
[경제포커스] 힘든 숙제는 죄다 패싱한 문 정부 5년 - 조선일보

[경제포커스] 힘든 숙제는 죄다 패싱한 문 정부 5년 - 조선일보

[경제포커스] 힘든 숙제는 죄다 패싱한 문 정부 5년

노동·교육·연금 개혁 외면… 다음 정부에 숙제 떠넘겨
佛 마크롱 정부, 5년 내내 개혁… 재선시 ‘연금 개혁 재추진’ 약속
김홍수 논설위원
입력 2021.12.10 03:00

뉴시스 문재인 정부는 5년간 온갖 선심정책으로 국가채무를 400조원 넘게 늘리면서, 노동, 연금, 교육개혁 등 힘든 숙제는 모조리 다음 정부로 미뤘다. 사진은 문재인 대통령이 2021 국민과의 대화 '일상으로'에 참석한 장면

문재인 정부 5년은 손쉽고 폼 나는 일은 과하게 벌이고, 힘든 개혁 과제는 철저히 외면한 시간이었다. 미룬 숙제 대부분은 청년 세대의 미래와 관련된 이슈들이다. 문 정부의 직무유기는 청년들의 기회를 빼앗고 경제적 부담을 전가하는 결과로 이어졌다. 대표적 사례 몇 가지만 살펴보자.

우선 일자리 정부를 표방했음에도 청년들에게 일자리 기회를 열어줄 노동 개혁은 철저히 외면했다. 집권하자마자 박근혜 정부가 힘겹게 첫 단추를 낀 공공기관 성과급, 저성과자 해고 요건 완화를 폐기했다. 대선 공약인 공공기관 직무급 도입도 포기했다. 능력, 성과와 상관없이 매년 월급봉투가 두꺼워지는 호봉제가 청년 실업을 가중시키는 요인인 줄 알면서도 기득권 노조가 반발하자 주저 없이 숙제를 내팽개쳤다.

‘아빠 찬스’가 난무하는 대입 제도 개선도 손을 놓았다. 수능 영어 절대평가를 도입해 수능 변별력을 망쳐놓고 조국 사태로 아빠 찬스 논란이 일자 어정쩡한 ‘정시 확대’로 후퇴했다. 대입 개혁 숙제를 국가교육회의에 미루고, 교육회의는 다시 공론화위로 책임을 떠넘기다 대입 제도를 이도 저도 아닌 잡탕밥으로 만들어놨다.

청년세대에 부담을 전가하는 국민연금 개혁에는 손도 대지 않았다. 연금 개혁 관련 위원회에서 ‘추가 부담안’을 제시하자 대통령이 “납득할 수 없다”고 고개를 가로저었다. 한참 뜸 들이다 정부가 4가지 안을 만들어 국회에 제출했지만 180석 거대 여당은 뭉개기만 했다.

조세 정책에선 ‘보유세 인상, 거래세 인하’가 옳은 방향이라더니, 미친 집값 앞에 우왕좌왕하다 둘 다 가파르게 올렸다. 반면 근로자 10명 중 4명이 세금을 한 푼도 안 내는 근로소득세 수술은 외면하고, 동학개미 눈치 보느라 주식·코인 과세도 회피했다. 그 결과 ‘넓은 세원, 낮은 세율’ ‘소득 있는 곳에 세금 있다’는 조세의 기본 원칙이 완전히 허물어졌다.

문 정부는 온갖 선심 정책과 방만한 재정 운용으로 국가채무를 400조원이나 늘려 ‘나랏빚 1000조원 시대’를 다음 정부에 떠안겼다. 재정 중독 비판을 의식해 국가채무 관리 책임을 규정하는 ‘재정준칙’을 만드는 시늉은 했지만, 국가채무비율 상한선을 60%로 높여 잡고, 그것조차도 적용 시점을 2025년으로 늦추는 꼼수를 부렸다.

이처럼 문 정부는 경제 체질 개선과 재도약에 필요한 개혁 과제는 손도 대지 않는 채 ‘회피’로 일관했다. 대선 공약이라도 지지층이 싫어하는 기색을 보이면 어김없이 ‘미루기-떠넘기기-남 탓’ 3종 세트를 동원해 꼬리를 내렸다. 그 결과는 ‘잃어버린 5년’이다. 정권 교체든, 정권 재창출이든 차기 정부가 덤터기를 쓰게 됐다. 그렇다면 다음 정부는 이런 시대적 과제에 대한 문제의식을 갖고 있을까. 상황은 비관적이다.

민주당 이재명 대선 후보는 “묵은 숙제 전문가”를 자처하지만, 문 정부가 묵힌 숙제에 대해선 뚜렷한 대안을 제시하지 않고 있다. 그러면서 기본 소득, 국토보유세 같은 자신의 핵심 공약조차 하루아침에 뒤엎는 발언을 쏟아낸다. 무슨 국정철학을 갖고 있는지 도대체 알 수가 없다. 정권교체 기수를 자처하는 윤석열 국민의힘 대선 후보는 어떤가. 추상적이고 두루뭉술한 방향만 언급할 뿐 구체적인 정책 대안을 내놓지 않고 있다. 이런 식이라면 누가 다음 대통령이 되더라도 ‘잃어버린 5년’ 시즌 2가 될 공산이 커 보인다.

문 정부와 같은 시기에 출범한 프랑스 마크롱 정부는 노동개혁, 대입 제도 개혁, 공무원 감축 등 5년 내내 개혁 행보를 멈추지 않았다. 마크롱 대통령은 최근 대국민 연설에서 코로나 사태로 중단된 연금개혁을 재선되면 이어가겠다고 약속했다. 달라도 너무 다르지 않은가.

김홍수 논설위원

22 h  · 
문정권은 진보/좌파 정권이 아니라 역겨운 양아치 정권이라고 생각하는 이유 입니다. 이래 놓고 김대중, 노무현 사진을 걸어놓고 그 후예라고 사기치는 꼴을 보면 그저 이가 갈립니다. 김대중, 노무현 좋아하는 사람이라면, 두 대통령이 문정권이 패싱한 문제를 어떻게 처리했을지 생각 한번 해 보시기 바랍니다. 노무현의 정책적 분신인 김병준이 왜 국힘당 상임선대위원장을 맡았는지도!!!
 2022년~24년 총선까지 2년간은 법률을 개정해야 하는  개혁(힘든 숙제)은 거의 안될 것입니다. 하지만 이 문제가 얼마나 심각한 지, 문정권과 민주당이 얼마나 무책임했는지를 적나라하게 드러내는 시간은 될 것입니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 대통령의 인사권, 대통령령과 부령 제개정, 예산 포트폴리오 변경과 공공기관을 활용한 개혁은 많이 할 수 있을 것입니다. 탈원전 정책은 간단히 엎을 수 있습니다. 최저임금도 공익위원을 바꿔서 할 수있고, 주52시간은 시행령 개정으로 훨씬 탄력적으로 운용할 수 있을 겁니다. 물론 검찰에 물렸던 재갈도 벗길 수 있습니다. 정권이 바뀌면 엄청나게 많은 것을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 
 문 정부는 경제 체질 개선과 재도약에 필요한 개혁 과제는 손도 대지 않는 채 ‘회피’로 일관했다. 대선 공약이라도 지지층이 싫어하는 기색을 보이면 어김없이 ‘미루기-떠넘기기-남 탓’ 3종 세트를 동원해 꼬리를 내렸다. 그 결과는 ‘잃어버린 5년’이다. 정권 교체든, 정권 재창출이든 차기 정부가 덤터기를 쓰게 됐다. 그렇다면 다음 정부는 이런 시대적 과제에 대한 문제의식을 갖고 있을까. 상황은 비관적이다.
[경제포커스] 힘든 숙제는 죄다 패싱한 문 정부 5년
[경제포커스] 힘든 숙제는 죄다 패싱한 문 정부 5년
경제포커스 힘든 숙제는 죄다 패싱한 문 정부 5년 노동·교육·연금 개혁 외면 다음 정부에 숙제 떠넘겨 佛 마크롱 정부, 5년 내내 개혁 재선시 연금 개혁 재추진 약속

성원용 교수 말씀. 전적으로 동감하는 기사. 문정부는 자기자랑에 몰두했지만 정작 국가의 해묵은 숙제는 죄다 손도 안댔다. 이 기사에서는 중단된 노동, 교육, 연금 개혁을 예로 든다. 나는 추가로 원자력사용후 연료 영구보관시설의 건설을 든다. 설사 탈원전을 하더라도 이미 사용한 연료가 지상 저장시설인 맥스터에 가득 쌓여있다. 당연 수백미터 지하로 옮겨야 재난이나 전쟁 등 모든 상황에서 안전하다. 지을려면 부지 검토와 주민동의 등 시간이 많이 걸린다. 원자력 위험하다 노래부르면서 왜 내 팽개치고 있던 것인가? (사용후 연료 영구보관시설 반대하는 집단은 그저 위안부 할머니 돈으로 잘먹고 살던 윤모와 비슷. 문제가 해결 안되어야 반대하며 세금 등 빨아 먹는다.)https://www.facebook.com/100000998149595/posts/4748143448562213/
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한국인이 불행할 수밖에 없는 결정적 이유 - 오마이뉴스

한국인이 불행할 수밖에 없는 결정적 이유 - 오마이뉴스


프리미엄 소셜 코리아 ㅣ 1화
한국인이 불행할 수밖에 없는 결정적 이유
[소셜 코리아] 이상한 선진국 대한민국이 성공의 덫에서 빠져나오려면


한국의 공론장은 다이내믹합니다. 매체도 많고, 의제도 다양하며 논의가 이뤄지는 속도도 빠릅니다. 하지만 많은 논의가 대안 모색 없이 종결됩니다. 소셜 코리아는 이런 상황을 바꿔 '대안 담론'을 주류화하고자 합니다. 구체적으로는 ▲근거에 기반한 문제 지적과 분석 ▲문제를 다루는 현 정책에 대한 날카로운 비판을 거쳐 ▲실현 가능한 정의로운 대안을 제시하고자 합니다. 소셜 코리아는 재단법인 공공상생연대기금이 상생과 연대의 담론을 확산하고자 학계, 시민사회, 노동계 등 각계각층의 시민들과 함께 만들어가는 열린 플랫폼입니다. 기고 제안은 social.corea@gmail.com으로 보내주시기 바랍니다. [기자말]

▲ '오징어 게임'은 바로 대한민국이 직면한 참혹한 현실을 적나라하게 보여주었다. ⓒ 셔터스톡
기뻐서 춤이라도 춰야 하는 것 아닐까? 요즘처럼 내가 살고 있는 나라, 대한민국이 어떤 나라인지 혼란스러울 때가 없었던 것 같다.

얼마 전까지만 해도 '선진국'은 영원히 우리 손에 잡히지 않을 것 같은 '유토피아'처럼 여겨졌다. 선진국은 1876년 개항 이래 100년이 넘는 시간 동안 한국인이 모든 불합리한 일들을 인내하고 허리끈을 졸라매면서 다다라야 할 궁극의 목적지처럼 여겨졌기 때문이다. 그런데 그 선진국이 어느새 우리의 삶 속에 공기처럼 들어와 있었다.

세계은행, 국제통화기금(IMF), 경제협력개발기구(OECD)는 이미 10여 년 전부터 한국을 고소득 국가로 분류하고 있었다. 그리고 마침내 지난 7월 유엔무역개발기구(UNCTAD)는 개발도상국을 선진국으로 변경하는 역사적 결정을 회원국의 만장일치로 내렸다. 1964년 기구를 설립한 이래 처음 있는 일이다. 그 역사의 주인공은 세계에서 가장 가난했던 나라 한국이었다.

정치적으로도 한국은 1987년 이래 민주주의를 실현하고 있는 소수의 국가 중 하나가 되었다. 물론 민주화 이후 한국의 민주주의는 '결함 있는 민주주의'와 '완전한 민주주의'를 반복적으로 오가고 있지만, 민주주의의 종주국이라고 불리는 미국과 프랑스가 결함 있는 민주주의로 분류된다는 현실을 생각하면 한국의 민주주의는 놀라움 그 자체이다.

어디 이것뿐인가. 한국의 대중문화는 아시아를 넘어 전 세계 사람들의 행동과 마음을 움직이고 있다. 심지어 한국 대중문화는 구래의 악습과 권위주의 정권에 대항하는 사람들의 강력한 저항의 무기가 된 지 오래다. 케이팝 팬들은 미국에서는 반 트럼프 운동을 주도했다고 알려졌으며, 태국, 홍콩, 칠레, 알제리 등에서는 권위주의 정권에 저항하는 중심에 서 있었고, 호주에서는 기후위기 대응을 촉구하는 주체였다. <기생충>, <오징어 게임>, BTS로 대표되는 한국의 대중문화는 지난 40년간 신자유주의가 만들어낸 심각한 불평등을 드러내면서 전 세계인의 공감을 이끌어내고 있다.

▲ 1인당 GDP의 상대적 변화(%), 1946~2018(1946년 기준). 비교를 위해 다음 자료를 재구성한 것이다. Bolt, J. and van Zanden, J. 2020. “Maddison style estimated of the evolution of the world economy: A new 2020 update.” Our World in Data. ⓒ 소셜 코리아
그런데 이상하다. 누구도 상상하지 못했던 기적이 경제, 정치, 문화 거의 모든 곳에서 일어났는데도 나는 신이 나지도, 춤을 출 수도 없다. 세계인이 공감하며 찬탄했던 <기생충>과 <오징어 게임>이 가상의 세계가 아니라 바로 우리 자신이 직면한 참혹한 현실을 적나라하게 보여주었기 때문이다. 한국의 문화적 성공은 자신의 처참한 고통까지도 상품으로 만들어 팔아야 직성이 풀리는 한국인의 소름 돋는 성장제일주의 때문인지도 모른다.

고통마저 상품화

2018년 기준으로 '선진국' 한국의 (상대) 빈곤율은 개발도상국인 터키, 멕시코, 칠레보다 높았다. 66세 이상의 노인 빈곤율은 43.4%로 OECD 회원국 가운데 압도적 1위였다. 중위소득을 소득 하위 10%의 소득으로 나눈 불평등 지수(P50/P10)는 미국에 이어 4번째로 높았다.

한 사회의 불안정성을 나타내는 대표적 지표인 자살률 또한 세계 1위이다. 지난 30년 동안(1987~2017) 대부분의 OECD 회원국에서 자살률이 감소한 것과는 반대로 한국의 자살률은 무려 153.6%나 증가했다.

합계출산율은 인구학자들이 불가능하다고 이야기했던 0.8대(2020년)를 기록했고 더 낮아질 것이라고 한다. 인구 100만 명당 산업재해 사망자 수는 17.0명으로 영국의 1.62명의 10배에 이른다. 서울대 입학생 중 가구 소득이 상위 10%인 비율은 2017년 43.4%에서 불과 3년 만인 2020년 62.9%로 급증했다. 더 참담한 현실은 '어려울 때 의지할 사람이 없다'고 응답한 국민의 비율이 OECD 국가들 중 가장 높았다.

기적처럼 선진국이 되었지만, 그 선진국에서 살아가는 사람들의 모습은 마치 오징어 게임에서처럼 하루하루가 생존을 위한 투쟁이다.

▲ 한국은 개발도상국 중 유일하게 선진국의 대열에 합류했지만 자살률 세계 1위라는 불명예도 안고 있다. ⓒ 게티 이미지 뱅크
그렇다고 공적 복지를 늘리려는 정부의 노력이 후퇴한 것도 아니다. 보수당 정권과 민주당 정권 가릴 것 없이 민주화 이후 복지지출을 꾸준히 늘렸다. GDP 대비 사회지출은 지난 1990년 2.6%에서 2019년 12.2%로 30여 년 만에 4.7배나 증가했다. 복지에 대한 정치권의 관심도 적지 않다. 2022년 3월 대선을 앞두고 유력 대선후보들은 기본소득, 상병수당, 사회서비스 확대 등 다양한 복지정책을 공약으로 내걸고 있다.

경제 성장률이 예전 같지는 않지만, 코로나19 팬데믹 상황에서도 한국 경제는 다른 선진국과 비교해 건실한 성과를 거두었다. 삼성, 현대, LG, SK 등 재벌 대기업은 우물 안 개구리에서 벗어나 명실상부한 글로벌 기업으로 도약했다. 심지어 불의한 정권을 무너뜨리기 위해 연인원 1700만 명이 평화적 집회에 참여하면서 한국의 민주주의는 21세기 민주주의의 새로운 희망으로 불리기도 했다.


그런데 우리가 직면한 이 말도 안 되는 모순은 도대체 무엇이란 말인가. 우리가 지난 100년이 넘는 시간 동안 꿈꿔왔던 선진국의 삶이란 이런 것인가. 이상하다는 말밖에는 한국인이 직면한 이 모순적인 현실을 설명하기 어려울 것 같다.

사람들은 부모 찬스를 사용하는 특권에 분노하고 치솟는 아파트 가격에 피가 거꾸로 도는 울분을 느끼지만, 그 문제를 해결하기 위한 과감한 개혁을 지지하는 것을 주저한다. 불평등과 비정규직이 심각한 문제라고 이야기 하지만, 인천국제공항공사와 서울교통공사가 비정규직을 정규직으로 전환하려고 하자 엄청난 분노를 표출했다. 자신의 사회적 지위가 부모의 사회적 지위에 따라 결정되는 불평등한 한국 사회에 분노하면서도, 정작 그로 인해 고통받는 사람들의 삶을 '공정'이라는 이름으로 외면했다.

결국 한국인이 분노한 것은 성장제일주의 사회가 만들어낸 불평등한 결과가 아니었다. 한국인이 분노한 것은, 이웃의 안정적인 삶이 내 기회를 가로챈 것일지도 모른다는 것에 대한 분노였다.

사회가 유지되지 못할 정도로 출산율이 떨어지고, 매일매일 사람들이 스스로 죽거나 산업재해로 죽어나가도, 청년의 미래가 부모의 사회적 지위에 따라 결정되고, 코로나19 팬데믹이라는 불가항력으로 자영업자들이 눈물을 흘리며 생계를 접어도, 한국 사회는 그것이 치열한 경쟁의 결과라면 눈도 깜짝하지 않을 사회가 된 것이다.

연대가 없다

이런 사회에서 사람들이 서로를 신뢰하며 세금을 내고 국민 모두가 안전하게 살아갈 수 있는 복지국가를 만드는 것은 불가능하다. 사실 지난 30년 동안 복지 지출이 늘어난 것도 사회적 연대의 결과가 아니었다. GDP 대비 사회 지출이 급증했지만 그 대부분은 가입자가 보험료를 내는 사회보험 급여였다. 북서 유럽에서 사회보험은 사회적 연대를 상징하는 제도이지만 한국에서 사회보험은 안정적 고용을 보장받는 계층과 그렇지 못한 계층을 가르는 특권의 상징이 되었기 때문이다.

한국노동사회연구소에 따르면 2020년 8월 현재 정규직의 국민연금과 고용보험 가입률은 94.2%와 84.8%에 이르는 데 반해, 비정규직은 정규직의 절반에도 미치지 못하는 35.5%와 43.1%에 불과했다. 한국에서 사회보험은 내가 낸 것을 내가 돌려받는, 국가가 운영하는 또 하나의 보험 상품일 뿐이다.

▲ 성장을 위해 영혼까지 팔아치운 우리의 노력은 연대 없는 사회를 만들고 성공의 덫에 갇혀버렸다. ⓒ 게티 이미지 뱅크
우리가 실패한 것일까? 그렇지 않다. 어쩌면 헬조선이 된 선진국 대한민국의 모습은 우리가 '실패'했기 때문이 아니라 우리가 '성공'했기 때문일지도 모른다. 성장을 위해 영혼까지 팔아치운 우리의 노력이 기적 같은 성공을 이루었지만, 그 기적 같은 성공을 위해 우리는 '나와 내 가족' 이외에는 그 누구도 믿지 않는 연대 없는 사회를 만들었기 때문이다.

아이러니하게도 우리는 '성공의 덫'에 갇혀 버렸다. 어떻게 해야 이런 성공의 덫에서 빠져나올 수 있을까? 공적 복지를 늘리면 되는 것일까? 새로운 혁신기업을 육성하면 문제가 해결될까? 아닐 것 같다. 만약 성공이 우리가 직면한 헬조선의 원인이라면, 우리가 자랑스러워하는 그 성공의 방식을 총체적으로 바꾸는 길 외에는 다른 대안이 없다. 조금 느리게 갈 수도 조금 빠르게 갈 수도 있을 뿐이다.

재벌 대기업이 숙련 노동자의 일자리를 자동화 기계로 대체하고, 중소기업과 함께 성장하기보다는 손쉽게 국외에서 부품, 소재, 장비를 수입·조립해 수출하는 방식으로 성장하는 경제구조에서 좋은 일자리를 늘리는 것은 불가능하다. 좋은 일자리가 늘어나지 않는다면, 좋은 일자리를 얻기 위한 생존경쟁은 지금보다도 더 치열해질 것이다. 경쟁이 지배하는 사회에서 연대란 상상할 수 없는 일이다.

100년 전의 상상

많은 전문가들이 각자의 위치에서 오랫동안 대안을 이야기했다. 그러나 각각의 대안이 실현된다고 우리가 성공의 덫에서 빠져나올 수 있는 것은 아니다.

지금도 생생히 기억한다. 2005년 노무현 정부가 저출산 현상을 중요한 사회문제로 인식했을 때 나를 포함해 많은 전문가들은 여성이 일과 돌봄을 양립하지 못하는 현실이 가장 큰 문제라고 이야기했다. 그로부터 10년이 넘은 지난 2019년 현재 한국의 0~2세 아동 보육률(해당 연령 아동 중 보육시설을 이용하고 있는 아동의 비율)은 62.7%로 스웨덴의 46.3%보다 1.35배나 높다. 그러나 성 평등이 실현되지 못한 것은 물론이고 출산율은 더 낮아졌다.

그렇다고 보육정책이 실패한 것이 아니다. 출산이라는 삶의 문제는 일과 돌봄의 조화만의 문제도, 성 평등만의 문제도 아닌, 이 시대를 살아가고 있는 사람들의 총체적 삶의 문제였기 때문이다. 결국 우리가 경제, 정치, 문화라는 한국인의 총체적 삶의 조건을 바꾸지 못한다면 우리의 성공이 만들어낸 덫에서 빠져나올 수 없다.

▲ 2022년 대선이 우리의 삶의 조건을 총체적으로 바꾸는 계기가 될 수 있을 것이다. ⓒ 오마이뉴스
2022년 대선이 우리의 삶의 조건을 총체적으로 바꾸는 계기가 되기를 바란다. 불가능하다고 현실성이 없다고? 그렇다. 경제구조를 바꾸고, 정치구조를 바꾸고, 사람들이 살아가는 삶의 조건을 총체적으로 바꾼다는 것은 어쩌면 불가능한 일일지도 모른다.

그러나 지금으로부터 100년 전 조선인들이 일제의 강점에 신음하고 있을 때, 앞으로 100년 후 조선이 독립된 국가로 세계의 문화를 주도하는 선진국이 될 것이라고 이야기했다면 아마 아무도 믿지 않았을 것이다. 그런데 그 불가능한 일을 지금 우리는 목도하고 있다. 100년 전의 그 말도 안 되는 상상과 비교하면 지금 우리가 성공의 덫에서 빠져나오는 것은 작은 언덕을 오르는 번거로움일지도 모른다.

대기업이 중소기업과 협력해야 성장할 수 있고 사람들이 서로 연대해야 더 안전한 삶을 살아가는 제도와 구조를 만들어낸다면, 현명한 한국인은 과거에 그랬던 것처럼 또 그렇게 행동할 것이다. 정치가 예술인 이유는 바로 이 불가능한 일을 현실로 만들 수 있는 힘이 있기 때문이다.

2022년 대선이 기대와 좌절이 반복되는 또 다른 5년이 되지 말아야 하는 이유이기도 하다. 춤을 추고 싶다. 어깨가 들썩거리는 기쁨의 춤을 추고 싶다.


* 필자 소개: 이 글을 쓴 윤홍식 인하대 사회복지학과 교수는 <소셜 코리아>의 편집·운영위원장을 맡고 있습니다. 관심영역은 복지국가를 정치, 경제, 복지의 통합적 관점에서 살펴보는 것입니다. 학계에서는 한국사회정책학회장(전), 시민사회에선 참여연대 사회복지위원장(전)을 역임했고, 주요 저서로는 <한국 복지국가의 기원과 궤적> 1~3, <이상한 성공> 등이 있습니다.

▲ 윤홍식 / 소셜 코리아 편집·운영위원장(인하대 사회복지학과 교수) ⓒ 윤홍식
#선진국 #불평등 #사회지출 #빈곤율 #연대
naver 대표계정 입니다.-2021.12.08 09:13 · 공유됨(1)
사람들은 부모 찬스를 사용하는 특권에 분노하고 치솟는 아파트 가격에 피가 거꾸로 도는 울분을 느끼지만, 그 문제를 해결하기 위한 과감한 개혁을 지지하는 것을 주저한다. 불평등과 비정규직이 심각한 문제라고 이야기 하지만, 인천국제공항공사와 서울교통공사가 비정규직을 정규직으로 전환하려고 하자 엄청난 분노를 표출했다. 자신의 사회적 지위가 부모의 사회적 지위에 따라 결정되는 불평등한 한국 사회에 분노하면서도, 정작 그로 인해 고통받는 사람들의 삶을 '공정'이라는 이름으로 외면했다.

요즘 어렴풋이 생각하던 것을 문자로 명쾌하게 표현해주심에 추천 누르고 갑니다

Vladimir Tikhonov
23 h  · 
한국의 비극은, 우파의 "경쟁", "성장", "절차 공정 본위주의" 이데올로기가 지배하는, 극도로 원자화된 저신뢰 사회의 비극이죠. 사실 고세율-고복지 구조, 나아가서는 공공성, 공공부문이 강해지는 구조로 탈파구를 찾으려면 찾을 수 있는데, 신자유주의의 젊은 피해자들의 상당부분은 신자유주의 법칙들을 이미 거의 자연 법칙 쯤으로 아는 겁니다. 저신뢰와 연대의 부재 속에서 초과 착취 위주의 경제 모델이 지속되는 거죠....
한국인이 불행할 수밖에 없는 결정적 이유
한국인이 불행할 수밖에 없는 결정적 이유
[소셜 코리아] 이상한 선진국 대한민국이 성공의 덫에서 빠져나오려면

지식인으로 알았는데..
지식인의 전문성은 온데간데 없이 편협하고 삐뚤어짐만 보이네요. 잘못 본 것이겠죠?
 · Reply · 18 h
Brian Han
임종태 곁에서 사람들이 부당하게 고통과 압제를 당해도 좋은 말만 하세요. 긍정적으로 생각하세요 라고 세뇌시키는 한국개독들로서는 사회에 대한 비판적인 메세지가 거슬릴 수 밖에 없지요. 지식인이 비판하는 기능이 없다면 지식인이 존재할 가치가 있을까요?
개독목사들 처럼 좋은 말만 하세요 긍적적으로 생각하세요 식으로 사는게 지식인의 역할일까요?한국에 왜 악한 마귀들이 많고 정의가 없는줄 아세요?
당신같은 개독들이 긍정과 좋은말이 마귀들의 자양분 역할을 하기 때문입니다
당신은 예수를 잘못 이해하고 있습니다
예수가 유대사회의 기득권 세력에 맞서다가 죽임을 당했다는 사실을 모르고 있네요
제발 예수를 제대로 알고 목사를 하던지 사기를 치던지 하세요
 · Reply · 9 h
Brian Han 박노자님은 학자입니다. 학자다움이 결여된 글이라는 이견을 받을만큼의 네임드가 되신다고 보는데요? 그래서 그에 대한 근거를 요구하는게 부당해 보이거나 편협해 보이지 않는데요?
Brian Han 님에게 동일합니다.
그런 일들이 있는것 같아보이기는 합니다만. 사실과 그에 합당한 근거를 제시하며 주장해 주시겠어요?!
어린 애 떼쓰듯 다짜고짜 감정적인 단어와 혐오적인 발언들 쏟아내는 자신의 모습을 한번 보시길 권유합니다.
님의 글이 사실과 진리에 근거해서 마귀의 발언에 가깝다고 할 수 있거든요.
 · Reply · 5 h

맛지마 니까야 「행동하려 할때, 행동할 때, .. : 네이버블로그

맛지마 니까야 「행동하려 할때, 행동할 때, .. : 네이버블로그

(85)공지 불교 명상 서적 무료 나눔 합니다. 2021. 9. 5.

(2)공지 팔정도(여덟 가지 성스러운 길), 사야트라 나라얀 고엔카 2021. 8. 16.

(1)공지 보시 바라밀, 진경 스님 2020. 10. 25.

공지 차근차근 조금씩 조금씩 자주자주 2021. 3. 13.

(8)공지 보시처 - 1 @ 테라와다 상가(사마타必, 무료 숙식 후 자율 보시만) 2021. 3. 24.

부처님 29개의 글목록열기


맛지마 니까야 「행동하려 할때, 행동할 때, 행동한 후」
Fullofmerit ・ 2021. 6. 11. 17:05
URL 복사 이웃추가

1. 빈 물그릇 교훈

어느 때 부처님은 라자가하의 죽림정사에 계셨다. 저녁 나절 부처님께서는 명상을 끝내고 라훌라 존자가 있는 곳으로 가셨다. 라훌라는 자리와 발 씻을 물을 준비하고 한 쪽에 앉아 있었고 부처님께서는 자리에 앉아 발을 씻으셨다.

부처님께서는 물그릇에 물을 조금 남긴 후 라훌라에게 말씀하셨다.

"라훌라야, 이 물그릇에 물이 조금 있는 것이 보이느냐?"

"네, 부처님."

"고의로 거짓말을 하고도 부끄러워하지 않는 수행자는 공덕이 이 물과 같이 적다."

부처님께서는 물을 다 버리시고 물으셨다.

"라훌라야, 조금 남은 물을 버리는 것을 보았느냐?"

"네, 부처님."

"고의로 거짓말을 하고도 부끄러워하지 않는 수행자는 공덕을 내 버리는 것이다."

부처님께서는 빈 물그릇을 뒤집어 놓으시고 물으셨다.

"라훌라야, 빈 물그릇을 뒤집어 놓는 것을 보았느냐?"

"네, 부처님."

"고의로 거짓말을 하고도 부끄러워하지 않는 수행자는 공덕을 뒤집어 엎는 것이다."

부처님께서는 빈 물그릇을 바로 놓고 물으셨다.

"라훌라야, 물그릇이 텅 빈 것이 보이느냐?"

"네, 부처님."

"고의로 거짓말을 하고도 부끄러워하지 않는 수행자는 어떤 악한 행동도 서슴지 않고 하게 된다. 그러므로 나는 '농담으로라도 거짓말을 하지 않을 것이다.'라고 자신을 단련해야 한다."

2. 거울 교훈

"라훌라야, 거울은 무얼 하는데 쓰이는 것이냐?"

"비춰보는데 씁니다, 부처님."

"라훌라야, 마찬가지로 반복해서 네 자신을 비추어 돌아본 후에 행동을 해야하고 반복해서 네 자신을 비추어 돌아본 후에 말을 해야 하고 반복해서 네 자신을 비추어 돌아본 후에 생각을 해야한다."

[행동하려 할 때]

"라훌라야, 네가 행동하려 할 때 이와 같이 네 자신을 돌아보아야 한다. '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 주지 않을까? 또는 남에게 해로움을 주지 않을까? 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 주지 않을까? 이 행동이 좋지 못한 행동으로써 고통스러운 결과를 가져오지 않을까?'라고 돌아보아야 한다.

네가 비추어 보았을 때 만일 '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 줄 것이다. 또는 남에게 해로움을 줄 것이다. 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 줄 것이다. 이 행동은 좋지 못한 행동으로써 고통스러운 결과를 가져올 것이다.'라고 안다면 그런 행동은 해서는 안 된다.

그러나 네가 비추어 보았을 때 만을 '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 주지 않을 것이다. 또는 남에게 해로움을 주지 않을 것이다. 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 주지 않을 것이다. 이 행동은 선한 행동으로써 행복한 결과를 가져올 것이다.'라고 안다면 그런 행동은 해도 좋다."

[행동할 때]

"라훌라야, 네가 행동하려 할 때 이와 같이 네 자신을 돌아보아야 한다. '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 주고 있지을까? 또는 남에게 해로움을 주고 있지 않을까? 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 주고 있지 않을까? 이 행동이 좋지 못한 행동으로써 고통스러운 결과를 가져오지 않을까?'라고 돌아보아야 한다.

네가 비추어 보았을 때 만일 '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 주고 있다. 또는 남에게 해로움을 주고 있다. 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 주고 있다. 이 행동은 좋지 못한 행동으로써 고통스러운 결과를 가져온다.'라고 안다면 그런 행동은 해서는 안 된다.

그러나 네가 비추어 보았을 때 만을 '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 주지 않는다. 또는 남에게 해로움을 주지 않는다. 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 주지 않는다. 이 행동은 선한 행동으로써 행복한 결과를 가져온다.'라고 안다면 그런 행동은 계속해도 좋다."

[행동한 후]

"라훌라야, 네가 행동하려 할 때 이와 같이 네 자신을 돌아보아야 한다. '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 가져오지 않았는가? 또는 남에게 해로움을 가져오지 않았을까? 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 가져오지 않았을가? 이 행동이 좋지 못한 행동으로써 고통스러운 결과를 가져오지 않았을까?'라고 돌아보아야 한다.

네가 비추어 보았을 때 만일 '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 주었다. 또는 남에게 해로움을 주었다. 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 주었다. 이 행동은 좋지 못한 행동으로써 고통스러운 결과를 가져왔다.'라고 안다면 그때는 그런 행동을 함께 수행하는 지혜로운 동료나 스승에게 고백하고 드러내 보여야 한다. 그런 행동을 고백하고 드러내 보이고 열어 보이기 때문에 앞으로 조심하게 된다.

그러나 네가 비추어 보았을 때 만을 '내가 하려고 하는 행동이 나에게 해로움을 주지 않았다. 또는 남에게 해로움을 주지 않았다. 또는 나와 남 모두에게 해로움을 주지 않았다. 이 행동은 선한 행동으로써 행복한 결과를 가져왔다.'라고 안다면 그때는 행복하고 기쁘게 지내게 되고 밤낮으로 그 좋은 행을 닦아야 한다."

[말할 때에도]

[생각할 때에도]

위와 같이 해야 한다.

"라훌라야, 너는 이와 같이 단련하여야 한다. '나는 내 행동을 반복하여 돌아봄으로써 말을 깨끗이 할 것이다. 나는 내 마음을 반복하여 돌아봄으로써 마음을 깨끗이 할 것이다.' 이것이 바로 어떻게 너 자신을 단련해야 하는지에 대한 가르침이다."

[맛지마 니까야: 61 암발랏티까라훌로와다 경]

공감 2
댓글 1


[출처] 맛지마 니까야 「행동하려 할때, 행동할 때, 행동한 후」|작성자 Fullofmerit

오사카 총영사의 1000일 - 기자 출신 외교관의 한일우호 분투기 - 아시아https://www.asiae.co.kr/news/img_view.htm?img=2021121016395756980_1639121997.jpeg경제

오사카 총영사의 1000일 - 기자 출신 외교관의 한일우호 분투기 - 아시아경제

오사카 총영사의 1000일 - 기자 출신 외교관의 한일우호 분투기
페이스북 트위터공유하기

최종수정 2021.12.10 

'오사카 총영사의 1000일' 표지./사진=논형

배우 김상중, 100억대 수익낸 업체의 실체 밝혀…충격
주식장 9시 열릴때 "이렇게" 하면 "큰돈" 번다!썝蹂몃낫湲 븘씠肄

[아시아경제 강주희 기자] 32년 동안 기자로 일해 온 오태규 전 오사카 총영사가 집필한 '오사카 총령사의 1000일' 출간됐다. '신문기자 출신 외교관'이라는 독특한 경력을 가진 저자가 오사카 총영사(2018년 4월-2021년 6월)로 활동하면서 보고 느끼고 말하고 생각한 것을 기록한 '현장 보고서'다.

오사카, 교토를 비롯한 간사이 지역은 고대부터 한반도와 교류가 시작되었고, 지금도 인적교류가 가장 활발하며, 일본에서 재일동포가 가장 밀집해 사는 곳이라는 3대 특징을 지니고 있다. 이런 점에서 일본 전역에서 한일우호와 협력의 잠재력이 가장 큰 '공공외교의 보고'라고 해도 과언이 아니다.

저자는 '간사이 지역이 한일우호 및 협력을 앞장서 이끌어가자'는 생각으로 일본의 지자체, 경제계, 학계, 언론계, 문화계, 시민단체 등 다양한 분야의 인사들과 폭넓게 교류했다. 이 책에는 어려운 한일관계 속에서도 두 나라 시민의 마음을 이어주고, 한국과 재일동포 사회, 그리고 동포 개인 사이의 거리를 좁혀주는 촉매제, 위안제가 되길 바라는 저자의 염원이 담겨 있다.

강주희 기자 kjh818@asiae.co.kr

기자 출신 외교관이 겪은 1000일 '오사카 분투기'

[프레시안 books] <오사카 총영사의 1000일>

이대희 기자  |  2021-12-10 14:50:19

오태규 전 오사카총영사는 2018년 4월 부임 당시 두 가지 이유로 화제의 인물이 됐다. '신문기자 출신 외교관'이라는 독특한 경력이 하나다. 저널리스트가 공관장으로 바로 전직하는 경우는 드물다. 이 때문에 그가 취임할 당시 낙하산 인사 논란이 일기도 했다.

다른 하나의 이유는 총영사 부임 전 그의 이력이다. 그는 2017년 7월부터 같은해 12월까지 '한일 군대위안부 피해자문제 합의 검토 태스크포스' 위원장을 맡으며 2015년 12.28 위안부 합의 문제점을 검토한 보고서를 발표했다. 일본에서 보기에 한국 정부가 '반일 총영사'를 보낸다는 시각이 확산할 만했다.

오 전 총영사는 그러나 2021년 6월 오사카총영사 자리에서 물러날 때까지 한일 관계가 경색된 가운데서도 성공적으로 총영사 임무를 수행했다. 오 전 총영사의 재임 시절 특이했던 업무 중 하나는 부임 초부터 총영사 활동 중 공개 가능한 부분을 직접 페이스북에 '오사카 통신'이라는 이름으로 투고했다는 점이다. 기자 경력을 살려 총영사가 직접 일본 시민, 재일동포, 한국 시민과 총영사 활동을 공유하고 두 나라 연대의 가교를 쌓았다.

<오사카 총영사의 1000일>(오태규 지음, 논형)은 오 전 총영사가 작성한 '오사카 일기'를 다듬은 책이다. 당초 이 책은 일본에서 2020년 10월 말 <총영사 일기>라는 이름의 일본어 서적으로 먼저 출판됐다.

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom , Moore, Dr. Patrick - Amazon.com

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom , Moore, Dr. Patrick - Amazon.com

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Here is Dr. Patrick Moore's description of his unique thesis as presented in "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom"."It dawned on me one day that most of the scare stories in the media today are based on things that are either invisible, like CO2 and radiation, or very remote, like polar bears and coral reefs. Thus, the average person cannot observe and verify the truth of these claims for themselves. They must rely on activists, the media, politicians, and scientists - all of whom have a huge financial and/or political interest in the subject - to tell them the truth. This is my effort, after 50 years as a scientist and environmental activist, to expose the misinformation and outright lies used to scare us and our children about the future of the Earth. Direct observation is the very basis of science. Without verified observation it is not possible to know the truth. That is the sharp focus of this book."The book contains 98 color photographs, illustrations, and charts. A key target audience is parents who do not approve of the "progressive" school curriculum and its alarmism about the future of civilization and the natural world. Dr. Moore hopes these parents will read his book and pass it on to their high-school and older children to give them an alternative to the bleak future predicted by the prophets of doom. Many other audiences will also find the book informative and convincing.In 11 chapters the reader is clearly shown that citizens are being misinformed by many environmental doomsday prophesies, ones they cannot verify for themselves. We are told that nuclear energy is very dangerous when the numbers prove it is one of the safest technologies. We are told polar bears will go extinct soon when their population has been growing steadily for nearly 50 years. We are told that there is something harmful in genetically modified food crops when it is invisible, has no name and no chemical formula. We are told severe forest fires are caused by climate change when they are actually caused by poor management of fuel load (dead wood) in the forest. We are told that all the coral reefs will die by 2100 when in fact the most diverse coral reefs are found in the warmest oceans in the world. And of course, we are told that invisible CO2 from using fossil fuels, accounting for more than 80 percent of our energy supply, will make the Earth too hot for life. All of these scare stories, and many more, are simply not true. And this book will convince you, your family, and your colleagues of that. There is no substitute for the truth.Dr. Patrick Moore was one of the co-founders of Greenpeace and sailed on the first Greenpeace campaign against US H-bomb tests in Alaska. Upon receiving his PhD in ecology, he spent 15 years in the top committee of Greenpeace and led many of its environmental campaigns. Greenpeace began as a group of volunteers with noble intentions. Over the years it became very successful with campaigns to save the whales, stop the mass slaughter of baby seals, prevent toxic dumping into the air, water and earth, and many more. Greenpeace found itself in the early 1980s with more than $100 million coming in annually and close to 1,000 people on the payroll. It had become a business and fundraising moved to the top of the priority list. New campaigns were more about using sensationalism, misinformation and fear to attract donations. Dr. Moore said good-bye in 1986 as Greenpeace was turning into a racket peddling junk science. Since then he has strived to be a sensible environmentalist, basing his beliefs on sound science and logical thinking. This book is the culmination of 50 years of learning during Dr. Moore's multi-faceted quest for the truth about environmental issues (an historical account of Dr. Moore's 15 years with Greenpeace and his analysis of environmental subjects are in his previous book, "Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout - The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist".
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Print length

210 pages

Publication date

January 14, 2021
Reading age

14 - 18 years
Grade level

8 - 12

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Product details

ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08T6FFY6S
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ecosense Environmental (January 14, 2021)
Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 14, 2021

Print length ‏ : ‎ 210 pages
Customer Reviews:
4.7 out of 5 stars 1,459 ratings

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Dr. Patrick Moore

Patrick Moore, Ph.D.

Dr. Patrick Moore has been a leader in the international environmental field for more than 40 years. He is a co-founder of Greenpeace and served for nine years as President of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a Director of Greenpeace International. As the leader of many campaigns, Dr. Moore was a driving force shaping policy and direction while Greenpeace became the world’s largest environmental activist organization.

In recent years, Dr. Moore has been focused on the promotion of sustainability and consensus building among competing concerns. He was a member of British Columbia government-appointed Round Table on the Environment and Economy from 1990 – 1994. In 1990, Dr. Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project, a group that worked to develop a common understanding of climate change.

Dr. Moore served for four years as Vice President, Environment for Waterfurnace International, a manufacturer of geothermal heat pumps for residential heating and cooling with renewable earth energy. He is a Director of NextEnergy Solutions, the largest distributor of geothermal systems in Canada.

As Chair of the Sustainable Forestry Committee of the Forest Alliance of BC from 1991 – 2002, he led the process of developing the “Principles of Sustainable Forestry” which were adopted by a majority of the industry.

In 2000, Dr. Moore published Trees are the Answer, a photo-book that provides a new insight into how forests work and how they can play a powerful role in solving many of our current environmental problems.

Dr. Moore serves as Chair and Chief Scientist of Greenspirit Strategies Ltd., a consultancy focusing on environmental policy and communications in forestry, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, mining, biodiversity, chemicals, energy and climate change.

From 2006-2012 he served as co-Chair of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition, a US-based advocacy mission to build public support for more nuclear energy plants to provide electricity.

In 2013 Dr. Moore, with his brother Michael and other family members, founded the Allow Golden Rice Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to seeing Golden Rice approved for commercial agriculture. 250 million children, mainly in the tropical countries, are deficient in vitamin A and as a result uo to 2 million die each year. The Allow Golden Rice Now! Campaign demands that Greenpeace and their allies discontinue their campaign of opposition to Golden Rice, which could eliminate vitamin A deficiency if cultivated and consumed. In 2019 the Philippines announced it had approved Golden Rice for cultivation.

In 2014 Dr. Moore was appointed Chair of Ecology, Energy, and Prosperity at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

In 2015 Dr. Moore joined the founding meeting of the CO2 Coalition in Washington DC, chaired by William Happer, and was appointed a founding director of the organization with the aim of educating on the benefits of carbon dioxide for life on Earth. In April 2019, Dr. Moore was elected Chairman of the Board of the CO2 Coalition, and now serves as a director.

In 2021 Dr. Moore published "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom" exposing the fake news and fake science around 11 claims of disaster including climate change, coral reefs, polar bears, plastic, nuclear energy, and more.

Dr. Moore is an independent ecologist/environmentalist with Ecosense Environmental Inc.

“Speaking Truth to Power Award”, 9th Annual Climate Change Conference, 2014

National Award for Nuclear Science and History, (Einstein Society) Albequerque, New Mexico, 2009

Honorary Doctorate of Science, North Carolina State University, 2005

Ph.D. in Ecology, Institute of Resource Ecology, University of British Columbia, 1974

Ford Foundation Fellowship, 1969-1972

Honours B.Sc. in Biology and Forest Biology, University of British Columbia

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patrick moore global warming carbon dioxide must read common sense fake invisible fossil fuels invisible catastrophes well written nuclear energy polar bear garbage patch ocean acidification high school coral reefs pacific garbage threats of doom easy to understand catastrophes and threats great book

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Top reviews from the United States

Bruce C. Martin

3.0 out of 5 stars The endorsements of this book lack credibilityReviewed in the United States on March 23, 2021
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I found what Mr Moore had to say about about climate change, ocean acidification, GMO's, nuclear power and other current doomsayer topics to be fascinating reading. In fact I agree with the bulk of his theorizing but it is not what's between the covers of this book that I find troubling, it is the endorsements he chose for the back cover.
One would think the author would call upon highly respected scientists to give a ringing endorsement to this book but instead we are presented with blurbs from Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee! No matter what your politics are certainly any thinking person would agree that these two men are not leading lights in the sciences. If anything they are more representative of the anti science community.
With no backup from the science community for his beliefs, which fall outside of mainstream climate science, I have to wonder why would anyone pay attention to Patrick Moore?

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5.0 out of 5 stars This the real story from an insider and a professional scientistReviewed in the United States on February 1, 2021
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So-called "environmental groups" started out with good intentions but they morphed into hugely profitable organizations running into the billions of dollars. Patrick Moore is a Greenpeace founder who left when they abandoned science and decided to chase money instead. He now crusades to expose their deceitful ways by examining their claims and comparing it to the science and evidence. In each case, he conclusively proves that they are feeding us fiction to scare us into donating our money. Read this and you will be able to reassure your children that we are not in an existential crisis after all. Whether you are concerned about global warming, plastics or polar bears, you will find your answers here.

I should add that I am a PhD chemist with 30 years of experience. I fact-checked some of his claims, such as the Google Street View of Henderson Island and found that, just as Dr. Moore said, the beaches are pristine and not polluted as the so-called environmental groups had claimed (see image).

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Martin Fricke

5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST Read for Anyone Interested in Climate ChangeReviewed in the United States on February 24, 2021
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If you read nothing else about the Earth’s climate, be sure to least read this book. This is especially important if you think you have already formed an opinion about climate change. You need to know the FACTS not our politicians’ propaganda.

This book by Dr. Patrick Moore is written at the high school level but has been praised by scientists at the forefront of climate physics. Plus, it’s highly entertaining.

Patrick Moore was the co-founder of Greenpeace, the world’s largest environmental group.

Martin Fricke, Ph.D. (nuclear physics)

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John A. Shanahan

5.0 out of 5 stars Believing in FAKE INVISIBLE CATASTROPHES will bring down your worldReviewed in the United States on February 13, 2021
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Patrick Moore has dedicated his life to understanding and reporting on the real world and exposing fake invisible climate alarmism. The two photos show how weather differs between Lugano and Geneva Switzerland. They are 135 miles apart, mostly in an east-west direction. Lugano is nestled in beautiful Mediterranean weather. Lake Geneva in a winter storm sprayed freezing water that instantly turned to ice on this VW bus. The book, FAKE INVISIBLE CATASTROPHES AND THREATS OF DOOM is excellently written so you can understand all the lies that have been propagated about supposed disastrous man-made global warming. It is a very easy read. You will learn a lot about nature, the lies of the alarmists, and real causes of Earth's climate changes.

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James Kephart

5.0 out of 5 stars Shocker - CO2 isn't a poison that's going to destroy the earth.Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2021
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This wonderfully readable book covers numerous aspects of the CO2/Climate Change debate. I was truly impressed with Patrick Moore's engaging writing style, and his ability to simplify and explain complex scientific concepts. He actually softened my views on GMO food production, and the necessity of converting to Nuclear Energy. He really excels in his argument that increasing CO2 levels are not a bad thing for the earth - CO2 isn't poison, it's plant food!

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Johan V Silen

5.0 out of 5 stars A different story on mass extinction and climate changeReviewed in the United States on January 23, 2021
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It is refreshing to discover new facts and arguments in these for us important questions. Patrick More has presented his arguments in a concise easy to understand way. In any discussion you should know your opponents reasoning. As one of the founders of Greenpeace, he can really nicely show how naked the emperor is. This book should be read by any one wondering about the strange policy decisions lade.

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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars An invitation to thinkReviewed in the United States on February 7, 2021
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An important read for anyone wanting to learn and think about climate issues, as opposed to reciting one dogma or another. There is nothing simple about the science of life, climate, and the evolution of our environment. Moore’s examples and discussions highlight the uncertainty and complexity of searching for real understanding of our world and the effects of CO2 on the future. Clearly, the simplistic doom scenarios fed to us by alarmists and the media are not a search for truth or invitation to learn, rather, they appear to be an invitation to panic in ignorance. One must question the motives of anyone who naively or malevolently proclaims “the science is settled”.

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Albert Brand

5.0 out of 5 stars My take on Fake Catastrophes and Threats of DoomReviewed in the United States on February 5, 2021
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Great book. Really wraps up the climate change scam. Nicely referenced. Not much information on demise of many civilizations in the past due to global cooling.

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Michael Davison
5.0 out of 5 stars The Truth will set CO2 FreeReviewed in the United Kingdom on February 17, 2021
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Patrick Moore should be heading up the Climate Change committees of the U.K., America, Canada, Australia and Europe as these countries are doing the most damage to the well being of their citizens by following non-science driven, Greenpeace orchestrated policies that will destroy wealth, health and the ability to progress. The points made are so well covered even world Presidents & Prime Ministers can understand them, in particular the role of CO2 in promoting LIFE at all levels, and that without a continued increase we could be facing a climate emergency, but rather than it being too warm, CO2 content drops so low as too inhibit plant and animal life - hmmm, that’s tricky. This book should be required reading in all schools as it is school children who have been targeted by the Climate change zealots, and they have the most to lose, not by temperature rising, but by policies that drive costs so high, standards of living drop dramatically. I would like to thank Patrick Moore and all the involved science bodies who have stuck to their beliefs, despite being vilified by the climate mob, truth is usually difficult for most people, but eventually it is accepted. What is a pity however, is that Sir David Attenborough has so readily accepted the climate change narrative, he has a long history of factual reporting and it is a pity he is ending his career on such a low.
Excellent book.

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John Anthony Jarvis
5.0 out of 5 stars Please read this book,and make up your own mind!Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 20, 2021
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This well researched book by Patrick Moore exposes the Climate Change"industry" for what it is,a racket to push the agenda of a few who have a vested interest in promoting the myth that human driven climate change is about to bring an end to life on Earth as we know it.
With his inside knowledge gleaned from having worked for one of the most prominent environmental pressure groups,he is well versed in how pictures and data can be manipulated to create the desired message.
During my formative years,a wise old sage once told me "Believe nothing of what you hear,and only half of what you see"; this advice has held me in good stead over the years,especially when dealing the the output of pressure groups and elements of the mainstream media. Accept nothing,question everything,this book will help!
An excellent work,hard facts drawn from personal experience,not hype.

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5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent book.Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 10, 2021
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Each chapter covers one of the usual scare stories, plastic junk in the sea, deforestation, acidic oceans etc. and takes them all apart with forensic precision. A handy guide to the hysteria of the moment.
Since some of the news we're being given regarding climate change is downright fraudulent one has to ask what the heck is going on?
The overall picture I got from this book, perhaps unintentionally, was of a technocratic academic elite who seem hellbent on dragging us into a future they think is best for us, regardless of any actual threats, by fair means or foul.
I hope I'm wrong though.

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Kindle Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Essential Climate Warming ReadingReviewed in the United Kingdom on February 27, 2021
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This is a tour de force, climate, biology, chemistry, physics, energy, all researched fully referenced. Exposes the dishonesty, fabrication, the inevitable misdirection of policy and resources caused by climate alarmists. Written and researched by a world renown environmentalist Dr Patrick Moore a founder of Greenpeace

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Dr Roger John Clark
4.0 out of 5 stars A calm de-construction of much of modern catatrophism !Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 7, 2021
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An entertaining and enlightening antidote to many of today's most over-hyped "scientific" horror stories. It is eye-opening indeed to learn of the complicity of business, political and media interests in the promotion and proliferation of these many fallacious assertions but saddest of all the cynical acquiescence in the process of so many scientists - the very people that us ordinary folk look to for answers and advice in these complex areas and in whose knowledge and integrity we have placed so much reliance.
I heartily commend this well-written, thoroughly researched and extensively referenced little book to all those whose minds may yet still be open to reasoned argument in this age of dis-information and politically motivated propaganda!

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Jean Kazez - The Philosophical Parent - Asking The Hard Questions About Having and Raising Children-Oxford University Press (2017) | PDF | Child Custody | Parenting

Jean Kazez - The Philosophical Parent - Asking The Hard Questions About Having and Raising Children-Oxford University Press (2017) | PDF | Child Custody | Parenting

Jean Kazez - The philosophical parent _ asking the hard questions about having and raising children

The Philosophical Parent: Asking the Hard Questions About Having and Raising Children by [Jean Kazez]
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The Philosophical Parent: Asking the Hard Questions About Having and Raising Children Kindle Edition
by Jean Kazez  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
5.0 out of 5 stars    4 ratings
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Becoming parents draws us into philosophical quandaries before our children have even been born. Why do most of us want to have children? Should we make new people, despite life's travails and our crowded world? Is adoptive parenthood just the same as biological parenthood? Once children arrive, the questions start to be a mix of the profound and the practical. Should we share our lifestyle with our children, no matter how unusual? Should we vaccinate and may we circumcise? Should we encourage gender differences?

Tracing the arc of parenthood from the earliest days to the college years and beyond, Jean Kazez explores 18 questions for philosophical parents, applying the tools of philosophy and drawing on personal experience. The Philosophical Parent offers a novel account of the parent-child relationship and uses it to tackle a variety of parenting puzzles, but more than that, Kazez celebrates both having children and philosophical reflection. Her book provides a challenging but cheerful companion for thoughtful parents and parents-to-be.
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334 pages
Oxford University Press
Publication date
1 June 2017
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It is written with beautiful clarity and precision and an enviable command of quite complex material. I know of no other summary of the non-identity problem that is so perspicuous and - importantly - sufficient to persuade those sceptical of the other-worldly character of some modern philosophy that this problem matters. This is a text free of intrusive footnotes and elaborate reconstructions of theories and arguments. The annotated bibliography at the back provides evidence enough of the considerable background reading that informs Kazez's writing. And the writing is charmingly engaging - who can resist a phrase such as 'cosmic orphanage' as an allusive description of that set of possible persons yet to be brought into existence and reared? Kazez is evidently a thoughtful, conscientious parent who has worried - but not obsessively - about what parenthood requires of her, and her broadly liberal sympathies are on display throughout. ― Journal of Applied Philosophy

This wonderfully thoughtful book amply demonstrates that philosophy has a great deal to teach about what it means to parent and how to do that well and that parents often need to be philosophers themselves. ... Kazez gently and with exceptional erudition takes readers by the hand and examines a series of often extraordinary questions associated with one of the most routine human activities - having and raising children. ... Essential. ― R. R. Cornelius, CHOICE

Philosophy professor [Jean] Kazez uses a mix of philosophical proofs and science to explore a mix of theoretical and practical parenting questions ... Soon-to-be-parents will find thinking through her arguments a good way to engage their minds beyond the immediate practicalities of child-rearing ― Publishers Weekly

In The Philosophical Parent, Jean Kazez tackles many of the philosophical puzzles surrounding parenthood, including the question of whether we should bring further children into this world, what our rights and duties are as parents and why we might want to become parents in the first place. Engagingly and accessibly written, parents especially but also non-parents pondering whether or not to have children and people with a general interest in philosophical questions will find new insights in every chapter of this terrific and important contribution to the philosophy of parenting. ― Berit Brogaard, Professor of Philosophy, University of Miami

[The Philosophical Parent] is a diverse, rich, funny, tragic, as well as analytical adventure in one of life's most challenging journeys. Kazez tackles ancient as well as contemporary questions by resting much on her use of the child as second self. ― Metapsychology Reviews Online --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
"It is written with beautiful clarity and precision and an enviable command of quite complex material. I know of no other summary of the non-identity problem that is so perspicuous and - importantly - sufficient to persuade those sceptical of the other-worldly character of some modern philosophy that this problem matters. This is a text free of intrusive footnotes and elaborate reconstructions of theories and arguments. The annotated bibliography at the back provides evidence enough of the considerable background reading that informs Kazez's writing. And the writing is charmingly engaging - who can resist a phrase such as 'cosmic orphanage' as an allusive description of that set of possible persons yet to be brought into existence and reared? Kazez is evidently a thoughtful, conscientious parent who has worried - but not obsessively - about what parenthood requires of her, and her broadly liberal sympathies are on display throughout." --Journal of Applied Philosophy "This wonderfully thoughtful book amply demonstrates that philosophy has a great deal to teach about what it means to parent and how to do that well and that parents often need to be philosophers themselves. ... Kazez gently and with exceptional erudition takes readers by the hand and examines a series of often extraordinary questions associated with one of the most routine human activities - having and raising children. ... Essential." -- R. R. Cornelius, CHOICE "With generosity of spirit and sharpness of mind, Kazez has given us the most thoughtful gift any parent or would-be parent could receive. Such a philosophical examination of parenthood is long overdue but well worth the wait." -- Julian Baggini, author of several books including Freedom Regained: The Possibility of Free Will and The Ego Trick: What Does it Mean to be You? (Granta Books) "Jean Kazez is right. Having children leads to questions--a lot of them. Questions about ethics, the meaning of life, and what matters in family life are philosophical questions. Whether or not you agree with her views, this book will help you to think more about being a parent, and it will help you to be a more thoughtful parent. And this can make you a better parent, which is something that is definitely worth pursuing." -- Michael W. Austin, Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy & Religion, Eastern Kentucky University "In The Philosophical Parent, Jean Kazez tackles many of the philosophical puzzles surrounding parenthood, including the question of whether we should bring further children into this world, what our rights and duties are as parents and why we might want to become parents in the first place. Engagingly and accessibly written, parents especially but also non-parents pondering whether or not to have children and people with a general interest in philosophical questions will find new insights in every chapter of this terrific and important contribution to the philosophy of parenting." -- Berit Brogaard, Professor of Philosophy, University of Miami "The Philosophical Parent is a spirited and engaging examination of key philosophical challenges related to having and raising children. Author Jean Kazez provides a deeply serious introduction to procreative and parenting ethics, yet also conveys the sheer delight of philosophizing about topics that are at the heart of human life. Accessibly and clearly written, the book illuminates the many difficult ethical questions that arise for parents, would-be parents, and their children, and encourages readers to develop the skills to resolve them." -- Christine Overall, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, Queen's University at Kingston; author of Why Have Children? The Ethical Debate "...is a diverse, rich, funny, tragic, as well as analytical adventure in one of life's most challenging journeys. Kazez tackles ancient as well as contemporary questions by resting much on her use of the child as second self." -- Metapsychology Reviews Online --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
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Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B071J458XF
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Oxford University Press; 1st edition (1 June 2017)

Customer Reviews: 5.0 out of 5 stars    4 ratings
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Jean Kazez
Jean Kazez teaches philosophy at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. She is the author of three books as well as an editor and writer for The Philosophers' Magazine. Her favorite sort of philosophy problem is a puzzle that forces you to think very hard, but that comes up in everyday life. Her books are full of such puzzles. For more information visit http://kazez.blogspot.com.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Jean Kazez addresses this concern and many more in her excellent introduction to philosophical/ethical issues facing prospective and current parents
Reviewed in the United States on 4 August 2017
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Just yesterday, a breakthrough in genetic engineering was announced. As discussed in the Washington Post, scientists were able to edit genes in human embryos, with the aim of preventing inherited disease. A number of ethical issues are raised with this advancing technology. For example, it could be that with further advancements in genetic engineering, parents could one day choose all of the traits of their potential children. If this technology becomes available, should parents take advantage of it?

Jean Kazez addresses this concern and many more in her excellent introduction to philosophical/ethical issues facing prospective and current parents. Most notably, I found her discussion of the relationship children have to their parents as "a sort of other self" -- a "second self" -- to be illuminating. Her book is very accessible and does not require philosophical training in order to comprehend, however philosophers will also benefit from her careful analysis of many different issues facing parents. As a non-parent, I found much to ponder in this book; as a result, one need not be a prospective or current parent in order to benefit from reading this book.
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[The Anthropocene Reviewed: The Instant Sunday Times Bestseller - Kindle edition by Green, John. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

The Anthropocene Reviewed: The Instant Sunday Times Bestseller - Kindle edition by Green, John. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.:

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The Anthropocene Reviewed: The Instant Sunday Times Bestseller Kindle Edition
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A deeply moving and mind-expanding collection of personal essays in the first ever work of non-fiction from #1 internationally bestselling author John Green

The Anthropocene is the current geological age, in which human activity has profoundly shaped the planet and its biodiversity. In this remarkable symphony of essays adapted and expanded from his ground-breaking, critically acclaimed podcast, John Green reviews different facets of the human-centered planet - from the QWERTY keyboard and Halley's Comet to Penguins of Madagascar - on a five-star scale.

Complex and rich with detail, the Anthropocene's reviews have been praised as 'observations that double as exercises in memoiristic empathy', with over 10 million lifetime downloads. John Green's gift for storytelling shines throughout this artfully curated collection about the shared human experience; it includes beloved essays along with six all-new pieces exclusive to the book.
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May 18, 2021

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Editorial Reviews

Praise for The Anthropocene Reviewed

“The Anthropocene Reviewed is the perfect book to read over lunch or to keep on your nightstand, whenever you need a reminder of what it is to feel small and human, in the best possible way.” –San Francisco Chronicle

“There is something of the sermon in [Green’s] essays as he mixes curiosity and erudition with confession, compassion, and wit, searching for illuminating life lessons amid life’s dark chaos. His particular mix of irony and sincerity enables him to embrace both the sublime and the ridiculous.” –Booklist

“Lyrical and beautiful, funny and hopeful, intricate and entertaining all at once.... Green may have made his name by writing fiction (and for good reason), but this first foray into nonfiction is his most mature, compelling, and beautifully written book yet.” –Shondaland.com

“What Green is really telling us with these unexpected stories about Sycamore Trees, Canada Geese, and Dr Pepper is how much there is to love in the world and why that love is worth the effort.” –NPR.com

“Each short review is rich with meaning and filled with surprises and together, they amount to a resonant paean to hard-won hope.” –Publishers Weekly, starred review

“In his novels, John Green conjures richly imagined, heartfelt drama that lovingly explores the human condition. With The Anthropocene Reviewed, John pulls off the same magic trick while writing about the largest ball of paint...and it is glorious. Every page is full of insight. I loved it.” –Roman Mars, creator and host of 99% Invisible

“The Anthropocene Reviewed somehow satisfies all the contradictory demands I have for a book right now: it stimulates my brain while getting me out of my head while taking me to faraway places while grounding me in the wonders of my everyday. I’m so glad it’s here. I need it.” –Anna Sale, host of Death, Sex & Money and author of Let’s Talk About Hard Things

“If loving something out loud takes courage, and I think it does, John Green is Evel Knievel and The Anthropocene Reviewed is a series of ever-more-impressive motorcycle jumps.” –Latif Nasser, co-host of Radiolab --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
From the Introduction

When I reviewed books, “I” was never in the review. I imagined myself as a disinterested observer writing from outside. My early re­views of Diet Dr Pepper and Canada geese were similarly written in the nonfictional version of third-person omniscient narration. After Sarah read them, she pointed out that in the Anthropocene, there are no disinterested observers; there are only participants. She explained that when people write reviews, they are really writing a kind of mem­oir—here’s what my experience was eating at this restaurant or getting my hair cut at this barbershop. I’d written 1,500 words about Diet Dr Pepper without once mentioning my abiding and deeply personal love of Diet Dr Pepper.

Around the same time, as I began to regain my sense of balance, I reread the work of my friend and mentor Amy Krouse Rosenthal, who’d died a few months earlier. She’d once written, “For anyone trying to discern what to do w/ their life: PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU PAY ATTENTION TO. That’s pretty much all the info u need.” My attention had become so fractured, and my world had become so loud, that I wasn’t paying attention to what I was paying attention to. But when I put myself into the reviews as Sarah suggested, I felt like for the first time in years, I was at least trying to pay attention to what I pay attention to.


This book started out as a podcast, where I tried to chart some of the contradictions of human life as I experience it—how we can be so com­passionate and so cruel, so persistent and so quick to despair. Above all, I wanted to understand the contradiction of human power: We are at once far too powerful and not nearly powerful enough. We are power­ful enough to radically reshape Earth’s climate and biodiversity, but not powerful enough to choose how we reshape them. We are so powerful that we have escaped our planet’s atmosphere. But we are not powerful enough to save those we love from suffering.

I also wanted to write about some of the places where my small life runs into the large forces of the Anthropocene. In early 2020, after two years of writing the podcast, an exceptionally large force appeared in the form of a novel coronavirus. I began then to write about the only thing I could write about. Amid the crisis—and writing to you from April of 2021, I am still amid it—I find much to fear and lament. But I also see humans working together to share and distribute what we collectively learn, and I see people working together to care for the sick and vulner­able. Even separated, we are bound up in each other. As Sarah told me, there are no observers; only participants. --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.

About the Author
John Green is the award-winning, #1 bestselling author of books including Looking for Alaska, The Fault in Our Stars, and Turtles All the Way Down. His books have received many accolades, including a Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and an Edgar Award. John has twice been a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize and was selected by TIME magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. He is also the writer and host of the critically acclaimed podcast The Anthropocene Reviewed. With his brother, Hank, John has co-created many online video projects, including Vlogbrothers and the educational channel Crash Course. He lives with his family in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can visit John online at johngreenbooks.com. --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
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Product details

ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08QTNR1M6
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ebury Digital; 1st edition (May 18, 2021)
Publication date ‏ : ‎ May 18, 2021
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 5940 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 271 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #96,997 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#12 in Biographies of Environmentalists & Naturalists (Kindle Store)
#76 in Essays (Kindle Store)
#188 in Environmentalist & Naturalist Biographies
Customer Reviews:
4.8 out of 5 stars 3,840 ratings

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John Green

John Green is the award-winning, #1 bestselling author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, Will Grayson, Will Grayson (with David Levithan), and The Fault in Our Stars. His many accolades include the Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and the Edgar Award. John has twice been a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize and was selected by TIME magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. With his brother, Hank, John is one half of the Vlogbrothers (youtube.com/vlogbrothers) and co-created the online educational series CrashCourse (youtube.com/crashcourse). You can join the millions who follow him on Twitter @johngreen and Instagram @johngreenwritesbooks or visit him online at johngreenbooks.com.

John lives with his family in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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john green anthropocene reviewed give the anthropocene diet dr pepper high school highly recommend crash course pay attention youtube videos little bit human-centered planet collection of essays thank you john brother hank human experience give this book easy to read auld lang makes you feel laugh and cryTOP 50 REVIEWER

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Aadil Naik
5.0 out of 5 stars Reigniting curiosity and seeing beauty in the mundaneReviewed in India on July 1, 2021
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The Anthropocene Reviewed is an odd book to define, but very easy to recommend. It’s a collection of essays delving not merely into the things John has seen through his life, but spending copious amounts of time on all the thoughts that those experiences birthed. It’s random. It’s inspirational. But most importantly, it is incredibly thought provoking, heart warming and calming. It reminds us to see what’s in front of us, and what’s in front of us is beautiful. It’s a review and a unique insight of modern civilisation. And bring short 5-10min essays, it makes for easy reading.

Green artfully spends time in the origins of things, because it really does add perspective. And these are things we take for granted, never wondering about the unique circumstances that birthed them. From the invention of air conditioning (did you know it’s first use was for a printing press?) to the first grocery store to have aisles and self service, Green is masterful in how he makes it a story.

He effortlessly switches between essays on uncommon- but general- topics like Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating competition and daily topics we just don’t think about, like sunsets. But then he also writes about topics very specific to his life experience, like the movie Penguins of Madagascar. But what truly sets all of these apart is unlike a newscaster, he does more than merely narrate facts. He adds non-general insight and inference of a deeply personal nature; of how he sees it, and the value it has added to him and his thoughts, and this is where the book truly shines, because John effortlessly walks the fine line between being an individual and being a member of a collective species.

While the insights are personal opinions, none of them are myopic or only relevant to his life’s experiences. They zoom out all the way, to view it as a human experience, what it means for us as a culture and what it could mean for the future.

The underlying tone throughout is one of immense gratitude and appreciation for life (human and otherwise) and the experiences that are a part of it, with a healthy dose of caution to avoid the mistakes of the past.

Above all, though, I think John Green, through this book, exemplifies one core characteristic of humanity- curiosity. We are all born inherently curious, but then have it beaten out of us through our education systems, capitalism and the myth that careers are THE most important thing in life, and everything else must be rendered a lesser priority. In such a society, the importance of curiosity is greatly diminished, which is tragic. The essays in this book, though, cover such a myriad of topics, that one truly can’t help but marvel at not just the author’s breadth of interests, but how you, the reader are suddenly just as interested in all these random things. It’s also a testament to the fact that there remain sooo many intriguing and interesting things in the world. Some are admittedly very obscure but most are littered in the things we see and do on a daily- if only we choose to look at them a little deeper.

The Anthropocene Reviewed, then, is a hard book to define. It’s about the world. It’s about events. It’s about the past, and it informs about the future. And it’s been written in a style that has so far left me very intrigued, in a very good way. John’s mastery of narration is unlike any I’ve come across. His writing is the only one that consistently moves me to actual tears, through its propensity to connect on a deeply emotional and visual level. I still don’t understand how he does it. I dream of being able to write like him, and having the same emotional and mental connect he does with his readers.

In conclusion, if there was ever a book that reminds us of what means to be alive- truly alive- then this is it. The book also feels like it’ll age very well. It will still be relevant years later, and it’s one of those that you can read repeatedly ever so often.

So, as John Green would say, ‘I give the Anthropocene Reviewed a solid 5 stars’
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5.0 out of 5 stars Read this bookReviewed in the United Kingdom on August 12, 2021
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I don’t often read non-fiction, this was a recommendation and something of an impulse buy. I’m so glad I did, this book resonates with me unlike anything I’ve read since The Alchemist. The author writes so engagingly and openly, bearing his often cracked or damaged soul, that it draws you in and you realise that much like old oil paintings, the cracks are part of what makes it beautiful. What makes us beautiful. I cannot recommend enough, read this book. I give it ten stars.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Worth a read!Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 2, 2021
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My favourite of John’s books so far, although I have loved them all. The Anthropocene Reviewed is a great book if you’ve only got a little bit of time as you can read a chapter here and there. It’s helped me actually get some sleep as I haven’t felt the need to read it all in one sitting, and therefore it has given me many more hours of entertainment than a novel. John makes all the topics interesting. I now know a fair bit of interesting info about Dr Pepper, despite having never tasted it.

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J. Atherton
5.0 out of 5 stars Great bookReviewed in the United Kingdom on August 7, 2021
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I loved this. I haven’t listened to the podcast but I think I will start. I have some favourites in this collect of essays but I loved them all. Really interesting and insightful. I recommend this book to anyone.

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Beda Shruti Prasad
5.0 out of 5 stars Here's a Nerdfighter giving The Anthropocene Reviewed 5 stars!Reviewed in India on June 15, 2021
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It's a signed edition!! What more could a Nerdfighter ask for? John Green lucidly binds a few of the various snippets the constitute the anthropocene, that is, the current age that's affected by humans. It's almost similar to the audiobook and overall, it will be a healthy and wholesome read for anyone who's feeling apprehensive or lost or pensive. 😊

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The Anthropocene Reviewed
by John Green (Goodreads Author)
 4.47  ·   Rating details ·  27,801 ratings  ·  5,468 reviews
A deeply moving and mind-expanding collection of personal essays in the first ever work of non-fiction from #1 internationally bestselling author John Green

The Anthropocene is the current geological age, in which human activity has profoundly shaped the planet and its biodiversity. In this remarkable symphony of essays adapted and expanded from his ground-breaking, critically acclaimed podcast, John Green reviews different facets of the human-centered planet - from the QWERTY keyboard and Halley's Comet to Penguins of Madagascar - on a five-star scale.

Complex and rich with detail, the Anthropocene's reviews have been praised as 'observations that double as exercises in memoiristic empathy', with over 10 million lifetime downloads. John Green's gift for storytelling shines throughout this artfully curated collection about the shared human experience; it includes beloved essays along with six all-new pieces exclusive to the book. (less)
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Hardcover, Signed, 293 pages
Published May 18th 2021 by Dutton
Original TitleThe Anthropocene Reviewed
ISBN0525555218 (ISBN13: 9780525555216)
Edition LanguageEnglish
Literary AwardsGoodreads Choice Award for Nonfiction (2021)
Other Editions
The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet 
The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet 
The Anthropocene Reviewed 
Tu mundo y el mío. Postales del Antropoceno 
Wie hat Ihnen das Anthropozän bis jetzt gefallen? - Notizen zum Leben auf der Erde
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December 10, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
December 10, 2021 – Shelved
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Is this just a transcription of the podcast, or does it contain new essays?
3 Likes · Like  8 Months Ago  See All 2 Answers

Fran The majority of it is content that has previously appeared in the podcast with some new essays. Regardless, it is not a transcript of the podcast. Ess…more
Which episode of Heavyweight features the interview with John that was mentioned in 'Googling Strangers'?
1 Like · Like  6 Months Ago  See All 4 Answers

Katie I was trying to find the answer to this myself. While John is on the episode Fran mentions, it's not the one that he mentions in "Googling Strangers."…more
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May 15, 2021Gabby rated it really liked it
Shelves: arc-or-won-or-received, audiobooks-i-listened-to, read-in-2021, 4-star-books, memoir-or-nonfiction, reviewed
I don’t fail to see the irony in reviewing a book that’s essentially all about reviews, but I was actually pretty surprised by this book. One minute he’s talking about hot dog eating contests and Dr. pepper and the next he’s talking about human loneliness and connection and life during a pandemic. It was actually really cool to read a book that talked about COVID and the struggles of living during a pandemic, this is the first book I’ve read that really talks about it. I also really enjoyed hearing about his relationship with his brother Hank, and their discussions about the meaning of life. This book ends on a really great note, the ending gave me goosebumps.

Thanks so much to Libro.fm for providing me with an advanced listening copy! (less)
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Jun 12, 2021Rincey rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorites
I give John Green's ability to make me view the world with hope and wonder 5 out of 5 stars

Watch me discuss this book in my May wrap up: https://youtu.be/ouTm4bZ6TQw (less)
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May 08, 2021Mari rated it it was amazing
Shelves: 2021, favorite-reads-of-2021, non-fiction
I received a copy of this audiobook, read by John Green, through libro.fm and their ALC Program.

I am not super familiar with the podcast of the same name, but still, I knew that I was predisposed to love this. And love this I did.

This is perfectly what I enjoy in a collection of essays: each essay well crafted, but all tied together by a strong central theme. Green writes with the flair of a seasoned storyteller so that I can imagine even readers who are not usually fond of or used to non-fiction would find it easy to sink into The Anthropocene Reviewed. These are stories, after all, told accessibly, in beautiful language, and by a keen observer.

In his postscript, Green reflects on the contradictions of the human experience, the wonder of it all alongside the misery of it all. Throughout this work, Green captures those contractions well. He flawlessly ties together bits of human history and invention with personal stories, presenting both with equal skill. The macro parts of the story are clear, concise and well presented. The micro parts are vulnerable and full of emotion. I found myself also experiencing the highs and lows alongside the author. It was particularly emotional hearing Green muse on his own writing, on the pandemic, and on his relationship with his family, themes that appear throughout. Also layered throughout is a love of art and literature. At the end, Green wonders if his work is too full of quotes, as he is too full of quotes, but any other readers also full of quotes will find it a joy.

I finished the book and wanted immediately to listen again. To slowly go back through and pick out those quotes, to do a few deep Google searches into Monopoly or geese or the QWERTY keyboard. To experience again the coziness of someone telling me an interesting story, about himself, but also about myself, and also about us all.

I give The Anthropocene Reviewed 5 out of 5 stars. (less)
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Jul 09, 2021Regina rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Anthropocene (noun): the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.

Have you ever heard that term before now? I sure hadn’t before coming across John Green’s excellent 2021 essay collection, written during COVID lockdown, in which he reviews a wide range of aspects of our existence.

Yes, John Green is the author of uber-popular Young Adult novels like The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska. But no, this is not really a book targeted to those readers. Rather, it’s written for those who delight in the mundane and revel in the extraordinary. Nonfiction lovers who read to learn could do a heck of a lot worse than to give a chance to Green’s first nonfiction foray.

In this collection, topics covered include anything and everything: teddy bears, Kentucky bluegrass, velociraptors, whispering, viral meningitis, Monopoly, Diet Dr Pepper, sunsets, and many more. Green gives a bit of historical or contextual background, shares his perspective on the subject, then rates it on a 5-star scale.

I rarely quote from books in my reviews, but seeing as how this particular one is quite meta in that I’m reviewing a book about reviews for people that primarily read and write reviews, I found this section of the Introduction fascinating:

“The five-star scale has only been used in critical analysis for the past few decades. While it occasionally applied to film criticism as early as the 1950s, the five-star scale wasn’t used to rate hotels until 1979, and it wasn’t widely used to rate books until Amazon introduced user reviews. The five-star scale really doesn’t exist for humans; it exists for data aggregation systems, which is why it did not become standard until the internet era. Making conclusions about a book’s quality from a 175-word review is hard for artificial intelligences, where as star ratings are ideal for them.”

And with that, The Anthropocene Reviewed = 4.5 stars.

Blog: https://www.confettibookshelf.com/ (less)
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Elyse  Walters
Jun 15, 2021Elyse Walters rated it it was amazing
Shelves: audiobook-favorite
Audiobook…read by John Green
…..10 hours and 3 minutes

Nothing prepared me for how wonderful this book is.
I’m thrilled that I own it. Paul listen to parts, and now he wants his own copy on ‘his’ phone.

I haven’t had so much enjoyment learning about trivial things that are not really trivial but may be trivial things from an audiobook as much as this one.
And I haven’t thought about the really important issues of life — like this — (to my awareness) either.

I’ve always liked John Green….
I like his young adult books….
But my god…
“The Anthropocene Review:
Essays on a Human-Centered Planet”…..

I will listen to this again. I look forward to it! I laughed, I got teary-eyed, and I continue to be in ‘awe’!!!

To miss a this gem… would be a shame—
John Green reads his own book with so much heart —
we need a new definition to the word heart!

I have pages of notes…. but I’m going to hold back sharing them as tempting as it for me.
I could be too much of a a gem-give-a-way- chatterbox.
I’m trying to discipline myself here —holding back my tongue.

Regardless of how wonderful reviews are— no matter how descriptive, and thoughtful they are, this is a book that simply has to be experienced.

AFTER taking one’s own turn reading it — there are themes, topics, issues, thoughts, feelings that are soooooo worth discussing with others who have read it.
But don’t cheat ‘yourself’ ….
Trust this book is worthy to be read!! ( listening was an added treat)…. but I’d like to own the physical book,
and read it too.

Great book club pick!!

5 stars for sunsets 🌅
5 ++++++++ and more stars for John Green and this wonderful gift he gave us. (less)
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Jul 28, 2021Maxwell rated it it was amazing
Shelves: owned, non-fiction
I would like more non-fiction from John Green please! I loved it. I give my experience reading this book 5 stars.
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Jun 03, 2021Lotte rated it really liked it
Shelves: 2021-release, a-non-fiction, ge-essays, 2021-audiobook
4.5/5. Such a ✨ soft ✨ book, I loved it.

John Green gave this review 4 out of 5 stars. (less)
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Sep 05, 2021Melanie rated it it was amazing
Recommended to Melanie by: Lea (drumsofautumn)
Shelves: audible, favorites, anthologies, read-in-2021
rtc, but this was very powerful and exactly what i needed right now in my life. <3

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May 12, 2021Liberty rated it it was amazing
Shelves: libro-fm, nonfic-general
I give John Green ... 5 stars
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Kelsey (munnyreads)
Jul 02, 2021Kelsey (munnyreads) rated it it was amazing
Note: Rounded up to five stars because John literally reviewed the font in the copyright section in his own book.

“We all know how loving ends. But I want to fall in love with the world anyway, to let it crack me open. I want to feel what there is to feel while I am here.”

Short chapters/essays, but very entertaining, educational, and thought-provoking, The essay topics range broadly all the way from Air Conditioning to Sunsets, and even The Penguins of Madagascar. John ties the history of the topics with his own personal experience and connections to show an appreciation for the mundane world around us. Very vulnerable and human. I give The Anthropocene Reviewed four and a half stars. (less)
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May 19, 2021Nev rated it it was amazing
Shelves: 2021, nonfiction
I loved this so fucking much. Apparently non-fiction essays were what I needed to rekindle my love for John Green’s writing. Through reviews of different facets of the world he tells stories of his own life, inventions, human connections, loneliness, mental health, living through a pandemic, and so much more.

Some of the aspects of his writing that I started to not appreciate so much in his YA novels definitely work better here in adult non-fiction. His worldview, use of quotes, and deep musings sometimes seemed a bit much for all of his teenage characters, but coming directly from him I really enjoyed it. I hope he publishes more non-fiction in the future because this book was phenomenal.

I definitely recommend checking this one out. The reviews are short but impactful and flow like you’re reading a piece of fiction. This is a really special book and one that I know I’m going to continue to revisit in the future.
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Diane Barnes
Jun 10, 2021Diane Barnes rated it really liked it
Shelves: bedtime-books
This turned out to be a great choice for my bedtime book. John Green writes YA books, most notably "The Fault In Our Stars", which was also a popular movie. I read that one during my years at B&N to stay abreast of the teen section, and liked it a lot, though YA is not my favorite genre. It was an emotional novel about two cancer patients who fall in love during their therapy, so of course it was sad in parts, but also well written and not sappy.

This is his first foray into writing for adults, based on a podcast of the same name he co-hosts with his brother. The Anthropocene is our present day era, so each essay takes some aspect of our society important to him, good or bad, he explains it, dissects it, then gives it a star rating between 1 and 5 at the end. My explanation makes it sound dull, and it's not at all. It's uplifting and inspiring and informative in the best way, as his subjects are eclectic and very personal to him.

Each essay was easily read in the time it took for me to nod off, sometimes 2 or 3 of them. Green is everything I look for in an essay writer, funny, honest, descriptive, and able to make obscure thoughts clear and understandable. I consider E.B. White a master of the essay, and Green is right up there with him. I hope this isn't the last of the Anthropocene collection, as there is no end of subjects to write about.

Recommended to everyone, teens included. (less)
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May 19, 2021Samson rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorites
The inherent and possibly intentional ridiculousness of having to write a review for this whole book is hilarious— and stupid. It's a truly, freely, un-ironic, heart-felt examination of what we love, how we love it, and who we love it with. It's humanity reviewed, renewed, examined and explained. The final "chapters" are almost entirely memoir, reflecting John's own participation in The Anthropocene. It's contemporary and classic and entirely, totally timely. It's the best, calmest, most responsible response to this hellish, extended age of lockdown and uncertainty. Hope may be the thing with feathers, but John Green is the giver of that hope.

I give this book five stars. (less)
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Dave Schaafsma
Jul 29, 2021Dave Schaafsma rated it it was amazing
Shelves: environment, psych, non-fiction, auto-bio-memoir, books-loved-2021
“We all know how loving ends. But I want to fall in love with the world anyway, to let it crack me open. I want to feel what there is to feel while I am here.”

I got sort of sick of John Green's YA novel voice--his clever boarding school witticisms, his quirky wise-cracking heroes that all sound alike, but knew I had to listen to John Green's actual voice reading this book, as I read many books on climate change and the Anthropocene, most of them grim and frightening. I find in this book that like me, Green is near despair about the state of the world, but chooses hope. Green is maybe as well know for his Vlog Brothers podcast with his brother Hank as his YA, though The Fault in Our Stars, about a romance between two adolescents with cancer, was clearly an international sensation. I have seen some of his podcasts, and understand that most of this book is culled from those podcasts.

I wanted to see how a clever guy like Green would approach the End of the World as We know It. Would he make light of it in some way? But Green goes the way of science as he talks of his own serious illnesses, his OCD, his depression, and tries to balance those traumas with his love of his wife and kids and so many nerdy relatable topics as to make any casual reader think he really is making silly asides to distract us from our global traumas.

Green jumps from topic to topic that he has become obsessed about and connects them to the Anthropocene in seemingly whimsical, meandering trips through: Halley's Comet, the Lascaux Cave Paintings, Air-Conditioning, The Yips, Monopoly, Hiroyuki Doi's Circle Drawings and Penguins of Madagascar, rating them along the way consistent with the five star rating system he also identifies as ubiquitous in our age.

"I am thoughtful—full of thoughts, all the time, inescapably, exhaustingly."

Green weaves in truly frightening science about the times we are living in, from Covid to Cholera and The Plague, so he is not using any topic to merely escape. Monopoly is a game about capitalism, a warning, for instance. Are you worried about the remaining freshwater resources on the planet? One third of the drinkable, freshwater usage in the US goes to watering lawns (time for this practice to end? I say so, but have said so for fifty years).

The most moving and heart-breaking couple of essays are about his OCD obsession with signing over 400 thousand copies to slip into copies of Fault, to calm himself (as Doi did circles), and the story of the last recording, in 1987, of the Kauaʻi ʻōʻō, a bird now extinct for decades. Since we have the podcast and this audiocast, Green plays this call, which begs for a response from a mate but of course hears none:


I listened to this book during the week when my friend Ann came to my comics class, which I actually zoomed from Grand Lake, at the western entrance of Rocky Mountain National Park, seeing for the first time the devastation of the two worst forest fires in Colorado history (that came perilously close--eleven miles--to joining forces and doing even more damage). This is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, where we saw herds of elk, deer, moose, and gorgeous landscapes somewhat obscured by the smoke from million acre fires in Oregon and California. The last time I was here, three years ago, at my sister's cabin, we also breathed that western forest fire smoke as we hiked here.

Here we see the place in the Columbine area of Grand Lake where fifty+ homes burned to the ground and some are being rebuilt, where a now blackened landscape with sentinel trees bearing testimony to climate devastation, and new grasses and flowers at the same time. Trauma is my theme of this little road trip, and recovery, the things we do as John Green has done to hold on to life and laughter and love. Such as the families we bring together on this trip.

One of my sons witnessed with his own eyes, just before we left on this trip, a man mutilated by a train. He was literally feet from this killing, as he came home from a Chicago Fire again. He will never in his life unsee that, this his trauma (and the trauma of the man's family and friends, of course!). But hen e came to the door we gave him a big family group hug, and we are supporting him.

My friend Ann is the survivor of four different kinds of cancer--real and lasting trauma of various kinds--and I am helping her develop and publish a graphic memoir about it. She came to my class and told us she does stand-up and has never cried in all of this time. I don't have time for that, she says. My class loved her and will be part of making this book happen.

Again, trauma and art as hope, as Green makes clear in his book, which made me kind of fall in love with the clever nerd Green all over again.

“For me, finding hope is not some philosophical exercise or sentimental notion; it is a prerequisite for my survival.”

Great audiobook, great podcast essays, great message. One of my favorite books of the year, that I highly recommend. (less)
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Jun 02, 2021Sara rated it it was amazing
The Anthropocene Reviewed is a collection of essays in which the author, John Green, reviews everything from famous art pieces to the QWERTY keyboard (yes, really!).

The reviews are insightful, well researched and utterly captivating, the language is beautiful and each and every essay leaves an impression.

I already want to listen to this again.

I give "The Anthropocene Reviewed" 5 stars (less)
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Olivia (Stories For Coffee)
Sep 04, 2021Olivia (Stories For Coffee) added it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: audiobook, nonfiction
Beautiful, hopeful, and introspective
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Rachel Reads Ravenously
Jun 03, 2021Rachel Reads Ravenously rated it really liked it
Shelves: audiobook, nonfiction-and-or-memoirs, library-checkout
4 stars!

I have to admit, when I found out John Green was releasing an adult nonfiction book, my very first thought was “I’m not smart enough to read it”. And then I found out the book was a collection of essays about the current geologic age and I was immediately relieved because I knew I could handle that. I listened to the audiobook which is narrated by Green and I thought it was fantastic. We got to hear all his thoughts and insights as he intended and it was a great experience.

So many topics were covered in this book, everything from dinosaurs, to a feud with a creature in his garden, to feelings about living in a pandemic. When I was listening I experienced a range of emotions. There were so many times when I was laughing out loud, and one time when I teared up. I think this is a really excellent book and I can see myself recommending it to a lot of people.

I give this book 4 stars. (less)
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Timothy Hickson
Oct 21, 2021Timothy Hickson rated it it was amazing
The Anthropocene Reviewed asks only one thing of you: to stop and think a bit more deeply about the world we live in. John Green's first foray into non-fiction, it's very clearly a personal memoir in many ways. While framed as a deeper look at unknown and misremembered stories about humanity, it's more truly a deeper look into Green himself—which he willingly admits. As a consequence, it is a book that will appeal more to people who are already familiar with John Green, but I think it's well worth reading, even if you aren't familiar with him, anyway.

The Anthropocene Reviewed is insightful without being obtuse and intelligent without being condescending. Green more invites you to participate in a conversation about life, humanity, hope, the past, and the future, than he does tell you why the world is the way it is.

My only real criticism is that it was too short. The book flies by from essay to essay, making every single one digestible and poignant, a work on their own. I remember getting to the final essay and expecting there to be more. It did not have an 'ending'. It was a collection of moments, but perhaps that is what life is—we have to connect the dots ourselves. (less)
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Tom Ives
Sep 24, 2020Tom Ives rated it it was amazing
One of the most beautiful podcasts becomes a book. Such a simple concept, but so illuminating about what it is to be alive, the power of the human spirit and the absurdity of it all. I will always carry googling strangers with me. He is alive.
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Aug 28, 2020Megha is currently reading it
I need this badly
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Jul 13, 2021Hamad rated it really liked it
Shelves: 2021-reads, non-fiction, e-books
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“We all know how loving ends. But I want to fall in love with the world anyway, to let it crack me open. I want to feel what there is to feel while I am here.”

I read three of Green’s books and I was not really a fan of them, I never got the hype and I thought that the writing was almost pretentious! I don’t usually give authors more than 2-3 chances but the thing is this is a non-fiction book and I had a feeling it would work better with Green’s style and it looks like I was right! For once in my life, I can say that I genuinely enjoyed a John Green book!

The book is a collection of essays written by the author and is inspired from his podcast with the same name. I don’t follow the Green brothers on YouTube because I simply don’t regularly watch videos and I have very few subscriptions! I did not know about the podcast even but after reading this book, I am kind of intrigued! I may give the podcast a chance at one point although the audio format rarely if ever works for me.

The essays involve all kind of subjects and I loved how it can range from personal experiences to well researched subjects! It took me a few essays to warm up to the book and get used to the format but once I was past that, I found it highly enjoyable and addicting! There are approximately 50 essays or so (just a rough estimate, I am not sure of the exact number) and they discuss countries to food to songs and even illnesses. I also loved how an essay about a sport for example would be discussing something deeper and more important than the title of the essay sounds!

The writing did not feel pretentious and it felt professional! There were a lot of great quotes and overall it was just easy to read! I also loved the introduction about ratings and the way Green rated things mentioned in the essays hence the name of the book! For its smart design and emotional writing, I give The Anthropocene Reviewed 4 stars1

“One of the strange things about adulthood is that you are your current self, but you are also all the selves you used to be, the ones you grew out of but can’t ever quite get rid of.”

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Jun 05, 2021alexandra rated it really liked it
Shelves: audiobook, read-2021
short, sweet, and just what i needed. i can’t wait to revisit some of these chapters for years to come.
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Theresa Alan
Jul 29, 2021Theresa Alan rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
“Wonders do not cease. It is our attentiveness that is in short supply, our ability and willingness to do the work that awe requires.”

I hadn’t expected to learn something reading a collection of essays, but I learned a lot of strange stuff that I’m pretty sure I never even thought about before. Like how the Jurassic Park’s version of velociraptor is based on a different dinosaur with a less dramatic name, or how we chill offices to accommodate middle-aged males in suits rather than a woman who may not want to wear a jacket but ends up layering like she’s on an Artic expedition. Green reflects on the environment, art, lawns, the history of penicillin.

It’s a beautifully written collection, as you would expect from John Green. (less)
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Dec 05, 2021Amina rated it it was amazing

I've seen a lot of books lately with gorgeous, inviting, colorful covers. John Green's The Antropocene Reviewed is just that, and when I saw it was a sort of autobiographical non-fiction by The Fault in the Stars author, I decided to give it a read.

Wow! This guy knows ALOT. He gets sick with some sort of inner ear issue during COVID and decides to write down his rambling thoughts while on bed rest for six weeks. When I say random, I mean random; the world's largest ball of paint, whispering, Monopoly, the yips. Yeah, it was a wonderful smorgasbord of thoughts.

John Green--living the Midwest suburbia life, recanting his obsession with scratch and sniff stickers, the finite taste of root beer, and college angst mixed with cigarettes. I mean this was JUST the book I needed.

Green has an art for writing and even the most mundane topics like air-conditioning are interesting are well thought out. His chapter on sunset was so poignant, I could feel his words tumbling off the page and onto my own moments of solitude and sunsets.

I can't say enough about this book, it was just right, and perfect, and positive. It’s fitting to rate/review this book on Goodreads because Green professes the modern age is defined by ratings. Every random idea he discusses ends with a rating on a scale.

I choose to give Green 4 stars for wonderful writing, and an extra star for keeping me engaged with every topic.

Wow!! Just saw this was the winner of Goodreads nonfiction’ yayyy! (less)
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Sep 04, 2021Tatiana marked it as dnf
Shelves: why-the-hype, 2021, non-fiction, i-am-so-over-you
Wow! John Green must have spent A LOT of time watching Nat Geo and wiki-ing. So have I. I wish I had his conviction of a white rich man to spin all the trivia I know into a series of banal and sappy essays where I talk like I am an expert on every thing in this world via reciting easily googlable factoids. But alas, I have a full-time job.

John Green's following is still strong, judging by the average rating of this drivel. I can understand why kids would be impressed by it, but I am stunned this is an adult book? (less)
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Alice Lippart
Jul 12, 2021Alice Lippart rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: non-fiction, read-in-2021
Well written, insightful and honest.
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Sep 09, 2021Tiernan rated it it was amazing
This got better and better as I went, and I read it pretty slowly over a couple months. So intriguing and deceptively emotional.
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destiny ♡⚔♡ [howling libraries]
Oct 11, 2021destiny ♡⚔♡ [howling libraries] rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: nonfic, z-2021-reads, adult
I didn't have "falling back into head-over-heels love with John Green's writing" on my 2021 bingo card, but here we are.

I grew up on JG's books, and they meant so much to me for so long, but somewhere along the way, I think I lost the connection a little. I wasn't even sure I wanted to read this collection of essays, but I decided to borrow it from the library and give it a try — and within the first essay, I was wholeheartedly sucked back into the beautiful way John views the world.

I learned so much, felt so much, related to so much, and am beyond happy to have read this book. The Anthropocene Reviewed feels like a book I'm going to carry in my heart for a long time to come.

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Megan Berchem
May 23, 2021Megan Berchem rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorites
I don't know if I can even properly put into words how special this book is, to me at least.

I recently started rereading "Looking for Alaska" for the first time in my adult life, and I found myself understanding the criticisms of John's YA fiction. For example, the language; the characters that are hyper fixated on an author/poet or some niche subject such as last words; references to a wide array of texts, etc., etc., are not usually elements present in the conversations of most high schoolers which renders the voice unrealistic. (I am fully aware that these are among the lighter criticisms of his work, but the others are a topic of discussion for a different time.)

However, these elements completely transcend into the realm of non-fiction. These essays are beautiful narratives on the human condition interwoven with personal stories, references to works of art, historical facts, scientific studies, and many more. These essays left me with the feeling you experience right after you have a much-needed cry that you have to get out of your system. It's very easy for me to get into a negative spell. To feel like there isn't a point to anything that we are doing. To get sucked into that dreaded meaninglessness feeling. This book is the perfect reminder that the world is crazy, but crazy can be good. The Anthropocene is both awful and wondrous.

I give The Anthropocene Reviewed five stars.

Note: I understand that non-fiction and John's writing are not for everyone. However, there are three essays that I truly believe that everyone should read. First, "Googling Strangers" is hauntingly beautiful. Second, "The World's Biggest Ball of Paint" explores the everchanging world of art and its impact. And then there my favorite, "Auld Lang Syne." When I say that I have listed to this specific episode of the podcast of the same name too many times to count, I mean it. It is the single best piece of writing of John's that I have had the privilege to read. "Auld Lang Syne" captures the entire essence of this book and the podcast series. (less)
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May 25, 2021fatma rated it really liked it
Shelves: 2021-favs, audiobooks, 2021-releases, non-fiction
such a big-hearted, brave book. john green writes with real vulnerability and grace, and the result is a collection of essays that's empathetic, thoughtful, and so moving. (less)
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