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Extinction Rebellion
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Extinction Rebellion
Named after Anthropocene extinction
Motto Rebel for life
Formation 31 October 2018; 9 months ago
Type Civil society campaign
Purpose Climate change mitigation
Nature conservation
Environmental protection

Region International
Methods Nonviolent direct action
Fields Conservation movement
Environmental movement
Affiliations Rising Up![1]
The Climate Mobilization[2]
Website rebellion.earth

Extinction Rebellion (abbreviated as XR) is a socio-political movement with the stated aim of using civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to protest against climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse.[1][3]

Extinction Rebellion was established in the United Kingdom in May 2018 with about one hundred academics signing a call to action in support in October 2018,[4] and launched at the end of October by Roger Hallam, Gail Bradbrook, Simon Bramwell, and other activists from the campaign group Rising Up!.[5] In November 2018, 5 bridges across the Thames River in London were blockaded.[6] In April 2019 Extinction Rebellion occupied 5 prominent sites in central London: Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus, Marble Arch, Waterloo Bridge and the area around Parliament Square.

Citing inspiration from grassroots movements such as Occupy, Gandhi's Satyagraha, the suffragettes, Gene Sharp,[7] Martin Luther King and others in the civil rights movement, Extinction Rebellion wants to rally support worldwide around a common sense of urgency to tackle climate breakdown.[8][6] A number of activists in the movement accept arrest and imprisonment,[9] similar to the mass arrest tactics of the Committee of 100 in 1961.

The movement uses a circled hourglass, known as the Extinction Symbol, to serve as a warning that time is rapidly running out for many species.[10][11]

1.2Stated principles
3UK actions
3.1.1'Declaration of Rebellion'
3.1.2'Rebellion Day'
3.1.3'Rebellion Day 2'
3.2.1January council actions
3.2.2February – London Fashion Week
3.2.4House of Commons naked demonstration
3.2.5Mid-April occupations
3.2.6"Summer uprising"
3.3Legal consequences
4Actions elsewhere
8See also
11External links

Extinction Rebellion placard. Its logotype with the "extinction symbol".

Extinction Rebellion's website states the following aims:[12][13]
Government must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.
Government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2025.
Government must create, and be led by the decisions of, a citizens' assembly on climate and ecological justice.
Stated principles[edit]

XR states the following on its website and explains the following in its declaration:[14][3]
"We have a shared vision of change—creating a world that is fit for generations to come.
We set our mission on what is necessary—mobilising 3.5% of the population to achieve system change by using ideas such as "momentum-driven organising" to achieve this.
We need a regenerative culture—creating a culture that is healthy, resilient, and adaptable.
We openly challenge ourselves and this toxic system, leaving our comfort zones to take action for change.
We value reflecting and learning, following a cycle of action, reflection, learning, and planning for more action (learning from other movements and contexts as well as our own experiences).
We welcome everyone and every part of everyone—working actively to create safer and more accessible spaces.
We actively mitigate for power—breaking down hierarchies of power for more equitable participation.
We avoid blaming and shaming—we live in a toxic system, but no one individual is to blame.
We are a non-violent network using non-violent strategy and tactics as the most effective way to bring about change.
We are based on autonomy and decentralisation—we collectively create the structures we need to challenge power. Anyone who follows these core principles and values can take action in the name of RisingUp!"[15]

Extinction Rebellion was established in the United Kingdom in May 2018 with about one hundred academics signing a call to action in support in October 2018,[4] and launched at the end of October by Roger Hallam, Gail Bradbrook, Simon Bramwell, and other activists from the campaign group Rising Up![5]

Citing inspiration from grassroots movements such as Occupy, Gandhi's Satyagraha, the suffragettes, Gene Sharp,[7] Martin Luther King and others in the civil rights movement, Extinction Rebellion wants to rally support worldwide around a common sense of urgency to tackle climate breakdown.[8] A number of activists in the movement accept arrest and imprisonment,[9] similar to the mass arrest tactics of the Committee of 100 in 1961.

On 9 December 2018, a second open letter of support signed by another hundred academics was published.[16]
UK actions[edit]

In addition to major events, a great many forthcoming smaller and local events are listed on the Extinction Rebellion Web site.[17]
“ Organisers say they hope the campaign of 'respectful disruption' will change the debate around climate breakdown and signal to those in power that the present course of action will lead to disaster. ”
— Damien Gayle, The Guardian[6][18]

On 17 October 2018, activists from Extinction Rebellion held a sit-in at the UK headquarters of Greenpeace, the direct action environmental organisation, "to encourage their members to participate in mass civil disobedience as the only remaining alternative to avert the worst of the catastrophe" and join in future activities of Extinction Rebellion.[1][19]
'Declaration of Rebellion'[edit]

An assembly took place at Parliament Square, London on 31 October 2018, and drew more than a thousand people to hear the "Declaration of Rebellion"[20] against the UK government and speeches by Donnachadh McCarthy, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl "on strike" from school over her own government's climate inaction,[21] Julia Bradbury, and Green MEP Molly Scott Cato in the square.[20] After a motion was proposed and agreed, the assembly moved to occupy the road, where Green MP Caroline Lucas, environmentalist George Monbiot, and other speakers and singers, including Seize the Day, continued from the reclaimed street directly in front of the Houses of Parliament.[20][a] Following this, 15 campaigners were arrested for deliberately continuing the sit-in in the roadway.[20]

In the first two weeks of the movement in November 2018, more than 60 people were arrested for taking part in acts of civil disobedience organised by Extinction Rebellion.[6]On 12 November 2018, activists blockaded the UK's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and some glued their hands to the department's doors.[22] Activists unveiled a "Climate Change... We're Fucked" banner over Westminster Bridge[23] and glued themselves to the gates of Downing Street, near the Prime Minister's official residence, on 14 November.[24][25] In the evening of 15 November a large group closed the access road to Trafalgar Square outside the Brazilian Embassy in an joint action with Brazilian Women against Fascism UK.[26]
'Rebellion Day'[edit]

"Rebellion Day" on Blackfriars Bridge, 17 November 2018

On 17 November 2018, in what was called "Rebellion Day", about 6,000 people took part in a coordinated action to block the five main bridges over the River Thames in London (Southwark, Blackfriars, Waterloo, Westminster, and Lambeth) for several hours, causing major traffic disruption; 70 arrests were made.[6][27][28][29][30] The Guardian described it as "one of the biggest acts of peaceful civil disobedience in the UK in decades".[6][18] YBA artist Gavin Turk was one of the activists arrested for obstructing the public highway.[31][32] Internationally there was an action by the XR group in Stockholm,[33] as well as rallies in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Belfast. Copenhagen, Berlin, Madrid and New York City.[34]

Extinction Rebellion protesters in Tower Hill, 23 November 2018

From 21 November 2018, beginning a campaign known as 'swarming' roadblocks (repeated roadblocks of approximately 7 minutes each), small groups of Extinction Rebellion activists carried out protests by occupying road junctions at Lambeth and Vauxhall Bridges, Elephant and Castle, Tower Bridge and Earl's Court, causing serious disruption to rush-hour traffic and continuing throughout the day.[18][35][36][37][38][39]Similar actions continued for the next two days in London,[40] with one group moving to Oxford Street on the afternoon of the discount shopping day Black Friday.[41]

On 23 November, in a first action outside London, an Extinction Rebellion group in Yorkstopped traffic on Coppergate, Clifford Street, Pavement and Ouse Bridge, as well as holding a demo outside West Offices of the City of York Council.[42][43] An Oxford XR group blocked traffic on Botley Road on the same day.[44]
'Rebellion Day 2'[edit]

On "Rebellion Day 2", a week after the first, Extinction Rebellion blocked the roads around Parliament Square, before a mock funeral march to Downing Street and then onto Buckingham Palace.[45] XR co-founder Gail Bradbrook read out a letter to the Queen, and one activist glued herself to the gates of the Palace, before the procession returned to Parliament Square.[46] On 24 November there were actions outside London by XR groups in Manchester,[47] Sheffield,[48] Machynlleth[49] and Edinburgh.[50]

On 15 December 2018, a professor of psychology was arrested for a "climate change graffiti attack" on the Bristol Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) building,[51][52][53] and a "die-in" was held at a local shopping center.[54]

On 21 December 2018, actions were staged at BBC locations across the UK by Extinction Rebellion calling for a change in editorial policy, perceiving a "failure to report" on the "climate emergency." BBC headquarters in London was placed on lockdown.[55][56][57]
January council actions[edit]

On 25 January 2019, about 40 members of Extinction Rebellion staged a peaceful one-hour occupation of the Scottish Parliament's debating chamber in Holyrood, Edinburgh.[58]Council chambers were also occupied by XR groups in Norwich on 11 February,[59] and Gloucestershire, on 13 February, which included a mock trial of the council's "criminal negligence".[60] A week later neighbouring Somerset County Council declared a climate emergency, citing school strikers and XR as having some input into the decision.[61] In late February, following an XR petition, Reading Borough Council also declared a climate emergency,[62] aiming to cut carbon emissions by 2030, a week after discussions with the XR Reading (XRR) group[63] and a day after the warmest winter day on record in the UK.[64]
February – London Fashion Week[edit]

An Extinction Rebellion march during the London Fashion Week in London, 22 February 2019

During London Fashion Week in February, Extinction Rebellion organised actions to disrupt events, calling on the British Fashion Councilorganisers to declare a 'climate emergency' and for the industry to take a leading role in tackling climate change.[65] 'Swarming' roadblocks were held outside several venues; a couple of rebels wore living grass coats.[66] Later in the week, designer and XR co-founder Clare Farrell, was barred from a fashion show by a label in which she had been involved with production.[67]

Gerald Vernon-Jackson, leader of the Portsmouth City Council, joining in an Extinction Rebellion protest in Portsmouth, 19 March 2019

On 9 March 2019, around 400 protesters staged a "Blood of Our Children" demonstration outside No. 10 Downing Street, in which they poured buckets of fake blood on the road to represent the threatened lives of children.[68] As Portsmouth City Council passed a climate emergency motion, the 49th in the UK, protestors confronted leader Gerald Vernon-Jackson outside Portsmouth Guildhall.[69]
House of Commons naked demonstration[edit]

On 1 April 2019, around 12 protesters were arrested after undressing and gluing themselves to the glass in the House of Commons viewing gallery during a debate on Britain's intended departure from the European Union, with two of the protesters wearing grey body paint and elephant masks to draw attention to "the elephant in the room".[70] XR activists attributed inspiration for the direct action to a suffragette protest in Parliament in 1909, when (non-nude) protesters chained themselves to statues.[71]
Mid-April occupations[edit]

The pink boat with a slogan "tell the truth", named after Berta Caceres, was located in Oxford Circus on 18 April

Starting from Monday 15 April 2019, Extinction Rebellion organised demonstrations in London, focusing their attention on Oxford Circus, Marble Arch, Waterloo Bridge and the area around Parliament Square.[72] Activists fixed a pink boat named after murdered Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres in the middle of the busy intersection of Oxford Street and Regent Street(Oxford Circus) and glued themselves to it,[73][74]and also set up several gazebos, potted plants and trees, a mobile stage and a skate ramp whilst occupying Waterloo Bridge.[75][76] Five activists, including XR co-founder Simon Bramwell, were arrested for criminal damage when they targeted Shell's headquarters, near Waterloo.[75] After the police imposed a 24-hour Section 14 condition at 18:55 requiring activists to move to Marble Arch[77] the police tried to clear Waterloo Bridge arresting 113 people, without gaining control of the bridge.[78][79]

On the second day of actions on Waterloo Bridge police began making arrests of the activists at 12.40 pm,[80] but stopped a few hours later,[81] after running out of holding cells.[82] By the end of Tuesday 16 April an estimated 500,000 people had been affected by the disruptions and 290 activists had been arrested in London.[83] In Scotland, more than 1,000 protesters occupied the North Bridge for seven hours in Edinburgh, bringing one of the main routes into the city centre to a standstill. Police said they made 29 arrests.[84][85]

On the morning of Wednesday 17 April two activists climbed onto the roof of a Docklands Light Railway train at Canary Wharf station whilst another glued himself to the side, spreading disruption to railway services.[86] The following day the three activists were charged with obstructing trains and after pleading not guilty sent to jail for four weeks, with no bail, whilst awaiting their next hearing.[87] In response to the protests, the British Transport Police suspended access to public Wi-Fi at London Underground stations the same day.[88][89][90] Towards the end of Wednesday a large force of police marched on the camp at Parliament Square, arresting people and partially removing roadblocks[91] before it was retaken later the same night by protesters who arrived with a samba band and re-established the roadblocks.[92]

Video of an interview with the Extinction Rebellion protesters in London, 19 April 2019

At the start of Thursday 18 April, the fourth day of continuous occupations at four locations, the arrest figure had risen to 428, the majority for breaching public order laws and obstructing a highway.[93][73] During the morning of 18 April about 20 XR activists spread traffic disruption wider with a series of swarming (short duration) roadblocks on Vauxhall Bridge.[94]

A mural appeared at Marble Archafter the closing ceremony on 25 April and this was attributed to the artist Banksy.[95][96] The slogan "From this moment despair ends and tactics begin" is a quotation from The Revolution of Everyday Life.[97]

On the morning of 19 April, after significant media speculation about a threat to Heathrow Airport,[98][99][100]around a dozen teenagers, some aged 13 and 14, approached the access road holding a banner which read “Are we the last generation?” Some of the teenagers wept and hugged each other, as they were surrounded by a far larger squad of police.[101][102][74] In the middle of the day police moved in force to surround the pink boat as Emma Thompson read poetry from the deck, eventually removing the people who were either locked-on or glued to it. After seven hours police had moved the boat without clearing Oxford Circus.[73][103] By late evening police were saying that 682 people had been arrested in London.[74]

On 25 April thirteen protesters blocked the London Stock Exchange, and held the LED sign outside the stock. Despite this, the operation of the market was not affected. Another 4 protesters climbed on to a Docklands Light Railway train at Canary Wharf, and held the banners, which resulted in a short delay between Bank and Monument station and Stratford/Lewisham station. 26 people were arrested.[104] In the afternoon, the activists gathered at the Hyde Park as the "closing ceremony" of the movement, which ended the 11-day demonstrations in London. A total of 1,130 people were arrested during the demonstrations.[105] As of June 2019, one protester, Angie Zelter, has been convicted of a public order offence for taking part in the occupations.[106]

Near Marble Arch, 15 April

Waterloo Bridge, 17 April

Near Parliament Square, 19 April

Hyde Park, London, 21 April
"Summer uprising"[edit]

Bristol Extinction Rebellion, blocking Bristol Bridge on 16 July 2019

On 13 and 14 July a weekend of protest was held in East London, with a series of seven-minute Dalston traffic blockades, a mass bike ride through the A10, Olympic park traffic blocks, a people’s assembly outside Hackney town hall, and all-day talks and panels in London Fields.[107]This was the predecessor to a "summer uprising" from 08:00 on 15 July to 11:00 on 20 July, in Bristol, Leeds, Cardiff, Glasgow and London. Protests in the different cities focused on different threats: rising sea levels, floods, wildfires, crop failures and extreme weather, with five different coloured boats marked "Act Now" and other messages in each location.[108]There was significant disruption to traffic in protest locations.[109]
Legal consequences[edit]

In June and July 2019 some of the Extinction Rebellion supporters arrested that April appeared in court. On 25 June a 68-year-old protester was convicted of breaching a section 14 order giving police the power to clear static protests from a specified area, and given a conditional discharge.[110] On 12 April over 30 protesters appeared in court, each charged with being a public assembly participant failing to comply with a condition imposed by a senior police officer at various locations on various dates. Some pleaded guilty, and were mostly given conditional discharges. The trials of those who pleaded not guilty are to take place in September and October.[111]
Actions elsewhere[edit]

"Declaration Day" at the Victorian State Government, 22 March 2019

Extinction Rebellion Australia held a 'Declaration Day' on 22 March 2019 in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, and Brisbane. Demonstrators assembled and protested to demand that governments and media declare a state of climate emergency. On the eve of international Rebellion Day, 15 April, an XR group occupied the Parliament's Lower House.[112]

Extinction Rebellion events were planned for the week starting 15 April 2019, in 27 other[clarification needed] countries including Ireland, Australia, Canada, France, Sweden, Germany, Colombia, New Zealand[6][113][114] and in New York City for a national day of action for the United States.[115]

On 15 April, XR activists occupied part of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, forming human chains before being arrested.[116] Similar actions were organised by XR groups in Berlin, Heidelberg, Brussels, Lausanne, Madrid,[117] Denver and Melbourne.[118]In New York City, on 17 April, an XR group of 300 gathered outside City Hall to demand that the City Council declare a climate emergency with over 60 arrested after occupying the street and hanging banners from lamposts.[119][120] On 19 April XR activists disrupted a railway line in Brisbane, Australia.[121]

During the 'International Rebellion' which started on 15 April 2019, actions and messages of support arrived from various sources, including a speech by actress Emma Thompson, a planned visit by school strike leader Greta Thunberg, and statements from former Nasa scientist James Hansen and linguist and activist Noam Chomsky.[73]

A study conducted during the first two days of the mid-April London occupation found that 46% of respondents supported the rebellion,[122] however a larger opinion poll later found that support had declined and that 52% of respondents now opposed actions aiming to "shut down London"[123] as the protests on 17 April blocked access to means of transport including buses, alienating travellers.[124][125]

In May 2019, Roger Hallam and eight others stood as candidates in the European Parliament elections in the London and the South West England constituencies as Climate Emergency Independents.[126][127] Between them, they won 7,416 out of the 3,917,854 total votes cast in the two constituencies.[128][129]

In June 2019, 1,000 healthcare professionals in the UK and elsewhere, including professors, public health figures, and former presidents of royal colleges, called for widespread non-violent civil disobedience in response to "woefully inadequate" government policies on the unfolding ecological emergency. They called on politicians and the news media to face the facts of the unfolding ecological emergency and take action. They supported the school strike movement and Extinction Rebellion.[130]

In July 2019 Trevor Neilson, Rory Kennedy and Aileen Getty launched the Climate Emergency Fund,[131][132] inspired by Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion protesters in the UK in April.[133] It donated almost half a million pounds to Extinction Rebellion groups in New York City and Los Angeles and school strike for climate groups in the US.[131][132][133]

The movement has been criticised by some for making unrealistic demands.[134] The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, which supports its course of strong action and demands, said that the timeframe being urged by XR was "an ambition that technically, economically and politically has absolutely no chance of being fulfilled." They calculated that to go net zero by 2025, flying would need to be scrapped and 38 million cars (both petrol and diesel) would need to be removed from the roads. In addition, 26 million gas boilers would need to be disconnected in six years.[135]
This Is Not a Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook. London: Penguin, 2019. ISBN 9780141991443.[136][137]
Our Fight. By Juliana Muniz Westcott. 2019. ISBN 978-1793258366.
See also[edit]

Social movements portal
United Kingdom portal
Environment portal
Global warming portal
Current events portal

Ende Gelände 2018
Ende Gelände 2019
Environmental direct action in the United Kingdom
Fossil fuel phase-out
Global catastrophic risk
Global Climate March
Holocene extinction
Individual and political action on climate change
Low-carbon economy
Overshoot (population)
Peak oil
People's Climate March (disambiguation)
School Strike for Climate
Societal collapse
Sunrise Movement
The Limits to Growth
World Scientists' Warning to Humanity

^ "XR Declaration" from 1hr 39m 15s; see "XR Declaration" in the External links section.

^ Jump up to:a b c Matthew Taylor (2018-10-26). "'We have a duty to act': hundreds ready to go to jail over climate crisis". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-11-17.
^ Farand, Chloe (2018-11-26). "Extinction Rebellion goes global with call for net zero emission by 2025". The Energy Mix. Retrieved 2019-01-30.
^ Jump up to:a b "A Declaration of International Non-Violent Rebellion Against the World's Governments for Criminal Inaction on the Ecological Crisis" (PDF). Extinction Rebellion. April 2019.
^ Jump up to:a b Alison Green; et al. (2018-10-26). "Facts about our ecological crisis are incontrovertible. We must take action". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-11-17.
^ Jump up to:a b "Extinction Rebellion campaigners arrested in London". Green World. 2018-11-19. Retrieved 2018-11-24.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Matthew Taylor and Damien Gayle (2018-11-17). "Thousands gather to block London bridges in climate rebellion". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-11-17.
^ Jump up to:a b "Extinction Rebellion takes on the system: Interview with founder Roger Hallam". Koreatimes. 2019-04-16. Retrieved 2019-06-28.
^ Jump up to:a b Farand, Chloe (2018-11-23). "Extinction Rebellion eyes global campaign". The Ecologist. Retrieved 2018-11-23.
^ Jump up to:a b Rinvolucri, Bruno; Lamborn, Katie (2018-11-22). "'We can't get arrested quick enough': life inside Extinction Rebellion – video". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-11-22.
^ "Extinction Symbol". Extinction symbol information.
^ Rose, Steve (2019-04-16). "How the symbol for extinction became this generation's peace sign". The Guardian.
^ "Who are Extinction Rebellion and what do they want?". 2019-07-16. Retrieved 2019-08-09.
^ "Extinction Rebellion". Rebellion.earth. Retrieved 2018-11-18.
^ "About Us". Extinction Rebellion. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
^ "Who We Are | Extinction Rebellion". Rebellion.earth. Retrieved 2018-11-26.
^ Vandana Shiva; et al. (2018-12-09). "Act now to prevent an environmental catastrophe". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-12-11.
^ "Events". Extinction Rebellion. Retrieved 2019-07-13. Frequently updated.
^ Jump up to:a b c Gayle, Damien (2018-11-21). "Avoid London for days, police warn motorists amid 'swarming' protests". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-11-21.
^ Molitch-Hou, Michael (2018-10-19). "Climate Activists Occupy Greenpeace UK Headquarters—Wait, That Can't Be Right". Common Dreams. Retrieved 2018-11-18.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Taylor, Matthew (2018-10-31). "15 environmental protesters arrested at civil disobedience campaign in London". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-11-18.
^ Germanos, Andrea (2018-10-31). "'This Is Our Darkest Hour': With Declaration of Rebellion, New Group Vows Mass Civil Disobedience to Save Planet". Common Dreams. Retrieved 2018-11-18.
^ Harrabin, Roger (2018-11-12). "Climate change protest sees '22 arrests'". BBC News. Retrieved 2018-11-17.
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^ Thomas, Tobi (2018-11-19). "London's climate rebellion surges on". New Internationalist. Retrieved 2019-08-27.
^ Roger Harrabin (2018-11-17). "Extinction Rebellion protests block London bridges". BBC News. Retrieved 2018-11-17.
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^ "Climate protesters block London roads". BBC News. 2019-04-15. Retrieved 2019-04-15.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Watts, Jonathan; Gayle, Damien (2019-04-19). "Extinction Rebellion day five centres on tussle for control of Oxford Circus". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-04-21.
^ Jump up to:a b c Taylor, Matthew; Gayle, Damien (2019-04-20). "Battle of Waterloo Bridge: a week of Extinction Rebellion protests". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-04-20.
^ Jump up to:a b Taylor, Matthew; Gayle, Damien (2019-04-15). "Thousands block roads in Extinction Rebellion protests across London". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-04-18.
^ "Climate activists set up trees on Waterloo Bridge". Sky News. 2019-04-15. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
^ Cockburn, Harry (2019-04-16). "Over a hundred people arrested as London climate protests enter second day". The Independent. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
^ Taylor, Matthew; Gayle, Damien (2019-04-16). "Police begin second wave of arrests in London climate protests". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
^ "Extinction Rebellion: More than 100 arrests after police order climate protesters to stay at Marble Arch". The Telegraph. Yahoo! News. 2019-04-16. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
^ Smith, Helen-Ann (2019-04-16). "Police have begun making arrests of environmental protesters who have shut down Waterloo Bridge". Sky News. Retrieved 2019-04-16.[non-primary source needed]
^ Taylor, Matthew; Gayle, Damien; Brooks, Libby (2019-04-16). "Extinction Rebellion set to disrupt London rail and tube lines". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
^ Hardy, Jack (2019-04-16). "Extinction Rebellion: Climate protesters dodge arrest after police run out of cells". The Telegraph. Retrieved 2019-04-19.
^ "City climate protest arrests close to 300". BBC News. 2019-04-17. Retrieved 2019-04-17.
^ "Nearly 30 arrests at climate change protest". BBC Scotland. 2019-04-16. Retrieved 2019-04-20.
^ Taylor, Matthew; Gayle, Damien; Brooks, Libby (2019-04-17). "Extinction Rebellion keep control of major London sites into a third day". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-04-19.
^ Hartley-Parkinson, Richard (2019-04-17). "Climate protesters strike at busy station climbing on train and gluing to window". Metro. Retrieved 2019-04-17.
^ Giordano, Chiara (2019-04-18). "Three climate activists remanded in custody over London train protest". The Independent. Retrieved 2019-04-18.
^ "UPDATED: Extinction Rebellion – BTP statement on protests in London". Media.btp.police.uk. Retrieved 2019-04-18.
^ "Police shut down London Tube's wifi in attempt to disrupt climate change protesters". The Independent. 2019-04-17. Retrieved 2019-04-18.
^ "Tube wifi turned off as protesters 'plan to glue themselves to trains'". Evening Standard. 2019-04-17. Retrieved 2019-04-18.
^ Jarvis, Jacob (2019-04-17). "Police march to Parliament Square to demand eco warriors move on". Evening Standard. Retrieved 2019-04-19.
^ Gayle, Damien; Taylor, Matthew (2019-04-18). "Extinction Rebellion: trio face a month in custody as judge denies bail". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-04-19.
^ "London climate protests enter fourth day". news.yahoo.com. AFP. 2019-04-18. Retrieved 2019-04-20.
^ Bethell, Chris; Segalov, Michael; Childs, Simon (2019-04-18). "Extinction Rebellion's Climate Protest Blocked Vauxhall Bridge". Vice. Retrieved 2019-04-18.
^ Extinction Rebellion: Did Banksy join climate activists?, BBC, 2019-04-26
^ Lanre Bakare (2019-04-26), "London Extinction Rebellion mural is a Banksy, says expert", The Guardian
^ Raoul Vaneigem (1994), The Revolution of Everyday Life, translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith, Left Bank Books, p. 32, ISBN 9780939306060
^ Batchelor, Tom (2019-04-18). "Heathrow airport to be 'shut down' by Extinction Rebellion protesters as home secretary urges police to use 'full force of law'". news.yahoo.com. The Independent. Retrieved 2019-04-21.
^ Clarke-Billings, Lucy (2019-04-18). "Extinction Rebellion protesters 'to shut down Heathrow Airport TOMORROW'". www.msn.com. The Mirror. Retrieved 2019-04-21.
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^ Wills, Ella; Tobin, Olivia (2019-04-25). "Extinction Rebellion activists gather in Hyde Park to mark end of disruptive protests with 'closing ceremony'". Evening Standard. Retrieved 2019-04-29.
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^ Nosheen Iqbal (2019-07-13). "Extinction Rebellion kick off weekend of protest with Dalston blockade". The Guardian.
^ Snaith, Emma; Mitib, Ali (2019-07-15). "Extinction Rebellion protesters bring streets to standstill in five UK cities". The Independent. Retrieved 2019-07-19. Glasgow - Messages saying “Act Now” and “The future you fear is already here”, Bristol - “Tell the Truth”
^ Molly Blackall (2019-07-15). "Extinction Rebellion protests block traffic in five UK cities". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-07-15.
^ Matthew Taylor (2019-06-25). "Extinction Rebellion protester convicted of public order offence". The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-07-13.
^ Amy Walker (2019-07-12). "Extinction Rebellion protesters appear in court in London". The Guardian.
^ Sulda, Dixie (2019-04-15). "Climate change protesters forcibly removed from Parliament House". The Advertiser. Adelaide. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
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^ Cockburn, Harry (2019-04-16). "Climate change activists who occupied International Criminal Court arrested by Dutch police". The Independent. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
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^ "London faces fourth day of disruption". Sky News. 2019-04-18. Retrieved 2019-04-24.
^ John, Humphrys (2019-04-17). "John Humphrys – Extinction Rebellion: Noble and Necessary or a Pointless Nuisance?". Yougov.co.uk. Retrieved 2019-04-27.
^ Matthew Taylor, "Extinction Rebellion protesters to stand in European elections", The Guardian, 26 Apr 2019
^ The Climate & Ecological Emergency Independents election candidates
^ European election 2019 – London-wide results, Lewisham Council
^ Results of European Parliamentary Election 2019 - South West Region, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council
^ Matthew Taylor (2019-06-27). "Doctors call for nonviolent direct action over climate crisis". The Guardian.
^ Jump up to:a b "Climate activists, including Extinction Rebellion, to receive £500,000 from US philanthropists". The Independent. 2019-07-12. Retrieved 2019-07-24.
^ Jump up to:a b Knight, Sam (2019-07-21). "Does Extinction Rebellion Have the Solution to the Climate Crisis?". ISSN 0028-792X. Retrieved 2019-07-24 – via www.newyorker.com.
^ Jump up to:a b correspondent, Matthew Taylor Environment (2019-07-12). "US philanthropists vow to raise millions for climate activists". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2019-07-24 – via www.theguardian.com.
^ "Extinction Rebellion: Who are the activist group?". BBC News. 2018-12-21. Retrieved 2019-03-17.
^ Simpson, John; Webster, Ben; Humpries, Will (2019-04-18). "Protest police call for re-inforcements". The Times (72, 824). p. 9.
^ Flood, Alison (2019-04-26). "Extinction Rebellion rushes activists' handbook This Is Not a Drill into print". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2019-07-18 – via www.theguardian.com.
^ "The Extinction Rebellion book is short on science but big on action". New Scientist. Retrieved 2019-07-18.
External links[edit]
Extinction Rebellionat Wikipedia's sister projects
Media from Wikimedia Commons
Quotations from Wikiquote
Official website
XR Declaration – The Extinction Rebellion "Declaration of Rebellion" live from Parliament Square with Greta Thunberg, Donnachadh McCarthy, George Monbiot, Molly Scott and Dr Gail Bradbrook – 31 October 2018
Extinction Rebellion | EnvironmentThe Guardian
2018 establishments in the United Kingdom
2018 protests
2019 protests
Direct action
Environmental organisations based in the United Kingdom
Environmental protests in the United Kingdom
Ongoing protests
Radical environmentalism
Climate change organizations

XR Podcast E2: non violence - Extinction Rebellion

XR Podcast E2: non violence - Extinction Rebellion

XR Podcast E2: non violence

April 14, 2019 by Jessica Townsend
ClarefarrellNon ViolenceNonviolenceRogerhallamSkeenarathorXR Podcast

Welcome to Episode Two on the issue of nonviolence: what it means as a political tool; how effective it is; and how Extinction Rebellion values nonviolence as a practice in itself.

WARNING – This episode contains some strong language.

This episode is presented by Dave Anderson and Jessica Townsend with interviews conducted by Marijn van de Geer and Jessica Townsend in the Extinction Rebellion offices.

The episode can be found here: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/xr-podcast/episodes/2019-03-26T06_16_03-07_00

Or here on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/xr-podcast/id1456115700

We interviewed the following people to help explain what nonviolence means:

Roger Hallam – PhD researcher on effective radical campaign design at King’s College London, organic farmer and co-founder of Extinction Rebellion.

Clare Farrell – Street artist and fashion designer, Arts Coordinator and co-founder of Extinction Rebellion.

Skeena Rathor – Labour councillor for Central Stroud and active member of political and strategic working groups for Extinction Rebellion.

Roger begins by talking us through the political effectiveness of nonviolent direct action, its precedents and the scholarship around it.

If you are interested in hearing more from Roger on this subject, this film will be of interest: https://youtu.be/jSOlRNCO9L8 He references the work of Gene Sharp in particular (Gene Sharp: ‘From Dictatorship to Democracy’, 1993) which was influential in the Arab Spring, Iranian protests and Serbia.

The work of American political scientist Erica Chenoweth is referenced a few times in this episode by both Roger and Clare. As an introduction to her work there is an interesting TED talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJSehRlU34w and we also recommend reading ‘Why Civil Resistance Works The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict’ by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephanher (2012). We are hoping to have a special episode in which we interview Erica Chenoweth in greater depth about her work later in the year.

Clare discusses the way the art working group of XR ensures that our actions have many explicit and subliminal nonviolent messages. She goes on to consider if the nonviolent ethos of the movement makes it attractive to faith groups.

Finally Skeena Rathor looks at the nonviolent culture of XR in its day-to-day running. During every evening of the Rebellion starting on 15 April 2019 there will be Zoom meetings with Gayano Shaw offering emotional support for rebels in addition to the support from XR’s own Regenerative Culture Team’s support.

Research – Jessica Townsend, Marijn van de Geer

Presenters – Jessica Townsend, Dave Anderson

Producer – Elly Lazarides

Sound Engineer & Mixing – Dave Stitch


recent articles
29.08.19The Deliberate Rebellion
29.08.19Deep adaptation: Getting Real about the Climate Apocalypse
29.08.19Extinction Rebellion meet with the BBC
27.08.19Episode 5 – Regenerative Culture, Joanna Macy
27.08.19The Deliberate Rebellion: Short film with exclusive track from Massive Attack


[김영진의 영화비평] <문라이트>가 잡아낸 분위기, 그 영화적 접근의 힘

[김영진의 영화비평] <문라이트>가 잡아낸 분위기, 그 영화적 접근의 힘
김영진(영화평론가) 2017-03-09

※ 영화의 스포일러가 있습니다.

배리 젠킨스의 <문라이트>는 주인공 샤이론이 소년에서 어른이 되는 모습을 세 단락으로 나눠 담고 있지만 별다른 사건이 없다. 1, 2부에서 샤이론은 동성애자라고 주변의 핍박을 받는다. 왕따당하는 것에 그치지 않고 집단 린치를 당한다. 3부에서 샤이론은 전혀 다른 사람이 되어 있다. 몸이 두배로 늘어난 건장한 체격을 지닌 성인 남자이자 거리에서 마약을 파는 소두목이 되어 있다. 샤이론의 주변 삶의 관계도 단출하다. 세 단락에 계속 나오는 인물은 마약 중독자인 샤이론의 엄마와 어릴 적부터 샤이론의 친구인 케빈뿐이다. 첫 번째 단락에서 샤이론을 보살펴주는 쿠바 출신 남자 후안이 나오지만 마약상인 그는 2부에서 죽고 없다. 후안의 여자친구인 테레사는 1부에 이어 2부에도 나오지만 거의 엄마처럼 샤이론을 보살펴주는 천사 같은 캐릭터인데도 그것 말고 별다른 역할이 없다.
잉여적 시선이 만든 자체적 리듬

이것은 요약한 스토리가 아니라 이 영화 내용의 거의 전부이다. 이 스토리로부터 가지를 쳐나가는 사건의 전개가 별로 없다. 그런데도 이 영화의 상영시간은 110분이며 별로 길다는 느낌을 주지 않는다. 자잘한 사건과 사건의 연결 사이에 영화의 주된 시간을 채우는 것은 아무런 일도 일어나지 않는 일상을 따라다니는 카메라다. 영화의 첫 장면에서 후안은 자기가 관리하는 지역에 차를 운전하고 와서 내린다. 후안의 동선을 카메라가 좇아가면 후안 밑에서 일하는 젊은이가 약을 팔 것을 애원하는 한 중독자를 뿌리치는 상황을 두 차례 360도 회전하며 보여주고 그다음엔 후안이 젊은이에게 잘하고 있다고 격려하는 모습을 또다시 360도로 회전하며 보여준다. 숏으로 나누지 않아 과시적으로 보일 수도 있는 이 장면 테이크는 한산한 거리의 병든 모습을, 나른한 외형적 공기를, 적절한 격동을 실어 담는다. 장면 자체는 그다지 길지 않지만 숏을 나눠 찍은 것보다는 당연히 긴 호흡이다.

이 영화는 이런 식의 잉여로 자체적 리듬을 만들어냈다는 점에서 음미해볼 만한 성취를 거두었다. 카메라 자체가 개입하고 있다는 느낌의 숏을 곧잘 연출하는데도 그게 과잉으로 다가오지 않고 독자적인 스타일로 보인다. 1부에서 소년 샤이론이 다른 아이들과 잔디밭에서 축구를 하기 직전에 카메라는 작전 지시라도 듣고 있는 양 포즈를 취하고 있는 아이들을 패닝으로 죽 훑는다. 아이들은 카메라를 정면으로 바라본다. 이게 어떤 의미가 있느냐 하면 그것도 아니다. 아이들은 그냥 그 자리에 서서 카메라를 본 것뿐이다. 1부의 또 다른 장면에서 아이들이 화장실에 모여 서로의 성기 크기를 확인하고 있을 때 멋도 모르고 들어온 샤이론은 그 자리에 끼게 되는데 이때도 카메라는 아이들의 모습을 축구 장면에서처럼 패닝으로 훑는다. 샤이론이 다른 아이들과 친구가 된 것일까, 라고 잠시 추측하지만 그런 건 아니다. 감독은 카메라 움직임을 통해 시간을 느끼게 하는데 효과는 정지 화면처럼 느껴지지만 동시에 물 흐르듯 시간도 흐른다.

이것이 과시적 허영으로 추락하지 않는 것은 아이들의 맑은 눈망울, 그냥 맥락 없이 보면 천진한 소년들의 모습처럼 보일 화면이 앞뒤로 배치된 화면들 속에서 샤이론의 소외를 묘사하고 있어 일종의 대비 효과를 거두고 있기 때문이다. 샤이론이 처음 화면에 소개될 때 샤이론은 자신을 호모라고 놀리며 쫓아오는 아이들을 피해 전속력으로 달린다. 집에서도 샤이론은 환영받지 못한다. 1부 끝에서 약에 취한 샤이론의 엄마가 샤이론에게 쳐다보지 말라고 표독스럽게 말하는 장면이 나온다. 약에 취한 자신의 모습을 보여주고 싶지 않아서, 또한 자기 삶의 짐이 되는 샤이론이 거추장스러워서 한 말이지만 샤이론에게는 이게 트라우마다. 3부에서 어른이 된 샤이론은 꿈에서 어린 시절의 이 장면을 보며 악몽에서 깨어난다. 사건의 전개와는 별개로 이렇듯 카메라를 응시하는 장면들은 첫 장면의 한산한 거리 풍경처럼 그 자체로는 아무것도 지시하지 않는 표면들의 공허를 지적한다. 그것들은 아무것도 지시하지 않기 때문에 또한 이 영화에서 담고 있는 타자에 대한 무의식적 폭력의 잔혹함에 대해 많은 것을 함축하기도 한다. 사건을 복잡하게 전개시키는 대신 감독은 이런 장치들을 과하지 않게 반복하고 그로부터 어떤 간단하지 않은 인상을 만들어낸다.

반복을 포함해 감독은 때로 평범한 장면에서 꽤 미묘한 뉘앙스를 끌어내는데 그렇다고 그걸 나중에 명쾌하게 설명하는 것도 아니다. 이를테면 이런 장면이다. 2부에서 청소년이 된 샤이론은 약을 사기 위해 매춘을 하는 엄마로부터 그날 집에 들어오지 말라는 말을 듣고 방황하다가 후안의 여자친구 테레사의 집에 간다. 테레사는 샤이론을 반갑게 맞이하며 ‘여긴 사랑과 자부심밖에 없는 곳’이라고 말한다. 샤이론이 잠자리에 들려 하자 테레사는 방으로 들어와 침구 정리하는 걸 능숙하게 도와준다. 테레사는 후안이 처음 샤이론을 데려왔을 때부터 별명이 아닌 이름으로 불러주고 자식처럼 샤이론을 대해주던 여자였다. 이 장면에서 샤이론은 엄마 폴라에게서는 느껴보지 못했던 감정을 테레사에게 느끼는 것처럼 보인다. 자식의 잠자리를 챙겨주는 엄마의 모습 같은 것, 동시에 이미 육체적으로는 성인이 다 된 샤이론에게 사랑과 자부심을 강조하는 테레사가 잠자리를 챙겨주는 건 다 늦은 오이디푸스 콤플렉스를 자극하는 것처럼 보이기도 한다.

이 장면은 놀라운 후속 장면으로 이어진다. 누워서 자고 있는 샤이론의 몸을 카메라가 관능적으로 훑으며 부감으로 지나치는 장면 다음엔, 그 이동의 에너지를 이어서 샤이론이 테레사의 집 내부를 돌아다니는 장면이 나오는데 샤이론이 바깥으로 나오면 샤이론의 친구 케빈이 여자친구와 성교를 하는 뒷모습이 보인다. 꿈에서 깨어난 샤이론이 황망한 표정을 짓고 있는 것으로 이 장면은 끝나는데 잠재적인 성적 에너지를 꿈속에서 폭발시키는 것은 근친상간의 긴장을 친구의 성교로 끌어내는 방식을 통해서다. 이게 놀라운 것은 친구 케빈이 나중에서야 양성애자라는 게 밝혀지고 샤이론이 겉으로는 전혀 내색을 하지 않았지만 케빈을 연모하고 있었음을 추측할 수 있기 때문이다. 3부에서 동일한 장치로, 성인이 된 샤이론의 몸을 카메라가 부감으로 훑을 때 샤이론의 몸은 어렸을 적의 샤이론의 몸이 아니라 유사 아버지였던 후안과 비슷한 체격을 갖추고 있다. 이 장면 다음에 샤이론이 전화를 받으면 오랫동안 연락이 끊겼던 케빈의 목소리가 휴대폰 너머로 들린다. 2부에서의 카메라 움직임의 반복이다. 2부에서 잠재적 욕망이 해변에서의 짧은 사정으로 종결되는 남자들끼리의 동성애로 연결되었다면 3부에서는 또 다른 귀결이 기다리고 있을 것이다(케빈의 전화를 받은 다음날 샤이론은 몽정을 한다).
뒷모습이 보여주는 것

<문라이트>의 성취를 잘 보여주는 것은 이렇듯 별다른 극적 문맥이 없는 장면들에서 세밀하고 미묘한 뉘앙스를 끄집어내어 그걸 적당한 리듬으로 반복하면서 시간을 능란하게 연장시키는 장면들에 있다. 2부에서 첫 경험을 치른 샤이론이 집으로 돌아왔을 때 약기운이 떨어진 샤이론의 엄마 폴라가 샤이론을 반갑게 맞이하는데, 늦게라도 들어오지 그랬느냐고 샤이론을 채근하면서 폴라가 샤이론을 집으로 데려갈 때, 카메라는 그들의 모습을 뒤에서 핸드헬드로 좇는다. 화면에는 야외의 소음이 크게 들린다. 인물의 걷는 모습을 앞이나 옆이 아닌 뒤에서 잡아내는 것은 이 영화에서 자주 되풀이되는 패턴이다. 일단, 인물이 걷는 걸 보여주는 건 외형적 에너지가 있다. 그걸 뒤에서 보여준다면 인물의 표정 대신에 인물의 동작으로 모든 걸 전하겠다는 뜻이다. 인물의 걷는 뒷모습은 표정에 인물의 감정을 가두지 않는다. 이 영화에선 이 장치가 매우 효과적으로 쓰인다. 학교에서 집단 린치를 당한 다음날 샤이론이 학교에 등교하는 장면에서 카메라는 중대한 결심을 드러내는 듯 보이는 그의 걸음걸이가 화면에 자연스레 강조되게 따라잡는다. 관객은 샤이론이 무슨 행동을 할지 모르지만 그의 걸음걸이로 미루어 뭔가 심상치 않은 일이 벌어질 것을 예감한다. 이 장면의 끝에서 샤이론은 자신을 린치하도록 지휘한 같은 반 급우를 책상으로 내려치는데 그의 걷는 모습을 좇은 선행 숏들의 긴장감으로 인해 이 숏은 상당한 폭발력을 갖는다.

이 영화는 특이하게도 대화 장면을 담을 때조차 뒷모습을 택한다. 샤이론이 친구 케빈과 동성애 첫 경험을 하는 2부의 해변가 장면에서 카메라는 부감 앵글을 취하다가 샤이론의 등 뒤로 케빈의 말하는 얼굴을 보여준다. 두 소년은 다소 문학적이면서 감상적인 대화를 나누는데 평소의 거친 언행과는 별개로 소년들의 감성을 수줍게 드러내면서 마음과 마음이 통하는 순간을 바람에 빗대 얘기하는 이 장면은 아름답다. 제목이 함축하는 질감을 화면으로 구현하면서 사회로부터 억압받고 주변으로부터 거부받을까봐 두려워하는 욕망이 감상적인 대화의 실타래를 통해 스르륵 느닷없이 터져나오는 순간을 묘사하면서 감독은 전형적인 숏/역숏의 패턴 대신 대각선으로 축을 가르고 두 소년을 보여주는 방식을 썼다. 이것은 청소년기의 거친 언행에 숨겨진 마음을 살그머니 들춰보기 위해 다가가는 듯 신중하게 느껴지는 접근이다. 상스런 말로 시작된 두 소년의 대화가 ‘바람 느낌 너무 좋다…. 모든 사람이 그걸 느끼고 싶어 해. 모든 게 그냥 고요해지지. 들리는 건 그냥 심장박동뿐이겠지…. 너 울고 있어?’로 이어지는 가운데 화면은 같은 사이즈와 앵글로 붙이지 않은 그들의 마음이 순식간에 조응하는 순간을 잡아낸다.

이 영화에서의 인물들의 뒷모습을 잡은 장면들은 사회로부터 타자화된 이들의 마음을 쉽게 드러내 강조하지 않으려는 일종의 예의와 같은 것으로 본다. 후반부에 이르러서는 관객도 이 영화가 뒷모습을 잡는 패턴에 익숙해 있고 이런 장면들에 이어 결정적인 순간에 이르러서는 우리가 보고 싶은 인물의 표정을 보여줄 것이란 안도감이 든다. 특히 3부의 식당 장면에서는 감독의 신중하지만 정확한 화면 크기를 결정하는 감각이 돋보인다. 케빈이 운영하는 허름한 식당에 샤이론이 들어와서 앉아 있다가 자신을 알아본 케빈과 오랜만에 재회하는 순간, 감독은 이 두 사람의 얼굴을 익스트림 클로즈업으로 번갈아 보여준다. 케빈이 샤이론을 위해 특별식을 만들고 다른 손님들을 응대하면서 두 사람의 대화의 시작이 지연되는 상황들 속에서, 케빈이 사랑하는 사람을 위해 요리를 하고 샤이론이 그걸 기다리는 일상적이지만 극적인 설정 속에서, 샤이론의 얼굴 클로즈업은 별다른 표정 변화가 없는 데도 시시각각 많은 변화를 담는다. 샤이론의 유사 아버지였던 후안과 마찬가지로 케빈도 쿠바인이었다는 게 상기되는 말이 오간 후(이제 후안 대신 샤이론은 케빈을 인생의 파트너로 맞이할 것인가), 케빈은 사만사라는 여인과 결혼해 아이가 있다는 말을 하고 샤이론은 후안처럼 거리에서 마약을 파는 범죄자 두목이 되어 있다는 정보를 교환한다. 두 사람은 각자 처지에 따른 이유로 상대방에게 실망한다. 케빈이 잠시 주방으로 간 사이에 화면은 식당의 출입문을 보여주고 카메라는 그 문을 향해 다가간다. 이어지는 샤이론의 클로즈업은 그가 말하지 않아도 무엇을 생각하는지 알려준다. 샤이론은 케빈을 찾아온 걸 후회하고 있다.

샤이론이 전화한 이유가 뭐냐고 묻자 케빈은 일어나서 주크박스로 간다. 샤이론의 클로즈업에서 카메라가 패닝하면 주크박스가 보이고 더 이동하면 케빈이 노래를 튼다. 컷하지 않고 움직임으로 처리한 영화의 리듬 패턴이 이 장면에서 극적으로 상승한다. 지속적으로 반복되어온 이 영화만의 절묘한 잉여다. 주크박스에서 흘러나오는 노래는 케빈의 연가와도 같다. (안녕하세요, 낯선 분. 당신이 돌아오니 너무 좋네요….) 그전까지 관객인 우리는 케빈이 무엇을 생각하는지 잘 알 수 없었다. 케빈이 샤이론에게 전화했던 앞선 장면에서 관객은 케빈이 전화를 끊은 후 식당 바깥에서 담배를 피우며 깊은 상념에 빠진 모습을 본다. 케빈은 심지어 카메라를 정면으로 쳐다본다. 마치 당신은 내가 누군지 아느냐고 묻는 듯이 말이다. 케빈은 영화에서 게이의 성징을 드러낸 적이 없다. 해변에서 느닷없이 나눈 샤이론과의 사랑이 충동이었는지 그의 본성이었는지 알 수 없다. 자칫 위험할 수도 있었던 케빈의 정체에 대한 이런 괄호 치기 전략은 카메라를 정면으로 쳐다보는 앞의 숏으로 인해 증폭되지만 활시위를 크게 당겼다가 놓은 것처럼 대단원의 섬세한 클로즈업 배치를 통해 미적거렸던 의문들은 상쇄된다.

<문라이트>는 영화가 사건을 묘사하는 것뿐만 아니라 분위기를 잡아내는 것, 때로는 표정을 잡는 것이 아니라 동작을 보여주는 것을 통해 더 많은 걸 표현할 수 있다는 영화적 접근의 힘을 새삼스럽게 느끼게 해준다. 20세기의 모던 시네마에서 과하게 추구되었으나 이제는 속도전의 흐름 속에서 잊혀지고 있던 호흡을 능숙하게 구사했다.