Tae-Chang Kim Edit Profile
educator public philosopher
Tae-Chang Kim, Korean Philosopher, educator. Recipient Award for Distinguished Accomplishment Chungbuk Provincial Government, 1989.
Kim, Tae-Chang was born on August 1, 1934 in Cheong-ju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea. Son of Kyoo-Ung Kim and Sun-Haeng Park. arrived in Japan, January 1990.
Bachelor in Political Science, Yonsei U., Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1957; Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science, Yonsei U., Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1980; Master of Arts in International Studies, University of Southern California, Columbia, 1970.
Head department political science and international studies, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1977-1984; director social science research center, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1982-1984; dean college social science, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1984-1986; director Institute for International Studies and Comparative Ideologies, Chungbuk National U., Cheong-ju, 1986-1990; research fellow faculty of law, University Tokyo, 1990-1992; president, Institute for Integrated Study of Future Generations, Kyoto, Japan, since 1992. Visiting professor Chinese Academy Social Science, Beijing, Academy Social Science, Open U., Ho Chi Minh City, Republic of Vietnam. Dean faculty of humanities Kyushu Women's U., Fukuoka, Japan.
Academic advisor Hanbeck Research Foundation, Seoul, Japanese Research Center of Taiwan National U., Taipei. Speaker in field.
Tae-Chang Kim has been listed as a noteworthy Philosopher, educator by Marquis Who's Who.

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bookSelf and Future Generations: An Intercultural Conversation between East and West
(This study reveals how human attitudes to the long-term e...)
Co-creating a public philosophy for future generations. (Praeger studies on the
Avocations: walking, meeting and talking with friends, traveling.
Married Hyo-Ae Oh, March 1, 1970. 1 child, Christine Heywon Kim.Father:Kyoo-Ung Kim
Mother:Sun-Haeng Park
Spouse:Hyo-Ae Oh
child:Christine M. Cepedas Kim
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August 1, 1934
Cheong-ju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea
Yonsei University , Bachelor of Arts in political science
Yonsei University , Doctor of Philosophy in political science
University South Carolina , Master of Arts in international studies
Careerdirector , Institute for International Studies and Comparative Ideologies
1977 - 1984
Head department political science and international studies , Chungbuk National University
1984 - 1986
Head department political science and international studies , Chungbuk National University
1990 - 1992
research fellow , University Tokyo Faculty Law
president , Institute Coactive Studies of Public PhilosophyOsaka, Japan
Recipient Award for Distinguished Accomplishment Chungbuk Provincial Government, 1989.