Showing posts with label Abhidharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abhidharma. Show all posts


/Bhikkhu-Bodhi/e books

In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon (The Teachings of the Buddha) Aug 10, 2005
by The Dalai Lama , Bhikkhu Bodhi , Dalai Lama
( 613 )

This landmark collection is the definitive introduction to the Buddha's teachings - in his own words. The American scholar-monk Bhikkhu Bodhi, whose voluminous translations have won widespread acclaim, here presents selected discourses of the Buddha from the Pali Canon, the earliest record of what the Buddha taught. Divided into ten thematic chapters, In the Buddha's Words reveals the full scope of the Buddha's discourses, from family life and marriage to renunciation and the path of insight. A concise, informative introduction precedes each chapter, guiding the reader toward a deeper understanding of the texts that follow.

In the Buddha's Words allows even readers unacquainted with Buddhism to grasp the significance of the Buddha's contributions to our world heritage. Taken as a whole, these texts bear eloquent testimony to the breadth and intelligence of the Buddha's teachings, and point the way to an ancient yet ever-vital path. Students and seekers alike will find this systematic presentation indispensable.
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Paperback , MP3 CD
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The Noble Eightfold Path: Way to the End of Suffering Mar 12, 2020
by Bhikkhu Bodhi
( 245 )

This book offers a clear, concise account of the Eightfold Path prescribed to uproot and eliminate the deep underlying cause of suffering—ignorance. Each step of the path is believed to cultivate wisdom through mental training, and includes an enlightened and peaceful middle path that avoids extremes. The theoretical as well as practical angles of each of the paths—right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration—are illustrated through examples from contemporary life. The work's final chapter addresses the Buddhist path and its culmination in enlightenment.
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Other Formats: Paperback
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The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Jun 10, 2005
by Bhikkhu Bodhi , Bodhi
( 100 )

This volume offers a complete translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, the third of the four great collections in the Sutta Pitaka of the Pali Canon. The Samyutta Nikaya consists of fifty-six chapters, each governed by a unifying theme that binds together the Buddha's suttas or discourses. The chapters are organized into five major parts.

The first, The Book with Verses, is a compilation of suttas composed largely in verse. This book ranks as one of the most inspiring compilations in the Buddhist canon, showing the Buddha in his full grandeur as the peerless "teacher of gods and humans." The other four books deal in depth with the philosophical principles and meditative structures of early Buddhism. They combine into orderly chapters all the important short discourses of the Buddha on such major topics as dependent origination, the five aggregates, the six sense bases, the seven factors of enlightenment, the Noble Eightfold Path, and the Four Noble Truths.

Among the four large Nikayas belonging to the Pali Canon, the Samyutta Nikaya serves as the repository for the many shorter suttas of the Buddha where he discloses his radical insights into the nature of reality and his unique path to spiritual emancipation. This collection, it seems, was directed mainly at those disciples who were capable of grasping the deepest dimensions of wisdom and of clarifying them for others, and also provided guidance to meditators intent on consummating their efforts with the direct realization of the ultimate truth.

The present work begins with an insightful general introduction to the Samyutta Nikaya as a whole. Each of the five parts is also provided with its own introduction, intended to guide the reader through this vast, ocean-like collection of suttas.

To further assist the reader, the translator has provided an extensive body of notes clarifying various problems concerning both the language and the mean
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Hardcover
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The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Jun 10, 2005
by Bhikkhu Nanamoli , Bhikkhu Bodhi
( 202 )

This book offers a complete translation of the Majjhima Nikaya, or Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, one of the major collections of texts in the Pali Canon, the authorized scriptures of Theravada Buddhism. This collection--among the oldest records of the historical Buddha's original teachings--consists of 152 suttas or discourses of middle length, distinguished as such from the longer and shorter suttas of the other collections. The Majjhima Nikaya might be concisely described as the Buddhist scripture that combines the richest variety of contextual settings with the deepest and most comprehensive assortment of teachings. These teachings, which range from basic ethics to instructions in meditation and liberating insight, unfold in a fascinating procession of scenarios that show the Buddha in living dialogue with people from many different strata of ancient Indian society: with kings and princes, priests and ascetics, simple villagers and erudite philosophers. Replete with drama, reasoned argument, and illuminating parable and simile, these discourses exhibit the Buddha in the full glory of his resplendent wisdom, majestic sublimity, and compassionate humanity.

The translation is based on an original draft translation left by the English scholar-monk Bhikkhu Nanamoli, which has been edited and revised by the American monk Bhikkhu Bodhi, who provides a long introduction and helpful explanatory notes. Combining lucidity of expression with accuracy, this translation enables the Buddha to speak across twenty-five centuries in language that addresses the most pressing concerns of the contemporary reader seeking clarification of the timeless issues of truth, value, and the proper conduct of life.

Winner of the 1995 Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Book Award, and the Tricycle Prize for Excellence in Buddhist Publishing for Dharma Discourse.
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Hardcover
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The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Complete Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Nov 13, 2012
by bhikkhu Bodhi , Bodhi
( 95 )

Like the River Ganges flowing down from the Himalayas, the entire Buddhist tradition flows down to us from the teachings and deeds of the historical Buddha, who lived and taught in India during the fifth century B.C.E. To ensure that his legacy would survive the ravages of time, his direct disciples compiled records of the Buddha's teachings soon after his passing. In the Theravada Buddhist tradition, which prevails in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, these records are regarded as the definitive "word of the Buddha." Preserved in Pali, an ancient Indian language closely related to the language that the Buddha spoke, this full compilation of texts is known as the Pali Canon.

At the heart of the Buddha's teaching were the suttas (Sanskrit sutras), his discourses and dialogues. If we want to find out what the Buddha himself actually said, these are the most ancient sources available to us. The suttas were compiled into collections called "Nikayas," of which there are four, each organized according to a different principle. The Digha Nikaya consists of longer discourses; the Majjhima Nikaya of middle-length discourses; the Samyutta Nikaya of thematically connected discourses; and the Anguttara Nikaya of numerically patterned discourses.

The present volume, which continues Wisdom's famous Teachings of the Buddha series, contains a full translation of the Anguttara Nikaya. The Anguttara arranges the Buddha's discourses in accordance with a numerical scheme intended to promote retention and easy comprehension. In an age when writing was still in its infancy, this proved to be the most effective way to ensure that the disciples could grasp and replicate the structure of a teaching.
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Other Formats: Hardcover
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A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma: The Philosophical Psychology of Buddhism Mar 13, 2020
by Bhikkhu Bodhi , Mahāthera Nārada
( 2 )

This modern translation of the Abhidhammattha Sangaha (Manual of Abhidhamma) offers an introduction to Buddhism's fundamental philosophical psychology. Originally written in the 11th or 12th century, the Sangaha has served as the key to wisdom held in the Abhidhamma. Concisely surveyed are Abhidhamma's central themes, including states of consciousness and mental factors, the functions and processes of the mind, the material world, dependent arising, and the methods and stages of meditation. This work presents an exact translation of the Sangaha alongside the original Pali text. A detailed, section-by-section explanatory guide and more than 40 charts and tables lead modern readers through the complexities of Adhidhamma. A detailed introduction explains the basic principles of this highly revered ancient philosophical psychology.

The Abhidhamma, the third division of the Tipitaka, is a huge collection of systematically arranged, tabulated and classified doctrines of the Buddha, representing the quintessence of his Teaching. Abhidhamma, meaning Higher or Special Teaching, is unique in its abstruseness, analytical approach, immensity of scope and conduciveness to one's liberation. In the Abhidhamma, the Buddha treats the dhamma entirely in terms of ultimate reality (paramattha sacca), analyzing every phenomenon into its ultimate constituents. All relative concepts such as person, mountain, etc. are reduced to their ultimate elements which are then precisely defined, classified and systematically arranged.

In Abhidhamma, everything is expressed in terms of khandha, five aggregates of existence; ayatana, five sensory organs and mind, and their respective sense objects; dhatu, elements; indriya, faculties; sacca, fundamental truths; and so on. Relative conceptual objects such as man, woman, etc. are resolved into ultimate components and viewed as an impersonal psycho-physical phenomenon, which is conditioned by various factors and is impermanent (anicca), suffering (dukkha) and without a permanent entity (anatta).

Having resolved all phenomena into ultimate components analytically it aims at synthesis by defining inter-relations (paccaya) between the various constituent factors.
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Dhamma Reflections: Collected Essays of Bhikkhu Bodhi Mar 13, 2020
by Bhikkhu Bodhi
( 9 )

This volume brings together 53 essays of Bhikkhu Bodhi previously published by the Buddhist Publication Society in newsletters and other publications. These essays reveal the depth and breadth of Bhikkhu Bodhi's ability to communicate the timeless teachings of the Buddha and his skillful guidance in applying the Dhamma in everyday life.
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Great Disciples of the Buddha: Their Lives, Their Works, Their Legacy (The Teachings of the Buddha) Jan 30, 2012
by Nyanaponika , Hellmuth Hecker , Bodhi
( 91 )

A perennial favorite, Great Disciples of the Buddha is now relaunched in our best-selling Teachings of the Buddha series.

Twenty-four of the Buddha's most distinguished disciples are brought to life in ten chapters of rich narration. Drawn from a wide range of authentic Pali sources, the material in these stories has never before been assembled in a single volume. Through these engaging tales, we meet all manner of human beings - rich, poor, male, female, young, old - whose unique stories are told with an eye to the details of ordinary human concerns. When read with careful attention, these stories can sharpen our understanding of the Buddhist path by allowing us to contemplate the living portraits of the people who fulfilled the early Buddhist ideals of human perfection. The characters detailed include:

and many more.
Conveniently annotated with the same system of sutta references used in each of the other series volumes, Great Disciples of the Buddha allows the reader to easily place each student in the larger picture of Buddha's life. It is a volume that no serious student of Buddhism should miss.
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Hardcover , Paperback
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Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time Nov 12, 2012
by Nyanaponika , Bodhi
( 27 )

The Abhidhamma, the third great division of early Buddhist teaching, expounds a revolutionary system of philosophical psychology rooted in the twin Buddhist insights of selflessness and dependent origination. In keeping with the liberative thrust of early Buddhism, this system organizes the entire spectrum of human consciousness around the two poles of Buddhist doctrine - bondage and liberation, Samsara and Nirvana - the starting point and the final goal. It thereby maps out, with remarkable rigour and precision, the inner landscape of the mind to be crossed through the practical work of Buddhist meditation.

In this book of groundbreaking essays, Venerable Nyanaponika Thera, one of our age's foremost exponents of Theravada Buddhism, attempts to penetrate beneath the formidable face of the Abhidhamma and to make its principles intelligible to the thoughtful reader of today. His point of focus is the Consciousness Chapter of the Dhammasangani, the first treatise of the Abhidhamma Pitaka. Basing his interpretation on the detailed list of mental factors that the Abhidhamma uses as a guide to psychological analysis, he launches into bold explorations in the multiple dimensions of conditionality, the nature of consciousness, the temporality of experience, and the psychological springs of spiritual transformation. Innovative and rich in insights, this book does not merely open up new avenues in the academic study of early Buddhism. By treating the Abhidhamma as a fountainhead of inspiration for philosophical and psychological inquiry, it demonstrates the continuing relevance of Buddhist thought to our most astute contemporary efforts to understand the elusive yet so intimate nature of the mind.
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Other Formats: Paperback


홍창성 불성佛性에 대한 새로운 이해


Chang-Seong Hong is in Mendota Heights, Minnesota.

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지난 토요일 이 페북에 올린 글 <불교를 어떻게 현대적으로 이해할 것인가>를 페친님들의 코멘트에 힘입어 그 내용을 다듬어 월간불교문화 편집인께 보냈다. 특히 Bruce Park님과 조기현님께 감사드린다. 물론 언제나와 마찬가지로 유선경교수가 가장 많은 코멘트로 도와 주었다.

개학까지 그래도 보름이 남아 있어 연재하고 있는 에세이를 한 편 더 완성했다. 내게 주어진 분량은 원고지 20매인데, 지금까지 한번도 20매 안에서 글을 맺지 못하고 편집장님 속을 썩여 왔어서, 이번에는 필사적인 노력으로 23매까지 줄였다.

이제야 겨우 깨달은 것인데, 내 한 호흡의 길이는 40매이고, 좀 편하게 숨쉬려면 120매는 되야 하는 것 같다. 그런데 원고지를 사용하지 않는 미국에서 내가 글쓰기에 편하다고 느껴 온 분량은 영어로 최소 6,000단어 이상인데, 그것을 한글 원고지로 환산하면 120매 분량이다. 그래서 결국 이미 오래 전부터 알고 있었던 내 글쓰기 호흡의 길이를 한글 원고지로는 가늠 못하며 헤맸던 꼴이었다.

새로 쓴 에세이 <불성의 현대적 이해>는 바로 밑에 PDF 파일로 원고를 연결해 보았고, 또 밑에 전문을 붙이기도 했다. 짧은 글에 중요한 논증을 새로 도입하느라고 글이 좀 지나치게 응축되고 (constrict) 상세한 설명을 더하지는 못했지만, 나는 이 논증을 앞으로 계속 사용하며 더 세련되게 다듬고 또 이 논증 자체를 분석하는 글도 따로 쓸 계획이다. 관심 있으신 페친들께 코멘트를 부탁드린다.

아, 밑에 있는 사진은 우리 미네소타집 현관문을 열고 들어오면 보이는 'Welcome Table'인데, 밑둥을 보면 파인애플 모양으로 되어 있다. 하와이에서 환영한다는 표시로 파인애플을 선사한다고 해서 그렇게 만들었다고 한다.


불교철학강의실 357호 09

미네소타주립대학 모어헤드 철학과 교수 홍창성

불성佛性에 대한 새로운 이해

나는 학생들과 매시간 5분 정도 입정入定한 다음에 강의를 시작한다. 그러면 학기 중반을 넘어설 무렵 학생 몇몇이 명상의 교리적 근거에 대해 질문하곤 한다.

"5분의 참선만으로도 마음이 맑아집니다. 그래서 집에 가서도 종종 참선을 합니다. 그런데 참선이 깨달음과 열반에 어떻게 도움이 됩니까? 마음이 한없이 맑아지면 깨닫게 되나요? 아니면 명상과 관련된 다른 근거가 있어서 깨닫는가요?"

구체적인 예로 문제에 접근하기 좋아하는 영미권英美圈 학생들을 위해 나는 선禪에서의 수행방법을 소개한다. 일본 조동종曹洞宗 선사들을 통해 소개되어 서구에서 인기 있는 묵조선黙照禪은, 간단히 설명하자면, 잡념이 모두 떨어져 나가게 해 마음을 깨끗이 비우고 비추어 보아 그 안에서 자연스럽게 떠오르는 불성佛性을 깨치면 깨닫는다고 한다. (주석: 선문禪門에서는 돈오頓悟로서의 깨침과 증오證悟로서의 깨달음을 구별하기도 하지만, 미국대학 학부생들을 상대로 한 강의 경험을 이야기하는 본고에서는 이 둘 사이의 엄밀한 구분 없이 논의를 전개하겠다.) 한편 한국 불교의 간화선看話禪은 화두花頭를 잡아 그것을 마치 마음을 청소하는 세제처럼 사용해 마음속 모든 상념을 씻어 내어 어느 순간 웅크리고 있던 불성을 깨치면 그것이 깨달음이라고 한다. 그런데 불교 교리를 논리적으로 투철하게 이해하려는 미국학생들은 또 반대한다.

"누구나 가지고 있다는 불성은 깨끗한 영혼 같은 것 같습니다. 참선수행을 통해 원래의 순수한 영혼을 되찾으면 기독교에서 구원받듯이 불교적 깨달음에 이른다고 보아도 될까요? 만약 그렇다면 불성이 영혼이나 아뜨만과 어떻게 다릅니까?"

이것은 선문禪門의 불성에 관한 견해가 붓다의 무아론無我論과 논리적으로 충돌하지 않느냐는 의문이다. 똑똑한 학생들이 제기할 수 있는 좋은 질문이다. 주지하듯이 불성 여래장 사상은 인도에서 시작되었지만 선禪이야말로 이 사상을 바탕으로 발전해 오늘날 가장 널리 알려진 불교의 형태이다. 그래서 선禪이 현대적으로 해석되어 계속 진화하기를 희망하는 나는 그 목표를 위해 학생들과 함께 일단 불성 사상에 대한 비판적 고찰을 시도한다.

 불성 사상이란 모든 유정물有情物이 (혹자는 모든 무정물無情物까지도) 이미 근본적으로 깨쳐 있어서 (本覺) 원래부터 붓다라는 주장이다. 이 사상에는 모든 유정물이 깨달아 붓다가 될 가능성이 있다는 해석으로부터 이미 모두 부처이기 때문에 그것을 자각하기만 하면 성불成佛한다는 강한 주장까지 다양한 스펙트럼의 해석이 있다. 이러한 다양성에도 불구하고 그 공통된 주장은 모든 유정물에 고정불변한 본성本性으로서의 불성이 존재한다는 것이다. 그렇다면 이 불성사상이 모든 유정물(과 무정물)에 그것을 그것이게끔 만들어 주는 아뜨만atman 또는 자성自性이 존재하지 않는다는 붓다의 제법무아諸法無我의 가르침과는 과연 양립가능한가(compatible)? 그럴 수 없는 것 같다.

 모든 사물이 조건에 의해서 생성 지속 소멸한다는 붓다의 연기에 관한 가르침이 불교 교리의 근본이라는 점에는 이의가 없을 것이다. 그런데 우리가 붓다의 연기론을 받아들이는가의 여부와는 상관없이, 나는 다음과 같은 내 철학적 논증으로 불성(과 아뜨만 그리고 자성)의 존재가 반박된다고 생각한다.

불성이 존재한다면 불성은 조건의 의해 생멸生滅하거나 조건에 의해 생멸하지 않는다.

(1) 불성이 조건에 의해 생성 지속 소멸한다면 불성의 존재는 조건에 의지할 수밖에 없다. 그런데 끊임없이 변하는 (무상無常한) 조건들에 의지하는 한 불성은 사물의 고정불변한 본성(本性 intrinsic nature)이 될 수 없다. 따라서 모든 유정물에 고정불변하다는 불성은 존재하지 않는다.

(2) 불성이 조건에 의해 생성되지 않았다면 그 불성은 스스로부터 기원했을 것이다.  그러나 불성의 자기기원self-origination은 불가능하다. 왜냐하면, 불성은 자기기원 당시 존재했거나 존재하지 않았을 텐데,

(2-1) 불성이 자기기원 당시 존재했다면 이미 존재하고 있는 것이 다시 솟아난다는 것은 이치에 맞지 않으므로 불성의 자기기원은 불가능하다.

(2-2) 불성이 조건에 의해 생성되지 않았으면서 자기기원 당시 스스로 존재하지도 않았다면, 아무 것도 무無로부터 나올 수는 없으므로 불성의 자기기원은 불가능하다.

(1)과 (2)에 의해 고정불변하며 상주(常住)하는 불성은 존재하지 않는다.

위의 논증에서 ‘불성’ 대신 ‘아뜨만’이나 ‘자성’을 대입하면 그것은 바로 아뜨만이나 자성의 존재를 반박하는 논증이 된다. 내 불교철학강의를 들은 미국 학생 가운데 아직 아무도 위의 논증에 이의를 제기한 녀석은 없다. 오히려 강력한 논증이라며 논증의 매력을 즐기는 녀석들이 여럿 있었다, 가끔 자기들이 믿는 영혼이나 신의 존재에 대해서도 같은 구조의 논증을 적용해 보면서.

 그런데 실은 나는 ‘불성’이라는 대단히 편리한 개념을 포기할 생각이 없다. 그 이유를 설명해 보겠다. 일상 언어에는 우리가 흔히 쓰기 때문에 마치 그 말의 대상이 세계에 실재하는 것처럼 착각하게 만드는 어휘가 많다. 책상, 펜, 엔진, 날개 등 그것들이 수행하는 기능(function)에 의해 정의定義되는 사물들이 모두 그렇다. 예를 들어 엔진은 화학에너지를 운동에너지로 변환시켜 주는 기능을 수행하는 장치라고 정의된다. 자동차 엔진은 휘발유를 연소시켜 나오는 화학에너지를 이용해 바퀴를 돌리는 운동에너지를 생산한다. 엔진의 모양은 다양하며, 그 재질이 반드시 금속일 필요 없이 원칙적으로 세라믹이나 돌 또는 플라스틱 같은 재료로도 엔진을 만들 수 있다. 어떤 물체가 화학에너지를 운동에너지로 변환시키기만 한다면 그것은 만들어진 재질, 모양, 색깔, 크기 등에 상관없이 모두 엔진이다. 그리고 이런 관점은 책상, 펜, 날개 등에도 모두 그대로 적용된다.

 그런데 내 눈 앞에 주차해 있는 이 자동차의 엔진, 한강위에 떠 있는 저기 저 작은 보트의 선박용 엔진, 그리고 하늘을 나는 저 은빛 비행기의 엔진을 직접 손가락으로 가리키고 또 원칙적으로 만질 수도 있지만, 그렇다고 해서 우리가 어떤 추상적인 존재로서의 엔진 그 자체와 같은 형이상학적 대상이 따로 존재한다고 생각할 이유는 없다. 어떤 구체적인 엔진이면 엔진이지 어떤 황당한 형이상학적 공간에 존재한다는 (플라톤이 말할 법한) 엔진의 형상形相 같은 것을 존재세계의 구성원으로 받아들여 줄 필요가 없기 때문이다. 펜, 날개, 선풍기, 냉장고 등에 대해서도 모두 마찬가지다. 우리 세계에 실제로 존재하는 대상은 이 내 손안의 볼펜, 하늘을 나는 저 새의 날개, 부드러운 소리를 내며 도는 옆방의 선풍기, 그리고 우리 집 냉장고 같이 구체적인 물체들이다. 형이상학적인 존재로서의 펜 그 자체, 날개 그 자체, 플라톤의 이데아와 같은 선풍기의 형상, 냉장고의 본성 그 자체와 같은 추상적인 대상들은 우리 자연세계에 존재하지 않는다. 이것들은 단지 ‘펜’이라는 개념, ‘날개’라는 표현, ‘선풍기’라는 지시어, 그리고 ‘냉장고’라는 편리한 말에 불과할 뿐, 그것들이 가리키는 추상적인 형이상학적 대상들이 우리 세계에 존재한다고 보아 줄 이유가 없다.

 불성에 대해서도 같은 관점을 적용할 수 있다. 불성도 이 세계 안에 형이상학적 존재인 추상적 대상으로 내재內在한다고 볼 수는 없다. 그렇지만 나는 비록 추상적인 엔진이나 날개는 존재하지 않지만 구체적인 개개의 엔진 장치나 각각의 날개들이 이 세상에 엄연히 존재하듯이, 만약 우리가 ‘불성’을 ‘어떤 한 유정물이 어느 시간 어느 장소에서 깨달음과 열반을 이루기에 가장 적합한 몸과 마음의 특정한 상태’라는 의미로 해석한다면 나는 구체적인 존재자로서의 불성의 존재를 부정할 필요가 없다고 생각한다. 사람마다 그 근기根機에 따라 깨달음을 이루는데 적합한 심신心身의 상태가 다를 것이다. 그리고 한 사람에서도 시간과 장소에 따라 깨달음을 위해 가장 적절한 심신의 상태가 상이하게 결정될 것이다. 그래서, 이 모든 다양한 심신의 상태에 공통된 어떤 필연적 속성 같은 것은 없지만, 그래도 나는 각각의 경우 주어진 유정물에 있어서 깨달음을 위해 가장 적합한 구체적인 심신의 상태를 그때그때마다의 불성이라고 불러도 무방하다고 생각한다.

 이 세상 그 다양한 펜들을 경우마다 지시하기 위해 사용하는 ‘펜’이라는 단어와 개념을 우리가 편리하게 사용하듯이, 나는 우리가 각 유정물마다 다를 수밖에 없는 깨달음과 열반을 위한 최적의 심신 상태를 그때그때 지시하기 위해 ‘불성’이라는 말과 개념을 얼마든지 써도 좋다고 생각한다. 그래서 나는 불성이 존재한다고 결론짓는다, 물론 내가 말하는 불성은 모든 유정물에 공통적으로 존재하는 어떤 고정불변한 본성을 가진 아뜨만과 같은 실체가 아니고 각 유정물마다 다르고 또 한 유정물에서도 끊임없이 변화하며 찰나마다 다른 심신의 최적화된 상태를 말할 뿐이지만.


서울대학교 철학과 및 동대학원 졸업. 미국 브라운대학교 대학원 철학과 졸업. 철학박사. 현 미국 미네소타주립대학교 모어헤드 철학과 교수. 형이상학과 심리철학 그리고 불교철학 분야의 논문을 영어 및 한글로 발표해 왔고, 유선경교수와 함께 현응스님의 저서 『깨달음과 역사』 (불광출판사)를 영역하기도 했다. 현재 Buddhism for Thinkers (사유하는 사람들을 위한 불교)를 집필중이고, 불교의 연기(緣起)의 개념으로 동서양 형이상학을 재구성하는 연구를 진행하고 있다.


Jae Kwon Kim

"불성은 조건에 의해서 생멸하거나, 조건에 의해서 생멸하지 않거나이다." A exclusive or B

에너지는 조건에 의해서 생멸하기도 하고, 조건에 의해서 생멸하지 않기도 하다. A and B

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Chang-Seong Hong

재미있는 댓글 잘 읽었습니다. 논리학자들은 앞 문장을 “Av~A (A or not-A)”라고 표기하고, 뒷 문장을 “B&~B (B and not-B)”라고 표기합니다. 앞 문장은 그것이 exclusive or 이든 inclusive or 이든 상관없이 그 논리적 형식에 의해 언제나 참인 문장입니다. 언제나 참이기에 별로 재미없습니다. 그리고 뒷 문장은 그 형식이 논리적으로 모순이어서 언제나 거짓입니다. 언제나 거짓이기에 우리가 피해야 할 주장입니다.

그런데 뒷 문장을 참으로 만들 수 있는 방법이 있습니다. 두루뭉술한 해석을 가져오면 얼마든지 가능합니다. 형식논리학 (수리논리학 또는 기호논리학)은 이런 방법에 관심이 없습니다만, 헤겔류의 변증론자들만 해도 (마이클 조단은 키가 작다) & (마이클 조단은 키가 작지 않다) 라는 문장이 참이라고 보아도 좋답니다. 정(正)은 반(反)을 정립하기 때문에 그렇다는 것이지요. 그리고 첫 부분이 조단이 3살 때 말해졌고 뒷 부분이 20살 때 말해졌다면 둘 다 옳기 때문이기도 하구요. 또 앞부분이 평균키 7피트인 사람들 사이에서는 옳고 뒷 부분은 평균키 5피트인 사람들 사이에서는 옳으니, 이 두 그룹을 요령있게 배치하면 앞뒤부분 모두 옳다고 볼 수도 있습니다.


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Chang-Seong Hong

그러나 더 근본적인 문제는 ‘조건’을 어느 범위까지 확대해서 해석하느냐입니다. 남방불교식으로 어떤 물리적으로 존재하는 대상, 어떤 물리량, 어떤 물리적 사건, 어떤 의식상태와 같이 ‘실질적인(real)’ 존재자들까지만을 조건으로 받아들이는가, 아니면 북방 대승불교에서처럼 조건을 연기의 두 항에 들어갈 수 있는 그 다른 모든 것들까지 (예를 들어 언어적 개념, 수, 논리적 관계, 공간적 관계, 사회적 관계, 관점, 배경 이론, 배경 가치관, 배경 종교, 등등) 포함하느냐입니다. 제가 앞으로 월간불교문화에서 10월부터 시작해서 3회에 걸쳐 차례로 논의하겠습니다만, 저는 대승불교의 입장에 가깝습니다.

“에너지는 조건에 의해서 생멸하기도 하고 조건에 의해서 생멸하지 않기도 한다”고 하셨는데, 이 말씀을 구체적으로 어떻게 해석하시는지 궁금합니다. 이 ‘조건’이라는 것이 모든 관점이나 배경이 되는 물리학 이론까지 포함시켜도 그렇다는 것입니까? 그리고 앞 부분의 ‘조건’과 뒷 부분의 ‘조건’이 같은 조건입니까 아니면 다른 조건입니까? 마찬가지로, 앞 부분의 ‘에너지’와 뒷 부분의 ‘에너지’가 같은 에너지입니까 다른 에너지입니까? 이 문장의 의미를 좀더 더 분명히 해 주시면 이해하는 데 도움이 되겠습니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

한편, 불교에서도 사물은 존재하기도 하고 존재하지 않기도 하다고들 해 왔지요. 어떤 사물도 자성을 가진 실체로서 상주하며 존재하지는 않지만, (연기하기 때문에 자성이 없이 공空한) 가상(假相, 幻)으로는 존재하기 때문에, 사물은 있는 것은 아니지만 그렇다고 없는 것도 아니라는 것이지요. 그러나 이 문장이 그럴듯한 신비감을 주는 이유는 두 개의 상이한 관점을 섞어 놓아 ‘존재’라는 동일한 단어를 ‘상주하는 실체’와 ‘가상’이라는 두 개의 다른 의미로 사용하는 논리적 오류(the fallacy of equivocation)를 범하고 있기 때문입니다. 이렇기 때문에 우리는 사용하는 단어의 의미를 분명히 하고 논의를 진행할 필요가 있습니다. 한 문장에서 사용하는 같은 단어는 같은 관점에서 같은 의미를 지녀야 한다는 논리학의 법칙을 따라야 논의가 헛돌지 않게 됩니다. 아, 물론 선생님의 문장이 그런 문제가 있다는 말씀은 전혀 아닙니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

아, 위에서 "Bv~B (B or not-B)"가 아니라 "B&~B (B and not-B)"여야 했습니다. 죄송합니다. 방금 고쳤습니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

Yumaa Hill 상세하고 유익한 댓글 감사드립니다...

비판할려고 하는 것은 아니지만 본문을 읽으면서 든 느낌을 아주 간략하게 표현해본 것이 었습니다.

제가 인용한 A exclusive or B 에서 불성 대신에 아트만 등을 대입해도 또 "그것" 이라는 존재자를 대입해도 논의가 성립하는 것으로 여겨집니다

그렇지만, 명백히, A and B 가 성립하는 것이 있다면, "고정 불변하여 상주하는 <불성,그것> 은 존재하지 않는다"는 결론은 문제가 있는 것이 되는데, 그 "그것"의 예로 에너지를 들었을 뿐 입니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

Yumaa Hill 에너지는 조건에 의해서 생멸하기도 하고, 조건에 의해서 생멸하지 않기도 한다면, 에너지는 상주하는 본성을 가지는 것이 되지 않습니까?

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Jae Kwon Kim

에너지는 그것의 총합은 불변하는 것이므로 조건에 무관하게 상주하는 무엇이 분명히 있어 보입니다. 개체의 에너지는 조건에 따라서 변화지만, 총계는 변하지 않는다고 한다면, 그 총계의 의미 속에있는 어떤 본성은 불변한다고 볼 수 있지 않을까요?

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Chang-Seong Hong

Jae Kwon Kim 제가 스마트폰이 아직도 서툴러서 쓴 것이 거의 지워졌습니다. 다시 쓰지요.

만약 신이나 영혼, 아뜨만이나 브라만처럼 상주하는 것이 있다면 그것들은 생멸하지 않습니다. 이것들은 그 정의definition에 의하면 불변합니다. 예를 들어 영혼은 변하지 않는 것이지요. 그런데 어떤 것이 멸할 수 있으려면 물리적 또는 화학적 변화가 일어나야 하는데, 불변한다면 결코 멸할 수 없습니다. 그래서 불변하면 불멸이고, 불멸이면 영원합니… See more

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Chang-Seong Hong

그리고 제가 예상한대로 원래 쓰신 문장에서 생멸하는 에너지는 개개 경우의 에너지이고 생멸하지 않는 에너지는 에너지의 총량으로서 불변하는 것으로 쓰신 것 같습니다. 불교에서도 흔히 이렇게 같은 단어를 한 문장에서 다른 뜻으로 쓰기도 합니다만, 이제는 21세기이니 불교도 좀 논리적으로 치밀하게 표현을 다듬을 때가 되었습니다 (실은 이미 오래 전에 지났습니다). 우리 불교가 논리적으로 별로 좋지 않은 예를 여전히 가르치고 있어서 안타깝습니다.

어쨌든… See more

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Chang-Seong Hong

한편, 저는 전체로서의 에너지의 총량이라는 것도 뉴튼 이래 주어진 우리 물리학의 전제로서 받아들여진 것으로 이해하고 있습니다. 그렇다면 (1) 이것은 객관적인 진리라기보다는 우리의 물리 이론을 정립하기 위한 기본 가설 또는 공리 같은 것에 해당할 뿐입니다. 그리고 (2) 불변하는 에너지의 총량이라는 것은 오직 우리의 물리학을 배경 이론으로해서만 가능한 것이기 때문에, 넓은 의미의 연기론으로 해석하면 '우리가 받아들이는 물리학'이라는 조건에 의해서만… See more

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Chang-Seong Hong

제가 한정된 물리학의 지식으로 답변드려 보았습니다. 대단히 중요한 질문을 제기해 주셔서 감사드립니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

에너지 보존의 법칙 역시 물론 하늘에서 뚝 떨어진 무엇이 될 수는 없지만, 그것이 뉴톤 역학의 체계 속에서만 성립하는 것은 아닙니다...그리고 물론 그것을 가능케 하는 더 추상적인 그러면서 a priori 하게 받아들일 수 있는 원칙에 바탕하고요...

잠깐 비켜나서 … See more

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약간 다른 얘기긴 하지만, 특수상대성이론이 등장하기 전에는, 에너지보존과 질량보존은 따로 취급되었습니다. 핵합성 등에서 질량결손이 에너지로 전환된다는 것은 특수상대성이론의 프레임 안에서 비로소 자연스럽게 받아들여질 수 있었습니다. 이는 에너지보존과 질량보존이라는 별개의 원칙이 생각 밖의 자연현상을 설명하기 위해 에너지-질량보존으로 확장(expand)되어야 함을 의미하며, 에너지보존이라는 자명해보이는 원리도 뉴턴물리학이냐 상대성이론이냐 하는 (쿤의 … See more

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이런 것이 연기의 일부로도 생각될 수 있겠고요.

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Chang-Seong Hong

조기현 예, 넓은 의미에서의 연기로 포함할 수 있다고 봅니다. 고맙습니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

조기현 댓글 감사합니다. 님의 댓글은 부분적으로 옳은 것이지만 에너지 보존의 법칙이 상대성 이론에 기인한다는 말은 그렇지 않습니다. 총에너지 보존의 법칙의 이론적 근거는 time homogeneity, 즉, 물리법칙이 시간의 원점을 잡는 것과 무관하게 성립한다고 하는, 일종의 연속 대칭성에 바탕한 것입니다. 그기에 따른 Noether's theorem 이죠.

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Jae Kwon Kim

물론 모든 이론은 근거에 바탕하므로 그것까지 연기이다라고 말할수 있어 보이지만, 그것은 일종의 far-fetching 이기도 할 것입니다. 왜냐하면 이앞에도 언급했지만, 이것의 근거는 너무나 a priori 한 일반성을 가지고 있고, 이것이 부정되어야 할 어떤 모순도 찾아진적이 없기 때문입니다. 태초에 에너지가 있었고 그것에서부터 모든 물질들이 생겼났지만, 그 것의 총합은 불변하다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

연기론을 거의 절대적 진리"로 모실려고 하는 그 근거까지도 여러가지 잡다한 논증과 현실에 대한 관찰을 필요로 한다면, 그 연기론까지 조건에 의존하는 (연기) 하는 것이 되고, 따라서 그것의 결론조차 절대성을 가지지 못하게 되지요. 연기론의 절대성에 필요한 논증과 에너지 보존의 법칙에 필요한 시간의 동질성 중에서 어는 것이 더 일반적이고 선험적으로 받아들일 수 있는 것인지 살펴 보십시요

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Chang-Seong Hong

Jae Kwon Kim 너무 나가는 것 같은 소리 하나 더 드리겠습니다. '에너지'라는 개념도 물리학이라는 테두리 안에서만 의미를 가집니다. 만약 누군가 이 우주를 창조했다면, 어떤 물리학 이론에 따라 창조했을 겁니다.

그리고 에너지는 에너지 아닌 것에 대비해서만 에너지입니다 - 즉, 에너지는 에너지 아닌 것이 아니기 때문에 에너지이기 때문에, 에너지는 에너지가 아닌 것과 연기할 수밖에 없습니다. … See more

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Jae Kwon Kim

Yumaa Hill 제가 거의 결론적으로 쓴 댓글이 지금 글의 바로 위에 있습니다. 저는 철학적 논증을 즐기고 그것의 가치를 인정하는 편이지만, 그리고 연기론이 대체적으로 매력있는 견해하고 생각하지만, 그것의 절대성에 대한 논증이 에너지 보존의 법칙의 근거보다 더 확실해 보이지 않음은 너무나 분명해 보입니다. 수식과 같은 더 정확한 언어 그리고 확립된 근거에 바탕하지 않는 논증들이 가질 수 있는 허점에 대해서 너무나 분명히 이해한다고 믿기 때문입니… See more

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Chang-Seong Hong

Jae Kwon Kim 연기론 자체도 절대성을 지닐 수 없다는 고찰은 연기의 대승적 해석인 공에 대한 오래전부터의 고찰이 잘 말해 주고 있습니다. 모든 것이 연기하기 때문에 자성을 결여해 공한데, 이런 공조차도 자성을 가질 수 없어 공하고 (공공), 공공조차도 공하고 (공공공), 이런 과정은 무한이 계속된다는 것입니다. 그리고 혹자는 이런 무한 부정의 과정이 (그래서 모든 개념적 속박으로부터 자유로운 과정이) 깨달음의 과정이라고 보기까지 합니다. … See more

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Jae Kwon Kim

"연기에도 절대성이 없다" 는 좋은 결론이 될 수 있을 것 같습니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

논의에 참여해 주셔서 감사드립니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

일부 사람들의 가능한 흥미를 위해서 여기에 댓글들을 일부 포스팅해도 될까요? 물론 최대한 논리의 전개를 이해할 수 있도록 편집

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기인한다는게 아니라 유효하기 위해서 의존한다는 겁니다. 뇌써의 정리는 결국 수학적인 형식이며, 그 안의 물리적인 내용물은 라그랑지안에 달려있습니다. 그러므로 에너지보존법칙이 실험에서 유효하려면 적절한 라그랑지안을 찾아야 합니다.

그런데 적절한 라그랑지안을 세우려면, 물리적인 계는 어떻게 구성되어 있는가에 대한 이론적인 패러다임이 필요할 수 밖에 없습니다.… See more

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에너지보존법칙은 결국 어떠한 이론적 맥락에서 의논되냐에 따라 형태가 달라지며, (에너지와 질량을 예로 들어 누차 설명했습니다) 이를 맥락의존성이라고 부를 수 있을 것 같습니다.

홍교수님은 에너지보존법칙의 작업가설성과 배경의존성을 말씀하셨는데, 이중 배경의존성을 맥락의존성이란 형태로 partially 지지합니다. 배경의존성이 정확히 어떤 의미인지 파악되지가 않아서...

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Jae Kwon Kim

조기현 에너지 보존의 법칙을 가능케 하는 물리적 통찰은 최소작용의 원리와 시간의 동질성인데, 이 둘은 패러다임에 속하는 문제가 아니죠... 그리고 모든 논의 또는 논리-- 연기론이니 무아, 불행 등등 포함-- 은 어떤 이론적 또는 관찰적 근거에 입각하므로, 이러한 논의 또한 절대적 일 수 없음으로 이미 결론 내렸습니다.

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저는 과학사적인 입장에서 에너지보존법칙을 논했는데, 물리이론의 입장에서 논박하시는군요. 물리이론 입장에서 이 문제는 상당히 delicate해서, 어렵습니다. 용어는 보다 엄밀히 정의되어야 하며, 할 일이 많을 것입니다.

고전물리에서, 운동량(mv)보존법칙은 뉴턴의 작용반작용(Fxy=-Fyx)에 기인하지요. 이는 측정대상이 명확히 정의된 (질량과 속도) 운동량의 보존여부를 실험적으로 잘 테스트할 수 있으므로, 실험적으로 좋은 문제라고 할 수 있습니… See more

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이러한 미꾸라지 진리는 패러다임이 유효하다면, 놓친 조각(missing piece)를 찾는데 유용한 guidance가 될 것입니다.

하지만 패러다임 쉬프트(고전역학에서 상대성이론으로 등)가 일어나는 현상에서는, 놓친 조각(missing piece)을 찾기는 커녕 엉터리 조각으로 생각을 자꾸 유도하겠지요.… See more

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Jae Kwon Kim

조기현 물리 또는 물리철학에 대해서 같이 이야기 할 수 있는 것은 반가운 일이지만, 견해의 일치가 있어 보이지 않네요...

고전 역학에 관한한-- 물론 상대성 이론 포함-- 그것은 유클리드 기하학같이 이미 완성되어 있는 것입니다. 더 이상 실험에 의존할 것이 없고, 실험에 비추어 볼 것도 없지요. (Chaos 는 논외)… See more

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Jae Kwon Kim 죄송합니다만, 최소작용의 원칙은 전자기학의 라그랑지안의 결정에 전혀 영향을 주지 않습니다. 또한 local U(1) gauge symmetry 또한 양자역학적인 파동함수와 전자기장 사이의 상호작용을 기술하는 군이므로, "고전" 전자기학의 라그랑지안 결정 (F*F+jA)에는 영향을 주지 않는다고 생각합니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

조기현 여기서 서술한 것은, Landau series 의 volume 1 (고전 역학) & volume 2 (classical fields) 에 이미 다 나와 있는 것입니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

양자 전자기학은 고전 역학의 라그랑지언 자체를 구하는 것과는 전적으로 무관하며, 그것을 quantization 시키는 이슈에 관한 것입니다.

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이해가 안 되네요. local U(1) transformation은 양자역학적인 파동함수의 국소적 위상 변환인데, 그게 위상을 갖는 파동함수로 기술되지 않는 고전적인 물체와 전자기학의 라그랑지안을 어떻게 얘기합니까?

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양자전자기학은 여기에 second quantization을 가하는 것으로 알고 있습니다. (물론 old term이지만요...)

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연역적인 체계를 구축하고 싶으시다면 말리지는 않겠습니다만, 과학철학자들과 과학사가들은 연역적 체계 외에 실험을 통한 입증가능성에 초점을 맞춘다는 것을 알려드립니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

나의 전공이 양자 장론과 임계 현상입니다. 그리고 해당 논문이 20여편 이상 있으며, PRL 의 referee 까지 했습니다. 란다우 series 를 읽어 보십시요. 양자장론은 주어진 local gauge symmetry 의 양자화, 재규격화 등에 관한 이론이며, 그것의 classic Lagrangian form 을 결정하는 것은 상대성 원리와 local gauge symmetry 입니다. 다시말해서 대칭성이 주어지면 라그란지언 (좀더 엄밀하게 … See more

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Jae Kwon Kim 뭐, 디락스피너장을 "고전적인 장"으로도 간주하고 그것으로 "고전적인 라그랑지안 밀도"를 만드신다면야 할 말은 없습니다만, 스핀 1/2장을 고전적인 장으로도 간주할 수 있을까요?

 · 2 y

Jae Kwon Kim

조기현 디락장은 전자에 대한 것이지 전자기장에 대한 것이 아니죠. 장과 전하를 띤 입자 사이에 작용을 결정하는 것은 이미 고전 역학에서 결정된 것이지요.

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Jae Kwon Kim 그러니까 제 말이 local U(1) symmetry는 (양자장론의 경우) 디락장 또는 (학부양자역학의 경우) 슈뢰딩거파동함수와, 전자기장 사이의 상호작용을 기술한다는 겁니다. 그러니까 고전적인 물체와 전자기장 사이의 상호작용에는 국소적 U(1) 대칭성이 등장할데는 없다는거죠...

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Jae Kwon Kim

지금 논의되어 온 것은 고전적 전자기학(전자와 장의 작용하지 포함) 한 것이었는데, 디락장을 도입해서 논의가 흐려지는 면이 있네요.

디락장의 장론적 도출은 group theory 에서 보는 것이 가장 간명한 것으로 나와 있습니다. 좌표 변환 SL(2,c) 에 대응하는 전자의 상태 함수의 변환은 su(2)× su(2) 인 것으로 기억...… See more

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Jae Kwon Kim 예 감사합니다. 제 처음의 의도와는 다르지만, 서로 논점이 안 맞았던 것 같네요.

말씀하신대로 주어진 대칭성에 대해 라그랑지안이 유일하게 결정됩니다.… See more

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페체이퀸 대칭성 등도 새로운 대칭성을 더해가는, 좋은 예가 된다고 봅니다.

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Jae Kwon Kim

조기현 네 감사

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Jae Kwon Kim

조기현 한가지만 더... 에너지 보존의 법칙은 라그랑지언의 form 과 무관합니다. Noether theorem 을 참고해 보십시요

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Jae Kwon Kim 예. 김재권님이 말씀하시는 에너지보존법칙과 제가 얘기한 에너지보존법칙이 차이가 있는 것 같습니다.

제가 말씀드린 건 실험적으로 측정할게 명확하고, 실험적으로 성립여부를 테스트 가능한 에너지보존식(법칙과의 혼동을 피해...)으로, 구체적인 라그랑지안에 따라 형태가 다릅니다. … See more

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Bruce W. Park

저까지 언급해 주셔서 부끄럽습니다. 불성에 대한 정의와 해석을 쉽게 서술해 주셔서 감사합니다. 마치 작업가설적 (operational definition) 정의로 읽히게 됩니다. 불성에 대한 고찰에 앞서 만물이 갖는 영원성, 청정성, 완전성을 담보한 법성에 대한 고찰이 후기대승에서 언급을 많이 하였다고 봅니다. 제법실상을 논구하는 측면서 법성의 공함까지 논하곤 했습니다. 그러나 불성은 붓다의 깨달음보다도 붓다 자체에 대한 관심에서 비롯된 거라고 봅니다. 그래서 불성은 누구든지 붓다처럼 되고 싶은 소망에서 성불의 근거를 추적해보고자 했던 것 같습니다. 그 원인은 대승불교는 두 가지로 정리햇던 듯 합니다. 불성사상과 보살사상이지요. 성불의 근원은 불성이 있기 때문이고 보살의 행을 성취했기 때문이라고 보았습니다. 이런 점에서 불성은 극히 신앙적인 발상에서 비롯되엇고 그 기능과 효력이 지대했다고 봅니다. 교수님의 해석은 무기력한 논쟁을 물리치고 건설적이고 역동적인 불자의 삶을 이끌어주게 합니다. 교수님의 설명을 보니 불성은 서양종교의 성령같은 존재가 아니라는 것이 뚜렷해집니다. 기독교의 신이 자아를 지녀 심판하는 전능자라고 하지만 불성은 어떤 자성도 지니지 않는 개념적 언어로 공성 (연기성)의 총체를 표현한 것으로도 읽힙니다. 좋은 글에 감사드립니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

제가 앞으로 하고 싶은 이야기의 반쯤을 미리 해 주셨네요.^^ 저는 공을 단순히 논리적인 개념으로 이해하려는 입장이어서 그것에 어떠한 존재론적 위상을 부여하는 시도에도 반대하고 있습니다. 그래서 후기 대승의 견해와 충돌할 수밖에 없는 입장입니다. 실은 저는 불교계에서 공을 언급할 때 '공성'이라는 표현을 쓰며 마치 공에 무슨 본질적인 성품이 존재하는 듯하게 표현하는 것조차 불편해 하고 있습니다.

서양불교학자들은 그 옛날 불교승려들이 힌두교와 경쟁하는 과정에서 신도들을 더 확보하고자 당시 인도의 보통사람들이 더 편하게 받아들일 아뜨만과 비슷한 불성의 개념을 도입했을 것이라고도 합니다. 그러나 이것은 물론 믿거나 말거나입니다.

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“이 법계로부터 흘러나오지 않는 것이 없고(연기), 이 법계로 다시 돌아가지 않는 것이 없다(법성)(無不從此法界流, 無不還歸此法界).

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Chang-Seong Hong

허만항 감사합니다. 물론 옳고 대단히 중요한 구절입니다만, 저는 또다시 '법성'이라는 단어가 불편합니다. 그냥 '법의 모습,' '존재의 모습,' '이것이 진리'라고 하면 될 것을 '법성'이라고 하여 마치 무슨 고정불변의 속성이 존재하는 것처럼 들리게 하여서 그렇습니다. 그러나 물론 '성'을 여유있게 해석하면 별 문제 없다고 넘어갈 수도 있습니다.

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“법성은 제법의 진실체성真實體性, 또한 우주간의 일체현상에 갖추고 있는 진실불변의 본성을 가리킨다. 이는 또한 진여법성으로 진여의 다른 명칭이다. 법성은 만법의 본질이다. 《대지도론》 33권에서는 일체법의 총상과 별상은 다 같이 법성으로 돌아간다고 한다. 제법은 각자의 차별상과 실상이 있다. 말하자면 각자 차별상은 예를들면 얼음이 녹아 물이 되듯이 문득 이전의 상을 읽어 그 고정된 것이 없는 까닭에 이를 분별하여 구하면 얻을 수 없다, 불가득不可得인 까닭에 공(무자성)인 즉 공은 제법의 실상이라 말한다. 일체차별상에 대해 말하면 그 자성이 공한 까닭에 모두 동일하여 이를 여如라 한다. 일체상은 다같이 공으로 돌아가는 까닭에 공을 법성이라 한다. 또한 황색돌에 금의 성질을 갖추고 있듯이 일체세간법에는 모두 열반의 법성을 갖추고 있다. 그래서 이 제법본연의 실성을 법성이라 한다. 이는 《원각경》의 이른바 「중생과 국토는 동일한 법성」라는 경문과 같은 뜻이다.”


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Chang-Seong Hong

허만항 잘 읽었습니다. 감사합니다. 불교계에서 언제 중관과 유식을 서로 너무 조화롭게만 해석하려 하지 말고, 서로의 차이점을 부각시켜 누가 옳고 그르냐를 따지는 논쟁도 한번 진지하게 해 보았으면 신나겠습니다.^^

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감사합니다 저는 대승기신의 입장에서 믿음과 행을 중시합니다

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불성이라는 개념은 부처님께서 사용하지 않은 단어입니다. 초기 경전에는 없고 후대에 개발되어 쓰여진 단어이기 때문에 이러한 단어를 가지고 논쟁해봐야 불교를 왜곡할 뿐 도움이 않된다고 봅니다.

언어의 희론 밖에 안된다고 봅니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

저는 후대에 이루어진 불교 교리도 초기경전에서의 가르침과 같은 연장선상에서 해석하려 노력하고 있습니다. 불성 참나 참마음도 논리적으로 문젯거리가 있다고 해서 쉽게 옆으로 치워버리기보다는, 그 동안 이 개념들이 수행해 온 긍정적인 역할도 있기 때문에 이것들을 초기경전의 가르침과 일관성 있는 방향으로 재해석해서 끌어 안으려 하고 있습니다. 물론 제 시도가 반드시 설득력이 강하거나 성공할 것이라는 말씀은 아닙니다. 감사합니다.

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본불은 중국 황벽승려가 만든 허구입니다. 석가모니불이 가르친 불성은 괴로움(고성제)을 아는 것이고, 집성제, 멸성제, 도성제를 깨닫는 것이랍니다. 즉, '괴로움'과 '괴로움의 일어남' 두 극단이 묶여 결박된 가운데 연기한 '괴로움 소멸'의 중간을 닦는 것의 도성제(팔정도)이랍니다.

그래서 꼰단냐 존자의 "일어나는 법은 그 무엇이든 모두 소멸하기 마련이다."라고 한 생멸에 대한 '중도' 깨달음을 감흥어로 기뻐하신거랍니다.

이러한 가르침의 초전법륜경을 읽어보시고요.

뭍 사람들이 가진 내외입처의 일체를 벗어나 일체를 거론하지 않는 불교 철학을 논하시길...

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Chang-Seong Hong

댓글 감사합니다. "뭍 사람들이 가진 내외입처의 일체를 벗어나 일체를 거론하지 않는 불교 철학을 논하시길..."고 하셨는데, 제 글의 문장문장이나 에세이 하나하나로는 그렇게 할 수 없겠습니다만, 전체적인 철학적 작업이 지향하는 바는 결국 선생님께서 바라보시는 방향과 크게 다르지 않다는 믿음으로 임하고 있습니다.

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대단하신 분들의 대화를 들으니..참 힘이 됩니다

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'시간과 장소에 따라 깨달음을 얻기에 가장 적합한 심신의 상태'는 존재하지 않을 수 있읍니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

예, 수학적 관점에서는 그럴 수 있다는 점을 인정합니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

강교수님께서 우려하신 문제를 고려해 문장의 표현을 바꾸었습니다. 원래 제가 영어로 써 놓은 에세이들에서는 그냥 'optimal'이라는 단어를 사용해서 수학적으로 별 문제가 없었는데 한글로 쓰다보니 또 그렇게 되었습니다. Optimal이란 말 앞에는 most 같은 말을 붙이지 않기 때문에 문제가 없었는데, 그래서 한국어로 '적절한' '적합한' 정도로 바꾸어 썼습니다. 지적 고맙습니다.

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Chae Soon Kim

Image may contain: plant and outdoor

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Why Moon

글을 읽으며 전통 불교학자분들의 의견이 몹시 궁금해지는군요.제가 일단 불교학자가 아니라서요. 더더욱 이쪽 견해로도 의견을 듣기를 바래봅니다.패북에 고수님들 많아 보이던대요.

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Chang-Seong Hong

저도 마찬가지입니다. 그런데 저는 이 경에는 이렇다고 하더라, 저 경에는 저렇다고 하더라는 식의 의견에는 별로 재미를 못 느낍니다. 제가 그런 내용들을 대충 다 알고 있어서 그렇기도 하지만, 그런 내용들이 왜 옳은가를 자신들의 이야기로 우리 시대의 상식에 맞도록 논리적으로 치밀하게 전개하며 논쟁에 임하시는 분들을 만나고 싶습니다. 스님께서 좀 많이 이쪽으로 초대해 주시기 부탁드립니다.

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Why Moon

저랑 생각이 좀 다르군요. 저는 경을 의지해서 해석하는 것을 흥미있어해서요.알겠습니다.

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Why Moon

다시 생각해 보니 경보다는 논장에 의거해서 토론 하는 것이 현대적으로 접근하는 것이 더 접근해 보일 수도 있겠다 싶습니다. (생각을 돌려보니 공부거리가 풍부해지네요)

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Chang Su Hee Elena

교수님의 글 잘 읽고 있습니다.

불교 경전에도 주석이 있고 또 해석학이 있을펜데 어떻게 저희들이 읽고 받아들여야 하는지요

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Chang Su Hee Elena

경에 대한 논쟁이 해석학문야겟죠

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Chang-Seong Hong

Chang Su Hee Elena 관심 가져 주셔서 감사합니다. 경의 권위를 100% 받아들이고 학문하면 불교학자이겠고, 철학자 나름이겠지만 기본적으로 철학자들은 이 세상 어느 권위도 일단 도전해 보고 나서 그것에 동의하고 난 후에야 그 권위를 겨우 인정할까 말까 하는 사람들입니다. 한마디로, 친구하기 별로 좋은 사람들이 아닙니다.^^

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Sung Soon Kim

‘깨달음을 얻기에 가장 적합한 심신의 상태’로 정의하면 배제되는 요소들이 너무 많을 것 같네요. 불성론을 제기한 대승논사들이 초기 교리와 충돌하는 위험을 무릅쓰고 굳이 제기했던 이유는 ‘평등’과 ‘보편’이었을 거라 생각합니다. 바로 그 점에 배치될 수 있는 거죠.

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Chang-Seong Hong

저도 누구나 깨달을 수 있다는 희망을 주는 불성론의 방편으로서의 효용에 대해서 찬성한다는 입장을 실은 이미 (3년전에 쓰고 작년에 영어로 써서 발표했지만) 다른 논문에서 다루었습니다. 동의합니다. 단지 원고지 20여매에 그 내용까지 담지 못했을 뿐입니다. 좋은 코멘트 감사드립니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

다만, 그렇게 적합한 심신의 상태가 지구상 수십억의 인구 모두에 똑같을 것이라고는 생각하기 어려워서, 개개인에 따라 또 한 개인이라도 시간과 장소에 따라 다를 것이라는 것이 제 생각입니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

우려하신 내용을 제 최종 원고에 반영했습니다. 그러나 불성의 보편적 존재가 제법무아와 공의 가르침과 충둘하기 때문에, 비록 불성의 존재에 대한 믿음이 가진 방편으로서의 효용은 인정하지만, 부처님께서 직접 가르치신 내용으로 볼 수는 없어서 제 원래 입장을 유지했습니다. 감사합니다.

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잘 읽었습니다 교수님. 글을 읽어내려 가다보니 남방 상좌부 불교를 수승하게 생각하시는 많은 분들이 ‘무아’의 관점에서 대승의 여래장이나 불성론이 힌두교나 다름없다고 비판하는데, 남방 아비달마에서 ‘열반’을 무위법으로 분류하고 있는 것은 또 어떻게 봐야 하나 뭐 이런 생각도 잠깐 들었습니다. 앞으로 많이 배우겠습니다.🙏

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Chang-Seong Hong

좋은 질문 고맙습니다. 저는 실은 불교학자가 아니라 형이상학과 심리철학을 전공하는 서양철학자입니다. 요즘 한국에서는 주로 저를 비난하시는 분들이 저를 '재미 불교학자'라고들 하시는데, 저는 감히 불교학자축에는 못 끼고 불교를 철학으로 연구하는 서양철학자입니다. 그래서 열반에 대해서도 그것을 철학적 관점에서 어떻게 파악하느냐는 것이 주 관심사입니다. 제가 몇 달 전에 월간불광에 짧게 줄여서 발표하기도 했었는데, 원래 더 상세하고 덜 점잖게 쓰여진 글… See more

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홍창성 교수님의 글은 잘 읽었습니다. 언제나 좋은 글을 페북에 올려 주셔서 늘 고맙게 생각합니다. 많은 사람들은 불성(佛性, Buddha-nature)을 여래장(如來藏, tathāgatagarbha)의 동의어로, 불변하는 아뜨만(ātman)과 같은 개념으로 오해하고 있습니다. 그런데 홍 교수님께서 “모든 유정물에 고정불변하다는 불성은 존재하지 않는다”는 주장은 신선해 보입니다. 특히 이 글에서 불성도 조건에 의해 생성되고 조건에 의해 소멸한다는 논증은 크게 돋보입니다.

그러나 잘 나가다가 “나는 불성이 존재한다고 결론짓는다”고 주장하고 있습니다. 물론 홍 교수님께서 말하는 “불성은 모든 유정물에 공통적으로 존재하는 어떤 고정불변한 본성을 가진 아뜨만과 같은 실체가 아니”라는 전제를 달고 있습니다. 하지만 ‘불성이 존재한다’고 말하면, 불교철학에 대한 지식이 부족한 사람들은 ‘진짜로 불성은 존재하는구나!’라고 오해할 염려가 있는 것 같습니다. 제 사견으로는 후반부의 논리가 너무 빈약하고 비약적인 것 같습니다. 한정된 지면 관계로 충분히 설명하지 못했을 것이라고 생각합니다.

 · 2 y

Chang-Seong Hong

고맙습니다. 예, 후반부는 지면 관계로 제대로 논증을 전개하지 못했습니다. 이 논증은 제가 20년전 완성한 박사학위논문에서부터 갈고 닦아서 자신이 있는 부분인데, 원고지 불과 몇 매에 정리하자니 어려움이 많았습니다. 저희집 유선경 교수도 제가 '불성이 존재한다'고 말하면 오해할 사람들이 많을 것이라고 우려했는데 (물론 스님은 그렇지 않으시지만요), 제가 고집해서 그냥 놔두었습니다. 아무래도 표현을 더 다듬어야겠습니다. 2년 전 깨달음 논쟁 당시 제가 미디어붓다에 발표했던 다음의 논문에 더 자세한 논증이 있습니다. 좋은 지적 감사합니다.

미디어붓다:“‘참나’ ‘참마음’은 ‘2차 지시어’”


미디어붓다:“‘참나’ ‘참마음’은 ‘2차 지시어’”

미디어붓다:“‘참나’ ‘참마음’은 ‘2차 지시어’”

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답변 감사합니다. 홍 교수님의 지난 글들을 찾아 자세히 읽어보겠습니다. 내내 건강하시길 빕니다.

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Chang-Seong Hong

마성 스님의 지적에 도움받아 독자들이 오해하지 않도록 표현을 바꾸었습니다. 발표될 글에서는 문제가 없을 겁니다. 고맙습니다.

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Why Moon

Jun Bark

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Lee Minji

😊 공유부터 하고^^

차분히 읽겠습니다~~


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Five precepts

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This article is about the five precepts in Buddhism. For Taoism, see Five Precepts (Taoism).

Plaque with the five precepts engraved, Lumbini, Nepal

Buddhist devotional practices


Taking refuge


Buddha's Birthday
Ghost Festival


Five Precepts
Eight Precepts
Bodhisattva vow
Bodhisattva Precepts




Translations of
five precepts


pañcaśīla (पञ्चशील), pañcaśikṣapada (पञ्चशिक्षपद)


pañcasīla, pañcasīlani,[1] pañcasikkhāpada, pañcasikkhāpadani[1]


ပဉ္စသီလ ငါးပါးသီလ
(IPA: [pjɪ̀ɰ̃sa̰ θìla̰ ŋá bá θìla̰])


(Pinyin: wǔjiè)


(rōmaji: go kai)


បញ្ចសីល, និច្ចសីល, សិក្ខាបទ៥, សីល៥
(UNGEGN: Sel[2])


(RR: ogye)


သဳ မသုန်
([sɔe pəsɔn])


(pan sil[3])


เบญจศีล, ศีล ๕
(RTGS: Benchasin, Sin Ha)


Ngũ giới



Glossary of Buddhism

The Five precepts (Sanskrit: pañcaśīla; Pali: pañcasīla) or five rules of training (Sanskrit: pañcaśikṣapada; Pali: pañcasikkhapada)[4][5][note 1] is the most important system of morality for Buddhist lay people. They constitute the basic code of ethics to be undertaken by lay followers of Buddhism. The precepts are commitments to abstain from killing living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication. Within the Buddhist doctrine, they are meant to develop mind and character to make progress on the path to enlightenment. They are sometimes referred to as the Śrāvakayāna precepts in the Mahāyāna tradition, contrasting them with the bodhisattva precepts. The five precepts form the basis of several parts of Buddhist doctrine, both lay and monastic. With regard to their fundamental role in Buddhist ethics, they have been compared with the ten commandments in Abrahamic religions[6][7] or the ethical codes of Confucianism. The precepts have been connected with utilitarianist, deontological and virtue approaches to ethics, though by 2017, such categorization by western terminology had mostly been abandoned by scholars. The precepts have been compared with human rights because of their universal nature, and some scholars argue they can complement the concept of human rights.

The five precepts were common to the religious milieu of 6th-century BCE India, but the Buddha's focus on awareness through the fifth precept was unique. As shown in Early Buddhist Texts, the precepts grew to be more important, and finally became a condition for membership of the Buddhist religion. When Buddhism spread to different places and people, the role of the precepts began to vary. In countries where Buddhism had to compete with other religions, such as China, the ritual of undertaking the five precepts developed into an initiation ceremony to become a Buddhist lay person. On the other hand, in countries with little competition from other religions, such as Thailand, the ceremony has had little relation to the rite of becoming Buddhist, as many people are presumed Buddhist from birth.

Undertaking and upholding the five precepts is based on the principle of non-harming (Pāli and Sanskrit: ahiṃsa). The Pali Canon recommends one to compare oneself with others, and on the basis of that, not to hurt others. Compassion and a belief in karmic retribution form the foundation of the precepts. Undertaking the five precepts is part of regular lay devotional practice, both at home and at the local temple. However, the extent to which people keep them differs per region and time. People keep them with an intention to develop themselves, but also out of fear of a bad rebirth.
The first precept consists of a prohibition of killing, both humans and all animals. Scholars have interpreted Buddhist texts about the precepts as an opposition to and prohibition of capital punishment,[8] suicide, abortion[9][10] and euthanasia.[11] In practice, however, many Buddhist countries still use the death penalty. With regard to abortion, Buddhist countries take the middle ground, by condemning though not prohibiting it. The Buddhist attitude to violence is generally interpreted as opposing all warfare, but some scholars have raised exceptions found in later texts.
The second precept prohibits theft and related activities such as fraud and forgery.
The third precept refers to adultery in all its forms, and has been defined by modern teachers with terms such as sexual responsibility and long-term commitment.
The fourth precept involves falsehood spoken or committed to by action, as well as malicious speech, harsh speech and gossip.
The fifth precept prohibits intoxication through alcohol, drugs or other means.[12][13] Early Buddhist Texts nearly always condemn alcohol, and so do Chinese Buddhist post-canonical texts. Buddhist attitudes toward smoking is to abstain from tobacco due to its severe addiction.

In modern times, traditional Buddhist countries have seen revival movements to promote the five precepts. As for the West, the precepts play a major role in Buddhist organizations. They have also been integrated in mindfulness training programs, though many mindfulness specialists do not support this because of the precepts' religious import. Lastly, many conflict prevention programs make use of the precepts.


1Role in Buddhist doctrine
3.1In Pāli tradition
3.2In other textual traditions
5Practice in general
6First precept
6.1Textual analysis
6.2In practice
7Second precept
7.1Textual analysis
7.2In practice
8Third precept
8.1Textual analysis
8.2In practice
9Fourth precept
9.1Textual analysis
9.2In practice
10Fifth precept
10.1Textual analysis
10.2In practice
11Present trends
12Theory of ethics
12.1Comparison with human rights
13See also
17External links
Role in Buddhist doctrine[edit]

The Noble Eightfold Path, of which the five precepts are part.

Buddhist scriptures explain the five precepts as the minimal standard of Buddhist morality.[14] It is the most important system of morality in Buddhism, together with the monastic rules.[15] Śīla (Sanskrit; Pali: sīla) is used to refer to Buddhist precepts,[16] including the five.[4] But the word also refers to the virtue and morality which lies at the foundation of the spiritual path to enlightenment, which is the first of the three forms of training on the path. Thus, the precepts are rules or guidelines to develop mind and character to make progress on the path to enlightenment.[4] The five precepts are part of the right speech, action and livelihood aspects of the Noble Eightfold Path, the core teaching of Buddhism.[4][17][note 2] Moreover, the practice of the five precepts and other parts of śīla are described as forms of merit-making, means to create good karma.[19][20] The five precepts have been described as social values that bring harmony to society,[21][22] and breaches of the precepts described as antithetical to a harmonious society.[23] On a similar note, in Buddhist texts, the ideal, righteous society is one in which people keep the five precepts.[24]

Comparing different parts of Buddhist doctrine, the five precepts form the basis of the eight precepts, which are lay precepts stricter than the five precepts, similar to monastic precepts.[4][25] Secondly, the five precepts form the first half of the ten or eleven precepts for a person aiming to become a Buddha (bodhisattva), as mentioned in the Brahmajala Sūtra of the Mahāyāna tradition.[4][26][27] Contrasting these precepts with the five precepts, the latter were commonly referred to by Mahāyānists as the śrāvakayāna precepts, or the precepts of those aiming to become enlightened disciples (Sanskrit: arhat; Pali: arahant) of a Buddha, but not Buddhas themselves. The ten–eleven bodhisattva precepts presuppose the five precepts, and are partly based on them.[28] The five precepts are also partly found in the teaching called the ten good courses of action, referred to in Theravāda (Pali: dasa-kusala-kammapatha) and Tibetan Buddhism (Sanskrit: daśa-kuśala-karmapatha; Wylie: dge ba bcu).[15][29] Finally, the first four of the five precepts are very similar to the most fundamental rules of monastic discipline (Pali: pārajika), and may have influenced their development.[30]

In conclusion, the five precepts lie at the foundation of all Buddhist practice, and in that respect, can be compared with the ten commandments in Christianity and Judaism[6][7] or the ethical codes of Confucianism.[27]

The five precepts were part of early Buddhism and are common to nearly all schools of Buddhism.[31] In early Buddhism, the five precepts were regarded as an ethic of restraint, to restrain unwholesome tendencies and thereby purify one's being to attain enlightenment.[1][32] The five precepts were based on the pañcaśīla, prohibitions for pre-Buddhist Brahmanic priests, which were adopted in many Indic religions around 6th century BCE.[33][34] The first four Buddhist precepts were nearly identical to these pañcaśīla, but the fifth precept, the prohibition on intoxication, was new in Buddhism:[30][note 3] the Buddha's emphasis on awareness (Pali: appamāda) was unique.[33]

In some schools of ancient Indic Buddhism, Buddhist devotees could choose to adhere to only a number of precepts, instead of the complete five. The schools that would survive in later periods, however, that is Theravāda and Mahāyāna Buddhism, were both ambiguous about this practice. Some early Mahāyāna texts allow it, but some do not; Theravāda texts do not discuss this practice at all.[36]

The prohibition on killing had motivated early Buddhists to form a stance against animal sacrifice, a common ritual practice in ancient India.[37][38] According to the Pāli Canon, however, early Buddhists did not adopt a vegetarian lifestyle.[25][38]

In Early Buddhist Texts, the role of the five precepts gradually develops. First of all, the precepts are combined with a declaration of faith in the triple gem (the Buddha, his teaching and the monastic community). Next, the precepts develop to become the foundation of lay practice.[39] The precepts are seen as a preliminary condition for the higher development of the mind.[1] At a third stage in the texts, the precepts are actually mentioned together with the triple gem, as though they are part of it. Lastly, the precepts, together with the triple gem, become a required condition for the practice of Buddhism, as lay people have to undergo a formal initiation to become a member of the Buddhist religion.[30] When Buddhism spread to different places and people, the role of the precepts began to vary. In countries in which Buddhism was adopted as the main religion without much competition from other religious disciplines, such as Thailand, the relation between the initiation of a lay person and the five precepts has been virtually non-existent. In such countries, the taking of the precepts has become a sort of ritual cleansing ceremony. People are presumed Buddhist from birth without much of an initiation. The precepts are often committed to by new followers as part of their installment, yet this is not very pronounced. However, in some countries like China, where Buddhism was not the only religion, the precepts became an ordination ceremony to initiate lay people into the Buddhist religion.[40]

In 8th-century China, people held strict attitudes about abstinence of alcohol.

In China, the five precepts were introduced in the first centuries CE, both in their śrāvakayāna and bodhisattva formats.[41] During this time, it was particularly Buddhist teachers who promoted abstinence from alcohol (the fifth precept), since Daoism and other thought systems emphasized moderation rather than full abstinence. Chinese Buddhists interpreted the fifth precept strictly, even more so than in Indic Buddhism. For example, the monk Daoshi (c. 600–683) dedicated large sections of his encyclopedic writings to abstinence from alcohol. However, in some parts of China, such as Dunhuang, considerable evidence has been found of alcohol consumption among both lay people and monastics. Later, from the 8th century onward, strict attitudes of abstinence led to a development of a distinct tea culture among Chinese monastics and lay intellectuals, in which tea gatherings replaced gatherings with alcoholic beverages, and were advocated as such.[42][43] These strict attitudes were formed partly because of the religious writings, but may also have been affected by the bloody An Lushan Rebellion of 775, which had a sobering effect on 8th-century Chinese society.[44] When the five precepts were integrated in Chinese society, they were associated and connected with karma, Chinese cosmology and medicine, a Daoist worldview, and Confucian virtue ethics.[45]
In Pāli tradition[edit]

In Thailand, a leading lay person will normally request the monk to administer the precepts.

In the Theravāda tradition, the precepts are recited in a standardized fashion, using Pāli language. In Thailand, a leading lay person will normally request the monk to administer the precepts by reciting the following three times:

"Venerables, we request the five precepts and the three refuges [i.e. the triple gem] for the sake of observing them, one by one, separately". (Mayaṃ bhante visuṃ visuṃ rakkhaṇatthāya tisaraṇena saha pañca sīlāniyācāma.)[46]

After this, the monk administering the precepts will recite a reverential line of text to introduce the ceremony, after which he guides the lay people in declaring that they take their refuge in the three refuges or triple gem.[47]

He then continues with reciting the five precepts:[48][49]
"I undertake the training-precept to abstain from onslaught on breathing beings." (Pali: Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.)
"I undertake the training-precept to abstain from taking what is not given." (Pali: Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.)
"I undertake the training-precept to abstain from misconduct concerning sense-pleasures." (Pali: Kāmesumicchācāra veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.)
"I undertake the training-precept to abstain from false speech." (Pali: Musāvādā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.)
"I undertake the training-precept to abstain from alcoholic drink or drugs that are an opportunity for heedlessness." (Pali: Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.)

After the lay people have repeated the five precepts after the monk, the monk will close the ceremony reciting:

"These five precepts lead with good behavior to bliss, with good behavior to wealth and success, they lead with good behavior to happiness, therefore purify behavior." (Imāni pañca sikkhāpadāni. Sīlena sugatiṃ yanti, sīlena bhogasampadā, sīlena nibbutiṃ yanti, tasmā sīlaṃ visodhaye.)[50]
In other textual traditions[edit]

The format of the ceremony for taking the precepts occurs several times in the Chinese Buddhist Canon.

See also: Buddhist initiation ritual

The format of the ceremony for taking the precepts occurs several times in the Chinese Buddhist Canon, in slightly different forms.[51]

One formula of the precepts can be found in the Treatise on Taking Refuge and the Precepts (simplified Chinese: 归戒要集; traditional Chinese: 歸戒要集; pinyin: Guījiè Yāojí):
As all Buddhas refrained from killing until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from killing until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from stealing until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from stealing until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from sexual misconduct until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from sexual misconduct until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from false speech until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from false speech until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from alcohol until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from alcohol until the end of my life.[52]

Similarly, in the Mūla-Sarvāstivāda texts used in Tibetan Buddhism, the precepts are formulated such that one takes the precepts upon oneself for one's entire lifespan, following the examples of the enlightened disciples of the Buddha (arahant).[48]


Accompanying virtues[12][25]

hideRelated to human rights[53][54]

1. Abstention from killing living beings

Kindness and compassion

Right to life

2. Abstention from theft

Generosity and renunciation

Right of property

3. Abstention from sexual misconduct

Contentment and respect for faithfulness

Right to fidelity in marriage

4. Abstention from falsehood

Being honest and dependable

Right of human dignity

5. Abstention from intoxication

Mindfulness and responsibility

Right of security and safety

Living a life in violation of the precepts is believed to lead to rebirth in a hell.

The five precepts can be found in many places in the Early Buddhist Texts.[55] The precepts are regarded as means to building good character, or as an expression of such character. The Pāli Canon describes them as means to avoid harm to oneself and others.[56] It further describes them as gifts toward oneself and others.[57] Moreover, the texts say that people who uphold them will be confident in any gathering of people,[15][58] will have wealth and a good reputation, and will die a peaceful death, reborn in heaven[48][58] or as a human being. On the other hand, living a life in violation of the precepts is believed to lead to rebirth in an unhappy destination.[15] They are understood as principles that define a person as human in body and mind.[59]

The precepts are normative rules, but are formulated and understood as "undertakings"[60] rather than commandments enforced by a moral authority,[61][62] according to the voluntary and gradualist standards of Buddhist ethics.[63] They are forms of restraint formulated in negative terms, but are also accompanied by virtues and positive behaviors,[12][13][25] which are cultivated through the practice of the precepts.[16][note 4] The most important of these virtues is non-harming (Pāli and Sanskrit: ahiṃsa),[37][65] which underlies all of the five precepts.[25][note 5] Precisely, the texts say that one should keep the precepts, adhering to the principle of comparing oneself with others:[67]

"For a state that is not pleasant or delightful to me must be so to him also; and a state that is not pleasing or delightful to me, how could I inflict that upon another?"[68]

In other words, all living beings are alike in that they want to be happy and not suffer. Comparing oneself with others, one should therefore not hurt others as one would not want to be hurt.[69] Ethicist Pinit Ratanakul argues that the compassion which motivates upholding the precepts comes from an understanding that all living beings are equal and of a nature that they are 'not-self' (Pali: anattā).[70] Another aspect that is fundamental to this is the belief in karmic retribution.[71]

A layperson who upholds the precepts is described in the texts as a "jewel among laymen".

In the upholding or violation of the precepts, intention is crucial.[72][73] In the Pāli scriptures, an example is mentioned of a person stealing an animal only to set it free, which was not seen as an offense of theft.[72] In the Pāli commentaries, a precept is understood to be violated when the person violating it finds the object of the transgression (e.g. things to be stolen), is aware of the violation, has the intention to violate it, does actually act on that intention, and does so successfully.[74]

Upholding the precepts is sometimes distinguished in three levels: to uphold them without having formally undertaken them; to uphold them formally, willing to sacrifice one's own life for it; and finally, to spontaneously uphold them.[75] The latter refers to the arahant, who is understood to be morally incapable of violating the first four precepts.[76] A layperson who upholds the precepts is described in the texts as a "jewel among laymen".[77] On the other hand, the most serious violations of the precepts are the five actions of immediate retribution, which are believed to lead the perpetrator to an unavoidable rebirth in hell. These consist of injuring a Buddha, killing an arahant, killing one's father or mother, and causing the monastic community to have a schism.[25]
Practice in general[edit]

Lay followers often undertake these training rules in the same ceremony as they take the refuges.[4][78] Monks administer the precepts to the laypeople, which creates an additional psychological effect.[79] Buddhist lay people may recite the precepts regularly at home, and before an important ceremony at the temple to prepare the mind for the ceremony.[5][79]

Thich Nhat Hanh has written about the five precepts in a wider scope, with regard to social and institutional relations.

The five precepts are at the core of Buddhist morality.[49] In field studies in some countries like Sri Lanka, villagers describe them as the core of the religion.[79] Anthropologist Barend Terwiel found in his fieldwork that most Thai villagers knew the precepts by heart, and many, especially the elderly, could explain the implications of the precepts following traditional interpretations.[80]

Nevertheless, Buddhists do not all follow them with the same strictness.[49] Devotees who have just started keeping the precepts will typically have to exercise considerable restraint. When they become used to the precepts, they start to embody them more naturally.[81] Researchers doing field studies in traditional Buddhist societies have found that the five precepts are generally considered demanding and challenging.[79][82] For example, anthropologist Stanley Tambiah found in his field studies that strict observance of the precepts had "little positive interest for the villager ... not because he devalues them but because they are not normally open to him". Observing precepts was seen to be mostly the role of a monk or an elderly lay person.[83] More recently, in a 1997 survey in Thailand, only 13.8% of the respondents indicated they adhered to the five precepts in their daily lives, with the fourth and fifth precept least likely to be adhered to.[84] Yet, people do consider the precepts worth striving for, and do uphold them out of fear of bad karma and being reborn in hell, or because they believe in that the Buddha issued these rules, and that they therefore should be maintained.[85][86] Anthropologist Melford Spiro found that Burmese Buddhists mostly upheld the precepts to avoid bad karma, as opposed to expecting to gain good karma.[87] Scholar of religion Winston King observed from his field studies that the moral principles of Burmese Buddhists were based on personal self-developmental motives rather than other-regarding motives. Scholar of religion Richard Jones concludes that the moral motives of Buddhists in adhering to the precepts are based on the idea that renouncing self-service, ironically, serves oneself.[88]

In East Asian Buddhism, the precepts are intrinsically connected with the initiation as a Buddhist lay person. Early Chinese translations such as the Upāsaka-śila Sūtra hold that the precepts should only be ritually transmitted by a monastic. The texts describe that in the ritual the power of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas is transmitted, and helps the initiate to keep the precepts. This "lay ordination" ritual usually occurs after a stay in a temple, and often after a monastic ordination (Pali: upsampadā); has taken place. The ordained lay person is then given a religious name. The restrictions that apply are similar to a monastic ordination, such as permission from parents.[89]

In the Theravāda tradition, the precepts are usually taken "each separately" (Pali: visuṃ visuṃ), to indicate that if one precept should be broken, the other precepts are still intact. In very solemn occasions, or for very pious devotees, the precepts may be taken as a group rather than each separately.[90][91] This does not mean, however, that only some of the precepts can be undertaken; they are always committed to as a complete set.[92] In East Asian Buddhism, however, the vow of taking the precepts is considered a solemn matter, and it is not uncommon for lay people to undertake only the precepts that they are confident they can keep.[36] The act of taking a vow to keep the precepts is what makes it karmically effective: Spiro found that someone who did not violate the precepts, but did not have any intention to keep them either, was not believed to accrue any religious merit. On the other hand, when people took a vow to keep the precepts, and then broke them afterwards, the negative karma was considered larger than in the case no vow was taken to keep the precepts.[93]

Several modern teachers such as Thich Nhat Hanh and Sulak Sivaraksa have written about the five precepts in a wider scope, with regard to social and institutional relations. In these perspectives, mass production of weapons or spreading untruth through media and education also violates the precepts.[94][95] On a similar note, human rights organizations in Southeast Asia have attempted to advocate respect for human rights by referring to the five precepts as guiding principles.[96]
First precept[edit]
Textual analysis[edit]

The first of the five precepts includes abstention from killing small animals such as insects.

The first precept prohibits the taking of life of a sentient being. It is violated when someone intentionally and successfully kills such a sentient being, having understood it to be sentient and using effort in the process.[74][97] Causing injury goes against the spirit of the precept, but does, technically speaking, not violate it.[98] The first precept includes taking the lives of animals, even small insects. However, it has also been pointed out that the seriousness of taking life depends on the size, intelligence, benefits done and the spiritual attainments of that living being. Killing a large animal is worse than killing a small animal (also because it costs more effort); killing a spiritually accomplished master is regarded as more severe than the killing of another "more average" human being; and killing a human being is more severe than the killing of an animal. But all killing is condemned.[74][99][100] Virtues that accompany this precept are respect for dignity of life,[65] kindness and compassion,[25] the latter expressed as "trembling for the welfare of others".[101] A positive behavior that goes together with this precept is protecting living beings.[13] Positive virtues like sympathy and respect for other living beings in this regard are based on a belief in the cycle of rebirth—that all living beings must be born and reborn.[102] The concept of the fundamental Buddha nature of all human beings also underlies the first precept.[103]

The description of the first precept can be interpreted as a prohibition of capital punishment.[8] Suicide is also seen as part of the prohibition.[104] Moreover, abortion (of a sentient being) goes against the precept, since in an act of abortion, the criteria for violation are all met.[97][105] In Buddhism, human life is understood to start at conception.[106] A prohibition of abortion is mentioned explicitly in the monastic precepts, and several Buddhist tales warn of the harmful karmic consequences of abortion.[107][108] Bioethicist Damien Keown argues that Early Buddhist Texts do not allow for exceptions with regard to abortion, as they consist of a "consistent' (i.e. exceptionless) pro-life position".[109][10] Keown further proposes that a middle way approach to the five precepts is logically hard to defend.[110] Asian studies scholar Giulo Agostini argues, however, that Buddhist commentators in India from the 4th century onward thought abortion did not break the precepts under certain circumstances.[111]

Buddhist tales describe the karmic consequences of abortion.[108]

Ordering another person to kill is also included in this precept,[11][98] therefore requesting or administering euthanasia can be considered a violation of the precept,[11] as well as advising another person to commit abortion.[112] With regard to euthanasia and assisted suicide, Keown quotes the Pāli Dīgha Nikāya that says a person upholding the first precept "does not kill a living being, does not cause a living being to be killed, does not approve of the killing of a living being".[113] Keown argues that in Buddhist ethics, regardless of motives, death can never be the aim of one's actions.[114]

Interpretations of how Buddhist texts regard warfare are varied, but in general Buddhist doctrine is considered to oppose all warfare. In many Jātaka tales, such as that of Prince Temiya, as well as some historical documents, the virtue of non-violence is taken as an opposition to all war, both offensive and defensive. At the same time, though, the Buddha is often shown not to explicitly oppose war in his conversations with political figures. Buddhologist André Bareau points out that the Buddha was reserved in his involvement of the details of administrative policy, and concentrated on the moral and spiritual development of his disciples instead. He may have believed such involvement to be futile, or detrimental to Buddhism. Nevertheless, at least one disciple of the Buddha is mentioned in the texts who refrained from retaliating his enemies because of the Buddha, that is King Pasenadi (Sanskrit: Prasenajit). The texts are ambiguous in explaining his motives though.[115] In some later Mahāyāna texts, such as in the writings of Asaṅga, examples are mentioned of people who kill those who persecute Buddhists.[116][117] In these examples, killing is justified by the authors because protecting Buddhism was seen as more important than keeping the precepts. Another example that is often cited is that of King Duṭṭhagāmaṇī, who is mentioned in the post-canonical Pāli Mahāvaṃsa chronicle. In the chronicle, the king is saddened with the loss of life after a war, but comforted by a Buddhist monk, who states that nearly everyone who was killed did not uphold the precepts anyway.[118][119] Buddhist studies scholar Lambert Schmithausen argues that in many of these cases Buddhist teachings like that of emptiness were misused to further an agenda of war or other violence.[120]
In practice[edit]

See also: Religion and capital punishment § Buddhism, and Abortion in Japan

In Buddhism, there are different opinions about whether vegetarianism should be practiced.[25]

Field studies in Cambodia and Burma have shown that many Buddhists considered the first precept the most important, or the most blamable.[49][98] In some traditional communities, such as in Kandal Province in pre-war Cambodia, as well as Burma in the 1980s, it was uncommon for Buddhists to slaughter animals, to the extent that meat had to be bought from non-Buddhists.[49][66] In his field studies in Thailand in the 1960s, Terwiel found that villagers did tend to kill insects, but were reluctant and self-conflicted with regard to killing larger animals.[121] In Spiro's field studies, however, Burmese villagers were highly reluctant even to kill insects.[66]

Early Buddhists did not adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. Indeed, in several Pāli texts vegetarianism is described as irrelevant in the spiritual purification of the mind. There are prohibitions on certain types of meat, however, especially those which are condemned by society. The idea of abstaining from killing animal life has also led to a prohibition on professions that involve trade in flesh or living beings, but not to a full prohibition of all agriculture that involves cattle.[122] In modern times, referring to the law of supply and demand or other principles, some Theravādin Buddhists have attempted to promote vegetarianism as part of the five precepts. For example, the Thai Santi Asoke movement practices vegetarianism.[62][123]

Furthermore, among some schools of Buddhism, there has been some debate with regard to a principle in the monastic discipline. This principle states that a Buddhist monk cannot accept meat if it comes from animals especially slaughtered for him. Some teachers have interpreted this to mean that when the recipient has no knowledge on whether the animal has been killed for him, he cannot accept the food either. Similarly, there has been debate as to whether laypeople should be vegetarian when adhering to the five precepts.[25] Though vegetarianism among Theravādins is generally uncommon, it has been practiced much in East Asian countries,[25] as some Mahāyāna texts, such as the Mahāparanirvana Sūtra and the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, condemn the eating of meat.[12][124] Nevertheless, even among Mahāyāna Buddhists—and East Asian Buddhists—there is disagreement on whether vegetarianism should be practiced. In the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, biological, social and hygienic reasons are given for a vegetarian diet; however, historically, a major factor in the development of a vegetarian lifestyle among Mahāyāna communities may have been that Mahāyāna monastics cultivated their own crops for food, rather than living from alms.[125] Already from the 4th century CE, Chinese writer Xi Chao understood the five precepts to include vegetarianism.[124]

The Dalai Lama has rejected forms of protest that are self-harming.[63]

Apart from trade in flesh or living beings, there are also other professions considered undesirable. Vietnamese teacher Thich Nhat Hanh gives a list of examples, such as working in the arms industry, the military, police, producing or selling poison or drugs such as alcohol and tobacco.[126]

In general, the first precept has been interpreted by Buddhists as a call for non-violence and pacifism. But there have been some exceptions of people who did not interpret the first precept as an opposition to war. For example, in the twentieth century, some Japanese Zen teachers wrote in support of violence in war, and some of them argued this should be seen as a means to uphold the first precept.[127] There is some debate and controversy surrounding the problem whether a person can commit suicide, such as self-immolation, to reduce other people's suffering in the long run, such as in protest to improve a political situation in a country. Teachers like the Dalai Lama and Shengyan have rejected forms of protest like self-immolation, as well as other acts of self-harming or fasting as forms of protest.[63]

Although capital punishment goes against the first precept, as of 2001, many countries in Asia still maintained the death penalty, including Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and Taiwan. In some Buddhist countries, such as Sri Lanka and Thailand, capital punishment was applied during some periods, while during other periods no capital punishment was used at all. In other countries with Buddhism, like China and Taiwan, Buddhism, or any religion for that matter, has had no influence in policy decisions of the government. Countries with Buddhism that have abolished capital punishment include Cambodia and Hong Kong.[128]

In general, Buddhist traditions oppose abortion.[111] In many countries with Buddhist traditions such as Thailand, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, however, abortion is a widespread practice, whether legal or not. Many people in these countries consider abortion immoral, but also think it should be less prohibited. Ethicist Roy W. Perrett, following Ratanakul, argues that this field research data does not so much indicate hypocrisy, but rather points at a "middle way" in applying Buddhist doctrine to solve a moral dilemma. Buddhists tend to take "both sides" on the pro-life–pro-choice debate, being against the taking of life of a fetus in principle, but also believing in compassion toward mothers. Similar attitudes may explain the Japanese mizuko kuyō ceremony, a Buddhist memorial service for aborted children, which has led to a debate in Japanese society concerning abortion, and finally brought the Japanese to a consensus that abortion should not be taken lightly, though it should be legalized. This position, held by Japanese Buddhists, takes the middle ground between the Japanese neo-Shinto "pro-life" position, and the liberationist, "pro-choice" arguments.[129] Keown points out, however, that this compromise does not mean a Buddhist middle way between two extremes, but rather incorporates two opposite perspectives.[110] In Thailand, women who wish to have abortion usually do so in the early stages of pregnancy, because they believe the karmic consequences are less then. Having had abortion, Thai women usually make merits to compensate for the negative karma.[130]
Second precept[edit]
Textual analysis[edit]

Studies discovered that people who did not adhere to the five precepts more often tended to pay bribes.

The second precept prohibits theft, and involves the intention to steal what one perceives as not belonging to oneself ("what is not given") and acting successfully upon that intention. The severity of the act of theft is judged by the worth of the owner and the worth of that which is stolen. Underhand dealings, fraud, cheating and forgery are also included in this precept.[74][131] Accompanying virtues are generosity, renunciation,[12][25] and right livelihood,[132] and a positive behavior is the protection of other people's property.[13]
In practice[edit]

The second precept includes different ways of stealing and fraud. Borrowing without permission is sometimes included,[62][80] as well as gambling.[80][133] Psychologist Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs did studies in the 2000s and 2010s in Thailand and discovered that people who did not adhere to the five precepts more often tended to believe that money was the most important goal in life, and would more often pay bribes than people who did adhere to the precepts.[134][135] On the other hand, people who observed the five precepts regarded themselves as wealthier and happier than people who did not observe the precepts.[136]

Professions that are seen to violate the second precept include working in the gambling industry or marketing products that are not actually required for the customer.[137]
Third precept[edit]
Textual analysis[edit]

The third precept condemns sexual misconduct. This has been interpreted in classical texts to include adultery with a married or engaged person, fornication, rape, incest, sex with a minor (or a person "protected by any relative"), and sex with a prostitute.[138] In later texts, details such as intercourse at an inappropriate time or inappropriate place are also counted as breaches of the third precept.[139] Masturbation goes against the spirit of the precept, though in the early texts it is not prohibited for laypeople.[140][141]

The third precept is explained as leading to greed in oneself and harm to others. The transgression is regarded as more severe if the other person is a good person.[140][141] Virtues that go hand-in-hand with the third precept are contentment, especially with one's partner,[25][101] and recognition and respect for faithfulness in a marriage.[13]
In practice[edit]

The third precept is interpreted as avoiding harm to another by using sensuality in the wrong way. This means not engaging with inappropriate partners, but also respecting one's personal commitment to a relationship.[62] In some traditions, the precept also condemns adultery with a person whose spouse agrees with the act, since the nature of the act itself is condemned. Furthermore, flirting with a married person may also be regarded as a violation.[80][138] Though prostitution is discouraged in the third precept, it is usually not actively prohibited by Buddhist teachers.[142] With regard to applications of the principles of the third precept, the precept, or any Buddhist principle for that matter, is usually not connected with a stance against contraception.[143][144] In traditional Buddhist societies such as Sri Lanka, pre-marital sex is considered to violate the precept, though this is not always adhered to by people who already intend to marry.[141][145]

In the interpretation of modern teachers, the precept includes any person in a sexual relationship with another person, as they define the precept by terms such as sexual responsibility and long-term commitment.[138] Some modern teachers include masturbation as a violation of the precept,[146] others include certain professions, such as those that involve sexual exploitation, prostitution or pornography, and professions that promote unhealthy sexual behavior, such as in the entertainment industry.[137]
Fourth precept[edit]
Textual analysis[edit]

Work that involves online scams can also be included as a violation of the fourth precept.

The fourth precept involves falsehood spoken or committed to by action.[140] Avoiding other forms of wrong speech are also considered part of this precept, consisting of malicious speech, harsh speech and gossip.[147][148] A breach of the precept is considered more serious if the falsehood is motivated by an ulterior motive[140] (rather than, for example, "a small white lie").[149] The accompanying virtue is being honest and dependable,[25][101] and involves honesty in work, truthfulness to others, loyalty to superiors and gratitude to benefactors.[132] In Buddhist texts, this precept is considered second in importance to the first precept, because a lying person is regarded to have no shame, and therefore capable of many wrongs.[146] Untruthfulness is not only to be avoided because it harms others, but also because it goes against the Buddhist ideal of finding the truth.[149][150]
In practice[edit]

The fourth precept includes avoidance of lying and harmful speech.[151] Some modern teachers such as Thich Nhat Hanh interpret this to include avoiding spreading false news and uncertain information.[146] Work that involves data manipulation, false advertising or online scams can also be regarded as violations.[137] Terwiel reports that among Thai Buddhists, the fourth precept is also seen to be broken when people insinuate, exaggerate or speak abusively or deceitfully.[80]
Fifth precept[edit]
Textual analysis[edit]

The fifth precept prohibits intoxication through alcohol, drugs or other means.[12]

The fifth precept prohibits intoxication through alcohol, drugs or other means, and its virtues are mindfulness and responsibility,[12][13] applied to food, work, behavior, and with regard to the nature of life.[132] Awareness, meditation and heedfulness can also be included here.[125] Medieval Pāli commentator Buddhaghosa writes that whereas violating the first four precepts may be more or less blamable depending on the person or animal affected, the fifth precept is always "greatly blamable", as it hinders one from understanding the Buddha's teaching and may lead one to "madness".[18] In ancient China, Daoshi described alcohol as the "doorway to laxity and idleness" and as a cause of suffering. Nevertheless, he did describe certain cases when drinking was considered less of a problem, such as in the case of a queen distracting the king by alcohol to prevent him from murder. However, Daoshi was generally strict in his interpretations: for example, he allowed medicinal use of alcohol only in extreme cases.[152] Early Chinese translations of the Tripitaka describe negative consequences for people breaking the fifth precept, for themselves and their families. The Chinese translation of the Upāsikaśila Sūtra, as well as the Pāli version of the Sigālovāda Sutta, speak of ill consequences such as loss of wealth, ill health, a bad reputation and "stupidity", concluding in a rebirth in hell.[18][153] The Dīrghāgama adds to that that alcohol leads to quarreling, negative states of mind and damage to one's intelligence. The Mahāyāna Brahmajāla Sūtra[note 6] describes the dangers of alcohol in very strong terms, including the selling of alcohol.[154] Similar arguments against alcohol can be found in Nāgārjuna's writings.[155] The strict interpretation of prohibition of alcohol consumption can be supported by the Upāli Sūtra's statement that a disciple of the Buddha should not drink any alcohol, "even a drop on the point of a blade of grass". However, in the writing of some Abhidharma commentators, consumption was condemned or condoned, depending on the intention with which alcohol was consumed.[156]
In practice[edit]

The fifth precept is regarded as important, because drinking alcohol is condemned for the sluggishness and lack of self-control it leads to,[72][157] which might lead to breaking the other precepts.[18] In Spiro's field studies, violating the fifth precept was seen as the worst of all the five precepts by half of the monks interviewed, citing the harmful consequences.[18] Nevertheless, in practice it is often disregarded by lay people.[158] In Thailand, drinking alcohol is fairly common, even drunkenness.[159] Among Tibetans, drinking beer is common, though this is only slightly alcoholic.[155] Medicinal use of alcohol is generally not frowned upon,[145] and in some countries like Thailand and Laos, smoking is usually not regarded as a violation of the precept. Thai and Laotian monks have been known to smoke, though monks who have received more training are less likely to smoke.[43][160] On a similar note, as of 2000, no Buddhist country prohibited the sale or consumption of alcohol, though in Sri Lanka Buddhist revivalists unsuccessfully attempted to get a full prohibition passed in 1956.[43] Moreover, pre-Communist Tibet used to prohibit smoking in some areas of the capital. Monks were prohibited from smoking, and the import of tobacco was banned.[43]

Thich Nhat Hanh also includes mindful consumption in this precept, which consists of unhealthy food, unhealthy entertainment and unhealthy conversations, among others.[137][161]
Present trends[edit]

Some scholars have proposed that the five precepts be introduced as a component in mindfulness training programs.

In modern times, adherence to the precepts among Buddhists is less strict than it traditionally was. This is especially true for the third precept. For example, in Cambodia in the 1990s and 2000s, standards with regard to sexual restraint were greatly relaxed.[162] Some Buddhist movements and communities have tried to go against the modern trend of less strict adherence to the precepts. In Cambodia, a millenarian movement led by Chan Yipon promoted the revival of the five precepts.[162] And in the 2010s, the Supreme Sangha Council in Thailand ran a nationwide program called "The Villages Practicing the Five Precepts", aiming to encourage keeping the precepts, with an extensive classification and reward system.[163][164]

In many Western Buddhist organizations, the five precepts play a major role in developing ethical guidelines.[165] Furthermore, Buddhist teachers such as Philip Kapleau, Thich Nhat Hanh and Robert Aitken have promoted mindful consumption in the West, based on the five precepts.[161] In another development in the West, some scholars working in the field of mindfulness training have proposed that the five precepts be introduced as a component in such trainings. Specifically, to prevent organizations from using mindfulness training to further an economical agenda with harmful results to its employees, the economy or the environment, the precepts could be used as a standardized ethical framework. As of 2015, several training programs made explicit use of the five precepts as secular, ethical guidelines. However, many mindfulness training specialists consider it problematic to teach the five precepts as part of training programs in secular contexts because of their religious origins and import.[166]

Peace studies scholar Theresa Der-lan Yeh notes that the five precepts address physical, economical, familial and verbal aspects of interaction, and remarks that many conflict prevention programs in schools and communities have integrated the five precepts in their curriculum. On a similar note, peace studies founder Johan Galtung describes the five precepts as the "basic contribution of Buddhism in the creation of peace".[167]
Theory of ethics[edit]

Peace studies founder Johan Galtung describes the five precepts as the "basic contribution of Buddhism in the creation of peace".[167]

Studying lay and monastic ethical practice in traditional Buddhist societies, Spiro argued ethical guidelines such as the five precepts are adhered to as a means to a higher end, that is, a better rebirth or enlightenment. He therefore concluded that Buddhist ethical principles like the five precepts are similar to Western utilitarianism.[63] Keown, however, has argued that the five precepts are regarded as rules that cannot be violated, and therefore may indicate a deontological perspective in Buddhist ethics.[168][169] On the other hand, Keown has also suggested that Aristotle's virtue ethics could apply to Buddhist ethics, since the precepts are considered good in themselves, and mutually dependent on other aspects of the Buddhist path of practice.[63][170] Philosopher Christopher Gowans disagrees that Buddhist ethics are deontological, arguing that virtue and consequences are also important in Buddhist ethics. Gowans argues that there is no moral theory in Buddhist ethics that covers all conceivable situations such as when two precepts may be in conflict, but is rather characterized by "a commitment to and nontheoretical grasp of the basic Buddhist moral values".[171] As of 2017, many scholars of Buddhism no longer think it is useful to try to fit Buddhist ethics into a Western philosophical category.[172]
Comparison with human rights[edit]

Keown has argued that the five precepts are very similar to human rights, with regard to subject matter and with regard to their universal nature.[173] Other scholars, as well as Buddhist writers and human rights advocates, have drawn similar comparisons.[54][174] For example, the following comparisons are drawn:
Keown compares the first precept with the right to life.[53] The Buddhism-informed Cambodian Institute for Human Rights (CIHR) draws the same comparison.[175]
The second precept is compared by Keown and the CIHR with the right of property.[53][175]
The third precept is compared by Keown to the "right to fidelity in marriage";[53] the CIHR construes this broadly as "right of individuals and the rights of society".[176]
The fourth precept is compared by Keown with the "right not to be lied to";[53] the CIHR writes "the right of human dignity".[176]
Finally, the fifth precept is compared by the CIHR with the right of individual security and a safe society.[176]

Keown describes the relationship between Buddhist precepts and human rights as "look[ing] both ways along the juridical relationship, both to what one is due to do, and to what is due to one".[176][177] On a similar note, Cambodian human rights advocates have argued that for human rights to be fully implemented in society, the strengthening of individual morality must also be addressed.[176] Buddhist monk and scholar Phra Payutto sees the Human Rights Declaration as an unfolding and detailing of the principles that are found in the five precepts, in which a sense of ownership is given to the individual, to make legitimate claims on one's rights. He believes that human rights should be seen as a part of human development, in which one develops from moral discipline (Pali: sīla), to concentration (Pali: samādhi) and finally wisdom (Pali: paññā). He does not believe, however, that human rights are natural rights, but rather human conventions. Buddhism scholar Somparn Promta disagrees with him. He argues that human beings do have natural rights from a Buddhist perspective, and refers to the attūpanāyika-dhamma, a teaching in which the Buddha prescribes a kind of golden rule of comparing oneself with others. (See §Principles, above.) From this discourse, Promta concludes that the Buddha has laid down the five precepts in order to protect individual rights such as right of life and property: human rights are implicit within the five precepts. Academic Buntham Phunsap argues, however, that though human rights are useful in culturally pluralistic societies, they are in fact not required when society is entirely based on the five precepts. Phunsap therefore does not see human rights as part of Buddhist doctrine.[178]
See also[edit]
Dhammika Sutta
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, five principles applied in geopolitics, for which the same term is used
Five Virtues (in Sikhism)

^ Also spelled as pañcasīlani and pañcasikkhāpadani, respectively.[1]
^ The fifth precept has also been connected with right mindfulness.[18]
^ The 6th century CE Chāndogya Upaniśad contains four principles identical to the Buddhist precepts, but lying is not mentioned.[35] In contemporary Jainism, the fifth principle became "appropriation of any sort".[30]
^ This dual meaning in negative formulations is typical for an Indic language like Sanskrit.[64]
^ However, anthropologist Melford Spiro argued that the fundamental virtue behind the precepts was loving-kindness, not "the Hindu notion of non-violence".[66]
^ Not to be confused with the early Buddhist Brahmajala Sutta.

^ Jump up to:a b c d e Terwiel 2012, p. 178.
^ Kent 2008, p. 127 n.17.
^ Gombrich 1995, p. 77.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Getz 2004, p. 673.
^ Jump up to:a b Terwiel 2012, pp. 178–79.
^ Jump up to:a b Keown 2013b, p. 638.
^ Jump up to:a b Wai 2002, p. 4.
^ Jump up to:a b Alarid & Wang 2001, pp. 236–37.
^ Keown 2016a, p. 213.
^ Jump up to:a b Perrett 2000, p. 110.
^ Jump up to:a b c Keown 2016b, p. 170.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Gwynne 2017, The Buddhist Pancasila.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Wijayaratna 1990, pp. 166–67.
^ Gowans 2013, p. 440.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Goodman, Charles (2017). Ethics in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Archived from the original on 8 July 2010.
^ Jump up to:a b Edelglass 2013, p. 479.
^ Powers 2013, āryāṣtāṅga-mārga.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Harvey 2000, p. 77.
^ Osto 2015.
^ McFarlane 1997.
^ Wijayaratna 1990, pp. 166–57.
^ De Silva 2016, p. 79.
^ Keown 2012, p. 31.
^ Tambiah 1992, p. 121.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m Cozort 2015.
^ Cozort & Shields 2018, Dōgen, The Bodhisattva Path according to the Ugra.
^ Jump up to:a b Funayama 2004, p. 98.
^ Funayama 2004, p. 105.
^ Keown 2005, Precepts.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Kohn 1994, p. 173.
^ Keown 2003, p. 210.
^ Cozort & Shields 2018, Precepts in Early and Theravāda Buddhism.
^ Jump up to:a b Gombrich 2006, p. 78.
^ Kohn 1994, pp. 171, 173.
^ Tachibana 1992, p. 58.
^ Jump up to:a b Harvey 2000, p. 83.
^ Jump up to:a b "Ahiṃsā". The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. Oxford University Press. 1997. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018 – via
^ Jump up to:a b Mcdermott 1989, p. 273.
^ Kohn 1994, pp. 173–74.
^ Terwiel 2012, pp. 178–79, 205.
^ Kohn 1994, pp. 171, 175–76.
^ Benn 2005, pp. 214, 223–24, 226, 230–31.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Harvey 2000, p. 79.
^ Benn 2005, p. 231.
^ Kohn 1994, pp. 176–78, 184–85.
^ Terwiel 2012, pp. 179–80.
^ Terwiel 2012, p. 181.
^ Jump up to:a b c Harvey 2000, p. 67.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Ledgerwood 2008, p. 152.
^ Terwiel 2012, p. 182.
^ "CBETA T18 No. 916". Archived from the original on 31 July 2012."CBETA T24 No. 1488". 30 August 2008. Archived from the original on 31 July 2012.Shih, Heng-ching (1994). The Sutra on Upāsaka Precepts (PDF). Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. ISBN 978-0-9625618-5-6."CBETA 電子佛典集成 卍續藏 (X) 第 60 冊 No.1129". 30 August 2008. Archived from the original on 31 July 2012.
^ "X60n1129_002 歸戒要集 第2卷". CBETA 電子佛典集成. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Keown 2012, p. 33.
^ Jump up to:a b Ledgerwood & Un 2010, pp. 540–41.
^ Tedesco 2004, p. 91.
^ MacKenzie 2017, p. 2.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 66.
^ Jump up to:a b Tachibana 1992, p. 63.
^ Wai 2002, p. 2.
^ Gombrich 2006, p. 66.
^ Keown 2003, p. 268.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Meadow 2006, p. 88.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Buswell 2004.
^ Keown 1998, pp. 399–400.
^ Jump up to:a b Keown 2013a, p. 616.
^ Jump up to:a b c Spiro 1982, p. 45.
^ Harvey 2000, pp. 33, 71.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 33.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 120.
^ Ratanakul 2007, p. 241.
^ Horigan 1996, p. 276.
^ Jump up to:a b c Mcdermott 1989, p. 275.
^ Keown 1998, p. 386.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Leaman 2000, p. 139.
^ Leaman 2000, p. 141.
^ Keown 2003, p. 1.
^ De Silva 2016, p. 63.
^ "Festivals and Calendrical Rituals". Encyclopedia of Buddhism. The Gale Group. 2004. Archived from the original on 23 December 2017 – via
^ Jump up to:a b c d Harvey 2000, p. 80.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Terwiel 2012, p. 183.
^ MacKenzie 2017, p. 10.
^ Gombrich 1995, p. 286.
^ Keown 2017, p. 28.
^ Ariyabuddhiphongs 2009, p. 193.
^ Terwiel 2012, p. 188.
^ Spiro 1982, p. 449.
^ Spiro 1982, pp. 99, 102.
^ Jones 1979, p. 374.
^ Harvey 2000, pp. 80–81.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 82.
^ Terwiel 2012, p. 180.
^ Harvey 2000, pp. 82–83.
^ Spiro 1982, p. 217.
^ Queen 2013, p. 532.
^ "Engaged Buddhism". Encyclopedia of Religion. Thomson Gale. 2005. Archived from the original on 29 April 2017 – via
^ Ledgerwood 2008, p. 154.
^ Jump up to:a b "Religions - Buddhism: Abortion". BBC. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b c Harvey 2000, p. 69.
^ Mcdermott 1989, pp. 271–72.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 156.
^ Jump up to:a b c Harvey 2000, p. 68.
^ Wai 2002, p. 293.
^ Horigan 1996, p. 275.
^ Wai 2002, p. 11.
^ Harvey 2000, pp. 313–14.
^ Keown 2016a, p. 206.
^ Mcdermott 2016, pp. 157–64.
^ Jump up to:a b Perrett 2000, p. 101.
^ Keown 2016a, p. 209.
^ Jump up to:a b Keown 2016a, p. 205.
^ Jump up to:a b Agostini 2004, pp. 77–78.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 314.
^ Keown 1998, p. 400.
^ Keown 1998, p. 402.
^ Schmithausen 1999, pp. 50–52.
^ Schmithausen 1999, pp. 57–59.
^ Jones 1979, p. 380.
^ Jones 1979, pp. 380, 385 n.2.
^ Schmithausen 1999, pp. 56–57.
^ Schmithausen 1999, pp. 60–62.
^ Terwiel 2012, p. 186.
^ Mcdermott 1989, pp. 273–74, 276.
^ Swearer 2010, p. 177.
^ Jump up to:a b Kieschnick 2005, p. 196.
^ Jump up to:a b Gwynne 2017, Ahiṃsa and Samādhi.
^ Johansen & Gopalakrishna 2016, p. 341.
^ "Religions - Buddhism: War". BBC. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018.
^ Alarid & Wang 2001, pp. 239–41, 244 n.1.
^ Perrett 2000, pp. 101–03, 109.
^ Ratanakul 1998, p. 57.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 70.
^ Jump up to:a b c Wai 2002, p. 3.
^ Ratanakul 2007, p. 253.
^ Ariyabuddhiphongs & Hongladarom 2011, pp. 338–39.
^ Ariyabuddhiphongs 2007, p. 43.
^ Jaiwong & Ariyabuddhiphongs 2010, p. 337.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Johansen & Gopalakrishna 2016, p. 342.
^ Jump up to:a b c Harvey 2000, pp. 71–72.
^ Harvey 2000, p. 73.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Leaman 2000, p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b c Harvey 2000, p. 72.
^ Derks 1998.
^ "Eugenics and Religious Law: IV. Hinduism and Buddhism". Encyclopedia of Bioethics. The Gale Group. 2004. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018 – via
^ Perrett 2000, p. 112.
^ Jump up to:a b Gombrich 1995, p. 298.
^ Jump up to:a b c Harvey 2000, p. 74.
^ Segall 2003, p. 169.
^ Harvey 2000, pp. 74, 76.
^ Jump up to:a b Harvey 2000, p. 75.
^ Wai 2002, p. 295.
^ Powers 2013, pañca-śīla.
^ Benn 2005, pp. 224, 227.
^ Benn 2005, p. 225.
^ Benn 2005, pp. 225–26.
^ Jump up to:a b Harvey 2000, p. 78.
^ Harvey 2000, pp. 78–79.
^ Tachibana 1992, p. 62.
^ Neumaier 2006, p. 78.
^ Terwiel 2012, p. 185.
^ Vanphanom et al. 2009, p. 100.
^ Jump up to:a b Kaza 2000, p. 24.
^ Jump up to:a b Ledgerwood 2008, p. 153.
^ สมเด็จวัดปากน้ำชงหมูบ้านรักษาศีล 5 ให้อปท.ชวนประชาชนยึดปฎิบัติ [Wat Paknam's Somdet proposes the Five Precept Village for local administrators to persuade the public to practice]. Khao Sod (in Thai). Matichon Publishing. 15 October 2013. p. 31.
^ 39 ล้านคนร่วมหมู่บ้านศีล 5 สมเด็จพระมหารัชมังคลาจารย์ ย้ำทำต่อเนื่อง [39 million people have joined Villages Practicing Five Precepts, Somdet Phra Maharatchamangalacharn affirms it should be continued]. Thai Rath (in Thai). Wacharapol. 11 March 2017. Archived from the original on 21 November 2017.
^ Bluck 2006, p. 193.
^ Baer 2015, pp. 957–59, 965–66.
^ Jump up to:a b Yeh 2006, p. 100.
^ Keown 2013a, p. 618.
^ Keown 2013b, p. 643.
^ Edelglass 2013, p. 481.
^ Gowans 2017, pp. 57, 61.
^ Davis 2017, p. 5.
^ Keown 2012, pp. 31–34.
^ Seeger 2010, p. 78.
^ Jump up to:a b Ledgerwood & Un 2010, p. 540.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Ledgerwood & Un 2010, p. 541.
^ Keown 2012, pp. 20–22, 33.
^ Seeger 2010, pp. 78–80, 85–86, 88.

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External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: Five precepts

For a Future to Be Possible: classic work about the five precepts, by Thich Nhat Hanh and several other authors
The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics: by Robert Aitken, about the precepts in Zen Buddhism
Excerpt from the Pāli Canon about the precepts, on website Access to Insight, archived from original on 7 May 2005
Dissertation about the role of the precepts in modern society, and the aspect of heedfulness (apamada)
Article with overview of the role of the precepts in Buddhist teachings, by scholar of religion Donald Swearer (registration required)
The Buddha's Guidelines for Simplifying Life: The Precepts Buddhism for Beginners



Lay Buddhist Practices



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