
The Religious Society of Friends

The Religious Society of Friends

The Religious Society of Friends

Navigating this web site: Entries are not in alphabetical order but instead age order. New entries are added to the bottom of each section. Use the search function of your browser to locate entries.
Quaker blogs may be found at Planet Quaker.


Introductory Items

Quaker Organizations

Friends and Nature

  • Friends Energy Project

  • Quaker Earthcare Witness

  • PYM Committee in Unity with Nature

      Quaker Meetings

      A more or less comprehensive listing of Yearly, Monthly and Quarterly Meetings organized by location of meetinghouse.

      Quaker Nursing/Retirement Homes

      Note that Friends Services for the Aging has their own list.

      Historical Quaker Meetinghouses

      Some of these are still active meetinghouses; some not. All are much, much older than the Internet.

      Writings of Historical Friends

      Free books by Elton Trueblood available

      "We have been blessed with a number of his books that are out of print - they are free for the asking - but donations for shipping would be greatly appreciated." Contact Sue Kern - Center for Quaker Thought and Practice, Earlham Drawer 104 Richmond, IN 47374 or quakercenter@earlham.edu
      • The Essence of Spiritual Religion
      • The Encourager
      • A Place to Stand
      • Basic Christianity
      • The Future of the Christian
      • Your Other Vocation
      • A Philosopher's Way

      Writings of (or about) Contemporaneous Friends

      Peacemaker sites

      Quaker History

      Quaker Genealogy

      Links to other sites

      Young Friends


      Quakers from A to Z (but not X)

      [mailto:] Ask for a listing here.
      The listing is only available for non-bulk email use. If you agree not to use it to send mail to everyone on the list, you can see the list.

      Quaker-run businesses

      Computer Businesses
      Health Practitioners
      Performing and Visual Artists and Musicians
      Publishers & Bookstores
      QUIP is a consortium of Quaker Publishers. Bookstores have their own page.
      Summer Camps
      Other Businesses

      Quaker links totally (but totally) unrelated to the RSOF

      Quaker Oats Gets Its Own Section

      Quaker-named sites without a clue

      I've moved these off into a separate file. There's just too many non-Religious-Society-of-Friends groups which use the "Quaker" name.


      Mailing lists

      • Mailing lists on quakerlists.org
      • Quaker-L-moderated.
      • Quaker-Canadian.
      • Quaker-P-peace-n-justice concerns.
      • FCNL-News-FCNL Alerts. Send a message saying "subscribe FCNL-News".
      • Friends-Church-evangelical.
      • [mailto:] Quaker-Spectrum-unmoderated. Send a message saying "subscribe quaker-spectrum".
      • Quaker-B Mailing list.(Britain Yearly Meeting) This serves (but is not exclusive to) British Friends. Subscribe to the Quaker-B mailing list go to
      • Q-Light A list for queer (lesbian, gay male, bisexual, transgendered or questioning) Quakers and interested guests to discuss issues relating to being queer, being a Friend, and the intersection thereof. Discussion will be respectful and non homo-/bi-/transphobic.
      • Quaker-Roots, a list for Quaker genealogists. Send a message with "subscribe" in the body of the message (not the subject line).
      • Quaker Family History Society (mail mode) (digest mode). Send a message with "subscribe" in the body of the message (not the subject line).
      • Friends-Theology This conference was designed for evangelical, Christ centered Friends to discuss theology and biblical interpretation with each other. Those interested in a discussion focusing more on the practical side of ministry as well as current topics in the Friends church might wish to subscribe to Friends-Church@XC.org For further questions, please contact [mailto:] Joe Ginder.
      • [mailto:] BYM-News-news for and about members of Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM). Send a message to subscribe.
      • "EFM-MEN is the email conference for EFM MEN. EFM MEN was created to encourage men to become involved in the world ministries of the Evangelical Friends International. Men are motivated to seek practical and direct involvement, using their skills and abilities to assist and support missions. The principal work will be to raise mission awareness through existing yearly meeting structures for men, bringing national recognition to mission efforts arising from those yearly meetings. This will be done through work crusades, prayer journeys and innovative stateside projects." The list also welcomes interested men who are not members of EFI meetings.
        To subscribe, send the message
        to: hub@xc.org
      • FCUN
        FCUN was created "for Friends (and friends of Friends) of the environmental persuasion." It discusses the Friends Committee in Unity with Nature (FCUN) and other environmentally-related topics. Begun July 31, 1997. Visit the FCUN list's web page for more information.
      • QVSTC
        This is a list to facilitate communication among those interested in Quaker volunteer service, training and witness.
        To subscribe, send the message
        subscribe qvstc Yourfirstname Yourlastname
        To: listproc@list.serve.com
      • Friends Council on Education
        The Friends Council on Education Technology Committee has established this list of educators in Friends schools and Friends in non-Friends schools.
        To subscribe, send an e-mail message with your name and relation to Quaker education
        to: fce-web@forum.swarthmore.edu
      • Michigan Quaker Teens
        We're a small group largely based in Ann Arbor, Michigan with members from all around lower michigan (namely Troy, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and the Traverse city area). We hold quarterly retreats and we run a mailing list. To subscribe to the list send an empty message.
      • Quaker Books For Friends
        Quaker Books for Friends is distributed free of charge as an independent monthly newsletter featuring eclectic reviews of books of interest to Christian Friends. Each issue features two or more contemplative reviews of books for enlightened Christian readers. The newsletter has no commercial connection with any bookstore or publisher, and the mailing list is unpublished and carefully-supervised.
      • Young Adult Quakers.
      • [mailto:] ERAF -- Ending Racism Among Friends
        The ERAF list provides on-line networking for Friends with a concern for issues of race, diversity, inclusiveness and privilege, especially as they play out in the Society of Friends. It is one of several activities to follow up on the April 1999 Friends Gathering with a Concern for Issues of Racism, Diversity and Inclusiveness.
        To subscribe, send a blank email to ending-racism-subscribe@quaker.org.
      • Canadian Young Friends -- This list is focused on Canadian young and young adult Friends. We hope to use it to help (A)YFs keep in touch and to provide a way of letting (A)YFs know about service opportunities, retreats etc. To subscribe, go to http://quakerlists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/quaker-cyf. Please introduce yourself upon subscribing.
      • Yahoo Groups for Friends
      • Q-trans -- Quaker TransPeople - a discussion group to support transsexual and transgender people in the Society of Friends.
      • Quaker-MM, for discussion of Monthly Meeting Clerking Issues.
      • Google Group for San Francisco Bay Area Quakers


      • Ken Sutton, of Friends Journal, Friends Journal pages
      • Randy Oftedahl, FCADP pages
      • Dick Bellin, FCRP pages
      • Simon Grant, FWCC pages
      • Chuck Fager, various writings including the Pendle Hill pages
      • Chris Faatz, QUF and Lucretia Mott pages
      • Reuben Snipper, William Penn House page
      • the late David Washburn, Pirates of Penn's-ance page
      • Alice Drewery, YFGM pages
      • Jennifer Snow Wolff, Quaker-run business reorganization
      • Paul Sladen, for many URL updates.
      • ...and anyone else I may have missed [mailto:]
      Please email suggestions and contributions. Quakerism is a multifarious religion. Everything on these pages should be considered representative of some but not all Quaker thought. Free web space is available on this server for any meeting-sponsored Quaker activity.
      Isn't it amazing how fast this page loads, with only one image?

      Russell Nelson
    • Quiet Heroes; A Century of American Quakers' Love and Help for the Japanese and Japanese-Americans: Tsukasa Sugimura, Claire Gorfinkel, Paul K. Austad: 9780964804296: Amazon.com: Books

      Quiet Heroes; A Century of American Quakers' Love and Help for the Japanese and Japanese-Americans: Tsukasa Sugimura, Claire Gorfinkel, Paul K. Austad: 9780964804296: Amazon.com: Books

      Quiet Heroes; A Century of American Quakers' Love and Help for the Japanese and Japanese-Americans Paperback – February 18, 2014

      by Tsukasa Sugimura (Author), Claire Gorfinkel (Editor), & 1 more

      Be the first to review this item

      See all formats and editions



      5 Used from $14.41

      1 New from $20.00



      ... in a world that must still contend with war, racism and natural disasters, we are grateful to Pastor Sugimura for illuminating one hundred years of American Quakers' work on behalf of our Japanese and Japanese-American neighbors. We hope this book will inspire others to take action in response to injustices wherever they may be. --Shan Cretin, General Secretary, American Friends Service Committee

      As you read this book ponder God's love because true expression of love has merit regardless of shape or size. And it is within this heart of love that a deep sense of fulfillment will be discovered. I pray that through this book you will encounter the true value of life and have time to reflect upon your own life.

      --Rev. Uytaka Tanabe, Senior Pastor, Mission Valley Free Methodist Church

      About the Author

      Reverend Tsukasa Sugimura was born in 1950 in Towada city, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from Hirosaki University with a B.A. in Education, he studied geology at California State University, San Jose. Following God's calling, he studied at Tokyo Biblical Seminary and earned a Master of Theology in Missiology from the School of World Missions, at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena.

      He currently serves as the pastor of the Orange County Christian Church, which is part of the OMS Holiness Church of North America.

      While researching the history of the OMS Holiness denomination Reverend Sugimura discovered the role that Quakers had played in the founding of his church, as well as their historic work for social justice. He chose to pay tribute to the Quakers through this book.