

Aug 6, 2020






Vihan Damaris93.5K subscribers


My mom interviews me! She's got some amazing questions like how I found Jesus, my interview with actor Samir Soni, on singing, on suicide, what I pray, on misery, on Prime Minister Modi, and eternity. Rayla Noel is the kind of woman I am privileged to call 'mom'. She is a Broadcaster turned writer, artist, singer and songwriter. She's wanted to interview me for a long time! I loved this conversation and if you did, please like and share this video :) God bless! You gotta see my mom's BLOG! - https://innerdialects.home.blog/ ACTOR Samir Soni's interview of me - (Part 1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOrPSbhfkq/ (Part 2) - https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOuqgFBdi0/ Or you can check Samir Soni on insta- @samirsoni123 Me on insta- @vihan_damaris Mum on insta- @raylarn The reason I make videos - For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 Email me - vihan696@gmail.com You can support my videos at - https://www.patreon.com/vihandamaris Social Media links- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/vihan_damaris Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/vihandamaris Twitter- https://twitter.com/vihandamaris




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Kathy1 year ago
Vihan, I'm an Italian living in US and God has given me a love for Indian people.God bless you.



Pankaj Bahirwani1 year ago
This is the best daughter & mum relationship/interview I have even seen and I sense that this interview is gonna mend and reconcile many daughters to their moms & moms to their daughters....I praise God for both your lives... So amazing!!



johhanna rebekkareena1 year ago
Yes, true vihan god is using you as an influencer for young person like me... I am always influenced by your love for god and the relationship you have with god... God bless you vihan



Father & Son1 year ago
Love to hear such testimonies, I am new in Christ and I feel like Jesus is molding my life and it seems to be uncomfortable at times and hearing what your mother said about her journey has strung a cord and gives me hope that Jesus knows us best and we need to patiently wait for our purpose to be revealed



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Emanuela G1 year ago
So here I am, from an "official" Christian country, watching a young lady from a non-Christian country, talking so beautifully and so truthfully about God! A part of my heart is joyful because I see how wonderful He is working among people of all nations, but in the meantime the other half is crying..."where have WE gone wrong?"



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Music LoveBirds1 year ago
Such a sweet bond between you!! Love to see Rayla with all her simplicity. I can see God's immense grace on both of you. May God use you more for the new believers to get affirmed in faith.



Aisha Prince10 months ago (edited)
I absolutely love this, every answer is perfect. This has helped me so much



Ester #1 year ago (edited)
watching this video was like seeing my mom and I. I felt here this joy and gratitude for having an incredible mother, certainly a great gift from God. And yes your mother is beautiful.



Peter A.1 year ago
It was so good to see your parents.. I don't have such open-minded parents but I'm content with whatever God has given me.. Your family is so cool.



Franklin Ross1 year ago
Dear Vihan This is very encouraging that you gave up worldly singing and dedicated your voice and yourself to the Lord. Your mum is so gentle and sweet. Not forgetting your dad such a lovely person gifting you with an electric guitar and meeting your heart's desire. Lovely video glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ!!Show less



John Gohain1 year ago
Soo humble family ️ much love from assam . It was a great blessing watching you both!!



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addis ababa1 year ago
Such an inspiring family. Love it!



Ann Miriam Jose1 year ago
Hey Vihan! I'm so thankful to God that I got to start seeing your videos during the toughest times in my life when I praying about it. It felt like God was speaking to me through you . And most of everything that I went through was soo relatable to your journey, the videos where you said how you were before getting so close to God and even your brother's episode of seizures , in my case it was my mom and I had my doubts in me but your video helped. She too is cured by God's grace. I am fighting my battle and I'm giving a 40 + days to find God and allow Him to work his ways in my life. Thank God for you. Do pray for me too. The closer I get ,the distractions increase . Btw I too am a Bangalorean and also a Carmelite.️ Feels nice to have someone out there !Show less



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Swarnpriya Lakra1 year ago
Wow....this couldn't be any better....loved this mother n daughter conversation. Praise God for this Godly family! May God continue blessing ur family!



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Fifi Tumewu1 year ago
Very rich interview! Mother and daughter in an interview is a blowing mind spiritual conversation. Jesus bless you both and many more to come!



BC Grey1 year ago
My wife and I wish you all the best in everything you do! Love your segments and posts. May God richly bless you on your journey. Your brother in Christ.



View reply from Vihan Damaris

Love891 year ago
Loved this video and this bond you two share, you both are beautiful!



J P-421 year ago (edited)
34:11-34:18 the moment God smiled and laughed this interview was truly beautiful, honest, open and encouraging praise God thank you Vihan & Rayla May God continue to show you His favour



Nini elezebeth joseph1 year ago
Such a warm and lovely interview bringing out the love of Jesus through a mom and daughter relationship



sileenee gandham1 year ago
I couldn't control my tears watching the samir soni interview though! You are such a precious vessel of God! All glory to Jesus. Love from Hyderabad.



3 Ways to Speak in Tongues - wikiHow

3 Ways to Speak in Tongues - wikiHow

How to Speak in TonguesDownload Article
1Creating the Right Mindset
2Making the Right Sounds
3Avoiding Common Mistakes
Questions & Answers
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Co-authored by wikiHow Staff

Last Updated: January 14, 2022 Approved

Some people believe that speaking in tongues is a powerful way to pray and allow God to flow through your spirit. However, if you’re like most people, you probably don’t entirely know how to perform this particular prayer method. Fortunately, once you know how to create the right mindset and speak the right words, you’ll be well on your way to speaking in tongues.

Method1Creating the Right Mindset

Place faith in God’s salvation plan at the forefront of your mind. Focus your mind on God and the holy spirit that God has filled you with. Speaking in tongues is believed to be an act of strong faith, so focusing your mind in this way makes it much easier to successfully speak in tongues.[1]
It might be useful to concentrate on a mantra, such as “Jesus Christ is the way, the Truth and the life,” to make it easier to focus your mind. Choose your favorite Bible verse and repeat it in your mind over and over.

Study the Bible to learn what it says about speaking in tongues. Read and ponder passages in the Bible that discuss speaking in tongues, such as 1 Corinthians 14:18. Remember that, according to some people, speaking in tongues is an ability that God grants to people in order to pray and feel closer to the holy spirit.[2]
Some other passages to read include Acts 10: 46a, Acts 2: 4a, and 1 Corinthians 14:4.
If other members of your church practice speaking in tongues, it may be helpful for you to talk about this prayer method with them to learn more about it.

Warning: Speaking in tongues is a fairly controversial practice today, so be careful who you talk about it with. Some people may not be accepting of the practice.

Build the confidence in yourself to speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues can be hard to do at first, so building up your confidence and desire to do so will help keep you motivated in the long run. Repeat to yourself that you will be able to speak in tongues and allow yourself to feel confident that you will succeed.[3]
One way to do this is to repeat a positive mantra to yourself, such as “I am a child of God; God wants me to pray and be joyful, and so I will speak in tongues to do this.”
Focus your mind on all the reasons why you want to speak in tongues and let that desire grow in your heart. Doing this will keep you motivated and may also make it easier for you to speak in tongues on the first go!

Create a distraction-free environment around you for the best results. Find a quiet place where you can sit and be alone for up to an hour, or however long you plan to pray by speaking in tongues. Try to avoid noises from things that may call your attention away from God, such as loud children, a TV playing, or street noise from outside.
You may also want to avoid being around other people, if this would cause you any embarrassment.

Method2Making the Right Sounds

Start by making simple, monosyllabic sounds. Make the first sounds that pop into your head and allow yourself to babble a bit. Try to do this as “unintentionally” as possible. In other words, don’t try to sound out specific words or phrases, unless they happen to pop into your head in the moment.
This may seem a bit awkward at first and will sound like a baby babbling, but this is the point! You have to start producing random speech before God will help you to speak in tongues.
These sounds will probably be choppy and repetitive at first. Don’t worry; this is perfectly normal, so try not to feel discouraged.

Listen for repetition or hints in the sounds you’re making. Pay attention to those sounds that you tend to naturally produce most frequently and focus on them in your babbling. These may be part of your natural “prayer language:” those words and sounds that flow from your spirit the easiest.
Note any sounds that you make that seem to take you by surprise, such as a syllable or pair of letters you don’t normally pronounce. These may reflect God communicating with you, so repeat these phrases to add them to your prayer language.

Try praying those words or sounds that seem to pop into your head. This is a form of internal discovery that allows you to add to your prayer language vocabulary and expand your ability to speak in tongues. These may be the words that God flows through your spirit and which result in your speaking in tongues.
God will not cause your lips to move, which is why the babbling is so important. However, God may cause certain words or sounds to pop into your head; repeating these sounds is the basis for speaking in tongues.

Tip: You can also do this with words that catch your eye on a daily basis. For example, if a word stands out to you on a billboard, try incorporating it into your babbling during your next prayer session.

Ask for increased faith to reinforce your devout mindset. If you feel your faith begin to wane during your babbling session, repeat a positive mantra like “Lord increase my faith.” This will help you to stay in the right mindset for speaking in tongues and keep you from feeling discouraged.
You don’t necessarily have to make this request out loud; simply thinking it to yourself will also work.

Method3Avoiding Common Mistakes

Note that God doesn’t force you to speak in tongues. You don’t lose control of your mouth or speech muscles when you speak in tongues. Instead, think of it more like God is telling you through your spirit what words you should speak.[4]
This misconception may be one reason why some people look askance at speaking in tongues. It’s wrong to think that people who speak in tongues aren’t in control of their own faculties.

Try not to overthink or feel discouraged about speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues doesn’t come easily, especially on your first try, so it’s all too easy to begin to doubt yourself or your faith. If this begins to happen, take a break from your session and try again later after some prayer (or just some rest).[5]
In between sessions, it might be helpful to pray to God in a more “ordinary” way and ask for help and guidance in learning how to speak in tongues.

Avoid talking about this prayer method with people who don’t accept it. Some people hold very negative views of speaking in tongues, with some even believing that it’s a form of Satan worship. Talking about this prayer method with people like this may cause you to feel discouraged or give up on speaking in tongues entirely.
This doesn’t mean you should avoid people who don’t believe in speaking in tongues; simply refrain from talking about this particular prayer method with them.

Community Q&A

How can I silence my mind so I can speak in tongues?

Sarath guttikonda
Community Answer
Just sit in a quiet place and relax yourself. Then pray to God and let the Holy spirit flow through you.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: January 14, 2022
Views: 149,387
Categories: Christianity

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Bahasa Indonesia:Berbahasa Roh (untuk umat Kristiani)
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