Showing posts with label Great Courses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Courses. Show all posts


Yoga for a Healthy Mind and Body

Yoga for a Healthy Mind and Body

Nearly all of us would like less stress in our lives, a better ability to focus, improved health, and a fitness routine that we truly enjoy. You may be surprised to learn that yoga provides all of these benefits with a system of exercises that can be adapted to any age or level of fitness.
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Today, millions of people practice yoga, from young to old, from the hyper-athletic to those dealing with chronic diseases. Based on extensive studies, yoga is recognized as one of the most effective activities for achieving a healthy mind and body.
While the roots of yoga go back thousands of years, yoga is a relatively new phenomenon in the West, where it has blossomed into a multitude of different styles, each addressing a specific set of issues. For example, yoga routines have been optimized for these goals, among others:
  • Calming: A practice called yin yoga gently stretches the body’s connective tissues in poses held for several minutes at a time. It is ideal for meditation.
  • Cardiovascular fitness: Power yoga is a vigorous workout, coordinated with attentive breathing that leaves you feeling both vibrant and centered.
  • Pain relief: Yoga exercises focused on breathing, stretching, and relaxing can relieve chronic pain in the lower back, arthritic joints, and other areas of the body.
  • Mental healing: Forrest yoga is one of several yoga practices that help resolve addictive behavior, eating disorders, negative thought patterns, and other self-destructive habits.
Yoga’s many poses and exercises make it endlessly interesting and emotionally rich, giving you a wealth of options for designing a practice that fits your needs. Isn’t it time to get started—not just learning about yoga but doing it?
Yoga for a Healthy Mind and Body is the ideal way to take that first step with a course that makes yoga accessible and the poses doable. These 12 half-hour lectures with acclaimed yoga teacher Dr. Heidi Sormaz will also deepen the knowledge of those already experienced in yoga. No other yoga video program offers such a comprehensive presentation of both the science and practice of the discipline.
Discover Yoga’s Many Benefits
After covering the history of yoga and its physiological effects, Dr. Sormaz takes you through a diverse set of routines, introducing the basics of hatha yoga along with the more specialized practices of Iyengar yoga, power yoga, yin yoga, Anusara yoga, and Forrest yoga. You don’t just learn how to do the poses; you learn how conscious breathing and a focus on mindfulness can open the door to yoga’s many benefits that go beyond improved physical health.
Dr. Sormaz has a Ph.D. in Psychology from Yale University and is an expert on the emotional obstacles that can be addressed by the powerful meditative component of yoga. In Yoga for a Healthy Mind and Body, you practice simple routines that make you feel and move better, and you also learn how yoga can help resolve chronic pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and cravings and compulsions.
A typical yoga session incorporates a wide range of intriguingly-named poses, such as warrior 1 and 2, cat/cow, side angle, mountain, and downward facing dog. Dr. Sormaz demonstrates how these and many other revitalizing exercises are the building blocks of a yoga routine that can be tailored specifically to your needs.
If you are a person who thinks, “I’m not flexible enough to do yoga,” then that’s exactly why you
should try this course. Dr. Sormaz shows that there is a practice that will work for you and start you on your road to a healthier mind and body.

4.6 out of 5
91%of reviewers would recommend this series
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Location:Denver, CO
Exactly What I Needed!
Date:December 19, 2014
" Let me start by saying that I have always HATED yoga. I've tried classes, and I'm fit, but I'm not flexible (seriously, NOT FLEXIBLE) and feel like I can't keep up. (Plus, I hate the almost competitive "yogi-er than thou" attitude among students in most classes I've encountered.) I've tried yoga DVDs in my living room, but I feel like I'm just imitating the poses, never really feeling, inside or out, what the instructor says I should be feeling. Frustrating! And let's face it: Yoga is hard! However, the older I get (I'm 41), the more the thought that yoga is exactly what I need for my aches and pains and peace of mind tickles at the back of my brain. So I bought this course and gave yoga one last shot. First, Heidi is great. She brings exactly the correct balance of intellect, ability, and instructional style to this course. Second...yes! Yoga isn't about keeping up with other people's breathing and poses; it's about challenging my own body and setting the pace with my own breath. Light-bulb moment! And Heidi will show you how. The breathing is so important. In fact, I took a bike ride this morning in 28-degree weather. My cold-induced asthma kicked in, and about four blocks from home I stared to panic. I couldn't breathe! I realized I was anxiety-breathing in my chest and shoulders, just as Heidi described. I was able to recognize that, slow down, and practice the pranayama breathing exercises Heidi teaches in this course. In less than a minute, I was calm and breathing deeply again. I almost started to cry with relief, I was so amazed and grateful. How's that for immediate application? Anyway, I can't wait to continue to explore yoga and deepen my practice. Thanks to this course, and to Heidi, I finally understand that "why" behind yoga, not just the "how" or the "do what I do." I'm a convert."
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Location:Tehachapi, CAT
Daily Salutation
Date:August 1, 2014
" This summer I decided to begin my day with Dr. Sormaz and "Yoga for a Healthy Mind and Body." I have practiced a variety of yoga poses for several years, but not always in a consistent manner or style. I purchased this class to learn the many different styles of yoga and the philosophy behind what my body and mind was experiencing. As soon as I placed my order, I immediately began this course through streaming. I was not disappointed. In fact, I look forward to the information I am learning each morning that I practice. Dr. Sormaz has given me the completeness of yoga that I have been missing. I also appreciate the variety of yoga styles that I have been introduced to. I feel that I am moving into each pose at a more intense level then when I took yoga classes in a group setting. And as an added bonus, my husband and I re-roofed our garage. I put in an eight hour day pulling up old shingles, loading and hauling away debris and clearing the roof for the new material. At the end of the day, I was tired, but my body did not have any pains from the heavy physical demands. I completely attribute this to my daily yoga practice with Dr. Sormaz. By the way, I am in my 60's!
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Location:Greenville, SC
Yoga for Me
Date:August 1, 2014
" I absolutely love this course! I am a yoga newbie and have recently purchased this course to help me learn and practice breathing and asanas when I am not attending a yoga class. During the week, I go back to a lesson I'd like to practice again. When I go to my yoga class on Saturdays, I have a much better practice because I am more aware of what we are doing in class and what my yoga instructor is saying, thanks to the lessons learned in this course. I absolutely love how Dr. Heidi Sormaz conducts her lessons! She is very deliberate, confident, calm, and very pleasant in the way she present her material. She throws in humor here and there and i love that, too. I am so glad I chose to purchase this course and would recommend it to anyone, especially to someone who is just starting on the journey of practicing yoga. My favorite quote is "In yoga, we learn how to get comfortable with uncomfortable." Thank you for offering this course through The Great Courses. "
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5 out of 5
Highly recommended!
Date:February 22, 2015
" This course has been an amazing find! I have been benefitting from the practice of yoga for many years now but knew I needed to go back to the basics for a clearer understanding. This course was exactly what I needed! The course is well presented and comprehensive. Because of this course I have now amped up my yoga practice and the benefits I have been experiencing are 10 fold what they were. I love the fact that the instructor is a psychologist as well as a yoga expert. Being a psychologist myself, this fact has added to my confidence in the instructors expertise. I have recommended this course to everyone I know who is looking for a way to bring a little peace into their lives!
I have purchased several other courses that I have not gotten to yet and cannot wait! "