
알라딘: 갈등전환 | 정의와 평화 실천 시리즈 존 폴 레더락

알라딘: 갈등전환
Conflict Transformation Clear Articulation

 | 정의와 평화 실천 시리즈
존 폴 레더락 (지은이),박지호 (옮긴이) 대장간2018-08-15



추천의 글
역자 후기
2장·갈등전환의 렌즈들
3장·갈등전환 정의하기
4장·갈등과 변화
5장·갈등해결과 갈등전환 연결하기
6장·갈등 지도 그리기
7장·과정-구조: 변화를 위한 토대
8장·수용능력 키우기
9장·갈등전환 틀 적용하기
10장·갈등전환, 변화의 씨줄과 날줄을 엮어내라

존 폴 레더락 교수는 갈등을 보다 깊고 넓은 관점에서 바라보고 접근하려 한다. 인간과 세계, 그리고 관계에 대한 깊은 이해와 대화를 중시하고 진정한 정의와 평화를 추구한다. 갈등전환(conflict transformation)이란 다소 낯선 이름을 붙인 것도 그런 관점과 접근법을 강조하기 위해서였다. 그러다보니 ‘해결’과 ‘전환’을 도식적으로 나누고, ‘갈등해결’ 분야를 너무 좁게 본 아쉬움은 있지만, 레더락 교수의 그런 문제의식과 강조점은 나 역시 깊이 공감한다. 이 분야의 명저로 꼽히는 그의 저서가 깔끔한 번역본으로 국내에 소개되는 것을 환영한다.
- 강영진 (갈등해결학 박사. 성균관대 국정관리대학원 갈등해결연구센터장·겸임교수)

남북관계를 말하면 언제나 우리는 과거의 경험과 틀 속에서 출발한다. 그리고 이런 논쟁은 정치적, 군사적 차원으로 넘어가면서 해결할 수 없는 갈등만 증폭시키고 만다. 한반도의 평화구축을 위해서는 정치적 접근뿐 아니라 시민사회 구성원이 평화 감수성을 높이고 평화적 삶의 방식을 체득하는 것이 절대적으로 필요하다. 이 책을 통해 갈등전환적 패러다임으로 한반도 상황을 성찰하고 갈등을 긍정적으로 전환해내는 평화역량을 쌓게 되길 기대한다.
- 이재정 (경기도 교육감)

다양한 형태의 갈등이 존재하고 당장 그것을 제거함으로써 문제를 해결하려는 방법이 일반적인 한국에서, 저자가 주장하는 “갈등전환”이라는 문제 설정과 접근 방법은 우리에게 새로운 시야를 열어준다.
- 김동춘 (성공회대 사회과학부 교수, '대한민국은 왜' 저자)

‘갈등전환’이란 말을 역자에게 처음 들었을 때 신선한 충격을 받았다. 평소 갈등해결적 접근에는 강자의 논리가 내포되어 있어 폭력적일 수 있다고 여겼기 때문이다. ‘갈등’ 자체를 창조적 힘과 변화의 동력으로 바라보는 데서부터 갈등전환이 시작된다는 저자의 설명에 깊이 공감한다. 갈등 속에서 한 편이 무릎을 꿇고 다른 한 편이 승리하는 모양새가 아닌, 서로 상생하는 지혜를 이 책에서 배울 수 있을 것이다.
- 방인성 (하나누리 대표)

우리의 인간관계, 사회 그리고 교회 속에 갈등은 피할 수 없다. 문제는 어디서도 이런 갈등 해결방법을 우리가 배운 적이 없다는 것이다. 갈등을 지혜롭게 전환시켜 저자의 말처럼 “폭력은 최소화 하고 정의는 최대화하는” 법을 교회가 먼저 배우고 익혀, 갈등으로 갈래갈래 찢겨진 사회 속에 대안을 제시하며, 더 나아가 사회적 구심점이 되길 기대한다.
- 김형국 (나들목교회 대표목사, 신학박사, 하나복DNA네트워크 대표)

저자 및 역자소개
존 폴 레더락 (지은이)
신간알리미 신청

이스턴 메노나이트대학의 석좌교수로 있으면서, 현재 노틀담대학의 존비크록국제평화연구소에서 갈등전환학을 가르치고 있다. 그는 갈등과 분쟁 현장에서 20년 넘게 활동하며 탁월한 업적을 남긴 국제분쟁조정 전문가로서, 라틴아메리카, 아시아, 아프리카, 중앙아시아, 북미 등지에서 광범위한 활동을 펼쳤다. 콜로라도대학에서 사회학(사회갈등 프로그램)으로 박사학위를 받았고, 풍부한 현장경험을 바탕으로 평화교육에 관련된 15권의 책과 매뉴얼을 영어와 스페인어로 저술 및 공동집필했다. 가족으로는 아내, 웬디 여사와 두 자녀 앤지와 조쉬가 있다.

최근작 : <갈등전환>,<도덕적 상상력>,<화해를 향한 여정> … 총 4종 (모두보기)

박지호 (옮긴이)
신간알리미 신청

미국 이스턴 메노나이트대학에서 갈등전환학을 공부하고, 현재 (사)하나누리 산하의 한국갈등전환센터를 설립해 운영하고 있다. 인터넷 언론사 기자 및 편집장으로 일했고, 한국평화교육훈련원 회복적정의 전문강사 및 ReconciliAsian 한국 책임자로 활동하고 있다.

난이도가 높은 편이지만 갈등 전환에 대해 깊은 사고를 할 수 있도록 도와준다.
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Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation Of The Guiding Principles By A Pioneer In The Field Paperback – 1 January 2003
by John Lederach (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars 235 ratings

This clearly articulated statement offers a hopeful and workable approach to conflict―that eternally beleaguering human situation.
John Paul Lederach is internationally recognized for his breakthrough thinking and action related to conflict on all levels―person-to-person, factions within communities, warring nations. He explores why "conflict transformation" is more appropriate than "conflict resolution" or "management." But he refuses to be drawn into impractical idealism.
Conflict Transformation is an idea with a deep reach. Its practice, says Lederach, requires "both solutions and social change." It asks not simply "How do we end something not desired?", but "How do we end something destructive and build something desired?" How do we deal with the immediate crisis, as well as the long-term situation? What disciplines make such thinking and practices possible?
A title in The Little Books of Justice and Peacebuilding Series.

80 pages
Product description

"What I see is that our human community, local and global, is on the edge of historical change: Patterns of violence and coercion will be replaced with respect, creative problem-solving, individual and social capacities for dialogue, and nonviolent systems for assuring human security and social change."
About the Author

John Paul Lederach, a scholar with the Joan Kroc Institute of Conflict Studies at the University of Notre Dame and a distinguished scholar with the Conflict Transformation Program at Eastern Mennonite University, writes out of his more than twenty years of work in Central America, Asia, Africa, Central Asia, and North America.

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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Good Books; Original ed. edition (1 January 2003)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 80 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1561483907
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1561483907
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 13.97 x 0.76 x 21.59 cmBest Sellers Rank: 248,351 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)17 in Communications Law (Books)
27 in Parental & Juvenile Law
27 in Alternative Dispute Resolution (Books)Customer Reviews:
4.5 out of 5 stars 235 ratings

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Kindle Customer david hollis
4.0 out of 5 stars Where the problem truly LiesReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 2 March 2021
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An overview worth putting into practice with persons who claim to be leaders and have not
The ability to go beyond their group as their intellect is very limited. They like to believe they are leaders but are seen by many as educationally abnormal. They are caught in a time warp and need to see they have to stand aside as they continue to be a hindrance in working to a successful recognition of the first step in Transformation.

2.0 out of 5 stars IncomprehensibleReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 12 April 2013
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I was recommended this book by a lawyer dealing with mediation, and as a trained counsellor I thought it would be good to develop my skills. The book is written in very academic language, is repetitive and to be honest I could have summarised what I have learned so far in a single paragraph. To be fair, I have only got 75% thro' the book, but I will persevere and hope it gets better.

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Mrs KT Degroot
4.0 out of 5 stars Great New Vision!Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 16 February 2017
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Interesting concepts. Lots to ponder on. I reccomend it in the field of Peace & Development studies. Thank you

Jennifer Ene
4.0 out of 5 stars ... mind into an academic frame this is a very useful and informative bookReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 28 July 2014
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once you get your mind into an academic frame this is a very useful and informative book.
concentration is required but it"s excellent for students of conflict resolution etc.
definitely increased my understanding

5.0 out of 5 stars Review The Little Book of Conflict TransformationReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 2 May 2013
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Amazing book for anyone involved in the peace, conflict resolution and transformation field. it is also handy for those willing to understand the root basics of conflict be it in personal life and one to one individual relationship. as well as how to transform them.

Tae-Chang Kim Co-Creating a Public Philosophy for Future Generations by Tae-Chang Kim | Goodreads

Co-Creating a Public Philosophy for Future Generations by Tae-Chang Kim | Goodreads

Co-Creating a Public Philosophy for Future Generations

Tae-Chang Kim (Editor)

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When making decisions, governments can and should strive consciously to balance the demands of the present with the needs of future generations. Various advocates for greater governmental foresight have created new processes or institutions within existing systems of democratic government. These include long-range planning departments, futures commissions, requirements for future-impact statements on proposed legislation, environmental protection agencies, and offices of technology assessment. But, as the contributors to this volume demonstrate, much more remains to be done.

Some of the provocative questions posed by this book include: What is a public philosophy oriented to the needs of future generations necessary, and why is it necessary? What are the major examples of actual experiments in future-oriented governance? What were their successes and failures, and the reasons for each? And finally, what are the obstacles to future-oriented governance, and how might they be overcome? The authors of the essays in this volume suggest answers based on their extensive experience in working with governments, trying to help them incorporate techniques of foresight into their institutions and practices.

304 pages, Paperback

First published July 30, 1999

Tae-Chang Kim Self and Future Generations: An Intercultural Conversation between East and West: Kim, Tae-Chang, Harrison, Ross: 9781874267386: Amazon.com: Books

Self and Future Generations: An Intercultural Conversation between East and West: Kim, Tae-Chang, Harrison, Ross: 9781874267386: Amazon.com: Books

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Self and Future Generations: An Intercultural Conversation between East and West Paperback
by Tae-Chang Kim (Author), Ross Harrison (Author)

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The pioneering work of Derek Parfit revealed how our attitudes to the long-term effects of our actions are crucially bound up with our ideas of personal identity. This new collection of essays contrasts eastern and western philosophies of concern for the future, and offers some suggestions for their possible reconciliation. 

Includes contributions by Yoon-Jae Chung, John Dunn, Takatoshi Imada, Masaya Kobayashi, John O'Neill, Onora O'Neill, Edward Page and Takesha Sasaki

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320 pages


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About the Author
Yoon-Jae Chung is Associate Professor, The Academy of Korean Studies, Seoul, Korea. He was a Visiting Scholar, Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge at the time of the conference.

John Dunn is Professor of Political Theory at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

Ross Harrison is Reader in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

Takatoshi Imada is Professor of Sociology, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

Tae-Chang Kim is President, Institute for the Integrated Study of Future Generations, Kyoto, Japan and member, Board of Directors, Future Generations Alliance Foundation, New York, USA.

Masaya Kobayashi is Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Economics, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan. He was a Visiting Scholar in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Visiting Bye-Fellow at Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1995/6-97 and September 1998.

John O'Neill is Profesor of Philosophy, Philosophy Department, Lancaster University.

Onora O'Neill is Principal, Newnham College, Cambridge.

Edward Page is a Research assistant in the Department of Politics, Southampton University.

Takeshi Sasaki is Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

Tae-Chang Kim (1934), Korean educator, public philosopher | World Biographical Encyclopedia

Tae-Chang Kim (born August 1, 1934), Korean educator, public philosopher | World Biographical Encyclopedia

Tae-Chang Kim Edit Profile

educator public philosopher
Tae-Chang Kim, Korean Philosopher, educator. Recipient Award for Distinguished Accomplishment Chungbuk Provincial Government, 1989.

Kim, Tae-Chang was born on August 1, 1934 in Cheong-ju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea. Son of Kyoo-Ung Kim and Sun-Haeng Park. arrived in Japan, January 1990.

Bachelor in Political Science, Yonsei U., Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1957; Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science, Yonsei U., Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1980; Master of Arts in International Studies, University of Southern California, Columbia, 1970.

Head department political science and international studies, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1977-1984; director social science research center, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1982-1984; dean college social science, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1984-1986; director Institute for International Studies and Comparative Ideologies, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1986-1990; research fellow faculty of law, University Tokyo, 1990-1992; president, Institute for Integrated Study of Future Generations, Kyoto, Japan, since 1992. Visiting professor Chinese Academy Social Science, Beijing, Academy Social Science, Open U., Ho Chi Minh City, Republic of Vietnam. Dean faculty of humanities Kyushu Women's U., Fukuoka, Japan.

Academic advisor Hanbeck Research Foundation, Seoul, Japanese Research Center of Taiwan National U., Taipei. Speaker in field.

Tae-Chang Kim has been listed as a noteworthy Philosopher, educator by Marquis Who's Who.

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bookSelf and Future Generations: An Intercultural Conversation between East and West

(This study reveals how human attitudes to the long-term e...)
Co-creating a public philosophy for future generations. (Praeger studies on the

Avocations: walking, meeting and talking with friends, traveling.

Married Hyo-Ae Oh, March 1, 1970. 1 child, Christine Heywon Kim.Father:Kyoo-Ung Kim

Mother:Sun-Haeng Park

Spouse:Hyo-Ae Oh

child:Christine M. Cepedas Kim

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August 1, 1934
Cheong-ju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea



Yonsei University , Bachelor of Arts in political science

Yonsei University , Doctor of Philosophy in political science

University South Carolina , Master of Arts in international studies

Careerdirector , Institute for International Studies and Comparative Ideologies

1977 - 1984
Head department political science and international studies , Chungbuk National University

1984 - 1986
Head department political science and international studies , Chungbuk National University

1990 - 1992
research fellow , University Tokyo Faculty Law

president , Institute Coactive Studies of Public PhilosophyOsaka, Japan


Recipient Award for Distinguished Accomplishment Chungbuk Provincial Government, 1989.

Kim, Tae-Chang The Generative Society: Caring for Future Generations: 9781591470342: De St. Aubin, Ed, McAdams, Dan P., Kim, Tae-Chang: Books

Amazon.com: The Generative Society: Caring for Future Generations: 9781591470342: De St. Aubin, Ed, McAdams, Dan P., Kim, Tae-Chang: Books

The Generative Society: Caring for Future Generations 1st Edition
by Ed De St. Aubin (Editor), Dan P. McAdams (Editor), & 1 more
5.0 out of 5 stars (5.0) 2 ratings
Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, WI.

 Examines the critical stage of generativity occurring during the middle of adulthood, as it exists on societal and cultural levels. 
Explores the need for generativity, which is described as concern and commitment for the next generation. Also discusses generativity and its relationship with political, social, religious, and cultural arenas.


Adult individuals in all societies have long understood the need for generativity - concern for and commitment to caring for the next generation. The need for generative action is particularly critical given the societal and global threats facing mankind in the first years of the 21st century. propelled the construct of generativity versus stagnation into mainstream consciousness, this text examines this critical stage of development that occurs during the long middle of adulthood, as it exists on societal and cultural levels. 

This volume's diverse group of scholars explores the complex relationships between generativity and various societies' political, economic, religious, educational and cultural arenas. Integrating empirical research, scientific and cultural theory and their own informed observations and speculations regarding generativity in society, the volume that results aims to be a stimulating exchange about the multifaceted rol of generativity in human life and society.