Showing posts with label Scott Jeffrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Jeffrey. Show all posts


Scott Jeffrey. Personal Development Guides

Free Personal Development Guides to Unlock Your Potential

Free Guides for Self-Transformation

Ancient alchemists searching for the secrets of inner transformation used to start by reading one book and let it guide them to the next. Eventually, the mysteries of the Great Work would reveal itself to the courageous few.

CEOsage is dedicated to the modern alchemist seeking transformation, both personally and professionally. These guides can lead you to find greater purpose, earn more money, and uncover renewed self-confidence. You'll also discover the secrets to higher performance, self-mastery, and self-actualization.

Get Started

Meet Your Guide, Scott Jeffrey

Discover Why Over 2 Million Life Adventurers, Achievers, and Entrepreneurs Read These Guides Each Year

Here are a few entry points. Start with what inspires you ...

Coaching Essentials

Core Values Discovery
Mindset Master Class
Authentic Happiness Insights
Personal Vision Casting
Laziness Hacks
Maslow's Human Needs
Financial Freedom

Jedi Training

Self-Awareness Exercises
Self-Leadership Training
Grounding Techniques
Mind Training Guide
Self-Mastery Guide
Your Hero's Journey
Emotional Alchemy

Alchemical Transformation

Shadow Work Exercises
Pineal Gland Activation
Psychological Projection
Individuation Process
Archetypal Psychology
Access Your Imagination
Spiritual Awakening Signs

Peak Performance

Pineal Gland Decalcification
Ancient Standing Method
Breath Training Basics
Powerful Sleep Hacks
Nootropic Brain Boosters
Supercharge Your Energy
Peak Performance Essentials

"I always learn something new from your posts. I appreciate your insight and content."

Wendy Leask
Bookfit Warrior, Author & Coach

"Another fantastic piece, Scott. Always look forward to your insights."

Keith Norris
Co-founder of Paleo f(x) & trainer

"Scott is the writer of one of the few blogs I’ve been following for years. I’ve followed hundreds of newsletters and only a few have survived my inbox. Scott’s blog is in the company of Seth Godin, Derek Halpern and Tony Robbins.”

Alexander Keehnen
The Influential Executive Podcast and Executive Coach

"I am loving your material, very interesting and inspiring. I have been working on Self Leadership for a while and I find your material very easy to follow and understand. Thanks for the work you are doing!"

Chio Zubiria
Director of Business Development, Bacardi Martini

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