
Louis Fischer. The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work, and Ideas

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The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work, and IdeasPaperback – November 12, 2002

by Mahatma Gandhi (Author), Louis Fischer (Author),

aperback: 368 pages

Publisher: Vintage; 2nd ed. edition (November 12, 2002)

f 5 stars

An Essential Read

ByD.Beyeron February 18, 2017

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

I reached for Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., men of integrity, courage and selfless service, when I found myself despairing the torrent of news headlining combustible current national and world events. The truth and beauty of Gandhi's words, made digestible by editor Louis Fischer and Vintage Spiritual Classics, allowed me to believe again in our common humanity and dignity. If reading a book such as this is perceived as an "act of prayer," than for me, Gandhi embodied the spirit and love for mankind I imagine God to possess.

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4.0 out of 5 starsGandhi for the Common Man

ByMichael GriswoldVINE VOICEon January 14, 2013

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

The Essential Gandhi edited by Louis Fischer provides the reader with a solid introduction into Gandhi's' life, work, and ideas in his own words. It's not a biography in the conventional understanding of the word, but rather a hybrid mix of biographical note and philosophical articulation of the principles that have made Gandhi one of the most beloved historical figures of the last century. Gandhi was not a perfect man as illustrated by the sections on meat eating and his early religious struggles in the first part of the book. That's really important because noted historical figures sometimes take on a pre-godly reverence that blinds us to their flaws. Highly recommended book on Gandhi that just may cause one to step back and consider their own life.

5.0 out of 5 starsIt is Essential!

ByWill Jeromon July 6, 2008

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

I have been researching Gandhi for a number of years, so I can claim some expertise in evaluating this book. Simply put, I am not sure why I didn't get to it earlier, as it is a superior collection of Gandhi's writings, blended in skillfully with some of Fischer's own writings about Gandhi.

This anthology goes beyond mere collection in that it also is organized with attention to telling the story of Gandhi's life chronologically. If you know the story of Gandhi well, this book will capture some of the rare gems of Gandhi's thought, as well as his controversial ideas.

If you don't know Gandhi's life story yet, start with Fischer's Gandhi: His Life and Message to the World, a short, concise summary. The Essential Gandhi succeeds in being just that: a treasury of thought of one of the most important men of the past century.

5.0 out of 5 starsA Message for Today

ByTony Theilon September 2, 2003

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

Gandhi's words have never been so pertinent as they are today. This is an anthology of his writings, edited by topic in chronological order. It's an autobiography revealing Gandhi's evolution from a fearful young man, afraid of the dark, to a fearless leader who feared no rebuke by an empire. More than an aesthete in a modern world, Gandhi's complexity is revealed in each passage as he penitently reveals his transformation into selfless service and living simply. His words and actions inspired others to follow without fear of retaliation and could guide today's leaders to a peaceful resolve. The book reads like a primer on non-violence.

Eknath Easwaran's 18 page Preface is worth the price of the 339 page paperbound book.

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5.0 out of 5 starsHighlighted most of the Book; Great primer on non violent action

ByAmazon Customeron February 9, 2017

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Reading this, humans are not much different in their struggles for equity than 100 years ago. We face the same biases by the dominant classes, the same challenges in trying to create change, and can use many of the same spiritual and political techniques to work for justice as Gandhi taught. Probably highlighted 1/3 of the book. Yes, read it.

5.0 out of 5 starsGandhi can change a life

ByBen L.on June 4, 2016

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

This book is amazing. It's Gandhi's own words from collections of his writings with brief explanatory notes on the historical context as well. The book is an overview of Gandhi's life and philosophy. I don't think it's hyperbole to say that this book, and the words and actions of Gandhi, have the power to inspire anyone. I had no idea Gandhi was fond of Tolstoy and communicated with him.

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5.0 out of 5 starsWell organized, inspiring

ByPBCon June 8, 2008

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

I've read a total of 3 books about Mahatma Gandhi, all of them stemming from his own writings. This is the best out of those three books.

It is well organized and takes the most crucial parts of his writings and puts them in an order that is coherent and easy to read. The notes by the editor also make it easy for someone who does not know the whole history surrounding Gandhi's plight. She sets the setting and environment with each chapter making sure the reader knows what is going on regardless of their previous knowledge of the situation.

This is why I always suggest this book to anyone who wants to start learning about this amazing man. It is very inspirational, and I have highlighted and reflected on quite a few passages. This is one of my most lent books since everyone hears about and references this man, but very few actually know anything about him.

This is the best book to allow people to be introduced to his ideas and beliefs.

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