Showing posts with label bodymind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bodymind. Show all posts


A Skeptical Look at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

A Skeptical Look at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

A Skeptical Look at the
Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Stephen Barrett, M.D.

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), headquartered in New York City, refers to itself as "the world's largest nutrition school." Founded in 1992, it is said to have an annual enrollment of more than 1,600 students [1]. Its primary offering is a part-time course said to enable graduates to practice as "health counselors." Until May 2009, its courses required attendance at lectures in addition to work done through th Internet. Since that time, its program is offered through distance education only. I have serious doubts about the validity of its teachings.

Background Information

IIN's founder, director, and primary teacher is Joshua Rosenthal. The biographical sketch in his bookIntegrative Nutrition states:

He is a highly trained leader who has a Masters of Science degree in Education, specializing in counseling. With more than 25 years of experience in the fields of whole foods, personal coaching, curriculum development, teaching, and nutritional counseling, he is a highly sensitive healer whose enthusiasm shines through in all his work. His simple approach allows people to quickly and successfully reach new levels of health and happiness [2:341].
A 2002 interview in Satya Magazine indicates that IIN was originally named Gulliver's and that before founding it, Rosenthal had operated a "natural food" store in Canada [3].

In 2008, IIN's primary course extended over an 8-month period and its tuition of $8,950 was said to cover:

Weekend class instruction, lectures given by world-class speakers, a personalized website, one-on-one health counseling, access to our Online Education Forums, Warm Up classes, business cards, handouts, personalized brochures, a comprehensive CD-ROM set to help you organize your practice, books and other materials, an embossed diploma and a party for all students to help beat the winter blues with healthy organic food.
In January 2010, I noted that its course was said to be 10 months long and was offered at an "introductory rate" of $4,995.

The IIN program is open to anyone who is willing to pay tuition. No formal training or nutrition-related knowledge is required. In 2008, I was able to determine that to graduate, students were required to attend at least eight out of ten weekend seminars, complete six "health history consultations," enroll two clients in a 6-month health counseling program, pass three multiple-choice tests, and attend at least five "counseling" sessions [4]. The counselor—typically a recent graduate—provided advice about the student's experience with clients and "modeled" the student for the six-month program. (I assume that this meant that the student goes through the program with the counselor as advisor.) Students also get advice and share ideas and experiences with fellow students through online forums on the IIN Web site. However, the forums are closely monitored and critical comments are usually quickly removed.

Rosenthal's Integrative Nutrition Food Pyramid is adapted from the United States Department of Agriculture Food Pyramid. It includes extra water and a "primary food circle" that symbolizes "healthy relationships, regular physical activity, a fulfilling career, and spiritual practice, all of which are said to "feed our bodies and satisfy our hunger for living."

Each of IIN's weekend seminars includes several guest speakers. The 2007-2008 IIN catalog listed 33 of them, most of whom promote offbeat ideas. Included were Andrew Weil, M.D., Deepak Chopra, M.D., and macrobiotic guru Michio Kushi. In January 2010, the list had 24 names. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., emeritus professor of nutrition at Cornell University, delivered a lecture during the school's early years but felt negatively about what he saw and later asked that his lecture be removed from IIN's Web site. In 2012, he wrote:

Although the audience for my lecture was welcoming and quite interested, I found the program's mission to be most disquieting. . . . The speaker roster included a mixture of professionals and non-professionals, some of whom had serious conflicts of interests and some of whom pretended to be authorities when they were not. There is no question that there is a great need for public nutrition information but I strongly believe that this program does more harm than good. Even though the enrollment fee for the course was exceptionally high, a surprising number of students were nonetheless enrolling, suggesting to me an intense interest in this topic. On the basis of the information that I had at the time, there is no way that this course should receive professional recognition in the teaching of the relationship of diet, nutrition and health. The fact that the students are led to believe that they are credentialed in this subject is a disgrace. I am very much sensitive to the public's participation and interest in this topic but enrolling in this lecture series is, in my opinion, a huge waste of time and money [5].


IIN graduates receive a "health counselor" certificate and are automatically eligible for "board certification" by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). In 2007, for an additional $495, they could also receive a "Certificate in Health Counseling" and 15.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the Center for Educational Outreach and Innovation at Columbia University's Teachers College, which "partnered" with IIN that year [6]. Columbia terminated its affiliation early in 2008 after receiving complaints about IIN's program. In 2009, a similar "special partnership" was set up with Purchase College, which is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system. IIN itself is not accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Office of Education [7], which means that its courses cannot be used toward meeting the degree requirements at standard colleges and universities that train nutritionists.

IACET (the International Association for Continuing Education and Training), which sets the standards for continuing education providers, describes CEUs this way:

One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.

The primary purpose of the CEU is to provide a permanent record of the educational accomplishments of an individual who has completed one or more significant non-credit educational experiences. Awarding the CEU approved by IACET also provides a quality indicator for your continuing education and training programs because it means you have been reviewed and approved for complying with the internationally recognized standard [8].
It would be interesting to know how Purchase College concluded that IIN's program represents "quality" education, but I don't have the time to investigate.

AADP "certification" has no scientific recognition and is certainly not a sign of professional competence. AADP membership, which automatically includes "certification," is available to "any doctor or practitioner that practices 'drugless' therapies or methodologies." [9] The basic requirement is payment of $285 and graduation from one of about 65 AADP-approved schools, all of which have unscientific teachings. Membership benefits include "an impressive 8 1/2" x 11" AADP Certificate of Membership." [10]

Many IIN graduates describe themselves on the Internet as "board-certified" or a "certified holistic health counselor," and a few even describe themselves as having certification from Columbia University, Columbia University Teacher's College, Purchase Collage, and/or SUNY. It would be interesting to know what percentage of IIN graduates are able to earn a living as a "health counselor.' I suspect that the percentage is small.

What Is "Integrated"?

IIN's program focuses on foods and eating choices but contains little about the sciences of biochemistry or physiology on which dietary strategies should be based. The goal appears to be to enable students to find what dietary and activity strategies work best for them and then do the same for clients. The catalog states that IIN teaches more than 100 different dietary therapies and "analyzes the pros and cons of them all." The Dietary Theory chapter of Rosenthal's book discusses about a dozen of these approaches. These include:

  • Ayurveda, which bases food choices on alleged body types and the season of the year.
  • Blood Type Diet, which claims that optimal diet depends on blood types.
  • Five-element theory, which recommends foods based on the ancient Chinese notion that we are surrounded by "energy fields" (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) that must be balanced to promote "self-harmony."
  • Macrobiotics, which advocates foods based on "balancing yin and yang."
These strategies —and most of the rest—not only clash with science but also with each other. But Rosenthal doesn't seem bothered by this because he asserts that "all diet programs contain elements of truth." [2:76] To assist the "integrative process," his book provides a mishmash of facts, opinions, incorrect pronouncements, practical advice, and nonsense. The nonsense includes:

  • While understanding one's body type is important, it is by no means the core teaching of Ayurveda. In India, Ayurvedic doctors usually . . . . look at a patient's susceptibility to imbalance." [2:84]
  • "If you are eating mostly earth foods, it may help to increase wood foods because woods hold down the earth." [2:88]
  • "I've seen a great deal of truth in the Blood Type categories. . . . Type O people often have difficulty metabolizing and digesting wheat." [2:101]
  • Drinking more water increases yin." [2:187]
The dietary part of Rosenthal's 12-step integrative plan includes drinking more water, and generally eating more grains and vegetables and less meat and dairy products. He advises implementing one step at a time, seeing what effect it has, and retaining what seems to make you feel best. I am skeptical of this approach. The way people feel can vary considerably from day to day and have many non-dietary influences. With so many possible variables, isolating the impact of fluid intake and dietary patterns would be difficult if not impossible.

The above summary is based on my analysis of IIN publications from 2008 through 2011. I have not had access to more recent ones, but I doubt that there have been any basic changes.

Legal Trouble

In 2013, three women filed a federal class-action complaint accusing Rosenthal and INN of discriminating against female employees on the basis of sex, pregnancy, and marital status and retaliating against employees who complained [11]. The chilling details included these allegations:

  • Under Rosenthal's direction, the company considered female employees' maternity status in reviewing their performance.
  • In 2012, acting on Rosenthal's instructions, the comppany's human resources department collected information and created a chart projecting the likelihood that each female employee will become pregnant.
  • The company has fired or demoted employees who took maternity leave.

The Bottom Line

IIN has beenflooding the marketplace with graduates who market themselves as "board-certified health counselors." Their training is certainly not based on scientific nutrition as emphasized in the degree programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education. That generally takes 4-7 years and includes basic sciences, dietetics, and closely supervised work with many clients. IIN provides almost none of this. It teaches—in effect—to use your own experience to inspire others.

I personally would not trust someone who lacks scientific training to tailor diets based on dietary needs or who relies on IIN's teachings to counsel patients. Nor do I believe that "counseling" a few clients is enough to enable students to provide quality advice or to know their limitations. Rosenthal's approach might inspire some people to improve their diet by moving closer to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. However, they may also absorb misconceptions about diet, health, and disease that will ultimately harm them.

Trustworthy Degree and Certificate Programs


  1. IIN Web site, accessed April 7, 2008.
  2. Rosenthal R. Integrative Nutrition: Feed Your Hunger for Health & Happiness. New York: Integrative Nutrition Publishing, 2008.
  3. Starks A. Dietary diversity: The Satya interview with Joshua Rosenthal. Satya Magazine, March 2002.
  4. Career Advice Forum - Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. Indeed Web site, accessed Jan 9, 2010.
  5. J. Morris Hicks. "Confusion over clarity" at schools of nutrition. Healthy Eating / Healthy World Blog, Juy 6, 2012.
  6. Student handbook, 2007-2008. New York: Institute for Integrative Nutrition, 2007.
  7. US Department of Education Office of Secondary Education database searched on April 7, 2008.
  8. Continuing Education Units (CEUs). IACET Web site, accessed Jan 9, 2010.
  9. FAQ's. AADP Web site, accessed Jan 9, 2010.
  10. Rosenthal DA. Invitation. AADP Web site, accessed Jan 9, 2010.
  11. Complaint. Bailey Stoler et al. againat the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Joshua Rosenthal. U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Case No. 1:13-cv-01275-RWS, filed Feb 25, 2013.
This article was revised on July 7, 2013.

How the Body Shapes the Mind

How the Body Shapes the Mind


"Indeed, many researchers will wish they had had this volume before publishing their own work, not because it presents startling new findings that will undermine what has come before, but because the work is so precise, and lays out the terrain so clearly, that it is now possible to see what should have been said all along."--Philosophical Psychology

About the Author

Shaun Gllagher teaches in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Central Florida.


Top Customer Reviews

4.0 out of 5 stars
A sweet and sour blend of technical writing and great prose: not for the uneducated.
By Joseph Conn on October 4, 2010

To begin, I must state: Buyer Beware. This text is involved and difficult to follow if you lack background in the field, be it even a class in university. I am currently taking a class that overviews subjects presented herein, and it seems if I were not I would only understand the book on a superficial level. 
With that said, How the Body Shapes the Mind is definitely a must-read for anyone interested in neuroscience, neuropsychology, and any related fields. The author spends a lot of time propping up popular or controversial interdisciplinary concepts from body image to the interconnectivity of the senses to free will itself and deftly taking them apart, rearranging them, and finding wholly new and interesting points of view. The book takes fields as varied as psychology, neurophysiology, and philosophy and weaves a web of facts, studies, and logic to present the author's viewpoint on a number of issues throughout the cognitive sciences and beyond to the philosophy of the mind.

I admit, there are moments in the book where I worried, "why is this book titled `How the Body Shapes the Mind'?" It felt like Gallagher was jumping from topic to disparate topic, with only certain chapters or sections actually pertaining to this overarching theme. However, by the end of each chapter, Gallagher masterfully and with genius execution brings each section into the whole.

The book is set up thematically into two Parts, which are subdivided into Chapters with sub-sections.
First, Gallagher delves into the realm of proprioception and revisits age old topics of body image and body schema. He also presents surprisingly insightful ideas on the nature of language and gestures. In my opinion this part held the most meat (empirical backing), taking two terms with convoluted meanings, and defining them in explicit and logical ways such that he can build and base further information in the book upon it.

To merely define is not enough, according to Gallagher, one must also explain how and why. The author spends a major section of his text describing in absolute detail, often referring back to prior sections in a way that may be defined by some as excessively self-referential (perhaps not to the level of an "infinite regress", but close) , the ontological precepts of body schema and body image. This is an admirable way to present information, which presents it in a clear manner which he juxtaposes against extensive research and academic thought. This skillful presentation gives the author sufficient freedom to present new ideas without being hung up on the complications of necessarily testing all aspects of it.

Part 2 of the book leaves the realm of empirical research almost entirely, and focuses primarily philosophy and pathology. Gallagher successfully represents the text in the title. Every chapter leads further into how the body shapes the mind. By the end, the weight of all text bears down on the reader, suffocating them under the breadth and width of the discussion. The text becomes at times tedious, while at others interesting and refreshing. Most of this is due to writing style. The author is a very thorough writer to such an extent that the reader may be bogged down in the details, searching for the final point of the section.

The final chapters of the book take philosophical concepts such as Theory of the Mind and free will. It then takes these concepts, and argues successfully against all prevailing (presented) viewpoints. The deftness of the writing should be applauded. If there ever were a hole or weak spot in the author's own argument, it is exposed, poked, and prodded in kind with the rest. Having no background in either topic, these sections were of particular interest for their introduction into the concepts, and then subsequent explanation of the body-mind duality and interactions which subsist between them.

As books go, this book is information dense, and definitely food for thought. The sections are ordered in such a manner that one creates a foundation for the next, and information flows bi-directionally, yet smoothly between chapters. The book will change your perspective on how you individually interact with the world, and will make you consider every action, thought, and movement with a new perspective. This book would have been one of those that simply cannot be put down until the end for me, except the flow and ease of reading were interrupted by two things. One, as mentioned earlier, is the distracting level of self-reference to other sections of the book, and the information provided therein. There are one or two studies in that book which were mentioned in sufficient detail to stand alone four or five times. Gallagher's habit of doing this may convince you to skim. Be careful, though, as new points interspersed or at the end of the reiteration may be missed. Second is Gallagher's ubiquitous use of footnotes. Personally, footnotes destroy the flow of a narrative, and make it difficult to keep track of the point throughout a monologue. Worse yet, the footnotes in this text can extend over a couple of pages, and often present lots of information that is integral to the actual book itself, so they cannot be skipped successfully.

Though the book is set up with architectural precision, and a distinctly scientific bend and tone, Gallagher allows himself some artistry. One poetic example from the book: "The body generates a gestural expression. It is, however, another person who moves, motivates, and mediates this process. To say that language moves my body is already to say that other people move me." Read it yourself to find the other gems.

In summary: read this book if the title interests you. The book covers exactly what it says it covers. If you like footnotes, and the character they bring to this book: enjoy. Otherwise I recommend reading them after you've gone through a section. You will find the book much more readable, and thus enlightening. If you don't have $30, hope that they lower the price down to a more reasonable level, it is definitely worth to buy if you can afford it.
4.0 out of 5 stars
Good technical presentation
By Mark Dubin on August 15, 2007

This book is aimed mainly at workers in the field and in related aspects of brain functioning. It is solid, important and well worth reading.

명색 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

명색 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
① 무명
② 행
③ 식
④ 명색
⑤ 6입
⑥ 촉
⑦ 수
⑧ 애
⑨ 취
⑩ 유
⑪ 생
⑫ 노사
명색(名色산스크리트어: nāmarūpa팔리어: nāmarūpa영어: name and form)은 12연기설에서 4번째 지분이다.[1] (名, nāma)과 (色, rūpa)의 두 낱말이 합쳐져서 이루어진 복합어로, (名)은 온갖 정신적 요소또는 정신적 사물을 가리키며 (色)은 온갖 물질적 요소 또는 물질적 사물을 가리킨다.[1]
즉, 명색(名色)은 5온(五蘊)의 모든 요소, 즉 색온(色蘊) · 수온(受蘊) · 상온(想蘊) · 행온(行蘊) · 식온(識蘊)을 통칭하는 낱말이다.

(名, nāma)은 수온(受蘊) · 상온(想蘊) · 행온(行蘊) · 식온(識蘊)의 4무색온(四無色蘊) 또는4무색음(四無色陰)에 해당하고
(色, rūpa)은 색온(色蘊)에 해당한다.[1][2][3]

따라서, 유정에게 있어서 명색은 심신(心身) 즉 정신과 육체또는 몸과 마음을 뜻하며, 여기서의 '정신' 또는 '마음'은 마음(6식 또는 8식, 즉 심왕, 즉 심법) · 마음작용(심소법) · 법경(법처소섭색은 제외)을 합한 개념이다. 그리고 '육체' 또는 '몸'은  ·  ·  ·  · 의 5근과  ·  · ·  · 의 5경과 법처소섭색(무표색)을 합한 개념이다.
명색(名色)이 5온을 의미한다는 것에는 불교 전반에서 의견이 일치하지만,12연기설의 4번째 지분으로서의 명색(名色) 즉 5온에 대한 해석에 있어서는, 12연기설을 어떤 관점에서 해석하느냐에 따라 불교 부파 또는 종파에 따라 의견의 차이가 있다. 부파불교의 설일체유부의 12연기설에 대한 해석인삼세양중인과설(三世兩重因果說)에서, 명색(名色) 즉 5온은 수태(受胎) 후 약 1개월 사이의 기간(엄밀히는 28일)을 말한다.[4]



부파불교의 설일체유부의 12연기설에 대한 해석인 삼세양중인과설(三世兩重因果果說)에 따르면 명색(名色)은 수태(受胎) 후 약 1개월 사이의 기간(엄밀히는 28일)을 말한다.[4]
즉, 명색(名色)은 수태 후에, 신근(身根)과 의근(意根)만 있을 뿐 안근(眼根) · 이근(耳根) · 비근(鼻根) · 설근(舌根)의 4색근(四色根)이 아직 발생하지 않아서 6내처(六內處) 즉 6근(六根) 모두가 존재하지 못하는 상태를 말한다. 이 상태는 태내5위(胎內五位) 중 갈라람(羯邏藍: 1~7일) · 알부담(頞部曇: 8~14일) · 폐시(閉尸: 15~21일) · 건남(鍵南: 22~28일)의 4가지 위의 총 28일간에 해당한다.[1][4][5][6][7][8]
한편, 설일체유부에서는, 태내5위 중 5번째 위인 발라사(鉢羅奢)는 태내에서의 29~266일의 기간으로 12연기설의 5번째 지분인 6입(六入) 또는 6처(六處)에 해당한다고 보며, 이 지분을 6내처(六內處) 즉 6근(六根)이 완전히 갖추어져 가는 기간으로 해석하고 있다. 그리고, 12연기설의 3번째 지분인 (識)은 수태(受胎)하는 찰나를 가리키는 것으로 해석하고 있다.[4][6][7][8]



인도 대승불교의 중관학파(中觀學派)의 개조인 용수는 《중론》의 제26품 〈관십이인연품(觀十二因緣品)〉에서 12연기설의 첫 6가지 지분인 무명(無明, 癡) · (行) · (識) ·명색(名色) · 6입(六入) · (觸)의 연기관계에 대해 다음과 같이 말하고 있다.
眾生癡所覆  為後起三行
以起是行故  隨行墮六趣
以諸行因緣  識受六道身
以有識著故  增長於名色
名色增長故  因而生六入
情塵識和合  而生於六觸

중생은 무지[癡]에 덮여 있어서 후생(後生)을 위해 3행(三行, 3업)을 일으키네.
이 (行, 업)을 일으키기에 에 따라서 6취(六趣)에 떨어지네.
모든 (行, 업)을 인연으로 해서 (識)은 6도(六道)의 몸을 받네.
의 집착이 있어서 명색(名色)이 증장(增長)하네.
명색이 증장하기에 그것을 인연으로 해서 6입(六入, 6근)이 생기네.
[情]과 [塵]과 (識)이 화합해서 6촉(六觸)이 생기네.

— 《중론》, 제26품 〈관십이인연품(觀十二因緣品)〉. 한문본 & 한글본
현대의 연구가들은 〈관십이인연품(觀十二因緣品)〉의 내용이 설일체유부의 삼세양중인과설(三世兩重因果說)과 부합하는 것으로 본다.[9] 

"십이지연기는 중생이 어떻게 윤회에 들어 나고 죽는지 그 인과 관계를 하나의 사슬 구조로 보여주고 있다. 싯다르타가 최상의 깨달음을 얻었다고 할 때, 실로 이 이치를 분명히 통찰한 것이다. 무명에서 시작되는 순관(順觀)은 중생이 집착과 괴로움에 얽매이는 순서를 보는 것이고, 반대로 노사에서 시작되는 역관(逆觀)은 집착과 괴로움을 풀어나가는 순서를 보는 것이다. 싯다르타는 순관과 역관을 반복하면서 자신의 깨달음이 움직일 수 없이 확고하다는 것을 거듭 확인했다고 한다. 여기서 열둘이란 절대적인 숫자가 아니라 다소 자의적이고 유동적인 것이다. 이것을 삼세양중인과(三世兩重因果)로 해석하기도 하는데, 이는 십이지(十二支)를 과거, 현재, 미래의 삼세로 나누고, 그 셋이 다시 인과 관계로 중첩되어 있는 것으로 보는 것이다. 이때 무명과 행은 과거세에, 식에서 유까지는 현재생에, 그리고 생에서 노사까지는 미래세에 배당한다."}}
삼세양중인과설(三世兩重因果說)에 따르면, 12연기설의 제1지분인 무명(無明, 癡)과 제2지분인 (行, 業)은 과거세[前生]에 해당하고, 제3지분인 (識)부터 제10지분인 (有)까지는 현재생[現生]에 해당하고, 제11지분인 (生)과 제12지분인 노사는 미래세[後生]에 해당한다. 그리고, 현재생에 해당하는 제3지분인 (識)부터 제10지분인 (有)까지 중에서, 제6지분인 (觸)이 탄생의 순간인 것으로 해석되고 있다.[10]
즉, 다음 생[後生]으로 윤회할 때 이 때까지 무명(無明, 癡: 제1지분)의 상태에서 지은 업(業, 行: 제2지분)에 따른 삼스카라(형성력 또는 경향성, 行이라고 번역함)가 의식[識: 제3지분]의 바탕에 잠재하게 되고, 이에 따라, 즉 이 때까지 쌓은 (業, 行: 제2지분)에 합당하게 다음 생[後生]에서 받게 될 존재 상태[趣, 道]가 결정된다. 즉, 지옥취(地獄趣) · 아귀취(餓鬼趣) · 축생취(畜生趣) · 아수라취(阿修羅趣) · 인간취(人間趣) · 천상취(天上趣)의 6취(六趣) 또는 6도(六道) 중에서 어느 길[趣, 道]로 태어나게 될 지가 결정된다. 이러한 결정이 이루어진 후에는, 수태[識: 제3지분]가 일어나고, 태내에서 명색(名色: 제4지분), 즉 정신적 요소 또는 기관[名]과 물질적 요소 또는 기관[色]의 발달이 이루어지고 그 결과 6근[六入, 六根: 제5지분]이 완전히 갖추어진 몸이 형성된다. 그런 후, 전생(前生)에서 사망 후 이 때까지 중유(中有bardo, 바르도)의 상태에 대기 또는 체류하고 있던 의식[識: 제3지분]이 탄생의 순간[觸: 제6지분]에 그 몸과 결합함으로써 새로운 생, 즉 현생(現生)으로의 탄생[觸: 제6지분]이 이루어진다.[10][11]

"[과거세] 에 무명으로 어두운 상태에서 업을 지은 중생의 경향성은 의식 저변에 잠재된다. 이 의식은 하나의 흐름으로써 부단히 찰나 생멸을 거듭하다가 [즉 하나의 독립된 실체로서가 아니라, 연기적 변화의 과정을 거치다가] 다음 생을 받는 순간 의식 상태에 어울리는 전생(轉生)의 길[趣]을 택하게 된다. 즉 의식에 합당한 다음 생의 몸을 얻게 되어 비로소 정신적 요소[識, 名]와 물질적 토대[色]의 결합이 성취되는 것이다. 이것이 중생의 태어남이다."}}


참고 문헌[편집]

  • 곽철환 (2003). 《시공 불교사전》. 시공사 / 네이버 지식백과. |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • 권오민 (2003). 《아비달마불교》. 민족사.
  • 서정형 (2004). 《나가르주나 『중론』(해제)》. 서울대학교 철학사상연구소 / 네이버 지식백과. |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • 세친 지음, 현장 한역, 권오민 번역 (K.955, T.1558). 《아비달마구사론》. 한글대장경 검색시스템 - 전자불전연구소 / 동국역경원. K.955(27-453), T.1558(29-1).|title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • 운허. 동국역경원 편집, 편집. 《불교 사전》. |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • 용수 조, 구마라집 한역, 박인성 번역 (K.577, T.1564). 《중론》. 한글대장경 검색시스템 - 전자불전연구소 / 동국역경원. K.577(16-350), T.1564(30-1). |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • 호법 등 지음, 현장 한역, 김묘주 번역 (K.614, T.1585). 《성유식론》. 한글대장경 검색시스템 - 전자불전연구소 / 동국역경원. K.614(17-510), T.1585(31-1). |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • (중국어) 星雲. 《佛光大辭典(불광대사전)》 3판. |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • (중국어) 세친 조, 현장 한역 (T.1558). 《아비달마구사론(阿毘達磨俱舍論)》. 대정신수대장경. T29, No. 1558, CBETA. |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • (중국어) 용수 조, 구마라습 한역 (T.1564). 《중론(中論)》. 대정신수대장경. T30, No. 1564, CBETA. |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)
  • (중국어) 호법 등 지음, 현장 한역 (T.1585). 《성유식론(成唯識論)》. 대정신수대장경. T31, No. 1585, CBETA. |title=에 바깥 고리가 있음 (도움말)


  1. ↑ 이동:    星雲, "名色". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  2. 이동 운허, "名色(명색)". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  3. 이동 곽철환 2003, "명색(名色)". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  4. ↑ 이동:    곽철환 2003, "삼세양중인과(三世兩重因果)". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  5. 이동 星雲, "[1]%AAG 三世因果]". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  6. ↑ 이동:  권오민 2003, 172-174쪽.
  7. ↑ 이동:  星雲, "胎內五位". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  8. ↑ 이동:  운허, "胎內五位(태내오위)". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  9. 이동 서정형 2004, "순관(順觀)". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  10. ↑ 이동:  곽철환 2003, "삼세양중인과(三世兩重因果)". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.
  11. 이동 서정형 2004, "식과 명색(識-名色 , vijnana-nama-rupa)". 2012년 10월 20일에 확인.