
How Should We Then Live? - Wikipedia Frank Schaeffer

How Should We Then Live? - Wikipedia

How Should We Then Live?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First edition
(publ. Fleming H. Revell Company)

How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture is a Christian cultural and historical documentary film series and book. The book was written by presuppositionalist theologian Francis A. Schaeffer and first published in 1976. The book served as the basis for a series of ten films. Schaeffer narrated and appeared throughout the film series, which was produced by his son Frank Schaeffer and directed by John Gonser.[1] In the film series, Schaeffer attacked the influences of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and Charles Darwin. The films were credited with inspiring a number of leaders of the American conservative evangelical movement, including Jerry Falwell.[2] The complete list of materials that the Schaeffers produced under the title "How Should We Then Live?" include the initial book, a study guide for the book, the ten-episode film series, and study aids for the films.


According to Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live traces Western history from Ancient Rome until the time of writing (1976) along three lines: the philosophic, scientific, and religious.[3] He also makes extensive references to art and architecture as a means of showing how these movements reflected changing patterns of thought through time. Schaeffer's central premise is: when we base society on the Bible, on the infinite-personal God who is there and has spoken,[4] this provides an absolute by which we can conduct our lives and by which we can judge society. This leads to what Schaeffer calls "Freedom without chaos."[5] When we base society on humanism, which he defines as "a value system rooted in the belief that man is his own measure, that man is autonomous, totally independent",[6] all values are relative and we have no way to distinguish right from wrong except for "synthesis, pragmatism, and utilitarianism."[7] Because we disagree on what is best for which group, this leads to fragmentation of thought,[8] which has led us to the despair and alienation so prevalent in society today.[9] This fragmentation is expressed in the visual arts in works such as Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso. This work is considered to mark the beginning of Modern Art.[10] Another premise is that modern relative values are based on Personal Peace (the desire to be personally unaffected by the world's problems) and Affluence (an increasing personal income.)[11] He warns that when we live by these values we will be tempted to sacrifice our freedoms in exchange for an authoritarian government who will provide the relative values.[12] He further warns that this government will not be obvious like the fascist regimes of the 20th century but will be based on manipulation and subtle forms of information control, psychology, and genetics.[13]

Table of Contents[edit]

  • List of Illustrations
  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1: Ancient Rome - The finite Graeco-Roman gods were not a sufficient inward base for the Roman society: Rome crumbled from within, and the invasions of the barbarians only completed the breakdown.
  • Chapter 2: The Middle Ages - Had many positive elements of a Christian society, but allowed humanistic concepts to begin to blend with the earlier Bible based Christianity. These elements would begin to polarize in the Renaissance.
  • Chapter 3: The Renaissance - The rebirth of classical thought. The humanistic ideal, man beginning only from himself, becomes dominant and will continue to grow to its logical conclusion through the further periods.
  • Chapter 4: The Reformation - The philosophic reasons the reformers wanted to break away from the Church of Rome. The reformers attitudes toward art and culture.
  • Chapter 5: The Reformation – Continued - The effects the Reformation had on society, affecting thinkers who even themselves may not have been Christian by the traditional definition.
  • Chapter 6: The Enlightenment - How optimism at human potential became divorced from religion. How the French Revolution showed the logical conclusion of this.
  • Chapter 7: The Rise of Modern Science - Science's foundation came from confidence that God had created an orderly world that we could understand.
  • Chapter 8: The Breakdown in Philosophy and Science - The shift from the concept of the uniformity in an open system to the concept of natural causes in a closed system[14] begins the descent to despair and the conclusion that man is merely a machine.[15]
  • Chapter 9: Modern Philosophy and Modern Theology - Further steps down the line of despair. How the theologians follow the philosophers.
  • Chapter 10: Modern Art, Music, Literature, and Films - Numerous examples of despair and alienation in modern productions.
  • Chapter 11: Our Society - How the values of personal peace and affluence permeate our society.
  • Chapter 12: Manipulation and the New Elite - How our society has opened itself up to the coming of an elite authoritarian state.
  • Chapter 13: The Alternatives - Return to the Christian foundation of our society[16] or face increasing economic breakdown, war, the chaos of violence, radical redistribution of wealth, and growing shortage of food and natural resources.[17]
  • A Special Note - Christians have special responsibilities
  • Chronological Index - A detailed time line, intended to be used like an index, with page number references tied to the text.
  • Topical Index - A more traditional index
  • Select Bibliography

Inspiration for the film series[edit]

The film series "was intended as a Christian version of Sir Kenneth Clark's popular Civilisation series on public television."[18] Schaeffer often decried the Civilisation series and other programs appearing on Public Television in America as part of a relativist conspiracy, declaring, "Public television gives us many things that many of us like culturally, but is also completely committed to a propaganda position that the last reality is only material/energy shaped by pure chance. Clark's CivilisationBronowski's The Ascent of ManCarl Sagan's Cosmos – they all say it. There is only one final view of reality that's possible and that is that the final reality is material or energy shaped by pure chance. It is about us on every side, and especially the government and the courts have become the vehicle to force this anti-God view on the total population."[19] A number of consultants and researchers were approached to provide input in specialist areas, including Hans Rookmaaker for the history of art, and opera singer Jane Stuart Smith for music.[20] A guide to accompany the film series was also produced to facilitate group study.

The film series[edit]

The film series How Should We Then Live? was a 1977 Gospel Films Production, written and narrated by Francis A. Schaeffer, executive producer Billy Zeoli, created and produced by Franky Schaeffer V, directed by John Gonser (some scenes by Franky Schaeffer V), post production directed by Mel White. Each episode is just under half an hour.

  • Episode I - The Roman Age
  • Episode II - The Middle Ages
  • Episode III - The Renaissance
  • Episode IV - The Reformation
  • Episode V - The Revolutionary Age
  • Episode VI - The Scientific Age
  • Episode VII - The Age of Non Reason
  • Episode VIII - The Age of Fragmentation
  • Episode IX - The Age of Personal Peace & Affluence
  • Episode X - Final Choices


Speaking Tour[edit]

Colin Duriez, in his biography of Schaeffer, describes the initial speaking tour and its reception: "Schaeffer spoke at seminars across North America where the film series was shown. In an initial speaking tour of eighteen cities in 1977, there was an enthusiastic response to the screening of the ten half-hour episodes... The film series was also shown around Europe, including local screenings set up by churches and Christian groups in the United Kingdom... The prospect of a large screen presentation perhaps removed peoples fears of being lost, as when hearing or reading Schaeffer undiluted. The seminar pattern, with a lecture by Francis and a showing of an episode followed by his taking questions from the audience, anticipated the more controversial series Whatever Happened to the Human Race? which, however, had smaller audiences."[21]

Influence among Evangelicals[edit]

Duriez reports that the film series "became a sensation among evangelicals, drawing audiences of up to five thousand in the churches that screened it. The accompanying book was a best-seller in the evangelical market...", selling forty thousand copies in the first three months.[21] "...[In America] Conservative evangelicals had been looking for an explanation for the secular drift of their country, and Schaeffer's diagnosis of contemporary cultural ills gave them a framework for understanding it."[22] With this and his other works "Schaeffer gave an entire generation of ministers the permission to read philosophy and to be engaged with the culture. It was not unusual for a ministerial student to be accused of 'carnal-mindedness' for reading philosophers or, even worse novelists, in an attempt to broaden the range of Christian apologetics. Schaeffer...can be credited for overcoming the monopoly of biblical studies and theology in the education of Evangelical ministers."[18]

Frank Schaeffer the creator/producer of the film series states "How Should We Then Live? and the second series..."Whatever Happened to the Human Race? are still standard works today in thousands of evangelical high schools, colleges, and seminaries around the world. For many evangelicals, Francis Schaeffer is their first, and perhaps only, introduction to what 'we' think about art, history and culture, and politics - not to mention 'life issues.'"[23]

In America the film series/book's call to action against legalized abortion is seen as a key impetus to the development of a political Christian Right movement, "Conservative evangelicals' newfound devotion to the GOP stemmed partly from their increased attention to abortion. In 1980, evangelicals had opposed abortion, but they generally viewed it as only one of many national sins, including the sexual revolution, homosexuality, feminism, and pornography. In the mid-1980s, evangelicals moved closer to the conservative Catholic position on the issue and began to view abortion as a unique evil, far worse than other national sins. Evangelicals heightened concern about abortion was largely due to the influence of Francis Schaeffer and his son Franky."[22] It is generally admitted by Evangelical leaders, such as Ralph Reed, that "abortion only became a central issue for Evangelicals as a result of a book and ten-part film series in 1976, How Should We Then Live?"[18]

Catholic response[edit]

While praising Schaeffer's message against legalized abortion, Schaeffer's comments in the film series/book about the Catholic Church drew a critical response. In the series, particularly when speaking about the Reformation, Schaeffer repeats much of the criticism of the Catholic Church made by previous Protestant leaders and restates such criticism as accepted fact. Catholics have always taken issue with such claims, seeing them as outright falsehoods or at the very least misrepresenting their faith.

Aquinas controversy[edit]

Roman Catholic scholar Taylor Marshall has disputed Schaeffer's assessment of Thomas Aquinas, specifically with regard to the effect of the Fall on the intellect, which was subsequently repeated by other theologians following after Schaeffer (such as Tim Lahaye in The Battle for the Mind). In both the book and film series Schaeffer states: "Then came Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican monk. He was the outstanding theologian of that period and his thinking still has much influence. He had an incomplete view of the fall of man, as man had revolted against God. In his view the human will was fallen or corrupted, but the intellect was not. As a result of this emphasis, gradually philosophy began to act in an increasingly independent autonomous manner." Schaeffer, who never actually quotes Aquinas in the series, goes on to mark him as a key source for the development of humanism and relativism.

In his response Marshall points to Aquinas' work (Summa Theologica Ia, q. 85 a. 3) where he expounds on the work of the Venerable Bede, who lists the effects of the fall of man as four wounds which includes the fall of the human intellect. Aquinas writes "Therefore in so far as the reason is deprived of its order to the true, there is the wound of ignorance; in so far as the will is deprived of its order of good, there is the wound of malice; in so far as the irascible is deprived of its order to the arduous, there is the wound of weakness; and in so far as the concupiscible is deprived of its order to the delectable, moderated by reason, there is the wound of concupiscence."[24][self-published source?]

In absolute contrast to Schaeffer, Catholics see Aquinas as an enemy of relativism citing his work on theology (including ST I Q1 A6 ad 2) where he says "The principles of other sciences either are evident and cannot be proved, or are proved by natural reason through some other science. But the knowledge proper to this science [theology] comes through revelation and not through natural reason. Therefore it has no concern to prove the principles of other sciences, but only to judge of them. Whatsoever is found in other sciences contrary to any truth of this science must be condemned as false: 'Destroying counsels and every height that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God' (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)."[25][self-published source?] Rather than Aquinas, Catholics see Immanuel Kant as the key figure in Modern Relativism.[26]

Unease over Schaeffer's portrayal of Aquinas is not limited to Catholics. J.P. Moreland, a professor of the Talbot School of Theology, writing the forward to the 2006 reprint of Schaeffer's book Escape from Reason, states "Others argue, sometime correctly, that Schaeffer paints with too broad a brush and, as a result, somewhat misrepresents certain thinkers. I, for one, do not think his treatment of Thomas Aquinas is entirely fair or accurate. However at the end of the day these criticisms miss the genius of this book."[27]

As an indication of the controversy of his position on Aquinas, soon after Schaeffer's death the premier Evangelical magazine Christianity Today, included a cartoon of him. In it Schaeffer enters the gates of heaven with his trademark goatee while wearing lederhosen. Saint Peter finds his name in the Book of Life and says "Francis Schaeffer...Oh, yes. Saint Thomas Aquinas would like to have a word with you."[28]


  1. ^ Colin Duriez (2008). Francis Schaeffer - An Authentic Life, page 184. InterVarsity Press
  2. ^ Oppenheimer, Mark (August 19, 2011). "Son of Evangelical Royalty Turns His Back, and Tells the Tale"New York Times. Retrieved September 5, 2011.
  3. ^ p20
  4. ^ p22
  5. ^ p105-113
  6. ^ p60
  7. ^ p251-2
  8. ^ p184-197
  9. ^ p209-10
  10. ^ p.184
  11. ^ p205
  12. ^ p227
  13. ^ p228
  14. ^ p146
  15. ^ p166
  16. ^ p250
  17. ^ p246-248
  18. Jump up to:a b c Deal Wyatt Hudson (2008). Onward Christian soldiers: the growing political power of Catholics and Evangelicals in the United States. New York, NY: Threshold Editions.[page needed]
  19. ^ Francis A. Schaeffer (1982). "A Christian Manifesto - Address by Francis A. Schaeffer at the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida".
  20. ^ Colin Duriez (2008). Francis Schaeffer - An Authentic Life, page 184. InterVarsity Press
  21. Jump up to:a b Duriez. Francis Schaeffer: An Authentic Life, page 186
  22. Jump up to:a b Daniel K. Williams (2010). God's Own Party: The Making of the Christian Right. Oxford University Press.[page needed]
  23. ^ Frank Schaeffer (2007). Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back. Carrol & Graf.[page needed]
  24. ^ Taylor Marshall (November 4, 2007). "Did St. Thomas Aquinas teach that Reason did not fall?".
  25. ^ Reginald de Piperno (December 1, 2007). "Francis Schaeffer and Aquinas".
  26. ^ "Catholic Encyclopedia: Relativism".
  27. ^ Escape from Reason with Foreword by J.P. Moreland. England: InterVarsity Press. 2006. p. 9.
  28. ^ Roger E. Olson (2005). The SCM Press A-Z of evangelical theology. SCM Press. p. 131.

External links[edit]

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Beyond Medicine: A Physician’s Revolutionary Prescription for Achieving Absolute Health: Muehsam, Patricia A.

Beyond Medicine: A Physician’s Revolutionary Prescription for Achieving Absolute Health and Finding Inner Peace: Muehsam, Patricia A.: 9781608686995: Amazon.com: Books

Patricia A. Muehsam

Beyond Medicine: A Physician’s Revolutionary Prescription for Achieving Absolute Health and Finding Inner Peace Paperback – November 16, 2021
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A pioneer in the synthesis of science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality, Dr. Patricia Muehsam introduces and explores a path to health and well-being that is extraordinary in its ease and profound in its results. This groundbreaking work explores what health and healing — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — really mean and offers a revolutionary new way to think about health. You’ll discover experiences of illness and healing that defy conventional thinking, explore the ancient wisdom and the modern science of consciousness, and learn practical tools for experiencing Absolute Health — which are also tools for navigating being human.


“Beyond Medicine introduces you to a powerful healer with special abilities: you. In this empowering book, Patricia Muehsam shows that everyone, including you, has great healing abilities within, just waiting to be tapped. Her warmth and authenticity draw readers in, inviting them to become participants in a journey toward Absolute Health.”
— Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

“Beyond Medicine may be the only health-and-healing book you will ever need. In it, physician-researcher Patricia Muehsam guides us to the rock-bottom essence of health: peace of mind. Like all truly great teachers, Muehsam has ‘been there,’ and this fact lends a powerful genuineness and authenticity to this book. If you are tired of chasing one healing practice after another, you will discover that health consists of being and surrender, not doing and struggling.”
— Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind and Healing Words

“Dr. Muehsam is the physician we have all been waiting for! In this exquisite book, she offers the ground floor to your ever-expanding path to overall well-being. Greater health and vitality are within us all. They always have been. This book will help you find your way in with a gentle touch and an accepting heart.”
— Emily A. Francis, author of The Body Heals Itself, Whole Body Healing, and Healing Ourselves Whole

“An in-depth guide to better understanding possibilities for rejuvenating and healing our body/mind. Anyone can benefit from the wisdom Dr. Muehsam has transmitted in this cutting-edge book.”
— Dr. Marc Grossman, OD, LAc, author of Magic Eye Beyond 3D and medical director, Natural Eye Care

“Beyond Medicine reflects Dr. Muehsam’s years of exploration into the science and art of healing; she gathers all that she has learned — informed by research and personal stories — into a book that not only educates but inspires. It was a great read, and I learned so much. I love that it is experiential; truly a guidebook and such a brilliant way to assemble a wide breadth of knowledge. I will repeatedly turn to this book as a resource.”
— Laurin Bellg, MD, author of Near Death in the ICU, board-certified critical care physician, chair of medicine and ICU director, ThedaCare Regional Medical Center

“Patricia Muehsam has been on a remarkable journey, one that has tested her soul and challenged modern definitions of sickness, health, and healing. In the process she has made astonishing discoveries about our virtually limitless capacities to determine our own state of wellness. This is not woo-woo stuff; you don’t help found an office within the National Institutes of Health or work at a Harlem methadone clinic unless you’re the real deal. Dr. Muehsam is the real deal, and what she has to share is as important as anything in the world of health today.”
— John David Mann, coauthor of the New York Times bestselling and award-winning The Go-Giver

“In Beyond Medicine Dr. Muehsam has provided a valuable resource for understanding the interconnection of mind and body. The book offers do-it-yourself tools for getting in touch with the emotional links to not just physical health but any and all life challenges. It also provides a succinct overview of various health-care practices, drawing from both ancient traditions and modern research, all of which inform Dr. Muehsam’s model of Absolute Health. I particularly appreciate her recognition that mainstream and alternative medicine are complementary, rather than conflicting.”
— Brenda J. Dunne, PhD, president of International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL), former manager of Princeton University’s PEAR laboratory, and coauthor (with Robert Jahn, PhD) of Margins of Reality

“This brilliant book offers us clarity and solutions for vibrant health, from an expert guide who stands by us to light the way. It brings us exactly what we’ve been waiting for — a comforting, useful, and timely guide for feeling well, getting well, and living well.”
— Amy Scher, bestselling author of How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can

“Beyond Medicine respects what conventional medicine has to offer while also acknowledging its limits. Dr. Muehsam steps in and invites us to take a more active role in our own health and happiness by harnessing the power of deep inner peace — and enjoying its many biological and psychological benefits. The best part? She gives you step-by-step exercises you can do right now to reach a powerful state of inner peace. Beyond Medicine is a must-read for anyone looking to change the course of their life for the better.”
— Kelly A. Turner, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of Radical Hope and Radical Remission

“Patricia Muehsam’s book, Beyond Medicine, is a treasure that we all need to read in order to learn from her experience and wisdom. When I began speaking and writing books, I was called controversial. What Dr. Muehsam writes about is not controversial. It is her experience and mine, too. She has the courage to practice what she preaches and to accept and learn from her experiences. Doctors are trained to treat the diagnosis but not the patient, but Dr. Muehsam shows how the patient needs to come back into the process to actively participate to find Absolute Health. So read Dr. Muehsam’s prescription to help you find health and inner peace.”
— Bernie Siegel, MD, author of Love, Medicine & Miracles and The Art of Healing

“A pioneering perspective and a revolutionary prescription, Beyond Medicine is grounded in modern science and graced with ancient wisdom. Dr. Muehsam’s book is a must-read for anyone seeking to claim or reclaim their health and well-being. Readers will learn, firsthand, through the tools that Dr. Muehsam offers, how to do just that: how to find their way to Absolute Health and inner peace. That way is extraordinarily simple — a remarkable offering, given the sophistication and complexity of human biology and our long-held beliefs about what it takes to get well and be well. In fact, Dr. Muehsam teaches us that it takes very little, that our way to health and well-being is easy and effortless.”
— Daniel P. Eskinazi, DDS, PhD, LAc, founding deputy director, National Institutes of Health, Office of Alternative Medicine

“A groundbreaking work that explores what physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and healing really mean and offers a revolutionary new way to think about health. . . .Very well written, organized and presented for the benefit of the non-specialist general reader.”
— Midwest Book Review

About the Author
PATRICIA A. MUEHSAM, MD, a pioneer in the synthesis of science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality, has distinguished herself as a practitioner, educator, and research scientist and has been an influential force in shaping the landscape of health-care options available today. Dr. Muehsam is the founder of Transformational Medicine™, a whole-person approach to health and well-being, offering tools and resources for individuals and communities in person and online. She lives in New York City. More information at www.TransformationalMedicine.org.

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ New World Library (November 16, 2021)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pagesBest Sellers Rank: #559,867 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)#1,746 in Healing
#1,811 in New Thought
#3,232 in Mental & Spiritual HealingCustomer Reviews:
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 22 ratings

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Patricia A. Muehsam

Patricia A. Muehsam, MD, a pioneer in the synthesis of science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality, has distinguished herself as a practitioner, educator, and research scientist.

Dr. Muehsam has been an influential force in shaping the landscape of health care options available today. As a thought leader, she was invited to participate in the National Institutes of Health-sponsored endeavors to investigate health care practices outside the realm of Western medicine, which led to the government-mandated formation of the Office of Alternative Medicine, now the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Dr. Muehsam founded the Association of American Medical Colleges’ first initiative in alternative and complementary medicine, leading medical schools throughout the United States to add courses in the field. Her original bioelectromagnetics laboratory research at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine investigated distance healing, Qigong, and homeopathy.

Inspired by her personal experiences bearing witness to cures that defied conventional medical thinking, Dr. Muehsam pursued training in acupuncture, Ayurveda, homeopathy mindbody medicine, yoga, energy medicine practices, and functional medicine. She is the Founder of Transformational Medicine, a whole person approach to healing, wellness, and living. Her services include health consultations, mindbody healing sessions, in person and online workshops, courses, and retreats.

A musician since early childhood, she plays piano, flute, and sings. Nowadays, she mostly sings — jazz, gospel, and classical choral music. Dr. Muehsam resides in New York City and is “mom” to an eternal puppy, her adopted Golden Retriever, Benjamin.

To learn more: www.transformationalmedicine.org

From the United States
Marie Wallace Munger
5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating!
Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2023
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Very thorough and fair in her reporting on ALL modes of healing. Simple helpful methods to tap into our gift of healing. Inspirational. Written with love.
5.0 out of 5 stars One of the most important books you will ever read!
Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2022
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This is one of the most important books you will ever read! Dr. Muehsam is one of the greatest trailblazers in the field of alternative and complementary medicine. She is a very gifted physician, research scientist, educator, and healer. In "Beyond Medicine," she has encapsulated a vast amount of information and wisdom in a book that is an absolute joy to read. Once I started reading it, I could not put it down. It is a profoundly inspiring guide to holistic healing and to living life to the fullest.
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Orin Lee
5.0 out of 5 stars A wonderful book on healing and wholeness.
Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2021
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Thank you Dr. Muehsam for this wonderful book. One of the many things that makes this book stand out for me is how candidly and openly you shared your own journey – discovering along the way a profound understanding of healing and wholeness. I have not known many medical professionals willing to share so much. It made the processes of healing (and wholeness) you presented feel more like treasures earned in the trenches. To me it feels like roadmap, a guide from someone who has been there. I like that. I loved your personal experiences with people of various healing disciplines around the world. It is nice to have so much to think about and explore as my own journey continues. And thank you for the endnotes and references sections regarding relevant scientific studies, information and practitioners. Well done
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Candida I.
5.0 out of 5 stars A Thorough Guide to and Empowered Healing Journey
Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2021
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Dr. Patricia Muehsam’s new book, “Beyond Medicine,” is a treasure chest full of information which has been thoroughly researched, clearly presented, and highlighted with personal experiences on the many options available to everyone who is searching for health and healing. It’s a tool that empowers the reader with choices available in conjunction with or beyond what allopathic medicine offers. It is written with a sensitivity, clarity, and willingness to share what we can achieve by looking inside of ourselves and tapping into the body’s innate ability to heal. I am so appreciative of the recommended meditations and techniques that are included to make these concepts readily applicable and useful. Everyone can benefit from this book and can reference it time and time again! Thank you, Dr. Muehsam for this priceless labor of love!
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5.0 out of 5 stars An invitation to healing yourself and others
Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2021
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Dr. Muehsam has carefully constructed this journey into understanding our potential for well being. Her own life experience offers insight into her motivation for writing the book--her career as a physician and now as a writer is one in which she is focuses on healing her patients and readers through compassion and through her own example. This book is packed with useful and informative material, and you can read it from start to finish or just pick sections as you are drawn to them. In my role as a pastor and meditation teacher, Beyond Medicine is a reference I will always keep close by.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Empowering book on healing
Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2021
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Beyond Medicine is a must read for anyone looking for answers in their health. It walks the reader through step-by-step processes designed to empower and illuminate a clearer path through health struggles. Whether the reader is looking for help with a chronic physical or mental ailment or simply looking for a deeper understanding of the body and mind, I highly recommend this book.
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Michael C.
5.0 out of 5 stars Beyond Medicine is Beyond Myth! A must read.
Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2021
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Make sure you get your copy of “Beyond Medicine, A Physician’s Prescription for Achieving Absolute Health and Finding Inner Peace” by Patricia A. Muehsam, MD. I was fortunate to review it before it’s public release. Dr. Muehsam focuses on the importance of self care, self awareness, and one’s own participation and personal investment in the process to achieving health and wellness.
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Janet Y. larose
5.0 out of 5 stars A thought provoking and insightful read
Reviewed in the United States on November 24, 2021
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A fascinating and thought provoking approach to good health, by an insightful author who shares her personal experiences. This excellent read promotes positivity, and does indeed take the reader on a journey beyond medicine.
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Lisa Tener
5.0 out of 5 stars One of Those Truly Rare Books That Can Change Your Life Deeply and Forever
Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2022
I've been on a healing path for most of my adult life, and have worked with many modalities for personal growth and healing. Yet, I don't think I've ever encountered a book quite like Beyond Medicine. Dr. Muehsam's stories are truly medicine themselves. From the very first page, the powerful "Medicine" in Beyond Medicine leapt off the page and into my heart, healing me from the inside out. Within a few hours, I found myself healing issues that have eluded me for a lifetime. I've struggled to be more present, get out of my head and into my heart, to be more at ease with my feelings and not run from them. And this book helped me do just that, with ease, within a span of a few hours. It has created a profound shift. I am truly in awe. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.
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Colleen G.
5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful and healing
Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2022
Dr. Meuhsam's book is truly inspiring and impactful -- filled with caring and courage, strength, hope and compassion. Dr. Meuhsam's knowledge, insight and expertise as a physician and healer is deeply appreciated. Her reflective and responsive practice, informed by experience, science and research is profound and significant. I am honored to know Dr.Meuhsam - and to have been in her caring and compassionate presence. This book -- her work, words and wisdom -- are truly transformative.

Richard E.
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is a practical, comprehensive approach to Absolute Health with step-by-step exercises.
Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2022
I appreciated the author's honesty in sharing her journey to write the book and sharing her life experiences. I also appreciated the insights and perspectives that are offered in the book. The difference from other books on the subject of health is that this approach is comprehensive and practical. The book describes a variety of techniques for mind, body, and spirit with practical step-by-step exercises. This is an excellent book to improve overall health. I highly recommend this book!
One person found this helpful
Jill R. Baron, MD, Integrative and Functional Medicine Physician
5.0 out of 5 stars A Pioneering Book for Healing!
Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2021
Dr. Patricia Muehsam has written an extraordinary guide to healing that encompasses conventional and holistic ways to getting well. She gives you a multilayered approach to healing from the inside out, with the tools to help one get there. In addition, Dr. Muehsam, gives one permission to find one's own path to healing, by saying that there are many ways to heal. I highly recommend this inspiring and thoughtful book to anyone looking to "find their way home" to health.
2 people found this helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Highly questionable stuff
Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2022
I have not read this book cover to cover, but I did read a brief passage of it and some of statements in that passage were troubling to me. For instance, amidst a discussion of quantum physics on page 172 the author declares, "There is no such thing as objective reality." If that were true, how would society even function? Not that society is functioning very well lately, precisely because of the tendency exhibited by so many people to vehemently assert their beliefs, wishes and narratives regardless of the facts. Whether the author likes it or not, objective reality furnished the basis for this book being published, from the manufacturing of the paper it is printed on to the money people hand over to purchase it.

Another example I'd cite is on a nearby page (maybe 171?) where the author writes "You, and only you, know what can or cannot work for you." Well, if that's the case, then why consult people trained in such disciplines as medicine, psychotherapy, finance or the law? If a person has cancer, that cancer might go into remission spontaneously but then again it may metastasize and get much worse without treatment. And is the patient, with no medical training, supposed to know what treatment, and in what order or to what degree, will produce the best outcome? Here, the author says "know" -- not "believe" -- and in the example of a cancer patient's deciding what treatment to pursue, if any, the difference between the patient's belief (based on no training) and a doctor's expertise (based on training and clinical experience) seems absolutely critical to me. I'm not saying that experts are infallible, but their expertise can yield benefits that shouldn't be lightly dismissed in favor of uninformed opinions.

There was other stuff in the passage I read that really didn't seem credible... a basket of clothes pins supposedly moving on its own, exercise weights allegedly rolling around while the table they were on didn't move....

Knowledge and belief are not the same, and it certainly can be a fatal error to confuse the two. Objective reality does exist, whether people decide to negate the existence of that reality or not. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but the lack of clarity or even coherence exhibited by this book in the admittedly brief passage that I read did not appeal to me.

What is Zhineng Qigong? | Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats

What is Zhineng Qigong? | Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats

What is Zhineng Qigong?

The History of Zhineng Qigong

Our program is based on the medicine-less hospital program that operated in China from 1988-2001. Zhineng QiGong was the primary method used in this program. Zhineng Qigong is also called Chineng qigong by some Western practitioners.  Zhineng refers to wisdom and ability. Zhineng Qigong was created in the early 1980s by Dr He Ming Pang. It is very effective for healing, improving the level of self-cultivation, developing human potential, etc. Over almost thirty years of development, millions of people have benefited from Zhineng Qigong. Today it has spread all over the world benefitting more and more people.

Zhineng Qigong is a life science based on systematic theory and methods. It outlines the laws of the universe, including those of human life. It explains the relationship between human life activity and the natural world, society, etc.
Zhineng Qigong is an open style practice. This means that from the beginning, one opens one’s mind and qi to the external world and exchanges qi with it. This contrasts with the closed style of most traditional qigong, where the practitioner focuses inside the body for much of their practice.
Zhineng Qigong practitioners actively use consciousness to mobilise qi in order to transform their body, qi and mind as well as the world around them. Zhi means wisdom and neng means capability. So Zhineng Qigong is a way of adjusting mind, qi and body to increase wisdom and ability.
Zhineng Qigong is not only a technique: it has systematic theories and methods. Hunyuan Entirety Theory is the main underlying theory. This states that everything in the universe is a manifestation of hunyuan qi, whether visible or invisible. Different types and levels of qi can affect each other and also transform into one another. All hunyuan qi in the universe is connected as an entirety. Original hunyuan qi is the basis of everything in the universe. In human life as xing, qi and shen, i.e. the physical body, qi and consciousness.

In the 1990s a Science Research Department was established at the Zhineng Qigong Huaxia Centre to research the laws of the universe and of human life addressed by Dr Pang. Many scientists, a range of experts, and qigong practitioners cooperated to carry out this research. They looked at how the human mind can have an effect on different levels of hunyuan qi and bring about changes to plants, animals and the human body, as well as to inanimate objects. The most important research involved participants sending information that directed universe qi so as to create diferent levels of energy such as heat, electricity, magnetism, light, etc.
Hunyuan Entirety Theory is based on paranormal abilities, but it can only be written about in everyday language. As the level of its practitioners improves, Zhineng Qigong research will go deeper and deeper and will bring a revolution for modern science and the life sciences. The goal of Zhineng Qigong is to build a new model of thinking and living for human beings, that creates freedom, peace and happiness. The laws that this research will uncover, such as how the mind works with the body, and qi with the environment, will enable people to achieve a new sort of freedom. By understanding and working with these inner laws of life and consciousness, human life will naturally evolve in accord with them.
Zhineng Qigong is an open system that can be used in many ways. For example it can be used to strengthen the body and its functions, to do healing and also more generally in the field of health care, to develop mental faculties and abilities, to develop paranormal abilities. It can be used to improve animal and crop productivity. It also can raise achievement in sports, in the arts, in the different sciences – indeed, everything connected to human life. Zhineng Qigong practitioners should not just practice the methods. They should use the qi field and consciousness field to merge with others, and contribute their life towards building a harmonious world and the evolution of humanity. This is the higher Dao level practice of Zhineng Qigong.  *Master Gao Yaqun

Dr. Pang has written many books on Zhineng Qigong. He not only created Zhineng Qigong, which is easy to learn and highly effective, but has also written the “Integral Hun Yuan Theories” and introduced the use of the Qi-field to teach qigong and to treat patients.

Karin (Koko) and Lew (Lulu) have been going to China studying QiGong for over 20 years.

Kokolulu brings QiGong Masters to Hawaii who worked at the medicine-less hospital (Zhineng Qigong Huaxia Centre) as teachers/healers and were trained in this powerful program established in China.

Please come join us at Kokolulu and learn these techniques to heal yourself and others.



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Methods of Zhineng Qigong | PDF | Qigong | Qi

Methods of Zhineng Qigong | PDF | Qigong | Qi
196 pages
Methods of Zhineng Qigong

Original Title:Methods-of-Zhineng-Qigong