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Karl Rahner

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Karl Rahner

Karl Rahner by Letizia Mancino Cremer.jpg
Portrait of Rahner by L. M. Cremer
Born5 March 1904
Died30 March 1984 (aged 80)
InnsbruckTyrol, Austria
Alma mater
Era20th-century philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy
SchoolTranscendental Thomism
Main interests
Notable ideas
Anonymous Christian

Karl Rahner SJ (5 March 1904 – 30 March 1984) was a German Jesuit priest and theologian who, alongside Henri de LubacHans Urs von Balthasar, and Yves Congar, is considered to be one of the most influential Roman Catholic theologians of the 20th century. He was the brother of Hugo Rahner, also a Jesuit scholar.

Rahner was born in Freiburg, at the time a part of the Grand Duchy of Baden, a state of the German Empire; he died in Innsbruck, Austria.

Before the Second Vatican Council, Rahner worked alongside Yves CongarHenri de Lubac, and Marie-Dominique Chenu, theologians associated with the emerging school of theological thought known as Nouvelle Théologie. Some elements of Nouvelle Théologie were condemned in the encyclical Humani generis by Pope Pius XII. The Second Vatican Council was influenced by Rahner's theology and his understanding of Catholic faith.[2]


Karl Rahner's parents, Karl and Luise (née Trescher) Rahner, had seven children, of whom Karl was the fourth. His father was a professor in a local college and his mother had a profound religious personality, which influenced the home atmosphere. Karl attended primary and secondary school in Freiburg, entering the Society of Jesus upon graduation; he began his Jesuit formation in the North German Province of the Jesuits in 1922, four years after his older brother Hugo entered the same order. Deeply affected by the spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola during the initial phase of his formation (1922–24), he concentrated the next phase of his formation (1924–7) on Catholic scholastic philosophy and the modern German philosophers: he seems to have been particularly interested in Immanuel Kant and two contemporary Thomists, the Belgian Jesuit Joseph Maréchal and the French Jesuit Pierre Rousselot, who were to influence Rahner's understanding of Thomas Aquinas in his later writings.[a]

As a part of his Jesuit training, Rahner taught Latin to novices at Feldkirch (1927–29), then began his theological studies at the Jesuit theologate in Valkenburg aan de Geul in 1929. This allowed him to develop a thorough understanding of patristic theology, also developing interests in spiritual theology, mysticism, and the history of piety. Rahner was ordained a priest on 26 July 1932, and then made his final year of tertianship, the study and taking of Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises, at St. Andrä in Austria's Lavanttal Valley.[4]

Because Rahner's superiors wished him to teach philosophy at Pullach, he returned home to Freiburg in 1934 to study for a doctorate in philosophy, delving more deeply into the philosophy of Kant and Maréchal, and attended seminars by Martin Heidegger.[5] His philosophy dissertation Geist in Welt, an interpretation of Aquinas's epistemology influenced by the transcendental Thomism of Maréchal and the existentialism of Heidegger,[b] was ultimately rejected by his mentor Martin Honecker, allegedly for its bias toward Heidegger's philosophy and not sufficiently expressing the Catholic neo-scholastic tradition.[c] In 1936 Rahner was sent to Innsbruck to continue his theological studies and there he completed his habilitation.[d] Soon after he was appointed a Privatdozent (lecturer) in the faculty of theology of the University of Innsbruck, in July 1937. In 1939 the Nazis took over the university and Rahner, while staying in Austria, was invited to Vienna to work in the Pastoral Institute, where he both taught and became active in pastoral work until 1949. He then returned to the theology faculty at Innsbruck and taught on a variety of topics which later became the essays published in Schriften zur Theologie ([7]): the collection is not a systematic presentation of Rahner's views, but, rather a diverse series of essays on theological matters characterised by his probing, questioning search for truth.[8]

The Karl Rahner centre in Freiburg

In early 1962, with no prior warning, Rahner's superiors in the Society of Jesus told him that he was under Rome's pre-censorship, which meant that he could not publish or lecture without advance permission. The objections of the Roman authorities focused mainly on Rahner's views on the Eucharist and Mariology;[citation needed] however, the practical import of the pre-censorship decision was voided in November 1962 when, without any objection, John XXIII appointed Rahner a peritus (expert advisor) to the Second Vatican Council: Rahner had complete access to the council and numerous opportunities to share his thought with the participants. Rahner's influence at Vatican II was thus widespread, and he was subsequently chosen as one of seven theologians who would develop Lumen gentium, the dogmatic explication of the doctrine of the Church.[e][10] The council's receptiveness towards other religious traditions may be linked to Rahner's notions of the renovation of the church, God's universal salvific revelation, and his desire to support and encourage the ecumenical movement.[f]

During the council, Rahner accepted the chair for Christianity and the Philosophy of Religion at the University of Munich and taught there from 1964 to 1967. Subsequently, he was appointed to a chair in dogmatic theology at the Catholic theological faculty of the University of Münster, where he stayed until his retirement in 1971.[12] Rahner then moved to Munich and in 1981 to Innsbruck, where he remained for the next 3 years as an active writer and lecturer, also continuing his active pastoral ministry. He published several volumes (23 total in English) of collected essays for the Schriften zur Theologie (Theological Investigations), expanded the Kleines theologisches Wörterbuch (Theological Dictionary), co-authored other texts such as Unity of the Churches: An Actual Possibility with Heinrich Fries, and in 1976 he completed the long-promised systematic work, Foundations of Christian Faith.[13][g]

Rahner fell ill from exhaustion and died on 30 March 1984 at the age of 80, after a birthday celebration that also honoured his scholarship. He was buried at the Jesuit Church of the Holy Trinity in Innsbruck.[14] During his years of philosophical and theological study and teaching, Rahner produced some 4,000 written works.[15]


Rahner interviewed in 1974

Rahner's output is extraordinarily voluminous. In addition to the above-mentioned writings, his other major works include: the ten-volume encyclopaedia, Lexicon für Theologie und Kirche; a six-volume theological encyclopaedia, Sacramentum Mundi, and many other books, essays, and articles.[h] In addition to his own work, the reference texts that Rahner edited also added significantly to the general impact of his own theological views.

The basis for Rahner's theology is that all human beings have a latent ("unthematic") experience of God in any perception of meaning or "transcendental experience". It is only because of this proto-revelation that recognising a distinctively special revelation (such as the Christian Gospel) is possible.[16] His theology influenced the Second Vatican Council and was ground-breaking for the development of what is generally seen as the modern understanding of Catholicism. A popular anecdote, that resonates with those who find some of Karl Rahner's works difficult reading, comes from his brother Hugo who quipped that in his retirement he'd try to translate his brother's works ... into German![17]

Foundations of Christian Faith[edit]

Written near the end of his life, Rahner's Foundations of Christian Faith (Grundkurs des Glaubens) is the most developed and systematic of his works, most of which were published in the form of essays.

Economic and immanent Trinity[edit]

Among the most important of his essays was The Trinity, in which he argues that "the economic Trinity is the immanent Trinity, and the immanent Trinity is the economic Trinity" (sometimes called 'Rahner's rule'). That is to say, God communicates Himself to humanity ("economic" Trinity) as He really is in the divine Life ("immanent" Trinity).

Rahner was emphatic that the identity between "economic" Trinity and "immanent" Trinity does not lead to Modalism, because God could not communicate Himself to humanity as threefold (dreifaltige) unless He were threefold in reality. Nonetheless, some theologians and Christian philosophers (e.g., Jürgen Moltmann) have found his teaching to tend strongly in a Modalist direction.[18]

God's self-communication[edit]

Rahner maintained that the fulfillment of human existence consists in receiving God's self-communication, and that the human being is actually constituted by this divine self-communication. He identifies grace with the self-communication of God. In this vein, he writes:

God wishes to communicate himself, to pour forth the love which he himself is. That is the first and the last of his real plans and hence of his real world too. Everything else exists so that this one thing might be: the eternal miracle of infinite Love. And so God makes a creature whom he can love: he creates man. He creates him in such a way that he can receive this Love which is God himself, and that he can and must at the same time accept it for what it is: the ever astounding wonder, the unexpected, unexacted gift [...] Thus in this second respect God must so create man that love does not only pour forth free and unexacted, but also so that man as real partner, as one who can accept or reject it, can experience and accept it as the unexacted event and wonder not owed to him, the real man.[19]


Rahner was a critic of substance theory and was concerned about the finality of liturgy. He proposed instead to rename transubstantiation into transfinalization. However, this theory was condemned by Pope Paul VI in the encyclical Mysterium fidei.[20][21]

Awareness of God[edit]

The basis for Rahner's theology is that all human beings have a latent ("unthematic") awareness of God in any experiences of limitation in knowledge or freedom as finite subjects. Because such experience is the "condition of possibility" for knowledge and freedom as such, Rahner borrows the language of Kant to describe this experience as "transcendental".[4][8] This transcendental experiential factor reveals his closeness to Maréchal's transcendental Thomism.[22]

Such is the extent of Rahner's idea of the "natural knowledge of God"—what can be known by reason prior to the advent of "special" revelation—that God is only approached asymptotically, in the mode of what Rahner calls "absolute mystery". While one may try to furnish proofs for God's existence, these explicit proofs ultimately refer to the inescapable orientation towards Mystery which constitute—by transcendental necessity—the very nature of the human being.

God as Absolute Mystery[edit]

Rahner often prefers the term "mystery" to that of "God".[23] He identifies the God of Absolute Being as Absolute Mystery.[24] At best, philosophy approaches God only asymptotically, evoking the question whether attempts to know God are in vain. Can the line between the human asymptote and the Mystery asymptote connect?[25]

In Rahner's theology, the Absolute Mystery reveals himself in self-communication.[26] Revelation, however, does not resolve the Mystery; it increases cognizance of God's incomprehensibility.[27] Experiences of the mystery of themselves point people to the Absolute Mystery, "an always-ever-greater Mystery."[28] Even in heaven, God will still be an incomprehensible mystery.[27]

Homanisation and Incarnation[edit]

Rahner examines evolution in his work Homanisation (1958, rev. 1965). The title represents a term he coined, deriving it from "hominization", the theory of man's evolutionary origins. The book's Preface describes the limits of Catholic theology with respect to evolution, further on giving a summary of official church teaching on the theory. He then continues in the next sections to propound "fundamental theology" in order to elucidate the background or foundation of church teaching. In the third section he raises some philosophical and theological questions relating to the concept of becoming, the concept of cause, the distinction between spirit and matter, the unity of spirit and matter, the concept of operation, and the creation of the spiritual soul.[22] In his writing, Rahner does not simply deal with the origin of man but with his existence and his future, issues that can be of some concern to evolutionary theory. Central for Rahner is the theological doctrine of grace, which for Rahner is a constituent element of man's existence, so that grace is a permanent modification of human nature in a supernatural "existential", to use a Heidegger term. Accordingly, Rahner doubts the real possibility of a state of pure nature (natura pura), which is human existence without being involved with grace. In treating the present existence of man and his future as human, Rahner affirms that "the fulfillment of human existence occurs in receiving God's gift of Himself, not only in the beatific vision at the end of time, but present now as seed in grace.[29]

Multiple Incarnations[edit]

Rahner has been open to the prospect of extraterrestrial intelligence, the idea that cosmic evolution has yielded sentient life forms in other galaxies. Logically, this raises for Rahner some important questions of philosophicalethical, and theological significance: he argues against any theological prohibition of the notion of extraterrestrial life, while separating the existential significance of such life forms from that of angels. Moreover, Rahner advances the possibility of multiple Incarnations, but does not delve into it: given the strong Christological orientation of his theology, it does not appear likely he would have propended for repetitions of the Incarnation of Christ.[29]


For Rahner, at the heart of Christian doctrine is the co-reality of Incarnation-grace. Incarnation and grace appear as technical terms to describe the central message of the Gospel: God has communicated Himself. The self-communication of God is crucial in Rahner's view: grace is not something other than God, not some celestial 'substance,' but God Himself. The event of Jesus Christ is, according to Rahner, the centre-point of the self-communication of God. God, insists Rahner, does not only communicate Himself from without; rather, grace is the constitutive element both of the objective reality of revelation (the incarnate Word) and the subjective principle of our hearing (the internal Word and the Holy Spirit). To capture the relation between these aspects of grace, Rahner appropriates the Heideggerian terminology of "thematization:" the objective mediation is the explicit "thematization" of what is always already subjectively proffered – the history of grace's categorical expression without, culminating in the event of Jesus Christ, is the manifestation of what is always already on offer through the supernatural existential, which enters amid a transcendental horizon within.[30]

Mode of grace[edit]

Rahner's particular interpretation of the mode in which grace makes itself present is that grace is a permanent modification of human nature in a supernatural existential (a phrase borrowed from Heidegger). Grace is perceived in light of Christianity as a constitutive element of human existence. For this reason, Rahner denies the possibility of a state of pure nature (natura pura, human existence without being-involved with grace), which according to him is a counterfactual.

Language about God: univocity and equivocation[edit]

Like others of his generation, Rahner was much concerned with refuting the propositional approach to theology typical of the Counter-Reformation. The alternative he proposes is one where statements about God are always referring back to the original experience of God in mystery. In this sense, language regarding being is analogically predicated of the mystery, inasmuch as the mystery is always present but not in the same way as any determinate possible object of consciousness.[31][32] Rahner would claim Thomas Aquinas as the most important influence on his thought, but also spoke highly of Heidegger as "my teacher", and in his elder years Heidegger used to visit Rahner regularly in Freiburg.[33]

Some have noted that the analogy of being is greatly diminished in Rahner's thought. Instead, they claim, equivocal predication dominates much of Rahner's language about God. In this respect, similarity between him and other Thomist-inspired theologians is seen as problematic. Others, however, identify Rahner's primary influence not in Heidegger but in the Neo-Thomists of the early 20th century, especially the writings of Joseph Maréchal.[16]

Criticism of Jesusism[edit]

Rahner criticised Jesusism, despite his stated respect for the position. Jesusism tends to focus narrowly on Jesus' life for imitation, apart from the Christian God or Church.[34]


If the task of Christology is to make intelligible the Christian faith that Jesus of Nazareth, a historical person, is Christ as the centre of all human history and the final and full revelation of God to humanity—then Rahner feels that within "the contemporary mentality which sees the world from an evolutionary point of view"[35] the person of Christ should not be emphasised in his unique individuality whilst ignoring any possibility of combining the event of Christ with the process of human history as a whole. In fact, it appears there are some limitations of classic Christological formula suggested by the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) which affirms "one identical Son, our Lord Jesus Christ ... perfect both in his divinity and in his humanity ... [with] two natures without any commingling or change or division or separation ... united in one person."[36] Moreover, the Chalcedon formula adopts philosophical concepts such as nature and hypostatic union which are no longer used to explain and interpret religious experiences.[37]

Christology flowchart explaining the various Christological positions and their names

Thus, Rahner introduces transcendental Christology, which interprets the event and person of Christ in relation to the essential structure of the human person, reflecting on the essential conditions of all human experiences, conditions which transcend any one particular kind of experience.[38] One should however first look into Rahner's basic insights on Christology within an evolutionary view of the world, which claims that Christian faith sees all things in the world come from the one same origin, God. This means that in spite of their differences, there is "an inner similarity and commonality" among things, which forms a single world. This commonality is most clearly disclosed in a human being as a form of the unity of spirit and matter: it is only in a human person that spirit and matter can be experienced in their real essence and in their unity. Rahner states that spirit represents the unique mode of existence of a single person when that person becomes self-conscious and is always oriented towards the incomprehensible Mystery called God. However, it is only in the free acceptance by the subject of this mystery and in its unpredictable disposal of the subject that the person can genuinely undertake this process of returning to the self. Conversely, matter is the condition which makes human beings estranged from themselves towards other objects in the world and makes possible an immediate intercommunication with other spiritual creatures in time and space. Even if there is an essential difference between spirit and matter, that is not understood as an essential opposition: the relationship between the two can be said as "the intrinsic nature of matter to develop towards spirit".[39] This kind of becoming from matter to spirit can be called self-transcendence which "can be only understood as taking place by the power of the absolute fullness of being":[40] the evolutionary view of the world allows us to consider that humanity is nothing but the latest stage of the self-transcendence of matter.[41]

Christian faith and God's self-communication[edit]

According to Rahner, Christian faith affirms that the cosmos reaches its final fulfillment when it receives the immediate self-communication of its own ground in the spiritual creatures which are its goal and its high point.[42] Rahner further states that God's self-communication to the world is the final goal of the world and that the process of self-transcendence makes the world already directed towards this self-communication and its acceptance by the world.[43] As a consequence, and explaining the place of Christ in this whole process of self-transcendence of the world, Rahner says that it has to do with the process of the intercommunication of spiritual subjects, because otherwise there is no way to retain the unity of the very process. God's self-communication is given to cosmic subjects who have freedom to accept or reject it and who have intercommunication with other existents. It takes place only if the subjects freely accept it, and only then forms a common history in a sense that "it is addressed to all men in their intercommunication" then "addressed to others as a call to their freedom".[44] In this sense, Rahner claims that "God's self-communication must have a permanent beginning and in this beginning a guarantee that it has taken place, a guarantee by which it can rightly demand a free decision to accept this divine self-communication".[44] Within this scheme, the saviour refers to a historical person "who signifies the beginning of the absolute self-communication of God which is moving towards its goal, that beginning which indicates that this self-communication for everyone has taken place irrevocably and has been victoriously inaugurated".[44] Hypostatic union, therefore, happens in an intrinsic moment when God's self-communication and its acceptance by that person are met, and this union is open to all spiritual creatures with the bestowal of grace. In order to be fulfilled, this event should have "a concrete tangibility in history".[45]

Transcendental Christology and mediation[edit]

If one then examines Rahner's transcendental Christology, it may be seen that it "presupposes an understanding of the relationship of mutual conditioning and mediation in human existence between what is transcendentally necessary and what is concretely and contingently historical".[46] It is a sort of relationship between the two elements in such a way that "the transcendental element is always an intrinsic condition of the historical element in the historical self" while "in spite of its being freely posited, the historical element co-determines existence in an absolute sense".[46] Transcendental Christology is "the experiences which man always and inescapably has".[46] Human beings were created to freely transcend themselves and the objects in the world, towards the incomprehensible Mystery called God; the limitations of human situation make a human being hope that the full meaning of humanity and the unity of everything in the world will be fulfilled by God's self-giving. Furthermore, God's self-communication and human hope for it should be "mediated historically" because of "the unity of transcendentality and historicity in human existence": human hope looks in history for its salvation from God that "becomes final and irreversible, and is the end in an 'eschatological' sense".[47] At this point Rahner proposes two possibilities of human salvation, i.e. either as "fulfillment in an absolute sense" which means the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, or as "a historical event within history".[48] The event of human salvation by God's self-giving love should be the event of a human person, because God's salvific love can only be effective in history when a person freely accepts his love, surrenders everything to God in death, and in death is accepted by God.[48] Rahner significantly affirms that the character of the saviour is exemplary and absolute: given the unity of the world and of history from the view point of both God and the world, such an "individual" destiny has "exemplary" significance for the world as a whole. Such a man with this destiny is what is meant by an "absolute saviour".[48]

Saviour and hypostatic union[edit]

Rahner believes that the saviour described by his transcendental Christology is not diverse from the one presented by the classic Christological formulations of Chalcedon, which used a concept of hypostatic union to claim Jesus as the Christ. Accordingly, he then proceeds to articulate the meaning of the hypostatic union.[49] The issue is how to understand the meaning of "human being": Rahner understands the phrase "became man" as assuming an individual human nature as God's own, and emphasises "the self-emptying of God, his becoming, the kenosis and genesis of God himself".[50] God "assumes by creating" and also "creates by assuming", that is, he creates by emptying himself, and therefore, of course, he himself is in the emptying. He creates the human reality by the very fact that he assumes it as his own.[50] God's creating-by-emptying act belongs to God's power and freedom as the absolute One and to God's self-giving love expressed in scripture.[50] Therefore, it is legitimate for Rahner to assert that God "who is not subject to change in himself can himself be subject to change in something else". This is what the doctrine of the Incarnation teaches us: "in and in spite of his immutability he can truly become something: he himself, he in time".[51]

According to Rahner, human beings are created to be oriented towards the incomprehensible Mystery called God. However, this human orientation towards the Mystery can be fully grasped only if we as humans freely choose to be grasped by the incomprehensible One: if God assumes human nature as God's own reality with God's irrevocable offer of God's self-communication, and a person freely accepts it, the person is united with God, reaching the very point towards which humanity is always moving by virtue of its essence, a God-Man which is fully fulfilled in the person of Jesus of Nazareth claimed by Christian faith. In this sense, Rahner sees the incarnation of God as "the unique and highest instance of the actualization of the essence of human reality".[52]

God-Man in history[edit]

To answer the question of how we find a God-Man in history, Rahner employs a historical approach to Christology by examining the history of the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth and proposes two theses beforehand: 1) Christian faith requires a historical basis; and 2) considering a possibility of significant difference between who the person is and the extent to which that person verbalises or expresses identity, it is possible both to say that "the self-understanding of the pre-resurrection Jesus may not contradict in an historical sense the Christian understanding of his person and his salvific significance", and to state that his self-understanding may not coincide with the content of Christological faith.[53]

To establish the grounds of Christian faith, Rahner asserts that two points should be proven as historically credible—first, that Jesus saw himself "as the eschatological prophet, as the absolute and definitive saviour", and second, that the resurrection of Jesus is the absolute self-communication of God.[54] There are several historical elements concerning Jesus' identity as a Jew and "radical reformer": his drastic behaviour in solidarity with social and religious outcasts based on his belief in God, his essential preaching "as a call to conversion", his gathering disciples, his hope for conversions of others, his acceptance of death on the cross "as the inevitable consequence of fidelity to his mission".[55]

Death and resurrection[edit]

Rahner states that the death and the resurrection of Jesus are two aspects of a single event not to be separated,[56] even though the resurrection is not a historical event in time and place like the death of Jesus. What the Scripture offers are powerful encounters in which the disciples come to experience the spirit of the risen Lord Jesus among them, provoking a resurrection faith of the disciples as "a unique fact".[57] The resurrection is not a return to life in the temporal sphere, but the seal of God the Father upon all that Jesus stood for and preached in his pre-Easter life. "By the resurrection... Jesus is vindicated as the absolute saviour" by God:[58] it means "this death as entered into in free obedience and as surrendering life completely to God, reaches fulfillment and becomes historically tangible for us only in the resurrection".[59] Thus, in the resurrection, the life and death of Jesus are understood as "the cause of God's salvific will" and open the door to our salvation: "we are saved because this man who is one of us has been saved by God, and God has thereby made his salvific will present in the world historically, really and irrevocably".[59] In this sense, Jesus of Nazareth becomes a God-Man, the absolute saviour.

Anonymous Christianity[edit]

Anonymous Christianity is the theological concept that declares that people who have never heard the Christian Gospel might be saved through Christ.

Inspiration for this idea sometimes comes from the Second Vatican Council's Lumen gentium, which teaches that those "who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and moved by grace, try in their actions to do His will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience—those too may achieve eternal salvation".[60]

Rahner's development of the idea preceded the council, and became more insistent after it received its conciliar formulation. Non-Christians could have "in [their] basic orientation and fundamental decision", Rahner wrote, "accepted the salvific grace of God, through Christ, although [they] may never have heard of the Christian revelation."[61] His writings on the subject were somewhat related to his views about the mode of grace.[62]

Non-Christian religions[edit]

Rahner's transcendental Christology opens another horizon which comprises non-Christian religions, as God's universal saving will in Christ extends to non-Christians: since Christ is the saviour of all people, salvation for non-Christians comes only through Christ (anonymous Christians). Just as importantly, it is possible to say that Christians can learn from other religions or atheistic humanism because God's grace is and can be operative in them.[63] The presence of Christ in other religions operates in and through his Spirit[64] and non-Christians respond to the grace of God through "the unreflexive and 'searching Christology'" (searching "memory" of the absolute saviour) present in the hearts of all persons.[65] Three specific attitudes become involved: 1) an absolute love towards one's neighbours; 2) an attitude of readiness for death; and 3) an attitude of hope for the future.[66] In practising these, the person is acting from and responding to the grace of God that was fully manifest in the life of Jesus.[4]

Selected bibliography[edit]

A complete bibliography is available at [2].

  • 1954–1984. Schriften zur Theologie. 16 volumes. Einsiedeln: Benziger Verlag.
  • 1965. Homanisation. Translated by W. J. O’Hara. West Germany: Herder K.G.
  • 1968. Spirit in the World. Revised edition by J. B. Metz. Translated by William V. Dych. (Translation of Geist im Welt: Zur Metaphisik der endlichen Erkenntnis bei Thomas von Aquin. Innsbruck: Verlag Felizian Rauch, 1939; 2nd ed. Revised by J. B. Metz. München: Kösel-Verlag, 1957) New York: Herder and Herder.
  • 1969. Hearers of the Word. Revised edition by J. B. Metz. Translated by Michael Richards. (Translation of Hörer des Wortes: Zur Grundlegung einer Religionsphilosophie. München: Verlag Kösel-Pustet, 1941) New York: Herder and Herder.
  • 1970. The Trinity. Translated by Joseph Donceel. New York: Herder and Herder.
  • 1978, 1987. Foundations of Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity. Translated by William V. Dych. (Translation of Grundkurs des Glaubens: Einführung in den Begriff des Christentums. Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 1976) New York: The Seabury Press; New York: Crossroad.
  • 1985. I Remember. New York: Crossroad.
  • 1990. Faith in a Wintry Season: Conversations and Interviews With Karl Rahner in the Last Years of His Life, with Paul Imhof & Hubert Biallowons, eds. New York: Crossroad.
  • 1993. Content of Faith: The Best of Karl Rahner Theological Writings. New York: Crossroad.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ As well as offering Rahner a way to deal with Kant's transcendental method in relation to Thomistic epistemology, Maréchal and Rousselot, as Rahner himself later mentioned, deeply influenced his own philosophical and theological work. Maréchal was famous for his study on Kant and Thomism, especially for applying Kant's transcendental method to Thomistic epistemology.[3]
  2. ^ That is, the relation between Aquinas's notion of dynamic mind and Heidegger's analysis of Dasein, or "being-in-the-world".
  3. ^ According to Herbert Vorgrimler, Honecker's rejection of Rahner's dissertation reflected the former's dislike of Heidegger's philosophy. Thirty four years later the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Innsbruck gave Rahner an honorary doctorate for his philosophical works, especially for his failed dissertation, published in 1939 as Geist in Welt (Spirit in World). At any rate, it was in the early 1930s that Rahner elucidated his conviction that the human search for meaning was rooted in the unlimited horizon of God's own being experienced within the world.[6]
  4. ^ A second dissertation qualifying one to teach at university level. The English title of this dissertation was From the Side of Christ: The Origin of the Church as Second Eve from the Side of Christ the Second Adam. An Examination of the Typological Meaning of John 19:34.
  5. ^ Rahner had input to many of the other conciliar presentations as well.[9]
  6. ^ According to Herbert Vorgrimler, it is not hard to trace Rahner's influence on the work of the council (apart from four texts: the Decree on the Means of Social Communication, the Decree on the Catholic Eastern Churches, the Declaration on Christian education, and the Declaration on Religious Liberty).[11]
  7. ^ For specific biographical information, see Michaud n.d.
  8. ^ For a complete bibliography, see list at [1].


  1. ^ Carbine & Koster 2015, p. xxix.
  2. ^ Declan Marmion (1 March 2017). "Karl Rahner, Vatican II, and the Shape of the Church"Theological Studies78 (1): 25–48. doi:10.1177/0040563916681992ISSN 0040-5639S2CID 171510292.
  3. ^ Vorgrimler 1986, p. 51.
  4. Jump up to:a b c Michaud n.d.
  5. ^ Woodson 2018, pp. 123–141.
  6. ^ Vorgrimler 1986, p. 62.
  7. ^ Theological Investigations
  8. Jump up to:a b Masson, Robert (5 January 2013). "Karl Rahner: A Brief Biography". Karl Rahner Society. Retrieved 22 October 2017.
  9. ^ Vorgrimler 1986, pp. 100–102.
  10. ^ Second Vatican Council 1964.
  11. ^ Vorgrimler 1986, p. 100.
  12. ^ "Chronology". Karl Rahner Society. 5 January 2013. Retrieved 22 October 2017.
  13. ^ Rahner, Karl (1 July 1979). "Foundations of Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity". Religious Studies Review5 (3): 190–199. doi:10.1111/j.1748-0922.1979.tb00215.xISSN 1748-0922.
  14. ^ Byers & Bourgoin 2004.
  15. ^ Kennedy 2010, p. 134.
  16. Jump up to:a b "Karl Rahner (Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Western Theology)"people.bu.edu. Retrieved 16 December 2017.
  17. ^ Marika (19 March 2010). "Theologies: Karl Rahner on Theology and Anthropology"Theologies. Retrieved 16 December 2017.
  18. ^ Moltmann 1993, p. 144.
  19. ^ Theological investigations, vol. 1, p.310-311, Karl Rahner, trans. Fergus Kerr, 1950
  20. ^ Hardon, John A. (1998). "Defending the Faith". Lombard, Illinois: Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association. Retrieved 22 October 2017.
  21. ^ Paul VI 1965.
  22. Jump up to:a b Mulvihill 2009.
  23. ^ Mawhinney 1968.
  24. ^ Ryan 2010, p. 44.
  25. ^ Duffy 2005, p. 44.
  26. ^ Duffy 2005, pp. 44–45.
  27. Jump up to:a b Dulles 2013.
  28. ^ Petty 1996, p. 88; Steinmetz 2012, pp. 1, 3.
  29. Jump up to:a b Mulvihill 2009Rahner 1965.
  30. ^ Cf. Karl Rahner, Foundations of Christian Faith, (New York: Crossroad, 1978) 24-175.
  31. ^ Maher, Anthony M. (1 December 2017). The Forgotten Jesuit of Catholic Modernism: George Tyrrell's Prophetic Theology, Chapter 9, section 1. Fortress Press. ISBN 978-1-5064-3851-1.
  32. ^ Speidell, Todd (8 November 2016). Fully Human in Christ: The Incarnation as the End of Christian Ethics. Wipf and Stock Publishers. p. 88. ISBN 978-1-4982-9637-3.
  33. ^ Sheehan, Thomas (4 February 1982). "The Dream of Karl Rahner"The New York Review of BooksISSN 0028-7504. Retrieved 16 December 2017.
  34. ^ Linnane 2005, p. 166.
  35. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 206.
  36. ^ Hentz 1991, p. 110; see also O'Collins 2009, pp. 238–248.
  37. ^ For the whole Christology section, refer to Michaud n.d.
  38. ^ Rahner 1978, pp. 206–212.
  39. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 184.
  40. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 185.
  41. ^ Hentz 1991Michaud n.d.
  42. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 190.
  43. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 192.
  44. Jump up to:a b c Rahner 1978, p. 193.
  45. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 201.
  46. Jump up to:a b c Rahner 1978, p. 208.
  47. ^ Rahner 1978, pp. 210–211.
  48. Jump up to:a b c Rahner 1978, p. 211.
  49. ^ O'Collins 2009, pp. 217, 243.
  50. Jump up to:a b c Rahner 1978, p. 222.
  51. ^ Rahner 1978, pp. 220–223.
  52. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 218.
  53. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 236.
  54. ^ Rahner 1978, pp. 245–246.
  55. ^ Rahner 1978, pp. 247–264.
  56. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 266.
  57. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 274.
  58. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 279.
  59. Jump up to:a b Rahner 1978, p. 284.
  60. ^ "Lumen gentium, 16"www.vatican.va. Retrieved 16 December 2017.
  61. ^ D'Costa 1985, p. 132.
  62. ^ Clinton 1998.
  63. ^ Schineller 1991, p. 102.
  64. ^ Rahner 1978, p. 316.
  65. ^ Rahner 1978, pp. 295, 318.
  66. ^ Rahner 1978, pp. 295–298.

Works cited[edit]

Further reading[edit]

  • Burke, Patrick (2002). Reinterpreting Rahner: A Critical Study of His Major Themes. Fordham University Press.
  • Carr, Anne (1977). The Theological Method of Karl Rahner. Scholars Press.
  • Egan, Harvey J. (1998). Karl Rahner: Mystic of Everyday Life. Crossroad.
  • Endean, Philip (2001). Karl Rahner and Ignatian Spirituality. Oxford.
  • Fischer, Mark F. (2005). The Foundations of Karl Rahner. Crossroad.
  • Hussey, M. Edmund (2012). The Idea of Christianity: A Brief Introduction to the Theology of Karl RahnerASIN B00A3DMVYM.
  • Kelly, Geffrey B., ed. (1992). Karl Rahner: Theologian of the Graced Search for Meaning. Fortress Press.
  • Kilby, Karen (2007). A Brief Introduction to Karl Rahner. Crossroad.
  • Kress, Robert (1982). A Rahner Handbook. John Knox Press.
  • Sheehan, Thomas (1987). Karl Rahner: The Philosophical Foundations. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
  • Tillich, Paul (1950). Systematic Theology. Volume I: Reason and Revelation—Being and God. University of Chicago Press.
  • Woodward, Guy (n.d.). "Karl Rahner (1904–1984)"Internet Encyclopedia of PhilosophyISSN 2161-0002. Retrieved 23 October 2017.

External links[edit]

Karl Rahner: Theologian of Grace, by Richard Lennan - Audiobook | Scribd

Karl Rahner by Richard Lennan - Audiobook | Scribd

Audiobook4 hours
Karl Rahner: Theologian of Grace


4 hr

5 hr

Written by Richard Lennan

Narrated by Richard Lennan
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook
“Grace itself is everywhere and always.”
– Karl Rahner

Encounter the towering thought of Karl Rahner (1904–84), one of the most significant voices in Catholic theology in the twentieth century. An extraordinarily productive and creative theologian who wrote over 5,000 works, he played a central role as a theological advisor to the bishops at Vatican II. His influence continues to live on in the Church and world today.

In this 12-lecture course, you will journey through Rahner’s life, thought, and works. Under the guidance of Rahner expert Fr. Richard Lennan, you will explore his theology of grace, which lies at the heart of his works. As you will come to see, Rahner’s approach to grace stresses the encounter between God and humanity, an encounter that takes place in every dimension of human life. You will examine how Rahner developed an understanding of God’s mystery, the dynamics of the Trinity, and the human person as the recipient of God’s grace.

Rahner’s work includes all the principal theological themes—Trinity, Church, sacraments—but what makes his theology so powerful is his constant reference to the presence of grace in human history. For Rahner, therefore, spirituality is not simply a theme of his writings, but is rather at the heart of all that he writes. Karl Rahner’s powerful theology will help you encounter God’s profound presence in history and our world today.
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PublisherLearn25 Audio
Release dateAug 8, 2014

알라딘: 인간은 신의 암호 - 칼 라너의 신학과 다원적 종교의 세계 이찬수

  • 알라딘: 인간은 신의 암호
    인간은 신의 암호 - 칼 라너의 신학과 다원적 종교의 세계 
  • 분도출판사1999-03-10

    이 도서는 <인간은 신의 암호>의 개정판입니다.
    구판 정보 보기
    001. 라너 신학의 방법과 출발점 
  • 002. 라너신학의 근간 : 은총론 
  • 003. 하느님 체험과 초월론 
  • 004. 무한과 유한의 만남 
  • 005. 일상의 신학 
  • 006. 익명의 그리스도인 
  • 007. 신론, 그리스도론, 그리고 종교간 대화론 
  • 008. '대승기신론'의 신심론 
  • 009. 칼 라너의 신 체험과 니시타니 케이지의 공 체험
  • 이찬수 교수와 함께 하는 칼 라너 강좌
  • 갈리스도 10-20 15:19 | HIT : 2,288
  • 제목 - [모집] “인간, 그 심층 - 칼 라너의 신과 인간” 수강생을 모집합니다.
  • 글쓴이 - 인권연대

  • 인권연대 기획강좌
  • “인간, 그 심층 - 칼 라너의 신과 인간”

  • 칼 라너(Karl Rahner, 1904-1984)는 20세기 가장 탁월하고 가장 영향력 있는 신학자이다. 평생 단행본, 논문, 논평문 등 4천편이 넘는 글을 남긴, 탁월한 저술가이기도 하다. 그에게서는 전통과 현대, 철학과 신학, 인간학과 신학이 하나의 모습을 하고 있다. 그리고 사상은 깊고 넓다. 특히 그의 신학은 전 세계 가톨릭교회의 입장을 결정하는 제2차 바티칸공의회에 반영되면서, 교회가 세상을 향해 문을 여는 기초로 작용했고, 다시 세계의 개신교회에 영향을 주면서 문화적 다양성 및 다종교적 상황을 존중하는 사상적 기초로 작용했다.

  • 한국 그리스도교도 큰 틀에서는 이러한 흐름 속에 있다. 불행하게도 특히 한국 개신교회가 여전히 자기중심성 및 우월성 속에 갇혀, 문화적, 종교적 다양성을 의식적으로 외면한 채 경직되어가고 있지만, 이것은 다종교 문화 속에서 성장해온 개신교회가 결국 제살을 깎아먹는 행위에 지나지 않는다. 그리고 한국 사회의 의식이 성숙되어가면서 곧 꺼질 거품과 같은 자세이다. 이럴 때 라너의 사상은 적절한 이정표가 된다.

  • 무엇보다 라너에게 신학은 곧 인간학이다. 인간이란 무엇이며 어떤 존재인지 그 깊이를 이천년 서양의 사상사적 맥락 속에서 진지하게 드러내고 있다. 그의 사상은 인간이 “단지 인간이라는 이유만으로” 충분히 존중받아야 할 이유를 설득력 있게 설명하고 있다. 그에게 신학은 하나의 교파적 학문이 아니라, 오늘날 누구나 숙지해야 할 인간학이 된다. 인권연대에서 그의 사상 강좌를 여는 이유도 여기에 있다.

  • 그 중요성에도 불구하고 그의 사상적 중층성이 주는 난해함 때문에 한국에 제대로 소개되지 못했지만, 그의 사상을 잘 들여다보면 인간이란 무엇인지, 다종교, 다문화 상황에 처한 현대 사회에서 어떤 자세를 가지고 살아야 하는지가 제대로 보인다. 그의 사상적 깊이에는 불교 등 동양적 정신과도 만날 수 있는 서양적 기초도 충분히 제공되고 있다. 당연히 “종교편향”과 같은 유치한 행위가 일어날 리도 만무하다. <인간은 신의 암호 - 칼 라너의 신학과 다원적 종교의 세계>의 저자 이찬수 교수를 통해 그의 사상을 들여다보도록 한다.

  •    ● 일  시: 11월 3일~19일 매주 월, 수 저녁 7시 - 9시
  •    ● 장  소: 인권연대 교육장(지하철 4호선 한성대입구역에서 2분거리)
  •    ● 인  원: 선착순 30명(입금순 마감)
  •    ● 수강료 : 50,000(교재비 포함, 학생, 단체활동가 및 인권연대 CMS회원 20% 할인)
  •    ● 교  재 : ‘인간은 신의 암호’(이찬수 저, 분도출판사, 1999)
  •    ● 신청 및 문의: 인권연대 홈페이지(www.hrights.or.kr   02-3672-9443)

  • 프로그램
  • 11/ 3(월)    신을 어떻게 인식하는가 - 초월론(교재 1-2a장)
  • 11/ 5(수)    인간은 이래서 존엄하다 - 은총론(교재 2b-3장)
  • 11/10(월)  무한이 유한이 되다 - 육화론(교재 4장)
  • 11/12(수)  신이 일상 안으로 들어오다 - 구원론(교재 5장)
  • 11/17(월)  사랑이 구원이다 - 익명의 그리스도인론(교재 6장)
  • 11/19(수)  다양성은 필연적이다 - 종교간 대화론(교재 7-8장)

  • 강사 - 이찬수 교수
  • 이찬수 교수는 불교학과 신학으로 각각 석사학위를 받은 뒤 같은 불교와 그리스도교를 비교하는 논문으로 박사학위를 받았습니다. 저서로 "종교 신학의 이해", "인간은 신의 암호", "한국 종교문화 연구 100년"(공저), "불교와 그리스도교, 깊이에서 만나다", "생각나야 생각하지", "종교로 세계 읽기" 외 다수가 있습니다. 7년 동안 재직한 강남대에서 부당하게 해직되고, 현재 감신대, 성공회대, 이화여대에서 강의를 하고 있습니다.

  • ===
    저자 및 역자소개
    이찬수 (지은이)
    서강대학교 화학과를 졸업하고, 같은 대학원 종교학과에서 니시타니 케이지(西谷啓治)의 불교철학과 칼 라너(Karl Rahner)의 철학적 신학을 비교하며 박사학위를 받았다. 강남대학교 교수, (일본)WCRP평화연구소 객원연구원, 코세이가쿠린 객원교수, 난잔대학 객원연구원, 성공회대학교 대우교수, 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 HK연구교수를 지냈고, 한국문화신학회 회장으로 일했으며, 한국평화종교학회 부회장, 인권연대 운영위원 등으로 봉사하고 있다.
    그동안 종교학, 죽음학, 평화학 등과 관련해 77권의 단행본(공저/역서 포함)과 88편의 논문을 출판했는데, 평화학과 관련한 책으로는 『평화와 평화들』, 『한국인의 평화사상1.2』(공편), 『평화의 여러가지 얼굴』(공편), 『아시아 평화공동체』(편저)를 비롯해, 『세계평화개념사』, 『아시아공동체와 평화』, 『평화의 신학』, 『세계의 분쟁』, 『평화인문학이란 무엇인가』, 『녹색평화란 무엇인가』, 『폭력이란 무엇인가』, 『재난과 평화』, 『탈사회주의 체제전환과 발트3국의 길』, 『사회주의 베트남의 역사와 정치』, 『양안에서 통일과 평화를 생각하다』, 『동아시아의 대동사상과 평화공동체』, 『근대 한국과 일본의 공공성 구상 1.2』, 『우리 시대 혐오를 읽다』 외 여러 권의 공저서와 번역서들이 있다.
    국가보훈처 산하에 있으면서 한국보훈복지의료공단에 소속된 보훈교육연구원장으로 취임한 이래 평화 및 복지국가의 형성에 기여하는 보훈 연구와 교육이 될 수 있도록 뒷받침하고 있다. 접기

    최근작 : <보훈과 교육>,<보훈, 평화로의 길>,<독립.호국.민주의 미래와 보훈의 가치> … 총 59종 (모두보기)