
무교회신앙 자료실 | [박상익]무교회주의란 무엇인가 - Daum 카페

무교회신앙 자료실 | [박상익]무교회주의란 무엇인가 - Daum 카페

[박상익]무교회주의란 무엇인가|▶[무교회자료]
박상익|조회 2472|추천 1|2004.06.01. 22:03

무교회주의란 무엇인가

무교회주의(無敎會主義)의 본질은 한마디로 말해 마틴 루터(Martin Luther)의 종교개혁 원리인 믿음지상주의, 성경지상주의, 만인사제주의를 철저히 지켜내자는 데 있다. 그러나 유감스럽게도 오늘날 우리 주변의 상당수 프로테스탄트 교회들은 루터의 종교개혁 정신으로부터 중세 카톨릭을 향해 대거 유턴(U-turn)하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 특히 만인사제주의는 거의 완벽하게 포기되고 있는 것으로 판단된다.

교회를 성전(聖殿)이라 부르면서 마치 건물 자체에 신성이 깃들기라도 한 듯이 생각하고, 설교단을 지성소(至聖所)라도 되는 것처럼 여기는 허망한 중세적 관행이 아무쪼록 교계 전체에 만연된 현상이 아니기를 바랄 뿐이다.

교회란 무엇인가? 한글 신약성서에 나오는 “교회”는 그리스어로 “에클레시아(ekklesia)”이다. 고대 아테네 민주정의 중추 기구였던 “민회” 또한 그리스어로 “에클레시아”이다. 이런 용례에서 보듯이 에클레시아는 특정 장소나 건물을 가리키는 말이 아니라, 사람들의 “모임”이라고 보는 것이 정확하다.

“두세 사람이 내 이름으로 모이는 자리에는 내가 그들과 함께 있다”(마태복음 18: 20)는 예수의 말씀은 성경이 말하는 에클레시아의 본질이 무엇인지를 단적으로 표현해주고 있다. 이런 의미에서 최근 영국 옥스퍼드 대학에서 출간된 <개정 영어성경>(Revised English Bible, 1992)이 에클레시아의 역어(譯語)로서 집회(集會: congregation 또는 assembly)를 사용하고 있다는 것은 음미해볼 만한 일이다.

일상 대화 속에서 우리는 흔히 “댁은 교회 믿어요?”라고 말한다. 교회를 기독교와 동일시하는 습관이 무의식적으로 일상 언어에 투사된 경우라고 할 것이다. 그러나 “교회를 믿는 종교”는 엄밀히 말해서 기독교(Christianity)가 아니다. <옥스퍼드 영어사전>(Oxford English Dictionary)에는 그것을 가리키는 말로 “교회교(敎會敎, Churchianity)”라는 단어가 명시되어 있다.

무교회주의자들에게는 교회―및 교회로 상징되는 설교단, 성가대, 헌금, 목사, 장로, 집사 따위―가 없다. 그러나 그들에게는 에클레시아(집회 또는 회중)가 있다. 무교회주의는 교회교를 거부하고, 에클레시아를 바탕으로 한 순수한 기독교로 돌아가자는 의지의 천명이기도 하다.

무교회주의에는 두 가지 측면이 있다. 먼저 유형적(有形的)인 분파(sect)로서의 측면이 있다. 우리나라에는 과거 김교신(金敎臣), 함석헌(咸錫憲), 송두용(宋斗用) 선생 등이 모임을 이끌었고, 오늘날에는 노평구(盧平久), 유희세(劉熙世) 선생 등에 의해 전국 각지에 모임이 형성되어 있다.

또한 무교회주의에는 시공을 초월하여 편재(遍在)해 있는 무형적(無形的)인 “정신” 또는 “이념”으로서의 측면도 있다. 실제로 우리 주변에는 교회에 속하면서도 교회주의에 환멸을 느끼고 무교회주의 정신에 공감하는 사람들을, 심지어 성직자들 중에서도 상당수 볼 수 있다. 이런 의미에서, 교회주의에 오염되지 않은 순수한 기독교를 추구하는 모든 사람은 무교회주의자라고 할 수 있다.

<어느 무교회주의자의 구약성서 읽기>(도서출판 부키, 2000)에 실린 박상익의 글입니다.

댓글 10

reality 05.07.21. 18:32
복음주의 (evangelicalism)라는 말을 보았는데 그게 무엇인지요? 기독교의 한 분파인가요? 기독교는 예수의 복음 으로 세워진 종교라고 알고 있는데 왜 복음주의라는 말이 있는지? 궁금합니다. 무교회주의라는 말도 역설적인 측면에서 복음주의라는 단어와 비슷한 것 같습니다.

선비수 05.09.15. 13:33
듣던중 참말로 방가운 얘기입니다 앞으로 좋은 말씀 많이 읽게되어 기쁩니다^^*

밑줄쫙 06.02.24. 12:41
복음주의는 자유주의 신학을 반대하고, 극단적인 근본주의에 회의를 느낀 근본주의자들이 표방하고 나선 운동이라고 들었습니다.

chain 07.04.05. 01:30
무교회주의라는 주의에 고착하지 않으려고 하는 것이 무교회일 것입니다. 교회사에 의하면 기독교의 발전은 "보이는 교회"와 "보이지 않는 교회=천상의 교회"의 갈등으로 발전하는 줄 압니다. 꼭 교회에만 구원이 있는 것이 아니고 제도 교회를 벗어나서도 두 세사람이 예수 이름으로 모이는 곳이 참 된 교회이라는 것이지요. 가운을 입는다고 성직자가 아니거늘 화려한 문장을 만들어 두르기까지 해야 성직자인 양하는 분들이 카톨릭으로 되고 싶어하는 분들이라고 여겨지기도 합니다만 실례라면 용서하시기 바라고 글 감사합니다. 성경말씀사 최병인 올림

박상익 12.02.11. 14:00
'주의'란 말에 너무 민감할 필요는 없지 않을까 하고 생각합니다. 개신교(Protestantism)도 ‘주의’(ism)고 장로교(Presbyterianism), 감리교(Methodism)도 모두 ‘주의’이거든요. 의미를 과잉 부여하는게 문제인듯..

oO하나님의 핸드폰Oo 07.08.01. 10:19
글에서 제도화된 교회의 모습에 대해서 비판하는 부분을 읽으니 논리적인 괴리가 보입니다. 다른 글들을 더 읽어 봐야 겠네요.

박상익 07.08.02. 14:35
아니다 싶으면 재빨리 <백스페이스>를 눌러주시는 센스~

비내림 09.01.18. 20:41
기독교를 인정하지 않는 국가에서 가정예배를 보시는분들도 무교회신앙인들 입니다.그런분들에게 선교명분으로 목사/교파/복음을 가르치시려는 목사/교회들이 너무 많이 있습니다. 무교회신앙인들은 순수한 기독교를 추구하도록 지하가정기독교인들에 복음만 전하고 있습니다.

choice 12.02.10. 12:10
제가 찾던 교회가 바로 초대 루터교회 같은 곳이었습니다.
아직은 잘 모르지만 바로 찾은 것 같은 느낌이 오네요

박상익 12.02.11. 13:59
기대가 크면 실망도 큰 법입니다.^^

무교회신앙 자료실 - Daum 카페 박상익

무교회신앙 자료실 - Daum 카페

▶[김교신선생]|김교신선생에 대한 각종 글과 보도자료들입니다.

글쓰기 새글 0 / 103

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108조선 지리 소고 /성서조선 第 62 號 (1934年 3月) [3]박상익17.08.021360
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106김교신선생기념사업회 <김교신, 한국 사회의 길을 묻다>(홍성사)박상익16.11.06310
105우치무라·김교신의 '교회 없는 교회' - 양현혜 교수 [2]박상익16.11.061140
104개인적 판단(Private Judgement) <성서조선> 제27호(1931년 4월) 권두문박상익15.07.17360
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102[김형찬기자 문화비평]'기념행사'만으론 한국사상 미래 없다박상익15.07.15110
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100기승전교회 사진첨부박상익15.07.13500
99기독교가 개독교로 조롱받는 현실에서 [1]박상익15.07.13610
98행간을 읽어달라! [2]박상익15.07.13430
97망하면 망하리라 <성서조선> 63호 (1934年 4月) [8]박상익15.07.10540
96[이정배]동양적 영성과 '조선적 기독교'의 모색: 김교신과 이용도박상익15.06.30410
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이전 1 2 3 4 5 ... 6 다음


루크레티아 모트 - 페미위키

루크레티아 모트 - 페미위키

루크레티아 모트
This page was last edited on 2 April 2018, at 22:38.

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루크레티아 모트의 초상화

루크레티아 모트(영어: Lucretia Mott 1793년 1월 3일 ~ 1880년 11월 11일) 또는 루크리샤 모트, 루크레시아 모트는 세네카 폴스 선언의 중심 인물이었던 노예 해방 운동가이자 여성 인권 운동가이다.
1 세네카 폴스 선언
본문을 가져온 문서이 내용은 세네카 폴스 선언 문서의 본문을 가져와 보여주고 있습니다.

1840년, 런던에서 열린 반노예제도 세계 대회에 참석했던 미국 여성들은 남성 동료들이 여성들의 협조에 대하여 보상하고, 대회에서 주요 역할을 담당할 것을 믿었다. 그러나 상황은 전혀 딴판이었다. 심지어 미국 여권 운동의 가장 중요한 두 지도자였던 루크레티아 모트와 엘리자베스 케이디 스탠튼조차 대회에서 한마디도 발언하지 못했다. 모트와 스탠튼은 남성들이 여성들을 침묵하게 한 것에 분노했고 돌아가는 즉시 여권 대회를 개최할 것을 굳게 맹세했다. 8년 후인 1848년, 300명의 여성과 남성들은 뉴욕 주의 세네카 폴스에 모여 <입장 선언>과 12개항의 결의안을 내놓았다.
2 생애
도주노예법이 통과되고 나서 도망 노예들에게 자신의 집을 피난처로 제공했다.
남북전쟁 후에는 여권 신장과 함께 해방노예들의 투표권과 교육 기회를 얻으려고 애썼다.[1]
3 출처

Jump up↑ 김지석 (2013년 1월 3일). “[역사 속의 인물] 美여권 운동 선구자 루크레티아 모트”. 《매일신문》. 2018년 3월 23일에 확인함.

A Progressive Quaker Sermon - By Lucretia Mott - A Friendly Letter

A Progressive Quaker Sermon - By Lucretia Mott - A Friendly Letter



Lucretia Mott, considered at the time of her death in 1880 to be the “greatest American woman of the nineteenth century” by many of her contemporaries, was a Quaker abolitionist, women’s rights activist and social reformer. She was a key figure in an insurgent movement of Progressive Friends. Her messages and actions are very pertinent today – and laid much of the foundation for the current women’s movement.

On Sunday March 5, 2017, at 1 PM, Chuck Fager, will give a presentation on “Lucretia Mott: What Would She Say If She Were Here Today? HINT: She’d tell us we’re in deep trouble and should get up and get busy. (She’d say it very nicely, but urgently).”

The talk will be at the Orange County NC Main Library, 137 West Margaret Lane, Hillsborough NC. The talk will focus on Lucretia’s wide range of activism on many concerns, her pioneering & unforgettable voice for women, and radical views on numerous other public matters. Free & open to the public.

Y’all come!

Chuck will also discuss how, along with her activism, Lucretia maintained a staunch devotion to family and to Quakerism, even as she helped shake her faith community to its foundations, and as a key figure in the Progressive Friends movement, pushed it toward a future many Friends wanted to avoid.

The presentation is designed for adults interested in Lucretia Mott’s legacy, social activism, women’s rights and related issues, regardless of their religious affiliation.

The presentation is sponsored by the Hillsborough Friends Meeting. Did I mention that it’s free and open to the public? Yeah.

The address excerpted here is more “theological” than activist (she wouldn’t much like the term “theological,” but it fits.) There was not much distinction between them for Lucretia.

PS. Lucretia never prepared her messages, spoke only when she felt moved, and did not write them down. We have this one (and others) only because stenographers were sent in to take them down by shorthand. Sometimes this was to preserve them for admirers; other times it was to gain ammunition for having her disciplined or even disowned (yes, there were several such attempts). The latter efforts did not succeed; but I’m grateful for the record anyway.

Lucretia Mott (1793 – 1880)

1849: Lucretia Mott– From “Likeness to Christ” – A sermon delivered at the Cherry Street Meeting in Philadelphia – Ninth Month 30, 1849

It is time that Christians were judged more by their likeness to Christ than their notions of Christ. Were this sentiment generally admitted we should not see such tenacious adherence to what men deem the opinions and doctrines of Christ while at the same time in every day practice is exhibited anything but a likeness to Christ.

My reflections in this meeting have been upon the origin, parentage, and character of Jesus. I have thought we might profitably dwell upon the facts connected with his life, his precepts, and his practice in his walks among men. Humble as was his birth, obscure as was his parentage, little known as he seemed to be in his neighborhood and country, he has astonished the world and brought a response from all mankind by the purity of his precepts, the excellence of his example. Wherever that inimitable sermon on the mount is read, let it be translated into any language and spread before the people, there is an acknowledgement of its truth. When we come to judge the sectarian professors of his name by the true test, how widely do their lives differ from his?

Instead of going about doing good as was his wont, instead of being constantly in the exercise of benevolence and love as was his practice, we find the disposition too generally to measure the Christian by his assent to a creed which had not its sign with him nor indeed in his day. Instead of engaging in the exercise of peace, justice, and mercy, how many of the professors are arrayed against him in opposition to those great principles even as were his opposers in his day. Instead of being the bold nonconformist (if I may so speak) that he was, they are adhering to old church usages, and worn-out forms and exhibiting little of a Christ like disposition and character.

Instead of uttering the earnest protests against the spirit of proselytism and sectarianism as did the blessed Jesus–the divine, the holy, the born of God, there is the servile accommodation to this sectarian spirit and an observance of those forms even long after there is any claim of virtue in them; a disposition to use language which shall convey belief that in the inmost heart of many they reject.

Is this honest, is this Christ like? Should Jesus again appear and preach as he did round about Judea and Jerusalem and Galilee, these high professors would be among the first to set him at naught, if not to resort to the extremes which were resorted to in his day. There is no danger of this now, however, because the customs of the age will not bear the bigot out in it, but the spirit is manifest, which led martyrs to the stake, Jesus to the cross, Mary Dyer to the gallows. This spirit is now showing itself in casting out the name one [after] another, as evil, in brother delivering up brother unto sectarian death. We say if Jesus should again appear–He is here; he has appeared, from generation to generation and his spirit is now as manifest, in the humble, the meek, the bold reformers, even among some of obscure parentage.

His spirit is now going up and down among men seeking their good, and endeavoring to promote the benign and holy principles of peace, justice, and love. And blessing to the merciful, to the peacemaker, to the pure in heart, and the poor in spirit, to the just, the upright, to those who desire righteousness is earnestly proclaimed, by these messengers of the Highest who are now in our midst. These, the preachers of righteousness, are no more acknowledged by the same class of people than was the messiah to the Jews. They are the anointed of God, the inspired preachers and writers and believers of the present time. In the pure example which they exhibit to the nations, they are emphatically the beloved sons of God.

It is, my friends, my mission to declare these things among you at the hazard of shocking many prejudices. The testimony of the chosen servants of the Highest in our day is equally divine inspiration with the inspired teaching of those in former times. . . .

Let us not hesitate to regard the utterance of truth in our age, as of equal value with that which is recorded in the scriptures. None can revere more than I do the truths of the Bible. I have read it perhaps as much as any one present, and, I trust, with profit. It has at times been more to me than my daily food. When an attempt was made some twenty years ago to engraft some church dogmas upon this society, claiming this book for authority, it led me to examine, and compare text with the content. In so doing I became so much interested that I scarcely noted the passage of time.

Even to this day, when I open this volume, so familiar is almost every chapter that I can sometimes scarcely lay it aside from the interest I feel in its beautiful pages.

But I should be recreant to the principle, did I not say, the great error in Christendom is in regarding these scriptures taken as a whole as the plenary inspiration of God, and their authority as supreme. I consider this as Elias Hicks did one of the greatest drawbacks, one of the greatest barriers to human progress that there is in the religious world, for while this volume is held as it is, and, by a resort to it, war, and slavery, wine drinking, and other cruel, oppressive, and degrading evils are sustained, pleading the example of the ancients as authority it serves as a check to human progress, as an obstacle in the way of these great and glorious reformers that are now upon the field.

Well did that servant of God, Elias Hicks, warn the people against an undue veneration of the Bible, or of any human authority, any written record or outward testimony. The tendency of his ministry was to lead the mind to the divine teacher, the sublime ruler, that all would find within themselves, which was above men’s teaching, human records, or outward authorities. Highly as he valued these ancient testimonies, they were not to take the place of the higher law inwardly revealed, which was and should be, the governing principle of our lives.

. . . Let us also not hesitate to declare it, and to speak the truth plainly as it is in Jesus, that we believe the time is come when this undue adherence to outward authorities, or to any forms of baptism or of communion of church or sabbath worship, should give place to more practical goodness among men, more love manifested one unto another in our every day life, doing good and ministering to the wants and interests of our fellow beings the world over. If we fully believe this, should we be most honest, did we so far seek to please men, more than to please God, as to fail to utter in our meetings, and whenever we feel called upon to do so in our conversation . . . and to exhibit by example, by a life of non-conformity, in accordance with these views, that we have faith and confidence in our convictions?

. . . I desire to speak so as to be understood, and trust there are among you ears blessed that they hear, and that these principles shall be received as the Gospel of the blessed son of God. Happy shall they be, who by observing these, shall come to be divested of the traditions and superstitions which have been clinging to them, leading them to erect an altar “to the unknown God.”

Full text of this message is at this page.

Several other posts on Progressive Friends include:

> A 19th century Virginia Friend’s lessons for us today.

> Living with & Writing about Progressive Friends.

> Early origins of the Progressive Friends movement.

> Progressive Friends & Spiritualism.

A Radio interview about Progressive Friends (25 minutes):

A Social Justice poem published by Progressive Friends


A Progressive Quaker Message from Lucretia MottJanuary 2, 2018In “Cross-Generational Conversation: YAFS & OFFs”

Lucretia Mott's Birthday Secret: No Woman Is an Island?January 3, 2018In “Black & White & Other Colors”

Lucretia Mott & The Wild Chase SceneMarch 3, 2017In “Hard-Core Quaker”
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Joan Kindler
MARCH 11, 2017 AT 2:16 PM

I have read this once. I will read it again…and perhaps many times. This woman was intelligent, insightful and I will research and read as much as I can. When George fox said there was that of God in everyone. what other “sermon”echos this truth . Jesus could not have said it better…It follows the teachings of Jesus as if heard for the first time. Becoming a Quaker over 40
year ago has given me spurts of growth and moments of revelations. This is a moment. Truth exists and is powerfully told by many men and women who have been given the gift to express this Truth in different but amazing ways.