notice it’s there.

As a foreigner, if your culture has a different outlook on honesty and trust, it’s important to adapt to the Danish way for as long as you’re in Denmark. If the Danes decide they can’t trust you, you might as well pack your suitcases and go home. Once you lose the trust of a Dane, it’s like losing your virginity: you’ll never get it back.

For example, your boss will trust you to make commitments and deliver on them. But maybe your culture prohibits telling a boss something she doesn’t want to hear. “Can it be done by Friday?” she asks. “Oh, sure,” you say, not wanting to lose face before the boss.

You know very well it cannot be done by Friday, and that when Friday comes you will have to come up with a plausible excuse.

Danish bosses don’t mind being contradicted. They would rather have you say directly, “Friday’s too ambitious. I can get it to you by next Wednesday if I clear my desk of other projects.”

On the other hand, if you promise to deliver on Friday and don’t, that will begin to erode your Danish boss’s trust in you.

Admitting mistakes
Part of the Danish Jantelov, which has its roots in the Lutheran Christian religious tradition, is admitting that you (like all other humans) are imperfect.

In a professional situation, this means that there is a general acceptance that you will make mistakes on the job. You will tally data incorrectly, you will make a programming error that makes the system crash, or you will forget to call the restaurant and make a booking for 25 pork dinners for your team’s Julefrokost.

The Danish way of dealing with mistakes is to admit it as quickly as possible and get on with the business of fixing things. Re-tally the data, fix the error, find another restaurant. Your boss or colleagues may express irritation with you, but they’ll put most of their effort into getting things running smoothly again.

A problem can arise, however, if you come from a culture in which mistakes are a humiliating loss of face and must be covered up or excused away.

If you hide a mistake in a Danish workplace, or even worse, lie about having made one, you can expect to find yourself quickly unemployed. Your Danish colleagues will forgive a mistake, but they won’t forgive a cover-up.

Corruption and payoffs
Denmark is regularly listed among the least corrupt countries in the world, which is one of it its charms. As slow or impassive as Danish bureaucrats can sometimes be, you can be confident that they are not expecting a payoff in order to get their jobs done.

In the workplace, that means it’s never OK to demand or receive a kickback for choosing a particular vendor or hiring an employee. If you do this, it will probably result in termination.

Some ethical questions aren’t as cut and dried. Are you allowed to keep the frequent-flyer miles you accumulate on business trips? Is it OK to use the company printer to print out flyers for your charity event? Will there be a problem if you catch up on the latest sports or celebrity news from your company laptop?

If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor or the company’s HR department. I generally ask the question via email so I have a written record of the response, and then print it out and keep it. (If you’re ever dismissed from a Danish company, you’ll immediately lose access to your email.)

If a client gives you a gift
Many Danish companies have policies against accepting gifts from clients. This is both for ethical reasons and because they see it as unfair to your desk-bound colleagues who don’t get to meet clients and don’t get any presents.

Ask your boss about this. Some companies require that all client gifts be turned in to a central source, such as HR, to be shared at the company Christmas party.

Gifts to your colleagues aren’t necessary
It’s not necessary to give your boss a gift, or to give gifts to any of your co-workers except on very special occasions, such as a new baby in the house.

In this case, some energetic person from the office will probably circulate and collect money from everyone to contribute to a team present.

If you know the person being celebrated, a contribution of DK50-100 is a nice gesture, but don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ if you sincerely can’t afford it. A card may be circulated for signatures as well. You generally don’t sign the card unless you’ve chipped in for the present.

Danish birthday behavior
When someone in the office has a birthday, they’re expected to bring their own cake or other delicacies to share with the team.

Your co-workers will often plant a Danish flag on the birthday worker’s desk; this isn’t a nationalist statement, just a general statement of birthday joy. They may also compliment the birthday worker on the day’s weather: good behavior over the previous year is thought to result in a sunny birthday.

You’re never required to give your co-worker a card or birthday present, although for “round” birthdays like 30, 40, 50, and 60, someone may take up a collection for a joint gift.

At Christmas time, the company sometimes gives a holiday gift to the employees. It’s usually a small luxury item. Either everyone gets the same thing or you are allowed to choose from two or three options of equal value. Generally, that value will be carefully chosen so you do not have to pay taxes on the gift you receive.

알라딘: 진화하는 종교 Whitehead

알라딘: 진화하는 종교

진화하는 종교 - 화이트헤드의 종교론
알프레드 노스 화이트헤드 (지은이),김희헌 (옮긴이)대한기독교서회2012-04-30
원제 : Religion In The Making

7,650원 (10%, 850원 할인)


화이트헤드는 자신의 종교론을 통해 종교사상과 신학이 새로운 문명을 이끌어올 수 있는 사상적 모험을 감행해야 한다고 주장한다. 이 점은 오늘날 한국 기독교의 실정에 비춰보면 절실한 요청이다. 사상적으로 볼 때, 대부분의 한국교회는 고착된 교리를 숭배하는 반지성주의에 빠져서 겉으로는 용맹한 표현을 하고 있으나 그 실상은 타학문과의 대화에서 변증학이라는 소심한 수준을 넘어서지 못하고 있다.

그렇지 않으면, 과거가 살다 벗어놓은 껍데기인 전통에 대한 교의학적 충성에 머물러 있으면서 살아 있는 종교라면 응당 가져야 할 원대한 이상을 불러일으키는 일에는 턱없이 모자라다. 이 책은 이런 상황 속의 한국교회에 종교적 열정과 모험이 무엇을 뜻하는지를 묻는 도전적 계기를 제공할 것이다.



제1장 역사 속의 종교
1. 종교의 정의 / 2. 종교의 출현 / 3. 제의와 정서 / 4. 믿음 / 5. 합리주의 / 6. 인간의 향상 / 7. 마지막 대조

제2장 종교와 교리
1. 역사 속의 종교적 의식 / 2. 종교 경험에 대한 기술 / 3. 신 / 4. 신에 대한 탐구

제3장 육체와 영
1. 종교와 형이상학 / 2. 형이상학에 대한 종교의 공헌 / 3. 형이상학적 기술 / 4. 신과 도덕적 질서 / 5. 가치와 신의 목적 / 6. 육체와 정신 / 7. 창조적 과정

제4장 진리와 비판
1. 교리의 발전 / 2. 경험과 표현 / 3. 세 가지 전통 / 4. 신의 본성 / 5. 결론

옮긴이의 말

저자 및 역자소개
알프레드 노스 화이트헤드 (Alfred North Whitehead) (지은이)
최고의 작품 투표
신간알림 신청

20세기를 대표하는 철학자 가운데 한 사람이다. 케임브리지 대학에서 수학을 전공한 후 런던 대학에서 응용수학 및 이론물리학 교수, 미국 하버드 대학에서 철학 교수를 역임하였다. 초기에는 수리논리학을 연구했으며, 버트런드 러셀과 함께 『수학 원리』를 저술해 20세기 수리논리학 발전에 큰 공헌을 했다. 이후 현대 물리학에 대한 철학적 고찰의 길로 나아가 『자연의 개념』 『상대성 원리』 등을 집필했다. 63세에 미국으로 이주하여 『과학과 근대세계』 『과정과 실재』 『관념의 모험』 등 주요 철학 저작을 발표하며 ‘유기체 철학’이라 불리는 ... 더보기

최근작 : <종교란 무엇인가>,<사고의 양태>,<진화하는 종교> … 총 246종 (모두보기)

김희헌 (옮긴이)
최고의 작품 투표
신간알림 신청

한신대학교 신학과와 동대학 신학대학원을 졸업하고 한국기독교장로회 소속 목사가 되었다. 그리고 미국 클레어몬트 대학원에서 조직신학과 종교철학을 수학한 후, 유기체철학에 기초한 기독교 세계관을 정립하기 위한 연구를 하고 있다.

그 연구는 오늘 우리 시대에 화육하는 그리스도에 관한 신학적 증언이자, 생명을 속량해가는 신의 현재적 창조활동에 관한 철학적 서술 작업이다.

현재 한국민중신학회를 중심으로 학술활동을 하면서, 성공회대학교 연구교수로서 조직신학을 가르치고 있다. 한국교회의 갱신과 기독교의 사회적 책임에 관한 문제의식을 ... 더보기

최근작 : <우리는 이 모든 일의 증인입니다 : 신약>,<제 눈으로 주님을 봅니다 : 구약>,<민중신학과 범재신론> … 총 10종 (모두보기)

출판사 소개
도서 모두보기
신간알림 신청

최근작 : <의로움의 힘>,<다락방 2020.1.2 (한글판)>,<[아이보리] 개역개정 새찬송가 NKR43ETU - 초미니.합본.색인>등 총 881종
대표분야 : 기독교(개신교) 12위 (브랜드 지수 262,592점)

출판사 제공 책소개
20세기 가장 위대한 사상가
화이트헤드의 종교와 신에 대한 탁월한 종교철학적 고찰!

과학과 철학을 결합한 20세기의 대표적인 사상가 화이트헤드. 그는 이 책에서 종교의 의미를 문명사라는 거대한 맥락에서 조망하고, 교리적 표현의 합리성의 문제를 형이상학과 대비시켜 서술하며, 마침내 종교가 궁극적으로 말하고자 하는 신과 천국의 의미가 무엇인지를 밝히려고 한다.
화이트헤드는 자신의 종교론을 통해 종교사상과 신학이 새로운 문명을 이끌어올 수 있는 사상적 모험을 감행해야 한다고 주장한다. 이 점은 오늘날 한국 기독교의 실정에 비춰보면 절실한 요청이다. 사상적으로 볼 때, 대부분의 한국교회는 고착된 교리를 숭배하는 반지성주의에 빠져서 겉으로는 용맹한 표현을 하고 있으나 그 실상은 타학문과의 대화에서 변증학이라는 소심한 수준을 넘어서지 못하고 있다. 그렇지 않으면, 과거가 살다 벗어놓은 껍데기인 전통에 대한 교의학적 충성에 머물러 있으면서 살아 있는 종교라면 응당 가져야 할 원대한 이상을 불러일으키는 일에는 턱없이 모자라다. 이 책은 이런 상황 속의 한국교회에 종교적 열정과 모험이 무엇을 뜻하는지를 묻는 도전적 계기를 제공할 것이다.

북플 bookple

화이트헤드의 종교에 대한 생각을 알게 해 준다
몇가지 거슬리는 단어를 빼더라도 상당히 읽기 어렵다.
책수집가 2014-09-14 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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횡설수설하다가 ˝신을 떠나서는 세계가 존재할 수 없다.˝는 결론을 내리는 형이상학적 헛소리
madwife 2015-06-09 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
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글쎄.. 결국 또 다른 내재적 종교는 아닌지

1. 요약 。。。。。。。

1장은 저자가 생각하는 종교의 발전과정에 대한 추측을 담고 있다. 원시적인 제의가 종교적 감정을 불러일으키고, 이것이 ‘믿음’이라는 이름으로 완성된다. 믿음은 다시 시간이 지나면서 스스로를 정당화하고 설명하려는 ‘합리화’의 단계에 이르게 된다는 설명.

2장에서는 소위 ‘위대한 합리적 종교’들이 가지고 있는 보편성에 관해 말한다. 저자는 종교란 개인이 자신의 고독과 뒹굴며 해내는 무엇이라고 정의하면서(45), 교리란 그런 경험들을 말로 공식화 한 것(55)이라고 설명한다. 2장의 남은 내용은 이런 교리들이란 고정된 것이 아니고 변화해왔다는 주장을 담고 있다.

3장에서 저자는 종교와 형이상학이 서로를 필요로 한다고 주장한다. 그러면서 본격적으로 종교에 대한 형이상학적 해설 - ‘신은 모든 창조적인 국면에서 반드시 고려되어야만 하는 비시간적 현실태’라는 식의 -을 이어간다. 이런 전제를 가지고 있는 화이트헤드의 종교철학 안에서 신이란 세계의 다양한 사건들을 조화시키는 존재로서의 의의만을 갖는다.

물론 저자는 교리의 필수불가결한 면을 인정하지만(136), 그 존재론적 한계를 아울러 강조하기 때문에, 기존의 종교인들이 교리를 중심으로 한 신앙생활을 하는 것을 비판적으로 본다. 4장은 이런 의식들이 잔뜩 반영되어 있는 부분이다.

2. 감상평 。。。。。。。

종교를 ‘개인적인 무엇’으로 보는 화이트헤드는 결국 신을 하나의 원리나 정신으로 한정시켜 버린다. 세계와 독립적으로 존재하는 인격적인 신이라는 개념을 받아들일 수 없었던 저자로서는 최선의 해답을 찾은 것일지도 모른다. 하지만 이렇게 될 경우 종교란 인간 개인의 내적 성장 이상의 무엇이기 어려워져버린다. 꽤나 어려운 용어들로 종교에 대한 철학적인 주장들을 열심히 쌓아 올렸지만, 다시 한 번 내재적 종교의 한 예를 말했을 뿐 사실 그가 말하고 있는 내용은 특별히 새롭거나 한 주장은 아니다.

책의 첫 머리에 실려 있는 종교의 진화 과정에 대한 설명은 기본적으로 ‘논란의 여지가 있는 것은 확실치 않은 것이요, 확실치 않은 것은 비교적 중요하지 않은 것’이라는 증거주의적 태도에 기인한다. 오랫동안 무비판적으로 수용되어오기는 이쪽도 마찬가지인데, 덕분에 이 전제에 동의하고 진행되는 거의 모든 사상은 유물론으로 수렴되고 만다. 그리고 큰 틀에서 보면 이 책 역시 그런 주장들 가운데 하나가 아닐까 싶다.

물론 저자가 이런 주장들을 하게 된 연유에 대해서, 그리고 책 속에서 비판적으로 지적되고 있는 현상들에 대한 문제의식은 어느 정도 공감하지만, 그것이 필연적으로 이런 결론을 도출하는 것은 아니라는 게 내 개인적인 생각이다. 그리고 사실 이런 식으로 철학으로 쌓아올린 종교는, 교리로만 가득 찬 신앙과 마찬가지로 지루하고, 생동감도 느껴지지 않는다.(피곤한 탓도 있었지만, 지하철에 앉아 한참 졸았다)

종교가 개인들의 경험에 기초해 있는 거라고 주장하는 사람이, 무슨 종교 이야기를 이렇게 이론적으로만 하는 건지..
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Encyclep Britanica

Career In The United States

In the early 1920s Whitehead was clearly the most distinguished figure in the philosophy of science who was writing in English. When a friend of Harvard University, the historical scholar Henry Osborn Taylor, pledged the money for his salary, Harvard early in 1924 offered Whitehead a five-year appointment as professor of philosophy. He was 63 years old, with at most two more years to go in the Imperial College. The idea of teaching philosophy appealed to him, and his wife wholeheartedly concurred in the move. Harvard soon found that it had hired more than a philosopher of science; it had acquired a metaphysician, one comparable in stature to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and G.W.F. Hegel.

Early in 1925 he gave a course of eight lectures in Boston, published the same year (with additions—among them his earliest writing about God) as Science and the Modern World. In it he dramatically described what had long engaged his meditation; namely, the rise, triumph, and impact of “scientific materialism”—i.e., the view that nature consists of nothing else but matter in motion, or a flux of purely physical energy. He criticized this materialism as mistaking an abstract system of mathematical physics for the concrete reality of nature. Whitehead’s mind was at home with such abstractions, and he saw them as real discoveries, not intellectual inventions; but his sense for the fullness of existence led him to urge upon philosophy the task of making good their omissions by reverting to the variety of concrete experience and then framing broader ideas. The importance of this book was immediately recognized. What perhaps impressed most readers was Whitehead’s appeal to his favourite poets, William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley, against the exclusion of values from nature.

In 1926, the compact book Religion in the Making appeared. In it, Whitehead interpreted religion as reaching its deepest level in humanity’s solitude, that is, as an attitude of the individual toward the universe rather than as a social phenomenon.

In January 1927 the University of Edinburgh invited him to give a set of 10 Gifford Lectures in the ensuing academic year. For this, Whitehead drew up the complex technical structure of “the philosophy of organism” (as he called his metaphysics) and thought through his agreements and disagreements with some of the great European philosophers. It was characteristic of him to insist, against David Hume, that an adequate philosophical theory must build on “practice” and not be supplemented by it. The lectures reflected Whitehead’s speculative hypothesis that the universe consists entirely of becomings, each of them a process of appropriating and integrating the infinity of items (“reality”) provided by the antecedent universe and by God (the abiding source of novel possibilities). When, in June 1928, the time for delivering the lectures arrived and Whitehead presented this system in its new and difficult terminology, his audience rapidly vanished, but the publication of the lectures, expanded to 25 chapters, gave Western metaphysics one of its greatest books, Process and Reality (1929).

Whitehead had an unwavering faith in the possibility of understanding existence and a superb power to construct a scheme of general ideas broad enough to overcome the classic dualisms. But he knew that no system can do more than make an approach, somewhat more adequate than its predecessors, to understanding the infinitude of existence. He had seen the collapse of the long-entrenched Newtonian system of physics, and he never forgot its lesson. Henceforth dogmatic assurance, whether in philosophy, science, or theology, was his enemy.

Adventures of Ideas (1933) was Whitehead’s last big philosophical book and the most rewarding one for the general reader. It offered penetrating, balanced reflections on the parts played by brute forces and by general ideas about humanity, God, and the universe in shaping the course of Western civilization. Whitehead emphasized the impulse of life toward newness and the absolute need for societies stable enough to nourish adventure that is fruitful rather than anarchic. In this book he also summarized his metaphysics and used it to elucidate the nature of beauty, truth, art, adventure, and peace. By “peace” he meant a religious attitude that is “primarily a trust in the efficacy of beauty.”

Except for an insufficient familiarity with Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, Whitehead was comfortable in both the scientific and literary cultures of his time. Young people flocked to “Sunday evenings” at his home, which his wife skillfully managed. Here the spare, rosy-cheeked man, who might have been of average height if he had not been so stooped, talked to them in a high-pitched but gentle voice—talked not about his system but about whatever was on their minds, sharply illuminating it from a broad and historical perspective.

In his Harvard lectures, as in his books, Whitehead liked best to explore the scope of application of an idea and to show how intuitions that were traditionally opposed could supplement each other, which he did by dint of his own ideas. Most students found attendance at his lectures a great experience. Harvard did not retire him until 1937.

In his first years in the United States, Whitehead visited many eastern and midwestern campuses as a lecturer. Though he loved Americans, he remained always very much an Englishman. A Fellow of the Royal Society from 1903, he was elected to the British Academy in 1931. In 1945 he received the Order of Merit. After his death his body was cremated, and there was no funeral. His unpublished manuscripts and correspondence were destroyed by his widow, as he had wanted.


Goodreader review

Dec 28, 2013Stuart rated it liked it
Despite several poor analyses of Christianity, Alfred North Whitehead's 'Religion in the Making' is a further elucidation of Whitehead's genius system of philosophy which he has developed.

The book is a series of four lectures Whitehead gave at the King's Chapel in Boston in 1926. In the first he offers an analysis of the history and development of religions, in the second he analyzes dogma as a concept and dogmas of particular religions, in the third he describes the contribution of religious knowledge to metaphysics and elucidates something of his process ontology, and in the fourth he critiques religion and refines the Doctrine of God.

The first lecture can be largely ignored. It is full of Historical-Critical speculative conclusions circa the late 19th century. It is also prior to the re-interpretations of Christianity given for the 'modern man' by neo-orthodoxy and the 'demythologization' project. Whitehead therefore stands over 'religion' and gives analyzes it in terms of 'progress' and completely botches the application of his system to Christianity. In short, even the non-Christian has a biblical theology, and Whitehead's is deficient.

The second lecture is more useful, but the particular historical errors which evidence the failure of his analysis in the first lecture become even more apparent in the second. Characteristic of all these errors is the dating required for his analysis of the book of Job. According to his paradigm, the book of Job represents a later stage in the development of religion; it is characteristic of the beginnings of the rational stage. However, Job is easily seen to be one of the earliest compositions in the entire Old Testament. If his analysis be true, Judaism has been in the rationalizing stage since its inception. On the other hand, his analysis of dogma is somewhat useful. He contrasts the respective abilities of Buddhism and Christianity to deal with the problem of evil, but he defines evil, also, in terms of his progressive process. He does give the occasional deep insight, such as when he says that, "Any proof [for God] which commences with the consideration of the character of the actual world cannot rise above the actuality of this world" (69, though he later defines God as an actual entity). Finally, he attempts to show how the emergence of dogma occurs in a 'purified' or 'rational' religion. This analysis shares some harmonies with Christianity, but in the end will likely prove to be foundation ally dissonant.

His third lecture is his best. In it he outlines the contribution of religion to metaphysics. That contribution, he says, is primarily the 'bigness' of the view religions take on the world. They attempt to see the whole in light of the one. From this he describes a metaphysic in the rest of the chapter that was quite enjoyable to read, though it was written in Whitehead's typically impenetrable style. The only obvious problem (and it is an unacceptable doctrine), was his definition of God as one of the formative principles for the actual temporal world. God, for Whitehead, is the third of these formative principles, and is an actual entity which is the limitations placed on the first formative principle, creative force, which prevents absolute freedom in creativity, and thus prevents purely arbitrary consequents to their respective grounds among causal processes and produces a 'novelty' among consequent world states. This is a clearly non-Christian doctrine of God, and should be entirely disregarded by the theologian.

In the final lecture, Whitehead critiques the doctrines of religion and refines the doctrine of God. He defines God as di-polar, the ideal in which each causal process finds its 'novelty,' either unto a lower form or a higher one. In this way he overcomes objections which reason from the already established nature of Classical Theism, by arguing that, since God is creative direction, those who believe that Classical Theism's doctrine of God has any 'finality' to it are simultaneously arguing that Greek Philosophy is 'final,' and are therefore idolatrous. He defines idolatry as the belief that one has 'arrived' at a final doctrine, showing again his penchant for progression.

Whitehead's philosophy of religion here explained is immensely valuable. He is an extremely perceptive thinker who offers the Christian theologian valuable critiques that they must avoid falling into. He is a useful conversation partner for developing rigor and accuracy in theology. However, this work contains two fundamental errors which merit its 3-star rating. First, Whitehead anachronistically analyzes theistic theories in terms of immanence and transcendence. In this way he completely misses the important Trinitarian shape of Christian theology. His conception of Christian theism collapses simply back into 'Semitic Theism.' He allows only the Apostle John the space for conceiving of Christianity as more immanent than transcendent, before he sees the Church Fathers lapsing back into a 'Semitic theism.' This is an entirely poor account of Christian theism and cannot be taken seriously except in reference to a general monotheism. Second, Whitehead's accounts of history are repeatedly poor. His handling of the history of religions does little to shake the faith of even the layman believer today, though at the time it may have done more. His accounts of the formation of Christianity from Judaism are simplistic an in many cases simply wrong. Therefore, while his metaphysical system is useful and he provides important critiques for the philosophy of religion, his tale of how religions form should be more or less disregarded and his criticisms of Christian theism in particular should found lacking apart from philosophical problems presented by the concept of theism in general. (less)
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The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé Kindle Edition
by David Ray Griffin (Author)

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The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions

David Ray Griffin
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9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes against Democracy Succeed

David Ray Griffin
4.6 out of 5 stars 66
Kindle Edition
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AUD 4.00

In 2004, David Ray Griffin published The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11. Translated into several languages, it helped spark a worldwide movement demanding "9/11 truth." Even as it became increasingly outdated, it continued to be widely cited as the best introduction to the issues.

Griffin has now written The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, which provides a chapter-by-chapter updating of the information provided in that earlier book. It shows that the case against the official account constructed by independent researchers - who now include architects, engineers, physicists, pilots, politicians, and former military officers - is far stronger than it was in 2004, leaving no doubt that 9/11 was a false-flag operation, designed to give the Bush-Cheney administration a pretext to attack oil-rich Muslim nations.

Taken together, these two books provide everything one needs to make an informed decision about 9/11 - whether one is a journalist, a political leader, a religious leader, or an ordinary citizen concerned about truth, democracy, and the rule of law.

Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Author and professor Griffith (9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press) knows his work is referred to by officials and the media as conspiracy theory, and he has a rebuttal: "the official theory is itself a conspiracy theory." In this companion volume to 2004's The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11, Griffith provides corrections, raises new issues and discusses "the two most important official reports about 9/11," the 9/11 Commission Report and the National Institute of Standards and Technology report on the Twin Towers, both "prepared by people highly responsive to the wishes of the White House" and riddled with "omission and distortion from beginning to end." Griffith addresses many points in exhaustive detail, from the physical impossibility of the official explanation of the towers' collapse to the Commission's failure to scrutinize the administration to the NIST's contradiction of its own scientists to the scads of eyewitness and scientific testimony in direct opposition to official claims. Citing hundreds, if not thousands, of sources, Griffith's detailed analysis is far from reactionary or delusional, building a case that, though not conclusive, raises enough valid and disturbing questions to make his call for a new investigation more convincing than ever.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

"Detailed and deeply unnerving... For anyone who doubts the government's truthfulness regarding the WTC terrorist attack, this well-researched volume will give you a trough full of ideas to chew on." -- --Publishers Weekly on Debunking 9/11 Debunking (starred review)<br ><br >"The 9/11 Commission air brushed our great tragedy and David Ray Griffin has done the most thorough and painstaking analysis of how it applied those brush strokes and presents meticulous details of its cover-up and the questions regarding 9/11 that must be answered by a thorough investigation, lest our country be rendered meaningless by future repetitions." -- --Edward Asner<br ><br >"Circuses use people to clean up their elephants--a dirty job, but someone has to do it. The 9/11 Commissioners evidently likened themselves to circus workers, cleaning up after the (Republican) elephant. They did a very sloppy job, making it easy to see that 9/11 was an inside job. The contrary view--that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by Arab Muslims--has been the source of innumerable evils, which threaten to destroy our country and the world itself. David Griffin's New Pearl Harbor Revisited contains everything needed by Congress and the press to see through the most massive crime and cover-up in our history." -- --Edward Asner, actor and citizen <br ><br >"Citizens in many countries are waging a war on the cover-up of the basis for the so-called war on terror--this basis being the official interpretation of the 9/11 attacks. Along with the Internet, which has equipped both public figures and ordinary citizens to wage this war on the cover-up, David Ray Griffin has revealed dozens of omissions, distortions, and contradictions in the official story in a way that provides undeniable evidence of its falsity. The New Pearl Harbor Revisited presents a powerful exposé of the false narrative that has been driving the mainstream political agenda since 9/11. It is now up to politicians and journalists around the world to expose this truth to our peoples." -- --Yukihisa Fujita, member of the House of Councilors, the Diet of Japan <br ><br >"David Ray Griffin stands at the center of one of the most impressive citizen research projects in history. In this superb new volume, he draws together a great quantity of recent evidence and demonstrates beyond question the fraudulent nature of the official account of 9/11." -- -- Dr. Graeme MacQueen, Founder of McMaster University's Center for Peace Studies<br ><br >"Mr. Griffin has again painstakingly laid bare the many lingering questions and inconsistencies of the official story regarding the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001. Sadly, millions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered on investigations that yielded no accountability, few answers, and fewer reforms. Yet, the attacks of September 11, 2001 have been wantonly used as political and policy fodder. Without truth, there can be no accountability. Without accountability, there can be no real change. Without change, we remain at risk." -- --Monica Gabrielle, widow of Richard Gabrielle, who was killed at WTC2 on 9/11/01, member of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission<br ><br >"President Bush and Vice President Cheney have many questions to answer in light of this book. This time they should have to testify separately and under oath. Unlike their testimony at the 9/11 Commission, behind closed doors, this should be open testimony." -- --Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota, 1999-2003

"Nowhere is it clearer that truth is now considered quaint, obsolete here in Washington, than in the disingenuous non-answers to questions about the cavernous holes in the official version of 9/11---and the flippant attempts to marginalize intrepid souls like David Ray Griffin, branded `blasphemous' by the likes of Tucker Carlson. Facing straight into this rancid wind, Griffin now provides a definitive account that updates and integrates his earlier findings. Will Congress ever authorize an honest investigation of the seminal event of our time?" --Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and presidential briefer

"Nowhere is it clearer that truth is now considered quaint, obsolete here in Washington, than in the disingenuous non-answers to questions about the cavernous holes in the official version of 9/11---and the flippant attempts to marginalize intrepid souls like David Ray Griffin, branded `blasphemous' by the likes of Tucker Carlson. Facing straight into this rancid wind, Griffin now provides a definitive account that updates and integrates his earlier findings. Will Congress ever authorize an honest investigation of the seminal event of our time?" -- --Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and presidential briefer

Product details

File Size: 676 KB
Print Length: 358 pages
Publisher: Olive Branch Press (December 30, 2012)

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4 star 17%
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Top Reviews

Donald C. Land

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent, fact based research that describes the real 911 crime!Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2017
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
David Gray Griffin is a extremely articulate, factual-based and intellectual writer. I have enjoyed this book a lot. It's too bad the corporate media and American citizens aren't open to discussion when it comes to 911. They've made up their mind and anything other than the official government narrative is considered heresy. That is the major irony because there is a mountain of evidence, facts, documents, witnesses, videos etc. that completely contradicts the big lie and crime. Hopefully one day there will be a breakthrough and people will take it as seriously as they well should. Until then I hope to David Ray Griffin continues to fight the good fight.

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Collin O'Donnell

5.0 out of 5 stars Everything You Always Wanted to Know about 9/11 (But Were Afraid to Ask)Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2015
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The New Pearl Harbor, or Everything You Always Wanted to Know about 9/11 (But Were Afraid to Ask)

As a result of careful media spinning, the bizarre and unfounded notion of American exceptionalism, and overwhelming ignorance to any contradicting facts (be it self-willed or not), the majority of Americans still believe Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. The people who still believe the ‘official story’ generally fall into three categories: 1) Patriots who still believe that America is ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.' 2) Those who accept what their leaders tell them without a thought given to their various agendas and biases. 3) Those who react violently (emotionally) to any sort of ‘conspiracy theory’ in fear that what they’re spouting might actually be true. These three groups are in no way mutually exclusive. In fact, overlap is pretty much guaranteed. The main advantage that these people have over the ‘Truthers’ (a term that should not be a pejorative, but for some reason is) is that they don’t have to argue with facts. They can simply call the opponent a delusional nut-job and end things at that. It’s the burden of Truthers to lay down a compelling argument contrary to the ‘official story,’ and retired professor David Ray Griffin presents in two carefully researched volumes a wealth of damning evidence supporting not only American complicity of the September 11th attacks, but overall orchestration.

Griffin is an academic above all and is in no way a representation of the stereotypical conspiracy theorist whose dimly-lit basement walls are collaged with newspaper articles and yarn. He’s simply an educated man in search of the objective truth, as every American should be. Taking a level-headed and emotionally-detached look at the massive and varied array of evidence disproving the ‘official story,’ Griffin systematically shreds every single strand of the government’s poorly spun web of lies. He dissects the impossibility of the attacks themselves, rightfully concluding that all signs point to false-flag instead of the purported ‘massive communication breakdown’ as a result of incompetence (although incompetence was certainly in the cards when it came to the sloppy conception of the ‘official story.’) Beyond the highly incriminating and contradictory evidence presented by the government and media about the events of 9/11, Griffin culls both pre and post-9/11 history and collects the undeniable motives of perpetrating such a heinous crime and contrasts them with the results of Bush’s ‘War on Terror.’ He sheds light on the fact that the 9/11 commission investigating the attacks was 100% bias and government orchestrated. Along with this, Griffin presents a cast of tragic heroes, government workers who were bullied and silenced in their attempts to take an objective look at 9/11. Furthermore, he uses historical precedent (the thankfully abandoned Operation Northwoods, the sinking of the USS Maine) as a device to help the reader understand that the government is not above harming innocent civilians as a pretext for military action. All of these points and more are the building blocks of Griffin’s book, yet he doesn’t stop at these broad highlights. His in-depth and tireless research can be clearly seen in the 1000+ citations used in the book’s creation. Reading The New Pearl Harbor volumes and The 9/11 Commission Report back-to-back, it’s obvious Griffin’s research and objective standpoint make a far more compelling argument than the heavily-biased, narrow-minded, and government-backed Commission Report.

The New Pearl Harbor is probably the most important work of modern non-fiction not to be recognized by the general public. Why, one might ask, is this so? Simply put, Griffin doesn’t dance around the obvious like many political writers tend to do. Many commercially successful books have been written about the corrupt Bush administration and the oil agenda of the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, but while these writers seem very open to the widely publicized corruption and greed of the American Government in the Middle East, they neglect crucial facts about the event that kicked it all off. Why don’t they challenge the 9/11 ‘official story’ of the government they openly criticize as corrupt? Because they would be challenging the beliefs of over half of our nation, and that kind of reporting doesn’t sell books on a mass scale. Of course All the President’s Men was a huge hit, but Watergate was a kind of scandal that people could believe the government was capable of having perpetrated. 9/11, on the other hand, is a comparatively enormous scandal that blocks the common sense of Americans due to its sheer magnitude. We don’t want to believe it’s true, so we ignore any evidence that it might be. That’s why The New Pearl Harbor isn’t a bestseller, and that’s why wholly honest reporting is doomed unless reporters and writers can put ego, popularity, and financial gain on the back burner and focus on the unadulterated truth.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Every American Should Read This Book!Reviewed in the United States on June 17, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Every American should read this book because the questions it raises have still not been answered sufficiently by our government. If you care about democracy, and your freedom, and the truth, read Griffin's book. Then you will have the right to sit at the table and take part in the debate about what happened on 9/11; otherwise your views are only opinions. Democracy and freedom and truth are not things that you automatically inherit simply because you are an American: you have to work for them, monitor them, and speak up against those who are determined to diminish them in order to further their own personal interests. Each generation must take up the process all over again . . . because as a people, if we don't, we forget what democracy, freedom, and truth are and what the generations before us had to do in order to maintain them.

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Amazon Customer

3.0 out of 5 stars very academic and well researched and proper citing of sourcesReviewed in the United States on January 11, 2018
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the book really got bogged down into hairsplitting on minor details about problems with the government sponsored story, instead of focusing on the bigger picture and it did not speak at all about the most important question which is who the author really believed was responsible for this attack and it was a rather boring read. on the plus side this book was very well researched and it cited all the sources which supported his arguments, which were very convincing. on the whole, however chris bolyns book, solving 911 : the deception that changed the world , is a far better book, its more interesting, and it very convincingly showed who was the party behind the attack, which was Israel and pro Israeli jewish supporters in the US government

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5.0 out of 5 stars Massive Research and Fact Checking........Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2017
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The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11.... contains a massive amount of research and fact-checking. The extent and detail shown in the footnotes and index give support to any of us wishing to learn more about events surrounding the 9/11 disaster.
I have considerable respect for the incredible time and effort required to fact-check previous sources about 9/11.
You may already know all about this event. I also thought I was well informed about it. Well........not so much.

I would strongly recommend this book and others by David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 events dealing with the twin towers and also
Building # 7. You might become as shocked as I am.

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Betty Dodson

5.0 out of 5 stars I so admire David Ray Griffin's total attention to every ...Reviewed in the United States on July 6, 2014
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I so admire David Ray Griffin's total attention to every detail as he wades through a ton of information and brings it all together to make his case. It's very satisfying for me, a sex educator who also searches for truth as I teach women about their orgasmic capabilities that far exceed anything "suggested" by academics from Sigmund Freud to the present day.

The Truth does indeed set us free!

Betty A. Dodson, PhD sexologist

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William Lettich

5.0 out of 5 stars The New Pearl Harbor RevistedReviewed in the United States on September 13, 2018
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Conspiracy theory or not, if you believe the NIST report that no plane parts or human remains were found at Shenksville because the Pa. soil was so soft that the aircraft just borrowed into the ground you are Gullible.

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4.0 out of 5 stars New Pearl HarbourReviewed in the United Kingdom on August 3, 2016
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

I enjoyed reading this book although it was extremely difficult to keep track of all the names of those involved. Do I believe the book? That is the question and the answer must be that even if half of it was true then this was undoubtedly an inside job but that in itself raises the next question, why has no one faced prosecution for what is a crime committed by a Goverment against its own ? Personally I believe something sinister brought down those three buildings, something very powerful and very sinister and the truth will remain buried for a very long time.

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H. J. Netting
5.0 out of 5 stars Read it!Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 12, 2018
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Scary but very convincing. I recommend to anyone suspicious since first seeing Bush’s muted response to the attacks.

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Kindle Customer
4.0 out of 5 stars Makes you thinkReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 27, 2016
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

I highly recommend this book to anyone who has even the slightest hint of a doubt about 9/11. You have to wonder what the Bush administration were really doing on that day

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4.0 out of 5 stars essential exposeReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 2, 2014
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

An up to date, fully reviewed and revised account by david ray griffin of his original 'the new pearl harbour' book!

The definitive guide to the events surrounding the September 11th attacks and an insight into who was really responsible and the coverup by the '911 commission report'!

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5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent ExposéReviewed in the United Kingdom on September 12, 2011
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Once again the author brings his analytical skills to bear on the latest information and developments in the tragic events of 9/11/01. The additional information he has gleaned since his last work has only reinforced the doubt and extreme suspicion of the "official conspiracy theory" as to what happened. Best examples are the near free-fall descent of the buildings, inexplicable as conventional fire and collapse, especially Building 7 which was not even hit by any aircraft; the alleged impact of a Boeing jetliner into the Pentagon which left virtually no wreckage; the alleged cell-phone calls from 30,000 feet which, given the technology available in 2001, were a physical impossibility; and so on.

Mr Griffin leaves no stone unturned, and the more I read this book, the more angry I felt that the cover-up that was undoubtedly placed over the whole affair, is still in place 10 years later. Whilst I suspect that there may well have been a plot hatched by terrorists, it seems clear to me that someone somewhere picked up on the plot and ensured that it was carried through to its conclusion. Other authors, notably Webster Tarpley, have examined the possibility that 9/11 was some kind of attempted coup d'état, and this is quite possible in the light of the fact that security codes were known to the perpetrators in making their threats to Air Force 1.

The strange coincidence of the "mock terror drills" that were taking place the same day, whereby false blips were placed on ATC screens, is also covered here. It seems that maximum confusion was placed on the system which, for example, enabled "something" to impact the Pentagon without let or hindrance. The confiscation and hiding of the complete CCTV evidence at the Pentagon, which must be in existence somewhere, surely is a massive indication of some sort of covert activity.

The list of anomalies goes on and on, the story put out by the mainstream media remains in place, as does the ridicule and contempt heaped upon those like Griffin, Tarpley, Jones and others, who are merely trying to establish the truth as to what happened. The glaring omissions and inaccuracies of the 9/11 Commission only serve to heighten the suspicions of the public at large.

As time goes on, of course, memories will dim and the events will be consigned to history. A similar process happened with the Kennedy assassination. There is still a lot of material, however, coming out of the woodwork for those seeking the truth to examine. Whether the whole truth will ever be known is open to conjecture, but I have to admire David Ray Griffin and his colleagues in their dedication to their cause.
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