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"현재 미국의 다르마는 마치 ‘말전하기 게임’과도 같다. 한 사람에게서 다른 사람으로 전해질 때마다, 또 한 세대에서 다음 세대의 스승으로 전해질 때마다 그 내용이 변해서 본래의 뜻을 알아볼 수도 없을 정도가 되는 것이다.
타니사로 비구는 현재 명상자들에게 가장 지혜롭지 못 한 질문이 ‘나는 누구인가’라고 주장한다. ‘이 뭣꼬’로 화두선을 하는 한국인의 입장에서는 매우 의아스러운 주장이다. 그의 논지를 들어보자.
'일부 불교책에서는 명상의 목적이 이 질문에 답하는 것이라고 한다. 하지만 경전에 보면 그런 것은 별 소득이 없는 질문이라고 가르친다. 어떤 경험들이 그 질문에 대한 답을 주겠는가? 그 질문에 대한 답들 중에 고통을 멈추어 줄 만한 것이 있는가? 오히려 자신이 누구라는 것에 대한 고정관념이 없을 때 주어진 상황에서 지혜롭게 행동하기가 쉬워지는 것이다.
진정한 행복을 원한다면 무엇을 포기해야 하나? 우리에겐 무한정한 시간과 에너지가 있는 것이 아니다. 인생에서 가장 가치있는 행복을 얻으려면 삶의 좋은 것들이라도 희생을 해야만 한다. 이것은 미국 불교의 가장 큰 맹점이다. 붓다는 미국의 부모나 심리치료사들이 좋다고 한 것들조차도 버리라고 가르쳤다. 그런데도 미국의 불교현장에는 그런 언급이 없다. 다르마가 시장에 의해 형성되기 때문이다. 미국에서 다르마가 시장의 상품을 팔기위해 이용된 것은 오래 전 일이지만 이제는 다르마 자체가 상품이 되었다는 것이 문제이다. 판촉부장과 영업사원의 손을 거쳐 나온 책이 절제라는 엄한 교훈을 가르쳐 주리라고 기대할 수 있는가? 대부분의 법사들이 돈이 필요한 것을 감안할 때 대중이 들어야 할 법문보다는 듣고 싶어하는 법문만을 하지 않겠는가.'"
[위 인터뷰 출처] https://blog.naver.com/florajean/40045206240
"As he attends inappropriately in this way, one of six kinds of view arises in him: The view 'I have a self' arises in him as true & established, or the view 'I have no self'... or the view 'It is precisely by means of self that I perceive self'... or the view 'It is precisely by means of self that I perceive not-self'... or the view 'It is precisely by means of not-self that I perceive self' arises in him as true & established, or else he has a view like this: 'This very self of mine — the knower that is sensitive here & there to the ripening of good & bad actions — is the self of mine that is constant, everlasting, eternal, not subject to change, and will stay just as it is for eternity'. This is called a thicket of views, a wilderness of views, a contortion of views, a writhing of views, a fetter of views. Bound by a fetter of views, the uninstructed run-of-the-mill person is not freed from birth, aging, & death, from sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering & stress."
-- MN 2.
"… carefully studying the sentences word by word, one should trace them in the Discourses (Dhamma) and verify them by the Discipline (Vinaya). If they are neither traceable in the Discourses nor verifiable by the Discipline, one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is not the Blessed One's utterance; this has been misunderstood by that bhikkhu, or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' In that way, bhikkhus, you should reject it.”
-– DN 16.
초기경전 번역 포함 80권이 넘는 타니사로 스님의 책은 (영어와 태국어로 쓰여진) 이 곳에서 무료로 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다. => https://www.dhammatalks.org/ebook_index.html
타니사로 스님의 초기경전 해석 공부그룹 => https://www.facebook.com/groups/178726310846628
이건 제 글목록인데, 타니사로 스님의 책들을 공부하면서 중간중간 내용을 정리해 본 글들이 대부분입니다. 그저 참고만 하시기 바랍니다. => https://www.facebook.com/keepsurfinglife/posts/1065574980481251
삼학의 중요성을 강조한 타니사로 비구
삼학의 중요성을 강조한 타니사로 비구
타니사로 비구(Thanissaro Bhikkhu, 1949 - ) - 경전 공부의 중요성을 역설하다 타니사로 비구 또는 사람...
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  • Sejin Pak
    불교 번역,아무나 할 수 있는 것이 아니어서 좋은 전문분야인 것 같습니다. 그런데 번역한 불교 책들이 유명 저자 빼고는 그리 잘 팔리지는 않는 것 같습니다.
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  • 崔明淑
    “삶의 좋은 것도 포기하라고 붓다가 가르치는데 미국 불교에 그 이야기가 없다”의 삶의 좋은 것은 무엇인가요? …가족이나 남녀의 사랑같은 건가요?
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    • 希修
      인간관계 포함 보통 사람들이 '행복'이라고 여기는 모든 것들을 말하죠. (그래서 부처님도 눈물로 만류하는 아버지와 아내와 갓태어난 아들을 남겨두고 출가.) 그런 것들이 '나빠'서가 아니라 의존하고 집착하게 만드니까요. (대안으로 제시하는 행복이 바로 명상의 행복.) 물론 재가자들은 이런 것들을 포기하는 데에 한계가 있기에, 재가자들에게는 가족이나 친지 등 주위 사람들과 화목하게 지내라고 부처님도 말씀하셨지만, 원칙적으로는 그렇다는 얘기입니다. 🙂
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    • 崔明淑
      希修 세속을 초월해 있다는 말이군요
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    • 希修
      崔明淑 네. 어쨌든 지향은 그 방향으로 두어야 한다는 의미일 것 같습니다.
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Read Contemporary Korean Shamanism Online by Liora Sarfati | Books
Contemporary Korean Shamanism: From Ritual to Digital

Contemporary Korean Shamanism: From Ritual to Digital

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Once viewed as an embarrassing superstition, the theatrical religious performances of Korean shamans—who communicate with the dead, divine the future, and become possessed—are going mainstream. Attitudes toward Korean shamanism are changing as shamanic traditions appear in staged rituals, museums, films, and television programs, as well as on the internet.

Contemporary Korean Shamanism explores this vernacular religion and practice, which includes sensory rituals using laden altars, ecstatic dance, and animal sacrifice, within South Korea's hypertechnologized society, where over 200,000 shamans are listed in professional organizations. Liora Sarfati reveals how representations of shamanism in national, commercialized, and screen-mediated settings have transformed opinions of these religious practitioners and their rituals.

Applying ethnography and folklore research, Contemporary Korean Shamanism maps this shift in perception about shamanism—from a sign of a backward, undeveloped Korea to a valuable, indigenous cultural asset.

A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies Gupta, Nijay

 Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates Kindle Edition
by Nijay K. Gupta  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.8 out of 5 stars    60 ratings
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This accessible and balanced introduction helps readers sort out key views on the most important debated issues in New Testament studies. Well-known New Testament scholar Nijay Gupta fairly presents the spectrum of viewpoints on thirteen topics and offers reflections on why scholars disagree on these matters. Written to be accessible to students and readers without advanced training in New Testament studies, this book will serve as an excellent supplementary text for New Testament introduction courses.
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Print length
197 pages

"This 'beginner's guide' is marked by a wise choice of crucial, controversial topics, accurate sketches of the perspectives of the major thinkers on the topics, judicious and open-handed appreciation of all there is to be learned, and, at the same time, student-sensitive reflections on how each topic matters for life and ministry. Bravo!"
--Scot McKnight, Northern Seminary

"Gupta is true to his title in A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies. His writing is thoroughly accessible and highly engaging, and it doesn't presume prior knowledge of the field of New Testament studies. Gupta provides a bird's-eye view of key issues in the field--from the historical Jesus, to Paul and the law, to New Testament application today. Gupta fairly portrays scholars on different sides of an issue and provides a final reflection of his own for each chapter. For anyone wanting an entrée to New Testament studies, this is the book for you."
--Jeannine Brown, Bethel Seminary, San Diego and St. Paul

"Right off the bat, I was asking myself into which of my classes I could incorporate this book. As I continued reading, however, I soon began to wonder if it was possible to incorporate it into all of them. With each chapter I read, I honestly thought, This chapter alone is worth the price of the book. The content is clear and evenhanded and is as comprehensive as possible while remaining appropriately concise. In addition to that, it's remarkably relevant, engaging, and fun."
--Joseph R. Dodson, Denver Seminary

"Surveying the issues of debate in New Testament studies can be a daunting task. Fortunately, Gupta has taken complex topics and laid them out in a palatable way, one that even the novice can understand and appreciate. In the end, the reader is left with an effective roadmap for navigating the rich and intricate field of New Testament studies."
--Jeanette Hagen Pifer, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

"This is a really helpful book. As an undergrad professor, I am often looking for a brief introduction to contested issues in New Testament studies that explains our academic debates to students in an accessible way. Gupta does this time and again in this work. It is a welcome resource to supplement New Testament introductions, which often lack the space to deal with issues in detail."
--Esau McCaulley, Wheaton College --This text refers to the paperback edition.

About the Author
Nijay K. Gupta (PhD, Durham University) is professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary. He founded the popular blog Crux Sola and is the author of numerous books, including Worship That Makes Sense to Paul, A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies, and commentaries on Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Gupta lives in Portland, Oregon. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07VQN3H86
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Baker Academic (March 17, 2020)
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 17, 2020
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 5006 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 197 pages
Page numbers source ISBN ‏ : ‎ 1540962717
Lending ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #194,048 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#93 in Christian New Testament Criticism
#369 in Christian Church & Bible History (Kindle Store)
#445 in New Testament Criticism & Interpretation
Customer Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars    60 ratings
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Nijay K. Gupta
Nijay K. Gupta serves as associate professor of New Testament at Portland Seminary (George Fox University, Oregon).

He has written several books including: Worship That Makes Sense to Paul (Walter de Gruyter, 2010), Prepare, Succeed, Advance: A Guidebook for Getting a PhD in Biblical Studies and Beyond (Wipf & Stock, 2011), Colossians (Smyth & Helwys, 2013), 1-2 Thessalonians (Cascade, 2016), and The Lord's Prayer (Smyth & Helwys, 2018). He has also written numerous academic articles for journals such as Journal for the Study of the New Testament and The Catholic Biblical Quarterly. Gupta is a member of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas and serves on the boards of Ex Auditu, Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters, and the monograph series Biblical Interpretation (Brill). He is co-editor of the planned second edition of the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (InterVarsity Press).

Please visit his blog: www.cruxsolablog.com

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new testament testament studies excellent resource nijay gupta highly recommend reading this book gupta book topics chapter interested introduction various helpful scholarly study understanding scholars current discussion follows

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Anthony Lawson
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent resource on New Testament Studies
Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2020
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Nijay K. Gupta is a professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary and received his PhD from Durham University. He has written a number of Bible commentaries and several other academic works related to the New Testament.

New Testament studies is a very broad area of research and includes scholars of varying beliefs, those who hold to high church ecclesiology and others with more of a low or free church view. Some are liberal, centrist, conservative, even fundamentalist. You'll find Christians, Muslims, Jews, and even some atheists among their number. Gupta is writing specifically for a Christian audience and more specifically an evangelical one. This shouldn't detract from this excellent little resource, but it does help the reader understand many of the statements and assumptions that the author makes at times.

With the breath of topics that one could cover it's nice that Gupta was able to pack so much into such a small package. He spends three chapters on topics related to the Gospels, three more on Paul, one on Revelation, and then several on various topics including pseudonymity, empire studies, justification by faith and works, women in leadership, and concludes with the relationship of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, and finally one on applying and using the New Testament.

Each chapter covers a specific topic, discussing the various views related to that topic, and ends with a reflection, and a suggested reading section that include a beginner and advanced readings. I think the suggested reading was one of the most valuable aspects of the book, giving readers additional resources for further study.

The one topic that I would have wished the author covered is related to the Gospels and specifically what they are and how they relate to history. Since Gupta already had three chapters related to the Gospels including one on the Gospel of John and history I can understand why he had to limit what was covered, otherwise his book could easily grow exponentially and go way beyond a beginners text.

The chapter that interested me the most was on empire studies, The New Testament and the Roman Empire. Although I have most of the books listed in the suggested reading section it's a topic that I haven't studied much and need to read some of the literature.

Like all books there are going to be sections that you really like and others that you are going to have problems with. Unfortunately the one I found that had some problems was chapter 7 on interpreting the book of Revelation.

Unfortunately Gupta muddles things with regards to dispensationism when he states that they fall into two main views regarding the millennium. They in fact do not. He writes,

"Scholars who subscribe to a dispensational approach to eschatology and biblical chronology split into two main views on the nature and placement of the millennium (thousand-year reign of Christ) according to Revelation 20:1–7. Those who argue in favor of premillennialism conceive of a thousand-year reign of Christ that follows Christ’s second coming (i.e., the second coming precedes the millennial reign of Christ). Others believe that the millennial kingdom (not necessarily a literal number) is an age of the flourishing of the church on earth, and the second coming of Christ follows this—hence this is called a postmillennial view."

Most postmillennialists do not associate with dispensationalism. The split that dispensationalists have concerns the question of the rapture, which Gupta does bring up in the next paragraph. Dispensationalists actually divide over the question of the timing of the rapture and it's relation with a seven year tribulation period. They fall into pretributional, midtribulational, posttribulational, and partial rapturists.

Honestly the short discussion here on the millennium should have been separated from that of the various approaches to the Book of Revelation. Indeed one can find different millennial views within each of the various approaches, for example, among preterists one can find amillennialists, postmillennialists, and historical premillennials.

The paragraph regarding why scholars reject rapture teaching may be correct but was really out of place for this work. The author no where else argues against a specific view.

I'd recommend in a second edition that the millennial discussion be made separate from the approaches to Revelation, that the distinctive rapture positions be presented within dispenationalism, and the arguments against rapturism be dropped.

With that said, don't let my comments about one chapter dissuade you from getting and reading this volume, it's excellent and will serve well the person interested in pursuing New Testament studies.
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Sarah H
5.0 out of 5 stars A great resource!
Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2020
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In this day in time, it is truly hard to find resources that are balanced and give fair and equal weight to both sides of a discussion. But Dr. Gupta has done just that. Highly recommend for anyone, beginner or not, trying to understand the history and current state of issues in the New Testament. He has taken complex issues and made them much easier for someone like me (not seminary-trained) to understand.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Great Introduction For Newcomers! Great Refresher for Longtimers!
Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2021
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The headline says it all! Gupta does a great job summarizing the broad contours of current issues in New Testament studies for the beginner. I would absolutely use this as a text for an undergraduate NT survey class, or even as one of several for an Intro to NT Studies at the graduate level.

Not making textbook decisions? Even if you don't *have* to read this for school (I didn't) but are interested in the topic then Gupta's book is an excellent place to get you feet wet and learn where you might be interested to dig in more deeply.

Disclaimer: Dr. Gupta is one of my seminary profs, but I bought and read this book before he was!
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Russell W.
5.0 out of 5 stars The New Testament for Everyman / an Intro
Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2020
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Read this book as part of a study and really learned a lot. I feel like it was a great introduction to NT basics, major themes, controversies, etc. I’m struck by how incredibly narrow my understanding was prior to reading this book.
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Patricia Bergen
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome guide for anyone outside of academia who wants to be informed
Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2021
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Great guide to the current scholarship for someone bit directly involved in academia. The book follows through with exactly what it plans to provide. You can pick it up find a chapter you’re interested in and have a one stop shop to begin a deep dive or just get an overview of an important subject.
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susan gilchrist
Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2020
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This book is a must read as a source for understanding The New Testament. Dr. Gupta has done so much research and then presented in a way which is both easy to absorb yet not all inclusive. Reading this book will spark one to continue researching.
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Matthew D. Van Winkle
5.0 out of 5 stars Clear and Concise.
Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2021
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This book gives a clear and concise covering of the New Testament issues current being talked about among scholars. The book gives insight into what leads people to different views, and how the various views interact with each other. A great read!
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Dr. Roy E. Ciampa
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent overview!
Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2021
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A wonderful way for newcomers to get an initial overview of key issues in the interpretation of the New Testament!
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5.0 out of 5 stars Solid introduction to NT Studies
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 15, 2021
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This is an easy to read book that provides a solid introduction into current debates in NT studies. The author does a good job of providing an overview of the debates and outlining the different points of views. It serves as a useful introduction to these themes and provides recommendations of other sources for those who want to go deeper into the mentioned topics.
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A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates
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A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates
by Nijay K. Gupta
 4.61  ·   Rating details ·  54 ratings  ·  18 reviews
This accessible and balanced introduction helps readers sort out key views on the most important debated issues in New Testament studies. Well-known New Testament scholar Nijay Gupta fairly presents the spectrum of viewpoints on thirteen topics and offers reflections on why scholars disagree on these matters. Written to be accessible to students and readers without advanced training in New Testament studies, this book will serve as an excellent supplementary text for New Testament introduction courses. (less)
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Paperback, 208 pages
Published March 17th 2020 by Baker Academic
ISBN0801097576 (ISBN13: 9780801097577)
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A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates
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November 15, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
November 15, 2021 – Shelved
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Jesse Nickel
Oct 25, 2021Jesse Nickel rated it it was amazing
This is a hugely helpful introduction to thirteen of the most significant and complex debates in the world of New Testament studies. The book is accessible, informative, and effectively communicates the interpretive or theological significance of each of the issues discussed. I enthusiastically recommend this book.
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Conrade Yap
Apr 14, 2020Conrade Yap rated it it was amazing
Anyone thinking of picking up this book needs to know that it is about biblical scholarship rather than a layperson's guide to basic New Testament books. It is not popular debate over the New Testament nor about a survey of the 27 books of the New Testament. It is essentially about scholastic debates within the realm of NT biblical scholarship. Meant primarily for beginner students of New Testament scholarship, it summarizes many of the important controversies surrounding the subject. Controversies such as the which gospel is the earliest; whether some of the gospel writers had copied from an anonymous source named Q; how the synoptic gospels differ from John; authorship of some New Testament books; the view of Paul and Jesus; etc. These and many more form a primer for theological studies in the New Testament.

Author and professor Nijay Gupta summarizes the general issue before giving us various perspectives surrounding it. He is careful not to be dogmatic about the issue, choosing instead to lay out the basic ideas and points of view before giving a personal take on it at the end. For the new NT student, this book is a godsend. It is like a special edition of "New Testament Studies for Dummies." With this clear guide, New Testament students can grasp quickly the history and context of the matter concerned. The key debates include:

1) Understanding the Synoptic Problem
2) Perspectives surrounding the Search for the Historical Jesus
3) The Fourth Gospel
4) Relationship Between Jesus and Paul
5) Paul's Theological Perspective
6) Paul and the Jewish Law
7) Interpreting Revelation
8) Pseudonymity, Authorship and Authority in the New Testament
9) The New Testament and the Roman Empire
10) Women in Leadership in the New Testament
11) Justification by Faith vs Judgment by Works
12) The Old Testament in the New Testament
13) Application and Use of Scripture

Three Thoughts
First, I must say I wish I had this book when I was in seminary. I enjoy the way Gupta introduces the issue, and gradually bringing in the different ideas surrounding it. By incorporating elements of his own teaching experience with regard to these studies, one would feel like being in a classroom with the author as professor! This book brings back a lot of memories from my seminary years. I remember having to grapple with the various debates and multiple perspectives on topics that seemed quite foreign. Why study the synoptic problem? What's the big deal with regard to the research controversy surrounding the historical Jesus? Surely, there is just one perspective of Paul, that is, Paul's!

Second, this book is not for everyone. For those who are not familiar with theological terms or seminary level education, they might find the studies more philosophical and technical. Some might even say that such debates are a waste of time. If that is your position, then such topics are not for you, at least for the moment. This is an academic treatment, not a Bible-Study type of book. While there are instances of Bible study, the way the Scripture is used tend to be meant for argumentative or illustrative purposes. Chapter 13 however speaks to most of us in terms of how we can apply and use Scripture. Of all the chapters, the general reader might appreciate this last chapter the most as it is not just a summary but an overview of the different ways we apply and use the Bible.

Third, readers will appreciate the author's gentle leading through the different facets of arguments and debates. Gupta does a great job in helping us sift through the maze of perspectives. I enjoy the way Gupta introduces the issue, and gradually bringing in the different ideas surrounding it. By incorporating elements of his own teaching experience with regard to these studies, one would feel like being in a classroom with the author as professor! Like a good professor, he includes some resources for advanced studies as well.

Nijay K. Gupta is Associate Professor of New Testament studies at Portland Seminary in Portland, Oregon. His research interests include Biblical theology, biblical hermeneutics and exegesis, Pauline literature, the Gospel of John, and New Testament ethics.

Rating: 4.5 stars of 5.

This book has been provided courtesy of Baker Academic and NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied. (less)
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Jul 04, 2020Liz rated it it was amazing
This book is NOT just for young seminarians!

I read/studied this book with a group of friends on Facebook -- reading a chapter per week and answering/discussing a question for each chapter.

I was surprised to find that I was already familiar with many of the debates (probably due to my advanced age, lol), and really enjoyed having the main points of the different perspectives so clearly laid out and explained. There is a 'Reflections' section at the end of each chapter that pulls that chapter all together, and is followed by reading lists segmented by one's level of interest or level of experience.

Dr. Gupta does not take a partisan stance on these topics, for which I am grateful. Life experience has led me to believe that godly people can disagree on many things, without calling their salvation into question, and I really appreciated the general neutrality in this presentation. (I'm still skeptical of the whole "Jesus Seminar"thing, but that's another topic, I'm sure!).

I would highly recommend this book for anyone interested in learning the basics of these key debates that tend to underlie other debates and discussions, and then pursue the suggested reading if desired.
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Jan Ferguson
Jul 06, 2020Jan Ferguson rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Very readable and informative

I read this book as part of a discussion group. It was very interesting and covered areas I was not familiar with even though I have been a Christian a long time and have done New Testament survey. It seemed like a balanced approach and presented many diverse views. One valuable tool was a recommended reading list for beginner and more advanced study.
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Anthony Lawson
Jul 25, 2020Anthony Lawson rated it it was amazing
Nijay K. Gupta is a professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary and received his PhD from Durham University. He has written a number of Bible commentaries and several other academic works related to the New Testament.

New Testament studies is a very broad area of research and includes scholars of varying beliefs, those who hold to high church ecclesiology and others with more of a low or free church view. Some are liberal, centrist, conservative, even fundamentalist. You'll find Christians, Muslims, Jews, and even some atheists among their number. Gupta is writing specifically for a Christian audience and more specifically an evangelical one. This shouldn't detract from this excellent little resource, but it does help the reader understand many of the statements and assumptions that the author makes at times.

With the breath of topics that one could cover it's nice that Gupta was able to pack so much into such a small package. He spends three chapters on topics related to the Gospels, three more on Paul, one on Revelation, and then several on various topics including pseudonymity, empire studies, justification by faith and works, women in leadership, and concludes with the relationship of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, and finally one on applying and using the New Testament.

Each chapter covers a specific topic, discussing the various views related to that topic, and ends with a reflection, and a suggested reading section that include a beginner and advanced readings. I think the suggested reading was one of the most valuable aspects of the book, giving readers additional resources for further study.

The one topic that I would have wished the author covered is related to the Gospels and specifically what they are and how they relate to history. Since Gupta already had three chapters related to the Gospels including one on the Gospel of John and history I can understand why he had to limit what was covered, otherwise his book could easily grow exponentially and go way beyond a beginners text.

The chapter that interested me the most was on empire studies, The New Testament and the Roman Empire. Although I have most of the books listed in the suggested reading section it's a topic that I haven't studied much and need to read some of the literature.

Like all books there are going to be sections that you really like and others that you are going to have problems with. Unfortunately the one I found that had some problems was chapter 7 on interpreting the book of Revelation.

Unfortunately Gupta muddles things with regards to dispensationism when he states that they fall into two main views regarding the millennium. They in fact do not. He writes,

"Scholars who subscribe to a dispensational approach to eschatology and biblical chronology split into two main views on the nature and placement of the millennium (thousand-year reign of Christ) according to Revelation 20:1–7. Those who argue in favor of premillennialism conceive of a thousand-year reign of Christ that follows Christ’s second coming (i.e., the second coming precedes the millennial reign of Christ). Others believe that the millennial kingdom (not necessarily a literal number) is an age of the flourishing of the church on earth, and the second coming of Christ follows this—hence this is called a postmillennial view."

Most postmillennialists do not associate with dispensationalism. The split that dispensationalists have concerns the question of the rapture, which Gupta does bring up in the next paragraph. Dispensationalists actually divide over the question of the timing of the rapture and it's relation with a seven year tribulation period. They fall into pretributional, midtribulational, posttribulational, and partial rapturists.

Honestly the short discussion here on the millennium should have been separated from that of the various approaches to the Book of Revelation. Indeed one can find different millennial views within each of the various approaches, for example, among preterists one can find amillennialists, postmillennialists, and historical premillennials.

The paragraph regarding why scholars reject rapture teaching may be correct but was really out of place for this work. The author no where else argues against a specific view.

I'd recommend in a second edition that the millennial discussion be made separate from the approaches to Revelation, that the distinctive rapture positions be presented within dispenationalism, and the arguments against rapturism be dropped.

With that said, don't let my comments about one chapter dissuade you from getting and reading this volume, it's excellent and will serve well the person interested in pursuing New Testament studies. (less)
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Apr 29, 2020Danny rated it it was amazing
This is a much needed and extremely helpful book. It has a few short comings (which I'll mention below), but they are minor compared to the strengths and the need for a book such as this. The basic premise is simple: far too often students leave their undergrad work, and enter seminaries or post-grad programs in Biblical Studies, and encounter a series of discussions, terms, and debates the likes of which they've never encountered. This is especially true, in my opinion, for students like myself, who did a BA in Bible at a Christian university and then did master's and PhD work in Bible at an academic university. After my BA, I was "the theology guy." I had ministry experience. I was supposed to have it figured out. I got to my academic master's program and spent the first 6 months trying to figure out what everyone was on about. This book is written for people like myself when I was set adrift in the academic environment. Had I had a book like this in the final year of my BA, or better yet had my Christian university even broached these important subjects, I would have been prepared. For these reasons, I hope this book gains a wide readership.

The book covers important academic debates such as the synoptic problem, the new perspective on Paul, empire studies, the historical Jesus, and more.

I admire the book for a few important reasons: first, it is accessible, relatively thorough, and Gupta details various views without taking one himself. His job is to make the reader aware of debates and provide a starting point for the reader to engage and develop his/her own view. This is the right approach. Second, the need for the book should have been obvious. I'm surprised that it didn't exist before, and I'm glad Gupta had the epiphany that the book was needed. Third, I think that, with a few slight exceptions, Gupta chose his topics very wisely. Of the 13 chapters presented here, at least 8-10 of these are the core issues I also had to reckon with when I entered grad school. The last three topics in the book were covered well enough in my BA program, but the others were very much relatively new territory to me at the time, and they were the topics that made up the bulk of my attention through both of my master's programs.

I do have three suggestions for how the book could have been improved. First, in the chapter on Paul's theology, there was no real mention of the post-NPP crowd (Stowers, Johnson-Hodge, etc), but they've made a huge impact on Paul studies and probably should have been mentioned, even if briefly, so that the reader knows where Paul perspectives are shifting post-NPP. Second, the chapter on justification did not mention Dunn's arguments regarding the various uses of the metaphor, in particular his view that justification in Galatians is about Gentiles joining the Jews more so than justifying them before God. This is mentioned briefly in the chapter in Paul's theology, but also needs to be addressed as a specific aspect of justification itself. Similarly, Gupta mentions briefly that terms for "faith" can mean something more akin to "allegiance" than simple "belief," but he does not mention the work of scholars like Bates and McKnight in establishing an actual shift in justification thinking in regard to this. Third, and maybe most importantly, Gupta has a very simple chapter on the use of Scripture, but a second, follow-up chapter on interpretive models would be extremely helpful in a book with an agenda such as this. When I entered my post-grad program I was blindsided, first, by some of the various uses of higher criticism (historical, social, textual, etc), and second, by some of the ways scholars have gone beyond those critical models (theological, canonical, etc). A chapter would be useful to explain trends, such as the Tubingen School, historical criticism, post-liberalism, feminist criticism, narrative criticism, ecotheology, etc. A large number of Christian universities, especially conservative ones, ignore these trends.

Overall, this is a very helpful book. One I'll recommend to my own future students, and one which will lead me towards many great conversations, I'm sure. (less)
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Kevin Wolz
Jul 14, 2020Kevin Wolz rated it it was amazing
Nijay K. Gupta has written an introduction to New Testament studies aimed at students, pastors, and aspiring scholars. Characteristic of his other work, this book is clear and engaging. Gupta also makes great use of metaphor and other tools to help his readers understand subject matters that may be foreign.

The premise of the book is simple: Gupta has selected 13 subjects within New Testament studies that young scholars will need to be aware of if they intend to enter the field. While Gupta would be the first to say that he is not an expert on every matter that is relevant to NT studies, his grasp on the matters selected in this book demonstrates that he has done his homework.

We should commend Gupta for providing objective analysis in these chapters. For example, I know that from Dr. Gupta’s blog and Twitter feed that he is an Egalitarian, but you wouldn’t be able to tell from his analysis of the debate in chapter 10, “Women in Leadership in the New Testament.” This even-handed analysis is impressive.

Each chapter has suggestions for further reading. Gupta helpfully gives examples of introductory and advanced options in these sections, as well as options that specifically represent the various sides of these debates.

The chapters represent a variety of subjects in the New Testament, although there are, of course, areas that he didn’t address that could have warranted a chapter (such as “Textual Criticism,” “Greek Language,” or “New Testament Ethics”).

At just under 200 pages, this book shouldn’t take too much time to read, and I highly recommend it to any interested in New Testament Scholarship. (less)
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Chris Wermeskerch
Jan 17, 2020Chris Wermeskerch rated it really liked it
All in all, I think this book is an excellent primer to someone who is thinking about pursuing a higher theological education, or for someone who has previously earned a degree but would like to follow the debates a bit more closely. For pastors or ministers working with students, or for those who would like to study a bit more deeply even if not pursuing a degree, will find a lot in this book. I would be curious how they could apply it to their congregations, but it might trigger more advanced studies for a pastor/minister and open doors for them to help their congregation go deeper into theology.

my full review at my blog, chriswerms .wordpress .com. (less)
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Mar 14, 2020Bronwyn rated it it was amazing
As a Biblical studies amateur, I found this book so useful in examining a wide range of topics in a balanced and thorough way. It helped illuminate issues that are debatable, but often not clearly explained in discussions of biblical topics. The book is easy to read, and carefully thought out. While the author has opinions on the topics, he presents both sides in a fair and even way. The author also provides a helpful reading list at the end of each chapter, graded from beginner to advanced. I would recommend the book to anyone interested in the Bible, whether they are exploring contemporary scholarship or would merely like some background information to consider. (less)
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David Brimhall
Jul 14, 2020David Brimhall rated it really liked it
Dr. Gupta offers a well-rounded, broad sweeping survey of the key debates in New Testament studies. He deftly navigates hard topics, shining light on admirable positions, yet also presenting weaknesses within their structures, all while making scholarly issues clear and easy to digest for a casual reader or uninitiated theologian (which we all are in some way). Mostly, Dr. Gupta reminds us that the Christian faith and especially Christian theology is not a monolith of undisputed dogma, but a weaving and engaging conversation--an exploration into the mind of God.
Recommended. (less)
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Jul 11, 2020JWB rated it it was amazing
Easy-to-read and informative, I learned something new in every chapter. Dr. Gupta expertly threads the needle of making the material accessible to the non-theologian while respecting his reader’s overall intelligence and desire to learn. Each chapter even-handedly explores multiple schools of thought on various topics ranging from Paul & the Law to Works vs Faith. The book presents the complex in a simple way—and then challenges the reader to think and decide what his/her individual beliefs are.
Highly recommend. (less)
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Радостин Марчев
May 13, 2020Радостин Марчев rated it it was amazing
Това е много добро въведение към някои трудни и спорни теми в новозаветното изследване. Ключовата дума в предното изречение е въведение. Ако някой очаква задълбочен анализ на всички доказателства ще остане разочарован. Но ако търси сравнително кратко и ясно представяне на проблема, различните гледни точки и подходи към него, някои бележки без да се взема страна и насоки към добра допълнителна литература това е точно за него.
Лично на мен като цяло книгата не ми даде нищо ново, но я намирам за много интересна, добре написана и много полезна за подходящата група хора. (less)
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Filip Sylwestrowicz
Jul 04, 2020Filip Sylwestrowicz rated it really liked it
Shelves: biblical-studies
Gupta's book is an accessible introduction to major issues debated in the New Testament studies. It will be useful for introductory New Testament courses at undergraduate and seminary-level. It may also be helpful for pastors who want to refresh their memory about major debates in academic literature and all who are 'relative newcomers' to the field. More on my blog: https://fsylwestrowicz.com/book-thoug... (less)
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Apr 13, 2020Jonathan rated it really liked it
Shelves: biblical-studies
An excellent beginner's survey of contemporary New Testament studies as informed by history. Fair, nuanced, well written and all in all, very helpful! This helped me round out a seminary NT course I recently took. ...more
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May 13, 2021Casey rated it it was amazing
A fantastic introduction to current issues in NT studies. Perfect for someone curious to dive deeper, an undergrad honors class, or an introductory seminary class on NT studies. I'd highly recommend it. (less)
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Pastor Matt
May 09, 2020Pastor Matt rated it it was amazing
I'll post a full review on my blog in a day or two but, suffice to say, WHERE WAS THIS BOOK WHEN I WAS A FIRST YEAR SEMINARY STUDENT!!! Sorry to yell. (less)
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Apr 22, 2020Jeremy rated it really liked it
Great overview of critical NT studies debates.
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J.D. DeHart
Feb 20, 2020J.D. DeHart rated it it was amazing
I appreciate the accessibility and of this text. As a sometimes church curriculum writer, I value writers who can talk about complex theological ideas in sensible ways. Highly recommended.

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