
African American Religion - A Very Short Introduction

Eddie S. Glaude Jr.-African American Religion - A Very Short Introduction-Oxford University Press (2014) | Protestantism | Christian Church

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African American Religion: A Very Short Introduction

(The Oxford Very Short Introductions Series)

 3.91  ·   Rating details ·  65 ratings  ·  15 reviews
Since the first African American denomination was established in Philadelphia in 1818, churches have gone beyond their role as spiritual guides in African American communities and have served as civic institutions, spaces for education, and sites for the cultivation of individuality and identities in the face of limited or non-existent freedom.
In this Very Short Introduction, Eddie S. Glaude Jr. explores the history and circumstances of African American religion through three examples: conjure, African American Christianity, and African American Islam. He argues that the phrase "African American religion" is meaningful only insofar as it describes how through religion, African Americans have responded to oppressive conditions including slavery, Jim Crow apartheid, and the pervasive and institutionalized discrimination that exists today. This bold claim frames his interpretation of the historical record of the wide diversity of religious experiences in the African American community. He rejects the common tendency to racialize African American religious experiences as an inherent proclivity towards religiousness and instead focuses on how religious communities and experiences have developed in the African American community and the context in which these developments took place.
About the Series:
Oxford's Very Short Introductions series offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects--from Islam to Sociology, Politics to Classics, Literary Theory to History, and Archaeology to the Bible. Not simply a textbook of definitions, each volume in this series provides trenchant and provocative--yet always balanced and complete--discussions of the central issues in a given discipline or field. Every Very Short Introduction gives a readable evolution of the subject in question, demonstrating how the subject has developed and how it has influenced society. Eventually, the series will encompass every major academic discipline, offering all students an accessible and abundant reference library. Whatever the area of study that one deems important or appealing, whatever the topic that fascinates the general reader, the Very Short Introductions series has a handy and affordable guide that will likely prove indispensable.

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Eddie S. Glaude Jr.

Eddie S. Glaude Jr. is the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor at Princeton University and author of Democracy in Black
Paperback, 160 pages
Published September 24th 2014 by Oxford University Press, USA (first published August 1st 2014)
Showing 1-30

Martyrs for Hope

There are no African-American Christian martyrs. There are many ancient Christian martyrs (who knows, some may have been African), a large number of martyrs among Christian missionaries to European colonies (certainly almost all white folk), a few dozen Protestant and Catholic martyrs of the Reformation (black folk missed that one altogether), somewhat fewer recognised as the martyrs of various totalitarian regimes in the 20th century (others too get murdered for being identifiably different from the dominant group). There is even a basilica in Africa in honour of the twenty-two African Christians killed for their faith in the 19th century.

Yet despite the thousands of (known) deaths among African-Americans by lynching, mob and police brutality, judicial prejudice, or pure social neglect by the dominant white culture, there are none who are recognised as dying for their faith - even those killed in churches while they prayed. Why? I think Glaude offers a clue when he cites the 20th century black theologian, Howard Thurman:
“… the slave dared to redeem the religion profaned in his midst, he offered a particular understanding of black Christianity: this expression of Christianity was not the idolatrous embrace of Christian doctrine that justified the superiority of white people and the subordination of black people. Instead, black Christianity embraced the liberating power of Jesus’s example.”

At the risk of offending a very large segment of African-American Christians, not to mention Christians in general, I suggest that what Thurman is saying is that African American religion is something different than that derived from the Pauline tradition of professed dedication to a text, either biblical or dogmatic. This is a Christianity of practice, not belief in the sense of credal assertion of a set of orthodox opinions. Glaude confirms this explicitly: “I view African American religion as a practice of freedom.”

This non-doctrinal character of African-American religion is at least a partial explanation of why there are no African-American martyrs. Those black Americans who lost there lives didn’t do so proclaiming a belief in propositions of faith. They died in the name of hope not faith. This, I think, might be what Glaude calls “the specific inflection of Christianity in the hands of those who lived as slaves.”

Hope does not reside in propositions or credal statements. Hope, like Love and unlike Faith, is a practice. Hope is un-dogmatic about its intentions. It will accept ‘deliverance,’ or ‘salvation,’ or ‘rescue,’ or simply ‘comfort’ as its end without trying to make a distinction among them. That is, Hope is a confidence that there will be a change in the world but it has no particular object.

This is the example of Jesus. Even when he feels forsaken, he doesn’t despair but maintains Hope: simple undogmatic, perhaps even content-free confidence that the future is worthwhile even in his misery. Glaude puts it this way: “… my approach to African American religion insists on its open-ended orientation… that ‘all is not settled.’” Exactly. What ‘settlement’ might look like is completely “open-ended.” This is a religion of undisclosed, hidden promise. In this sense, it is pre-Pauline, that is to say, Judaic (also a genetically based religion of Hope and physical difference).

Faith is ritualistic; it is a matter of words and submission to words. Hope is an entirely different kind of religious practice. Glaud quotes the black sociologist W. E. B. DuBois about the three things that characterise African-American religious practice: “the preacher, the music, and the frenzy.” Each of these is distinctive, the last most dramatically: “The frenzy (the shouting), for Du Bois, captures that delicate balance between joy and terror that shadows black life in the United States. It is the eruption of the spirit in ordinary time that assures the presence of God amid the absurdity of white supremacy.”

Hope is, I think, what Glaude means by “the sign of difference” in African American religion. Hope is an antidote to absurdity (and therefore even an antidote to faith according to Tertullian). It nullifies or cancels the existence of a hostile and oppressive current world-order. Hope trusts nothing except itself. Not institutions, not people, and, in the midst of the eruption of the spirit, not even words of prayer. This is what Glaude calls “the site for self-creation and for communal advancement with political implication.”

Faith is something one can inquire about and use as a sign of membership or political affiliation. Sometimes people are killed for this affiliation. Hope is a different expression altogether - non-verbal, unpolitical, transcendent one might say. But Hope is apparent in behaviour - an attitude of independence, a willingness to engage, an acceptance of compromise, and a demonstrated tolerance for change and uncertainty. This behaviour makes some people outside what might be called the Community of Hope, (which is much larger than a church congregation) annoyed, resentful, and even homicidally hateful. Unlike faith, it can neither be questioned nor argued against. It persists in silence rather than proclaiming itself. And those who die in Hope do so unrecognised.

Thus, no African-American martyrs. We can only hope the killing stops.
robin friedman
Jan 27, 2015rated it really liked it
African American Religion In The Very Short Introduction Series

Eddie Glaude begins his "Very Short Introduction" to "African American Religion" with a story. Glaude was raised in a small town on the Mississippi coast and attended a predominantly African American Catholic Church as a child. Following Vatican II, Glaube attended an inter-denominational gathering of various African American churches at a local gospel festival where his church choir was invited to participate. Glaude sat in a crowded pew in the church and experienced for the first time the singing of the black Pentecostal and Baptist traditions. "This was true theater", Glaude recalls, "It took my breath away." During the singing, a large elderly woman sitting next to him "caught the spirit", lost her balance, and tumbled onto the shy youngster next to her shouting, "Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus."

Glaude's youthful experience roughly captures what many Americans probably consider a characteristic of African American religion, "the preacher, the music, and the frenzy". But following this engaging initial story, Glaude's book takes a different course. Glaude distinguishes between "religion as practiced by African Americans" and "African American religion". The former includes many different practices, as African Americans follow different religious traditions including Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, and more in different ways. To identify and describe "African American Religion", Glaude argues, more is required. If there is, in fact, "African American religion" as opposed to African Americans practicing different faiths, it must be found a commonality of African American experience. Glaude finds this commonality in African American history, with its beginning in slavery and the subsequent continued oppression of and discrimination against African Americans in the name of white supremacy. Glaude is the William S. Todd Professor of Religion and African American Studies at Princeton University and chair of Princeton's Center for African American Studies.

Taking what he describes as a "pragmatic" approach to African American religion, Glaude identifies three defining ideas. First, Glaude sees African American religion As teaching a "practice of freedom" to open up possibilities closed by white supremacy. Second, Glaude sees African American religion as based on a "sign of difference" in which African Americans deliberately set themselves apart in important ways from the oppression from the majority. Third, Glaude sees African American religion as having an "open-ended orientation" as its practitioners look to a better world "beyond the constraints of now." Glaude writes:

"The preacher, the frenzy, and the music (what I experienced in that small church house on the coast of Mississippi) stand as just one dimension of a complex religious response that has made possible freedom dreams, that has rejected the evil of white supremacy, and has insisted that the future remains open. The phrase 'African American religion' turns our attention to this wonderful human response to the ordeal of living."

Glaude describes three forms of "African American religion" following his delineation of the topic. He discusses the practice of conjuring and its historical and continued impact. He offers three chapters on African American Christianity, covering its development during the years of slavery, its change in character with Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Great Migration, and its current status, with a culture that aims, with dubious success at "color blindness." Glaude tries to show how African American religion has changed and evolved with changing social conditions and demographics. In his final chapter, Glaude discusses the rise of African American Islam, arguing that its appeal is based upon a rejection of African American Christianity as overly-accommodating to an oppressive culture. This succinct chapter offers a perceptive overview of several different strands of African American Islam. In a brief conclusion, Glaude questions whether "African American religion" will remain a proper descriptive category given changes in African American life and changes in the culture.

I learned a great deal from this book but want to offer some comments. The writing style in the book varies from the personal and immediately engaging, as in the opening material, to the stilted and overly-schematized. The study becomes overly-conceptualized at times. The historical and the religious discussions frequently are insightful and fascinating and Glaude relates them well to history and to African American experience. Still, for a short book with limited space, I wanted to learn more about the religions themselves and about different varying approaches during a particular time that might be considered "African American religion". I thought Glaude was frequently too short with the views of different churches and leaders and that he spent too much space on historical events, such as slavery, the Civil War, and the Great Migration, that are amply covered in other books. In other words, the book leans too heavily on social history and too lightly on religion. Finally, I found the book in places anachronistic and polemical. Glaude tends to stress throughout feminist related themes when, by his own account, such themes were neglected or not well-received by African American religion during much of the time covered by the book. The polemical portions of the book, I thought, arose when Glaude downplays or tries to explain away parts of African American religion that took a more accomodationist, apolitical stance to social issues than Glaude believes warranted. To summarize these comments, I think the distinction between the "religions of African Americans" and "African American religions" on which the book turns is useful but too sharply drawn.

This book is thoughtful and provocative. Readers interested in American religion or in African American studies will enjoy and learn a great deal from Glaude's "Very Short Introduction" in the outstanding series from Oxford University Press.

Robin Friedman
Jason Ray Carney
An excellent VSI about the category of African American religion. It begins with conjure, spiritual beliefs and rituals that survived the trauma of the middle passage. It proceeds to analyze Christianity and white missionary efforts during slavery and the way Christian doctrine was interpreted by slaveholders and associated ministers to buoy slavery: it also shows how slaves resisted this allying of Christianity with white superemacy and interpreted the faith so that it became a nourishment to struggles for freedom and self-authorization. It looks at African American religion in reconstruction, early modernity, and through the latter half of the 20th century, with an emphasis on the confluence of Civil Rights and African American religion. Although mostly focused on Christianity, it obliquely references Islam and the Nation of Islam. Overall, an excellent, informative survey to spur deeper reading. (less)
Bianca Bancroft
Feb 07, 2017rated it liked it
I can't fault this book for not explaining certain movements or events that I knew nothing about because this is "A Very Short Introduction," but I do feel like the author could've dumbed it down a bit? I know that's wrong to say, but some of the complicated terms he used weren't necessary. It's like when you're reviewing someone's college paper and you can tell that they heavily relied on a thesaurus.

That being said this book was a great introduction to the topic and I have definitely learned from it.
Goddess Alicia
Jul 16, 2016rated it it was amazing
Provided an epic array of answers for questions no one in my life has been able to answer. Gives a generational background and analysis that is currently missing from the consciousness of African American history. Speaks to my state of mind and the rhythm of my soul. Made me realize how much of this is continually being erased and denied from the psyche of a dying nation. Imperative to the ethnography of this nation, Mr. Glaude enlightens his readers and helps provide insight into the historical and current state of religion in this country. Powerful! (less)
Aug 09, 2021rated it liked it
A great starter book for one who wants to get a taste of the unequivocal essence of religion in African American culture! Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr drops many names and gems for the reader to further investigate.

One thing that I’d wish Dr. Glaude would have done is provide the same fervor in fully illustrating and narrating the Islamic history of African Americans, just as he had done with the sections on Christianity prior. It is understandable that as a Catholic, he may have more of an inclination t
Ed Miner
Jul 30, 2018rated it really liked it
Shelves: read-2018
The summary of the political landscape in the 1980s until now (chapter 6) is suscinct and accurate. Quite the best I've read. I have not seen a summary quite like that. (less)
Jamall Andrew
Oct 11, 2014rated it really liked it
Great read. Really thorough and precise. Dr. Glaude really did a terrific job with this text.
Apr 26, 2018rated it really liked it
I read and reviewed this one for my American Christianity and the Restored Gospel class, I only needed to read a portion of it to get the full credit, but it was interesting enough that I ended up finishing it. Here's the conclusion from the review I turned in (and got a 96% on):

Overall, Glaude produced a thorough and precise volume that succinctly covered several hundred years of a marginalized people’s history. He explains the cultural significance of key events concisely and included a length list of additional reading material if one desires to investigate a subject further. However, Glaude seemed to focus more on the social and cultural events of the periods, and less on the religions themselves. At some points, it seemed that Glaude was describing how a certain event affected African American life in general as opposed to African American religion. This may be in part due to the sharp distinction the author draws between religions practiced by African Americans, and African American religion. Furthermore, while Glaude begins his introduction with a readable and engaging voice, he quickly switches into a more abstruse language that slows the reader. This certainly grants the volume the intended academic quality, yet approaches the topics at hand with swiping macro analysis as opposed to the individual stories that quilts singular experiences into the greater tapestry of African American religion. Nonetheless, Glaude achieved a significant accomplishment in thoroughly examining such an expansive topic within a limited space. 
Jul 27, 2020rated it liked it
I was going to give this a four star. Well written, learned a lot of new things, concise and to the point. But then I got to the chapter on Islam and there is only a very brief and watered down mention of Malcolm X criticisms of Elijah Muhammad and no mention at all of how he was likely killed by NOI thugs.

One might argue that the author just didn’t have time to go into this, Yet in the very same chapter he writes multiple paragraphs criticizing Wallace Muhammad (Elijah’s son), who pushed the organization in a direction closer to mainstream Islam (thereby, the author claims, neutralizing it’s nationalist ideology). He also spends no time discussing Malcom X move towards authentic Islam while remaining a black nationalist.

For those interested, Malcom X called out Elijah Muhammad as a racist thug who built an exploitive cult to enrich himself and rape women. Leaving this out is particularly egregious in light of the slavish accolades given to Elijah Muhammad’s self appointed successor, Farrakhan, who unlike Malcolm X & Wallace Muhammad, continues to propagate Elijah’s racist, fraudulent cult.
David Williamson
Sep 19, 2020rated it really liked it
A readable overview, but lacking in depth. Time that could have been spent on unraveling important social and theological issues in more detail is instead wasted on talking in circles about the definition of African American Religion.
Jul 05, 2020rated it really liked it
Shelves: book-clubnonfiction
Excellent. May be a 5. Very good complement to BLM to black liberation. Useful idea of thinking in terms of this ans that instead of us and them
Will Shoemaker
Sep 19, 2018rated it liked it
the section on Islam was too short
Amanda Patchin
Mar 21, 2016rated it really liked it
Another excellent introduction from the Oxford series. A survey of religion, it also ties together diverse aspects of American racial history in intriguing and enriching ways. The extensive bibliography is also useful.

Dementia A Very Short Introduction by Kathleen Taylor | PDF | Dementia | Neuron

Dementia A Very Short Introduction by Kathleen Taylor | PDF | Dementia | Neuron

Dementia A Very Short Introduction by Kathleen Taylor

Original Title:
Dementia A Very Short Introduction by Kathleen Taylor (z-lib.org).epub

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Kathleen Taylor

Dementia: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) Illustrated Edition, Kindle Edition
by Kathleen Taylor (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.5 out of 5 stars 11 ratings

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As more of us live longer, the fear of an old age devastated by brain diseases like dementia is growing. Many people are already facing the challenges posed by these progressive and terminal conditions, whether in person or because they are caring for loved ones. Dementia is now the fifth most common cause of death across the world. It is small wonder that understanding, preventing, and finally curing these illnesses is now a global priority.

Recent advances in brain research have given scientists a better chance than ever of finding ways to help patients, carers, and clinicians dealing with dementia. Yet there is still no effective treatment. Why has progress been so slow? And what can we all do to reduce our chances of getting the disease? In this Very Short Introduction Kathleen Taylor offers a guide to the science of dementia and brain ageing. Never forgetting the human costs of brain disorders - movingly illustrated
throughout the book - she also discusses their costs to society. Clearly explaining the research, she sets out the main ideas which have driven dementia science, and the new contenders hoping to make a breakthrough. Taylor also looks at risk factors, and how to lower our chances of succumbing to dementia.
Assessing current and potential treatments, including both drugs and other approaches, she explains, clearly and gently, what help is available for someone who is diagnosed with dementia, and how to boost the chances of living well with the condition.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

Product description

From the Publisher
Kathleen Taylor studied physiology and philosophy at the University of Oxford. After a research MSc at Stirling University, working on brain chemistry, she returned to Oxford to do a DPhil in visual neuroscience and postdoctoral work on cognitive neuroscience. In 2003 she won two national writing awards , and decided to leave the uncertain and challenging world of academic science for the even more uncertain and challenging world of science writing. Her interests range across brain research and psychology - from consciousness to cruelty, dyslexia to dementia. Her work includes four books published by OUP: Brainwashing (about psychological manipulation), Cruelty (why people choose to hurt others), The Brain Supremacy (how neuroscience is changing society), and The Fragile Brain (dementia). --This text refers to the paperback edition.

About the Author
Kathleen Taylor is a research scientist in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics at the University of Oxford. Her books include Brainwashing, Cruelty, The Brain Supremacy, and The Fragile Brain. --This text refers to the audioCD edition.

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08B8QMQ8L
Publisher ‏ : ‎ OUP Oxford; Illustrated edition (23 July 2020)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1509 KB
Print length ‏ : ‎ 176 pages


Dec 23, 2020Daniel rated it really liked it
Shelves: read-in-2020, science, chemistry, futurism, history, medicine, politics, psychology
The book is a fine introduction to a complex and rather horrifying topic. The main takeway seems to be that if you have to come down with dementia, best to do it as far into the future as possible, when science may have finally caught up to the problem. At present the options don't look good. The author tries to put a brave face on it with various hopeful and perhaps PC utterings, as well as with some attempt to euphemize the devastating toll on victims and caregivers, but nothing in the book persuades me that gradually losing one's brain doesn't rank among the worst of human experiences.

The book does mention exercise as a non-pharmaceutical intervention, but barely more than in passing. In particular there was nothing at all about the intensity of exercise. (less)
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Apr 27, 2021Hannah Bentz rated it it was amazing
This book makes a complicated topic and a complex disease into a comprehensible learning experience. I learned so much from this book and it really gave me insight to the biology, sociology, and molecularity of dementia.
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Mar 26, 2021Bab rated it really liked it
Rather than very short, I'd say concise and to the point(s). Very well researched, up to date, informative, and considerate towards everyone affected (not just the patients). Great read for everyone. (less)
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Nov 30, 2021Jb rated it liked it
Shelves: audio, health-biology-psy-language
So many things we don’t know, including if everyone will have dementia if they live long enough.
-1 for the terrible choice of tone in the audiobook (read like a teenager poetry, wtf ?)
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Jun 05, 2022Helen Geng rated it liked it
Read June 2022

NYPL book
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Aug 26, 2020Jason rated it it was amazing
Solid book, and one of the much better Very Short Introductions I've read. Does an admirable job of balancing what causes dementia, what dementia looks like, and background knowledge that helps understand the subject better. (less)

Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community : Dockett, Kathleen H., Dudley-Grant, G. Rita, Bankart, C. Peter: Amazon.com.au: Books

Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community : Dockett, Kathleen H., Dudley-Grant, G. Rita, Bankart, C. Peter: Amazon.com.au: Books


Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community Paperback – 26 March 2013
by Kathleen H. Dockett (Editor), & 2 more
5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating
Part of: International and Cultural Psychology (38 books)

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This book advances a serious consideration of how the goals and practices of psychology can be informed and enriched by Buddhist traditions that transcend the individual to consider the interconnectedness of all things, and the responsibility we have towards the other. Individualistic and psychotherapeutic applications of Buddhism in psychology are examined, followed by a bold step into the community arena, with consideration given to the intersection between community psychology and Buddhist approaches to empowerment, social change, and prevention.
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328 pages
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"This aptly titled volume includes contributions from a range of perspectives, culminating ina well-rounded presentation. [...] Bankart's brief history of Buddhism in the West is particularly interesting, since it covers both the use and misuse of Buddhist ideas. Recommended.'"
(Choice 41:6, February 2004)

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Colin Wilson - C.G. Jung: Lord of The Underworld | PDF | Carl Jung | Synchronicity

Colin Wilson - C.G. Jung: Lord of The Underworld | PDF | Carl Jung | Synchronicity

Colin Wilson - C.G. Jung: Lord of The Underworld

Original Title:
Colin Wilson - C.G. Jung: Lord of the Underworld

C.G.Jung: Lord of the Underworld Paperback – 15 December 2005
by Colin Wilson (Author)

4.8 out of 5 stars 5 ratings

Carl Gustav Jung is one of the seminal figures in the history of depth psychology. An enormously influential and original thinker, Jung was for some time Freud's principal disciple, but he became more and more critical of the Freudian emphasis on repressed sexual tendencies and after the publication of 'Symbols of Transformation' in 1912, Jung broke away from Freud to develop his own technique of 'analytical psychology'.
Print length
160 pages

Carl Gustav Jung is one of the seminal figures in the history of depth psychology. An enormously influential and original thinker, Jung was for some time Freud's principal disciple, but he became more and more critical of the Freudian emphasis on repressed sexual tendencies and after the publication of Symbols of Transformation in 1912, Jung broke away from Freud to develop his own technique of 'analytical psychology'. Jungs clinical work and, perhaps more importantly, his own experience of so-called occult phenomena led him to formulate and describe a number of key concepts, which have now passed into general currency, including the theory of archetypes; the collective unconscious; synchronicity; and the idea of 'active imagination, a technique of conscious dreaming. With characteristic fluency, Colin Wilson weaves a fascinating biographical narrative with a penetrating analysis of Jung's ideas, providing a clear, readable introduction to his life and work.
About the Author
Colin Wilson was born in the East Midlands city of Leicester in 1931. After the phenomenal success of his first book The Outsider in 1956, he moved to Cornwall where he pursued a successful career as a writer, producing over 150 titles in fifty-five years. Essentially an existential philosopher, he has also written on crime, psychology, sex, the occult, literature, music, unexplained phenomena, history, pre-history, and over twenty novels in various genres. He died in December 2013.
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Colin Wilson
Colin Henry Wilson (26 June 1931 – 5 December 2013) was an English writer, philosopher and novelist. He also wrote widely on true crime, mysticism and the paranormal. Wilson called his philosophy "new existentialism" or "phenomenological existentialism", and maintained his life work was "that of a philosopher, and (his) purpose to create a new and optimistic existentialism".

4.8 out of 5 stars

chris brown
4.0 out of 5 stars Four Stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 9 April 2018
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Good book, looking forward to reading it. Service excellent.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Synchronicity
Reviewed in the United States on 27 August 2018
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Excellent intro into the life and work of Carl Young and a well worth the read.
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Eugene Pustoshkin
Mar 24, 2015Eugene Pustoshkin rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: 1my-library, wilson-colin, carl-jung, jungian-psychology, active-imagination

This is a critical biography by Colin Wilson on Carl Gustav Jung. It is critical in the sense that Wilson tries to appreciate Jung, while growing increasingly impatient about his flaws and especially about what Wilson sees as his incongruence in terms of trying to project outwards an image of a scientific man, while inwardly being an artist-visionary, a sort of a mystic. The book starts in an inspiring fashion, but the inspiration grows tired (perhaps, Wilson grew tired as well: his numerous remarks about the obscurity and annoyance of Jung’s writings are telling—I guess, he tried to encompass Jung’s works in a concentrated effort, which is a very Wilsonian way to do things, but Jung had proven to be a bit too much [and, perhaps, a bit too illogical and self-contradictory] to digest; perhaps, Wilson also projected something of his own on Jung, as we all do). In any case, there is a sense of boredom that arises towards the end of the book (I guess Wilson’s attitude towards Jung is somewhat similar to that of Ken Wilber, who has always been a bit reluctant to build upon Jung’s work). Then at the very end of it suddenly there is a metamorphosis, and the same ol’ optimistic Colin Wilson returns, as especially is evidenced by the concluding remarks and the appendix essay on active imagination. In fact, this essay is very valuable in itself, can be read and re-read, for it offers some crucial understandings of this method, one of the primary Jung’s discoveries. I find “C. G. Jung: Lord of the Underworld” to have been remarkably useful, though it is not a book for someone who is seeking to become inspired by Jung’s work; rather, it is the author’s attempt to follow Jung’s work in an impartial and just way, at times suppressing his obvious frustrations as regards to Jung. My own hypothesis here is that Jung’s figure—as figures of such magnitude—is much to digest (and authentically identify with), and any commenter is bound to start facing their own psychoactive material or at least get in sync with the demons that obviously both tortured and guided C. G. Jung, this lord of the psychic underworld. (less)
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Hakim Mokeddem
Jan 11, 2020Hakim Mokeddem rated it it was amazing
The book is a biography narrating the life of the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung and his rising from early childhood to the paroxysms of his career, passing by his father’s failure to achieve success and how that influenced young Jung’s vision of the world, he developed a thirst to accomplish his goals and passion, guided by his grandfather’s reputation as a famous doctor, the early self-realization and discovery of his uniqueness which led him later to the exploration of his vivid imagination to the spiritual experiences he went through, the artistic aspect Jung had and his admiration of science left him so little choices for choosing a career, though finally following his grandfather’s footsteps, Collin Wilson’s (the author) attempt to highlight the most life changing points in Jung’s life, such as the realism of duality of the self, his early alienation with his peers, what being an outsider meant for him, his acquaintance with Freud and how that shaped his first views into psychological field and with much effort his breaking with him, and the consequences that followed, Collin tried to decipher Jung’s views and psychological path, the why of the things, subjectively between commenting and criticizing his methods and admitting the genius man he was, from synchronicity to individuation, his plunging into Chinese culture and his longing for mythology and the construction of his theory of the psyche the unconscious and symbols as an attempt to escape the prison of Freud’s sexual theory he meant it to be its replacement for it with a wider perspective on human self, thus the book discusses a new type of analytical psychology to grasp a better understanding of the unexplored realms of the human mind and try to explain what it is already explored and how to take good hold of it, doing this allows us to fathom human troubles and reduce them in a healthy way, to make the world a better place by, this process certainly will start with the individual’s power to start exploring dark edges of his self , because the most fatale dangers reigns in the human since the existence of the world. Thus we should regard this work as a step forward to reach a more clear vision of our nature and how to react to it. (less)
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Donald Scott
Aug 02, 2014Donald Scott rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
The author provides many novel insights into the character and personal history of Jung. Many of the stories he provides I hadn't come across elsewhere. For those interested in finding out more about one of the key thinkers in psychotherapy, I can recommend this thin paperback which can fit easily into your back pocket or can be read in the bath if you spray it with silicon beforehand. (less)
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Dec 11, 2018Hoang rated it liked it
The writer is a bit pushy with his own ideology. As I read the book, I sometimes got confused between Jung’s and Wilson’s own thinking.
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- Andrew
Apr 30, 2021- Andrew rated it it was amazing

In this small biographical book, which is one volume of a series he wrote, about such frank individuals, whom Wilson found them quite interesting for him to understand their psychic and their thoughts, and clearly, Carl Jung is one of those folks.

During those 8 chapters, the book guides us to the early years of Carl Jung, he, being a misfit teen, raised by a doubtful father, to Carl's obsession to prove himself through hard work, to the development of Carl's psychic, and his spiritual development, and his mental breakdowns, and insights, and some of the personal glimpses of his life with the women in his life, Freud, and his possessed colleagues and patients.

For the fact that I've read Jung before, especially his latest works, the archetypes, this book, seems like a revision philosophy course, that gave me a historical content of how Jung had come up with his archetypes, inspired by a psychologist before, which hos ideas about passive and active types, really shapes Jung's thoughts about introvert and extrovert functions.

One thing that had really fascinated me, is Jung's reach vivid inner world, and him being an outstanding outsider, really hits home. His own individuality and attitude, I've found that the artistic, poetic, mystical nature of his, and his concepts such as the anima/animus, and his fascination with mythology, astrology, and alchemist are quite very admirable to me too.

I've always found Wilson quite knowledgeable, if not an encyclopedia hydra, just like a mercury Gemini. who makes every confusing topic, very entertaining, engaging, witty, and really easy to grasp, although it might lose some of its juicy technical details, in order to be will preserve from the masses number of audience, but that never makes him less interesting, highly recommended for whom who wants to know about Jung, yet they haven't read his memoirs yet.

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May 01, 2022Larry rated it really liked it
This is a pretty short and easy book. Wilson summarizes Jung's life and ideas and then offers his own critique in the final chapter.

I was glad to hear that someone else found Jung's Symbols of Transformation to be rather opaque and difficult.

As a believer in psychic powers, the supernatural, and what some of us might call the occult, Wilson is frustrated at what he perceives as Jung dancing all around these mysteries without ever taking a firm stand. Commenting on Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, Wilson says "At last, then, he is willing to admit that synchronicity and magic are much the same thing." But then Jung disappoints him once more with a bunch of hand-waving that ultimately still leaves the reader guessing about Jung's true beliefs.

I found the comments about split-brain research and modern Jungian practice interesting. The right side is the unconscious? After all, the world hasn't held still since Jung's death 60 years ago. (less)
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Jan 01, 2022Laura rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Ihan hyvä kirja. Tätä ei voinut lukea objektiivisuuteen pyrkivänä tietokirjana, vaan Colin Wilsonin hyvin subjektiivisena välienselvittelynä Jungin kanssa. Kirja käsittelee niitä asioita Jungin ajattelussa, jotka vetoavat Wilsoniin, ärsyttävät häntä, tai joissa hänen mielestään Jung on väärässä. Aina ei ole selvää, kenen väite esitetään.

Viihdyttävä, koska pidän siitä että jollain on jotain sanottavaa. Wilsonilla on paljonkin.

Toisaalta Wilson revittelee liikaa turhanpäiväisillä, hieman pahantahtoisilla yksityiskohdilla - Jungin ajatukset jäävät toissijaisiksi, kun mielenkiintoisempaa on tutkia esim. Jungin ja Freudin välienselvittelyä ja kummankin puutteita.
Silti opin tästä paljon, ja onhan se hyvä lukea monenlaisia näkökulmia. (less)
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Jun 21, 2020Fernando rated it really liked it
Is the first time I read Collin Wilson. And I am not disappointed. I heard his name mentioned by the Spanish Mexican singer Alaska on YouTube. Carl Jung lord of the underworld is kind of biography mixed with Wilson’s personal bias. Everypage did give me the impression of transfering occult knowledge. I'm going to read more books by this writer. (less)
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Zach Copley
Oct 28, 2021Zach Copley rated it really liked it
Good-faith critical biography. Especially good insights into active imagination.
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Dec 09, 2015Niamh rated it it was ok
Shelves: craniosacral-therapy-related, psychotherapy
The author is no fan of Jung and in a way, judging from his description of Jung's early inner life, he doesn't really get him. I learned more about Jung the man from the first paragraph alone of his wonderful autobiography. That said I was happy to read a critical analysis of Jungs writings and also to learn about those aspects of his private life that didn'tmake it in to his autobiography, namely his extramarital affairs and at times cantankerous nature! So, glad to have read it but wouldn't recommend highly. (less)
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Psychotherapy East & West by Alan Watts - Ebook | Scribd

Psychotherapy East & West by Alan Watts - Ebook | Scribd

Psychotherapy East & West

Psychotherapy East & West

4/5 (3 ratings)
224 pages
8 hours

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Before he became a counterculture hero, Alan Watts was known as an incisive scholar of Eastern and Western psychology and philosophy. In this 1961 classic, Watts demonstrates his deep understanding of both Western psychotherapy and the Eastern spiritual philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism, Vedanta, and Yoga. He examined the problem of humans in a seemingly hostile universe in ways that questioned the social norms and illusions that bind and constrict modern humans. Marking a groundbreaking synthesis, Watts asserted that the powerful insights of Freud and Jung, which had, indeed, brought psychiatry close to the edge of liberation, could, if melded with the hitherto secret wisdom of the Eastern traditions, free people from their battles with the self. When psychotherapy merely helps us adjust to social norms, Watts argued, it falls short of true liberation, while Eastern philosophy seeks our natural relation to the cosmos.

Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism by Erich Fromm - Ebook | Scribd

Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism by Erich Fromm - Ebook | Scribd

Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism
By Erich Fromm

4.5/5 (11 ratings)
129 pages
3 hours

The renowned psychoanalyst and New York Times–bestselling author of The Art of Loving unites philosophy from the East and West.
 In 1957, social philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm invited Daisetz T. Suzuki, the most famous Zen Buddhist master in the Western world, to a seminar at his new home in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Their discussion was one of the highlights of Fromm’s life, and the paper Fromm presented (and later expanded into a book) was a watershed work. Fromm demonstrates his mastery of the philosophy and practice of Zen, perfectly articulating how Zen tenets fit into the ideas of psychoanalysis. In this text, he creates new perspectives on both systems of thought. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Erich Fromm including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author’s estate. 

Self and Liberation: The Jung-Buddhism Dialogue (Jung and Spirituality Series): Daniel J. Meckel, Robert L. Moore: 9780809133017: Amazon.com: Books

Self and Liberation: The Jung-Buddhism Dialogue (Jung and Spirituality Series): Daniel J. Meckel, Robert L. Moore: 9780809133017: Amazon.com: Books

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Self and Liberation: The Jung-Buddhism Dialogue (Jung and Spirituality Series) Paperback – March 1, 1992
by Daniel J. Meckel (Editor), Robert L. Moore (Editor)
5.0 out of 5 stars 4 ratings

This important new book makes available a significant collection of essays devoted to the relationship of C.G. Jung's work to Buddhism. Includes all four of Jung's major essays on Buddhism, a transcript of the conversation between Jung and Zen Master Shin'ichi Hisamatsu in 1958 at Jung's home in Kusnacht, and nine essays on Jung's work by psychology and religion scholars.

338 pages
Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Paulist Press; First Edition (March 1, 1992)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 338 pages
Robert L. Moore

Top reviews from the United States

Neal J. Pollock

5.0 out of 5 stars Jung related to Zen & Vajrayana--a high quality gemReviewed in the United States on June 10, 2005

This is a terrific book. It has 3 parts: 

Jung's Commentaries on Tibetan Buddhist texts, 
his meeting with a Zen expert, & 
9 articles by contemporary authors on Jung-Buddhist issues. 

It is bi-directional, addressing both Jung's contributions to Buddhism & vice versa. Some of the authors have published valuable books too-
Radmila Moacanin, 
Nathan Katz, & 
Harold Coward. 

Jung said: 
p. 49: "Matter is an hypothesis. When you say `matter' you are really creating a symbol for something unknown, which may just as well be `spirit' or anything else; it may even be "God," 
p. 76: "close parallelism between the findings of Eastern & Western psychology," & 
p. 83: "The Bardo Thödol is in the highest degree psychological in its outlook." The book addresses mostly Zen & Vajrayana Buddhism & Jung, though there is a bit on Freud too. 
Nathan Katz says: p. 324: in "Dakini & Anima..."-"a paradigm for comparative religion-psychological study which neither reduces one perspective to another, nor sees the discourses of Buddhist & Jungian psychology as rigidly & artificially compartmentalized." This relates to virtually the entire book. 

 As James Thomas states: p. 221: "The language of both Jung & Buddhism is a study in elaborate avoidance of metaphysics. The language of both strives to be purely empirical."

The book also addresses Jung-Buddhist differences: 
p. 183: Mokusen Miyuki in "Self-Realization in the 10 Oxherding Pictures," "The Eastern concept of `mind' is radically different from that in the West." 
Quoting Jung, "In the West, `mind' is more or less equated with consciousness, whereas in the East the word `mind' is closer to what the West refers to as the unconscious...Our study, employing Jung's concepts & methodology, has afforded us a psychological understanding of Zen satori (enlightenment) in terms of self-realization, or the urge of the Self to realize itself." 

And since the U.S. is considered ESTJ (Extroverted/Sensate/Thinker/Judgmental) & Tibet seems opposite in psychological type & Westerners go down into the unconscious (& Kabbalists go down to the Chariot) while Easterners rise up to their Buddha nature, Jung suggested Westerners read the Bardo Thödol backwards. 

Also, p. 163: Thomas Kasulis, says "The Zen Buddhist view of the person goes beyond the more restricted psychoanalytic categories of Freud & Jung." Interestingly, the Pu-ming oxherding pictures remind me of the Tibetan Path of Shamatha in Kalu Rinpoche's "Luminous Mind" or Dzogchen Ponlop's stages of resting in "Wild Awakening." 
But the largest difference is in the view of the final stage of enlightenment vs. individuation-Self-centered vs. ego-centered people-whether the Self can be "conscious" without the ego. IMHO this is a matter of conceptual definitions-& it reminds me of Casteneda's 2nd Attention with which Jung was unfamiliar.

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Jack Kornfield

5.0 out of 5 stars From the Back CoverReviewed in the United States on November 24, 1999

"A remarkable and helpful collection of the dialogues begun by Jung and his followers with the great teachings of the East. These are visionary papers which raise profound questions about human wholeness in the spiritual and psychological world. I hope that this book sparks continued and deepening discussions."

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Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung: The Complete Guide to the Great Psychoanalyst, Including the Unconscious, Archetypes and the Self: 5 : Bobroff, Gary: Amazon.com.au: Books

Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung: The Complete Guide to the Great Psychoanalyst, Including the Unconscious, Archetypes and the Self: 5 : Bobroff, Gary: Amazon.com.au: Books

Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung: The Complete Guide to the Great Psychoanalyst, Including the Unconscious, Archetypes and the Self: 5 Paperback – Illustrated, 15 May 2020
by Gary Bobroff (Author)
4.8 out of 5 stars 254 ratings
Book 4 of 6: Knowledge in a Nutshell

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5 New from $25.09

An excellent primer on Jungian concepts. Highly recommended - Jung Utah review by A. Butler

One of the best introductions to Jung's psychology! - André De Koning, past President Australian and New Zealand Society for Jungian Analysts

Carl Jung was the founder of analytical psychology who revolutionized the way we approached the human psyche. Drawing on Eastern mysticism, mythology and dream analysis to develop his theories, Jung proposed many ideas which are still influential today, including introversion, extroversion and the collective unconscious.

Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung introduces psychologist Jung's ideas in an engaging and easy-to-understand format. Jungian psychology expert Gary Bobroff breaks down the concepts of the psyche, collective unconscious, archetypes, personality types and more in this concise book. He also explores the influence on Eastern philosophy and religion on Jung's ideas, and how spiritualism enriched his theories.

With useful diagrams and bullet-point summaries at the end of each chapter, this book provides an essential introduction to this influential figure and explains the relevance of Jung's ideas to the modern world.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The critically-acclaimed Knowledge in a Nutshell series provides accessible and engaging introductions to wide-ranging topics, written by experts in their fields.

240 pages

A stunning writer.--Andrew Harvey

Accessible to everybody, through your insightful writing and the illustrations, it gives us the possibility of understanding Jungian concepts very well.--Jungian Analyst Elisabeth Pomès

An excellent primer on Jungian concepts. Highly recommended .... contains good descriptions of Jungian terms in simple language. The writing is clear and engaging, easily understandable even for those with no background in psychology. This would be an excellent book to recommend to clients or others who are interested in learning about Jung's basic ideas.--Amanda Butler

One of the best introductions to Jung's psychology! . . . He illustrates and elaborates and thus gives the reader the overall view of the framework within which we can understand Jung's psychology at a clear, yet deep level.--André De Koning, past President Australian and New Zealand Society for Jungian Analysts
About the Author
Gary S. Bobroff grew up in Saskatoon and took his first personality type test at twelve and has been hooked on Jung ever since. He has a bachelor's degree from the University of British Columbia, and a master's degree in Jungian-oriented counselling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is a certified administrator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(TM). An international speaker and workshop leader, Gary presents new ideas in engaging and accessible ways. He is the author of Jung, Crop Circles and the Reemergence of the Archetypal Feminine (North Atlantic, 2014).

Start reading Knowledge in a Nutshell on your Kindle in under a minute.

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Arcturus Editions; Illustrated edition (15 May 2020)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 240 pages
4.8 out of 5 stars 254 ratings

Gary Bobroff

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Top review from Australia

André de Koning

5.0 out of 5 stars IN A NUTSHELLReviewed in Australia on 19 May 2020
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This new introduction is a most welcome work helping those interested to understand more about Carl Jung and the genius nature of his work on the soul. Modern psychology started its history at the time of the discovery of the knee jerk reflex (1874) and it was almost as if the little hammer of the neurologist knocked out the soul of the human subject. Jung restored much of the exploration of the lost psyche, but to access his work is not always easy.
The author of this book manages to introduce basic concepts in a didactical way. He illustrates and elaborates and thus gives the reader the overall view of the framework within which we can understand Jung’s psychology at a clear, yet deep level.
Apart from historical detail and concepts there are also references to such meaningful work as “Answer to Job” and the important phenomenon of synchronicity.
The author is a psychologist and is founder of JungianOnline.

André de Koning
Jungian Psychoanalyst

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5.0 out of 5 stars A fun, well-researched entry to the wonderful (but complex!) world of Carl Jung's theory.Reviewed in Canada on 10 June 2020
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A treasure. Wish I'd had it when I first tackled reading Jung. What I love about this book: so READABLE! Intelligent pop culture references make it fun to read without trivializing. Makes the key concepts crystal clear with plain language explanations. Jung In A Nutshell will really help people who want to understand why Jung is important and to read more challenging books on this subject. A useful, enriching book that entertains as well as informs!

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John Simmons
5.0 out of 5 stars Clarity & ease of readingReviewed in Canada on 10 June 2020
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I wish this had been available when first I came to Jungian thought. If I had my way this would be required first basic reading to anyone with a new interest in Jung. Actually come to think of it anyone who is not actually a Jungian Scholar already. It puts so much into context, a foundation from which to adventure forth into deeper studies. It is also a great resource & refresher for stuff you have forgotten
Most enjoyable

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3.0 out of 5 stars Interesting read - rusty EnglishReviewed in Germany on 28 March 2022
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Concise introduction (life and work of C.G. Jung). The English translation is a bit rusty. Sometimes strange interpretations. Key points at end of each chapter.
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Leah Taylor
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent! ThanksReviewed in Canada on 17 August 2020
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Excellent thanks!

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Dr. Jean B. Raffa
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent, clear, and concise.Reviewed in the United States on 9 June 2020
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What a marvelous introduction to, and summary of, Jungian psychology this is! I've been telling my almost-18-year-old twin grandsons about Jungian psychology for many years. They're very curious, but sometimes they find my explanations a bit too difficult to absorb. This book is exactly what I've been looking for. As soon as I read it (in only two sittings) I ordered two more copies for them. I've been studying Jungian psychology for 30 years and have the complete works. This book beautifully summarizes the salient points of his work without being too complex or wordy. And the photographs add a depth of meaning that words alone don't always do. Gary Bobroff has made Jung understandable to the average layperson. My favorite chapters were the last two: Anima and Animus, and Synchronicity, both difficult topics to explain. He's done a superb job. Highly recommended..

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