
What People Say - Mark Wolynn

What People Say - Mark Wolynn

The Family Constellation Institute

Inherited Family Trauma
It didn't start with you...but it can end with you

What People Say

Since coming to your workshop I’ve been seeing an improvement in my irritable bowel syndrome.
Allison M.


The work you do to embody the trauma is so efficient and so direct that I feel like I have been waiting a long time to experience it in this way.


I attended Mark’s workshop this weekend in Victoria and I loved his approach to constellation work. Research-based, attachment-based, very accessible to those brand new to the modality. Everyone got the chance to do some work, everyone received take-away practices. And Mark’s personal presence is warm and grounded, blended with a precision based on decades of experience in listening to what shows up. Thank you Mark!


As medical doctors we often treat the symptom, I’ve witnessed Mark identify the pattern and treat the cause.
Dr. Russ Kennedy


I took a 3-full day workshop with Mark Wolynn last year called “Family Constellations”. The healing and utilization of collective energy to heal and offer resolution I witnessed was nothing short of miraculous.
Geoffrey Schwartz


That was probably the most powerful therapy session I have ever experienced. I have experienced a major shift.
Debby Q


I went into the session with you thinking that I was probably never going to see my parents again. When I left, I booked a flight to see them. Frankly, the results of a single session with you were nothing short of miraculous. I have never experienced such rapid transformation.
Jason M


Your strong fierce boundaries allowed me to trust you, which is very,very rare for me. You held the space so deeply that it allowed me to open up and be vulnerable enough to touch and shift such an old wound (and in a room full of people!!!) thank you, thank you, thank you. You have such a beautiful gift of being able to hold people in a sacred profound way. The world is a better place because of it.
Meagan D.


I enjoy your style with abundance of teaching and precision of language that communicates and heals.
Kevin P.


I feel like I got the tip of the iceberg, of what Mark has to teach, in the one day workshop Mark just offered in NYC. It was great and I want more.
Danica M.


I attended the Free to Love workshop that Mark held at the New York Open Center on Saturday and found it to be the most informative day I have ever had. I have already started putting Mark’s suggestions into action.
Janet L.


I appreciated your clarity of presentation when constructing the family constellations, and how much learning I gained from your work. Thank you for your generosity in sharing of your knowledge and wisdom.
Marga Hanna

Psychotherapist and Art Therapist, MA, RCC, ATR


Your work is very inspiring, and touched me very deeply. Your compassion, sincerity, and ability to facilitate insight and change is truly amazing!!
Shelley Gordon



I was in awe of your intuitiveness, insight and your trust in yourself. Your are such a role model for ME, and I thank you for this.
Judy B.


And Mark’s intuition and trust in his skill as an instructor is simply incredible to be around. He’s a master at his ‘craft’, no question about it!!!
Jessica K.


Thank you for the work you did with my husband and me. It’s been transforming.
Cassie D.


Our session has put me on a path of healing that I have not been able to find with any other modality.
Carla Green

BScPT, Reg.Ac.


He had incredible insights into my situation and the advice he offered will be truly helpful, I have already felt a change starting in my life outlook because of a new awareness for what is truly happening.
Jeff G.


Thank you again for your wonderful work. My time with you was life changing.
Koree S.


Settling back in after amazing training. It had more of an impact than I realized–I mean as a client, not just a student. Such rich work…
Liz M.


I’ve participated in many constellations and trainings. I have to say Mark Wolynn is the best I know. It’s some of the most powerful re-programming of unconscious patterns that I’ve found.
Georgia R.


I found the session to be life-changing. Ironically, I started a beautiful, healthy, and loving relationship shortly after we spoke.
Maggie W.


I just wanted to thank you for all of your teachings. I’m filled with gratitude as my understanding deepens. Each fleck of wisdom shines a light of compassion on the world around me and I see opportunities for something better. I look forward to learning more.
Gregg S.


Thank you for the work you did with my husband and me. It’s been transforming.
Isabelle Johansen


I feel like I got the tip of the iceberg, of what Mark has to teach, in the one day workshop Mark just offered in NYC. It was great and I want more.
Deborah Milosevich


Frankly, the results of a single session with you were nothing short of miraculous. I have never experienced such rapid transformation. My relationship with my mom and dad is unrecognizable. I have learned to ‘take’ love from them, and genuinely feel love and tenderness towards them. I have reached a level of acceptance for who they are which is unprecedented for me.
Tony M.


Your strong fierce boundaries allowed me to trust you, which is very,very rare for me. You held the space so deeply that it allowed me to open up and be vulnerable enough to touch and shift such an old wound (and in a room full of people!!!) thank you, thank you, thank you. You have such a beautiful gift of being able to hold people in a sacred profound way. The world is a better place because of it.
Sherry Rounds


Thank you so much for sharing such a powerful, transformative workshop with our students. Two of our staff members who participated said it was the best workshop they’ve ever taken here. They also deeply appreciated the time you took after the workshop to continue to answer their questions.
Sandy Levine

Program Director of The New York Open Center


I can’t say how happy I was to have you here! Thank you so much for sharing with us your wisdom, knowledge and compassion.
Claire Degenais

2013 Montreal Training Program


I just want to thank you again for such a great workshop at Kripalu! I feel as though I’ve had about 6 months of therapy in just that one short weekend! I loved the intimacy of our group, and watching you work with each person individually was remarkable.
Jessica R.


Mark’s ability to see into the “issue” at hand (& heart) is soulful, helpful and full of powerful healing. His awareness and intuitive finesse guided me through a truly powerful breakthrough… I look forward to more constellation healing ;~}
Dawn Alane-Kelmenson


I have been ‘drug-free’ and depression free for over 18 months!
Caitlyn M.


When my clients can benefit from doing deep work, I don’t hesitate to send them to Mark. He has the ability to guide people through difficult issues with great insight and compassion.
Alexandra Kreps



The lack of love or connection from my parents has always been my story and the belief that there is something inherently wrong with me. But, now I see where it comes from and how to move forward to heal it. It is time to take my life back. I now have passion and hope—something I have not had in many, many years! Thank you Mark!
Gerry J.


I feel like my whole world has changed. I’ve gone from believing that I’ve been sold short all my life to realizing how very blessed I’ve been. I suddenly feel like I have a lot more love to give. My daughter and I are closer and my husband and son are bonding. There were changes immediately! In fact, I changed around the seating at the dinner table and no one said a word. Ha, goes to show you the power of a mother! Thank you so very, very much for your work. I have a feeling that I’ll be increasingly more thankful in the months and years ahead.
Anne R.


I like to thank you again for taking the time to talk to me yesterday. I felt a lot of pressure was released. I have decided to get back in touch with my mom soon. You are right. She deserves more respect from me. I can’t wait to talk to her. Thank you for making it happen!


Mark Wolynn is an insightful, perceptive, intelligent, authentic teacher / facilitator with this unique ability to hear the Core Language to uncover the hidden dynamics of health or emotional challenges. A private session or a workshop shared with Mark is one where inner transformation occurs. I would recommend him with confidence.
Johanna Lynn


I had a wonderful sense of peace after our conversation.
Laurie B


I learned so much from you indirectly in regard to the work that you did with one of my clients. It opened my eyes to a whole new dimension of understanding around the idea of bonding in illness and continuing family legacies of destruction, illness and death.
Judith Gusky


I highly recommend Mark Wolynn to all of you dealing with family “stuff”. Went to one of his workshops a few years ago. He’s awesome!
Sally K.


I have never forgotten my family constellation experience with you a few years ago. It was truly the most powerful healing experience I have ever had. The imagery of it has stuck in my mind and spirit as if I were there.
Patricia G.


How fortunate I attended the workshop and training! i believe it is the great compassion and firm belief in humanity both you and Shannon hold that have guaranteed the beautiful work. Honestly, there’s not much right word i can find to describe what I have experienced.
Melissa Zheng


Although I haven’t met a romantic partner yet since my family constellation, I am falling madly in love with my mother like never before. My relationship with my mother had turned 180 degrees! I am feeling an incredible amount of love. Of course, it also comes with grief for the years that we had missed each other’s love. So I just want to say thank you! The constellation transformed my relationship with my mother in real life. My relationship with my siblings have also transformed positively.
Kim D


I can’t thank you enough for the amazing weekend. I really loved every single minute of it. Please convey my gratitude to Mark and Shannon. They are both masterful. I want to take the workshop again ASAP so please keep me posted.


I wanted to thank you for your part in the amazing changes that have taken place in my life since the constellation. I had some profound and unexplainable experiences the few days following our constellation that confirmed everything you stated that day.


My son is changing in great ways. He’s happier, more energetic, less angry. His passion for skiing has returned. I feel like I have my son back. Thank you.
Susan V



I feel so much lighter. That wet blanket feeling, all that heaviness is gone. I’m excited again. I’m even looking forward to reconnecting with my job. Also, my sinus headaches have relieved.
Ann Beitz

Medical Sales


I was a bit skeptical about hypnotherapy, but Mark made me feel very comfortable. I found him to be knowledgeable, professional and personable. He had me explore some feelings that had been nagging my subconscious for years. The process was much more relaxing and easier than I expected. When we were finished, I truly felt I had a clearer understanding of many of my core feelings and beliefs.
Seth Toback



With great insight and instinct, Mark took me to depths I never thought possible, unlocking memories deep within my body. He has helped me to come to terms with my soul’s suffering and connect me more deeply with my life’s purpose.
Betsy Reiling

Homeopathic Physician


My son seems to be in remission with the ulcerative colitis. Still on meds, but to date, no flare ups. Thanks so much.
Carole T.



You are doing God’s work. I wanted to tell you that I feel like a crushing weight has been finally lifted off of me.
Marissa M.


Mark, I just want to thank you again for your role in my healing process. I feel that I owe you a debt of gratitude. Without your help and support, I don’t believe that I would have been able to successfully work through the trauma of my past. I have to admit though, at first I was quite nervous at the thought of working with a male therapist. My fears were quickly allayed after experiencing your kind, soft-spoken manner, your gentleness and your compassion. You truly are a wonderful therapist.
Michelle Newhart



I’ve tried psychotherapy before, but it didn’t work, and I didn’t want to take medicine. The work I did with Mark helped tremendously, giving me insight into my phobia. I no longer have the thought that something terrible is going to happen.
Susan Dixon



Please use my experience, my story – as well as my work with you – to educate others (about self-injury) that there is help. I would also like to say a big THANK YOU – for helping me… well for saving my life and renewing my hope.
Erin O’Conner


I never realized how traumatized my body really was. I had seriously never ever cried in that way, and I felt very safe with you. I felt terrified, but I knew I was going to be OK. I can’t thank you enough for your leadership and guidance. I am continuing to feel the effects of the therapy, and no longer feel as adamant about being alone.
Norena B.


There is no way I could have done this without your help. The difference you’ve brought about in my life continues to be remarkable. My relationship with my brother is on a whole new level. I have an entirely new approach to life now, thanks to you. I am forever in your debt.
Susan Nelson



I was so impressed with his client work that I hired him to facilitate classes at my Holistic Health Center.
Deborah Barr

Director, Whole Health Resources


Yesterday’s session was truly profound…today, I feel lighter and more at peace than I have in quite a while. Your careful, thoughtful and respectful guidance has (once again) helped me tremendously. Thank you for bringing some clarity into this morass of overwhelming feelings that I have been grappling with.
Lorie Obernauer

Business Owner


I can’t thank you enough for our session today. After leaving your office, I felt like a great weight had been lifted from me. It was incredibly liberating. Before seeing you, I felt like I was floating, and I didn’t have any real direction or purpose; there wasn’t an end in sight for me. I can’t begin to explain how much you’ve helped me and how awakening this whole experience has been. In such a small amount of time, you have made such a profound impact on my life, and I will be forever grateful to you for that. This has been a life-altering experience. I will never look at life or death in the same way again. You do such incredible and admirable work, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did for me today.
Beth Shafer


Thank you again for all that you have helped me to see. I am constantly amazed at the depth of your perceptions of occurrences and their solutions. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your expertise.
Alice McIlvane


After the session, my stage fright was completely gone. My friends and teachers tell me I seem like a whole new person. I would definitely recommend Mark and his work.
Lisa Arianna



I felt total comfort in Mark’s presence. His gentle and supportive manner allowed me to confront some very difficult issues.
Nikki Zapach

Clinical Psychologist


Our session was only last week and i feel a much greater sense of direction, where to take things now and what I need to do. I have already made some of the steps. So thank you for that and I am sure I will be writing again to thank you.
Carrie G.


The cat allergies have lessened, and I’m not afraid of cats anymore. I no longer have that burning sensation in my eyes. The eye doctor even changed my eyeglasses to a weaker prescription.
Bonnie Rothrock



Thank you for the very healing session. I feel a difference already. Of particular note — my son said to me when I returned, ‘Mom, I feel improved since you left, like I can live on my own now.’ This was out of the blue, uncharacteristic and amazingly affirming. Appreciate your work!
Sara Carlotti



I want everyone I know to go see you. I can’t even begin to tell you how much better everything is. My daughter not only returned home, but things are great between us. I can’t thank you enough for the huge turnaround in our lives.
Melissa B.

Marketing Director


My relationship with my father continues to grow stronger. We now talk more than ever. Before we end our phone conversations, we now say, “I love you” to one another, and fully experience the true meaning of those three words. I am privileged to have had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you!
Tamara Santucci



I feel like I have a whole new relationship to food. Now I feel grateful and deserving of the food that I eat. Thank you a thousand times over. How does a person thank someone for profoundly changing her life? I am eternally in your debt and filled with gratitude.
Sally Winchell



I feel like I have awakened from a frightening recurrent nightmare. Everything seems quiet and calm, like the beginning of a radiant day after a summer night’s storm.
Rhonda Constantine

Retail Manager


You are incredibly skilled at what you do. Beautiful offering to the world.
P. Gordon


I can finally take a full breath. I feel like a brick has been lifted off my chest. I’ve even started sleeping better and have stopped taking my sleep medication.
Nancy Williams



I want to thank you for the healing which began in the session on Saturday. For the remainder of the weekend I marveled at the release I continued to experience and enjoy. Returning to work on Monday, I noticed the absence of anxiety.
Marilyn Shapiro

Financial Analyst


Thank you for your wonderful classes. I truly believe you touch all your students in a special, caring way.
Lee Nesler

General Curator, The Pittsburgh Zoo


I wanted to thank you for the help you have given me. It has made a profound difference in how I view myself and how I interact with others. I particularly found the Constellation Work remarkable… meaningful and revealing… truly amazing. I would like very much to attend more of these sessions and work with this group in the future. A profound THANK YOU!
Karen Herzog



I just wanted to write and say thank you to you for coming to England and for the amazing life-changing experience. The constellations are like nothing I have ever experienced before and have had a profound effect on my life. I can’t believe the changes taking place right before my eyes and on a much deeper level. We look forward to welcoming you once again to England next year.
Jolene T.



Mark is a trainer and facilitator of integrity, sensitivity and intelligence. He has a rare gift for getting to the heart of the issue. He is both honest and caring with those he works with. You are in good hands in his workshops and trainings and I heartily endorse his work.
Jane Peterson


After having a Family Constellation, I feel like I no longer need to be responsible for my mother’s pain.
Helen Rudy

Web Designer


I just wanted to thank you: Gloria and I just had our four month anniversary. Our sex life is great, and in general, we are great. We owe so much of that to you! Thank you so much. You have made such a positive impact on our lives.
Darryl K.



I feel like I have more energy than I’ve ever had before. I just have a much better outlook and feel much better about everything that’s going on. I feel like I’ve really overcome some issues that I’ve had with myself, and I’m much, much happier because of it. I’ll certainly recommend you and really appreciate all your help.
C. Fitzgerald

Business Owner


I see hundreds of faces every day in my job, so I have learned how to read body language and I look in their eyes to see who they are. By doing so, I decide who I could ask for help in an emergency, and also, who might be a threat. I saw something special in your eyes. I would have picked you as one I could trust in an emergency, and I saw kindness. Thank you again.

Flight Attendant


I feel very different after the experience. Prior to the constellation, I already knew I was limited in my ability to love my husband and children. I have struggled with this for years, but anytime I try to speak to anyone about it, they tell me I am the best mother and wife they know. This only made me feel like the “best fake mother and wife,” because I did not feel what they were seeing. After the constellation, I feel free to love them in a way I doubted could happen. This is a very powerful change for me that I shudder to think I could have gone my entire life without ever experiencing or having them experience.

Barbara C.


“el seminario fue espectacular y ha cambiado mi vida de manera positiva” “The seminar was amazing and has changed my life in a positive way.”


A lot happened the week to follow for me and my family. I always knew this part was there but didn’t know how to bring it to the surface as there was so much emotion and confusion. I truly feel like a different person now. It is impossible to put into words all that has come from that piece.

Maryann Thomas

Physical Therapist


It’s been well over a year since I’ve taken an antidepressant and I feel great. I’m sure you helped many people in your life time but I wanted you to know you truly made a difference in my life and I’m thankful everyday to be so blessed to have had the opportunity to cross paths with you. A lot of people around me are amazed at the difference in me.
Angela S.


You made it very comfortable to discuss topics that aren’t always so easy for me to share. Thank you for guiding me towards a better place, and for the opportunity to know myself better.


Thank you for seeing my mom. She said you are a very gentle man. The following day she told me, she felt like a huge load had been lifted from her.
Donna Sullivan


I no longer eat to destroy myself, I eat to nourish. And there’s a wonderful man in my life who I am having so much joy learning about. That’s been impossible until now. Thank you.
Dana G.


Where talk therapy and medication failed to do anything for me, it took only two sessions with Mark for me to be freed from the anxiety that had been plaguing me for seven years. Each day felt like a giant, prolonged anxiety attack where I could never fully calm down. Now the physical symptoms are essentially gone, and I am able to live the life that I had many times thought I would never be able to live again. I have gained a new respect and appreciation for the life I once took for granted.
Mike Sinclaire

Graduate Student


I’m doing great. My sons and everyone else in my life continue to reap the benefits of the work I did with Mark.
Bob V.


What a superb session. The change I’m feeling within is PROFOUND.
Mary L.


I’m so grateful. Tonight I had the best conversation with my Dad about the love we have for one another. We’re closer than ever. I took your advice to tell him how much he has taught me. That was last Christmas. You were right. I couldn’t have given him a more perfect gift.
Blake V.


Thank you again, Mark, for the excellent session yesterday. I’m already feeling more freedom to be me! My perception of my mother (as someone who judges and criticizes me) has shifted and dropped away. It feels good!! I’m very grateful to have met such a masterful practitioner who’s able to bring about such rapid transformation ;-)). I’m very much looking forward to calling her in the next few days, and to deepening our relationship.
Shakti B.


Since we talked on the phone so much healing has taken place in my life. I am completely at peace, never felt quite this way before, and I am truly enjoying my own company.
Cecilia R.


I have changed significantly. I have only had 1/2 of a drink very socially since working with you. Smile.
L. Baron

Business Owner


My sweating has improved. I have only had 1 or 2 episodes, not nearly as severe since we met. I noticed several times I have been in situations that may have induced the sweating and I did not. I do notice a feeling of weight being lifted from my shoulders.
Gary P.

Account Executive


Thank you for the wonderful gift of helping me to understand so much of what I have been thinking and feeling for so long. So many questions have been answered (as well as prayers). I left your office feeling alive and powerful and also peaceful and hopeful. The feeling has remained.
Leah Beil



There aren’t words for the changes I have had since doing your work just a few days ago. You set free the biggest block I still had in “me” and I am no longer “trying” every day. I am at peace after decades of “trying”. Thank you.
Vince Bostich

Business Owner


Thanks again for the constellation. It seems to have been a watershed event, giving me some understanding of the origins of my Parkinson’s.
Tom D.


I am connecting more and more with my mother, I can even see the benefit of this in my own daughter, who recently met a great guy.
Sylvia D.


Thank you so much again for the incredible weekend. I have been searching so long for work such as this. I am so happy and grateful that I was able to connect and have the opportunity to have this experience. I am very excited to bring you down and have you share your work with so many other people I know that would benefit greatly from this illuminating work.

Suzanne Winlove-Smith



Wanted to thank you again for the Level I Training – which was AWESOME! I feel I got the final “piece” from working with my Mom and I can’t tell you how different I feel as a result. Really whole and together. Thank you!
Susan Wenzel


Anyone who has worked with or experienced trauma will not want to miss the rare and unique approach Mark brings to this work. With a poet’s heart and a sage’s compassion, Mark’s deep sensitivities have allowed him access to pathways of healing that are profound. The workshop I attended with Mark a year ago continues to support how I hold myself and to deepen and enrich what I might bring to others.
Shannon Zaychuk

PhD, Chartered Psychologist


The difference that you help people to make in their lives is incredible! You possess an amazing gift and I can’t thank you enough for the work that you have done.
Salvador del Viento


You have an exceptional way of mentoring me in a way that I don’t feel inadequate and I learn so much. This is the gift of a true teacher in the most profound sense of the word.
Robyn Mott



I no longer feel dread when I go to work. I feel much more confident and less anxious. I no longer feel like I have to fight everything.
Pamela Solomon



Mark, I want to say from the bottom to top of my heart, Thank you for being so fierce to help so many people to find rest and peace. You are awesome.
Nancy Doyle


What an incredible weekend we have had! We were not sure what to expect but the work exceeded anything we could have imagined! It has impacted us as individuals and drawn us together as a couple in many new ways. We learned more about each other in the 2 day workshop than in 27 years of marriage. This workshop is a must for any individual or couple ready to move out of the ‘hum drum’ and into ‘spectacular living!
Mike & Ellen Parish


This training was truly an enlightening experience for me. I was amazed by what I learned and am really looking forward to getting things started. Thank you for guiding me towards a better place, and for the opportunity to know myself better.
Lori B


Mark is a world class facilitator.
Lone Sorrensen


Your ability to bring difficult and non-negotiable reality to painful situations, yet with transparent and palpable compassion, is a remarkable gift–and your humility in treating it as such is a lesson.

Linden Condeni


The training was awesome. I am looking forward to coming back in June.
Leah Kalish

Move With Me Action Adventures


I was truly touched by the profound healing power of the Family Constellation work and your skills and ability to facilitate healing for everyone in the training. Every day since then has been filled with a greater sense of compassion, understanding and acceptance for myself and for those around me.
Laura K.


I feel more relaxed and in a way happier.


Some things have shifted already – I feel lighter in a way I cannot really explain.
Jim Vecchi


Not a day goes by that I don’t reflect upon some of the experiences that emerged in my sessions with Mark. To say these sessions were enlightening would be an extreme understatement. I am thankful for Mark’s role in helping me with my spiritual journey. This work is a must for anyone committed to spiritual growth.
Jeff Joy

Vice President, Investments, Prudential Securities


The Founders HIGHLY recommend this. Mark Wolynn is truly an impeccable teacher, human being and has amazing intuitive skills.
Higher School for Conscious Evolution


I got so much out of it. My anxiety level decreased exponentially. Mark is amazing and so is the work.


I really appreciate the time you spent with me. The benefits are coming through daily, and the anxiety has also lessened. I also feel lighter, and younger if that makes any sense. Thanks again for your help.
Elizabeth T


It has been a few months, now, since Aaron’s session. We both see improvement. He is incurring much less pain and eating better. In fact, he looks as though he may have gained back a few of the 10 lbs he lost. Thank you again for all the layer upon layer of emotional release you provided for both my son and myself.

Elaine L.



I took the facilitators’ training with him and participated in several workshops that he conducted and I know first-hand how effective and safe he is in helping participants move through their issues. The results for me were life changing.
Danuta Jirik

Ph D.


I wish that I could find the words to express the harmony and peace that I feel in my soul. What I had been carrying around all of this time, since before my thoughts were my own, was pure anxiety and sadness. Yesterday I almost didn’t come, but I prayed on it hoping for clarity in my soul. You gave me a priceless level of understanding. The only thing that I say is Thank you.


This week has been huge, a kind of peace I have never felt in my life. It’s already very, very different to walk in my skin.
Christine Mason McCaull


I wanted to thank you for your dedication and commitment to your work. I am still in shock on how effective family constellation therapy is… how trauma impacts our parents’ lives, our lives, and the lives of our children at such a deep emotional level. I have a hard time thinking that any other family constellation workshop will be better than the one you provide. Mark, you are just brilliant and incredibly intuitive.
Celia Graterol


I did my first group constellation yesterday. It went great! Thanks for everything you passed on to us.
Bruce Kalish


I just wanted to thank you so much for creating such a powerful, safe and amazing training. I learned so much and am feeling stronger and more loved with a clearer perspective. Thank you for opening the door.
Beth R


Well, it has been one month and I must say thank you very much, as I am feeling great. I do not even define myself as having anxiety anymore.
Ari L.


I had a powerful one-on-one with Mark. His diagnosis skills are amazing…. The healing is palpable. I was able to get to core issues and create some ease and freedom within. The effect is still working itself out. I can feel it…. I suggest you drive to Marin to be in the same room with him.
John Mifsud


Mark took my practice, understanding, scope and depth of this work to a whole new level.
Felice Laurel

Family Constellation Facilitator


Since I worked with you last year, I no longer use pills to cope. That’s huge.
Denise S.


Since we spoke I have been experiencing complete bliss throughout my entire physical body. My body feel’s radiant, my gaze is gentle and kind, my breath is free and my hearing near celestial. For the first time in my entire life I feel very comfortable, at peace and safe inside of myself. I no longer feel the need to “escape”. It feels really good to be at home…
Tanya G.


I had a long-standing anxiety that seemed out of balance to reality. While in Mark’s training, using Mark’s approach to Family Constellations, the origin of this fear was brought to light. I have not held the same feelings since. New pieces of awareness continue to unfold every day deepening and expanding this healing. Thank you, Mark, for your outstanding facilitation.
Core Language Trainee


Mark is a very skilled and elegant family constellation practitioner and this is a very rich, relationship-based method.
Cath Duncan

Social Worker


I think I’ve dropped about 10lbs since the workshop. Interesting indeed.
Cindy Yim


The work we did has moved me from “good enough” and “I wish I had cancer and could be done with this” to “a good man who wants to see what happens next in my life”. I can’t thank you enough.
Bob T.


I’m doing great. I continue to make our interesting journey down the Lymes road. My sons and everyone else in my life continues to reap the benefits of the work I did with Mark.


Thank you, Mark, for your generosity of heart, great teachings and amazing guidance in the Workshop this past weekend. I feel so honored to have had you come to Glen Head to offer such a powerful workshop.
Lorraine Aguilar

Owner, Yoga Flow Studio


Mark has helped me heal my colitis, and continues to support me in ways that I wouldn’t have ever imagined. I greatly recommend him.
Christopher Brown

Sales Specialist


Your trainings have been life changing for me.
Paul Taber


I am getting amazing results with integrating this work into my energy healing practice. Thanks, Mark.
Lorraine DiGiovanni


I now have the tools and skills to address the underlying sources of my clients’ core complaints. This approach has dramatically altered the way I work as a psychotherapist! I find myself changed in ways that feel both freeing and empowering….and this gift just naturally extends to my work with my clients!
Laura Martin Taylor



This is an incredibly intense, personal and life-changing experience. I came away with insights I had never previously considered, and it is still vivid in my mind months later. Highly recommend!
Deborah Rose

Walking Alongside Personal Coaching


Mark is an outstanding leader of Hellinger work. I am always happy to recommend him.
Carl Johan Calleman


Since our meeting, my night terrors have completely stopped. After years of suffering from this problem, needless to say, I am very relieved.
Dan T.



I have sent Mr. Wolynn several patients who were not responding to our conventional medical therapy, and they have all improved dramatically. Several patients have discontinued use of all psychiatric medications. I recommend him highly.
Adele Towers



I battled depression and anxiety for more than half my life and went through years of therapy, counselling, medications. One failed remedy after another. I was amazed that after meeting with you just one time, I made more progress with you in one 1 1/2 hour session than I did in 16 years of therapy. I have had three total sessions with you and that’s all I needed – a mere 3 months and I have my life back! Thank you again!
Amy S.



Just wanted to let you know I seem to be feeling better, with fewer obsessive thoughts. And the ones that persist are less painful to encounter.
Glenn M.


Once again, I have been blown away by your intuitive, laser like, systemic approach and your enormous good will towards others, even the most ‘difficult’ and resistant of clients!
Sally Devereux



Thanks so much for this training. It was excellent, not only in content but also in being very user friendly and applicable in patient care.
Robert Zieve



I wish I had all the words that could describe all you can learn and solve about yourself and your relatives with this approach… One is in awe while experiencing and watching how worries, traumas, situations are understood and tools are given to continue the healing process… I highly recommend it.
Perlita Sultan



I heard absolutely excellent things about your workshop. I am chagrined, once again, that I had to miss it, but was gratified to hear that others found it to be not only useful but deeply transformative. It sounds like you bring a very unique, valuable, and grounded voice to this work. I feel like we are really fortunate to be able to provide a platform for bringing your work to our community!
Clara Lindstrom

Programs Associate, California Institute of Integral Studies


This model of therapy has provided me with valuable answers to some of the most complicated questions, both personally and professionally. Mark has the extraordinary gift to see what needs to be seen in order for deep healing to begin.
Gemma Stone

Registered Clinical Psychologist


I highly recommend this workshop and can assure you you will be impressed. It was through the teachings of Mark and Shannon I was able to expand my own individual work. Those of you who have experienced it understand the impact is has in such a good way. Well worth attending.
Rosina Wellmann

The Inherited Imagination

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The Inherited Imagination
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The day my grandfather died, I found a piece of dark green sea glass on the beach. A Maine beach, cold and rocky, like none he had ever seen before, or at least that’s what I have to imagine, because imagining is mostly what I can do when it comes to him. He’d been sick, and even though nearly 80 years of alcoholism, combined with blindness and diabetes couldn’t bring him down, COVID did.

When Mom texts she says, “Joe passed away at 10:40 today.” Joe, a more generous moniker than the usual nicknames we’ve given him. That may sound cold, but when someone has been the source of darkness in your family for as long as he’s lived, family jokes, no matter how unfunny, are the way you make it through without buckling to the weight of shame. Of your legacy being tainted by meanness. Evilness, even.

I know so little about the neutral parts of him (where he lived, what he did) that aren’t muddled by his cruelty. What do I know? I know about his hair, thick for an old man and dyed a chalky black in an attempt to imitate the glossy hair he had when he was young. (This I know from the one picture I have of him, a shot taken during the Korean War—him in uniform, smiling, his eyes closed). I know, even without sight, he was vain.

One time, while my mom sat with my dad and sister on his couch, wringing her hands out nervously, he took me to his balcony to the light so he could see me—the shadows of me, the perimeters—and he proclaimed I was beautiful. I was ashamed to feel pleased by his assessment. If he gave us anything it was shame. My family has always skimmed past the subject of his existence, because it’s distressing to explain, and because familial trauma can sometimes feel like a moral failing. He gave us his story and badness to keep like a secret. He was Chicano, but gave us little pride in our Mexican heritage, as he himself was always ashamed by it. But his hatred wasn’t reserved for his own people; he hated women and tall men and short men and weak men and strong men and brown men and black men and white men and most of all himself.

For some, for me, writing fiction usually comes with a dose of self-reproach, and this is good, to have a moral compass, something in the back of your head that asks, “Is this my story to tell?” I think my capacity to imagine trauma sometimes disturbs people, as I often write about struggles greater than my own. Emotionally destroyed fathers, addiction, abuse. Why do I think I can write about a wicked father when I never was one and never had one?

One of my clearest memories of time with my grandfather was one of the last times my mother could stand to see him.

Because my own father died when I was 15, editors, teachers, peers expect me to write about absent fathers. Because I grew up in suburban Colorado, they expect me to write about the suburbs. But no matter how much I try to shift away from writing the brown experience, the inner-city experience, the experience of physical abuse, my pen tends to take me there. Interesting, funny, writable things happen all the time in my life, but no matter how many times someone says, “you should write about that,” I never seem to exhaust the other material. About the abandoned daughter. The morally corrupt father. The abused and used mother.

On several occasions I have ended up writing fiction that details particularly brutal moments from my mother’s, grandmother’s, and even great-grandmother’s lives, without ever having heard about them first. Later, Mom will tell me, over a glass of wine in my kitchen or hers, in a whisper, another installment of his deeds. The embarrassment envelops her, and the words come slowly, painfully, through tight lips: “He prostituted my mother.” We cry, and I comfort her, thinking back on a chapter I’d written years ago, not so unlike the scene she describes, and I wonder if I stole the story from her, or rather, if I’ve been infected with it all my life.

One of my writing mentors tells me a story shouldn’t ever have too many coincidences but mine is riddled with them. The evening before that same morning of the text, the sea glass, my husband opened a dog-eared page from the Tom Robbins book he’d been reading:

Along their migratory routes, monarch butterflies stay nights in certain trees… But, and this is what is interesting, they are always the same trees. Year after year, whether moving south or returning north monarchs will paper with their myriad wings at twilight a single tree that has served as a monarch motel a thousand times before.

Memory? If so it is genetic. For you see, the butterflies who journey south are not the ones who come back. Monarchs lay their eggs in the sunny climes. Then they die. The hordes who flutter northward in spring are a succeeding generation. Yet, without hesitation, they roost in the same trees as did their ancestors… A butterfly always knows when it is there.

I am not proud of my grandfather, but I don’t intend to live in the shadows of the shame he made himself. Like the butterflies, my instincts are always taking me back to my relatives and ancestors, often the worst of them. Never meaning to write it straight, I subconsciously try to rewrite them as if they could learn to become… if not benevolent, at least human. Redeemed.

The coincidences run deeper. Last year on the phone with my mom I told her about the beginnings of my new project in one breath, talking so quickly she couldn’t get a word in edgewise. She listened patiently. I had just jotted down notes that morning that seemed to wrangle together the loose point I was aiming toward with a new novel manuscript. Forced child marriage said one corner. Then ages: she’s 14, he’s 30. Places. Texas?

The words before me, my mother asked slowly, “Did I ever tell you about my grandma Josephina?” Josephina was a child when my great grandfather went to procure her from Mexico, a wife for the family he already had. There was a rumor that she had been the one to end his life. Mom tells me this with a glint of pride, and I smile too, but I’m dizzy. When he dies she’s suspect number one, my notes say. It’s a story I’ve made up, that my great grandmother already lived.


I like sea glass, and I like how, as the part of a whole, a piece always reminds me of where it comes from. Bottles. Once full of alcohol, most likely. That day, with my new piece of sea glass, I wondered what kind of bottle it came from. I wondered if any of my grandfather’s thousands of bottles ever became sea glass.

I’ve always known about the darkness my mother endured along with her mother, sister, and brother, but in pieces. She didn’t talk about it much until later in life, and still I seem to learn something new each time we see each other, each memory more terrifically brutal than the last.

In my experience, grief throws you forward and trauma hurls you back.

Before I knew any of it, I was a kid growing up in Colorado, playing among the pines and in the bone-dry soil, with a tendency toward empathy and a wild imagination for a life of suffering. My favorite game was called “Olden Days,” where my neighbor and I would wear my mom’s long skirts from the 80s and play orphans, toiling in the backyard, a depressing round of make believe.

Even though I didn’t know the particulars of what happened down my family line until recently, Mom taught me the language of grief and trauma before I even understood those terms—she gave me a vocabulary with which to write about trauma just by embodying it.

Among my writing projects now is actually my mother’s story. She wants to write a memoir, and I try to coach her through it. Her story should be heard, and during quarantine we’ve each tried to pick up steam with our writing work. In this quiet hour of isolation and imagination, I have been asked to sit with the idea of generational trauma, hearing more stories of my mother’s life and writing my own book about the child bride.

In the weeks before her father dies, I tell my mom about my growing theory that there is something in me that knows these stories before she tells them to me. She says that funny enough she is reading something on just that same idea. She and my stepdad have been reading Mark Wolynn’s book, It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle, to each other in the evenings. She tells me sometimes she closes her eyes as he reads in his particular Indiana drawl, picking up each word he unfurls with no certain urgency. I can imagine her, small on their massive couch, her lips pursed the way they do when she is concentrating, trying to stay there, rather than slipping away into the past and all those burdens endured before us.

In the beginning of the book, Wolynn explains the basics of PTSD, saying of traumatic events that “fragments of memory, dispersed as images, body sensations, and words are stored in our unconscious… once they are triggered, it is as if an invisible rewind button has been pressed, causing us to reenact aspects of the original trauma in our day to day lives.” He goes on to tell of this occurring in people up to three generations past the original traumatic event. He writes of a man who can’t sleep for a fear of dying, who describes a feeling of rigid coldness when he tries to shut his eyes. After much suffering, the afflicted man finds out his uncle froze to death in his car. And of a woman with suicidal tendencies who wishes specifically to evaporate, who it turns out has a grandmother whose entire immediate family was gassed at Auschwitz after she immigrated to the US, something the woman never knew.

When I read the book, I only see more clearly what my subconscious mind has been up to all along. Like sea glass on the beach, these memories that aren’t mine wash up on the shore of my imagination, to be written about. My grandfather didn’t give us the beauty of the sea glass or even the whole bottle, but he gave us the opportunity to make the shard into art.

Through my writing workshop business I lead, among other courses, trauma writing sessions, and I often tell my students that it’s not so much what is endured that hurts us, but the silence we’re meant to keep that manifests into greater health issues. The remembered trauma is often more acute if we’re unable to speak the problem aloud. As stated in Wolynn’s book, “traumatic reenactment, or ‘repetition compulsion,’ as Freud called it, is an attempt of the unconscious to replay what’s resolved, so we can ‘get it right.’”

In my classes I often point to the magic of themes that come up again and again in our work when writing to prompts. I’ve always thought of our imagination as a deep well. A different Alice and Wonderland landscape for each of us to fall down, and along the way pick up stowaways and passersby our memories and experiences left in the well as souvenirs. But when we have that feeling, that “I have to tell this one” feeling, maybe that’s not material from the freefall, it’s what’s at the bottom, a tree, or maybe in my case on ocean, with fragments of our familial traumas that we have to retell, to reenact in our own words, to heal, not just ourselves but our families past and present. And maybe that’s why it aches sometimes to have a story you want to tell. Because trauma leaves pain.


One of my clearest memories of time with my grandfather was one of the last times my mother could stand to see him. We took him to El Pollo Loco to pick up rice and beans for the week before we left California, a place he only found himself living out the rest of his life in because he followed my grandma and their children there when they had run away from him in 1972.

For me, writing fiction usually comes with a dose of self-reproach, and this is good, to have a moral compass.

He used the n-word against the boy at the counter. He became a fired weapon right there in line, next to me. It was the first time in my life I’d heard the word outside of the context of a song. I said I’m sorry I’m so sorry over and over following Joe out of the restaurant, stunned and ashamed to follow this man, my grandfather, my flesh and blood, out the door. He was not a man any of us wanted to stand by, and for the most part, in her adult life my mother refused to, all the way up until today.


In my experience, grief throws you forward and trauma hurls you back. The text announcing the end of my grandfather’s life gave me a bit of both. What will the future look like without him in it? What was it like for Mom to be right there in the Hell of it? Over the phone, my mom and I worked out the tips of these questions, a sort of flopping feeling, like a couple of rag dolls.

My ears were hot on the receiver. I smiled. We made jokes. Neither of us bereaved as you might expect, but tossed and thrown. She tells me again another bad story, the draft of which is still in a tab on my computer. They’re my characters, but apparently, the story was already out there, in the depths.

I put that dense, dark, green shard in my jacket pocket. The size of the pad of a thumb, I’ve found it in the pocket again over the last few weeks, forcing myself back to him. He took so much from people, and so I hope that maybe he’d at least given the world that much. A castaway fragment that through his granddaughter’s eyes becomes a bit of jewel on the beach, an amulet to the trauma of the past and the stories of tomorrow.

Related InterestsPsychological Trauma
Psychological Concepts
Behavioural Sciences

New book by Mark Wolynn asks: Can trauma be inherited? | Vancouver Sun

New book by Mark Wolynn asks: Can trauma be inherited? | Vancouver Sun
Q and A: Can trauma be inherited?

In his new book, Mark Wolynn suggests personal challenges can be overcome by addressing traumatic legacies from your family's past.
Author of the article:The Vancouver Sun
Publishing date:Aug 02, 2016 • 
Mark Wolynn, author of It Didn't Start with You. PHOTO BY HANDOUT /PNG
Article content

It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How To End The Cycle

Three Tips for Reworking Your Subconscious Mindmenu

Three Tips for Reworking Your Subconscious Mind

Sometimes it can be hard to take a few minutes to be present. However, just a few moments of taking time to be aware of your subconscious can allow you to free yourself from anxiety, addictions, and bad habits, according to Ryan Haddon, life coach, and meditation teacher. Haddon joined Cheddar News to share tips on how to rework your subconscious mind. “If you want to change your life you want to start being aware of the subconscious," he said.

By Mark Wolynn


Mark Wolynn is the director of The Family Constellation Institute in San Francisco and a leading expert on inherited family trauma. His new book, It Didn’t Start With You, is a transformative approach to resolving traumatic legacies passed down in families over generations, that in many cases, traditional therapy, drugs, or other interventions have not had the capacity to touch.

Q.Tell us about your book.

A. It Didn’t Start With You shows how the unexplained fears, anxieties and depression we struggle with might not be our own. These feelings can stem from traumas in our family history that we have biologically inherited from our parents and grandparents, and the pattern doesn’t have to continue. In the book, I teach people how to become their own detectives, uncovering the clues and making the links that will set them free. When people make the connection between the trauma language they carry and the traumatic events that lie at the root, they can break the cycle. The last third of the book is devoted to learning practices and having experiences designed to change how our brains function so we can feel better.

Q. You write about how a personal experience with severe loss of vision led to your research – can you tell us about that?

A. About 25 years ago, I began to lose the vision in one of my eyes from a chronic form of retinopathy. The doctors couldn’t cure it. Instead, they told me that I’d most likely also lose the vision in my other eye. Terrified and desperate to find help, I went on a search to find answers, a search that led me halfway around the globe to learn from several wise teachers who taught me some fundamental principles — one of which was the importance of healing my relationship with my parents. But before I could do that, I had to heal what stood in the way — inherited family trauma — specifically the anxiety I had unknowingly inherited from my grandparents who all lost their mothers when they were small. This anxiety was the real cause of my vision loss. After working it through, my sight came back. Afterwards, I felt compelled to share what I learned, and ultimately developed a method for healing the effects of inherited family trauma.

Q.How can exploring our family histories help us to be successful?

A. When we find ourselves reliving aspects of traumatic experiences that have taken place in our family history — experiences ranging from ancestors who faced poverty, oppression or forced relocation, to family members who failed or received wrongful inheritances, to relatives who were cheated or who cheated others — all these can hinder how success flows to us or how well we’re able to receive it. Once we make the link to these events, we can resolve the influences they may have on us, and we can become freer to flourish and achieve the goals we set. I once worked with a man who couldn’t hold onto any of the money he made. It wasn’t until he looked at the way his grandfather had cheated the workers in his factory to amass his fortune that the grandson’s misfortune could change.

If we’re struggling to be successful in our career, health or relationships, it’s important to look at the unconscious influences that might be holding us back. It’s important to shake the family tree and see what falls out. What family secrets have been hidden? What stories didn’t get told? What traumas have never healed? It can be important to know these things, especially if we’re unconsciously reliving elements of traumas that don’t belong to us. If we ignore the past, it can come back to haunt us. If we explore it, we don’t have to repeat it. We can break these destructive patterns.

Q.Many survivors of Canadian residential schools report experiencing depression, anxiety, addiction, suicidal inclinations and rage – are these symptoms consistent with inherited family trauma?

A. They can be, yes. I’ve seen many people whose families have experienced great traumas—whether it’s from the Holocaust, or slavery, or massacres, or being sent away to residential schools — and in the generations that follow, there are often remnants of these traumas. We can see generational patterns of depression, anxiety and addiction, as well as a continuation of families being forcibly broken apart, parents who don’t get to raise their children, children who don’t get to be raised by their parents, and more. In fact, much of the current research on inherited family trauma has been based on groups of people who’ve suffered due to their race, religion, culture or nationality — Cambodians, Rwandans, Holocaust survivors, Native Americans, African Americans and others. The methods and tools I share in the book are helpful in healing these wounds.