
알라딘: 마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 유럽편

알라딘: 마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 유럽편

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 유럽편 - 유럽 마음공부 공동체에 대한 기록  | 마음인문학 대중총서 6 

원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 (엮은이)공동체2019-02-22

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 유럽편

수험서.외국어.컴퓨터.대학교재 4만원 이상, 메쉬 파우치/나무 독서대/스톱워치/북마크 세트




25,000원 (0%, 0원 할인)


750원(3%) + 멤버십(3~1%)

+ 5만원이상 구매시 2,000원


1,130원 (도서구입비 소득공제 대상 및 조건 충족 시)


신간도서 단 1권도 무료


지금 택배로 주문하면 6월 9일 출고 

최근 1주 96.0%(중구 중림동 기준) 지역변경

Sales Point : 10


이 책 어때요?

카드/간편결제 할인무이자 할부

스프링 분철


스프링 분철 서비스 대상도서입니다.자세히 보기



장바구니 담기



보관함 +

전자책 출간알림 신청중고 등록알림 신청중고로 팔기


325쪽152*225mm489gISBN : 9791161051734

주제 분류

신간알림 신청

국내도서 > 대학교재/전문서적 > 인문계열 > 인문학 일반

국내도서 > 인문학 > 교양 인문학

시리즈마음인문학 대중총서 (총 9권 모두보기)

신간알림 신청


보관함 담기

장바구니 담기

마음이 깃든 새만금 풍경

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 유럽편 - 유럽 마음공부 공동체에 대한 기록

중2병이 아니라 성장통이라고요 : 중학생 마음연구



수험서.외국어.컴퓨터.대학교재 - 스트랩 메쉬 파우치/나무 독서대/볼펜/분철 라벨스틱

6월 특별 선물! 피너츠.본투리드 선풍기(이벤트 도서 포함, 국내서.외서 5만원 이상)

이 시간, 알라딘 굿즈 총집합!



제1장 아마라와띠 명상센터: 영국의 숲속 승가 전통이 숨쉬는 곳

제2장 담마디파: 영국에 전파된 고엔카 전통

제3장 카규 삼예 종: 평화롭고 건강한 세상을 향한 티베트불교 명상센터

제4장 불이선원: '오직 모를 뿐'인 화두선으로 마음의 본성을 깨치는 곳

제5장 레겐스부르크 교당: 원불교 무시선법의 실천 도량

제6장 디트푸르트 수도원: 산보교단의 법맥을 이은 크리스천 젠의 탄생지

제7장 노르트발트 젠도: 선 수행과 기독교 영성의 만남

제8장 벨텐부르크 수도원: 삶과 문화가 공존하는 수도원

제9장 떼제: 영성의 어울림으로 하나 되는 공동체

제10장 발도르프 학교: 영성교육의 산실, 그 교육의 현장


저자 및 역자소개

원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 (엮은이)


최고의 작품 투표

신간알림 신청

최근작 : <마음이 깃든 새만금 풍경>,<마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편>,<마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편> … 총 19종 (모두보기)

출판사 소개


도서 모두보기


신간알림 신청

최근작 : <평생교육프로그램 개발>,<발달장애 학생을 위한 특수교육 중재>,<마을복지계획 어떻게 세울까>등 총 844종

대표분야 : 교육학 10위 (브랜드 지수 95,730점)

알라딘: 마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편

알라딘: 마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편  | 마음인문학 대중총서 7 

원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 (엮은이)공동체2019-11-30

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편

수험서.외국어.컴퓨터.대학교재 4만원 이상, 메쉬 파우치/나무 독서대/스톱워치/북마크 세트




28,000원 (0%, 0원 할인)


840원(3%) + 멤버십(3~1%)

+ 5만원이상 구매시 2,000원


1,260원 (도서구입비 소득공제 대상 및 조건 충족 시)


신간도서 단 1권도 무료


지금 택배로 주문하면 오늘(17~21시) 수령

최근 1주 88.2%(중구 중림동 기준) 지역변경

Sales Point : 10


이 책 어때요?

카드/간편결제 할인무이자 할부

스프링 분철


스프링 분철 서비스 대상도서입니다.자세히 보기



장바구니 담기



보관함 +

전자책 출간알림 신청중고 등록알림 신청중고로 팔기


363쪽152*225mm541gISBN : 9791161055305

주제 분류

신간알림 신청

국내도서 > 대학교재/전문서적 > 인문계열 > 인문학 일반

국내도서 > 인문학 > 교양 인문학

시리즈마음인문학 대중총서 (총 9권 모두보기)

신간알림 신청


보관함 담기

장바구니 담기

마음이 깃든 새만금 풍경

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 유럽편 - 유럽 마음공부 공동체에 대한 기록

중2병이 아니라 성장통이라고요 : 중학생 마음연구



수험서.외국어.컴퓨터.대학교재 - 스트랩 메쉬 파우치/나무 독서대/볼펜/분철 라벨스틱

6월 특별 선물! 피너츠.본투리드 선풍기(이벤트 도서 포함, 국내서.외서 5만원 이상)

이 시간, 알라딘 굿즈 총집합!





인간불교 운동을 지향하는 불법도량 _ 방성호


위뭇띠 불교센터

태국 숲속 승가 전통의 계승과 변용 _ 장진영


오클랜드 젠센터

선 수행이 숨 쉬는 곳 _ 백현기


오클랜드 불교센터

현대화된 생활불교를 지향하는 삼보불교종 _ 이기흥


시드니 불교센터

불·법·승 삼보를 수호하는 불교 공동체 _ 조성훈


첸레직 훈련원

티베트불교 가르침의 보존과 계승 _ 장진영


호주 원광선문화원

정신의 휴식과 자아의 회복을 지향하는 명상의 집 _ 고시용


템플 바이런

전일주의적 세계관으로 무장된 마음-몸 공부 도량 _ 이기흥



지고의 영혼을 향한 라자요가 명상센터 _ 김은진


시드니 초월명상센터

나만의 만트라로 떠나는 순수의식의 세계 _ 조성훈


저자 및 역자소개

원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 (엮은이)


최고의 작품 투표

신간알림 신청

최근작 : <마음이 깃든 새만금 풍경>,<마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편>,<마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편> … 총 19종 (모두보기)

출판사 소개


도서 모두보기


신간알림 신청

최근작 : <평생교육프로그램 개발>,<발달장애 학생을 위한 특수교육 중재>,<마을복지계획 어떻게 세울까>등 총 844종

대표분야 : 교육학 10위 (브랜드 지수 95,730점)

알라딘: 마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편

알라딘: 마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편

마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편 | 마음인문학 대중총서 8
원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 (엮은이)공동체2020-02-15

ISBN : 9791161055657



샌프란시스코 젠 센터
: '오직 앉아 있음'으로 내 안의 불성과 만나느 도량 _ 손시은

: '원더랜드'를 만나다 _ 오용석

: 미국 위빠사나 수행의 산실 _ 김은진

: 워크숍 중심으로 소통하는 마음공부 도량 _ 조성훈

스피릿 락 명상센터
: 미국 위빠사나 열풍의 중심 _ 백현기

불더 샴발라 센터와 나로파 대학교
: 깨어있는 사회를 위한 영적 용사의 양성 _ 이은수·장진영

:' 지역사회와 어울려 사는 마음공부 공동체 _ 고시용

크리팔루 센터
: 요가의 일상화를 위한 체험 현장 _ 박성호

: 영적 삶을 도모하는 전일주의적 마음공부·힐링센터 _ 이기흥

저자 및 역자소개
원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 (엮은이)
최고의 작품 투표
신간알림 신청

최근작 : <마음이 깃든 새만금 풍경>,<마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편>,<마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편> … 총 19종 (모두보기)

출판사 소개
도서 모두보기
신간알림 신청

최근작 : <평생교육프로그램 개발>,<발달장애 학생을 위한 특수교육 중재>,<마을복지계획 어떻게 세울까>등 총 844종
대표분야 : 교육학 10위 (브랜드 지수 95,730점)

내가 가진 장회익 책들

물질, 생명, 인간- 그 통합적 이해의 가능성
장회익 지음 / 돌베개 / 2009년 11월

2017년 01월 18일에 구매 

생명을 어떻게 이해할까?- 생명의 바른 모습, 물리학의 눈으로 보다
장회익 지음 / 한울(한울아카데미) / 2014년 1월

2017년 01월 18일에 구매 
삶과 온생명
장회익 지음 / 현암사 / 2014년 12월

2017년 01월 18일에 구매 

생태적 삶을 추구하는 영성- 개정판
장회익 외 지음 / 동연(와이미디어) / 2011년 8월

2017년 01월 18일에 구매 
공부 이야기
장회익 지음 / 현암사 / 2014년 12월

2017년 01월 18일에 구매 

[중고] 공부도둑- 한 공부꾼의 자기 이야기
장회익 지음 / 생각의나무 / 2008년 4월

2017년 01월 18일에 구매 


12 알라딘: 몸-마음 에콜로지 유정길

알라딘: 몸-마음 에콜로지

몸-마음 에콜로지 | 마음인문학 대중총서 1
유정길 (지은이)공동체2012-08-28

책을 내면서: 에콜로지에서 마음의 길을 찾다

01 살림의 마음과 몸 에콜로지_ 유정길
02 불안한 먹거리, GMO: 농사와 생태 그리고 삶의 방식_ 김성순
03 강정사태: 인간안보에 대한 두어 가지 생각_ 김레베카
04 비건채식으로 우리 자신과 지구를 구하자!_ 최행식
05 자본과 생태: 독일의 대체에너지를 말한다_ 양대종
06 숲 생태: 생물 다양성을 중심으로_ 최원형
07 몸살림, 생활살림, 마을살림: '몸 생명학'과 문명의 전환_ 주요섭

08 마음 에콜로지와 미래문명: 생태영성의 삶과 그 문명을 위하여_ 이병철
09 인디언 영성 이야기: 우리가 이 세상에 온 이유_ 서정록
10 환경.생태문제와 풍수지리설: 몸과 망므의 에콜로지
11 영화 '아바타' 나비족과 나비문명: 생명과 소통하는 마음_ 정혜정
12 자연아 미안해: 노장의 마음으로 자연과 화해하기_ 윤지원
13 바깥-환경에서 우리-환경으로_ 이기흥

152*223mm (A5신)
마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 미국편
마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 오세아니아편
마음공부 공동체를 찾아서 - 유럽편 - 유럽 마음공부 공동체에 대한 기록

책을 내면서: 에콜로지에서 마음의 길을 찾다

01 살림의 마음과 몸 에콜로지_ 유정길
02 불안한 먹거리, GMO: 농사와 생태 그리고 삶의 방식_ 김성순
03 강정사태: 인간안보에 대한 두어 가지 생각_ 김레베카
04 비건채식으로 우리 자신과 지구를 구하자!_ 최행식
05 자본과 생태: 독일의 대체에너지를 말한다_ 양대종
06 숲 생태: 생물 다양성을 중심으로_ 최원형
07 몸살림, 생활살림, 마을살림: '몸 생명학'과 문명의 전환_ 주요섭

08 마음 에콜로지와 미래문명: 생태영성의 삶과 그 문명을 위하여_ 이병철
09 인디언 영성 이야기: 우리가 이 세상에 온 이유_ 서정록
10 환경.생태문제와 풍수지리설: 몸과 망므의 에콜로지
11 영화 '아바타' 나비족과 나비문명: 생명과 소통하는 마음_ 정혜정
12 자연아 미안해: 노장의 마음으로 자연과 화해하기_ 윤지원
13 바깥-환경에서 우리-환경으로_ 이기흥


저자 및 역자소개
유정길 (지은이)
최고의 작품 투표
신간알림 신청

불교환경연대 산하 녹색불교연구소 소장. 국민농업포럼 공동대표, 조계종 백년대계위원, 전국귀농운동본부 정책연구소. 지혜공유협동조합 정토회 에코붓다,?한살림 모심과 살림연구소와 마음살림위원 등으로 활동했다. 생태·녹색·전환·개벽 등을 화두로 하는 다양한 활동을 전개하고 있다.

최근작 : <세계는 왜 한국에 주목하는가>,<개벽의 징후 2020>,<생태사회와 녹색불교> … 총 5종 (모두보기)

출판사 소개
도서 모두보기
신간알림 신청

최근작 : <평생교육프로그램 개발>,<발달장애 학생을 위한 특수교육 중재>,<마을복지계획 어떻게 세울까>등 총 844종
대표분야 : 교육학 10위 (브랜드 지수 95,730점)

Blessed vs. blest – Correct Spelling – Grammarist

Blessed vs. blest – Correct Spelling – Grammarist


Blessed vs. blest

Blessed is the past tense and past participle of bless. Blest is an archaic form that shows up mainly in references to old, mostly poetical texts and as a poetic affectation. Elsewhere, it has been pushed out of the language. This is the case throughout the English-speaking world.

Primis Player Placeholder

Both spellings descend from older forms in Old and Middle English, and both developed around the  14th century,1 though blessed is probably a little older. Blessed is one of a number of -ed words that gained a -t variant when the vowel sound in -ed was dropped around the 16th century.2 

Blest was never more common than blessed, though, and today we remember it mainly because it appears in some great literary works of the early modern era. Shakespeare, for example, used it a few dozen times (at least in the early renderings of his plays, which were assembled by several people with different spelling preferences, and where blessed is actually about twice as common as blest). It is probably significant that in our searches for historical examples of the two forms, most instances of blest are in poetry. Blessed, meanwhile, is disproportionately common in Christian texts.

The old, two-syllable pronunciation of blessed (bless-id) survives in religious oratory and in some religious phrases, but elsewhere the word’s ending is pronounced like that of other words ending in -essed—that is, est instead of ess-id. 



Rude am I in my speech, / And little blest with the soft phrase of peace. [Othello, Shakespeare (1604)]

Thrice all hail! and blessed be / Those that love and honor thee. [“Phil’arete,” George Wither (early 17th century)]

Blest paper-credit! last and best supply! / That lends corruption lighter wings to fly! [The Dunciad, Alexander Pope (1729)]

Though blessed with only a trembling faith herself, she was desirous of animating the confidence or others. [The Evangelical Magazine, vol. 10 (1802)]

Having few wants, blest with a climate in which the rudest methods of cultivation produce abundance of food for their use, they out to be a happy and contented race. [Popular Science (1889)]

Hurriedly Bilbo stepped back and blessed the luck of his ring. [The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolien (1937)]

How blest we are to be able to rely on lawfully constituted government backed by such documents as our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. [Gainesville Sun (1991)]

He has always been blessed with the sort of temperament that enables him to ignore all distractions. [Telegraph (2012)]

Death is not the end: Fascinating funeral traditions around the globe |

Death is not the end: Fascinating funeral traditions around the globe |

Death is not the end: Fascinating funeral traditions from around the globe

Oct 1, 2013 / Kate Torgovnick May

The funerals I’ve attended have all been very much the same. Relatives and friends arrive in all black and take seats in the church or synagogue pews for a somber ceremony where prayers are said, memories are shared and tears are shed. The attendees walk slowly out to their cars and form a single file line a behind the hearse, arriving at the graveyard where they place roses on the casket just before it’s lowered into the ground. Then, they proceed to the immediate family’s home, where the doorbell rings with a steady stream of loved ones — casserole dishes in hand — since, in the days ahead, people often forget to eat.

Cultural anthropologist Kelli Swazey (TED Talk: Life that doesn’t end with death) shares a different approach to memorializing the dead. In Tana Toraja in eastern Indonesia, funerals are raucous affairs involving the whole village. They can last anywhere from days to weeks. Families save up for long periods of time to raise the resources for a lavish funeral, where sacrificial water buffalo will carry the deceased’s soul to the afterlife. Until that moment — which can take place years after physical death — the dead relative is referred to simply as a “person who is sick,” or even one “who is asleep.” They are laid down special rooms in the family home, where they are symbolically fed, cared for and taken out — very much still a part of their relative’s lives.

During Kelli Swazey's TED Talk, she shows a slide of a Torajan family with their deceased relative.

Funeral practices are deeply ingrained in culture and around the globe hugely varied traditions reflect a wide spread of beliefs and values. Here, a look at just a few of funeral traditions that might strike someone outside a culture as odd.

The New Orleans jazz funeral. It’s one of the prototypical images of New Orleans, Louisiana: the boisterous, jazz-tinged funeral procession. Fusing West African, French and African-American traditions, funerals in New Orleans strike a unique balance between joy and grief as mourners are lead by a marching band. The band plays sorrowful dirges at first, but once the body is buried, they shift to an upbeat note. Cathartic dancing is generally a part of the event, to commemorate the life of the deceased. [Wikipedia]

A jazz funeral in New Orleans is held for legendary jazz musician Doc Paulin who led many funerals in New Orleans with his trumpet. Photo by Derek Bridges.

A jazz funeral in New Orleans is held for legendary jazz musician Doc Paulin who led many funerals in New Orleans with his trumpet. Photo by Derek Bridges/CC BY-NC-ND.

South Korean burial beads. In South Korea, a law passed in 2000 requires anyone burying a loved one to remove the grave after 60 years. Because of dwindling graveyard space and this resulting law, cremation has become much more popular. But families don’t always opt for ashes. Several companies there compress remains into gem-like beads in turquoise, pink or black. These “death beads” are then displayed in the home. [The Week]

Filipino death traditions. Many ethnic groups in the Philippines have unique funeral practices. The Benguet of Northwestern Philippines blindfold their dead and place them next to the main entrance of the house; their Tinguian neighbors dress bodies in their best clothes, sit them on a chair and place a lit cigarette in their lips. The Caviteño, who live near Manila, bury their dead in a hollowed-out tree trunk. When someone becomes ill, they select the tree where they will eventually be entombed. Meanwhile, the Apayo, who live in the north, bury their dead under the kitchen. [Wikipedia]

Sky burial in Mongolia and Tibet. Many Vajrayana Buddhists in Mongolia and Tibet believe in the transmigration of spirits after death — that the soul moves on, while the body becomes an empty vessel. To return it to the earth, the body is chopped into pieces and placed on a mountaintop, which exposes it to the elements — including vultures. It’s a practice that’s been done for thousands of years and, according to a recent report, about 80% of Tibetans still choose it. [The Buddhist Channel]

The Drigung Monastery is famous for performing sky burials. Photo by Antoine Taveneaux/Wikimedia.

The Drigung Monastery is famous for performing sky burials. Photo by Antoine Taveneau/CC BY-SA.

Green funerals. In the United States, more and more people are opting for environmentally friendly burials. This means skipping embalming processes, nixing traditional concrete vaults and getting biodegradable, woven-willow caskets, which decompose into the ground. The Green Burial Council has approved 40 environmentally friendly cemeteries in the U.S. — way up from a decade ago. Another option: becoming a memorial “reef ball.” A company called Eternal Reefs compresses remains into a sphere that is attached to a reef in the ocean, providing a habitat for sea life. [Newsweek, Wall Street Journal]

Balinese cremation. “Strange as it seems, it is in their cremation ceremonies that the Balinese have their greatest fun,” Miguel Covarrubias wrote in the 1937 book, Island of Bali. In 2008, the island saw one of its most lavish cremations ever as Agung Suyasa, head of the royal family, was burned along with 68 commoners. Thousands of volunteers gathered to carry a giant bamboo platform, an enormous wooden bull and wooden dragon. After a long procession, Suyasa’s body was eventually placed inside the bull and burned as the dragon stood witness. In the Balinese tradition, cremation releases the soul so it is free to inhabit a new body — and doing this is considered a sacred duty. [The New York Times]

The smoking remnants of a. Photo by trezy humanoiz/Flickr.

The smoking remnants of a Balinese cremation. Photo by trezy humanoiz/CC BY.

The turning of the bones in Madagascar. The Malagasy people of Madagascar have a famous ritual called “famadihana,” or “the turning of the bones.” Once every five or seven years, a family has a celebration at its ancestral crypt where the bodies, wrapped in cloth, are exhumed and sprayed with wine or perfume. As a band plays at the lively event, family members dance with the bodies. For some, it’s a chance to pass family news to the deceased and ask for their blessings — for others, it’s a time to remember and tell stories of the dead. [The New York Times]

A turning of the bones ceremony in Madagascar. Photo by Hery Zo Rakotondramanana/CC BY-SA.

A turning of the bones ceremony in Madagascar. Photo by Hery Zo Rakotondramanana/CC BY-SA.

Aboriginal mortuary rites in Australia. When a loved one dies in Aboriginal society in Australia’s Northern Territory, elaborate rituals begin. First, a smoking ceremony is held in the loved one’s living area to drive away their spirit. Next a feast is held, with mourners painted ochre as they partake in food and dance. The body is traditionally placed atop a platform and covered in leaves as it is left to decompose. It has been reported that in some traditions, fluids from the platform can help identify the deceased’s killer. [PubMed]

Ghana fantasy coffins. In Ghana, people aspire to be buried in coffins that represent their work or something they loved in life. These so-called “fantasy coffins” were recently popularized by Buzzfeed, which showed images of 29 outrageous ones, from a coffin shaped like a Mercedes-Benz for a businessman to an oversized fish for a fisherman to a really big Bible for someone who loved going to church. [Buzzfeed]

The Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop, where many of the fantasy coffins are made. Photo by Jean-Michel Rousset/CC BY-SA.

Also worth noting: it’s not always black that signifies death, as it does in the West — white, purple, grey, green and yellow also mark the passage of life. Check out this visualization from David McCandless (TED Talk: The beauty of data visualization) to see which color is used where: row 16 shows the color associated with death and row 59 reveals the varied colors associated with mourning.

Liz Jacobs contributed to this post.


Kate Torgovnick May is a writer at TED.com. She can also solve a Rubik's Cube in less than two minutes. Read more about her work at KateTorgovnickMay.com.

anthropologyAustraliaBaliceremoniesculturedeathfuneralsGhanaIndonesiaKelli SwazeyMadagascarMongoliaphotographySouth KoreaThe PhilippinesTibetUnited Statesworld cultures


Memorial Verses and Memorial Wording for gravestones | Hand Made Signs - Pet memorials - Memorials - House signs

Memorial Verses and Memorial Wording for gravestones | Hand Made Signs - Pet memorials - Memorials - House signs

Memorial Verses and Memorial Wording for gravestones

In loving memory of Sam


Our thoughts are ever with you
though you have passed away.
And those who loved you dearly
Are thinking of you today.


Everyday in some small way
Memories of you come our way.
Though absent, you are always near
Still missed, loved and always dear.


Your presence I/we miss,
Your memory I/we treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never.

No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say goodbye,
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God can tell us why.

Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear.

We can't have old days back
When we were all together.
But secret tears and loving thoughts
Will be with us forever.

Thank you for loving and sharing
For giving and for caring.
God bless you and keep you,
Until we meet again.

In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly tender, fond and true,
There is not a day, dear Mother (Father),
That we do not think of you.

When a loved one becomes a memory
That memory becomes a treasure.


Your gentle face and patient smile
With sadness we recall
You had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all.

Your life was a blessing
your memory a treasure...
You are loved beyond words
and missed beyond measure...

You are not forgotten loved one
Nor will you ever be.
As long as life and memory last
We will remember thee.

We miss you now, our hearts are sore,
As time goes by we miss you more,
Your loving smile, your gentle face,
No one can fill your vacant place.

Your touch, your smile,
Was always so tender,
Today, tomorrow,
We will always remember.

We miss you in so many ways,
We miss the things you used to say,
And when old times we do recall,
It�s then we miss you most of all.

Nothing can ever take away
The love a heart holds dear.
Fond memories linger every day
Remembrance keeps him/her near.

Looking back with memories,
Upon the path you trod,
We bless the hours we had with you,
And leave the rest with God.

Those we love we never lose,
For always they will be,
Loved, remembered, treasured,
Always in our memory.

Always in our thoughts
Forever in our hearts


Tenderly we treasure the past
With memories that will always last.


Remembering you on this day,
Comforted by so many memories.


Though absent you are very near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear.

In the hearts of those who loved you
You will always be there.

our hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

Think of him/her as living
In the hearts of those he/she touched.
For nothing loved is ever lost
And he/she was loved so much!

A silent thought, a secret tear,
Keeps your memory ever dear,
God took you home, it was his will,

But in our hearts, you live still.


I have fought the good fight

I have finished the race

I have kept the faith.


II Timothy 4:7


God saw you getting tired

and a cure was not to be.

So he put his arms around you

and whispered "Come to Me".

A golden heart stopped beating,

hard working hands now rest.

God broke our hearts to prove to us

He only takes the best.


God saw you getting tired

and a cure was not to be.

So he put his arms around you,

and whispered "Come to Me".

With tearful eyes we watched you,

we watched you fade away.

Although we loved you dearly,

we could not make you stay.

A golden heart stopped beating,

hard working hands now rest.

God broke our hearts to p

rove to us

He only takes the best.


Life is but a stopping place,

A pause in what's to be,

A resting place along the road,

To sweet eternity.

We all have different journeys,

Different paths along the way,

We are all meant to learn some things,

But never meant to stay.

Our destination is a place,

Far greater than we know,

For some the journey's quicker,

For some the journey's slow.

But when the journey finally ends,

We'll claim a great reward,

And find an everlasting peace,

Together with the Lord.


Little did we know that morning

God was going to call your name.

In life we loved you dearly,

in death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,

but you did not go alone.

For part of us went with you,

the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories,

your love is still our guide.

And though we cannot see you,

you are always by our side.

Our family chain is broken

and nothing seems the same.

But as God calls us one by one,

the chain will link again.


If we could have a lifetime wish

and one dream that could come true

We would pray to God with all our

hearts just to see and speak to you

A thousand words won�t bring you back

We know because we�ve tried

and neither will a million tears

We know because we�ve cried

You�ve left behind our broken hearts

and precious memories too

But we�ve never wanted memories

We only wanted you


Right now I'm in a different place

And though we seem apart

I'm closer than I ever was

... I'm there inside your heart

I'm with you when you greet each day

And while the sun shines bright

I'm there to share the sunsets, too

... I'm with you every night

I'm with you when the times are good

To share a laugh or two,

And if a tear should start to fall

... I'll still be there for you

And when that day arrives

That we no longer are apart,

I'll smile and hold you close to me

... Forever in my heart


As you hold me close in memory,

even though we are apart,

my spirit will live on,

there within your heart .

I am with you always.

When you lean on trusted friends

and their caring hugs enfold you,

within their loving arms,

I'll be there to hold you.

I am with you always.

And beyond the far horizon

when we'll finally be together,

where love will be eternal

and life will last forever.

I am with you always.


God looked around his garden

and found an empty place

He then looked down upon this earth

and saw your tired face

He put his arms around you

and lifted you to rest

God�s garden must be beautiful

He always takes the best

He knew that you were suffering

He knew you were in pain

He knew that you would never

get well on earth again

He saw that the road was getting rough

and the hills are hard to climb

So he closed your weary eyelids

and whispered, �Peace be thine�

It broke our hearts to lose you

But you didn�t go alone

For part of us went with you

The day God called you home


Although death has separated us physically,

faith and love have bound us eternally.

Though we cannot see you,

we know you are here.

Though we cannot touch you,

we feel the warmth of your smile,

as we begin a new chapter in our lives.


Today we pause to reflect upon

those who have shaped our character,

molded our spirits and touched our hearts.

May the lighting of this candle be a

reminder of the memories we have shared,

a representation of the everlasting

impact you have made upon our lives.


You were a gift sent straight from Heaven.

Given to us from God above.

We didn't know how much you would teach us

About the meaning of true love...

For true love sometimes means letting go

Of someone precious and dear.

That is what we were forced to do...

Although we wanted to keep you here!!!

However, this is quite a selfish wish.

One we know we should ignore...

But, sweet (babies name), we truly do believe

That God must have needed you more...

Perhaps to be an Angel now,

Full of wisdom and love...

Watching over those of us who love you

From the shining stars above.

We miss you more than you can know.

You will never be replaced...

In our hearts and memories forever,

Will be your sweet and innocent sleeping face.


If Roses grow in Heaven,

Lord please pick a bunch for me

Place them in my Mother's arms

And tell her they're from me

Tell her I love her and miss her

And when she turns to smile

Place a kiss upon her cheek

And hold her for awhile

Because remembering her is easy,

I do it every day

But there's an ache within my heart

Because I am missing her today...


Those we love remain with us

for love itself lives on

Cherished memories never fade

because one loved is gone

Those we love can never be

more than a thought apart

For as long as there is a memory

they live on in our heart


Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am a diamond glint of snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awake in the morning hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush

of quiet birds in circling flight.

I am the soft star shine at night.

Do not stand by my grave and cry

I am not there...

I did not die.


Footsteps In The Sand

One night a man had a dream.

He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand:

one belonging to him and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him

he looked back, at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of his life

there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times of his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you,

you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that

during the most troublesome times in my life

there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand

why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, My precious child,

I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering,

when you see only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you."


I�d like the memory of me

to be a happy one,

I�d like to leave an afterglow

of smiles when life is done..

I�d like to leave an echo

whispering softly down the ways,

Of happy times and laughing times

and bright and sunny days.

I�d like the tears of those who grieve,

to dry before the sun,

Of happy memories that I leave behind

When life is done.


This day will be a celebration

of the short time you were here.

You will always be remembered

with great love and many tears.

But to only feel pain and sorrow

would not be fair to you.

Your life meant so much more to us,

more than words could say.

You were here so briefly,

I wonder if you knew

all the ways you�ve touched

our world and our hearts

and everyone who knew you

since the day God called you home.

Now my child, you�re an angel

with your heavenly Father above,

we see not only what we�ve lost

but our capacity of love.

There will always be a big void

in our life and a hole in our

hearts that will never heal.

Our souls will grieve forever.

Will we forget or stop loving you?

No! Not now�not ever.

As this day is upon us,

oh, how our hearts still hurt.

But even as I mourn your death,

we will always celebrate your birth.

It was the happiest day of our li1.

Our thoughts are ever with you

Though you have passed away.

And those who loved you dearly

Are thinking of you today.


Everyday in some small way

Memories of you come our way.

Though absent, you are always near

Still missed, loved and always dear.


Your presence I/we miss,

Your memory I/we treasure,

Loving you always,

Forgetting you never.


No farewell words were spoken,

No time to say goodbye,

You were gone before we knew it,

And only God can tell us why.


Those we love don't go away,

They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear.


We can't have old days back

When we were all together.

But secret tears and loving thoughts

Will be with us forever.


Thank you for loving and sharingFor giving and for caring.

God bless you and keep you,

Until we meet again.


In our hearts your memory lingers,

Sweetly tender, fond and true,

There is not a day, dear Mother (Father),

That we do not think of you.


When a loved one becomes a memory

That memory becomes a treasure.


Your gentle face and patient smile

With sadness we recall

You had a kindly word for each

And died beloved by all.


Your life was a blessing

your memory a treasure...

You are loved beyond words

and missed beyond measure...


You are not forgotten loved one

Nor will you ever be.

As long as life and memory last

We will remember thee.


We miss you now, our hearts are sore,

As time goes by we miss you more,

Your loving smile, your gentle face,

No one can fill your vacant place.


Your touch, your smile,

Was always so tender,

Today, tomorrow,

We will always remember.


We miss you in so many ways,

We miss the things you used to say,

And when old times we do recall,

It�s then we miss you most of all.


Nothing can ever take away

The love a heart holds dear.

Fond memories linger every day

Remembrance keeps him/her near.


Looking back with memories,

Upon the path you trod,

We bless the hours we had with you,

And leave the rest with God.


Those we love we never lose,

For always they will be,

Loved, remembered, treasured,

Always in our memory.


Always in our thoughts

Forever in our hearts


Tenderly we treasure the past

With memories that will always last.


Remembering you on this day,

Comforted by so many memories.


Though absent you are very near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear.


In the hearts of those who loved you

You will always be there.


our hearts to lose you,

But you did not go alone.

For part of us went with you,

The day God called you home.


Think of him/her as living

In the hearts of those he/she touched.

For nothing loved is ever lost

And he/she was loved so much!


A silent thought, a secret tear,

Keeps your memory ever dear,

God took you home, it was his will,

But in our hearts, you live still.


I have fought the good fight

I have finished the race

I have kept the faith.


II Timothy 4:7


God saw you getting tired

and a cure was not to be.

So he put his arms around you

and whispered "Come to Me".

A golden heart stopped beating,

hard working hands now rest.

God broke our hearts to prove to us

He only takes the best.


God saw you getting tired

and a cure was not to be.

So he put his arms around you,

and whispered "Come to Me".

With tearful eyes we watched you,

we watched you fade away.

Although we loved you dearly,

we could not make you stay.

A golden heart stopped beating,

hard working hands now rest.

God broke our hearts to p

rove to us

He only takes the best.


Life is but a stopping place,

A pause in what's to be,

A resting place along the road,

To sweet eternity.

We all have different journeys,

Different paths along the way,

We are all meant to learn some things,

But never meant to stay.

Our destination is a place,

Far greater than we know,

For some the journey's quicker,

For some the journey's slow.

But when the journey finally ends,

We'll claim a great reward,

And find an everlasting peace,

Together with the Lord.


Little did we know that morning

God was going to call your name.

In life we loved you dearly,

in death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,

but you did not go alone.

For part of us went with you,

the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories,

your love is still our guide.

And though we cannot see you,

you are always by our side.

Our family chain is broken

and nothing seems the same.

But as God calls us one by one,

the chain will link again.


If we could have a lifetime wish

and one dream that could come true

We would pray to God with all our

hearts just to see and speak to you

A thousand words won�t bring you back

We know because we�ve tried

and neither will a million tears

We know because we�ve cried

You�ve left behind our broken hearts

and precious memories too

But we�ve never wanted memories

We only wanted you


Right now I'm in a different place

And though we seem apart

I'm closer than I ever was

... I'm there inside your heart

I'm with you when you greet each day

And while the sun shines bright

I'm there to share the sunsets, too

... I'm with you every night

I'm with you when the times are good

To share a laugh or two,

And if a tear should start to fall

... I'll still be there for you

And when that day arrives

That we no longer are apart,

I'll smile and hold you close to me

... Forever in my heart


As you hold me close in memory,

even though we are apart,

my spirit will live on,

there within your heart .

I am with you always.

When you lean on trusted friends

and their caring hugs enfold you,

within their loving arms,

I'll be there to hold you.

I am with you always.

And beyond the far horizon

when we'll finally be together,

where love will be eternal

and life will last forever.

I am with you always.


God looked around his garden

and found an empty place

He then looked down upon this earth

and saw your tired face

He put his arms around you

and lifted you to rest

God�s garden must be beautiful

He always takes the best

He knew that you were suffering

He knew you were in pain

He knew that you would never

get well on earth again

He saw that the road was getting rough

and the hills are hard to climb

So he closed your weary eyelids

and whispered, �Peace be thine�

It broke our hearts to lose you

But you didn�t go alone

For part of us went with you

The day God called you home


Although death has separated us physically,

faith and love have bound us eternally.

Though we cannot see you,

we know you are here.

Though we cannot touch you,

we feel the warmth of your smile,

as we begin a new chapter in our lives.


Today we pause to reflect upon

those who have shaped our character,

molded our spirits and touched our hearts.

May the lighting of this candle be a

reminder of the memories we have shared,

a representation of the everlasting

impact you have made upon our lives.


You were a gift sent straight from Heaven.

Given to us from God above.

We didn't know how much you would teach us

About the meaning of true love...

For true love sometimes means letting go

Of someone precious and dear.

That is what we were forced to do...

Although we wanted to keep you here!!!

However, this is quite a selfish wish.

One we know we should ignore...

But, sweet (babies name), we truly do believe

That God must have needed you more...

Perhaps to be an Angel now,

Full of wisdom and love...

Watching over those of us who love you

From the shining stars above.

We miss you more than you can know.

You will never be replaced...

In our hearts and memories forever,

Will be your sweet and innocent sleeping face.


If Roses grow in Heaven,

Lord please pick a bunch for me

Place them in my Mother's arms

And tell her they're from me

Tell her I love her and miss her

And when she turns to smile

Place a kiss upon her cheek

And hold her for awhile

Because remembering her is easy,

I do it every day

But there's an ache within my heart

Because I am missing her today...


Those we love remain with us

for love itself lives on

Cherished memories never fade

because one loved is gone

Those we love can never be

more than a thought apart

For as long as there is a memory

they live on in our heart


Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am a diamond glint of snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awake in the morning hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush

of quiet birds in circling flight.

I am the soft star shine at night.

Do not stand by my grave and cry

I am not there...

I did not die.


Footsteps In The Sand

One night a man had a dream.

He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand:

one belonging to him and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him

he looked back, at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of his life

there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times of his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you,

you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that

during the most troublesome times in my life

there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand

why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, My precious child,

I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering,

when you see only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you."


I�d like the memory of me

to be a happy one,

I�d like to leave an afterglow

of smiles when life is done..

I�d like to leave an echo

whispering softly down the ways,

Of happy times and laughing times

and bright and sunny days.

I�d like the tears of those who grieve,

to dry before the sun,

Of happy memories that I leave behind

When life is done.


This day will be a celebration

of the short time you were here.

You will always be remembered

with great love and many tears.

But to only feel pain and sorrow

would not be fair to you.

Your life meant so much more to us,

more than words could say.

You were here so briefly,

I wonder if you knew

all the ways you�ve touched

our world and our hearts

and everyone who knew you

since the day God called you home.

Now my child, you�re an angel

with your heavenly Father above,

we see not only what we�ve lost

but our capacity of love.

There will always be a big void

in our life and a hole in our

hearts that will never heal.

Our souls will grieve forever.

Will we forget or stop loving you?

No! Not now�not ever.

As this day is upon us,

oh, how our hearts still hurt.

But even as I mourn your death,

we will always celebrate your birth.

It was the happiest day of our li