Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts


The Concept and Reality of Existence - Toshihiko Izutsu – Tintabudi

The Concept and Reality of Existence - Toshihiko Izutsu – Tintabudi

The Concept and Reality of Existence - Toshihiko Izutsu

Regular priceRM50.00 MYR

The actual presence of things, writes Prof. Izutsu, is their existence. They are there. They do exist, as we ourselves exist. On the other hand, they are not there in the form of pure 'existences'. They æexistÆ as various and variegated things: man, horse, stone, tree, etc. This collection of four papers by the late Japanese scholar remains the best comparative study of the notion of existence (wujud) in Eastern and European philosophy. First written during 1968-1970, they centre around the topic of the reality and concept of existence as it has been elaborated in the post-Mongol period of Islamic philosophy. The author attempts to "uncover and recapture" the spirit of 'irfan', a type of metaphysics that has developed in Persia as a combination of mysticism and rational thinking. The fourth essay on metaphysics, which originally appeared as an introduction to Sharh-i-Manzumah by the renowned nineteenth century Iranian philosopher Hadi Sabzawari, is regarded as one of the most profound studies of Islamic metaphysics of Persia's greatest philosopher, Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi.


IBT. 2007. 242 pages. Paperback.

Mamluk Qayser
Sep 14, 2021rated it it was amazing
Shelves: 2021
This might be the only book/author that expounded the doctrine of transcendental unity of existence in a lucid and systematic manner, aside from Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. While the discussion understandably involved heavy scholastic discussion, but with the guidance of the author, the progress to understand the book and the doctrine could be cushioned well.

In short, this is a quintessential secondary reading on the doctrine.

The doctrine of transcendental unity of existence (wahdah al-wujud) as presented in this book focused on the ontological and grammatical side, as it centered upon the problem of subject-predicate. Before delving deep into the summary of the book, it is vital to have a brief summary on what is this doctrine.

Theologically speaking, Islam stood as one of the most stalwart defender of monotheism par excellence. Islam also stand in opposite to the Pauline Christianity, which they believed to be not adhering to the strictest tenet of monotheism. But we cannot conclude Islamic monotheism par excellence to be a mere reaction to the Trinity; it must be conceived as the revitalization of the true monotheism, untouched by sophisms and philosophers opinion. The vision of unity as understood by great Muslim theologians and mystics are in its purest conception; 
to the discerning eye it might be brushing too closely with Spinoza's monism (but this couldn't any farther from the truth).

Islam cleansed the conception of God from any minute association with the created things; it rejects reincarnation and unity, returning God to His untouchable throne. 
In the same time, Islam has to explain away the dynamic nature of God that actively involved in the created things. 
God, according to Islam due to the concept of Unity (tawhid) must simultaneously be 
  • forever escaped man's conceptual reasoning 
  • yet the single active and dynamic Source for everything phenomenal. 
In answering this, Islamic scholars in unison (excluding very few aberrant cults) answered that the Unity of God must be preserved in any cost. The theologians and the mystics answered in a single voice; the coincidentia oppositorum; the one in many, the many in one.

God is both the Hidden Treasure, but from He is the eternal dynamic Source of everything phenomenal. He is light of Light. He is the unconditioned unconditioned. His Face is the Hidden Side of Moon, yet shined his Light to the entire realm with his Revealed Face. He is the farthest from man's estimation, yet He is closer to us than the jugular vein.

Islamic conception of God via the concept of Unity has the advantages of escaping the aberrant monster of a deity that shares similarities with his creation, yet retaining his Glory as the Unconditioned Unconditioned. The truth, I believe, must be in the resolution of contradictions, not the attainment of an extreme polar opposite. Neither the resolution of contradictions belongs to the synthesis between the opposites, as it would only produce chimeras. The resolution of contradictions must be transcendental, its witnessing is veiled due to inherent constraints of man's apparatus, but forever waiting to be discovered.

Speaking in a philosophical words, following Isutzu's discussion; the conception of wahdah al-wujud might be originated from the observation that the structure of external reality is incongruous with the form of the external world as presented in a proposition. Regarding the proposition "the table is existent", what does it really mean? Taken in a normal sense, the proposition is saying that the table is the subject and to-exists is its predicate. The table retains its specific whatness and existence is a super-added entity to it. But cannot we witness that everything must be exists first, and then its specific what-ness is then super-added to it? The father is first of all a man that exists, it is only when he is considered in terms of specific relation to him, in this case being-a-progenitor that he is then considered as a father.

The being-a-progenitor does not constitutes the defining essence of the man; it is only accidental to the prior existence of the man. It does not provide the thing, but serve to define the limit of a thing. The limit of a thing is not a thing; when it is considered by itself is nothing, non-existence. Just as the waves could not be conceived without the sea that it is part of; its specific conception is only a specific mental attitude in distilling its particulars, but considered in itself, waves is no-thing.

Thus, the proposition should be reversed. It is the particular table that emerged from the pervading existence. The table, just like the waves and the being-a-progenitor is just a modification of this overwhelming limitless reality. The to-exists is now the subject, the table is merely its predicate.

What is this implication of this doctrine is that it is the zenith of monotheistic expression; that the Absolute Existence pervades and constitutes everything. As Spinoza puts it, the eternal could not be limited in its unlimitedness. If there's a border between God's expansiveness and man's limitedness, then it amounts to drawing a line to God's unlimitedness, but God is unlimited; thus it is absurd. It is only by accepting the idea that there is a single Real existence that this jettison could be bypassed.

But a jarring question remains; if there's only a single Real existence, would everything be divine, including this pile of manure, or Hitler? The fact that this question exists shows that this concept has yet been understood perfectly. If there's only a single Real reality, how can it be multiple in the form of that manure or Hitler? The problem is not in the question of multiplicity, but in the ontological status of the external world.

As there's only one single Real reality, the rest stood as an ontological shadow that essentially is no-thing, just like the waves in the limitless ocean. When the Gazer gazed into the mirror, its shadow conjured. But it is unconceivable to say that this shadow has its own subsistent reality except when it is being conceived in relation to the Gazer, neither that the shadow somehow shares any parcel of essence with the Gazer. The Unity of Gazer is preserved all way along, His existence is unconditional while the shadow, even with its defined features has no real existence except an unconditional and metaphorical (i'tibari) one.

But does this mean that the external reality is just an illusion? Of course not. Just as the rope grasped in the dark was really thought to be a snake, owing from the perception of a snake was induced by the REAL perception of the rope. The world is real as long as it is considered in relation with its Source, but necessarily nothing when conceived by itself. Just as the existence of a shadow without a Light would forever escaped our understanding. The relation between the shadow and the Light is the illuminative relation, a term owed to Suhrawardi's Illuminatists tradition.

This is certainly heavy stuffs to be processed. But a metaphor by a great Sufi would bridge the curve. When we are writing, what we see are the letters, but never the ink. We are not being aware of the ink, while in reality we see nothing except the various forms of the ink. The letters is then a relative, fictitious (metaphotical) existence in relation to the ink.

The rest are technical discussion, discussing on how the united become many, and the many become one. I already covered the discussion quite extensively in the review for al-Attas's Degrees of Existence.
Muhammad Aizzat
Oct 07, 2017rated it it was amazing
Alhamdulillah. I think the writer managed to present issues on existence & quiddity in a very easy yet comprehensive way. Even his brief explanation on existence from the Eastern school ( Mulla Sadra & Sabzawari) and the Western (Heidegger & Sartre) is easy to understand & digest.

I would recommend this book to anyone who are taking their first step in metaphysic of the Muslim world.
Muhammad Iqbal
May 27, 2017rated it it was amazing
should have read this first before having al-Attas' Degree of Existence (less)
Muhammad Hamdan
May 19, 2019rated it it was amazing
It is as Prof Syed Naquib Al-Attas said one of the best books on Islamic Metaphysics. I admire Prof Toshihiko Izutsu’s analytical lucidity in discussing a difficult topic as this.

Documentary on Life of Japanese Qur’an Scholar | Toshihiko Izutsu

Documentary on Life of Japanese Qur’an Scholar | Financial Tribune

Art And Culture
June 11, 2018 17:27

Documentary on Life of Japanese Qur’an Scholar

Izutsu’s fervor with the Qur’an led him to render the Muslim holy book’s first direct Japanese translation in 1958; his translation is still renowned for its linguistic accuracy and is widely used for scholarly works

Documentary on Life of Japanese Qur’an Scholar


A documentary directed and produced by Masoud Taheri on the life of the Japanese Islamologist and Qur’an scholar Toshihiko Izutsu is ready for screening.

Taheri’s film “The Eastern” features more than 60 prominent figures from different countries, including Japanese scholar Akiro Matsumoto, Islamic scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Persian literature scholar Mehdi Mohaqeq, librarian and educator Noushafarin Ansari, Izutsu’s students Gholamreza Avani and Nasrollah Pour-Javadi, Japanologist Hashem Rajabzadeh as well as the recently deceased Iranian philosopher and cultural theorist Dariush Shayegan, speaking about Izutsu’s life, works and thoughts.

According to an email sent to the Financial Tribune by the film director, the documentary has been shot in 13 countries, including Japan, France, Italy, US, Turkey, Canada, Syria and Spain. The film was shot by Amir Mehrvarzan and Masoud Masjedi-Arani was director of photography. The score is composed by Mohammad Haqgou. The documentary is set for special screenings in Canada, Japan and Iran.

Toshihiko Izutsu (1914-1993) was born into a wealthy Tokian family. He got a PhD in English literature and taught at Keio University in Japan. Izutsu mastered over 10 languages including Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Greek.

He authored many books on Islam and other religions, among which are Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur’an; Concept of Belief in Islamic Theology; God and Man in the Qur’an; Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts; Creation and the Timeless Order of Things: Essays in Islamic Mystical Philosophy.

His fervor with the Qur’an led him to render the Muslim holy book’s first direct Japanese translation in 1958, while the first “indirect translation” was completed a decade earlier by Okawa Shumei. His translation is still renowned for its linguistic accuracy and is widely used for scholarly works.

With extensive knowledge of different religions, the scholar travelled to and lectured in different parts of the world including the Iranian Institute of Philosophy in Tehran, and McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where he taught philosophy and Islamic philosophy.

Consciousness & Reality – Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu | Brill

Consciousness & Reality – Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu | Brill

Consciousness & Reality

Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu


A team of twenty-five renowned scholars have ventured on this unique endeavour to come to terms with the notions of Consciousness and Reality. The wide variety of subjects and disciplines reflects Dr. Izutsu’s incredible scope of interests. He is however always focussing on the basic theme of the relationship between philosophical thinking and mysticism, which arises from an awareness of the problem of contemplative experience lying concealed in the depths of philosophical thinking. This book is a vital contribution to our understanding of Islam and Intercultural Dialogue.See Less

Toshihiko Izutsu: The Genius That Bridged East & West: Keio University

Toshihiko Izutsu: The Genius That Bridged East & West: Keio University

Toshihiko Izutsu:
The Genius That Bridged East & West

May 28, 2021

Toshihiko Izutsu, best known as the translator of the Quran—arguably the most famous translation of the sacred text from Arabic into Japanese—studied at Keio University, where he went on to become a member of the academic faculty. A linguistic prodigy and master of more than 30 languages, Izutsu made a lasting impact on scholarship through research that spanned Islamic studies, Eastern thought, and mysticism. Here, we follow the footsteps of this intellectual giant, who wielded an enormous wealth of knowledge on language and issues across many academic disciplines.

A commemorative photo taken on November 9, 1949, at the award ceremony of the first annual Fukuzawa Award and Keio Award, a tradition that continues today. Izutsu (seated at far right in the front row) won the Fukuzawa Award for his book Mystical Philosophy: The Greek Edition. (Photo courtesy of the Fukuzawa Research Center)

Encounter with Professor Junzaburo Nishiwaki Sets Izutsu on a Course Destined for Academia

Toshihiko Izutsu was born in 1914 in the Tokyo neighborhood of Yotsuya—modern-day Shinjuku City—just as World War I began to break out across Europe. Under the instruction of his father, a Zen Buddhist layman, he became familiar with Zen thought, and from a young age, read books on the subject and practiced zazen meditation.

He first encountered Christianity in middle school at Aoyama Gakuin, a school founded in Tokyo by Methodist missionaries in the late 19th century. At first, he felt a strong sense of aversion to Christian teaching, which challenged and even rejected the Zen philosophy he had grown up with, but the religion eventually piqued his interest. Izutsu, who was also a literary critic on the theory of poetry, loved reading the works of Junzaburo Nishiwaki, then a professor at the Keio University Faculty of Letters, which led Izutsu to enter the Keio University preparatory course in 1931. At first, he followed the path of his father, studying at the Faculty of Economics. Still, he could not bring himself to abandon his love of literature and eventually transferred to the English Department in the Faculty of Letters, where he studied under Prof. Nishiwaki. Recalling his first encounter with his mentor, Izutsu said, "When I first saw him [Prof. Nishiwaki] strolling through Mita Campus, my heart leaped in my chest." Izutsu is reported to have said that Prof. Nishiwaki was the only person he regarded as a mentor throughout his life.

Group photo taken in front of the Grand Lecture Hall on Mita Campus when Izutsu was a student. Izutsu is at far left, and his best friend Yasaburo Ikeda is second from right. Ikeda also enrolled in the Faculty of Economics but moved to the Faculty of Letters with Izutsu, later becoming a member of Keio's academic faculty alongside his old classmate. *

A Love of Language & Thirst for Knowledge Takes Izutsu Abroad

Izutsu attends Eranos in 1979 *

After graduating from university, Izutsu continued to serve as an assistant to Prof. Nishiwaki. Recognized for his extraordinary language skills, he became director at Keio's on-campus language school. He also worked as a researcher at the Keio Language Institute (later The Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies), established in 1942 by Nishiwaki and other faculty. While working on the history of Islamic thought and research into Greek mysticism at the Faculty of Literature, he taught Russian literature in addition to several languages such as Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Hindustani.

In 1954, Izutsu became a professor at the Faculty of Letters and began teaching "Introduction to Linguistics," a course he took over from his esteemed mentor Prof. Junzaburo Nishiwaki. The novel content of the lecture was so popular that it was famous for running out of seats if students didn't arrive early. Jun Eto, a literary critic who was a student at the time, recalls, "I never had a course that gave me so much intellectual excitement with every lecture." Izutsu later summarized the content of this lecture in his English-language book Language and Magic: Studies in the Magical Function of Speech.

In 1959, Izutsu traveled abroad for the first time at the age of 45. With a scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation, he spent two years visiting Islamic research centers in Lebanon, Egypt, Germany, France, and Canada, among other places. It was at this time, in 1961, that he was invited to serve as a visiting professor at Canada's McGill University, where he knew the academic faculty. In 1967, he began to participate in Eranos, a long-running interdisciplinary conference dedicated to humanistic and religious studies covering Eastern and Western philosophy, religion, art, and science. Among the experts invited to speak was Izutsu, who presented many lectures on Eastern philosophy and theology.

The Spirit of Toshihiko Izutsu Still Embodied at Keio University
In 1969, Izutsu retired from Keio and became a full professor at McGill University. With the opening of the Tehran Branch of McGill's Institute of Islamic Studies, he moved to Iran's capital city. After working as a professor at Iran's Royal Institute of the Study of Philosophy, he returned to Japan in the wake of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. While most of Izutsu's writings had been authored in English until that point, he devoted himself to writing in Japanese until his death in 1993 in Kamakura, where he lived and authored books such as Islamic Culture.

The collection of books left by Izutsu at his Kamakura residence has since been entrusted to the Keio University Mita Media Center. Consisting of approximately 10,000 volumes of Japanese, Chinese, and Western-language books, the collection also includes roughly 3,700 volumes in Arabic as well as extremely valuable materials such as 90 Iranian lithographic books rarely seen outside of Iran.

In 2015, the Keio University Faculty of Letters established two academic awards named after Junzaburo Nishiwaki and Toshihiko Izutsu to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the faculty's founding. The Toshihiko Izutsu Prize is awarded to promising researchers who share Izutsu's spirit of inquiry, which spanned a wide range of academic disciplines that include philosophy, ethics, history, anthropology, archaeology, library sciences, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, and other human sciences. The prize aims to foster and encourage the next generation of scholars who can rival Izutsu's passion for knowledge in the 21st century.

Izutsu in his study at Kita-Kamakura, where he spent his last years (photographed in 1980) *

*From "Toshihiko Izutsu Zammai," Keio University Press (October 2019).

*This article appeared in Stained Glass in the 2020 Summer edition (No. 307) of Juku.

Monira Al Qadiri How Toshihiko Made Me Understand Islam, Toshihiko Izutsu - Wikipedia

2] Toshihiko Izutsu - Wikipedia in Japanese and English

1] How Toshihiko Made Me Understand Islam
Monira Al Qadiri
008 / 26 February 2015

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Who would have thought that the best translation ever to be conducted of the Qur'an was actually in Japanese? Many scholars agree that Toshihiko Izutsu's 1958 version of the holy book is one of the most accurate one available.[1] A linguistic genius, Dr. Izutsu finished reading the entire Qur'an just one month after beginning to learn Arabic. His idiosyncratic method of analyzing theology through language (his background knowledge of Zen Buddhism assisted this advanced outlook on other world religions) produced incredible insights into Islam that I have not heard with quite the same level of clarity and objectivity from any other scholar. Later in life, he went on to teach Islamic philosophy at several universities in Tehran, which hints at just how knowledgeable he became of the religion and its history.

Monira Al Qadiri, Sulaibikhat Cemetery, Jaafari (Shiite) side, 2007.
Copyright and courtesy the artist.

Regrettably, many of his thought-provoking books have remained un-translated, and are only accessible in Japanese. Fortunately for me, my fluency in the Japanese language allowed me to penetrate this rare dearth of significant research with ease. When I first read his lecture-turned-book Islamic Culture (1991), everything in my life suddenly made sense. In my ten years living in Tokyo, it was by far the moment I felt most satisfied to have mastered Japanese.

Izutsu effortlessly demonstrated how the Qur'an was written in the prophet's own dialect (Quraishi); that the religion had many traits of the language of the marketplace (the prophet himself was a merchant); that the relationship between God and his subjects was a vertical relationship of a master and his slave ('Abd) also stemming from the market (Souk); that Islam follows a distinctly capitalist mentality (good deeds are referred to as 'earnings' and are counted, like money); that the scripture was written in the first person – in God's own words – an anomaly compared to other faiths; that Islam discarded with figurative representation because its language itself was the audio-visual medium (the 'images' are inside the words), making it one of the only truly 'abstract' religions. Indeed, the Qur'an refers to paganism, which preceded it, as 'that which does not see or hear.'[2]

After finishing Islamic Culture, I came to this conclusion: Islam is abstract expressionism through poetic illustration.

Like abstract expressionism, it is concerned with describing spiritual matters of the mind and soul by denying pedagogical figurative depictions (sometimes very violently so, by actively destroying pagan statues and objects), and pushing religious creativity beyond the superficial through the medium of language. If embodied pictures and figures are no longer necessary and are instead encapsulated within 'words' – oral or written – their ability to transcend physical spaces and material 'things' in general becomes infinite. The Qur'an is 'full of visual images from corner to corner'[3] that can simply materialize in the expansive arena that is the mind. It gives the believer (the viewer if spoken from an artistic standpoint) the luxury and space to imagine the visuals through the power of literary suggestion alone.

Monira Al Qadiri, Sulaibikhat Cemetery, Sunni side, 2007.
Copyright and courtesy the artist.

We usually attribute the philosophical structure of these artistic concepts such as visual abstraction to western modern art movements in the twentieth century. But in actual fact, they have been processed and developed through and within literary movements centuries before the advent of modernism. In the Arab world especially, literature and language were and remain the primary means of artistic expression, and have been so for centuries. It must be taken into account that part of this trend is strongly influenced by Islam as an institution of thought, and its philosophical developments over the years. It is only very recently that visual figurative art has become widespread in the region, which coincides with an enthusiastic attitude towards modern, individualistic, urban life.

However this city-dwelling lifestyle does not conflict with Islamic teachings. Izutsu also stressed that Islam was not the religion of the desert, and was based on a truly urban understanding of the world. As noted above, distinct aspects of city life (the market, money, slavery etc.) are apparent in the phrases and words used to describe religious concepts within the Qur'an. This fusion of natural and man-made environments with theology stunned my imagination. But here, I began to wonder – what if this urban disposition of Islam had changed in recent times? After some contemplation, I came to the realization that it has indeed changed dramatically. The advent of Wahhabism in the Arabian peninsula over the past two centuries has succeeded in returning Islam to the desert.

A large section of the book Islamic Culture is dedicated to deciphering the different prisms used to interpret the Qur'an, and how these prisms can become completely contradictory depending on their placement in the wider sphere of the Islamic Empire over time. Wahhabism – the official Sunni sect adopted by Muhammad Ibn Saud (the ancestor of the House of Saud, founders of modern-day Saudi Arabia) contains many traits of a desert mentality. And although initially a fringe sect, it is now the dominant expression of Sunni Islam in the Arabian peninsula, even though official accounts claim otherwise. Senior religious clerics state that this is the natural and ubiquitous form of Sunni Islam that permeates the entire Islamic world, but this is in fact a false claim. Sunnism is not quite as puritan or extreme as Wahhabism, and has many pluralistic interpretations of it existing all over the world. Nevertheless, Wahhabism's teachings have penetrated the culture of the Arabian Gulf far beyond the local populace's immediate comprehension.

Sulaibikhat cemetery map, map data.
©2015 Google.

One of Wahabbism's signature commandments is 'do not visit the dead', because such shrine or tomb visitations can inspire idolatry. The deceased must be forgotten, and their graves must remain unnamed, as is the case in desert life; you must not cry or show emotion over those who have left us. It is this kind of harsh puritanism that entails the desperate climatic surroundings of the desert, unlike Shi'ism for example, where the dead are revered and decorated in a Firdous-like (Garden of Heaven) atmosphere, and graves are blessed with sweets and water. Izutsu claims that Shi'ism is a fundamentally esoteric sect that is heavily influenced by Persian culture, where belief in symbolism and meaning are paramount, often embracing metaphysical concepts like the disappearance of the twelfth Imam Mehdi into a hole in time, and his subsequent reappearance before the day of judgment. This comes in opposition to Sunnism, which is an exoteric sect based mostly on personal conduct and behaviour: 'Shi'ism is illusionary surrealism, while Sunnism is atomistic realism.'[4]

Being half Sunni and half Shi'ite myself, these insights into the cultural difference of sects profoundly articulated my understanding of my familial background. The stark contrast between my ancestral Iranian and Saudi roots; the discrepancies between both of my families' beliefs, customs, and rituals could only be explained through Izutsu's sharp observations. I realized that there is a place where this phenomenon is most apparent: Sulaibikhat.

Sulaibikhat is the national cemetery in Kuwait (the only one currently in use) that was built around the early 1960s. On the one side of the cemetery is the Shi'ite graveyard, and on the other is the Sunni (Wahhabi) one. They are segregated only by a road cutting through the middle of the two graveyards.

Sulaibikhat cemetery satellite image.
Imagery ©2015 CNES / Astrium, DigitalGlobe.

Could this road be seen as the violent separation between the spiritual manifestations of Islam? Is this the border of irreconcilable, intolerable cultural difference? As is evident in the following maps and images, the doctrinal divisions are visually clear. The Shi'ite decorated garden is on the left, the nameless Sunni desertscape is on the right. It is as if a completely opposing philosophy on life and death can literally be 'pictured' here, without exerting any effort to uncover it. The banal asphalt path between the cemeteries transforms itself into the metaphysical boundary of thought, and neatly partitions these incompatible world views.

At the time when I was observing the discrepancies of these cemeteries, I was in the middle of conducting my research on the aesthetics of sadness in the region, and trying to uncover how grief is visually manifested within physical spaces (most of which were tombs and cemeteries) as a first entry into the subject. After much reflection on the difference of the two plots, I could not come to a definitive answer as to which one was more 'sad', so to speak. Is the beautiful celebration of death and constant visitation of graves on the left side more 'tragic' somehow, or the denial of remembrance of the dead on the right side more bereaved because of its abject sorrow at even the fleeting thought of those who have left us? I could not really say.

Prism (2007-ongoing)

Video & photo series

[1] 'Ḥilalī also intends to demonstrate the contribution of Izutsu's works to the cumulativeknowledge of Qur'anic scholarship. He wants to explain how the theoretical and practical principles presented by Izutsu 'add scientific and methodological value to the study and the understanding of the Qur'an, unveiling the precision and perspicuity of its verses'. He points out that the principles Izutsu introduced had their precursors in Arabic philology but had only been applied partially and did not allow the study of the overall structure of the Qur'an as a whole. For Ḥilalī, semantics in Izutsu's approach are more comprehensive than familiar sharʿī ('religious') concepts; they aim primarily to identify the nature of conceptual change, and how that has been employed in the Qur'an, bringing about a new worldview.' 

Journal of Qur'anic Studies 14.1 (2012): 107-130, 114. Edinburgh University Press DOI: 10.3366/jqs.2012.0039, Centre of Islamic Studies, SOAS,

[2] The Qur'an, 19.41.

[3] Toshihiko Izutsu, The History of Islamic Thought, (Iwanami Bunko: Tokyo, 1991, p. 18.

[4] Toshihiko Izutsu, Islamic Culture (Iwanami Bunko: Tokyo, 1991), p. 76-80.

TAGSIslam Urbanisation Literature


Monira Al Qadiri

Monira Al Qadiri is a Kuwaiti visual artist and film maker born in Senegal and educated in Japan. 
In 2010, she received a Ph.D. in inter-media art from Tokyo University of the Arts, where her research was focused on the aesthetics of sadness in the Middle-East region stemming from poetry, music, art and religious practices. 

Her practice explores the relationship between narcissism and masculinity, and is recently expanding towards more socio-political subjects. 

Al Qadiri has taken part in exhibitions and film screenings in Tokyo, Kuwait, Beirut, Dubai, Berlin, New York and Moscow among others. She is also part of the artist collective GCC.


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井筒 俊彦(いづつ としひこ、1914年(大正3年)5月4日 - 1993年(平成5年)1月7日)は、日本の言語学者イスラーム学者、東洋思想研究者、神秘主義哲学者慶應義塾大学名誉教授文学博士エラノス会議メンバー、日本学士院会員。語学の天才と称され、大部分の著作が英文で書かれていることもあり、日本国内でよりも、欧米において高く評価されている[1]








東洋思想の「共時的構造化」の本格的具現化の試みの第一弾として、1992年に「中央公論」で「東洋哲学覚書 意識の形而上学 『大乗起信論』の哲学」を3回に分け連載したが、翌93年1月7日、就寝中の脳出血により78歳で急逝。遺著として1993年3月に中央公論社で出版。旧蔵書は同大学の記念図書として架蔵され「井筒俊彦文庫目録」[5] が発行(アラビア語・ペルシア語図書/和漢書・洋書部の2冊、2002年)された。

独自の内観法を父親から学び、形而上学的・神秘主義的な原体験を得た。その後、西洋の神秘主義も同じような感覚を記述していることに気付き、古今東西の形而上学・神秘主義の研究に打ち込んだ。世界的に権威ある空前絶後の碩学であり、現代フランスの思想家の一人ジャック・デリダも、井筒を「巨匠」と呼んで尊敬の念を表していた[注 1]。なお夫人の井筒豊子(1925年-2017年4月)は、美学の研究者で英文著作があり国際的に知られている[6]



2018年には、彼のドキュメンタリー映画The Eastern(邦訳:シャルギー(東洋人))が公開された[9]。日本では2018年7月24日に公開された[10]

2019年、NHKドキュメンタリー/BS1スペシャル「イスラムに愛された日本人~知の巨人井筒俊彦~」が制作され、同年11月8日にNHK BS1にて放送された。




  • 『アラビア思想史―回教神學と回教哲學』(博文館〈興亜全書〉、1941年)
  • 『神秘哲學―ギリシアの部』(哲学修道院〈世界哲學講座〉、1949年)
  • 『アラビア語入門』(慶應出版社、1950年)
  • 『マホメット』(弘文堂〈アテネ文庫〉、1952年/講談社学術文庫、1989年)
  • 『ロシア的人間―近代ロシア文学史』(弘文堂、1953年/北洋社、1978年/中公文庫、1989年)
  • 『神秘哲学 第1部―自然神秘主義とギリシア』(人文書院、1978年)
  • 『神秘哲学 第2部―神秘主義のギリシア哲学的展開』(人文書院、1978年)
  • 『イスラーム生誕』(人文書院、1979年/中公文庫、1990年、改版2003年)
  • 『イスラーム哲学の原像』(岩波新書、1980年、復刊1998年、2013年)[注 3]
  • 『イスラーム文化―その根底にあるもの』(岩波書店、1981年/岩波文庫、1991年、ワイド版1994年)
  • 『イスラーム思想史―神学・神秘主義・哲学』(岩波書店、1982年/中公文庫、1991年、新版2005年、改版2009年)
  • 『コーランを読む』(岩波書店〈岩波セミナーブックス〉、1983年/岩波現代文庫、2013年2月、若松英輔解説)
  • 『意識と本質―精神的東洋を索めて』(岩波書店、1983年/岩波文庫、1991年、ワイド版2001年)
    • 独訳版 Bewusstsein und Wesen, Hans Peter Liederbach, Iudicium Verlag, München, 2006
  • 『意味の深みへ―東洋哲学の水位』(岩波書店、1985年、復刊2013年/岩波文庫、2019年3月、斎藤慶典解説)
  • 『コスモスとアンチコスモス―東洋哲学のために』(岩波書店、1989年、復刊2005年/岩波文庫、2019年5月、河合俊雄解説)
  • 『超越のことば―イスラーム・ユダヤ哲学における神と人』(岩波書店、1991年、復刊2004年)
  • 『意識の形而上学―「大乗起信論」の哲学』(中央公論社、1993年/中公文庫、2001年)
  • 『読むと書く 井筒俊彦エッセイ集』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2009年、若松英輔編)[注 4]
  • 『神秘哲学―ギリシアの部』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2010年、若松英輔校訂・解説/岩波文庫、2019年2月、竹下政孝・山内志朗校訂、納富信留解説)
  • 『アラビア哲学―回教哲学』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2011年、若松英輔校訂)[注 5]
  • 『露西亜文学』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2011年、若松英輔校訂、亀山郁夫解説)


  • 老子 Lao-Tzu The way and its virtue
〈The Izutu library series on Oriental philosophy〉(慶應義塾大学出版会 2001年)
  • The Structure of Oriental Philosophy Collected Papers of the Eranos Conference(全4巻)
〈The Izutu Library Series on Oriental Philosophy〉(慶應義塾大学出版会 2008年)
  • God and Man in the Koran Semantics of the Koranic Weltanschauung
〈The Izutu Library Series on Oriental Philosophy〉(慶應義塾大学出版会 2015年)
  • The Concept of Belief in Islamic Theology
〈The Izutu Library Series on Oriental Philosophy〉(慶應義塾大学出版会 2016年)


  • 『意味の構造―コーランにおける宗教道徳概念の分析』(新泉社、1972年、牧野信也訳)
  • 『禅仏教の哲学に向けて』(ぷねうま舎、2014年、新版2019年、野平宗弘訳注、頼住光子解説)
  • 『井筒俊彦英文著作翻訳コレクション』(全7巻(全8冊)、慶應義塾大学出版会)
  1. 老子道徳経』(古勝隆一訳、2017年4月)
  2. 『クルアーンにおける神と人間―クルアーンの世界観の意味論』(鎌田繁監訳、仁子寿晴訳、2017年6月)
  3. 『存在の概念と実在性』(鎌田繁監訳、仁子寿晴訳、2017年10月)
  4. 『言語と呪術』(安藤礼二監訳、小野純一訳、2018年9月)
  5. 『イスラーム神学における信の構造―イーマーンとイスラームの意味論的分析』(鎌田繁監訳、仁子寿晴・橋爪烈訳、2018年2月)
  6. 『東洋哲学の構造―エラノス会議講演集』(澤井義次監訳、金子奈央・古勝隆一・西村玲訳、2019年3月)
  7. スーフィズム老荘思想―比較哲学試論』(上・下、仁子寿晴訳、2019年6月)


  • コーラン』(岩波文庫(上中下)、1957-58年、改版1964年、新版2009年/ワイド版2004年)
  • マルティン・C・ダーシー『愛のロゴスとパトス』(三辺文子共訳、創文社、1957年)
  • ジャラール・ルーミー『ルーミー語録』(イスラーム古典叢書:岩波書店、1978年)
  • モッラー・サドラー『存在認識の道 存在と本質について』(イスラーム古典叢書:岩波書店、1978年[注 6]


  • 井筒俊彦著作集(全11巻・別巻、中央公論社、1991年-1993年)
  1. 神秘哲学
  2. イスラーム文化
  3. ロシア的人間
  4. 意味の構造 コーランにおける宗教道徳概念の分析(牧野信也訳)
  5. イスラーム哲学
  6. 意識と本質 東洋的思惟の構造的整合性を索めて
  7. コーラン(翻訳)
  8. コーランを読む
  9. 東洋哲学
  10. 存在認識の道 存在と本質について(モッラー・サドラー、井筒訳・解説)
  11. ルーミー語録(ジャラール・ルーミー、井筒訳・解説)
  12. 別巻 対談鼎談集・著作目録
  • 井筒俊彦全集(全12巻・別巻、慶應義塾大学出版会、2013年-2016年)[11]
(編集顧問 鈴木孝夫 鳥居泰彦 松原秀一
(編集委員 岩見隆鎌田繁坂上弘澤井義次野元晋
(編集担当 木下雄介、若松英輔
  1. アラビア哲学 1935年-1948年
  2. 神秘哲学 1949年-1951年
  3. ロシア的人間 1951年-1953年
  4. イスラーム思想史 1954年-1975年
  5. 存在顕現の形而上学 1978年-1980年
  6. 意識と本質 1980年-1981年
  7. イスラーム文化 1981年-1983年
  8. 意味の深みへ 1983年-1985年
  9. コスモスとアンチコスモス 1985年-1989年
  10. 意識の形而上学 1988年-1993年
  11. 意味の構造 1992年
  12. アラビア語入門(横組み)
  13. 別巻 補遺・目録・年譜・索引(付・講演音声CD)


  • 『叡知の台座 井筒俊彦対談集』(岩波書店、1986年)
  • 若松英輔 『井筒俊彦 叡知の哲学』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2011年5月)[注 7]
  • 若松英輔 『叡知の詩学 小林秀雄と井筒俊彦』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2015年10月)[注 8]
  • 井筒豊子 『井筒俊彦の学問遍路 同行二人半』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2017年9月)[注 9]
  • 『井筒俊彦とイスラーム 回想と書評』(松原秀一・坂本勉編、慶應義塾大学出版会、2012年10月)
  • 『井筒俊彦 言語の根源と哲学の発生』(河出書房新社KAWADE道の手帖】、2014年6月、増補版2017年6月)[注 10]
  • 『井筒俊彦の東洋哲学』(澤井義次・鎌田繁編、慶應義塾大学出版会、2018年9月)[注 11]
  • 『井筒俊彦ざんまい』(若松英輔編、慶應義塾大学出版会、2019年10月)
  • 斎藤慶典『「東洋」哲学の根本問題 あるいは井筒俊彦』(講談社選書メチエ、2018年2月)
  • バフマン・ザキプール『井筒俊彦の比較哲学』(知泉書館、2019年2月)
  • 西平直『井筒俊彦と二重の見 東洋哲学序説』(未来哲学研究所、2021年)


  • 『Consciousness and Reality――Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu』(松原秀一ほか編、岩波書店、1998年2月)[注 12]


  • シャルギー(東洋人)』 - イラン制作、2018年。井筒の生涯と思想を紹介するドキュメンタリー映画。監督マスウード・ターヘリー、日本語字幕[12]
  • NHK BS1スペシャル『イスラムに愛された日本人 知の巨人・井筒俊彦』、2019年11月8日。案内人サヘル・ローズ





  1. ^ 著作集刊行に際して、牧野信也の紹介の一節。
  2. ^ 西脇順三郎松本信広辻直四郎服部四郎福原麟太郎市河三喜らが同僚。
  3. ^ 「超越のことば」に再収録。
  4. ^ 著作集未収録の文章を集成。
  5. ^ 解題・鎌田繁(東京大学東洋文化研究所教授)、「アラビア哲學」(光の書房、1948年)を復刻。他に「東印度に於ける回教法則(概説)」(東亜研究所、1942年)を収録。各・初版を、新字新かなに改めた版。
  6. ^ イスラーム哲学におけるタウヒード価値観)の原典。
  7. ^ 全10章の評伝。2009-2010年に「季刊 三田文学」に『井筒俊彦 存在とコトバの神秘哲学』を全6回連載。書き下ろしを加えた。
  8. ^ 「三田文学」に一部連載。
  9. ^ 豊子夫人(1925年-2017年4月)の回想記。澤井義次編・解説。
  10. ^ 若松英輔・安藤礼二責任編集。対談、高橋巌末木文美士中沢新一鎌田東二山城むつみ吉村萬壱ほかが寄稿。
  11. ^ 13名の論考集。
  12. ^ 26名による追悼論集。


  1. ^ 思想家紹介 井筒俊彦”. 京都大学大学院文学研究科・文学部. 2019年4月21日閲覧。
  2. a b 安岡章太郎ほか「思想と芸術」『安岡章太郎15の対話』新潮社、1997年。ISBN 4103219084
  3. ^ 牧野信也「井筒俊彦」『哲学がわかる』蜷川真夫ほか、朝日新聞社〈Aera mook〉、1995年。
  4. ^ 司馬遼太郎ほか「二十世紀末の闇と光」『司馬遼太郎歴史歓談』中央公論新社、2000年。ISBN 4120030695
  5. ^ 平尾行藏「慶應義塾図書館編・刊『井筒俊彦文庫目録』 (PDF) 」 『MediaNet No.11』、慶應義塾大学メディアセンター、2004年10月。
  6. ^ 井筒豊子名で出版した日本語文献は、訳書『アラビア文学史』(ハミルトン・ギブ人文書院、のち「アラビア人文学」講談社学術文庫)、『さまよう ポストモダンの非/神学』(マーク・テイラー、岩波書店)や、小説『白磁盒子』(中公文庫)がある。
  7. ^ 河合隼雄、中沢新一『仏教が好き!』朝日新聞出版朝日文庫〉、2008年6月30日。ISBN 9784022615688[要ページ番号]
  8. ^ 池内恵「井筒俊彦の主要著作に見る日本的イスラーム理解」『日本研究』第36巻、国際日本文化研究センター、2007年9月。[要ページ番号]
  9. ^ Documentary on Life of Japanese Qur’an Scholar”. 2018年7月27日閲覧。
  10. ^ 日本で、井筒俊彦氏関連のドキュメンタリー映画「東洋人」(シャルギー)が公開”. 2018年7月27日閲覧。
  11. ^ 「井筒俊彦全集」 特設サイト「井筒俊彦」~言語学者、イスラーム学者、東洋思想研究者、神秘主義哲学者”. 慶應義塾大学出版会. 2019年3月13日閲覧。
  12. ^ ドキュメンタリーが示す新たな井筒俊彦とその可能性”. neoneo web(2018年9月1日). 2018年9月1日閲覧。



Toshihiko Izutsu

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Toshihiko Izutsu (井筒 俊彦Izutsu Toshihiko, 4 May 1914 – 7 January 1993) was a Japanese philosopher of language and mysticism and an Islamic scholar.[1][2] He was a Professor at Keio University in Japan and author of many books on Islam and other religions. Izutsu taught at the Institute of Cultural and Linguistic studies at Keio University in Tokyo, the Iranian institute of Philosophy in Tehran, and McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He was fluent in over 30 languages, including Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Greek.

Life and academic career[edit]

He was born on 4 May 1914 in a wealthy family in Tokyo, Japan. From an early age, he was familiar with zen meditation and kōan, since his father was also a calligrapher and a practising lay Zen Buddhist.

He entered the faculty of economics at Keio University, but transferred to the department of English literature wishing to be instructed by Professor Junzaburō Nishiwaki. Following his bachelor's degree, he became a research assistant in 1937.

In 1958, he completed the first direct translation of the Qur'an from Arabic to Japanese. (The first indirect translation had been accomplished a decade prior by Okawa Shumei.) His translation is still renowned for its linguistic accuracy and widely used for scholarly works. He was extremely talented in learning foreign languages, and finished reading the Qur'an a month after beginning to learn Arabic. Between 1969-75, he became professor of Islamic philosophy at McGill University in Montreal. He was the professor of philosophy in the Iranian institute in philosophy, formerly Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, in Tehran, Iran. He came back to Japan from Iran after the Revolution in 1979, and he wrote, seemingly more assiduously, many books and articles in Japanese on Oriental thought and its significance.

In understanding Izutsu's academic legacy, there are four points to bear in mind: his relation to Buddhism, particularly Zen Buddhism, his interest in language, his inclination towards postmodernism, and his interest in comparative philosophy.[3]

In Sufism and Taoism: A comparative study of key philosophical concepts (1984), he compares the metaphysical and mystical thought-systems of Sufism and Taoism and discovers that, although historically unrelated, the two share features and patterns.[3]



  1. ^ Masataka, Takeshita (2016). "Toshihiko Izutsu's contribution to Islamic Studies". Journal of International Philosophy. 7 (special): 78–81. doi:10.34428/00008151.
  2. ^ Al-Daghistani, Sami (2018). "The Time Factor – Toshihiko Izutsu and Islamic Economic Tradition"Asian Studies6 (1): 55–71. doi:10.4312/as.2018.6.1.55-71.
  3. Jump up to:a b Kojiro Nakamura (November 2009). "The Significance of Toshihiko Izutsu's Legacy for Comparative Religion". Intellectual Discourse17 (2): 14–158.
  4. ^ "Toshihiko Izutsu's life and work".