
A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self | DailyOM

A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self | DailyOM:


A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self


Gaining a better understanding of how you became who you are today can be a wondrous journey of self-discovery. By thoughtfully remembering your beautiful experiences, both positive and negative, you will find deeper understanding and begin to more fully live the authentic life you desire. By mining past experiences and inner wisdom, you'll finally be able to answer that question we all want to know: Who am I?

Tell Your Story and Discover Who You Are

This 52-week course by best-selling author and writing mentor, Rachel Astor, will allow you to explore a fuller, richer understanding of yourself and what makes you tick, all while recording and documenting your thoughts and experiences. This no-pressure course for novices and seasoned writers works whether you love deep emotional contemplation, want to express your comedic shenanigans, or wish to leave a legacy. Most importantly, you will tell your story.

What is included in this course:
52 lessons (1 per week) to help you uncover the truth of your experiences and memories.
Each lesson focuses on a specific life topic and includes teaching and thought-provoking writing prompts and questions to inspire you.
A deeper understanding of yourself and your truth.
How to use writing as a tool for forgiveness and healing of the past by gaining new perspectives.

Who should take this course:
Those who know they have stories to tell but don't know where to start.
Anyone who always wanted to write their life story but never found the time.
People who love short stories and essay collections.
Anyone looking for a creative or emotional outlet.
Seekers who want to get to know themselves better.
Individuals who want to begin a writing or journaling practice.
Anybody looking for greater well-being through self-expression.

With the tools learned in this course you will complete a collection of personal essays that you can use however you like: as a private, introspective experience for yourself, as a record for your family, or perhaps to publish and share with the world. No matter where you are on your journey, it's time to invest in you, to gift yourself this magical year, to find your truth and find yourself.

What People Are Saying About This Course

"I love this course, it has inspired and motivated me to get moving! I always have great ideas for writing but never had the map to get on with it. I sincerely appreciate this course. Thank you so much, Rachel." -Janet

"I can't believe how fast and easy the words flowed!" -Tonya

"I find myself coming to work on this course some every day. The motivation to write every day alone makes the course worth the price, the time and the effort. It's been a long time since I have been this consistent in writing." -Mark

"I loved the first lesson and I have a personal story that has hindered my life that I was finally able to put down on paper and get started writing about." -Meredith

"I enjoyed these writing assignments, reliving precious moments, and discovering the self long forgotten." -Susie

"I joined this course to encourage me to stick with my writing project. I am grateful to have a forum to hold myself accountable and cheer each other on! The questions help me to focus - which is my greatest obstacle!" -Laura

About Rachel Astor

USA Today and Amazon best-selling author, Rachel Astor, has written over 20 novels for adults and kids (under various pseudonyms and publishing umbrellas including Harper Collins, Entangled Publishing, and Audible). Wellness and emotional health through writing are her passion, and play a significant role in her work as editor, mentor, and coach for authors of all genres.
How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every week for 52 weeks (total of 52 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift

As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Rachel Astor that we think you might be interested in.

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We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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한국교회와 죽음의 그림자 < 박충구의 이제는 바꿔야 할 교회 윤리 < 연재 < 기사본문 - 뉴스앤조이

한국교회와 죽음의 그림자 < 박충구의 이제는 바꿔야 할 교회 윤리 < 연재 < 기사본문 - 뉴스앤조이

한국교회와 죽음의 그림자
[이제는 바꿔야 할 교회 윤리] ①저항과 비판이라는 생명력
기자명 박충구  승인 2017.01.09 20:51 
SNS 기사보내기SNS 기사보내기페이스북(으)로 기사보내기 트위터(으)로 기사보내기 카카오스토리(으)로 기사보내기 카카오톡(으)로 기사보내기 네이버밴드(으)로 기사보내기바로가기 메일보내기 복사하기 본문 글씨 줄이기 본문 글씨 키우기

종교개혁 500주년을 맞아 기독교윤리학적 관점에서 교회 개혁의 과제를 생각해 보는 격주 연재 칼럼을 마련했다. 1월부터는 박충구 교수가 필진으로 참여한다. 박충구 교수는 감신대 교수(기독교윤리학)로 25년 동안 재직했으며, 현재 생명과평화연구소 소장으로 저술과 강연 활동을 하고 있다. 주요 저서로는 <기독교윤리사>(대한기독교서회) 3부작, <종교의 두 얼굴>(홍성사) 등 다수가 있다. - 편집자 주
권위가 작동하는 두 방식
미국 백악관에서 오바마 대통령이 백악관 청소부와 친구처럼 서로 손바닥을 부딪치며 하이파이브하는 모습을 본 적이 있다. 박근혜 정권의 장관이나 수석비서관이 대통령 앞에서 두 손을 얌전히 모으고 긴장하며 서 있는 모습에 익숙한 우리의 관점에서 보면 참으로 신기한 장면이 아닐 수 없었다. 세계 제1의 강국이라 할 수 있는 미국 대통령의 권위와 나라가 분단된 나라의 대통령의 권위 행태는 왜 이렇게 다른 것일까? 한편이 평등주의적이며 합리적인, 탈권위주의적 성격을 가진다면 다른 편은 불평등한, 비합리적인 권위주의의 성격이 짙어 보였다.

권력을 가진 이는 중대한 일을 결정할 권한을 가진다. 권한을 행사하는 힘이 권위라면, 특정한 집단이 내리는 중요한 결정과 그 과정에서 우리는 그 집단이 지닌 권위에 대한 이해 방식을 파악할 수 있다. 권력 행사에 있어서 합리적 권위가 존중되는 민주적 방식과 비합리적 권위가 행사되는 전근대적 방식은 매우 다르다.

민주적 방식에서는 옳고 그름에 대한 토론 문화가 수용될 수 있음으로, 토론을 허용하지 못하는 권위주의적 방식보다 더 좋은 결론에 이를 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 반면 전근대적 권위주의적 방식에서는 권력에 대한 비판과 저항 대신 굴종과 아부의 문화가 형성되기 쉽다. 따라서 권위주의가 판치는 사회에서는, 민주 사회와 달리 비판과 저항을 통한 변화와 개혁의 지평이 폐쇄된다.

전근대적 세계에서 근대 세계로 넘어오면서 진보된 사회는 신분과 권력 세습의 특권을 폐지했다. 권력을 가진 이가 다른 이의 사상의 자유와 인간으로서의 권리를 자의적으로 재단했기 때문이다. 민주 사회는, 권력자의 독단보다는 토론을 통하여 다수의 지혜를 모으는 합의 가능성을 인정하는 사회다.

그러나 전근대적 습성에 젖어 신분적 특권을 지속시키려는 이들은 여전히 우리 사회 곳곳에서 민주 사회의 걸림돌로 기능하고 있다. 기회주의적으로 근대적인 권력 세습, 재산 세습, 그리고 심지어 교회 세습을 도모하며 이를 당연시하는 이들이다.

권위주의가 불러온 폐단
전근대의 유산인 세습 문화가 지속되고 있는 까닭은 공적인 권력과 권위를 쉽게 사유화하는 전근대적 습성 때문이다. 공과 사를 구분하지 못하여 권력을 쉽게 사유화할 수 있는 사회는 권력 세습을 허용하는 사회가 될 수밖에 없다. 재산을 사유화할 수 있는 사회에서는 재산을 세습한다. 마찬가지로 교회 권력을 사유화할 수 있는 교회는 세습된다. 공적 세계의 사유화는 권위의 사유화라 할 수 있는 권위주의와 밀접히 관련된다.

전근대 세계에서는 권력과 권위가 혈연을 통하여 무비판적으로 세습될 수 있었다. 하지만 민주 사회에서의 권력의 사유화나 세습은 마땅히 불가능한 것이어야 한다. 민주 사회에서는 권력이란 그 본질이 공적인 것이며, 국민이 공직자에게 제한적으로 위임한 것이기 때문이다. 당연히 교회도 사유화될 수 없다. 하나님의 백성으로 이루어진 공교회(公敎會)로서의 성격이 원래 교회의 본질이기 때문이다.

하지만 사유화할 수 없는 것을 버젓이 사유화하는 병폐가 우리 사회에 엄연히 존재하고 있다. 박근혜 정권의 위기 역시 이런 병폐가 초래한 결과다. 국민에 의하여 선출된 대통령이 민주적 원칙을 무시하고 권력을 사유화했고, 국가의 중대사를 헌법 정신이 아닌 자의를 앞세워 권위주의적으로 결정해 왔기 때문이다.

민주적 사회의 기본인 헌법 정신을 버리고 자의를 유통시키는 권위주의 정권은 부패할 수밖에 없다. 중차대한 국가적 사안에 대하여 대통령의 주장에 합리적 비판이나 이의를 제기할 경우 그에게 밉보여 즉각 관직에서 퇴출당하는 사례를 번번이 경험한 각료나 비서관들은 아마도 대통령의 권위나 심사를 건드리지 않는 것이 관료로서 장수하는 비결이라고 생각한 것 같다. 이런 정권에서 어찌 보다 나은 대한민국을 위한 비판과 저항, 그리고 책임 있는 토론이 가능했겠는가?

이런 현상은 우리나라 최고의 권력 집단 속에서도 권위에 대한 전근대적인 이해가 여전히 극복되지 못하고 있다는 증거다. 민주 사회는 신분제와 특권을 인정하지 않는 평등주의를 전제한다. 따라서 특권의 세습은 민주 사회에서 용인되어서는 안 된다. 하지만 우리 사회에서는 권력의 세습, 재벌의 세습, 심지어 교회 세습까지 정당화하거나 당연시하는 전근대적 풍조가 넘쳐 나고 있다.

나는 이런 풍조의 산실이 바로 전근대적인 권위주의 행태라고 생각한다. 권위주의가 팽배한 세상에서는 공공의 영역이 손쉽게 사유화되고, 심지어 세습까지 이루어진다. 이런 세상에서는 합리적 비판과 토론의 검증 문화가 차단되고 권력자의 특권을 강화해 주는 일사불란한 상명하복의 질서가 형성된다. 이렇게 되면 권력자의 자의적(恣意的) 욕망이 필연적으로 법질서를 유린하게 되는 것이다.

오늘날 많은 이들이 우리 사회가 상당 부분 근대화되고, 민주화되었다고 말하고는 있지만 우리가 가지는 관계망의 실상에서는 전근대적인 가치 구조가 여전히 위력을 발휘하고 있다. 유구한 전통을 가진 이화여자대학교에서도 교육법과 대학 규정을 무시하는 권위주의적 행태가 암암리에 유통되었으니 다른 대학들은 어떠하겠는가?

생명력 파괴하는 권위주의
정치권력에 비하여 상대적으로 언론의 감시와 비판에서 벗어나 있는 종교계는 어떠할까? 오늘날 권위주의적인 목사들이 지배하는 목회 현장에서 그들의 천박한 비리를 찾는 일은 너무나 쉬운 일이다. 이렇듯 공적 권위를 부여받은 이가 법과 원칙을 무시하고, 자의에 따라 특권을 유통시키는 비리는 청와대만이 아니라 대학 사회에서도, 종교 공동체 안에서도 만연해 있다.

권위주의의 폐해는 악성 박테리아처럼 국가 사회나 대학 사회, 그리고 종교 공동체를 부패시킨다. 무엇보다도 권위주의는 무능하고 부도덕한 자에게도 권력을 행사할 수 있는 무비판 지대를 형성해 줄 수 있기 때문이다. 각료들과 대면하여 토론할 능력이 없는 대통령도 그의 권위에 맹종하는 무리들에 의하여 얼마든지 옹립될 수 있었던 이유다. "자리가 사람을 만든다"는 속설은 권위주의 사회의 허상을 잘 드러내 주는 말이다.

하지만 무능한 자에게 권위를 옷 입혀 주고 그의 자의에 의하여 중요한 사안들이 결정되는 집단의 운명은 오래잖아 절체절명의 위기에 처하게 되어 몰락할 수밖에 없다. 더 나은 것을 위한 저항과 비판을 거부하며 토론 능력을 결여한 집단이 어찌 이 시대를 뛰어넘는 생명력을 가질 수 있겠는가?

지금 우리나라는 최순실에 휘둘린 박근혜 정권의 배후에서 저질러진 무수한 비리로 인한 위기를 직면하고 있다. 최순실의 수하에서 묵종하던 관료들과 대학 총장, 그리고 교수들부터 시작하여 심지어 이 나라 최고 통치자인 대통령에 이르기까지, 지위를 박탈당하고 법의 심판을 받아야 할 처지에 놓인 것이다.

이런 국가적 수치를 초래케 한 것은 바로 대통령의 권위주의적 행태 때문이다. 그간 박근혜 정부 안에서는 비판과 저항의 검증 과정을 거부하고 합리적 토론 절차를 생략한 상명하달의 수직적 명령 체계와 이에 대하여 맹종하는 체제만 작동하고 있었던 까닭이다. 이런 체제는 사실 대통령이 누구인가와는 아무런 상관이 없다. 대통령 자리에 최순실이 들어앉아 지배 조종해도 그 권위주의적 통치 체제는 수년간 무비판적으로 지속될 수 있었기 때문이다.

나는 박근혜 정권의 위기를 바라보면서, 이것이 권위주의적 목사의 자리를 그의 자식이 세습해 주어도 아무런 이상 없이 굴러가는 교회의 현실과 겹쳐져 있다는 생각을 하게 되었다. 박정희의 후광을 입고 대통령이 된 박근혜와 아비의 후광을 입고 교회를 세습한 자식은 정말 닮은꼴이지 않은가? 권위주의적 목사의 지배와 그에 맹종하는 무리들로 이루어진 교회와 권위주의적 대통령과 그에게 맹종하는 관료들로 이루어진 정권은 정말 닮은꼴이다. 박근혜의 권위주의적 통치 체제의 손발이 되어 무비판적인 맹종과 칭송의 송가를 불렀던 주요 인물들이(황교안, 서창원, 이정현 등) 기독교인이라는 사실은 우연이 아니다.

인간의 자유와 평등과 권리를 존중하는 민주 사회에서 권위주의는 우리의 인간다움을 파괴하는 사회악의 근원이다. 권위주의는 필경 인간과 인간 사이에서 형성되어야 할 평등한 관계를 거부하고 보편적인 인간의 권리를 무시하는 억압적 행태를 결과한다. 그 대표적인 사례가 바로 박근혜 정권의 문화계 인사 블랙리스트 작성 사건이다.

문학과 예술적 상상력이 그 생명력을 유지하는 비결은 현실을 뛰어넘으려는 비판과 저항의 정신에 있다. 하지만 박근혜 정권은 문학과 예술의 생명력을 이해하고 소화해 낼만한 철학조차 지니지 못했다. 오히려 그 생명력을 억압하기 위하여 블랙리스트를 만들고 국가의 지원을 차단함으로써 그들의 문학과 예술혼을 고사(枯死)시키려 했던 것이다.

이렇듯 권위주의 정권은 저항과 비판의 생명력을 파괴하는 죽음의 문화를 확산시키는 것이다. 이러한 죽임의 문화의 수족이 된 이들이 바로 전근대적 질서 속에서 상명하복에 명을 걸고 살아온 군 출신과 정치 검사들이었다. 이들은 서열적 질서 속에서 저항과 비판의 생명력, 그리고 합리적 토론의 여백을 이해하지 못한다.

박근혜 정권에 나타난
기독교의 죽음
지난 늦가을부터 전국적으로 타오르기 시작한 촛불은 우리 사회의 고질적인 병폐인 군왕적 대통령에 의한 권위의 오남용에서 빚어진 부정부패에 대한 저항과 비판의 정신을 담고 있다. 부패한 현실을 거부하고 보다 나은 세상을 바라는 우리의 희망 속에 타오르는 촛불에는 그릇된 것을 거부하는 힘, 곧 생명력이 담겨 있다.

일부 정치가들은 대통령제 자체가 군왕적 대통령을 낳는다고 주장하고 있지만, 사실 인과관계가 꼭 그렇지만은 않다. 권력의 의무와 한계를 명시하고 있는 민주주의에 대한 확고한 신념이 결여된 사람이 최고 권력자가 되어 주어진 권력과 권위를 무책임하게 남용하거나 오용해도 이에 비판을 제기하거나 저항하지 못하는 문화가 문제의 중심이다. 이런 그릇된 체제를 유지시켜 온 것이 바로 전근대적인 권위주의 문화이며, 기독교는 일면 이런 권위주의 문화라는 악성 박테리아를 키워 온 숙주 중 하나다. 그러므로 우리 사회에서 권위주의 문화를 청산하지 않고서는 보다 나은 정치를, 보다 나은 종교를 기대하기 어렵다. 나는 우리 사회 정치 영역이나 교육 영역, 그리고 종교 영역에서 보수나 진보를 막론하고 상당한 지위가 부여되어 특정한 권위를 행사하는 이들 중 자신에게 주어진 권위를 민주적으로 이해하는 이들이 얼마나 될 것인지 의문을 가지고 있다.

그렇다면 한국교회는 어떠할까? 교회의 자락을 조금만 들추어 보면, 국가 사회나 대학 사회보다 더 깊이 곪아 있는 권위주의적 습성과 불투명한 행태들이 교회에 만연하다는 현실을 부정하기 어렵다. 종교는 관료적 권위를 행사하는 국가 사회나 진리 탐구의 자리로 간주되는 대학과는 달리 특정한 영적 권위를 행사한다. 그러므로 종교적 권위는 강제력을 행사하는 국가권력에 비하여 비폭력적이어야 하고, 진리 탐구의 합리성에 기반한 대학 사회의 권위를 초월하는 영성적 특성을 가져야 한다. 국가 사회의 권위가 법치에 예속되고, 대학 사회의 권위는 합리적 지성에 예속되어야 한다면, 종교 집단의 권위는 양심과 영성의 깊이에 의존하는 것이다.

전통적인 언어를 빌린다면, 정치와 대학은 속(俗)의 아름다움으로서 정의와 진리를 위해 봉사하고, 종교는 영성적 아름다움으로서 사랑과 구원을 위해 봉사한다. 따라서 신학자들은 종교가 성성(聖性)을 견지할 수 있을 때 비로소 그 종교가 참된 종교가 될 수 있다고 생각했다. 성성은 결코 회칠한 무덤 같은 권위주의를 옷 입지 않는다.

따라서 종교의 본질은 속성(俗性)과 구별되는 성성(聖性)에 있다. 그런데 만일 종교가 그릇된 욕망을 향한 저항과 비판의 생명력을 상실하여 성(聖)과 속(俗)이 전혀 차이가 없다면, 아니 성과 속이 뒤바뀌어 전도(顚倒)되어 있다면 그것은 무엇을 의미하는 것일까? 그것은 바로 속된 종교, 종교의 죽음을 의미한다. 권위주의를 옷 입고 있는 종교는 생명력을 상실한 죽음의 종교, 예수가 말했던 회칠한 무덤 같은 종교다. 내가 박근혜 정권의 위기에서 한국 기독교의 죽음의 그림자를 보는 이유다.

미완으로 끝난 투투 대주교의 진실과화해위원회 | 한경닷컴

미완으로 끝난 투투 대주교의 진실과화해위원회 | 한경닷컴
미완으로 끝난 투투 대주교의 '진실과화해위원회'
입력 2021.12.26

자백 통한 사면으로 용서와 치유 추구…흑인정권, 위원회 권고사항 이행 미흡
미완으로 끝난 투투 대주교의 '진실과화해위원회'


남아프리카공화국 인권운동의 얼굴 데스몬드 투투 명예 대주교의 별세와 함께 그가 생전에 이끌었던 진실과화해위원회(TRC)의 성과와 한계도 함께 조명됐다.

1996∼1998년 활동한 TRC는 우리나라에서 반민주적 인권유린과 의문사 사건 등을 조사하기 위해 2005년 출범해 현재 제2기로 활동 중인 진실·화해를 위한 과거사 정리위원회에도 영감을 줬다.

TRC는 아파르트헤이트(흑인차별정책)를 무자비하게 집행한 백인 소수정권의 가해자들과 고문 피해자, 실종자 가족 등이 당시의 인권유린을 고백하고 참상을 증언하는 자리였다.

TRC 위원장을 지낸 투투 대주교는 나중에 7권 분량의 TRC 보고서에서 "희생자들이 자신의 트라우마를 국민과 나누는 공간"이라고 적었다
2차대전 전범들을 단죄한 뉘렘베르크 재판과 달리 투투 대주교와 14인의 동료 위원들은 사람들이 저지른 행동의 도덕성을 판단하기 위한 것이 아니라 국가적 치유와 화해, 용서를 위한 부화(incubation) 역할을 하기 위해 모였다는 것이다.

끔찍한 폭력을 저질렀던 아파르트헤이트 정권의 하수인들은 위원회에 출석해 자신들의 행위를 고백하는 대가로 사면을 받았다.

미완으로 끝난 투투 대주교의 '진실과화해위원회'

투투 대주교는 이에 대해 많은 관찰자와 피해자들이 삼키기 힘든 약이었지만 정의를 인과 응보적이고 처벌적인 면에서만 봐서 그렇다고 설명했다.

그는 "다른 종류의 정의가 있다.

회복적 정의가 그것으로 처벌에 관심을 두기보다는 치유, 조화, 화해로 불균형을 시정하고 깨어진 관계를 복원하는 것"이라고 설명했다.

그는 대가를 지불해야 사면을 얻게 돼 있다면서 화해와 용서는 전면 폭로를 통해서만 이뤄지질 수 있다고 말했다.

그는 "아무리 고통스러운 경험이어도 과거의 상처는 곪아 터지게 놔둬서는 안 된다"면서 "그것은 공개돼 깨끗하게 돼야 하며 연고를 발라서 고칠 수 있게 해야 한다"고 말했다.

TRC 앞에 나온 수백 명의 남편과 아버지들은 자신의 최악의 범죄를 자세하게 진술했다.
그 과정에서 숨겨왔던 비밀과 분열된 충성심이 드러나면서 가족, 친구들과 갈라지기도 했다.

TRC 전직 위원이자 인권 변호사인 두미사 은체베자는 2015년 당시 AFP통신에 "사람들은 사면이 값싸다고 말한다"면서 "왜 싼가. 단지 사람들이 감옥에 안 가서 그런가"라고 반문했다.

그러면서 "사실 사면은 형사적 사법 체계를 통하는 것보다 더 무게가 있는 정의였다"며 "사면을 신청하는 사람은 자신이 저지른 짓을 변호사 입회하에 자신의 입으로 고백한다.
그것은 종신형으로, 씻어버릴 수 없는 것"이라고 말했다.

그러나 '진실을 통해 깨끗해진 남아공'이라는 투투 대주교의 비전은 미완으로 끝났다.

TRC가 976쪽의 보고서를 1998년 발간한 뒤 흑인 자유투사들이 이끄는 아프리카민족회의(ANC) 정권은 TRC의 권고 사항을 제대로 이행하지 않았다.

미완으로 끝난 투투 대주교의 '진실과화해위원회'

인권을 유린한 범법자로 자백을 하지 않아 사면을 거부당한 어떤 누구도 기소되지 않았다.
또 청문회를 아예 회피한 장군과 사령관 누구도 책임을 추궁당하지 않았다.
정부는 남아공에 깊이 뿌리내린 부의 불평등 격차를 해소하기 위해 일회성으로 부유세를 부과하라는 권고도 시행하지 않았다.

투투 대주교는 남아공의 첫 민주선거인 1994년 총선 후 20년이 지났을 때 정부는 위원회 권고를 이행하지 않음으로써 환자인 남아공에 대한 치료를 계속하지 않았다고 강하게 비판했다.

그러면서 "우리의 영혼은 심각하게 힘든 상태에 남아있다"고 진단했다.
남아공은 여전히 인종 간 거대한 빈부 격차와 흑백 간 제한적 통합, 고질적인 폭력에 시달리고 있다.

은체베자는 AFP에 투투 대주교의 TRC 비전이 아직 실현되지 않았다는 점을 인정하면서, 가해자와 피해자 간 화해에 집중하느라 가진 자와 못 가진 자, 빈부 간의 화해를 다루지 못했다고 말했다.
그는 그러나 오늘날 TRC의 비전이 없는 남아공은 생각할 수 없다고 덧붙였다.

박충구 교수의 주장에 대해 팩트 체크함 - 당당뉴스

박충구 교수의 주장에 대해 팩트 체크함 - 당당뉴스
박충구 교수의 주장에 대해 팩트 체크함
여성구  |  목사
입력 : 2021년 02월 08일
박충구 교수의 주장에 대해 팩트 체크함

동성애는 질병이고, 치료가 가능하다.

박충구 전(前) 감신대 기독교 윤리학 교수(이하 박 교수)의 ‘차별의 악:선한 차별주의자는 없다’라는 글에 대해, 필자는 ‘편견이 아니라 사실이고, 혐오가 아니라 긍휼이다.’라고 반박한 데 대해, 박 교수는 ‘여성구 목사의 반론에 대하여 답함’이라는 글을 당당뉴스 2021년 2월 3일 자에 실으셨다. 

필자의 부족한 글을 답해 주셔서 감사드리며, 박 교수께서 동성애에 대해 깊이 알지 못하는 평신도들과 목회자들에게 미칠 부정적인 영향을 생각해 답글을 주셨듯이, 필자도 박 교수께서 제시한 몇 가지 주장에 대해 ‘팩트 체크(fact-check)’할 필요성을 느꼈습니다. 현대 사회는 다양한 정보가 범람하는 시대이다 보니 사실이라고 굳게 믿었던 정보들이 어떤 경우는 일부 또는 전부가 잘못된 사실로 인해 생긴 가짜뉴스(fake news)일 수 있기 때문입니다. 필자는 박 교수께 아무런 나쁜 감정도 없으며, 전체적인 맥락을 무시하고 말꼬리를 잡으려는 의도도 전혀 없습니다. 다만 박 교수가 근거로 제시한 내용 중에 동성애를 지탱하는 중요 기둥이 있어, 필자는 진실 검증을 통해 그것이 부정직한 결과임을 밝혀, 오늘도 신체적 고통과 정신적 질환에 시달리는 동성애 형제들과 자매들에게 동성애를 탈출하라고 촉구(促求)하려 합니다. 

박 교수의 답변에 대한 문제 제기

박 교수 말씀처럼 선량한 차별주의자가 없다면, 박 교수께서도 그에 해당합니다. 박 교수는 편파적 비판을 거부하셨는데, 세계적 석학 중에도 반동성애자가 많으니 그들을 폄하하지 마십시오(1단원). 박 교수는 동성애에 대한 다양한 입장을 섭렵하신 듯하나, 사실은 찬성하는 입장에 서셨습니다. 반대도 그렇지만 찬성도 가치중립적이지 않습니다. 박 교수는 학자 이전에 감리교회 원로 목사십니다(2단원). 박 교수는 동성애자가 이미 존재한다고 하셨으나, 성경은 남자와 여자로 창조하셨다고 말씀합니다. 하나님의 창조를 왜곡시키는 것처럼 보입니다(3단원). 박 교수는 동성애 혐오를 인종 혐오와 동일시했습니다. 동성애를 당연시하는 것은 그들의 방종을 부추기는 행위입니다(4단원). 동성애는 에이즈의 주요인인데, 박 교수는 일언반구(一言半句)도 없이 극단적인 사례로 물타기 하였습니다(5단원). 박 교수는 기독교인들이 성경을 언급하며 동성애자들을 정죄한다 하셨는데, 이것은 박 교수께서 기독교인들을 대하는 혐오이며 정죄입니다(6단원). 동성애자나 이성애자나 모두 구원이 필요한 죄인입니다. 박 교수는 동성애자들을 보호하는 영웅이라 착각하지 마십시오. 진정한 영웅은 죄인을 구하는 사람입니다(7단원).

동성애는 질병일까? 아닐까?

박 교수는 8단원에서 필자의 오류를 일일이 지적했습니다. 네 번째에 필자가 동성애는 치료 불가능한 유전적인 문제가 아니라 의지적인 결단으로 고칠 수 있는 성적 취향이라고 주장한 데 대해, 박 교수는 ‘이런 판단은 근거가 없는 주장이다’라고 일축했습니다. 박 교수는 ‘1973년과 1975년에 세계 정신의학회와 세계심리학회에서 동성애는 고칠 수 있는 문제가 아니라고 정의하고, 정신이나 심리 질병 리스트에서 동성애를 제외했다’라고 말했습니다. 만약 박 교수 말처럼 동성애가 질병이 아니라면 고칠 수도 없으며, 동성애자들에 대한 부정적인 태도는 편견이 분명합니다. 반대로 동성애가 질병이라면 고칠 수 있는 길이 열립니다. 자, 그럼 첫 번째 팩트 체크를 해 보겠습니다. 박 교수 주장처럼 1973년에 세계 정신의학회에서 동성애는 고칠 수 없는 질병이라고 선언했습니다. 1973년은 동성애자들에게는 역사적인 해였습니다. 동성애자들은 쾌재를 불렀고 동성애에 대한 도덕적 책임을 물을 수 없게 됐습니다. 그러나 그것이 강압에 의한 결정이었다면 권위를 상실하게 됩니다. 헌법과 형사소송법에 ’자백 배제의 법칙‘이 있습니다. 피고인의 자백이 고문이나 폭행이나 협박이나 구속에 의한 진술이라면 그것을 통해 얻은 정보는 증거능력이 없다는 법칙입니다. 모든 일은 결과만큼 과정도 중요합니다. 과정이 공정해야 결과도 존중되고, 승리자도 자랑할 만하고 패배자도 수긍하게 됩니다.

박 교수는 필자의 짜깁기를 비판했는데, 필자는 박 교수의 그림자도 밟을 수 없을 정도로 지적 격차가 있는 사람인지라, 어쩔 수 없이 2, 3차 자료를 언급할 수밖에 없음을 양해 바랍니다. 곽혜원 박사(크리스천 투데이, 2021년 1월 24일)는 “1973년 미국정신의학회(APA)가 정신질환 목록에서 동성애를 삭제하기로 했는데, 이것은 의학적 논의의 결과가 아니었고 고위층을 점유한 동성애 옹호 세력의 강력한 로비와 정신의학과 의사들에게 가해진 정치적 협박으로 말미암은 일이었다.”라고 과정을 소상히 설명하였습니다. 곽 박사는 “전국 게이 특별팀”이 동성애를 정신장애에서 삭제하기 위해 폭력과 위협도 서슴지 않았다고 부연 설명하였습니다. 곽 박사는 아울러 “동성애 옹호 세력은 정신과 의사들에 대한 엄청난 협박과 폭력을 철저히 은폐하면서 이를 APA의 과학적 승리로 선전하지만, 역사는 이 사건을 ‘과학이 사회적 이슈에 굴복당한 정치적 사건’으로 평가한다.”라고 일갈했습니다. 곽 박사는 “이로부터 17년 후 세계보건기구(WHO)가 APA의 결정을 채택함으로써, 오늘날에는 동성애가 ‘자연적 변이’로 간주하는, 그야말로 인류 문명의 흑역사가 열리게 되었다.”라고 한탄하였습니다. 박 교수 주장하듯이 동성애는 질병이 아니라는 결정은, 의학적으로 동의를 얻지 못한 협박에 굴종한 결정이었습니다. 전혀 공감을 얻지도 정당성을 부여받지도 못한 잘못된 결정이었습니다. 박 교수는 아무리 올바른 최신효과라도 처음에 알려진 초두효과를 대치하지 못한다는 걸 알 것입니다. 그만큼 처음 발표된 내용이 인간의 뇌리에 깊이 똬리를 틉니다. 박 교수는 지적인 교만을 버리고, 다른 분야 전문가의 말을 귀담아듣기를 바랍니다. 그것이 박 교수를 편견이라는 구덩이에서 건질 유일한 밧줄이기 때문입니다.

또한 박 교수가 인용한 주장처럼 동성애가 질병이 아니라면 치료 효과도 없어야 합니다. 그러나 동성애에 대한 치료 효과가 있다면 질병이라고 주장할 수 있습니다. 고두현 한국 성 과학 연구협회 학술연구팀장(내과 전문의, 크리스천 투데이, 2020년 1월 19일)은 “현재 미국 16개 주에서 동성애 커플에 대한 전환 치료 및 회복 치료를 금지”하고 있다고 말하면서, “동성애를 질병 분류에서 제외하는 데 가장 큰 업적을 냈던 ‘스피처’는 그 스스로 종교적 기관과 동성애 연구 및 치료를 위한 전미 협회와 기타 치료기관에서 5년간의 변화를 관찰하고 ‘전환 치료’가 효과가 있다는 연구 결과를 낸 바 있다”라고 말했습니다. 아울러 고 팀장은 “이에 따르면 치료군이 대조군보다 평균 79% 증상이 호전됐으며 이는 우울증, 불안과 같은 다른 정신질환의 치료율과 비슷하다.”라고 말했습니다. 동성애나 양성애를 가진 이들을 이성애로 바꾸는 치료를 전환 치료(conversion therapy)라고 하는데, 효과가 있다면 이는 무엇을 의미하는 것일까요? 고 팀장은 계속해서 “법조계에서도 종교적, 도덕적 가치에 의해 치료받는 것을 막는 일은 자기 결정의 기본권을 침해한다고 비판을 한 바 있다”라고 덧붙였습니다. 박 교수는 동성애는 치료할 수 없다는 잘못된 초두효과에 사로잡혀, 치료가 가능하다는 최신효과는 흘려버렸을 것입니다. 한번 확증편향에 빠지면 자기가 믿는 신념에만 주목하고 다른 주장들을 무시하기 마련입니다. 동성애 옹호 세력의 주장처럼 동성애가 질병이 아니라면 동성애 커플에 대해 전환 치료를 해도 소용이 없지만, 치료 효과가 나타난다 하니, 동성애자들을 보호한다는 그럴듯한 미명(美名)으로 치료를 받지 못하게 막지 말아야 합니다. 그것은 동성애자들에게 의료 혜택을 받지 못 하게 하는 자기 결정권 침해입니다. 박 교수는 치료의 문으로 들어서려는 동성애 형제들과 자매들에게 거짓이라는 방패로 원천봉쇄하지 말고, 구급차가 지날 때 자동차가 비켜주듯이 전환 치료를 받으라고 길을 터주기를 바랍니다. 동성애자들도 그리스도의 형상으로 재창조된 새 사람(new humanity)입니다. 전환 치료를 막는 스크럼(scrum)을 풀어주기를 바랍니다.

동성애자들은 혐오 때문에 자살할까? 다른 요인일까?

박 교수는 8단원 여섯 번째에서 언제 조사인지 출처가 어디인지 언급도 하지 않고 ‘미국 청소년들의 자살률은 일반 청소년들보다 높으며 이는 호모포비아로 인한 적대적인 환경 때문이다’라고 인용하였습니다. 동성애 형제들과 자매들이 자살하는 것 그것도 꽃도 피어 보지 못하고 꿈도 펼쳐보지 못한 청소년과 청소녀들이 자살한다는 것은 여간 가슴 아픈 일이 아닙니다. 그들이 자살하는 것은 주변의 따가운 시선도 작용했을 것입니다. 그렇다고 동성애자들에 대한 부정적인 태도와 감정을 말하는 동성애 혐오(Homophobia)와 그로 인한 적대적인 환경 때문이라고 단정을 짓기엔 무언가 석연찮습니다. 미국은 2015년에 연방대법원에서 동성혼 찬성 5, 반대 4로 합법화되었습니다(한국일보, 2018년 6월 24일). 미국은 동성혼을 인정하기 때문에 광범위한 혐오는 불가능하며 오히려 차별금지법으로 체포됩니다. 동성애자들은 1973년에 협박으로 동성애를 질병에서 제외했고, 1990년대에 표본을 조작해 동성애 유전자가 있는 것처럼 선전했습니다. 자, 그럼 두 번째 팩트 체크를 해 보겠습니다. 박 교수 주장처럼 동성애자들은 정신질환, 특히 심각한 우울증과 불안장애와 자살 충동이 높을 뿐 아니라 실제로 자살률이 이성애자들보다 월등히 높은 게 사실입니다. 필자도 동성애자들의 신체와 정신건강을 우려하였습니다. 곽 박사는 남성 동성애자들은 주로 40세 이전에 무수히 많은 파트너와 복수 연애하면서 성적으로 방종한 삶을 살다가, 40~50대 이후가 되면 그로 말미암은 각종 신체적 질병으로 인해 파트너들에게서 버림받고 실직하고 파탄 난 인생을 살아가는 경우가 많다고 합니다(곽 박사의 앞의 신문 참조). 박 교수 주장처럼 동성애 혐오로 인한 적대적인 환경이 자살 원인이라면 대부분 공통된 연구조사 결과가 나와야 합니다. 특히 우리나라는 더더욱 그래야 한다고 봅니다. 

박 교수는 미국 청소년의 자살을 동성애 혐오로 특정(特定)했는데, 우리나라의 경우는 어떨까요? 우리나라 청소년의 최근 10년간 사망원인 1위는 ‘자살’이라고 합니다. 그렇다고 섣부르게 예단하지 마십시오. 우리나라는 특히 청소녀들의 자살률이 매우 높은 게 특징입니다. 홍현주 한림대 의대 정신건강의학과 교수는 우울증과 같은 정신병리가 많이 작용하며, 가정 스트레스라든지, 학업 스트레스라든지, 대인관계라든지, 이런 부분들이 복합적으로 영향을 준다고 인터뷰했습니다(YTN 라디오, 2019년 12월 2일). 필자는 우리나라 청소년과 청소녀들이 자살하는 원인은 동성애 혐오 때문이 아니라, 우리나라만의 학업 스트레스와 왕따 문화와 기타 정신질환이 복합적으로 작용해 자살로 내몰린다고 봅니다. 사춘기 청소녀들은 감정 기복의 편차가 심하기 때문에 자살률이 더 높지 않을까 조심스럽게 진단해 봤습니다.

이번에는 우리나라 전체 자살률을 살펴보겠습니다. 우리나라는 2019년에도 인구당 자살률이 OECD 국가 중 단연 1위를 차지했습니다. 20년 이상 OECD 국가의 평균 자살률보다 높은 자살률을 보였습니다(파이낸셜뉴스, 2021년 1월 6일). 너무나 안타까운 현실입니다. 정부, 시민단체뿐만 아니라 교회가 나서서 예방 교육해야 합니다. 우리나라가 특히 동성애를 혐오하고 차별해서 자살하는 것일까요? 2018년에 국회 보건복지 위원회 소속 민주평화당 김광수 의원이 경찰청에서 제출받은 ‘자살 사유별 자살통계자료’를 보면, 지난 2012년부터 2016년까지 5년간 정신과적 원인으로 자살한 인원이 약 2만 700명으로 가장 많았다고 합니다. 이어 경제생활 문제 약 1만 4,500명, 육체적 질병 약 1만 4,000명 등이었습니다. 또한 김광수 의원이 보건복지부에서 제출받은 ‘우울증, 조울증, 조현병, 공황장애, 불안장애 등의 5대 정신질환 환자 현황’ 자료를 보면, 정신질환으로 진료를 받은 환자는 5년간 약 750만 명에 달하며 매년 증가하는 추세라고 집계했습니다(가톨릭 뉴스, 2018년 10월 15일). 우리나라 사람들이 자살하는 원인은 ‘기독교의 일그러진 얼굴’ 때문이 아니라, 정신질환으로 인해 자살하는 경우가 가장 많았습니다. 여기서 짚고 넘어가야 할 진실이 있습니다. 동성애자들은 우울증이나 정신질환을 많이 갖고 있는데, 동성애 혐오 때문에 우울증에 걸리는 것이 아니라, 우울증과 조현병에 걸린 사람들이 동성애를 유발하는 경우가 많습니다(국민일보, 2021년 1월 29일). 우리나라는 정신질환자들이 급격히 늘면서 동성애자들도 늘고 자살자들도 느는 게 아닌가 우려됩니다. 박 교수는 이런 통계들을 참고해, 혐오라는 선입견을 버리고 다른 요인이 작용하는지 자세히 연구해 보기 바랍니다. 필자는 반동성애자들은 동성애 혐오를 통해 동성애자들을 죽게 만드는 ‘살인 교사죄’를 저지르는 사람들이 아니라고 분명히 말합니다. 오히려 친동성애자들이 이것은 없는 용어이지만 ‘치료방해죄’를 저지르는 사람들이라고 단언합니다. 이것은 비유이지 ‘죄인 만들기’가 아닙니다. 동성애자들의 자살은 그들이 이미 가지고 있는 정신질환이 제일 요인으로 작용해 부정적으로 나타난 불행한 결과입니다. 기독교가 할 일은 묵인하고 방조하는 것이 아니라, 그들에게 손을 내밀고 돌아오라고 외치는 일입니다. 우리는 그 일을 위해 부름을 받았습니다. 

박 교수께 부탁함

필자는 박 교수께 다시 요청합니다. 이제는 거짓된 가르침으로 후배들과 감리교회를 미혹하지 마십시오. 박 교수의 말 한마디가 동성애자들의 치료 기회를 사전에 박탈하고, 동성애자들에게 극단적인 선택을 하는 핑곗거리를 제공할 수 있습니다. 필자는 박 교수의 글을 읽으면서 ‘신학의 수원지(水源池)는 과연 어디여야 하는가?’ 자문해 보았습니다. 적어도 신학대학 교수 출신이라면 성경에서 생수(生水)를 길어와야 할 텐데, 박 교수는 다른 데서 우물을 길어오는 것 같아 입맛이 씁쓸합니다. 박 교수가 속죄(贖罪)하는 길은 자존심을 꺾고 과감하게 펜을 내려놓던지, 아니면 동성애 형제들과 자매들을 도울 수 있는 기독교 윤리적 대안을 마련하는 것이라 사려(思慮)됩니다. 박 교수의 단순한 날갯짓이 감리교회를 흑암으로 몰고 갈 수 있습니다. 여담(餘談)이지만, 필자가 목회하는 지역은 보수적이고 감리교회 약세이다 보니, 박 교수처럼 튀는 언동(言動)을 할 때면 어김없이 ‘감리교회는 이단’이라는 말을 들먹입니다. 아직도 그런 사람들이 정말로 있습니다. 그들은 무식(無識)하면서도 무식하지 않기 때문에 그런 말을 합니다. 제발 전도를 방해하지 마시길 부탁드립니다.

삼남연회 경북동지방 창대교회 여성구 목사

Robert Lanza - Wikipedia

Robert Lanza - Wikipedia

Robert Lanza

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Robert P. Lanza
Robert Lanza in laboratory.JPG
Lanza at a laboratory in October 2009.
Robert Lanza

11 February 1956 (age 65)
Alma materUniversity of Pennsylvania
Known forStem cell biology, cloning,
tissue engineeringbiocentric universe
Scientific career
InstitutionsAstellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine
InfluencesJonas SalkChristiaan Barnard,
and B. F. Skinner

Robert Lanza (born 11 February 1956 in BostonMassachusetts) is an American medical doctor and scientist, currently Head of Astellas Global Regenerative Medicine,[1][2] and Chief Scientific Officer of the Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine. He is an Adjunct Professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.[3][4][failed verification]

Early life and education[edit]

Lanza was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and grew up south of there, in Stoughton, Massachusetts. Lanza "altered the genetics of chickens in his basement", and came to the attention of Harvard Medical School researchers when he appeared at the university with his results. Jonas SalkB. F. Skinner, and Christiaan Barnard mentored Lanza over the next ten years.[5] Lanza attended the University of Pennsylvania, receiving BA and MD degrees. There, he was a Benjamin Franklin Scholar and a University Scholar. Lanza was also a Fulbright Scholar. He currently resides in Clinton, Massachusetts.[citation needed]


Lanza being interviewed by Barbara Walters in 2007.

Stem cell research[edit]

Lanza was part of the team that cloned the world's first early stage human embryos,[6][7] as well as the first to successfully generate stem cells from adults using somatic-cell nuclear transfer (therapeutic cloning).[8][9]

Lanza demonstrated that techniques used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis could be used to generate embryonic stem cells without embryonic destruction.[10]

In 2001, he was also the first to clone an endangered species (a Gaur),[11] and in 2003, he cloned an endangered wild ox (a Banteng)[12] from the frozen skin cells of an animal that had died at the San Diego Zoo nearly a quarter-of-a-century earlier.

Lanza and his colleagues were the first to demonstrate that nuclear transplantation could be used to extend the lifespan of certain cells[13] and to generate immune-compatible tissues, including the first organ grown in the laboratory from cloned cells.[14]

Lanza showed that it is feasible to generate functional oxygen-carrying red blood cells from human embryonic stem cells under conditions suitable for clinical scale-up. The blood cells could potentially serve as a source of "universal" blood.[15][16]

His team discovered how to generate functional hemangioblasts (a population of "ambulance" cells[17]) from human embryonic stem cells. In animals, these cells quickly repaired vascular damage, cutting the death rate after a heart attack in half and restoring the blood flow to ischemic limbs that might otherwise have required amputation.[18]

In 2012 Lanza and a team led by Kwang-Soo Kim at Harvard University reported a method for generating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells by incubating them with proteins, instead of genetically manipulating the cells to make more of those proteins.[19][20][21]

Clinical trials for blindness[edit]

Lanza's team at Advanced Cell Technology were able to generate retinal pigmented epithelium cells from stem cells, and subsequent studies found that these cells could restore vision in animal models of macular degeneration.[22][23] With this technology, some forms of blindness could potentially be treatable.[24]

In 2010, ACT received approval from the Food and Drug Administration for clinical trials of a pluripotent stem cell-based treatment for use in people with degenerative eye diseases.[25][26] In 2011 ACT received approval from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to use its PSC-based cell therapy in the UK; this was the first approval to study a PSC-based treatment in Europe.[27][28] The first person received the embryonic stem cell treatment in the UK in 2012.[29]

The results of the first two clinical trials were published in the Lancet in 2012,[30] with a follow up paper in 2014,[31] which provided the first published reports of the long-term safety and possible biologic activity of pluripotent stem cell progeny into humans.[32]


In 2007 Lanza's article "A New Theory of the Universe" appeared in The American Scholar.[33] The essay proposed Lanza's idea of a biocentric universe, which places biology above the other sciences.[34][35][36] Lanza's book Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the Universe followed in 2009, co-written with Bob Berman.[37]

Lanza's biocentric hypothesis met with a mixed reception.[38] 

Nobel laureate in medicine E. Donnall Thomas stated that "Any short statement does not do justice to such a scholarly work. The work is a scholarly consideration of science and philosophy that brings biology into the central role in unifying the whole."[1] 

Arizona State University physicist and antitheist activist Lawrence Krauss stated: "There are no scientific breakthroughs about anything, as far as I can see. It may represent interesting philosophy, but it doesn't look, at first glance, as if it will change anything about science."[1] In USA Today

 Onlineastrophysicist and science writer David Lindley asserted that Lanza's concept was a "...vague, inarticulate metaphor..." and stated that "...I certainly don't see how thinking his way would lead you into any new sort of scientific or philosophical insight. That's all very nice, I would say to Lanza, but now what?"[39] 

Daniel Dennett, a Tufts University philosopher and eliminative materialist, said he did not think the concept meets the standard of a philosophical theory. "It looks like an opposite of a theory, because he doesn't explain how [consciousness] happens at all. He's stopping where the fun begins."[1]

Lanza subsequently published several books that further developed his concept of biocentrism including a 2016 book, Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death, and a third, The Grand Biocentric Design: How Life Creates Reality, written with Bob Berman and theoretical physicist Matej Pavšič, and published in 2020.[40][41][42]

Awards and public commentary[edit]

Lanza has received numerous awards and other recognition, including:

  • TIME Magazine’s 2014 Time 100 list of the "100 Most Influential People in the World",[43]
  • Prospect magazine 2015 list of “Top 50 World Thinkers”,[44]
  • 2013 “Il Leone di San Marco Award in Medicine” (Italian Heritage and Culture Committee, along with Regis Philbin, who received the award in Entertainment),[45]
  • 2010 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s Award for “Translating Basic Science Discoveries into New and Better Treatments”;[46]
  • 2010 “Movers and Shakers” Who Will Shape Biotech Over the Next 20 Years (BioWorld, along with Craig Venter and President Barack Obama);[47]
  • 2006 Mass High Tech journal “All Star” award for biotechnology for “pushing stem cells’ future”.[48][49]


  1. Jump up to:a b c d Herper, Matthew. "A Biotech Provocateur Takes On Physics"Forbes. Retrieved 2021-03-26.
  2. ^ "Ocata's chief scientific officer to join new parent after acquisition"Boston Globe. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
  3. ^ "Robert P. Lanza | American scientist"Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2021-03-26.
  4. ^ "Robert Lanza (1956- ) | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia"embryo.asu.edu. Retrieved 2021-03-26.
  5. ^ Fischer, Joannie (2001-11-25). "The First Clone"U.S. News & World Report131 (23): 50–4, 57–8, 60–3. PMID 11765373. Archived from the original on 2008-08-26. Retrieved 2008-08-20.
  6. ^ Cibelli, Jose B.; Lanza, Robert P.; West, Michael D.; Ezzell, Carol (2001-11-24). "The First Human Cloned Embryo"Scientific American286 (1): 44–51. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0102-44PMID 11799617. Retrieved 2008-08-20.
  7. ^ "Wired 12.01: Seven Days of Creation"Wired.com. 2009-01-04. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  8. ^ Cell Stem Cell (2014). "Access : Human somatic cell nuclear transfer using adult cells"Cell Stem Cell. Cell Press. 14 (6): 777–780. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2014.03.015PMID 24746675. Retrieved 2014-04-18.
  9. ^ Naik, Gautam (2014-04-17). "Scientists Make First Embryo Clones From Adults"The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2014-04-18.
  10. ^ Nature (2006). "Access : Human embryonic stem cell lines derived from single blastomeres". Nature444 (7118): 481–485. doi:10.1038/nature05142PMID 16929302S2CID 84792371.
  11. ^ "Cloning Noah's Ark: Scientific American". Sciam.com. 2000-11-19. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  12. ^ "Wild Cows Cloned". NPR. 2003-04-08. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  13. ^ Robert P. Lanza, Jose B. Cibelli, Catherine Blackwell, Vincent J. Cristofalo, Mary Kay Francis, Gabriela M. Baerlocher, Jennifer Mak, Michael Schertzer, Elizabeth A. Chavez, Nancy Sawyer, Peter M. Lansdorp, Michael D. West1 (28 April 2000). "Extension of Cell Life-Span and Telomere Length in Animals Cloned from Senescent Somatic Cells" (PDF)Science288 (5466): 665–669. Bibcode:2000Sci...288..665Ldoi:10.1126/science.288.5466.665PMID 10784448.
  14. ^ Lanza, Robert P. (2002). "Generation of histocompatible tissues using nuclear transplantation". Nature Biotechnology20 (7): 689–696. doi:10.1038/nbt703PMID 12089553S2CID 23007326.
  15. ^ Lu, SJ; Feng, Q; Park, JS; Vida, L; Lee, BS; Strausbauch, M; Wettstein, PJ; Honig, GR; Lanza, R (2008). "Blood - Biological properties and enucleation of red blood cells from human embryoni"Blood. Bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org. 112 (12): 4475–84. doi:10.1182/blood-2008-05-157198PMC 2597123PMID 18713948.
  16. ^ [1] Archived November 20, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  17. ^ Vergano, Dan (2007-05-08). "Elusive 'ambulance' cells are created - USATODAY.com". Usatoday.Com<!. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  18. ^ Lu, S. J.; Feng, Q.; Caballero, S.; Chen, Y.; Moore, M. A.; Grant, M. B.; Lanza, R. (2007). "Generation of functional hemangioblasts from human embryonic stem cells"Nature Methods4 (6): 501–509. doi:10.1038/nmeth1041PMC 3766360PMID 17486087.
  19. ^ Park, Alice (2009-05-28). "Researchers Hail Stem Cells Safe for Human Use"TIME. Archived from the original on May 31, 2009. Retrieved 2009-08-30.
  20. ^ ROCKOFF, JONATHAN (2012-12-13). "Stem-Cell Trial Without Embryo Destruction"Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2013-01-14.
  21. ^ Kim, Dohoon (2009). "Cell Stem Cell - Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Direct Delivery of Reprogramming Proteins"Cell Stem Cell4 (6): 472–476. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2009.05.005PMC 2705327PMID 19481515.
  22. ^ Lund, R. D.; Wang, S.; Klimanskaya, I.; Holmes, T.; Ramos-Kelsey, R.; Lu, B.; Girman, S.; Bischoff, N.; Sauvé, Y.; Lanza, R. (2006-09-29). "Human Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived Cells Rescue Visual Function in Dystrophic RCS Rats – Cloning Stem Cells"Cloning and Stem Cells. Liebertonline.com. 8 (3): 189–99. doi:10.1089/clo.2006.8.189PMID 17009895S2CID 12566730.
  23. ^ "Stem Cells May Open Some Eyes"Wired.com. 2004-09-24. Archived from the original on August 15, 2009. Retrieved 2009-08-30.
  24. ^ "Two Patients Undergo Stem-Cell Blindness Treatment"Technology Review. 2011-07-14. Retrieved 2020-05-24.
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  26. ^ "Second human embryonic stem cell clinical trial to start"USA Today. 2010-11-22. Retrieved 2010-12-07.
  27. ^ Sample, Ian (2011-09-22). "First trial of embryonic stem cell treatment in Europe gets green light"The Guardian. London. Retrieved 2011-09-22.
  28. ^ "First European Embryonic Stem Cell Trial Gets Green Light"TIME. 2011-09-22. Retrieved 2011-09-22.
  29. ^ Boseley, Sarah (2012-06-04). "Stem cell scientists take hope from first human trials but see long road ahead"The Guardian. London. Retrieved 2012-06-11.
  30. ^ Schwartz, SD; et al. (25 February 2012). "Embryonic stem cell trials for macular degeneration: a preliminary report". Lancet379 (9817): 713–20. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60028-2PMID 22281388S2CID 2230787. open access
  31. ^ Schwartz, SD; et al. (2014-10-15). "Human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelium in patients with age-related macular degeneration and Stargardt's macular dystrophy". Lancet385 (9967): 509–16. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61376-3PMID 25458728S2CID 85799.
  32. ^ "Stem Cells Allow Nearly Blind Patients to See"TIME. 2014-10-14. Retrieved 2020-05-24.
  33. ^ "A New Theory of the Universe: Biocentrism builds on quantum physics by putting life into the equation" (Spring). The American Scholar. 2007.
  34. ^ Aaron Rowe (2009-01-04). "Will Biology Solve the Universe?"Wired.com. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  35. ^ "Theory of every-living-thing - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com". Cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com. Archived from the original on 2007-03-12. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  36. ^ "Robert Lanza - Tag Story Index - USATODAY.com". Asp.usatoday.com. 2008-10-16. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  37. ^ Lanza, Robert; Berman, Bob (April 14, 2009). Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the UniverseBenBella BooksISBN 978-1-933771-69-4.
  38. ^ Log, Cosmic. "The universe in your head"NBC News. Retrieved 2016-12-14.
  39. ^ "Exclusive: Response to Robert Lanza's essay". Usatoday.Com. 2007-03-09. Retrieved 2009-08-17.
  40. ^ Lanza, Robert; Berman, Bob (April 14, 2009). Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the UniverseBenBella BooksISBN 978-1-933771-69-4.
  41. ^ Lanza, Robert; Berman, Bob (May 3, 2016). Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of DeathBenBella BooksISBN 978-1942952213.
  42. ^ Lanza, Robert; Pavsic, Matej (November 17, 2020). The Grand Biocentric Design: How Life Creates RealityBenBella BooksISBN 978-1950665402.
  43. ^ "TIME: The 100 Most Influential People - Robert Lanza"TIME.com. 2014-04-24. Retrieved 2015-03-17.
  44. ^ "World Thinkers 2015: Robert Lanza". prospectmagazine.co.uk. 2015-02-16. Retrieved 2018-05-18.
  45. ^ "ACT's Dr. Robert Lanza to Receive the Il Leone di San Marco Award in Medicine". nla.gov. 2013-09-24. Retrieved 2015-10-31.
  46. ^ "Stem cell leaders Lanza, Kim win $1.9M NIH award". MassHighTech.com. 2010-09-22. Archived from the original on 2011-01-07. Retrieved 2011-09-24.
  47. ^ "Advanced Cell Technology's Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Robert Lanza Honored By BioWorld Magazine As Leader Who Could Shape Biotech Over Next 20 Years". Bloomberg.com. 2010-05-10. Retrieved 2015-10-31.
  48. ^ "Dr. Robert Lanza Receives 2006 'All Star' Award for Biotechnology. Industry & Business Article - Research, News, Information, Contacts, Divisions, Subsidiaries, Business Associations". Goliath.ecnext.com. 2006-10-24. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  49. ^ Songini, Marc (August 14, 2009). "Thought Leaders:Robert Lanza on stem cells and access to health care". Mass High Tech. Archived from the original on 17 September 2009. Retrieved 4 March 2010He was named a Mass High Tech All Star in 2006

External links[edit]

Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe 
Paperback – 26 July 2010
by Robert Lanza  (Author), Bob Berman  (Author)
4.4 out of 5 stars    1,703 ratings

Robert Lanza is one of the most respected scientists in the world―a US News & World Report cover story called him a "genius" and a "renegade thinker," even likening him to Einstein. Lanza has teamed with Bob Berman, the most widely read astronomer in the world, to produce Biocentrism, a revolutionary new view of the universe.
Every now and then a simple yet radical idea shakes the very foundations of knowledge. The startling discovery that the world was not flat challenged and ultimately changed the way people perceived themselves and their relationship with the world. For most humans of the 15th century, the notion of Earth as ball of rock was nonsense. The whole of Western, natural philosophy is undergoing a sea change again, increasingly being forced upon us by the experimental findings of quantum theory, and at the same time, towards doubt and uncertainty in the physical explanations of the universe's genesis and structure. Biocentrism completes this shift in worldview, turning the planet upside down again with the revolutionary view that life creates the universe instead of the other way around.
In this paradigm, life is not an accidental byproduct of the laws of physics. Biocentrism takes the reader on a seemingly improbable but ultimately inescapable journey through a foreign universe―our own―from the viewpoints of an acclaimed biologist and a leading astronomer. Switching perspective from physics to biology unlocks the cages in which Western science has unwittingly managed to confine itself. Biocentrism will shatter the reader's ideas of life―time and space, and even death. At the same time it will release us from the dull worldview of life being merely the activity of an admixture of carbon and a few other elements; it suggests the exhilarating possibility that life is fundamentally immortal.
The 21st century is predicted to be the Century of Biology, a shift from the previous century dominated by physics. It seems fitting, then, to begin the century by turning the universe outside-in and unifying the foundations of science with a simple idea discovered by one of the leading life-scientists of our age. Biocentrism awakens in readers a new sense of possibility, and is full of so many shocking new perspectives that the reader will never see reality the same way again.

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Print length
200 pages

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"I found the attack on physics to be pretty compelling ... Lanza's theories [are] certainly worth debate."
-- Houston Chronicle's Eric Berger, SciGuy blog
"What makes this book both interesting and worth the effort of reading it; is the unique perspective Lanza brings to the subject matter as a physician. ... From the way [Lanza] chooses to present his arguments, it's clear he has a solid grasp of esoteric disciplines like quantum theory, special relativity and particle physics. And what makes his presentation more compelling than other efforts I've encountered is his ability and willingness to weave personal experience into the thoughts and ideas presented. His style is conversational and warm which tends to pull you along through the exposition gently. And his sense of wonder and befuddlement at shop worn enigmas like the double slit experiment, Bell's theorem, non-locality and Schrödinger's cat is as infectious as it is delightful ... I very much like what Lanza has to say in Biocentrism."
-- Midwest Book Review

Endorsements for Robert Lanza's essay on which Biocentrism is based:
"For several days now I have read and reread your article and thought about it. Like 'a brief history of time' it is indeed stimulating and brings biology into the whole. Any short statement does not do justice to such a scholarly work. Almost every society of mankind has explained the mystery of our surroundings and being by invoking a god or group of gods. Scientists work to acquire objective answers from the infinity of space or the inner machinery of the atom. Lanza proposes a biocentrist theory which ascribes the answer to the observer rather than the observed. The work is a scholarly consideration of science and philosophy that brings biology into the central role in unifying the whole. The book will appeal to an audience of many different disciplines because it is a new way of looking at the old problem of our existence. Most importantly, it makes you think."
--E. Donnall Thomas
Thomas was awarded the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington and Director Emeritus of the Clinical Research Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

"It is genuinely an exciting piece of work. I am very familiar with some of the things you say. The idea that consciousness creates reality has quantum support, as you suggest, and also coheres with some of the things biology and neuroscience are telling us about the structures of our being. To put what you are doing in a larger context, it exhibits a dramatic new Copernican reversal. Just as we now know that the sun doesn't really move but we do (we are the active agents), so you are suggesting that we are the entities that give meaning to the particular configuration of all possible outcomes we call reality. I think this is a great project."
--Ronald Green
Green is the Eunice and Julian Cohen Professor for the Study of Ethics and Human Values, and Director of Dartmouth College's Ethics Institute. Professor Green is a well-known religious studies scholar and former Chairman of the Department of Religion

"Robert Lanza, a world renowned scientist who has spanned many fields from drug delivery to stem cells to preventing animal extinction, and clearly one of the most brilliant minds of our times, has done it again. 'A New Theory of the Universe' takes into account all the knowledge we have gained over the last few centuries, and correlates them to our own beings, placing in perspective our biologic limitations that have impeded our understanding of greater truths surrounding our existence and the universe around us. This new theory is certain to revolutionize our concepts of the laws of nature for centuries to come."
--Anthony Atala
Atala is an internationally recognized scientist, and the W.H. Boyce Professor, Chair, and Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

"As an astrophysicist, I focus my attention on objects that are very large and very far away, ignoring the whole issue of consciousness as a critical part of the Universe. Reading Robert Lanza's work is a wake-up call to all of us that even on the grandest scale we still depend on our minds to experience reality. Issues of "quantum weirdness" do have a place in the macroscopic world. Time and space do depend on perception. We can go about our daily lives and continue to study the physical Universe as if it exists as an objective reality (because the probabilities allow that degree of confidence), but we do so with a better awareness of an underlying biological component, thanks to Dr. Lanza. I cannot speak for NASA or other NASA scientists, but personally I look forward to hearing a more detailed explanation of this biocentric view of the Universe from Dr. Lanza."
--David Thompson
Thompson is an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. His contributions include the building and flying of prototypes of EGRET, which was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis in 1991. He is currently with the Astroparticle Physics Laboratory, and has received both the Goddard Space Flight Center & NASA Group Exceptional Achievement Awards.

"Yes, it is appropriate to ask whether our perception of space and time is a consequence of our particular neurophysiology. Yes, it is appropriate to ask how it happened that the conditions worked out to be just right for life to appear somehow on earth and then to evolve from the archaea through the eukaryotes to us. ... I'll bet the book gets a good audience. And I like to see books published that challenge my own ideas and thoughts in ways that make me think, but not ones that simply throw dogma at me. The essay is definitely of the former kind."
--R. Stephen Berry
Berry is James Franck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago. Professor Berry is a member (and recent Home Secretary) of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences. He was also former Vice President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and MacArthur Prize "Genius" Fellow.

"Science has a token of freedom that motivates scientists to study all logical possibilities that may explain the world. Robert Lanza has come up with an innovative approach to investigate reality from the viewpoint of biology. His article demands an answer to the question of whether scientists have exhausted all possible tools for studying nature. Can science bring biology into grand unified theory? A solution is suggested that involves a new concept, biocentrism. Lanza goes beyond the individual human attribute calling for interconnectedness among all living creatures forming the fundamental basis for understanding reality. A book that expands upon this unique approach is warranted, not only to alert society, but to call on it to test this novel new hypothesis."
--Gunther Kletetschka
Kletetschka is a geophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He is also a Research Professor of Physics at Catholic University of America and leading scientist working on the James Web Space Telescope.

"It's a masterpiece--truly a magnificent essay. Bob Lanza is to be congratulated for a fresh and highly erudite look at the question of how perception and consciousness shape reality and common experience. His monograph combines a deep understanding and broad insight into 20th century physics and modern biological science; in so doing, he forces a reappraisal of this hoary epistemological dilemma. Not all will agree with the proposition he advances, but most will find his writing eminently readable and his arguments both convincing and challenging. Bravo."
--Michael Lysaght
Lysaght is Professor of Medical Science and Engineering at Brown University and Director of Brown's Center for Biomedical Engineering.
About the Author
Robert Lanza
“Robert Lanza was taken under the wing of scientific giants such as psychologist B.F. Skinner, immunologist Jonas Salk, and heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard. His mentors described him as a ‘genius,’ a ‘renegade thinker,’ even likening him to Einstein himself.” ―US News & World Report cover story

Robert Lanza has been exploring the frontiers of science for more than four decades, and is considered one of the leading scientists in the world. He is currently Chief Scientific Officer at Advanced Cell Technology, and Adjunct Professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He has several hundred publications and inventions, and 20 scientific books, among them, Principles of Tissue Engineering, which is recognized as the definitive reference in the field. Others include One World: The Health & Survival of the Human Species in the 21st Century (with a foreword by President Jimmy Carter), and the Handbook of Stem Cells and Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, which are considered the definitive references in stem cell research.

Dr. Lanza received his B.A. and M.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was both a University Scholar and Benjamin Franklin Scholar. He was also a Fulbright Scholar, and was part of the team that cloned the world’s first human embryo, as well as the first to clone an endangered species, to demonstrate that nuclear transfer could reverse the aging process, and to generate stem cells using a method that does not require the destruction of human embryos. Dr. Lanza was awarded the 2005 Rave Award for Medicine by Wired magazine, and received the 2006 “All Star” Award for Biotechnology by Mass High Tech.

Dr. Lanza and his research have been featured in almost every media outlet in the world, including all the major television networks, CNN, Time, Newsweek, People magazine, as well as the front pages of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today, among others. Lanza has worked with some of the greatest thinkers of our time, including Nobel Laureates Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter. Lanza worked closely with B.F. Skinner at Harvard University. Lanza and Skinner (the “Father of Modern Behaviorism”) published a number of scientific papers together. He has also worked with Jonas Salk (discoverer of the polio vaccine) and heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard.

Bob Berman
“this is a fascinating guy” ―David Letterman

“fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight” ―Astronomy magazine

Bob Berman is the most widely read astronomer in the world. Author of more than one thousand published articles, in publications such as Discover and Astronomy magazine, where he is a monthly columnist, he is also astronomy editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac and the author of four books. He is adjunct professor of astronomy at Marymount College, and writes and produces a weekly show on Northeast Public Radio, aired during NPR’s Weekend Edition.


Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ BenBella Books; 1st edition (26 July 2010)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 200 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1935251740
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1935251743
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 1.65 x 23.01 cm
Best Sellers Rank: 123,565 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
32 in Philosophy of Science
80 in Physics of Time (Books)
312 in Cosmology (Books)
Customer Reviews: 4.4 out of 5 stars    1,703 ratings
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Robert Lanza
Dr. Robert Lanza is Head of Astellas Global Regenerative Medicine, Chief Scientific Officer of AIRM and a professor at Wake Forest University. TIME magazine recognized him as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World,” and Prospect magazine named him one of the Top 50 “World Thinkers.” He has hundreds of scientific publications and over 30 books, including definitive references in the fields of stem cells, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. He is a former Fulbright Scholar, and studied with polio-pioneer Jonas Salk and Nobel laureates Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter. He also worked closely (and co-authored a series of papers) with influential psychologist BF Skinner and heart transplant-pioneer Christiaan Barnard. Dr. Lanza received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was both a University Scholar and Benjamin Franklin Scholar. Lanza was part of the team that cloned the world’s first human embryo, the first endangered species, and published the first-ever reports of pluripotent stem cell use in humans.

Lanza and his colleagues were also the first to demonstrate that nuclear transplantation could be used to reverse the aging process and to generate immune-compatible tissues, including the first organ tissue-engineered from cloned cells. One of his greatest early achievements came from his demonstration that techniques used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis could be used to generate human embryonic stem cells without embryonic destruction.

He and colleagues have also succeeded in differentiating human pluripotent stem cells into retinal cells, and has shown that they provide long-term benefit in animal models of vision loss. Using this technology some forms of blindness may be curable, including macular degeneration and Stargardt disease, a currently untreatable form eye disease that causes blindness in teenagers and young adults. Lanza's company received FDA approval to carry out clinical trials in the US using them to treat degenerative eye diseases, as well approval for the first human pluripotent stem cell trial in Europe. The first patients reported improved vision in the eyes treated with the cells, which The Guardian said &quot;represents a huge scientific achievement.&quot;

Dr. Lanza and his colleagues published the first-ever report of human pluripotent stem cells transplanted into human patients. After surgery, evidence confirmed cells had attached and continued to persist during the study. There were no signs of tumorigenicity or rejection. The patients who received the stem cell transplants say their lives have been transformed by the experimental procedure--they report that they can use their computers, thread a needle, or even go to the mall or airport on their own.

Lanza has also been a major player in the scientific revolution that has led to the documentation that nuclear transfer/transcription factors can restore developmental potential in a differentiated cell. One of his successes was showing that it is feasible to generate functional oxygen-carrying red blood cells from human pluripotent stem cells. The blood cells were comparable to normal transfusable blood and could serve as a potentially inexhaustible source of &quot;universal&quot; blood. His team also discovered how to generate functional hemangioblasts - a population of &quot;ambulance&quot; cells - from hES cells. In animals, these cells quickly repaired vascular damage, cutting the death rate after a heart attack in half and restoring the blood flow to ischemic limbs that might otherwise have to be amputated.

Lanza and a team lead by Kwang-Soo Kim at Harvard University have also reported a safe method for generating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Human iPS cells were created from skin cells by direct delivery of proteins, thus eliminating the harmful risks associated with genetic manipulation. The Editors of the prestigious journal Nature selected Lanza and Kim's paper on protein reprogramming as one of five &quot;Research Highlights.&quot; Discover magazine stated, &quot;Lanza's single-minded quest to usher in this new age has paid dividends in scientific insights and groundbreaking discoveries.&quot;

Dr. Lanza has received numerous awards, including being named one of TIME Magazine's &quot;100 Most Influential People in the World&quot;; the 2013 Il Leone di San Marco award in Medicine (The Italian Heritage and Culture Committee, along with Regis Philbin [in Entertainment]); including an NIH Director's Award (2010) for &quot;Translating Basic Science Discoveries into New and Better Treatments&quot;; the 2010 'Movers and Shakers' Who Will Shape Biotech Over the Next 20 Years (BioWorld)(along with Craig Venter and President Barack Obama); the 2007 100 Most Inspiring People in the Life-Sciences Industry (PharmaVOICE, &quot;For his discoveries 'behind the medicines making a significant impact on the pipelines of today and of the future'&quot;; the 2007 Outstanding Contribution in Contemporary Biology Award (Brown University, &quot;For his groundbreaking research and contributions in stem cell science and biology&quot;; the 2006 All-Star Award for Biotechnology (MA High Tech, for &quot;pushing stem cells' future&quot;); the 2005 Rave Award for Medicine (Wired magazine, &quot;For eye-opening work on embryonic stem cells&quot;); and Lanza is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, Who's Who in Science and Engineering; Who's Who in American Education, and Who's Who in Technology, among others. Dr. Lanza has served in numerous national and international leadership capacities, including Conference Co-Chairman, International Symposium on Stem Cells (Tianjin, China 2008); Stem Cell Advisory Committee, International Stem Cell Registry; He has given keynote addresses at dozens of national and international societies, including ASAIO (2001), Annual Molecular &amp; Cellular Biology Symposium (2002), Biotechniques Live/Drug Discovery Technology &amp; Development World Congress (2005), International Stem Cell Conference (2007), Tissue Engineering &amp; Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)(2007), Translational Regenerative Medicine Forum (2010), among others.

Dr. Lanza and his research have been featured in almost every media outlet in the world, including CNN, TIME, Newsweek, People, as well as the front pages of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, among others. Lanza has worked with some of the greatest thinkers of our time, including Nobel laureates Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter, renowned Harvard psychologist B.F. Skinner (the &quot;Father of modern behaviorism&quot;), Jonas Salk (discoverer of the Polio vaccine), and heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard. His current research focuses on stem cells and regenerative medicine and their potential to provide therapies for some of the world's most deadly and debilitating conditions.

In 2007, Lanza published a feature article, &quot;A New Theory of the Universe&quot; in The American Scholar, a leading intellectual journal which has previously published works by Albert Einstein, Margaret Mead, and Carl Sagan, among others. His theory places biology above the other sciences in an attempt to solve one of nature's biggest puzzles, the theory of everything that other disciplines have been pursuing for the last century. This new view has become known as Biocentrism. In 2009, he co-authored a book &quot;Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe&quot; with leading astronomer Bob Berman. In biocentrism, space and time are forms of animal sense perception, rather than external physical objects. Understanding this more fully yields answers to several major puzzles of mainstream science, and offers a new way of understanding everything from the microworld (for instance, the reason for Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the double-slit experiment) to the forces, constants, and laws that shape the universe. Nobel laureate E. Donnall Thomas stated &quot;Any short statement does not do justice to such a scholarly work. The work is a scholarly consideration of science and philosophy that brings biology into the central role in unifying the whole.&quot;

You can read more about Dr. Robert Lanza's work at:




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Bob Berman
Robert Berman, known as Bob Berman, is an American astronomer, author, and science popularizer. He runs Overlook Observatory at his home in Woodstock, New York, USA. He was an adjunct professor of astronomy at the liberal arts college, Marymount Manhattan College, from 1996 to 2000 and has appeared on CBS This Morning, the Today Show, and the Late Show with David Letterman.

Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Photo by Benjamin Thomas (Bob Berman - IdeaFestival 2009 Uploaded by Edward) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.

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Top reviews from Australia
2.0 out of 5 stars Yeah its cute but...
Reviewed in Australia on 17 December 2018
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The book was riddled with common logical fallacies and hard to get through without facepalming. The idea is nice, but really it reads more like a coping mechanism of the author rather than a serious alternative explanation of reality
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5.0 out of 5 stars Revolutionary
Reviewed in Australia on 28 February 2021
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A brilliant book that turns life as we know it on its head.
Read this if you want to know the meaning of life.
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4.0 out of 5 stars Thought provoking and fascinating.
Reviewed in Australia on 18 June 2014
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Manages to deal with complex subject matter in an easy to understand manner. Fascinating & mind boggling - I definitely recommend it!
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4.0 out of 5 stars Biocentrism
Reviewed in Australia on 17 June 2014
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A fresh new way of looking at life, and finding answers to questions that have been asked for so long!
Well worth the money!
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Mark A. Hodgson
3.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating but too much warped reasoning - for me anyway!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 April 2019
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I initially bought this book because I was looking for a study on “consciousness” specifically. Whilst I enjoyed it, I find some of the central tenets somewhat confused. Much of it tends towards solipsism- as I understand that field anyway. There are also some rather unwarranted conclusions jumped to - especially for a work of science. For example he talks about the Big Bang as being a description of the universe having a birth which therefore means it will have an end. Why? That does not necessarily follow in strict reasoning. Also the tenet that observation
‘Creates’ the world or objects being observed seems to me like wanting to have your cake and eat it. Sure the experience of the universe only happens in the brain (for arguments sake, although why only in the brain?) - viz the tree falling in the forest actually makes no sound - it’s the sense organ of a conscious being that creates the sound but interpreting the vibrations. But there must be something there creating the vibrations in the case of sound or reflections in the case of the moon being observed for the sense organ to pick it up. The text seems to ride rough shod over cause and effect. If I create the moon by observing it - what are all the other people in the world seeing? Or am I the only person in the world? Fascinating book but far too many holes in the train of logic for me.
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3.0 out of 5 stars Interesting - but deeply flawed
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 June 2021
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An interesting read, but it contains nothing new. It addresses questions that I suspect most human beings have thought of at one time or another. It is interesting in so far as it presents someone’s opinion as a comparison to one’s own. Therein lies a potential problem, however. So far as I could ascertain, Lanza appears to make no distinction between fact and his own opinion. Indeed, in reading the book I developed the feeling that in Lanza’s world there may be only two types of opinions; his own opinions and the wrong opinions.
It is unfortunate that Lanza appears to take the line that physicists are not the folk to further knowledge in any way whatsoever in the area of consciousness. Yet he fails to say how he would further such knowledge or how he thinks it may be furthered. If the autobiographical sections were removed from this book, the remainder might read somewhat like the introduction to a proposal for work but with no consideration of the work that is required and/or how it may be approached. It does not address the issue of its own subheading “How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe”.
The warning is there before the book is opened. Lanza adds ‘MD’ after his name on the cover. Most authoritative works for popular consumption are not graced with the author’s graffiti on the cover. Respect for opinions need to be earned not demanded.
Despite the various issues outlined above, the work was interesting in so far as the subject matter gels with some other lines of interest that I am pursuing currently. I will therefore persevere and take a look at some of Lanza’s more recent work. There is indeed one glimmer of hope in the book. Lanza insists that physics is not the way to progress the understanding of consciousness. He seems to find it necessary to criticise not only ‘physics’ generally but also physicists. His aim appears to be to promote the idea that biology should take over from the point that physics has reached (This is arguably similar to events at the start of the twentieth century when physics took over from chemistry as the leading area of advancement). Then, at the very end, he concedes “It may take a multidisciplinary approach to achieve tangible results…”. Indeed, I could not agree more. However, this book does nothing to move towards that. It appears to try to drive wedges between the sciences and offers absolutely no suggestion as to how his “biocentrism” or the presumably larger field of “biology” can or will (given appropriate research) assist in the aim of understanding consciousness. It may be that it will need scientists more willing to build on what exists, rather than criticising it, to make progress.
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5.0 out of 5 stars A transfixing reading experience
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 13 October 2019
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When you are prepared to read this book, it will bring you spiritual relief. Intellectually, you will appreciate the conclusions reached by such a brilliant polymath, because he's reached them with humility and care in his reasoning.
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5.0 out of 5 stars A book that makes you glance away from the page ...
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 20 July 2017
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A book that makes you glance away from the page every now and then, to look at the world in a completely new way but also as if someone has just put into words how you have always felt about reality.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating Perspective
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 18 September 2020
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This opened my mind a lot and has made me dive deeper into different ideologies about the nature of our existence.
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Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe by Robert Lanza | Goodreads

Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe

 3.94  ·   Rating details ·  3,869 ratings  ·  440 reviews
Robert Lanza is one of the most respected scientists in the world—a US News & World Report cover story called him a "genius" and a "renegade thinker," even likening him to Einstein. Lanza has teamed with Bob Berman, the most widely read astronomer in the world, to produce Biocentrism, a revolutionary new view of the universe.

Every now and then a simple yet radical idea shakes the very foundations of knowledge. The startling discovery that the world was not flat challenged and ultimately changed the way people perceived themselves and their relationship with the world. For most humans of the 15th century, the notion of Earth as ball of rock was nonsense. The whole of Western, natural philosophy is undergoing a sea change again, increasingly being forced upon us by the experimental findings of quantum theory, and at the same time, towards doubt and uncertainty in the physical explanations of the universe’s genesis and structure. Biocentrism completes this shift in worldview, turning the planet upside down again with the revolutionary view that life creates the universe instead of the other way around.

In this paradigm, life is not an accidental byproduct of the laws of physics. Biocentrism takes the reader on a seemingly improbable but ultimately inescapable journey through a foreign universe—our own—from the viewpoints of an acclaimed biologist and a leading astronomer. Switching perspective from physics to biology unlocks the cages in which Western science has unwittingly managed to confine itself. Biocentrism will shatter the reader’s ideas of life—time and space, and even death. At the same time it will release us from the dull worldview of life being merely the activity of an admixture of carbon and a few other elements; it suggests the exhilarating possibility that life is fundamentally immortal.

The 21st century is predicted to be the Century of Biology, a shift from the previous century dominated by physics. It seems fitting, then, to begin the century by turning the universe outside-in and unifying the foundations of science with a simple idea discovered by one of the leading life-scientists of our age. Biocentrism awakens in readers a new sense of possibility, and is full of so many shocking new perspectives that the reader will never see reality the same way again.


Hardcover223 pages
Published April 14th 2009 by BenBella Books
Original Title
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe
1933771690  (ISBN13: 9781933771694)
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William Richburg
Jun 17, 2018rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
A Worldview That Works For The 21st Century

Perhaps the most important book about science ever written.

The authors, both scientists with impeccable credentials, have made an enormous contribution to human civilization that will raise the consciousness of every serious open minded reader.
Susan Botich
Dec 03, 2013rated it it was amazing
Robert Lanza has been noted as a brilliant biologist, having accomplished significant breakthroughs in stem cell research as well as other contributions to medical science. In Biocentrism, he elucidates an extremely challenging concept for the reader bound to the status quo to grasp: that the universe is actually a perception of consciousness, not a static "out there" reality. Lanza explains step-by-step how this is so, using known and quantified laws of physics and other sciences, and explains his claim in an exquisite, elegant yet easy-to-understand language so that any lay person can easily grasp what he is saying. He also has a wonderful sense of humor that pops through at the most unexpected times that brings a lightheartedness to the weight of his subject.

I highly recommend this book to everyone who enjoys exploring the age-old quandary of the origin of the universe. 
Jan 06, 2015rated it it was amazing
Shelves: z2015
This is one of those books that I will always believe changed my life. It's also going to be one of the few books I read more than once. Biocentrism helped me understand how I am not alone in this universe, but a part of it, and realize that I do matter in the grand scheme of things, if only to create the world around me. I came across this theory after reading James Rollins' "The Eye of God" and it was nothing like I expected. Since reading this book I have felt much closer to the universe and more aware of the world around me. I have comforted friends who suffer from bouts of depression and loneliness, including myself.

Don't get me wrong, this is a difficult read; possibly the most difficult I have ever read. But if you put the time into it and really apply the concepts, it could open you up to a world you never knew was around you.
Nov 15, 2013rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Everyone
Recommended to Wayne by: Goodreads
This book of biocentrism is a scientific book. It is one of the best books I have ever read. Not that it was entertaining. It wasn't. What this book did was introduce me to some of the most amazing experimental accomplished in the realm of quantum physics and some conclusions that can be drawn. There is not any argument in the scientific community about much of the results of experiments in quantum physics but it has become clear that quantum physic is ill equipped to explain many things. Thus came along biocentrism. The concepts in biocentrism has its roots in quantum physic testing but a great deal of thought and reflection is required to objectively delve into this exciting new field.

One of the quantum physics experiments that is astounding is the two photons that go through a slit and are divided by space. Observing one photon which is a subatomic particle causes it to change and exhibit wave characteristics with vertical polarization. The twin photon separated by considerable space immediately changes from a particle to a wave with horizontal polarization. This leads to a conclusion that philosophers for years have speculated upon. Space and time do not exist in the real universe but are only fabrications of the human mind to enable us to sort things out. Another concept is that if you could travel at the speed of light you could be everywhere in the universe at the same time. Putting it another way if you were in a space ship approaching the speed of light the cosmos would look like a basketball in front of you.

For engineers, philosophers, and scientist this is a must read book. I think everybody should read this book. This book gets as close to religion as science has ever done. I love reading science books that explain complex ideas in a way that can be easy visualized. This book does this. The more I learn the more the reality of a supreme being and eternal life are manifested. The body dies but the spirit lives on. As the scientists will say energy never is destroyed it only changes form. And science shows we are energy. It can be measure as equivalent to a 100 watt light bulb.

So read this book and let your mind be stretched. You will find it fascinating.
Joshua Wulf
Aug 02, 2014rated it it was amazing
After reading a lot on relativity, quantum mechanics, and consciousness, this is the first book where I felt that the author had a solid grasp of all three and was able to bring something to the conversation.

The Western scientific revolution was predicated on an ontology of objective things that had an existence independent of observers. The periodic table we encountered in high school science is a good example. It exists independent of the reader of the table or the observer of the elements. The observer is an afterthought, and superfluous to the elements, which have their own concrete existence.

However, this view of the world - though utilitarian in that it produces technology such as the computer I am using to write this review - ignores that the entire ontological structure is in fact built through the very observation of the observer that it ignores.

The book begins by examining the Zen-koan-like question "If a tree falls in the woods and there is no-one there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

The authors approach this question in a way that distinguishes sense perception from the phenomena it perceives. "Sound" is a perception - it requires an observer. Things do not make sound - we perceive certain phenomena as sound. Sound is an emergent phenomenon at the intersection of consciousness, senses, and stimulus. The author uses this to show how closely, and transparently, consciousness and observing are bound to our observations; and how difficult it is for us to reason about the world with this distinction.

This is by no means the first time I'd encountered the question of the tree in the woods, but before reading this, it had never occurred to me that the language of "sound" intrinsically implies an observer. Otherwise the "what happened" is merely pressure waves in air. These only become "sound" when perceived through the ear of an observer that processes this phenomenon as sound. No observer = no "sound"; merely pressure waves.

Observation is invisibly embedded in our language and the ideal of objectivity promoted by classical science is an illusion. Lanza uses this example to cause the observer to show up in classical physics.

This is just the beginning, though.

The discoveries of Quantum Mechanics, beginning in the 20th century, turned the ontological basis of science on its head. It turns out that the universe does not exist in the concrete fashion depicted in the periodic table when no-one is looking at it. Ignoring the consciousness of the tree for the moment - if there is no observer present, not only does the tree not make a sound when it falls - it doesn't even exist!

Not only the existence of concrete elements beginning from atoms, but even the phenomenon of time and space themselves are dependent on observation.

In other words, time and space are not an objective background against which reality takes place, but rather they emerge from the interaction of the universe and our experience. Consciousness really is at the centre of everything that we know about the world. Time and space, and even concrete matter do not appear unless consciousness is present. Quantum mechanical experiments have given us knowledge of what the universe "looks like" when no-one is looking: it is an uncollapsed wave function - a state of undetermined probability.

Relativity was the first clue that experience dictates the nature of reality - with changes to space and time taking place depending on the observer - and quantum mechanics has shown that it is not merely a late-stage artifact of reality, but at its very core.

Lanza then takes us further, to show how the primacy of consciousness not only explains both relativity and quantum mechanics, but reconciles the two.

Having personally spent over a decade studying yoga and Eastern philosophy, in addition to my western scientific and engineering education and career, I found this book to come the closest of any I have read to date in presenting an accurate synthesis of the two.

I've read many books that misrepresented either, and sometimes both, in their efforts.

Having given the author credit for presenting a synthesis, in some respects his original material represents a more accurate presentation of ancient ideas than when he is explicitly presenting "Eastern religion" or philosophy. Those parts are a superficial presentation, dwelling on the popularly-known aspects like unified consciousness (Advaita) or reincarnation.

There are other aspects of Vedic cosmology that are more interesting in light of the findings of relativity and quantum mechanics and the desire of the author to explain these things in light of consciousness.

In a discourse on the nature of the material world (a section of Eastern philosophy known as "Sankhya" or "Distinction"), material nature is described in the Srimad Bhagavatam as "pradhana" - an undifferentiated state of potential:

"The unmanifested eternal combination of the three modes is the cause of the manifest state and is called pradhana. It is called prakriti when in the manifested stage of existence.SB. 3.26.10

The discussion continues to describe the various object of sense perception ("sound", "sight", etc), the sense organs ("ears", "eyes"), which are material, and then the senses ("hearing", "vision") and mental apparatus, which are of a subtle material nature, through which consciousness experiences the world (SB. 3.26.11-14), and then explains that both time and the appearance of space of variegated experience arise from the undifferentiated material potentiality through the injection of consciousness (SB.3.26.15-19).

This is, in fact, the argument being made by Lanza in this book. Quantum mechanical experiments reveal that the world exists as a cloud of undifferentiated, unmanifested "probability" until experienced by consciousness through senses, at which point it "collapses" into a deterministic state.

The author of this book comes down against the Many Worlds interpretation of QM.

Personally, I find the Many Worlds interpretation of QM to be more in line with the descriptions given in Bhagavatam, which - in addition to the consciousness-first nature of reality, and sensory-driven wave form collapse - deals with karma - fate and freewill.

An Einsteinian block universe is experienced by living entities as a sequence of events. However, the sequence is "predetermined" in that time is a subjective experience - not an objective reality. This gives us a universe in which past, present, and future are already written, and are merely experienced sequentially. (Don't worry if you don't get that immediately - it took me a lot of reading about the implications of the physics arrow of time to get that).

However, QM demonstrates that quantum uncertainty exists. This is one of the issues in reconciling Newtonian/Einsteinian physics of the macro-world with the Quantum Mechanical nature of the microscopic.

The Many Worlds interpretation of QM allows that an unlimited number of static, predetermined Einsteinian block universes exist, but which universe you are in can change at every moment.

Exactly this scenario is described in Bhagavad-gita, where Arjuna is shown "the Universal Form" - a vision of the Einsteinian block universe in which past, present, and future are all present and visible. He is told that the fate of his enemies is already sealed, but he has the free will to become the agent of that fate. The stage is set, the script is written, but the casting is open.

In this model predetermination and free will co-exist, as they do in a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure. All the paths are there, already written; but which one you are on can change.

The factors that influence the flow of a living entity through different paths (different universes == different fates) are discussed in Srimad BhagavatamBhagavad-gita, and many other texts of Buddhist and Vedic-derivation.

I'm looking forward to the book that builds on Lanza's offering with a more detailed exposition of the relationship between relativity, QM, and consciousness; the insights available in Eastern philosophies, and the issues of fate and free will.

In some universes there will be a Joshua Wulf reading it. In others Joshua Wulf will be the writer. I wonder which one I will experience?
Mar 19, 2014rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: ebookkindle
Before reading this book, I had always thought of time as somehow real. But now I know it isn't. Whey you look at a distant star, you think you are seeing light millions of years old. This is only because the science, in the last hundred years or so, has told us so. But, quantum entanglement means that if I am on that distant star, and I am quantumly entangled with you, the reader, then things happen simultaneously. These two principles seem to violate each other. How can things be millions of light years apart but acting simultaneously? Here is a quote from Wikipedia:

"Like Einstein, Schrödinger was dissatisfied with the concept of entanglement, because it seemed to violate the speed limit on the transmission of information implicit in the theory of relativity.[16] Einstein later famously derided entanglement as "spukhafte Fernwirkung"[17] or "spooky action at a distance.""

But, as the observer knows, they are seeing the light from the stars now, as you look at that star, in the evening, in the sky, and hear the trees rustle around you. The time is now, not millions of years ago.

It is all a very clever illusion, and we are creating it with our completely lost-from-source minds. And we believe it to be "real" and out of our control. But it is we, the observer, who are out of control.

We need to become better observers. This book helps.
Jul 08, 2015rated it it was amazing
I want all of my friends to read this so we can talk about it for hours. My only problem with this book was some questions he left answered (which did not compromise my rating because questions are not the same as criticism.) His premise is logically viable, it works very well with Bohm's hypothesis; however I would have enjoyed him exploring more of the various states of consciousness or even more of the neuroscience behind consciousness. I think it would have strengthened his argument if he was able to elaborate, for consciousness is not a static entity. Brain waves, for example: alpha, beta, theta, and delta, sleep, dreaming & altered states of consciousness that can come about through psychoactive drugs or meditation. Anyway, this was an amazing, horizon-expanding altered view of the universe. It annoyed me to read in some of the reviews that this was a philosophy book when he clearly used experiments and data from the literature to prove every point he made. It's like people skipped the intro, skimmed the first view paragraphs in each chapter and wrote it off as a new-age concept book written by a hippie.

If life exists because consciousness exists, that could be the "theory of everything" that physicists & philosophers alike have been looking for since man could "think, therefore I am."
Linda Robinson
Nov 24, 2010rated it really liked it
Reading science/cosmology/metaphysical in combination makes me forget my name and all my passwords. But I zipped right through this book which leads me to believe that I am already on the path, or I totally don't get it. The book quotes a Zen saying, "Name the color, blind the eye," and perhaps putting a label to consciousness does the same to awareness. But the book addresses questions I have now. What was there before the Big Bang? What is the universe expanding into? Quantum physics doesn't answer. The answer cannot be nothing, because nothing is not model-based reality. Quantum physics is working on finding a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that wraps all this up nicely. In waves or strings, or M-theory, or vintage jacquard ribbon? Superposition experiments now underway might reveal something. But what if, the authors of Biocentrism query, what if consciousness is what created it all? Suppose that external and internal are just language distinctions. Suppose time and space are constructs of our consciousness? (less)
Dennis Venturoni
Jan 14, 2020rated it it was amazing
I bought this book a couple of years ago on a whim, and it forever changed how I look at the universe. Biocentrism is scientific theory mixed in with some philosophy and metaphysics. Lanza does a good balancing act, and his theories are compelling. The idea that physicists have had it exactly backward the past hundred-plus years, that the universe is in fact a construct of our own minds and cannot exist without us, not the other way around, is mindblowing. I think Lanza is onto something
Aug 09, 2012rated it it was ok
Recommended to Kitap by: Dr. Bryan Miller
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
May 28, 2011rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
This book is a bunch of baloney. When I read The Master and His Emissary a few weeks ago, I complained that McGilchrist had written such a large tome to support his claim that I got lost putting it together. Lanza has gone to the other extreme. He’s making pretty much the biggest claim that anyone can make, i.e., explaining existence itself, and he’s put together a few chapters of hogwash to prove it. Lanza is not only sloppy in every aspect, he comes off totally smug and arrogant. You can almost read “Look, aren’t I a genius” between the lines. He’s inserted a few stories from his own personal life for no apparent reason but self-infatuation.

Lanza explicitly denies the reality of time and space. Implicitly, he also denies the existence of an objective reality outside ourselves. Nothing exists out there if there is no “consciousness” to observe it. He stays clear of defining this consciousness and explaining how it came about if nothing existed prior to it. What he offers in term of “scientific proof” is: a) the infamous double-slit experiment of quantum mechanics; b) the amazing fact that the constants of physics appear as if they’d been fine-tuned for the eventual emergence of starts and planets and life. As puzzling and inexplicable these two may be (there are theories and explanations), none of them can support Lanza’s claim by any stretch of imagination. The only chapter worth reading in the book is the one about the double-slit experiment and its different ingenious variations.

I should have taken Deepak Chopra’s endorsement of this book as a bad sign. Lanza plays defensive in the introduction and says that he’s not trying to prove any New Age philosophies (I have to give him credit for realizing that this would be quite bad for a book that claims to be scientific), but in the end what he says is not more than some New Age mumbo-jumbo about the universe being a single and continuous consciousness, etc. – all with the pretense of being scientific.
Connor Adams
Jun 13, 2014rated it it was amazing
Robert Lanza steps forward to prompt a paradigm shift in the way we think. For those of us who have been waiting for science to finally tackle (Or at least tickle) the behemoth question of consciousness and produce a piece of literature that can practically influence us in a down to earth manner regarding our daily rituals, without boiling down reality to a mass of random stupidity; this is for you.

A wonderful, colourful read, striking the perfect balance between fact, story and wonder, leaving out all the 'spooky knowledge' that so taints previous explanations of the sorts.

Would recommend to all. 
Jeffrey  Sylvester
Mar 11, 2014rated it it was amazing
“Biocentrism” by Robert Lanza and Robert Berman is excellent.
Lanza is an M.D., and advanced cell scientist, and Berman a famous astronomer. They propose that life creates the universe and not the other way around, and that biology should be the discipline used to develop a “theory of everything” that accounts for life and consciousness to better understand reality, being and the cosmos.

According to Lanza the physics model that Western science has employed has reached its limits in attempting to explain the age-old questions raised by philosophers and theologians regarding the cosmos, the origin of existence and consciousness.

Lanza challenges readers to question the claims of contemporary science such as where the Big Bang came from, the probability of our existence, and how consciousness arose from matter. Essentially Lanza makes the case that the more we know, the less we understand, and that answering the aforesaid questions requires a fundamental shift away from physics and toward biology. By extension, Lanza suggests the theory he proposes, Biocentrism, provides the answers physics cannot answer. Beyond offering the basis for a complete paradigm shift that opens new lines of investigation in physics and cosmology, Lanza suggests other researchers conduct “quantum superposition” experiments to either confirm or refute the theory.

Like any decent resource, Lanza spends much of his time declaring the limitations of what we know before proceeding with his proposed theory that could help close those gaps. For example, we now know that 96% of the universe is dark energy and dark matter but we have little idea of what those are or how they operate. We understand and guide our lives based on animal conceptions of time and space but both are illusory. We have academic fleets dedicated to brain science but the holes in the methodologies used to explain consciousness is never discussed (a problem particularly rife in behavioral ‘science’). We suggest that life was an incredibly improbable chance event when it is more probable the universe was fine-tuned to support life. We operate within the confines of human language and logic, and due to these limitations, are “constitutional materialists, hard-wired, designed, to think linearly”, always seeking sociological and scientific certainty upon which to base the order of our lives.

Much of biocentrism is explained through Lanza and Berman’s understandings of quantum theory and the bizarre relationships between subatomic particles. I have read several breakdowns of this theory by different scholars and felt Lanza’s was well explained. He also uses variations of the Anthropic Principle to support his arguments and ultimately concludes that consciousness must exist beyond our terrestrial realm, and that the content of our minds constitute “reality”, as humans throughout history have always suspected.

Structurally Lanza’s book is user-friendly, particularly at the end where Lanza breaks down “Answers to Basic Questions” and the different ways in which Classical Science, Western Religions and advocates of Biocentrism would respond. The dialogue he sets forth helps exemplify what Western science cannot know and what Biocentrism can provide in consideration of the gaps exposed.

I have also found fascinating how many scholars, building upon recent theoretical findings in physics, have concluded that these new theories increasingly support multi-universe, BiosLogos, and the Anthropic theories, the tenets of which line up with various aspects of millennia old Eastern religions.

5 stars out of 5 for Lanza and Berman!
Jun 14, 2014rated it really liked it
Brain successfully fried.
Katelynd Rallo
Jun 02, 2013rated it really liked it
At first I thought these guys were full of it. Everything that they started to approach seemed common sense and to be already proven with psychology and philosophy which in my mind are not to be considered a "science". I decided it would be best to actually read the whole book before making a proper judgement.

As I read I realized the point. If you rated this book a low rating it's probably because you didn't get it. Trust me it took me a few times to read this just to grasp the concept fully.

I have always been on the side of science and never believed perception or consciousness were relevant when discussing the matters of the universe. I love science because there is always an answer and there are very few exceptions to the laws and theories we have developed over the course of human history. What makes this book special is it's ability to force the reader to realize their place. The only reason why anything exists is because we exist to perceive it.

I hate to admit it but psychology and philosophy may actually have a place in the world of science, something you would never catch me saying out loud. 
Apr 15, 2010rated it it was amazing
This book must be read twice! I am into my second read and the clarity is overwhelming. Lanza points out and illustrates the flaws in majorly accepted scientific theory about the universe and how it is, and offers up the only possible alternative in his theory of Biocentrism -- a universe that springs from life (the observer), instead of a universe that exists independently of life.

Denise みか Hutchins
I purchased this book when I saw it mentioned on an episode of Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. It was presented there as an alternative to the preeminent string theory and I was enchanted by the idea. However, what I learned from this book ended up being so much more than that.

Not only does Biocentrism, the theory, do more than simply explain the strange behavior of quantum particles, Biocentrism, the book, was an excellent starting point for all kinds of scientific knowledge. I didn’t just learn about a new theory, I learned about the various scientific experiments and scientific theories that lead the authors to come to the Biocentrism conclusion. If ever I so choose, I can find my way to all that additional science through this book’s bibliography and expand my scientific knowledge even further. I think this is the main reason I LOVED reading this book: it didn’t just shove a new idea in my face and say, “There! Accept it!”, it took the time to explain itself and teach me new things along the way. The two main facets, learning the tenets of a new and wildly different scientific theory and learning about all the solid evidence that supports that theory, worked in harmony to make the whole book extremely readable and eternally fascinating.

Whether or not you end up convinced about this idea’s validity (I certainly am!), this is still an excellent book that sparks new ideas, can elicit extreme emotional response in its reader, is written in an easy style sprinkled with dry humor, and leads the reader to even more avenues of scientific exploration. My view of life and existence has been wholly altered by this book and I’m extremely glad I read it.
Sep 04, 2018rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
This book is fantastic. It presents a worldview entirely new to me, rooted in science and very exciting. Some of the science blew my mind. The only thing I still struggle with is other consciousness. Does reality exist where not you as the individual, but someone else sees it? How is consciousness tied to the individual? It probably isn't, because the book makes clear there are clear hints to a single consciousness (and no free will), but regardless, I'm still struggling with those questions. (less)
Richard Pinnell
Jun 25, 2009rated it did not like it
The central theme of this book is that life creates the universe and that consciousness lies at the center of existence. This is not a new idea and there is absolutely nothing new in this book. Lanza draws on two main sources to back up this idea. The first is that consciousness appears to cause the wave function to collapse in the famous double slit experiment. The second concerns the anthropic principle and how it seems that universe is uncannily just right for life. Both of these 'proofs' are open to various interpretations including the possibility that consciousness does indeed lie at the center of creation. However, that is only one possible conclusion that can be drawn and Lanza adds absolutely zero to the debate. He uses his book to lambaste physics and physicists for such like as not being able to tell us what came before the big bang, whilst at the same time declaring consciousness to be the be all and end all of everything without actually defining what consciousness is or offering any sort of explanation of how it came into existence or how it creates the physical universe. On top of that much of the book contains sections that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter and concern nothing more than Lanza's own life experiences. He uses these chapters to butter his own biscuit, blast his own trumpet and bang his own drum interspersed with a bit of name dropping. The worst book I've read all year! (less)
Neil Hayes
May 04, 2015rated it it was amazing
The central point of this book is that consciousness creates the universe, not the other way round. Although not a new insight, this compelling book is the best I have read to bring home the importance of this phenomenon, and the simplest explanation of the quantum physics behind it. Interweaved with the science is a charmingly personal account of some defining experiences in Lanza's life. A wonderful book, and to me a must-read for any student of the mind, the universe, or indeed practically anything. (less)