
예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가 찰스 M. 셸던

예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가
찰스 M. 셸던조항래 (지은이) 예찬사 1982-11-01

 in His Steps
148*210mm (A5)

ISBN 9788974390013

부록 CD 1장

만일 예수님이 목사라면 어떤 설교를 하실까? 때로는 자기 명예욕에 몰두하실까? 예수님이 직장인과 사업가라면 출세와 돈벌이를 목적으로 이기주의와 탐욕을 좇아 은밀한 방법으로 부정을 저지르실까? 주일 근무는 거절하실까? 예수님이 신문 잡지사 사장이라면 회사의 돈벌이 때문에 퇴폐 풍조와 음주 음란과 과대 선전 기사를 마구 게재하실까? 예수님이 출판인과 작가라면 어떤 책을 펴내실까? 예수님이 정치가라면 어떻게 하실까?"라는 질문에 대해 이 책은 침묵을 지키지 않을 것이며, 당신이 어떤 위치에 있든 당신에게도 명확한 답을 내려 줄 것이다.



1. 고통없는 고난자

2. 예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까?

3. 한 언론인의 결단

4. 비난과 위기에 부딪히면서도

5. 성령의 인도하심 따라

6. 돈과 명예에의 유혹

7. 원수는 가족 중에

8. 소외된 사람들과 더불어

9. 비리에 눈 감을 수 없었던 사람들

10. 성령의 능력에 힘입은 사람들

11. 술집 추방 운동

12. 강도 만난 자의 이웃

13. 주님의 영광을 위한 투자

14. 어느 창녀의 죽음

15. 감동적인 장례식

16. 빈민촌을 향하여

17. 주를 부인한 자

18. 건달 청년의 회심과 사랑

19. 브루스 목사가 본 제일교회

20. 브루스 목사의 갈등

21. 두 자매의 서로 다른 꿈

22. 딸의 기도를 갈망한 어머니

23. 탐욕의 종말

24. 백만장자의 바벨탑

25. 목회자의 참회와 결단

26. 빈민촌에 심은 백합꽃

27. 길을 잃은 양

28. 어둠에 떠오른 별들

29. 죽음이 있는 곳에 생명을

30. 시험대에 놓인 기독교인

31. 기독교인에게 던지는 문제

권성수: 지금부터 1년 동안 매일, "예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까?"란 질문을 던지면서 예수님의 발자취를 그대로 따르는 사람들이 있다면 오늘 우리 사회는 어떻게 될까? 이것이 바로 이 책의 주제이다.

맥스웰 목사님은, 가난 때문에 아내와 하나밖에 없는 자식마저 잃고 일자리도 없이 좌절과 슬픔에 잠긴 인쇄공을 만나게 된다. 이것이 맥스웰 목사님에게는 그리스도인이 실재 생활에서 믿음과 사랑으로 산다는 것이 과연 무엇인지를 물을 수밖에 없는 계기가 된다. 그 후 그 인쇄공이 요절하는 비극적인 사건 앞에서 맥스웰 목사님은, "예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까?"란 질문을 던지면서 삶의 매 순간을 책임지기로 각오한다. 다음 주일 교인들에게 같은 질문으로 도전을 준다. 이에 감동된 교인 수십 명이 앞으로 1년간 그렇게 살기로 작정한다. 이런 실제적인 헌신의 삶이, 연못에 던져진 조약돌 한 알이 파문을 일으키듯 사랑의 파문을 일으킨다는 내용이 이 책의 요지다.

저자 쉘돈이 이 책 초판을 발행한 것은 1896년이었다. 이 책은 발행된 이후 판을 거듭하면서 수백만부가 팔린 베스트셀러다. 이 책이 이렇게 많이 팔리게 된 것은 이 책의 내용 자체 때문이기도 하지만, 사상적으로 볼 때 기독교가 온갖 문제들로 앓고 있는 사회에 무엇인가 구체적인 말과 행동을 보여야 한다는 기독교 사회 윤리가 대중 소설의 옷을 입고 선을 보인 때문이기도 하다.

예수를 믿는 다는 것은 모름지기 구체적인 삶을 요구한다. 삶이 없는 믿음은 야고보서에 의하면 "송장 믿음"이다. 여기서 삶이라함은 개인의 영혼의 삶만이 아니라 육신의 삶도 포함하며, 개개인의 삶만이 아니라 더불어 사는 삶도 포함한다. 그러나 오늘날 우리 그리스도인의 삶이 영혼만을 강조하는 '유령적'삶이나, 영혼을 등한시하고 인간의 육신적인 것, 세상적인 것을 추구하는 삶으로 타락화 되어가는 경향이 있다. 또한 더불어 사는 세상에서 철저하게 타락화 되어가는 경향이 있다. 또한 더불어 사는 세상에서 철저하게 '나 하나'만을 고집하고 개인 구원만을 주장하는 삶과, 어떤 집단이나 사회 구원을 위해서 '나를 잃어 버리는' 개인상실의 삶으로 극단화되기도 한다.

결국 이러한 믿음은 생명이 없는 죽은 믿음이며, 구체적 삶의 열매가 없는 쭉정이 믿음인 것이다.

이러한 극단적인 삶이나, 행동없는 믿음에서 벗어나 사망에서 생명으로 옮겨진 그리스도인답게 진정으로 예수님의 발자취를 따르는 변화가 일어나기를 바라는 마음에서 이 책을 추천한다.

저자 소개

지은이: 찰스 M. 셸던
신간 알림 신청
최근작 : <예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까>,<예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까>,<예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까> … 총 37종 (모두보기)
목사이며 작가이기도 한 찰스 쉘돈은 미국 뉴욕주 웰스빌에서 태어났다. 브라운대학과 안도버신학교를 졸업하고 캔저스주 토페카에서 목회생활을, 그리고 크리스천헤럴드지의 편집장을 지내기도 했으며, 1946년 작고하기 전까지 기고편집인으로 활동했다. 특히 그는 사회사업에서 큰 활약을 했는데, 이를테면 몸소 실직한 인쇄공을 가장하여 시가지를 직접 헤매기도 했다. 이때 그는 기독교인들의 냉대와 무관심에 큰 충격을 받았다고 한다. 그가 자기 교회 성도들에게 낭독해주기 위해 쓴 이 책은 바로 그런 충격의 깊은 발산이라고 전한다. 이 소설은 1897년 초판 발행 이래 미국에서만도 3천만 부 이상 판매되었고, 오늘날까지도 세계적 베스트셀러의 자리를 차지하고 있으며, 수많은 독자들의 인생에까지 영향을 끼치고 있다.

지은이: 조항래
신간 알림 신청
최근작 : <예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가> … 총 2종 (모두보기)
1939년 경남밀양 출생, 한국 외국어 대학 서반아어과를 중퇴했다. 육군 영어 번역관, 잡지사. 출판사 편집장을 역임했다. 옮긴책으로 <격변기의 생존경영(P.F. 드러커)>, <칼빈 성경주석(예레미아 편)>, <포 넘버원(로버트 J.링거)> 외에 다수가 있다.

출판사 제공 책소개

지금부터 1년 동안 매순간 "예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까?"란 질문을 던지면서 예수님의 발자취를 그대로 따르는 사람들이 있다면 오늘날 우리 사회는 어떻게 변화될까?
이것이 바로 이 책의 주제이다.

매일매일의 생활 속에서 단지 한순간만이라도 '나는 이렇게 해야지' 하는 마음보다 과연 '예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까'라는 질문을 던지면서 생활하게 된다면 이 땅의 많은 그리스도인들의 삶이, 우리 나라의 모습이, 아니 전세계가 변화되는 놀라운 역사가 일어날 것이다.

이런 의미에서 「예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가」는 말만 일삼고 크리스천 다운 진정한 행동을 하지 않는 그리스도인들에게 의미 있는 경종을 울려 주는 책이다.

"만일 예수님이 목사라면 어떤 설교를 하실까?
때로는 자기 명예욕에 몰두하실까?
예수님이 직장인과 사업가라면 출세와 돈벌이를 목적으로 이기주의와 탐욕을 좇아 은밀한 방법으로 부정을 저지르실까?
주일 근무는 거절하실까?
예수님이 신문 잡지사 사장이라면 회사의 돈벌이 때문에 퇴폐 풍조와 음주 음란과 과대 선전 기사를 마구 게재하실까?
예수님이 출판인과 작가라면 어떤 책을 펴내실까?
예수님이 정치가라면 어떻게 하실까?"라는 질문에 대해
이 책은 침묵을 지키지 않을 것이며, 당신이 어떤 위치에 있든 당신에게도 명확한 답을 내려 줄 것이다.

미국의 레이몬드 시에서 한 교회를 담임한 헨리 맥스웰 목사는 신도들로부터 존경과 신뢰를 받으며 안락한 생활을 하지만, 우연하게 실직한 한 인쇄공의 죽음을 통해 새로운 도전을 받고 '예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가'라는 질문에 야심적인 대답을 하고 그대로 실천해 나간다.
그리하여 무사안일에 빠져 있던 교인과 성직자들에게 일대 개혁과 경종을 울리게 된다는 줄거리이다.

미래의 이 나라, 더 나아가 세계를 이끌어 나갈 청소년이 책을 읽고 도전을 받아 종교적 감동과 더불어 양심의 감동을 받고, 이기적이고도 독선적인 현실 사회에서 참다운 진실한 삶의 기수가 되기를 바란다.

 kck5020 2008-07-04

내 속의 말을 다 표현할 수가 있다면.. 정말 감동적이다. 나도 그리 살자. 아멘 
공감 (1) 댓글 (0)

 junggani 2016-07-18

공감 (0) 댓글 (0)

 moxatx 2008-04-04

기독교 고전으로서 지금도 꾸준히 사랑받고 있는 도서로 생각해 볼만한 내용이다 
공감 (0) 댓글 (0)

 김좌형 2017-08-14

이 책은 제가 여러번 읽은 책인데, 이번에 관심가지고 도와줄 집사님, 권사님들이 계셔서 구입해서 나누어드리게 되었어요.예수 생명을 가진 자의 삶을 살아보자고요 
공감 (0) 댓글 (0)


구매자 (1)
전체 (4)

 이명재 2014-10-11

기독교의 추락 속에 손에 잡은 책 한 권

기독교의 위상이 날로 추락하고 있다. 누굴 탓하기 이전에 그리스도인들이 경각심을 갖고 거듭남의 각오로 임하지 않으면 교계에 희망이 없다. 이럴 즈음에 내가 이 책을 손에 잡은 것은 크나큰 축복이다. 사회복음에 대한 글을 쓰기 위해 자료를 찾던 중이었다. 미국의 월터 라우센부시(Walter Rauschenbush)를 피해갈 수 없어 그에 대한 글을 읽었다. 라우센부시가 영향 받은 사람 중 찰스 M. 쉘던(Charles M. Sheldon)이 있다는 것을 알았다.

쉘던은 미국의 회중교회(Congregational Church) 목사이자 저술가로 어떻게 하면 대중에게 복음을 효과적으로 전할 수 있을까를 늘 생각했다. 그 방법 중 하나가 소설을 쓰는 것이었다. <예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가>(조항래 역, 도서출판 예찬사, *이 책 제목이 눈에 거슬린다. 아무리 다중을 대상으로 하는 소설책이라고 하지만 예수님을 인성적 측면만 생각하고 정한 제목 같기 때문이다. 그래서 이 뒤로는 '예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까'로 표기하겠다. 실제로 10 종이 넘는 한국어 번역본 중 대부분이 이렇게 책 제목을 달았다)는 소설에 속하는 글이다. 원 제목은 In His Steps이고 부제(副題)가 'What Would Jesus Do?'이다. 그러니까 부제를 한글 역(譯)의 책명으로 삼은 것이다. '주님의 발자취를 따라'보다는 '예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까'가 더 설득력 있는 제목이라 생각했을 법하다.

책의 발단 부분에 나오지만 주인공 헨리 맥스웰(Henry Maxwell) 목사가 주일 예배 때 베드로전서 2장 21절을 본문으로 '주의 발자취를 따라서'란 제목으로 설교를 한다(*벧전 2:21 "이를 위하여 너희가 부르심을 입었으니 그리스도도 너희를 위하여 고난을 받으사 너희에게 본을 끼쳐 그 자취를 따라오게 하셨느니라" "It was to this that God called you, for christ himself suffered for you and left you an example, so that you would follow in his steps."). 이 본문이 쉘던의 소설 In His Steps에서 시종일관(始終一貫) 긴장 속에 이야기를 이끌어가는 주제이기도 하다. 사회의 가치 기준이 혼란스럽고 윤리 도덕이 추락할수록 사람들은 절대적인 잣대를 요구한다. '예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까'라는 질문은 예수님처럼 살고 싶다는 설의법적 표현이다. 19세기 말에서 20세기 초에 미국에서 성행했던 WWSD(What Would Jesus Do?) 물결은 이것을 잘 말해 주고 있다.

올바른 신앙인으로 바로 서기 위해

오늘날도 이 소설을 쓸 때와 비슷한 가치 혼란의 시대이다. 절대 진리가 발붙일 여지가 없고 나에게 유익이 되는 것이 곧 진리라는 전도(顚倒)된 가치관이 횡행하고 있는 사회아다. 따라서 찰스 쉘던의 소설 <예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까>가 독자들에게 강하게 어필할 수밖에 없는 시절이다. 그리스도인조차 예수 그리스도의 십자가 고난보다는 안락하고 부담 없는 세속적 신앙생활을 원하는 추세이고, 실제 많은 사람들이 그쪽을 행해 달려가고 있다. 예수 그리스도의 아가페 사랑은 어디론지 사라지고 그리스도가 한낱 자기 필요에 의해 달았다가 떼어내는 장식물로 전락하고 말았다면 지나친 표현일까.

이 소설은 신앙생활을 소재로 하고 있다. 찰스 쉘던의 <예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까>는 체코의 헨리크 시엔크비치(Henryk Adam Alexander Pius Sienkiewicz)가 쓴 Quo Vadis와 함께 오늘날까지 읽히고 있는 스테디셀러가 된다. 그만큼 많은 사람들에게 영향을 끼친 책이라고 보아도 좋다. 또 예수님을 본받는 삶을 강조하는 책으로는 디트리히 본회퍼(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)의 The Cost of Discipleship('나를 따르라'는 제목으로 출판)과 함께 이 책은 수많은 독자들에게 깊은 영향을 끼쳐왔다. 어떤 비평가는 본회퍼의 책은 식자층에게 그리고 쉘던의 이 소설은 다중(多衆)의 일반 그리스도인들에게 큰 도전을 주었다고 평가했다.

In His Steps의 시대 배경은 19세기 중반이다. 영국에서 일어난 산업혁명의 여파가 미국에도 몰아닥쳐 부(富)가 한쪽으로 급격히 쏠리고 있었다. 빈곤층이 양산되어 끼니와 잠자리를 걱정해야만 했다. 공간적 배경은 레이몬드(Raymond )이다. 황석영의 '삼포가는 길'의 삼포(三浦)처럼, 김승옥의 '무진기행'의 공간적 무대 무진(霧津)처럼 가상의 도시이다. 그곳을 중심으로 예수님 닮기(Imitation) 운동이 사람들을 통해 전개된다.

상류층 신앙인들의 기득권 내려놓기

이 책은 전부 31개의 장(章)으로 구성되어 있다. 각 장마다 다양한 캐릭터의 사람들이 등장해 이야기를 끌어가고 있는데 그 중에서도 중심 주인공이라고 할 만한 사람들을 열거하면 다음과 같다. 레이몬드 제일교회 담임 헨리 맥스웰 목사, 건전한 기독교 언론을 추구하는 레이몬드 데일리 뉴스(Raymond Daily News) 사장 에드워드 노만(Edward Norman), 기업의 부정을 고발하며 개혁하고 한 철도회사 간부 알렉산더 파워즈(Alexander Powers), 미성(美聲)의 성악가이며 자신의 재능으로 빈민 선교 집회 찬양 사역에 헌신하는 레이첼 윈슬로우(Rachel Winslow), 많은 재산의 상속녀이며 그 재산을 사회복지 사업에 쏟아 붓는 버지니아 페이지(Virginia Page), 링컨 대학 학장이며 이후 레이몬드 시의 금주운동을 주도하는 도날드 매쉬(Donald Mash).

면면을 살펴 볼 때 사회의 상류층 사람들임을 쉽게 알 수 있다. 세상이 어떻게 돌아가든 호의호식(好衣好食)하며 살아갈 수 있는 부류의 사람들이다. 그러나 이들에게 큰 충격을 주는 사건이 발생한다. 그것도 거룩한 주일 날, 이들이 출석하는 경건해야 할 예배당에서…. 그 이름은 잭 매닝(Jack Manning), 이 사람은 인쇄공이었는데 공장 자동화의 물결이 밀려오는 과정에서 실직을 당한 노동자이다. 즉 자동식자기(自動植字機, linotype)의 도입으로 사람의 손이 더 이상 필요 없게 되어 일자리를 잃고 말았다. 구직을 위해 백방으로 알아보았지만 허사였다. 그 사이 아내는 숨을 거두었고(영양실조에 의해였을 것) 아이는 동료 인쇄공의 집에 위탁해 놓고 있었다.

그 실직자가 예배 시간에 강대상 쪽으로 나와서 던진 말은 지금까지 평온하게 신앙생활을 해 오던 제일교회 성도들의 마음을 휘저어 놓고 말았다. 마치 바리새인들을 나무라던 예수님 같았다고나 할까. 그의 말을 직접 들어보자

"아까 여러분은 '주와 함께 가려네'라고 찬송을 부르셨는데 과연 그 뜻이 무엇일까요? 예수의 행적은, 제가 알고 있는 바로는 스스로 고난을 당하고 자신을 부정하면서 길 잃은 자와 고통 받는 자를 구원하려고 노력한 것이었는데 여러분도 그렇게 생각하는지요? 여러분은 '예수님의 발자취를 따른다'는 것을 어떻게 해석합니까? … 제 아내가 뉴욕 시의 한 셋방에서 마지막 숨을 몰아쉬면서 어린 딸을 함께 데려가게 해 달라고 하나님께 빌다가 숨을 거두었습니다. … 여러분, 예수님을 따른다는 것이 무슨 뜻일까요?"(21쪽).

산업혁명의 여파 속에 실직한 인쇄공의 죽음

믿는 자의 갈등은 여기서부터 시작되는 것이다. '예수님의 발자취를 따른다'(Following In His Steps)는 것은 무슨 뜻일까? '예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가?'(What Would Jesus Do?)는 앞의 말을 반복 강조한 것이다. 이런 말을 남기고 숨을 거둔 인쇄공 실직자의 장례를 치르고 맥스웰 목사는 획기적인 선언을 한다. 1년간 온전히 예수님의 발자취를 따르는 삶을 살아가기로. 교인들의 호응도 커 약 50 여 명이 이 운동에 동참해서 사회적 약자를 보듬고 사회의 부족한 부분을 채우는 일에 헌신하기로 서약한다. 위에 예거한 사람들이 그 운동의 주축들이다.

데일리 뉴스 사장 에드워드 노만은 주일에도 발행하던 신문을 쉬기로 하고 술과 담배 광고를 금지하며 흥미 본위의 기사를 게재하지 않기로 결정한다. 철도회사 간부인 알렉산더 파워즈는 자기 회사가 연방정부의 주간통상법(州間通商法)을 조직적으로 어기는 것을 고발함으로써 해직된다. 뛰어난 음성으로 고액의 연봉 제의를 뿌리친 레이첼 윈슬로우는 렉탱글 빈민 마을에 들어가 찬양으로 봉사한다. 고액 재산의 상속녀인 버지니아 페이지는 자신의 재산을 기독교 사회복지 사업에 쾌척했을 뿐만 아니라 그리스도 정신으로 신문을 발행해 적자 경영에 빠진 데일리 뉴스에 거금을 지원한다. 지금까지 대학 교수로 자족하던 도날드 매쉬 학장도 상아탑을 벗어나 지역의 금주 운동에 뛰어 들어 지도력을 발휘한다. 이 사람들이 내걸고 실천한 슬로건은 '예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까?'였다.

소설은 픽션(fiction)의 영역에 속한다. 즉 허구(虛構)이다. 그러나 있을 법한 허구라는 사실이 중요하다. 찰스 M. 쉘던의 In His Step이 미국뿐 아니라 전 세계적으로 성경 다음 많이 팔린 책으로 기록(30개 언어로 3천만 부 이상이 판매된 것으로 추산)되고 있으면서도 신학자들과 문학평론가들이 도외시한 것은 하나님의 말씀은 진리이고 진리는 허구와 공존할 수 없다는 인식이 작용하지 않았나 싶다. 하지만 작가 찰스 쉘던은 복음을 보다 쉽게 대중에게 전달하기 위해 소설의 방식을 택했다는 점을 분명히 했다. 그렇다면 이 소설은 재평가의 과정을 밟을 필요가 있다. 현실 안주형 그리스도인들이 다수를 점하고 있는 교계 상황을 직시할 때 이런 형식의 글로 사람들을 예수 앞에 바로 세울 수 있다면 비판이 아니라 쌍수를 들어 환영할 일이 될 것이다.

재조명되어야 할 찰스 M. 쉘던의 소설들

쉘던의 In His Steps는 17세기 존 번연(John Bunyan)이 쓴 <천로역정(Pilgrim Progress)>과도 비교된다. 존 번연도 침례교 목사이자 작가였다. <천로역정>은 우화소설로 역대 신앙서적 중 성경 다음으로 많이 읽혀졌다는 점도 그렇다. 찰스 쉘던은 미국 회중교회 목사였고, 교회의 대 사회적 역할을 강조했다. 그는 이 소설 외에도 이것의 속편에 해당하는 Jesus is Here 등 여러 권의 소설을 출판했다. 모두 교회와 사회와의 관계 속에서 예수 그리스도적 삶을 강조한 것들이다. 쉘던은 In His Steps를 쓰기 전 직접 실직한 인쇄공으로 가장하여 다수의 그리스도인들을 만났다고 한다. 그 결과는 어땠을까. 실망을 금치 못했다. 그리스도인들로부터 말과 행동과 믿음의 불일치를 보았기 때문이다.

다시 우리의 현실을 돌아보자. 신자유주의의 풍랑 속에 세상적 윤리와 질서가 교회에 그대로 이식되어 예수님이 설 자리가 점점 좁아지고 있다. 맘몬주의(Mammonism), 승자독식주의, 인본주의 등이 주님의 자리를 대신하려 하고 있다. 기독교인의 윤리 의식조차도 희미해져 무딜 대로 무디어진 상태다. 이럴 때, 그리스도인 모두가 생각과 말과 행동에서, '과연 예수님이라면 어떻게 하셨을까?'라고 묻는다면 우리의 신앙이 다시 살아날 수 있지 않을까. 미국의 대표적인 복음주의 목회자이자 저술가인 에이든 윌슨 토저(Aiden Wilson Tozer)는 현대의 그리스도인을 회색 지대의 그리스도인이라고 말한 적이 있다. 예수님처럼 사는 것도 아니고 그렇다고 세상 사람처럼 사는 것도 아닌 회색지대에서 위험한 줄타기를 하고 있다는 것이다. 그리스도인을 위한 경고의 말이다.

찰스 M. 쉘던은 이 소설의 대미를 이 땅에 이루어질 이상적 사회 건설과 함께 재림하시는 예수님의 환상을 바라보는 것으로 마무리한다. 그동안 등장했던 인물들을 총 출동시켜 맥스웰 목사가 바라고 등장인물들이 생각하고 독자들이 원하는 결말을 이끌어낸다. 해피 엔딩이다. 교회의 문간마다 성도들의 가슴마다 '예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까?'란 표어가 붙어 있는 것 같다. 이 땅에 천년왕국의 도래를 꿈꾸는 것으로 끝을 맺고 있다. 한 마디 덧붙일 것, '고통을 다른 이에게 대신 받게 하려는 기독교는 참된 기독교가 아닙니다. 진짜 기독교인이라면 사업가든 시민이든 간에 반드시 예수님에게로 가는 희생의 행로를 따라 그 분의 발자취를 밟아가야 할 것입니다. 맥스웰 목사가 마지막 설교에서 강조한 말이다. 오늘날 우리에게 시사하는 바가 적지 않으리라.

자본주의의 폐악 속에서 벗어나야 할 그리스도인

얼마간의 헌금과 몇 시간의 봉사 활동으로 그리스도인의 의무를 다 했다고 생각하는 사람들이 많다. 그것으로 주님께서 걸어가신 고난의 길을 대신할 수는 없는 일이다. 기득권을 내 놓고 가진 것을 솔선해서 나누어야 한다. 초대교회처럼 "믿는 사람이 다 함께 있어 모든 물건을 서로 통용하고 또 재산과 소유를 팔아 각 사람의 필요를 따라 나눠주고 날마다 마음을 같이 하여 성전에 모이기를 힘쓰는"(행 2:44-46) 교회로 돌아가야 한다. 이러한 초대 교회 정신이 우리 기독교가 다시 살아나는 길이다. 쉘던이 이 소설에서 강조한 것도 바로 이것이다. 상류층 사람들이 자기 것을 빈민들에게 나눠주고 함께 하라는 것이다. 목회자도 예외일 수 없다. 이 소설의 에드워드 감독(Bishop Edward)과 나사렛 에비뉴 교회의 칼빈 브루스(Calvin Bruce) 목사처럼 자신들이 온갖 정성을 다해 사역한 교회를 내려놓고 주님이 걸어가신 고통의 길을 기꺼이 기쁨으로 감당할 수 있어야 한다. 쉬운 일일까. 우리와 같은 연고주의가 뿌리 깊은 교계의 상황에서.

교계가 위기를 향해 치닫고 있다는 우려의 목소리가 높다. 돌파구를 찾아야 한다. 결국 우리 그리스도인들에게 달려 있다. 세속적 삶에 신앙을 편승시켜 나만을 위한 길을 갈 것인가 아니면 이 소설에서 시종 주창하고 있듯이 거룩한 주님의 발자취를 따라 갈 것인가의 갈림길에서 우리가 선택할 일만 남았다. 교계의 부익부 빈익빈 현상은 서구 기독교의 과거를 그대로 닮아가는 모습이다. 지금 유럽의 기독교는 어떤 상태인가. 외형만 덩그러니 남고 텅텅 빈 예배당, 생각만 해도 아찔하다. 그런 전철을 밟지 않으려면 지금 이 시간부터 '예수님이라면 어떻게 하실까?'란 물음 앞에 모두가 무릎을 꿇어야 한다. 그래서 WWJD 운동이 이 땅에 일어나기를 간절히 바란다. 그렇게 하는데 쉘던의 이 소설이 큰 도전이 될 것이다. 일독을 권할 수밖에 없는 이유가 여기에 있다. In His Steps의 마지막 '단어'로 글을 맺는다. '아멘!'
공감 (3) 댓글 (0)

비로그인 2001-07-18

내가 요즘 읽는 책입니다. 이책 으로 인하여 저의 삶속에 변화가 시작되고 있습니다. 우선 적으로 말하자연 감추려고 한 저의 개인 생활은 아니지만 어찌되었던 저의 이런 삶은 아는 사람은 하나님뿐....... 무관심 때문이겠죠,,,,,저도 여러분의 개인적인 삶을 모르는 것으로 봐서는 저또한 여러분에게 무관심한 사람이 아닐까하는 생각이 듭니다.

예수님이라면 이렇게 행도하시지 낳으실껄요..... 그래서 여러분에게 광고를 합니다. 무슨일일 하든지 예수라면 어떻게 하실까 하는 질문을 자신에게 하고서 행동을 하기로 어떤것보다 먼저요.. 저도 그렇게 사는 내용을 올릴것입니다. 그래서 우리들이 예수님의 삶을 닮아 가씀.....

오늘로 몇일째 <예수라면 어떻게 할것인가> 책을 읽고 있다. 오늘로 몇일째 나의 삶에 예수라면 어떻게 할것인가 하는 질문을 하고 있다 일기 시작한 날부터 다시 뒤돌아 보겠다

화요일인가 그날 낮에 비가 억수로 왔다 점심때 병원에 갔다 회사로 가는데 어르걸인이 길에서 비를 맞으면서 구걸을 하고 있었다 예수라면 어떻게 할까 하는 질문을 했다....손을 꼭 잡아주고서 에수님 믿고 구원 받으세요 그럴까....나는 그것을 행동에 옮기지 못했다 단지 지갑에서 돈을 꺼내 그분에게 주면서 예수님믿으세요 하고고 말을 했을뿐..아쉽다,,,, 그날 저녁이었다 친구인 훈혁이가 저녁 늦게 밥을 먹자고 불렀다 나의 계획이 차질이 생기려는 순가...난 다시 질문을 했다 예수라면 어떻게 할것인가....내가 친하다고 생각하는 훈혁이에게 시간을 투자 할것이다 ,,,

나는 조금의 불만을 가지고 약속장소로 욺직였다 저녁먹는 자리에서 훈혁이의 사촌 동생이(4살)...비가오는데 박으로 나가려고 하기에 내가 막었더니 검,검,검 하는 것이다 나는 무순소리야 하고 아기를 타이르다 껌하고 말을 했다 그때 아기가 고게를 끄덕였다 .... 그순가 나는 다시 질문을 했다 예수라면 어떻게 할 것인가 .....아마 아기를 위해 껌을 사오리라....나는 시당 박으로 나가서 슈퍼를 찾았다 없었다 .....물어서 슈퍼에 가서 껌을 사다가 아기에게 주었다........

프리첼의 '하나님의GOD'
예수 라면을 같이 드시죠............

공감 (1) 댓글 (0)

shine 2003-11-27

지금도 이 소설은 읽히고 있다. 소설 속의 인물들이 겪어야만 했던 현실적인 어려움들은 비단 소설 속의 일만은 아니다. 오늘도 예수라면 어떻게 하셨을까를 고민하며 자기의 십자가를 지고 가는 이들이 있다. 나도 소설 속의 인물들이 했던 고민을 다시 하고자 마음먹었다. 성령님의 인도 따라 그들처럼 승리하는 자가 되길 바라며.


공감 (0) 댓글 (0)

수호천사 2005-12-21

말세에 세상의 막막함을 보면서 그리스도인들이 믿음으로 생활하기를 고민하기 쉬우며 그런 가운데 막막한 세상에 믿음으로 생활하신 사람을 샘플로 볼 수 있다. 바로 그분이 예수님이시다.

그 예수님도 육신을 입으신지라 연약하셨으며 피곤하셨으며 고민하셨으며 아픔을 느끼셨으나 그분이 믿음으로 생활하실 수 있었던 것은 아버지가 보내신 소명을 갖고 살아가셨기 때문이다.

오늘날도 막막하게 살아가고 있는데도 믿음으로 살아갈 수 있기란 참으로 영과 육의 갈등에 놓이며 믿음으로 살 것이냐! 죄악으로 살 것이냐! 자신과의 갈등에 놓이며 살아가가 일수이다.

때론 그리스도 안에서 생활하는 믿음의 패턴을 잃어버릴 때는 믿음으로 살아가야 하는 줄 알면서도 믿음으로 살아가지 못할 때가 많으며, 마음의 아픔을 겪으며 상대에게도 아픔을 주기도 한다.

저자가 의도하고 싶은 것은 예수님의 관점에 초점하여 예수님이 교훈하신 것에 따르며 이에 만족하며 생활해 나가는 것을 각각의 차례로 말해주고 있다. 바로 예수님이라면 어떻게 할 것인가에 고민하는 것이다.

예수님이라면 어떻게 할 수 있는 것은 먼저 예수님 안에 있어야 한다. 예수님 안에 있는 것은 생명과 평안을 공급 받는 것으로 알 수 있다. 예수님의 뜻을 좇아 살아가는 것도 이와 일반이다.

육안으로는 알 수 없으나 그리스도 영이 있느냐 없느냐로 말해준다. 마치 반석에 세운 집과 모래 세운 집이 바람과 폭풍이 몰아칠 때 알 수 있다. 그리스도 영이 없는 사람은 환경에 치우치며 힘들면 좌절하며 절망하므로 도중에 포기한다. 그리스도 영이 있는 사람은 힘들고 어려워도 예수님이 공급해 주는 생평과 평안함으로 정상을 정복한다.

종이 주인의 입장에서 주인의 일을 해야 주인의 일을 책임감 있게 할 수 있다. 만일 종이 주인의 입장보다 자신의 입장에서 주인의 일을 하면 일은 일대로 실패하며 종은 종대로 책망 받는다. 이렇듯 예수님의 입장보다 자신의 입장에서 영의 일하면 일은 실패로 자신은 아픔에 절망한다. 예수님의 입장에서 영의 일을 책임감 있게 해결할 수 있는 것이다.

예수님의 입장에서 예수님의 일을 임무완수 할 수 있는 것이 지혜이다.

Charles Sheldon
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For other people named Charles Sheldon, see Charles Sheldon (disambiguation).

Charles Monroe Sheldon

Born February 26, 1857

Wellsville, New York
Died February 24, 1946

Topeka, Kansas
Alma mater Phillips Academy, Andover
Known for Christian Socialism The Principle of "What Would Jesus Do?"

Notable work In His Steps

Charles Monroe Sheldon (February 26, 1857, Wellsville, New York – February 24, 1946, Topeka, Kansas) was an American Congregationalist minister and leader of the Social Gospel movement. His novel, In His Steps, introduced the principle of "What Would Jesus Do?" which articulated an approach to Christian theology that became popular at the turn of the 20th century and had a revival almost one hundred years later. The stretch of US-24 on the north side of Topeka, Kansas between US-75 and K-4 is named the "Charles Sheldon Trafficway" in his honour.[1][2]

1Education and ministry
2Novel and theological influence
3Newspaper "career"
4What Would Jesus Do?
5List of Works
5.1As Main Author
5.2As Illustrator
7Further reading
8External links
Education and ministry[edit]

Sheldon was a graduate of Phillips Academy, Andover (class of 1879). He became an advocate of the late nineteenth century school of thought known as Christian Socialism. His theological outlook focused on the practicalities of the moral life, with much less emphasis on the doctrinal traditions of personal redemption from sin in Christ. In the winter of 1896 Sheldon developed a sermon story that he read as a weekly series from the pulpit of Central Congregational Church in Topeka, Kansas.[3] The unifying theme of these sermons was based on posing the question, "what would Jesus do?" when facing moral decisions. He viewed this question as traditional within Christianity and likely drew some inspiration from William T. Stead's If Christ came to Chicago! (1893) and other earlier sources.[4]
Novel and theological influence[edit]

The theme of the sermons was later fictionalized into the novel In His Steps. The central ethos of the novel was not about personal redemption but about moral choices related to encountering circumstances of poverty and deprivation. Sheldon's theological motif reflected his socialist outlook. Sheldon's own parish work became identified with the Social Gospel.

Walter Rauschenbusch, widely viewed as the chief architect of the Social Gospel, acknowledged the importance Sheldon placed on imitating Jesus. He saw the significance of Sheldon's work in bringing home the realization that it is hard to live a Christ-like life, given the temptations of modern society. While Rauschenbusch found this awareness valuable, he saw that it did not demand what he believed was a necessary transformation of social institutions.[5] Sheldon was in touch with the concerns of middle-class America at the end of the century. He saw his role as one of communication—to introduce his congregation and the wider public to the ideas of Lyman Abbott, Richard Ely, George Herron, and Rauschenbusch. That was his intention in writing In His Steps.[5]

Of the social issues Sheldon espoused during his lifetime, the two he was most passionate about were equality and prohibition. He believed that all persons were equal and should be treated as such. He was a pioneer among Protestant ministers in welcoming blacks into a mainstream church. He was also committed to fair treatment for Jews and Catholics, and proclaimed the equality of men and women. A strong supporter of the feminist struggle for equal rights, he urged women to enter politics. He also pushed for full equality in the workplace.[6]

Sheldon was also a vegetarian who promoted compassion towards animals just as he did towards humans.[7] He even criticized circuses for their treatment of animals.[8]
Newspaper "career"[edit]

In March 1900 he became editor for a week of the Topeka Daily Capital applying the "What Would Jesus Do?" concept. In that short time, the newspaper's circulation exploded from just under 12,000 to 387,000, overwhelming the paper's Topeka printing plant causing it to print 120,000 copies each in Chicago, Illinois and New York City.[9]

After his retirement from Central Congregational Church in 1920, Sheldon edited "Christian Herald, An Illustrated News Weekly for the Home", a religious periodical, from 1920 to 1924 and continued to write articles after his final retirement in 1924.[10]
What Would Jesus Do?[edit]

In the 1990s WWJD bracelets became a popular item among young people and publishers increased sales of the public domain book In His Steps and tied it in with marketing of "What would Jesus do?" items.

A ten part mini-series produced by KTWU featured an hour-long segment "Beyond Theology: What Would Jesus Do?" which examines how this question might be considered in context of the political, social and cultural changes that have taken place in America. The program also takes a look at the manner in which Sheldon applied the social gospel in his own life and in his community.
List of Works[edit]
As Main Author[edit]
1892: Richard Bruce, or the Life That Now Is
1893: Robert Hardy's Seven Days; a Dream and its Consequences
1893: The Twentieth Door
1894: The Crucifixion of Phillip Strong
1895: His Brother's Keeper; or Christian Stewarship
1897: In His Steps "What Would Jesus Do?"
1898: The Redemption of Freetown
1898: Malcom Kirk: A Tale Of Moral Heroism In Overcoming The World
1898: One of the Two; "Be not overcome the evil, but overcome evil with good"
1899: John King's Question Class
1899: The Miracle at Markham; How Twelve Churches Became One
1899: Lend a Hand
1899: For Christ and the Church
1900: Born to Serve: a story
1900: Edward Blake: College Student
1901: The Reformer
1903: His Mother's Prayers
1903: The Narrow Gate
1904: The Wilderness of the Upper Yukon; a hunter's explorations for wild sheep in sub-arctic mountains
1905: The Heart of the World: A Story of Christian Socialism
1906: The spirit's power: or the revival
1909: Paul Douglas-journalist
1911: The High Calling
1912: A Builder of Ships; The Story of Brander Cushing's Ambition
1914: "Jesus is Here!" Continuing the Narrative of In His Steps (What Would Jesus Do?)
1912: In His Steps; a Dramatic Adaptation of the Story (with Frank H. Lane)
1912: The Wilderness of the North Pacific Coast Islands: A Hunter's Experiences while Searching for Wapiti, Bears, and Caribou on the Larger Coast Islands of British Columbia and Alaska
1916: Howard Chase, Red Hill, Kansas
1916: Of One Blood
1917: Modern Pagans
1919: All The World
1920: Heart Stories
1921: In His Steps To-day. What would Jesus do in solving the problems of present political, economic and social life?
1921: The richest man in Kansas
1924: The everyday Bible (as editor)
1924: The Mere Man and His Problems
1925: Charles M. Sheldon: His Life Story
1925: Two Old Friends
1926: The Life of Jesus
1927: Casework Evangelism: Studies in the Art of Christian Personal Work (only Introduction)
1928: The 13th Resolution
1929: Life's Treasure Book, Past, Present, and Future
1930: The Wilderness of Denali
1941: The Golden Book of Bible Stories: Favorite Stories from the Old and New Testaments Retold for Children
As Illustrator[edit]
1886: True to the Old Flag: A Tale of the American War of Independence (by G. A. Henty)
1899: Won by the Sword: A Tale of the Thirty Years' War (by G.A. Henty)
1900: Under the Rebel's Reign: A Story of Egyptian Revolt (by Charles Neufeld)
1901: The Goddess of Excelsior (by Bret Harte)
1902: To Herat and Cabul, A Story of the First Afghan War (by G.A. Henty)
1905: The Queen of Shindy Flat (by Bessie Marchant)
1905: The Pilgrim's Progress: From This World to That Which Is to Come (by John Bunyan)
1907: The Yap Reporter and His Crisis (by Edward Price Bell)
1907: Riall in The Race Riots. Another Adventure of The Yap Reporter (by Edward Price Bell)
1907: The Yap Reporter on The Plains (by Edward Price Bell)
1907: Bige Hoak (by Edward Price Bell)
1907: On the Trail of the Arabs: A Story of Heroic Deeds in Africa (by Herbert Strang)
1911: The Invisible Island - A Story of the Far North of Queensland (by Alexander MacDonald)
1912: Chaloner of the Bengal Cavalry: A Tale of the Indian Mutiny (by Percival Lancaster)
1912: Under the Chinese Dragon: A Tale of Mongolia (by F.S. Brereton)
1914: In the Irish Brigade: A Tale of War in Flanders and Spain (by G.A. Henty)
1914: Edgar the Ready: A Tale of the Third Edward's Reign (by W. P. Shervill)
1915: A sturdy young Canadian (by Frederick Sadleir Brereton)
1930: Pioneers In Tropical America (by Harry Johnston)

^ "Statute | Kansas State Legislature". www.kslegislature.org. Retrieved 2018-11-26.
^ Service, Religion News; Press, Associated (2001-12-22). "Road Named for 'What Would Jesus Do?' Author". Los Angeles Times. ISSN 0458-3035. Retrieved 2018-11-26.
^ Sheldon, Charles M. (1897), In His Steps: "What would Jesus do?", Chicago: Advance Publishing, p. 3
^ Ferré, John P. (1988), "Charles Sheldon's moral formula", A social gospel for millions, Bowling Green State University: Popular Press, pp. 15–17
^ Jump up to:a b Burnidge, Cara L. (Spring 2009). Charles M. Sheldon and the Heart of the Social Gospel Movement (M.A.). Florida State University. Archived from the original on November 10, 2016. Retrieved June 2, 2017.
^ Brooking, N. (2004-02-01). 1. Charles Monroe Sheldon (1857 - 1946). From "Charles M. Sheldon and the Social Gospel." Georgetown College. Retrieved on: 2010-08-07.
^ Sheldon, “The Confessions of a Vegetarian,” Independent 60 (June 21, 1906): 1458
^ Sheldon, “The Show That Would have Stunned New York,” unpublished sermon, Sheldon’s manuscript file, Kansas Historical Society.
^ The Capital-Journal's roots run deep - Topeka Capital Journal - June 1, 2003
^ Charles Monroe Sheldon/Central Congregational Church Collection
Further reading[edit]
James Smylie, "Sheldon's In His Steps: Conscience and Discipleship," Theology Today, Volume 32, number 1 (July 1975) pp. 32–45.
External links[edit]
Wikisource has original works written by or about:
Charles Sheldon

Biography portal
Christianity portal
Profile on Sheldon from the Congregational Church, Topeka, Kansas [1]
Works by Charles Sheldon at Project Gutenberg
Works by Charles Sheldon at Faded Page (Canada)
Works by or about Charles Sheldon at Internet Archive
Works by Charles Sheldon at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
Kansas State Historical Society archived documents on Charles Sheldon [2]
"Charles Sheldon". Find a Grave. Retrieved August 28, 2010.
Inventory of the Charles Monroe Sheldon Papers, Special Collections, University of Vermont Library
PBS Documentary "Beyond Theology: What Would Jesus Do? http://ktwu.washburn.edu/productions/WWJD-BT/

In His Steps eBook: Sheldon, Charles Monroe: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

In His Steps eBook: Sheldon, Charles Monroe: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Audible Narration
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In His Steps Kindle Edition
by Charles Monroe Sheldon (Author)

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5.0 out of 5 stars A Wonderous Read and Eye OpenerReviewed in Australia on 17 January 2015
Format: Kindle Edition
This is an old story that will always fit appropriately in any stage of time. We who call ourselves Christian will be challenged to look at ourselves and wonder if we would have acted differently to the people in the story. In all honesty, probably not! As a result of people not wishing to put themselves out, a homeless man dies from starvation and sickness. This brings the whole township to shame and they decide to completely follow Jesus example for one year. Not to give the story away, I won't say anymore, accept to challenge you to read this book.

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4.0 out of 5 stars Great reading.Reviewed in Australia on 19 November 2016
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Whilst I enjoyed reading the well written novel. It also compelled me to reflect upon my own life and how I conducted my own affairs. It (Christianity) should infiltrate every aspect of life, at work & play. I agree WWJD. It may be in a high paid job or it may be a janitor, again to conduct your affairs in a manner fitting OUR King, work as if unto the Lord.

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5.0 out of 5 stars PonderingReviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 May 2019
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I read this book as a child and it led me to Christ. Re-reading it again, I still ask myself the same questions: in my present day and age, "Can I take up my cross and follow Christ?". Before I take any action, can I really do "What Christ would do" in my circumstance?.

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F. Moyo
5.0 out of 5 stars Inspiring & Challenging!!Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 23 November 2018
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One of the most inspiring & challenging books I've ever read. I read it 1st about 20yrs ago & I felt the need to read It again to renew my commitment to follow & live my life as Jesus would in every area of my life; knowing all the while that His grace would enable me in that endeavour.
The question is, how willing & obedient is one prepared to go in living life as Jesus would???

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5.0 out of 5 stars Challenging and inspiringReviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 September 2017
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Challenging and inspiring still, after a hundred years since first published.
I hadn't realised the What Would Jesus Do movement was based on this novel.
I recommend In His Steps to everyone

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5.0 out of 5 stars A must read for ChristiansReviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 October 2013
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I could not stop reading this book. It challenges your comfortable lifestyle as a Christian and was the originator of the phrase "What would Jesus do." A must read book for any Christian deceived into thinking they can really be a one without caring about those who are suffering.

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jacob hodges
5.0 out of 5 stars If there is any book that will make one think ...Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 26 March 2016
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If there is any book that will make one think about "what they should be doing, or how they should respond to situations," this is the book. It moved me so much that I purchased one for a friend.

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Dec 21, 2010Stephen Escalera rated it liked it
Rarely have I come across a book that I am so torn over as to how to rate it. Usually a book will be obviously good or bad, making the ultimate conclusion in rating it a fairly easy process. While a good book may have some detractors, overall the good outweighs the bad, with the reverse also being true of bad books. However, I'm having a hard time making such a distinction in reviewing Charles Sheldon's classic, In His Steps. There are many good things about the book, but there are also many not-so-good things.

The book centers primarily on a few members of the affluent First Church of Raymond in the late 19th century who have been faced with the question of how Jesus would act if He were in their place. (In His Steps can be credited with the origin of the popularized question of "What would Jesus do?" or WWJD). A call is made for volunteers to ask the question, "What would Jesus do?" before making any decisions for one whole year. Among those who volunteer are the pastor, the local newspaper owner/editor, a gifted singer, a wealthy young woman, a writer, and an employee of the local railroad. The book follows their efforts during the course of the year as they attempt to live out their pledge of asking, "What would Jesus do?" This leads them to make decisions that aren't the most popular or even understood by some family members and the general public. It also leads them to undertake a greater involvement in their city, both in evangelical outreaches and for the good of society in general.

For a book that was written over 100 years ago, it cuts to the heart of our current culture in the majority of the Western world of materialism and even more so among Christians. Perhaps the hardest hitting teaching comes towards the end of the book when the pastor asks a congregation, "How much is the Christianity of the age suffering for Him? Is it denying itself at the cost of ease, comfort, luxury, elegance of living? What does the age need more than personal sacrifice?....The Christianity that attempts to suffer by proxy is not the Christianity of Christ." Here is found perhaps the main and best thrust of the entire book. The call to Christianity is a call to suffer for Christ. "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it." (Mark 8:34-35) The decision to follow Jesus, to do what He would do, is not played out in the characters' lives as something that turns out rosy. One man loses his job and as a result, his wife becomes bitter toward him. The newspaper owner/editor watches his subscribers and advertisers leave in droves because of his decision not to allow certain kinds of content. Yet another turns down what some may consider the "opportunity of a lifetime" to serve in a more humble ministry. This is no health, wealth and prosperity gospel. Wearing a bracelet that says "WWJD?" simply won't cut it. All through the book, the element of personal suffering and sacrifice is continually presented as the ultimate test of following Christ.

In His Steps gives an example of Christianity in action - how Christianity looks in the nitty-gritty, everyday stuff of life. The characters realize that Christianity is not simply an abstract idea, full of wise sayings and doctrines designed only to stimulate the intellect. Christianity is lived out Monday through Sunday. It's not only making decisions based on what Jesus might do, but telling people the reasoning behind the decision. It's getting involved in the community, reaching out to those in need, using the resources that we've been blessed with to help change a life. This is Christianity in action.

This brings me to the issues that have given me pause and not just a little concern. First, a few minor points. The writing style is very poor. Superlatives abound in the descriptions of the effects of various decisions. "For the first time ever..." or "he had never..." or "Nothing had ever..." or "Such a thing had never..." - these overused phrases become old and trite in their use. Additionally, the plot becomes rather predictable. However, that being said, this book is perhaps rarely read for its fictional and linguistic prowess.

While the characters in the narrative are seeking to follow Christ's example, much of the decisions are based very much on personal interpretation with little to no Biblical basis for their reasoning. In one sense, the subjective nature of the question at hand makes the decision one that should be and can only be decided by the person ultimately responsible. In this, the author rightly puts great emphasis on prayer and the personal nature of the pledge. However, this lends somewhat of a relativistic mindset if the decision is not based on what Scripture says. For example, the newspaper editor decides that printing a Sunday edition is not what Jesus would do since Jesus would not publish something that caused a reader to read anything else but the Bible on Sunday. While to be commended for making such a difficult decision and following his conscious, this makes me wonder what in Scripture teaches such a notion that reading anything else but the Bible on Sunday is contrary to Christ's teachings.

The biggest issue I have with the book is why the Christians go about seeking to follow Christ's steps or do what Jesus would do. Set during the heyday of the Temperance Movement, much emphasis is placed on the poorer citizens of the city and the effect that alcohol played in many of the problems that class of society faced. Further, while there seems to be much emphasis on evangelization, the improvement of life in general for the class is seen as the ultimate end of this evangelization. Oddly enough, this message of "accept Christ and everything well get better" goes against the message for the upper class citizens that Christians must suffer. The gospel that is proclaimed in In His Steps is not a gospel that comes by means of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Instead, it is a gospel that points to Christ as the ultimate example of how to live and reform society, but not the source of the strength to bring about that reform. And Christ's example in this case is to help the poor. Where a conflict arises is in dealing with the question, If helping the poor in bettering their society is what the gospel offers, how does this affect how the poor themselves live? This question is asked point blank of several of the pastors by a man out of work for many days and not one of them can provide an answer. One pastor ponders the question in his heart as "a question that brings up the entire social problem in all its perplexing entanglement of human wrongs and its present condition contrary to every desire of God for a human being's welfare. Is there any condition more awful than for a man in good health, able and eager to work, with no means of honest livelihood unless he does work, actually unable to get anything to do, and driven to one of three things: begging or charity at the hands of friends or strangers, suicide or starvation?"

Nowhere in the book is a person's sinful condition addressed, but only the social condition. When reform comes, it should not, it cannot come through the betterment of a person's economic wellbeing. I'm not denying that we have a responsibility to minister to others, especially those in need. I think even my own tendency is to try to ignore others' condition, like the condition of the man on the corner holding the sign. But in helping those in need, we should not do it simply for the sake of our own suffering nor in trying to help them make a better life for themselves. We should be pointing them to Christ, not as the example of who we are following, but as the source of the strength to do what we do, the source of the righteousness to overcome sin. Without Christ, without repentance, we can improve society to the last person but will not change the root of the problem and will find them just as bad as before. As John Owen so aptly puts it in The Mortification of Sin: "Poor soul! It is not thy sore finger but thy hectic fever that thou art to apply thyself to the consideration of. Thou settest thyself against a particular sin, and dost not consider that thou art nothing but sin."

In His Steps is certainly a step in the right direction of encouraging believers to challenge the way we live and think and interact with the world around us. But the reader should always keep in mind that the gospel of Christ is not an example simply to be followed in order to better society, but rather the gospel is solely and completely about Christ Himself and the righteousness we have in Him. In following Him, a person's social standing may not improve in the slightest, but his eternal standing in the sight of God will. And that's what matters. (less)
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Jun 10, 2009David rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Shelves: christianity, fiction
This book was given to me by a friend, and I think I told her I would read it. Otherwise, it probably would not have taken long for me to put it down. I found it badly written, and I disagree with its central message, namely that the Christian church would be revolutionized if it's members each made an honest pledge to do as Jesus would do. (I may be way off here, but I bet the WWJD movement started with this book.) The problem with this idea is that there is a real danger of subjectivism in doing what Jesus would do in any given situation. What ends up happening is people do what they THINK Jesus would do. If I remember correctly, at least one character says, "I don't think Jesus would do that." For instance, one of the things some of Sheldon's characters concentrate on is the "liquor interests." Besides the fact that alcohol per se is not sinful, the author is concentrating on the symptom, not the disease, which primarily lies within the alcoholic, not the industry. To be fair, the characters do get other things right, like ministering to the poor and outcasts.

The church doesn't need a call to make pledges. If we are Christians, we are already pledged to follow in the steps of Jesus. We need the truth of the gospel to be preached and taught in churches. Then Christians can ask themselves, "Based on what the Bible teaches, what would Jesus have me do?" (less)
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Feb 13, 2008Werner rated it liked it
Recommends it for: Christian fiction readers
Shelves: classics, books-i-own
If you've ever seen anyone wearing a WWJD? (standing for "What would Jesus do?") bracelet, this is the novella that first popularized that question in some Christian circles. First published in 1896, it still challenges readers to a more serious application of Jesus' principles in their daily lives. The idea of asking ourselves that question, when we make decisions about behavior, continues to strike even professed Christian readers as novel and revolutionary. (That this should be the case, of course, is itself a sad commentary on the state of the modern church, and on our general pigheadedness and egoism as a species.)

That points up the issue of the historical context of the novel, coming after a process of some two centuries of gradually increasing loss of interest on the part of many Christians in practical, Monday-through-Saturday applications of biblical principles to daily life, withdrawal from social interest or concern, and reduction of concrete Christian ethics to observation of a few man-made asceticisms and avoidance of a short list of obvious major sins. The book also comes from, or was readily associated with, the late 19th-century "Social Gospel" movement, which was complex and not monolithic, but which basically sought to buck the afore-mentioned trend. Professed Christians who were quite content with that trend found Sheldon's novella threatening; those who saw the whole Social Gospel movement as an embodiment of liberal apostasy instantly dismissed the book as Satan-inspired propaganda from the enemy. Those perceptions still shape some fundamentalist criticism of the book, such as that of Raymond St. John in American Literature For Christian Schools, which I personally find (based on actual reading of the book) to be unfair and unconvincing.

From a theological standpoint, a crucial consideration here is that the book is consciously written for Christian readers. It assumes the Christian gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ's redemption, and gratitude for this as the basis of obedience to God's wishes, and presupposes that the readers likewise assume it; so the focus isn't on convincing unbelievers of these points. Rather, the focus is on convincing professed believers to actually act in accord with their professed beliefs. That accounts for what some critics and reviewers regard (incorrectly, IMO) as a denial by implication of the need for initial Christian conversion, or a promotion of legalistic salvation by works. (This also, of course, tends to limit the book's appeal; a lot of fiction by Christians can engage both believers and nonbelievers, but it's hard to see many of the latter being much interested by the central question here, or feeling that they can relate.) If I would pose a theological criticism, it would be that the practical applications of Christian faith in the novel tend to be too tame, not radical enough. But in the context of 1896 evangelical Protestantism, they at least lay a basis to start with. Some might quibble about Sheldon's total-abstinence stand on alcohol (this was in the era that led up to the imposition of Prohibition); but where you're dealing, as some of his characters are here, in ministry to people who are basically alcoholics, total abstinence IS the only practical approach to advocate.

From a literary standpoint, this is very much a message-driven novel of ideas, and Sheldon succeeds somewhat better at articulating ideas than at creating involving fiction. While his characterizations aren't quite cardboard, I wouldn't call them sharp; dialogue is often devoted to delivering a message, and the book as a whole can have a tract-like quality. I think the author can be placed in the Realist tradition, but he's not one of its first-rank practitioners. That said, I found the message strong and vital enough to make the book worth a read. (Those with lower expectations for fictional quality might give it more stars.) (less)
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Dec 28, 2007Beth rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
My favorite verse for several months now has been 1 John 2:6: "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." Charles Sheldon shows in In His Steps what serious attempts to constantly "walk as Jesus did" might look like in real life. It was inspiring to read about what happened in the lives of the characters who agreed to do nothing for a whole year without first asking what Jesus would do in their situation, or how he would do it. I think it would be neat to write a book modeled after In His Steps but to change the setting to the present day, as some of the issues the characters faced in the 1890s are a bit hard to relate to. Nonetheless, Sheldon presented a lot of the timeless struggles of Christian living: How do you spend not just your money (which is relatively easy to give away), but also your time and your talent? How does your faith affect the way you do your tasks at work? How does it affect your relationships? I was especially provoked to thought by Sheldon's ideas on getting involved in politics...though I would do so--am doing so--to fight for peace, freedom, and the Constitution (yay Ron Paul!) instead of for getting rid of saloons, as Sheldon's characters did. : ) (less)
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Feb 20, 2012Princesskelly rated it liked it
Recommended to Princesskelly by: Julie
I must confess that all of my life I have heard the phrase What Would Jesus Do, but was rather clueless about where it came from or what it meant. Ive seen those words while stuck in traffic on quite possibly thousands of bumper stickers over my lifetime, but honestly never understood what the heck WWJD? actually meant. It never occurred to me that it stemmed from an amazingly popular book written in the 1800s, or that it ignited a revolution in the way that people viewed Christianity and ...more
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Nov 25, 2019Angela R. Watts rated it really liked it
Shelves: christian-fiction, school-reading, christian-nonfiction
3.5 stars for how much I enjoyed it as a novel, 4 stars for the great lessons.

Overall, it was thought-provoking, moving (not in the ways it *should have been* moving, always? I probably should have *felt* more often than I did... but I didn't really connect with anyone, ever), and a great read for any Christian. Christians in America could really use the lessons and themes in this novel.

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Jan 21, 2008Aubrey rated it liked it
An interesting and thought provoking read, though I'm not sure I agree with its definition of Christian discipleship.

As a Latter-day Saint, I believe the family is central to the plan God has for us on earth. I believe we are expected to follow Christ, while raising our families as best we can. This means our day-to-day lives are filled with nurturing our children and providing for their physical and spiritual needs, rather than devoted to humanitarian aid. (Though, I'd argue that caring for children could certainly be characterized as "clothing the naked and feeding the hungry.") There really aren't any good examples of families, as a whole, following Christ in this book and I found that frustrating.

Another thread in the book is the necessity to "suffer" for Christ. I'm not certain that the suffering should be the focus. Sacrifice is certainly a part of discipleship, but so is happiness and joy. Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy. (2 Nephi 2:25) (less)
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Feb 01, 2008Joshua M rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Any serious christian
I just reread this classic for the third time, and just as always it shook up my view of christianity. It is a novel about a pastor that challenges his church not to do anything without first asking "What would Jesus do?" As each of the doctors, buisnessman, authors, newspapaer editors, etc... do this very thing, it begins to shake up not only their lives but the enviroment of the town in which they live. Ultimately, the movement begins to spread to other cities and states. I wonder what would happen to this country if all of us that claim to be christians, would start acting as Jesus would act? (less)
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Dec 17, 2014Madelyn rated it really liked it
Shelves: devotions
Wonderfully well written book. It changed my walk with the Lord, it made me question if I was doing enough, if I was actually walking in His steps like He would want me to. I also love the fact that it is partially a true story. The characters are also very well developed. Overall, it was an excellent book.
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Aug 10, 2019Marlene rated it really liked it
Shelves: own-kindle, christian, own-audible, 2019
"What Would Jesus Do?"

Yes, this book is where that phrase comes from. This book is a classic, and the Kindle version is available for free.

4.5 stars


I read In His Steps as a teen. My father was an investor in a bargain bookstore, and I enjoyed purchasing books there. I delighted in the section of Christian fiction, which jived really well with my Grace Livingston Hill fixation. I found several pretty glossy hardcover GLH books. With that same glossy appearance was the book In His Steps, so I no doubt thought it was another Christian romance. It wasn't, but I thoroughly enjoyed the book regardless.

So here I am enjoying it again because my husband bought an Audible copy. Near the beginning, the congregation of a local church is asked what it means to follow the steps of Jesus. The pastor poses a challenge to anyone in his church willing to take it on: don't take any action until first considering what Jesus would do... and then do it. No matter what.

This is quite a challenge. What if God wants you to do more than (or differently than) you want to? The answer, of course, is to do it anyway. He's God, after all. But to commit to ALWAYS obeying Him takes guts.

8/11/09: If a person has a to-do or not-to-do decision to make, determining what Jesus would do is a challenge if both possible decisions are not sins. In that type of situation, one must consider Christ's character as revealed in the stories recounted in the gospels.

8/13/09: The story lines are entertaining enough to get me to keep reading, but is obviously a a moral tale. But I'm okay with that! I avoid nonfiction because I don't want to relax with "nothing but the facts." So if I can be encouraged and/or educated while reading a fiction story, all the better. In fact, my favorite books are Christian historical romances, which enrich me with a bit of history and a bit of Biblical food for thought.

Modern readers might not relate very well to some of choices the characters make based on their perception of what Jesus would do in their shoes. However, this was published in the late 1800s, so if the reader can keep this in mind, it will serve him well. Again, this didn't bother me, because in general, I'm pretty conservative.

8/16/19: I'm at chapter 27 out of 31 chapters. A couple of chapters ago, I thought the book was going to end, but instead it seemed to reboot in a new location with new people. Unless I missed something, (which is possible due to my deafness) I don't think the author transitioned very well. It's a minor complaint, though.

8/18/19: I finished this yesterday, and am really glad I re-read this classic. I'd like to try another by this author, perhaps Born to Serve.

“The greatest question in all of human life is summed up when we ask, 'What would Jesus do?' if, as we ask it, we also try to answer it from a growth in knowledge of Jesus himself. We must know Jesus before we can imitate Him.” (less)
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Apr 19, 2008Carrie rated it did not like it · review of another edition
it's about a pastor who challenges his congregation to take a pledge to ask "what would Jesus do?" before every decision they make, then follow through regardless of the consequences.

to me, the book was a little too preachy and unrealistic. i felt the choices the characters were making, for the most part, were extreme. there was also a lot of talk amongst the characters about suffering, and bearing the burden of the cross. almost like the author was telling us that unless we are suffering we are not being as christian as we should be, or aren't dedicated enough to emulating Christ.

i don't think Jesus has asked us to choose as if we were Him living in His circumstances. i do however know He has asked us to learn His gospel and the principles He taught, then make our choices applying those principles, striving to be like Him, and working towards aligning our will with our Heavenly Father's.

i also don't think suffering and following Jesus go hand in hand. i think we should be willing to sacrifice. sometimes sacrifice is necessary, and sometimes it's harder than others. but i think there is more joy, than suffering, in following the Savior and serving one another.

there were a couple things i did like about the book. through the course of the story you hear about four different church congregations who are affected by this proposition. at least three of them were of different religions, yet they worked together for a common goal. i think it's important for us to remember that we can interact and work together with others who may not believe everything we believe, and still accomplish a lot of great things.

one of the main characters was a girl who sang, very well. her story intertwined with almost every other character, even if it was just that someone heard her sing. during book club we discussed how powerful music is. it crosses boundaries, such as language barriers, economic classes, or cultural differences, and can influence us all.

overall, i didn't love the book. but i thought many times while reading that it would make for great discussion. and when we got together, it did just that. another great book club!
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Apr 14, 2012Dan Glover rated it did not like it
This is a "classic" of Christian social gospel, Finneyesque, religion. From the pretty young woman in the dimly lit tent meetings whose beautiful haunting singing makes hardened alcoholics break down weeping and come forward for an altar call to the crusading church folk whose efforts get local saloons shut down, this is the original WWJD - What Would Jesus Do? But that is the wrong question to ask. The questions disciples of Christ ought to ask are What Did Jesus Do? (in his life, death, ...more
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May 09, 2013Elliott rated it did not like it
This book's message is far more important than the work itself. It is the latter then that I am critiquing, not the former. As a piece of fiction, it is disillusioning to read. 'What Would Jesus do?" is the central question that all the characters have tasked themselves to asking and to make a comparison to their own actions-inspired by their pastor's words, and the words of a wandering tramp. Why this is disillusioning is that none of the characters really ever act as Jesus would act. Obviously none can turn water into wine, or feed a thousand, but all the deeds are mere half examples-great stretches to those individuals perhaps, but they do not significantly impair their own economic status. No one forsakes a life of plenty to devote themselves completely to healing the sick, or alleviating the misery of the poor-as Jesus would do, and did for that matter. They involve themselves politically to destroy a saloon, and open a break room to give lectures to workers on how to better spend their free-time and money. Considering that Jesus was ambivalent to traditional and local politics, and did not engage in any capital investing, or factory labor it's hard to create a workable analogy from this novel. The dialogue itself is rather clunky and reads as a melodrama more than anything. A novel that urges its readers to do as Christ without making any real sacrifice. (less)
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Oct 13, 2015Jesseca Wheaton rated it really liked it
I had read the younger version of "In His Steps" when I was younger, but I had never read the adult version. Well, this year it was required for my English literature course, so of course I read it.
I was not expecting to enjoy it half as much as I did. The story really brought the question "what would Jesus do" to life. It made me stop and think. What would I do differently, if, before I did anything, I asked "What would Jesus do?".
It was kinda hard to connect with the characters, primarily because they all seemed to have a lot of money they could pour into their work, but it was a book that made me stop and think none the less and definitely one I would recommend! (less)
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Aug 22, 2017Ivie rated it really liked it
I honestly didn't think I would like this book, but it turned out to be such a great read. The characters and their personalities were so well thought out, as well as the setting. The book shows people trying to be more like Jesus everyday for a year.

I don't like overly preachy books, but this didn't feel preachy at all. It actually showed people who make mistakes and mess up because we're human. It didn't have perfect people who never did wrong. It showed people who did wrong and either stuck ...more
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Oct 30, 2009Mike (the Paladin) rated it liked it
Again a famous read that many love. This is a pretty good book, I found it a little heavy on the legalism. I read many Christian books where in discussing Grace the writer seems to be afraid that the reader might take the proclaimation of complete grace (That we find in the Bible) for license so the "moderate" it. That happens a little here. Still, read, enjoy...understand the works we do don't earn us a place with Christ. They flow from that relationship.
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May 27, 2016Courtney rated it liked it · review of another edition
I stumbled across this title while looking through my library's audiobook collection. Immediately it brought to mind the 1970s book cover my mom had on her shelf which, naturally, made me nostalgic. I decided to give it a listen and within moments it felt like a comfort read as you know I am fond of pointed tales of extreme 19th century morality and doctrine. I felt like Anne of Green Gables reading the stories from my Sunday school serial.
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May 20, 2015Charity rated it really liked it
Finished listening to this as a book on tape. Excellent story, curious narrative style, sometimes a bit formulaic and meandering in its thought threads, but the message is a good one intended to challenge readers to take up the mantle of responsibility for interacting with others in godly compassion. Worth reading.
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Mar 28, 2018Josie rated it did not like it
Shelves: fiction, clean, books-for-school, classic, christian, 2018-reading-challenge, skimmed
If I didn't have to read this for school, I wouldn't have finished. It was hard for me to even skim.
My main issue with this book is that as Christians, we pledge to follow Jesus's steps from the day we get saved. It's not just a year-long challenge. It's something we should be (and should have been doing) every day. I won't even touch on the writing issues.
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