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Rupert Spira

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Rupert Spira
Rupert Spira.jpg
BornMarch 13, 1960 (age 62)
London, England
OccupationPotter, author, spiritual teacher
SpouseEllen Emmet

In ignorance, I am something; in understanding, I am nothing; in love, I am everything.

Rupert Spira /ˈsprə/[citation needed] (born March 13, 1960) is an English teacher of the "direct path", a method of spiritual self-enquiry through talks and writing, and a notable English studio potter with work in public and private collections.

Early life[edit]

Spira was born in London in 1960. He graduated from West Surrey College of Art and took an apprenticeship at Wenford Bridge Pottery.[1]

He first studied with Henry Hammond and later with Michael Cardew at Wenford Bridge Pottery from 1980 to 1982.[2]


Medium size open poem bowl (43cm x 38cm x 12 cm)
Medium white glaze bowl (35cm x 26cm x 14cm)

Spira's early wheel-based pottery work reflected these early influences being in a very traditional Bernard Leach utilitarian style. This work is mostly practical in nature, taking the form of teapots, vases, vessels, plates and other culinary ware.

In 1996, he set up his own pottery at Church Farm in Shropshire where his style changed from a functional to a more minimalist, finer, more complex style ranging in size from miniature to large-scale. While he continues to make and sell functional pottery he is now known for this more recent studio pottery. His best and most recognizable work contains poems, both self-written and by Kathleen Raine the celebrated British poet. The poems are either scratched into the glaze in the sgraffito style or written as embossed letters either in a square block or in a single line across the surface of the vessel.[3] These works vary in size from small prayer bowls only a few centimetres across through to huge, open bowls 50 cm or more in diameter. He is also known for his cylinders which are often made as part of a series and while each stands alone, are meant to be exhibited as a group. These also vary in scale from a few centimetres high through to the largest being a meter or more tall. He works in a limited palette, mainly simple white, off-white and black monochromes but he does also occasionally make deep, red-glazed bowls and bright yellow tea sets.[1]

His work appears in many galleries throughout Britain including the Victoria and Albert Museum and Sainsbury collection as well as in many private collections worldwide.

Spiritual teaching[edit]

Spira is a spiritual teacher and writer in the branch of nonduality (Advaita in Sanskrit), exploring the nature of experience in his essays and texts. He has published several books (see below), and a few DVDs with interviews. He holds regular meetings and retreats in the UK, Europe and the US.

He continually works to investigate the nature of mind and reality through his philosophy and pottery. The pottery is the result of the artist's wish to make elegant pieces, in harmony with nature and human awareness.[1]

Other media[edit]

One of his talks about nonduality is included in the video game The Witness.

Personal life[edit]

Spira is married to Ellen Emmet, a therapist and yoga instructor in the non-dual tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. He has a son Matthew. Spira lives and works in Oxford, U.K, and travels internationally to teach non-duality.

Selected public collections[edit]


  • The Transparency of Things, Non-Duality Press, 2008
  • Presence: The Art of Peace and Happiness, Non-Duality Press, 2011
  • Presence: The Intimacy of all Experience, Non-Duality Press, 2011
  • The Ashes of Love, Sahaja Publications, 2016
  • The Nature of Consciousness, Sahaja Publications, 2017
  • Being Aware of Being Aware, Sahaja Publications, 2017
  • A Meditation on I Am, New Harbinger, 2021
  • The Essential Self, Sahaja Publications, 2021


External links[edit]


You Are the Happiness You Seek: Uncovering the Awareness of Being 01/04/2022
by Rupert Spira
( 60 )

How may we find happiness and peace?

In this book, Rupert Spira distills the message of all the great religious and spiritual traditions into two essential truths: happiness is the very nature of our self or being, and we share our being with everyone and everything.

Drawing on numerous examples from his own experience, Spira demonstrates that to seek lasting happiness through objects, situations and relationships is destined for failure and disappointment, and skillfully guides the reader to recognize that we are already the happiness we seek.

This book is for anyone who yearns for lasting happiness and is open to the possibility that it is continuously available within ourselves, irrespective of our circumstances.

Could there be any greater discovery in life than to know that we are already that for which we long?
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A Meditation on I Am 01/04/2021
by Rupert Spira
( 195 )

“Rupert Spira is one of the great souls. Read his books, and be clarified.”
—Coleman Barks, translator of Rumi, including Soul Fury

A contemplative poem about the intimate, impersonal, infinite nature of being.

In A Meditation on I Am, Rupert Spira contemplates the essential nature of our self before it has been conditioned or qualified by the content of experience. It is a poem, a prayer and a hymn of praise to the simple fact of being that is the source of the peace and happiness for which we long above all else.

For seasoned spiritual seekers and newcomers alike, this meditative poem explores and celebrates the truth of what we essentially are: the awareness of being that shines in each of our minds as the knowledge “I am,” which is temporarily coloured by experience but is never modified, changed or harmed by it.
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Being Aware of Being Aware (The Essence of Meditation Series) 01/11/2017
by Rupert Spira
( 560 )

Everybody is aware, all seven billion of us. We are aware of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions. All people share the experience of being aware, but relatively few people are aware that they are aware. Most people’s lives consist of a flow of thoughts, images, ideas, feelings, sensations, sights, sounds, and so on. Very few people ask, 'What is it that knows this flow of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions? With what am I aware of my experience?'

The knowing of our being—or rather, awareness’s knowing of its own being in us—is our primary, fundamental and most intimate experience. It is in this experience that the peace, happiness and love for which all people long reside. The happiness we have sought so long outside of ourselves, in situations, objects and relationships, turns out to be always present and available in the simple knowing of our own being as it truly is.

The knowing of our own being shines in each of us as the experience ‘I am’ or ‘I am aware’, or simply the knowledge ‘I’. This obvious, familiar and intimate experience has no objective qualities and is, therefore, overlooked or ignored by the majority of people. This overlooking of our own being is the ultimate cause of unhappiness. What is the nature of the experience of being aware or awareness itself? The exploration of this question is the subject matter of this book and the essence of the Direct Path to peace and happiness.

* * *

The Essence of Meditation Series presents meditations on the essential, non-dual understanding that lies at the heart of all the great religious and spiritual traditions, compiled from contemplations led by Rupert Spira at his meetings and retreats. This simple, contemplative approach, which encourages a clear seeing of one’s experience rather than any kind of effort or discipline, leads the reader to an experiential understanding of their own essential being and the peace and fulfillment that are inherent within it. Being Aware of Being Aware is the first and introductory volume in The Essence of Meditation Series.
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The Nature of Consciousness: Essays on the Unity of Mind and Matter 01/06/2017
by Rupert Spira, Deepak Chopra, Bernardo Kastrup
( 285 )

“I’ve gained deeper understanding listening to Rupert Spira than I have from any other exponent of modern spirituality. Reality is sending us a message we desperately need to hear, and at this moment no messenger surpasses Spira and the transformative words in his essays.”
—Deepak Chopra, author of You Are the Universe, Spiritual Solutions, and Super Brain

Our world culture is founded on the assumption that the Big Bang gave rise to matter, which in time evolved into the world, into which the body was born, inside which a brain appeared, out of which consciousness at some late stage developed. As a result of this “matter model,” most of us believe that consciousness is a property of the body. We feel that it is “I,” this body, that knows or is aware of the world. We believe and feel that the knowing with which we are aware of our experience is located in and shares the limits and destiny of the body. This is the fundamental presumption of mind and matter that underpins almost all our thoughts and feelings and is expressed in our activities and relationships. The Nature of Consciousness suggests that the matter model has outlived its function and is now destroying the very values it once sought to promote.

For many people, the debate as to the ultimate reality of the universe is an academic one, far removed from the concerns and demands of everyday life. After all, life happens independently of our models of it. However, The Nature of Consciousness will clearly show that the materialist paradigm is a philosophy of despair and, as such, the root cause of unhappiness in individuals. It is a philosophy of conflict and, as such, the root cause of hostilities between families, communities, and nations. Far from being abstract and philosophical, its implications touch each one of us directly and intimately.

An exploration of the nature of consciousness has the power to reveal the peace and happiness that truly lie at the heart of experience. Our experience never ceases to change, but the knowing element in all experience—consciousness, or what we call “I”—itself never changes. The knowing with which all experience is known is always the same knowing. Being the common, unchanging element in all experience, consciousness does not share the qualities of any particular experience: it is not qualified, conditioned, or limited by experience. The knowing with which a feeling of loneliness or sorrow is known is the same knowing with which the thought of a friend, the sight of a sunset, or the taste of ice cream is known. Just as a screen is never disturbed by the action in a movie, so consciousness is never disturbed by experience; thus it is inherently peaceful. The peace that is inherent in us—indeed that is us—is not dependent on the situations or conditions we find ourselves in.

In a series of essays that draw you, through your own direct experience, into an exploration of the nature of this knowing element that each of us calls “I,” The Nature of Consciousness posits that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the apparent duality of mind and matter. It shows that the overlooking or ignoring of this reality is the root cause of the existential unhappiness that pervades and motivates most people’s lives, as well as the wider conflicts that exist between communities and nations. Conversely, the book suggests that the recognition of the fundamental reality of consciousness is the first step in the quest for lasting happiness and the foundation for world peace.
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Being Myself 
(The Essence of Meditation Series) 01/09/2021
by Rupert Spira
( 115 )

Being Myself is a contemplative exploration of the essential nature of our self.

Everyone has the sense of ‘being myself,' but not everyone knows their self clearly. In most cases, our sense of self is mixed up with the content of experience and, as a result, its natural condition of peace and happiness is veiled. Through investigation and analogy, the meditations in this collection take us back to our true nature again and again, until we begin to find our self naturally and effortlessly established there, as that. In time, experience loses its capacity to veil our being, and its innate peace and joy emerge from the background of experience.* * *

The Essence of Meditation Series presents meditations on the essential, non-dual understanding that lies at the heart of all the great religious and spiritual traditions, compiled from contemplations led by Rupert Spira at his meetings and retreats. This simple, contemplative approach, which encourages a clear seeing of one’s experience rather than any kind of effort or discipline, leads the reader to an experiential understanding of their own essential being and the peace and fulfilment that are inherent within it.

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The Transparency of Things: Contemplating the Nature of Experience 01/10/2016
by Rupert Spira, Peter Russell
( 184 )

The purpose of The Transparency of Things is to look clearly and simply at the nature of experience, without any attempt to change it.

A series of contemplations leads us gently but directly to see that our essential nature is neither a body nor a mind. It is the conscious Presence that is aware of this current experience. As such, it is nothing that can be experienced as an object, and yet it is undeniably present.

However, these contemplations go much further than this. As we take our stand knowingly as this conscious Presence that we always already are, and reconsider the objects of the body, mind, and world, we find that they do not simply appear to this Presence; they appear within it. And further exploration reveals that they do not simply appear within this Presence but as this Presence.

Finally, we are led to see that it is in fact this very Presence that takes the shape of our experience from moment to moment while always remaining only itself. We see that our experience is and has only ever been one seamless totality, with no separate entities, objects, or parts anywhere to be found.
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Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for Free

Presence, Volume I: The Art of Peace and Happiness 01/12/2016
by Rupert Spira, John J. Prendergast
( 112 )

Your self, aware presence, knows no resistance to any appearance and, as such, is happiness itself; like the empty space of a room, it cannot be disturbed and is, therefore, peace itself; like this page, it is intimately one with whatever appears on it and is thus love itself; and like water that is not affected by the shape of a wave, it is pure freedom. Causeless joy, imperturbable peace, love that knows no opposite, and freedom at the heart of all experience…this is your ever-present nature under all circumstances.
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Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for Free

Presence, Volume II: The Intimacy of All Experience 01/10/2016
by Rupert Spira
( 71 )

All that is known is experiencing, and experiencing is not divided into one part (an inside self) that experiences and another part (an outside object, other, or world) that is experienced. Experiencing is seamless and intimate, made of “knowing” or awareness alone. This intimacy, in which there is no room for selves, objects, or others, is love itself. It lies at the heart of all experience, completely available under all circumstances.
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Other Formats:: Paperback

Being Myself (The Essence of Meditation Series) Kindle Edition
by Rupert Spira  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.8 out of 5 stars    115 ratings
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Kindle  $15.80 
Paperback $27.25 

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Being Myself is a contemplative exploration of the essential nature of our self.

Everyone has the sense of ‘being myself,' but not everyone knows their self clearly. In most cases, our sense of self is mixed up with the content of experience and, as a result, its natural condition of peace and happiness is veiled. Through investigation and analogy, the meditations in this collection take us back to our true nature again and again, until we begin to find our self naturally and effortlessly established there, as that. In time, experience loses its capacity to veil our being, and its innate peace and joy emerge from the background of experience.

*     *     *
The Essence of Meditation Series presents meditations on the essential, non-dual understanding that lies at the heart of all the great religious and spiritual traditions, compiled from contemplations led by Rupert Spira at his meetings and retreats. This simple, contemplative approach, which encourages a clear seeing of one’s experience rather than any kind of effort or discipline, leads the reader to an experiential understanding of their own essential being and the peace and fulfilment that are inherent within it.

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Print length
82 pages

Book Description
Following in the footsteps of Being Aware of Being Aware, Being Myself marks the second addition to renowned spiritual teacher Rupert Spira's The Essence of Meditation Series. In this transformational work, Spira further delves into the nature of consciousness, self-awareness, and what it means to be human. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

About the Author
From an early age Rupert Spira was deeply interested in the nature of reality. At the age of seventeen he learnt to meditate, and began a twenty-year period of study and practice in the classical Advaita Vedanta tradition under the guidance of Dr. Francis Roles and Shantananda Saraswati, the Shankaracharya of the north of India. During this time he immersed himself in the teachings of P. D. Ouspensky, Krishnamurti, Rumi, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta and Robert Adams, until he met his teacher, Francis Lucille, in 1997. Francis introduced Rupert to the Direct Path teachings of Atmananda Krishnamenon, the Tantric tradition of Kashmir Shaivism (which he had received from his teacher, Jean Klein), and, more importantly, directly indicated to him the true nature of experience. Rupert lives in the UK and holds regular meetings and retreats in Europe and the USA. www.rupertspira.com. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sahaja (1 September 2021)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 2189 KB

Customer Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars    115 ratings
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Rupert Spira
From an early age Rupert Spira was deeply interested in the nature of reality. At the age of seventeen he learnt to meditate, and began a twenty-year period of study and practice in the classical Advaita Vedanta tradition under the guidance of Dr. Francis Roles and Shantananda Saraswati, the Shankaracharya of the north of India. During this time he immersed himself in the teachings of P. D. Ouspensky, Krishnamurti, Rumi, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta and Robert Adams, until he met his teacher, Francis Lucille, in 1997. Francis introduced Rupert to the Direct Path teachings of Atmananda Krishnamenon, the Tantric tradition of Kashmir Shaivism (which he had received from his teacher, Jean Klein), and, more importantly, directly indicated to him the true nature of experience. Rupert lives in the UK and holds regular meetings and retreats in Europe and the USA.


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1.0 out of 5 stars Saving you £7
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 January 2022
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You are not your thoughts or feelings. Your original true self is awareness. This book is just an endless repetition of this statement. It’s that simple. Don’t waste your money.
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Corey G Harris
4.0 out of 5 stars A good read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 December 2021
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Much closer to the truth than many books I've read. The authors style is easy to read and very engaging
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Elaine Ross
5.0 out of 5 stars Just the best!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 3 April 2022
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I love this book. Rupert shares the truth so easily!
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3.0 out of 5 stars Hard read
Reviewed in Canada on 29 September 2021
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Besoin de beaucoup de concentration pour une française à lire ce livre
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Magali H
5.0 out of 5 stars One of the few MUST READ on non duality
Reviewed in France on 5 January 2022
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This is a true gift, a diamond that has been nourrishing my meditations for weeks. It is written in very simple words and it goes straight to the point. The discovery of Rupert's teachings has been a life changer for me and this book is my favorite one.
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Being Myself (The Essence of Meditation Series)
by Rupert Spira (Goodreads Author)
 4.74  ·   Rating details ·  62 ratings  ·  7 reviews

 Average rating4.74  ·  Rating details ·  62 ratings  ·  7 reviews
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Michael Anasakta
Nov 26, 2021Michael Anasakta rated it it was amazing
An Exceptional Insight

After reading this and thinking on the depth of its contents, I struggle to speak or think. Indeed I don't wish to do either, but rather rest in love and joy. ...more
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Mar 12, 2022Sherry rated it really liked it
Shelves: advaita-vedanta, meditation, owned, gift-somebody-loves-me, read-in-2022
4.5 it’s very challenging to rate this as I wouldn’t want to be seen as rating his philosophy. This is my fifth book by Spira and the teaching is direct and easy to understand, though I admit to some confusion in the beginning of starting my reading journey with his books, especially with the teaching about God in you, connecting the “I” of God with the “I” of self being one and the same. I still struggle with the ‘knowing’ of this teaching. But this ground covers the same ground as in previous books and of his books I think Being Aware of Being Aware was the very best for me and a good starting point for Spira’s teachings. This one would be a good starter as well, I suppose, and it’s likely that had I read this first I may have been blown away. Still, very good stuff, and very accessible, so I highly recommend to someone first approaching his teachings. (less)
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Theo Gonella
Dec 13, 2021Theo Gonella rated it it was amazing
The simpler way to find your inner self and rest in its infinite peace. Simplicity is reflected in the writing and narrative. Everyone can easily read this bold book, just as everyone has the sense of the “I am”. God, love, finite and finite are addressed, and the perennial philosophy solved.
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Pam Reeves
Feb 15, 2022Pam Reeves rated it it was amazing

To try to capture what Rupert Spira‘s books do for me would be to try to capture the definition of God in words. It just simply can’t be done. The closest I can get to a description is that I have a sense of having found my true home, the ultimate place of my serenity, Heaven. It is amazing how something so profound is really so simple. Something seemingly so far out of our grasp is actually right here with us, in us. I am thankful to Rupert Spira for sharing such simple and beautiful wisdom and truth. (less)
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Corey G Harris
Dec 05, 2021Corey G Harris rated it really liked it
A good read

Much closer to the truth than many books I've read. The authors style is easy to read and very engaging (less)
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Dec 25, 2021SAT CHIT ANANDA rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorites
Brilliant. Simple. Beautiful.
A masterpiece.
Sat. Chit. Ananda.

On the Mystery of Being by Zaya Benazzo, Maurizio Benazzo, Deepak Chopra - Audiobook | Scribd

On the Mystery of Being by Zaya Benazzo, Maurizio Benazzo, Deepak Chopra - Audiobook | Scribd

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On the Mystery of Being: Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality

Written by Zaya Benazzo, Maurizio Benazzo, Deepak Chopra and Michael A. Singer

Narrated by Sara K. Sheckells

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Who are we? What is our place in this vast and ever-evolving universe? Where do science and spirituality meet?

If you’ve pondered these questions, you’re not alone. Join some of the most spiritually curious and renowned minds of our time for an exploration into the mystery of being. From founders of the Science and Nonduality (SAND) conference, Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo, On the Mystery of Being brings together an array of visionary spiritual leaders, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, teachers, authors, and healers to celebrate and explore what it means to be human.

This beautifully arranged collection of essays and insights highlight topics on the convergence of spirituality and science, weaving scientific theory and spiritual wisdom from some of the most influential thinkers of our time—including Deepak Chopra, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, and many more—with pieces that get straight to the heart of the matter.

As a powerful antidote to our chaotic and materialist modern world, this dazzling volume offers timeless wisdom and new insight into humanity’s age-old questions. On the Mystery of Being also reveals the cutting-edge explorations at the intersection of science and spirituality today. May it encourage your spirit, challenge your mind, and deepen your understanding of our interconnectedness.
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Maurizio Benazzo

Zaya Benazzo
On the Mystery of Being: Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality Paperback – 1 October 2019
by Zaya Benazzo  (Author), & 3 more
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Who are we? What is our place in this vast and ever-evolving universe? Where do science and spirituality meet?

If you’ve pondered these questions, you’re not alone. Join some of the most spiritually curious and renowned minds of our time for an exploration into the mystery of being. From founders of the Science and Nonduality (SAND) conference, Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo, On the Mystery of Being brings together an array of visionary spiritual leaders, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, teachers, authors, and healers to celebrate and explore what it means to be human.

This beautifully arranged collection of essays and insights highlight topics on the convergence of spirituality and science, weaving scientific theory and spiritual wisdom from some of the most influential thinkers of our time―including Deepak Chopra, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, and many more―with pieces that get straight to the heart of the matter.

As a powerful antidote to our chaotic and materialist modern world, this dazzling volume offers timeless wisdom and new insight into humanity’s age-old questions. On the Mystery of Being also reveals the cutting-edge explorations at the intersection of science and spirituality today. May it encourage your spirit, challenge your mind, and deepen your understanding of our interconnectedness.

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248 pages
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Product description
"On the Mystery of Being is a testimony to the courageous and openminded spirit of inquiry that characterizes the Science and Non-Duality community."
--Rupert Spira, teacher of Non-Duality and author of several books, including The Nature of Consciousness and Being Aware of Being Aware--Rupert Spira

"Good news! Non-dual consciousness and radical embodiment are not mutually exclusive. Maybe you, like I, have known this all along; known it in the cells of your own holy body, touched this truth in the depths of silence, live it and teach it and forget and remember it. This collection of luminous essays points us beyond language to the undifferentiated field of being that turns out to be nothing less than Love Itself. Enter."
--Mirabai Starr, author of Wild Mercy, and translator of Dark Night of the Soul--Mirabai Starr

"Human civilization will only survive if we are able to create communities whose members do not find happiness in excessive material consumption, but in relationships among each other and with the entire community of life. This book of many voices shows beautifully that Maurizio and Zaya have created such a community."
--Fritjof Capra, author of The Web of Life, and coauthor of The Systems View of Life--Fritjof Capra

"In this glorious compendium of thinkers who live and work on the frontiers of the art and science of consciousness, we have a book that opens portals to worlds that astonish while advancing the human mind and spirit. For in these pages, we are met with numinous knowledge and priceless wisdom from those who have 'been there.' Here, too, is the paradox of living in a biodegradable space-time suit and being the universe in miniature. Ultimately, these essays constitute a kind of a text for those who have 'consciously' enrolled in God School! Thus, what you read here both inspires and signals a new and possibly saving agenda for the human species and the Earth we dwell upon."
--Jean Houston, PhD, chancellor of Meridian University, chairman of the United Palace of Spiritual Arts, researcher and teacher in human capacities and social artistry, and author--Jean Houston, PhD
Book Description
With this dazzling collection of essays, the founders of the expanding Science and Nonduality (SAND) conference bring together a wide array of visionary spiritual leaders, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, teachers, authors, and healers to celebrate and explore what it means to be human.
About the Author
Zaya Benazzo is a filmmaker from Bulgaria with degrees in engineering, environmental science, and film. For many years, she worked as an environmental activist in Holland and Bulgaria, and later produced and directed several award-winning documentaries in Europe and the United States.

Maurizio Benazzo grew up in Italy, and in 1984 came to the United States on a ninety-eight-year-old sailing boat. He started working as an actor, model, and filmmaker, but his thirst for knowledge was only satisfied in 2001 upon encountering I Am That, the seminal work by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, while he was in India shooting the award-winning documentary Short Cut to Nirvana.

Maurizio and Zaya merged their lifelong passions for science and mysticism when they met in 2007, and their first project together was filming the documentary Rays of the Absolute on the life and teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. This project sparked their next level of creation and collaboration: Science and Nonduality (SAND)―a global community inspired by the timeless wisdom traditions, informed by modern science, and grounded in direct experience.

Foreword writer Deepak Chopra is author of more than seventy books, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His medical training is in internal medicine and endocrinology.

Afterword writer Michael A. Singer is author of the New York Times bestseller, The Untethered Soul, which has also been published in numerous languages around the world

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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ New Harbinger Publications (1 October 2019)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 248 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1684033950
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1684033959
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 1.57 x 22.86 cm
Best Sellers Rank: 254,559 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
627 in Science & Religion
1,182 in History of Religion
2,461 in Personal Transformation (Books)
Customer Reviews: 4.4 out of 5 stars    42 ratings
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Maurizio Benazzo
Maurizio Benazzo grew up in Italy searching for answers to the big questions since he was a young boy. In 1984 came to the United States on a ninety-eight-year-old "lateen sail" boat and started working as an actor, model, and filmmaker. His thirst for knowledge was satisfied in 2001 upon encountering I Am That, the seminal work by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, while he was in India shooting the award-winning documentary "Short Cut to Nirvana". Upon meeting his life partner Zaya they co-founded, in 2009, Science And NonDuality (SAND) and continue to produce events and movies exploring the edge of what it means to be humans going above and beyond any specific teacher or tradition.

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Zaya Benazzo
Zaya Benazzo is a filmmaker from Bulgaria with degrees in engineering, environmental science, and film. For many years, she worked as an environmental activist in Holland and Bulgaria, and later produced and directed several award-winning documentaries in Europe and the United States.

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Manda Scott
5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 November 2019
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This is a gem - the spread and depth of enquiry is inspiring and the sense of being on the verge of answers is tantalising.... so much still unknown, but the essays in here point the way to finding answers.
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Andrew B
5.0 out of 5 stars A beautiful book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 July 2020
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A wonderful collection of other writers by two amazing people. Highly recommended if you are trying to wake up!
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Joseph J. Truncale
5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent book with numerous contributors on a host of interesting topics.
Reviewed in the United States on 11 August 2021
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The many modern developments in science especially Quantum physics, cosmology other fields, has shown that many of the theories surrounding esoteric topics may in fact be valid when it comes to consciousness and the universe. While shopping on Amazon I came across this fascinating 225 page soft cover book (On the mystery of being: Contemporary insights on the convergence of science and spirituality, edited by Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo) and immediately purchased it.

When this book arrived and I began reading it I could barely put it down because of the interesting and thought provoking essays. This is a book that has a whole host of knowledgeable and talented writers who have contributed their short essays to entertain and enlighten readers. The forward is written by Deepak Chopra, and the introduction is written by the editors Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo.

This unique volume is organized into eight parts with each part written by numerous different authors. Part one covers voices of contemporary spirituality. Part two is about the rebirth of metaphysics. Part three explains how science embraces consciousness. Part four deals with the wonders of nature. Part five focuses on the body as teacher. Part six explores the heart of intimacy. Part seven is about exploring the shadows. Part eight covers the doorways to heaven.

In conclusion, if you like reading short essays by talented and knowledgeable writers on a wide range of fascinating topics of science, spirituality and consciousness this is a book you should definitely check out.
Rating: 5 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Never trust a politician: critical reviews of politics and politicians).
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M. Scorelle
5.0 out of 5 stars A Delight to Read
Reviewed in the United States on 19 January 2020
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I like these little essays from cutting-edge science and spirituality thinkers and writers. Much like the eclectic mix of the Science and Non-Duality Conferences. I like the organization of there short essays making it easy to read 1 a day.
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On the Mystery of Being: Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality

Zaya Benazzo (Editor),
Maurizio Benazzo (Editor),
Deepak Chopra (Goodreads Author) (Foreword)
really liked it 4.00 · Rating details · 39 ratings · 8 reviews

Who are we? What is our place in this vast and ever-evolving universe? Where do science and spirituality meet?

If you’ve pondered these questions, you’re not alone. Join some of the most spiritually curious and renowned minds of our time for an exploration into the mystery of being. From founders of the Science and Nonduality (SAND) conference, Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo, On the Mystery of Being brings together an array of visionary spiritual leaders, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, teachers, authors, and healers to celebrate and explore what it means to be human.

This beautifully arranged collection of essays and insights highlight topics on the convergence of spirituality and science, weaving scientific theory and spiritual wisdom from some of the most influential thinkers of our time—including Deepak Chopra, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, and many more—with pieces that get straight to the heart of the matter.

As a powerful antidote to our chaotic and materialist modern world, this dazzling volume offers timeless wisdom and new insight into humanity’s age-old questions. On the Mystery of Being also reveals the cutting-edge explorations at the intersection of science and spirituality today. May it encourage your spirit, challenge your mind, and deepen your understanding of our interconnectedness. (less)

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Paperback, 248 pages
Published October 1st 2019 by Reveal Press
1684033950 (ISBN13: 9781684033959)

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· 39 ratings · 8 reviews
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Nov 25, 2019Manda Scott rated it it was amazing · review of another edition

This is a gem - the spread and depth of enquiry is inspiring and the sense of being on the verge of answers is tantalising.... so much still unknown, but the essays in here point the way to finding answers.
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Oct 01, 2019Peta Morton rated it it was amazing
I was lucky enough to get my hands on an advance copy to review and found this to be a fabulous, fabulous book. On the Mystery of Being: Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality is crammed full of really thought-provoking insights from some of the world's foremost spiritual teachers, scientists, and thinkers. Definitely a wonderful addition to grace the bookshelf of anyone who loves to ponder life deeply.

With contributions from inspiring people such as Adyashanti, AH Almaas, Cynthia Bourgeault, Charles Eisenstein, James Fadiman, Gangaji, Sally Kempton, Stephen Laberge, Peter Levine, Gabor Maté, Dean Radin, Rupert Spira, Paul Stamets, Mirabai Starr, Robert Thurman, Joan Tollifson, Deepak Chopra, DorothyHunt, Mauro Bergonzi, Robert Thurman, Kabir Helminski, Peter Russell, Stuart Hameroff, Donald Hoffmann, Jude Currivan, Fritjof Capra, Henry Stapp, Bernardo Kastrup, Neil D Theise, Robert Lanza, Bruce Damer, Chris Fields, Ellen Emmett, Mauro Zappaterra, Larry Dossey, Zhen Dao, Lynn Marie Lumiere, Michaela Boehm, Chameli Ardagh, Eric Baret, Julie Brown Yau, Peter A Levine, Corine Sombran, Pamela Wilson, Edward Frenkel, Pim van Lommel, Unmani, Vera de Chalambert, Shakti Caterina Maggi & Michael A Singer. Each added their own particular piece to help make sense of a much greater puzzle. (less)
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Sep 17, 2019Paul rated it it was amazing
This is essentially an anthology with a huge variety of perspectives from some incredibly intelligent and wise people. There's some science, philosophy, ancient wisdom, and much more. Readers are guaranteed to learn some interesting perspectives and/or be challenged at times. This wasn't as good as I had expected, partly because each essay is pretty short (thus lacks a certain amount of depth), but that brevity is also a good thing because sometimes it encapsulates all that's needed -- so a mixed bag. But overall, excellent, and likely to send readers to more of some author's work or references. Recommended for those curious about the topic in any way. 4.5 stars rounded up.

I really appreciate the ARC for review!! (less)
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Jan 23, 2020Jackie McGinnis rated it it was amazing
This is a really thought provoking and beautiful book from so many people! To get all of these questions, contemplations, perspectives, and wisdom has been a wonderful read. The convergence of science and spirituality is fascinating, and this book provided insight from many perspectives that have me thinking about the possibilities of life, where we came from, how, of our connection, and the universe and our place in it.
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Dec 23, 2019Giulia Boccaccini rated it it was amazing
This anthology is a gift to any curious mind and a hands-on resource for every day inquiring. I am loving it. Every teacher or scientist sharing their piece brings such a unique yet complementary angle to the picture that makes it a whole unbroken field of exploration. Thank you so much for putting this inspiring work together!
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Sep 03, 2019Heather Bennett rated it really liked it
On the Mystery of Being is a interesting and informative book. It is well written and inciteful. I enjoyed reading this book.
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Jun 13, 2020Nathalie rated it it was amazing
Shelves: book-collection
Love the variety of insights and perspectives offered here, ranging from the scientific and technical, to the poetic!
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'Now they will realise that I am a genius' Colin Wilson | The Guardian

'Now they will realise that I am a genius' | Biography books | The Guardian

'Now they will realise that I am a genius'

In 1956 The Outsider made him an overnight sensation, but ever since Colin Wilson has been an outsider himself - a knicker fetishist, a social misfit and the author of 110 books that even his publisher didn't want. He hopes his new autobiography will finally convince the world of his greatness

This is the first time I have interviewed a self-declared genius, also the first time I have interviewed a self-declared panty fetishist, so Colin Wilson is quite a catch. He has been declaring his genius ever since The Outsider came out in 1956 and he awoke to find himself famous. He wrote it in the Reading Room of the British Museum while living in a sleeping bag on Hampstead Heath. He was a Leicester factory worker's son who had left school at 16 and avoided National Service by claiming to be homosexual. He supported himself in odd jobs while reading seemingly every book ever written, and writing The Outsider, which was hailed as England's answer to Albert Camus.

But he went from literary lion to pariah in less than a year. His immediate crime was too much party-going, too much name-dropping, too much publicity, but his subsequent, much worse, crime was writing too many books - 110 at the latest count - on subjects ranging from serial killers to alien abductions to The Lost City of Atlantis. The critics at first attacked him then ignored him - he has not had a serious review for years. But now, at 73, he has written an autobiography, Dreaming to Some Purpose, of considerable charm. It is jaw-droppingly - one might say cringe-makingly - honest and often unintentionally hilarious.

I particularly enjoyed his account of how, as a panty-fetishist and visiting lecturer at an American university, he contrived to look up his students' skirts with the aid of a glass-bottomed mug. But the story of his struggle to become a writer, and the tenacity with which he stayed one - despite the fact that even his publisher advised him to give up - is heroic and strangely moving.

I go to meet him at his home in Cornwall, where he has lived for almost 50 years. He picks me up from St Austell in his ancient Jaguar and seems like the sort of amiable tweed-jacketed cove you see in glucosamine sulphate ads. But as we tootle along the lanes his con versation became increasingly odd - he periodically throws out the word 'fucker' with extraordinary venom, accompanied by a sly sideways glance to see if I am shocked. The fucker in question was Humphrey Carpenter, who had been to interview him and then betrayed him: 'We got on terribly well, I thought, though I did notice that Humphrey fell asleep when I was explaining what I meant by non-pessimistic existentialism.'

'How awful,' I murmur, resolving to avoid the subject of non-pessimistic existentialism at all costs.

It is a relief to arrive at his bungalow and meet his wife, Joy, who is reassuringly normal, friendly and in no way likely to say 'fucker'. She bustles round making coffee and apologising for the parrot hopping round the room. The room - like the whole bungalow - is so densely encrusted with books you feel you could peel the pebble-dashed walls away and still leave the house standing.

He has never thrown a book away - he reckons he has about 30,000. They are all carefully arranged by subject, then author, and the paperbacks are sent away to be library-bound in plastic. Some sections are stored in sheds in the garden - a crime shed, a UFO shed, a biography shed - and the complete works of Colin Wilson shed. He wants to have another shed in the orchard but Joy is putting her foot down. When he dies, he says, he hopes the bungalow and sheds will be kept as a museum 'because people will probably turn up wanting to see it, like Dylan Thomas's cottage'.

'Although of course,' he adds, seeing my expression, 'it's not inevitable.'

The obvious time to have produced his autobiography would have been in 2006 - the 50th anniversary of The Outsider - but, as always, he was pressed for money, so he did it at the first whiff of a publisher's advance. The virtue of an autobiography, he explains, is that it will enable critics to see how his work is all intertwined. He admits he's written too many books on too many subjects, which has confused people. 'But now people can see there is one central point. William Faulkner in about 1947 let his work be anthologised in The Portable Faulkner and he suddenly became famous, a bestseller, and won the Nobel prize. So my volume of autobiography is The Portable Wilson!'

Hmm. The most engaging part of his book is the factual stuff, about his early struggle to be a writer and his relationship with Joy and their children. Where it drags is when he gets on to his ideas. His philosophy is basically existentialism with non-rational excrescences and characterised by bizarre nomenclature - Faculty X, Upside Downness, Peak Experiences, Right Men, The Dominant Five Per Cent, King Rats. It seems to constitute an attempt to classify human feelings and behaviour as written by a Martian who has never met an Earthling. This is, of course, Wilson's weakness and also, in a way, his charm - he has no understanding of other people whatever. When I ask if he would say he is low in emotional intelligence, he readily agrees: 'That is fair, yes.'

As a child he was so introverted, so uninterested in other people, he might have been diagnosed today with Asperger's syndrome. 'I wouldn't be surprised. I wasn't cut off from other people, but, as I keep saying in The Outsider, other people were the trouble. They kept intruding into my world whether I wanted them to or not, because what they did was to drag me away from the world of ideas and abstractions I wanted to be in. When I was a teenager I was a total romantic escapist. My world was books. I felt as Axel did in the Villiers de L'Isle-Adam play - 'As for living, our servants can do that for us.' But that all changed when I was 16 and discovered Rabelais. Suddenly I had that wonderful feeling - my God, life is good after all!'

In a way, sex was his salvation - he wanted to sleep with girls so was forced to talk to them. And he was lucky in that, at 18, he met a 14-year-old seductress who gave him a considerable sexual education. Then he met his first wife, Betty, and became a father when he was 19. He found to his surprise that he loved being married, but wasn't so keen on fatherhood (he is now - he has four children and five grandchildren - but thinks then he was too young) and never quite saw the point of baby Roderick.

There is an unintentionally funny scene in the autobiography when he decides to spend Christmas Day meditating and is furious when Betty interrupts to ask him to hold the baby. They separated soon afterwards. She reappeared when The Outsider came out, but by then he was in love with Joy. He admits that Betty is 'the one thing that often worries my conscience'.

He met Joy on one of his countless temporary jobs - he was a Christmas shop assistant and she was in charge of the cash registers. He fell for her immediately, partly because she was middle-class. 'I knew I could never bear a girl who talked with a Leicester accent or with any kind of local accent. And when I heard Joy, I thought "Oh marvellous, that's what I want." And when I asked her, "What books have you got on your shelf?" and she said she'd got Yeats and Ulysses, and Proust in French, I thought, "My God, that's the girl I really want!" Betty didn't read at all.'

He thought Joy was unattainable because she was wearing an engagement ring. 'But to my amazement, six weeks later there I was in bed with her. Couldn't get into her, mind - she was a totally impenetrable virgin - but just to lie there kissing and cuddling and feeling her bum through her pants was tremendously exciting. I was absolutely astounded - that was the greatest Peak Experience of my life.'

At this point Joy walks through the room and he tells her amiably: 'I was just saying how difficult it was the first time I got into bed with you.' Joy smiles her sweet smile and says: 'Well I'm just taking the rubbish out.'

He claims to adore women - though he thinks they are as different from men as horses from cows - but also admits to being a devoted panty fetishist. As a boy he used to try on his mother's knickers. He once stole panties from a washing-line: 'I mean, if somebody left her panties behind, certainly I would make use of them. I could masturbate with panties once, whereas now I couldn't masturbate anyway because I don't have the sexual energy but I make love to Joy virtually every day.'

Well that's nice to know. I keep praying Joy won't walk through the room again, but I suppose she must be embarrassment-proof by now. She is everything to him - his only point of contact with the real world. He has few or no close friends, especially now he has given up drinking (after a mini-stroke a year ago) and no longer goes to the pub. He used to have a sort of local fan club who met on Saturdays and produced a newsletter called The Colin Wilson Quarterly, but he no longer attends. Occasionally 'disciples' arrive - there was a girl called Kathy who turned up on the doorstep. 'We had this terrible fortnight when she kept undoing my flies and taking out my prick every time Joy left the room.' But he didn't like to evict her because he was afraid she would commit suicide.

He is exceptionally tolerant of nutters and happy to engage in long correspondence with people who have theories about, say, alien abduction - or with Ian Brady, the Moors murderer, with whom he corresponded for 10 years till Brady dumped him. But ordinary social contact - apart from with his family - seems completely missing from his life. Missing, but not missed. He says that about 10 years ago Joy insisted on going out for a drink on New Year's Eve. 'We finished off drinking champagne at midnight in our local pub and it took me a year to shake off all the people that I'd met!'

He used to say he planned to live to 300 but after his mini-stroke he now says he hopes to make 93, the age at which his hero George Bernard Shaw died. What does he expect his obituaries to say? 'I don't really care. I said at the end of Voyage to a Beginning [his first autobiography, written 40 years ago] that I regarded myself as the most important writer of the 20th century and I'd be a fool if I didn't know it, and a coward if I didn't say it. And I still feel that. With a little luck, the world will agree with me by the time I die.'

Does he think he's had much influence as a philosopher? 'Oh no. None at all. Daphne Du Maurier, who I knew when we first moved here, said to me that everyone who has a great success finds that the next 10 years are very difficult - they have a period when people take no notice of them. And I thought, No, not 10 years, I couldn't bear it! But I've been forgotten for almost 50 years. It's been a bit discouraging but I've learnt to swim against the current. But when I'd done this new autobiography, I looked at it and thought my God, this is a bloody good book! Now they'll see what I'm getting at! Now they'll see the overall view, because everything's in here - this is my life!'