
The Kingdom of Shambhala (Joanna Macy) - YouTube

The Kingdom of Shambhala (Joanna Macy) - YouTube

Joanna Macy tells the story of the coming of the Kingdom of Shambhala as related to her by Choegyal Rinpoche. This talk was recorded at Spirit Rock on January 28, 2014.
Andy Kanter
What we often do not realize is that those in halls of power who seem so crazy and harmful and those weapons of mass destruction which threaten our very existence... are very much products of OUR minds. Not someone else's. Not the enemy. Not those in that other political party. Until we accept each of our roles in this interconnected web of existence and that we each must disable our own weapons of mass destruction, will we ever free ourselves of our collective insanity. Compassion and wisdom are critical and not only must we examine how we feel inside, but we must express that compassion and wisdom in the world. Save our planet, save our family, save ourselves. The Kalachakra Tantra shows us that what is outside, is within, and what is within is outside. We are on the brink of our annihilation, hanging by the thread. But in that moment is also infinite possibility to transform everything.
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Active Hope Show 1 - The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy

Active Hope Show 1 - The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy
44,615 views•Jun 15, 2012





Chris Johnstone
481 subscribers

Joanna Macy tells the Shambhala Warrior Prophecy, twelve centuries old and from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Introduced by Chris Johnstone, this is the first episode of The Active Hope Show, which explores insights and practices that help bring out our best responses to the planetary emergency we face. More details at www.activehope.info

Joanna Macy - The Hidden Promise of Our Dark Age | Bioneers

Joanna Macy - The Hidden Promise of Our Dark Age | Bioneers

Aug 23, 2018
36.9K subscribers
The Hidden Promise of Our Dark Age: Discovering Our Wisdom, Strength and Beauty in the Midst of Crisis One of the great activists and spiritual teachers of our era, Joanna Macy, brings a hopeful message: If we can free ourselves from the delusions and dependencies bred by the “industrial growth society,” something wonderful can happen. If we manage to steer clear of panic, we may well find, at last, the wild power of our creativity and solidarity. Introduction by Nina Simons, Co-Founder of Bioneers. This speech was given at the 2009 National Bioneers Conference. Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges. Subscribe to the Bioneers Radio Series, available on iTunes and other podcast providers and on your local radio station. Support Bioneers today: www.bioneers.org/donate Please join our mailing list (http://www.bioneers.org/subscribe), stay in touch via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Bioneers.org) and follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/bioneers).

The Great Turning | ecoliteracy.org

The Great Turning | ecoliteracy.org

Joanna Macy

Joanna Macy: The Great Turning is a shift from the Industrial Growth Society to a life-sustaining civilization.

The Great Turning is a name for the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the Industrial Growth Society to a life-sustaining civilization.

The ecological and social crises we face are caused by an economic system dependent on accelerating growth. This self-destructing political economy sets its goals and measures its performance in terms of ever-increasing corporate profits—in other words by how fast materials can be extracted from Earth and turned into consumer products, weapons, and waste.

A revolution is under way because people are realizing that our needs can be met without destroying our world. We have the technical knowledge, the communication tools, and material resources to grow enough food, ensure clean air and water, and meet rational energy needs. Future generations, if there is a livable world for them, will look back at the epochal transition we are making to a life-sustaining society. And they may well call this the time of the Great Turning. It is happening now.

Whether or not it is recognized by corporate-controlled media, the Great Turning is a reality. Although we cannot know yet if it will take hold in time for humans and other complex life forms to survive, we can know that it is under way. And it is gaining momentum, through the actions of countless individuals and groups around the world. To see this as the larger context of our lives clears our vision and summons our courage.

The Three Dimensions of the Great Turning:

1. Actions to slow the damage to Earth and its beings

Perhaps the most visible dimension of the Great Turning, these activities include all the political, legislative, and legal work required to reduce the destruction, as well as direct actions—blockades, boycotts, civil disobedience, and other forms of refusal. A few examples:
Documenting the ecological and health effects of the Industrial Growth Society;
Lobbying or protesting against the World Trade Organization and the international trade agreements that endanger ecosystems and undermine social and economic justice;
Blowing the whistle on illegal and unethical corporate practices;
Blockading and conducting vigils at places of ecological destruction, such as old-growth forests under threat of clear-cutting or at nuclear dumping grounds.

Work of this kind buys time. It saves some lives, and some ecosystems, species, and cultures, as well as some of the gene pool, for the sustainable society to come. But it is insufficient to bring that society about.

2. Analysis of structural causes and the creation of structural alternatives

The second dimension of the Great Turning is equally crucial. To free ourselves and our planet from the damage being inflicted by the Industrial Growth Society, we must understand its dynamics. What are the tacit agreements that create obscene wealth for a few, while progressively impoverishing the rest of humanity? What interlocking causes indenture us to an insatiable economy that uses our Earth as supply house and sewer? It is not a pretty picture, and it takes courage and confidence in our own common sense to look at it with realism; but we are demystifying the workings of the global economy. When we see how this system operates, we are less tempted to demonize the politicians and corporate CEOs who are in bondage to it. And for all the apparent might of the Industrial Growth Society, we can also see its fragility—how dependent it is on our obedience, and how doomed it is to devour itself. In addition to learning how the present system works, we are also creating structural alternatives. In countless localities, like green shoots pushing up through the rubble, new social and economic arrangements are sprouting. Not waiting for our national or state politicos to catch up with us, we are banding together, taking action in our own communities. Flowing from our creativity and collaboration on behalf of life, these actions may look marginal, but they hold the seeds for the future.

Some of the initiatives in this dimension:
Teach-ins and study groups on the Industrial Growth Society;
Strategies and programs for nonviolent, citizen-based defense;
Reduction of reliance on fossil and nuclear fuels and conversion to renewable energy sources;
Collaborative living arrangements such as co-housing and eco-villages;
Community gardens, consumer cooperatives, community-supported agriculture, watershed restoration, local currencies....

3. Shift in Consciousness

These structural alternatives cannot take root and survive without deeply ingrained values to sustain them. They must mirror what we want and how we relate to Earth and each other. They require, in other words, a profound shift in our perception of reality—and that shift is happening now, both as cognitive revolution and spiritual awakening.

The insights and experiences that enable us to make this shift are accelerating, and they take many forms. They arise as grief for our world, giving the lie to old paradigm notions of rugged individualism, the essential separateness of the self. They arise as glad response to breakthroughs in scientific thought, as reductionism and materialism give way to evidence of a living universe. And they arise in the resurgence of wisdom traditions, reminding us again that our world is a sacred whole, worthy of adoration and service.

The many forms and ingredients of this dimension include:
General living systems theory;
Deep ecology and the deep, long-range ecology movement;
Creation spirituality and liberation theology;
Engaged Buddhism and similar currents in other traditions;
The resurgence of shamanic traditions;
The simple living movement.

The realizations we make in the third dimension of the Great Turning save us from succumbing to either panic or paralysis. They help us resist the temptation to stick our heads in the sand, or to turn on each other, for scapegoats on whom to vent our fear and rage.
June 29 2009

Origin of the Term
Home/Home/A Great Turning: The Process/Origin of the Term


The term The Great Turning has come into widespread use to describe the awakening of a higher level of human consciousness and a human turn from an era of violence against people and nature to a new era of peace, justice and environmental restoration. Most people are not aware that this awakening is underway, because positive change rarely reaches the level of front page – or even back-page – news! YES! magazine is one of the few publications that is in the business of bringing these stories to public attention.

The underlying idea of a epic human turning is discussed by a many writers who refer to it by a variety of names. The Institute for Noetic Sciences refers to it as The Shift, which is also the name of its monthly publication.

“The Great Turning” was first used by Craig Schindler and Gary Lapid to describe the framing idea underlying the work of Project Victory, which they founded in 1985. Their work focused on reducing the risks of nuclear war and conflict transformation. They report that they trained 10,000 leaders in conflict transformation and led a national dialogue on dismantling nuclear weapons. More recently they sponsored what they describe as “the largest dialogue on race relations ever conducted in the U.S.” They used the term in their talks, dialogues, and articles.

In 1989, Schindler and Lapid published The Great Turning: Personal Peace – Global Victory, with a marketing endorsement from Joanna Macy who expanded and deepened the concept and introduced the term and its underlying frame to hundreds of thousands of people through her writing, lectures, and workshops. See YES! magazine editor Sarah van Gelder’s interview with Macy on “The Great Turning” in the Spring 2000 issue. Macy’s webpage on The Great Turning provides many useful tools.

From Empire to Earth Community

Joanna was a regular and influential participant in a series of State of the Possible retreats for progressive leaders organized by YES! magazine. She introduced the Great Turning into the retreat discussions as an integrating framework to connect the work of the various participants. These conversations in turn shaped the framework presented in The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, which argues that the human species is in the midst of an epic passage from a 5.000 year Era of Empire to a new Era of Earth Community. Empire organizes human relationships by dominator hierarchy. Earth Community organizes relationships on a model of partnership characterized by mutual caring and accountability.

Throughout the now dying Era of Empire, dominator relations created a dynamic of ruthless competition, violence, and misuse of environmental resources that now drives an accelerating process of environmental and social collapse. This collapse creates a collective imperative to navigate the Great Turning. The communications revolution, which provides the means for humans to function as a collective intelligence, creates the opportunity.. .

When it came time to name the book, the Great Turning seemed to be the perfect title. Because I knew it as her term, I asked Joanna’s permission to use it. She responded with her usual generous spirit that her intention is that the Great Turning should be a public term that is used by everyone and owned by no one. I share that intention.

My argument that the key to the human future centers on relationships, not technology, is inspired by Riane Eisler, The Chalice and the Blade. My argument that the key to transforming our relationships is to awaken a cultural consciousness and change the stories that frame mainstream culture, is inspired by Thomas Berry, Dream of the Earth, and Nicanor Perlas, Shaping Globalization: Civil Society, Cultural Power, and Threefolding.


Active Hope - Joanna Macy 2016 the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists.

eon37.72K subscribers

Keynote presentation. 'Active Hope," is the title of a new book by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. In it, they eschew feel good denial, cynical disengagement and baseless optimism. 

In this talk, Macy summarized their message. As Macy and Johnstone wisely acknowledge, there are no comforting certainties involved in opting to work for change with ‘active hope:’ “…there are no guarantees that we’ll be able to turn things far or fast enough to safeguard our civilization, or indeed, to ensure the continued existence of conscious life on Earth. We will probably not know in our lifetimes whether we are serving as deathbed attendants to a dying world or as midwives to the next stage of human evolution.” But, act we must on the issues we care about.

 Taking their lead from Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone's new book Active Hope, Cynthia Papermaster and Harvey Wasserman organized this evening of multi-issue presentations, Januare 10, 2016

at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists.


Chris Johnstone - YouTube Active Hope Show 1-4

Chris Johnstone - YouTube

Active Hope Show no 4
743 views3 years ago

Active Hope Show no.3 - the Active Hope song
1.2K views4 years ago

The Active Hope Show 2 - inspired collective climate action psychology
2K views5 years ago


Active Hope Show 1 - The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy
44K views8 years ago