
Letters on Ethics: To Lucilius -Margaret Graver, A. A. Long: Books

Letters on Ethics: To Lucilius -Margaret Graver, A. A. Long: Books

Amazon.com: Letters on Ethics: To Lucilius (The Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca) (9780226528434): Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Margaret Graver, A. A. Long: Books

Letters on Ethics: To Lucilius (The Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca) 1st Edition

by Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Author), Margaret Graver (Translator, Introduction, Commentary), A. A. Long (Translator, Introduction, Commentary)

5.0 out of 5 stars 8 customer reviews

ISBN-13: 978-0226528434

ISBN-10: 022652843XWhy is ISBN important?

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Product details

Series: The Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Paperback: 528 pages

Publisher: University of Chicago Press; 1 edition (November 6, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 022652843X

ISBN-13: 978-0226528434

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1.4 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)


Customer reviews

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5.0 out of 5 stars


Top customer reviews

Eric "Siggy" Scott

5.0 out of 5 stars

Beautiful book, translation and contentsFebruary 27, 2016

Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase

Among the ancient Stoics, Seneca, who was a contemporary of Jesus and the Apostle Paul, is universally considered to be the best writer. This is a book that will change your life, if you let it, every bit as much as Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. 
Incredibly lucid, and very attentive to all the reasons that his readers might have to be dismissive of Stoic doctrines and virtue ethics, Seneca gives us one of history's most compelling and admirable examples of a philosopher who has made a daily practice of pursuing an ideal standard of virtue via concrete, realistic steps.

Far from an ancient curiosity, Seneca remains a wonderful go-to resource for tips on handling anxiety, coming to terms with death, living in the moment, avoiding hypocrisy, being a loyal friend, and many other exceedingly practical ethical topics—all with a smooth, conversational, and what I can only describe as a non-dogmatic-and-yet-firm tone. He touches lucidly and casually on many areas of philosophy that are still widely discussed today, such as free will and the usefulness (or not) of abstract ethical theory. The book is littered with quotes from famous Greek and Roman philosophers, including many Stoics, but also Epicureans, Aristoteleans, etc.

Since the book is such a delightful piece of literature, and since it is broken up into 124 short letters, it makes for perfect meditational reading. Personally, I use it as a secular alternative to spiritual devotionals. It is a book worth reading more than once.

On the translation: It is lovely, lucid and contemporary (2015), as 'Chicago Med Student' made clear in their review. There is a well-written preface on Seneca's works in general, with one of the easiest to comprehend summaries of Stoicism I have found, and there is a long introduction to the Letters in particular that will provide casual readers with all the historical context they need. Ample endnotes are provided for scholars and the curious alike.

On the book: The typography, cover, and rich blue dust cover are simply beautiful—the quality you should expect for the price. I own many translations of ancient philosophical works, and as an admitted bibliophile I have to say this is one of the most beautiful books in my library. Only Ian Johnson's The Mozi: A Complete Translation (Translations from the Asian Classics) compares.

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A Student

5.0 out of 5 starsComplete letters, modern translation, Kindle has a real table of contentsJune 18, 2018

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

I got this version of Seneca's Letters because it is the complete collection of the letters with a modern translation. I could have gotten a free e-book version, but decided to pay for something more modern.

The other available Kindle versions I tried by Elaine Fantham and Robin Campbell were not complete collections of Seneca's letters. In addition, the Fantham Kindle edition did not have a easy to use table of contents (I had to resort to searching for the letter's title each time I wanted to look it up). I believe the Campbell version had a table of contents, but used Roman numerals for the letters, which unfortunately I don't know how to read (though I suppose I could learn). I don't think Campbell's version has Letter 49, either.

In terms of the translation itself, I found an article comparing Campbell, Gummere, and this one by Graver and Long. The language felt modern and a little more readable.

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Thomas Colligan

5.0 out of 5 starsWorth ItDecember 9, 2017

Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase

The hardcover edition might seem a little pricey for some, but in my opinion, it is well worth it.The quality of the book itself in terms of paper used and cover sturdiness is excellent. It contains my favorite translation of Seneca's letters, of which I have read quite a few, and also has plenty of foot notes that elaborate on important ideas and persons of the time, to give you a better context into each letter. Every reader will get something out of this edition, easy to read, understand, and ponder.

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Madeleine Lamb

5.0 out of 5 starsA classic every stoic should own. Best translation. Quality edition.June 20, 2018

Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

Timeless wisdom. I prefer this translation to others available.

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Chicago Med Student

5.0 out of 5 starsAn Excellent Contemporary TranslationNovember 12, 2015

Format: Hardcover

I had read Seneca's complete letters from the Loeb Classical Library edition (a translation that I love), but I wanted a translation with a more contemporary tone that also captured Seneca's prose style well. Consider the first two sentences of the first letter:

Ita fac, mi Lucili; vindica te tibi; et tempus, quod adhuc aut auferebatur aut subripiebatur aut excidebat, collige et serva. Persuade tibi hoc sic esse, ut scribo: quaedam tempora eripiuntur nobis, quaedam subducuntur, quaedam effluunt.

In the Loeb this is translated as: 

Continue to act thus, my dear Lucilius--set yourself free for your own sake; gather and save your time, which till lately has been forced from you, or filched away, or has merely slipped from your hands. Make yourself believe the truth of my words--that certain moments are torn from us, that some are gently removed, and that others glide beyond our reach.

A perfectly serviceable translation, the Loeb rendering is at times bit wordy and shows its age (translated in 1917). Some phrases are a bit heavy, such as "Make yourself believe the truth of my words", where what is being said is simply "Persuade yourself that it is as I write". I think the Graver/Long translation captures this somewhat better.

The Graver/Long translated the same passage as: 

Do that, dear Lucilius: assert your own freedom. Gather and guard the time that until now was being taken from you, or was stolen from you, of that slipped away. Convince yourself that what I write is true: some moments are snatched from us, some are filched, and some just vanish.

There are many other examples like this. The Loeb translation is generally accurate and basically captures the essence of what Seneca is saying, however there are many places where additional words are added in, either for some perceived need to fill out the meaning, or as rhetorical flourishes (e.g "Set yourself free for your own sake"). Where this translation improves is by modernizing the style of the work while managing to keep the translation accurate and faithful. The introduction provides a nice summary of Seneca's life, an overview of some pertinent Stoic themes, the social, historical, and philosophical context of his work, and a helpful discussion on the Teacher-Pupil relationship and how letters play a role in it.

Overall, despite the hefty price, this is a work worth reading if you enjoy Seneca and want to read him in an excellent contemporary translation.

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Which are the best books on Stoicism? - Quora

Which are the best books on Stoicism? - Quora

15 Answers

Ryan Holiday, Wrote a book about Stoicism

Answered Apr 16

When we started the Daily Stoic community, which has now grown to a community of over 100,000 active members, one of the first things we wanted to address is where to begin with Stoicism. After all, the starting point of any new pursuit is critical. Stoicism is no difference. Picking up the wrong book can derail even the most interested student. So where should someone start with Stoicism? We decided to put together a short list with three books that will help you both understand Stoicism but also teach you valuable lessons for life. I am sharing the list with you below, and if you want to learn more about Stoicism, head over to the Daily Stoic’s website and sign up for our 7-day introduction to Stoicism, which is packed with Stoic exercises you can implement today in your life to make you happier and more resilient.

If this is the first time you are coming across this philosophy, you might be worried this would be dry and academic and you’d need to spend countless hours to untangle sentences. This is nothing like that—in fact, it’s the furthest from it. These are some of the most readable, relatable and powerful works from human history. No other philosophic writing is more accessible. They feel as if they were written two weeks ago, not two millennia ago. We promise, they’ll change you for the better.

Let’s get started!

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius — Meditations is perhaps the only document of its kind ever made. It is the private thoughts of the world’s most powerful man giving advice to himself on how to make good on the responsibilities and obligations of his positions. Trained in stoic philosophy, Marcus stopped almost every night to practice a series of spiritual exercises—reminders designed to make him humble, patient, empathetic, generous, and strong in the face of whatever he was dealing with. Well, now we have this book. It is imminently readable and perfectly accessible. You cannot read this book and not come away with a phrase or a line that will be helpful to you next time you are in trouble. Read it, it is practical philosophy embodied. Make sure you pick up the Gregory Hays translation from Modern Library. It is the most accessible edition—completely devoid of any “thou’s” and “shalls”.

Discourses and Selected Writings by Epictetus — Of the big three (Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus), Epictetus is the most preachy and for many, the least fun to read. That doesn’t mean he isn’t brilliant. On many occasions he expresses something so clearly and profoundly that it will shake you to your core. Personally, I prefer the Penguin translations, but I’ve tried a handful of others and found the differences to be relatively negligible.

Letters from a Stoic by Seneca — Seneca, like Marcus, was also a powerful man in Rome. He was also a great writer and from the looks of it, a trusted friend who gave great advice to his friends. Much of that advice survives in the form of letters. Now we can read those letters and they can guide us through problems with grief, wealth, poverty, success, failure, education and so many other things. Seneca was a stoic as well, but like Marcus, he was practical and borrowed liberally from other schools. As he quipped to a friend, “I don’t care about the author if the line is good.” That is the ethos of practical philosophy—it doesn’t matter from whom or when it came from, what matters if it helps you in your life, if only for a second. Reading Seneca will do that. The Penguin translation is fantastic, both for this collection of letters (which are more like essays than true correspondence) and for his collection of essays, On the Shortness of Life.

Those are the most important ones to get started with, but here are several more:

Fragments by Heraclitus
— This is as ephemeral as the Stoics get. While most of the other recommendations are bent towards hard, practical advice, Heraclitus might seem a bit poetic. But those beautiful lines are really the same direct advice and timeless, perspective-changing observations as the others.

“Try in vain with empty talk / to separate the essences of things / and say how each thing truly is.”

“Applicants for wisdom / do what I have done: / inquire within.”

“Character is fate.”

“What eyes witness / ears believe on hearsay.”

“The crops are sold / for money spent on food.”

Heraclitus is considered as a key influence in Stoic thought and this is evident in the numerous references to Heraclitus that are seen in Meditations. As one scholar put it in explaining Heraclitus’s influence on Stoicism, Marcus considered Heraclitus “as one of the great sages.”

COURAGE UNDER FIRE: Testing Epictetus’s Doctrines in a Laboratory of Human Behavior by James Stockdale — United States Navy fighter pilot James Stockdale was captured by the North Vietnamese in 1965 where he remained a POW for the next seven years; two of which were spent wearing leg irons in solitary confinement.

Years later, Stockdale would write and lecture extensively on Epictetus’s Enchiridion which he credits for providing the mindset and strength necessary to endure years of torture. Stockdale’s exemplary behavior during imprisonment is an embodiment how Stoicism can provide us with a framework for dealing with extreme adversity and the obstacles that come in our way.

The Inner Citadel and Philosophy as a Way of Life by Pierre Hadot — Both of these are academic, yet fascinating books. The Inner Citadel is a biography of Marcus Aurelius, which should be next on your list if you loved Meditations. Philosophy as a Way of Life explores different ‘spiritual exercises’—ideas and thought exercises from philosophy to help you make better decisions and live a better life. Don’t let the academic aspect scare you—Hadot’s books are incredibly readable and the ideas will stay with you.

Marcus Aurelius by Matthew Arnold (essay) — Matthew Arnold was a Victorian scholar who fell in the category of ‘sage writers’—the type of writer who instructs and chastises the reader. This is a fantastic essay on Marcus, who as he remarked in 1863, was a man who held the highest power and most powerful station in the world—and the universal verdict of the people around him was that he proved worthy of it.

Dying Every Day: Seneca at the Court of Nero by James Romm — James Romm’s book on Seneca is both a great biography on the man that can help those students of Stoicism who feel conflicted about Seneca—the complexities of being a wealthy philosopher who was a tutor to one of the worst tyrants in ancient history—to better understand him as well as to dive deeper into the political and social context of the time. It is also a case study of a despot gone mad and the paranoid regime that he gave rise to.

A Man in Full by Tom Wolfe — For those looking for a work of fiction that includes the Stoics, this should be your first stop. Tom Wolfe’s famous novel features Epictetus who gets discovered by mistake by Conrad Hensley, a young man who at that point in time has nobody—his wife had given up on him, his car was towed, was out of work and was in jail, where he gets sent by mistake a copy of Epictetus’s book. The book was heralded as a ‘masterpiece’ and back in 1999 
The New York Times wrote on the revival of Stoicism due to the book’s influence.

The Greatest Empire: A Life of Seneca by Emily Wilson — Of all the Stoic philosophers Seneca is prone to generate the most controversy. As the book description asks: “How can we reconcile the bloody tragedies with the prose works advocating a life of Stoic tranquility? How are we to balance Seneca the man of principle, who counseled a life of calm and simplicity, with Seneca the man of the moment, who amassed a vast personal fortune in the service of an emperor seen by many, at the time and afterwards, as an insane tyrant?” If you are a fan of Seneca and want to study the man, make sure to read this biography as well as James Romm’s above in this list.

And of course, don’t forget to check out 
The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living, which features 366 days of Stoic insights and exercises, featuring all-new translations from the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the playwright Seneca, or slave-turned-philosopher Epictetus, as well as lesser-known luminaries like Zeno, Cleanthes, and Musonius Rufus. Every day of the year you'll find one of their pithy, powerful quotations, as well as historical anecdotes and provocative commentary.

You are also welcome to check out some of the most popular interviews, articles and lists on DailyStoic.com:

6 Stoic Rituals That Will Make You Happy

Stoicism at TED — Defining and Overcoming Your Fears

Doing the Work Is Enough: Stop Letting Others Dictate Your Worth

10 Insanely Useful Stoic Exercises

Stoicism Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy

100 Things I Learned in 10 Years and 100 Reads of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations

The Philosophy Of Stoicism: 4 Lessons From Antiquity On Self-Discipline

3 Stoic Exercises That Will Help Create Your Best Month Yet

A Stoic Response to Anger

A Stoic Response to Fear

A Stoic Response to Rejection

A Stoic Response to Bad News

P.S. For more recommendations (books, blogs, articles), sign up for the Daily Stoic free 7-day series. It is packed with resources on Stoicism—from more book recommendations to Stoic exercises. And you might also enjoy this list: 28 Books On Stoicism: The (Hopefully) Ultimate Reading List

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Daniel Philippus, Serious but amateur student of philosophy, mostly ethics

Answered Jul 16, 2017

Originally Answered: What are the best books about stoicism?

I would always recommend the original Stoic philosophers, first and foremost. You can learn everything we know about the philosophy by reading them (because that’s where everyone else originally learned it, too).

So I would recommend starting with all three of the key Roman Stoics, in any order (but don’t start with Enchiridion, it can be a bit short on important clarifications): Seneca’s letters and essays, Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, and Epictetus’ Enchiridion and Discourses.

Seneca writes very well and it’s a relatively engaging read. He also formulates it as practical advice, rather than general philosophy, in the letters (the essays are more philosophical). However, the material is relatively spread out; you won’t necessarily get one concept per paragraph as you would with Aurelius.

Epictetus’ lectures are more blunt and to the point. It’s all very directly about philosophy, and Discourses is probably the most complete and detailed source of those I’ve mentioned. However, it can be harsh advice.

Aurelius’ Meditations are an excellent source on personal practice and somewhat gentler than Epictetus, but they do occasionally refer to something you might not know about. They were written by him for himself, not for you.

After reading the key Roman Stoics, there are other sources to look to (note that I haven’t read any of these myself, so I have limited knowledge): Musonius Rufus, another Roman Stoic; I believe there are surviving fragments of Chrysippus; and I would also recommend the modern Stoics Massimo Pigliucci and Donald Robertson, both of whom have both blogs and books about Stoicism (I’ve read some of both of their blogs and can recommend those more strongly, but I haven’t read either’s book).

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Lat Nayar, Lifelong Reader, www.loser2champion.com

Answered Oct 15, 2015

Here is a list of 10 books to explore on Stoicism :-

1. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius - a classic. Written by an Emperor. Filled with aphorisms, meditations etc.

2. Letters from a Stoic by Seneca - also a classic. One of the books admired by Tim Ferriss. Seneca's writing made Stoicism seem more accessible and less cold

3. The Antidote (Happiness for People who can't stand Positive Thinking) by Oliver Burkeman - argues in an interesting way that the constant focus on positive thinking and happiness makes people even more miserable

4. Thoughts of a Philosophical Fighter Pilot by Jim Stockdale - writings of a man who lived through torture in Vietnam. The unfolding of his character as he struggles through and overcomes adversity.

5. Dialogues and Letters by Seneca - another classic by Seneca. Further explorations on fortitude and resilience.

6. A Man in Full by Tom Wolfe - stoicism as explored through fiction set in Atlanta Georgia.

7. The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday - Turning trials into triumphs with case studies of how our success depends on how we treat obstacles.

8. Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett - A novel with several characters expressing the qualities of stoicism.

9. Dune by Frank Herbert - I thought I would add a science fiction work in this list. Dune is a mega-work with huge themes of overcoming adversity, hardship, forging endurance etc.

10. The Discourses by Epictetus - I conclude this list with another Roman classic. Epictetus was a slave who was exiled by en emperor and he formulates and sets out his views on pain, justice and wisdom

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Scott Maxwell, Studied Philosophy of the Mind (Artificial Intelligence) at Edinburgh University

Answered Oct 16, 2016

Originally Answered: What are some good books for reading about stoicism, if any?

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Meditations is one of the most quotable and readable philosophy books available to us. It was written by Marcus Aurelius, the last of the Five Good Emperors who ruled at the height of Empire in the Second Century AD. It was written like a diary, capturing his thoughts at they occured and reflecting much of his upbringing, training and education. As such Marcus isn’t the originator of Stoicism, but he has a canny knack for a good turn of phrase.

The Obstacle is the Way

The central tenant of the book is that, with the right state of mind, adversity does not block us from improvement and progress, it shows us the way to it. It’s in the framing of the problem, how you think about it, how you move from inaction to action, and how you sustain that action that you make progress when everything seems difficult and set up to make sure you fail.

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Shane Parrish, Wisdom Seeker

Answered Nov 30, 2015

From The Stoic Reading List:

1. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

I loved this book. I had read it before but it wasn’t the Hays translation, which made a world of difference for me.

2. Letters of a Stoic by Seneca (see also: On the Shortness of Life).

This is one of the 5 books I recommend everyone read before their 30th birthday.

3. Discourses by Epictetus.


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Nakul Madan

Answered Mar 14

Best books on Stoicism. First you have to know who were the greatest stoics

Marcus aurelius

Epictetus (My imaginery friend)

Cato the younger



The books would be

Meditations by Marcus aurelius

Discourses by Epictetus

Daily stoic by Ryan holiday..Sometimes the older books are a bit heavy and it takes a while to adjust to the language

Letters from a Stoic by Seneca

Courage under fire by James stockdale(very small book)

My favourite is by Epictetus. Hope it helps

Nakul Madan






Sushant Shrivastava, studied at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Sector 128 Noida

Answered Oct 6, 2017

Originally Answered: What are the best book on stoicism?

Stoicism!! The word itself persuaded me to do a bit research on google about it.Many of us (including me )will not be aware of its meaning . let's get to know about its meaning.

Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophythat flourished throughout the Roman and Greek world until the 3rd century AD. Stoicism is predominantly a philosophy of personal ethics which is informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world. According to its teachings, as social beings, the path to happiness for humans is found in accepting this moment as it presents itself, by not allowing ourselves to be controlled by our desire for pleasure or our fear of pain, by using our minds to understand the world around us and to do our part in nature's plan, and by working together and treating others in a fair and just manner .And now coming to its book-

Meditations is perhaps the only document of its kind ever made. It is the private thoughts of the world’s most powerful man giving advice to himself on how to make good on the responsibilities and obligations of his positions. Trained in stoic philosophy, Marcus stopped almost every night to practice a series of spiritual exercises—reminders designed to make him humble, patient, empathetic, generous, and strong in the face of whatever he was dealing with. Well, now we have this book. It is imminently readable and perfectly accessible. You cannot read this book and not come away with a phrase or a line that will be helpful to you next time you are in trouble. Read it, it is practical philosophy embodied. Make sure you pick up the Gregory Hays translation from Modern Library. It is the most accessible edition—completely devoid of any “thou’s” and “shalls”.

Stoicism by John Sellars

Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Stoicism (Ancient Philosophies)

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5.0 out of 5 starsGreat second step to dive deeper

ByAmazon Customeron June 26, 2015

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

If you need to go beyond the "free websites" and get deeper into the Stoa, this book will take you there. It follows the standard threefold division of physics, logic, and ethics, spelling the deeper stoic ideas out in more detail, thus taking you beyond the stereotype of "emotionless Stoics".

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Stoic morality, plus genesis and later thinkers inspired by the Stoics

ByManuel "Moe" Gon October 10, 2012

The Stoic system of logic and physics are uninteresting to me, and they take up two fifths of the book. But the rest is very readable and complete - a fine book to help undertake a Stoic personal morality project in your life.

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5.0 out of 5 starsRemarkable

ByJ. Fhon July 4, 2010

Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

Excelent Introduction. It sums up a lot of accurate information and doesn't assume prior knowledge. I would also recommend it for a advanced reader of Stoicism who wants a short book to help him remember some historical details. This book can help the advanced reader to organize many different bits of information we learn as we read different books. Therefore, it can be recommended for both the beginner looking for a good introduction and the more experienced reader of stoicism.

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4.0 out of 5 starsA Fine Historical Summary

ByBeans Nevadaon April 3, 2010

Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

A fine historical summary of stoicism. 
  • I found the stoic treatment of emotions especially interesting. 
  • The chapter on the influence of stoicism in later centuries was very helpful. Foucault a stoic!

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4.0 out of 5 starsGreat overview

ByHarrison Koehlion August 5, 2013

Format: Paperback

This is a great overview of Stoic philosophy. Sellars gives a short history of the main players in the first chapter, as well as a brief rundown of the influence of Stoicism on western thought up to the 20th century. The former is pretty standard, and the latter pretty dry, in my opinion, fine for presenting the legacy of Stoicism throughout the ages, but more of an anticlimax than anything.

The chapters sandwiched in between, however, are where the gems are. Sellars devotes a chapter each to the three main facets of Stoic thought: logic, physics, and ethics. He describes the Stoic view on formal logic, language theory, epistemology; their materialist (yet panpsychic) ontology, based on the two active and passive principles (mind and matter, God and world); and their work on values, morality, and virtue.

Sellars writes clearly and to the point, teasing apart the Stoics' arguments, presenting alternate interpretations, and fitting it all together into a comprehensive worldview, which was the Stoics' whole point.

Personally, I was struck by how much Stoicism resembles postmodern philosophers like Alfred Whitehead and David Ray Griffin. While there are certainly differences, Stoicism seems like a premodern attempt to do exactly what Whitehead attempted: create a total, comprehensive, consistent worldview taking account of all facts available. With more facts available, Whitehead (and Griffin, who presents Whitehead perhaps clearer than Whitehead himself did) has the benefit of 2000 more years of thought and science behind him, but Sellars's Stoicism (****) does an excellent job of showing what Stoicism had going for it.

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5.0 out of 5 starsKudos to the University of California Press

Bynot meon September 14, 2014

Format: Paperback

"Stoicism" is fabulous. In just 157 pages, it restates the essential doctrines of ancient Stoicism without slipping into obscure philological or scholarly debates (the ruin of many books in this area). The material is well-organized and the writing is crystal clear. Anyone looking for an introduction to Stoicism as an ancient philosophy should start here. The book is a credit to the UC press.

That said, readers looking for a self-help book should know that "Stoicism" won't teach them how to apply Stoicism to their everyday lives. The chapters on Stoic logic and physics might, for these readers, be of little interest -- and even the chapter on Stoic ethics might disappoint, as it is more focused on theory than on practice. But the book is so smart, well-written, and compact that even readers mainly in search of Stoic tranquility will be glad they read it.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Excellent (the Best) Introduction to Stoicism in English (Review by Ryan Mease)

ByRyan Measeon September 15, 2015

Format: Paperback

This is the best option on the market for Stoicism 101, including an extensive and at times (lightly) technical overview of the philosophical particulars of the philosophical school. Anyone with a modern or ancient interest in Stoicism should read this book to gain the confidence of a mature thiner, in order to enrich discussion on the school's place in modern life. :) -Ryan Mease

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4.0 out of 5 stars

Stoicism hits the mark.

ByJ.D. Sharplesson June 27, 2010

Format: Paperback

The traditional caricature that portray Stoic philosophers as stone faced, unemotional, and indifferent thinkers "does not tell the whole story" according to John Sellars' recent book, Stoicism. Some fifteen hundred years since Stoicism fell into antiquity, it is fair to say its influence is very much part of the western mind to this day. The book is presented as an introduction for students and general audiences alike in an accessible way and has some reasonable depth that will challenge novice readers. Sellers acknowledges the limits of this introduction, but presents a well organized overview of the history and what Epictetus called topoi or areas of study.

It begins with a brief history of Stoic philosophy, beginning with Zeno in 330B.C.E. and ending with Simplicius in 529C.E. Although many Stoic texts were lost to history, as noted by the author, we have lengthy works from Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius and are able to glean important information and understanding from critics of Stoicism like the well-known skeptic Sextus Empiricus.

 I found the authors observation that the nature of Stoicism is itself partly responsible for its own decline interesting. According to Sellars, the Stoics where inspired by Socrates' focus on applying wisdom to living over theorizing which may have lent to less writing and more living the philosophy. He states, "For Epictetus, it is not the voluminous author Chrysippus who stands as his philosophical role model; rather it is Socrates, who expresses his philosophy in deed rather than words" (28). The Stoic ideal is of the sage who has the correct understanding of nature and lives in accordance with their nature.

From there we launch into the Stoic system: the three topos of Stoicism - logic, physics, and ethics.

 To the more ethics oriented readers, like myself, the feeling of dread looms over chapters titled logic or physics; expecting dry logical syllogisms and mathematical theorems that are barely intelligible. Fortunately, this is not the case; the author discusses Stoic logic and physics by providing basic but interesting summaries, and explains the important points and arguments. In addition, we learn the Stoic philosophy of language, ontology, cosmology, theology, epistemology, and psychology.

We learn of "assertables" and "sayables," but what was most interesting in these chapters is the Stoics view of interconnectedness of nature and its inhabitants, what Sellars calls "cosmobiology" and today is discussed as the Gaia hypothesis, nature is conscious. Stoic logic and physics are part of a complex system and Sellars clearly presents the arguments, problems, and debates.

The final part of the Stoics topos is the ethical. From the logic and physics it follows that the core of human behavior is self-preservation, but a preservation of not merely our biology. Our rational-self that is most important because it is in the rational we find virtue. The Stoic's breakdown impressions, feelings, and emotions and argue we give "assent" to certain impressions and deny others; there are things that are "up to us" and "not up to us."

The most interesting is the inward looking Stoics distinction between virtue and happiness. The commonly held view is to be happy is to get what you want, but the Stoics disagree and argue that to be happy requires virtue, which they understand as a healthy soul or disposition - "something choice-worthy for its own sake" (124). Sellars gives an interesting and solid discussion about Stoic ethics and their political cosmopolitanism.

The final section gives a brief look at the influence of Stoicism in Western philosophy. Important thinkers like Spinoza (perhaps the closest to Stoics), Kant, Nietzsche, Marx, Russell, Foucault, and Deleuze, to name a few, discusses Stoicism. For some, Stoics are a beacon while for others they are misguided or just wrong. Stoic philosophy has come in and out of fashion over the centuries perhaps due to its enigmatic nature, for it is persuasive, paradoxical, and problematic all at the same time. Sellars book brings this to light in an excellent, informative introduction to this fascinating philosophical system. For those interested in continuing their study of Stoicism or more specific topoi, the author provides an excellent guide to readings including top scholars. I would say if readers are interested in Stoicism and want a solid, thoughtful introduction than this is the book to read.

19 people found this helpful


5.0 out of 5 stars

Excellent introduction.

ByDavid Marshallon July 31, 2008

Format: Paperback

Who were the Stoics? How did they understand philosophy? How did their ideas of "ethics," "physics" (including what we call "metaphysics" as well as science), and "logic" (also much broader than what Mr. Spock engages in) join together into an organic whole? What role did the sage play in the Stoic system -- if such a creature were even possible. (Stoic agnosticism on this point was very similiar to that of the early Confucians about a "sheng ren," BTW.)

Sellars begins by giving an overall answer to these questions. Then he describes the three Stoic categories -- physics, logic, and ethics -- in the following chapters. He finishes the book with a chapter on the "Stoic legacy" -- the influence they have had since their gradual disappearance in the 4th and 5th Centuries. (One surprise: John Calvin was sympathetic to the Stoics in an early writing -- I've read his commentary on Acts 17, in which Paul discusses the Christian faith with Epicurean and Stoic philosophers in Athens, and he didn't seem so open-minded there -- perhaps because he was jousting at "Papist" shadows. But Sellars spreads his comments out through the centuries -- this section is very succinct, but interesting.)

I wanted a good general introduction to Stoicism, before reading (as I plan to) more of the primary and secondary material. This book turned out to be great for that purpose. It's simple, fairly straightforward, though Sellars also interacts in a light way with the scholarship, and does an excellent job of "mapping out" key figures and questions. Sellars is objective, seldom intruding his own views on the discussion, but (in general) describing what is understood about the Stoics, and clearly marking out where opinions differ. All in all, an excellent introduction to an interesting school of thinkers.

One of several things that piqued my curiosity, was the dissonance between the tone of Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus, and the role "God" plays in abstract Stoic philosophy. Sellars doesn't pick up on this, but the contradictions in Stoic philosophy seem as interesting to me as the continuity.

32 people found this helpful


1.0 out of 5 stars

This book is poorly written

ByMe!on August 2, 2008

Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

The author is not a Stoic, and it reads that way. He, the author, if you can call him that, is a poor writer. This book is as much fun as drinking a tall glass of sand. Don't buy this one, or else, you'll leave this fantastic philosophy behind.

6 people found this helpful

The Inner Citadel — Pierre Hadot | Harvard University Press

The Inner Citadel — Pierre Hadot | Harvard University Press

The Inner Citadel
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Pierre Hadot
Translated by Michael Chase
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$33.00 • £23.95 • €29.50

ISBN 9780674007079

Publication: December 2001


368 pages

6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inches

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LITERARY CRITICISM: Ancient & Classical
HISTORY: Ancient: Rome

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“Plato used to talk of philosopher-kings; Marcus Aurelius was something even better: He was a philosopher-emperor. The leader of the Roman Empire spent most of his life in troubling times, campaigning against the barbarians, dealing with conspiracy at home, even combatting an upstart cult that revered one of those Galilean wonder-workers. Yet the most powerful man in the world still managed to live the life of a Stoic, and to record his reflections on how we should live. Those meditations, as these inner pep talks are usually called, became one of the best-loved books of antiquity… This study—by a leading authority on Marcus—provides background matter and analysis of the main themes in the Meditations, as well as fresh translations of many of the sayings.”—The Washington Post Book World

“In The Inner Citadel, Hadot applies to Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations his characteristic interpretive approach: treating ancient philosophy as a ‘way of life,’ in particular one which provides its students with ‘spiritual exercises’ to enable them to make progress towards wisdom, and treating ancient philosophical texts with attention to the ‘forms of discourse,’ or constraints of genre, tradition, and audience that affected their production… The Inner Citadel is a rich and substantial book and will certainly affect future scholarship on Marcus Aurelius.”—Rachana Kemtekur, Bryn Mawr Classical Review

“Pierre Hadot, Professeur Honoraire of the Collège de France, aims in The Inner Citadel to discover what the emperor wanted to accomplish by writing [the Meditations]… The book he has written (published in French in 1992) achieves these aims superbly while also offering a broad introduction to the intellectual world of the second century… Through his analysis of the Meditations, Hadot exposes to our view the mind of those who ruled the Roman world at the height of its prosperity.”—Kenneth D. Bratt, Calvin Theological Journal

“The power and vigour of Hadot’s interpretation derive partly from his belief in the importance and continuing value of Stoic philosophy at least broadly interpreted in terms of a stoic outlook on life… In this book, as in his work as a whole, he sets a demanding standard, and an example which we can all applaud.”—R. B. Rutherford, Classical Review

“The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius has been a popular text since the sixteenth century, and is a vital source in understanding the ideas of the Stoic School. Hadot seeks to demonstrate the context and background to Marcus Aurelius’s writings, and helps to explain them to a modern readership. He makes the crucial point that Stoics considered the sole purpose of studying philosophy was to improve one’s moral conduct. Hence Marcus’s writings are in the form of a personal journal designed to develop the practice of acting morally and reflectively… Throughout the book Hadot stresses the depth of Stoic thought, and the interest it holds for modern philosophy… I would particularly recommend this book to those whose education in Ancient Philosophy has centred on Plato and Aristotle, and who are interested in finding out how their ideas were developed by later philosophers.”—Matthew Clark, JACT Review

“Hadot probes Marcus Aurelius’s guidelines and convictions and discerns the until now unperceived conceptual system that grounds them. Abundantly quoting the Meditations to illustrate his analysis, he allows Marcus Aurelius to speak directly to us. Hadot unfolds for us the general philosophical context of the Meditations, commenting on the philosophers Marcus Aurelius read and giving special attention to the teachings of Epictetus, whom Marcus followed closely… Hadot’s study offers a fresh picture of the fascinating philosopher-emperor, a fuller understanding of theories and doctrines of Stoicism, and rich insight on the culture of the Roman empire in the second century. Hadot has been working on Marcus Aurelius for more than twenty years; in this book he distills his analysis and conclusions with extraordinary lucidity for the general reader and specialist.”—Word Trade

“Because both translator and author are contemporaries, discussions between them contributed to an excellent and faithful translation… [Hadot argues] that the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius must be understood primarily as a ‘philosophical’ work not in the sense of speculative philosophy, but as philosophy that represents a way of life in the tradition of the Stoics… This is an excellent study of the Meditations.”—P. A. Streveler, Choice

Michael Chase, a student of Pierre Hadot and the translator of this volume, wrote in memoriam of Hadot at the HUP Blog
More Classics & Ancient World from Harvard University Press

Pierre Hadot was Professor Emeritus at the Collège de France. His books include Philosophy as a Way of Life and Plotinus.

Note on Transliteration and Quotation
Translator’s Note
1. The Emperor-Philosopher
2. A First Glimpse of the Meditations
3. The Meditations as Spiritual Exercises
4. The Philosopher-Slave and the Emperor-Philosopher
5. The Stoicism of Epictetus
6. The Inner Citadel, or the Discipline of Assent
7. The Discipline of Desire, or Amor Fati
8. The Discipline of Action, or Action in the Service of Mankind
9. Virtue and Joy
10. Marcus Aurelius in His Meditations

“Plato used to talk of philosopher-kings; Marcus Aurelius was something even better: He was a philosopher-emperor. The leader of the Roman Empire spent most of his life in troubling times, campaigning against the barbarians, dealing with conspiracy at home, even combatting an upstart cult that revered one of those Galilean wonder-workers. Yet the most powerful man in the world still managed to live the life of a Stoic, and to record his reflections on how we should live. Those meditations, as these inner pep talks are usually called, became one of the best-loved books of antiquity… This study—by a leading authority on Marcus—provides background matter and analysis of the main themes in the Meditations, as well as fresh translations of many of the sayings.”—The Washington Post Book World

“In The Inner Citadel, Hadot applies to Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations his characteristic interpretive approach: treating ancient philosophy as a ‘way of life,’ in particular one which provides its students with ‘spiritual exercises’ to enable them to make progress towards wisdom, and treating ancient philosophical texts with attention to the ‘forms of discourse,’ or constraints of genre, tradition, and audience that affected their production… The Inner Citadel is a rich and substantial book and will certainly affect future scholarship on Marcus Aurelius.”—Rachana Kemtekur, Bryn Mawr Classical Review

“Pierre Hadot, Professeur Honoraire of the Collège de France, aims in The Inner Citadel to discover what the emperor wanted to accomplish by writing [the Meditations]… The book he has written (published in French in 1992) achieves these aims superbly while also offering a broad introduction to the intellectual world of the second century… Through his analysis of the Meditations, Hadot exposes to our view the mind of those who ruled the Roman world at the height of its prosperity.”—Kenneth D. Bratt, Calvin Theological Journal

“The power and vigour of Hadot’s interpretation derive partly from his belief in the importance and continuing value of Stoic philosophy at least broadly interpreted in terms of a stoic outlook on life… In this book, as in his work as a whole, he sets a demanding standard, and an example which we can all applaud.”—R. B. Rutherford, Classical Review

“The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius has been a popular text since the sixteenth century, and is a vital source in understanding the ideas of the Stoic School. Hadot seeks to demonstrate the context and background to Marcus Aurelius’s writings, and helps to explain them to a modern readership. He makes the crucial point that Stoics considered the sole purpose of studying philosophy was to improve one’s moral conduct. Hence Marcus’s writings are in the form of a personal journal designed to develop the practice of acting morally and reflectively… Throughout the book Hadot stresses the depth of Stoic thought, and the interest it holds for modern philosophy… I would particularly recommend this book to those whose education in Ancient Philosophy has centred on Plato and Aristotle, and who are interested in finding out how their ideas were developed by later philosophers.”—Matthew Clark, JACT Review

“Hadot probes Marcus Aurelius’s guidelines and convictions and discerns the until now unperceived conceptual system that grounds them. Abundantly quoting the Meditations to illustrate his analysis, he allows Marcus Aurelius to speak directly to us. Hadot unfolds for us the general philosophical context of the Meditations, commenting on the philosophers Marcus Aurelius read and giving special attention to the teachings of Epictetus, whom Marcus followed closely… Hadot’s study offers a fresh picture of the fascinating philosopher-emperor, a fuller understanding of theories and doctrines of Stoicism, and rich insight on the culture of the Roman empire in the second century. Hadot has been working on Marcus Aurelius for more than twenty years; in this book he distills his analysis and conclusions with extraordinary lucidity for the general reader and specialist.”—Word Trade

“Because both translator and author are contemporaries, discussions between them contributed to an excellent and faithful translation… [Hadot argues] that the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius must be understood primarily as a ‘philosophical’ work not in the sense of speculative philosophy, but as philosophy that represents a way of life in the tradition of the Stoics… This is an excellent study of the Meditations.”—P. A. Streveler, Choice

Michael Chase, a student of Pierre Hadot and the translator of this volume, wrote in memoriam of Hadot at the HUP Blog
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The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius by Pierre Hadot | Goodreads

The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius by Pierre Hadot | Goodreads

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The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Pierre Hadot,
Michael Chase (Translator)
4.52 · Rating details · 344 Ratings · 23 Reviews
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius are treasured today - as they have been over the centuries - as an inexhaustible source of wisdom. And as one of the three most important expressions of Stoicism, this is an essential text for everyone interested in ancient religion and philosophy. Yet the clarity and ease of the work's style are deceptive. Pierre Hadot, eminent historian of ancient thought, uncovers new levels of meaning and expands our understanding of its underlying philosophy.

Written by the Roman emperor for his own private guidance and self-admonition, the Meditations set forth principles for living a good and just life. Hadot probes Marcus Aurelius's guidelines and convictions and discerns the hitherto unperceived conceptual system that grounds them. Abundantly quoting the Meditations to illustrate his analysis, the author allows Marcus Aurelius to speak directly to the reader. And Hadot unfolds for us the philosophical context of the Meditations, commenting on the philosophers Marcus Aurelius read and giving special attention to the teachings of Epictetus, whose disciple he was.

The soul, the guiding principle within us, is in Marcus Aurelius's Stoic philosophy an inviolable stronghold of freedom, the "inner citadel." This spirited and engaging study of his thought offers a fresh picture of the fascinating philosopher-emperor, a fuller understanding of the tradition and doctrines of Stoicism, and rich insight on the culture of the Roman empire in the second century. Pierre Hadot has been working on Marcus Aurelius for more than twenty years; in this book he distills his analysis and conclusions with extraordinary lucidity for the general reader.(less)

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Hardcover, 351 pages
Published August 25th 1998 by Harvard University Press (first published 1992)
Original Title
La Citadelle interieure: Introduction aux Pensées de Marc Aurèle
0674461711 (ISBN13: 9780674461710)
Edition Language
Marcus Aurelius
Roman Empire

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Nov 28, 2013Timothy Kestrel rated it it was amazing
If my house was on fire and I had time to grab just one thing before I rushed out, it would be this book.
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Feb 27, 2017Christopher Porzenheim rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: books-about-books, lit-crit, philosophy, philosophy-greco-roman
Has your life ever been changed by a book? The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius changed mine. Books that do this are necessarily rare. But even rarer than books that change your life are the books that change the way you understand life changing books. The Inner Citadel by Pierre Hadot is this rarest of book, it has fundamentally changed the way I understand the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius for the better.

If you want to better understand Marcus Aurelius, you want to read this book. Marcus’s stoic ‘collaborators,’ Epictetus and Seneca, show up in this book almost as frequently as Marcus. Hadot does not glibly summarize these philosophers views, he is interested in letting the ancients speak for themselves. Thus, almost every page is stuffed with quotes, analysis, quotes of analysis, and analysis of quotes. At times I felt buried under the sheer weight of Hadot’s quotes. But I was happily entombed. By providing the actual words of philosophers themselves, rather than the usual gloss of their views, Hadot does something rare in a modern work on ancient philosophy. Hadot makes philosophy, and Marcus Aurelius’s Stoicism in particular, accessible to the common reader.

Beware this book is long. But if you already interested in or love Marcus or Stoicism this book will be a great pleasure. A drink to sip over weeks and months, not for gulping. The way Marcus writes is as much his message as what he writes, and Hadot helps make clear why the Meditations is the way it is, what its influences were, and what makes it original. At the same time, Hadow shows how much debt Christianity and modern philosophy owe to Stoicism. Christianity, Hadot shows, was neither original nor unique in its belief in human rights or the value in loving one’s neighbor. Hadot even shows how Kant’s categorical imperative is nothing more than refurbished Stoicism. Reading the Inner Citadel is well worth your time if you have any interest in Stoicism, Marcus Aurelius, or the history of philosophy and religion in the West. There really is nothing new under the sun, but Hadot will help you see the old and new in clearer light.
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Jan 14, 2017Euan Semple rated it really liked it
This thorough, detailed, rigourous, but eminently readable exploration of Marcus Aurlius's Meditations offers a fascinating insight into the themes and patterns of the 12 books. Backed up by descriptions of the history of the manuscripts and other academic writings about them, Hadot’s enthusiasm and admiration of the man he is writing about comes across. I was left with the impression that very little has changed in the concerns and worries of mankind over 2000 years and enjoyed reading about ho ...more
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Feb 15, 2016Ajay rated it really liked it
Shelves: philosophy
Aurelius' Meditations is one of my favorite works, I try to re-read it at the start of every year, this book added a layer to how I understand and think about the book. Recommended to those who find value in Meditations, and perhaps stoicism more generally (Hadot does extensively quote from Aurelius' work, so you might not need to have read it to benefit from this book.).
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Jun 06, 2017Jay Nichols rated it liked it
In Meditations, Marcus Aurelius posits that nothing really matters because in a thousand years we'll be dead and forgotten. But Marcus Aurelius has been dead for more than a thousand years and he's remembered, so I don't know what to make of all of this.
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Aug 02, 2017Mr_wormwood rated it liked it
made an interesting point about the difference between Platonic and Stoic conceptions of reason. In short, Platonist's divide the soul into good and bad parts; reason is good, passion, impulse, everything irrational is bad. For Stoics, however, there is no division within the soul, rather a soul becomes bad, or deluded, because of the judgments it makes based on false understandings. I like this. it means there is no interminable battle between good and evil inside us, rather a plethora of diffe ...more
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Apr 26, 2015Ross Cohen rated it it was amazing
In "The Inner Citadel," Hadot reveals the system behind Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations," with clarity, sensitivity, and grace. He presents a fully-formed image of the world's most powerful man working on making himself a better man. Essential reading.
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Jan 03, 2015Taylor Grayson rated it liked it
Boring. So much jargon and metaphysics. This is why nerds bore people at parties.
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May 20, 2018Lorinda rated it really liked it
I have not read The Meditations but I have learned much about Stoicism and the thought and aims of Marcus Aurelius by reading this book. And the book has stimulated me to learn more. Pierre Hadot's writing and the translation by Michael Chase are both clear and well-organized.

The book is full of abstract concepts with few, if any, concrete examples (even ones taken from life in the second century). Also, the tripartite structure of the philosophy is great the way it all hangs together and also e...more
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Nov 27, 2017Ismail Elshareef rated it it was amazing
Shelves: nonfiction, history, favorites, mindfulness
This is a book that I’ve revisited time and again. It has the keys to may sanity as our world, and at times, our lives, become increasingly hectic and lacking purpose. This book is like a therapist on the go, offering lessons and advice that have stood the test of time for many many centuries. Highly recommended.
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Nov 30, 2017Justine rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Rich and clear introduction to Marc-Aurèle and Stoicism in general.
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Dec 09, 2016Marc-André rated it it was ok
Shelves: history, phil
I didn`t really enjoy reading Aurelius, and this is not so different. I`d recommend Epictetus rather. ...more
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Jul 10, 2017Christopher Hellstrom rated it really liked it
A strong scholarly analysis of this classic of Stoic thought. Made me reread and further appreciate "The Meditations"
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Oct 21, 2017Jackson rated it it was ok · review of another edition
A tedious read. The level of academic depth that this book goes into makes staying awake difficult. But aside from that, it does a fairly good job of providing insights into what Marcus meant in his Meditations.
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Nov 30, 2014Du Nguyen rated it really liked it
Shelves: owned
The Inner Citadel by Pierre Hadot is an analysis of The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. In The Inner Citadel, Hadot strives to organize the writings of Aurelius into stoic themes and provide a perspective of Aurelius, his context and his writings.

The book is excellent in explaining a lot of the stoic concepts. It starts providing a picture of who Aurelius was. The chapter on his upbringing is especially interesting and provides a view into his philosophical education. The background information on how The Meditations was lost and subsequently discovered is also fascinating but the lack of information here makes it hard to deduce anything from it. Lastly Hadot provides a primer into stoicism and how it evolved. Hadot also covers the structure of ancient philosophies of physics, dialectics and ethics.
After providing the background, Hadot goes into the three central themes of The Meditations: assent, desire and action. Assent is how to see things as they are without judgment. Desire is how to accept fate - accept external events. Action is how to act in accordance with the universe.
If you, like me, read The Meditations and didn't quite like the descriptions of "Providence", "Nature" and "Universe", Hadot makes it much clearer on how these terms fit into a modern world view. It certainly made me appreciate The Meditations more.

A great work by Hadot and essential if you felt like you didn't get that much out of The Meditations. This book can illuminate some of the points in The Meditations that feels too obscure. (less)
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Feb 04, 2014Nick Short rated it it was amazing
Shelves: ancient-greece-and-rome, read-in-2014, italy-rome, philosophy
A marvel. True scholarship.

With precise seriousness and full of the kindest of feelings for his readers, Pierre Hadot offers his authority on perhaps the most remarkable book in existance, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus's Meditations.

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Jun 24, 2016Jack rated it really liked it
An excellent companion to The Meditations- largely free of redundancy, and rich in biographical, lexical, and historiographical context. This seems accessible to a lay audience, though perhaps with a bit of difficulty on their part, but generally seems best suited to those with a background in the classics or academic philosophy who want a bit of lighter material on the side. Recommended.
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Jun 29, 2016Karl Nordenstorm rated it it was ok
I see myself as a stoic, loved Epictetus and thoroughly enjoyed Seneca and Rufus, but Marcus Aurelius - nope. He is boring. There is nothing provoking about his writings, nothing that makes you want to argue with him, nothing that is fun. Another thing: Aurelius is very heavy on stoic jargon. He does not write in plain words.
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May 30, 2012Colin rated it it was amazing
Shelves: philosophy, scholarly-works, teaching-resources
An absolutely brilliant exploration of the thought of Marcus Aurelius and his writings on Stoicism. A must-read for any scholarly Stoic, in my opinion (that is, if the more cerebral aspects, including linguistic and such, appeal to you).