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Rainer Maria Rilke

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Rainer Maria Rilke
Rilke in 1900
Rilke in 1900
BornRené Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke
4 December 1875
Died29 December 1926 (aged 51)
MontreuxVaud, Switzerland
OccupationPoet, novelist
LanguageGerman, French
Literary movementModernism
(m. 1901)
Rilke Signature.gif

René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke (4 December 1875 – 29 December 1926), better known as Rainer Maria Rilke (German: [ˈʁaɪnɐ maˈʁiːa ˈʁɪlkə]), was an Austrian poet and novelist. He is "widely recognized as one of the most lyrically intense German-language poets".[1] He wrote both verse and highly lyrical prose.[1] Several critics have described Rilke's work as "mystical".[2][3] His writings include one novel, several collections of poetry and several volumes of correspondence in which he invokes images that focus on the difficulty of communion with the ineffable in an age of disbelief, solitude and anxiety. These themes position him as a transitional figure between traditional and modernist writers.

Rilke travelled extensively throughout Europe (including Russia, Spain, Germany, France and Italy) and, in his later years, settled in Switzerland – settings that were key to the genesis and inspiration for many of his poems. While Rilke is most known for his contributions to German literature, over 400 poems were originally written in French and dedicated to the canton of Valais in Switzerland. Among English-language readers, his best-known works include the poetry collections Duino Elegies (Duineser Elegien) and Sonnets to Orpheus (Die Sonette an Orpheus), the semi-autobiographical novel The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge (Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge), and a collection of ten letters that was published after his death under the title Letters to a Young Poet (Briefe an einen jungen Dichter). In the later 20th century, his work found new audiences through use by New Age theologians and self-help authors[4][5][6] and frequent quotations by television programs, books and motion pictures.[7] In the United States, Rilke remains among the more popular, best-selling poets.[8]


Early life (1875–1896)[edit]

Rilke, circa 1878–1879

He was born René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke in Prague, capital of Bohemia (then part of Austria-Hungary, now part of Czech Republic). His childhood and youth in Prague were not especially happy. His father, Josef Rilke (1838–1906), became a railway official after an unsuccessful military career. His mother, Sophie ("Phia") Entz (1851–1931), came from a well-to-do Prague family, the Entz-Kinzelbergers, who lived in a house on the Herrengasse (Panská) 8, where René also spent many of his early years. The relationship between Phia and her only son was coloured by her mourning for an earlier child, a daughter who had died only one week old. During Rilke's early years, Phia acted as if she sought to recover the lost girl through the boy by treating him as if he were a girl. According to Rilke, he had to wear "fine clothes" and "was a plaything [for his mother], like a big doll".[9][10][11][a] His parents' marriage failed in 1884. His parents pressured the poetically and artistically talented youth into entering a military academy in Sankt Pölten, Lower Austria, which he attended from 1886 until 1891, when he left owing to illness. He moved to Linz, where he attended trade school. Expelled from school in May 1892, the 16-year-old prematurely returned to Prague. From 1892 to 1895, he was tutored for the university entrance exam, which he passed in 1895. Until 1896, he studied literature, art history, and philosophy in Prague[13] and Munich.[14]

Munich and Saint Petersburg[edit]

Rilke met and fell in love with the widely travelled and intellectual woman of letters Lou Andreas-Salomé in 1897 in Munich. He changed his first name from "René" to "Rainer" at Salomé's urging because she thought that name to be more masculine, forceful and Germanic.[15] His relationship with this married woman, with whom he undertook two extensive trips to Russia, lasted until 1900. Even after their separation, Salomé continued to be Rilke's most important confidante until the end of his life. Having trained from 1912 to 1913 as a psychoanalyst with Sigmund Freud, she shared her knowledge of psychoanalysis with Rilke.

In 1898 Rilke undertook a journey lasting several weeks to Italy. The following year he travelled with Lou and her husband, Friedrich Carl Andreas, to Moscow where he met the novelist Leo Tolstoy. Between May and August 1900, a second journey to Russia, accompanied only by Lou, again took him to Moscow and Saint Petersburg, where he met the family of Boris Pasternak and Spiridon Drozhzhin, a peasant poet. Author Anna A. Tavis cites the cultures of Bohemia and Russia as the key influences on Rilke's poetry and consciousness.[16]

In 1900, Rilke stayed at the artists' colony at Worpswede. (Later, his portrait would be painted by the proto-expressionist Paula Modersohn-Becker, whom he got to know at Worpswede.) It was here that he got to know the sculptor Clara Westhoff, whom he married the following year. Their daughter Ruth (1901–1972) was born in December 1901.

Paris (1902–1910)[edit]

Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876–1907), an early expressionist painter, became acquainted with Rilke in Worpswede and Paris, and painted his portrait in 1906.

In the summer of 1902, Rilke left home and travelled to Paris to write a monograph on the sculptor Auguste Rodin. Before long his wife left their daughter with her parents and joined Rilke there. The relationship between Rilke and Clara Westhoff continued for the rest of his life; a mutually-agreed-upon effort towards a divorce was bureaucratically hindered by the fact that Rilke was a Catholic, albeit a non-practising one.

At first, Rilke had a difficult time in Paris, an experience that he called upon in the first part of his only novel, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. At the same time his encounter with modernism was very stimulating: Rilke became deeply involved with the sculpture of Rodin and then the work of Paul Cézanne. For a time, he acted as Rodin's secretary, also lecturing and writing a long essay on Rodin and his work. Rodin taught him the value of objective observation and, under this influence, Rilke dramatically transformed his poetic style from the subjective and sometimes incantatory language of his earlier work into something quite new in European literature. The result was the New Poems, famous for the "thing-poems" expressing Rilke's rejuvenated artistic vision. During these years, Paris increasingly became the writer's main residence.

The most important works of the Paris period were Neue Gedichte (New Poems) (1907), Der Neuen Gedichte Anderer Teil (Another Part of the New Poems) (1908), the two "Requiem" poems (1909), and the novel The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, started in 1904 and completed in January 1910.[17]

During the later part of this decade, Rilke spent extended periods in Ronda, the famous bullfighting centre in southern Spain, where he kept a permanent room at the Hotel Reina Victoria from December 1912 to February 1913.[18][19]

Duino and the First World War (1911–1919)[edit]

Duino Castle near Trieste, Italy, was where Rilke began writing the Duino Elegies in 1912, recounting that he heard the famous first line as a voice in the wind while walking along the cliffs and that he wrote it quickly in his notebook.

Between October 1911 and May 1912, Rilke stayed at the Castle Duino, near Trieste, home of Princess Marie of Thurn und Taxis. There, in 1912, he began the poem cycle called the Duino Elegies, which would remain unfinished for a decade because of a long-lasting creativity crisis. Rilke had developed an admiration for El Greco as early as 1908, so he visited Toledo during the winter of 1912/13 to see Greco's paintings. It has been suggested that Greco's manner of depicting angels influenced the conception of the angel in the Duino Elegies.[20] The outbreak of World War I surprised Rilke during a stay in Germany. He was unable to return to Paris, where his property was confiscated and auctioned. He spent the greater part of the war in Munich. From 1914 to 1916 he had a turbulent affair with the painter Lou Albert-Lasard. Rilke was called up at the beginning of 1916 and had to undertake basic training in Vienna. Influential friends interceded on his behalf – he was transferred to the War Records Office and discharged from the military on 9 June 1916. He returned to Munich, interrupted by a stay at Hertha Koenig's [de] manor Gut Bockel [de] in Westphalia. The traumatic experience of military service, a reminder of the horrors of the military academy, almost completely silenced him as a poet.[21]

Switzerland and Muzot (1919–1926)[edit]

Château de Muzot in Veyras, Switzerland, was where Rilke completed writing the Duino Elegies in "a savage creative storm" in February 1922.

On 11 June 1919, Rilke travelled from Munich to Switzerland. He met Polish-German painter Baladine Klossowska, with whom he was in relationship to his death in 1926. The outward motive was an invitation to lecture in Zurich, but the real reason was the wish to escape the post-war chaos and take up his work on the Duino Elegies once again. The search for a suitable and affordable place to live proved to be very difficult. Among other places, Rilke lived in Soglio, Locarno and Berg am Irchel. It was only in mid-1921 that was he able to find a permanent residence in the Château de Muzot in the commune of Veyras, close to Sierre in Valais. In an intense creative period, Rilke completed the Duino Elegies in several weeks in February 1922. Before and after this period, Rilke rapidly wrote both parts of the poem cycle Sonnets to Orpheus containing 55 entire sonnets. Together, these two have often been taken as constituting the high points of Rilke's work. In May 1922, Rilke's patron Werner Reinhart bought and renovated Muzot so that Rilke could live there rent-free.[22]

During this time, Reinhart introduced Rilke to his protégée, the Australian violinist Alma Moodie.[23] Rilke was so impressed with her playing that he wrote in a letter: "What a sound, what richness, what determination. That and the Sonnets to Orpheus, those were two strings of the same voice. And she plays mostly Bach! Muzot has received its musical christening..."[23][24][25]

From 1923 on, Rilke increasingly struggled with health problems that necessitated many long stays at a sanatorium in Territet near Montreux on Lake Geneva. His long stay in Paris between January and August 1925 was an attempt to escape his illness through a change in location and living conditions. Despite this, numerous important individual poems appeared in the years 1923–1926 (including Gong and Mausoleum), as well as his abundant lyrical work in French. His book of French poems Vergers was published in 1926.

In 1924 Erika Mitterer [de] began writing poems to Rilke, who wrote back with approximately 50 poems of his own and called her verse a Herzlandschaft (landscape of the heart).[26] This was the only time Rilke had a productive poetic collaboration throughout all his work.[27] Mitterer also visited Rilke.[28] In 1950 her Correspondence in Verse with Rilke was published and received much praise.[29]

Rilke supported the Russian Revolution in 1917 as well as the Bavarian Soviet Republic in 1919.[30] He became friends with Ernst Toller and mourned the deaths of Rosa LuxemburgKurt Eisner, and Karl Liebknecht.[31] He confided that of the five or six newspapers he read daily, those on the far left came closest to his own opinions.[32] He developed a reputation for supporting left-wing causes and thus, out of fear for his own safety, became more reticent about politics after the Bavarian Republic was crushed by the right-wing Freikorps.[32] In January and February 1926, Rilke wrote three letters to the Mussolini-adversary Aurelia Gallarati Scotti in which he praised Benito Mussolini and described fascism as a healing agent.[33][34][35]

Death and burial[edit]

Rilke's grave in Raron, Switzerland

Shortly before his death, Rilke's illness was diagnosed as leukemia. He suffered ulcerous sores in his mouth, pain troubled his stomach and intestines, and he struggled with increasingly low spirits.[36] Open-eyed, he died in the arms of his doctor on December 29, 1926, in the Valmont Sanatorium in Switzerland. He was buried on January 2, 1927, in the Raron cemetery to the west of Visp.[36]

Rilke had chosen as his own epitaph this poem:

Rose, oh reiner Widerspruch, Lust,
Niemandes Schlaf zu sein unter soviel

Rose, o pure contradiction, desire
to be no one's sleep beneath so many

A myth developed surrounding his death and roses. It was said: "To honour a visitor, the Egyptian beauty Nimet Eloui Bey, Rilke gathered some roses from his garden. While doing so, he pricked his hand on a thorn. This small wound failed to heal, grew rapidly worse, soon his entire arm was swollen, and his other arm became affected as well", and so he died.[36]


The Book of Hours[edit]

Rilke's three complete cycles of poems that constitute The Book of Hours (Das Stunden-Buch) were published by Insel Verlag in April 1905. These poems explore the Christian search for God and the nature of Prayer, using symbolism from Saint Francis and Rilke's observation of Orthodox Christianity during his travels in Russia in the early years of the twentieth century.

The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge[edit]

Rilke wrote his only novel, Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge (translated as The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge), while living in Paris, completing the work in 1910. This semi-autobiographical novel adopts the style and technique that became associated with Expressionism which entered European fiction and art in the early 20th century. He was inspired by Sigbjørn Obstfelder's work A Priest's Diary and Jens Peter Jacobsen's novel Niels Lyhne (1880) which traces the fate of an atheist in a merciless world. Rilke addresses existential themes, profoundly probing the quest for individuality and the significance of death and reflecting on the experience of time as death approaches. He draws considerably on the writings of Nietzsche, whose work he came to know through Lou Andreas-Salomé. His work also incorporates impressionistic techniques that were influenced by Cézanne and Rodin (to whom Rilke was secretary in 1905–1906). He combines these techniques and motifs to conjure images of mankind's anxiety and alienation in the face of an increasingly scientific, industrial and reified world.

Duino Elegies[edit]

Rilke began writing the elegies in 1912 while a guest of Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis (1855–1934) at Duino Castle, near Trieste on the Adriatic Sea. During this ten-year period, the elegies languished incomplete for long stretches of time as Rilke suffered frequently from severe depression, some of which was caused by the events of World War I and his conscripted military service. Aside from brief episodes of writing in 1913 and 1915, Rilke did not return to the work until a few years after the war ended. With a sudden, renewed inspiration – writing in a frantic pace he described as "a savage creative storm" – he completed the collection in February 1922 while staying at Château de Muzot in Veyras, in Switzerland's Rhône Valley. After their publication and his death shortly thereafter, the Duino Elegies were quickly recognized by critics and scholars as Rilke's most important work.[37][38]

The Duino Elegies are intensely religious, mystical poems that weigh beauty and existential suffering.[39] The poems employ a rich symbolism of angels and salvation but not in keeping with typical Christian interpretations. Rilke begins the first elegy in an invocation of philosophical despair, asking: "Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the hierarchies of angels?" (Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?)[40] and later declares that "every angel is terrifying" (Jeder Engel ist schrecklich).[41] While labelling of these poems as "elegies" would typically imply melancholy and lamentation, many passages are marked by their positive energy and "unrestrained enthusiasm".[37] Together, the Duino Elegies are described as a metamorphosis of Rilke's "ontological torment" and an "impassioned monologue about coming to terms with human existence" discussing themes of "the limitations and insufficiency of the human condition and fractured human consciousness ... man's loneliness, the perfection of the angels, life and death, love and lovers, and the task of the poet".[42]

Sonnets to Orpheus[edit]

With news of the death of Wera Knoop (1900–1919), his daughter's friend, Rilke was inspired to create and set to work on Sonnets to Orpheus.[43] In 1922, between February 2 and 5, he completed the first section of 26 sonnets. For the next few days he focused on the Duino Elegies, completing them on the evening of February 11. Immediately thereafter, he returned to work on the Sonnets and completed the following section of 29 sonnets in less than two weeks. Throughout the Sonnets, Wera is frequently referenced, both directly by name and indirectly in allusions to a "dancer" and the mythical Eurydice.[44] Although Rilke claimed that the entire cycle was inspired by Wera, she appears as a character in only one of the poems. He insisted, however, that "Wera's own figure ... nevertheless governs and moves the course of the whole."[45]

The sonnets' contents are, as is typical of Rilke, highly metaphorical. The character of Orpheus (whom Rilke refers to as the "god with the lyre"[46]) appears several times in the cycle, as do other mythical characters such as Daphne. There are also biblical allusions, including a reference to Esau. Other themes involve animals, peoples of different cultures, and time and death.

Letters to a Young Poet[edit]

Letters to a Young Poet, cover of the 1934 edition

In 1929 a minor writer, Franz Xaver Kappus (1883–1966), published a collection of ten letters that Rilke had written to him when Kappus was a 19-year-old officer cadet studying at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt. The young Kappus wrote to Rilke, who had also attended the academy, between 1902 and 1908 when he was uncertain about his future career as a military officer or as a poet. Initially he sought Rilke's advice as to the quality of his poetry and whether he ought to pursue writing as a career. While he declined to comment on Kappus's writings, Rilke advised Kappus on how a poet should feel, love and seek truth in trying to understand and experience the world around him and engage the world of art. These letters offer insight into the ideas and themes that appear in Rilke's poetry and his working process and were written during a key period of Rilke's early artistic development after his reputation as a poet began to be established with the publication of parts of Das Stunden-Buch (The Book of Hours) and Das Buch der Bilder (The Book of Images).[47]

Literary style[edit]

Figures from Greek mythology (such as ApolloHermes and Orpheus) recur as motifs in his poems and are depicted in original interpretations (e.g. in the poem Orpheus. Eurydice. Hermes, Rilke's Eurydice, numbed and dazed by death, does not recognize her lover Orpheus, who descended to hell to recover her). Other recurring figures in Rilke's poems are angelsroses, a poet's character and his creative work.

Rilke often worked with metaphorsmetonymy and contradictions. For example, in his epitaph, the rose is a symbol of sleep (rose petals are reminiscent of closed eyelids).

Rilke's little-known 1898 poem "Visions of Christ" depicted Mary Magdalene as the mother of Jesus' child.[48][49] Quoting Susan Haskins: "But it was his [Rilke's] explicit belief that Christ was not divine, was entirely human, and deified only on Calvary, expressed in an unpublished poem of 1893, and referred to in other poems of the same period, which allowed him to portray Christ's love for Mary Magdalen, though remarkable, as entirely human."[49]


A portrait of Rilke painted two years after his death by Leonid Pasternak

Rilke is one of the more popular, best-selling poets in the United States.[8] In popular culture, Rilke is frequently quoted or referenced in television programs, motion pictures, music and other works when these works discuss the subject of love or angels.[50] His work is often described as "mystical" and has been seized by the New Age community and self-help books.[4] Rilke has been reinterpreted "as a master who can lead us to a more fulfilled and less anxious life".[5][51]

Rilke's work (specifically the Duino Elegies) has deeply influenced several poets and writers, including William H. Gass,[52] Galway Kinnell,[53] Sidney Keyes,[54][55] Stephen Spender,[38] Robert Bly,[38][56] W. S. Merwin,[57] John Ashbery,[58] novelist Thomas Pynchon[59] and philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein[60] and Hans-Georg Gadamer.[61][62] British poet W. H. Auden (1907–1973) has been described as "Rilke's most influential English disciple" and he frequently "paid homage to him" or used the imagery of angels in his work.[63]


Complete works[edit]

  • Rainer Maria Rilke, Sämtliche Werke in 12 Bänden (Complete Works in 12 Volumes), published by Rilke Archive in association with Ruth Sieber-Rilke, edited by Ernst Zinn. Frankfurt am Main (1976)
  • Rainer Maria Rilke, Werke (Works). Annotated edition in four volumes with supplementary fifth volume, published by Manfred Engel, Ulrich Fülleborn, Dorothea Lauterbach, Horst Nalewski and August Stahl. Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig (1996 and 2003)

Volumes of poetry[edit]

  • Leben und Lieder (Life and Songs) (1894)
  • Larenopfer (Offerings to the Lares) (1895)
  • Traumgekrönt (Dream-Crowned) (1897)
  • Advent (Advent) (1898)
  • Das Stunden-Buch (The Book of Hours)
    • Das Buch vom mönchischen Leben (The Book of Monastic Life) (1899)
    • Das Buch von der Pilgerschaft (The Book of Pilgrimage) (1901)
    • Geldbaum (1901)
    • Das Buch von der Armut und vom Tode (The Book of Poverty and Death) (1903)
  • Das Buch der Bilder (The Book of Images) (4 parts, 1902–1906)
  • Neue Gedichte (New Poems) (1907)
  • Duineser Elegien (Duino Elegies) (1922)
  • Sonette an Orpheus (Sonnets to Orpheus) (1922)

Prose collections[edit]


Collected letters

  • Gesammelte Briefe in sechs Bänden (Collected Letters in Six Volumes), published by Ruth Sieber-Rilke and Carl Sieber. Leipzig (1936–1939)
  • Briefe (Letters), published by the Rilke Archive in Weimar. Two volumes, Wiesbaden (1950, reprinted 1987 in single volume).
  • Briefe in Zwei Bänden (Letters in Two Volumes) (Horst Nalewski, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1991)

Other volumes of letters

  • Briefe an Auguste Rodin (Insel Verlag, 1928)
  • Briefwechsel mit Marie von Thurn und Taxis, two volumes, edited by Ernst Zinn with a foreword by Rudolf Kassner (Editions Max Niehans, 1954)
  • Briefwechsel mit Thankmar von Münchhausen 1913 bis 1925 (Suhrkamp Insel Verlag, 2004)
  • Briefwechsel mit Rolf von Ungern-Sternberg und weitere Dokumente zur Übertragung der Stances von Jean Moréas (Suhrkamp Insel Verlag, 2002)
  • The Dark Interval – Letters for the Grieving Heart, edited and translated by Ulrich C. Baer [de] (New York: Random House, 2018).

See also[edit]


  1. ^ From the mid-16th century until the early 20th century, young boys in the Western world were unbreeched and wore gowns or dresses until an age that varied between two and eight.[12]


  1. Jump up to:a b Biography: Rainer Maria Rilke 1875–1926, Poetry Foundation website. Retrieved 2 February 2013.
  2. ^ See Müller, Hans Rudolf. Rainer Maria Rilke als Mystiker: Bekenntnis und Lebensdeutung in Rilkes Dichtungen (Berlin: Furche 1935). See also Stanley, Patricia H. "Rilke's Duino Elegies: An Alternative Approach to the Study of Mysticism" in Heep, Hartmut (editor). Unreading Rilke: Unorthodox Approaches to a Cultural Myth (New York: Peter Lang 2000).
  3. ^ Freedman 1998, p. 515.
  4. Jump up to:a b Komar, Kathleen L. "Rilke: Metaphysics in a New Age" in Bauschinger, Sigrid and Cocalis, Susan. Rilke-Rezeptionen: Rilke Reconsidered (Tübingen/Basel: Franke, 1995), pp. 155–169. Rilke reinterpreted "as a master who can lead us to a more fulfilled and less anxious life".
  5. Jump up to:a b Komar, Kathleen L. "Rethinking Rilke's Duisiner Elegien at the End of the Millennium" in Metzger, Erika A. A Companion to the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke (Rochester, New York: Camden House, 2004), pp. 188–189.
  6. ^ See also: Mood, John. Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1975); and a book released by Rilke’s own publisher Insel Verlag, Hauschild, Vera (ed.), Rilke für Gestreßte (Frankfurt am Main: Insel-Verlag, 1998).
  7. ^ Komar, Kathleen L. "Rethinking Rilke's Duisiner Elegien at the End of the Millennium" in Metzger, Erika A., A Companion to the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke (Rochester, New York: Camden House, 2004), 189.
  8. Jump up to:a b Komar, Kathleen L. "Rilke in America: A Poet Re-Created" in Heep, Hartmut (editor). Unreading Rilke: Unorthodox Approaches to a Cultural Myth (New York: Peter Lang, 2000), pp. 155–178.
  9. ^ Prater 1986, p. 5.
  10. ^ Freedman 1998, p. 9.
  11. ^ "Life of a Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke" at www.washingtonpost.com
  12. ^ ""Boy's Dress", V&A Museum of childhood, accessed June 27, 2019".
  13. ^ Freedman 1998, p. 36.
  14. ^ "Rainer Maria Rilke | Austrian-German poet"Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2017-07-17.
  15. ^ Arana, R. Victoria (2008). The Facts on File Companion to World Poetry: 1900 to the Present. Infobase. p. 377. ISBN 978-0-8160-6457-1.
  16. ^ Anna A. Tavis. Rilke's Russia: A Cultural EncounterNorthwestern University Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8101-1466-6. p. 1.
  17. ^ Rilke, Rainer Maria (2000-07-12). "Rainer Maria Rilke"Rainer Maria Rilke. Retrieved 2017-07-17.
  18. ^ "Mit Rilke in Ronda" by Volker Mauersberger [de]Die Zeit, 11 February 1983 (in German)
  19. ^ "Hotel Catalonia Reina Victoria", andalucia.com
  20. ^ Fatima Naqvi-Peters. A Turning Point in Rilke's Evolution: The Experience of El Greco. The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory, Vol. 72, Is. 4, pp. 344-362, 1997.
  21. ^ "An Kurt Wolf, 28. März 1917." S. Stefan Schank: Rainer Maria Rilke. pp. 119–121.
  22. ^ Freedman 1998, p. 505.
  23. Jump up to:a b "R. M. Rilke: Music as Metaphor".
  24. ^ "Photo and description". Picture-poems.com. Retrieved 2012-06-07.
  25. ^ "Rainer Maria Rilke: a brief biographical overview". Picture-poems.com. Retrieved 2012-06-07.
  26. ^ Katrin Maria Kohl; Ritchie Robertson (2006). A History of Austrian Literature 1918-2000. Camden House. pp. 130ff. ISBN 978-1-57113-276-5.
  27. ^ Karen Leeder; Robert Vilain (21 January 2010). The Cambridge Companion to Rilke. Cambridge University Press. pp. 24ff. ISBN 978-0-521-87943-9.
  28. ^ Rainer Maria Rilke; Robert Vilain; Susan Ranson (14 April 2011). Selected Poems: With Parallel German Text. OUP Oxford. pp. 343ff. ISBN 978-0-19-956941-0.
  29. ^ Erika Mitterer (2004). The prince of darkness. Ariadne Press. p. 663. ISBN 978-1-57241-134-0.
  30. ^ Freedman 1998, pp. 419–420.
  31. ^ Freedman 1998, pp. 421–422.
  32. Jump up to:a b Freedman 1998, p. 422
  33. ^ "Rilke-Briefe: Nirgends ein Führer" (in German)Der Spiegel (21/1957). 22 May 1957. Retrieved 28 January 2014.
  34. ^ "Elegien gegen die Angstträume des Alltags" by Hellmuth Karasek (in German)Der Spiegel (47/1981). 11 November 1981; Karasek calls Rilke a friend of the Fascists.
  35. ^ Rainer Maria Rilke, Lettres Milanaises 1921–1926. Edited by Renée Lang. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1956[page needed]
  36. Jump up to:a b c Excerpt from "Reading Rilke – Reflections on the Problems of Translation" by William H. Gass (1999) ISBN 0-375-40312-4; featured in The New York Times 2000. Accessed 18 August 2010 (subscription required)
  37. Jump up to:a b Hoeniger, F. David. "Symbolism and Pattern in Rilke's Duino Elegies" in German Life and Letters, Volume 3, Issue 4 (July 1950), pp. 271–283.
  38. Jump up to:a b c Perloff, Marjorie, "Reading Gass Reading Rilke" in Parnassus: Poetry in Review, Volume 25, Number 1/2 (2001).
  39. ^ Gass, William H. Reading Rilke: Reflections on the Problems of Translation (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999).
  40. ^ Rilke, Rainer Maria. "First Elegy" from Duino Elegies, line 1.
  41. ^ Rilke, Rainer Maria. "First Elegy" from Duino Elegies, line 6; "Second Elegy", line 1.
  42. ^ Dash, Bibhudutt. "In the Matrix of the Divine: Approaches to Godhead in Rilke's Duino Elegies and Tennyson's In Memoriam" in Language in India Volume 11 (11 November 2011), pp. 355–371.
  43. ^ Freedman 1998, p. 481.
  44. ^ Sword, Helen. Engendering Inspiration: Visionary Strategies in Rilke, Lawrence, and H.D. (Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1995), pp. 68–70.
  45. ^ Letter to Gertrud Ouckama Knoop, dated 20 April 1923; quoted in Snow, Edward, trans. and ed., Sonnets to Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke, bilingual edition, New York: North Point Press, 2004.
  46. ^ Sonette an Orpheus, Erste Teil, XIX, v. 8: "Gott mit der Leier"
  47. ^ Freedman, Ralph. "Das Stunden-Buch and Das Buch der Bilder: Harbingers of Rilke's Maturity" in Metzger, Erika A. and Metzger, Michael M. (editors). A Companion to the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke. (Rochester, New York: Camden House Publishing, 2001), 90–92.
  48. ^ Knapp, Liza (Winter 1999). "Tsvetaeva's Marine Mary Magdalene". Slavic and East European Journal43 (4).
  49. Jump up to:a b Haskins, Susan (1993). Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor. Harcourt. p. 361ISBN 9780151577651.
  50. ^ Komar, Kathleen L. "Rethinking Rilke's Duisiner Elegien at the End of the Millennium" in Metzger, Erika A. A Companion to the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke (Rochester, New York: Camden House, 2004), p. 189.
  51. ^ See also: Mood, John. Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties (New York: W. W. Norton, 1975); and a book released by Rilke’s own publisher Insel Verlag, Hauschild, Vera (editor). Rilke für Gestreßte (Frankfurt am Main: Insel-Verlag, 1998).
  52. ^ Leclair, Thomas (Summer 1977). "William Gass: The Art of Fiction No. 65"The Paris Review. No. 70.
  53. ^ Malecka, Katarzyna. Death in the Works of Galway Kinnell (Amherst, New York: Cambria Press, 2008), passim.
  54. ^ Guenther, John. Sidney Keyes: A Biographical Enquiry (London: London Magazine Editions, 1967), p. 153.
  55. ^ "Self-Elegy: Keith Douglas and Sidney Keyes" (Chapter 9) in Kendall, Tim. Modern English War Poetry (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006).
  56. ^ Metzger, Erika A. and Metzger, Michael M. "Introduction" in A Companion to the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke (Rochester, New York: Camden House, 2004), p. 8.
  57. ^ Perloff, Marjorie. "Apocalypse Then: Merwin and the Sorrows of Literary History" in Nelson, Cary and Folsom, Ed (eds). W. S. Merwin: Essays on the Poetry (University of Illinois, 1987), p. 144.
  58. ^ Perloff, Marjorie. "Transparent Selves': The Poetry of John Ashbery and Frank O’Hara," in Yearbook of English Studies: American Literature Special Number 8 (1978):171–196, at p. 175.
  59. ^ Robey, Christopher J. The Rainbow Bridge: On Pynchon's Use of Wittgenstein and Rilke (Olean, New York: St. Bonaventure University, 1982).
  60. ^ Perloff, Marjorie. Wittgenstein's Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996), passim. which points towards Wittgenstein's generous financial gifts to Rilke among several Austrian artists, although he prefer Rilke's earlier works and was distressed by his post-war writings.
  61. ^ Gadamer analyzed many of Rilke's themes and symbols. See: Gadamer, Hans-Georg. "Mythopoietische Umkehrung im Rilke's Duisener Elegien" in Gesammelten Werke, Band 9: Ästhetik und Poetik II Hermenutik im Vollzug (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1993), pp. 289–305.
  62. ^ Dworick, Stephanie. In the Company of Rilke: Why a 20th-Century Visionary Poet Speaks So Eloquently to 21st-Century Readers (New York: Penguin, 2011).
  63. ^ Cohn, Stephen (translator). "Introduction" in Rilke, Rainer Maria. Duino Elegies: A Bilingual Edition (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1989), pp. 17–18. Quote: "Auden, Rilke's most influential English disciple, frequently paid homage to him, as in these lines which tell of the Elegies and of their difficult and chancy genesis..."


  • Freedman, Ralph (1998). Life of a Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke. New York: Northwestern University Press. ISBN 978-0-810-11543-9.
  • Prater, Donald A. (1986). A Ringing Glass: The Life of Rainer Maria Rilke. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Further reading[edit]


  • Corbett, RachelYou Must Change Your Life: the Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin, New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2016.
  • Tapper, Mirjam, Resa med Rilke, Mita bokförlag.
  • Torgersen, Eric, Dear Friend: Rainer Maria Rilke and Paula Modersohn-Becker, Northwestern University Press, 1998.
  • Von Thurn und Taxis, Princess Marie, The Poet and The Princess: Memories of Rainer Maria Rilke, Amun Press, 2017

Critical studies[edit]

  • Engel, Manfred and Lauterbach, Dorothea (ed.), Rilke Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, Stuttgart: Metzler, 2004.
  • Erika, A and Metzger, Michael, A Companion to the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke, Rochester, 2001.
  • Gass, William H. Reading Rilke: Reflections on the Problems of Translation, Alfred A. Knopf, 2000.
  • Goldsmith, Ulrich, ed., Rainer Maria Rilke, a verse concordance to his complete lyrical poetry. Leeds: W. S. Maney, 1980.
  • Hutchinson, Ben. Rilke's Poetics of Becoming, Oxford: Legenda, 2006.
  • Leeder, Karen, and Robert Vilain (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Rilke. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-70508-0
  • Mood, John, A New Reading of Rilke's 'Elegies': Affirming the Unity of 'life-and-death Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-7734-3864-4.
  • Numerous contributors, A Reconsideration of Rainer Maria RilkeAgenda poetry magazine, vol. 42 nos. 3–4, 2007. ISBN 978-0-902400-83-2.
  • Pechota Vuilleumier, Cornelia, Heim und Unheimlichkeit bei Rainer Maria Rilke und Lou Andreas-Salomé. Literarische Wechselwirkungen. Olms, Hildesheim, 2010. ISBN 978-3-487-14252-4
  • Ryan, Judith. Rilke, Modernism, and Poetic Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Schwarz, Egon, Poetry and Politics in the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke. Frederick Ungar, 1981. ISBN 978-0-8044-2811-8.
  • Neuman, Claude, The Sonnets to Orpheus and Selected Poems, English and French rhymed and metered translations, trilingual German-English-French editions, Editions www.ressouvenances.fr, 2017, 2018

External links[edit]

Rainer Maria Rilke pyramid of consciousness

Rainer Maria Rilke Quotes (Author of Letters to a Young Poet) (page 37 of 52) | Goodreads

“Extensive as the "external" world is, with all its sidereal distances it hardly bears comparison with the dimensions, the depth-dimensions, of our inner being, which does not even need the spaciousness of the universe to be, in itself, almost unlimited... 
It seems to me more and more as though our ordinary consciousness inhabited the apex of a pyramid whose base in us (and, as it were, beneath us) broadens out to such an extent that the farther we are able to let ourselves down into it, the more completely do we appear to be included in the realities of earthly and, in the widest sense, worldly, existence, which are not dependent on time and space. 

From my earliest youth I have felt the intuition (and have also, as far as I could, lived by it) that at some deeper cross-section of this pyramid of consciousness, mere being could become an event, the inviolable presence and simultaneity of everything that we, on the upper, "normal," apex of self-consciousness, are permitted to experience only as entropy.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke

"외부" 세계가 광대하기 때문에 모든 항성 거리와 함께 우리 내면의 차원, 깊이 차원과 거의 비교할 수 없으며 우주의 넓음 자체가 거의 무제한일 필요조차 없는 ...

마치 우리의 평범한 의식이 피라미드의 정점에 살고 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 피라미드의 정점은 우리 안에 있는(말하자면 우리 아래) 우리가 더 멀리 보낼 수 있을 정도로 확장됩니다. 그 속으로 들어갈수록 우리는 시간과 공간에 구애받지 않는 세속적 실재와 가장 넓은 의미에서 세속적 실재에 더 완전하게 포함되어 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 

어린 시절부터 나는 이 의식 피라미드의 더 깊은 단면에서 단순한 존재가 하나의 사건이 될 수 있다는 직관을 느꼈습니다. 자의식의 정점인 "정상적인" 상부에 있는 우리가 경험하는 모든 것은 엔트로피로서만 경험하도록 허용됩니다."


O hours of childhood,

when, behind the images, there was more

than the past, and in front of us was not the future.

We were growing, it’s true, and sometimes urged that

we soon grew up, half for the sake

of those others who had nothing but their grown-up-ness.

And were, yet, on our own, happy

with Timelessness, and stood there,

in the space between world and plaything,

at a point that from first beginnings

had been marked out for pure event.

The world of the child in contrast to that of adults has moments in eternity where the past and future are absent from consciousness in the intensity of gaze, or play. The child exists in the space between world and plaything. Rilke, in his essay on Dolls of 1914, asks us to remember one of those toys, those things of childhood, which first focused attention on the other, even though an inanimate other, some ‘forgotten object that was ready to signify everything. He suggests the child experiences ‘through its existence, its humdrum appearance, its final breakage, and enigmatic exit, all that is human, right into the depths of death.’ 

What the child experiences, and the adult finds so hard to recover, is unconditional being, in moments of intensity which for the child are casual and everyday, those instances of conscious awareness that Rilke calls pure event. In a letter of 1903 he praised the hours of loneliness ‘vast inner loneliness’ from which the child regards the alien adult world it fails to comprehend, because those hours enshrine a precious and ‘wise lack of understanding’ that remains connected to pure event. And elsewhere, in a letter of 1924, he describes the intuition that at some deeper cross-section of this pyramid of consciousness, mere being could become an event, the inviolable presence and simultaneity of everything that we on the normal higher level of consciousness are permitted to experience only as entropy.’ Rilke now questions whether we see or portray childhood that is, portray ourselves, fully if we ignore the facts of our mortal fate, our ultimate death.

Being and Death: the existential quests of Rilke's Duino Elegies
Author(s): Ren, Jiyuan
Advisor(s): Ross, Cheri

Being and death are two philosophical themes in Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies. The poet discerns that the anonymous death of mass is prevailing in modern society, due to modern man’s lack of awareness of their own existence in the world. This inauthenticity, partly as an outcome of materialism which arbitrarily sets a dual relation between man and things, is criticized by the poet, along with an inner quest of one’s authentic being, a non-subjective self. 

The means Rilke pursues to touch the inner existence as an antithesis of phenomenal object, to purify the representation, hence, to have man recover from loss and absence through restoring a harmonious man-world relation, is the transformation of consciousness. Based upon Heidegger’s hermeneutic works on poetics, this paper tries to interrogate the philosophical themes of being and death in Duino Elegies through closing reading. 

The letters of the poet, and his early work would be examined with a focus on their existential themes, in order to clarify that special point of Rilke’s thanatology made by Duino Elegies, the impersonality of death, which is symbolized as the Angel’s indifferent beauty. Several models of consciousness would be addressed for a better understanding of Rilke’s concepts of transformation and the invisible. One is of German poet Heinrich von Kleist, wherein the hierarchical structure consciousness is presented with the tree image, while the other is borrowed from Rilke’s metaphor, that consciousness is like a pyramid, its vast base turns to be the consciousness of the totality of being. 

This paper tries to answer the following questions: How could man through transformation transcend the limitations of self-consciousness? How, death, in its disillusioned impersonality, is demanded by the Duino Elegies for man’s full presence of existence as his ownmost potentiality of Being? The final question, along with a review of the whole elegies, is on the relation between art and humanity: through its mystic flow of images, how does poetic language present such ineffable transformation, insofar as there is a hope in art to redeem man from a universal loss in the modern age? In regard of Rilke’s Open (das Offene) and world-inner-space (Weltinnenraum), the metonymy of the animals, plants, and the Angel would be analyzed to know how they are connected to the same continuum of consciousness, and how transcendence takes place in the very extremity of such metaphysical field.


Rainer Maria Rilke

1875-1926, Czech-Austrian Poet

Being / Essence / Soul
Extensive as the "external" world is, with all its sidereal distances it hardly bears comparison with the dimensions, the depth-dimensions , of our inner being, which does not even need the spaciousness of the universe to be, in itself, almost unlimited. It seems to me more and more as though our ordinary consciousness inhabited the apex of a pyramid whose base in us (and, as it were, beneath us) broadens out to such an extent that the farther we are able to let ourselves down into it, the more completely do we appear to be included in the realities of earthly and, in the widest sense, worldly , existence, which are not dependent on time and space. From my earliest youth I have felt the intuition that at some deeper cross-section of this pyramid of consciousness, mere being could become an event, the inviolable presence and simultaneity of everything that we, on the upper, "normal," apex of self-consciousness, are permitted to experience only as entropy.

Wisdom for The Soul: Five Millennia of Prescriptions for Spiritual Healing , © 2004


텅 비움 | 시드니 복음서(102)-말이 안되는 이야기와 하나마나한 이야기 - Daum 카페

텅 비움 | 시드니 복음서(102)-말이 안되는 이야기와 하나마나한 이야기 - Daum 카페
시드니 복음서(102)-말이 안되는 이야기와 하나마나한 이야기

없이계신이추천 0조회 25


40년 만에 양구 교회의 교인을 만나기 위해서 직장으로 갔다. 가서 보니 다단계 사업이 변신한 소위 방문판매 사업장이었다. 교육 시간이어서 끝나기를 기다리며 지켜 보았는데 한 마디로 허무맹랑 황당무계한 내용이었다. 듣고 앉아 있기가 힘든 내용을 끝까지 듣고 앉아 있으려니 고행이었다. 어떤 여성이 혼잣 말로 “말도 안돼”라고 하면서 나가는 것이 내 심정을 대변하는 것 같았다.

그러나 신기한 것은 할 일 없어 보이는 중장년들이 족히 200명은 앉아 있다는 것이다. 1주일에 6일을 계속하는데 항상 그렇다는 것이다.  그러나 돈이 굴러다니고 돈을 버는 사람이 있으니 큰 조직이 운영되고 있지 않겠는가?


어쩌면 기독교를 포함한 모든 종교들도 온갖 좋은 이야기는 다 모아놓고 적절하게 요리를 해서 푸짐하게 늘어놓고 사람들의 내적 욕구를 만족 시킨다는 점에서는 같은 기능이 아닌가 하는 생각이 들었다.

이렇게 ‘말도 안되는 이야기’를 거품을 물고 떠들면서 돈을 버는 곳이 있지만 종교는 분위기 잡고 ‘하나마한 이야기’ 를 해서 진리를 밝혀주기도 한다.


예수는 “열매를 보아 나무를 안다.”고 했다. 그러나 사실 열매를 보고 나무를 아는 것은 유치원생도 알 수 있는 말이 아닌가? 그러나 이 말의 주어는 읽는 사람이 아니라 행동하는 사람 자신인 것이다. 나에게 이처럼 단순한 사실을 깨닫게 해준 사람은 성현이 아니라 아기였다.


몇년 전에 조카의 15 개월된 아기가 와서 잠시 함께 놀았다. 안경을 벋어서 탁자 위에 놓고 휴대폰을 들여다 보는데 아기가 안경을 집어서 불쑥 내 코 앞에 내밀었다. 아기는 안경이 내 것인 줄 알았던 것이다. 무엇이 아기로 하여금 그런 행동을 하게 한 것일까?

아기가 설마 “저 영감이 왜 안경을 벋고 있나? 내가 도로 씌어줘야지?”라고 논리적으로 생각했을 리는 만무한 일이다. 그 순간 아기는 등산을 좋아하는 사람이 산을 보고  ‘올라가야지’하는 생각이 드는 것처럼 안경을 보고 나를 생각한 것이다.

현상학에서는 우리 몸의 활동이 사유 보다 앞선다고 한다. 즉 아기가 안경을 보고 나를 생각한 것처럼, 등산객이 산을 보고 등산을 생각한 것처럼 동기가 내 안에 있는 것이 아니라 바깥에 있다는 것이다. 산이 내 행동의 의미를 담고 있는 것처럼 나의 안경이 아기의 행동에 의미를 담고 있었던 것이다.

나를 지배하는, 나에게 절대적 영향을 주는 것은 정신이 아니라 나의 몸이 던져져 있는 세계이어서 그 세계 속에서 대상이 내게 동기를 불러 일으키는 것이다. 그래서 의지나 결정은 오래 걸리는 반면에 동기와 행동은 즉시 일어난다.

다시 말하면 나의 정신으로 설명할 수 없는 내가 있다는 것이다. 즉 내가 생각해서 아는 내가 아니라 나의 행동으로만 알게 되는 내가 있는 것이다. 나는 내가 생각하는 것이 아니라 행동하는 것이 나라는 것이다.


한 번은 예수가 ‘어리석은 부자’ 이야기를 들면서 또 한 번 하나마나한 이야기를 했다. 점잖게 말해서 “오늘 밤 네 영혼을 데려가면 네가 가진 그 많은 소유물이 무슨 소용이 있겠느냐?" 이지만 따지고 보면 그 이야기는 깡패들이 싸울 때 “너 오늘 밥숟가락 놓고 싶어?”하는 표현과 똑 같은 것이다. 한 마디로 "잘났어! 정말."인 것이다.

예수는 왜 이런 말을 했을까? 예수는 ‘가는 말이 험해야 오는 말이 곱다.’는 것을 잘 알았다. 즉 좋은 말로 해서는  되지 않을 상황이엇기 때문에 쎄게 나간 것이다. 예수는 자기 긍정 밖에 모르는 인간들에게 단순 무식하게 자기부정을 가르친 것이다.


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부모님이 의료계 종사자 때문에, 옛날부터 복지나 개호의 현장에 종사할 기회가 많이 흥미가 솟았기 때문에 손에 들었습니다.
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2013년 7월 6일에 확인됨
아마존에서 구매
부담없이 읽는 책이 아닌 것 같아서, 사회학을 배우는 가운데 수시로 천천히 읽고 싶다.
3명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
별 5개 중 5.0 필독서입니다・・・
2012년 3월 30일에 확인함
아마존에서 구매
케어하는 입장에 있는 것으로 생각하게 되는 1권입니다.
당사자 주권이라는 시점, 현재의 개호업계의 본연의 자세, 그리고 향후 일본의 복지에 있어서의 과제가 붙어 있습니다.
스스로의 케어의 본연의 방법을 되돌아 보는데도, 대단히 참고가 되었습니다.
14명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
별 5개 중 4.0 내용은 아주 좋습니다.
2012년 4월 25일에 확인함
아마존에서 구매
아그네스 논쟁으로 유명한 우에노 치즈코씨의 집대성과 같은 내용입니다.
케어의 개념을 젠더와 페미니즘의 관점에서 날카롭게 잘라냅니다. 「메이야로프」에 대한 통렬한 비판이 인상적인 내용이었습니다.
9명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
대반 상엽
별 5개 중 5.0 멋진! 개호의 집대성.
2011년 11월 26일에 확인함
아마존에서 구매
개호의 제공자의 측으로부터의 분석도 확실히 되어 있어, 유석 이 필자다고 관심. 실제로 개호의 필요를 느끼고 있는 사람, 개호에 종사하려고 하는 사람, 행정의 사람, 가족에게 피개호자를 안고 고민하고 있는 사람, 모든 사람의 만족을 어느 정도 보장할 수 있다고 생각한다. 지금까지 많은 개호에 관한 책을 읽었지만, 우선, 이 책은 필독서의 필두일까··. 이미 지인에게 권하고 샀다.
20명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
가가야 마사키
별 5개 중 5.0 NPO, 생협, 행정에 의한 복지 경영의 비교
2013년 5월 26일에 확인함
통상의 3권분의 분량을 넘는(p475) 때문에, 읽어들여 만점이다. 자금난에 고민하는 NPO의 경영에 흥미가 있는 평자로서는 자금력이 있는 생협의 사례가 공부가 되었다. 최근의 제조에 있어서는 판매나 차별화가 어려워지고, 또 이익에 있어서의 서비스의 웨이트가 커지고 있기 때문에 서비스·사이언스나 서비스·마케팅이라고 하는 분야가 주목을 끌게 되어 왔지만, 이러한 분야 의 수법이 복지 분야에도 활용할 수 있는지 앞으로의 동향을 지켜보고 싶다.

제일 인상에 남은 것은 「다상실=활발한 입주자간의 교류」신화이다(p195). “입주자는 대부분의 시간, 동질자에 대해 등을 돌린 자세를 취해 보내고 있다. 큰 방의 직장에서의 스트레스가 어떻게 되어 있는지 조사가 알고 싶어졌다.

제9장 「누가 개호를 담당하는가」에서는 국가/시장/시민사회/가족의 각 영역을 관/민/협/나의 4원 모델의 채용과 이유를 설명하고 있다. 4원 모델에 의한 복지다원사회에 있어서 각각의 영역이 각각 분담과 협력을 하면서 「최적 혼합」을 달성하면 된다(p214). 복지 다원 사회의 「최적 적합」에 대한 현시점에서의 최적해는, (1) 사적 섹터에서의 선택의 자유, (2) 케어의 사회화에 대해서는 시장 옵션을 피하는 것이 바람직하고, (3) 케어 부담 에 대해서는 국가화가, (4)케어 노동에 대해서는 협 섹터에의 분배로 하고 있다.

「NPO 비판」에 있어서는, 의의와 이념을 높이 평가하기 위해서, 실제의 활동을 이상화해, 카리스마 리더에 의한 정보 발신을 우수하게 한 대변자가 되기 쉽다는 문제를 지적. 연구자에게는 비판적인 시점이나, 의도와 효과 사이의 어긋남이나 비틀림, 당사자에게 보이지 않는 사각을 시야에 담을 필요성을 호소한다(p257-258). '좋은 전략, 나쁜 전략'은 카리스마 리더에 의해 사기를 고양시키고 자기 희생을 촉구하는 사례로 소년 십자군을 꼽고 있다.

필자는 「복지 경영」의 정의를 「케어의 수령자와 케어의 주어 양쪽의 이익이 극대화하는, 지속 가능한 사업의, 소프트와 하드 양면에 걸치는 경영 관리, 시민과 합의의 자원의 조달, 그리고 사회적 설계의 제안과 실천'이라고 하고 있다(p261).

시민 사업의 특징은 운동이며 사업이라는 이중성을 가지고 있다는 것이다. 다른 사업자를 키우는 것에 관해서, 근시안적으로 보면, 라이벌을 키우게 되지만, 장기적으로 보면, 사회적 존재감을 높여, 연대에 의해 정치적 발언력과 행정과의 협상력을 강화하는 전략적 행동이다 (p263).
9명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
별 5개 중 3.0 사회학(마르크스주의 페미니즘)의 본 간호
2013년 9월 8일에 확인됨
(케어가 커버하는 범위를 권두로, 간호, 장애인, 고령자, 육아까지 파악하고 있지만) 고령자 개호 문제에 적을 짜, 개호를 사회학으로서 파악한 노작. 관 섹터, 민 섹터, 협 섹터, 나 섹터의 4개의 섹터 개념, 요구의 새로운 개념 등, 저자에 의한 새로운 견해는, 매우 유의하게 보인다. 케어를 상호 행위로 하는 정의 더 이상 괴롭힌다. 정보량도 많아, 독 후에 미소화 부분을 다시 읽고 싶어지는 문제 제기도 많다.
후반부는 협섹터를 실제 활동에서 보고 크게 다룬다. 협 섹터가 고령자 개호의 중요한 위치를 차지한다고 설명한다. 그러나 협섹터는 세미프로 집단, 아마추어 집단이 아닌가 하는 비판도 있을 수 있다고 생각한다. 솔직히 읽고 간호를 오로지 젠더, 페미니즘(마르크스주의 페미니즘)에서 베는 저자의 자세에 지친 부분도 있다. 저자는 앞으로의 있어야 할 모습, 비전을 명확하게 나타내지는 않았지만, 향후의 고령자 개호를 생각하는데 중요한 책이라고 생각한다.
6명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
별 5개 중 4.0 당사자 주권의 진정으로 바람직한 케어란? 그 담당자는?
2013년 2월 7일에 확인됨
상당히 전문적·학술적이고, 자~~ 읽어 직관적으로 「힘줄에 떨어진다」라고 이해할 수 있는 책은 아니지만, 누구에게도 친밀한 문제이므로, 읽어 가면 읽는 사람 각각의 문제 의식에 히트하는 제상이 가득!
거기를 학자는 어떻게 파악 논하고 있는지,
행정 관계자나, 의료·개호·복지에 종사하고 있는 분들을 처음으로, 지금의 케어를 둘러싼 제도에 불안을 느끼고 있는 모든 분들에게 추천의 책이다.

케어를 담당해야 할 4 섹터로서
(1) 관 섹터 (국가)
 (2) 민 섹터 (시장) (3  ) 협
 섹터 (시민 사회) 열쇠라고 논하고 있다.  젠더론(남녀평등론)으로 고명한 저자이기 때문에, 「케어의 사회화」라고 하면, 이콜 「케어의 책임을 가족(특히 여성)으로부터 국가에」라고 하는 논란이라고 오해되고 있는 것 같다 하지만 더 이상 앞으로의 초고령사회를 '여자가 가정으로 돌아가 간호도 담당'으로 해결할 수 있다고 주장하는 사람은 없을 것이다.  우선 4섹터의 역할 분담에서 생각해 가자는 점에서는 남녀 평등론자도 그렇지 않은 사람도 의견이 상반되는 것은 아니다.  역사적으로, 또 현재 상황에서도, 케어의 여러 상에 사회계층과 젠더가 크게 관여하고 있는 것은 확실하지만, 그것은, 직을 가지고 있는지 아닌지, 그 수입이 가계를 지지하는 비율이라는 의미로・ 케어를 일하는 남성도 늘고, 가계에 있어서의 여성의  벌이  가 차지하는 비율도 높아지고, 그러면  성별로 의식되는 면은 떨어진다.

 따라서, 유상 자원봉사나, 개호 NPO의 저요금 서비스에 대한,
<「당사자성」의 원칙에 근거한 정신으로부터 발하고 있지만,
실은, 「도움이 아니다」라고 하는 프라이드를 유지하기 위한 굳이 낮은 가격이며,
「중고년 여성을 위한 비정규・비숙련 노동의 수준」에 맞춘 가격이다」
라고 하는 날카로운 분석은, 더 이상 주부층을 향해서는 아니고, 건강 노인이 협 섹터의 담당자로서 일하려고 하는 경우에 마찬가지로 주민참여의 '안락복지'로서 관섹터의 어깨대체·하청화에 대한 우려라고 읽어들여진다.

 자기 자신, 유상 자원봉사를 해 보았던 것처럼, 역시, 「조금 신경을 쓰지만, 그만큼 싸고 끝나는 도우미」적인 내용으로는, 「지금 겨우, 나중에 자신이 필요하게 되었다 때로 받을 수 있다」라고 하는 보증도 아닌 한, 의욕이 없는 것은 확실하다.  케어 중에서도, 「신세」보다, 장애인
 의 사회 참가를 위한 지원 서비스와 유사한 서비스
의식이 낮기 때문에, 「요구」라고 할 수 없어,
 장애자 자립 지원법에는 있어도 개호 보험으로는 인정되지 않는 서비스)
쪽으로, 자원봉사(혹은 유상 제공 서비스)의 내용이 시프트해 간다 아닐까 생각한다.
 그리고 이런 대인 커뮤니케이션의 질이 묻는 서비스에 관해서는 비록 외국인 노동자의 참가가 해금되었다고 해도 대체될 걱정도 적다.

 의료·개호가 일체가 된 포괄적 케어의 확립이 서두르고 있지만, 공적으로 고수준에 정비하는 것은 어려운 현황 아래, 협 섹터에의 기대는 크다.
 필자는, 협 섹터가 관 섹터의 하청이 되어 버리지 않게, 세금의 투입은 육성 지원에만 머물러야 한다고 주장되고 있지만, 나는, 보다 적극적으로 협 섹터에 돈이 돌리는 구조가 있어도 좋은 것이 아닐까 생각한다.
(단, ·내용이나 방식을 기치 기치
에 규정하지 않고 자유도를
무엇보다도, 인상 따위 필요 없을 정도로, 높은 비용을 지불해도 이용자가 있다면, 세금으로 보조할 필요는 없지만,
민 섹터에는 할 수 없는 어트홈인 소규모 서비스를 지향하면, 아무래도 자원봉사자의 손에 의지하는 부분이 커지는 것은 아닐까.

>약자 구제야말로 진정한 의미의 공적 복지, 즉 관 섹터의 역할이며, 협 섹터와는
역할 분담해야 할 것이다.
와 필자도 말씀드린 바와 같이, 최소한의 생활 유지는 수혜자 부담에 구애받지 않고 공적 조치로 지키도록 하지 않으면 쓰레기 저택이나 치매자의 넘어 가 넘치는 세상이 되어 버릴 것이다.
15명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
별 5개 중 5.0 희망의 서
2011년 8월 17일에 확인됨
 중요하다. 학구의 책이다. 향후 '케어' '복지사회'를 논할 때 중요한 기본도서이다.
 이 리뷰는 그 책을 통독한 것이 아니다. 어떤 책인지를 찾는 것이다. 빨리 한 권이라도 많은 사람들의 손에 닿아 주었기 때문이다.

'뒤로'의 시작 부분에 "본서는 과거 10년여에 걸친 개호보험하 케어의 이론적·경험적 연구의 성과이다"고 썼다. 연구는 책상보다 현장 조사를 기반으로 하고 있다. 조사는 1999년부터 2007년까지의 발판 8년에 걸쳐 있다고 한다. 1997년의 개호보험법 성립, 2000년의 동법제도 실시에 얽혀 있는 조사연구이며, 제도 실시 10년에 맞춘 상추라고 할 수 있다. 또 동대대학원 교수퇴관, 신생에 대한 기념출판이기도 하다.

 저자와 복지사회학의 부다 요시야는, 본서의 게라가 나온 후 2011년 1월 7일에 장시간의 대담을 실시해, 「at 플러스 07」(오타 출판, 2011년 2월)에 게재했다. 26페이지의 그 대담기록은 본서의 좋은 해설인 동시에 그 일부가 본서에 활용되어 두께를 늘리고 있는 것 같다.

 게다가 본서의 서와 후반은, 3월 11일 이후에 집필되어, 일본의 케어의 현상과 일본 사회의 장래에의 전망을 기록해 본서를 획기적인 것으로 하고 있다.
 「초판에의 서문」이라는 말을 머리에 둔 서는, 「케어-공조의 사상과 실천」이라고 제목이 붙여지고 있다. 22페이지에 이르는 그 서서는, 대지진으로 <행정도 경찰도 기능하지 않게 되었을 때, 일본에서는 홉스가 말하는 「만명의 만명에 대한 투쟁」, 약육 강식의 야만 상태는 현상하지 않았다」라고 하고, 그 이유 는 국민성이나 동북인의 기질, 혈연·지연에 요구하지 않고, 「민주주의와 시민사회의 성숙의 증거라고 생각하면 된다」라고 지적해 이유를 적고 있다. 즉 거기에는 「공조의 사상과 실천」이 존재하고 있었던 것이다. 그러므로 "우리가 도달한 사회는 이런 것이다./희망을 가질 수 있다."

 덧붙여 이 「공조의 사상과 실천」이라고 하는 프레이즈의 「공조」는, 「케어」의 동의어일 것으로 생각된다. 최종장(제18장)의 최종절에는 “케어의 사상과 실천이란 초고령사회를 사는 모든 사람들에게 필수적인 과제이다”고 한다. 우리는 그 요점에 「공조」가 있다고 해, 앞으로의 일본에 있어서의 복지 사회의 구축에 노력하고 싶다.
 평자는 78세, 아직 일하고 있는 동반과 사는 주간 독거 노인이다. 「좋은 케어」란 「개별 케어」라고 하는 본서 제8장에 동의하면서, 「공조=케어」에도 동의하기 위해, 약간의 노력을 해 살고 있다. 그래도 저자가 지금은 '재택 혼자 죽음'을 연구하고 있다는 'at 플러스 07'에서의 발언에 흥미를 가졌다. 동반과 어리석은, 어느 쪽은 「재택 혼자 죽음」을 살게 될지도 모른다. 거기에 케어가 되어 공조되어 복지사회의 궁극의 현실이 있다고 생각한다.

 본서는, 「희망의 서」이기도 하고, 「큰 문제의 서」이기도 하다. 어리석은 사람이 「제?판의 서」를 읽을 수 있을지 모르지만, 저자의 자애와 정려를 기념한다.
58명의 고객이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
별 5개 중 5.0 놀라운
2011년 8월 18일에 확인됨
이전의 레뷰에 내용이 쓰여 있으므로, 상세히 쓰지 않는다. 이 책은 바로 케어학의 대전이며 선행 이론적 정리 및 실제 필드워크라고 하며 대전의 이름에 어울리는 책이다.
20명의 고객이 이것이 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다.
위반 신고
고객 서비스가 필요합니까? 여기를 클릭
‹ 케어의 사회학――당사자 주권의 복지 사회에의 상품 상세를 표시
5つ星のうち4.0 「ケア」の本質とは?
5つ星のうち3.0 学習に合わせてじっくり読みたい
5つ星のうち5.0 必読書です・・・
5つ星のうち4.0 内容は非常に良いです。
5つ星のうち5.0 素晴らしい!介護の集大成。
5つ星のうち5.0 NPO、生協、行政による福祉経営の比較
通常の3冊分の分量を超える(p475)ので、読み応え満点である。資金難に悩む NPO の経営に興味のある評者としては資金力のある生協の事例が勉強になった。近年ものづくりにおいては販売や差別化がむずかしくなり、また利益におけるサービスのウェイトが大きくなってきていることからサービス・サイエンスやサービス・マーケティングといった分野が注目を集めるようになってきているが、これらの分野の手法が福祉の分野にも活用できるのか今後の動向を見守りたい。



「NPO 批判」において、では、意義と理念を高く評価するために、実際の活動を理想化し、カリスマリーダーによる情報発信をうのみにした代弁者になりがちであることの問題を指摘。研究者には批判的な視点や、意図と効果のあいだのずれやねじれ、当事者に見えない死角を視野に収めることの必要性を訴える(p257-258)。「良い戦略、悪い戦略」はカリスマリーダーによって士気を高揚させ、自己犠牲を促す事例として少年十字軍を挙げている。


5つ星のうち3.0 社会学(マルクス主義フェミニズム)の見た介護
後半部分は協セクターを実際の活動からみて、大きく取り上げる。 協セクターが高齢者介護の重要な位置を占めると説く。しかし協セクターは、セミプロ集団、アマチュア集団なのではないかと云う批判もありうると思う。 正直、読んでいて介護をひたすらジェンダー、フェミニズム(マルクス主義フェミニズム)から斬りこむ著者の姿勢にうんざりする部分もある。著者は今後のあるべき姿、ビジョンを明確に示してはいないが、今後の高齢者介護を考えるうえで重要な本だと思う。
5つ星のうち4.0 当事者主権の真に望ましいケアとは?その担い手は?






5つ星のうち5.0 希望の書


 著者と福祉社会学の副田義也は、本書のゲラが出た上で2011年1月7日に長時間の対談を行い、『atプラス 07』(太田出版、2011年2月)に掲載した。26頁のその対談記録は、本書のよき解説であると同時に、その一部が本書に活用されて厚みを増しているようだ。



5つ星のうち5.0 すばらしい

上野千鶴子「ケアの社会学」書評 家族介護を解体し、共助のしくみ追究
評者: 中島岳志 / 朝⽇新聞掲載:2011年10月09日

ケアの社会学 当事者主権の福祉社会へ著者:上野 千鶴子出版社:太田出版ジャンル:社会・時事・政治・行政

ISBN: 9784778312411
サイズ: 22cm/497,4p

超高齢社会における共助の思想と実践とは何か? これまでもっぱら「ケアする側」の立場から語られてきた介護の問題を「ケアされる側」の立場から捉え返し、介護現場における「当事者…
ケアの社会学―当事者主権の福祉社会へ [著]上野千鶴子

 太田出版・2993円/うえの・ちづこ 48年生まれ。社会学者、東京大名誉教授、NPO法人WAN理事長。『家父長制と資本制』『おひとりさまの老後』など。

