
[토론회] 농민주도의 에너지전환 어떻게 할것인가? -농촌 에너지전환 촉진을 위한 사회적 대화

[토론회] 농민주도의 에너지전환 어떻게 할것인가? -농촌 에너지전환 촉진을 위한 사회적 대화
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● 제목 : 농민주도의 에너지전환 어떻게 할것인가? -농촌 에너지전환 촉진을 위한 사회적 대화
● 일시 : 2021년 5월 3일(월) 오후2시~5시
● 장소 : ENA스위트호텔 남대문 3층(R.ENA 컨벤션) 
● 유튜브 중계 : 농어업·농어촌 특별위원회_농특위, 에너지전환포럼 채널
● 주최 : 대통령 직속 농특위 농어업‧농어촌탄소중립위원회, 에너지전환포럼

● 인사말씀 : 
김현권 위원장(농어업․농어촌탄소중립위원회)
박진희 공동대표(에너지전환포럼, 재생에너지 사회적대화TF 위원장)
● 좌장 : 김현권 위원장(농어업․농어촌탄소중립위원회)
● 발제
1. 지역에서 농민이 주도하는 에너지전환 방안과 농촌의 미래 - 이무진 정책위원장(전국농민회총연맹)
2. 해외 농촌주도의 에너지전환 사례와 시사점 - 박진희 교수(동국대 다르마칼리지)
● 토론
문병완 조합장(보성농협)
이도헌 위원(농어업·농어촌탄소중립위원회)
김종안 회장(지역농업네트워크협동조합연합회)
최우리 기자(한겨레 기후변화팀 팀장)
송재원 팀장(농림축산식품부 농촌재생에너지팀)

☞ 자세한 내용은 에너지전환포럼 홈페이지에서 확인하세요

알라딘: 인도의 길을 걷고 있는 예수 The Christ of the Indian Road 스탠리 존스 1926

알라딘: 인도의 길을 걷고 있는 예수

인도의 길을 걷고 있는 예수   
스탠리 존스 (지은이),김상근 (옮긴이)iN크리스토2016-11-30
원제 : The Christ of the Indian Road (1926년)



인도에서 평생을 사역한 미국인 선교사 스탠리 존스의 선교 기록이다. 1926년 영국에서 출간되자마자 공전의 베스트셀러를 기록, 세계적인 선교사와 신학자들의 운명을 바꾸어놓은 책으로 평가되며 오늘날까지 전 세계 독자들로부터 사랑받고 있는 작품이다. 진정한 선교와 전도를 위한 기독교 신앙의 교과서적인 이 책은, 기독교인이라면 반드시 지켜야 할 '스탠리 존스의 선교원칙'이 담겨있다. 인도에서 새롭게 발견되는 진정한 예수 그리스도와 만날 수 있다.

Prologue_ 문제의 정의
‘예수’가 바로 복음의 핵심
아시아인들에게 기독교 개종을 강요했던 까닭은
서구문명에는 ‘비기독교’적인 요소가 있다
기독교와 예수가 같은 존재가 아님을 발견하다

Chapter 1_ 복음의 본질은 무엇인가
왜 낮은 계층에만 전도하려는 겁니까?
너에게 준 사명을 수행할 준비가 되었느냐?
나는 ‘기독교’란 용어를 사용하지 않았다
우리는 주님을 위해 인도의 종이 되어야 한다
인도의 길을 걷고 있는 예수

Chapter 2_ 기독교 선교의 동기와 목적
서구화와 기독교는 다른 것
인도인들에 의해 새롭게 탄생하는 그리스도
‘예수 그리스도’와 같은 고귀한 사람이 되어라
인도는 스스로의 힘으로 일어서야 한다
간디에게 말해 주었던 ‘십자가 사상’이란
아직, 하나님을 만나지 못하고 있는 인도인들
크리슈나무르티와의 만남에서 다시 확인한 ‘예수’
‘선다 싱’은 “예수 그리스도이십니다”로 대답했다
“세상에 나가 복음을 전하라”는 간절한 목소리

Chapter 3_ 예수 그리스도의 도덕적ㆍ영적 우월성
겨자씨의 모습으로 지상에 임할 하나님
예수 그리스도, 그분이 바로 간디 아닙니까?
기독교인으로서 해야 할 의무
99마리의 양보다 잃어버린 한 마리 양을 찾고 계시다

Chapter 4_ 예수 그리스도는 우리가 예측할 수 없는 방법으로 오십니다 - 마하트마 간디의 경우
정치적 성공보다 더 큰 의미를 지닌 ‘실패’가 있다
《신약성서》를 꺼내 들고 연설하는 간디
감옥에 투옥될 때《신약성서》를 들고 간 인도인들
간디를 알기 전까지 기독교를 알지 못했다

Chapter 5_ 일반적인 경로를 통한 선교 - 선교사들의 헌신
민족주의운동 속으로 들어가, 예수 그리스도를 심자
정중한 예의가 무엇인지 아는 동양인들
십자가에 대해서 말씀해 주세요!
악명 높았던 ‘티푸 술탄’ 궁정에서 집회를 열다
9년 전, 존 모트 박사가 강연했던 자리에 서다
간디의 도움으로 성공리에 강연을 마치다
인도를 구세주 품안에 안기게 할 수만 있다면

Chapter 6_ 우리 앞에 놓인 심각한 선교의 장애물들
백인들이 갖는 ‘우월성’은 전혀 기독교적이지 않다
‘기독교적인 사람’이라는 말은 최상의 칭찬
기독교인이면서 전쟁을 그만두는 방법을 배우지 못했는가
인종차별적인 미국의 ‘이민법’에 대하여
백인들의 카스트제도가 더 혐오스럽다
물질주의 십자가에 못 박혀 있는 우리를 떠나지 마소서
간디의 눈에서 인도 3억 인구의 영혼을 본다

Chapter 7_ 진지한 질의응답의 시간
무엇을 말할까, 걱정하지 말아라
예수가 스스로를 ‘하나님의 아들’이라 부른 적 있는가
삶, 자체가 되기 위해 오신 예수
‘기독교인이 될 준비가 되어 있다’는 두 젊은이

Chapter 8_ 예수 그리스도를 통한 경험
내가 너에게 해 준 것이 없었느냐?
그가 원하는 것은 현자가 아니라 구원자
오직 하나님만을 위해서 기도합시다

Chapter 9_ 무엇을, 누구에게?
예수는 나누어진 바퀴의 살을 한데 묶는 중심부
기독교 중심에 “누구를 믿는가”라는 질문을 세워라
예수 그리스도, 가장 놀라운 기적
교리나 신조를 통해서는 예수를 만날 수 없다
우리에게 예수를 주십시오

Chapter 10_ 그리스도와 다른 신앙들
힌두교가 점점 죽어가고 있다
꽃을 피울 수 있는 힌두교의 5가지 씨앗
그리스도가 힌두교의 유일한 희망입니다
예수는 윤리이고 철학이며 종교이다

Chapter 11_ 확고한 예수 그리스도
증명하려 하지 않고 직접 보여주다
한 인간의 영혼이 우주의 만물보다 중요하다
신비로운 ‘종’의 모습으로 우리에게 오다

Chapter 12_ 인도인이 생각하는 예수 그리스도
예수의 삶과 가르침은 그 나라에 맞는 색채를 띤다
‘속죄’가 ‘조화’를 의미한다고 생각지 않으십니까
기독교적인 ‘박티’는 신성한 삶을 드리는 것

Chapter 13_ 인도의 예수 그리스도
우리 노동자들은 그리스도를 이해합니다
예수는 동서양의 삶을 움직이는 중심축
《신약성서》는 나의 영혼의 음식
예수와 함께 길을 걷고 있는 인도인들

옮긴이의 말

백 프로 솔직할 것. 어느 누구의 종교도 공격하지 않을 것임을 먼저 확인시켜주어라. 종교 간의 대화를 마칠 때에는 참가자들이 질문할 수 있도록 시간을 준다. 집회가 열리는 도시의 비기독교 지도인사를 집회의장으로 세운다. 기독교는 그리스도로 정의되어야 한다. 그리스도는 단순한 논쟁이 아니라 기독교적인 경험에 의해 해석되어야 한다.<... 더보기

저자 및 역자소개
스탠리 존스 (E. Stanley Jones) (지은이) 

1884년, 미국 동부의 메릴랜드주 볼티모어에서 태 어났다. 애즈베리 대학에서 졸업한 뒤, 1907년 스물넷의 나이에 미 국 감리교 선교국으로부터 인도 선교사로 파송받아 평생 사역했 다. 1920년대 초반, 그는 마하트마 간디, 타고르 등과 함께 아슈람 (Ashram) 운동에 참여했으며, 1930년대부터는 기독교 아슈람 운 동을 펼치며 간디의 정신적 지도력을 바탕으로 한 크리스타그라하 (Kristagraha) 운동을 전개했다. 그리고 1940년 미국 뉴욕 시에 할 렘 아슈람을 세우면서 그의 기독교 아슈람 운동은 인도를 넘어 미국 과 유럽 등 여러 국가들로 퍼져 나갔다.

1938년 12월 12일 자 「타임」지는 스탠리 존스를 ‘세계에서 가장 위대한 선교사’로 소개했고, 「크리스천 센츄리」는 그를 ‘가장 신뢰 받는 선교학 전문가’로, 미국의 감리교는 ‘사도 바울 이후 가장 위대 한 기독교 선교사’로 평가했다. 1961년에는 ‘간디 평화상’을 수상 했으며, 인도 독립운동과 연관된 활동과 제2차 세계대전 중에 펼친 평화활동 등으로 두 차례 노벨평화상 후보로 지명되기도 했다. 그는 철저한 복음주의자로 살면서도 열린 마음으로 인도인들에게 다가갔 으며, 그들의 문화와 전통을 존중하면서도, 유일하신 예수 그리스도의 복음을 효과적으로 전했던 인물이었다. 접기
최근작 : <어떻게 기도할 것인가>,<인도의 길을 걷고 있는 예수>,<하나님의 Yes> … 총 64종 (모두보기)

김상근 (옮긴이) 

연세대학교 신과대학 교수이며, 학장과 대학원장을 역임했다. 미국 에모리 대학을 거쳐 프린스턴 신학대학원에서 르네상스 시대의 이탈리아와 명나라 말기의 종교 교류 연구로 박사학위를 받았다. 전작 《르네상스 창조경영》과 《사람의 마음을 얻는 법》에서 창의적 사고와 르네상스 시대를 연결시켰고, 화가인 카라바조와 엘 그레코, 정치사상가인 마키아벨리의 전기를 썼다. 피렌체의 문화와 예술을 소개한 《천재들의 도시 피렌체》는 SBS 특집 다큐멘터리로 제작되었고 다수의 EBS <인문학 특강>과 <세계테마기행>, JTBC <차이나는 클라스>에 출연하여 인문학의 대중화에 기여하고 있다. 고전 독서 모임인 ‘루첼라이 정원’에서 그리스, 로마, 독일, 인도, 르네상스 시대의 고전, 유대문학과 셰익스피어의 명작을 강의하고 있다. 최근작으로는 삼성전자 권오현 회장과의 대담을 정리한 《초격차》가 있으며, '여행자를 위한 인문학' 시리즈 첫 번째 책인 《나의 로망, 로마》도 출간했다. 접기
최근작 : <삶이 축제가 된다면>,<나의 로망, 로마>,<사람다움이란 무엇인가> … 총 60종 (모두보기)

출판사 제공 책소개

전 세계 800만 부 이상 판매된 베스트셀러
미국 〈타임〉지가 선정한 ‘세계에서 가장 위대한 선교사’
스탠리 존스가 남긴 불후의 명작!
“기독교인이라면 반드시 지켜야 할 스탠리 존스의 선교원칙”
“진정한 선교와 전도를 위한 기독교 신앙의 교과서적인 책!”

이 책은 인도에서 평생을 사역한 미국인 선교사 스탠리 존스의 선교 기록이다. 1926년 영국에서 출간되자마자 공전의 베스트셀러를 기록, 세계적인 선교사와 신학자들의 운명을 바꾸어놓은 책으로 평가되며 오늘날까지 전 세계 독자들로부터 사랑받고 있는 작품이다. 진정한 선교와 전도를 위한 기독교 신앙의 교과서적인 이 책은, 기독교인이라면 반드시 지켜야 할 ‘스탠리 존스의 선교원칙’이 담겨있다. 독자들은 이 책을 읽으면서 인도에서 새롭게 발견되는 진정한 예수 그리스도와 만나게 될 것이다.

“인도의 길거리에서 만날 수 있는 예수와
갈릴리 호숫가를 거닐던 예수가 무엇이 다릅니까?
전혀 다르지 않습니다!”
인도에서 새롭게 발견되는 진정한 예수 그리스도와의 만남!

인도로 간 미국인 선교사 스탠리 존스의
새로운 깨달음과 교훈의 기록!
1907년부터 감리교 선교사로서 인도에서 사역한 스탠리 존스는 인도 선교를 통해 오히려 복음의 의미를 새롭게 깨닫게 되었고, 이 놀라운 선교 신학적 발견을 《인도의 길을 걷고 있는 예수》를 통해서 제시했다. 기독교를 전하러 갔던 미국인 선교사가 인도에서 깨달은 것은 과연 무엇일까? 예수 그리스도와 마하트마 간디를 같은 인격체로 여기는 인도인들, ‘기독교인(기독교 공동체의 일원)’과 ‘기독교적인 사람(예수처럼 생각하고 행동하는 사람)’을 구분하고, 그리하여 누군가 그들에게 ‘기독교적인 사람’이라고 불러주면 그것을 최상의 칭찬으로 여기는 인도인들, 약소국가에 항상 정복자의 모습으로 다가오는 기독교를 두고 ‘서구 문명은 바로 기독교’라 여기는 인도인들…….
이 책에서 스탠리 존스는 이러한 인도인들을 따뜻한 시선으로 바라보며 서구 문명과 백인들이 지닌 ‘우월성’이 전혀 기독교적이지 않음을 역설한다. 또한 “백인들의 카스트제도가 인도의 카스트제도보다 더 혐오스럽다”고 일침을 가하기도 한다. 간디는 스탠리 존스에게 “우선 당신네 기독교인들과 선교사들을 포함한 모든 서양인들은 오늘부터 예수 그리스도처럼 살아가도록 하십시오” 라고 충고한다. 그리고 인도인들은 말한다. “당신네 기독교인들이 진정으로 예수 그리스도와 같은 삶을 살았다면 우리 힌두교인이 기독교로 개종하는 순간은 훨씬 빨리 찾아왔을 겁니다.”
스탠리 존스는 인도인들이 기독교와 예수가 같은 존재가 아님을 발견했다는 사실에 놀라움을 금치 못한다. 그러면서 예수 그리스도에게 서구 문명, 물질주의에 만연된 서양인들을 떠나지 말아 달라고 부탁하는 장면은 인상적이다. “만약 동양인들이 예속(隸屬)의 십자가에 못 박혔다면, 우리 서양인들은 물질주의의 십자가에 못 박혀 있습니다. 우리 서양인들도 슬픔으로 가득 찬 가슴을 가지고 있습니다! 그리스도여, 우리를 떠나지 마소서!”

타고르, 선다 싱, 앤드류스, 크리슈나무르티 등
당대에 빛나는 인물들을 만날 수 있다!
1920년대 스탠리 존스는 간디, 타고르 등과 함께 아슈람(Asyuram)운동에 동참하는데, 타고르의 다음과 같은 말에서 인도의 모든 경제적 사회적 국민적 악의 뿌리가 속박받는 인도의 관습에 있음을 짐작하게 한다. “무엇이든지 인도에 도착하면, 그것은 멈춰 버립니다.” 스탠리 존스는 인도를 이러한 폐습으로부터 자유롭게 하는 최고의 방법은 예수 그리스도를 전하는 것이라고 결론짓는다.
이 책에는 당대에 활약했던 세계적인 선교사, 성자, 신학자, 문필가 등을 동시에 만날 수 있다. 윌리암 캐리, 데이비드 브레이너드, 존 파쿠하, 앤드류스, 존 모트와 같은 세계적인 선교사를 비롯하여 타고르, 선다 싱, 크리슈나무르티, 비쉬누, 라마 크리쉬나, 파라마함사, 카비르, 나낙 등과 같은 인도의 성자가 등장하며 한스 드리에쉬, 알프레드 호그, 실리, 헨리 드루몬드, 토마스 카알라일, 허버트 스펜서, 마큘레이 등과 같은 학자들이 대거 인용되며, 위티어, 매튜 아놀드, 매콜리와 같은 문필가도 다채롭게 만날 수 있다. 이들은 인도와 기독교의 본질을 제대로 이해하는 데 매우 적절한 연결고리 역할을 하고 있다. 스탠리 존스는 당대의 선교사, 학자들의 말을 인용하며 그의 폭넓고 깊이 있는 지식과 혜안으로 기독교의 본질을 꿰뚫고 있다.
‘기독교는 예수 그리스도로 정의해야 한다’, ‘성서에는 기독교(Christianity)란 용어는 존재하지 않으며, 나는 기독교란 용어를 사용하지 않았다’고 말하는 스탠리 존스와 ‘기독교는 부인하지만 예수는 인정’하는 인도인들의 생각에는 일맥상통하는 점이 있다. “인도의 길거리에서 만날 수 있는 예수와 갈릴리 호숫가를 거닐던 예수와 무엇이 다릅니까? 전혀 다르지 않습니다.” 이 같은 스탠리 존스의 말처럼, 독자들은 이 책을 읽으면서 인도에서 새롭게 발견되는 진정한 예수 그리스도와 만나게 될 것이다. 접기

Full text of "The Christ Of The Indian Road"

Full text of "The Christ Of The Indian Road"

Full text of "The Christ Of The Indian Road"
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The Christ of the Indian Road 

By E. Stanley Jones 

The Abingdon Press 

New York Cincinnati 

Copyright, 1925, by 

All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, 
including the Scandinavian 

Printed in the United States of America 

First Edition Printed September, 1925 
Reprinted October, November, and December, 1925 
January, February, March, April, and June, 1926 



Preface 1 

Preface to the Sixth Edition 3 

Introduction 7 

I. The Messenger and the Message 17 

II. The Motive and End of Christian Missions 29 

III. The Growing Moral and Spiritual Supremacy of Jesus 53 

IV. Jesus Comes Through Irregular Channels— Mahatma Gandhi’s Part 67 

V. Through the Regular Channels — Some Evangelistic Series 81 

VI. The Great Hindrance 101 

VII. The Question Hour 123 

VIII. Jesus Through Experience 138 

IX. What or Whom? 154 

X. Christ and the Other Faiths 169 

XI. The Concrete Christ 181 

XII. The Indian Interpretation of Jesus. . 189 

XIII. The Christ of the Indian Road 201 


Perhaps a few words of caution may be help- 
ful to the reader. To those familiar with India 
the title of this volume may lead the reader to 
expect the book to be what it is not — an Indian 
interpretation of Christ. It is, rather, an attempt 
to describe how Christ is becoming naturalized 
upon the Indian Road. The Indian interpre- 
tation of Christ must be left to later hands. 

To those who have no first-hand familiarity 
with conditions in India another word of caution 
may be given. The author has tried to be scrupu- 
lously careful not to overdraw the picture. He 
has let non-Christians themselves largely tell the 
story of the silent revolution in thought that is 
taking place in India. But even so, the American 
and English reader must be careful not always 
to read into the statements of the non-Christians 
the full content of his own thinking. In that 
case unwarranted implications may be drawn 
from them. 

Christian missions have come to a crisis in 
India. A new and challenging situation con- 
fronts us. If we are to meet it, we must boldly 
follow the Christ into what are, to us, untried 


paths. In any case Christian missions are but 
in their beginnings in India. With adjusted 
attitude and spirit they will be needed in the 
East for decades and generations to come. 

My thanks are due to Dr. David G. Downey, 
who, owing to my return to India, has graciously 
undertaken to read the proofs and to see the book 
through the press. 

At the request of the publishers the spoken 
style has been retained. 

The Author. 

Sitapur, U. P., India. 


Some of my readers have observed the absence 
from this book of certain notes usual in mission- 
ary textbooks. Where, they ask, are the child- 
widows, the caste system with its compart- 
mentalized and consequently paralyzed life, the 
six million sadhus roaming through India find- 
ing little and contributing less; is Hinduism 
only a philosophical system — is there not a pop- 
ular side with its 330,000,000 gods and goddesses, 
its endless pilgrimages and rapacious priests at 
each stage, its worship of demons and gods of 
questionable character; has the purdah system 
been abolished ; has the appalling illiteracy 
amounting to ninety-three per cent been wiped 
out? Have these dark lines hitherto so common 
in the picture, faded out? Is it all sweetness 
and light? 

No, these things are still there. But I have 
left them out of the picture for three reasons. 

First. India is aggrieved, and I think rightly 
so, that Christian missionaries in order to arouse 
the West to missionary activity have too often 
emphasized the dark side of the picture. What 
they have said has been true, but the picture has 
not been a true one. This overemphasis on the 
one side has often created either pity or con- 


tempt in the minds of the hearers. In modern 
jargon a superiority complex has resulted. I 
do not believe a superiority complex to be the 
proper spring for missionary activity. 

Eastern travelers in America, picking and 
choosing their facts, can make out a very dark 
picture of our civilization — the slums of our 
cities, the lynchings, divorce statistics, crime 
statistics unparalleled in other cities of the 
world, and so on. They have, in fact, done so. 
As Americans we have resented it as being an 
untrue picture. Then as Christians we should 
do unto others as we would that others should 
do unto us. 

Second. Indians themselves are now alive to 
these evils and are combating them. The impact 
of Christian ideals upon the situation has 
created a conscience in regard to these things 
and we can trust India to right them as she is, 
in fact, now doing. The fact is that racial lines 
are so drawn that India will probably deal more 
drastically with her evils if she does it from 
within than if we foreigners were always insist- 
ing upon it. As a Turkish lawyer said to us 
regarding the reforms in Turkey, “The things 
which we have done in four years no outside 
power or government could have made us do. 
We are surprised at it ourselves.” The secret 
was that they did it. 

Third. I have tried to lay the foundations for 


Christian missions deeper than upon particular 
evils found in a particular race. Taken at their 
very best, pagan men and systems in East or 
West need Christ. I have said to India very 
frankly: “I do not make a special drive upon 
you because you are the neediest people of our 
race, but because you are a member of our race. 
I am convinced that the only kind of a world 
worth having is a world patterned after the mind 
and spirit of Jesus. I am therefore making a 
drive upon the world as it is, in behalf of the 
world as it ought to be, and as you are a part of 
that world I come to you. But I would not be 
here an hour if I did not know that ten others 
were doing in the land from which I come what 
I am trying to do here. We are all in the same 
deep need. Christ, I believe, can supply that 

Another word should be added in regard to 
another seeming lack of emphasis. I have not 
emphasized the mass movement among the low 
castes because this book has been the story 
growing out of my own sphere of work. My 
work has been more connected with that mass 
movement in mind described in these pages than 
with the mass movement among the low castes. 
In spite of its obvious weaknesses and dangers 
I am deeply grateful for and rejoice in this lat- 
ter mass movement in which there is a turning 
of these dumb millions to Christ. In spite of 


statements to the contrary, this movement is 
going on with unabated force. Since my return 
to India a friend showed a petition signed with 
thumb impressions by eighteen thousand of 
these people who desired to come into the Chris- 
tian Church. But my emphasis has been upon 
what I knew best growing out of experience. 

A further word concerning the attitudes I 
find on my return after an absence of nearly two 
years from India. I find India even more open 
and responsive than when I left. The mass 
movement in mind goes on in silent but un- 
abated vigor. As the physical atmosphere be- 
comes saturated with moisture and heavy to the 
point of precipitation so the spiritual atmos- 
phere of India is becoming saturated with 
Christ’s thoughts and ideals and is heavy to the 
point of precipitation into Christian forms and 
expression. As to when that will take place 
depends upon how much Christlikeness we can 
put into the situation. As the leading Arya 
Samajist in India recently said to the writer, 
“Everything depends upon * the Christian 
Church.” It does. 

The Authob. 


Clearing the Issues 

When the early evangelists of the Good News 
were sent out on their own, they returned 
and told Jesus “what they had done and what 
they had taught.” This evangelist must add a 
third to what he has done and what he has 
taught — what he has learned. It will not be 
primarily an account of what has been done 
through him, but what has been done to him. 

Running through it all will be the perhaps un- 
conscious testimony of how, while speaking to 
India, I was led along to a simplification of my 
task and message and faith — and I trust of my 

Recently at the close of an address a friend 
remarked, “He has probably done some good to 
India, but India has certainly done a great deal 
for him.” India has. In my sharing with her 
what has been a gift to me I found that I had less 
than I thought I had — and more. 

I thought my task was more complex than I 
now see it to be; not less difficult but less com- 
plex. When I first went to India I was trying 
to hold a very long line — a line that stretched 
clear from Genesis to Revelation, on to Western 



Civilization and to the Western Christian 
Church. I found myself bobbing up and down 
that line fighting behind Moses and David and 
Jesus and Paul and Western Civilization and 
the Christian Church. I was worried. There 
was no well-defined issue. I found the battle 
almost invariably being pitched at one of these 
three places: the Old Testament, or Western Civ- 
ilization, or the Christian Church. I had the ill- 
defined but instinctive feeling that the heart of 
the matter was being left out. Then I saw that I 
could, and should, shorten my line, that I could 
take my stand at Christ and before that non- 
Christian world refuse to know anything save! 
Jesus Christ and him crucified. The sheer storm 
and stress of things had driven me to a place 
that I could hold. Then I saw that there isj 
where I should have been all the time. I saw ! 
that the gospel lies in the person of J esus, that 
he himself is the Good News, that my one task 
was to live and to present him. My task was! 

But it was not only simplified — it was vital- 
ized. I found that when I was at the place of 
Jesus I was every moment upon the vital. Here ! 
at this place all the questions in heaven and earth 
were being settled. He Avas the one question 
that settled all others. 

I still believed in the Old Testament as being 
the highest revelation of God given to the world 

before Jesus’ coming; I would inwardly feed 
upon it as Jesus did. But the issue was further 
on. A Jain lawyer, a brilliant writer against 
Christianity, arose in one of my meetings and 
asked me a long list of questions regarding 
things in the Old Testament. I replied, “My 
brother, I think I can answer your questions, 
but I do not feel called on to do so. I defined 
Christianity as Christ. If you have any objec- 
tions to make against him, I am ready to hear 
them and answer them if I can.” He replied, 
“Who gave you this authority to make this dis- 
tinction? What church council gave you this 
authority?” I replied that my own Master gave 
it to me — that I was not following a church 
council, but trying to follow him, and he himself 
had said : “Ye have heard it said of old time, . . . 
but I say unto you,” so I was simply following 
his lead, for he made his own word final even in 
Scripture. I Avas bringing the battle up from 
that incomplete stage of Revelation to the final 
— to Jesus. Revelation was progressive, cul- 
minating in him. Why should I, then, pitch my 
battle at an imperfect stage Avhen the perfect 
was here in him? My lawyer friend saw with 
dismay that a great many of his books written 
against Christianity had gone into ashes by my 
definition. They were beside the point. But the 
lawyer was not to blame for missing the point. 
Had we not often by our waitings and by our 





attitudes led him to believe that we did make the 
issue there? 

Our confusion was Peter’s confusion which 
the Father’s voice and the vision of Jesus clari- 
fied. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Moses, 
representing the law, and Elijah the prophets, 
talked with Jesus, the New Revelation. The Jew- 
ish heart of Peter wanted to keep all three, and 
put them on the same level — he wanted to build 
three tabernacles for them. A voice from the 
cloud spoke, “This is my beloved Son ; hear him” 
— the law and the prophets are fulfilled in him ; 
hear him. And when they lifted up their eyes 
they saw no man save Jesus only. He filled their 
horizon. He must fill ours. 

Again, have we not often in the past led India 
and the non-Christian world to think that our 
type of civilization in the West is the issue? 
Before the Great War was not Western greatness 
often preached as a reason for the East becoming 
Christian? This was a false trail and led us 
into many embarrassments, calling for endless 
apologies and explanations. 

There is little to be wondered at that India 
hesitates about our civilization — great and beau- 
tiful on certain sides and weak and ugly on 
others. While some of the contacts of the West 
with the East have been in terms of beautiful 
self-sacrifice and loving service, some of them 
have been ugly and un-Christian. But that we 

are not more Christian in the West is under- 
standable when we remember in what manner 
much of our Christianity was propagated in 
Europe. Many of the evils which now afflict 
the West came in with it. While it is true that 
many of the first missionaries to the European 
tribes were men of rare saintliness and self-sac- 
rifice, nevertheless Christianity was not always 
propagated by saintliness and self-sacrifice. 

Take three illustrations that may show why 
three great un-Christian things lie back in our 

All Russia became Christian with Vladimir 
the Emperor. He desired to become a Christian, 
but hesitated, for, as being beneath his dignity, 
he would not be baptized by the local clergy. 
He wanted the Patriarch of Constantinople to 
perform the ceremony — that would give the de- 
sired dignity. But to ask him to come to do it 
would be receiving a bounty at the hands of an- 
other. He decided that the only thing consonant 
with his honor would be to conquer Constan- 
tinople and compel the Patriarch to baptize him. 
He would then stand as dictator and not as 
suppliant That was actually carried out. Con- 
stantinople was captured and the Patriarch 
forced to baptize him. Thus Russia became 
Christian! Is it to be wondered at that dom- 
ination still continues in the West in spite of 
Christianity? It came in with it. 





Another. The Saxons, a warring tribe of 
Europe, were practically compelled by Charle- 
magne to become Christians. They consented on 
one condition. That condition would only be 
known at the time of their baptism. When these 
warriors were put under the water as a symbol 
that their old life was dead, they went under- 
all except their right arms. They held them out, 
lifted above their heads. These were their fight- 
ing arms. They were never Christianized! Is 
it to be wondered at that war continues in the 
West in spite of Christianity? It came in 
with it. 

Another. The Mayflower that carried the Pil- 
grim Fathers to religious liberty in America 
went on her next trip for a load of slaves. The 
good ship “Jesus” was in the slave trade for our 
fathers. Is it to be wondered at that race and 
color 'prejudice still exists in the West in spite 
of Christianity? It came in with it. 

The East feels that these things are still there. 
But standing amid the shadows of Western civ- 
ilization, India has seen a Figure who has 
greatly attracted her. She has hesitated in re 
gard to any allegiance to him, for India has 
thought that if she took one she would have to 
take both — Christ and Western civilization went 
together. Now it is dawning upon the mind of 
India that she can have one without the other— 
Christ without Western civilization. That dawn- 

ing revelation is of tremendous significance to 

them — and to us. 

“Do you mean to say,” said a Hindu lawyer 
in one of my meetings about seven years ago, 
“that you are not here to wipe out our civiliza- 
tion and replace it with your own? Do you 
mean that your message is Christ without any 
implications that we must accept Western civ- 
ilization? I have hated Christianity, but if 
Christianity is Christ, I do not see how we In- 
dians can hate it.” I could assure him that my 
message was that and only that. But this was 
seven years ago. That matter has now become 
clarified, more or less. It has become clear that 
we are not there to implant Western civilization. 

They may take as little or as much from West- 
ern civilization as they like — and there is much 
that is tremendously worth while — but we do 
not make it the issue. The fact is that if we do 
not make it the issue, they will probably take 
more from it than if we did. 

But the swift and often accurate intuitions of 
the Indian have gone further. He is making an 
amazing and remarkable discovery, namely, that 
Christianity and Jesus are not the same — that 
they may have Jesus without the system that has 
been built up around him in the West. 

A prominent lecturer, who has just returned 
from India, says that this discovery on the part 
of India of the difference between Christianity 



and Jesus “can be called nothing less than a dis- 
covery of the first magnitude.” Let it be said 
that the suggestion as to the difference is not 
new, it has been said before. But the thing that 
is new is that a people before their acceptance of 
Christianity have noted the distinction and seem 
inclined to act upon it. It is a most significant 
thing for India and the world that a great people 
of amazing spiritual capacities is seeing, with 
remarkable insight, that Christ is the center of 
Christianity, that utter commitment to him and 
catching his mind and spirit, and living his life 
constitute a Christian. This realization has 
remarkable potentialities for the future religious 
history of the whole race. 

Looking upon it in the large, I cannot help 
wondering if there is not a Providence in the fact 
that India has not accepted Christianity en 
masse before this discovery was fixed in her 
mind. If she had accepted Christianity without 
this clarification, her Christianity would be but 
a pale copy of ours and would have shared its 
weaknesses. But with this discovery taking place 
before acceptance it may mean that at this period 
of our racial history the most potentially spirit- 
ual race of the world may accept Christ as Chris- 
tianity, may put that emphasis upon it, may 
restore the lost radiance of the early days when 
he was the center, and may give us a new burst 
of spiritual power. 



For in all the history of Christianity whenever 
there has been a new emphasis upon Jesus there 
has been a fresh outburst of spiritual vitality 
and virility. As Bossuet says, “Whenever 
Christianity has struck out a new path in her 
journey it has been because the personality of 
Jesus has again become living, and a ray from 
his being has once more illuminated the world.” 
Out of a subject race came this gospel in the 
beginning, and it may be that out of another sub- 
ject race may come its clarification and revivifi- 
cation. Some of us feel that the next great 
spiritual impact upon the soul of the race is due 
to come by way of India. 

The Christ of the Indian Road: Jones, E. Stanley Amazon.com: Books

The Christ of the Indian Road: Jones, E. Stanley: 9780687063772: Amazon.com: Books

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The Christ of the Indian Road Paperback – December 1, 1925
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About the Author
Called "the world's greatest missionary evangelist" by Time magazine in 1938, E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973) spent 70 years presenting Jesus Christ as the universal Son of Man without the trappings of Western culture. His message had a life-changing impact on the millions of people who heard him speak or read his books.

Product details

Publisher : ABNDP - Abingdon Press (December 1, 1925)
Language : English
Paperback : 218 pages

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E. Stanley Jones (1884 1973) was a universally admired Christian missionary and evangelist of the 20th century. Called “the world’s greatest missionary evangelist” by TIME magazine in 1938, Jones spent 70 years traveling throughout the world. His approach to evangelism presented Christ as the universal Son of Man without the trappings of Western culture. He delivered tens of thousands of sermons and lectures, traveled 50 weeks a year, and often spoke two to six times a day. His message of the necessity of “surrender” to Jesus Christ and “Jesus is Lord” had a life-changing impact on the millions of people throughout the world who heard him speak or read his books.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect for our TimeReviewed in the United States on July 8, 2016
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In a country in which Christianity is either limp or antagonistic, Jones does a great job of reminding Christians of two central truths regarding evangelism: 1) we need to stick with the truth and proclaim the gospel without shame, and 2) we need to preach the gospel with our lives. Jones' writing is refreshing and easy to read. It is devotional and autobiographical. Seeing what God was doing in the early 20th century in India is a breath of fresh air. His affirmation of the good things that non-Christians have done as well as his criticism of the ways in which Christians have harmed their witness in India are invaluable to Christians trying to approach their culture today.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Really helpful bookReviewed in the United States on February 18, 2021
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This is a must read for thinking Christians who care about sharing their faith but are confused about the religion vs. relationship question. This book will help you understand that Jesus is above religion and relatable to any person seeking God. I buy several copies of this at a time to give away. Jones was a missionary in India who quickly learned the people were interested more in Jesus than “Western Christianity” and were open to hearing about Him. Still true today all over the world. It’s so relevant in times of division going on today. As I said, a MUST READ.

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Matt B.

5.0 out of 5 stars Buy it and read it!Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2016
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This book is amazing. Even though it was written in the early 1900's I felt like it was written this year. I love how E. Stanley Jones just keeps it simple and focuses on Jesus and does not get distracted with the things that do not really matter. This should be required reading for anyone thinking of spending anytime over seas. It is also very beneficial for us all to think about how we entangle Jesus with so many other things. You will read his journey of separating Jesus from his culture, religion, and government. You will be challenged.

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Prime Member Pat

5.0 out of 5 stars Indiands already know about Christ...Jones shares how we can impact India because we have an intimate relationship with him.Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2015
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If you are considering this book then you already know that God wants relationship rather than religion. Indians are no fools or children to be brow beat or threatened . As ES Jones makes clear westerners have a great deal to learn and offer but it must be with the humility and the intimacy of our relationship by grace through faith with God .

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Tony Jones

5.0 out of 5 stars Great book on missiologyReviewed in the United States on August 8, 2018
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There is much that can be extracted from this pivotal work regarding how to have a missional approach to the people/place God has called you too.

E. Stanley Jones taught me to bring Jesus everywhere. Make Him simple. Proclaim unadulterated. Introduce Him to and trust Him with others. Be a learner of world-views and see where Christ is looking to fulfill because all truth is God’s truth. Saturate in Him daily and let the saturation pour to the hungry souls searching for it though they don’t know it yet.

So good. Read it.

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5.0 out of 5 stars An indian example of Let's Start with Jesus by Dennis Kinlaw.Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2019
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Loved his ways of showing how the seed of Jesus planted in a culture finds expression in and through the fingerprints of God that were already present there.

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c. anderson

1.0 out of 5 stars I DID NOT RECEIVE THE BOOK I ORDERED AND WHICH YOU SAY WAS DELIVERED.Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2020
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5.0 out of 5 stars Timeless insightReviewed in the United States on June 7, 2017
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As relevant today as when it was written. So many of the issues we face today are echo's from the past. The solution remains the same. Jesus.

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Anna B.
5.0 out of 5 stars Right up to dateReviewed in the United Kingdom on June 1, 2020
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Fantastic book that speaks to us now. No outdated language or ideas. Brilliant and challenging.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in the United Kingdom on September 22, 2017
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George Joseph
5.0 out of 5 stars Very refreshingReviewed in India on November 25, 2020
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Showed me Jesus in a new light. Jesus - not Christianity! The person - not the religion! The Word truly has become Flesh!
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The Christ of the Indian Road
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The Christ of the Indian Road
by E. Stanley Jones
 4.44  ·   Rating details ·  209 ratings  ·  35 reviews

Jones recounts his experiences in India, where he arrived as a young and presumptuous missionary who later matured into a veteran who attempted to contextualize Jesus Christ within the Indian culture. He names the mistake many Christians make in trying to impose their culture on the existing culture where they are bringing Christ. Instead he makes the case that Christians learn from other cultures, respect the truth that can be found there, and let Christ and the existing culture do the rest. (less)

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Sep 20, 2019Elf rated it it was amazing
Shelves: religion
This book was written by Stanley Jones almost a 100 years ago but is both timely and contemporary. More so, it is prophetic. India has been inundated by alien forms of White, Western (American and British mostly) evangelicalism with its heavy dark tones of implicit cultural and socioeconomic (neo)imperialism for well nigh a century. Now, with the ascendance of the Hindu right-wing BJP in politics with the help of the RSS and its hydra-headed nationalistic cohorts, evangelists and missionaries, both White and indigenous, have begun feeling the heat of a a politicised populace swiftly jettisoning the ignominy of its submission to external religions like Islam and Christianity across centuries, an era that forced them to feel ashamed of a hoary religion of variety, breadth and depth like Hinduism. Pastors and churches have increasingly come under attack, by both legal and violent means, from Hindutva fanatics bent on ending conversions to Christianity across India.

How did this terrible situation come about in a land where the Christians, who form a minority of hardly 5 per cent of a billion-strong population, now see themselves as second class citizens and fear for their lives? Read Stanley Jones and you will realise that the missionaries and conversionists from the West who strode across India laid the grounds for this backlash in many ways. This is not to disparage the work of some dedicated Western missionaries in the fields of education or health or seeking to preserve Indian languages. But, to quote Shakespeare in a cliche: "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

The evil that a large chunk of white missionaries sowed in terms of despising Indian religions, culture and philosophies is being reaped by the Indian Christian community. The present government has a two-fold agenda. One is to end the flow of money from Western nations to India used to "convert" Hindus to Christianity and keeping White missionaries out as far as possible. The other is to keep the Christian community in fear and hobble indigenous evangelistic mission activities by means of weapons like anti-conversion legislation or direct force, including killings.

Stanley Jones had foresight about such developments. He understood the depth and value of the culture and philosophy of the Indian subcontinent and its people while at the same time being loyal to Jesus Christ as His disciple. Even then, in the mid-20s, he said “Christianity must be defined as Christ, not the Old Testament, not Western civilization, not even the system built around him in the West, but Christ himself, and to be a Christian is to follow him.” He wanted the people of India to have an authentic encounter with the Living Christ and for it to be interpreted in terms of an Indian Christian experience rather than through mere argument. He firmly stood against the planting in India of the kind of Christianity most Western missionaries worked towards which meant the raising up of an alien religious superstructure on the ruins of another religion.

He wrote: “I have dropped out the term “Christianity” from my announcements (it isn’t found in the Scriptures, is it?), for it had connotations that confused, and instead I have used the name of Christ..." He refused to attack Indian religions and presented Christ positively as being able to meet the needs of anyone who sought the Master's help. He refused to entertain or condone the standard white, Evangelical missionary's (and that of his Indian clones) feelings of superiority over the heathen or the pagans, "so ruinous to Christian work". Even then, he saw that “It (Christianity) must work with the national grain and not against it.”

He went one step further, as a disciple, when he asserted: "Christ must not seem a Western Partisan of White Rule, but a Brother of Men. We would welcome to our fellowship the modern equivalent of the Zealot, the nationalist, even as our Master did.”

There's much deep wisdom hidden in this book for those who would spread the authentic fragrance of Christ in India. It is a primer for all who would break the alabaster box like the sinful woman at the feet of Christ so that the entire Indian sub-continent, a big house of many nations, tribes, languages and spiritual flavours, be filled with that becoming fragrance. (less)
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Aug 16, 2011Laura rated it really liked it
Shelves: christian-based-nf, christian-based-missions, toag
Powerful stuff. Convicting read. Great reminder to keep our focus on Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Our focus is to be on Him, on the the 'who' of Christ, rather than getting sidetracked and overly caught up in the 'whats' of Christianity.

A couple quotes:
"We must call men not to loyalty to a belief, but loyalty to a Person. ...He creates belief."
"If some are afraid of what might happen if we were to give India Jesus without hard-and-fast systems of thought and ecclesiastical organization, lest the whole be corrupted, let our fears be allayed. Jesus is well able to take care of Himself."
"We who feel that we must be steadiers of the ark must remember that Jesus can take care of himself, even in moments when there seems most to fear." (pp. 166-167)

The book was written in the 1920s, so it's helpful to know that the Immigration Law that was a prominent discussion topic at the time established unequal quotas by country; the law was passed in 1924 and was basically repealed/replaced in 1965. (less)
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Adam Parker
Feb 19, 2015Adam Parker rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: christianity, favorites
There are three books which have drastically affected my daily life with profound teaching and wisdom; this book is one of them. E. Stanley Jones lays out very profound teachings in a simple way. He takes concepts I thought I've known my entire life, things I've taken for granted, and turned them on their head in a single paragraph. That could speak to the fact that I had a very weak understanding, and maybe it does, but more so, it speaks to the fact that Jones, through the Holy Spirit, taught and continues to teach through his books in a very enlightening way! Please, read this book if you are a follower of Jesus! If you aren't, read it, too! You won't walk away unchanged. (less)
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Blake Thompson
Sep 11, 2018Blake Thompson rated it really liked it
E Stanley Jones is writing from a wealth of wisdom in missions to the Hindu populations of India. I was deeply struck by his love for India and her people. As I was reading, it felt as if I was just sitting at the feet of this man as he recounted his experiences and Christ's movements in India. Super cool book. (less)
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Jenn Bettinger
May 04, 2019Jenn Bettinger rated it it was amazing
This book is definitely in my top 3! It was incredible. Written in 1925, the pages are full of profound thoughts. The entire book oozes Jesus and causes me to be all kinds of messed up - in a good way. This is a must read!
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Jan 22, 2021Jordon rated it it was amazing
Was a slow start but later couldn't put it down. Having lived in India I relate to how and why Jesus is so meangingful for the amazing people there. ...more
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Joshua Moran
Jul 04, 2017Joshua Moran rated it it was amazing
As I continue my way through the 25 Essentials list, I finally had the joy of reading Christ of the Indian Road over winter break. I owe this privilege to Eric Mingle who hooked me up with a pretty sweet copy. This was my first exposure to E Stanley Jones and his writings and I can tell you it won’t be my last.

At first glance I thought this was a book about his life but it turned out to be a book about missions. A book about Jesus. A book about taking Jesus to people and letting them accept Jesus, not Jesus and western culture. Just Jesus.

The more I think about this book, the more I like it. The more I think about what it means to take Jesus to people,to offer the Son of God and a relationship with him, the more excited I am. It also challenged me to know Jesus more. How I can I introduce someone that I don’t know? I must know Him to introduce Him. I want to do this. This book helped me think through these things and understand the figure of Jesus better because He is the God that loved the world not just western civilization.

A few quotes from the ever quotable E Stanley Jones:

Besides, let it be noted that if Christianity isn’t worth exporting it isn’t worth keeping. If we cannot share it, we cannot keep it.

Experience and expression are the two sides of the Christian life, and one cannot exist without the other. Kill either and you kill both. We have tried to get the church to realize it’s joyous privilege of soul-winning.

Jesus does not need to be protected. He needs to be presented. He protects Himself.

Check it out and let me know what you think! (less)
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Adam Gellert
Nov 26, 2017Adam Gellert rated it it was amazing
Wow! What a great book, so glad I discovered E. Stanley Jones recently! This is one of the best books I’ve ever read, with so many memorable quotes that I felt like I was marking up every page. I was also amazed that so many issues he writes about in 1925 are relevant to today, like racial divides and immigration policy - it makes me realize we haven’t grown much as a society. E. Stanley Jones also emphasizes the need to keep it simple when going to other countries with the message of Christ, and let Him do the rest. Go out and get this book! (less)
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Bryan Neuschwander
Sep 28, 2017Bryan Neuschwander rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
What a hope saturated read! Jones seems to have deeply known the person of Jesus--the book practically oozes the gracious spirit of the King. This is a profound, mature, and lively reflection on learning to love and live across culture and religion in the way of Jesus. Highly recommend.
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Jan 22, 2018Rebecca rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I am somewhat stunned by how well written and thoughtful this book is, given that it was written in 1925. He records talking with Gandhi many times, and thinks of his campaign as a noble failure, which, of course, is what it was in 1925. Though his vocabulary of Christianization is not going to read well, his sense that Indian people should be encouraged to accept Jesus without the accompanying burden of Christianity as the west has practiced it is well thought through, especially for the time in which it was written. (less)
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Tony Noel
Aug 08, 2018Tony Noel rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Great book on missiology

There is much that can be extracted from this pivotal work regarding how to have a missional approach to the people/placed God has called you too.

E. Stanley Jones taught me to bring Jesus everywhere. Make Him simple. Proclaim unadulterated. Introduce Him to and trust Him with others. Be a learner of world-views and see where Christ is looking to fulfill because all truth is God’s truth. Saturate in Him daily and let the saturation pour to the hungry souls searching for it though they don’t know it yet.

So good. Read it. (less)
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Nov 28, 2020Ron rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Jones describes beautifully what in the Indian culture I was only beginning to see during my time in India. He writes that we need to let Christ be the head of the church rather than exporting Western Christianity to a different culture. He tells of the concept of "Bhakti" inherent to the Indian of giving oneself in total devotion to another; as we are called in our relationship with Jesus Christ. I remember speaking with an Indian man while in India who spoke of that concept as what India can offer uniquely to Christianity. And now, I find myself envious of that openness to God. (less)
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Matthew Showman
Jun 24, 2017Matthew Showman rated it it was amazing
Shelves: 2017-books
I loved it. I loved it. I loved it.
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Jeannie Marie
Jun 20, 2018Jeannie Marie rated it it was amazing
One of my favorite books of all time. Mind-shifting. It changed my world view about Jesus and freed me up to just offer Jesus to my friends and not a religion.
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Oct 19, 2020Mike rated it it was amazing
My favourite of a number of Jones' books. ...more
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Cassian Lynne
Dec 14, 2020Cassian Lynne rated it really liked it
Some excellent and beautiful illustrations of who Jesus is! And in spite of a publishing date of 1927, modern key topics and questions are addressed.
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Nov 04, 2013John rated it really liked it
E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973) was a Methodist missionary from the U.S. who served primarily in India. This book, his first, was written in 1925. It seems remarkably contemporary, although Christians reading it today might feel a little less optimistic than Jones did then.
His overall thesis, as I understood it, is that he didn't come to India to bring Western civilization, or even to bring Christianity, but to bring Christ. His respect for the people of India and for their beliefs is apparent throughout.
Although this remains primarily a book for those of us who are interested in Christian missions, the historical backdrop is interesting because of course at the time India was still under the dominion of Great Britain. Jones felt that needed to change for the West to have any relevance in India.
Jones was a contemporary and friend -- and eventually a biographer -- of Mahatma Gandhi, and the chapter on Gandhi is particularly interesting.
But the whole book is inspirational, powerful and oh so reasonable.
Here are a few excerpts:

Christ must be in an Indian setting. It must be the Christ of the Indian Road.
... we are not measuring ourselves by ourselves, but in the white light of the person of Jesus.
We announce that we believe that we have discovered the center of this moral and spiritual universe -- the person of Jesus. That causes confusion and upset. But when men once find that center they find that an orderly spiritual universe comes out of chaos. But we do not impose it upon men, we share it with them.
He and the facts not only command us to go, but he, standing in the East, beckons us to come. He is there -- deeply there, before us. We not only take him; we go to him.
If Christ is in this, I do not see how we can be out of it.
I have had no plans that I was not ready to scrap, if they did not seem to be vital, or did not work. There was one concern and one only: how could I help India to see in Jesus what I saw.
... if the East is crucified on a cross of servitude, we are being crucified on a cross of materialism. We both need thee -- desperately.
I said, "Mahatma Gandhi, I am very anxious to see Christianity naturalized in India, so that it shall be no longer a foreign thing identified with a foreign people and a foreign government, but a part of the national life of India and contributing its power to India's uplift and redemption. What would you suggest that we do to make that possible?" He very gravely and thoughtfully replied: "I would suggest first, that all of you Christians, missionaries and all, must begin to live more like Jesus Christ."
... we are inoculating the world with a mild form of Christianity, so that now it is practically immune against the real thing.
We should be grateful for any truth found anywhere, knowing that it is the finger post that points to Jesus, who is the Truth.
To lose one's temper would be to lose one's case, for we are not there to win arguments, but to win men.
In my ministry I was to be not God's lawyer, but his witness. That would mean that there would have to be living communion with Christ so that there would always be something to pass on.
They forget many, if not most, of my arguments, but they bring up this matter of experience again and again. It grips.
If the emphasis in our approach to Christianity is "What?" then it is divisive, but if the emphasis is "Whom?" then we are drawn together at the place of this Central Magnet.
Every nation has its peculiar contribution to make to the interpretation of Christianity. The Son of man is too great to be expressed by any one portion of humanity. Those that differ from us most will probably contribute most to our expression of Christianity.
How is it possible to limit or demarcate the lines of the Kingdom any more? He steps beyond them, and shocked and frightened like the Pharisees of other days we stand and wonder how far he will go in his warm sympathy and understanding. He eats with publicans and sinners and with the Hindu too.

I wish the publishers had included a biographical note, although that's found easily enough on Google.
Most of the books I read are borrowed from the library, but I'm glad I bought this one. I already want to read it again. (less)
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Richard Bartholomew
Jun 03, 2012Richard Bartholomew rated it liked it
Shelves: missionaries, christianity-in-asia
E. Stanley Jones has sometimes been dubbed the "Billy Graham of India" for his evangelism in that country; however, the evidence of The Christ of the Indian Road suggests that Jones was a man of broader experience and imagination than Graham. While remaining true to his evangelical experience, Jones had friends and associates among the Hindu intelligentsia – particularly M. K. Gandhi – and appreciated the need for Christianity to be interpreted by Indians within an Indian context, rather than conflated with Western civilization and imposed from the outside. Jones explains that Hindu intellectuals are increasingly coming to appreciate the significance of Christ and the problems with Hinduism, and that this would lead to a Christian future for India: "The Greeks were the brain of Europe and did its philosophic thinking, just as the Hindus are the brain of Asia and have done the philosophic thinking for Asia… Jesus stood midway between the Greeks and the Hindus…"

This is not, though, itself an intellectual volume: it is based on a series of addresses given in the USA in 1925-6, and "at the request of the publishers the spoken style has been retained". Much of the book consists of rapid-fire observations that range from the insightful to the glib (the above quote has something of both), and his argument depends to a large extent on the piling up of anecdotes. At the heart of the book is the notion of Jesus as "Personality", with a capital "P", whom Jones pitches with old-time sawdust enthusiasm ("there is literally non on else on the field and nothing else on the horizon"). His approach made me think of "Jesus Plus Nothing", a phrase associated with the Fellowship, and it is worth noting that Jones was also an associate of Abraham Vereide.

One chapter deals with "the Great Hindrance" to evangelism: western racism. This prompts one of the strangest passages in the book:
At question time a voice came out of the back of the crowd, "What do you think of the KKK?" This was about four years ago, when I had scarcely heard of the Klan myself. But here in the backwater of India, a place where I thought the least from the outside would penetrate, the loud speaker was speaking and was embarrassing our witness and message. I have many fine friends in the Klan, and they are sincere and earnest, but since they are a religious organization and have the cross at the center of their gatherings, their racial attitudes are a decided embarrassment to us.
The book also includes an amusing assessment of Krishnamurti:
I had a long interview with him, found him of average intelligence, of rather lovable disposition, of mediocre spiritual intuitions, and heard him swear in good, round English! I came away feeling that if he is all we, as a race, have to look to in order to get out of the muddle we are in, then God pity us.
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Jim Dressner
Jun 21, 2014Jim Dressner rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: non-fiction, spiritual
This book, published in 1925, is both dated and surprisingly fresh. E. Stanley Jones seems remarkably free of the standard colonial mindset and lavishes much praise for many aspects of the Indian cultural genius. This book communicates his passion to have Jesus understood not from a Western point of view but rather from an Indian point of view, and expresses his view that this Indian understanding would enrich the global church's understanding of Jesus. This is now standard mission thinking--however imperfectly realized--but probably seemed radical at the time.

Jones' expressed optimism about Jesus' teaching becoming accepted widely all across India; I suspect he would be discouraged that respect for Jesus has not led to more followers of Jesus. It is disappointing to think of the lost opportunities and potential. Jones also projected the decline of Hinduism; I kept wondering how he would view the rise of Hindu nationalism and the recent electoral victory of the BJP.

The book is a surprisingly easy read, and has nuggets of wisdom that apply broadly to believers anywhere. I was particularly struck by the chapter entitled "The Concrete Christ"; while it didn't particularly fit the logical flow of the book, Jones made an interesting case for Jesus acting and teaching in strong, specific "concrete" ways. (less)
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Kathleen Dixon
Jan 06, 2010Kathleen Dixon rated it it was ok
Shelves: 100, religion-and-spirituality
This book was published in 1925, and the author of this book had been a missionary in India for many years He felt himself to be a part of the country. By his account he was highly successful in introducing Christ to India - because he didn't attempt to spead Western Christianity, but to witness to the Christ himself. In the words of 100CBCC 100 Christian Books That Changed the Century, he 'questioned stardard missionary procedure as well as British colonialism,' and that this 'was a key book in preparing the way for the future (p.47)'.

For a man of his time he was quite remarkable, though he was still limited by his need to proclaim Jesus as the Only Way. Still, if he had moved further he would then have been completely lost to the Christianity of the time and would thus have had little influence. So I would say that the seeds he planted (e.g. his praise of Gandhi, and his call for people to interpret Christ within their own context) proved ultimately fruitful. Though it took a long time, there has been some excellent, recent scholarship on the culturally interpreted Christ. JOnes would be pleased. (less)
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Mar 17, 2014Doug rated it really liked it
This book is truly eye opening. Jones was a missionary to India for many years, and during that time he was compelled to think about the message of Christ over and against the idea of Christ as propagated in the United States. Much of the book is dated with events and illustrations from his life, but it also contains some deep metaphysical reflection on the exclusivity of the Christian faith. Jones was not given to criticizing other faiths (and is helpful in this regard), but he never sacrificed his belief that Jesus is the only true hope for the world. He wanted to shake (burn) the chaff from the wheat, to use a biblical metaphor, and in this regard the book is a good teacher. It helps us to focus on the Christ of the Bible, not the Christ who has frequently been reinterpreted in light of modern sensibilities. (less)
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Dec 29, 2013Diane rated it it was amazing
Written during the 1920s by an American missionary to India, this book discusses his experiences on the sub-continent, as well as the progress that Christianity had made with the Indians so far. The author does a good job of explaining India's particular religious genius, and how it can mix with Christianity. His theology is obviously orthodox, but he also includes many thoughtful reflections on the nature of Christ, and how to introduce Christ to a non-Christian society. (less)
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Oct 07, 2014Josiah rated it really liked it
Shelves: 2014, asia, christian, non-fiction
Excellent excellent book. Christianity above all revolves around the person of Jesus Christ--not on Western church traditions or colonial mindsets. Jones ably and creatively shows how Jesus is taking hold of the lives of Indians in the early 20th century, and hammers the truth that all Jesus-followers must continue to focus on the life and person of Jesus.
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Scott Ray
Aug 05, 2011Scott Ray rated it it was amazing
Written originally in the 40s? Yet still very valid today. What we should always remember is that we are to talk about Christ above all. This is more important than trying to impose culture or what we would like to see....we are to talk Christ above all.
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Luís Alexandre Ribeiro Branco
Jan 11, 2014Luís Alexandre Ribeiro Branco rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: lidos-em-2013
I read this book while I was serving as a missionary in India many years ago. For me is the best Christian book to help missionaries planning to serve in India. More than that it is a wonderful Chistology book.