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"Witness to an Extreme Century": An Interview with Robert Jay Lifton | History News Network

"Witness to an Extreme Century": An Interview with Robert Jay Lifton | History News Network

"Witness to an Extreme Century": An Interview with Robert Jay Lifton


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Robin Lindley is a Seattle attorney and writer.  He contributes to the History News Network, Crosscut, Real Change, and others, on history, human rights, international affairs, law, politics, the media and arts.

Darkness is only driven out with light,
not more darkness.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Eminent psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, M.D., now age 85, has spent his life at the often dark and bloody confluence of psychology and human history.   He is perhaps most well known for his research on the character and human consequences of historic mass traumas such as the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the Holocaust, and the counterinsurgency wars of the past half-century.

Dr. Lifton’s studies have revealed not only the immense capacity for human cruelty and inhumanity, but also the astonishing resilience of survivors.   He has strived to create a model for humane behavior as he has warned of the dangers of “totalism” or totalitarian beliefs that preclude any independent thinking.  Dr. Lifton’s profound understanding of pain and suffering led him to become a prominent voice against war and nuclear weapons while advancing constructive, life-affirming strategies for a more just and peaceful world.

In his new memoir, Witness to an Extreme Century (Simon and Schuster), Dr. Lifton traces his journey from his Brooklyn boyhood to his distinguished career in psychiatry.   Anthropologist and author Mary Catherine Bateson wrote that the book “offers a model of the relationship between introspection and ethical commitment.”

 As well as discussing his groundbreaking research, Dr. Lifton recounts his friendships with a range of influential intellectuals and artists from his mentor Erik Erikson, anthropologist Margaret Mead, and historian Howard Zinn to writers Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, and Kenzaburo Oe. 

Kirkus Reviews honored Witness with a starred review and described the book as a “call for a moral awakening by a deeply compassionate chronicler of our time.”

Dr. Lifton is a Lecturer in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the City University of New York.  His books include the National Book Award Winner Death in Life: Survivors of HiroshimaLos Angeles Times Book Prize Winner The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide; National Book Award Finalist Home from the War: Learning from Vietnam VeteransThe Protean Self: Resilience in an Age of Fragmentation; and Superpower Syndrome: America’s Apocalyptic Confrontation with the World.

Dr. Lifton recently spoke by telephone from his home in Massachusetts about his life and innovative scholarship.

Lindley:  Did you see yourself as a doctor when you were a little boy?

Lifton:  I did not see myself as a doctor when I was a boy.  I was always interested in history.  It wasn’t clear to me how I would use history in later life.  I wasn’t the type of kid who imagined himself in a white coat at a very tender age.  That interest in medicine came later and was uncertain even as it developed.

Lindley:   It seems your mother and father significantly influenced your views.

Lifton:  All parents have a significant influence, and in my case my father in particular was concerned about social issues and was a progressive person.  He had gone to City College of New York, and that was a great experience in his life.  He never ceased being an advocate for free higher education.  And my social and ethical concerns are part of those my parents had.

Lindley:  Where were you when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

Lifton:  I was fifteen years old in 1941.  I was riding in a car with a close friend and his uncle was driving us from Long Island to Brooklyn.  I remember being shocked when I heard about it.  I understood it would mean war, but didn’t fully understand how widespread its effects would be. 

Lindley:  How did you react at age nineteen when you heard about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Lifton:  When I was nineteen, I was already in medical school because of my accelerated education.  I’m rather ashamed of it, but I was joyous at hearing the news because we had a new weapon that would help us win the war quickly and I wouldn’t have to fight in it.  I quickly got over that response when I found out more about the atomic bomb, but my initial reaction was, unfortunately, a fairly conventional one at the time.  It took me and many others a while to grasp what this new weapon meant.  I spent the rest of my life atoning for that first response.

Lindley:  At the time, American leaders believed the atom bombs would save hundreds of thousands of American lives.  You disagree with that opinion.

Lifton:  Very strongly.  The use of the weapons was a grave mistake and the war could have been won quickly without them because Japan was absolutely annihilated.  In the end, the treaty of surrender didn’t vary from what the Japanese were offering:  unconditional surrender except for keeping the Emperor on the throne, which we eventually agreed to.

Lindley:  Had you decided to go into psychiatry by age 19 in 1945?

Lifton:  No.  I had read some psychology, but had no idea that I was going into a psychological field or psychiatry.  At medical school, I [had an] intellectual interest in psychiatry and helped organize a psychiatry club with medical students.  It still wasn’t clear that I would become a psychiatrist, but over the course of medical school I made that decision.

Lindley:  You’ve combined your interest in history with psychiatry in your examination of the major human traumas of the past seventy years.  How did history shape your career?

Lifton:  I was very interested in history as a kid and in high school, but I had no idea how important it would become for me.  Later, when I began my research, it seemed natural to combine individual psychological interviews with evaluation of the larger historical forces.  It was an intuitive feeling on my part.  Also, my post-war intellectual generation was exposed to history with our country being thrust into new dimensions of historical involvement by the war and the post-war era, creating in many people in my generation an interest in larger history.  And that was my experience. 

I was sent to Japan in 1952.  There was still an American occupation when I arrived.  One was confronted by historical forces by being sent abroad as I was.  All that contributed, I think.

Then later on, I came under the influence of Erik Erikson, who was one of the few psychoanalysts to immerse himself in history and look at larger questions rather than reducing history to psychiatric concepts.  I had a strong interest in history before I met Erikson [but] he helped me channel that interest into a method or approach to history.

The method I used was a psychiatric interview highly modified to become a dialogue so I could get at individual psychological struggles but also take into account what I came to call a mosaic of larger social and historical influences.  That became my method of research.  My studies were on very different subjects, but they all required that combination of psychology and history.  Of course, [my research] dealt with very destructive forces, but I emphasized aspects of resilience and hope as well.

Lindley:  And you’re a master interviewer.  Did your approach grow from Erikson and or did you develop it independently?

Lifton:  I developed my own method in my first study before I had met Erikson.  My approach was more hands on.  I interviewed people who had been subjected to or brought about profound historical events.  That general principle, which I came to call shared themes, was my own concept. 

Erikson influenced me in terms of the concept of identity and of the idea of a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist connecting with the world stage.  There was that suggestion in his work, although he didn’t go about his work in the same way I did.
I talk about Erikson using the great person approach, trying to evaluate the psychology of the great man or woman and then examining the interaction of that psychological struggle with the shared psychology of that era, whereas my approach of shared themes meant studying a group of people who had been through such events and doing it in a nitty gritty way in the field.

Lindley:   You mention serving in the military in the wake of the war.

Lifton:  I was in the military only during the Korean War and served two years because of the doctor draft. 

Lindley:  Although you critique authoritarian or “totalistic” institutions, you call your Air Force service a gift.

Lifton:  My experience of the Air Force didn’t have anything in the way of basic training or of the intense control of a training process, which can have a totalistic element. I reported in, was sent to a hospital in Massachusetts and did psychiatric work, and hardly had any briefing.  In that sense I was spared what could be the more totalistic influences.

I called it a gift because it brought me into the world and took me to Japan and Korea.  I discovered Japan with my wife and [that was] an exciting and transformative experience for us, which influenced everything that followed.  It was the Air Force that made possible my highly idiosyncratic work.  It’s conceivable that without the Air Force I might not have taken such direction. 

Of course, my last Air Force assignment was to interview returning prisoners of war who had been subjected to “thought reform” by the Chinese in North Korea.  That work with POWs interested me in the thought reform process.  Then in Hong Kong I interviewed people coming out of China who had been through that process, and that led to my very first study. 

In a way, all of that stems from the Air Force assignment, which I was far from happy about.  I didn’t want to go into the military and went because I was drafted.  And I wasn’t happy about being sent abroad because I was comfortable working in Massachusetts in routine ways at Westover Air Force Base, but still that experience opened up a world for me and had an important bearing on my career, and that’s why I called it a gift.

Lindley:  When you studied Chinese thought control or brain washing and totalism, wasn’t there an echo in the United States with the McCarthy persecution of suspected communists?  Can you talk about totalism?

Lifton:  Totalism is a psychological equivalent of totalitarianism and means an all or none system of belief and claim to ethical virtue, which leaves no room for opposition or for alternative views or approaches.  So it’s a closing of the mind over a claim to absolute certainty.  It is one of the gravest human dangers and it played a major role in all of the research studies of destructive behavior [and] became a leitmotif of my work in general.

My work on thought reform is not as well known as some of my other work, but it was extremely important because it gave me a chance to study a systematic process that illustrated totalism at its worst and taught me a great deal about its danger.

And yes, I did apply [it] to the United States.  I [was] troubled when I was in Hong Kong by the extent to which groups could try to manipulate truth and impose falsehood on others in a totalistic practice like thought reform.  Then I heard of not exactly systematic but parallel tendencies in the United States in relation to the McCarthyism of the fifties and the terrible atmosphere where friends were even afraid to subscribe to certain magazines or express critical views in public.  I began to feel much of the world had gone mad in that totalistic direction.

Also in the George W. Bush years in particular—but not only during the Bush years—I was intent on looking at the relevance of my thought reform work for this country.  Even though our behavior may not be as extreme as elsewhere, if destructive behavior on the part of others can illuminate relatively lesser transgressions on our own part, then it’s our responsibility as scholars to make those connections.

Lindley:  Your anti-nuclear activism began even before you did the study of Hiroshima survivors in the 1960s.

Lifton:  A prior experience helped bring me to Hiroshima.   That is, in the late fifties I came under the influence of David Riesman in Cambridge, Massachusetts, when I had an appointment as a research associate at Harvard.  He had been an early student of nuclear danger not only of what the weapons do, but how they influence the country, their impact on American society.  It was a way of looking rather interpretively and profoundly and socially at nuclear weapons.  And I tried to look at them psychologically as well. 

When I was in Japan subsequently from 1960 to 1962 on a different study on the psychology of youth, I decided after that study to make a trip to Hiroshima.  That decision was influenced by that prior influence of Riesman.  In that way, one’s ethical and political influences can take one to the study rather than vice versa.  And of course my Hiroshima study deepened my knowledge of what the weapon does and contributed to my anti-nuclear passion.

Lindley:  You capture the difficulty of interviewing the Hiroshima survivors and mention their psychic numbing and your own professional numbing.

Lifton:  I call it selective professional numbing.  I found that I could talk to people in Hiroshima about the bomb and what it did.  But once I started the actual psychological interview, which meant going over in detail every aspect of the experience and hearing about the extremity of suffering and the experience of a sea of death around them and injuries and burns—both what they themselves experienced and what they saw in others—[it] was an overwhelming process for me as an interviewer.  After a few interviews, I was overwhelmed by that material and anxious and having bad dreams.  I really wondered whether I could do the study.

A short time later, the anxiety diminished.  I didn’t cease to be responsive to what survivors told me, but I found myself gaining a very minimum of detachment necessary in carrying out the study.  It happened almost inadvertently because
I was very intent on doing the study and I sensed that I needed to combine compassion with a modicum of detachment to carry that out, and I call that selective professional numbing.

You can see parallels in psychiatrists who treat troubling and difficult psychotic patients, or even more so a surgeon who does a delicate operation who cannot afford to feel the emotions of people close to the patient.  That selective professional numbing, as I call it, was crucial to the study.

Then I realized that numbing or the diminished capacity to feel is of course is an overwhelming response of survivors themselves, in which case it can be life saving.  They needed some diminution of feeling just to survive mentally and physically.

Lindley:  It’s striking that the survivors describe their reaction to the extreme horror of death and injuries as an out-of-body state.

Lifton:  The extreme psychic numbing is a form of dissociation, or one part of the mind being separated from the rest of the mind.  The numbing is a turning off of psychological experience.  While most that I talked to were aware of the dreadful things happening in the city—that people were dying and something extraordinary of a highly destructive nature had taken place—what was turned off were the emotions or feelings ordinarily associated with such an experience and that served their capacity to take action and survive.  If there was too much numbing, they’d be immobilized.

Lindley:  Isn’t an overarching theme of your work death and the continuity of life, or the need for connection and continuity in the face of the inevitability of death?

Lifton:  Yes it is.  The Hiroshima study thrust me into death-related issues, and how to articulate them and use them to understand what I had witnessed in my Hiroshima interviews.  Most psychological and psychiatric work had not extensively studied death-related ideas.  There was the Freudian work on the death instinct or death drive, but in terms of placing death within one’s theory or interpretations, more was needed.  I tried to draw upon what I could find.

I focused on death and the continuity of life as a model or a paradigm—the kind of model from which you understand the world or organizing principle in that sense.  In a way, it’s a very obvious principle, but most psychoanalytic work before that focused on a paradigm of instinct and defense:  certain instincts were sexual or destructive with various inner defenses against them that we try to mobilize in the self or ego.

I sought a more encompassing model with death and the continuity of life.  There are others who didn’t necessarily call it that but work with that in different ways as in working with dying patients.

Lindley:  In your book on Vietnam veterans, Home from the War, you describe combat survival and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Lifton:  Yes.  I spoke mostly in terms of survivor psychology and survivor struggles and pain.  The later concept of posttraumatic stress disorder drew upon some of the work [from] my Hiroshima and my Vietnam studies.  And I work on a small committee of psychiatrists which presented evidence for a concept of posttraumatic stress disorder.

The whole experience of being a survivor and of adult trauma has been very important in my work.

Lindley:  Your Vietnam survivor work deals with death imagery and then how survivors move to a search for meaning.

Lifton:  Yes.  I developed a series of concepts about the psychology of survivors, but the overarching principle was the quest for meaning.  I speak of all human beings as meaning-hungry creatures.  We need meaning whether we express it or assume it in living out our lives as to why do this or that or how we treat our children or parents and what advocacies we make in the world and what we impose.  That is all based on meanings that we live by.

A survivor often has had his or her meaning structure undermined or even overturned [and] spends much of his or her life seeking a meaning structure or trying to re-assemble or reintegrate meaning.

Some Hiroshima survivors define their meaning and mission in telling the world what that first atomic bomb did and warning the world about nuclear weapons.  So that became a very important theme in my work:  the idea of survivor meaning, then the idea of survivor mission that stems from survivor meaning.

Lindley:  You speak of atrocity-producing situations in Vietnam—and that concept is now relevant with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lifton:  Yes.  An atrocity-producing situation is so structured that very ordinary people who are in no way particularly bad can engage in atrocities and that can be the case because of the way the environment is structured.  In terms of Vietnam, body counts, free fire zones, and search and destroy missions were military policy that made killing civilians all too easy.  The kinds of experiences soldiers, especially angry grief they suffered [as] buddies were killed when they were unable to engage the enemy, [are] likely to occur in counterinsurgency wars where it’s hard to distinguish combatants from civilians.

The importance of the concept of the atrocity-producing situation is that it can apply in other environments of war, atrocity or destructive behavior.  It certainly has applied in Iraq and Afghanistan as well.  Both are counterinsurgency wars as we had in Vietnam, although they’re very different wars.  All counterinsurgency wars present difficulty in distinguishing combatants from civilians.  There can be this license to fire and this angry grief in terms of what one has experienced.

So the concept of atrocity-producing situations haunts us in various wars.  Vietnam had much to teach us about that.

Lindley:  In your study of Nazi doctors you move from victims to perpetrators, but many of the Nazi doctors presented themselves as victims and brought up the moral quandaries they faced.  These interviews had to be especially challenging for you.

Lifton:  Yes.  I was drawn to the work because there had been little direct study of what went on in the psyches of the Nazis, and there was almost no study of the Nazi doctors.   I came to recognize that Nazi doctors and others in the biologically related professions were key people in the Holocaust.  The Holocaust was a biological vision of getting rid of bad genes and bad races in what I call the biomedical vision of healing the Nordic race by destroying those groups that had undermined it, especially the Jews but also other races.

The Nazi doctors was the first group for which I had less than sympathy for the people I was interviewing.  I was caught in a paradox, but I encouraged the Nazi doctors I spoke with to tell me in full frankness about their feelings and their environment and even conversations among Nazi doctors in places like Auschwitz.  As they told me that, I found myself seething because they were vicious ideas and so-called jokes, which would be extreme to anyone, and my being Jewish further intensified my feelings. 

I was quite aware that I would be among those the Nazis designated as those they wished to kill.  The very information and ideas that I so much needed for my research were a source of enormous pain to me.  It was also difficult to control my anger and even rage at some of their own described behavior.  So that study had its difficulties.

Lindley:  It had to be difficult to hear their justifications, such as avoiding combat by working in a concentration camp.

Lifton:  There were some Nazi doctors who had second thoughts about what they were doing at Auschwitz, which was [their] major role in the killing process.  But those questioning thoughts were muted by the realization that, if they raised such questions, they could well be sent to the Eastern Front [where] there was an extremely high death rate.  The irony was that the Nazi doctors probably could have refused to do the selections—part of the killing process—if they presented their refusal as a form of inability or even personal weakness on their part rather than a rejection of the Nazis themselves.  They undoubtedly would have been transferred out of the situation because the Nazis liked their killing machines running smoothly, but if they had done that, they would have been sent to the front.

Lindley:  Physicians have a special role and are admired in society.  The Nazi biomedical vision of racial purity grew out of eugenics, which was taught in the United States in the early twentieth century.

Lifton:  America was a leading center for eugenics [along with] Great Britain, and initially moved further in the direction of eugenics than the pre-Nazi Germans. 

The idea of trying to control genetic transmission to build a more healthy and able race could be considered idealistic but, when there were abuses and deficiencies surrounding this in the United States and Great Britain, they could cease that focus on eugenics for, say, coercive sterilization, which was all too prevalent in the United States—but at least finally it could be stopped.  That contrasted with Nazi Germany, which, as a totalitarian country, simply did what was ordered by Nazi leaders including Hitler in connection with a policy of forced sterilization and then what the Nazis falsely called “euthanasia” as part of what I call the creation of a biocracy.  So the democratic possibility of changing one’s direction did not exist in totalitarian Germany.

Lindley:  The Nazi T4 “euthanasia” program with the destruction of so-called “mental defectives” in Germany was a step toward the Holocaust.

Lifton:  Most of the Nazi death camps where people were systematically killed in gas chambers were constituted by transfers from killing centers for the so-called “euthanasia program,” which doctors on the whole ran.  Both equipment and personnel including doctors were transferred from the “euthanasia programs” [establishing] a concrete link from so-called “euthanasia” to the Holocaust.

Lindley:  What lessons did you draw from your Nazi doctors study?

Lifton:  There are many lessons.  First, it’s important to confront this behavior in a scholarly way to learn exactly what it consists of and, as much as possible, what led to it.   Also, take a stand against any claim, even claims of idealism, that promise an enlightened and improved time at the expense of another group when it comes to harming or killing another group because of the needs of the majority.   When it comes to claims of the majority, one should be very suspicious.  I would add that any group taking a totalistic direction should be looked at critically.

Lindley:  You’re a leading anti-war and anti-nuclear activist.  Where are we now with our two wars and continued maintenance of a nuclear arsenal?

Lifton:  Not only my work but the work of many others has led to a national consciousness and a better understanding of the dangers of nuclear weapons, but that doesn’t mean we’ve cured ourselves of what I call the spiritual disease of nuclearism:  embracing the weapons with an exaggerated dependency on them.

There’s a large number of nuclear weapons in the world, and there’s a grave danger that they’ll be used whether by us or by another country that possesses them.  Even so-called smaller nuclear weapons, say the size of the Hiroshima bomb—which is very small by present standards—are still devastating and a danger. 

Obama has improved the situation by speaking of nuclear abolition as a goal, but hasn’t followed through to the extent many feel he should.

Lindley:  You’ve also been outspoken on medical complicity in war crimes and torture.  Your work supports investigation of our own activities in war.

Lifton:  Yes.  I wrote a short piece a few years ago in The New England Journal of Medicine on American doctor collusion in torture in Iraq and elsewhere.  It’s been a great disappointment to me that the Obama Administration that has refused to confront participation in torture and to make clear what we’ve done [to determine] historical and ethical responsibility.  The fact that the administration has prevented that from taking place and the pursuit of the war in Afghanistan have been my major criticisms of the Obama Administration.  I think they’ve improved a great deal on previous administrations.

Lindley:  Where do you find hope?  Is it in human resilience?

Lifton:  On resilience, in the most extreme experiences, like Hiroshima or Auschwitz, there were people who managed not only to survive but to help others survive and renew their lives with extraordinary energy and find ways of living that could transform the very pain and suffering into some kind of insight and commitment to life-enhancing behavior. 

Resilience is one issue related to what I call the protean self or the many-sided self. I see the individual self in contemporary experience as having many sides and a certain amount of flexibility and capacity to renew itself and avoid dead ends.  That doesn’t guarantee anything, but at least it gives a psychological substrate to the possibility of changing and renewing and behaving in a resilient manner. 


The Dream of the Earth Audiobook | Thomas Berry | 1988

The Dream of the Earth Audiobook | Thomas Berry |


The Dream of the Earth
By: Thomas Berry
Narrated by: Thomas Berry
Length: 2 hrs and 52 mins
Abridged Audiobook
Release date: 13-11-2019
Language: English
Publisher: Phoenix Books
4.3 out of 5 stars4.3 (3 ratings)

Non-member price: $9.71or 1 Credit
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Publisher's Summary

Drawing upon the wisdom of thinkers from Buddha and Plato to Teilhard de Chardin and E. F. Schumacher, from ancient Chinese philosophy and Native American shamanism to contemporary astrophysics, Berry forges a balanced, deeply felt declaration of planetary independence from the sociological, psychological, and intellectual conditioning that threatens the death of nature, offering a path that will avert ecological catastrophe and move our traumatized planet toward health.

Berry builds his case on a comprehensive review of the history of ideas, and he points toward a transformation of consciousness that is needed, if mankind and the planet are to survive. The Dream of the Earth provides the insights, inspiration, and ethical guidance for us to move beyond exploitation and disengagement and begin a restorative, creative relationship with the natural world.
©1988 Sierra Club Books (P)1992, 2019 Audio Literature, Phoenix Books
PhilosophyEcologyShow More

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5 out of 5 stars

C. Haubner

Powerful book

This is a wonderful book. It’s dense and intense, but it provides invaluable insight to our current condition as humans. A must read.


Essays discuss the Earth's evolution, our changing relationship with the planet, the ethics of ecology, and the future of the world

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Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sierra Club Books (1 September 1988)
Customer Reviews: 4.6 out of 5 stars    52 ratings


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The Dream of the Earth
The Dream of the Earth
byThomas Berry

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Mark Adams
5.0 out of 5 stars Great!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 February 2016
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Anita M. Nicholson
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in Canada on 3 October 2017
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A true visionary. Berry is remarkable!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great thanks. Got here in good time too
Reviewed in Canada on 23 June 2017
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Great thanks. Got here in good time too.
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in Canada on 9 December 2016
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love the writing!! a read for everyone.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Highly Recommend!
Reviewed in Canada on 16 August 2016
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Absolutely Fantastic!! Thomas Berry speaks with so much depth!! I am in awe!
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3.0 out of 5 stars The best message I got from this book was that all ...
Reviewed in the United States on 2 November 2015
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Almost done with this book and although it has some inspiring notes, I found it to be rather repetitious throughout.
It kind of goes in circles about how humans are damaging the earth and how we need to do something about it.

The best message I got from this book was that all the elements of our cultures and personalities come from nature. We basically create our consciousness from our perception of animals, plants, smells, etc....this is a powerful thought because the more species we lose each year limits and basically shrinks our consciousness. The less there is to perceive, the less our cultures can evolve.
12 people found this helpful
Nancy Flinchbaugh
5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful prose, a plea for the earth
Reviewed in the United States on 16 September 2012
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Thomas Berry writes beautiful prose, in this incredibly vibrant plea for our struggling planet. If you've never read Berry, this would be a good way to start. He will awaken your admiration for creation and call you out to enter into this, our Eco Age. I hope you will join the ever growing community of those who are working to build a better, sustainable future for the People of Earth. This, he says, is our "Great Work." It's amazing to me that this book, written almost 25 years ago now, explains the challenges of our reality. A Catholic priest, who dedicated his life to this work, lives on in his remarkable writing.
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5.0 out of 5 stars A Fine Guide To Earth/Universe Connectivity
Reviewed in the United States on 13 February 2004
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Thomas Berry has put together in this one book what a thousand other writers have attempted and that is: a complete format for human perception of reality that should and can pervade through all our earthly activities, esp. religion, politics and economy. Let Earth and it's biolgical processes teach and guide us to a rational, sustainable, regenerative, healthy existence.

There are many potent passages all through this work and I picked out one that I felt was inclusive of the gist of the book.

..."This universe itself, but especially the planet Earth, needs to be experienced as the primary healer, primary commercial establishment, and primary lawgiver for all that exists within this life community. The basic spirituality communicated by the natural world can also be considered as normative for the future ecological age."- Page 120

This is an excellent treatise on reverence for the creative life forces that sustain us and treat us daily to a plethora of interactive life processes and our need to acknowledge this gift by treating it with the awe and respect it deserves.

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Annie Dragonfly
5.0 out of 5 stars The Epitome of Deep Ecology
Reviewed in the United States on 26 September 2009
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This is THE book on deep ecology. It is beautifully written, requiring slow thoughtful reading - I found myself chewing each sentence 22 times, wishing I could write out each thought and pin it on the wall to consider in every waking moment. In this masterpiece of environmentalism and spirituality, Berry tells how we got Earth into this mess, and how our collective thinking must change to save our one and only Home. It cannot be said any better than this. While I try to rotate other books so as not to hoard wisdom, this cherished book will stay in my library permanently and be read again and again.
7 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Berry knew we are Nature.
Reviewed in the United States on 15 September 2011
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Thomas Berry knew we had to work with Nature itself rather than dictating our needs to Nature. A new book, The Awakened Earth, teaches us how to form a partnership with Nature to heal environments out of balance. It does what Berry said we must do, listen to Nature, then co-create solutions with Nature to rebalance and heal stressed environments. Indigenous people as well as American Indians knew this and did listen as they saw they were part of Nature itself, not a dominator of Nature as many now behave. Berry's principles are realized in The Awakened Earth. (It too, is for sale on Amazon as well as its own website.)
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The Dream of the Earth by Thomas Berry

 4.20  ·   Rating details ·  302 ratings  ·  42 reviews

This landmark work, first published by Sierra Club Books in 1988, has established itself as a foundational volume in the ecological canon. In it, noted cultural historian Thomas Berry provides nothing less than a new intellectual-ethical framework for the human community by positing planetary well-being as the measure of all human activity.
Drawing on the wisdom of Western philosophy, Asian thought, and Native American traditions, as well as contemporary physics and evolutionary biology, Berry offers a new perspective that recasts our understanding of science, technology, politics, religion, ecology, and education. He shows us why it is important for us to respond to the Earth’s need for planetary renewal, and what we must do to break free of the “technological trance” that drives a misguided dream of progress. Only then, he suggests, can we foster mutually enhancing human-Earth relationships that can heal our traumatized global biosystem. (less)

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Apr 15, 2017Emily Crow rated it really liked it
Shelves: nonfiction, read-in-2017, nature-writing, modern-life

It took me forever to get through this relatively short book, due to both the dry, academic prose and the sheer number of interesting ideas per page. Although it is a challenging read--and, in some ways, a bit dated--it is definitely worth the attention of anyone with a serious interest in environmental philosophy.

The core of the message is simple: We absolutely have to find a new way of relating to the earth, or we will destroy it, and thus destroy ourselves. All of our current modes of being--in economics, religion, science, politics--are not only insufficient, but contributing to the problem.

Or as Barry puts it: "Our secular, rational, industrial society, with its amazing scientific insight and technological skills, has established the first radically anthropocentric society and has thereby broken the primary law of the universe, the law that every component member of the universe should be integral with every other member of the universe and that the primary norm of reality and of value is the universe community itself in its various forms of expression, especially as realized on the planet Earth."

I enjoyed how he broke down his argument into different segments, such as how science and commerce and our own historical world view (the latter going back to the Middle Ages in the beginnings of this pathology, which provided a new and interesting perspective for me), but the most convincing argument was, for me, the spiritual one:

"We should be clear about what happens when we destroy the living forms of this planet. The first consequence is that we destroy modes of divine presence. If we have a wonderful sense of the divine, it is because we live amid such awesome magnificence." Yes, this!!! A million times over!

I did find it interesting that, although the author was a Catholic priest of the Passionist order, his religious views are quite nonconformist and would probably upset many main stream Christians. He believes that the emphasis on personal salvation and the insistence that we live in a fallen world detract from the experience of our connection with natural world--the sort of nature mysticism of traditional Native American religions, for example. He shows how this view helped to lead to the industrial plundering of the earth (sorry about all the quotes in this review, but Berry just says things so much better):

"Just as the doctrine of divine transcendence took away the pervasive divine presence to the natural world, so the millennial vision of a blessed future left all present modes of existence in a degraded status. All things were in an unholy condition. Everything needed to be transformed. This meant that anything unused was to be used if the very purpose of its existence was to be realized. Nothing in its natural state was acceptable."


"The Christian world is the world of the city. Its concerns are primarily supernatural. The rural world is the world of the pagan. The natural world is to be kept at a distance as a seductive mode of being."

Actually, I would be extremely interested to read a thoughtful, ecologically aware Christian response to these arguments, as my gut instinct says that Berry's view would be considered heretical, and yet I know that many Christians are concerned about the environment. I would hate for the Ann Coulters and Sarah Palins of this world to drown them out. And yet Coulter and Palin are obviously building upon a dynamic--and extremely destructive--cultural foundation when they so vociferously insist that the earth exists only for our consumption. I wonder what Berry would say about them if he were still alive today.

I copied down pages upon pages of quotes from this book--the author's insights were just that amazing. It's tempting to keep sharing more of them, but instead I'll recommend that everyone who loves the earth read this book. My one quibble with it (besides the stilted prose) was that I found it to be a complete downer (probably one of the reasons I could only read it in small doses). Writing in 1988, Berry seems to believe that we were on the cusp of a new ecological paradigm. If anything, the opposite is true. Every day I am bombarded with depressing news about more and more drilling, mining, fracking, and logging carried out on public lands. Entire mountain tops are being blown sky-high in Appalachia for coal production. The keystone XL pipeline has just been approved by one of the most aggressively exploitative presidents in history. Native rights are being trampled at Standing Rock and elsewhere. It is enough to make one weep, and I sometimes do. Unfortunately, some thirty years later, Berry's Dream of the Earth seems just that, a lovely dream that never came true. (less)

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Erik Akre
Mar 14, 2016Erik Akre rated it liked it
Recommends it for: visionary ecologists; shamanic personalities
Shelves: ecology, human-ecology
My first impressions of this book were that it is not particularly "well-written." I had a hard time gelling with Berry's writing style, and I never did quite get the hang of it. It had the feel of being second-rate. I shouldn't say that first off, but there it is.

That said, I must also say that its ideas are powerful and compelling. I will explain by listing the ways it inspired me, the things it inspired me to learn more about:
1. the sequence and detail of the galactic cosmology
2. the sequential phases of human development, from Paleolithic to ecological (into which we are currently transitioning)
3. the great classical cultures of the world and their achievements
4. the scientific-technological phase of human development itself, considering power, harms, helps, and ramifications
5. the possibilities of the new ecological age
6. the rediscovery of foundations for human values

The book provoked a lot of interest in the above, and there are many, many references to further reading in these and other areas. If for no other reason, these inspirations are worth the read. In the midst of everything else in my life, it took me years to explore these things further, but I have in my way, and I still do. I owe something to Berry for the motivation I still have.

In the end, Berry concludes that we need more visionary consciousness and less blind reliance on reason. This conclusion ties things together well. It is the "shamanic personalities" that must be the guides as we move forward to a new relationship with the earth. (less)
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Andrea McDowell
Feb 05, 2013Andrea McDowell rated it it was ok
Shelves: green, life-is-too-short
I have tried so hard to like Thomas Berry.

I give up. I can't do it. Dense, unreadable prose based on the sketchiest types of half-evidence, stitched together with such slender chains of reasoning that a good sneeze could rip it apart. Nice ideas. Lovely philosophy. A wonderful world would result if, indeed, there were any basis for his proposals or if they were implementable by animals with the sorts of brains human beings have. But they're not, and I can't waste one more second of my life believing that there is anything useful to be learned from a book that makes the argument that there were pre-partriarchal women-ruled societies in which the environment was treated well. Mr. Berry, you meant well, and I respect you as an ally; but to all his successors, I beg of you, please sully yourself with some form of actual evidence, and stop confusing "fact" with "someone else's opinion that you found in print." (less)
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Eddie Black
Jan 05, 2009Eddie Black rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: pagan, philosophy, environment
We need more voices like Thomas Berry.
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Nov 07, 2013Sev rated it really liked it
Shelves: library
It's strange reading a fervent environmental call to action almost thirty years after its publication, sitting in a world worse off than the one which inspired its writing. An important book. (less)
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Apr 05, 2018Ingrid rated it it was amazing
Very insightful ideas regarding the connections with our planet. I found Thomas Berry's explanations for the dream of the earth and the solutions to our current ecological crisis innovative and encouraging. ...more
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Sep 26, 2009Elizabeth rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: psychologists and adult devt
now I own it

from the library computer:
Publishers Weekly Reviews
This first volume in a new series, the Sierra Club Nature and Natural Philosophy Library, explores human-earth relations and seeks a new, non-anthropocentric approach to the natural world. According to cultural historian Berry, our immediate danger is not nuclear war but industrial plundering; our entire society, he argues, is trapped in a closed cycle of production and consumption. Berry points out that our perception of the earth is the product of cultural conditioning, and that most of us fail to think of ourselves as a species but rather as national, ethnic, religious or economic groups. Describing education as ``a process of cultural coding somewhat parallel to genetic coding,'' he proposes a curriculum based on awareness of the earth. He discusses ``patriarchy'' as a new interpretation of Western historical development, naming four patriachies that have controlled Western history, becoming progressively destructive: the classical empires, the ecclesiastical establishment, the nation-state and the modern corporation. We must reject partial solutions and embrace profound changes toward a ``biocracy'' that will heal the earth, urges the author who defines problems and causes with eloquence. (October) Copyright 1988 Cahners Business Information.
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Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership
Dec 22, 2010Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership rated it it was amazing
Shelves: the-top-50-sustainability-books
One of Cambridge Sustainability's Top 50 Books for Sustainability, as voted for by our alumni network of over 3,000 senior leaders from around the world. To find out more, click here.

The Dream of the Earth is a collection of essays which all advance a deeply spiritual and ecological interpretation of the world, its current woes and potential solutions. Berry believes we understand and interpret the world and our role within it based on our 'story of the universe', our dream or world-view. The story is the source of a society's collective psyche and not only explains the past, but also guides our future. While other animals have their behaviour embedded in their DNA, we humans need stories to find our way and understand what to do.

The underlying theme of the book is that our vision, or dream, of progress has brought a lot of good, but is now sowing the seeds of its own destruction. This is because we have lost our connection to the planet, a connection that has existed since ancient times and today remains only with some indigenous communities. Our story has become corrupted, or empty of deep meaning. (less)
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Wendy Babiak
Sep 28, 2009Wendy Babiak rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: books-that-made-me-a-better-person

Thomas Berry, a monastic who chose to use his solitude to study everything from comparative religion and philosophy to agricultural production and particle physics, has synthesized his wide and deep knowledge in this volume with a thoughtfulness rare in this or any age. The book is a call to awaken to a new and more productive geopolitical paradigm involving a recognition of the rights of the earth and all its inhabitants. Reading it is like being blessed with a new set of eyes with which to see the world. (less)
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Jonathan Wichmann
Jun 16, 2012Jonathan Wichmann rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Recommended to Jonathan by: Bill Plotkin
Wonderful to read -- he writes with the language of a philosopher, though I think it's clearer and more direct than most people think of as philosophy. I found it beautiful and inspiring. Probably my favorite part is that he reminds us every three pages that humans are closing down the basic life systems of the planet. Awful, but it's surprisingly nice to hear someone say it how it is.

His ideas can be challenging, but I think they're right on. (less)
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Jun 13, 2009Joshua added it
Shelves: hippie, summer09
I would rate this as a better book that "The Great Work", if only because it is more prescient (written a decade earlier), as it contains all of the main ideas, developed sufficiently enough.

I am considering using Chpt 8, "The American College in the Ecological Age" (pp. 89-108) as a reading for a freshman seminar discussion. It is as timely now as it was 20 years ago.

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David Weber
Feb 12, 2012David Weber rated it it was amazing
Berry's eyes, mind, and heart were wide open. He could see the connectivity of everything, he had the ability to convey the unity of all things eloquently, and thus he enabled us to know better the love of the Other in which all must fully live, move, and have our being.. (less)
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Aug 28, 2020JeanAnn rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: morning-coffee

“We can understand this Peace of Earth, however, only if we understand that the earth is a single community composed of all its geological, biological, and human components. The Peace of Earth is Indivisible. In this context the nations have a referent outside themselves for resolving their difficulties. The earth fulfills this role of mediator in several ways. First, the earth is a single organic reality that must survive in its integrity if it is to support any nation on the earth. To save the earth is a necessity for every nation. No part of the earth in its essential functioning can be the exclusive possession or concern of any nation. The air cannot be nationalized or privatized; it must circulate everywhere on the planet to fulfill its life giving function anywhere on the planet. It must be available for the nonhuman as well as for the human lifeforms if it is to sustain human life. So it is with the waters on the earth. They must circulate throughout the planet if they are to benefit any of the lifeforms on the planet.” (less)

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Jul 16, 2017Ann rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: conservation
This collection of essays broadly addresses the ecological despair facing all the Earth, how humans are causing this despair and the ways in which it will impinge on human existence. Rather than offer specific analysis or solution, Berry presents some themes of underpinning philosophy arising from Christianity, Western culture and economics in particular that have lead to this state of despair and changes or new directions for creating a viable future. He connects the human past, in historical, cosmological, and genetic senses, as a starting point for this future. These essays are worth a consideration on all counts. (less)
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Aug 30, 2018Walt rated it really liked it
This is a very interesting set of essays, outlining the patterns of life in the world, demonstrating the problems associated with modern cosmology, and proposing a new cosmology. While some essays have become outdated as our understanding of evolution and anthropology changes, the majority have become even more relevant and important to the situation we find ourselves in. The need for a story which integrates us into the community of life on Earth has only grown since this was written. I would recommend this to anyone concerned with spiritual or ecological issues facing the world. (less)
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Sep 29, 2020Emma rated it liked it
"As Chief Seattle once said of us and our cities: 'When the last Red Man shall have perished, and the mystery of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children's children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone.'" (less)
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Dec 17, 2019Eileen rated it liked it
Shelves: non-fiction
© 1988 ***½. Early book on the subject of ecology and the place of humans in the biosphere. Explains well how a bioregion works as a unit and how all life is dependent on humans working together with the natural forces of the earth. Acknowledges the dignity and respect due to the planet as a whole, and to the awesome diversity of life present here and nowhere else for light-years around.
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Aidan Owen
Nov 16, 2017Aidan Owen rated it it was amazing
Shelves: mysticism, spirituality, 2017, contemplative-ecology
Extraordinary. If you haven't read this book, read it NOW. If you have, read it again. It changed the way I see myself as a part of the universe and not separate from it, and has helped me to articulate my own vocation. Absolutely essential reading. (less)

Joe Moreno
Jan 15, 2018Joe Moreno rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
A theological basis for environmentalism. Great book!
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Apr 27, 2018Autumn rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorite-books
This is one of the most powerful books I have ever read, shining light on humanity’s place in the cosmos and our role in manifesting a world in which all things thrive in communion and love.

Aug 13, 2018Joyce rated it it was amazing
A thoughtful view of where we are on planet Earth, how we got here and what we need to do in order to save our beautiful Mother.
Jan 22, 2019Martha rated it liked it
Affirmed my view of the living universe. It was depressing that the warnings about species extinction and the destruction of our home were issued in the 80s! Have we passed a point of no return?
Aug 18, 2019Brian rated it really liked it
Read this so long ago I've forgotten when, and the details. ...more
S Holthaus
Feb 12, 2017S Holthaus rated it really liked it
Relevant for anyone interested in environmental issues
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Dec 19, 2014Lauren marked it as abandoned
Fuck it. I've had this out from the library for probably months now and I'm not any closer to finishing it. It wasn't terrible, in fact many of his ideas were very inspiring, but also I just found it to be pretty samey compared to similar books I've read or skimmed through. Which reflects a thousand times worse on them than it does The Dream of the Earth, TDotE being very influential in its field and kind of the jump start for all the Green politics, philosophy, religion etc that you see today that spawned such similar books.

I feel pretty peeved at these successors, actually. Like, when Thomas Berry asked people to recycle I'm p sure he didn't mean that with regards to his own work. Say something new, you hacks. Or at least talk about the parts that haven't aged well in this book. Does the world really need another self-indulgent chapter about your grudge against technology? No. Really, no. Thomas Berry was a visionary and I realise the ideas and questions he poses have no simple answers, but you could at least try to answer them. Or bring new ideas to the table. I'd prefer an attempt at answers, frankly, because so many books of this kind are filled with too much hand-wringing over capitalism and the state of our environment and not much attention given to anything but the same vague, trotted out solutions. Sometimes I think these authors would have a better impact on the environment if they just didn't publish their books in the first place. Save all that paper and resources for a book that isn't pretending to give a shit. It'll be much less hypocritical that way.

So yeah, I'm regretful that I couldn't finish this. Maybe it would have been the same old echo chamber stuff anyway, but if you're going to read it at all it might as well come from the person who wrote it first and, in all likelihood, best.

Oh well. (less)
Nicholas Brink
Nov 21, 2015Nicholas Brink rated it it was amazing
The Dream of the Earth has become very central to my own writing. Berry's belief that the avenue to become one with the Earth is through dreaming, waking visions and regaining our shamanic personality I believe is most directly gained through ecstatic trance for which I am a certified instructor and about what I have been writing. Berry makes it clear that where we go wrong in healing the Earth is our belief that we are superior to everything of the Earth and have dominion of the Earth. We forget that we are dependent upon all that is of the Earth and have much to learn from all life, all flora and fauna. All other life have powers that we do not have and in those ways are superior to us. When realizing this, how can we place ourselves superior to all other life and the culmination of evolution? We can't, we are no better than and need to experience ourselves as one with all other life on Earth. (less)
Frank Aaskov
Jan 18, 2012Frank Aaskov rated it it was ok
I initially decided to read this book as it was on a list of most important environmental book out something. However I was really disappointed.

The author outlines where he believes there is a disconnect between current philosophical thought and environmentalism / green philosophy, which is an noble task. But he gets lost in loose rambling, vague criticisms, and his love of mysticism. Often he states that we should respect earth/plants/animals/etc for their mystic nature (??), and his causal relationships and explanations are difficult to follow. He furthermore puts great emphasis on theories that even at the time of writing (late 1980s) were disputed such as the population bomb.
Overall, I don't really get why this made any list. It might have made a wave in some parts of the environmental movement when published, but it has certainly not stood the test of time. (less)
Apr 22, 2013scherzo♫ rated it really liked it
Shelves: mundane-fic
p.30 "The ecological vision that we are proposing is the only contexte that is consistent with the evolutionary processes that brought the earth and all its living beings into that state of flourescence that existed prior to the industrial age. Because this earlier situation made serious demands upon the human for the benefits given, the industrial age was invented to avoid the return due for the benefits given. The burdens imposed upon the human in its natural setting, generally referred to as the human condition, established a situation unacceptable to an anthropocentric community with its deep psychic resentment against any such demands imposed upon it, hence the entire effort of the industrial society to transform the natural world into total subservience." (less)
Jun 11, 2016Kate rated it liked it
Shelves: non-fiction, library-books
It was a redundant read for me. This book makes for a good introduction for those who are unaware of the why and how the human communities across the globe are screwed, but only vaguely. Too many references to other books and not enough direct quotations from said books to make the message of the book as a whole stronger. I wanted to know why those books were important, not just that they are deemed important by the author.
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“The Dream of the Earth” by Thomas Berry
written by springmagazine
Published on January 12, 2020

When the Catholic priest Thomas Berry died in 2009, obituaries were not sure what to call him. “Cultural historian” was the preferred title. “Theologian” didn’t quite encompass his work, and he had preferred the term “geologian” instead. Born in Greensboro in 1914, Berry studied Asian languages and religions, Native American culture, founded the graduate program on religions at Fordham University, among other studies and work throughout his life — all in the search of a spirituality that combines religion and nature.

In “The Great Work,” Berry wrote about his profound spiritual experience at a meadow when he was 11 years old. The experience was the basis for his spiritual development and intellectual thought for the rest of his life. “Whatever preserves and enhances this meadow in the natural cycles of its transformations is good, what is opposed to this meadow or negates it is not good,” he wrote.

Berry’s writing is soft yet powerful. It flows, and is difficult to quote and pull from. You end up reading the whole book but not being able to describe what you just read, and not wanting to either, but instead just to let the writing settle. The writing flows gently like water or like a breeze, and you delight in his love of the word “numinous.” 

Here is an excerpt from “The Dream of the Earth,” by Thomas Berry, published in 1988.

We are returning to our native place after a long absence, meeting once again with our kin in the earth community. For too long we have been away somewhere, entranced with our industrial world of wires and wheels, concrete and steel, and our unending highways, where we race back and forth in continual frenzy.

The world of life, of spontaneity, the world of dawn and sunset and glittering stars in the dark night heavens, the world of wind and rain, of meadow flowers and flowing streams, of hickory and oak and maple and spruce and pineland forests, the world of desert sand and prairie grasses, and within all this the eagle and the hawk, the mockingbird and the chickadee, the deer and the wolf and the beer, the coyote, the raccoon, the whale and the seal, and the salmon returning upstream to spawn — all this, the wilderness world recently rediscovered with heightened emotional sensitivity, is an experience not far from that of Dante meeting Beatrice at the end of the Purgatorio, where she descends amid a cloud of blossoms. It was a long wait for Dante, so aware of his infidelities, yet struck anew and inwardly “pierced,” as when, hardly out of his childhood, he had first seen Beatrice. The “ancient flame” was lit again in the depths of his being. In that meeting, Dante is describing not only a personal experience, but the experience of the entire human community at the moment of reconciliation with the divine after the long period of alienation and human wandering away from the true center.

Something of this feeling of intimacy we now experience as we recover our presence within the earth community. This is something more than working out a viable economy, something more than ecology, more even than Deep Ecology, is able to express. This is a sense of presence, a realization that the earth community is a wilderness community that will not be bargained with; nor will it simply be studied or examined or made an object of any kind; nor will it be domesticated or trivialized as a setting for vacation indulgence, except under duress and by oppressions which it cannot escape. When this does take place in an abusive way, a vengeance awaits the human, for when the other living species are violated so extensively, the human itself is imperiled.

The Dream of the EarthIf the earth does grow inhospitable toward human presence, it is primarily because we have lost our sense of courtesy toward the earth and its inhabitants, our sense of gratitude, our willingness to recognize the sacred character of habitat, our capacity for the awesome, for the numinous quality of every earthly reality. We have even forgotten our primordial capacity for language at the elementary level of song and dance, wherein we share our existence with the animals and with all natural phenomena. Witness how the Pueblo Indians of the Rio Grande enter into the eagle dance, the buffalo dance, and the deer dance; how the Navajo become intimate with the larger community through their dry-paintings and their chantway ceremonies; how the peoples of the Northwest express their identity through their totem animals; how the Hopi enter into communication with desert rattlesnakes in their ritual dances. This mutual presence finds expression also in poetry and in story form, especially in the trickster stories of the Plains Indians in which Coyote performs his never-ending magic. Such modes of presence to the living world we still carry deep within ourselves, beyond all the suppressions and even the antagonism imposed by our cultural traditions.

Even within our own Western traditions at our greater moments of expression, we find this presence, as in Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi, and even in the diurnal and seasonal liturgies. The dawn and evening liturgies, especially, give expression to the natural phenomena in their numinous qualities. Also, in the bestiaries of the medieval period, we find a special mode of drawing the animal world into the world of human converse. In their symbolisms and especially in the moral qualities associated with the various animals, we find a mutual revelatory experience. These animal stories have a playfulness about them, something of a common language, a capacity to care for each other. Yet these movements toward intensive sharing with the natural world were constantly turned aside by a spiritual aversion, even by a sense that humans were inherently cut off from any true sharing of life. At best they were drawn into a human context in some subservient way, often in a derogatory way, as when we projected our own vicious qualities onto such animals such as the wolf, the rat, the snake, the worm, and the insects. We seldom entered their wilderness world with true empathy.


The change has begun, however, in every phase of human activity, in all our professions and institutions. Greenpeace on the sea and Earth First! on the land are asserting our primary loyalties to the community of earth. The poetry of Gary Snyder communicates something of the “wild sacred” quality of the earth. In his music Paul Winter is responding to the cry of the wolf and the song of the whale. Roger Tory Peterson has brought us intimately into the world of the birds. Joy Adamson has entered into the world of the lions of Africa; Dian Fossey the social world of the gentle gorilla. John Lilly has been profoundly absorbed into the consciousness of the dolphin. Farley Mowat and Barry Lopez have come to an intimate understanding of the gray wolf of North America. Others have learned the dance language of the bees and the songs of the crickets.

What is fascinating about these intimate associations with various living forms of the earth is that we are establishing not only an acquaintance with the general life and emotions of the various species, but also an intimate rapport, even an affective relationship, with individual animals within their wilderness context. Personal names are given to individual whales. Indeed, individual wild animals are entering into history. This can be observed in the burial of Digit, the special gorilla friend of Dian Fossey’s. Fossey’s own death by human assault gives abundant evidence that if we are often imperiled in the wilderness context of the animals, we are also imperiled in the disturbed conditions of what we generally designate as civilized society.

Just now one of the significant historical roles of the primal people of the world is not simply to sustain their own traditions, but to call the entire civilized world back to a more authentic mode of being. Our only hope is in a renewal of those primordial experiences out of which the shaping of our more sublime human qualities could take place. While our own experiences can never again have the immediacy or the compelling quality that characterized this earlier period, we are experiencing a postcritical naiveté, a type of presence to the earth and all its inhabitants that includes, and also transcends, the scientific understanding that now is available to us from these long years of observation and reflection.

Fortunately we have in the native peoples of the North American continent what must surely be considered in the immediacy of its experience, in its emotional sensitivities, and in its modes of expressions, one of the most integral traditions of human intimacy with the earth, with the entire range of natural phenomena, and with the many living beings which constitute the life community. Even minimal contact with the native peoples of this continent is an exhilarating experience in itself, an experience that is heightened rather than diminished by the disintegrating period through which they themselves have passed. In their traditional mystique of the earth, they are emerging as one of our surest guides into a viable future.

Throughout their period of dissolution, when so many tribes have been extinguished, the surviving peoples have manifested what seems to be an indestructible psychic orientation toward the basic structure and functioning of the earth, despite all our efforts to impose on them our own aggressive attitude toward the natural world. In our postcritical naiveté we are now in a period when we become capable once again of experiencing the immediacy of life, the entrancing presence to the natural phenomena about us. It is quite interesting to realize that our scientific story of the universe is giving us a new appreciation for these earlier stories that come down to us through peoples who have continued their existence outside the constraints of our civilizations.

Presently we are returning to the primordial community of the universe, the earth, and all living beings. Each has its own voice, its role, its power over the whole. But, most important, each has its special symbolism. The excitement of life is in the numinous experience wherein we are given to each other in that larger celebration of existence in which all things attain their highest expression, for the universe, by definition, is a single gorgeous celebratory event.

The Dream of the Earth Quotes

The Dream of the Earth Quotes Showing 1-3 of 3

“Tell me a story, a story that will be my story as well as the story of everyone and everything about me, the story that brings us together in a valley community, a story that brings together the human community with every living being in the valley, a story that brings us together under the arc of the great blue sky in the day and the starry heavens at night, a story that will drench us with rain and dry us in the wind, a story told by humans to one another that will also be the story that the wood thrush sings in the thicket, the story that the river recites in its downward journey, the story that Storm King Mountain images forth in the fullness of its grandeur.”
― Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth
tags: community, language, myth, nature, story, wild4 likesLike

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“We must, however, reflect on what is happening. It is an urgent matter, especially for those of us who still live in a meaningful, even a numinous, earth community. We have not spoken. Nor even have we seen clearly what is happening. The issue goes far beyond economics, or commerce, or poetics, or an evening of pleasantries as we look out over a scenic view. Something is happening beyond all this. We are losing splendind and intimate modes of divine presence. We are, perhaps, losing ourselves.”
― Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth
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“For people, generally, their story of the universe and the human role in the universe is their primary source of intelligibility and value. ... The deepest crises experienced by any society are those moments of change when the story becomes inadequate for meeting the survival demands of a present situation.”
― Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth