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Showing posts with label Course in Miracles. Show all posts


Overview of A Course in Miracles | Miracle Distribution Center

Overview of A Course in Miracles | Miracle Distribution Center

Overview of A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles is something of a phenomenon that has affected the lives of many thousands of people. This three-volume set of books was received through a process of inner dictation by a psychologist at Columbia University, beginning in 1965. After ten years of preparation, the Course was first published in 1976 by the Foundation for Inner Peace. Since then, more than three million of these books have been sold, without the benefit of any paid advertising, to men and women in every walk of life and every major faith.

The Course consists of a 669-page Text, which describes the theoretical foundation upon which its thought system is based; a 488-page Workbook for Students, containing 365 daily lessons that are designed to train the mind of the student along the lines set forth by the Text; and a 92-page Manual for Teachers, which answers some of the questions most likely to be asked by one studying the Course, and clarifies some of the terms used in the books. Finally, two supplements are included: Psychotherapy and The Song of Prayer. While the Course is primarily a self-study program, many hundreds of study groups have been established worldwide.

On one level, A Course in Miracles is a restatement of the core of wisdom found in every major world religion. However, the Course is a spiritual teaching rather than a religion. While it uses Christian terminology, it is ecumenical in nature and states that “a universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.” The Course makes no claim of being “the only way,” but clearly states that it is only one of many thousands of forms of “the universal course” that can be used for personal transformation.

The language of A Course in Miracles is extraordinarily rich and profound. Many sections of the Text and Workbook are very poetic and written in blank verse, and have led some people to compare the Course with some of the world’s great literature. The thought system of the Course is intellectually sophisticated, and combines spiritual inspiration with deep psychological understanding of such phenomena as belief and defense systems, perception and identity.

However, A Course in Miracles is also very practical. The daily Workbook lessons provide a systematic, step-by-step approach by which one can apply the principles of the Course. The lessons do not require a lot of time nor long practice periods, but they do require a willingness to question every value one holds as to what the world is all about, and the willingness to see things differently–through the eyes of God.

A Course in Miracles teaches that there are only two basic thought systems, one of perception and the other of knowledge. The thought system of perception is inherently illusory because it is based upon interpretation, not on fact. It is founded on our belief in our separation from God and from one another. From this flows a belief in evil, sin, guilt, fear, and scarcity. It is a world of appearances, of birth and death, of time and constant change. This thought system of perception is what the Course calls the ego, which is actually a set of beliefs that center around the body as our reality and the limit of our being.

The world of knowledge, on the other hand, is truth. The Course teaches that the real world, which reflects truth, can be seen only through spiritual vision, and not through the body’s eyes. The world of knowledge is one of unity, love, sinlessness and abundance. The Course views reality as composed only of God’s thoughts, which are loving, constant, timeless and eternal. Evil, sin and guilt are regarded as misperceptions. Sin is regarded as lack of love, or as a mistake calling for correction and love, rather than for guilt and punishment.

Once we are caught in the world of perception, or the ego’s thought system, it is as though we were caught in a dream. In order to awaken to reality, it is necessary to reverse our thinking and correct our mistakes. We need help to awaken from the dream because our physical senses accept only that information which reinforces our belief in the reality of the dream. A Course in Miracles offers us an avenue of awakening by showing us that our usual perception and sense of identity are distorted. It offers us a way of correcting these distortions so that we can see ourselves and the world more clearly. This change in perception is what the Course means by a “miracle.”

Unlike some other thought systems, A Course in Miracles does not suggest withdrawal from the world. It teaches that our relationships offer us unique and valuable opportunities for learning, awakening and healing. The Course offers a variety of approaches by which relationships based on fear and lack can be healed. Forgiveness of ourselves and others provides the means by which we can use relationships to let go of the past with its burden of guilt and grievances. In the context of the Course, “forgiveness” means recognizing that what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. Forgiveness does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees that there was no sin. Forgiveness shows us only the extensions of love or the calls for love, not the attack or hate. By changing our perception in this way, we can remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which the Course says is our natural inheritance.

A goal of A Course in Miracles is to train us to listen to God’s voice, the Holy Spirit. This extension of God’s mind serves as our inner guide, who will direct our thoughts, telling us exactly what to do, and directing all our efforts. To be truly effective, we must learn to rely on our own internal teacher rather than looking for help outside ourselves. We are thus guided to discover our own God-given function.

As we are led from the world of the ego to the world of love, our perception of ourselves as separated persons is corrected, and we remember our higher, or true Self. We remember we were created by God as His Child, and we are enabled to accept the Christ within, and to see with Christ’s vision. We recognize our oneness with God, our Self, and all our brothers, and are able, finally, to “teach only love,” which is our true function as Children of God.

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An Introduction to A Course in Miracles

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An Introduction to A Course in Miracles • Foundation for Inner Peace: Publisher of A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

An Introduction to A Course in Miracles • Foundation for Inner Peace: Publisher of A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

An Introduction to A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles – often abbreviated ACIM or simply called the Course – is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. As a three-volume curriculum consisting of a Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers, it teaches that
the way to universal love and peace—or remembering God—is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. 
The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. 
A Course in Miracles also emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curriculum, of which there are “many thousands.” 
Consequently, even though the language of the Course is that of traditional Christianity, it expresses a non-sectarian, non-denominational spirituality. 
A Course in Miracles, therefore, is a universal spiritual teaching, not a religion.

The Text presents the theory of the Course and has built into its study the development of the experience of forgiveness that is the Course’s goal for the student. 
In this regard, A Course in Miracles states that “its goal for you is happiness and peace.” (T-13.II.7:1) 
The Text also explains the basis for fear and guilt, and how they can be overcome through miracles, which are defined as maximal “expressions of love.” The miracle is defined as the shift in perception from fear to love.

The Workbook for Students consists of 365 lessons, an exercise for each day of the year. This one-year training program begins the process of changing the student’s mind and perception, though it is not intended to bring one’s learning to completion. As stated in the Preface to the Course, “At the end, the reader is left in the hands of his or her own Internal Teacher, Who will direct all subsequent learning as He sees fit.” (Pre: ix-x) You can study the Workbook’s daily lessons in both text and audio in English; also available as text in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

The Manual for Teachers is written in question-and-answer form and provides answers to some of the more likely questions a student might ask. It also includes clarification of a number of terms the Course uses, explaining them within the theoretical framework of the Text and for their practical application through the Workbook.

A Course in Miracles was “scribed” by Dr. Helen Schucman through a process of inner dictation that she identified as coming from Jesus. A clinical and research psychologist and tenured Associate Professor of Medical Psychology, she was assisted by Dr. William Thetford, her department head, who was also a tenured Professor of Medical Psychology at the Medical Center where they both worked.

What exactly, then, is A Course in Miracles? The summary from its Introduction, which appears on page one of the Text, is quite succinct and brief but describes its core teaching perfectly. It reads:

“This Course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.(T-In.1:1-8,2:1-4)

Read How It Came from the Preface of A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles - Wikipedia 기적 강좌

A Course in Miracles - Wikipedia

A Course in Miracles

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles, Combined Volume, Third Edition as published by the
Foundation for Inner Peace.
EditorHelen SchucmanBill Thetford, Kenneth Wapnick
AuthorThere is no author attributed to ACIM, although it was "scribed" by Helen Schucman
CountryUnited States
SubjectSpiritual transformation
Publisher1976 (New York: Viking: The Foundation for Inner Peace)
2007 (The Foundation for Inner Peace, 3rd ed.)
Media typePrint (hardback and paperback)

A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a 1976 book by Helen Schucman. The underlying premise is that the greatest "miracle" is the act of simply gaining a full "awareness of love's presence" in a person's life.[1] Schucman said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of "inner dictation" from Jesus Christ.[2][3] The book is considered to have borrowed from New Age movement writings.[4][5]

ACIM consists of three sections: "Text", "Workbook for Students", and "Manual for Teachers". Written from 1965 to 1972, some distribution occurred via photocopies before a hardcover edition was published in 1976 by the Foundation for Inner Peace.[6] The copyright and trademarks, which had been held by two foundations, were revoked in 2004[6] after lengthy litigation because the earliest versions had been circulated without a copyright notice.[7][8]

Throughout the 1980s, annual sales of the book steadily increased each year; however, the largest growth in sales occurred in 1992 after Marianne Williamson discussed the book on The Oprah Winfrey Show,[6] with more than two million volumes sold.[6] The book has been called everything from "New Age psychobabble"[9] to "a Satanic seduction"[6] to "The New Age Bible".[10] According to Olav Hammer, the psychiatrist and author Gerald G. Jampolsky was among the most effective promoters of ACIM. Jampolsky's first book, Love is Letting Go of Fear, which is based on the principles of ACIM, was published in 1979 and, after being endorsed on Johnny Carson's show, went on to sell over three million copies by 1990.[11]


A Course in Miracles was written as a collaborative venture between Schucman and William ("Bill") Thetford. In 1958, Schucman began her professional career at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City as Thetford's research associate.[12][13] In 1965, at a time when their weekly office meetings had become so contentious that they both dreaded them, Thetford suggested to Schucman that "[t]here must be another way".[14] Schucman believed that this interaction acted as a stimulus, triggering a series of inner experiences that were understood by her as visions, dreams, and heightened imagery, along with an "inner voice" which she identified as Jesus (although the ACIM text itself never explicitly claims that the voice she hears speaking is the voice of Jesus).[15][16] She said that on October 21, 1965, an "inner voice" told her: "This is a Course in Miracles, please take notes." Schucman said that the writing made her very uncomfortable, though it never seriously occurred to her to stop.[17] The next day, she explained the events of her "note-taking" to Thetford. To her surprise, Thetford encouraged her to continue the process. He also offered to assist her in typing out her notes as she read them to him. The process continued the next day and repeated itself regularly for many years. In 1972, the writing of the three main sections of ACIM was completed, with some additional minor writing coming after that point.[18]

Kenneth Wapnick helped edit the book and founded the Foundation for A Course in Miracles

For copyright purposes, US courts determined that the author of the text was Schucman, not Jesus.[19] Kenneth Wapnick believed that Schucman did not channel Jesus, but was describing her "own mental experience of divine 'love'".[19]


Since it went on sale in 1976, the text has been translated into 27 languages.[20] The book is distributed globally, spawning a range of organized groups.[21]

Wapnick said that "if the Bible were considered literally true, then (from a Biblical literalist's viewpoint) the Course would have to be viewed as demonically inspired".[22] 

He also declared "I often taught in the context of the Bible, even though it is obvious to serious students of A Course in Miracles that it and the Bible are fundamentally incompatible."[19] "

Course-teachers Robert Perry, Greg Mackie, and Allen Watson" disagreed about that.[19] 

Though a friend of Schucman, Thetford, and Wapnick, Catholic priest Benedict Groeschel criticized ACIM and related organizations. Finding some elements of ACIM to be "severe and potentially dangerous distortions of Christian theology", he wrote that it is "a good example of a false revelation"[23] and that it has "become a spiritual menace to many".[24]

The evangelical editor Elliot Miller says that Christian terminology employed in ACIM is "thoroughly redefined" to resemble New Age teachings. 

Other Christian critics say that ACIM is "intensely anti-biblical" and incompatible with Christianity, blurring the distinction between creator and created and forcefully supporting the occult and New Age worldview.[4]

Olav Hammer locates A Course in Miracles in the tradition of channeled works from those of Madam Blavatsky through to the works of Rudolf Steiner[15] and notes the close parallels between Christian Science and the teachings of the Course.[25] 

Hammer called it "gnosticizing beliefs".[26] In "'Knowledge is Truth': A Course in Miracles as Neo-Gnostic Scripture" in GnosisJournal of Gnostic Studies, Simon J. Joseph outlines the relationship between the Course and Gnostic thinking.[19] 

Daren Kemp also considers ACIM to be neo-Gnostic and agrees with Hammer that it is a channeled text.[16] 

The course has been viewed as a way which "integrates a psychological world view with a universal spiritual perspective" and linked to transpersonal psychology.[27]

Joseph declared:

Consequently, new manuscript discoveries, lost gospels, and new “scriptural” revelations represent an effective way of subverting the traditional picture of early Christian origins and destabilizing traditional Christian authority by redefining the cultural boundaries of Christianity in contemporary culture. [...] Since the Course’s redefinition of terms is so offensive to its critics, [...] the Gospel narrative that the Course subverts and redefines is the suffering, death, and crucifixion of Jesus.[19]

— Simon J. Joseph

The Skeptic's Dictionary describes ACIM as "a minor industry" that is overly commercialized and characterizes it as "Christianity improved". Robert T. Carroll wrote that the teachings are not original but are culled from "various sources, east, and west". 

He adds that it has gained increased popularity as New Age spirituality writer Marianne Williamson promoted a variant.[5]

Associated works[edit]

Two works have been described as extensions of A Course in Miracles, Gary Renard's 2003 The Disappearance of the Universe and Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love published in 1992.[6][28][29][30] The Disappearance of the Universe, published in 2003 by Fearless Books, was republished by Hay House in 2004.[31] Publishers Weekly reported that Renard's examination of A Course in Miracles influenced his book.[32]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ A Course in Miracles. Foundation for Inner Peace. Introduction, p. 1. Retrieved December 29, 2017.
  2. ^ "ACIM: About the Scribes" Foundation for Inner Peace. Retrieved December 29, 2017.
  3. ^ Foundation for Inner Peace (1992). A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume (2nd ed.). Glen Ellen, Calif.: The Foundation. pp. vii–viii. ISBN 0-9606388-9-X. Retrieved December 29, 2017.
  4. Jump up to:a b Newport, John P. (1998). The New Age movement and the biblical worldview: conflict and dialogue. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. p. 176ISBN 978-0-8028-4430-9a course in miracles christian criticism.
  5. Jump up to:a b Carroll, Robert Todd (2003). The skeptic's dictionary: a collection of strange beliefs, amusing deceptions, and dangerous delusions. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-27242-7.
  6. Jump up to:a b c d e f Miller, D. Patrick (November 23, 2011). Understanding A Course in Miracles: The History, Message, and Legacy of a Spiritual Path for TodayBerkeley, CACelestial ArtsISBN 9780307807793. Retrieved December 29, 2017.
  7. ^ Beverley, James (May 19, 2009). Nelson's Illustrated Guide to Religions: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Religions of the WorldThomas Nelson Inc. pp. 397–. ISBN 9781418577469. Retrieved December 29, 2017.
  8. ^ "Recipient's Common Interest in Subject of Work Does Not Limit Publication". Patent, Trademark & Copyright JournalBureau of National Affairs (BNA)67 (1645): 16–17. 2003.
  9. ^ Boa, Kenneth; Bowman, Robert M. (1997). An Unchanging Faith in a Changing World: Understanding and Responding to Critical Issues that Christians Face Today. Oliver Nelson. ISBN 9780785273523. Retrieved September 28, 2014.
  10. ^ van IJssel, Suzette. "The Imminent Heaven: Spiritual Post-Metaphysics and Ethics in a Postmodern Era". Archived from the original on June 21, 2016. Retrieved September 28, 2014.
  11. ^ Hammer (2021: p. 450)
  12. ^ "Helen Schucman's Career".
  13. ^ "A Course in Miracles Book ACIM Lessons Online and Text"ACIM Portal. Retrieved December 25, 2017.
  14. ^ Helen Schucman: Autobiography, in "Origins of A Course in Miracles" 3:27–28. Foundation for Inner Peace Archives, Tiburon, CA).
  15. Jump up to:a b Hammer, Olav (2021) [2004]. Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age. Numen Book Series. Brill. p. 153. ISBN 978-90-04-49399-5. Retrieved January 21, 2022A Course in Miracles is said to have been channeled from a discarnate entity perceived as Jesus but never explicitly named as such in the ensuing text.
  16. Jump up to:a b Kemp, Daren (March 2004). "A COURSE IN MIRACLES". In Clarke, Peter (ed.). Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements. Routledge. p. 1. ISBN 978-1-134-49970-0.
  17. ^ Skutch, Robert. Journey Without Distance: The Story Behind A Course in MiraclesTen Speed Press, Berkeley, CA, 1984, p. 58.
  18. ^ "The Scribe: Helen Schucman and A Course in Miracles©"
  19. Jump up to:a b c d e f Joseph, Simon J. (March 22, 2017). "'Knowledge is Truth': A Course in Miracles as Neo-Gnostic Scripture". GNOSIS. Brill. 2 (1): 94–125. doi:10.1163/2451859x-12340028ISSN 2451-8581.
  20. ^ "ACIM Translations". Foundation for Inner Peace. Retrieved August 10, 2021.
  21. ^ Bradby, Ruth (2010). "A course in miracles in Ireland". In Cosgrove, Olivia; Cox, Laurence; Kuhling, Carmen; Mulholland, Peter (eds.). Ireland's New Religious Movements. Ireland's New Religious Movements. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 147–162. ISBN 978-1-4438-2615-0. Retrieved January 21, 2022.
  22. ^ Dean C. Halverson, "Seeing Yourself as Sinless", SCP Journal 7, no. 1 (1987): 23.
  23. ^ Groeschel, Benedict J., A Still Small Voice (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993) p. 80
  24. ^ Groeschel, Benedict J., A Still Small Voice (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993) p. 82.
  25. ^ Hammer (2021: 444)
  26. ^ Hammer (2021: 55)
  27. ^ Miracles with Counselors,David Aldrich Osgood,University of Massachusetts Amherst (1991), Transpersonal Psychology and A Course in Miracles P.43
  28. ^ Butler-Bowdon, Tom.50 Spiritual Classics: Timeless Wisdom From 50 Great Books of Inner Discovery, Enlightenment and PurposeNicholas Brealey Publishing, 2010. p. 223.
  29. ^ Butler-Bowdon, TomThe Literature of PossibilityNicholas Brealey Publishing, 2013. p. 223.
  30. ^ Coburn, Lorri. Breaking Free: How Forgiveness and A Course in Miracles Can Set You FreeBalboa Press, 2011. p. 193.
  31. ^ Wilson, Brandy (July 29, 2006). "Community of Faith: News from Houses of Worship: 'Disappearance of Universe' author to host workshop"The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Archived from the original on December 1, 2018. Retrieved August 8, 2017.
  32. ^ Garrett, Lynn (March 7, 2005). "'Disappearance' Appears Big Time"Publishers Weekly. Archived from the original on August 9, 2017. Retrieved August 8, 2017.

External links[edit]

Categories: A Course in Miracles
1976 non-fiction books
Channelled texts
Christian mysticism
Books about Christianity
New Age books


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A Course in Miracles
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코드하드 커버: ISBN  978-1883360252
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서적『A Course in Miracles』(1976년 출판. 일본역:기적의 코스 ,  )의 약칭으로, 이 서적에 의한 독습 과정도 가리킨다. 단순히 코스 라고도합니다 [1] . 미국인 심리학자 헬렌 샤크만이 예수 그리스도 라고 생각되는 내면의 목소리를 듣고 썼다고 하는 영어의 영성 문서이다 [1] . 세계는 환영이며 스스로 밖에는 아무것도 존재하지 않고, 자신이 하나님과 일체라는 고대 인도의 어드바이터 베단타 적인 비이원론 영어판 ) 사상이 설설되어 있다 [2] [1 ] . 이 작품의 가장 큰 전제는 인생에서 달성할 수 있는 가장 큰 ' 기적 '은 '사랑의 존재를 아는 것'이라는 가르침이다 [3] . 하나님과 일체가 됨으로써 사랑을 알게 된다. 뉴 에이지 에서 널리 읽혀 바이블적 존재였다 [1] .

기적의 학습 코스 , 기적의 길 등으로도 번역된다.

개요 편집 ]

1965년, 뉴욕의 콜롬비아 대학 장로파 의료 센터의 박사로, 무신론자였던 프로이트파의 헬렌 샤크만 영어판 ) 조교수(의료 심리학)가, 스스로의 내부로부터의 목소리를 듣고(투청 해) 속기해, 그녀가 소속하고 있던 심리학부의 학부장 윌리엄 셋포드 영어판 ) 교수(임상 심리학)에 읽어 들려 주어 그가 타이프 해 편집했다 [4] [1] . 최초로 받은 메시지에는 「실재하는 것은 위협받지 않는다. 실재하지 않는 것은 존재하지 않는다. 여기에 신의 평안이 있다」라는 중심 테마가 포함되어 있었다 [5] [4] . 목소리는 예수 그리스도 에 의한 것임을 암시한다 [1] . 정리된 텍스트가 친구들 사이에서 인기가 되어, 1975년에 케네스 워프닉(Kenneth Wapnick) 박사(임상 심리학 [6] )가 교정해, 뉴욕 대학 의 주디스 스카치 교수(실험 심리학 [7 ] [8] )이 출판을 위해 내부 평안을위한 재단 (The Foundation for Inner Peace, FIP)을 설립했다 [1]1976년에 출판되었지만 저자는 기록되지 않았다.

강좌는 1200페이지로 이루어져 있으며, 텍스트, 워크북(1일 1제로 1년분), 지도자를 위한 매뉴얼로 구성되어 있다 [1] . 첫 번째 일련의 레슨은 "지금 당신의 것의 견해를 근본적으로 무너뜨리기" 위한 것이고, 두 번째는 "진정한 지각의 획득"을 목표로 하고 있다 [9] . 이처럼 레슨의 대부분은 "과거의 경험에 의해 습득한 '부정적인 자기 프로그래밍'을 해소하고 '지금의 순간'에 있는 것을 배우는 연습"에서 존 크리모는 기존의 심리요법적 접근법과 공통적이라고 말한다 [9] . 그 밖에 레슨에는 「나는 <창조주」와 묶인 <자기>이다. 세상에는 내가 요구하는 것은 아무것도 없다. "모두는 하나님을 찾는 목소리까지 있다." "하나님의 평화는 내 안에서 지금 빛나고있다"라는 것이있다 [9] . 독습을 통해 학습자를 부정적인 사물에 맞서고 마음을 사랑에 깨우게 함으로써 질서였던 영성 에 이르게 된다고 한다 [1] . 미국의 신종교 연구자인 J. Gordon Melton에 의하면 조직을 필요로 하지 않고 독학할 수 있는 '이수 과정(A Course)'으로 구성되어 있기 때문에 종교 조직에 환멸한 그리스도인층에게 인기가 있다 [10] .

일원론 적인 가르침을 기독교 용어를 사용하고 기독교 전통의 개념을 변경하면서 말하고 있다 [1] . 하나님은 천국만을 창조하고 천국과 일체이다 [2] . 그러므로 인간은 자신의 바깥쪽에 아무것도 없이 (있는 것으로 보이는 것은 환영이다) 하나님과 일체라고 이해함으로써 자신 안에 천국이 되살아난다고 한다 [2] . 코스의 천국은 완전한 일체성에 대한 인식입니다 [2] . 표제에 있는 기적은 외적인 행위가 아니고, 하나님으로부터 멀리 존재할 수 있는 것은 없다는 지견에 대해 기술되어 있다 [1] . 하나님은 스스로를 사랑하는 것만큼 인간을 사랑한다고 여겨진다 [2] . 예수님은 하나님의 사랑을 전하는 그리스도의 유일한 메시지를 맡은 자이며, 안심하고 사용할 수 있는 상징이며, 이 세상이 아닌 사랑의 상징이며, 가르침이 이해될 때까지 다양한 이름과 형태로 나타난다 [11] [12] . 성령 은 하나님과 인간의 교류를 이어 하나가 된다고 뒷받침하는 것으로 여겨진다 [12] .

종교학자 Ruth Bradby는 8세기 인도 샹카라 의 비이 원론적 어드바이터 베단타 에 가깝다고 믿고 있다 [1] . 이 책을 샬맨과 편집한 세트포드는 "기적 강좌는 기독교적인 어드바이타 베단타 "라고 말했다 [13] [14] . 그는 비베커난다 가 해설한 어드바이터 베단타의 가르침을 읽고 강좌의 사상과 많은 유사성이 있다고 느끼고 강좌를 그리스도인 베단타의 한 형태로 표현할 수 있다고 생각했다고 한다 . 존 크리모는 현실 세계의 마야 나 환각성과 그에 따른 인간의 에고 에 대해 말해지고 있다고 평가하고 있다 [15] . 에고는 완전히 자립하고 있다는 마음의 맹신이며, 인간은 에고를 자신의 유일한 진실의 자기로 오해하고 있다고 한다 [2] . 또한 Bradby는 악의 가능성의 부정은 메리 베이커 에디 의 그리스도인 과학과 의 관계를 낳고 있으며, 그 철저한 초월성은 그노시스 주의 로 이어진다고 평가하고 있다 [1]ACIM을 샬맨과 교정한 와프닉은 ACIM과 그노시스주의에 대해 서적에 정리하고, 나그 하마디 문서 의 진리의 복음서 영어판 ) 와의 유사를 상세히 설명하고, 한편 그노시스주의에서 보이는 2원론과 ACIM은 대립한다고 했다 [16] .

1985년에 출판을 위해 「내면의 평안을 위한 재단」이, 1996년에 공식 지도 조직으로서 「『기적 강좌』를 위한 재단」(FACIM)이 설립되었다 [1] [17] . 10개 이상의 나라에 2000명 이상의 학습단체가 있다 [1] . 본 강좌 지지자의 공동체는, FACIM가 저작권 보호에 의해 강좌의 가르침에 반해 종교적 정통성을 밀어붙이고 있다고 비난해, 저작권에 대해 논쟁이 되고 있었다 [1] .

부정적인 의견도 있고, 「뉴에이지 사이코 버블(New Age psychobabble , 뉴에이지의 에세 심리학)」이라고 비판되거나, 기독교인으로부터 「악마의 유혹」이라고 불리기도 한다 [18] [19] .

뉴소트 등, 전세계의 다양한 가르침이나 기존의 사상으로부터의 영향, 인용도 지적되고 있다 [20] [21] .

샤크맨과 내적 목소리 편집 ]

Bradby는 채널링 에 의해 얻은 문장이며 예수 그리스도 와의 채널링에 의한 것이라고 칭찬받고 있다고 말했다 [1] . 가르침의 근원이 그리스도라고 냄새를 맡는 곳은 책에 많으며 "이 강좌는 그리스도에게 온다"고 적혀있다 [22] . 샤크맨은 목소리는 외부가 아니라 완전히 내부에서 오는 것으로, 자동 서기 가 아닌 듣기 때는 자신의 행동에 자각적이며, 내적인 구술 필기와 같은 것이라고 말하고 있다 . ] . 샤크맨은 내면의 목소리에 의한 인도를 썼다고 생각하고 있어 원작자임을 인정하지 않았다 [1] . 또, 왜 이런 일에 선정된 것인지 이상하게 생각하고, 내면의 목소리의 청취가 생활의 중심이 되어 버린 것을 자주 회개하고 있었다고 한다 [23] .

그녀의 상위 자기와 일종의 보편적인 소스의 조합이 원천이라고 생각하는 사람도 있다 [22] . 강좌의 출판자 슈디스 스커치는, 「샤크맨의 에고에 발하는 이성적인 마음」에는 코스를 쓰는 능력은 없고, 그녀중의 「<모두>에 연결되어 있는 부분」이, 그 시대 에 필요한 형태로 메시지를 받은 것이라고 느끼고 있다고 한다. 샤크맨의 그 '부분'은 '코스'에서 그리스도라 불리는 <창조주>의 <마음>과 일체가 된 우리의 영원하고 영적 <자기>>에 다름없다고 말한다 [11] .

심리학자 제임스 파디만은 관계자를 만나 작위적인 것이 아니라고 느꼈고, 그녀의 능력은 이 일에는 부족하다고 말하고 있다 [22] . 샤크맨은 "이것은 어디에서 왔을까? 분명히, 내 자신은 이런 것에 대해 쓰지 않는다. 이런 테마에 대해 아무것도 모르기 때문이다"라고 말하고 있지만, 에 슬린 연구소 의 공동 설립자 마이클· 머피(저작가) 영어판 ) 에 의하면, 그녀의 아버지는 영적 책을 다루는 정신 세계 의 서점을 경영하고 있어, 그녀는 그러한 책에 둘러싸여 자랐다 [24] . 머피는, 코스의 사상은 모두가 기존의 것으로 새로운 내용은 없고, 샤크맨은 이러한 지식을 충분히 얻을 수 있는 성장이며, 그리스도에 의한 가르침이라고는 믿지 않지만, 무의식으로부터 잘 이것만을 내뱉은 것이라고 생각한다 트랜스퍼스 심리학자 인 켄 윌버 는 어떠한 초상적인 통찰이 관련되어 있다는 견해나 샤크맨이 정상적인 자기를 초월한 것에서 왔다고 느꼈다는 것을 부정하는 것은 아니지만 , 코스는 상상 이상으로 그녀의 색깔이 강하고, 그녀가 영향을받은 뉴 소트 와 다양한 형이상학파로부터의 인용이 듣고 또 샤크맨이 자신과 내면의 목소리를 구별하고 있음에도 불구하고, 그녀의 시는 코스와 거의 차이가 없는 놀라게 된다고 말하고 있다 [11] .

반응·비평·비판 편집 ]

1976년에 출판된 이후 22개 언어로 번역되었다 [25] . 책은 전세계에 퍼져 있으며 조직된 단체의 기반이 되고 있다 [26] . 영어판은 2007년 시점에서 100만부 이상의 매출이 있어 베스트셀러가 된 영적 자기 계발 본을 통해 수백만 명에 영향을 주고 학습단체도 전세계 증가하고 있다 . .

현대에서 가장 유명한 영성 문서 중 하나에서 뉴 에이지 를 연구하는 바우터 하네프 러프 영어판 ) 는 코스를 "영성의 뉴 에이지 네트워크에서 '성전'의 역할을 했다고 할 수있다 『유일의 책』이라고 말하고 있다 [1] .

ACIM 지지자의 게리 R. 레나드는 ACIM은 자습이 가능하고 진리의 왜곡의 영향을 받지 않고 배울 수 있다는 점에서 고금 동서의 영성 중에서도 매우 독특하다 라고 주장한다 [27] .

케네스 와프닉은 “성경을 문자 그대로의 진실이라고 생각한다면, ( 성경 직해주의 영어판 ) 의 관점에서) 코스는 악마 에게 사로잡혀 영감을 받은 것으로 간주될 것”이라고 말했다 [ 28] . 한편, 샤크맨, 세드퍼드, 와프닉의 친구였던 사제 Benedict Groeschel 은 코스와 그 조직을 비판했다. 이 과정의 일부 요소는 "중대하고 잠재적으로 위험한 기독교 신학 의 왜곡"이고 "가짜 계시 의 좋은 예"에서 "많은 영적 위협이 될 것"이라고 썼다 [29] [30 ] . 복음주의 편집자 Elliot Miller는 코스에서 기독교 용어가 뉴에이지 사상과 비슷한 것으로 "완전히 재정의"되었다고 말했다. 또 다른 기독교인 평론가는 코스가 기독교와 일치하지 않는 "강력한 안티 성경"이며 창조주와 피조물의 구별을 모호하게 만들고 신비 와 뉴 에이지의 세계관을 강하게 지원한다고 말합니다. [31 ] .

로버트 캐롤 은 코스는 지나치게 상품화되어 ‘개량된 기독교’라는 특징을 지닌 ‘마이너 산업’이라고 비평했다. 캐롤은 그 가르침이 오리지널이 아니라고 말하고, "동서의 다양한 출처"에서 벗어난 것임을 시사했다 [21] .

각주 편집 ]

  1. t Bradby, 미야자카 세이역 2009 , pp. 484–486.
  2. f 크리모, 프라부다 번역 1991 , pp. 74–75.
  3. 기적에 있는 과정 . 내면의 평화를 위한 재단. 소개 , 페이지 1. 2017년 12월 29일에 액세스함.
  4. b 기적의 강의 2017 , p. 19.
  5. b 크리모, 프라부다 번역 1991 , p. 73.
  8. ↑ 에밀리 베닝턴(2017). "기적의 과정에 관하여". 작동하는 기적: 내부 지침을 외부 영향으로 전환 . 사실로 들립니다. ISBN 1622037243
  9. ↑ c 크리모, 프라부다 번역 1991 , pp. 76–77.
  10. ↑ 멜튼, 고든 J. (1990). 뉴에이지 백과 사전 1판 게일 리서치, Inc. 피. 93. ISBN 0-8103-7159-6
  11. ↑ c 크리모, 프라부다 번역 1991 , pp. 80–81.
  12. b 크리모, 프라부다 번역 1991 , p. 78.
  13. ↑ 캐롤 하우(2009). 웃음을 잊지 마십시오: 기적의 과정의 공동 저술가인 Bill Thetford의 개인적인 회상 . 워터프론트 디지털 프레스. 피. 101. ISBN 978-1-889642-21-5
  14. b William N. Thetford 박사와의 새로운 현실 인터뷰 내면의 평화를 위한 기초
  15. ↑ Climo, Prabudda 번역 1991 , p. 74.
  16. ↑ 케네스 와프닉(1989). 사랑은 정죄하지 않는다: 플라톤주의, 기독교, 영지주의, 그리고 '기적의 행로'에 따른 세상과 육신과 마귀기적 과정의 기초. ISBN 0933291183
  18. ↑ Boa, Kenneth; Bowman, Robert M. (1997). An Unchanging Faith in a Changing World: Understanding and Responding to Critical Issues that Christians Face Today . Oliver Nelson. ISBN 9780785273523 2018년 1월 조회. 
  19. ↑ Miller, D. Patrick (23 November 2011). Understanding A Course in Miracles: The History, Message, and Legacy of a Spiritual Path for Today . Berkeley, CA : Celestial Arts . ISBN 9780307807793 2018 년 11일 
  20. ↑ Climo, Prabudda 번역 1991 , pp. 77–81.
  21. 캐롤 , 로버트 토드(2003). 회의론자의 사전: 이상한 믿음, 재미있는 속임수, 위험한 망상 모음 . 존 와일리와 선즈. ISBN 978-0-471-27242-7 
  22. ↑ c 크리모, 프라부다 번역 1991 , pp. 77–78.
  23. ↑ Climo, Prabudda 번역 1991 , pp. 77.
  24. b 크리모, 프라 부다 번역 1991 , pp. 77-79.
  25. ↑ “ ACIM Translations ”. Foundation for Inner Peace. 2009년 9월 28일에 확인함.
  26. ^ Bradby, Ruth, "아일랜드의 기적 과정". 147 - 162(Olivia Cosgrove et al.) (eds), 아일랜드의 새로운 종교 운동. 캠브리지 학자, 2011
  27. Gary.R.Renard. Love Has Forgotten No One(방역 『사랑은 아무도 잊지 않는다』) . HAY HOUSE
  28.  딘 C. 할버슨, “자신을 죄가 없다고 생각하는 것”, SCP 저널 7, no. 1(1987): 23.
  29.  Groeschel, Benedict J., A Still Small Voice (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993) 80
  30.  Groeschel, Benedict J., A Still Small Voice (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993) 82
  31. ↑ 존 P. 뉴포트(1998). 뉴에이지 운동과 성경적 세계관: 갈등과 대화 . 음. B. Eerdmans 출판. ISBN 978-0-8028-4430-9 

참고 문헌 편집 ]

  • Ruth Bradby 글쓰기 「기적의 학습 코스」 「현대 세계 종교사전—현대의 신종교, 섹트, 대체 영성」크리스토퍼・파트릿지 영어판 ) 편, 이노우에 준효 감역, 이노우에 준효・이노우에 마도카・후미자와 가나・미야자카 청역, 유서관 , 2009년.
  • 존 크리모 「현대의 채널링」 「채널링Ⅰ」프라부다 번역, VOICE, 1991년.

관련 문헌 편집 ]

  • 헬렌 샤크맨 『기적 강좌 카미마키(텍스트 보급판)』 카토 미요코, 사와이 미코 번역, 중앙 아트 출판사, 2017년.

외부 링크 편집 ]


  • JACIM - FACIM 공인 ACIM 학습 지원 사이트. 와프닉 박사의 ACIM 이론, 용어집)

