Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia
평화와 행복을 위한 불교지성들의 위대한 도전 - 아시아의 참여불교
샐리 킹,크리스토퍼 퀸 (지은이),박경준 (옮긴이)참여불교재가연대2003-06-01
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- 품절 확인일 : 2017-03-20
새상품 eBook 중고상품 (4)
판매알림 신청

제1장 서문: 참여불교의 기원과 양상
제2장 암베드까르 박사와 불교적 해방에 대한 해석학
제3장 TBMSG,현대 인도에서의 담마혁명
제4장 아리야라뜨네와 사르보다야 슈라마다나 운동
제5장 붓다다사 비구 : 공의 시각으로 일관된 그의 삶과 사상
제6장 사회재건을 위한 술락 시바락사의 불교비전
제7장 아시아의 여성불교인과 비구니 교단
제8장 티베트 해방운동 속에 담긴 불교의 원리
제9장 틱닛한과 '베트남 통일불교회':중도주의운동
제10장 창가학회: 조화롭고 평화로운 사회의 창고

저자 및 역자소개
샐리 킹 (Sallie b.king) (지은이)
신간알리미 신청
<평화와 행복을 위한 불교지성들의 위대한 도전>
최근작 : <평화와 행복을 위한 불교지성들의 위대한 도전>
크리스토퍼 퀸 (christopher s.queen) (지은이)
신간알리미 신청
<평화와 행복을 위한 불교지성들의 위대한 도전>
최근작 : <평화와 행복을 위한 불교지성들의 위대한 도전>
박경준 (옮긴이)
신간알리미 신청
동국대학교 대학원 불교학과 명예교수.
동국대학교 불교학과를 졸업하고 동 대학원 불교학과에서 철학박사학위를 취득하였다. 1995년부터 동국대학교 불교학부 교수로 재직하였으며, 동국대학교 불교문화연구원장, 중앙도서관장, 평생교육원장, 에코포럼 운영위원장, 불교학연구회장, 『불교평론』 편집위원장, 민주평화통일자문회의 상임위원, 공직자종교차별자문회의 위원, 불교방송시청자위원회 위원 등을 역임하였고, 현재 정의평화불교연대 지도법사로 활동하고 있다.
주요 저서로 『불교학의 사회화 이론과 실제』, 『다비와 사리』, 『민중불교의 탐구』(공저), 『지식기반사회와 불교생태학』(공저) 등이, 역서로 『근본불교와 대승불교』, 『원시불교사상론』, 『아시아의 참여불교』, 『지구를 구하는 경제학』, 『동남아시아의 불교 수용과 전개』, 『불교사회경제학』(공역) 등이 있다. 접기

최근작 : <불교사회경제사상>,<불교학의 사회화 이론과 실제>,<불교사회경제사상> … 총 6종 (모두보기)

Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia (Tradition; 17; Garland Reference)
by Christopher S Queen (Editor), Sallie B King (Editor)
4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 5 ratings

Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia (Tradition; 17; Garland Reference)
by Christopher S Queen (Editor), Sallie B King (Editor)
4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 5 ratings
30 Used from $5.9710 New from $25.001 Collectible from $10.00
This is the first comprehensive study of socially and politically engaged Buddhism in the lands of its origin. Nine accounts of contemporary movements in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Japan are framed by interpretive essays. The historical development and institutional forms of engaged Buddhism are considered in the light of traditional Buddhist conceptions of morality, interdependence, and liberation; and Western ideas of freedom, human rights, and democracy.
Since the fiery self-immolation of the Vietnamese monk Thich Quang Duc on a Saigon street in 1963, "engaged Buddhism" has spread throughout Asia and the West. Twice in recent years the Nobel Prize for peace was awarded to Buddhists for their efforts to free their compatriots from totalitarian regimes.
Engaged Buddhism presents ordained and lay Buddhist activists like Thich Nhat Hanh of Vietnam, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu and Sulak Sivaraksa of Thailand, A. T. Ariyaratne and the Sarvodaya Shramadana movement of Sri Lanka, Daisaku Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai movement of Japan, followers of the Indian Untouchable leader, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, and Buddhist women throughout Asia. These leaders have campaigned relentlessly, attracted and organized millions of new converts, faced death threats, landed in jail, founded schools and universities, and produced a massive new Buddhist literature to restore social and economic justice to their societies.
Includes bibliographical references and index
Introduction : the shapes and sources of engaged Buddhism ; Dr. Ambedkar and the hermeneutics of Buddhist liberation / Christopher S. Queen -- TBMSG : a Dhamma revolution in contemporary India / Alan Sponberg -- A.T. Ariyaratne and the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka / George D. Bond -- Buddhadasa Bhikkhu : life and society through the natural eyes of voidness / Santikaro Bhikkhu -- Sulak Sivaraksa's Buddhist vision for renewing society / Donald K. Swearer -- Buddhist women and the nuns' order in Asia / Nancy J. Barnes -- Buddhist principles in the Tibetan Liberation Movement / José Ignacio Cabezón -- Thich Nhat Hanh and the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam : nondualism in action / Sallie B. King -- The Soka Gakkai : Buddhism and the creation of a harmonious and peaceful society / Daniel A. Metraux -- Conclusion : Buddhist social activism / Sallie B. King
About the Author
Christopher S. Queen is Dean of Students and Lecturer on Religion in the Division of Continuing Education at Harvard University.
Sallie B. King is Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at James Madison University. She is the author of Buddha Nature and Journey in Search of the Way, both published by SUNY Press.
Product details
Publisher : State University of New York Press (March 21, 1996)
Language : English
Hardcover : 464 pages
#27,781 in Philosophy (Books)Customer Reviews:
4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 5 ratings

Aion Collections
5.0 out of 5 stars Gives you awarenessReviewed in Canada on October 7, 2020
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This book should be a must practice for every institution
About the Author
Christopher S. Queen is Dean of Students and Lecturer on Religion in the Division of Continuing Education at Harvard University.
Sallie B. King is Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at James Madison University. She is the author of Buddha Nature and Journey in Search of the Way, both published by SUNY Press.
Product details
Publisher : State University of New York Press (March 21, 1996)
Language : English
Hardcover : 464 pages
#27,781 in Philosophy (Books)Customer Reviews:
4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 5 ratings

Aion Collections
5.0 out of 5 stars Gives you awarenessReviewed in Canada on October 7, 2020
Verified Purchase
This book should be a must practice for every institution