Richard D. McAnulty
Sex and Sexuality [3 volumes] (Praeger Perspectives) 1st Edition
by M. Michele Burnette (Editor), Richard McAnulty (Editor)
$40.00 - $130.65
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An unprecedented source of information about sex and sexuality at the start of the 21st century, these volumes include research, current events and new developments in subjects ranging from hypersexuality, sex for the aged, and sex therapy, to orgasmic disorders, sexual fetishism and sadism. Controversial subjects such as pornography, nude dancing and prostitution are explored, as are dysfunctions, from lack of sexual desire to gender identity disorder. Pedophilia and other crimes are also addressed.
The remarkable team of contributing authors includes psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors and public health officials. They provide fresh insights on sex in America today, on sexual development in childhood, midlife and the senior years, and on the influence of media and the family in the social construction of sex and sexuality. The books also offer insights into the psychology of sexual arousal and the effects medication can have on sexual function, and they shed light on such little-heralded studies as those on sex and race, and sex and religion.
"Written by authors with established expertise in their areas, this sophisticated three-volume overview and summary of research data on a wide variety of sexual topics attempts to review what is known about human sexuality and how we know it. Volume 1 covers such topics as sex behavior in the US, sexual orientation, and commercial sex. Volume 2 looks at love, sexual-arousal disorders, and sex therapy. Volume 3 deals with such topics as rape and pedophilia and the treatment of those who commit these acts. McAnulty and Burnette assured a broad audience in insisting that the contributors adhere to (and present) the facts and write in a manner accessible to interested laypersons. Throughout, philosophical differences in understanding sexual behavior--e.g., the evolutionary and the sociocultural approaches--are highlighted. Redundancy in material covered is unavoidable but not distracting; the chapter references are copious and valuable. Essential. All readers; all levels."
"Writing for a general audience, the contributing psychologists, sociologists, medical doctors and public health officials work from the idea that human sexual function is affected by many factors, including those that are biological, sociocultural and psychological. However, caution the editors, readers must also understand they may be approaching this material with strong beliefs about sex and sexuality based on cultural prohibitions."
Reference & Research Book News
About the Author
Richard D. McAnulty is a practicing clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has co-authored two textbooks on sexuality and authored or co-authored articles published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, Journal of Sex Research, Psychological Reports, and International Journal of Addictions.
M. Michele Burnette is a licensed psychologist and the co-author of two textbooks on sexuality.

Sex and Sexuality (Three Volumes)
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Sex and Sexuality ( Three Volumes )
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This eBook contains three volumes. In the printed version of the book, each volumeis page-numbered separately. To avoid duplicate page numbers in the electronicversion, we have inserted a volume number before the page number, separated by ahyphen.For example, to go to page 5 of Volume 1, type 1-5 in the "page #" box at the top ofthe screen and click "Go." To go to page 5 of Volume 2, type 2-5… and so forth.

Edited by Richard D. McAnulty and M. Michele Burnette

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sex and sexuality / edited by Richard D. McAnulty and M. Michele Burnette.v. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents: v. 1. Sexuality today : trends and controversies—v. 2. Sexual functionand dysfunction—v. 3. Sexual deviation and sexual offenses.ISBN 0–275–98581–4 (set : alk. paper)—ISBN 0–275–98582–2 (v. 1 : alk.paper)—ISBN 0–275–98583–0 (v. 2 : alk. paper)—ISBN 0–275–98584–9(v. 3 : alk. paper)1. Sex. 2. Sex customs. 3. Sexual disorders. 4. Sexual deviation.I. McAnulty, Richard D. II. Burnette, M. Michele.HQ21.S4716 2006306.77—dc22 2006001233British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.Copyright
2006 by Richard D. McAnulty and M. Michele BurnetteAll rights reserved. No portion of this book may bereproduced, by any process or technique, without theexpress written consent of the publisher.Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2006001233ISBN: 0–275–98581–4 (set)0–275–98582–2 (vol. 1)0–275–98583–0 (vol. 2)0–275–98584–9 (vol. 3)First published in 2006Praeger Publishers, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.www.praeger.comPrinted in the United States of AmericaThe paper used in this book complies with thePermanent Paper Standard issued by the NationalInformation Standards Organization (Z39.48–1984).10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Preface viiIntroduction ix1. Sex Research 1
Michael Wiederman
2. Theories of Human Sexuality 17
Roy F. Baumeister, Jon K. Maner, and C. Nathan DeWall
3. Sexuality in Childhood 35
Ryan P. Kilmer and Ariana Shahinfar
4. Adolescent Sexuality 61
Charlene Rapsey and Tamar Murachver
5. Sexual Behavior in the United States 103
Tom W. Smith
6. Later Life Sexuality 133
Thomasina H. Sharpe
7. Sexual Orientation and Identity 153
Michael R. Kauth
8. Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexuality 185
M. Michele Burnette
9. The Social Construction of Sexuality: Religion,Medicine, Media, Schools, and Families203
Laina Y. Bay-Cheng
10. Sexuality, Race, and Ethnicity 229
Linwood J. Lewis
11. Commercial Sex: Pornography 265
Dan Brown
12. The Sex Trade: Exotic Dancing and Prostitution 299
Vern L. Bullough and Richard D. McAnulty
13. Sexual Risk-Taking: Correlates and Prevention 321
Virginia Gil-Rivas and Leslie Kooyman
14. Erotic Plasticity: Nature, Culture, Gender, and Sexuality 343
Roy F. Baumeister and Tyler Stillman
Index 361About the Editors and Contributorsgoog_767747946goog_767747961