
‘통일교’ 막내아들, 기독교 비판서 발간... 버림받은 하나님? - 종교와 진리

‘통일교’ 막내아들, 기독교 비판서 발간... 버림받은 하나님? - 종교와 진리

‘통일교’ 막내아들, 기독교 비판서 발간... 버림받은 하나님?▶ 기독신앙 전면 부정하며 시종일관 왜곡, 폄훼
종교와 진리 | 승인 2022.05.11 12:59댓글0

▲ 성령의 역사라며 신도들 쓰러트림(빈야드) 하고 있는 문형진(사진: 생츄어리교회 집회 영상)

통일교 막내아들 문형진 씨가 기독교 비판서 『버림받은 하나님 아버지』(도서출판 성, 382쪽)를 발간했다.

이 책은 서문부터 기독신앙에 대해 색안경을 끼고 바라본다. 그러면서 기독교에서 하나님이 버림받았다고 한다.

이 책 3장 신학교 공부 편에서는, 성경은 기록하는 사람에 의해 편집되어져 왔다고 주장하고, 성경을 어떤 정치적인 혹은 종교적인 위치를 지탱하기 위해 사용되어지기도 한다며, 그 이유로는 성경에 기록된 내용들이 출처가 모호하고 증거가 부족한 것들이 있기 때문이라고 한다.

16장 예수에 대한 의문점 편에서는, 예수 그리스도는 마구간에서 태어나 영웅이기 보다는 범죄자로 33세에 죽은 아주 조금만 알려진 유대인 목수라며, 150km 이상을 여행한 적이 없으며 학교를 다니지 않았고 어떤 군대 조직에도 가담하지 않았으며 자신의 책을 만드는 대신에 모래 위에 단지 그의 글을 남긴 정도로 미미한 존재였다고 폄훼한다. 그러면서 신빙성이 결여된 모호한 인물이라고 평가한다.

▲ 문형진 저, 『버림받은 하나님 아버지』(도서출판 성)

18장 예수의 부활 편에서도, 부활에 대한 조화로운 증거를 제시하지 못하고 있고, 실제 사실들과 많은 불일치가 있으며 일부 사람들은 제자들의 환각에서 비롯되었다고 결론짓는다며, 그 또한 부정한다.

그러면서 마지막으로 미국 수정헌법 2조를 근거로 들며, 자신은 물론 가족의 생명과 재산을 지키기 위해 반드시 총기를 소유해야 한다며 그 정당성을 강조한다.

처음부터 끝까지 성경 외경에도 미치지 못하는 떠돌아다니는 내용들을 가지고 기독신앙에 대한 비판과 부정, 왜곡을 하더니 결국에는 자신을 보호하기 위해 총기를 소유해야 한다는 내용으로 끝을 맺는다. 신앙과 총기 소유가 어떤 인과관계가 있는지 모르겠으나, 그의 아이덴티티가 어떠한지는 또렷이 보여준 것 같다.

종교와 진리 webmaster@churchheresy.com

버림받은 하나님 
아버지 구약과 신약 성경의 하나님 유기
문형진 지음 | 손병룡 옮김 | 도서출판성 | 2022년 01월 18일 출간
총 4 중4 10.0 (리뷰 0개) 클로버 리뷰쓰기

쪽수 382쪽

현대 기독교의 측면에서 구약과 신약의 하나님의 유기에 관한 역사적인 분석을 제시한다.
문선명총재의 후계자로 지명된 문형진목사가 미국 수정헌법 2조에 대한 신학적인 방어를 제시하며, 세계의 기독교인들이 나아가야 할 방향을 신학적이며 사회적 차원에서 제시하고 있다.
저자 : 문형진작가 정보 관심작가 등록
제 1부 이단
1장. 최초의 이교도. 2장. 신 영지주의 3장. 신학교 공부
4장. 의심의 씨앗들 5장. 은 30냥.

제 2부 법규
6장. 출애굽의 증거 7장. 석판 8장. 사형 9장. 집단학살
10장. 성전 11장. 자연법 12장. 가톨릭의 종말
제 3부 과학과 회의론(무신론)
13장. 다윈의 복음 14장. 다윈의 후손들 15장. 생명의 존엄성

제 4부 예수와 신약 성경
16장. 예수에 대한 의문점 17장. 예수에 대한 증거. 18장. 예수의 부활
19장. 예수의 왕국. 20장. 검(칼)의 필요성 21장. 바울의 문제점
22장. 기독교인을 다시 용감하게 하라
끝맺는 말. 참고문헌(영문)

책 속으로
이 책은 현대 기독교의 측면에서 구약과 신약의 하나님의 유기에 관한 역사적인 분석을 제시할 뿐만 아니라 미국 수정헌법 2조(각주 1)에 대한 신학적인 방어를 제시한다. 그래서 이 책은 전세계에 걸쳐 자유를 사랑하는 사람들의 관심을 아주 많이 받을만하다.
(각주 1) 미국 수정헌법 2조는 1791년 제정되었으며, “무기휴대의 권리”를 다음과 같이 규정하고 있다. “잘 규율된 민병대는 자유로운 주(state)의 안보에 필수적이므로, 무기를 소장하고 휴대하는 사람의 권리는 침해될 수 없다.” 이런 배경은 식민지 개척 당시에 행정력이 미치지 못하는 광활한 땅을 개척해야 했던 미국에선 총기소유는 자신은 물론 가족의 생명과 재산을 지키기 위해 반드시 필요한 권리로 간주돼 왔으며 한편 국가가 개인을 온전히 보호해 줄 수 없다는 관념도 영향을 미쳤다고 볼 수 있다.

현대 교회에서는 자기 방어와 관련된 구약의 경고들은 더 이상 토론의 주제가 아니다. 탈리오 법칙(복수법: lex talionis)에 관한 토라의 주장은 야만적인 것으로 비난받아 오고있다. 이 법(토라)은 다음과 같이 언급한다. “네가 긍휼히 여기지 말라. 생명에는 생명으로, 눈에는 눈으로, 이에는 이로, 손에는 손으로, 발에는 발로 이니라” (신명기 19:21).
그러나 이런 경고는 보복적인 잔인성만을 나타내는 것은 아니다. 그것은 오히려 모든 행위에 대한 공정한 정의의 원칙을 언급한 최초의 공식적인 선언이라 볼 수 있으며, 하류 계층에게 힘들고 보다 가중된 처벌을 가했던 모세 이전 관습의 종말을 나타낸다.
유사하게, 여섯 번째 계명에 대한 오해는, “그대는 살인하지 말 것이며”, 자유롭고 진보적인 성직자들이 방어용 무기구입 지출을 금지하자고 외치게 하는 계기를 촉발시켰다. 그런 오해는 러시아에서 퀘이커 교인들이 이(빈대)를 죽이는 것을 거부하고 그것들을 ‘어딘가에 그냥 두자’는 주장으로 이어졌다. 그러나 이 계명에서 언급된 ‘죽이다’는 단어, 즉 히브리어 단어로 ‘죽이다’는 사전에 계획된 살인이나 학살을 의미한다. 그 단어는 결코 합법적인 죽임으로 즉 사형집행 혹은 전쟁에서 적군을 죽이는 것으로 사용되지 않는다.
‘살인하다’는 의미가 의도적인 살인에만 적용된다는 주장은 하나님 자신이 구약 전부분에서 인간 살해를 명령하고 있다는 사실로 인해 설득력이 있다. 실제로, 약 1,000여개의 구절에서, 하나님은 강한 처벌을 실시하는 집행자로 묘사되어있다. 더욱 심각한 것은, 모세의 하나님은 사형과 동등하게 되어져야 하는 도덕상의 범죄 목록을 예시하고 있다. 그 목록은 살인, 자신의 부모에 대한 신체적인 상해, 희생자를 노예로 팔아넘기는 유괴, 간통, 근친상간, 동성애 그리고 수간(동물과의 성교)을 포함한다.
그런 처벌이 필요한 것은 고대 히브리 사람들이 사형 집행을 실시하는 일에 끊임없이 관여했다는 인상을 준다. 그러나 실제로는, 이것은 이 책에서 보여주듯이 아주 흔한 경우는 아니다. 실제로, 어떤 사람이 고대 이스라엘에서 사형을 당하는 경우는 드물었다. 우선, 단지 상황적이며 환경적인 증거만으로 사람의 생명을 제거하지는 않았다. 하나는, 그 사람이 사형으로 처벌받아야 하는 법을 어기는 것을 목격한 두명의 명백한 목격자가 필요했다. 그 다음, 이 두 목격자는 피고에게, 심지어 이미 알고 있다 하더라도, 금지된 행위를 범하여 그가 받을 수 있는 사형에 대해 미리 경고했어야 했다. 마지막으로 그 가해자는 경고에 대해 직접적인 반항을 하여 범죄를 저질렀음이 틀림없어야 했다. 위와 같이 범행을 하려는 어떤 망설임이 있었다면 그런 경우에는 사형이 적용될 수 없다는 것을 의미했다.
그리고 여전히 오늘날과 같은 남성 동성애와 동성혼의 시대에서도, 동성애를 처형하는 사형은 잔인무도하며 야만적이라는 생각이 거의 대다수의 신도들의 머리 속에 자리잡았다. 그러나 그런 추론은 문형진 목사가 주장하는 것처럼, 동성애 금지는 유대교의 아주 본질적인 부분과 토라(구약)의 다음 경고에서 유래되고 있다는 사실을 고려하지 않고 있다.
"보라, 내가 오늘 생명과 번영, 죽음과 파괴를 네 앞에 두었나니. 곧 오늘 내가 네게 명령하여 주 네 하나님 여호와를 사랑하고, 그에게 복종하며 그의 계명과 규율과 법도를 지키라 하는 것이라. 그러하면 네가 생존하며 번성할 것이요, 또 네 하나님 여호와께서 네가 가서 차지할 땅에서 네게 복을 주실 것임이니라. 그러나 만일 마음을 돌이켜 듣지 아니하고 유혹을 받아 다른 신들에게 절하고 그를 섬기면 내가 오늘 너희에게 선언하노니, 너희는 반드시 망할 것이라. 너희가 요단을 건너가서 차지할 땅에서 너희 날이 길지 못할 것이니라.
내가 오늘 하늘과 땅을 불러 너희 증거를 삼노라. 내가 생명과 사망, 복과 저주를 네 앞에 두었은즉 너와 네 자손이 살기위하여 생명을 택하고 네 하나님 여호와를 사랑하고 그의 말씀을 칭송하며 또 그를 의지하라. 그는 네 생명이시요 네 장수이시니 여호와께서 네 조상 아브라함과 이삭과 야곱에게 주리라고 맹세하신 땅에서 네가 오래 동안 거주하리라.
(신명기 30:15-20) 닫기
출판사 서평
원서 서평
“버림받은 하나님 아버지”는 모든 현대 이단종파들에 대항한 재판에 기소한 역사적인 증거를 보여준다. 이 책은 진실한 신앙자들 모두에게 필독서이며 성직자 서품을 추구하는 모든 사람에게 요구되는 독서물이다. -조지 쿡 목사, 펜실베니아주 뱅고르시 느헤미야 센터-
탁월한 독서물! 이 책은 창조주 하나님의 형상으로 창조된 존재에서 자신의 형상과 모습 안에서 또 다른 하나의 신을 만들어가는 인간의 노정을 입증하는 역사적이며 증명 가능한 문서들을 제시한다. -유다 마이어스, 생명의 선택 창설자-
sb**oon 2022-04-02 09:26:48 총 4 중4 정독해요
문선명목사의 아들이며 후계자인 문형진이 전세계 기독교인들, 특히 미국의 아벨적 기독교인들을 대상으로 지은 책으로 그들이 반드시 읽어야 할 필독서이다. 고대 이단의 뿌리를 밝히고, 예수의 진면목, 진화론의 허구성, 동성애의 비성경성, 미국 수정헌법 2조에 근거한 총기사용에 대한 정당성을 언급하고 있다.

In Memoriam: Joe Allen Tully: 1946-2010 - In Jin Moon

In Memoriam: Joe Allen Tully: 1946-2010 - In Jin Moon

The Words of the Tully Family

In Memoriam: Joe Allen Tully: 1946-2010

In Jin Moon
November 30, 2010

Unificationists around the country mourned the passing of a pioneer for North America on October 19, 2010 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Joe Tully was one of Rev. Moon's first followers and leaders of education, working in many different areas of the movement.

"Joe Allen Tully devoted 110 percent to everything he did," says close friend and classmate Eugene Hamamoto after his passing on October 13, 2010. "Whether it was on the football field, track oval, classroom, and in faith or friendship, you knew that Joe was always there -- completely. He had recently returned from Korea and was formulating new plans for yet another initiative. Until his dying breath he championed the causes to have us all embrace the acceptance of God into our lives, the return of the traditional family as the strength of society, and the protection of children."

Joe Allen Tully was born on June 29, 1946 in Texas; his family was traveling at the time. He grew up in the small town of Naalehu on the Island of Hawaii. Joe lost his dad in a traffic accident when he was quite young, and from elementary school through high school, Joe attended a prestigious boarding school, Hawaii Preparatory Academy.

Joe was an outstanding high school athlete who excelled at football, and was named to the Hawaii All-State team as both an Offensive and Defensive player in the same year! Joe then earned a bachelor's degree in biology/pre-med at Stanford University.

He joined the Unification Church in San Francisco in early 1970. For years, Joe led the large New York branch of the Unification Church, and became one of the best lecturers in America. He assisted Mr. Ken Sudo in Barrytown, N. Y. and was quite active with the fight against communism. Joe worked with Dr. Bo Hi Pak, under whose guidance Joe became one of the founding members, and President of the American Constitution Committee (ACC).

During the era of transition after the collapse of Communism, Joe also spent time in Ukraine in the Crimean peninsula teaching the Divine Principle to college students of the former Soviet Union.

In 1987, Joe suffered a massive heart attack, followed by quadruple by-pass surgery. Joe returned to his home state of Hawaii in 1989, and began the Hawaii Freedom Coalition in Honolulu. During that time, the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon visited Kona, Hawai'i frequently and during prayer/study meetings would often speak directly to Joe by name.

Joe Tully and Victor Jessop were the two primary 'founding fathers' of Rev. Moon's High School of the Pacific, and to Joe's last day, he remained loyal to Rev Moon's vision for HSP, and the school's vital mission to Pacific Island students.

Joe worked tirelessly in both education and political arenas to support the family unit in Hawaii, and taught about absolute sexual morality and related issues. To that end, Joe together with other prominent leaders in the Hawaiian community worked to found the Hawaii Family Coalition: a grassroots organization dedicated to protecting traditional family ethics and values. Joe suffered a stroke only days after launching an inaugural series of Hawaii Family Coalition workshops here in Hawaii.

Joe and his wife Sanae were blessed in marriage in the 1800-couple wedding. Sanae passed away in 1999. Their five children, in order of age, are, daughters, Bumi, Mihwa, Jamie and Hyo Ja, and son David. 

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02 Moon pitches Kona school

Moon pitches Kona school:

Moon pitches Kona school
A nonprofit foundation headed by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon is proposing to build a private high school in Kona.

Hawaii Tribune-Herald/August 9, 2002
By Hunter Bishop

Pacific Rim Education Foundation announced plans last week to establish the "High School of the Pacific" on a 32 - acre site makai of Mamalahoa Highway, adjacent to the Kona Ocean View Properties subdivision in Pu'ukala.

The proposed boarding school would house up to 200 students from Pacific island nations and Hawaii in a "shared - living experience," said Joe A. Tully, president of the foundation.

Tully said the school was initiated by Moon after talks with Pacific island leaders, who identified secondary education as one of their countries' most pressing long - term needs. "This unique high school is being built primarily for students from Pacific island nations that are too small to have adequate education systems of their own," Tully said.

A good education will enable the students and their nations "participate in the global advances in knowledge and technology," he said.

"In addition, we believe that a common educational experience and the lifelong, cross - cultural friendships developed at this school can contribute to greater understanding and cooperation in the Pacific region," Tully said.

Tully said discussions are under way with members of the Pu'ukala community who have voiced two primary concerns - whether roads to the school would go through their community, and its effect on the water supply.

Tully said access to the school would run along the northern boundary of the property, not through the community. And foundation planners, working with county officials, have tentatively determined that there's enough county water for the school. "I assured (the community) that if there is not enough water, we'll buy water rights or dig a well," Tully said.

Moon, a Korean religious leader, founded the Unification Church in 1954 and introduced the movement to the United States in the 1960s. Its controversial doctrine is based loosely on Christianity and Moon has suggested he may be the "real Messiah." Mass weddings of Moon's followers, who are matched by the church, are among the church's important rituals. The church claims millions of followers worldwide, and tens of thousands in the United States. Moon was convicted in the U.S. of conspiracy to evade taxes in 1982.

Tully, a member of the Unification Church since 1970, said the proposed school would accept kids of all faiths, cultures, ethnic backgrounds.

Fears about the growing influence of the church, expressed in several letters to West Hawaii Today recently, he said, are a "red herring."

"This school is being set up to serve 12 Pacific island nations," Tully said. "It is not being set up for church operations, by or for any church."

People may have valid concerns about the faith, "but I am not envisioning any overt religious education" at the school, he said. The Unification Church has had a history of involvement with education for 25 years, Tully said, citing the Little Angels High School for the Performing Arts in South Korea, New Hope Academy in Maryland, and the University of Bridgeport (Conn.) as examples of Unification Church - supported schools.

He said the church and affiliated organizations own the 30 - acre school property, another 27 acres in Holualoa, and a wholesale fish company on Oahu.

County Councilman Curtis Tyler, who represents Kona, has encouraged Tully to address the community's concerns about the project and believes he will.

"I've known him for 45 years," said Tyler, who was Tully's classmate at HPA. "I believe he's a man of integrity."

Tyler said the impact of development on the tiny Pu'ukala subdivision will be an increasingly important issue, not just from the proposed school. The area is designated for urban expansion in the county's General Plan and there are currently housing projects planned on three sides of the subdivision.

Tyler, who is not a member of the Unification Church, said, "the issue of one's religious belief is personal." The developer's representative has expressed a willingness to meet the community's concerns head - on, said Tyler. "I have no reason to doubt him."

"The key to all these kinds of things lies in communication," Tyler said. "Everybody just needs to get the facts."

Tuition and fees, and how much will be asked of students who attend the school, have not been determined, Tully said. "We haven't worked out the formula yet.

"Pacific island kids will need more than the standard amounts," he said. "We will have an extra burden of fund - raising."

The foundation has the money necessary for construction, an estimated $4 million to $6 million for the first phase - classrooms, dormitories and administration buildings - to accommodate the first class of ninth graders in September 2004, Tully said.

Tully said the school would have "real involvement" with community with vocational and technical education programs that will include cooperative partnerships with farms in West Hawaii and the marine industry.

"There are some spin - offs from this that are not obvious to the average person. I think this community and its kids will benefit in many ways."

An application for a special use permit to build the school on land zoned for agriculture has been submitted. A hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. Sept. 6, at Hisaoka Gym conference room, Kapaau.

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Michel Tournier

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Michel Tournier
Michel Tournier.jpg
Born19 December 1924
Paris, France
Died18 January 2016 (aged 91)
ChoiselÎle-de-France, France
Alma materSorbonne
Notable awardsGrand Prix du roman de l'Académie française
Prix Goncourt

Michel Tournier (French: [tuʁnje]; 19 December 1924 − 18 January 2016) was a French writer. He won awards such as the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française in 1967 for Friday, or, The Other Island and the Prix Goncourt for The Erl-King in 1970. His inspirations included traditional German culture, Catholicism and the philosophies of Gaston Bachelard. He resided in Choisel and was a member of the Académie Goncourt. His autobiography has been translated and published as The Wind Spirit (Beacon Press, 1988). He was on occasion in contention for the Nobel Prize in Literature.[1]


Born in France of parents who met at the Sorbonne while studying German, Tournier spent his youth in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. He learned German early, staying each summer in Germany. He studied philosophy at the Sorbonne and at the university of Tübingen and attended Maurice de Gandillac's course. He wished to teach philosophy at high-school but, like his father, failed to obtain the French agrégation.

Tournier joined Radio France as a journalist and translator and hosted L'heure de la culture française. In 1954 he worked in advertisement for Europe 1. He also collaborated for Le Monde and Le Figaro. From 1958 to 1968, Tournier was the chief editor of Plon. In 1967 Tournier published his first book, Vendredi ou les Limbes du Pacifique, a retelling of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, for which he was awarded the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française.

He co-founded in 1970, with the Arles photographer Lucien Clergue and the historian Jean-Maurice Rouquette, the Rencontres d'Arles. At the same time he produced for television some fifty issues of the monthly program Chambre noire, devoted to photography interviewing a photographer for each program.

Tournier died on 18 January 2016 in Choisel, France at the age of 91.[2]

Selected works[edit]

  • Vendredi ou les Limbes du Pacifique (Friday) (1967) - Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française
  • Le Roi des aulnes (1970) (The Erl-King translated 1972 by Barbara Bray, a.k.a. The Ogre)
  • Le Roi des aulnes was made into a 1996 movie Der Unhold (The Ogre) directed by Volker Schlöndorff and has also been adapted for the stage by Tom Perrin in 2002.
  • Les Météores (Gemini, 1975)
  • Le Vent Paraclet (The Wind Spirit, 1977)
  • Vendredi ou la Vie sauvage (Friday and Robinson, 1977)
  • Le Coq de bruyère (The Fetishist and Other Stories, 1978)
  • Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar (The Four Wise Men, 1980)
  • Le Vol du vampire (1981)
  • Gilles et Jeanne (Gilles and Jeanne, 1983)
  • La Goutte d'or (The Golden Droplet, 1986)
  • Petites Proses (1986)
  • Le Medianoche amoureux (The Midnight Love Feast, 1989)
  • La Couleuvrine (1994)
  • Le Miroir des idées (The Mirror of Ideas, 1994)
  • Eléazar ou la Source et le Buisson (Eleazar, Exodus to the West, 1996)
  • Journal extime (2002)


  1. ^ "Nobelpristagaren klar redan i morgon"DN.SE. Retrieved 19 January 2016.
  2. ^ "L'écrivain Michel Tournier est mort à l'âge de 91 ans" (in French). Le Figaro.fr. Retrieved 18 January 2016.


  • Jean-Louis de Rambures, "Comment travaillent les écrivains", Paris 1978 (interview with M. Tournier) (in French)

Further reading[edit]

  • Montiel, Luis (2003). "Más acá del bien en el mal. Topografía de la moral en Nietzsche, Mann y Tournier" (PDF).
  • Christopher Anderson. Michel Tournier's Children: Myth, Intertext, Initiation. Peter Lang. 1998. 145pp.
  • Walter Redfern: Le Coq De Bruyere. Michel Tournier. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 1996. 138pp.
  • William Cloonan. Michel Tournier. Twayne. 1985. 110pp.
  • Colin Davis. Michel Tournier: Philosophy and Fiction. Clarendon Press. 1988. 222pp.
  • Rachel Edwards. Myth and the Fiction of Michel Tournier and Patrick Grainville. Edwin Mellen Press. 1999. 310pp.
  • David Gascoigne. Michel Tournier. Berg. 1996. 234pp.
  • Mairi Maclean. Michel Tournier: Exploring Human Relations. Bristol Academic. 2003. 308pp.
  • Susan Petit. Michel Tournier's Metaphysical Fictions. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 1991. 224pp.
  • Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg. Michel Tournier: marginalité et création. Peter Lang. 1997. 170pp. Language: French.
  • David Platten. Michel Tournier and the Metaphor of Fiction. Liverpool University Press. 1999. 250pp.
  • Martin Roberts. Michel Tournier: Bricolage and Cultural Mythology. Anma Libri. 1994. 192pp.
  • Jane Kathryn Stribling. Plenitude Restored, Or, Trompe L'oeil: The Problématic of Fragmentation and Integration in the Prose Works of Pierre Jean Jouve and Michel Tournier. Peter Lang. 1998. 339pp.
  • Michel Tournier. The Wind Spirit: An Autobiography. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Beacon Press. 1988. 259pp.
  • Michael Worton (editor). Michel Tournier. Longman. 1995. 220pp.
  • Zhaoding Yang. Michel Tournier: La Conquête de la Grande Santé. Peter Lang. 2001. 175pp. Language: French.

External links[edit]

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Petri Liukkonen."Michel Tournier". Books and Writers
Michel Tournier (1924-2016)


French writer, who gained fame at the age of forty-three with his first novel, Vendredi ou les Limbes du Pacifique (1967, Friday; or, The Other Island), an ingenious reworking of the classic Robinson Crusoe theme. Michel Tournier's parodic and sometimes disturbing works can be read as comments upon the contemporary world, but are often based on old myths and stories.

Robinson was too exhausted to measure the full extent of his misfortune. "Since it isn't Más a Tierra" he reflected simply, "then it is the Island of Desolation," summing up his own situation with this impropmptu babtism. (in Friday, 1967)

Michel Tournier was born in Paris, the son of Alphonse Tournier, and Marie-Madeleine, née Fournier. His parents had met at the Sorbonne where they both studied German. Tournier also learned to speak German at an early age, when each summer his mother would take her children to stay in her favorite boarding house in Germany. After being wounded in the World War I, his father had given up the idea of becoming a teacher. He started a business to take in royalties for authors' record rights. These recorded texts, and the tales of Andersen, Selma Lagerlöf, James Oliver Curwood, gave rise to Tournier's hunger for the world of imagination and love for books. The family lived first near the fashionable Boulevard Haussmann. Later they moved to a large house in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, near Paris. In 1957 his family bought a former rectory in the hamlet of Choisel as a vacation home. It became eventually Tournier's permanent residence.

Tournier was educated at St.-Germain-en Laye and at a large number of private schools, mostly religious. During World War II German soldiers were stationed in the family's Saint-Germain-en Laye. Tournier completed his undergraduate studies and partly under the influence of Gaston Bachelard and Jean-Paul Sartre, he continued to higher degrees in philosophy and law at Sorbonne. He spent four years at the University of Tübinbeg (1946-50), planning a career in philosophy and education. His thesis was about Plato. Like his father, he did not pass the agrégation, a competitive state examination for admission to the most important teaching jobs. When he failed on his second attempt, Tournier abandoned his plan to become a teacher of philosophy.

Between 1949 and 1954, Tournier wrote and produced for French radio and television. He was the chief editor for the publishing firm of Plon (1958-68), a press attaché at the Radio Europe I (1964-1968), and hosted the television series La Chambre Noir, which was about photography. "I wasn't unhappy, but things weren't going well," he recalled. "To be a failure is fine when you're young, but the older you get, the harder it is to stand it." He wrote for the magazine Nouvelles Littéraires and translated Erich Maria Remarque's novels into French. In World Authors 1975-80 Tournier describes this period as an excellent time to prepare his first novel and reconcile fiction and philosophy using myths as a vehicle. He wrote three novels, which he did not consider worthy of being offered for publication.

Tournier's new look at old myths hit the literary scene at the right moment, when the audience was tired of the nouveau roman, with its difficult style of writing, avoidance of character analysis, absence of clear narrative, and emphasis on description instead of dramatization. When he began writing, he took as models such authors as Zola, Jules Renard, and Colette. Turning his back on the modern world, Tournier sought inspiration from the realms of fantasy and archetypes told from a fresh point of view. He showed that readability doesn't mean lack of depth. "A dead myth is called allegory," Tournier once said. "The writer's function is to prevent myths turning into allegories."

Not satisfied in merely retelling established myths and legends, Tournier deconstructs them in such a way that opens new ways of interpretation. Like in the work of the Swedish Nobel writer Pär Lagerkvist, the fundamental questions of good and evil, human suffering and meaning of existence, are examined in the context of Christian and alternative paradigms. When preparing a novel or a short story, Tournier surrounded himself with all sorts of things that he thought he might be able to draw on later in his work. For the novel about Saint Sebastian he studied the philosophy and technics of archery. 

With Friday Tournier won in 1967 the Grand Prix de Roman. It retells Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe but gives the story a philosophical depth. (Nearly 20 years later the Nobel writer J.M. Coetzee played with Defoe's classic novel in Foe. This time a woman shares the island with Robinson and Friday.) The famous hero is marooned on the desert island with his pipe tobacco, a copy of the Bible, and a modern identity problem. After abandoning his cultural background and sinking into animalism, Crusoe returns to the world of the spirit by the noble act of writing. "A new life thus began for him – or more exactly, it was the beginning of his true life on the island, after that period of degradation which he now thought of with shame and sought to forget." Crusoe develops a mystical relationship with his island, which he names Esperanza. When the rescue ship appears, Crusoe rejects the brutality of civilization reflected in the ship's crew. He stays on the island, and Friday chooses to leave, not accepting Crusoe's version of the world.

In sympathy with other workers, Tournier went on strike and was fired from the Plon publishing house, but his severance allowed him to continue his writing. Following the success of Friday, he left Paris, and  settled in Choisel, where he had bought an old village presbytery and converted it into a fuctional dwelling. Tournier's second novel, Le Roi des aulnes (1970, The Ogre), won the Prix Goncourt. The work was inspired by Goethe's famous ballad, 'Der Erlkönig' (1782), and Günter Grass's The Tin Drum (1959).

Tournier brought together the myths of St Christopher and the Erl King, set against the background of East Prussia during the Third Reich. Tournier made extensive research for the life of Field-Marshal Hermann Göring, whose passion for hunting plays a crucial role in the story. In the novel the ogre, Abel Tiffauges, is a monstrous and innocent character, a French prisoner in Germany who assists the Nazis by searching for boys for a Nazi military camp. Tiffauges is obsessed by his conviction that everything in the world is a sign. Destiny leads him to Rominten, the private hunting reverve of the "Great Huntsman" of the Third Reich, Field Marshal Hermann Göring. In the end he perishes while rescuing a little Jewish boy.

In 1975 there appeared Les Météores (Gemini), a baroque treatment of the myth of Castor and Pollux, which could be read as a contemporary version of Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days. Beginning from Crusoe, Tournier's men are often solitary characters; he sees that the the natural antagonism of male and female is the major source of problems for human beings. In Gemini Thomas Koussek argues that "the heterosexual wants to lead the free, unattached life of the homosexual nobility. But the more he breaks out, the more firmly he is recalled to his proletarian condition."

Friday, rewritten for children as Friday and Robinson (1971), was less than half the lenght of the original. For the most part, Crusoe's logbook entries were eliminated, but Tournier added also new scenes, such as the invention of games and arts. Some of this material was introduced into the revised adult paperbacke edition in 1972. Enjoying an enormous popularity in France, the children's version was made by Antoine Vitez into a stage play and in 1982 it was adapted into a six-hour TV series. "For Tournier, writing can only ever be rewriting, not just the rewriting of key myths but also conscious and unconscious inter-textuality. The rewriting of Friday for children is merely the most obvious example of a compulsion to rework his fictional narratives." (Michael Tilby in Contemporary World Writers, ed. Tracy Chevalier, 1993)

Le Coq de bruyère (1978), Tournier's first collection of short fictions, included also a play, Le Fétichiste. Some of the stories had been published individually in illustrated editions for children. The first rewrites Genesis; God is portrayed as a narcissist and Adam is bisexual before God creates Eve, his female half. 'Amandine ou les deux jardins', 'La fugue du petit Poucet' and 'Tupik' focused on children growing up in a restrictive environment. Tournier has not avoided dealing with taboo subjects, such as politics and sex, in his children's stories, and he had troubles in finding a publisher abroad for the picturebook Pierrot ou les secrets de la nuit (1979), which he called "a hymn to a physical contact" and "a lesson in love." However, its suggestive ending shocked even adult readers in France. (Crossover Fiction: Global and Historical Perspectives by Sandra L. Beckett, 2008, p. 195) In 1981, the book won the prize for best foreign children's book at the Leipzig Book Fair.

Tournier's fouth novel, Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar (1980, The Four Wise Men) reworked the familiar Christian legend of the three kings who came to Bethlehem to honor the Messiah's birth. Taor, the fourth Magi, according to Russian myth, travelled from India. Taor did not reach Bethlehem in time, but rescued a group of children from the Massacre of the Innocents. The story weaves together realistic elements with the fantastic, and makes a groundbreaking move away from the formalism of the French nouveau roman. After the publication of The Four Wise Men, Tournier was at the height of his career, considered to be France's leading novelist. Dissatified with the novel – "I didn't go far enough", he said – Tournier wrote a children's version, which came out under the title Les Rois Mages (1983). The following adult novel he did not rewrite for children, feeling that he has no need to publish novels separately for adults and children.

Gilles et Jeanne (1983) returned to the story of Joan of Arc and her contemporary, the mass murderer Gilles de Rais. These opposite characters meet in the first section. La goutte d'or (1985) was intended partly as an attack on France's racist attitudes toward its North African migrant workers. It the poetic story about the plight of these laborers the protagonist is Idris, a young Berber and a kind of Friday figure. In the middle of the desert he meets a beautiful white woman who takes a photo of him, promising to send it to Idris. He waits for the picture in vain, and then decides to travel to France, to find the woman. In Paris he experiences all the humiliations of an outsider and faces the superficial world of pictures. To save himself in the labyrinth of mirages, he starts to learn the art of calligraphy. "Le signe est esprit, l'image est matière."

Le Médianoche amoureux (1989, The Midnight Love Feast) included a novella, short stories, and short 'fables'. In the novella 'The Taciturn Lovers' examined the basic psychological warfare between men and women: "What is a domestic scene? It's the woman's triumph. It's when the woman has finally forced the man out of her silence by her nagging. Then he shouts, he rages, he's abusive, and the woman surrenders to being voluptuously steeped in this verbal downpour." Eléazar, ou, la source et le buisson (1996) recounted the journey of a family of 19th-century Irish settlers to a new home in California and explores the question of God's refusal to allow Moses to enter the Promised Land. Tournier .

Tournier was elected member of the Académie Goncourt in 1972. Tournier's literary autobiography came out in 1977 under the title Le Vent Paraclet. Despite preferring to commute to Paris from his home only for business or for literary activities, Tournier frequently visited schools and corresponded with classes by tape cassette. In addition to novels, Tournier published essays, short stories, prose poems, the travel book Le vagabond immobile(1984), and juvenile books. Several of his works have been illustrated photographs taken by Edouard Boubat. Though an accomplished photographer himself, Tournier confined largely to portraits and to nudes. Michel Tournier died in his home in Choisel, near Versailles, on January 18, 2016. 

For further reading: Myytti ja usko Michel Tournierin tuotannossa by Anne Fried (1994); World Authors 1975-80, ed. Vineta Colby (1985); Michel Tournier by W. Cloonan (1985); Michel Tournier by S. Koster (1985); Michel Tournier, ed. by P.E. Knabe (1987); Michel Tournier, Philosophy and Fiction by C. Davis (1988); Michel Tournier by Francoise Merllié (1988); Michel Tournier: Le Roman mythologique by Arlette Bouloumié (1988); L'In-difference chez Michel Tournier by Mireille Rosello (1990); Michel Tournier's Metaphysical Fiction by Susan Petit (1991); Michel Tournier by Martin Roberts (1994); L'Evangile selon Michel by Lorna Milne (1994); Michel Tournier, ed. Michael Worton (1995); Tournier élémentaire by Jonathan Krell (1995); Michel Tournier: Le Coq De Bruyere by Walter Redfern (1996); Michel Tournier by David Gascoigne (1996); Michel Tournier's Children by Christopher Anderson (1998); Myth and the Fiction of Michel Tournier and Patrick Grainville by Rachel Edwards (1999); Postmodern Mythology of Michel Tournier by Melissa Barchi Panek (2012)

Selected bibliography:

  • Vendredi, ou les Limbes du Pacifique, 1967 (Grand Prix du Roman de l'Academie Francaise)
    - Friday; or, The Other Island (translated by Norman Denny, 1969)
    - Perjantai eli Tyynen meren kiirastuli (suom. Eila Kostamo, 1980)
    - Film 2005, prod. A.A. Les Films Belge, Artisan, C&C Partners, dir. Yvan Le Moine,starring Philippe Nahon, Alain Moraïda, Ornella Muti, Hanna Schygulla
  • Le Roi des aulnes, 1970
    - The Ogre (translated by Barbara Bray, 1972) / The Erl-King (U.K. title, translated by Barbara Bray, 1972)
    - Keijujen kuningas (suom. Annikki Suni, 1983)
    - Film 1996, prod. Canal+, France 2 Cinéma, Héritage Films, screenplay Jean-Claude Carrière and Volker Schlöndorff, dir. Volker Schlöndorff, starring John Malkovich, Gottfried John, Marianne Sägebrecht, Volker Spengler
  • Vendredi ou la Vie sauvage, 1971
    - Friday and Robinson: Life on Esperanza Island (translated by Ralph Manheim, 1972)
    - Robinson ja Perjantai (suom. Inkeri Tuomikoski, 1982)
    - TV film 1981, prod. Antenne-2, Carthago Films S.a.r.l., Société Française de Production (SFP), dir. Gérard Vergez, starring Michael York, Gene Anthony Ray, Roger Blin, Robert Rimbaud
  • Le Fétichiste: un acte pour un homme seul, 1974 (play)
    - [The Fetishist]
    - Fetisisti: yksinäytöksinen yksinäisen miehen puheenvuoro (suom. Annikki Suni, 1993)
  • Le nain rouge, 1975
    - Film: Le nain rouge / The Red Dwarf, 1998, prod. Production Co:A.A. Les Films Belge, Canal+, Classic, dir. Yvan Le Moine, starring Jean-Yves Thual, Anita Ekberg, Dyna Gauzy, Michel Peyrelon
  • Les Météores, 1975 (Prix Goncourt)
    - Gemini (translated by Ann Carter, 1981)
    - Meteorit (suom. Annikki Suni, 1985)
  • Le Vent Paraclet, 1977
    - The Wind Spirit: An Autobiography (translated by Arthur Goldhammer, 1988)
  • La famille des enfants, 1977
  • Canada: journal de voyage, 1977 (photographs Edouard Boubat)
  • Contes et nouvelles Le Coq de bruyère, 1978
    - The Fetishist (translated by Barbara Wright, 1983)
    - Punainen kääpiö (suom. Annikki Suni, 1981)
    - Film adaptations: Le coq de Bruyère, TV film 1980, dir. Gabriel Axel, starring Pierre Mondy, Françoise Christophe, Dorothée Jemma, Jean-Marie Proslier; Tupik, short film, 1987, dir. Chantal Richard; Mirage dangereux, TV film 1987, based on L'air du muguet, dir. Charlotte Dubreuil, starring Jean Carmet, Tom Novembre and Sylvie Orcier
  • Des clefs et des serrures, 1979
  • Pierrot, ou les secrets de la nuit, 1979 (illustrated by Danièle Bour)
    - Pierrot ja yön salaisuudet (suom. Annikki Suni, 1984)
  • La Fugue du Petit Poucet, 1979
  • Barbedor, 1980
  • Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar, 1980
    - The Four Wise Men (translated by Ralph Manheim, 1982)
    - Kolmen kuninkaan kumarrus (suom. Annikki Suni, 1982)
  • Vues de dos, 1981 (photographs by Edouard Boubat)
  • Le Vol du vampire, 1981
  • L'Aire du Muguet, 1982
  • Barbedor, 1982
  • François Mitterand, 1983 (with Konrad R. Müller)
  • Les Rois Mages, 1983
  • Gilles et Jeanne, 1983
    - Gilles & Jeanne (translated by Alan Sheridan, 1990)
  • Des clefs et des serrures, 1993
  • Sept contes, 1984 (illustrated by Pierre Hézard)
  • Le vagabond immobile, 1984 (designs by Jean-Max-Tombeau)
  • Journal de voyage au Canada, 1984
  • Marseille, ou, Le présent incertain, 1985 (photo collection)
  • Petites proses, 1986
  • La Goutte d'Or, 1986
    - The Golden Droplet (translated by Barbara Wright, 1987)
    - Kultapisara (suom. Annikki Suni, 1988)
    - TV film 1990, prod. France 3 (FR 3), dir. Marcel Bluwal, starring Lilah Dadi, Farid Chopel and Jean-Pierre Bisson
  • Le Tabor et le Sinaï, 1988
    - Taaborinvuori ja Siinainvuori: esseitä nykytaiteesta (suom. Annikki Suni, 1990)
  •  Le Médianoche amoureux, 1989
    - The Midnight Love Feast (translated by Barbara Wright, 1992)
    - Rakastavaisten illallinen: satuja ja novelleja (suom. Annikki Suni, 1990)
  • Le Crépuscule des masques, 1992
  • Waterline, 1994 (photographs by Arno Rafael Minkkinen)
  • Le Pied de la lettre, 1994
  • Le Miroir des idées, 1994
    - The Mirror of Ideas (translated by Jonathan Krell, 1998)
  • La Couleuvrine, 1994
  • Eléazar, ou la Source et le Buisson, 1996
    - Eleazar, Exodus to the West (translated by Jonathan F. Krell, 2002)
  • The Mirror of Ideas, 1998
  • ALAIA, 1998 (with Azzedine Alaia, Juan Gatty)
  • Sept contes, 1998
  • Célébrations: essais, 1999
  • Journal extime, 2002
  • Allemagne, un conte d'hiver de Henri Heine, 2003
  • Les vertes lectures de Michel Tournier, 2006
  • Michel Tournier, Voyages et Paysages, 2010 (photographs by Edouard Boubat, ed. Arlette Bouloumie) 


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다른 자기 계발이라고 할까, 살기 쉬움의 책은, 포인트가 단문으로 늘어놓고 있어, 읽고 있어도 「그것이 무엇인가?」가 되어 버려, 전혀 머리에 들어오지 않고, 읽어 계속할 수는 없지만,이 책은 하나의 이야기가 조금 길어서 좋다.

자신의 경험이나 현상에 거듭하기 쉽고, 표현이 독특하고(불교의 생각이니까?), 지금까지 머리에 들어오지 않았던 것도, 쭉 들어오는 것 같아요.

무엇보다 흥미 롭습니다.
어렵지 않고 간단하지 않고, 들어갈 수 있습니다.
옛날 이야기 같은 동화 같은 분위기를 좋아하는 사람은 좋아할까라고 생각합니다.
13명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
5성급 중 5.0 좋은 책입니다.
2021년 3월 12일에 확인됨
아마존에서 구매
계발본입니다만, 거기까지 견고하지 않고 바삭바삭 읽을 수 있습니다. 사람은 모두 이기적이었고, 노다리가 매우 인상적이었습니다. 피곤할 때 읽으면 깨끗이합니다.
15명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
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5성급 중 4.0 조금, 네이티브인가? 그럴까?
2021년 12월 30일에 확인됨
아마존에서 구매
처음 읽었을 때는 네이티브인가? 라고 생각했습니다만, 가끔 읽어 보면, 과연이라고 생각하는 말이 있거나 합니다.
우울한 사람보다 긍정적인 사람이라도 그런 식으로 생각해도 좋을까? 라고 생각할 수 있는 작품이라고 생각했습니다.
사람 각각의 주관으로, 읽어 봐도 좋은 작품이군요. 위에서 시선으로 미안해.
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Amazon 고객
5성급 중 5.0 매우 귀엽고 기분 좋은 책이었습니다.
2021년 4월 25일에 확인됨
아마존에서 구매
전자책에서 샀습니다.
행복해지는 것은 모든 것이 자신의 마음 속에 있다.
그 가르침이 특히 마음에 울렸다.
특히 수행에 전념하고 싶은 아빠의 이야기가 매우 재미있었습니다.
순서에 관계없이 읽어도 좋을까~
6명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
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5성급 중 5.0 천천히 읽어야 할 책
2021년 12월 1일에 확인됨
아마존에서 구매
파라파라 어쩐지 읽는 것만으로는 이 책의 본래의 장점은 전해지지 않을지도.
마음이 멋지다.
자주 있는 자기 계발이나 스피계의 책과는 다릅니다.
앞으로도 여러 번 다시 읽고 싶습니다.
3명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
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구~초콜릿 랜턴
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2022년 7월 28일에 확인됨
아마존에서 구매
김? 이것을 칠할 수 없어서 피로 피로
이것으로 신품인가,, 반 환불 해 주었으면 할 정도

그것인가, 교환해 주었으면 한다
고객 이미지
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5성급 중 5.0 관점이 바뀝니다
2022년 2월 26일에 확인됨
이 책을 읽으면서 어떻게 내가 좁고 편향된 관점에서 세상을 보고 있고, 그래서 괴로웠다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 깊은 이야기를 매우 가볍게 쓰고 있기 때문에, 매우 읽기 쉽게 마음에 쑥 들어옵니다.
두 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
5성급 중 5.0 인생, 편해졌어요 🎵
2021년 6월 2일에 확인됨
아마존에서 구매
이 책은 추천합니다.
인생악이 되었습니다.
10명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
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