Free Online Seminar with Master Xu

On January 1st 2021, master Xu will give a free lecture about the theories and benefits of Qigong and new scientific studies about Qigong and the immune system. Also, he will introduce some easy Qigong practices and give to all participants a “Qi field- therapy” to improve the immune system and the respiratory system. Everyone is welcome to join these free online events.
Language: Chinese with translation into German & English.
For more information and the registration please visit the website below :
Free Webinar of Master Junhui Xu (徐军辉)
Here is the link to the webinar:
Topic of the webinar: Philosophy of the Mind: Inward-seeking and Self-awareness
Time: 8:00 pm January 20th, 2019 (GMT+8, Beijing, China Time)
Note: The webinar is presented in Mandarin only. Unfortunately, there are no interpreting services.
Introduction of Master Junhui Xu:
Master Xu is a famous Qigong master in China. He is the Visiting Professor of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and President of Guangzhou Qi Yuan Culture and Technology Ltd.
Guangzhou Qi Yuan Culture and Technology Ltd. was founded by Master Xu, focusing on research on human science, integration of Chinese and Western medicine in clinical practice, health and Qigong science and provides related consultation services.
Master Xu has shown his gift in his teenage years and discovered Zhineng Qigong in late 1980s. He joined the two years Zhineng Qigong diploma program from 1994 to 1996 at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center which was instructed by Dr. Pang. After graduation, he worked in the Healing Department of Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center, gaining tremendous experience of Qigong healing. He was well known for his healing ability and very deep meditative Qigong state. In the late 1990s, he left the Center and confined himself in Mountain Wudang to practice Qigong for many years. He has learned from multiple other Grand Masters since then. He has cured many intractable and rare diseases and become a very famous Master in China.
Diagram of Zhineng Qigong Methods
This diagram illustrates the relationship between each method of Zhineng Qigong. When you advance your practice from External Hunyuan to Internal Hunyuan and Middle Hunyuan Stage, the intensity of Hunyuan qi is greatly enhanced and qi is penetrating deeper into of your body.
Video of “Three Centers Merge Standing Posture”
This video is official training video of “Three Centers Merge Standing Posture” (San Xin bing Zhan Zhuang) method published by Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center in 1989. This is the video you don’t want to miss if you’d like to learn “Three Centers Merge Standing Posture” method.
“Three Center Merge” is the transition method between “Lift Qi up Pour Qi Down”(LQUPQD) and ” Body and Mind Form”. Zhineng Qigong method consist of three stages: External Hunyuan stage, Internal Hunyuan stage and Middle Hunyuan stage. LQUPQD belongs to External Hunyuan stage which exercises the Hunyuan Qi on the surface of the body, internal organs, cell, etc., while “Body and Mind” belongs to Internal Hunyuan stage and focuses on inner of the body, internal organs, cells, etc. The function is “Three Centers Merge” is to direct Qi harvested by LQUPQD into the inside of body,internal organs, cells, etc.
The “Three Centers Merge” is also a effective way to loose lower back and entire spine.
“Three Center Merger” is the fundamental skill thought the whole Zhineng Qigong path. It’s also required during transition from Internal Hunyuan stage to Middle Hunyuan stage. Therefore, it plays a critical role in the whole Zhineng Qigong system.
If you have time, it’s better to practise “Three Center Merge” as least 30 minutes each time, because the cycle time of Qi and blood is about 28 minutes according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Ming Pang
Dr. Ming Pang , associate professor, alias Heming Pang or Ming He, was born in September 1940 in Dingxing County, Hebei Province, China.
Dr. Pang is a famous qigong grand master, doctor and pioneer in Qigong Science. Some of the positions he has held include Councilor of China Association of Qigong Science, Chairman of Association of Zhineng Qigong, Honorary Chairman of Beijing Association of Qigong, Managing Editor of magazine “Oriental Qigong” and “Zhineng Qigong Science”, Deputy Chief Editor of China Qigong Correspondence Institute, Deputy Director of Faculty of Oriental Health Sciences of Beijing City University, President of Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center, Head of Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Research Center.
Dr. Pang grew up under the nurture of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Qigong and Martial Arts. After graduating from Beijing Medical College in 1958, he engaged in western medical practice. From 1958 to 1962 Dr. Pang studied Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. He then began to integrate Chinese and Western medicine in clinical practice.
At the end of 1950s, Dr. Pang started to study Buddhism and practice Buddhist qigong. He shifted his focus on martial arts in 1960s. In 1970s, he followed various grandmasters of Taoist Qigong and Folk Qigong. Dr. Pang has studied under total 19 grandmasters of Buddhist qigong, Taoist qigong, Confucian qigong, Folk Qigong, Martial arts, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc. While Chinese and Western medical training laid foundation for his qigong research, his accomplishment in qigong also greatly improved clinical effectiveness. With expertise in qigong, acupuncture, Chinese medicine and Western medicine, etc., Dr. Pang has cured lots of intractable and rare diseases and become a very famous doctor in China.
In February, 1979, Dr. Pang attended National Conference of Chinese and Western Medicine Integration hosted by The China Ministry of Health. He was one of the organizers of First National Qigong Summit held in July, 1979. At the same year, he initiated and found the first qigong academic mass organization in China – Beijing Qigong Institute.
In the early 1980s, Dr. Pang made a bold reform in traditional qigong and created Zhineng Qigong. In spring of 1981, Dr. Pang gave a lecture on howto project external Qi in the first National External Qi Projection Seminar hosted by Beijing Qigong Institute. At the end of 1984, he started to apply Qi Filed technique to qigong training and qigong healing and made it published in 1986. Since 1986, Dr. Pang put forth a series of new theories which have laid a solid foundation of Qigong Science, such as, Hunyuan Holistic Theory, Yi Yuan Ti Theory (The Noumenon of Consciousness), Hunyuan Qi Theory, Qi Field Theory, Zhineng Meridian Theory, Reality-Illusion Interference Theory (Zhen Wang Xiang Gong), etc.
In 1988 Dr. Pang found the Hebei Shijiazhuang Zhineng Qigong Institute. In November 1991, the institute was renamed as Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center. In January 1992, Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Research Center was constituted. By 1998, Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center had over 600 employees and had serviced over 300,000 students and patients. Since 1992, the average students and patients in center were about 4,000 every month, with peak months over 7,000. Over the years, the Center has treated patients with 200 different diseases, and achieved an overall effectiveness rate of 90%. In the spring of 1996, the construction of Qigong Town was broken ground in Shunyi, Beijing.
During this golden age of Zhineng Qigong, tremendous qigong science research had been conducted in cooperation with medical research institutes, medical organizations and academic institutions. By 1998, Annual Zhineng Qigong Science Academic Conference had been held for six times with a total of 4224 research papers were received. The field of research included preclinical medicine, clinical medicine, science, education, arts, industry, agricultural, forestation, herding, fishing and physical education, etc.
In 2001, Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center was closed in order to comply with the new qigong regulations of China government. Dr. Pang is now retired.
Video of “Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down”
This video is “Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down” method published by Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center in 1996. If you want to learn posture and movement of “Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down”, this is the one you should definitely watch.
La Qi Healing Method
I received some inquiries about Zhineng Qigong methods. They say that they like to practice Zhineng Qigong, but they are not sure if their posture is correct or not. Actually, in addition to primary methods, Zhineng Qigong has developed a lot of convenient methods which are very easy to learn but have a significant positive effect. These convenient methods can be practiced whenever you have time. Today, I’ll introduce La Qi Healing Method which is one of the most popular convenient methods.
La Qi Healing Method:
Assume the sitting, or lying, or standing posture. Close the eyes slightly with natural breathing. Enter a quiet state, with all distracting thoughts removed. Lift two hands slowly to the front of your chest with palms facing each other. Two hands form a peach shape but your fingers are not touched. Relax your shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers. Focus your mind on the space between your hands. Slowly pull apart and push back your hands at consistent speed. When you pull your hands, the maximum distance between two hands should be about 10 centimeters. When you push two hands, the closer, the better, but make sure to leave the fingers untouched. You might feel resistance between your hands to prevent you from opening and closing. After several minutes, imagine to cut the Qi ball between your hands in half with each hand holding half of it, then, carefully raise your hands with the Qi ball to the place in your body where needs healing. Direct the Qi ball into your body with your hands moving back and forth for several minutes. You must imagine that Qi balls is penetrating into your body, not only on the surface of your body. Your mind should focus on the Qi ball, and imagine the illness has disappeared and your health has recovered.
Below is the La Qi demonstrated by Dr. Ming Pang. In this video, “La” means pulling, “He” means pushing or closing.
Below is the La Qi Healing Method video published by Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center for training purpose in 1996. “Wai La” means opening outwards. “Nei He” Means closing inwards.
Zhineng Qigong Healing Experiment: Tumor Dissolving
The experiment in this video was done in Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center in about 1995 in China. Three Zhineng Qigong instructors used their mind power to dissolve tumor within a minute. What the instructors were saying in the mantras is “Disappeared” and “Dissolved”.
Zhineng Qigong Books by Dr. Ming Pang
Zhineng Qigong is characterized by its systematic theory which includes foundation,technique and application. Dr. Ming Pang engaged in qigong promotion, education and research activities for over 20 years. He has published a series of books and articles which have become valuable resources for qigong practitioners. Below is the list of Zhineng Qigong books written by Dr. Ming Pang and the year when book was first published.
- Primary Level
- An Introduction to Zhineng Dynamic Methods (1990)
- Qigong Exploration (1983)
- The Gist of Qigong (1989)
- Lectures on Zhineng Qigong Dynamic Methods (1988)
- Intermediate Level
- A Concise Introduction to Zhineng Qigong (1991)
- Advanced Level
- Outline of Zhineng Qigong Science (1992)
- Foundations of Zhineng Qigong Science – Hunyuan Holistic Theory (1993)
- The Essence of Zhineng Qigong Science (1993)
- Methods in Zhineng Qigong Science (1993)
- The Technique of Zhineng Qigong Science – Extraordinary Capabilities (1993)
- Overview of Traditional Qigong Knowledge (1993)
- Qigong and Human Culture (1994)
- A Brief History of Chinese Qigong (1996)
- Scientific Research on Qigong (1994)
- Other Books
- Zhineng Qigong Q&A by Dr. Ming Pang (1998)
Please note that the following books are not included in this list:
1, Zhineng Qigong books which are written by Dr. Ming Pang, but are never formally published
2, Zhineng Qigong books which are not written by Dr. Ming Pang.
3, Lecture notes or course materials based on Dr. Ming Pang’s lectures or articles
Below is the picture of some Zhineng Qigong books.
Body and Mind Form (Xing Shen Zhuang) By Ms. Xiuchun Yu
This Body and Mind Form (Xing Shen Zhuang) tutorial video was published by Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Center for training purpose in 1989. It’s demonstrated by Ms. Xiuchun Yu. Ms. Yu was Head Teacher in Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Training Center at that time.
Since Body and Mind Form mainly use body movement to direct qi, the accuracy of body movement is critical. This is one of the best video for Body and Mind Form.
Because this is a tutorial video, so in order to help the audiences better understand the difference between correct and incorrect practice, Ms. Yu has also demonstrated some incorrect postures or movements in this video. When you watch the video, you should be aware of which one is correct and which is wrong.