
The Neuroscience of Enlightenment, with Dr. Andrew Newberg - YouTube

The Neuroscience of Enlightenment, with Dr. Andrew Newberg - YouTube

The Neuroscience of Enlightenment, with Dr. Andrew Newberg

조회수 28,691회
게시일: 2016. 5. 8.
Enlightenment is a traditionally mystical and slippery concept, but when it is subjected to the rigors of empirical analysis, there is a lot to be learned about our brains and ourselves. Dr. Andrew Newberg, who has put enlightenment through a battery of scientific tests, says there are actually two kinds of enlightenment: lowercase-e enlightenment, which changes our opinions about the world, and Enlightenment, which changes our essence, i.e. how we think of life, death, God, etc.

Capital-e Enlightenment is notable because of how people report the experience anecdotally and how it changes the brain. Whatever sensation accompanies the experience of Enlightenment — whether light, or music, or color — it tends to be the most intense experience a person has had with that element. And this intensity is reflected in the brain's limbic system, which processes emotion, and its parietal lobe, which organizes our sensory information to create sensations of time, space, and self.

When people experience Enlightenment, they frequently report losing their sense of self, and scientific analysis confirms that brain activity is a driving cause of this sensation. And while Enlightenment is typically associated with religious individuals like Mother Teresa or the Buddha, people from all walks of life experience essence-changing events — sometimes just walking down the street, says Newberg.

What's more, these experiences can be purposefully induced through the use of pharmacological substances like LSD or hallucinogenic mushrooms. And while these experiences may seem aberrant from so-called real life, Dr. Newberg argues that we come hard-wired ready to have them. Perhaps Enlightenment experiences are like a pair of glasses, he says: we are born into the world with bad vision until we experience corrective lenses. Whether these lenses are applied to our eyes or to our brains may matter little in an epistemological sense.

Newberg's latest book is How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain: The New Science of Transformation http://www.indiebound.org/book/978159...

Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/andrew-new...

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Tamera Healing Biotope 1The Guest Center of Tamera

Tamera Healing Biotope 1

The Guest Center of Tamera

Welcome to Tamera

The Guest Center of Tamera is meeting place, home and study space for a growing international community of people. We warmly welcome you to get to know Tamera, its specific projects and people, and especially the vision of a new Earth.

You visit an emerging new culture that rattles conventional thinking and behavioral patterns. In the following, we want to give an introduction as to what you can expect in such an unconventional environment:

We are working to take all areas of life back to our own responsibility. This also concerns the material supply of food, energy and water. We learn from the cooperation with nature what it means to live again in wealth and real abundance and receive nature’s gifts with gratitude. We meet all creatures, even the smallest, with mindfulness and respect. They, just as we humans, belong to the great family of life.

We invite all our guests to get involved in a simple life in community during the period of your stay. You will get to know a communitarian lifestyle, meeting over meals, working together and sleeping in dormitories. Our kitchens serve vegan meals from predominantly regionally produced and organic food. The night lights up with a sea of stars, but there are no street lights.
Tamera researches and implements new social structures that enable relationships based on solidarity between man and woman. We call it "free love." Free love is not to be confused with indiscriminate and arbitrary relationships, but is a life practice that is free from falsehood, fear and violence. Through the thousands of years of patriarchal oppression in sensual love, a collective trauma has formed in humanity, and so in us all. In Tamera we are working on resolving this trauma. Tamera is not a place for quick sex or a quick solution to love problems. There is no such rapid solution, because the issues in sexuality and love are not private problems, but core topics of historical change.
We thank all those who want to participate in the healing of love! Please take time to understand these connections fully.

For more information, see the text "Free Sexuality and Partnership" on this website, or refer to the books and the writings of the project founders Dieter Duhm and Sabine Lichtenfels. (link)

We love the vision of a new Earth: Terra Nova. We are working to make the spirit of this new era visible everywhere: in our own lives, in cooperation with each other, in contact with our guests, in our work, in our writings. It is the spirit of compassion for the unspeakable pain of creatures on this Earth, and taking an absolute stand for life.

"If life wins, there can be no losers." Dieter Duhm

Take time to get to know the new thoughts. What we have really recognized and understood can never be lost to us again. Help us to create a new Earth! Invest in a humane future. Support the "Healing Biotopes Plan."

In the name of the children of this Earth.
For a new civilization on planet Earth.

We wish you an intensive stay.

The Guest Center Team

Eros Unredeemed: The World Power of Sexuality - Verlag Meiga

Eros Unredeemed: The World Power of Sexuality - Verlag Meiga

Eros Unredeemed: The World Power of Sexuality

€ 15,30

incl. 7% IVA

There cannot be peace on earth as long as there is war in love. I have written this book because it was inevitable. The issue of sexual love had to be seen and dealt with from a different perspective. It is the issue of our time, although the proclaimed slogans may sound different. It is said that the sexual revolution is a thing of the past, but from within, it hasn’t really started yet. Today more people suffer or become ill as a result of an unresolved longing for sex and love than from environmental pollution.

—Dieter Duhm


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In a direct and committed language the author describes the state of love in our culture today. He places the unsolved issues of jealousy, free love, faithfulness, longing, impotence, morals etc. at the center of the question of truth, non-violence and peace. From the experience of free love he develops new perspectives for a new way of living, where love between two people no longer excludes free love. He describes the philosophical and social basis for a culture in which jealousy is no longer a natural law, where sexual desires no longer have to be suppressed and where faithfulness between two lovers no longer breaks down because of a too narrow vision of love. 
“Knowing love” is the term he uses for the process of developing a culture without sexual repression, fear and violence.

“Dieter Duhm’s book Eros Unredeemed is important for everyone to read – because it is provocative. It shakes up the rigid way of thinking most people have. It is a plan for a society and a way of life that I’ve been longing for since I was 16. High-Tech in War – Neanderthal in Love, such chapters are simply true.”

Lisa Fitz

Cabaret singer

“Eros Unredeemed is so true that I cannot add anything to it. I am grateful for so much courage and I hope that these thoughts about sexual liberation can be realized.”

Ernest Bornemann

Writer, psychoanalyst, sexologist

Of all the books about partnership that have been so popular in the last few years none of them has dealt with the issues of sexuality, eros and love as honestly and as thoughtfully as the book Eros Unredeemed by Dieter Duhm.

Robert Jungk

Journalist, Right Livelihood Award

“Eros Unredeemed is a book by a visionary thinker who brilliantly formulates his vision of liberated sexuality. A strong blow to a society that constantly speaks about a sexual revolution, but that combats any attempt at creating a truly liberated sexuality through censorship, the praise of jealousy, and warnings about the danger of sex.”

Oswalt Kolle

Future Without War - Verlag Meiga

Future Without War - Verlag Meiga

Future Without WarTheory of Global Healing

The book outlines a global peace strategy which is based on the idea of modern natural science that the building component of mater is not the atom, instead it is energy, frequency, information. Earth with its atmosphere and magnetic field, with its waters and landscapes, its creatures, biotopes and human societies is an integral, oscillating and living body that can be healed, just as a human body can be healed if the appropriate medicine, i.e. the appropriate information is administered.

Translated from German by Sten Linnander and Frieda Radford.

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Is there still a realistic chance for worldwide peace?

Is it possible in a near future for all arms on our planet to become silent, for rivers to follow their natural paths, for animals to be freed from their cages and for children to grow up in stable homes?

One of a growing number of people who think that this is possible is Dr. Dieter Duhm, born 1942 in Berlin, sociologist, psychoanalyst, former Marxist and one of the leading heads of the ’68-Student Movement in Germany. Deeply moved by the extent of global violence he withdraws from academia during the seventies, turns down a number of professorships offered to him to take the time to radically and quietly conceive a social model for a future without war. He develops the “Plan of Healing Biotopes”, a concept for global peace.

Amongst others the concept is based on the idea of modern natural science and its essence that the building component of mater it is not the atom, instead it is “information”. Earth with her atmosphere and her magnetic field, with her waters and landscapes, her creatures, biotopes and human societies is an integral, oscillating and living body that can be healed, just as a human body can be healed if the appropriate medicine, i.e. the appropriate information is administered.

The healing information is wanted most at the points where new wars are created daily: in the cohabitation of human beings. In this area far reaching change is necessary. Words and appeals alone are not enough. True peace does not ensue from slogans and true peace is far more than the mere absence of war. The peace information needed will emerge from social structures whose ethical basic values of compassion, trust, mutual support and solidarity are no longer being destroyed, but rather, they are being generated and maintained. In its innermost core peace is the experience of trust amongst human beings, above all trust amongst man and woman. It is like learning a new alphabet after ions of fighting amongst men ad women, after oppressing women and after separating the divine and the erotic aspects of creation. To reconcile man and woman the deepest and most sensitive healing work is demanded since “there will be no peace on Earth as long as there is war in love” (Dieter Duhm).

Peace again is an experience of trust between man and nature. Where man fights animals, including the smallest and those who we call “vermins”, structural war, exclusion and enmity are reigning. All creatures have a right to live in freedom and dignity. They are all part of the large family of life. Peace asks for a change in our living habits, beginning with the choice of our nourishment, with the handling of the elements and the natural resources up to the provision of energy, to medicine and the cultivation of food.

Marx said: “The social state of being decides upon the level of consciousness.” At this point Dieter Duhm has remained a true Marxist, when he says: “It will be a new social state of being that is created and that will, more than anything else, decide upon whether the human being will rediscover his original humane soul and his pure heart and be able to live according to them.” Good intention alone is not enough. 2000 years of Christianity and the honest attempts of millions of people are proof enough. Places are needed where the conditions for peaceful co-habitation are researched and put into practice. Peace cannot be realised immediately in the whole of a society. It is not something what can be put on people from the outside rather it is a deep inner decision, coming out of a free will and an insight.

Dieter Duhm calls these places “Healing Biotopes”. They act like acupuncture points to foster a new future in the body of Earth. Life energies which in a culture of war have been opposing each other shall be made to flow coherently towards a mutual vision. By doing so big forces will be unleashed.

Duhm assumes that worldwide only a few such centres will be sufficient to tip over the “information field” of violence. He is not the first one to see this possibility. David Bohm, a quantum physicist, had too mentioned this possibility, so did spiritual masters, such as Sri Aurobindo (India), Satprem (his deciple) or Dhyani Iwahoo (Leader of the Tsalagi, USA), or Teilhard de Chardin.

Therefore, the “Plan of the Healing Biotopes” takes up the idea to develop various centres on Earth with a few hundred community workers each. Together they create the microscopically small change that is based on certain structures of reality which may and will have a large effect on the “Whole”.

Dieter Duhm: “Decisive for the success of such peace projects is not how big and strong they are in comparison to the existing apparatuses but how comprehensive and complex they are, how many elements of life they are able to combine and to unite in a positive way. In the field buildings of evolution it is not the law of the strongest, but the success of the more comprehensive that counts. No new developments would otherwise have been able to assert themselves had they not all begun small and inconspicuous.”

The development of the first such centre began in 1995. After years of preparation and together with his partner in life, Sabine Lichtenfels (theologian), with Rainer Ehrenpreis (physicist) and others, Dieter Duhm founded the peace research project “Tamera” in Portugal. Today approximately 150 people are engaged in the development of a life form which is to be free of fear, lies and violence. Many facilities have been built up, amongst them the Institute of Global Peace Work, the Political Ashram, the Art Centre, the Place of the Children, the Peace Education, the various ateliers and workshops, the reforested grounds, the Water Retention Landscape, the Global Love School. The development and construction of a model “Solarvillage”, a settlement with autonomous energy supply, is being prepared. The visionary and permaculture specialist Sepp Holzer from Austria cooperated as teacher and advisor with the ecology team from Tamera.

Tamera supports peace projects all over the world, cooperates with the peace village San José de Apartadó and the “University of Resistance” in Colombia; with initiatives in Israel and Palestine (amongst others The Holy Land Trust in Palestine, Peace Research Village); with Claudio Miranda de Moura and his idea of a “favela de paz” in the slums of São Paulo, Brazil, with Philip Munyasia and his permaculture project OTEPIC in Kenya. With the projects of the  “Global Campus” and the “Terra Nova School” Tamera shares the knowledge for a future without war with a wide network,  with inventors, solar technologists, peace journalists and futurists and all who are interested worldwide.

“In answer to a culture of war and death Dieter Duhm counters with a culture of peace and life. For this I thank him.”

Niklaus Brantschen

Zen-Master, founder of the Lassalle-House, co-founder of the Lassalle-Institut for Ethics in Business (Switzerland)

“Not only is the vision presented in this book described in a vivid way, but it is also well-founded in scientific terms. Above all, it is alive. As one, who has been actively involved in the Kibbutz and the Peace Movement since the foundation of the State of Israel, I can but say: May this Utopia blossom in the hearts of many people and empower them to build up the Holy Land all over the Earth.”

Reuven Moskovitz

Historian, co-founder of the peace village Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam (Israel), laureate of the „Aachener Friedenspreis“ and the Mount of Zion Award

“This book introduces a powerful formula for the creation of peace by peaceful means. Participating in the work towards the realization of such a perspective, is for us, who live under occupation in Palestine, an answer not only to end the occupation but also to prevent future conflicts once the occupation will have come to an end.”

Sami Awad

Head of the "Holyland Trust“ Bethlehem, non-violence activist and non-violence trainer

“Dieter Duhm makes a profound case for living peace rather than talking peace. This will be essential if we want to create a future without war. This is an outstanding book and a “must” for every peacemaker.”

Arun Gandhi

President M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence (Memphis, TN) and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi

“For a lifetime Dieter Duhm has been delving deeply into our present culture finding the roots of war and domination in the suppression of the feminine. Together with his partner, Sabine Lichtenfels, and others, he experiments to create ways of restoring the balance both on an individual level and through the development of communities and Peace Research Villages. This book gives hope for all of us that it is possible to have a future- and how to create it.”

Hildur Jackson

Co-founder of the Global Ecovillage Network

“‘Never touch, when you heart is not open’ – this sentence guides the people of Tamera in their attempt to experience eros and sexuality as an expression of the sacredness of life.”

Pia Gyger

Catholic nun and zen master, co-founder of the Lassalle-Institute for Ethics in Business (Switzerland)

“With his book Future Without War Dieter Duhm demonstrates the courage to entertain a great utopia at a time leaving little cause for hope.”

German Press Agency

Terra Nova. Global Revolution and the Healing of Love (9783927266544): Dieter Duhm: Books

Terra Nova. Global Revolution and the Healing of Love  Dieter Duhm: Books

Terra Nova. Global Revolution and the Healing of Love

Paperback – September 18, 2015

by Dieter Duhm (Author)

5 out of 5 stars    4 customer reviews


Terra Nova describes a vision for a new culture: an Earth free of war, a society free of violence, a love free of lies, and a life free of fear. The author outlines this new Earth not only in theory, but also writes from his direct experience of its emergence.  This book presents the essence of nearly forty years of pioneering work in establishing functioning communities. "How do we generate a new form of humaneness based on trust and mutual support?  Where could the solution for the topics of sex, love, and partnership be found?  How could the human community be integrated into the community of all beings and eventually into the order of the universe?  Only if we succeed in answering these questions can global healing be possible." The book is a blueprint for the creation of a society based on trust: trust among people, trust between people and animals, and an original trust in life.


Top Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars

One of the most powerful books I've read on impending Great Transition. It should be required reading for anyone ...

By Alnoor Ladha on January 14, 2016

Format: Paperback

This is one of the most powerful books I've read on impending Great Transition. It should be required reading for anyone interested in exploring what the post-capitalist world could look like.

I've actually written a book review on Terra Nova, contrasting it with another popular account of what will happen to the planet in the next 20 years, The Collapse of Western Civilization. You can read the review here:



5.0 out of 5 stars

Global Spiritual Revolution

By David Lorimer on January 19, 2016

Format: Paperback

The central theme of this visionary yet practical book is how we generate a new form of humaneness based on trust and mutual support. In the late 1960s, the author was a Marxist activist, but he realised that Marxism did not address the inner aspect of life from which outer patterns of behaviour emerge. This led him to found a community in 1978, which moved to become Tamera in Portugal in 1995. In the introduction, he states that the human being is the cause of his own failure because he disregarded some essential aspects of his own inner world - the driving powers of the soul, libidinous longings, sexuality and animality, spiritual powers, hopes and fears. His thesis is that a transformation of the inner world will lead to a corresponding outer transformation - a critical aspect of our story but then our outer structures also shape our inner world and draw out certain features of human nature. As this year has shown only too clearly, we live within a matrix of fear and violence portrayed by the media, even if most of us are in fact living peacefully in our own communities. I'm sure he is right in regarding the community or group as a microcosm of human existence, containing as it does light and dark elements. It is important to remind ourselves, as Aldous Huxley pointed out in 1942, that a humane goal cannot be reached through inhumane means. Whatever the short-term imperatives, violence will create further violence in a spiral of destruction.

We need to reflect deeply on what it means to choose life and trust and to realise our inherent interconnectedness as expressions of one life and one consciousness. We are deeply embedded in a morphic field of fear (Duhm uses the word morphogenetic, but Rupert Sheldrake himself would use ‘morphic’ in this wider context) - primarily fear of loss and separation at a deep unconscious level, where so many horrific images of war and suffering are stored. An important part of his thesis and the work of Tamera is that our patriarchal society and institutions have for centuries suppressed women's sexuality (Riane Eisler has written extensively about this) in systems of domination and possession. This requires a freeing up of love and sexuality based on real contact and trust rather than exploitation. Duhm makes a deep connection between lying, betrayal, fear and violence in love with their corresponding expression in war - all this destroys trust and therefore openness to love and compassion. This applies especially to bringing up children, who need this atmosphere of love in order to flourish.

The second section on concrete utopia explains how we can create a new morphic field from the inside out. He gives some remarkable examples from Satprem to illustrate that our thoughts and feelings shape how the outer world reacts to us. He calls this acting through the ‘inner operator’ or higher self corresponding to the sacred matrix or cosmic pattern of life also represented in our culture by the power of Christ. A further manifestation is Ananda or joy, which enables a harmonious relationship in Tamera between humans and nature, even those we normally regard as pests. The overall vision is of a new humanity on a healed Earth and it is critical to articulate and hold this vision – as embodied in communities like Tamera – as a field to attract its own realisation. It can only start small and grow, like all seeds in nature.

The third part spells out in more detail how the Earth and humanity can be healed, as has happened for instance at Tamera due to their water retention scheme that has regenerated the previously arid area. Life is inherently healing and the entelechy of each organism contains its own blueprint for development. Duhm describes the processes for the development of trust and solidarity used at Tamera for the healing of love and the freeing of sexual expression as well as the recognition that our human challenges are universal. He summarises these in a series of guidelines and more general ethical principles all based on the primacy of love – especially the deep soul connection - for human flourishing. Nonviolent human culture has to be based on truth, mutual support, responsible participation in the community, transparency, reliability and care for the animal world. At an emotional level this means becoming free of reactivity so that the spiritual powers of the universe can act through you.

The fourth part explains the global healing biotopes or cells, of which the Tamera community is one. These are anchored in the universal powers of life and creation, taking ‘a determined, non-negotiable stand for life.’ Members shift from an individual to a community identity and become more radically themselves as they drop the need to be normal in society’s terms. This goes way beyond the collectivism associated with Marxism and its emphasis on social conditioning. As people reveal themselves and are really seen, they are loved for who they are. They also magnetise around a higher spiritual ideal. In our time we not only need a strong vision of hope and love but a practical demonstration of its reality. This visionary book and the Tamera community are beacons of our new possibilities and give us a compass direction to the creation of a more trusting world to which our young people can aspire.


5.0 out of 5 stars


By Durel K. on March 30, 2016

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

In the Terra Nova book, Dieter Duhm offers a comprehensive vision of a concrete utopia grounded in nearly forty years of research in community. What he details is literally a New Earth evolving not from our shared human history of war and collective trauma but rather from the newly emerging information field of peace. This is a world based on trust and mutual support, ending the long assault against life and love characterizing the patriarchal period of the last five thousand years. Essential to this work, this revolution, is “issue number one,” the restoration of the proper relationship between the sexes, the freeing of love and sexuality from existing patterns of power and control and, most importantly, from fear.


5.0 out of 5 starsInspiring a practical utopia

By Katrina on February 22, 2016

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

While psychotherapy addresses healing on the individual level, Duhm encourages us to consider the diseases that psychologically afflict us from a cultural, global perspective. Terra Nova explores how to build new communities or “healing biotopes” that eradicate fear and celebrate the transformations that arise from fulfilling our basic human needs for trust, love, and connection. A read that Inspires us to challenge the core beliefs and cultural norms that have been formed though centuries of war, patriarchy, and violence, to risk a paradigm shift that will heal the collective and fulfill the ideal of heaven on earth.


The Sacred Matrix: Dieter Duhm: 9783927266162: Amazon.com: Books

The Sacred Matrix: Dieter Duhm: 9783927266162: Amazon.com: Books

The Sacred Matrix Paperback – April 1, 2008

by Dieter Duhm  (Author)

5 out of 5 stars    7 customer reviews


Top Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars

Looking for where Peace can begin

By David Kunin on July 12, 2008

Format: Paperback

I found the best way to approach this book was to let it fall open in a particular place, and then just read. Duhm is talking about how everything in the universe is all intimately woven together, and the contents of his book reflect this. You can open at random to just about any place in The Sacred Matrix, and find a stimulating, thought-provoking passage.

Several years ago, I visited Tamera (the "healing biotope" mentioned in the first review) and heard Duhm speak one warm Sunday morning. He was the first person I had ever heard that mentioned (all in the same speech): our galaxy; the subatomic level; the human responsibility to respect animal and plant life; problems between men and women, including the need for trust and a new approach to sexuality; the sources of human fear; community as a laboratory to discover new ways of being; and a concrete vision for a future without war. I was very impressed, and his book (which was only available in German at that time) is an expansion of all these important themes, and how they are interconnected.

Amoung the many other thinkers and visionaries who Duhm quotes in The Sacred Matrix: Barry Long, Wilhelm Reich, Sabine Lichtenfels, Carlissa Estes, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Problems with the book? It is, at times, too... "dense" is the word that comes to mind. The book can be a difficult read straight through from cover to cover. That is why I fell back to a more random approach, which I found suited the material quite well.

What I like most about this book is that it represents a lifetime of thinking, exploring, and experimenting by a very profound man. Deiter Duhm has dedicated his life to developing a theory and practice that can unite peace-workers around the world. The Sacred Matrix is a deeply thought-out statement of what has gone wrong in the world, and a heart-felt invitation to transform our life together.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Building a new future now: a report on an experiment and manual

By George Caneda on August 18, 2008

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

We all have a longing for a better world. Some of us even dare to think that such a world is actually possible, and that a world of peace, love, cooperation and abundance for all is necessary to our survival. Dieter Duhm and his friends set out to demonstrate in practical terms that this profound yearning of humanity can be satisfied. They have dedicated the last 30 years to this endeavor.

This book is a manual on how to build a new culture, a culture that supports the Sacred Matrix, the Matrix of Life, and is supported by it. Dieter Duhm draws on a fairly new physics theory, the Holographic Universe, to empower us all, to put the responsibility for the building of this new culture on each of us. A deep shift in our beliefs and behavior towards the Matrix of Life, (of Love), will eventually tilt the balance on this blue planet back towards the paradise it was supposed to be.

The building blocks of this new culture are: peace between the genders (peace in sex and love relationships is the starting point); restoring woman to her rightful, loving, sexual and powerful role; formation of communities of people to support the change process; cooperation between people and nature, between people and the earth; creation of a radically new mythology, a new spirituality, new ethics to support this new culture. This new culture is not a Utopian fantasy, it is worked and researched on in Tamera, in the south of Portugal.

This book should be read by anyone seriously committed to the peace movement, to ending the cycle of war, fear and hatred. It should be read by all women who want to wake up from the nightmare of hatred and dissatisfaction that has plagued their lives (for thousands of years). It should be read by all man that want to love women without fear. It should be read by young people dreaming of a better world, critical of the world they have inherited and ready to go to work for their dream. It should be read by all people that have given up on religions as the answer because it draws on the true spiritual nature of things. It should be read by anyone interested in communities, in ecology, in cohousing and ecovillages, in sustainable and decentralized energy production, in permaculture and in low cost architecture.

The Sacred Matrix is a book full of hope, faith, love, science, pragmatism, technology and adventure.


5.0 out of 5 stars

A book worth reading for a future worth living

By Stephen Davis on July 2, 2008

Format: Paperback

"The Sacred Matrix" by Dr. Dieter Duhm is a "must read" for anyone wanting a life of peace for themselves, their children, or their children's children.

I have known Dr. Duhm for fifteen years, and I have the greatest respect and admiration for him and his efforts to create a new culture of peace on this planet. For more than thirty years he has worked tirelessly and with a steady focus to find a way for human beings to live in cooperation and harmony with each other, with animals, and with nature. His persistence and dedication are now paying off with the success of an intentional community in southern Portugal called "Tamera."

In "The Sacred Matrix", Dr. Duhm calls Tamera a "healing biotope" - a word most English-speaking people have never heard and may not understand. Literally translated, "biotope" simply means a place where life lives. Duhm, however, gives it several different twists, calling it a "greenhouse of trust," "an acupuncture point of peace," and "a self-sufficient future community."

Essentially, "The Sacred Matrix" is the definitive summation of Dr. Duhm's vision and a detailed explanation of his philosophy that forms the basis of life in a "healing biotope." Sophisticated and thought-provoking, Duhm's arguments include the necessity for community and an end to patriarchy if the world is going to survive.

As far as I am concerned, if Dr. Duhm had only uttered one sentence in his entire life, he would still qualify as one of the great thinkers of our time. That sentence: "We will never have peace between nations as long as there is war between man and woman." There are many good men today preaching world peace - men with good hearts and good intentions, I'm sure - but who have never found a way to have a meaningful, lasting, and truly intimate relationship with a woman. Something's wrong with that picture.

Dr. Duhm, however, doesn't shy away from what he calls the "prime issues" that hold the key to a future of peace: love and sexuality. "There is an entelechial form of sexuality and sexual love, and of partnership and free love... and we must find this form in order to achieve healing. It is the form of the Sacred Matrix," he says.

Dieter Duhm, Tamera, and "The Sacred Matrix" definitely take a different approach to life and living than the rest of the world. Nature loves diversity, and evolution requires it. It just might be that Tamera, and other healing biotopes like it to come, are the best hope for the future of the human race. That alone makes this book worth reading.


Dieter Duhm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dieter Duhm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dieter Duhm

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. Dieter Duhm
Dieter Duhm, sociologist, psychoanalyst, art historian and author, is one of the co-founders of Tamera, a peace research center in southwestern Portugal.

Life and work

Born in BerlinGermany in 1942, Duhm lived through the bombing of Berlin as a very young child, as well as the poverty and hunger in the postwar period, and those experiences would shape his thinking and actions throughout his life.
In 1969 Duhm completed his B.A. in psychology and in 1973 he earned his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Freiburg.
But it was the Vietnam War that catapulted him into a leadership role in the MarxistLeft of the German Student Movement and made him a staunch critic of western capitalism. He wrote an essay called, The structure of material goods and destroyed inter-personality, which was published as a book in CologneGermany in 1975, andFear in Capitalism: A second attempt at a social substantiation of inter-personal fear in material capitalist society, which became a best-seller three times: in 1973, the 14th edition in 1977, and the 17th edition in 1984.
The anti-imperialist struggle and the attempts within this to develop new forms of community and real socialism failed because of human conflicts. Without building a human basis that can support this, the continuation of such political work no longer seems useful.[1]
Despite offers of a professorship, Duhm decided to leave academic life and his political activism in 1975, explaining his reasons in The Human Being is Different: Reflection on much ridiculed, but necessary contents of a holistic theory of liberation; critique of Marxism.
In this book I concentrate on the question of whether the human being is changeable and what possibilities emerge after a change has taken place. I do not deny the necessity to change the society. But both parts – the change of society and the change of the individual – have to come together in order to create a revolution, through which a society is created that really fulfills the needs of its people.[2]
He retreated to an isolated farmhouse in southern Germany and spent the next three years in research, developing the basis of a theory to create a future without war for the Earth, using many different sources of thinking and wisdom.


During this period, Duhm says that he found inspiration in the works of Nietzsche,Hegelvan GoghRudolf SteinerJesusLaoziPrentice Mulford, and Teilhard de Chardin; and he spent time in the Aktionsanalytische Organisation (AAO) with Otto Muehl at the Friedrichshof community in Austria, and with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh inIndia.
Focusing on the question how war and violence can be overcome on a global scale, Duhm became intensively interested in the theories of the Marxist psychoanalystWilhelm Reich. His contention with and eventual renunciation of Reich led him into a deeper study of Asiatic traditions, such as different meditation practises, YogaT'ai chi, and others.

Early theory

As indicated by the titles of his published work, Duhm was never a purely Marxist economist, but had always been interested in the individual, psychological issues underlying the world’s problems. For example, Duhm has said that “before we can solve the ecological and technological problems of the Earth, we must first solve the more basic human issues, like competition, jealousy, and fear that prevent human beings from living and working together in community.”[3]
Duhm wanted to realize his vision of a thoroughly peaceful society and create a model – a prototype of a post-capitalistic, peaceful civilisation. This would include the peaceful cohabitation and cooperation with all creatures of nature (including bugs and vermin) and provide alternative types of energy supplies using inexhaustible energy sources rather than exploiting the earth, alternative types of architecture, of nourishment and of medicine, right up to a new understanding of the human world imbedded in a cosmic order.
Included in his basic theory was the concept of “free love.” (Duhm has used the term "free love" to describe "love free of fear.”) He thus attempted to “overtake the communist idea on the left” by expanding it into the erotic area, and soon became one of the main figures in the so-called “emancipation debate” concerning the connection between political work and personal liberation.

Practical application

In 1978 Duhm began to put this theory into practise. First he created an interdisciplinary research center with a dozen experts from various fields, called the “Bauhuette,” located in southern Germany. Their goal was to find workable answers to the ecological and technological problems facing the human species at that time. However, within a few years they discovered that if their project had any chance of surviving, they first had to research more deeply into the core human relationship questions that lay hidden under all issues – such as competition, greed, and jealousy. So Duhm traveled around GermanyAustria, and Switzerland for a year, finding fifty willing participants who began a social community experiment in 1983 to research the possibilities of dissolving internal group conflicts concerning power, money, sexuality and love; and they spent three years in a remote area of the Black Forest under Duhm’s guidance.
But in 1984 a slanderous campaign in the media began against Duhm and his projects, both in Germany and Switzerland. This increasingly impeded the research work in theBlack Forest, and finally disrupted it totally. The group’s attempt to have the information about them corrected remained unsuccessful, and the community finally had to disband.


So in 1989 Dieter Duhm moved to Lanzarote, together with his life partner, Sabine Lichtenfels, and several friends. For the next six years he dedicated his time to painting and writing, and found the peace and quiet he needed to research and prepare his next project.
In 1995, Duhm co-founded the Tamera Peace Research Center in southwestern Portugal together with Sabine Lichtenfels and Rainer Ehrenpreis. It was finally his chance to create a working model that put all his research into action, which he called “The Political Theory,” based in part on such concepts as holographychaos theory,systems theory, and morphogenetic fields.

Political theory

Duhm’s political theory contends that the basic building blocks of matter are not atoms, but instead are energy, frequency, and information. Earth with its atmosphere and magnetic field, with its waters and landscapes, with its creatures, biotopes and human societies, is an integral, oscillating and living body that can be healed, just as a human body can be healed if the appropriate “medicine,” i.e. the appropriate information, is administered, Duhm believes.
This healing information, Duhm says, is wanted most at the points where new wars are created daily: in the cohabitation of human beings. In this area far reaching change is necessary. Duhm feels that the peace information needed will emerge from social structures whose ethical basic values of compassion, trust, mutual support and solidarity are no longer being destroyed, but rather are generated and maintained; and Tamera is just one of several places necessary where the conditions for peaceful co-habitation are researched and put into practice.
Duhm explains his political theory in two books available in English: Future without War: Theory of Global Healing, and The Sacred Matrix: From the Matrix of Violence to the Matrix of Life; Foundations of a New Civilisation.
Decisive for the success of such peace projects is not how big and strong they are in comparison to the existing apparatuses but how comprehensive and complex they are, how many elements of life they are able to combine and to unite in a positive way. In the field buildings of evolution it is not the law of the strongest, but the success of the more comprehensive that counts. No new developments would otherwise have been able to assert themselves had they not all begun small and inconspicuous.[4]

Healing biotopes

Duhm calls these places “Healing Biotopes” or "Peace Research Villages,” which act somewhat like acupuncture points to foster a new future in the body of Earth. His theory postulates that only a few such centers will be sufficient worldwide to tip over the “information field” of violence, for together these few centers will create the microscopically small change needed to have a large effect on the “Whole.”


As these ideas became more and more concrete, they and the movement in the world that they represent came to be called "Terra Nova," which aims to create the conditions for a global system change for a nonviolent Earth, through activism, education and networking and by spreading perspectives for profoundly nonviolent culture based on trust and cooperation.[5]
In 2015, Duhm wrote the book Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Loveto expound upon and clarify the basic ideas of the movement.[6]


  • The Sacred Matrix: From the Matrix of Violence to the Matrix of Life; Foundations of a New CivilizationISBN 978-3-927266-16-2, 464 pages, 2005
also as E-book ISBN 978-3-927266-51-3, 324 pages, 2014


  1. Dieter Duhm, Fear in Capitalism: A second attempt at a social substantiation of inter-personal fear in material capitalist society. (1973)
  2. Dieter Duhm, The Human Being is Different: Reflection on much ridiculed, but necessary contents of a holistic theory of liberation; critique of Marxism. (1975)
  3. Dieter Duhm, Toward a New Culture, (1975), Verlag Meiga
  4. Dieter Duhm, Future without War: Theory of Global Healing, (2007), Verlag Meiga
  5. Terra Nova
  6. Terra Nova book

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