Showing posts with label Pleiadian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pleiadian. Show all posts


** Who are the Pleiadians - Facts and Myths | Gaia

Who are the Pleiadians? Pleiadian Facts and Myths | Gaia

Who are the Pleiadians?
10 min read
By Gaia Staff |
December 2, 2020 |
Seeking Truth,
Paranormal & Unexplained,

It depends on who you ask. Some Subaru owners would say they are.

Subaru is the Japanese word for “Pleiades,” and the company logo, an oval with six four-point stars, represents the Pleiades star cluster. The word also means “united,” apt, because the Subaru corporation was formed by the merger of five companies.

Author Barbara Marciniak (Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians) is an internationally known trance channeler who speaks for a group referring to themselves as The Pleiadians. Self-defined as a “collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades star system,” the group’s mission is to “assist humanity with the process of spiritual transformation.”

UFO researcher and auteur of, Michael Salla Ph.D. believes that off-world beings from the Pleiades star cluster are distant cousins to humans. Salla reports that the Pleiadians are motivated to connect with humanity out of concern for Earth’s future.

Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as “star seeds,” with a mission of bringing light and knowledge. The Navajo call the Pleiadian star cluster the “Sparkling Suns,” and the Iroquois petition the constellation for happiness. The Lakota/Dakota people say their ancestors are from the Pleiades.

According to the “Complete Guide to Aliens,” the Pleiadians have a distinctive “Nordic,” or Scandinavian appearance, 700-year lifespans, and while they are, in evolutionary terms, still a work in progress, they are far more emotionally and spiritually developed than earth humans.

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The Pleiades: Facts and Myths

Also called the “Seven Sisters,” the Pleiades are a group of stars in the Taurus constellation. Astronomers refer to the group as M45 — the designation comes from the work of 18th century French astronomer Charles Messier, who identified and cataloged astronomical objects. At a distance of 444.2 light-years, the closest star cluster to earth, the Pleiades are used to plot distance using a method called the “cosmic distance ladder.”

The cluster’s brightest star is Alcyone, judged to be seven times brighter than our sun. There are actually more than 1,000 stars within the cluster, and under optimal conditions, around 14 stars may be seen with the naked eye.

Most, when looking at the cluster without magnification, see six stars — but there are seven, and the “lost” seventh star is a common theme in multiple mythologies, including Indonesian, African, Australian, European, and Native American.
The Pleiades in Ancient Greek Cosmology

The Pleiades were the seven daughters of the pre-Olympian Titan Atlas, and Pleione, a nymph. According to myth, the Pleiades, named Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Celaeno, Merope, and Asterope, were dedicated to Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt.

Orion the Hunter had been placed in the sky, along with the scorpion that killed him, by Zeus. Prior to his death, Orion saw the seven sisters and set off to capture them. Zeus, in pity for their plight, turned them into stars and placed them in heaven.

Artemis was furious with Zeus and the mortal Orion. She convinced Zeus to send a monstrous scorpion to attack Orion — the hunter died from the stings. After his death, Zeus placed Orion the sky in eternal pursuit of the sisters, and perpetual flight from the scorpion, or scorpio constellation. The cluster was also used by the ancient Mediterraneans to signal the beginning and end of sailing season according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

The cluster appears in Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad, referenced as a signal for the beginning of planting season in May. Hesiod, another Greek epic poet, referenced the Pleiades in his poem, Theogony.
Western Hermeticism, Esoteric Symbolism, and the Pleiades

Hermeticism, an esoteric system based on writings attributed to the Hermes Trismegistus, includes treatises on the esoteric symbolism of constellations and planets. Hermes may have been from Greece or Egypt, but has been referred to as “a son of the Nile.” He is also believed to be the father of Western astrology and alchemy. His writings are rumored to have first appeared in second century (AD) Rome, and he has always been associated with the Greek god Hermes as well as the Egyptian Thoth.

According to Hermetic traditions, the seven stars open seekers to a more refined level of consciousness. Viewed as a “school of learning” by hermeticists, only those who have been purified of energetic blocks to the subtle body. Invitation to and initiation into the Pleiadian wisdom teachings come spontaneously during sleep or deep meditation. The Pleiades are also viewed as our solar system’s source of electrical energy from the little sister star Electra.

Nebra Sky Disk courtesy of Wiki Commons

The Pleiades in Norse, Celtic, and Bronze Age Mythology

The Nebra Disk, found in 1999 by treasure hunters in the Saxony-Anhalt region of Germany, portrays the star cluster with the moon and sun — dated to 1600 BCE, researchers believe it may have been a portable astronomical instrument. The artifact is the earliest known portrayal of the Pleiades cluster in the West.

In Bronze Age Europe, the Autumn solstice and Winter equinox were associated with grief and mourning. At the solstice, the Pleiades would rise in the east as the sunset in the west, thus the association with mourning and the passing of summer as well as the harvest season.

To Scandinavian, or Viking cultures, the Pleiades were thought of as Freyja’s chicks, Frejya being the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. For protection, some would paint seven spots, representing the seven stars, on hen houses. Ladybugs were associated with the cluster because of the seven spots on their wings.
The Pleiades in Asian Cosmologies

The first astronomical mention of the star cluster was in the Chinese Annals of roughly 2350 BC and was referred to as the Blossom Stars or Flower Stars.

The sprawling Xiaoling Mausoleum is the tomb complex of the Hongwu Emperor, founder of the Ming Dynasty. Located near Nanjing in Eastern China, when viewed from the air, the tomb complex echos the arrangement of the visible Pleiadian stars. According to author Wayne Herschel, this geoformation is a star map. Called the “treasure mound,” the tomb is said to hold “great cosmic secrets beyond gold treasure.”

In Japan, Subaru, or the Pleiades, is more than the name of an auto manufacturer — it also relates to the cultural value of “harmonious grouping,” or in modern parlance, “teamwork,” a characteristic of samurai and shogun societies.

According to myth, Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess quarreled with her brother Susanowo, the embodiment of the power of nature. Intimidated, she hid in a cave. The world went dark, and to entice her back out, her jewels were hung from a sacred tree nearby — eventually, she left the cave and returned to the sky so the earth would once again be nourished by her light. Amaterasu’s jewels were associated with the Subaru, or Pleiades cluster. The story is an allegory — just as the sun becomes low in the sky in winter, the Subaru ‘jewels’ can be seen as a reminder that the sun will return in spring.

Hindu mythology holds that the seven sisters, called the Krrtika, were married to the Rishis, the seven sages that made up the stars of the Great Dipper. All lived together happily in the northern sky.

One day Agni, the god of fire, saw the Krrtika and fell in love. He knew they belonged to the Rishis, and despondent, he wandered in a forest trying to forget them. But the little goddess Svahi, embodied by the star Zeta Reticuli, saw Agni and was smitten. She disguised herself as the Krrtika and offered herself to him — he believed he had won the Rishis’ wives.

Svaha became pregnant, and when her child was born, a rumor spread that six of the Rishis’ wives were somehow the baby’s mother(s). When the seven Rishis heard this, they divorced their wives, but one, Arundhati (the star Alcor) refused to leave her husband. The other six wives became the stars of the Pleiades.

In Vedic astrology, the degrees of 26 Aries to 10 Taurus are ruled by the Krittika, or Pleiades. One born under the influences of the sisters is said to be fiery, warlike, and adventurous. Under an aggressive exterior, the natives have a deeply nurturing quality and have great capacities to support others.

Sunset at Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, USA. Noise added.

Native American Pleiades Myths

A Cherokee myth tells the story of seven boys who played a game with rolling stone and sticks, called gatayu’sti, all day. They neglected their chores such as weeding the gardens. Their mothers nagged them without success — one day they gave the boys boiled gatayu’sti stones for dinner instead of corn.

Angry, the boys began to dance and pray for help from the spirits. Eventually, their mothers searched and found them dancing, but with every circle, the boys danced they lifted higher off the ground. The mothers ran to retrieve their sons, but too late — they boys were now out of reach.

Eventually, the boys rose into the heavens and became the Pleiades cluster, which the Cherokee still call Ani’tsutsa (the boys).

According to an article in Indian Country Today, “The Iroquois, Delaware, Carrier, Inuit, Haida, Salish, Paiute, Wiyot, Shasta, Luiseño, Chumash, Zuni, Cheyenne, and Blackfoot have all labeled the shining collection [Pleiades cluster].” The article also notes the slightly elusive quality of the cluster — rather than looking directly at the grouping, the constellation is much clearer when viewed with peripheral vision.

Citing a myth from the California Sierra and Paiute tribes, the author shares the story of the Grizzly Sisters and the Deer Sisters (Pleiades). “One day Grizzly mother ate Deer mother. Deer sisters retaliated by trapping Grizzly sisters in a cave.”

The midwestern Dakota believed that the cluster is the Tiyami, abode of the ancestors, and when we die, we go to live in the Pleiades. One famous story is how seven maidens were being hunted by a bear. The girls prayed to the gods, who responded by raising the ground under their feet high into the air. The angry bear clawed at the earth, leaving claw marks, but finally gave up and left. The maidens were turned into stars and placed in the sky for eternal safekeeping, and the spot where they stood is now Wyoming’s “Devil’s Tower,” complete with huge vertical striations thought to be bear claw marks.

This is a small sample of Pleiadian myth and symbolism. This relatively tiny star cluster has taken on proportionally huge significance in almost every ancient tradition and cosmology. Perhaps we instinctively assign great significance to the Pleiades because we have a place for them in our collective consciousness — for now, we don’t know why, but perhaps we’ll find out as consciousness evolves.

About the Author
Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the world’s largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. If there is a topic you’d like to learn more about, please let us know. You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life.
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Clow, Barbara Hand (1943-) |

Clow, Barbara Hand (1943-) |

Clow, Barbara Hand (1943-)

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Clow, Barbara Hand (1943-)

Barbara Hand Clow, astrologer, channeler, and New Age entrepreneur, was born in Saginaw, Michigan, on February 14, 1943, the daughter of Eugene A. and Catherine Wallace Hand. She attended the University of Michigan and received her M.A. from the Institute for Culture and Creation in Chicago. In 1974 she married publisher Gerald Cudahy Clow. She also studied astrology and became aligned with the New Age Movement. Her interest excelled in the 1980s when she became the executive vice president of Bear & Company, a prominent New Age publishing house, and began to write out of her own perspectives on various occult topics. Her first astrology book, Eye of the Centaur, appeared in 1986.

During the 1980s, the field of astrology expanded greatly, among the most popular subjects being the study of asteroids and comets. Initial attention to the comet Chiron emerged in the 1970s, and Clow first rose out of obscurity with her study of the comet, published in 1987 as Chiron: Rainbow Between the Inner and Outer Planets. Her volume called attention to the Chiron orbit between the planets known in the ancient world (inner) and those only discovered in the modern age (outer). She followed this effort with her study of astrology and sexuality, Liquid Light of Sex: Mid-Life Crisis and the Planets (1991).

While becoming known as an astrologer, Clow also emerged as a channel, and in 1989 she issued one of the first books containing channeled material reputedly from inhabitants from the Pleiades star clusterHeart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades. This volume, along with Barbara Marciniak 's Bringers of the Dawn (1992), would create the emphasis on Pleiadian wisdom that became so prominent in the post-New Age ascension movement of the 1990s. She followed it with The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light (1995). She has come to think of herself as a Pleiadian Emissary of Light who is assisting Earth with its transcendence of the dominant restrictive patterns that limit human creativity and awareness. As vice president of Bear & Company, she has been in charge of publishing many of the Pleiadian texts.


Clow, Barbara Hand. Chiron: Rainbow Between the Inner and Outer Planets. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 1987.

Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades. Santa Fe, N.Mex.: Bear & Co., 1989.

Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians : Marciniak, Barbara: Books

Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians : Marciniak, Barbara: Books

Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians Paperback – 1 December 1992
by Barbara Marciniak (Author)
4.7 out of 5 stars 1,638 ratings

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Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our "gods" are. Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become "bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth.
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Print length

288 pages

"Bringers of the Dawn points out a creative and positive way to turn on our inner light and underlines the principle of commitment to spiritual growth, which leads to the reclaiming of our natural power in any situation." ― Darryl Anka, channel for "Bashar"

From the Back Cover

NEW CONSCIOUSNESS / CHANNELING "Step forward as a member of the Family of Light; have the courage in all the days you walk this planet to live that light and to share that light with all you encounter." Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our "gods" are. Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become "bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth. "Bringers of the Dawn points out a creative and positive way to turn on our inner light and underlines the principle of commitment to spiritual growth, which leads to the reclaiming ofour natural power in any situation." --Darryl Anka, channel for "Bashar" 

"Bringers of the Dawn offers key teachings about the original records of the Earth that are filled with power, love, and clear intention about how to participate in the magnificent new time of birthing the original genius of our planet." --Barbara Hand Clow, author of Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades 

BARBARA MARCINIAK is an internationally known trance channel from North Carolina. She conducts class sessions and workshops throughout the United States and facilitates tours to sacred power sites such as Peru, Mexico, Egypt, Greece, Australia, and Bali.

About the Author
Barbara Marciniak is an internationally known trance channel living in North Carolina. She is the author of Bringers of the Dawn, editor of The Pleiadian Times, a quarterly information journal, and travels throughout the United States and to sacred sites around the world giving lectures and workshops.
Customer Reviews:
4.7 out of 5 stars 1,638 ratings

Barbara Marciniak is an internationally known trance channel from North Carolina. She conducts class sessions and workshops throughout the United States and facilitates tours to sacred power sites such as Peru, Mexico, Egypt, Greece, Australia, and Bali.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing! So relevant to current times.Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 25 July 2022
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It amazes me at how relevant the content of this book is to today’s current events. I could read this book over and over again. So much valuable information.


Miss J. Gill

5.0 out of 5 stars Good serviceReviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 12 December 2020
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Efficient and fast. Very good service.

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4.0 out of 5 stars What i could understand was very good, howeverReviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 1 December 2016
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I found it too hard to understand. What i could understand was very good , however, for me it read like a science book



5.0 out of 5 stars couldn't put it downReviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 30 May 2015
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Feelings are now opening up for me like I've never known. This is well written and enlightened material that was exciting to experience.

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Honore Troy

5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful read.Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 3 October 2020

I have read this book at least four times, initially in paperbacks and later on Kindle. I bought it on kindle just in case I lost the paperback. There is so much knowledge in these teachings. I recommend it it everyone

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5.0 out of 5 stars Bringers of the DawnReviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 9 November 2016

This is the book that started me reading the channeled books of Barbara Marciniak from the wonderful Pleiadeans, I now have all four of her books and love every one of them.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Paper TurnerReviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 20 October 2022
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Loved this book - such a paper turner. Opened my mind to look at things in a different way.


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Amazon カスタマー
5.0 out of 5 stars A timeless read with astounding relevance.Reviewed in Japan 🇯🇵 on 31 August 2020
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Although this book was written decades ago, its relevance to where we are as a species on this planet today is astounding. The messages contained within are important and vital for those who will be guided to read this phenomenal book. This is a book that will be re-read to revisit the codes within time and again.

Cristian von der Heyde
5.0 out of 5 stars ExcelenteReviewed in Brazil 🇧🇷 on 7 October 2016
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Leitura necessária para quem quer entender um pouco mais do mundo que vivemos. Assim como os outros livros de Marciniak, esse também é de uma sabedoria única.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Was This Book Written Just for Me?Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 7 June 2023
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I felt like this book was specifically written for me. Almost creepy. I enjoyed reading this book and expanding my awareness. If you feel drawn to this book, then it is probably for you.

The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds - Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars

The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds - Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars

The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds - Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars

Author(s): Whitney Jefferson Evans


Discover the nature of the mysterious, spiritually potent starseeds--intuitive people who help change the world--with this easy-to-read and accessible beginner's guide!Explore the ancient new age concept of starseeds, spiritually advanced people with strong psychic abilities sent to help the earth heal, grow, and change. The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds offers a look at who starseeds are and where they come from, as well as their innate skills and spiritual sensitivities. You will gain fascinating insight into the unique personalities and nature of starseeds and even figure out if you're a starseed, too! Perfect for anyone hoping to change the world or curious about different dimensions, this book is an illuminating and enlightening look at life on a higher plane of existence.

Publication date : November 2020
Language : English
Pages : 208
The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds: Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars Hardcover – Illustrated, 3 February 2021
by Whitney Jefferson Evans (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars    93 ratings

Discover the nature of the mysterious, spiritually potent starseeds—intuitive people who help change the world—with this easy-to-read and accessible beginner’s guide!

Explore the ancient new age concept of starseeds, spiritually advanced people with strong psychic abilities sent to help the earth heal, grow, and change. The Beginner’s Guide to Starseeds offers a look at who starseeds are and where they come from, as well as their innate skills and spiritual sensitivities. You will gain fascinating insight into the unique personalities and nature of starseeds and even figure out if you’re a starseed, too! Perfect for anyone hoping to change the world or curious about different dimensions, this book is an illuminating and enlightening look at life on a higher plane of existence.
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Print length
208 pages

Product description

About the Author
Whitney Jefferson Evans is a spiritual seeker: she spent the years of 2015–2018 studying the energy healing modality of Reiki, where she completed all four levels of training and eventually received the title of Reiki Master. She spends her free time learning about other healing modalities and using herself as a test subject for the latest in wellness trends. Throughout her studies, she’s received certificates in Crystal Reiki and Color Psychology. In her day job, Whitney currently serves as Deputy Editorial Director and Director of Pop Culture at BuzzFeed, where she manages a bicoastal team and oversees all entertainment content for BuzzFeed. She’s appeared on the Today show, CNN, HLN, Nightline, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, MTV, and VH1. She cohosted BuzzFeed’s SiriusXM radio show, BuzzFeed Radio, and has appeared on Watch What Happens Live.

Whitney Jefferson Evans
Whitney Jefferson Evans is a modern-day spiritual seeker. She spent years learning Reiki, a method of energy healing, and eventually became a Reiki Master. In her day job, Whitney serves as Managing Editor at BuzzFeed where she's and editor who writes about pop culture, wellness, and vegan food whenever she can. She’s appeared on the Today Show, CNN, MTV, VH1, HLN, Nightline, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, and Watch What Happens Live. For the latest updates, check

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Joseph J. Truncale
4.0 out of 5 stars A sometimes-fascinating book for those interested in star people.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 19 December 2022
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As someone who has been a curious and voracious reader for more than seven decades, I am always seeking interesting, unusual and even strange things to read about. This is why when I saw this 207-page hardcover book (The beginner’s guide to star seeds: Understanding a star people and finding your own origins in the stars by Whitney Jefferson Evans) on Amazon I decided to purchase it. I have to admit this book was a compelling read.

Like many those into their senior years I grew up with watching the old science fiction shows of Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Rocket man and other serials. Later in life my passion was astronomy and cosmology. Though I have read numerous books over the years on the UFO mystery beginning as a believer and ending up agnostic on the subject; nevertheless, I still find the subject fascinating and I enjoyed reading this book very much.

This book is organized into 12 chapters covering the following topics: An introduction to star seeds, a Starseed’s mission, shared traits of starseeds, unique abilities of starseeds, introduction to star families, Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Orions, Arcturians, and how to meet your star family.
I found the six quiz sections fun to answer where you find out which star family you probably belong too. For me it was the Orion starseed even though it also could be some of the other star family groups as well.

If you are fascinated by the idea of ancient astronauts and that we may indeed have originated from the stars, (after all we are all made of star stuff), you will enjoy reading this book.
Rating: 4 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Zen Poetry Moments: Haiku and Senryu for special occasions).
5.0 out of 5 stars We are starseed
Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on 25 May 2022
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Mari H- NE
5.0 out of 5 stars A Great Research of Knowing
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 7 May 2022
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Starseeds,by Whitney Jefferson, is for beginners who believe they are so much more than their earth bodies.
The universe is huge, beyond our wildest imaginations! What if we have left our homes & volunteered to come
To help the planet earth?
This author is presenting us a book, to create a curiosity of really who we are.
It is written in simplified form, that all can understand. Recommended for anyone who loves who they are..but feels there is more to themselves,
then just this earth body.
Curious? It is a great key to solving one of earth's greatest mysteries.
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Josh Thompson
5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 7 June 2022
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I learned so much from this book. It's a great read!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Easy Informative Read....
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 28 February 2021
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Amazing book. Really glad I purchased it. Very informative but also a really easy read, nothing wrong with that sometimes. Reminded me a lot of some books I have read about Empaths but with a lot of other interesting information. Would definitely recommend!
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Starseeds: psychologists on why some people think they're aliens living on Earth

Starseeds: psychologists on why some people think they're aliens living on Earth

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Starseeds: psychologists on why some people think they’re aliens living on Earth

Published: March 14, 2023 3.38am AEDT

AuthorsKen Drinkwater

Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Cognitive and Parapsychology, Manchester Metropolitan University
Andrew Denovan

Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Huddersfield
Neil Dagnall

Reader in Applied Cognitive Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University
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The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Huddersfield provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK.

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Welcome to the new reality. sun ok/Shutterstock


There’s a new group of people on Earth who believe they’re aliens. Star people, or starseeds, are individuals who believe they have come to Earth from other dimensions to help heal the planet and guide humanity into the “golden age” – a period of great happiness, prosperity and achievement.

It might sound a little crazy but an internet search for the term brings up over 4 million results and there are scores of people posting videos on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook who believe they originate from another world. Indeed, content with the term #starseed has over 1 billion views on TikTok.

Unlike “Earth souls”, who are said to reincarnate on Earth, starseeds believe they have reawakened from another planet to be born here. Starseeds believe they are conduits between divine realms and the Earth and that they can transport between galaxies via meditation. Starseeds also believe they can communicate in “light language” – a form of communication that is said to bypass human limitations and be the language of the soul.

The idea is widely credited to the author Brad Steiger who wrote prolifically about the unknown and was keenly interested in alien life and extraterrestrials. In his 1976 book, Gods of Aquarius, Steiger introduced his notion that some people originate from other dimensions.

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Believers claim there are several ways to tell if you are a starseed. These include searching for meaning in life and feeling a lack of belonging. Being spiritual and possessing a strong sense of intuition (knowing) are also qualities of a starseed.

They are also said to be empathetic, sensitive and have more physical and mental health issues as their souls aren’t used to having a human body. Starseeds want to help humanity. But they get overwhelmed by life on Earth and so recharge by spending time alone.

Believers also say that starseeds have the desire to explore and experience new cultures and spheres, which help star people to then provide novel insights into existence. Examples include new (conspiracy) theories about society, holistic health interventions along with thoughts on ancient aliens and civilisations.
Choose your reality

You might recognise some aspects of yourself in the above description. Many people, for example, report searching for meaning in life along with feeling displaced or like they don’t belong at times.

Indeed, research shows that a low sense of belonging is often linked to depression. But what makes some people who are experiencing such feelings jump to the conclusion that they must be from another planet? Particularly given that no life beyond Earth has ever been found and there is no evidence that alien life has ever visited Earth.

Welcome to the Forer effect. Named after Bertram Forer, the psychologist who first figured out that it was pretty easy to get people to agree with vague descriptions about themselves – see horoscopes.

The concept of starseeds is a form of new age belief. The term refers to alternative spiritual practices that developed during the 1970s.

Although each new age belief is different, philosophies share common features: they view existence in terms of the universe and focus on spirituality as well as the self. Think crystals, energy healing and psychic abilities.

Other features include reincarnation, karma and the possibility of reaching a higher level of consciousness.

Support for new age beliefs – such as starseeds – is on the rise. It comes from a distrust of science and doubts about conventional perceptions of reality. Particularly, cynicism about modern society and an attempt to find meaning in life.
Fantasy v fiction

Certain personality characteristics may also incline some people to believe in the notion of starseeds. For instance, if you are fantasy prone and often confuse imaginary and real events you may see the theory of alien consciousness as profound and desirable.

In psychological terms, this is known as a source monitoring error, which is a type of unconscious memory error whereby a person gets confused between what’s real and accurate and what’s unreal and imagined.

It’s commonly seen in schizophrenia and research has found links between schizotypal personality disorder – a common disorder considered to be a mild form of schizophrenia – and belief in conspiracy theories.
Starseeds claim they are alien consciousness living on earth. Ross Collier/Alamy Stock Photo

A further effect that can encourage such beliefs is what’s known as ontological confusion. This occurs when people cannot discriminate between metaphorical and factual statements such as: “Old furniture knows things about the past.” These may be interpreted more literally than metaphorically and so make it more likely that people then endorse pseudoscientific, transcendental theories.

This is especially true when the source of the information is perceived to be trustworthy and knowledgeable. Dubbed the Einstein effect, this is where trusted sources of information are given more credence because of the social credibility they possess.

In the case of starseeds, several books published by big publishing houses may provide a sense of authenticity and so too does the fact that a number of them are bestsellers. Indeed, it seems life as we know it, may not be as straightforward as we once imagined.
Conspiracy theories
New age
Paranormal beliefs
The New Age
New age movement
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Misha Ketchell


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Chapter 19 Starseeds in: Handbook of UFO Religions

Chapter 19 Starseeds in: Handbook of UFO Religions

Chapter 19 Starseeds
In: Handbook of UFO Religions
Author: Susannah Crockford

Type: Chapter
Pages: 403–422
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Starseeds are people who self-identify as aliens or alien consciousnesses in human form. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Sedona, Arizona over a two-year period, and followed up with ongoing digital research, this chapter presents what starseeds are, how they describe themselves as having awakened, and how they earn a living. The language of science is used as a religious symbol for elaboration of composite selves, both alien and human. The economics of being a starseed is a particular focus, showing how individual practitioners who lack a corporate structure of support have to develop multiple revenue streams in the late capitalist gig economy. Case studies of three starseeds are presented to give fine-grained ethnographic detail about how starseeds both understand themselves and present themselves to others.