
Run, Dirk, Run! Wrestling with the Willems Story – 606

キンバリー・シュミット「逃げろディルク」を読む。太宰治をパロディしたのは私だw。自分を追って溺れそうになった迫害者の命を引き返して救い、自らは捕えられて殉教したディルク・ウィレムスの物語は「ザ・殉教者の鏡」として広く知られる。しかし、ディルクの「無償の愛敵精神」は、夫のDVから逃げた妻に何を教えるか? 引き返せとでも? 夫を愛して暴力を受けろとでも? これはサバイバーでもある著者の葛藤の証しでもある。
ディルクだけが殉教者なのでも、殉教者がみなディルクのように殉教したのでもない。その当たり前の事実を、著者はヘレナ・フォン・フライブルクという1人の再洗礼派に注目して描く。彼女は(そう、ヘレナは女性である)キッツビューエル、コンスタンツ、アウグスブルクと、迫害から逃げて逃げて逃げ切って、殉教せずに死んだ。当局は「あの邪悪な女(Diese Bose Frau)」とよんで悔しがったという。『殉教者の鏡』にはもちろん載っていない。彼女の逃避もまた、ディルクの殉教と同様に語り継がれ、祝われるべきだ、こんにち私たちがあるのは、死ぬことよりも逃げることを選んだ再洗礼派のおかげなのだから、と著者は言う。
Kimberly Schmidt는 "Run Dirk"를 읽었다. 태극기를 패러디한 건 나였어 ᄏᄏᄏ. 자신을 익사할 뻔한 박해자의 목숨을 돌아서 구한 더크 윌렘스의 이야기는 '순교자의 장막'으로 널리 알려져 있다. "하지만 Dirk의 "평판있는 사소함"은 남편의 DV를 도망친 아내에게 무엇을 가르치나요? 등을 돌리더라도? 남편을 사랑하고 학대를 당해도? 생존자와 피해자의 눈물에 대한 증언입니다.
Dirk가 순교자일 뿐만 아니라 모든 순교자가 Dirk처럼 순교한 것은 아니다. 저자는 명백한 사실을 한 재침례자 헬레나 폰 프라이부르크에 주목한다. 그녀는 (예, 헬레나는 여성입니다) 키츠부엘, 콘스탄트, 아우크스부르크와 함께 박해를 벗어나 순교하지 않고 죽었습니다. 당국은 '저 사악한 여자(디에스 보세 프라우)'가 유감이었다고 말했다. 당연히 순교자의 무덤에는 포함되지 않지. 그녀의 탈출도 더크의 불교처럼 이야기하고 축하해야 한다. 죽기보다 도망을 선택한 재침례자들이 있기 때문이다. 저자는 말한다.
역사적 정확성, 순교자 선택 기준, 불교경험을 정체성으로 삼는 문제 등 순교자들에게 어려움이 많습니다. "그래도 메노이스트로서 이 책이 ""메나우 시몬스 컬렉션""보다 더 인기가 있다는 것에 기뻐합니다. "
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Run, Dirk, Run! Wrestling with the Willems Story – 606

Politics, culture, family and more. From a (mostly) Mennonite perspective.Skip to content
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Run, Dirk, Run! Wrestling with the Willems Story

All month, Sixoh6 has asked some of the smartest women we know to share their work about other women in honor of Women’s History Month. Today, we are joined by Kimberly D. Schmidt, full professor of history at Eastern Mennonite University and director of the Washington Community Scholars’ Center. Her research interests include Amish and Mennonite women’s social history and women’s histories of the Southern Cheyenne, and she teaches about local multicultural history, the histories of social movements, and the lived experience of poverty in Washington, DC. She is the author of Magpie’s Blanket, which was a finalist for a Women Writing the West WILLA Literary Award, historical fiction category, and Strangers at Home: Amish and Mennonite Women in History.

Today, she shares with a sermon she preached at Hyattsville Mennonite Church in Hyattsville, Maryland, on January 21, 2018. Readers may want to briefly review Leviticus 24: 17-20 and Matthew 5:38-42, both of which deal with the “eye for an eye” teaching of the Hebrew Bible.

He’s everywhere. Pick up just about any Mennonite publication, online or print, and I’ll bet my grandmother’s sacred zwiebach recipe that Dirk Willems makes his ubiquitous appearance. As historian James C. Juhnke wrote, his image can be found “on church banners, Sunday School curriculum publications, church bulletins, conference brochures, periodical mastheads, newspapers, books, and even on the label for a [failed] Mennonite beer.” Apparently, he also inspires Tom and Jerry cartoon knock-offs and dog sweaters.[1]

There’s Dirk, skinny from being imprisoned and eating nothing but watery gruel, descending with knotted rags from his jail cell window and skimming across a frozen pond, escaping a certain death when his pursuer, a well-fed and hapless member of the local brute squad, falls through the ice.

So, what does Dirk do?

That’s right–Dirk turns, reaches back and hauls his would be captor from the icy currents. For his selfless heroism he is promptly re-jailed, tortured, tried and sentenced to be burned at the stake at dawn.



Dirk Willem’s story, as told in Martyr’s Mirror. Dirk is on the left, having turned back to reach his arms out to his would-be captor, who has fallen through the ice. Three men look on from the bank.

Now, that’s as far as most people get. Did you know that the pyre refused to burn? The wind was too strong and kept blowing out the “lingering fire,” leaving Dirk burned from the waist down but alive. Thieleman J. van Braght, the sixteenth-century author of the Martyrs Mirror, wrote that Dirk cried out in agony at least seventy times before the constable in charge implored the nearby executioner to find a way to quickly and mercifully dispatch Dirk.

Mennonites are people of the book. Our sixteenth-century Anabaptist Reformation was fueled not only by missionary zeal and disgust with indulgences and the corruption of the Catholic Church at that time, but by the printed page. Many early Anabaptist leaders were writers, printers, booksellers and theologians. We are named after Menno Simons, who chronicled our beliefs in non-resistance, but I think it’s fair to say that, more than Menno, Dirk captures our imaginations. Dirk is our “most popular martyr,” according to an recent article in Mennonite World Review, and his story has endured on the printed page in the Martyrs Mirror.

First published in 1660, the “Martyrs Mirror has functioned, and continues to function, as a measure of Christian faithfulness,” writes religious historian, David L. Weaver Zercher in his 2016 book, Martyrs Mirror: A Social History. He continued, “van Braght’s book has proven enduring, in part, because of his emphasis on “apostolic succession” — the idea that a small group of believers preserved the true gospel (characterized by nonresistance and adult baptism) in an unbroken line since the days of Christ. Thus, whoever claims ownership over Martyrs Mirror can also portray themselves as Jesus’ rightful heirs.”

Historian Ben Goossen in a review of Zercher’s book added, “Put differently, martyr tales are always about power, especially the power to induce social and theological conformity [emphasis mine].”

Dirk’s Martyrs Mirror story, defines Anabaptist-identifying people. In his article on Dirk, Juhnke cites “a missionary” who claimed that, “This story is quite possibly the most potent illustration in the Mennonite subconscious.”

I agree: Except for the Jesus story, it is the most defining narrative of our collective identity.

In the 1990s and early 2000s a number of essays were published in the Mennonite press about the relevance of the Dirk Willems story to Mennonite identity today. From what I found the authors all agreed that Dirk Willems should be celebrated, unconditionally. The Willems story, more than any other in the Martyrs Mirror, induces social and theological conformity in Mennonite churches.



–”Dirk Willems warns Mennonites not to expect to be rewarded for good works–a sharp contradiction to the American gospel of success.”

–He teaches us to have compassion for the enemy.

–He teaches us about self-sacrificial love.

–He teaches us about dying for our beliefs.

–He teaches us how to follow Jesus’s words and “turn the other cheek.”

There is much to applaud about the Dirk Willems narrative.

But, there are problems:

In 1997, I gave a paper at the symposium “Mennonite and Jewish Ethnic Identity in America,” held at the University of Maryland at College Park. At the conference were a number of adult children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors and also Mennonite scholars and community people. When the aforementioned Juhnke told the Dirk Willems story, the Jews in the audience erupted with surprised laughter. They asked, “Why on earth would you go back to rescue your captor? Jews would never rescue Nazis. How stupid can you get?” The Mennos in the audience were dumbfounded. I’ve never forgotten the Jewish reaction to our most highly revered story.

Why has the Jewish reaction to Dirk Willems remained so powerful for me? Probably because of its relevance to my life, both personally and politically.

Mennonite women suffering from abuse and harassment and who are encouraged to embody the Dirk Willems story face a double bind: First, they must rescue their abusers. Second, they must submit to their abusers. I would go so far as to argue that rescuing an abuser is an act of submission. Victims must, as Goossen wrote, adhere to the martyr story as it induces social and theological conformity. To decide not to go back, to not reach back and rescue your captor goes against our primary theological identity. It is something most of us are not willing to challenge.

How many times did I go back and try to “rescue” an abusive husband? I still wonder at how blind I was. During our courtship, I should have paid more attention to his court records, his run-ins with police, his lack of boundaries with female friends, and his belligerent behavior at parties and with waiters, shop owners, and those who are hired to serve in businesses where the “customer is always right.” These confrontations during courtship escalated in marriage to fits of anger, violent rages directed not only at others but also at me and our children, including physical, psychological, and emotional abuse. By the end of our marriage, when I had finally given up hope in redemption, I remember thinking, “Don’t go back. Don’t pull him out of the water again. Just let him drown.”



The Dirk Willems story taken with no criticism, no thoughtful analysis, and no alternate narratives can hold people in abusive, trapped places, especially when relational power dynamics are skewed.

The struggle I had with rescuing my now ex-husband resulted in revictimization.[2]

I knew that pulling him out of the water would result in once again having to protect myself and my children from his violence.

I knew that pulling him out of the water resulted in codependency. I stayed with him in spite of his unhealthy behaviors and supported him at the cost of my own mental, emotional, and physical health.

Pulling him out of the water was not a healthy choice.

Pulling him out of the water resulted in years of shame and silence.

I don’t doubt that the Willems story holds powerful truths for many, but with this sermon I am issuing a clarion call. We’ve taken it too far.

I am not the first to express skepticism. Writing in 1992, Melvin Goering wrote, “The theological assumptions and social context of Mennonites at the end of the 20th century are so different from the world of Dirk Willems, a comparison raises doubts whether the martyr stories can provide guidance for the 21st century.” In 2002, Ross L. Bender introduced class when he questioned how wealthy BMW Mennonites could possibly identify with a sixteenth-century outcast. With this essay I am introducing gender as yet another dynamic and analytical tool. How does the Willems story change when gender is introduced?[3]

As an abused wife, I could not be helped by Willems. I needed an alternate narrative, one that pushed me across that frozen river and shouted at me to keep running.

Lest some of my audience sitting comfortably in pews think, “Well, that’s just one woman,” let me remind you of the #MeToo Movement, now bringing down men in high places.

Let me remind you of Roy Moore’s alleged sexual abuse of teen-aged girls, which thankfully cost him an election, if nothing else.

Let me remind you of the women’s marches held across the country and around the world.

And, let me remind you of the legions of women who came forward to finally level charges at the celebrated Mennonite theologian, John Howard Yoder. In this case, the personal has become unabashedly and powerfully political. In these cases, Dirk is a woman and Dirk needs to run. Run, Dirk, Run.



Probably because of the Groper-in-Chief’s presence in the White House, so-called women’s issues, sexual harassment, and abuse of power are in the headlines. I say “so-called women’s issues” because the great majority of perpetrators are men. Women are predominantly the victims of these crimes and men are the abusers so why are these called “women’s issues?” Seems to me abusive men are the ones with the issues.

So how can we as a community respond to the overuse of Willems?

I suggest we come up with alternate narratives.

Here’s one:

Helena Von Freyburg, another early Anabaptist leader, ran.[4] She was a noble woman in Kitzbühel, in present-day Austria, under fire from Hapsburg authorities during the Anabaptist Reformation. When her position, title, connections, marriage to a powerful man, and personal wealth couldn’t protect her, she did not submit. She did not rescue. She ran, first to Constanze, in present-day Switzerland, then to Augsburg, in present-day Germany. In all three locations, KitzbühelKitzbühel, Constanze, and Augsburg she formed congregations, testified, and used her considerable resources to protect her fellow fleeing Anabaptist refugees. She did not submit to authorities. In fact, she outwitted them on several occasions. The Swiss authorities were so frustrated with her that they called her “die bose Freybergerin,” (the evil Freybergerin): A “nasty woman” of her day.

At one point the ecclesiastical leaders of Kitzbühel said they would allow her back into the city without imprisonment if she would renounce her faith, publicly, and on Sunday morning during church services. It was thought that her public renunciation would severely damage the local Anabaptist cause. She agreed to this plan. But, then she must have thought better of it. She contacted a low level Vicar and gave her testimony in private. There was no public recantation. Soon she was back to her usual habits of harboring Anabaptist refugees in her castle, hosting church services, planning debates between theological luminaries, and teaching and praying with locals. Much to the frustration of the Hapsburgs, the congregation began to grow again. Auch meine gute. Diese Bose Frau–that evil woman! Eventually the pressure became too great and she fled from Kitzbühel. She died in Augsburg. She was one of just a handful of early leaders to die a peaceful death. In Helena’s case, Dirk was a woman and she kept on running.

Helena’s story presents an alternative narrative, one in which the would-be martyr outwits authorities and escapes. Her escape should be just as celebrated as Dirk’s martyrdom. After all, are not Mennonites also people of the road? Until settling in North America we were a migratory people. Stories that didn’t make it into the Martyrs Mirror but that have been passed down through our families include sliding through hidden trap doors in barns to escape the Täuferjäger, the anabaptist hunters.



Helena’s story also presents an equally powerful, moral narrative where a woman takes smart, life-affirming action. She escapes oppression and actively builds and leads a strong supportive community.[5]

Another response to Dirk’s overuse is to come up with alternate visions of Dirk.

If Dirk becomes a woman, he can also become group of people. What if Dirk is not alone? What if that ubiquitous lithograph from the Martyr’s Mirror pictures a group of people, standing on the ice, pulling the jailer out of the water but also blocking him from reaching Dirk. The jailer is confronted. Dirk gets away. Dirk doesn’t get burned.

This second response involves more community involvement. I know from personal experience that in some cases you can’t keep turning the other cheek in Christian love and expect the situation to change. Someone other than the victim needs to call the perpetrator out. Someone other than the victim needs to box him in. Someone other than the victim needs to come up with accountability measures. The victim shouldn’t have to be the only one doing all the rescuing.

Here I turn to the work of Marty Langelan, a community safety expert who teaches anti-harassment workshops throughout our region.

Good men must recognize that this is men’s issue. Good men must step up. Women confronting abusive men on their own are rarely successful without male allies. I don’t think I am being anti-feminist to recognize the gender imbalance still present in our society and to call on men to help do the rescuing. Until our culture shifts, and I think it’s shifting now, women need men to help do the heavy lifting.

Not just women but men, too, must confront the chasing, abusive men and call them out to change their behavior. They must be willing to take risks and run out onto the river and over that frozen ice. They must risk drowning to support the victims. If they stay on shore, they remain silent bystanders, they perpetuate the power imbalance and embolden and validate the abusers. And, Dirk gets burned once again. Abusers and bullies look to other men for validation. When this stops, they will stop.

I’m tired of watching women burn. I’m tired of being burned.

Langelan writes, “We all have a moral imperative to take action — individually as [active] bystanders and collectively as a community. It’s our responsibility to provide escape routes, resources, and a community moral framework that frees the oppressed (and does not burden the victims with the duty to rescue their oppressors).” [6]

I ask that we change our images and pictures of Dirk to include a host of people on the ice. Not just two men, but women and men, shielding Dirk, hauling the jailor from the ice, calling into account. Protecting and rescuing. The community, women and men, need to stand with Dirk.



But until that happens, until our culture truly shifts and victims, be they men or women, aren’t alone on that ice, I say:

Run, Helena, Run!

Run, Kim, Run!

Run, Dirk, Run!



[1] Artist Ian Hubert created several drawings for Tongue Screws and Testimonies: Poems, Stories, and Essays Inspired by the Martyrs Mirror. Kirsten Eve Beachy, ed. (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2010). This one, “Views from a Pond: Dirk–Cat and Mouse” serves as the frontispiece for the chapter, “Enemies”:

Below, your dog can now share the good news of Dirk Willems!

[2]After I wrote this sermon, I read Stephanie Krehbiel’s essay “Staying Alive: How Martyrdom Made Me a Warrior” in which she wrote that because of the Martyrs Mirror she “associated Mennonite-ness with victimization.” In Tongue Screws and Testimonies: Poems, Stories, Essays Inspired by the Martyrs Mirror, Kirsten Eve Beachy, ed. (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2010): 133-44.

[3]Ross L. Bender, “Writing for Mennos, or not” in Tongue Screws, op cite, 260-1. See also, Melvin Goering in “Dying to be Pure: The Martyr Story.” I may be the first to explore the limits of martyr narratives in terms of gender and abuse dynamics



[4]For biographical information on Helena Von Freyberg see C. Arnold Snyder and Linda Huebert Hecht, eds. Profiles of Anabaptist Women: Sixteenth Century Reforming Pioneers. (Waterloo, ONT: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 1996).

[5]Marty Langelan, email correspondence with author, January 22, 2018.

[6] Ibid.



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Published by Rebecca

I blog about higher education with a focus on online education, equity, and justice. In addition to my scholarship on higher ed, my research addresses hate, religion, politics, and the law in the contemporary US. My PhD in American studies has allowed me to teach courses in sociology, history, anthropology, and women's and gender studies. I'm currently in academic administration, where my work focuses on supporting faculty for sustainable, just teaching during the time of COVID. View all posts by Rebecca

화자 - 나무위키

화자 - 나무위키

1. 話者[편집]
話者 / Narrator
말하는 이[1]

이야기를 하는 사람. 일상생활에서 말을 하는 사람이란 뜻도 있고, 문학에서 말하는 사람이라는 뜻도 있다. 문학에서는 말하는 사람이 있다. 말하는 사람이 없다면 이야기는 성립할 수 없다. 따라서 화자는 이야기의 필수적인 요건이다.

주로 시에서의 말하는 이를 '시적 화자' 또는 그대로 '화자'라고 하고, 소설의 화자는 '서술자'라고 한다.

또한 ㅇㅇ국어 사용자를 'ㅇㅇ국어 화자'라고도 말한다. 예를 들면 한국어 화자, 중국어 화자 등.

반대말은 듣는 사람이라는 뜻인 청자이다.

A Life of Jesus by Shūsaku Endō | Goodreads

A Life of Jesus by Shūsaku Endō | Goodreads


A Life of Jesus

Shūsaku Endō, Richard Schuchert (Translator)

455 ratings65 reviews

A simple and powerful retelling of the life of Christ as seen through the eyes of a Japanese novelist. +


192 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1973
Book details & editions

Shūsaku Endō351 books854 followers


Shusaku Endo (遠藤周作), born in Tokyo in 1923, was raised by his mother and an aunt in Kobe where he converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of eleven. At Tokyo's Keio University he majored in French literature, graduating BA in 1949, before furthering his studies in French Catholic literature at the University of Lyon in France between 1950 and 1953. A major theme running through his books, which have been translated into many languages, including English, French, Russian and Swedish, is the failure of Japanese soil to nurture the growth of Christianity. Before his death in 1996, Endo was the recipient of a number of outstanding Japanese literary awards: the Akutagawa Prize, Mainichi Cultural Prize, Shincho Prize, and Tanizaki Prize.
(from the backcover of Volcano).

Community Reviews

455 ratings65 reviews
5 stars

393 reviews302 followers

November 1, 2012
'All the same, and I have said it again and again, my own position remains what i have already set forth in drawing a distinction between a fact and a truth in the Bible. In this case too, the Bethlehem nativity might not be a fact, but for me it is the truth'

This paragraph comes on the final page of this life of Christ by Shusaku Endo a japanese catholic novelist or maybe that is a catholic japanese novelist or maybe again a japanese novelist who happened to be a catholic. I belabour the point because i think this is at the heart of Endo's work. He was a man proud of his heritage and sought to find a way of bringing the two into some form of co-operation. This book is a part of that attempt.

Endo the novelist creates an emminently readable account of the life of Jesus in which he imagines the figure of Christ walking and preaching and sharing his ultimately rejected creed of love above all things. He speculates and illustrates and shines his own particular light on that time in our history.
'heartbreaking loneliness carved his face in lines that made him look older than his years, and still the disciples failed to understand.'

This use by Endo of his imagination is supremely effective and cleverly ties in with little anomalies of detail that we have in the scriptures.

Endo the catholic forgets that not all his readers will be as familiar with scripture and the history of religion and prophecy as he is and therefore he assumes a good deal of prior knowledge which as a result might make the book rather obscure for many readers.

Endo the japanese intellectual, seeking to educate and ally heritages and cultures becomes very repetitive as he again and again attempts to lay groundwork for future relflection. This can be annoying as the drip drip drip occurs not just in chapters divided by many pages but in pages divided by just a few paragraphs.

On a number of occasions he recognizes his repetitive streak; 'as i have said many times' is actually a phrase which he writes many times. Is this humour? I don't think so no, just poor editing. You do not get the impression that Endo re-read much and perhaps allowed inspiration to cloud judgement a number of times here.

His oft repeated phrase with which I, as a believer would wholeheartedly agree, probably would not convince many outside of belief for obvious reasons.

'Faith far and away transcends the trivialities of non-essential fact, and because in the depths of their hearts the believers of that generation wished them so, the scenes are therefore true '.

This is one of the major difficulties with the book it seems to me. If he was writing it so as to share his own faith then his opinions and visions sparkle and shine from the page and i think the book is a lovely entry into this writer's mind but if he is attempting to bring others nearer to a sense of God rather than enabling them to see his own faith journey then i think it would fall down; simply because it is too much based on nothing more than his novelists mindset.

Having said all that i found it a fascinating off centre view which serves to shed light on this person who has had and indeed continues to have a profound affect in the lives of millions of people. Many years ago I remember reading Kazantzakis' book 'The Last Temptation of Christ' and being struck by the different light it shed on the person of Christ for me. It was not that of the traditionally accepted orthodox view but that served to enrich my ideas simply because it reminded me of how ridiculous it would be for us to assume we had Jesus sorted, that we could claim we had discovered and understood everything there was to discover or understand about Him. Endo's book, to a lesser extent, does much the same.

His account of Jesus' arrest and trial is an interesting exercise in imagination and re-construction and though Endo continually points out it is just that, it serves to enliven and re-invigorate a picture which, for the believer, can too easily become 'samey' and dry.

His final chapter though, entitled 'the Question', is the one i found most fascinating and inspiring. Endo asks the simple question 'How were a cowardly, traitrous bunch of gobshites....I paraphrase....transformed into men of courage and inspiration ? Was it by guilt, their own insight or something momentously electrifying which turned everything previously held upside down ?

He is a Christian himself so you can probably guess his explanation. The chapter would not convert or change the opinion of someone who does not believe in resurrection into believing but as i read i genuinely do not think that was his intention.

This is a paragraph i found so lovely about halfway through the book.

'The God of love, the love of God -the words come easy. The most difficult thing is to bear witness in some tangible way to the truth of the words. In many cases love is actually powerless.Love has in itself no immediate tangible benefits. We are therefore hard put to find where the love of God can be, hidden behind tangible realities which rather suggest that God does not exist, or that He never speaks, or that He is angry'.

Endo's point was that the whole of Jesus' ministry was putting that difficulty centre stage and answering it by His life, death and continued action of faith in His father. Once again, I do not think it would convince anyone who was not already convinced but it is a sincere reflection. It puts different shading on the story as if a two dimensional picture suddenly has the third dimension added and light and shade enhances and changes a previously well known and perhaps overly familiar canvas.

I for one, as a believer, found it moving and thought provoking and therefore a goodread
autobiography-biography catholic-novelists spirituality

Dhanaraj Rajan
447 reviews302 followers

November 3, 2019
I am confused between three and four stars for this book.

The reason: If you see it as a simple biography of a religious leader/a great spiritual figure written by a secular person, this can be rated with four stars. If you, like myself a believer, read it as a spiritual nourishment, you may rate it with three stars.

Here, Shusaku Endo the novelist shines more. He is trying to get into the skin of the disciples and is more interested in giving a coherent narration of the life of Jesus. That seems to be his intention. He wants to write a brief biography of Jesus for his countrymen. He wants to present Jesus as the loving mother who suffers with her children in their suffering. This is in line with the Japanese (Eastern) sensibilities. The Father figure portrayed by the Western Christendom is not applicable for the Japanese. In fact, it can be revolting.

In presenting Jesus as the Mother, the reflections and narrations are revealing. I liked for example how Jesus held the philosophy of Love and how he wanted it to be preached everywhere. The idea - God of Love and Love of god - was relatively new and a revolutionary idea for the Jews of Jesus' time and Endo's creative imagination in equating Galilee (place of Jesus) with Love of God and Judea (desert) with the idea of God of vengeance. Basing himself on this premise, he interprets the many miracles stories and other significant episodes. I particularly liked his treatment of the episode relating the sinful woman washing the feet of Jesus. ("The tears were enough. God rejoiced to welcome her: Your tears are enough. Don't weep anymore. As for me, I understand how unhappy you have been. ... Whoever loves much will be forgiven much.")

The episodes relating to the arrest of Jesus and the interrogations carried out in the Sanhedrin, before Pilate and in the presence of Herod Antipas are written in a thrilling fashion. The novelist Endo emerges with his full attire here. The way he had re-imagined and re-constructed certain events is very ...... (for lack of words) interesting. The reflection on Resurrection (the final chapter) is alone worth the money for the book.

As I said earlier, this is more a biography meant to push the fellow Japanese to read the Gospels or may be to inform the life of Jesus in a way appealing to them than a biography to nourish you spiritually. There are pages and paragraphs that can enrich your spiritual life. But it may not be the main focus.

P.S. I am a Shusaku Endo fan. I love all that he writes. And when you see your favourite novelists writing about Jesus, how can you restrain yourself from reading it. Sometimes they disappoint. But Endo has not disappointed me here.
biography japanese-lit literature

176 reviews2 followers

January 19, 2023
Endo wrote this book with his fellow Japanese in mind, as an introduction to the life (and passion) of Jesus. If anyone wondered how Endo came to his understanding of Jesus as the maternal, weak, ineffectual character in Silence, his reasoning is here.

Endo is not a traditional Catholic. Christianity's resonance for him hardly lies in the miraculous intervention or revelation of God. He presumes most of the miracle accounts to be folktales added in by the Gospel writers to speak to the "miraculous" nature of Jesus' life. For Endo, Jesus' power is contingent on his absolute helplessness: his submission to God and desire to love all, especially those who despised and betrayed him.

While I diverge with Endo on many points, several parts of the book illuminated the Gospels in novel ways. One, I had never taken seriously just how misunderstood Jesus was, how lonely his ministry must have been. He spent his whole life with those around him believing and hoping that he was something/one that he was not. If anyone understood him, it was the handful of faithful women at his crucifixion. Jesus was, in a sense, utterly alone in the world.

Two, Endo takes a "soft" view of Judas, but he does this by taking a harder view of all the disciples. For Endo, every one of the disciples is just as traitorous as Judas, if not more cowardly for the sheepish way they abandon him in his hour of need. Judas' unique fault is that he has hidden himself from the mercy of Jesus--after his betrayal, he fails to realize that Jesus welcomes him back.

Finally, Endo visted Israel/Palestine more than once during his life. He knows the landscape, the climate, and that allows him to depict Jesus' life with immense detail. No one can deny Endo's historical and geographical knowledge.
endō theology

431 reviews223 followers

January 12, 2020
Mi è stato regalato per Natale da un amico (prete) e chissà perché pensavo fosse un romanzo, invece è un saggio. Parla veramente della vita di Gesù, però da un punto di vista "giapponese". Nel senso che il Cristianesimo non ha mai attecchito in Giappone perché alcune cose cozzano con la mentalità e la spiritualità giapponese. L'autore ha quindi pensato di scrivere di Gesù in modo tale che possa essere capito e accettato dai giapponesi. Sembra quasi un'introduzione a Gesù per chi non lo conoscesse ancora.
L'autore parla soprattutto della vita umana di Gesù. Ho avuto l'impressione che Shūsaku Endō fosse meno interessato al Gesù dei miracoli (figlio di Dio), ma puntasse di più su Gesù in quanto essere umano che ama il prossimo come una madre ama i propri figli. Mette in luce la dolcezza di Gesù.
L'attenzione dell'autore è rivolta soprattutto al discorso della montagna, al comportamento dei discepoli e degli apostoli (questa è la parte che ho preferito), e alla risurrezione. Alcune cose vengono interpretate in modo, diciamo, originale e poco ortodosso, però tutto sommato è interessante. Il libro è scritto in modo molto semplice e scorrevole, e nelle supposizioni dell'autore si trovano interessanti spunti di riflessione.
0-japan spirituality-religion

201 reviews3 followers

August 28, 2020
“What could he do, therefore, to make himself the eternal companion of all those unhappy people? In order to reveal to them the love of God he would have to draw them away from their world of forlorn hopelessness. Jesus knew that poverty and disease in themselves are not the hardest things for people to bear; the hardest to bear are the loneliness and the hopelessness that come with being sick or poor.”


Charlie Canning
Author 12 books11 followers

August 31, 2013
While there are many things to like about Endo Shusaku's A Life of Jesus, the one that stands out is the great love the author has for his subject matter. In the final series of chapters on the passion and death of Christ, Endo writes: "This third act is the climax to the entire Bible, and for a scribbler of novels like me in Japan this particular drama never goes stale, no matter how many times I read it. I never get away from the opinion that the scenes in the passion and death of Jesus, portrayed in the Gospels, are more effective by far than most of the classic tragedies in literature."

Endo's method in his own rendering of "the greatest story ever told" calls to mind the historical novels of the Silk Road by Inoue Yasushi. Because there were so few primary texts to draw from, Inoue traveled to the vast reaches of Western China to meditate on the landscape. This allowed him to fully imagine what the Silk Road was like. Endo did the same in the Holy Land, visiting all the places where Jesus was said to have been, meditating on desert, river, lake and town. The result is an atmospheric life of Christ that adds color and nuance to the Gospels.


1,714 reviews59 followers

March 18, 2019
A Worthy Read

First published in 1973.

Shusaku Endo was a rare thing - a Christian from Japan. He also grew up mostly away from Japan (in China) and spent a considerable amount of his young adult life in France. When he was in Japan, he was different because of his religion. When he was in France, he was different because of his ethnicity.

This re-telling of the Jesus' life emphasizes this idea of being an outsider. Jesus is never want people want him to be. John the Baptist's followers want him to continue to teach like John the Baptist. His early followers want him to perform miracles all of the time. His later followers want him to overthrow the king and drive out the Romans. Meanwhile, Jesus is teaching lessons about love and forgiveness that no one seems to want to hear.

Endo's Jesus is a melancholy man - who wouldn't be when your main message is ignored and everyone wants to you be something you can't be?

Endo chooses to pass over most of the miracle stories of Jesus because ...

Read more at: https://dwdsreviews.blogspot.com/2018...


2 reviews

September 17, 2016
He had some interesting takes on Jesus, I had not heard or thought of before. In general, he is fairly liberal, skeptical of miracles, but also takes a fair amount of the text of the gospels literally. While he does engage in some speculation, he does so drawing upon texts and what is said and not said in them. He shows great familiarity of the four gospels and paints an interesting picture of Jesus drawing upon them and comparing them.


Zen Cho
Author 53 books2,321 followers

January 6, 2010
Picked this up as a possible gift for a Christian friend and read it because I might as well. I found it quite interesting, though maybe being a Christian Westerner would have made it more surprising? Dunno. Sometimes he gets a bit repetitive about e.g. transformation of Jesus' disciples from no-good cowards into fearless leaders of the church, but he is trying to make a point after all.
by-poc historical in-translation

Nathaniel Michael
76 reviews

March 26, 2022
This was a quaint and touching biography of Jesus with a few unique themes and focuses. I highly recommend Shusaku Endo to others, but not this work. For me, I am seeking to understand Endo's theology and life. This book was helpful for understanding what is going on behind the scenes of Silence and others of his works, but I feel that there are better lives of Jesus both for scholarly endeavors and for more casual devotion.

I will say that for a more skeptical Christian (questioning historical accuracy or possibility of miracles) Endo has some healthy perspectives. Also, his portrait of Jesus would go a long way in undoing chauvinistic and power-focused views of Jesus which plague Evangelicalism. However, he repeats often and has ultimately little to say in this work. It is less artful than his other works because he is at heart a novelist, not a non-fiction writer. Also, he is clearly well read in the critical scholarly field of biblical study, but he brings his knowledge to bear in veiled ways so that one can't quite trace his influences.

As for his thoughts, I found his view of Judas enlightening and his focus on the powerlessness of Jesus to be poignant. His belief that the disciples were questioned before the Sanhedrin and denounced Jesus in exchange for their safety is intriguing and at the very least sends a new ray of understanding on Silence. His understanding of the silence of God is chilling in this book as well. I can only shed tears for Endo, who had such compassion for others that his cry to God for justice and comfort must have been ceaseless.

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