
The Gita for Children by Roopa Pai | Goodreads

The Gita for Children by Roopa Pai | Goodreads

The Gita for Children

Roopa Pai, Sayan Mukherjee (Illustrator)

915 ratings124 re
It's one of the oldest books in the world and India's biggest blockbuster bestseller! - But isn't it meant only for religious old people? - But isn't it very long... and, erm, super difficult to read? - But isn't the stuff it talks about way too complex for regular folks to understand?Prepare to be surprised. Roopa Pai's spirited, one-of-a-kind retelling of the epic conversation between Pandava prince Arjuna and his mentor and friend Krishna busts these and other such myths about the Bhagavad Gita. Lucid, thought-provoking and brimming with fun trivia, this book will stay with you long after you have turned the last page.Why haven't you read it yet?

310 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 5, 201

Roopa Pai

35 books66 followers

Community Reviews

Displaying 1 - 10 of 124 reviews
102 reviews · 7 followers
May 20, 2017
Got this book from the library for my 8 yr old son but realized that he is still not eligible to read this. Just when I was thinking of returning it and get another book, my husband started reading it. When he was near completion, he told me "leave whatever you reading now, and start reading this." I never thought that I will be able to read Gita because A) I am not into mythologies, and B) I always felt Gita is a very heavy book, and you need a lot of time, patience and intelligence to understand it. I truly admire Roopa Pai for writing this wonderful book, which not only helps children but it benefits adults as well. I picked up the book and started reading it, and after that there was no looking back. 

The book gave me the answer to all my questions, which knowingly or unknowingly I was searching for a long long time. Apart from the Shlokas of Gita, the examples given by Roopa from our day to day lives are so easy to relate and understand. For someone like me, who never thought of reading mythology, this came as a blessing from God almighty through Roopa. There are so many things in our everyday lives that we ignore or simply do not pay attention to, but they are very important for our own betterment, and are explained beautifully in this book, e.g. a thing as simple as praying and thanking god or the supreme power before every meal. In our so called hushed and ultra urban lives, we tend to forget things and start taking the privileges for granted. 

Nothing can be better than this book, to bring us all back to the ground and reality. Above all, what I liked the most about Gita and this book is that it talks about how to respect every religion because ultimately there is only one Supreme Power, no matter how and what we call it. if everyone understands this one simple thing, then there won't be any communal disturbance and violence, and people will stay in peace and harmony for ever. Sadly, everything has been distorted by human beings for their own selfish desires and greed, but there still is hope. For me, this book is life changing and I would strongly recommend it to everyone. Read it and understand the true meaning of life and the purpose of your own being in this earth.
Profile Image for Deepak Jaisinghani.
2 books · 23 followers
February 24, 2021
'The Gita for Children' is the kind of book that you happen to come across by chance, casually start reading, and after getting intoxicated by the premise and the initial pages, you cast aside whatever you are currently reading to finish this wonder of a book.

The title is a misnomer; don't be fooled by it. This book is not just 'for children', it's for every person of any age in every walk of life. I've frequently heard people complain about how difficult reading Gita is. It is hard, yes. Good persons and good books are always hard to read; you don't necessarily have to understand them on your first try. Engage with them quite often, and the meaning of their wisdom slowly starts to ooze out.

Roopa Pai has solved that problem though, to an extent. She has explained the content as simply as it is humanely possibe. At the same time, she has also somehow managed to avoid diluting or watering down the complexity of it by oversimplification (that's why I use the words 'to an extent'). In other words, she has given a whole new meaning to the word 'lucid'.

The second major point which works for the book is its light-hearted tone. While I understand Arjuna could not have possibly used the word 'BFF' for Krishna at that time, usages like this not only render a contemporary taste to the scenario, it also works as a breather in an otherwise serious volume. If your book title says 'for children', you have to keep the language accessible to children.

I am an atheist by nature, a rather firm and provocative one at that. However, I don't see Gita as a religious book. In my perception, it's more of a management book than a spiritual one, a solid guide on 'how to' questions than a propagandist volume meant to pedal a certain religion or a certian god. Krishna may or may not have been a figment of fiction, but these words are certainly not. These advices are practicable and time-tested. People are constantly in awe of Gita, because it bloody well works! If you have not read Gita till date, this is a good starting point. Even if you've read some other version, I urge you to check this out too.
Profile Image for Rushmee Thapa.
50 reviews · 17 followers
August 15, 2020
Highly recommended book for everyone who wanted to read The Bhagavad Gita but couldn't. Explicitly beautiful as much as Lord Krishna and Arjuna. I cannot thank you enough Roopa. My kids love this book.
Profile Image for Theredheaded_Bibliomaniac.
291 reviews · 36 followers
April 2, 2021
Good for children. It is illustrated and translation is made specially keeping in mind the children.
Even adults can read if they want fast and easy understanding of Gita ..
6 reviews
January 5, 2021
Lucidly written..relatable..comprehensive..can be easily understood by children...Thank you@ Roopa Pai, @ Sayan Mukherjee
Profile Image for Sagar Sumit.
26 reviews
November 22, 2022
Simple text and beautiful illustrations. I gifted this book to my niece who will surely enjoy it just as much as I did.
63 reviews · 32 followers
September 30, 2015
Anil Menon reviews the book on Goodbooks: "A.K. Ramanujan famously remarked that no Hindu reads the Mahabharata for the first time. Though the Bhagavad Gita is equally central in the Hindu’s moral imagination, I suspect few have read it even once. Roopa Pai’s book should help in correcting this state of affairs. It is a retelling of the Bhagavad Gita with a focus on teenagers. She has undertaken no small task, and for the most part, succeeded very well." Click here to read the full review: http://goodbooks.in/node/7387
9 reviews
January 29, 2018
Pretty good stuff.. got it for my little niece and ended up reading it myself :) Of course almost all of us know the plot but i liked the writing style. It’s presented in a clear no fluff way without losing personality.. There are bulleted summaries which were surprisingly refreshing to read. All in all, don’t let the title put you off.. if you like your Gita you’ll enjoy it.
Profile Image for Akshatha Murthy.
32 reviews · 8 followers
October 15, 2022
The Gita for Children - I would say it's not just for children.

It was a good read with simple writing. Easy to understand.
Appreciate the extra details provided that would describe some things about ancient India and also provide more understanding.
Beautiful illustrations to accompany the conversation makes it even better.
5 reviews
December 8, 2015
Have always wanted to try and explore The Gita. But never did it work. Thanks to Roopa Pai you made it. It's not only for children. I felt its for adults too. Wonderful and simple writing. Hats off Roopa and once again thank you for making me to understand our great Gita.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 124 reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful
Reviewed in Germany on 12 January 2018
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Very well written not only for children also for adults, very philosophical but in understandable words. Going to read it again !
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Must read for all ages
Reviewed in India on 31 March 2016
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Radhika said to me few days after she returned from WCF event, “Hey, I got a good book for you, which I bumped into at the Delhi Airport. It is completely in ‘dude’ (youth) language, and you will like it. It is about Gita, and I just read few chapters”. I said, “Cool, what is so cool about it”. She immediately, “Never mind. You will not read any book that I would suggest or bring”. With a partly faking hurtful tone, I said, “Fine. If you believe it so, don’t show it to me”.

However, like any desi wife who wants to do best for her spouse, she walked to me, and gave the book “The Gita – FOR CHILDREN”. I quickly read what’s on the back page, and browsed, few random pages. The book struck my chord somewhere, I have read first 3 chapters until midnight. I told Radhika, I will return it back to her only after I read it completely. Every 10 minutes, I was profusely thanking Radhika for recommending the book to me.

For next 4 evenings / nights (during ‘Holi’ / ‘Good Friday” weekend), I have read through the book, as If a kid was reading Harry Potter. Yes, I never forget the eagerness with which Revanth used to wait and complete Harry Potter books on a single night. Last time (in this decade), I read a book over a single night, was a book by John Grisham and/or a book by Dan Brown. I haven’t really read any book other than that

Roopa Rai’s rendition of Gita, gave me solid clarity on purpose of life, definition of happiness, definition of god, definition of a prayer, and definition of good living, good human being, and more. She used day-to-day examples and events, to explain abstract topics such as “You are not the doer” or “You are it” or “You are the God”. It connected random dots in my head, which were representations of various ideas and beliefs planted by various books, literature, conversations, that I have read over the decades.

I have immediately ordered few additional copies, to give them as a gift to folks around me, and evangelize the need for reading such a lovely / clear presentation of Gita. Though the title of the book says, “The Gita, FOR CHILDREN”, this book is thoroughly enjoyable by almost everyone out there (and specially you)

Structure / Few Highlights of the book:

Starts with story of Mahabharata and the lead characters. It gives the context of the events that lead to the deadliest war in the human history. I have actually learned few interesting data points, which I haven’t learned despite having watched several dozens of movies, sitcoms, reading zillion comic books on Mahabharata (which I am sure most of you did too)

Then it leads us to the confusion of Arjuna on why he needs to go through the pain of killing his friends, uncles, gurus / teachers, and extended family members, to earn back his lost empire. He just wants to give it up as he does not see the need for losing everything and not sure if he will be happy at the end. That’s when the Krishna begins his conversation which is the basis of Gita, and which is considered as holiest conversations in the human history

I have recently read that, our Union culture minister might soon recommend the inclusion of Gita, Mahabharata and the Ramayana in school curriculum. Now, I feel that it is a great move. Given that the book is religion agnostic, it should be adaptable and likeable by everyone.
If you take a look at these lesson that she documents, for each of the 18 chapters from the Gita, you will understand the ease with she explains Gita.

I loved the concept of “Multi Thinking”. Krishna says to Arjuna, “Those who are thinking about me, at the time of the death, will join me”. Then Arjuna says, “That is so difficult. I do not know when I am going to die. How will I know or ensure that I am thinking about you, at the time of the death? Author explains in the simple words, using the concept of “Multi Thinking”, similar to the lines of Multi Processing. She says, simple acts of being in content / gratitude is also same as act of prayer. We just need to practice the art of being content, all the time.

Author does mix a healthy dose of western examples to convey the essence of spirituality. Book is peppered with fun trivia and anecdotes, and interesting parallels, events, and nuggets that actually relate to teaching of the Gita and it’s 700-verse spiritual guide
In one of the examples, author quotes words of physicist J Robert Oppenheimer, who headed the team which created the world’s first nuclear weapon during World War II. After the first atom bomb, The Gadget, was tested in the desert of New Mexico, Oppenheimer had explained the mixed feelings of the team in the following words: “We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people remained silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form”, and says, ‘Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose, we all felt that, one way or another.” You can hear him on this youtube link[...]

In another example, Pai talks of the importance of endurance by citing JK Rowling’s example, whose Harry Potter was rejected 17 times before it was accepted and went on to become a phenomenon. Coincidentally, JK Rowling had recently published some of the rejection letters on the web. Just google for them. She also uses analogies of The Beatles, Michael Jackson and Rudyard Kipling, too

She uses simple description and explanation to convey the message of Karma Yoga. Example: For instance, don’t expect to top the class just because you studied really hard, or get disappointed when you don’t. In fact, according to the Gita, performing an action (studying) because you want a certain result (to come first) is completely flawed action; the right way is to study simply because that is your work, your duty as a student.
Gita is supposed to be a guide book for enlightenment. To be able to convey its essence for the teens is not an easy task. Roopa Pai had significantly succeeded in this effort. Many techniques are used here to make the style reader friendly. The chapter titles by themselves attract attention. She summarises essence of 18 chapters using simple titles (see below) and super clear explanation. You cannot go wrong with the Gita! A lifetime may not be enough to appreciate fully the Gita, but the sooner one starts, the better. I would consider you as one heck of lucky dude, if you end up reading Gita, and actually persuade, compel, and motivate loved ones (starting with your kids) around you to read it too.
66 people found this helpful
Raj Choudhury
5.0 out of 5 stars Bliss
Reviewed in France on 15 August 2015
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The Gita has all the answers. Feel fortunate to finally discover it through this wonderful book from Roopa Pai. Thank You. OM TAT SAT.
Evelyn Singh
5.0 out of 5 stars Gita for children
Reviewed in Canada on 20 January 2016
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I have not yet completed the book but the information is very accurate and can be used in bal vihar
Aparna Shreenath
5.0 out of 5 stars Inspiring and accessible
Reviewed in the United States on 20 December 2023
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I am an adult. I have felt compelled to read The Gita but was too intimidated to even begin, until now. The sheer joy of reading this, the answers to my unformed questions- I am grateful. I will read this again and again even as I purchase other interpretations. I am inspired!
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5.0 out of 5 stars Must read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 27 October 2023
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I bought this for my 2 year old daughter but turns out she was too young for it, but I’ve started reading it and I can’t believe the wisdom it’s captured. I would recommend to all, even if it’s just to scratch the surface to give you an understanding to allow you to go and research some more. Thank you to the author
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing and inspiring!
Reviewed in Spain on 16 February 2021
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Amazing way to tell the Bhagavad Gita for children and for adults too! Thanks from Spain
Just stuff
5.0 out of 5 stars Mind-blowing introduction to the Gita
Reviewed in the United States on 8 December 2019
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I love the Bhagavad Gita, especially the translation by Eknath Easwaran. However, if you are completely new to it and want a mind-blowing primer you can digest quickly, I highly recommend "The Gita For Children" Kindle Edition by Roopa Pai. She is a software engineer and I can tell from just reading this, a wonderful human being. She even provides secular explanations where appropriate. One caveat is that this is not a little children's book by any stretch of the imagination. Perhaps you could say it is for youth but more for beginners like me. :)
7 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful to understand this book
Reviewed in India on 11 February 2024
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I am an adult and the book for me as a yoga student is a great help to understand the teachings in this story. I am not Indian, nor hindu, so to read Roopa's explanations and descriptions is helpful and better to understand. I cannot evaluate if this book is suitable for children or teens.

The Vedas and Upanishads For Children, Roopa Pai 2019 PDF

 Vedas | Upanishads

The Vedas and Upanishads For Children, Roopa Pai 2019 PDF

The Vedas and Upanishads for Children
Roopa Pai

310 ratings54 reviews


Three thousand years ago, deep inside the forests of India, a great 'thought revolution' was brewing. In those forest labs, the brightest thinker-philosophers contemplated the universe, reflected on ancient texts called the Vedas and came up with startling insights into questions we still don't have final answers to,

What is the universe made of? How do I know I'm looking at a tree when I see one? Who am I?

My body, my mind, my intelligence, my emotions, or none of the above? And where did they put those explosive findings? In a sprawling body of goosebumpy and fascinating oral literature called the Upanishads! Intimidated? Don't be! For this joyful, fun guide to some of India's longest-lasting secular wisdoms, reinterpreted for first-time explorers by Roopa Pai, is guaranteed to keep you turning the pages.

Why haven't you read it yet?

GenresPhilosophyMythologyNonfictionHistoryIndiaChildrensIndian Literature

424 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 10, 2019

Book details & editions

Displaying 1 - 10 of 54 reviews

Pranita Bhat
74 reviews · 14 followers

March 11, 2020
I think the words FOR CHILDREN should be replaced with FOR THE CHILD IN EVERYONE for all Roopa Pai's books.

Such an insightful book. The ease with which the author communicates such complex topics is just amazing. Not just complex, but the fact that most of the content of the Vedas and Upanishads is so abstract, so debatable, and at times so ridicule-able in the 21st century.

But the way the author puts across each idea shows the enormous amount of attention to detail and work that has gone into it. A big thank you to Roopa Pai for another gem of a book.

It's a must must read for people of all ages, believers, non believers, atheists, and any other labels one may belong to.


Charu Jain
10 reviews

June 6, 2022
I would love to read such easy translations for more ancient historical or religious texts. This book is a good balance of simple philosophy and supporting stories, some of which I had heard while growing up. Even though the book is for children, it is a very good read for adults as well.
May be now reading "The Principles of Upanishads" by Dr. Radhakrishnan will be more insightful.


Rutuja Ramteke
1,707 reviews · 78 followers

March 2, 2019
💚The Vedas And Upanishads By Roopa Pai
💚Category: Children's book
💚Publisher: Hachette India
Introduction: Three thousand years ago, deep inside the forests of India, a great 'thought revolution' was brewing. In those forest labs, the brightest thinkers–philosophers contemplated the universe, reflected on ancient texts called the Vedas and came up with startling insights into questions we still don't have final answers.
My Opinion: Whenever it comes to reading a children's book, I never leave a chance because they are born alluring. I was super excited to read this one & I gladly completed it earlier than expected. The book deals with the Vedas & the Upanishads which were penned down thousands of years ago, yes I had studied them in history but unfortunately I never enjoyed studying that! But, when I read this book, it was so fun to read it. The authors language is super cool & appropriate for children's & even or oldies who love reading about this topic but frequently gets bored due to the historical thing in it. Taking about this book, the case was completely inverted because the book was so interesting & intriguing. The book also started with a small author's note which is really beautiful & which acted like a guide to the entire book. I am really forward to read such more books from the author. The cover is so beautiful!
Pros: The language was super easy and interesting, it made me feel very lively and I was so much intrigued in the book that I forgot I am reading the old Vedas which were written thousands of years ago. The narration was very appropriate and very concise for childrens and even for elders, so according to me the book needs no age group and can be read by anyone. Must say that daughter is very creative in her writing which provides more and more interest while reading to the Reader. I highly recommend it.
Cons: Well, more illustrations & some funny text was welcomed in the book.
Rating: 3.75🌟


697 reviews · 127 followers

June 9, 2020
Who am I to say anything on the Vedas and Upanishads?
Forget the latter... Who Am I?

Book is structured well. Don't go by "for children" in the title. Pretty informative on the epics for a beginner. Loved the Vedas part - 30% of the book. Upanishads didn't go well - felt like reading a bunch of self help books back to back. At times, felt irked by the "child tone" voice - Netflix references.

Overall - Not very impressive.
indian mythology non-fiction

Sagar Sumit
26 reviews

November 13, 2022
The book says it's for children (11+ years old), however, even being 20 years older than those kids, I discovered new understanding, to my delight, about things that I thought I "knew". One thing that could have made the book better for all audiences is to have mantras/shlokas in Sanskrit along with English. The book is in English including the shlokas and mantras. However, for readers who already know how to read Sanskrit, the feel of reading would have been even more delectable.


Drishti Jain
10 reviews

June 3, 2023
An absolutely amazing boook! This ain't mythology.. This is philosophy.! It's a must read.. not just for children but for anyone who seeks and wishes to know about the vedas and upanishads, bundle of ancient knowledge. It's for anyone who is looking for answers about life and death. This book is for believers as well as non-believers. One can even think of it as a self help book.

3 reviews · 20 followers

February 8, 2019
I bought it for a 11year old, but was tempted to read it myself and I must admit that this book is a great place to start with, for anyone interested to explore the vedic religion. The author has managed to bring out the essence of the scriptures beautifully in a way today's teenagers can grasp, adding tidbits of history and science. The book starts with the basic facts of the scriptures, it's history and classification. Then the author has dealt with 10 Upanishads, describing the content of each in brief. It also has the important verses, their meaning and at times, how students can use this knowledge in real life. The states of mind, who am I, purpose of life, etc are very complex confusing concepts, but the author has written it well for a layman to understand.
At the end of the book, the reader is sure to be awestruck at the deep understanding and analysis of the human mind and the universe of the great sages who wrote the Vedas and Upanishads, how it is in sync with today's science, yet has the answers to questions unanswered by science.

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Sachin Prabhu
78 reviews · 74 followers

March 26, 2020
If you are looking for a book which has a gist of ancient scriptures this is a good book to begin with. Author takes through a journey that's interactive that's easy to read for both children and adults. The main thing I really love about this book is it doesn't force anything to believe but rather question and feel everything, we see around just like ancient sages approached.

It starts with basics of Vedas and classification. Author focuses on 10 most important Upanishads and takes us through some questions that even today's science is dealing. Different forms of consciousness, what is it to be human etc.
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Avinash Matta
1 book · 10 followers
July 16, 2021
Best book to get a head start on the Vedas and Upanishads! Roopa Pai's writing is not only lucid and inspiring, but she peppers the book with various pop-culture references and relatable examples that make reading this book so much more interesting. Definitely recommend this for anybody willing to partake of the ancient glory and wisdom of Indian scriptures.
indian-books-2021 kid-lit-india spiritual
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The Vedas and Upanishads for Children 
Paperback – 9 August 2023
by Roopa Pai (Author)
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,459 ratings


A joyful, fun guide to some of India's longest-lasting secular wisdoms, reinterpreted for first-time explorers by Roopa Pai.

Three thousand years ago, deep inside the forests of India, a great 'thoughtrevolution' was brewing.

In those forest labs, the brightest thinker-philosophers contemplated the universe,reflected on ancient texts called the Vedas and came up with startlinginsights into questions we still don't have final answers to, like:
What is the universe made of?
How do I know I'm looking at a tree when I see one?
Who am I?

And where did they put those explosive findings? In a sprawling body ofgoosebumpy and fascinating oral literature called the Upanishads! Intimidated?Don't be! For this joyful, fun guide to some of India's longest-lastingsecular wisdoms, reinterpreted for first-time explorers by Roopa Pai, is guaranteedto keep you turning the pages.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Great!
Reviewed in the United States on 26 August 2022
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I am an adult but wanted to read the “kids” version to get an introduction and overview of the Vedas and Upanishads, which are new to me. I loved reading the stories and will read more about them!
3 people found this helpful
Srini Iyer
5.0 out of 5 stars Relevant for adults as much as children
Reviewed in Canada on 10 August 2021
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If you feel like a child not knowing what Vedas & Upanishad are even if your are an adult, this book is for you as a primer. It was for me.
2 people found this helpful
Bipasha Mahapatra Biswas
5.0 out of 5 stars The best book
Reviewed in India on 6 March 2024
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This is the book that everyone should buy or can't understand it's magic . Nothing to say.
5.0 out of 5 stars Not just for children
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 March 2020
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Loving this. I’m a Religious Studies teacher and this book is giving me so many ideas of how to make the scriptures accessible for young people. Definitely suitable for adults as well as older children.
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Very Good to start for the kids
Reviewed in India on 17 October 2023
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Very good book for the kids. All the upanishads are covered in a very good manner. He has made lot efforts to attract kids and they will enjoy a lot.
Asa word of caution the author is a Adwitha follower, naturally the disease of himself as God is also engulfed him also. We need to remove that and read. Also
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